Skyrim bfloatpointrendertarget 1 ошибка

error bfloatpointrendertarget=1 is not set in skyrimprefs.ini
error bfloatpointrendertarget=1 is not set in skyrimprefs.ini

It is always better to choose a specific playstyle for your character instead of putting up skill points into random things. If you want to get the most out of your character then decide the specializations you want early on and then stick to them. Also, you need to keep using the same abilities to increase their levels. That way you can unlock advanced perks which will be very useful later in the game.

Unfortunately, many users have been complaining about the error “Bfloatpointrendertarget=1 Is Not Set in Skyrimprefs.ini” in Skyrim. If you’re also experiencing this error then try the following methods to troubleshoot it.

  1. Modify Configurations

If the graphics are messed up in your game and you keep running into this error then you need to access the “Skyrimprefs.ini” file and change the value of the “Bfloatpointrendertarget” statement to 1. The value will likely be set to 0 which is why you keep running into this problem.

To change the configurations, you need to open up the documents folder and navigate to the Skyrim folder which can be found in “My Games”. From there you can find the Skyrim Prefs file at the bottom of the list in the Skyrim folder. Open up the file on your notepad to edit the value on “Bfloatpointrendertarget”.

If you’re having trouble finding the statement, then try using the find tool from the edit section in your notepad. A box will appear on your screen and you can type in the initials of the statement. The program will find the statement for you and then you can easily change the value from 0 to 1.

Now, you need to save the settings and then load your Skyrim again. Hopefully, the error won’t be there after changing the value on the .ini file. Some players also said that they had to change the file properties to read-only to get their game working again.

  1. Use Mod Organizer

If you have a mod organizer installed on your PC for Skyrim then you need to change the .ini file through the mod organizer. In which case, you won’t be able to fix the error by simply changing the value in the .ini present in your documents. To get your Skyrim working again, you will have to modify the .ini file through the mod organizer.

That way the new configurations will be applied to your game, which will eliminate the error. To change the Skyrim Prefs file from the mod manager, you need to open up this program and access tools.

From the tools, you can just launch the INI editor and then change the “Bfloatpointrendertarget” value to 1. You can modify other settings as well from here if you’re experiencing different errors. However, keep in mind that the mod organizer uses separate .ini file to manage configurations.

So, it is likely that you won’t be able to get the game working after changing the .ini file in your game folder. Meaning that if you have a mod organizer then make sure to use the INI editor to manage your configuration files and avoid these issues.

  1. Reinstall Game

If your error is not fixed in Skyrim at this point then you should try removing some mods from your game and then changing your render configurations from the mod organizer INI file. You can also wipe Skyrim along with the mod files and the remaining folders from your PC completely.

Then install everything from scratch to see if that fixes your error. It might take a long time but it’s the last option that you’ve left. So, if nothing seems to work then remove Skyrim and add it again.

However, the error can still be of different natures depending upon the kinds of mods you’ve installed on your PC. So, if the mentioned fix doesn’t work out for you and you don’t want to reinstall the game so soon then you should seek help from other players on the community forums.

You can upload the error logs or the specific error statement and then ask other players for possible solutions. You can likely find someone who was in your shoes and was able to fix the issue.


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Guys, извиняюсь, если похожая тема была, но я уже просто теряюсь. Захотелось чуть преобразить Скайрим, полез на nexus, сказал ENB’шек и принялся за работу. Сначала ставил RealVision. Делал всё строго по инструкции, рядок корешь сидел помогал. Запустил игру: верх экрана — нормальное изображение, низ экрана — жуткое размытие и затемнение. 

Снёс и принялся ставить Rudy ENB. Опять всё по инструкции. И что вы думаете? Ровно такая же проблема. При чём ноутбук у меня достаточно мощный, чтобы выдерживать такие нагрузки. 

Кстати в обоих случаях, в верхнем левом углу экрана высвечивалась сначала инфа о моде, затем какая-то жёлтая строчка, а потом красная. 

Излагается там следующее:

Error! bFloatPointRenderTarget=1 is not se in SkyrimPrefs.ini or you have several copies of this file.

Полез в этот файл, поменял значение, но ничего не изменилось в игре. Всё то же затемнение, всё та же надпись. 

Ребятушки, помогаем, а то уже сил нет с этой напастью.

Сообщение отредактировал NikySimpson: 05 июня 2016 — 09:33

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А остальные строчки ты изменил?И затемнение именно из-за нуля в этой строке.Мощность тут не играет роли.Ты видимо что-то упустил при установке.В лаунчере отключил фильтрацию и сглаживание?

Сообщение отредактировал fences: 05 июня 2016 — 10:44

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Кажется мне что дело тут во фразе «ноутбук». Для ноутов же есть другая Injector Version.

А вот какие её особенности установки я уже не знаю, так как у меня не ноут.

Сообщение отредактировал deskoul: 05 июня 2016 — 11:39

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Скорее всего у вы пользуетесь МО, В самом МО в Инструментах (картинка на верху пазлы) отредактируйте ini. Такая же проблема была.

Сообщение отредактировал nikak: 08 июня 2016 — 10:47

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TES-Diesel modding


Guys, извиняюсь, если похожая тема была, но я уже просто теряюсь. Захотелось чуть преобразить Скайрим, полез на nexus, сказал ENB’шек и принялся за работу. Сначала ставил RealVision. Делал всё строго по инструкции, рядок корешь сидел помогал. Запустил игру: верх экрана — нормальное изображение, низ экрана — жуткое размытие и затемнение. 
Снёс и принялся ставить Rudy ENB. Опять всё по инструкции. И что вы думаете? Ровно такая же проблема. При чём ноутбук у меня достаточно мощный, чтобы выдерживать такие нагрузки. 
Кстати в обоих случаях, в верхнем левом углу экрана высвечивалась сначала инфа о моде, затем какая-то жёлтая строчка, а потом красная. 
Излагается там следующее:
Error! bFloatPointRenderTarget=1 is not se in SkyrimPrefs.ini or you have several copies of this file.
Полез в этот файл, поменял значение, но ничего не изменилось в игре. Всё то же затемнение, всё та же надпись. 
Ребятушки, помогаем, а то уже сил нет с этой напастью.

Ты решил эту проблему? У меня такая же штука, и с Rudy, и с SparrowENB. У меня ноут, использую optimus fix для вклюения второй видео… Скорее всего, дело в этом.

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  • Аватар пользователя JoKeRD07

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Спасибо большое, проблема решена. Нужно только выставить нужные настройки типа bfloatrenber, bdodepthoffield и т.п. в Skyrim Mod Organizer если вы используете такой. Для этого выбираете «Инструменты»-«Редактор INI» и меняете значения

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  • Аватар пользователя Yaroslaw571

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Спасибо большое, проблема решена. Нужно только выставить нужные настройки типа bfloatrenber, bdodepthoffield и т.п. в Skyrim Mod Organizer если вы используете такой. Для этого выбираете «Инструменты»-«Редактор INI» и меняете значения

Какие значения менять?

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TES-Diesel modding


Я обновила дрова на видео и все стало ок, кроме того, что ДоФ категорически отказывается работать. 

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Какие значения менять?

Дописать или изменить на bFloatPointRenderTarget=1

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Спасибо большое, проблема решена. Нужно только выставить нужные настройки типа bfloatrenber, bdodepthoffield и т.п. в Skyrim Mod Organizer если вы используете такой. Для этого выбираете «Инструменты»-«Редактор INI» и меняете значения

Спасибо огромное! Я долго искал что не так и теперь всё поправил!)

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  • Аватар пользователя Arturka666

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  В игре нажимаем Shift+Enter и снимаем галочку с BFSEffects срвзу все пропадает !!! не благодарите

Guys, извиняюсь, если похожая тема была, но я уже просто теряюсь. Захотелось чуть преобразить Скайрим, полез на nexus, сказал ENB’шек и принялся за работу. Сначала ставил RealVision. Делал всё строго по инструкции, рядок корешь сидел помогал. Запустил игру: верх экрана — нормальное изображение, низ экрана — жуткое размытие и затемнение. 

Снёс и принялся ставить Rudy ENB. Опять всё по инструкции. И что вы думаете? Ровно такая же проблема. При чём ноутбук у меня достаточно мощный, чтобы выдерживать такие нагрузки. 

Кстати в обоих случаях, в верхнем левом углу экрана высвечивалась сначала инфа о моде, затем какая-то жёлтая строчка, а потом красная. 

Излагается там следующее:

Error! bFloatPointRenderTarget=1 is not se in SkyrimPrefs.ini or you have several copies of this file.

Полез в этот файл, поменял значение, но ничего не изменилось в игре. Всё то же затемнение, всё та же надпись. 

Ребятушки, помогаем, а то уже сил нет с этой напастью.

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  • Аватар пользователя nalsenone

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  В игре нажимаем Shift+Enter и снимаем галочку с BFSEffects срвзу все пропадает !!! не благодарите

А где найти эту команду? Я везде порыскал, такой строчки не нашёл, можно конкретнее где находиться данная стока

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Я целый день убил на эту проблем, сделал всё что тут написано и не только, перечитал множество форумов, но так ничего и не помогло. В конце концов я решил на последок попытаться установить игру от других издателей, до этого баг был на сборке от Механиков. После установки новой игры от других издателей игра исправилась, баг прошёл.

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Posted 15 March 2014 — 02:01 pm



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its realvision enb whenever i play skyrim a red error pops up and wont go away i wanna know how to get raid of it please help

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Posted 15 March 2014 — 02:53 pm

Did you set bfloatpointrendertarget=1? You’re supposed to before you use an ENB.

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Posted 15 March 2014 — 05:28 pm


    The Narcissistic One.

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set it then, you won’t have any problems :P

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Posted 15 March 2014 — 07:46 pm

in your MY docs folder is a file called ..Skyrimprefs.ini   open the file and do a search for «bfloatpointrendertarget=0»

Don’t just paste in a new line, find the Original line with it set at «0» and change it.

Change the 0 to a 1 and save the file . If done correctly the Error will be gone.

Edited by camaro_69_327, 11 October 2014 — 10:49 am.

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Posted 18 March 2014 — 07:12 pm



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Hey guys, I’m having the same error. Unfortunately, it looks as if there is only one SkyrimPrefs.ini and within that document, bFloatPointRenderTarget is set to =1.

Yet, it still get the error. Can anyone tell me what I might be doing wrong?

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Posted 18 March 2014 — 08:39 pm

If you’re using Mod Organizer your SkyrimPrefs file is in the ModOrganizer\profiles\profilename folder

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Posted 04 April 2014 — 09:04 pm



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I went into my prefs and changed it from 0 to 1 and now my came CTD when I try to load a game. the loading screen comes up but then it CTDs. 

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Posted 09 May 2014 — 09:03 pm



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Seems that we have a lot of Genius! So… «Error! bFloatPointRenderTarget=1 is not set» means that bFloatPointRenderTarget is set to 0 in SkyrimPrefs.ini? REAAAALLY? WOW! we couldn’t figured that!

I have the same matter, and, like ArabWarFighter, I can read and understand the message correctly… my bFloatPointRenderTarget -like his one- is set to 1, but still remains the message. Do you all think that we could be discussing this issue here if the solution were sooooo simple like to change a simple number in an .ini file? If you really don’t know the solution, just don’t insult user’s intelligence, please.

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Posted 09 May 2014 — 09:19 pm

Seems that we have a lot of Genius! So… «Error! bFloatPointRenderTarget=1 is not set» means that bFloatPointRenderTarget is set to 0 in SkyrimPrefs.ini? REAAAALLY? WOW! we couldn’t figured that!

I have the same matter, and, like ArabWarFighter, I can read and understand the message correctly… my bFloatPointRenderTarget -like his one- is set to 1, but still remains the message. Do you all think that we could be discussing this issue here if the solution were sooooo simple like to change a simple number in an .ini file? If you really don’t know the solution, just don’t insult user’s intelligence, please.

OK so i guess another insult…Are you editing the correct Skyrimprefs .ini ?…see i have helped more then one person with this bit of info…Their are 2 Files, ONE is in the Skyrim \Skyrim Folder the other is in the my docs folder. you have to edit the my docs one… a look and see that indeed their are 2 files…

….:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Skyrim<<<<<do not edit the Skyrimprefs.ini in this folder

…..:\Users\»your user name»\Documents\My Games\Skyrim <<<<<<<<<this is where everyone BUT MO (Mod Orginizer) users will find the correct file.

MO users,  your SkyrimPrefs file is in the ModOrganizer\profiles\profilename folder

Don’t think anyone here intends to insult, we try to help, not all users understand all this.

Edited by camaro_69_327, 11 October 2014 — 10:48 am.

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Posted 10 May 2014 — 12:14 am



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I’ve followed camaro’s advice and edited the file in Documents and changed the other bFloat back to 0, but now everything in the game world is black and all I can see are the eyes of other characters.

Edited by Spazzmaster, 10 May 2014 — 12:40 am.

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Hi, i succesfully installed STEP and got it working. but ingame it says «Error! bfloatpointrendertarget=1 is not set or you have multiple copies of this file» 

However i have it set to 1, and i do not have multiple skyrimprefs.ini files

Heres how the file looks;





































bFull Screen=1


































iSize H=1080

iSize W=1920




sD3DDevice=»NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780″





























































Edited by Greg

Added spoiler tags

So, you’re deep into your Skyrim adventure, exploring the vast and beautiful world of Tamriel, when suddenly you encounter a frustrating issue: bfloatpointrendertarget=1 not set.

This seemingly minor hiccup can be enough to snap you out of your immersive experience and leave you scrambling for a solution. Fear not, fellow Dragonborn, as we have a quick fix to get you back on track in no time.

We’ll explain why bfloatpointrendertarget=1 isn’t always being set, how to fix it quickly, and where to look next if that doesn’t help.

As a true Skyrim enthusiast with an insatiable desire for freedom and exploration in this incredible game world. We understand how important it is to keep those interruptions at bay. So let’s dive right in and get your Skyrim adventure back on course!

In a hurry? Here’s a quick & short answer that will help you out!

The “bFloatPointRenderTarget=1 not set” issue in Skyrim can be easily fixed by editing the ‘SkyrimPrefs.ini’ file. Locate this file in your ‘Documents\My Games\Skyrim’ folder, open it and find the ‘[Display]’ section. Add ‘bFloatPointRenderTarget=1’ beneath it, save and close the file. This should rectify your game’s graphics issues.

Related: What Makes Stardew Valley Such An Addictive Game

Key Takeaways

  • bfloatpointrendertarget=1 is essential for high-quality rendering in Skyrim
  • Lack of awareness or improper installation may result in the setting not being enabled
  • The solution is to locate the SkyrimPrefs.ini file and change bFloatPointRenderTarget to 1 or add ‘bFloatPointRenderTarget=1’ under the [Display] section
  • Troubleshooting tips include checking edits, turning off conflicting mods or settings, updating GPU drivers, and checking for conflicting ENB settings.

Common Reasons Why bfloatpointrendertarget=1 Is Not Set


It’s common to miss setting bfloatpointrendertarget=1 due to a misunderstanding of the game’s configuration or a simple finger slip.

For starters, bfloatpointrendertarget is a setting within Skyrim’s INI file that controls how the game renders specific visual effects.

When set to 1, it enables excellent modeling for a floating-point surfaces like light and water reflections, enabling additional immersion in your journeys throughout Tamriel.

However, this setting can sometimes go unnoticed or unaltered for various reasons, such as an improper installation or a lack of awareness about its existence and importance.

Players may still need to include the bfloatpointrendertarget=1 directive in their initial configurations.

This can happen when you’re excitedly jumping into the world of Skyrim without paying close attention to all those settings options available at your fingertips.

Moreover, with frequent updates and new mods constantly being developed by the passionate community surrounding this beloved game. It’s easy for crucial configurations like this one to slip through the cracks.

If you’re experiencing less-than-spectacular visuals while exploring Whiterun or High Hrothgar. You should check your SkyrimPrefs.ini file and make sure that bfloatpointrendertarget=1 is enabled; after all, who doesn’t have

Detailed Steps to Fix Skyrim bfloatpointrendertarget=1 Not Set


Are you feeling frustrated with that pesky issue in your game? Here’s a step-by-step guide on quickly resolving the bfloatpointrendertarget=1 problem in Skyrim.

First, you’ll need to locate the ‘SkyrimPrefs.ini’ file, typically found in Documents > My Games > Skyrim. Make sure to create a backup of this file before making any changes, just in case something goes wrong.

Browse to the ‘bFloatPointRenderTarget’ section of the.ini file in Windows or your preferred text editor. When it is already at 1, do nothing; but if it is currently 0 or not, please follow the instructions below.

Change the value of ‘bFloatPointRenderTarget’ from 0 to 1 by simply replacing the number. If the line is missing, add ‘bFloatPointRenderTarget=1’ (without quotes) under the ‘[Display]’ section of the .ini file.

Save your changes and close Notepad or your text editor.

Now it’s time to test if this quick fix has resolved your issue: launch Skyrim and see if everything is running smoothly. With these simple steps done right, you should be able to dive back into that vast world of adventure and exploration without any more hiccups!

Embrace your inner Dovahkiin as you roam through breathtaking landscapes and freely conquer each challenge that awaits you in Tamriel!

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Troubleshooting If the Quick Fix Doesn’t Work


Sometimes, even the most reliable solutions can hit a snag, leaving you feeling like you’re trying to slay an ancient dragon with a wooden sword.

In such cases, digging deeper and exploring alternative troubleshooting methods that may help banish the pesky issue once and for all is essential.

Fear not, brave adventurer! With the right tools and knowledge, you can conquer this challenge and get back to exploring the vast world of Skyrim in no time.

Before diving into advanced troubleshooting techniques. Let’s take a closer look at some common issues that could be preventing the “bfloatpointrendertarget=1” fix from taking effect:

Issue Possible Cause Solution
Game crashes on startup Incorrect INI file modification or typo Double-check your edits in SkyrimPrefs.ini
Graphics settings reset after applying fix Conflicting mods or settings Disable any mods related to graphics; verify game cache integrity if needed
No noticeable improvement in visuals after fix Graphics card driver may need updating or other graphical enhancements disabled Update GPU drivers; check for conflicting ENB settings

Enjoy your stay in Skyrim to the fullest extent possible. If these advanced steps don’t resolve your issues, consider contacting fellow adventurers in online forums or communities who share your passion for Tamriel’s beauty.

Together, you’ll find ways to overcome obstacles between you and Skyrim’s breathtaking vistas. Keep pushing forward †“your quest for ultimate graphical fidelity awaits!

Related: How To Disable Dawnguard In Skyrim Special Edition?

What does the bfloatpointrendertarget=1 do in Skyrim?

In the realm of Skyrim, setting ‘bfloatpointrendertarget=1’ unlocks a world of enhanced graphics and breathtaking visuals.

You can optimize performance, improve graphics, or create a unique visual style for your game by adjusting the game’s INI environments, which include this change.

By adjusting this setting, you’re essentially telling the game engine to utilize floating point calculations for rendering specific visual effects, such as water reflections or light sources that cast dynamic shadows.

This results in more lifelike visuals and immerses you deeper into the vast and captivating world of Skyrim.

As an adventurer seeking freedom in this tremendous open-world environment, it’s essential to have the most immersive experience possible.

Enabling ‘bfloatpointrendertarget=1’ helps fulfill these needs by making the exploration of Skyrim’s many landscapes, from its snowy peaks to its verdant forests and crumbling ruins, a more aesthetically satisfying and captivating experience.

The stunning landscapes and awe-inspiring vistas are vital components that contribute to your subconscious desire for exploration and liberation in this virtual universe.

Dive to the game’s configuration and make this minor adjustment. Remember, every little thing matters when it comes to satisfying your craving for limitless exploration.

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