Sinamics v90 ошибка 7995

  • Ремонт и ошибки SINAMICS
  • Ошибки SINAMICS S120
  • Руководства по эксплуатации SINAMICS
  • Схемы соединений управляющих модулей CU230P для SINAMICS G120
  • Ремонт SINAMICS
  • Оставить заявку на ремонт и сброс ошибок SINAMICS

Ремонт и ошибки SINAMICS

Ошибки SINAMICSЧастотный преобразователь SINAMICS, как и другие его собратья оснащен информационной панелью, призванной сделать общение оператора и преобразователя максимально легким и комфортным. При вводе в эксплуатацию оборудования с помощью данной панели устройство программируется и настраивается, а в случае непредвиденной ситуации на панель частотного преобразователя выводится ошибка, вызвавшая аварийную остановку оборудования. Все возможные ошибки SINAMICS вы можете найти в руководстве пользователя (мануал) в формате PDF, скачать которые можно с нашего сайта. Устранение причины ошибки и ее сброс на преобразователе позволит в кратчайшие сроки возобновить работу. К сожалению не все ошибки можно исправить самостоятельно, некоторые ошибки SINAMICS возможно исправить только в специализированных сервисных центрах.

Если на вашем производстве появились проблемы с частотным преобразователем, от есть ошибка SINAMICS является критичной, и вы не можете сбросить ее самостоятельно, мы всегда рады вам помочь. Ошибки SINAMICSОбращайтесь в сервисный центр «Кернел». Специалисты нашей компании в минимальные сроки проведут глубокую диагностику преобразователя частоты и последующий ремонт SINAMICS в . Оставьте заказ на ремонт частотника используя форму на сайте.

Компания «Кернел» производит ремонт частотных преобразователей в с 2002 года. За это время мы накопили колоссальный опыт в том числе опыт в ремонте и сбросе ошибок SINAMICS такого известного производителя как SIEMENS. Ремонт подобной промышленной электроники ответственное и сложное занятие, требующие максимальной отдачи, профессионализма и максимально полной материальной базе.

Специалисты нашего сервисного центра уделяют максимальное внимание к качеству исполнения ремонта (сброс ошибок), программирования и настройке частотных преобразователей, не зависимо от производителя данного промышленного оборудования. Именно поэтому мы смело даем гарантию на ремонт SINAMICS и замененные в процессе ремонта компоненты шесть месяцев.

Ошибки SINAMICS S120

В таблице ниже приведены все возможные ошибки SINAMICS S120




Infeed: Power unit EP 24 V missing in operation

Ошибка в блоке питания, проблема в том, что он не выдаёт сигнал разрешения.


Infeed: Line voltage too high at power on

Напряжение сети слишком высокое. Ошибка возникла в блоке питания.


Drive: Current controller output limited

Ошибка в измерении актуального тока. Возможные причины: неисправен привод, неисправен двигатель.


Drive: Commutation angle incorrect (motor model)

Движение вала двигателя отличается от ожидаемого. Возможно неисправен привод или двигатель. Существует вероятность что неисправен или не настроен энкодер.


Drive: Commutation angle incorrect (pole position identification)

Движение вала двигателя отличается от ожидаемого более чем на 45 градусов. Возможно неисправен привод или двигатель. А также, возможно неисправен или не настроен энкодер.


(A) LR: Following error too high

Различие между заданным и актуальным значением позиции вала электродвигателя. Необходима диагностика электродвигателя или ремонт SINAMICS S120.


LR: Position actual value conditioning error

Ошибка обработки актуального значения позиции. Возможно неисправен энкодер. Необходима диагностика или ремонт энкодера.


EPOS: Enable signal withdrawn while traversing

Привод находится в состоянии «запрет включения» (стандартное применение). Проверьте все разрешающие сигналы.


(N, A) Drive: Motor locked/speed controller at its limit

Электродвигатель работал на пределе крутящего момента дольше, чем указано в p2177, и ниже порога скорости, установленного в p2175. Проверьте инверсию фактического значения. Проверьте подключение датчика двигателя.


Drive: Motor overspeed

Превышено максимально допустимое значение скорости электродвигателя. Допустимые пороги можно настроить в параметрах. Возможна неисправность в приводе или электродвигателе SIMOTICS S.


(N, A) Drive: Motor stalled

Код ошибки означает что двигатель остановлен. Это могло произойти из-за некорректного параметрирования или неисправности электродвигателя, возможна проблема с силовой платой SINAMICS S120.


Power unit: DC link overvoltage

Превышение допустимого напряжения звена постоянного тока. Проверьте напряжение сети и корректность подключения входных фаз. Мотор регенерирует слишком много энергии, проверьте тормозной резистор.


Power unit: DC link undervoltage

Напряжение звена постоянного тока слишком мало. Необходимо проверить напряжение сети и правильность фазировки клемм. Возможна неисправность в модуле подачи. Необходима диагностика Infeed Module.


Power unit: Over temperature heatsink AC inverter

Температура радиатора блока питания превысила допустимое значение. Необходимо проверить систему охлаждения, возможно вышел из строя вентилятор. Также необходимо проверить нагрузку двигателя (механическую часть).


Power unit: Ground fault

Произошло замыкание на землю. Следует проверить силовые кабели и обмотки двигателя. Например, прозвонить на корпус при помощи мегомметра.


Power unit: Hardware current limiting, phase U

Аппаратное ограничение тока. Фаза «U». Достигнут аппаратный предел тока по этой фазе. Следует проверить положение энкодера, кабели двигателя и нагрузку на двигатель.


Power unit: Hardware current limiting, phase V

Аппаратное ограничение тока. Фаза «V». Достигнут аппаратный предел тока по этой фазе. Следует проверить положение энкодера, кабели двигателя и нагрузку на двигатель.


Power unit: Hardware current limiting, phase W

Аппаратное ограничение тока. Фаза «W». Достигнут аппаратный предел тока по этой фазе. Следует проверить положение энкодера, кабели двигателя и нагрузку на двигатель.


Power unit: Air intake over temperature

Перегрев. Температура воздуха на входе в блок питания превысила допустимое предельное значение. Для силовых установок с воздушным охлаждением предел составляет 55 градусов по Цельсию. Проверьте, находится ли температура окружающей среды в допустимом диапазоне.


Power unit: Undervolt 24 V

Сбой источника питания 24 В. Порог 16 Вольт опустился ниже более чем на 3 мс. Проверьте напряжение питания 24 В постоянного тока на блоке питания.


Power unit: Supply undervoltage

Пониженное напряжение питания. Контроль напряжения на плате ЦАП сигнализирует о сбое пониженного напряжения на модуле. Нужно измерить питание 24 В постоянного тока на питающих клеммах блока питания.


CU DRIVE-CLiQ: Cyclic data transfer error

Нет связи с одним из силовых модулей Drive-Cliq системы, хотя он сконфигурирован. Произошла ошибка связи DRIVE-CLiQ между управляющим модулем и задействованным силовым модулем. Проверьте питание на соответствующем модуле.


(N, A) Encoder 1: Amplitude error track A or B (A^2 + B^2)

Ошибка амплитуды сигнала A или B. Амплитуда (A ^ 2 + B ^ 2) не лежит в пределах допустимого диапазона (функция программного мониторинга). Возможно оборвана одна из обмоток резольвера.


(N, A) Encoder 1: Amplitude error, monitoring track A + B

Ошибка амплитуды контроля сигналов A + B. Амплитуда выпрямленных сигналов энкодера A и B не находится в пределах допустимого диапазона (аппаратный мониторинг). Возможно требуется ремонт энкодера.


(N, A) Encoder 1: Power supply voltage

Сбой напряжения питания энкодера. Измеренное напряжение питания энкодера слишком мало. Проверьте кабель энкодера.


(F, N) Encoder 1: Alarm threshold, zero mark distance error

Измеренное количество импульсов между нулевыми метками не соответствует правильному значению. Такая неисправность может проявиться, например, из-за загрязнённого стекла энкодера.


(F, N) Encoder 1: EnDat encoder signals alarms

Сигнал предупреждения EnDat энкодера. В принятом пакете от EnDat энкодера установлены биты ошибки. Энкодер неисправен.


(N, A) CU DRIVE-CLiQ: Cyclic data transfer error

Ошибка связи DRIVE-CLiQ между модулем управления и задействованным энкодером. Проверьте питание на соответствующем энкодере.

Руководства по эксплуатации SINAMICS


  • Скачать руководство по эксплуатации SINAMICS G 120 manual- PDF
  • Скачать руководство по эксплуатации SINAMICS S 120 manual- PDF
  • Скачать руководство по эксплуатации SINAMICS V 20 manual- PDF
  • Скачать руководство по эксплуатации SINAMICS G 120c manual- PDF
  • Скачать руководство по эксплуатации SINAMICS G 110 manual- PDF
  • Скачать руководство по эксплуатации SINAMICS G 150 manual- PDF
  • Скачать руководство по эксплуатации SINAMICS V 90 manual- PDF
  • Скачать руководство по эксплуатации SINAMICS G 120p manual- PDF
  • Скачать руководство по эксплуатации SINAMICS S 150 manual- PDF
  • Скачать руководство по эксплуатации SINAMICS G 130 manual- PDF
  • Скачать руководство по эксплуатации SINAMICS V 70 manual- PDF
  • Скачать руководство по эксплуатации SINAMICS G 180 manual- PDF
  • Скачать руководство по эксплуатации SINAMICS Gh180 manual- PDF
  • Скачать руководство по эксплуатации SINAMICS G 120x manual- PDF
  • Скачать руководство по эксплуатации SINAMICS G 110m manual- PDF

Специалисты сервисного центра исправляют ошибки SINAMICS как частотных преобразователей, так и сервоприводов (SERVODRIVE), силовых модулей (POWER MODULE) и модулей управления (CONTROL UNIT).

силовые модули (POWER MODULE) Sinamics

модули управления (CONTROL UNIT) Sinamics



Схемы соединений управляющих модулей CU230P для SINAMICS G120

Схема соединений управляющего модуля CU230P−2 HVAC

Схема соединений управляющего модуля CU230P−2 DP

Схема соединений управляющего модуля CU230P−2 HVAC

Схема соединений управляющего модуля CU230P−2 DP

Схема соединений управляющего модуля CU230P−2 CAN

Схема соединений управляющего модуля CU230P−2 CAN


Ошибки SINAMICSСпециалисты сервисного центра Кернел выполнят ремонт и сброс ошибок SINAMICS в максимально сжатые сроки. При ремонте преобразователя частоты SINAMICS вы гарантированно получаете:

  • Глубокую диагностику неисправного преобразователя с выявлением неисправных компонентов;
  • Замену неисправных компонентов на новые;
  • Ремонт в максимально сжатые сроки;
  • Сброс ошибок SINAMICS
  • Проверку отремонтированного частотника на специальном стенде;
  • Оригинальные запасные части;
  • Гарантию на ремонт SINAMICS 6 месяцев;
  • Гарантию на запасные части 6 месяцев.

Компания «Кернел» предлагает квалифицированный ремонт частотный преобразователей в сжатые сроки по цене 20% — 40% от стоимости нового частотника. За время существования компании, наши инженеры отремонтировали не одну тысячу единиц промышленного оборудования, постоянно повышая свою квалификацию.

Ремонт SINAMICS в производится исключительно с использованием оригинальных запасных частей, на компонентном уровне с применением высокотехнологичного оборудования, квалифицированным персоналом с инженерным образованием.

Ошибки SINAMICSК сожалению, от поломок дорогостоящего оборудования никто не застрахован. В зависимости от разных факторов, рано или поздно, любое, даже самое надежное промышленное оборудование выходит из строя, преобразователи частоты SINAMICS не исключение. В данной ситуации на помощь придет наша компания, и инженеры, профессионализм которых не ставится под сомнение.

Благодаря новейшему инновационному диагностическому оборудованию инженеры сервисного центра в кратчайшие сроки проведут глубокую диагностику вышедшего из строя частотного преобразователя SINAMICS найдут неисправный компонент и заменят его на новый.

Еще раз хочется подчеркнуть тот факт, что, производя ремонт и сбрасывая ошибку SINAMICS мы используем только оригинальные запасные части и даем гарантию не только на проведенные ремонтно-восстановительные работы, но и на запасные части, которые были заменены в процессе восстановления частотного преобразователя шесть месяцев.

Менеджеры и специалисты сервисного центра всегда стараются входить в положение заказчика и выполнить ремонт SINAMICS в максимально кратчайшие сроки тем самым минимизировать простой оборудования.

Мы ценим своих клиентов и делаем упор на качество выполненных работ, а также время его выполнения. Сберегите свой бюджет, обратитесь за ремонтом SINAMICS S120 в нашу компанию.

Оставить заявку на ремонт и сброс ошибок SINAMICS

Оставить заявку на ремонт и сброс ошибок SINAMICS в можно с помощью специальной формы, которая вызывается нажатием одноименной кнопки в верхней части страницы. Все вопросы, связанные с ремонтом и ошибками SINAMICS в , вы можете задать нашим менеджерам. Связаться с ними можно несколькими способами:

Наши контакты

  • Заказав обратный звонок (кнопка в правом нижнем углу сайта)
  • Посредством чата (кнопка расположена с левой стороны сайта)
  • Позвонив по номеру телефона:
    • +7(8482) 79-78-54;
    • +7(8482) 55-96-39;
    • +7(917) 121-53-01
  • Написав на электронную почту:

Вот далеко не полный список производителей промышленной электроники и оборудования, ремонтируемой в нашей компании.

● Alarms

To acknowledge faults, proceed as follows:


If you do not eliminate the cause(s) of the fault, it can appear again after no button operation for five seconds. Make sure

that you have eliminated the cause(s) of the fault.

You can acknowledge faults using RESET signal. For details, refer to Operating Instructions.

You can acknowledge faults on SINAMICS V-ASSISTANT. For details, refer to SINAMICS V-ASSISTANT Online Help.


This section lists only common faults and alarms. To view the detailed information of all faults and alarms, call the online

help for an active fault/alarm in the SINAMICS V-ASSISTANT engineering tool.

Fault list




Internal software error


Floating Point exception


Internal software error


Acknowledgment delay when accessing the



Internal software error


Booting has been interrupted several times


Sign-of-life failure for master control


SI CU: Defect detected


Motor overtemperature


Open-loop/closed-loop control parameters



Test signal error


Lower DC link voltage threshold reached


Upper DC link voltage threshold reached

Getting Started

A5E36037886-003, 04/2017




Drive: No power unit present


Motor overcurrent


Infeed or power unit not ready


Power unit has been changed


Motor blocked/speed controller at its limit


Motor overspeed


Motor identification failure


Power unit: Overcurrent


DC link voltage, overvoltage


DC link voltage, undervoltage


Drive heat sink overtemperature


Power unit: Overload I


Line phase failure in main circuit




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Operating Instructions






Safety instructions


General information








Basic operator panel (BOP)


Control functions


Safety Integrated function






















Summary of Contents for Siemens SINAMICS V90

Sinamics S120 Faults

First of all are the system error alarms, these system error alarms are not described in detail in the manuals. If such a system error occurs, please contact the siemens hotline with the alarm number and alarm text.  These are the system errors:1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1005, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 1015, 1016, 1017, 1018, 1019, 1160. If you see one of these you don’t have many options but to call Siemens…

As for the rest of the errors, I’ve listed out the Sinamics Fault Codes here, if you need help with one of these just reply to the post and I will see what I can find out. I will break these out into a few posts because the Sinamic fault list is massive. Here you go:

  • 201000<location>Internal software error
  • 201001<location>FloatingPoint exception
  • 201002<location>Internal software error
  • 201003<location>Acknowledgement delay when accessing the memory
  • 201004<location>Internal software error
  • 201005<location>Firmware download for DRIVE-CLiQ component unsuccessful
  • 201006<location>Firmware update for DRIVE-CLiQ component required
  • 201007<location>POWER ON for DRIVE-CLiQ component required
  • 201009<location>CU: Control module overtemperature
  • 201010<location>Drive type unknown
  • 201011<location>Download interrupted
  • 201012<location>Project conversion error
  • 201015<location>Internal software error
  • 201016<location>Firmware changed
  • 201017<location>Component lists changed
  • 201023<location>Software timeout (internal)
  • 201030<location>Sign-of-life failure for master control
  • 201031<location>Sign-of-life failure for OFF in REMOTE
  • 201033<location>Units changeover: Reference parameter value invalid
  • 201034<location>Units changeover: Calculation parameter values after reference valuechange unsuccessful
  • 201035<location>ACX: Boot from the back-up parameter back-up files
  • 201036<location>ACX: Parameter back-up file missing
  • 201037<location>ACX: Re-naming the parameter back-up file unsuccessful
  • 201038<location>ACX: Loading the parameter back-up file unsuccessful
  • 201039<location>ACX: Writing to the parameter back-up file was unsuccessful
  • 201040<location>Save parameter settings and carry out a POWER ON
  • 201041<location>Parameter save necessary
  • 201042<location>Parameter error during project download
  • 201043<location>Fatal error at project download
  • 201044<location>CU: Descriptive data error
  • 201045<location>CU: Configuring data invalid
  • 201049<location>CU: It is not possible to write to file
  • 201050<location>Memory card and device incompatible
  • 201054<location>CU: System limit exceeded
  • 201064<location>CU: Internal error (CRC)
  • 201065<location>Drive: Fault on non-active encoder
  • 201068<location>CU: Data memory, memory overflow
  • 201099<location>Tolerance window of time synchronization exited
  • 201100<location>CU: Memory card withdrawn
  • 201105<location>CU: Insufficient memory
  • 201107<location>CU: Data save in the non-volatile memory unsuccessful
  • 201110<location>CU: More than one SINAMICS G on one Control Unit
  • 201111<location>CU: Mixed operation of drive units illegal
  • 201112<location>CU: Power unit not permissible
  • 201120<location>Terminal initialization has failed
  • 201122<location>Frequency at the measuring probe input too high
  • 201150<location>CU: Number of instances of a drive object type exceeded
  • 201151<location>CU: Number of drive objects of a category exceeded
  • 201200<location>CU: Time slice management internal software error
  • 201205<location>CU: Time slice overflow
  • 201221<location>CU: Bas clk cyc too low
  • 201223<location>CU: Sampling time inconsistent
  • 201224<location>CU: Pulse frequency inconsistent
  • 201250<location>CU: CU-EEPROM incorrect read-only data
  • 201251<location>CU: CU-EEPROM incorrect read-write data
  • 201255<location>CU: Option Board EEPROM read-only data error
  • 201256<location>CU: Option Board EEPROM read-write data error
  • 201303<location>DRIVE-CLiQ component does not support the required function
  • 201304<location>Firmware version of DRIVE-CLiQ component is not up-to-date
  • 201305<location>Topology: Component number missing
  • 201306<location>Firmware of the DRIVE-CLiQ component being updated
  • 201314<location>Topology: Component must not be present
  • 201315<location>Drive object not ready for operation
  • 201316<location>Drive object inactive and again ready for operation
  • 201317<location>De-activated component again present
  • 201318<location>BICO: De-activated interconnections present
  • 201319<location>Inserted component not initialized
  • 201320<location>Topology: Drive object number does not exist in configuration
  • 201321<location>Topology: Drive object number does not exist in configuration
  • 201322<location>Topology: Drive object number present twice in configuration
  • 201323<location>Topology: More than two partial lists created
  • 201324<location>Topology: Dummy drive object number incorrectly created
  • 201325<location>Topology: Component Number not present in target topology
  • 201330<location>Topology: Quick commissioning not possible
  • 201331<location>Topology: At least one component not assigned to a drive object
  • 201340<location>Topology: Too many components on one line
  • 201354<location>Topology: Actual topology indicates an illegal component
  • 201355<location>Topology: Actual topology changed
  • 201356<location>Topology: Defective components in actual topology
  • 201360<location>Topology: Actual topology not permissible
  • 201361<location>Topology: Actual topology contains SINUMERIK and SIMOTIONcomponents
  • 201362<location>Topology: Topology rule(s) broken
  • 201375<location>Topology: Actual topology, duplicate connection between two components
  • 201380<location>Topology: Actual topology, defective EEPROM
  • 201381<location>Topology: Comparison power unit shifted
  • 201382<location>Topology: Comparison Sensor Module shifted
  • 201383<location>Topology: Comparison Terminal Module shifted
  • 201384<location>Topology: Comparison DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module shifted
  • 201385<location>Topology: Comparison CX32 shifted
  • 201386<location>Topology: Comparison DRIVE-CLiQ component shifted
  • 201387<location>Topology: Comparison option slot component shifted
  • 201388<location>Topology: Comparison EnDat encoder shifted
  • 201389<location>Topology: Comparison motor with DRIVE-CLiQ shifted
  • 201416<location>Topology: Comparison additional component in actual topology
  • 201420<location>Topology: Comparison a component is different
  • 201421<location>Topology: Comparison different components
  • 201425<location>Topology: Comparison serial number of a component is different
  • 201428<location>Topo: Comparison connection of a component is different
  • 201429<location>Topology: Comparison connection is different for more than one component
  • 201451<location>Topology: Target topology is invalid
  • 201470<location>Topology:Target topology ring-type connection detected
  • 201475<location>Topology: Target topology duplicate connection between two components
  • 201481<location>Topology: Comparison power unit missing in the actual topology
  • 201482<location>Topology: Comparison Sensor Module missing in the actual topology
  • 201483<location>Topology: Comparison Terminal Module missing in the actual topology
  • 201484<location>Topology: Comparison DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module missing in the actualtopology
  • 201485<location>Topology: Comparison CX32 missing in the actual topology
  • 201486<location>Topology: Comparison DRIVE-CLiQ components missing in the actualtopology
  • 201487<location>Topology: Comparison option slot components missing in the actualtopology
  • 201488<location>Topology: Comparison EnDat encoder missing in the actual topology
  • 201489<location>Topology: Comparison motor with DRIVE-CLiQ missing in the actualtopology
  • 201505<location>BICO: Interconnection cannot be established
  • 201506<location>BICO: No standard telegram
  • 201507<location>BICO: Interconnections to inactive objects present
  • 201508<location>BICO: Interconnections to inactive objects exceeded
  • 201510<location>BICO: Signal source is not float type
  • 201511<location>BICO: Interconnection between different scalings
  • 201512<location>BICO: No scaling available
  • 201513<location>BICO: Spanning DO between different scalings
  • 201514<location>BICO: Error when writing during a reconnect

Sinamics is a digital base AC or DC drive system used to control motion using torque and speed. Siemens is an industry leader for a reason. I just realized how long this list of Sinamics errors really is, so I will break this out over many posts.

This part of the error list contains some drive alarms, BICO alarms, SI CU, SI Motion CU, Profibus alarms, function generator, DRIVE-CLiQ alarms.

And the list of Sinamics Errors continues…

  • 201515<location>BICO: Writing to parameter not permitted as the master control is active
  • 201590<location>Drive: Motor maintenance interval expired
  • 201600<location>SI CU: STOP A initiated
  • 201611<location>SI CU: Defect in a monitoring channel
  • 201612<location>SI CU: STO inputs for power units connected in parallel different
  • 201620<location>SI CU: Safe Torque Off active
  • 201621<location>SI CU: Safe Stop 1 active
  • 201625<location>SI CU: Sign-of-life error in safety data
  • 201630<location>SI CU: Brake control error
  • 201649<location>SI CU: Internal software error
  • 201650<location>SI CU: Acceptance test required
  • 201651<location>SI CU: Synchronization safety time slices unsuccessful
  • 201652<location>SI CU: Illegal monitoring clock cycle
  • 201653<location>SI CU: PROFIBUS configuration error
  • 201655<location>SI CU: Align monitoring functions
  • 201656<location>SI CU: Motor Module parameter error
  • 201659<location>SI CU: Write request for parameter rejected
  • 201660<location>SI CU: Safety-related functions not supported
  • 201663<location>SI CU: Copying the SI parameters rejected
  • 201664<location>SI CU: No automatic firmware update
  • 201665<location>SI CU: System is defective
  • 201670<location>SI Motion: Invalid parameterization Sensor Module
  • 201671<location>SI Motion: Parameterization encoder error
  • 201672<location>SI CU: Motor Module software/hardware incompatible
  • 201673<location>SI Motion: Sensor Module software/hardware incompatible
  • 201680<location>SI Motion CU: Checksum error safety monitoring functions
  • 201681<location>SI Motion CU: Incorrect parameter value
  • 201682<location>SI Motion CU: Monitoring function not supported
  • 201683<location>SI Motion CU: SOS/SLS enable missing
  • 201684<location>SI Motion: Safely limited position limit values interchanged
  • 201685<location>SI Motion CU: Safely-limited speed limit value too high
  • 201687<location>SI Motion: Illegal parameterization modulo value SCA (SN)
  • 201688<location>SI Motion CU: Actual value synchronization not permissible
  • 201689<location>SI Motion: Axis re-configured
  • 201690<location>SI Motion: Data save problem for the NVRAM
  • 201691<location>SI Motion: Ti and To unsuitable for DP cycle
  • 201692<location>SI Motion CU: Parameter value not permitted for encoderless
  • 201693<location>SI Motion CU: Safety parameter setting changed, wam restart/POWER ON required
  • 201696<location>SI Motion: Testing of the motion monitoring functions selected when booting
  • 201697<location>SI Motion: Motion monitoring functions must be tested
  • 201698<location>SI CU: Commissioning mode active
  • 201699<location>SI CU: Shutdown path must be tested
  • 201700<location>SI Motion CU: STOP A initiated
  • 201701<location>SI Motion CU: STOP B initiated
  • 201706<location>SI Motion CU: SBR limit undershot
  • 201707<location>SI Motion CU: Tolerance for safe operating stop exceeded
  • 201708<location>SI Motion CU: STOP C initiated
  • 201709<location>SI Motion CU: STOP D initiated
  • 201710<location>SI Motion CU: STOP E initiated
  • 201711<location>SI Motion CU: Defect in a monitoring channel
  • 201712<location>SI Motion CU: Defect in F-IO processing
  • 201714<location>SI Motion CU: Safely-Limited Speed exceeded
  • 201745<location>SI Motion CU: Checking braking torque for the brake test
  • 201750<location>SI Motion CU: Hardware fault safety-relevant encoder
  • 201751<location>SI Motion CU: Effectivity test error safety-relevant encoder
  • 201796<location>SI Motion CU: Wait for communication
  • 201798<location>SI Motion CU: Test stop running
  • 201799<location>SI Motion CU: Acceptance test mode active
  • 201800<location>DRIVE-CLiQ: Hardware/configuration error
  • 201840<location>SMI: Component found without motor data
  • 201900<location>PROFIBUS: Configuration telegram error
  • 201901<location>PROFIBUS: Parameterizing telegram error
  • 201902<location>IF1: PB/PN clock cycle synchronous operation parameterization not permissible
  • 201903<location>COMM INT: Receive configuration data invalid
  • 201910<location>PROFIBUS: Setpoint timeout
  • 201911<location>IF1: PB/PN clock cycle synchronous operation clock cycle failure
  • 201912<location>IF1: PB/PN clock cycle synchronous operation sign-of-life failure
  • 201913<location>COMM INT: Monitoring time sign-of-life expired
  • 201914<location>COMM INT: Monitoring time configuration expired
  • 201915<location>IF1: PB/PN clock cycle synchronous operation sign-of-life failure drive object 1
  • 201920<location>PROFIBUS: Interruption cyclic connection
  • 201921<location>PROFIBUS: Receive setpoints after To
  • 201930<location>IF1: PB/PN current controller clock cycle clock cycle synchronous not equal
  • 201931<location>IF1: PB/PN speed controller clock cycle clock cycle synchronous not equal
  • 201932<location>IF1: PB/PN clock cycle synchronization missing for DSC
  • 201940<location>IF1: PB/PN clock cycle synchronism not reached
  • 201941<location>IF1: PB/PN clock cycle signal missing when establishing bus communication
  • 201943<location>IF1: PB/PN clock cycle signal error when establishing bus communication
  • 201944<location>IF1: PB/PN sign-of-life synchronism not reached
  • 201950<location>IF1: PB/PN clock cycle synchronous operation synchronization unsuccessful
  • 201951<location>CU DRIVE-CLiQ: Synchronization application clock cycle missing
  • 201952<location>CU DRIVE-CLiQ: Synchronization of component not supported
  • 201953<location>CU DRIVE-CLiQ: Synchronization not completed
  • 201954<location>CU DRIVE-CLiQ: Synchronization unsuccessful
  • 201955<location>CU DRIVE-CLiQ: Synchronization DO not completed
  • 202000<location>Function generator: Start not possible
  • 202005<location>Function generator: Drive does not exist
  • 202006<location>Function generator: No drive specified for connection
  • 202007<location>Function generator: Drive not SERVO / VECTOR / DC_CTRL
  • 202008<location>Function generator: Drive specified a multiple number of times
  • 202009<location>Function generator: Illegal mode
  • 202010<location>Function generator: Speed setpoint from the drive is not zero
  • 202011<location>Function generator: The actual drive speed is not zero
  • 202015<location>Function generator: Drive enable signals missing
  • 202016<location>Function generator: Magnetizing running
  • 202020<location>Function generator: Parameter cannot be changed
  • 202025<location>Function generator: Period too short
  • 202026<location>Function generator: Pulse width too high
  • 202030<location>Function generator: Physical address equals zero
  • 202040<location>Function generator: Illegal value for offset

Continuation of Sinamics Alarms…

  • 202041<location>Function generator: Illegal value for bandwidth
  • 202047<location>Function generator: Time slice clock cycle invalid
  • 202050<location>Trace: Start not possible
  • 202055<location>Trace: Recording time too short
  • 202056<location>Trace: Recording cycle too short
  • 202057<location>Trace: Time slice clock cycle invalid
  • 202058<location>Trace: Time slice clock cycle for endless trace not valid
  • 202059<location>Trace: Time slice clock cycle for 2 x 8 recording channels not valid
  • 202060<location>Trace: Signal to be traced missing
  • 202061<location>Trace: Invalid signal
  • 202062<location>Trace: Invalid trigger signal
  • 202063<location>Trace: Invalid data type
  • 202070<location>Trace: Parameter cannot be changed
  • 202075<location>Trace: Pretrigger time too long
  • 202080<location>Trace: Parameterization deleted due to unit changeover
  • 202099<location>Trace: Insufficient Control Unit memory
  • 202100<location>CU: Computing dead time current controller too short
  • 202150<location>OA: Application cannot be loaded
  • 202151<location>OA: Internal software error
  • 202152<location>OA: Insufficient memory
  • 203000<location>NVRAM fault on action
  • 203001<location>NVRAM checksum incorrect
  • 203500<location>TM: Initialization
  • 203501<location>TM: Sampling time change
  • 203505<location>TM: Analog input wire breakage
  • 203506<location>24 V power supply missing
  • 203550<location>TM: Speed setpoint filter natural frequency > Shannon frequency
  • 203590<location>TM: Module not ready
  • 205000<location>Power unit: Overtemperature heat sink AC inverter
  • 205001<location>Power unit: Chip overtemperature
  • 205002<location>Power unit: Air intake overtemperature
  • 205003<location>Power unit: Internal overtemperature
  • 205004<location>Power unit: Rectifier overtemperature
  • 205005<location>Cooling system: Cooling medium flow rate too low
  • 205006<location>Power unit: Overtemperature thermal model
  • 205007<location>Power unit: Overtemperature thermal model (chassis PU)
  • 205050<location>Parallel circuit: Pulse enable in spite of pulse inhibit
  • 205051<location>Parallel circuit: Power unit pulse enable missing
  • 205052<location>Parallel circuit: Illegal current dissymmetry
  • 205053<location>Parallel circuit: Inadmissible DC link voltage dissymmetry
  • 205054<location>Parallel circuit: Power unit de-activated
  • 205055<location>Power circuit: Power units with different code numbers
  • 205056<location>Parallel circuit: Power unit EPROM versions differ
  • 205057<location>Parallel circuit: Power unit firmware versions differ
  • 205058<location>Parallel circuit: VSM EEPROM versions differ
  • 205059<location>Parallel circuit: VSM firmware versions differ
  • 205060<location>Parallel circuit: Power unit firmware version does not match
  • 205061<location>Infeed, number of VSM
  • 206000<location>Infeed: Precharging monitoring time expired
  • 206010<location>Infeed: Power unit EP 24 V missing in operation
  • 206050<location>Infeed: Smart Mode not supported
  • 206052<location>Infeed: Filter temperature evaluation not supported
  • 206100<location>Infeed: Shutdown due to line supply undervoltage condition
  • 206105<location>Infeed: Line supply undervoltage
  • 206200<location>Infeed: Failure of one or several line phases
  • 206205<location>Infeed: Voltage dip in at least one line supply phase
  • 206207<location>Infeed: Line currents not symmetrical
  • 206210<location>Infeed: Summation current too high
  • 206211<location>Infeed: Summation current impermissibly high
  • 206215<location>Infeed: Summation current too high
  • 206250<location>Infeed: Defective capacitor(s) in at least one phase of line filter
  • 206260<location>Infeed: Temperature in the line filter too high
  • 206261<location>Infeed: Temperature in the line filter permanently too high
  • 206262<location>Infeed: Temperature switch in the line filter open when powering up
  • 206300<location>Infeed: Line voltage too high at power on
  • 206301<location>Infeed: Line supply overvoltage
  • 206310<location>Supply voltage (p0210) incorrectly parameterized
  • 206310<location>Infeed: Supply voltage (p0210) incorrectly parameterized
  • 206311<location>Infeed: Supply voltage (p0210) incorrect
  • 206320<location>Master/slave: 4-channel multiplexer control not valid
  • 206321<location>Master/slave: 6-channel multiplexer control not valid
  • 206350<location>Infeed: Measured line frequency too high
  • 206351<location>Infeed: Measured line frequency too low
  • 206400<location>Infeed: Line supply data identification selected/active
  • 206401<location>Infeed: Transformer data identification/test mode selected/active
  • 206500<location>Infeed: Line synchronization not possible
  • 206502<location>Infeed: Unable to achieve line synchronization in transformer magnetization
  • 206601<location>Infeed: Current offset measurement interrupted
  • 206602<location>Infeed: Current offset measurement not possible
  • 206700<location>Infeed: Switch line contactor for load condition
  • 206800<location>Infeed: Maximum steady-state DC link voltage reached
  • 206810<location>Infeed: DC link voltage alarm threshold
  • 206849<location>Infeed: Short-circuit operation active
  • 206850<location>Infeed: Short-circuit prevailing for too long
  • 206855<location>Infeed: Line filter monitor responded
  • 206860<location>Infeed: Function module activation not possible
  • 206900<location>Braking Module: Fault (1 -> 0)
  • 206901<location>Braking Module: Pre-alarm I2t shutdown
  • 206904<location>Braking Module internal is inhibited
  • 206905<location>Braking Module internal I2t shutdown alarm
  • 206906<location>Braking Module internal fault
  • 206907<location>Braking Module internal overtemperature
  • 206908<location>Braking Module internal shutdown due to overtemperature
  • 206909<location>Braking Module internal Vce fault
  • 207011<location>Drive: Motor overtemperature
  • 207012<location>Drive: I2t motor model overtemperature
  • 207015<location>Drive: Motor temperature sensor alarm
  • 207016<location>Drive: Motor temperature sensor fault
  • 207080<location>Drive: Incorrect control parameter
  • 207082<location>Macro: Execution not possible
  • 207083<location>Macro: ACX file not found

Continuation of Sinamics alarm list…

This part of the alarm list contains some Macro alarms, Drive alarms, Units changeover alarms.

  • 207084<location>Macro: Condition for Wait Until not fulfilled
  • 207085<location>Drive: Open-loop/closed-loop control parameters changed
  • 207086<location>Units changeover: Parameter limit violation due to reference value change
  • 207087<location>Drive: Encoderless operation not possible for the selected pulse frequency
  • 207088<location>Units changeover: Parameter limit violation due to units changeover
  • 207089<location>Changing over units: Function module activation is blocked because the units have been changed over
  • 207090<location>Drive: Upper torque limit less than the lower torque limit
  • 207100<location>Drive: Sampling times cannot be reset
  • 207110<location>Drive: Sampling times and basic clock cycle do not match
  • 207200<location>Drive: Master control ON/OFF1 command present
  • 207220<location>Drive: Master control by PLC missing
  • 207300<location>Drive: Line contactor feedback signal missing
  • 207320<location>Drive: Automatic restart interrupted
  • 207321<location>Drive: Automatic restart active
  • 207329<location>Drive: kT estimator, kT(iq) characteristic or voltage compensation does not function
  • 207350<location>Drive: Measuring probe parameterized to a digital output
  • 207400<location>Drive: DC link voltage maximum controller active
  • 207402<location>Drive: DC link voltage minimum controller active
  • 207403<location>Drive: Lower DC link voltage threshold reached
  • 207404<location>Drive: Upper DC link voltage threshold reached
  • 207410<location>Drive: Current controller output limited
  • 207411<location>Drive: Flux controller output limited
  • 207412<location>Drive: Commutation angle incorrect (motor model)
  • 207413<location>Drive: Commutation angle incorrect (pole position identification)
  • 207414<location>Drive: Encoder serial number changed
  • 207415<location>Drive: Angular commutation offset transfer running
  • 207420<location>Drive: Current setpoint filter natural frequency > Shannon frequency
  • 207421<location>Drive: Speed filter natural frequency > Shannon frequency
  • 207422<location>Drive: Reference model natural frequency > Shannon frequency
  • 207429<location>Drive: DSC without encoder not possible
  • 207430<location>Drive: Changeover to open-loop torque controlled operation not possible
  • 207431<location>Drive: Changeover to encoderless operation not possible
  • 207432<location>Drive: Synchronous motor without overvoltage protection
  • 207433<location>Drive: Closed-loop control with encoder is not possible as the encoder has not been unparked
  • 207434<location>Drive: It is not possible to change the direction of rotation with the pulses enabled
  • 207500<location>Drive: Power unit data set PDS not configured
  • 207501<location>Drive: Motor Data Set MDS not configured
  • 207502<location>Drive: Encoder Data Set EDS not configured
  • 207504<location>Drive: Motor data set is not assigned to a drive data set
  • 207509<location>Drive: Component number missing
  • 207510<location>Drive: Identical encoder in the drive data set
  • 207511<location>Drive: Encoder used a multiple number of times
  • 207512<location>Drive: Encoder data set changeover cannot be parameterized
  • 207514<location>Drive: Data structure does not correspond to the interface module
  • 207515<location>Drive: Power unit and motor incorrectly connected
  • 207516<location>Drive: Re-commission the data set
  • 207517<location>Drive: Encoder data set changeover incorrectly parameterized
  • 207518<location>Drive: Motor data set changeover incorrectly parameterized
  • 207519<location>Drive: Motor changeover incorrectly parameterized
  • 207520<location>Drive: Motor cannot be changed over
  • 207530<location>Drive: Drive Data Set DDS not present
  • 207531<location>Drive: Command Data Set CDS not present
  • 207541<location>Drive: Data set changeover not possible
  • 207550<location>Drive: Not possible to reset encoder parameters
  • 207551<location>Drive encoder: No commutation angle information
  • 207552<location>Drive encoder: Encoder configuration not supported
  • 207553<location>Drive encoder: Sensor Module configuration not supported
  • 207555<location>Drive encoder: Configuration position tracking
  • 207556<location>Measuring gear: Position tracking, maximum actual value exceeded
  • 207560<location>Drive encoder: Number of pulses is not to the power of two
  • 207561<location>Drive encoder: Number of multiturn pulses is not to the power of two
  • 207562<location>Drive, encoder: Position tracking, incremental encoder not possible
  • 207565<location>Drive: Encoder error in PROFIdrive encoder interface 1
  • 207566<location>Drive: Encoder error in PROFIdrive encoder interface 2
  • 207567<location>Drive: Encoder error in PROFIdrive encoder interface 3
  • 207569<location>Encoder could not be identified
  • 207575<location>Drive: Motor encoder not ready
  • 207576<location>Drive: Encoderless operation due to a fault active
  • 207580<location>Drive: No Sensor Module with matching component number
  • 207800<location>Drive: No power unit present
  • 207801<location>Drive: Motor overcurrent
  • 207802<location>Drive: Infeed or power unit not ready
  • 207805<location>Drive: Power unit overload I2t
  • 207805<location>Infeed: Power unit overload I2t
  • 207810<location>Drive: Power unit EEPROM without rated data
  • 207815<location>Drive: Power unit has been changed
  • 207815<location>Drive: Power unit has been changed
  • 207820<location>Drive: Temperature sensor not connected
  • 207840<location>Drive: Infeed operation missing
  • 207841<location>Drive: Infeed operation withdrawn
  • 207850<location>External alarm 1
  • 207851<location>External alarm 2
  • 207852<location>External alarm 3
  • 207860<location>External fault 1
  • 207861<location>External fault 2
  • 207862<location>External fault 3
  • 207890<location>Internal voltage protection / internal armature short-circuit with STO active
  • 207900<location>Drive: Motor locked/speed controller at its limit
  • 207901<location>Drive: Motor overspeed
  • 207902<location>Drive: Motor stalled
  • 207903<location>Drive: Motor speed deviation
  • 207904<location>External armature short-circuit: Contactor feedback signal «Closed» missing
  • 207905<location>External armature short-circuit: Contactor feedback signal «Open» missing
  • 207906<location>Armature short-circuit / internal voltage protection: Parameterization error
  • 207907<location>Internal armature short-circuit: Motor terminals are not at zero potential after pulse suppression
  • 207908<location>Internal armature short-circuit active
  • 207909<location>Internal voltage protection: De-activation only effective after POWER ON
  • 207910<location>Drive: Motor overtemperature

Continuation of Sinamics Errors…

This part of the error list contains some drive alarms, power unit alarms, SI MM alarms, and some communication alarms.

  • 207913<location>Excitation current outside the tolerance range
  • 207914<location>Flux out of tolerance
  • 207918<location>Three-phase setpoint generator operation selected/active
  • 207927<location>DC brake active
  • 207928<location>Internal voltage protection initiated
  • 207930<location>Drive: Brake control error
  • 207934<location>Drive: S120 Combi motor holding brake configuration
  • 207935<location>Drv: Motor holding brake detected
  • 207950<location>Drive: Incorrect motor parameter
  • 207955<location>Drive: Motor has been changed
  • 207956<location>Drive: Motor code does not match the list (catalog) motor
  • 207960<location>Drive: Incorrect friction characteristic
  • 207961<location>Drive: Friction characteristic record activated
  • 207963<location>Drive: Friction characteristic record interrupted
  • 207965<location>Drive: Save required
  • 207966<location>Drive: Check the commutation angle
  • 207971<location>Drive: Angular commutation offset determination activated
  • 207980<location>Drive: Rotating measurement activated
  • 207990<location>Drive: Incorrect motor data identification
  • 207991<location>Drive: Motor data identification activated
  • 207993<location>Drive: Incorrect direction of rotation of the field or encoder actual value inversion
  • 207995<location>Drive: Pole position identification not successful
  • 207996<location>Drive: Pole position identification routine not carried out
  • 207998<location>Drive: Motor data identification active on another drive
  • 207999<location>Drive: Motor data identification cannot be activated
  • 208000<location>TB: +/-15 V power supply faulted
  • 208010<location>TB: Analog-digital converter
  • 213010<location>Licensing function module not licensed
  • 230001<location>Power unit: Overcurrent
  • 230002<location>Power unit: DC link voltage, overvoltage
  • 230003<location>Power unit: DC link voltage, undervoltage
  • 230004<location>Power unit: Overtemperature heat sink AC inverter
  • 230005<location>Power unit: Overload I2t
  • 230006<location>Power unit: Thyristor Control Board
  • 230008<location>Power unit: Sign-of-life error cyclic data
  • 230010<location>Power unit: Sign-of-life error cyclic data
  • 230011<location>Power unit: Line phase failure in main circuit
  • 230012<location>Power unit: Temperature sensor heat sink wire breakage
  • 230013<location>Power unit: Temperature sensor heat sink short-circuit
  • 230015<location>Power unit: Phase failure motor feeder cable
  • 230016<location>Power unit: Load supply switched out
  • 230017<location>Power unit: Hardware current limit has responded too often
  • 230020<location>Power unit: Configuration not supported
  • 230021<location>Power unit: Ground fault
  • 230022<location>Power unit: Monitoring V_ce
  • 230023<location>Power unit: Overtemperature thermal model alarm
  • 230024<location>Power unit: Overtemperature thermal model
  • 230025<location>Power unit: Chip overtemperature
  • 230027<location>Power unit: Precharging DC link time monitoring
  • 230031<location>Power unit: Hardware current limiting, phase U
  • 230032<location>Power unit: Hardware current limiting, phase V
  • 230033<location>Power unit: Hardware current limiting, phase W
  • 230034<location>Power unit: Internal overtemperature
  • 230035<location>Power unit: Air intake overtemperature
  • 230036<location>Power unit: Internal overtemperature
  • 230037<location>Power unit: Rectifier overtemperature
  • 230038<location>Power unit: Capacitor fan monitoring
  • 230039<location>Power unit: Failure capacitor fan
  • 230040<location>Power unit: Undervolt 24 V
  • 230041<location>Power unit: Undervoltage 24 V alarm
  • 230042<location>Power unit: Fan operating time reached or exceeded
  • 230043<location>Power unit: Overvolt 24 V
  • 230044<location>Power unit: Overvoltage 24 V alarm
  • 230045<location>Power unit: Supply undervoltage
  • 230046<location>Power unit: Undervoltage, alarm
  • 230047<location>Cooling system: Cooling medium flow rate too low
  • 230048<location>Power unit: External fan faulty
  • 230049<location>Power unit: Internal fan faulty
  • 230050<location>Power unit: 24 V supply overvoltage
  • 230052<location>EEPROM data error
  • 230053<location>FPGA data faulty
  • 230054<location>Power unit: Undervoltage when opening the brake
  • 230060<location>Pre-charge contactor monitoring
  • 230061<location>Bypass contactor monitoring
  • 230062<location>Bypass contactor has been opened under current
  • 230070<location>Cycle requested by the power unit module not supported
  • 230071<location>No new actual values received from the power unit module
  • 230072<location>Setpoints are no longer being transferred to the power unit
  • 230073<location>Actual value/setpoint preprocessing no longer synchronous
  • 230074<location>Communications error to the power unit module
  • 230080<location>Power unit: Current increasing too quickly
  • 230081<location>Power unit: Switching operations too frequent
  • 230105<location>PU: Actual value sensing fault
  • 230502<location>Power unit: DC link voltage, overvoltage
  • 230600<location>SI MM: STOP A initiated
  • 230611<location>SI MM: Defect in a monitoring channel
  • 230620<location>SI MM: Safe Torque Off active
  • 230621<location>SI MM: Safe Stop 1 active
  • 230625<location>SI MM: Sign-of-life error in safety data
  • 230630<location>SI MM: Brake control error
  • 230640<location>SI MM: Fault in the shutdown path of the second channel
  • 230649<location>SI MM: Internal software error
  • 230650<location>SI MM: Acceptance test required
  • 230651<location>SI MM: Synchronization with Control Unit unsuccessful
  • 230652<location>SI MM: Illegal monitoring clock cycle
  • 230655<location>SI MM: Align monitoring functions
  • 230656<location>SI MM: Motor Module parameter error
  • 230659<location>SI MM: Write request for parameter rejected
  • 230662<location>Error in internal communications

Continuation of Sinamics alarms and errors…

This part of the error list contains some drive alarms, SI Motion MM alarms, CU alarms, PU alarms, Encoder 1 alarms.

  • 230664<location>Error while booting
  • 230665<location>SI MM: System is defective
  • 230672<location>SI CU: Control Unit software incompatible
  • 230680<location>SI Motion MM: Checksum error safety monitoring functions
  • 230681<location>SI Motion MM: Incorrect parameter value
  • 230682<location>SI Motion MM: Monitoring function not supported
  • 230683<location>SI Motion MM: SOS/SLS enable missing
  • 230685<location>SI Motion MM: Safely-Limited Speed limit value too high
  • 230688<location>SI Motion MM: Actual value synchronization not permissible
  • 230692<location>SI Motion MM: Incorrect parameter value encoderless
  • 230693<location>SI MM: Safety parameter settings changed, warm restart/POWER ON required
  • 230700<location>SI Motion MM: STOP A initiated
  • 230701<location>SI Motion MM: STOP B initiated
  • 230706<location>SI Motion MM: SBR limit exceeded
  • 230707<location>SI Motion MM: Tolerance for safe operating stop exceeded
  • 230708<location>SI Motion MM: STOP C initiated
  • 230709<location>SI Motion MM: STOP D initiated
  • 230711<location>SI MM MM: Defect in a monitoring channel
  • 230712<location>SI Motion MM: Defect in F-IO processing
  • 230714<location>SI Motion MM: Safely-Limited Speed exceeded
  • 230798<location>SI Motion MM: Test stop running
  • 230799<location>SI Motion MM: Acceptance test mode active
  • 230800<location>Power unit: Group signal
  • 230801<location>Power unit DRIVE-CLiQ: Sign-of-life missing
  • 230802<location>Power unit: Time slice overflow
  • 230804<location>Power unit: CRC
  • 230805<location>Power unit: EPROM checksum error
  • 230809<location>Power unit: Switching information not valid
  • 230810<location>Power unit: Watchdog timer
  • 230820<location>Power unit DRIVE-CLiQ: Telegram error
  • 230835<location>Power unit DRIVE-CLiQ: Cyclic data transfer error
  • 230836<location>Power unit DRIVE-CLiQ: Send error for DRIVE-CLiQ data
  • 230837<location>Power unit DRIVE-CLiQ: Component fault
  • 230845<location>Power unit DRIVE-CLiQ: Cyclic data transfer error
  • 230850<location>Power unit: Internal software error
  • 230851<location>Power unit DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Sign-of-life missing
  • 230853<location>Power unit: Sign-of-life error cyclic data
  • 230860<location>Power unit DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Telegram error
  • 230885<location>CU DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Cyclic data transfer error
  • 230886<location>PU DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Error when sending DRIVE-CLiQ data
  • 230887<location>Power unit DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Component fault
  • 230895<location>PU DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Alternating cyclic data transfer error
  • 230896<location>Power unit DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Inconsistent component properties
  • 230899<location>Power unit: Unknown fault
  • 230903<location>Power unit: I2C bus error occurred
  • 230907<location>Power unit: FPGA configuration unsuccessful
  • 230920<location>Power unit: Temperature sensor fault
  • 230999<location>Power unit: Unknown alarm
  • 231100<location>Encoder 1: Zero mark distance error
  • 231101<location>Encoder 1: Zero marked failed
  • 231103<location>Encoder 1: Amplitude error, track R
  • 231110<location>Encoder 1: Serial communications error
  • 231111<location>Encoder 1: Absolute encoder EnDat, internal fault/error
  • 231112<location>Encoder 1: Error bit set in the serial protocol
  • 231115<location>Encoder 1: Amplitude error track A or B (A^2 + B^2)
  • 231116<location>Encoder 1: Amplitude error monitoring track A + B
  • 231117<location>Encoder 1: Inversion error signals A and B and R
  • 231118<location>Encoder 1: Speed difference outside the tolerance range
  • 231120<location>Encoder 1: Power supply voltage fault
  • 231121<location>Encoder 1: Coarse position error
  • 231122<location>Encoder 1: Internal power supply voltage faulty
  • 231123<location>Encoder 1: Signal level A/B unipolar outside tolerance
  • 231125<location>Encoder 1: Amplitude error track A or B overcontrolled
  • 231126<location>Encoder 1: Amplitude AB too high
  • 231129<location>Encoder 1: Position difference, hall sensor/track C/D and A/B too large
  • 231130<location>Encoder 1: Zero mark and position error from the coarse synchronization
  • 231131<location>Encoder 1: Deviation, position incremental/absolute too large
  • 231135<location>Encoder 1: Fault when determining the position
  • 231136<location>Encoder 1: Error when determining multiturn information
  • 231137<location>Encoder 1: Internal error when determining the position
  • 231138<location>Encoder 1: Internal error when determining multiturn information
  • 231150<location>Encoder 1: Initialization error
  • 231151<location>Encoder 1: Encoder speed for initialization AB too high
  • 231160<location>Encoder 1: Analog sensor channel A failed
  • 231161<location>Encoder 1: Analog sensor channel B failed
  • 231400<location>Encoder 1: Alarm threshold zero mark distance error
  • 231401<location>Encoder 1: Alarm threshold zero marked failed
  • 231405<location>Encoder 1: Temperature in the encoder evaluation inadmissible
  • 231407<location>Encoder 1: Function limit reached
  • 231410<location>Encoder 1: Serial communications
  • 231411<location>Encoder 1: EnDat encoder signals alarms
  • 231412<location>Encoder 1: Error bit set in the serial protocol
  • 231414<location>Encoder 1: Amplitude error track C or D (C^2 + D^2)
  • 231415<location>Encoder 1: Amplitude alarm track A or B (A^2 + B^2)
  • 231418<location>Encoder 1: Speed difference per sampling rate exceeded
  • 231419<location>Encoder 1: Track A or B outside the tolerance range
  • 231421<location>Encoder 1: Coarse position error
  • 231422<location>Encoder 1: Pulses per revolution square-wave encoder outside tolerance bandwidth
  • 231429<location>Encoder 1: Position difference, hall sensor/track C/D and A/B too large
  • 231431<location>Encoder 1: Deviation, position incremental/absolute too large
  • 231432<location>Encoder 1: Rotor position adaptation corrects deviation
  • 231442<location>Encoder 1: Battery voltage pre-alarm
  • 231443<location>Encoder 1: Unipolar CD signal level outside specification
  • 231460<location>Encoder 1: Analog sensor channel A failed
  • 231461<location>Encoder 1: Analog sensor channel B failed
  • 231462<location>Encoder 1: Analog sensor, no channel active
  • 231470<location>Encoder 1: Soiling detected
  • 231500<location>Encoder 1: Position tracking traversing range exceeded
  • 231501<location>Encoder 1: Position tracking encoder position outside tolerance window
  • 231502<location>Encoder 1: Encoder with measuring gear, without valid signals
  • 231503<location>Encoder 1: Position tracking cannot be reset

Continuation of Sinamic Fault list…

This portion of the Sinamic fault list contains mostly the the Encoder 1 alarms and Encoder 2 alarms.

  • 231700<location>Encoder 1: Effectivity test does not supply the expected value
  • 231800<location>Encoder 1: Group signal
  • 231801<location>Encoder 1 DRIVE-CLiQ: Sign-of-life missing
  • 231802<location>Encoder 1: Time slice overflow
  • 231804<location>Encoder 1: Checksum error
  • 231805<location>Encoder 1: EPROM checksum error
  • 231806<location>Encoder 1: Initialization error
  • 231811<location>Encoder 1: Encoder serial number changed
  • 231812<location>Encoder 1: Requested cycle or RX-/TX timing not supported
  • 231813<location>Encoder 1: Hardware logic unit failed
  • 231820<location>Encoder 1 DRIVE-CLiQ: Telegram error
  • 231835<location>Encoder 1 DRIVE-CLiQ: Cyclic data transfer error
  • 231836<location>Encoder 1 DRIVE-CLiQ: Send error for DRIVE-CLiQ data
  • 231837<location>Encoder 1 DRIVE-CLiQ: Component fault
  • 231845<location>Encoder 1 DRIVE-CLiQ: Cyclic data transfer error
  • 231850<location>Encoder 1: Encoder evaluation, internal software error
  • 231851<location>Encoder 1 DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Sign-of-life missing
  • 231860<location>Encoder 1 DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Telegram error
  • 231885<location>Encoder 1 DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Cyclic data transfer error
  • 231886<location>Encoder 1 DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Error when sending DRIVE-CLiQ data
  • 231887<location>Encoder 1 DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Component fault
  • 231895<location>Encoder 1 DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Alternating cyclic data transfer error
  • 231896<location>Encoder 1 DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Inconsistent component properties
  • 231899<location>Encoder 1: Unknown fault
  • 231902<location>Encoder 1: SPI-BUS error occurred
  • 231903<location>Encoder 1: I2C-BUS error occurred
  • 231905<location>Encoder 1: Parameterization error
  • 231915<location>Encoder 1: Configuration error
  • 231916<location>Encoder 1: Parameterization fault
  • 231920<location>Encoder 1: Temperature sensor fault
  • 231999<location>Encoder 1: Unknown alarm
  • 232100<location>Encoder 2: Zero mark distance error
  • 232101<location>Encoder 2: Zero marked failed
  • 232103<location>Encoder 2: Amplitude error, track R
  • 232110<location>Encoder 2: Serial communications error
  • 232111<location>Encoder 2: Absolute encoder EnDat, internal fault/error
  • 232112<location>Encoder 2: Error bit set in the serial protocol
  • 232115<location>Encoder 2: Amplitude error track A or B (A^2 + B^2)
  • 232116<location>Encoder 2: Amplitude error monitoring track A + B
  • 232117<location>Encoder 2: Inversion error signals A and B and R
  • 232118<location>Encoder 2: Speed difference outside the tolerance range
  • 232120<location>Encoder 2: Power supply voltage fault
  • 232121<location>Encoder 2: Coarse position error
  • 232122<location>Encoder 2: Internal power supply voltage faulty
  • 232123<location>Encoder 2: Signal level A/B unipolar outside tolerance
  • 232125<location>Encoder 2: Amplitude error track A or B overcontrolled
  • 232126<location>Encoder 2: Amplitude AB too high
  • 232129<location>Encoder 2: Position difference, hall sensor/track C/D and A/B too large
  • 232130<location>Encoder 2: Zero mark and position error from the coarse synchronization
  • 232131<location>Encoder 2: Deviation, position incremental/absolute too large
  • 232135<location>Encoder 2: Fault when determining the position
  • 232136<location>Encoder 2: Error when determining multiturn information
  • 232137<location>Encoder 2: Internal error when determining the position
  • 232138<location>Encoder 2: Internal error when determining multiturn information
  • 232150<location>Encoder 2: Initialization error
  • 232151<location>Encoder 2: Encoder speed for initialization AB too high
  • 232160<location>Encoder 2: Analog sensor channel A failed
  • 232161<location>Encoder 2: Analog sensor channel B failed
  • 232400<location>Encoder 2: Alarm threshold zero mark distance error
  • 232401<location>Encoder 2: Alarm threshold zero marked failed
  • 232405<location>Encoder 2: Temperature in the encoder evaluation inadmissible
  • 232407<location>Encoder 2: Function limit reached
  • 232410<location>Encoder 2: Serial communications
  • 232411<location>Encoder 2: EnDat encoder signals alarms
  • 232412<location>Encoder 2: Error bit set in the serial protocol
  • 232414<location>Encoder 2: Amplitude error track C or D (C^2 + D^2)
  • 232415<location>Encoder 2: Amplitude alarm track A or B (A^2 + B^2)
  • 232418<location>Encoder 2: Speed difference per sampling rate exceeded
  • 232419<location>Encoder 2: Track A or B outside the tolerance range
  • 232421<location>Encoder 2: Coarse position error
  • 232422<location>Encoder 2: Pulses per revolution square-wave encoder outside tolerance bandwidth
  • 232429<location>Encoder 2: Position difference, hall sensor/track C/D and A/B too large
  • 232431<location>Encoder 2: Deviation, position incremental/absolute too large
  • 232432<location>Encoder 2: Rotor position adaptation corrects deviation
  • 232442<location>Encoder 2: Battery voltage pre-alarm
  • 232443<location>Encoder 2: Unipolar CD signal level outside specification
  • 232460<location>Encoder 2: Analog sensor channel A failed
  • 232461<location>Encoder 2: Analog sensor channel B failed
  • 232462<location>Encoder 2: Analog sensor, no channel active
  • 232470<location>Encoder 2: Soiling detected
  • 232500<location>Encoder 2: Position tracking traversing range exceeded
  • 232501<location>Encoder 2: Position tracking encoder position outside tolerance window
  • 232502<location>Encoder 2: Encoder with measuring gear, without valid signals
  • 232503<location>Encoder 2: Position tracking cannot be reset
  • 232700<location>Encoder 2: Effectivity test does not supply the expected value
  • 232800<location>Encoder 2: Group signal
  • 232801<location>Encoder 2 DRIVE-CLiQ: Sign-of-life missing
  • 232802<location>Encoder 2: Time slice overflow
  • 232804<location>Encoder 2: Checksum error
  • 232805<location>Encoder 2: EPROM checksum error
  • 232806<location>Encoder 2: Initialization error
  • 232811<location>Encoder 2: Encoder serial number changed
  • 232812<location>Encoder 2: Requested cycle or RX-/TX timing not supported
  • 232813<location>Encoder 2: Hardware logic unit failed
  • 232820<location>Encoder 2 DRIVE-CLiQ: Telegram error
  • 232835<location>Encoder 2 DRIVE-CLiQ: Cyclic data transfer error
  • 232836<location>Encoder 2 DRIVE-CLiQ: Send error for DRIVE-CLiQ data

There’s alot here and it shows how much engineering has gone into the Sinamics system.

  • OI Roundtable

  • Got Questions Get Answers

  • Troubleshooting 101 (Moderator: Cheller)

  • Sinamics S120 Fault Codes

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