Сименс микромастер 420 коды ошибок

  • Ремонт MICROMASTER 420
  • Ремонт распространенных частотнрых преобразователей MICROMASTER 420
  • Ошибки MICROMASTER 420
  • Сброс сообщений об ошибках, предупреждений
  • MICROMASTER 420 программирование
  • MICROMASTER 420 ввод в эксплуатацию
  • Оставить заявку на ремонт MICROMASTER 420


Ремонт MICROMASTER 420Компания «Кернел» производит ремонт частотных преобразователей с 2002 года. За это время мы накопили колоссальный опыт в том числе опыт в ремонте MICROMASTER 420 такого известного производителя как SIEMENS. Ремонт подобной промышленной электроники ответственное и сложное занятие, требующие максимальной отдачи, профессионализма и максимально полной материальной базе.

По причине особой сложности Ремонт MICROMASTER 420 производится исключительно на территории сервисного центра. Частотный преобразователь MICROMASTER 420 является крайне сложной промышленной электроникой соответственно ремонт MICROMASTER 420 можно доверить только настоящим профессионалам своего дела с богатым опытом работы в данном направлении.

Все специалисты нашего сервисного центра имеют высшее техническое образование, огромный опыт и максимально полную материальную базу включая новейшее высокотехнологичное диагностическое оборудование благодаря чему ремонт MICROMASTER 420 проходит максимально эффективно.

Инженеры сервисного центра уделяют максимальное внимание к качеству исполнения ремонта, программирования и настройке частотного преобразователя, не зависимо от производителя данного промышленного оборудования. Именно поэтому мы смело даем гарантию на ремонт MICROMASTER 420 и замененные в процессе ремонта компоненты шесть месяцев.

Особое внимание заслуживает тот факт, что ремонт MICROMASTER 420 в производится исключительно с использованием оригинальных запасных частей, на компонентном уровне с применением высокотехнологичного оборудования, квалифицированным персоналом с инженерным образованием.

Ремонт распространенных частотнрых преобразователей MICROMASTER 420

Если на вашем производстве появились проблемы с частотным преобразователем MICROMASTER 420, ошибка которую вы не можете сбросить самостоятельно, мы всегда рады вам помочь. Обращайтесь в сервисный центр «Кернел». Специалисты нашей компании в минимальные сроки проведут глубокую диагностику частотного преобразователя и последующий ремонт MICROMASTER 420 в . Оставьте заявку на ремонт частотного преобразователя используя форму на сайте.

Ниже приведен далеко не полный список частотных преобразователей MICROMASTER 420 ремонт которых выполняет наш сервисный центр.






















При появлении неисправности на дисплее частотного преобразователя MICROMASTER 420 отобразится код ошибки, в файле ниже приведены все ошибки MICROMASTER 420 и возможные способы их устранения.

При возникновении ошибки преобразователь отключается и на индикации появляется код ошибки.


Сообщения об ошибках могут квитироваться следующим образом:

  • Возможность 1: Отключить преобразователь от сети и снова подключить
  • Возможность 2: на AOP или BOP
  • Возможность 3: Через цифровой вход 3

Ремонт MICROMASTER 420Сообщения об ошибках сохраняются в параметре r0947 под своим кодовым номером (к примеру, F0003 = 3). Соответствующее слово ошибки находится в параметре r0949. Если слово ошибки у ошибки отсутствует, то вносится значение 0. Кроме этого, можно запросить момент времени возникновения ошибки (r0948) и число сохраненных в параметре r0947 сообщений об ошибках (P0952). Подробное описание всех сообщений об ошибках можно найти в Списке параметров.


Предупреждения сохраняются в параметре r2110 под своим кодовым номером (к примеру, A0503 = 503) и могут загружаться оттуда. Подробное описание всех предупреждений можно найти в Списке параметров.

Сброс сообщений об ошибках, предупреждений

Работа без сбоев с точки зрения приложения является решающим критерием приемлемости приводной системы. Но для специальных приложений бесперебойная работа требуется и тогда, когда имеет место перегрузка или внешние обстоятельства вызывают ошибку. В таких приложениях (к примеру, мешалка) бесперебойная работа более важна, чем защита приводной системы. В MICROMASTER 420 можно подавить до 3-х сообщений об ошибках/предупреждений с индексированными параметрами P2100 и P2101. Выбор сообщений об ошибках/предупреждений (см. раздел «Сообщения об ошибках/предупреждения») устанавливается с помощью параметра P2100, а реакция выбирается с помощью параметра P2101. Корреляция между подавлением и реакцией осуществляется через индекс 0 — 2 обоих параметров. Для реакций возможны следующие установки:

  • 0 нет реакции, нет индикации
  • 1 реакция останова ВЫКЛ1
  • 2 реакция останова ВЫКЛ2
  • 3 реакция останова ВЫКЛ3
  • 4 нет реакции, только предупреждение


Предупреждение A0911 указывает на то, что привод увеличивает врем выбега по рампе, чтобы не допустить перенапряжения. Для подавления этого сообщения установить следующие параметры:

p2100[0] = 911 (выбор предупреждения A0911)

P2101[0] = 0 (нет реакции, нет индикации)

Все возможные предупреждения и ошибки MICROMASTER 420 описаны в руководстве пользователя, которое вы можете скачать с нашего сайта в удобном формате- pdf.

Скачать руководство пользователя MICROMASTER 420 мануал.pdf

Устранение причины ошибки частотного преобразователя MICROMASTER 420 и ее сброс позволит в кратчайшие сроки возобновить работу дорогостоящего оборудования. К сожалению не все ошибки можно исправить самостоятельно, некоторые ошибки MICROMASTER 420 возможно исправить только в специализированных сервисных центрах.

MICROMASTER 420 программирование

Ремонт MICROMASTER 420На ряду с ремонтом, специалисты сервисного центра «Кернел» выполняют программирование MICROMASTER 420 и настройку параметров системы частотного преобразователя. Подобную услугу мы оказываем на территории сервисного центра, также в исключительных случаях инженер компании может выполнить программирование MICROMASTER 420 на территории заказчика.

Настройка параметров, программирование MICROMASTER 420 в является заключительным звеном в процессе ремонта частотного преобразователя и требует профессионального подхода. Именно финальный этап программирования MICROMASTER 420 наглядно покажет качество выполненного ремонта MICROMASTER 420.

К слову, мы уделяем особое внимание качеству и смело даем гарантию на все выполненные ремонтно-восстановительные работы шесть месяцев, гарантия так же распространяется на запасные части, которые были заменены в процессе ремонта.

Хочется обратить внимание на то, что мы стараемся провести ремонт и программирование MICROMASTER 420 в максимально сжатые сроки, тем самым минимизируем простой дорогостоящего промышленного оборудования.

MICROMASTER 420 ввод в эксплуатацию

Инженеры сервисного центра «Кернел» не только выполняют качественный ремонт MICROMASTER 420 и программирование частотного преобразователя. Так же мы предоставляем услугу запуска в эксплуатацию оборудования от стадии проектирования до выпуска первой продукции.

Именно этап запуска в эксплуатацию MICROMASTER 420 отвечает за долгий и безаварийный процесс работы промышленного оборудования, тем самым позволяя получить максимальную прибыль и сэкономить на незапланированном ремонте.

По-настоящему качественный ввод в эксплуатацию MICROMASTER 420 может выполнить только высококвалифицированный специалист с богатым опытом работы в данном направлении. Найти подобного специалиста достаточно сложно, но, если вы обращаетесь в наш сервисный центр вам не придется об этом думать.

ДляпараметрированияпреобразователяВыможетеиспользоватьоднуизоп-ционныхоператорскихпанелей, таких как «Базовая Операторская Панель»(BOP) или «Расширенная Панель Оператора» (AOP). Для более удобного обслуживания и параметрирования преобразователей можно использовать специальный инструмент – Drive Monitor – программу для настройки и документирования.

Блок схема MICROMASTER 420

Передние панели MICROMASTER 420

В нашей команде работают исключительно профессионалы своего дела, а за время существования нашей компании мы ввели в эксплуатацию не одну сотню частотных преобразователей в том числе и MICROMASTER 420, с каждым разом получая и накапливая драгоценный опыт.


Ремонт MICROMASTER 420Частотный преобразователь MICROMASTER 420 снабжен пультом отображения состояния (Status Display Panel) (SDP). Чтобы изменять и устанавливать требуемые параметры, необходимо использовать базовый пульт оператора (Basic Operator Panel) (BOP), расширенный пульт оператора (Advanced Operator Panel) (AOP) или последовательный интерфейс связи.

Базовая панель оператора (BOP), поставляемая как опция, дает возможность доступа к параметрам преобразователя и обеспечивает специфическую пользовательскую настройку MICROMASTER 420. BOP может использоваться для конфигурирования большинства преобразователей MICROMASTER 420. Поэтому нет необходимости покупать свою панель BOP для каждого преобразователя. Панель имеет сегментные индикаторы для чтения и записи параметров преобразователя. Панель не имеет возможности собственного хранения информации и параметров после её снятия.

Линейка промышленной электроники, которую восстанавливают специалисты сервисного центра «Кернел» не имеет ограничений, мы выполняем качественный ремонт промышленной электроники и оборудования абсолютно любых производителей не зависимо от года выпуска и наличия технической документации.

Оставить заявку на ремонт MICROMASTER 420

Оставить заявку на ремонт или программирование MICROMASTER 420 в можно с помощью специальной формы, которая вызывается нажатием одноименной кнопки в верхней части страницы. Все вопросы, связанные с ремонтом MICROMASTER 420 в вы можете задать нашим менеджерам. Связаться с ними можно несколькими способами:

Наши контакты

  • Заказав обратный звонок (кнопка в правом нижнем углу сайта)
  • Посредством чата (кнопка расположена с левой стороны сайта)
  • Позвонив по номеру телефона:
    • +7(8482) 79-78-54;
    • +7(8482) 55-96-39;
    • +7(917) 121-53-01
  • Написав на электронную почту: 89171215301@mail.ru

Вот далеко не полный список производителей промышленной электроники и оборудования, ремонтируемой в нашей компании.

  • Ремонт MICROMASTER 420
  • Ремонт распространенных частотнрых преобразователей MICROMASTER 420
  • Ошибки MICROMASTER 420
  • Сброс сообщений об ошибках, предупреждений
  • MICROMASTER 420 программирование
  • MICROMASTER 420 ввод в эксплуатацию
  • Оставить заявку на ремонт MICROMASTER 420


Ремонт MICROMASTER 420Компания «Кернел» производит ремонт частотных преобразователей с 2002 года. За это время мы накопили колоссальный опыт в том числе опыт в ремонте MICROMASTER 420 такого известного производителя как SIEMENS. Ремонт подобной промышленной электроники ответственное и сложное занятие, требующие максимальной отдачи, профессионализма и максимально полной материальной базе.

По причине особой сложности Ремонт MICROMASTER 420 производится исключительно на территории сервисного центра. Частотный преобразователь MICROMASTER 420 является крайне сложной промышленной электроникой соответственно ремонт MICROMASTER 420 можно доверить только настоящим профессионалам своего дела с богатым опытом работы в данном направлении.

Все специалисты нашего сервисного центра имеют высшее техническое образование, огромный опыт и максимально полную материальную базу включая новейшее высокотехнологичное диагностическое оборудование благодаря чему ремонт MICROMASTER 420 проходит максимально эффективно.

Инженеры сервисного центра уделяют максимальное внимание к качеству исполнения ремонта, программирования и настройке частотного преобразователя, не зависимо от производителя данного промышленного оборудования. Именно поэтому мы смело даем гарантию на ремонт MICROMASTER 420 и замененные в процессе ремонта компоненты шесть месяцев.

Особое внимание заслуживает тот факт, что ремонт MICROMASTER 420 в производится исключительно с использованием оригинальных запасных частей, на компонентном уровне с применением высокотехнологичного оборудования, квалифицированным персоналом с инженерным образованием.

Ремонт распространенных частотнрых преобразователей MICROMASTER 420

Если на вашем производстве появились проблемы с частотным преобразователем MICROMASTER 420, ошибка которую вы не можете сбросить самостоятельно, мы всегда рады вам помочь. Обращайтесь в сервисный центр «Кернел». Специалисты нашей компании в минимальные сроки проведут глубокую диагностику частотного преобразователя и последующий ремонт MICROMASTER 420 в . Оставьте заявку на ремонт частотного преобразователя используя форму на сайте.

Ниже приведен далеко не полный список частотных преобразователей MICROMASTER 420 ремонт которых выполняет наш сервисный центр.






















При появлении неисправности на дисплее частотного преобразователя MICROMASTER 420 отобразится код ошибки, в файле ниже приведены все ошибки MICROMASTER 420 и возможные способы их устранения.

При возникновении ошибки преобразователь отключается и на индикации появляется код ошибки.


Сообщения об ошибках могут квитироваться следующим образом:

  • Возможность 1: Отключить преобразователь от сети и снова подключить
  • Возможность 2: на AOP или BOP
  • Возможность 3: Через цифровой вход 3

Ремонт MICROMASTER 420Сообщения об ошибках сохраняются в параметре r0947 под своим кодовым номером (к примеру, F0003 = 3). Соответствующее слово ошибки находится в параметре r0949. Если слово ошибки у ошибки отсутствует, то вносится значение 0. Кроме этого, можно запросить момент времени возникновения ошибки (r0948) и число сохраненных в параметре r0947 сообщений об ошибках (P0952). Подробное описание всех сообщений об ошибках можно найти в Списке параметров.


Предупреждения сохраняются в параметре r2110 под своим кодовым номером (к примеру, A0503 = 503) и могут загружаться оттуда. Подробное описание всех предупреждений можно найти в Списке параметров.

Сброс сообщений об ошибках, предупреждений

Работа без сбоев с точки зрения приложения является решающим критерием приемлемости приводной системы. Но для специальных приложений бесперебойная работа требуется и тогда, когда имеет место перегрузка или внешние обстоятельства вызывают ошибку. В таких приложениях (к примеру, мешалка) бесперебойная работа более важна, чем защита приводной системы. В MICROMASTER 420 можно подавить до 3-х сообщений об ошибках/предупреждений с индексированными параметрами P2100 и P2101. Выбор сообщений об ошибках/предупреждений (см. раздел «Сообщения об ошибках/предупреждения») устанавливается с помощью параметра P2100, а реакция выбирается с помощью параметра P2101. Корреляция между подавлением и реакцией осуществляется через индекс 0 — 2 обоих параметров. Для реакций возможны следующие установки:

  • 0 нет реакции, нет индикации
  • 1 реакция останова ВЫКЛ1
  • 2 реакция останова ВЫКЛ2
  • 3 реакция останова ВЫКЛ3
  • 4 нет реакции, только предупреждение


Предупреждение A0911 указывает на то, что привод увеличивает врем выбега по рампе, чтобы не допустить перенапряжения. Для подавления этого сообщения установить следующие параметры:

p2100[0] = 911 (выбор предупреждения A0911)

P2101[0] = 0 (нет реакции, нет индикации)

Все возможные предупреждения и ошибки MICROMASTER 420 описаны в руководстве пользователя, которое вы можете скачать с нашего сайта в удобном формате- pdf.

Скачать руководство пользователя MICROMASTER 420 мануал.pdf

Устранение причины ошибки частотного преобразователя MICROMASTER 420 и ее сброс позволит в кратчайшие сроки возобновить работу дорогостоящего оборудования. К сожалению не все ошибки можно исправить самостоятельно, некоторые ошибки MICROMASTER 420 возможно исправить только в специализированных сервисных центрах.

MICROMASTER 420 программирование

Ремонт MICROMASTER 420На ряду с ремонтом, специалисты сервисного центра «Кернел» выполняют программирование MICROMASTER 420 и настройку параметров системы частотного преобразователя. Подобную услугу мы оказываем на территории сервисного центра, также в исключительных случаях инженер компании может выполнить программирование MICROMASTER 420 на территории заказчика.

Настройка параметров, программирование MICROMASTER 420 в является заключительным звеном в процессе ремонта частотного преобразователя и требует профессионального подхода. Именно финальный этап программирования MICROMASTER 420 наглядно покажет качество выполненного ремонта MICROMASTER 420.

К слову, мы уделяем особое внимание качеству и смело даем гарантию на все выполненные ремонтно-восстановительные работы шесть месяцев, гарантия так же распространяется на запасные части, которые были заменены в процессе ремонта.

Хочется обратить внимание на то, что мы стараемся провести ремонт и программирование MICROMASTER 420 в максимально сжатые сроки, тем самым минимизируем простой дорогостоящего промышленного оборудования.

MICROMASTER 420 ввод в эксплуатацию

Инженеры сервисного центра «Кернел» не только выполняют качественный ремонт MICROMASTER 420 и программирование частотного преобразователя. Так же мы предоставляем услугу запуска в эксплуатацию оборудования от стадии проектирования до выпуска первой продукции.

Именно этап запуска в эксплуатацию MICROMASTER 420 отвечает за долгий и безаварийный процесс работы промышленного оборудования, тем самым позволяя получить максимальную прибыль и сэкономить на незапланированном ремонте.

По-настоящему качественный ввод в эксплуатацию MICROMASTER 420 может выполнить только высококвалифицированный специалист с богатым опытом работы в данном направлении. Найти подобного специалиста достаточно сложно, но, если вы обращаетесь в наш сервисный центр вам не придется об этом думать.

ДляпараметрированияпреобразователяВыможетеиспользоватьоднуизоп-ционныхоператорскихпанелей, таких как «Базовая Операторская Панель»(BOP) или «Расширенная Панель Оператора» (AOP). Для более удобного обслуживания и параметрирования преобразователей можно использовать специальный инструмент – Drive Monitor – программу для настройки и документирования.

Блок схема MICROMASTER 420

Передние панели MICROMASTER 420

В нашей команде работают исключительно профессионалы своего дела, а за время существования нашей компании мы ввели в эксплуатацию не одну сотню частотных преобразователей в том числе и MICROMASTER 420, с каждым разом получая и накапливая драгоценный опыт.


Ремонт MICROMASTER 420Частотный преобразователь MICROMASTER 420 снабжен пультом отображения состояния (Status Display Panel) (SDP). Чтобы изменять и устанавливать требуемые параметры, необходимо использовать базовый пульт оператора (Basic Operator Panel) (BOP), расширенный пульт оператора (Advanced Operator Panel) (AOP) или последовательный интерфейс связи.

Базовая панель оператора (BOP), поставляемая как опция, дает возможность доступа к параметрам преобразователя и обеспечивает специфическую пользовательскую настройку MICROMASTER 420. BOP может использоваться для конфигурирования большинства преобразователей MICROMASTER 420. Поэтому нет необходимости покупать свою панель BOP для каждого преобразователя. Панель имеет сегментные индикаторы для чтения и записи параметров преобразователя. Панель не имеет возможности собственного хранения информации и параметров после её снятия.

Линейка промышленной электроники, которую восстанавливают специалисты сервисного центра «Кернел» не имеет ограничений, мы выполняем качественный ремонт промышленной электроники и оборудования абсолютно любых производителей не зависимо от года выпуска и наличия технической документации.

Оставить заявку на ремонт MICROMASTER 420

Оставить заявку на ремонт или программирование MICROMASTER 420 в можно с помощью специальной формы, которая вызывается нажатием одноименной кнопки в верхней части страницы. Все вопросы, связанные с ремонтом MICROMASTER 420 в вы можете задать нашим менеджерам. Связаться с ними можно несколькими способами:

Наши контакты

  • Заказав обратный звонок (кнопка в правом нижнем углу сайта)
  • Посредством чата (кнопка расположена с левой стороны сайта)
  • Позвонив по номеру телефона: +7(8482) 79-78-54; +7(917) 121-53-01
  • Написав на электронную почту: 89171215301@mail.ru

Вот далеко не полный список производителей промышленной электроники и оборудования, ремонтируемой в нашей компании.

International English


In the event of a failure, the inverter switches off and a fault code appears on the display.

Table 6-2

Fault Code











Inverter I


Motor Overtemperature




Stator resistance

measurement failure


MICROMASTER 420 Fault Codes


1. Motor power does not

correspond to the inverter


2. Motor lead short circuit

3. Earth fault

Supply voltage out of tolerance

load is regenerating.

Mains supply removed when

inverter is running.

Ambient temperature outside of


Fan failure



Inverter is overloaded

1. Motor overloaded.


2. Motor data incorrect.

3. Check parameter for motor

thermal time constant.

4. Check parameter for motor I

warning level.

5. Long time period operating at

low speeds

Stator resistance measurement


Possible Causes




Diagnosis & Remedy

1. Check whether the motor power

corresponds to the inverter


2. Check that the cable length limits

have not been exceeded.

3. Check motor cable and motor for

short-circuits and earth faults.

4. Check whether the motor

parameters correspond with the

motor being used.

5. Check the stator resistance


6. Increase the ramp-up-time


7. Reduce the boost set in (P1310),

(P1311) and (P1312).

8. Check whether the motor is

obstructed or overloaded.

1. Check whether the supply voltage

is within the limits indicated on the

rating plate.

2. Check if dc-link voltage

controller (P1240) is enabled and

parameterized correctly.

3. Increase the ramp-down time


1. Check whether the supply voltage

is within the limits indicated on the

rating plate.

2. Check the supply is not subject to

temporary failures or voltage


1. Check that the integral fan rotates

when drive is running.

2. Check if pulse frequency is set to

default value.

3. Ambient temperature could be

higher than specified for the


4. Check that air inlet and outlet

points are not obstructed.

1. Check if load duty-cycle is within

specified limits.

2. Check that motor power

corresponds to inverter power

1. Check motor data.

2. Check loading on motor.

3. Boost settings too high (P1310,

P1311, P1312)

1. Check if the motor is connected to

the inverter

2. Check that the motor data has

been entered correctly.

MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions


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Operating Instructions

Issue A2

User Documentation

Related Manuals for Siemens Micromaster 420

Summary of Contents for Siemens Micromaster 420

  • Page 1
    MICROMASTER Operating Instructions Issue A2 User Documentation…
  • Page 3
    Overview Installation Commissioning MICROMASTER 420 Using the MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions System Parameters User Documentation Troubleshooting MICROMASTER 420 Specifications Supplementary Information Appendices Valid for Release Inverter Type Control Version MICROMASTER 420 October 2000 Index Issue: A2…
  • Page 4
    We welcome suggestions for improvement. MICROMASTER® is a registered trademark of Siemens. Siemens handbooks are printed on chlorine-free paper that has been produced from managed sustainable forests. No solvents have been used in the printing or binding process.
  • Page 5
    ♦ Getting Started Guide The Getting Started Guide is designed to give you quick access to all the basic information required to install and set up your MICROMASTER 420 for operation. ♦ Operating Instructions The Operating Instructions provide detailed information for installation and operation of your MICROMASTER 420.
  • Page 6: Using The

    Siemens. Contact address Should any questions or problems arise while reading this manual, please contact the Siemens office concerned using the form provided at the back this manual. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 7: Micromaster

    Please read the information carefully, since it is provided for your personal safety and will also help prolong the service life of your MICROMASTER 420 Inverter and the equipment you connect to it. General Warnings ♦…

  • Page 8
    The connection of power, motor and control cables to the inverter must be carried out as shown in Figure 2-4 on page 25, to prevent inductive and capacitive interference from affecting the correct functioning of the inverter. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 9
    EN 60204, Repair Warnings ♦ Repairs on equipment may only be carried out by Siemens Service, by repair centers authorized by Siemens or by qualified personnel who are thoroughly acquainted with all the warnings and operating procedures contained in this manual.
  • Page 10
    International English FOREWORD MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 11: Table Of Contents

    Ambient operating conditions ………………19 Mechanical Installation ………………..20 Electrical Installation ………………..21 Commissioning ………………….27 Front Panels for the MICROMASTER 420 …………..29 General operation ………………….. 34 Using the MICROMASTER 420 …………….37 Frequency Setpoint………………… 38 Command Sources (P0700) ………………38 OFF and braking Functions ………………

  • Page 12
    D — Removing ‘Y’ Cap Frame Size A ………………115 E — Removing ‘Y’ Cap Frame Sizes B and C …………….117 F — User Parameter Settings …………………. 119 G — Applicable Standards ………………….121 H — List of Abbreviations………………….123 Index ……………………..125 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 13
    Motor and Power Connections ………………23 Figure 2-4 Wiring Guidelines to Minimize the Effects of EMI …………. 25 Figure 3-1 Panels available for the MICROMASTER 420 Inverter ………… 29 Figure 3-2 Basic operation with SDP………………..30 Figure 3-3 Buttons on the Basic Operator Panel…………….31 Figure 3-4 Changing parameters via the BOP………………
  • Page 14
    MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 15: Overview

    OVERVIEW International English Overview This Chapter contains: A summary of the major features of the MICROMASTER 420 range. The MICROMASTER 420………………. 16 Features ……………………16 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 16: The Micromaster 420

    Comprehensive protective functions provide excellent inverter and motor protection. The MICROMASTER 420 with its default factory settings, is ideal for a large range of simple motor control applications. The MICROMASTER 420 can also be used for more advanced motor control applications via its comprehensive parameter lists.

  • Page 17: Installation

    General data relating to installation ♦ Dimensions of Inverter ♦ Wiring guidelines to minimize the effects of EMI ♦ Details concerning electrical installation General……………………18 Ambient operating conditions ………………19 Mechanical Installation ………………..20 Electrical Installation ………………..21 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 18: General

    Apply 25% of input voltage for 2 hours Increase volts to 50% for a further 2 hours Increase volts to 75% for a further 2 hours Increase volts to 100% for a further 2 hours Inverter ready for run signal MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 19: Ambient Operating Conditions

    Overheating Mount the inverter vertically to ensure optimum cooling. Additional ventilation may be required for horizontal mounting. Ensure that the inverter’s air vents are not obstructed. Allow 100 mm clearance above and below the inverter. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 20: Mechanical Installation

    4 washers M5 204 mm 8.03″ 245 mm Tightening 9.65″ torque (unit to cabinet) with washers fitted: 3 Nm 174 mm 185 mm 195 mm 6.85″ 7.28″ 7.68″ Figure 2-1 Drill pattern for MICROMASTER 420 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 21: Electrical Installation

    A type B RCD is used. The trip limit of the RCD is 300mA. The neutral of the supply is grounded. Only one inverter is supplied from each RCD. The output cables are less than 50m (screened) or 100m (unscreened). MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 22
    To tighten up the power terminal screws use a 4 — 5 mm cross-tip screwdriver. Access to the power and motor terminals The procedure for accessing the power and motor terminals on the MICROMASTER 420 Inverter is illustrated in Appendices B and C. Please also refer to the photographs showing the Power Terminal connections and the Control Terminal connections on the inside of the back cover of this manual.
  • Page 23
  • Page 24
    ♦ Use screened or armored cables for the motor connections and ground the screen at both ends using the cable clamps Warning Safety regulations must not be compromised when installing inverters! MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 25
    Use suitable clips to fix motor and control cable screens securely to metal back plate Note To enhance the screening of the motor and control cables, the optional Gland Plate can be used (not shown in Figure 2-4). MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 26
    International English 2. INSTALLATION MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 27: Commissioning

    Basic Operator Panel (BOP) ♦ An 8-step guide at the end of the Chapter, which provides a simple procedure for changing parameters Front Panels for the MICROMASTER 420 …………..29 General operation ………………….. 34 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 28
    Only qualified personnel may enter settings in the control panels. Particular attention must be paid to safety precautions and warnings at all times. The MICROMASTER 420 is supplied with a Status Display Panel (SDP) and default parameter settings that cover the following requirements: ♦…
  • Page 29: Front Panels For The Micromaster 420

    Front Panels for the MICROMASTER 420 Front panels The front panels shown below are available for use with the MICROMASTER 420 Inverters. The panel on the left is supplied with the inverter as standard and is referred to as the Status Display Panel (SDP). The Basic Operator Panel (BOP) and Advanced Operator Panel (AOP) are available as options.

  • Page 30: Table 3-2 Default Settings For Operation Using The Bop

    Commissioning with the Basic Operator Panel (BOP) The Basic Operator Panel (BOP), which is available as an option, provides access to the inverter parameters and enables you to customize the settings of your MICROMASTER 420. The BOP can be used to configure several MICROMASTER 420 150.00 Inverters.

  • Page 31: Figure 3-3 Buttons On The Basic Operator Panel

    To change the Frequency Setpoint via the BOP set P1000 = 1. Pressing this button decreases the displayed value. Decrease value To change the Frequency Setpoint via the BOP set P1000 = 1. Figure 3-3 Buttons on the Basic Operator Panel MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 32: Figure 3-4 Changing Parameters Via The Bop

    Note — Busy Message In some cases — when changing parameter values — the display on the BOP shows » — — — -«. This means the inverter is busy with tasks of higher priority. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 33: Figure 3-5 Typical Motor Rating Plate Example

    Figure 3-6. 1 kΩ Figure 3-6 Motor Overload PTC Connection Note: To enable the trip function, set parameter P0701, P0702 or P0703 = 29. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 34: General Operation

    (P0005 = 21) the corresponding setpoint is displayed approximately every 1.0 seconds while the inverter is stopped. 3. The inverter is programmed at the factory for standard applications on Siemens four- pole standard motors that have the same power rating as the inverters. When using other motors it is necessary to enter the specifications from the motor’s rating plate.

  • Page 35
    3. When the inverter reaches 50 Hz, press the ‘DOWN’ Button. Motor speed and display is decreased. 4. Change the direction of rotation with the FORWARD / REVERSE Button. 5. The red button STOPS the motor. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 36
    AOUT + 12 0-20mA AOUT — Serial Link (RS485) The Analogue input circuit can be alternatively configured to provide an additional digital input (DIN4) as shown. DIN4 – 0V (Isolated) Figure 3-7 Inverter block diagram MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 37: Using The Micromaster 420

    4. USING THE MICROMASTER 420 International English Using the MICROMASTER 420 This Chapter contains: ♦ An explanation of the various methods of controlling your inverter Frequency Setpoint………………… 38 Command Sources (P0700) ………………38 OFF and braking Functions ………………39 Control Modes (P1300)………………..40 Faults and warnings………………..

  • Page 38: Frequency Setpoint

    International English 4. USING THE MICROMASTER 420 Warnings ♦ When operating electrical devices, it is impossible to avoid applying hazardous voltages to certain parts of the equipment. ♦ Emergency Stop facilities according to EN 60204 IEC 204 (VDE 0113) must remain operative in all operating modes of the control equipment.

  • Page 39: Off And Braking Functions

    4. USING THE MICROMASTER 420 International English Reversing the motor Standard Terminal 6 (DIN 2) Options see P0700 to P0704 OFF and braking Functions 4.3.1 OFF1 This command (produced by canceling the ON command) causes the inverter to come to a standstill at the selected ramp-down rate.

  • Page 40: Control Modes (P1300)

    P1236 Control Modes (P1300) The various modes of operation of the MICROMASTER 420 control the relationship between the speed of the motor and the voltage supplied by the inverter. There are four modes of operation:…

  • Page 41: System Parameters

    ♦ An in-depth description of what the parameter actually does Overview of MICROMASTER System Parameters ..Error! Bookmark not defined. Introduction to MICROMASTER System Parameters… Error! Bookmark not defined. System Parameters and Definitions ……Error! Bookmark not defined. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 42: Overview Of Micromaster System Parameters

    The MM420 is therefore delivered with the following default settings: ♦ Motor Parameters to suit a Siemens 4 pole motor to match the drive power and voltage. ♦ Setpoint control from the Analog input; 0 – 10V corresponding to 0 to 50 Hz or 0 to 60 Hz (North America).

  • Page 43: Introduction To Micromaster System Parameters

    ♦ If an attempt is made to change a parameter that cannot be changed in this status, for example, cannot be changed whilst running or can only be changed in quick commissioning, then will be displayed. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 44
    Reset to Factory default To reset all parameters to the factory default settings; the following parameters should be set as follows: 1. Set P0010=30. 2. Set P0970=1. Note The reset process takes approximately 10 seconds to complete. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 45
    0340 Calculation of motor parameters 0350 Stator resistance, line-to-line 0611 Motor I t time constant 0614 Motor I t overload warning level 0640 Motor overload factor 1910 Select motor data identification 1912 Identified stator resistance MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 46
    0010 Commissioning Parameter filter 0010 Commissioning Parameter filter 0918 Profibus address 0947 Last fault code 0927 Parameters changeable via 2110 Warning history 2000 Reference frequency 2197 CO/BO: Status word 1 monitor 2010 USS baud rate 2011 USS address MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 47
    PI: tranducer type 2272 CO: PI scaled feedback signal 2273 CO: PI error 2280 PI: proportional gain 2285 PI: integral time 2291 PI: output upper limit 2292 PI: output lower limit 2294 CO: PI output MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 48: System Parameters And Definitions

    “User defined parameter list – see P0013 (Level 3) for details on use” “Standard”: allows access into most frequently used parameters “Extended”: allows extended access to inverter I/O functions “Expert”: for expert use only. “Service”: only for use by authorized service personnel –password protected. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 49
    Quick Commissioning Factory setting Notes: This parameter must be reset to 0 before the inverter will run (Automatic when P3900 ≠ 0 (default)). The accessible parameters are also affected by the User Access Level parameter (P0003). MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 50
    P0040. P0040 Reset energy consumption meter Resets energy consumption display to zero. Possible Settings: 0 = No reset 1 = Reset r0039 to 0 Note: Reset occurs when “P” is pressed. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 51
    Inverter overload Notes: The individual status bits can be configured to the digital output using P0731. To enable the user to read the relevant parameter bits display, refer to the diagram below: > & » MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 52
    Actual frequency ≥ setpoint Bit 6 Voltage < threshold Bit 7 Voltage > threshold Bit 8 Bit 9 reserve PI frequency < threshold Bit A Bit b PI saturation Note: Refer to the bitmap diagram on page 51. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 53
    Rated drive power [kW] or [hp] Displays the nominal motor power rating, which can be supplied by the inverter. Note: The display will be in kW or hp dependent on the setting of P0100 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 54
    Υ Υ Υ Υ = = = = 440-480 95.75% == == == ==∆/Υ ∆/Υ ∆/Υ ∆/Υ= = = = 220-240/380-420 V 45kg P0344 11.1-11.3 A 19.7-20.6/11.4-11.9 A P0308 P0311 P0309 Note: This parameter can only be changed when P0010=1. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 55
    This parameter is only visible when P0100 = 1, i.e. when the motor power is entered in hp. Note: A setting of 0 will cause the value to be calculated internally. P0310 Motor frequency rating [50] ‘ ’ Nominal motor frequency (Hz) from rating plate — see diagram P0304 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 56
    The value entered in P0350 is the one from the method last used. P0611 Motor I t time constant 16000 [***] Defines motor thermal time constant and is automatically calculated from the motor data (P0340). Note: Larger number increases time taken for calculated motor temperature to change. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 57
    29 External trip 33 Disable additional setpoint (defined in P1000) 99 Enable BICO parameterization – for expert use only Can only be reset via P0700 or P3900 = 1, 2 or factory setting P0970 = 1 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 58
    29 External trip 33 Disable additional setpoint (defined in P1000) Enable BICO parameterization – for expert use only Can only be reset via P0700 or P3900 = 1, 2 or factory setting P0970 = 1. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 59
    Bit 01 «Digital input 2» 0 OFF 1 Active Bit 02 «Digital input 3» 0 OFF 1 Active Bit 03 «Digital input 4 (Via AIN)» 1 Active Note When the signal is active the segment is lit. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 60
    Controller output at lower limit (P2291) Closed Open Note These are the most common settings. Other settings are possible in Expert mode. r0752 Analog input voltage Displays the smohthed analog input value in volts before the characteristic block MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 61
    When monitoring is enabled and a deadband is defined (P0761), a fault condition will be generated (F0080) when the analog input voltage falls below 50% of the deadband voltage. Note: This function is disabled if the analog scaling block (see P0757 – P0760) is programmed to output negative setpoints. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 62
    Value X2 of analog input scaling Sets value of X2 as described in P0757 [10] ‘•’ P0760 Value Y2 of analog input scaling -99999 99999 Sets value of Y2 as described in P0757 [100] ‘•’ MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 63
    P0758 = -100% P0761 = 0.1 (0.1V either side of center) P2000 = 50Hz Note: Fmin (P1080) should be zero when using center zero setup. There is no hysteresis at the end of the dead band MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 64
    Defines x2 of output characteristic P0780 Value Y2 of analog output characteristics [20] ‘•’ Defines y2 of output characteristic P0781 Analog output deadband ‘•’ Sets the width of a dead-band in mA for the analog output. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 65
    E.g. if you want to set value 15, you will need to set the display to indicate 15 in Binary (with the separating bars in-between “b — — n n” or if you wanted to set 11 – “b — — r n” etc. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 66
    Index 2 is only used if a 2 fault occurs before the 1 is acknowledged. P0970 Factory reset Resets all parameters to their default values. To do this, you need to set P0010=30, then P0970=1 P0100 is set according DIP Switch setting MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 67
    The most common settings are: Keypad (Motor potentiometer) setpoint Analog input Fixed frequency setpoint USS via RS232 USS via RS485 terminals Optional Communication Board Other settings including an additional setpoint can be selected using the table above. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 68
    P1002 Fixed frequency 2 -650 ‘ • ’ Defines fixed frequency setpoint 2 See description for P1001 P1003 Fixed frequency 3 -650 [10] ‘ • ’ Defines fixed frequency setpoint 3 See description for P1001 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 69
    Reverse direction is allowed – it is possible to change motor direction using the keypad (Motor potentiometer) setpoint (increase / decrease frequency either by using digital inputs or keypad up / down buttons) Reverse direction inhibited MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 70
    JOG ramp-up time [10] ‘•’ Sets ramp-up time. This is the time used while jogging or when the function “use jog ramp times” is activated. f (Hz) f max (P1082) time (s) Jog Ramp up time (P1060) MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 71
    3 x the nominal rating plate motor frequency. The maximum frequency can be exceeded if either of the following is active: Slip compensation (f slip comp max Flying restart slip nom MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 72
    Notes Setting the ramp-down time too short can cause the inverter to trip (overvoltage (F0002) / overcurrent (F0001)). Changes to the ramp-up or ramp-down times are not active until confirmed by pressing the P key. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 73
    Defines smoothing time at end of ramp-up as shown in P1130. P1132 Ramp-down initial rounding time ‘•’ Defines smoothing time at start of ramp-down as shown in P1130. P1133 Ramp-down final rounding time ‘•’ Defines smoothing time at end of ramp-down as shown in P1130. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 74
    Defines continuous smoothing (default) or discontinuous smoothing as a response to OFF commands or setpoint reduction. The total smoothing time must be set > 0s; otherwise this parameter will have no effect. Possible settings: Continuous Discontinuous freq Continuous Discontinuous Stop Time MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 75
    Once this happens, the motor will run up to its setpoint using the normal ramp time. Note: Settings 1 to 3 search in both directions. In order to search only in direction of setpoint it is necessary to set 4 to 6. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 76
    The brake relay opens at Point 1 if enabled using P0731. The brake relay closes at Point 2. P1216 Holding brake release delay Defines the time at which the inverter runs at f before ramping up at point 1 (as shown in P1215 diagram). MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 77
    Increasing the value will generally improve braking performance; however, if you set the value too high, an overvoltage trip may result. Possible settings: Compound braking disabled 1 – 250 Level of DC braking current defined as a % of motor rated current (P0305) MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 78
    Controls the relationship between the speed of the motor and the voltage supplied by the inverter. Possible values Linear V/f (default) FCC(Flux Current Control) – maintains motor flux current for improved efficiency Quadratic V/f – suitable for centrifugal fans/pumps Multi-point V/f (programmable – in Expert Mode only. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 79
    ♦ The achievable boost value is limited by the setting in P0640. ♦ Increasing the Boost Levels increases the heating of the motor especially at standstill. ♦ Σ Boosts < 300/I mot * R S MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 80
    ON command and is active until setpoint is reached for the 1 time. This is useful for starting loads with high inertia. V Max V Max V Nom (P0304) Normal V/f P1312 F Nom F Max (P0310) (P1082) MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 81
    4 kHz 6 kHz 8 kHz 10 kHz 12 kHz 14 kHz 16 kHz Power 0.37 0.55 0.75 10.2 10.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 18.4 18.4 13.2 13.2 26.0 26.0 17.9 17.9 13.5 13.5 10.4 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 82
    Identified stator resistance Displays measured stator resistance value (line-to-line) in Ohms (measured using P1910 = Ohms 1 or 2). P2000 Reference frequency [***] Full-scale frequency setting used by serial link, analog I/O. This corresponds to 4000H. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 83
    If a warning is active, the keypad will be flashing: the LED’s indicate warning status. If an AOP is in use, the display shows active Warning history and text. Indices 0 and 1are not stored. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 84
    P1 control can lead to instabilities. Note 4 In level 3, the PI controller source enable can also come from the digital inputs in settings 722.0 to 722.2 for DIN1 – DIN3 or any other BICO source. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 85
    Fixed PI setpoint 3 -130 [20] ‘•’ Refer to the description in P2201 for Fixed Setpoint 1. P2204 Fixed PI setpoint 4 -130 [30] ‘•’ Refer to the description in P2201 for Fixed Setpoint 1. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 86
    BOP or by setting P0702 or P0703 to 13 and 14. r2250 CO: Source of PI setpoint -130 Displays the active digital PI setpoint in %. [10.00] ‘•’ P2253 CI: PI setpoint 2248.0 ‘•’ MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 87
    The PI ramp time is only effective on the PI setpoint and only active when the PI setpoint is changed, or when a RUN command is given (when the PI uses this ramp to reach its value from 0%). MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 88
    P756 – P760. Note 2 Refer to “Using BICO” description for further details of other settings. P2265 PI: feedback filter timeconst. ‘•’ Defines PI feedback filter time constant. r2266 CO: PI feedback Displays PI feedback signal MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 89
    If the P term is set to 0 the I term acts on the square of the error signal. P2285 PI: integral time ‘•’ Allows the User to set the PI controller integral time constant. Refer to P2280 above for detail. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 90
    Calculates a variety of motor parameters – overwriting previous values, including P0344 (motor weight), P0350 (Level 3) stator resistance), P0346 (Level 3, magnetization time) and P0347 ((Level 3 demagnetization time), P2000 (reference frequency), P2002 (reference current). MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 91: Troubleshooting

    ♦ A list of the fault codes that may appear on the display of the BOP. The cause and recommended corrective action are indicated for each fault code listed. Troubleshooting with the Status Display Panel…………92 Troubleshooting with the Basic Operator Panel…………93 MICROMASTER 420 fault codes …………….94 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 92: Troubleshooting With The Status Display Panel

    6. TROUBLESHOOTING Warnings ♦ Repairs on equipment may only be carried out by Siemens Service, by repair centers authorized by Siemens or by qualified personnel who are thoroughly acquainted with all the warnings and operating procedures contained in this manual.

  • Page 93: Troubleshooting With The Basic Operator Panel

    P to reset the inverter to the factory default parameter values. Now use a switch between terminals 5 and 8 on the control board. The drive should now run to the defined setpoint by analogue input. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 94: Micromaster 420 Fault Codes

    International English 6. TROUBLESHOOTING MICROMASTER 420 fault codes In the event of a failure, the inverter switches off and a fault code appears on the display. Table 6-2 MICROMASTER 420 Fault Codes Fault Code Description Possible Causes Diagnosis & Remedy…

  • Page 95
    2 — Some of the control board tests have failed 4 — Some of the functional tests have failed 8 — Some of the IO module tests have failed. Vector only 16 — The Internal Ram has failed its check on power-up MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 96: Table 6-3 Micromaster 420 Warning Codes

    International English 6. TROUBLESHOOTING Table 6-3 MICROMASTER 420 Warning Codes Warning Description Possible Cause Diagnosis & Remedy Code A0501 Current Limit 1. Check whether the motor power corresponds to the inverter power. 2. Check that the cable length limits have not been exceeded.

  • Page 97
    A0923 JOG right and JOG left JOG right and JOG left signals Make sure that JOG right and JOG signals active active together left signals are not applied simultaneously MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 98
    International English 6. TROUBLESHOOTING MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 99: Micromaster 420 Specifications

    7. MICROMASTER 420 SPECIFICATIONS International English MICROMASTER 420 Specifications Table 7-1 MICROMASTER 420 Specifications 230 V Single Phase MICROMASTER Inverters (with built in Class A Filter) Order No. (6SE6420-2AB) 11-2AA0 12-5AA0 13-7AA0 15-5AA0 17-5AA0 21-1BA0 21-5BA0 22-2BA0 23-0CA0 Input voltage range…

  • Page 100
    International English 7. MICROMASTER 420 SPECIFICATIONS 230 V Three Phase MICROMASTER Inverters (unfiltered) Order No. (6SE6420-2UC) 24-0CA0 25-5CA0 Input voltage range 3AC 200V — 240V +10% -10% Motor output rating kW (hp) 4 (5) 5.5 (7.5) Output KVA Output current Max. A 17.5…
  • Page 101: Table 7-2 Micromaster Performance Ratings

    7. MICROMASTER 420 SPECIFICATIONS International English Table 7-2 MICROMASTER Performance Ratings Feature Specification 200 to 240 V ± 10% 1AC Mains Operating Voltage 200 to 240 V ± 10% 3AC 380 to 480 V ± 10% 3AC 200 to 240 V ± 10% 1AC Power Ranges 0.12kW –…

  • Page 102: Table 7-4 Micromaster 420 Fuses — Sizes And Types

    International English 7. MICROMASTER 420 SPECIFICATIONS Table 7-4 MICROMASTER 420 Fuses – Sizes and Types Inverter Power Inverter Voltage Inverter Filter Frame Inverter Order Standard (kW) Power (hp) Class Size Number (MLFB) Fuses 0.12 0.16 230 1ph Unfiltered FS A…

  • Page 103: Supplementary Information

    8. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION International English Supplementary Information This Chapter contains: Supplementary information. Available options …………Error! Bookmark not defined. Electro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) ……Error! Bookmark not defined. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 104: Available Options

    Available options The following accessories are available as options for your MICROMASTER MM420 Inverter. For more details please refer to the Reference Manual or contact your local Siemens sales office if you require assistance. • Additional RFI suppression filter •…

  • Page 105: Table 8-1 Class 1 — General Industrial

    Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Field, ENV 50 140 80-1000 MHz, 10 V/m, 80% AM, amplitude modulated power and signal lines Radio-frequency Electromagnetic Field, ENV 50 204 900 MHz, 10 V/m 50% duty pulse modulated cycle, 200 Hz repetition rate MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 106: Table 8-3 Class 3 — Filtered For Residential, Commercial And Light Industry

    The MICROMASTER inverters are intended exclusively for professional applications. Therefore, they do not fall within the scope of the harmonics emissions specification EN 61000-3-2. • Maximum mains supply voltage when filters are fitted is 460V. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 107: Table 8-4 Compliance Table

    Frame size A units 400-480 V with external Class A footprint filters 6SE6400-2FA00-6AD0 Class 3 – Filtered for residential, commercial and light industry 6SE6420-2U***-**A0 with Unfiltered units fitted with external Class B footprint filters. 6SE6400-2FB0*-***0 * denotes any value is allowed. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 108
    International English 8. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 109: A — Changing The Operator Panel

    APPENDIX A International English A — Changing the Operator Panel MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 110
    International English APPENDIX A MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 111: B — Removing Covers Frame Size A

    APPENDIX B International English B — Removing Covers Frame Size A » MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 112
    International English APPENDIX B MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 113: C — Removing Covers Frame Sizes B And C

    APPENDIX C International English C — Removing Covers Frame Sizes B and C MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 114
    International English APPENDIX C » MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 115: D — Removing ‘Y’ Cap Frame Size A

    APPENDIX D International English D — Removing ‘Y’ Cap Frame Size A LK 700 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 116
    International English APPENDIX D MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 117: E — Removing ‘Y’ Cap Frame Sizes B And C

    APPENDIX E International English E — Removing ‘Y’ Cap Frame Sizes B and C LK700 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 118
    International English APPENDIX E MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 119: F — User Parameter Settings

    P2264 P0731 52:3 P1133 P2265 r0752 P1134 r2266 r0754 P1135 P2271 r0755 P1200 r2272 P0756 P1210 r2273 P0757 P1215 P2280 P0758 P1216 P2285 P0759 P1217 P2291 P0760 P1232 P2292 P0761 P1233 r2294 P0771 P1236 P3900 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 120
    International English APPENDIX F MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 121: G — Applicable Standards

    Product Standard for Power Drive Systems EN61800-3. Underwriters Laboratories UL and CUL LISTED POWER CONVERSION EQUIPMENT 5B33 for use in a pollution degree 2 ISO 9001 Siemens plc operates a quality management system, which complies with the requirements of ISO 9001. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 122
    International English APPENDIX G MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 123: H — List Of Abbreviations

    Fast Current Limitation IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor Liquid Crystal Display Light Emitting Diode Proportional and Integral Programmable Logic Controller Positive Temperature Coefficient RCCB Residual Current Circuit breaker Residual Current Device Revolutions Per Minute Standard Display Panel MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 124
    International English APPENDIX H MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 125: Index

    BOP fitted · 40 Performance characteristics · 16 SDP fitted · 40 Power and motor connections · 22 Frame sizes single phase · 23 removing the Y Cap from frame size A · 115 Power and motor terminals MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 126
    & disposal · 9 warnings and faults states · 30 general · 7 System Parameters and Definitions · 48 operation · 9 repair · 9 transport & storage · 8 Water hazard · 19 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 127
    Date of Issue: A1 Should you come across any printing Company/Service Department errors when reading this publication, Address: please notify us on this sheet. Suggestions for improvement are also welcome. Telephone: __________ / Telefax: ________ / MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 128
    MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 129
    VIEW OF UNITS International English Frame Size A Frame Size B & C View of Unit Standard Display Panel fitted Power Terminal Connections Control Terminal Connections Access to “Y Cap“ MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 130
    Order Number *6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0* Drawing Number *G85139-K1790-U201-A2* A&D SD VM 4 © Siemens AG, 2000 Subject to change without prior notice Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Order No.: 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0Operating Instructions Printed in UK. Date: October 2000…
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Operating Instructions

Issue A2

User Documentation

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Summary of Contents for Siemens Micromaster 420

  • Page 1
    MICROMASTER Operating Instructions Issue A2 User Documentation…
  • Page 3
    Overview Installation Commissioning MICROMASTER 420 Using the MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions System Parameters User Documentation Troubleshooting MICROMASTER 420 Specifications Supplementary Information Appendices Valid for Release Inverter Type Control Version MICROMASTER 420 October 2000 Index Issue: A2…
  • Page 4
    We welcome suggestions for improvement. MICROMASTER® is a registered trademark of Siemens. Siemens handbooks are printed on chlorine-free paper that has been produced from managed sustainable forests. No solvents have been used in the printing or binding process.
  • Page 5
    ♦ Getting Started Guide The Getting Started Guide is designed to give you quick access to all the basic information required to install and set up your MICROMASTER 420 for operation. ♦ Operating Instructions The Operating Instructions provide detailed information for installation and operation of your MICROMASTER 420.
  • Page 6: Using The

    Siemens. Contact address Should any questions or problems arise while reading this manual, please contact the Siemens office concerned using the form provided at the back this manual. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 7: Micromaster

    Please read the information carefully, since it is provided for your personal safety and will also help prolong the service life of your MICROMASTER 420 Inverter and the equipment you connect to it. General Warnings ♦…

  • Page 8
    The connection of power, motor and control cables to the inverter must be carried out as shown in Figure 2-4 on page 25, to prevent inductive and capacitive interference from affecting the correct functioning of the inverter. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 9
    EN 60204, Repair Warnings ♦ Repairs on equipment may only be carried out by Siemens Service, by repair centers authorized by Siemens or by qualified personnel who are thoroughly acquainted with all the warnings and operating procedures contained in this manual.
  • Page 10
    International English FOREWORD MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 11: Table Of Contents

    Ambient operating conditions ………………19 Mechanical Installation ………………..20 Electrical Installation ………………..21 Commissioning ………………….27 Front Panels for the MICROMASTER 420 …………..29 General operation ………………….. 34 Using the MICROMASTER 420 …………….37 Frequency Setpoint………………… 38 Command Sources (P0700) ………………38 OFF and braking Functions ………………

  • Page 12
    D — Removing ‘Y’ Cap Frame Size A ………………115 E — Removing ‘Y’ Cap Frame Sizes B and C …………….117 F — User Parameter Settings …………………. 119 G — Applicable Standards ………………….121 H — List of Abbreviations………………….123 Index ……………………..125 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 13
    Motor and Power Connections ………………23 Figure 2-4 Wiring Guidelines to Minimize the Effects of EMI …………. 25 Figure 3-1 Panels available for the MICROMASTER 420 Inverter ………… 29 Figure 3-2 Basic operation with SDP………………..30 Figure 3-3 Buttons on the Basic Operator Panel…………….31 Figure 3-4 Changing parameters via the BOP………………
  • Page 14
    MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 15: Overview

    OVERVIEW International English Overview This Chapter contains: A summary of the major features of the MICROMASTER 420 range. The MICROMASTER 420………………. 16 Features ……………………16 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 16: The Micromaster 420

    Comprehensive protective functions provide excellent inverter and motor protection. The MICROMASTER 420 with its default factory settings, is ideal for a large range of simple motor control applications. The MICROMASTER 420 can also be used for more advanced motor control applications via its comprehensive parameter lists.

  • Page 17: Installation

    General data relating to installation ♦ Dimensions of Inverter ♦ Wiring guidelines to minimize the effects of EMI ♦ Details concerning electrical installation General……………………18 Ambient operating conditions ………………19 Mechanical Installation ………………..20 Electrical Installation ………………..21 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 18: General

    Apply 25% of input voltage for 2 hours Increase volts to 50% for a further 2 hours Increase volts to 75% for a further 2 hours Increase volts to 100% for a further 2 hours Inverter ready for run signal MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 19: Ambient Operating Conditions

    Overheating Mount the inverter vertically to ensure optimum cooling. Additional ventilation may be required for horizontal mounting. Ensure that the inverter’s air vents are not obstructed. Allow 100 mm clearance above and below the inverter. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 20: Mechanical Installation

    4 washers M5 204 mm 8.03″ 245 mm Tightening 9.65″ torque (unit to cabinet) with washers fitted: 3 Nm 174 mm 185 mm 195 mm 6.85″ 7.28″ 7.68″ Figure 2-1 Drill pattern for MICROMASTER 420 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 21: Electrical Installation

    A type B RCD is used. The trip limit of the RCD is 300mA. The neutral of the supply is grounded. Only one inverter is supplied from each RCD. The output cables are less than 50m (screened) or 100m (unscreened). MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 22
    To tighten up the power terminal screws use a 4 — 5 mm cross-tip screwdriver. Access to the power and motor terminals The procedure for accessing the power and motor terminals on the MICROMASTER 420 Inverter is illustrated in Appendices B and C. Please also refer to the photographs showing the Power Terminal connections and the Control Terminal connections on the inside of the back cover of this manual.
  • Page 23
  • Page 24
    ♦ Use screened or armored cables for the motor connections and ground the screen at both ends using the cable clamps Warning Safety regulations must not be compromised when installing inverters! MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 25
    Use suitable clips to fix motor and control cable screens securely to metal back plate Note To enhance the screening of the motor and control cables, the optional Gland Plate can be used (not shown in Figure 2-4). MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 26
    International English 2. INSTALLATION MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 27: Commissioning

    Basic Operator Panel (BOP) ♦ An 8-step guide at the end of the Chapter, which provides a simple procedure for changing parameters Front Panels for the MICROMASTER 420 …………..29 General operation ………………….. 34 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 28
    Only qualified personnel may enter settings in the control panels. Particular attention must be paid to safety precautions and warnings at all times. The MICROMASTER 420 is supplied with a Status Display Panel (SDP) and default parameter settings that cover the following requirements: ♦…
  • Page 29: Front Panels For The Micromaster 420

    Front Panels for the MICROMASTER 420 Front panels The front panels shown below are available for use with the MICROMASTER 420 Inverters. The panel on the left is supplied with the inverter as standard and is referred to as the Status Display Panel (SDP). The Basic Operator Panel (BOP) and Advanced Operator Panel (AOP) are available as options.

  • Page 30: Table 3-2 Default Settings For Operation Using The Bop

    Commissioning with the Basic Operator Panel (BOP) The Basic Operator Panel (BOP), which is available as an option, provides access to the inverter parameters and enables you to customize the settings of your MICROMASTER 420. The BOP can be used to configure several MICROMASTER 420 150.00 Inverters.

  • Page 31: Figure 3-3 Buttons On The Basic Operator Panel

    To change the Frequency Setpoint via the BOP set P1000 = 1. Pressing this button decreases the displayed value. Decrease value To change the Frequency Setpoint via the BOP set P1000 = 1. Figure 3-3 Buttons on the Basic Operator Panel MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 32: Figure 3-4 Changing Parameters Via The Bop

    Note — Busy Message In some cases — when changing parameter values — the display on the BOP shows » — — — -«. This means the inverter is busy with tasks of higher priority. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 33: Figure 3-5 Typical Motor Rating Plate Example

    Figure 3-6. 1 kΩ Figure 3-6 Motor Overload PTC Connection Note: To enable the trip function, set parameter P0701, P0702 or P0703 = 29. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 34: General Operation

    (P0005 = 21) the corresponding setpoint is displayed approximately every 1.0 seconds while the inverter is stopped. 3. The inverter is programmed at the factory for standard applications on Siemens four- pole standard motors that have the same power rating as the inverters. When using other motors it is necessary to enter the specifications from the motor’s rating plate.

  • Page 35
    3. When the inverter reaches 50 Hz, press the ‘DOWN’ Button. Motor speed and display is decreased. 4. Change the direction of rotation with the FORWARD / REVERSE Button. 5. The red button STOPS the motor. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 36
    AOUT + 12 0-20mA AOUT — Serial Link (RS485) The Analogue input circuit can be alternatively configured to provide an additional digital input (DIN4) as shown. DIN4 – 0V (Isolated) Figure 3-7 Inverter block diagram MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 37: Using The Micromaster 420

    4. USING THE MICROMASTER 420 International English Using the MICROMASTER 420 This Chapter contains: ♦ An explanation of the various methods of controlling your inverter Frequency Setpoint………………… 38 Command Sources (P0700) ………………38 OFF and braking Functions ………………39 Control Modes (P1300)………………..40 Faults and warnings………………..

  • Page 38: Frequency Setpoint

    International English 4. USING THE MICROMASTER 420 Warnings ♦ When operating electrical devices, it is impossible to avoid applying hazardous voltages to certain parts of the equipment. ♦ Emergency Stop facilities according to EN 60204 IEC 204 (VDE 0113) must remain operative in all operating modes of the control equipment.

  • Page 39: Off And Braking Functions

    4. USING THE MICROMASTER 420 International English Reversing the motor Standard Terminal 6 (DIN 2) Options see P0700 to P0704 OFF and braking Functions 4.3.1 OFF1 This command (produced by canceling the ON command) causes the inverter to come to a standstill at the selected ramp-down rate.

  • Page 40: Control Modes (P1300)

    P1236 Control Modes (P1300) The various modes of operation of the MICROMASTER 420 control the relationship between the speed of the motor and the voltage supplied by the inverter. There are four modes of operation:…

  • Page 41: System Parameters

    ♦ An in-depth description of what the parameter actually does Overview of MICROMASTER System Parameters ..Error! Bookmark not defined. Introduction to MICROMASTER System Parameters… Error! Bookmark not defined. System Parameters and Definitions ……Error! Bookmark not defined. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 42: Overview Of Micromaster System Parameters

    The MM420 is therefore delivered with the following default settings: ♦ Motor Parameters to suit a Siemens 4 pole motor to match the drive power and voltage. ♦ Setpoint control from the Analog input; 0 – 10V corresponding to 0 to 50 Hz or 0 to 60 Hz (North America).

  • Page 43: Introduction To Micromaster System Parameters

    ♦ If an attempt is made to change a parameter that cannot be changed in this status, for example, cannot be changed whilst running or can only be changed in quick commissioning, then will be displayed. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 44
    Reset to Factory default To reset all parameters to the factory default settings; the following parameters should be set as follows: 1. Set P0010=30. 2. Set P0970=1. Note The reset process takes approximately 10 seconds to complete. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 45
    0340 Calculation of motor parameters 0350 Stator resistance, line-to-line 0611 Motor I t time constant 0614 Motor I t overload warning level 0640 Motor overload factor 1910 Select motor data identification 1912 Identified stator resistance MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 46
    0010 Commissioning Parameter filter 0010 Commissioning Parameter filter 0918 Profibus address 0947 Last fault code 0927 Parameters changeable via 2110 Warning history 2000 Reference frequency 2197 CO/BO: Status word 1 monitor 2010 USS baud rate 2011 USS address MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 47
    PI: tranducer type 2272 CO: PI scaled feedback signal 2273 CO: PI error 2280 PI: proportional gain 2285 PI: integral time 2291 PI: output upper limit 2292 PI: output lower limit 2294 CO: PI output MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 48: System Parameters And Definitions

    “User defined parameter list – see P0013 (Level 3) for details on use” “Standard”: allows access into most frequently used parameters “Extended”: allows extended access to inverter I/O functions “Expert”: for expert use only. “Service”: only for use by authorized service personnel –password protected. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 49
    Quick Commissioning Factory setting Notes: This parameter must be reset to 0 before the inverter will run (Automatic when P3900 ≠ 0 (default)). The accessible parameters are also affected by the User Access Level parameter (P0003). MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 50
    P0040. P0040 Reset energy consumption meter Resets energy consumption display to zero. Possible Settings: 0 = No reset 1 = Reset r0039 to 0 Note: Reset occurs when “P” is pressed. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 51
    Inverter overload Notes: The individual status bits can be configured to the digital output using P0731. To enable the user to read the relevant parameter bits display, refer to the diagram below: > & » MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 52
    Actual frequency ≥ setpoint Bit 6 Voltage < threshold Bit 7 Voltage > threshold Bit 8 Bit 9 reserve PI frequency < threshold Bit A Bit b PI saturation Note: Refer to the bitmap diagram on page 51. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 53
    Rated drive power [kW] or [hp] Displays the nominal motor power rating, which can be supplied by the inverter. Note: The display will be in kW or hp dependent on the setting of P0100 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 54
    Υ Υ Υ Υ = = = = 440-480 95.75% == == == ==∆/Υ ∆/Υ ∆/Υ ∆/Υ= = = = 220-240/380-420 V 45kg P0344 11.1-11.3 A 19.7-20.6/11.4-11.9 A P0308 P0311 P0309 Note: This parameter can only be changed when P0010=1. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 55
    This parameter is only visible when P0100 = 1, i.e. when the motor power is entered in hp. Note: A setting of 0 will cause the value to be calculated internally. P0310 Motor frequency rating [50] ‘ ’ Nominal motor frequency (Hz) from rating plate — see diagram P0304 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 56
    The value entered in P0350 is the one from the method last used. P0611 Motor I t time constant 16000 [***] Defines motor thermal time constant and is automatically calculated from the motor data (P0340). Note: Larger number increases time taken for calculated motor temperature to change. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 57
    29 External trip 33 Disable additional setpoint (defined in P1000) 99 Enable BICO parameterization – for expert use only Can only be reset via P0700 or P3900 = 1, 2 or factory setting P0970 = 1 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 58
    29 External trip 33 Disable additional setpoint (defined in P1000) Enable BICO parameterization – for expert use only Can only be reset via P0700 or P3900 = 1, 2 or factory setting P0970 = 1. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 59
    Bit 01 «Digital input 2» 0 OFF 1 Active Bit 02 «Digital input 3» 0 OFF 1 Active Bit 03 «Digital input 4 (Via AIN)» 1 Active Note When the signal is active the segment is lit. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 60
    Controller output at lower limit (P2291) Closed Open Note These are the most common settings. Other settings are possible in Expert mode. r0752 Analog input voltage Displays the smohthed analog input value in volts before the characteristic block MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 61
    When monitoring is enabled and a deadband is defined (P0761), a fault condition will be generated (F0080) when the analog input voltage falls below 50% of the deadband voltage. Note: This function is disabled if the analog scaling block (see P0757 – P0760) is programmed to output negative setpoints. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 62
    Value X2 of analog input scaling Sets value of X2 as described in P0757 [10] ‘•’ P0760 Value Y2 of analog input scaling -99999 99999 Sets value of Y2 as described in P0757 [100] ‘•’ MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 63
    P0758 = -100% P0761 = 0.1 (0.1V either side of center) P2000 = 50Hz Note: Fmin (P1080) should be zero when using center zero setup. There is no hysteresis at the end of the dead band MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 64
    Defines x2 of output characteristic P0780 Value Y2 of analog output characteristics [20] ‘•’ Defines y2 of output characteristic P0781 Analog output deadband ‘•’ Sets the width of a dead-band in mA for the analog output. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 65
    E.g. if you want to set value 15, you will need to set the display to indicate 15 in Binary (with the separating bars in-between “b — — n n” or if you wanted to set 11 – “b — — r n” etc. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 66
    Index 2 is only used if a 2 fault occurs before the 1 is acknowledged. P0970 Factory reset Resets all parameters to their default values. To do this, you need to set P0010=30, then P0970=1 P0100 is set according DIP Switch setting MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 67
    The most common settings are: Keypad (Motor potentiometer) setpoint Analog input Fixed frequency setpoint USS via RS232 USS via RS485 terminals Optional Communication Board Other settings including an additional setpoint can be selected using the table above. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 68
    P1002 Fixed frequency 2 -650 ‘ • ’ Defines fixed frequency setpoint 2 See description for P1001 P1003 Fixed frequency 3 -650 [10] ‘ • ’ Defines fixed frequency setpoint 3 See description for P1001 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 69
    Reverse direction is allowed – it is possible to change motor direction using the keypad (Motor potentiometer) setpoint (increase / decrease frequency either by using digital inputs or keypad up / down buttons) Reverse direction inhibited MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 70
    JOG ramp-up time [10] ‘•’ Sets ramp-up time. This is the time used while jogging or when the function “use jog ramp times” is activated. f (Hz) f max (P1082) time (s) Jog Ramp up time (P1060) MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 71
    3 x the nominal rating plate motor frequency. The maximum frequency can be exceeded if either of the following is active: Slip compensation (f slip comp max Flying restart slip nom MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 72
    Notes Setting the ramp-down time too short can cause the inverter to trip (overvoltage (F0002) / overcurrent (F0001)). Changes to the ramp-up or ramp-down times are not active until confirmed by pressing the P key. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 73
    Defines smoothing time at end of ramp-up as shown in P1130. P1132 Ramp-down initial rounding time ‘•’ Defines smoothing time at start of ramp-down as shown in P1130. P1133 Ramp-down final rounding time ‘•’ Defines smoothing time at end of ramp-down as shown in P1130. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 74
    Defines continuous smoothing (default) or discontinuous smoothing as a response to OFF commands or setpoint reduction. The total smoothing time must be set > 0s; otherwise this parameter will have no effect. Possible settings: Continuous Discontinuous freq Continuous Discontinuous Stop Time MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 75
    Once this happens, the motor will run up to its setpoint using the normal ramp time. Note: Settings 1 to 3 search in both directions. In order to search only in direction of setpoint it is necessary to set 4 to 6. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 76
    The brake relay opens at Point 1 if enabled using P0731. The brake relay closes at Point 2. P1216 Holding brake release delay Defines the time at which the inverter runs at f before ramping up at point 1 (as shown in P1215 diagram). MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 77
    Increasing the value will generally improve braking performance; however, if you set the value too high, an overvoltage trip may result. Possible settings: Compound braking disabled 1 – 250 Level of DC braking current defined as a % of motor rated current (P0305) MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 78
    Controls the relationship between the speed of the motor and the voltage supplied by the inverter. Possible values Linear V/f (default) FCC(Flux Current Control) – maintains motor flux current for improved efficiency Quadratic V/f – suitable for centrifugal fans/pumps Multi-point V/f (programmable – in Expert Mode only. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 79
    ♦ The achievable boost value is limited by the setting in P0640. ♦ Increasing the Boost Levels increases the heating of the motor especially at standstill. ♦ Σ Boosts < 300/I mot * R S MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 80
    ON command and is active until setpoint is reached for the 1 time. This is useful for starting loads with high inertia. V Max V Max V Nom (P0304) Normal V/f P1312 F Nom F Max (P0310) (P1082) MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 81
    4 kHz 6 kHz 8 kHz 10 kHz 12 kHz 14 kHz 16 kHz Power 0.37 0.55 0.75 10.2 10.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 18.4 18.4 13.2 13.2 26.0 26.0 17.9 17.9 13.5 13.5 10.4 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 82
    Identified stator resistance Displays measured stator resistance value (line-to-line) in Ohms (measured using P1910 = Ohms 1 or 2). P2000 Reference frequency [***] Full-scale frequency setting used by serial link, analog I/O. This corresponds to 4000H. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 83
    If a warning is active, the keypad will be flashing: the LED’s indicate warning status. If an AOP is in use, the display shows active Warning history and text. Indices 0 and 1are not stored. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 84
    P1 control can lead to instabilities. Note 4 In level 3, the PI controller source enable can also come from the digital inputs in settings 722.0 to 722.2 for DIN1 – DIN3 or any other BICO source. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 85
    Fixed PI setpoint 3 -130 [20] ‘•’ Refer to the description in P2201 for Fixed Setpoint 1. P2204 Fixed PI setpoint 4 -130 [30] ‘•’ Refer to the description in P2201 for Fixed Setpoint 1. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 86
    BOP or by setting P0702 or P0703 to 13 and 14. r2250 CO: Source of PI setpoint -130 Displays the active digital PI setpoint in %. [10.00] ‘•’ P2253 CI: PI setpoint 2248.0 ‘•’ MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 87
    The PI ramp time is only effective on the PI setpoint and only active when the PI setpoint is changed, or when a RUN command is given (when the PI uses this ramp to reach its value from 0%). MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 88
    P756 – P760. Note 2 Refer to “Using BICO” description for further details of other settings. P2265 PI: feedback filter timeconst. ‘•’ Defines PI feedback filter time constant. r2266 CO: PI feedback Displays PI feedback signal MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 89
    If the P term is set to 0 the I term acts on the square of the error signal. P2285 PI: integral time ‘•’ Allows the User to set the PI controller integral time constant. Refer to P2280 above for detail. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 90
    Calculates a variety of motor parameters – overwriting previous values, including P0344 (motor weight), P0350 (Level 3) stator resistance), P0346 (Level 3, magnetization time) and P0347 ((Level 3 demagnetization time), P2000 (reference frequency), P2002 (reference current). MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 91: Troubleshooting

    ♦ A list of the fault codes that may appear on the display of the BOP. The cause and recommended corrective action are indicated for each fault code listed. Troubleshooting with the Status Display Panel…………92 Troubleshooting with the Basic Operator Panel…………93 MICROMASTER 420 fault codes …………….94 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 92: Troubleshooting With The Status Display Panel

    6. TROUBLESHOOTING Warnings ♦ Repairs on equipment may only be carried out by Siemens Service, by repair centers authorized by Siemens or by qualified personnel who are thoroughly acquainted with all the warnings and operating procedures contained in this manual.

  • Page 93: Troubleshooting With The Basic Operator Panel

    P to reset the inverter to the factory default parameter values. Now use a switch between terminals 5 and 8 on the control board. The drive should now run to the defined setpoint by analogue input. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 94: Micromaster 420 Fault Codes

    International English 6. TROUBLESHOOTING MICROMASTER 420 fault codes In the event of a failure, the inverter switches off and a fault code appears on the display. Table 6-2 MICROMASTER 420 Fault Codes Fault Code Description Possible Causes Diagnosis & Remedy…

  • Page 95
    2 — Some of the control board tests have failed 4 — Some of the functional tests have failed 8 — Some of the IO module tests have failed. Vector only 16 — The Internal Ram has failed its check on power-up MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 96: Table 6-3 Micromaster 420 Warning Codes

    International English 6. TROUBLESHOOTING Table 6-3 MICROMASTER 420 Warning Codes Warning Description Possible Cause Diagnosis & Remedy Code A0501 Current Limit 1. Check whether the motor power corresponds to the inverter power. 2. Check that the cable length limits have not been exceeded.

  • Page 97
    A0923 JOG right and JOG left JOG right and JOG left signals Make sure that JOG right and JOG signals active active together left signals are not applied simultaneously MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 98
    International English 6. TROUBLESHOOTING MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 99: Micromaster 420 Specifications

    7. MICROMASTER 420 SPECIFICATIONS International English MICROMASTER 420 Specifications Table 7-1 MICROMASTER 420 Specifications 230 V Single Phase MICROMASTER Inverters (with built in Class A Filter) Order No. (6SE6420-2AB) 11-2AA0 12-5AA0 13-7AA0 15-5AA0 17-5AA0 21-1BA0 21-5BA0 22-2BA0 23-0CA0 Input voltage range…

  • Page 100
    International English 7. MICROMASTER 420 SPECIFICATIONS 230 V Three Phase MICROMASTER Inverters (unfiltered) Order No. (6SE6420-2UC) 24-0CA0 25-5CA0 Input voltage range 3AC 200V — 240V +10% -10% Motor output rating kW (hp) 4 (5) 5.5 (7.5) Output KVA Output current Max. A 17.5…
  • Page 101: Table 7-2 Micromaster Performance Ratings

    7. MICROMASTER 420 SPECIFICATIONS International English Table 7-2 MICROMASTER Performance Ratings Feature Specification 200 to 240 V ± 10% 1AC Mains Operating Voltage 200 to 240 V ± 10% 3AC 380 to 480 V ± 10% 3AC 200 to 240 V ± 10% 1AC Power Ranges 0.12kW –…

  • Page 102: Table 7-4 Micromaster 420 Fuses — Sizes And Types

    International English 7. MICROMASTER 420 SPECIFICATIONS Table 7-4 MICROMASTER 420 Fuses – Sizes and Types Inverter Power Inverter Voltage Inverter Filter Frame Inverter Order Standard (kW) Power (hp) Class Size Number (MLFB) Fuses 0.12 0.16 230 1ph Unfiltered FS A…

  • Page 103: Supplementary Information

    8. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION International English Supplementary Information This Chapter contains: Supplementary information. Available options …………Error! Bookmark not defined. Electro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) ……Error! Bookmark not defined. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 104: Available Options

    Available options The following accessories are available as options for your MICROMASTER MM420 Inverter. For more details please refer to the Reference Manual or contact your local Siemens sales office if you require assistance. • Additional RFI suppression filter •…

  • Page 105: Table 8-1 Class 1 — General Industrial

    Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Field, ENV 50 140 80-1000 MHz, 10 V/m, 80% AM, amplitude modulated power and signal lines Radio-frequency Electromagnetic Field, ENV 50 204 900 MHz, 10 V/m 50% duty pulse modulated cycle, 200 Hz repetition rate MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 106: Table 8-3 Class 3 — Filtered For Residential, Commercial And Light Industry

    The MICROMASTER inverters are intended exclusively for professional applications. Therefore, they do not fall within the scope of the harmonics emissions specification EN 61000-3-2. • Maximum mains supply voltage when filters are fitted is 460V. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 107: Table 8-4 Compliance Table

    Frame size A units 400-480 V with external Class A footprint filters 6SE6400-2FA00-6AD0 Class 3 – Filtered for residential, commercial and light industry 6SE6420-2U***-**A0 with Unfiltered units fitted with external Class B footprint filters. 6SE6400-2FB0*-***0 * denotes any value is allowed. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 108
    International English 8. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 109: A — Changing The Operator Panel

    APPENDIX A International English A — Changing the Operator Panel MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 110
    International English APPENDIX A MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 111: B — Removing Covers Frame Size A

    APPENDIX B International English B — Removing Covers Frame Size A » MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 112
    International English APPENDIX B MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 113: C — Removing Covers Frame Sizes B And C

    APPENDIX C International English C — Removing Covers Frame Sizes B and C MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 114
    International English APPENDIX C » MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 115: D — Removing ‘Y’ Cap Frame Size A

    APPENDIX D International English D — Removing ‘Y’ Cap Frame Size A LK 700 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 116
    International English APPENDIX D MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 117: E — Removing ‘Y’ Cap Frame Sizes B And C

    APPENDIX E International English E — Removing ‘Y’ Cap Frame Sizes B and C LK700 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 118
    International English APPENDIX E MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 119: F — User Parameter Settings

    P2264 P0731 52:3 P1133 P2265 r0752 P1134 r2266 r0754 P1135 P2271 r0755 P1200 r2272 P0756 P1210 r2273 P0757 P1215 P2280 P0758 P1216 P2285 P0759 P1217 P2291 P0760 P1232 P2292 P0761 P1233 r2294 P0771 P1236 P3900 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 120
    International English APPENDIX F MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 121: G — Applicable Standards

    Product Standard for Power Drive Systems EN61800-3. Underwriters Laboratories UL and CUL LISTED POWER CONVERSION EQUIPMENT 5B33 for use in a pollution degree 2 ISO 9001 Siemens plc operates a quality management system, which complies with the requirements of ISO 9001. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 122
    International English APPENDIX G MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 123: H — List Of Abbreviations

    Fast Current Limitation IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor Liquid Crystal Display Light Emitting Diode Proportional and Integral Programmable Logic Controller Positive Temperature Coefficient RCCB Residual Current Circuit breaker Residual Current Device Revolutions Per Minute Standard Display Panel MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 124
    International English APPENDIX H MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 125: Index

    BOP fitted · 40 Performance characteristics · 16 SDP fitted · 40 Power and motor connections · 22 Frame sizes single phase · 23 removing the Y Cap from frame size A · 115 Power and motor terminals MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 126
    & disposal · 9 warnings and faults states · 30 general · 7 System Parameters and Definitions · 48 operation · 9 repair · 9 transport & storage · 8 Water hazard · 19 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 127
    Date of Issue: A1 Should you come across any printing Company/Service Department errors when reading this publication, Address: please notify us on this sheet. Suggestions for improvement are also welcome. Telephone: __________ / Telefax: ________ / MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 128
    MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 129
    VIEW OF UNITS International English Frame Size A Frame Size B & C View of Unit Standard Display Panel fitted Power Terminal Connections Control Terminal Connections Access to “Y Cap“ MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 130
    Order Number *6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0* Drawing Number *G85139-K1790-U201-A2* A&D SD VM 4 © Siemens AG, 2000 Subject to change without prior notice Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Order No.: 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0Operating Instructions Printed in UK. Date: October 2000…

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Ремонт MICROMASTER 420Компания «Кернел» производит ремонт частотных преобразователей с 2002 года. За это время мы накопили колоссальный опыт в том числе опыт в ремонте MICROMASTER 420 такого известного производителя как SIEMENS. Ремонт подобной промышленной электроники ответственное и сложное занятие, требующие максимальной отдачи, профессионализма и максимально полной материальной базе.

По причине особой сложности Ремонт MICROMASTER 420 производится исключительно на территории сервисного центра. Частотный преобразователь MICROMASTER 420 является крайне сложной промышленной электроникой соответственно ремонт MICROMASTER 420 можно доверить только настоящим профессионалам своего дела с богатым опытом работы в данном направлении.

Все специалисты нашего сервисного центра имеют высшее техническое образование, огромный опыт и максимально полную материальную базу включая новейшее высокотехнологичное диагностическое оборудование благодаря чему ремонт MICROMASTER 420 проходит максимально эффективно.

Инженеры сервисного центра уделяют максимальное внимание к качеству исполнения ремонта, программирования и настройке частотного преобразователя, не зависимо от производителя данного промышленного оборудования. Именно поэтому мы смело даем гарантию на ремонт MICROMASTER 420 и замененные в процессе ремонта компоненты шесть месяцев.

Особое внимание заслуживает тот факт, что ремонт MICROMASTER 420 в производится исключительно с использованием оригинальных запасных частей, на компонентном уровне с применением высокотехнологичного оборудования, квалифицированным персоналом с инженерным образованием.

Ремонт распространенных частотнрых преобразователей MICROMASTER 420

Если на вашем производстве появились проблемы с частотным преобразователем MICROMASTER 420, ошибка которую вы не можете сбросить самостоятельно, мы всегда рады вам помочь. Обращайтесь в сервисный центр «Кернел». Специалисты нашей компании в минимальные сроки проведут глубокую диагностику частотного преобразователя и последующий ремонт MICROMASTER 420 в . Оставьте заявку на ремонт частотного преобразователя используя форму на сайте.

Ниже приведен далеко не полный список частотных преобразователей MICROMASTER 420 ремонт которых выполняет наш сервисный центр.






















При появлении неисправности на дисплее частотного преобразователя MICROMASTER 420 отобразится код ошибки, в файле ниже приведены все ошибки MICROMASTER 420 и возможные способы их устранения.

При возникновении ошибки преобразователь отключается и на индикации появляется код ошибки.


Сообщения об ошибках могут квитироваться следующим образом:

  • Возможность 1: Отключить преобразователь от сети и снова подключить
  • Возможность 2: на AOP или BOP
  • Возможность 3: Через цифровой вход 3

Ремонт MICROMASTER 420Сообщения об ошибках сохраняются в параметре r0947 под своим кодовым номером (к примеру, F0003 = 3). Соответствующее слово ошибки находится в параметре r0949. Если слово ошибки у ошибки отсутствует, то вносится значение 0. Кроме этого, можно запросить момент времени возникновения ошибки (r0948) и число сохраненных в параметре r0947 сообщений об ошибках (P0952). Подробное описание всех сообщений об ошибках можно найти в Списке параметров.


Предупреждения сохраняются в параметре r2110 под своим кодовым номером (к примеру, A0503 = 503) и могут загружаться оттуда. Подробное описание всех предупреждений можно найти в Списке параметров.

Сброс сообщений об ошибках, предупреждений

Работа без сбоев с точки зрения приложения является решающим критерием приемлемости приводной системы. Но для специальных приложений бесперебойная работа требуется и тогда, когда имеет место перегрузка или внешние обстоятельства вызывают ошибку. В таких приложениях (к примеру, мешалка) бесперебойная работа более важна, чем защита приводной системы. В MICROMASTER 420 можно подавить до 3-х сообщений об ошибках/предупреждений с индексированными параметрами P2100 и P2101. Выбор сообщений об ошибках/предупреждений (см. раздел «Сообщения об ошибках/предупреждения») устанавливается с помощью параметра P2100, а реакция выбирается с помощью параметра P2101. Корреляция между подавлением и реакцией осуществляется через индекс 0 — 2 обоих параметров. Для реакций возможны следующие установки:

  • 0 нет реакции, нет индикации
  • 1 реакция останова ВЫКЛ1
  • 2 реакция останова ВЫКЛ2
  • 3 реакция останова ВЫКЛ3
  • 4 нет реакции, только предупреждение


Предупреждение A0911 указывает на то, что привод увеличивает врем выбега по рампе, чтобы не допустить перенапряжения. Для подавления этого сообщения установить следующие параметры:

p2100[0] = 911 (выбор предупреждения A0911)

P2101[0] = 0 (нет реакции, нет индикации)

Все возможные предупреждения и ошибки MICROMASTER 420 описаны в руководстве пользователя, которое вы можете скачать с нашего сайта в удобном формате- pdf.

Скачать руководство пользователя MICROMASTER 420 мануал.pdf

Устранение причины ошибки частотного преобразователя MICROMASTER 420 и ее сброс позволит в кратчайшие сроки возобновить работу дорогостоящего оборудования. К сожалению не все ошибки можно исправить самостоятельно, некоторые ошибки MICROMASTER 420 возможно исправить только в специализированных сервисных центрах.

MICROMASTER 420 программирование

Ремонт MICROMASTER 420На ряду с ремонтом, специалисты сервисного центра «Кернел» выполняют программирование MICROMASTER 420 и настройку параметров системы частотного преобразователя. Подобную услугу мы оказываем на территории сервисного центра, также в исключительных случаях инженер компании может выполнить программирование MICROMASTER 420 на территории заказчика.

Настройка параметров, программирование MICROMASTER 420 в является заключительным звеном в процессе ремонта частотного преобразователя и требует профессионального подхода. Именно финальный этап программирования MICROMASTER 420 наглядно покажет качество выполненного ремонта MICROMASTER 420.

К слову, мы уделяем особое внимание качеству и смело даем гарантию на все выполненные ремонтно-восстановительные работы шесть месяцев, гарантия так же распространяется на запасные части, которые были заменены в процессе ремонта.

Хочется обратить внимание на то, что мы стараемся провести ремонт и программирование MICROMASTER 420 в максимально сжатые сроки, тем самым минимизируем простой дорогостоящего промышленного оборудования.

MICROMASTER 420 ввод в эксплуатацию

Инженеры сервисного центра «Кернел» не только выполняют качественный ремонт MICROMASTER 420 и программирование частотного преобразователя. Так же мы предоставляем услугу запуска в эксплуатацию оборудования от стадии проектирования до выпуска первой продукции.

Именно этап запуска в эксплуатацию MICROMASTER 420 отвечает за долгий и безаварийный процесс работы промышленного оборудования, тем самым позволяя получить максимальную прибыль и сэкономить на незапланированном ремонте.

По-настоящему качественный ввод в эксплуатацию MICROMASTER 420 может выполнить только высококвалифицированный специалист с богатым опытом работы в данном направлении. Найти подобного специалиста достаточно сложно, но, если вы обращаетесь в наш сервисный центр вам не придется об этом думать.

ДляпараметрированияпреобразователяВыможетеиспользоватьоднуизоп-ционныхоператорскихпанелей, таких как «Базовая Операторская Панель»(BOP) или «Расширенная Панель Оператора» (AOP). Для более удобного обслуживания и параметрирования преобразователей можно использовать специальный инструмент – Drive Monitor – программу для настройки и документирования.

Блок схема MICROMASTER 420

Передние панели MICROMASTER 420

В нашей команде работают исключительно профессионалы своего дела, а за время существования нашей компании мы ввели в эксплуатацию не одну сотню частотных преобразователей в том числе и MICROMASTER 420, с каждым разом получая и накапливая драгоценный опыт.


Ремонт MICROMASTER 420Частотный преобразователь MICROMASTER 420 снабжен пультом отображения состояния (Status Display Panel) (SDP). Чтобы изменять и устанавливать требуемые параметры, необходимо использовать базовый пульт оператора (Basic Operator Panel) (BOP), расширенный пульт оператора (Advanced Operator Panel) (AOP) или последовательный интерфейс связи.

Базовая панель оператора (BOP), поставляемая как опция, дает возможность доступа к параметрам преобразователя и обеспечивает специфическую пользовательскую настройку MICROMASTER 420. BOP может использоваться для конфигурирования большинства преобразователей MICROMASTER 420. Поэтому нет необходимости покупать свою панель BOP для каждого преобразователя. Панель имеет сегментные индикаторы для чтения и записи параметров преобразователя. Панель не имеет возможности собственного хранения информации и параметров после её снятия.

Линейка промышленной электроники, которую восстанавливают специалисты сервисного центра «Кернел» не имеет ограничений, мы выполняем качественный ремонт промышленной электроники и оборудования абсолютно любых производителей не зависимо от года выпуска и наличия технической документации.

Оставить заявку на ремонт MICROMASTER 420

Оставить заявку на ремонт или программирование MICROMASTER 420 в можно с помощью специальной формы, которая вызывается нажатием одноименной кнопки в верхней части страницы. Все вопросы, связанные с ремонтом MICROMASTER 420 в вы можете задать нашим менеджерам. Связаться с ними можно несколькими способами:

Наши контакты

  • Заказав обратный звонок (кнопка в правом нижнем углу сайта)
  • Посредством чата (кнопка расположена с левой стороны сайта)
  • Позвонив по номеру телефона: +7(8482) 79-78-54; +7(917) 121-53-01
  • Написав на электронную почту: 89171215301@mail.ru

Вот далеко не полный список производителей промышленной электроники и оборудования, ремонтируемой в нашей компании.

International English


In the event of a failure, the inverter switches off and a fault code appears on the display.

Table 6-2

Fault Code











Inverter I


Motor Overtemperature




Stator resistance

measurement failure


MICROMASTER 420 Fault Codes


1. Motor power does not

correspond to the inverter


2. Motor lead short circuit

3. Earth fault

Supply voltage out of tolerance

load is regenerating.

Mains supply removed when

inverter is running.

Ambient temperature outside of


Fan failure



Inverter is overloaded

1. Motor overloaded.


2. Motor data incorrect.

3. Check parameter for motor

thermal time constant.

4. Check parameter for motor I

warning level.

5. Long time period operating at

low speeds

Stator resistance measurement


Possible Causes




Diagnosis & Remedy

1. Check whether the motor power

corresponds to the inverter


2. Check that the cable length limits

have not been exceeded.

3. Check motor cable and motor for

short-circuits and earth faults.

4. Check whether the motor

parameters correspond with the

motor being used.

5. Check the stator resistance


6. Increase the ramp-up-time


7. Reduce the boost set in (P1310),

(P1311) and (P1312).

8. Check whether the motor is

obstructed or overloaded.

1. Check whether the supply voltage

is within the limits indicated on the

rating plate.

2. Check if dc-link voltage

controller (P1240) is enabled and

parameterized correctly.

3. Increase the ramp-down time


1. Check whether the supply voltage

is within the limits indicated on the

rating plate.

2. Check the supply is not subject to

temporary failures or voltage


1. Check that the integral fan rotates

when drive is running.

2. Check if pulse frequency is set to

default value.

3. Ambient temperature could be

higher than specified for the


4. Check that air inlet and outlet

points are not obstructed.

1. Check if load duty-cycle is within

specified limits.

2. Check that motor power

corresponds to inverter power

1. Check motor data.

2. Check loading on motor.

3. Boost settings too high (P1310,

P1311, P1312)

1. Check if the motor is connected to

the inverter

2. Check that the motor data has

been entered correctly.

MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions


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Siemens MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions Manual

  • Contents

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  • Troubleshooting

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MICROMASTER 420/430/440

CANopen Option Module

Operating Instructions

Issue 01/05

User Documentation


Related Manuals for Siemens MICROMASTER 420

Summary of Contents for Siemens MICROMASTER 420

  • Page 1
    MICROMASTER 420/430/440 CANopen Option Module Operating Instructions Issue 01/05 User Documentation 6SE6400-5BC00-0BP0…
  • Page 3: Data Transfer Using Canopen

    Description General CAN/CANopen definitions Data transfer using CANopen MICROMASTER 420/430/440 Connecting to CANopen Option Module CANopen Commissioning with CANopen Commissioning using a commissioning (start-up) tool Diagnostics and troubleshooting Attachment Valid for Issue 01/05 Drive converter type MICROMASTER 420/430/440 Issue 01/05…

  • Page 4
    © Siemens AG 2002, 2004. All rights reserved. checked and necessary corrections will be included in subsequent editions. We are grateful for any MICROMASTER ® is a registered trademark of Siemens AG. recommendations for improvement. Siemens Manuals are printed on chlorine-free paper from professionally managed forests.
  • Page 5
    Issue 01/05 Definitions and Warning Information Definitions and Warning Information Safety Guidelines This documentation contains notes which you should observe to ensure your own personal safety and also to prevent material damage. The information and instructions for your personal safety are identified by a warning triangle. Information and instructions on general material damage do not have a warning triangle.
  • Page 6: Intended Use

    Definitionen und Warnhinweise Issue 01/05 Qualified personnel For the purpose of these Operating Instructions and on the product label, «qualified personnel» are those familiar with the installation, mounting, start-up and operation of the equipment and the hazards involved. He or she must have the following qualifications: Trained and authorized to energize, de-energize, clear, ground and tag circuits and equipment in accordance with established safety procedures.

  • Page 7: Table Of Contents

    Issue 01/05 List of contents List of contents Description ………………….9 General CAN/CANopen definitions …………..11 CAN (Controller-Area-Network) …………….11 CANopen …………………… 13 Data transfer using CANopen…………….17 MICROMASTER object directory …………….17 CANopen communication services…………….. 31 3.2.1 NMT (Network Management) services …………..31 3.2.2 Communication monitoring services……………

  • Page 8
    List of contents Issue 01/05 Commissioning using a commissioning (start-up) tool ……… 103 Assigning process data………………103 Parameter «P0927» – change source for parameters……….. 106 Parameter settings for the modes…………….. 107 6.3.1 Velocity Mode ………………….. 107 6.3.2 Profile Torque Mode ………………… 110 Diagnostics and troubleshooting…………..
  • Page 9: Description

    Issue 01/05 Description Description The CANopen communications module (CANopen option module) is used to connect MICROMASTER 420/430/440 drives to higher-level automation systems with a CAN-bus. DIP switch (OFF) only for internal use LED Inverter status see Operating Instructions for inverter…

  • Page 10
    SYNC loss detection (using communication cycle time. • The CANopen option module offers an SDO->parameter channel with which all of the MICROMASTER 420/430/440 parameters can be read or written into. In this case, it does not involve CANopen objects, as the numbering of the sub- indices differs with respect to CAN-open (subindex 0 does not contain the number of objects, but already the first object).
  • Page 11: General Can/Canopen Definitions

    Issue 01/05 General CANopen definitions General CAN/CANopen definitions CAN (Controller-Area-Network) Apart from its use in mobile systems, the Controller-Area-Network (CAN) protocol is also deployed in other applications when allied to additional specific and standardized higher protocol and profile specifications. Alongside its use as an internal bus in mobile systems, its other main applications are in internal communication between plant and machinery.

  • Page 12
    General CANopen definitions Issue 01/05 Multi-Master capability Bus access rights are not issued by a meta-level control unit (bus master) per network. Each participant can rather start to send a message with equal rights as soon as the bus has become free. If several participants access the bus at the same time, an arbitration process allocates each participant the bus access right in line with the priority of the message they want to send at that particular moment.
  • Page 13: Canopen

    Issue 01/05 General CANopen definitions CANopen CANopen is a standardized application for distributed industrial automation systems based on CAN as well as the CAL communication Standards. CANopen is a CAN Standard in automation (CiA), and just shortly after it became available, enjoyed widespread use.

  • Page 14: General Information

    MICROMASTER types, different CANopen modes from the DSP 402 profile (Drives and Motion Control). For MICROMASTER 420/430), only the Velocity Mode is available. The MICROMASTER 440 supports the Velocity Mode and Profile Torque Mode modes. When transferring net data via CANopen, a differentiation is made between process data (PDO) and parameter data (SDO).

  • Page 15
    Issue 01/05 General CANopen definitions The COB IDs of the PDOs can be changed by changing the node address or by writing into the communication objects. If the COB ID is changed in a communications object, then this is only saved in the volatile memory. This means that if the MICROMASTER drive unit is isolated from the supply voltage, these settings are lost and, after run-up, must be re-set via the bus.
  • Page 16
    General CANopen definitions Issue 01/05 CANopen Option Module Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5BC00-0BP0…
  • Page 17: Data Transfer Using Canopen

    Issue 01/05 Data transfer using CANopen Data transfer using CANopen MICROMASTER object directory All of the objects of the object directory are listed in the following table. The table contains the index and subindex of the object as well as a brief description of the functionality and the data type as well as the default value.

  • Page 18
    Data transfer using CANopen Issue 01/05 O-Ind Object name Description Transf. D-type / Default value / comment using access Standard Error code of the error field previous error which occurred 1005H COB-ID Identifier of the SYNC U32 / COB_ID = 8000080H / SYNC telegram Changes can be permanently saved in the…
  • Page 19
    Object Number of No. of sub-indices U8 / ro 4 / entries Vendor-ID CiA assigns the U32 / 6000053H / manufacturer’s Siemens A&D Drives (vendor) number Product code Drive U32 / converter/inverter Value from r0203 type Revision Revision number with…
  • Page 20
    Data transfer using CANopen Issue 01/05 O-Ind Object name Description Transf. D-type / Default value / comment using access COB-ID Identifier of the SDO U32 / 600H + node-ID / Client>Server task (CANopen The default node number is 3 master to MICROMASTER) COB-ID Identifier of the SDO…
  • Page 21
    Issue 01/05 Data transfer using CANopen O-Ind Object name Description Transf. D-type / Default value / comment using access Transmission Setting parameter of U8 / Type the data transfer type (value also corresponds to object 27F9*.01 bit Caution! After power-up, under certain circumstances, the value of this CAN parameter does not correspond to the value in the converter.
  • Page 22
    Data transfer using CANopen Issue 01/05 O-Ind Object name Description Transf. D-type / Default value / comment using access First mapped First mapped object. U32 / object Mapping can be changed via CANopen (can also be set using the low byte of parameter 27F9.04 H) Second Second mapped…
  • Page 23
    Issue 01/05 Data transfer using CANopen O-Ind Object name Description Transf. D-type / Default value / comment using access Transmission Setting parameter for U8 / Type the data transfer type (can also be set using the high byte of parameter 27F9.00 H) Caution! After power-up, under certain circumstances, the value of this CAN parameter does not correspond to the value in…
  • Page 24
    Data transfer using CANopen Issue 01/05 O-Ind Object name Description Transf. D-type / Default value / comment using access 1A00H Transmit Object to enter mapped objects into Mapping transmit PDO1 Parameters Number of No. of the mapped U8 / ro 1 / mapped objects Mapping cannot be changed…
  • Page 25
    Issue 01/05 Data transfer using CANopen O-Ind Object name Description Transf. D-type / Default value / comment using access Third mapped Third mapped object. U32 / 0H / object Mapping can be changed via CANopen (can also be set using the high byte of parameter 27F9.03 H) Fourth Fourth mapped…
  • Page 26
    Data transfer using CANopen Issue 01/05 O-Ind Object name Description Transf. D-type / Default value / comment using access Free Object Free object which can SDO/ I16 / into drive be used to send non- Values are directly written into P2050.5. (only defined process data MICROMAST…
  • Page 27
    Issue 01/05 Data transfer using CANopen O-Ind Object name Description Transf. D-type / Default value / comment using access 6040H Control word CANopen control SDO/ U16 / word This is converted and mapped to the MICROMASTER control word 1 (r0054) when being transferred to the MICROMASTER.
  • Page 28
    Data transfer using CANopen Issue 01/05 O-Ind Object name Description Transf. D-type / Default value / comment using access Vl_velocity_m Absolute value of the U32 / 1500 / ax_amount maximum velocity (P1082 . 60 / r0313) RPM / limiting Acts on P1082 (243AH*). When this object changes, this effects the gradient (rate-of-fall) of the down ramp.
  • Page 29
    6060H Modes_of_ Object to select the SDO/ I8 / wo 2 / MICROMASTER 420/430 only supports the operation operating mode. Velocity Mode. MICROMASTER 440 can support the Velocity Mode and the Profile Torque Mode. (It is possible to toggle, for MICROMASTER…
  • Page 30
    In order to use this object, several BICO connections must be set. Refer to Section 6.3.2. Object not available in MICROMASTER 420/430. Additional BICO connections must be established in order to use the object NOTE CANopen will always write to the active data set.
  • Page 31: Canopen Communication Services

    Issue 01/05 Data transfer using CANopen CANopen communication services 3.2.1 NMT (Network Management) services The Network Management is structured according to nodes and follows a master- slave structure. NMT Master NMT Slave(s) Indication(s) Request Node-ID Indication COB-ID = 0 Indication Indication Fig.

  • Page 32
    Reset_Communication instruction (CS = 130) With a Reset Node instruction, all objects of the node are reset to the state after power-up. For MICROMASTER 420/430/440, this function is only available with some restrictions. MICROMASTER only resets the objects from the communications profile (1000H — 1FFFH) as well as from the device profile (6000H — 9FFFH).
  • Page 33
    Issue 01/05 Data transfer using CANopen sent to object 1011H is available in CANopen to reset to the original Power On values (refer to Page 95 DS301 V4.02). For a Reset Communication instruction, all of the communication objects (1000H — 1FFFH) are reset to the state after power-up. The Reset Communication instruction can only be executed if the object changes were only saved in the RAM (P0014=0) and no «save»…
  • Page 34: Communication Monitoring Services

    • Sync loss detection Node Guarding: MICROMASTER 420/430/440 supports Node Guarding and Life Guarding. With Node Guarding, the CANopen master sends, to each slave, an RTR telegram with the COB-ID 700H + node-ID. The slave responds, with the same COB-ID, with its communications state.

  • Page 35
    Data transfer using CANopen Heartbeat: The MICROMASTER 420/430/440 also supports the Heartbeat protocol as Heartbeat Producer. With the Heartbeat protocol, a Heartbeat Producer cyclically sends its NMT state to the CAN bus. The message does not contain a Toggle bit.
  • Page 36: Boot Up Telegram

    Data transfer using CANopen Issue 01/05 SYNC Producer COB-ID = 80H SYNC Consumer Indication Request SYNC SYNC Producer time Consumer time Request Indication SYNC Consumer time SYNC loss Event Fig. 3-5 SYNC monitoring protocol NOTE After powerup, Node Guarding and SYNC loss detection only become active after reception of the first Node-Guarding message and/or the first SYNC message.

  • Page 37: Sdo (Service Data Object) Services

    Downloading SDO protocol The download SDO protocol is used to write the values of the object directory into the drive. MICROMASTER 420/430/440 only supports the «expedited SDO download» for up to 4 bytes of data (e =1,s = 1). CLIENT SERVER 7 …

  • Page 38
    Dword data Index Subindex n = 2 (Word) If the MICROMASTER 420/430/440 cannot correctly process the task, it acknowledges the download SDO protocol with a response telegram according to the following table: Table 3-4 Significance of the bytes in the SDO download protocol (MICROMASTER to CANopen…
  • Page 39
    Abort SDO transfer protocol In this case, there are various abort codes. The abort codes, which occur in the MICROMASTER 420/430/440, are listed in the following table. Most of the faults occur due to communication errors between the CANopen option module and MICROMASTER.
  • Page 40
    Data transfer using CANopen Issue 01/05 Abort Name Abort Code Description SDO protocol time 05040000H MICROMASTER had not responded within xxxs to a parameter task of overflow the option module. The CANopen module cancels the request. Illegal access 06010001H This parameter can only be write accessed (write only) (parameter value cannot be read) Illegal access 06010002H…
  • Page 41
    Issue 01/05 Data transfer using CANopen You must proceed as follows to write into a MICROMASTER parameter via the SDO<->parameter channel: Firstly, the parameter number of the PKW object, specified as a decimal number, must be converted into a hexadecimal value. After this, 2000H must be added to the hexadecimal parameter value.
  • Page 42
    Data transfer using CANopen Issue 01/05 Using two examples, the following two sections show the read and write access operations using SDO on two PKW objects. Example 1: Reading parameter r0964.02 Parameter number (964) must be converted into a hexadecimal number in order to read the value of parameter r0964.02: 964dec = 3C4H.
  • Page 43
    Issue 01/05 Data transfer using CANopen Example 2: Writing into parameter P1203 In order to write the value 99 (decimal) into parameter P1203.00, the parameter number must first be converted into a hexadecimal number: 1203dec = 4B3H Then, 2000H must be added: 04B3H + 2000H = 24B3H The numerical sequence after the point in the specification of the PKW object (in this case: 0 in P1203.00) corresponds to the subindex number of the CANopen…
  • Page 44
    Data transfer using CANopen Issue 01/05 CANopen MICROMASTER response telegram Table 3-10 MICROMASTER response to the issued SDO write request Byte 0: Bytes 1,2 Byte 3 Bytes 4,5 Bytes 6,7 Bits 7-5 Bit 4-0 = 0 24B3H reserved = 0 SCS = 3 (index) (sub-index)
  • Page 45: Pdo (Process Data Object) Services

    PDO to the PDO consumer. There can be 0 or more consumers in the network — but always only one Producer. This service is used for the normal process data transfer between MICROMASTER 420/430/440 and one of the other CANopen nodes (e.g. CANopen master). Regarding Receive PDOs, MICROMASTER is the consumer and regarding Transmit PDOs, is the Producer.

  • Page 46
    Data transfer using CANopen Issue 01/05 Read PDO service The read PDO service is an acknowledged service. One or several PDO consumers send a Remote Transmission Request (RTR) message to the network. After it has received the RTR message, the PDO producer sends the requested PDO.
  • Page 47
    Issue 01/05 Data transfer using CANopen PDO data transfer types CANopen makes a differentiation between various data transfer types (trigger events for the PDOs). The various data transfer types for PDOs is shown in the following table: Table 3-11 PDO data transfer types Data transfer type PDO data transfer Cyclic…
  • Page 48
    Transmission Type. The data of an asynchronous PDO are always directly transferred to the application. For receive PDOs, the MICROMASTER 420/430/440 only makes a differentiation between synchronous and non-synchronous PDOs. The factor is not saved in the MICROMASTER.
  • Page 49: Synchronization Service

    Issue 01/05 Data transfer using CANopen 3.2.6 Synchronization service A SYNC producer sends the synchronization object cyclically as broadcast telegram. The SYNC telegram defines the basic clock cycle of the network. The time between the SYNC telegrams is set using the object Communication Cycle Period (1006H).

  • Page 50: Emergency Object Service

    Data transfer using CANopen Issue 01/05 3.2.7 EMERGENCY object service The EMERGENCY object is used to transfer an error message to the CANopen master, or also to another node which can process the error message. The node fault which last occurred is indicated in the object 1003H Predefined Error Field.

  • Page 51
    Using the object 1015H (Inhibit Time EMCY), it is possible to set a delay time for sending the EMCY message. MICROMASTER 420/430/440 sends an Emergency message if an fault has occurred in either the option module or in the inverter.
  • Page 52
    Data transfer using CANopen Issue 01/05 The following table indicates all CANopen error codes and the associated MICROMASTER faults. A precise description is provided in the MICROMASTER documentation. Table 3-14 Assignment of the CANopen error codes to MICROMASTER errors. Comment: Additional error numbers were introduced here that are not defined in CANopen in order to be able to more precisely specify the fault/error.
  • Page 53
    Issue 01/05 Data transfer using CANopen Error Fault Sub Fault Meaning Description Code number number (Bytes 1/2) (Bytes 3/4) (Bytes (Hex) Dec/Hex 5/6) 5530 Data storage/EEPROM F0051/0033H 0000 Parameter EEPROM fault 5531 Data storage/EEPROM F0052/0034H 0000 Powerstack fault (I2C read / invalid data) 5532 Data storage/EEPROM…
  • Page 54
    Data transfer using CANopen Issue 01/05 Error Fault Sub Fault Meaning Description Code number number (Bytes 1/2) (Bytes 3/4) (Bytes (Hex) Dec/Hex 5/6) 7332 FAN failure F0030/0029H 0000 FAN failure 7510 Communication/serial F0071/0047H 0000 USS/BOP link setpoint timeout interface No. 1 7520 Communication/serial F0072/0048H 0000…
  • Page 55: Controlling Micromaster Drive Converters Via Canopen

    Issue 01/05 Data transfer using CANopen Controlling MICROMASTER drive converters via CANopen The state machine for drives — as is supported by MICROMASTER — is shown in the diagram below. The state machine defines the various stati of the drives and the possible transitions between them.

  • Page 56: Canopen Control Word

    Data transfer using CANopen Issue 01/05 3.3.1 CANopen control word The CANopen control word is used in order to execute the state transitions described in the previous Chapter. Parameter P0700 (object:0x22BC*) must be set to 6 in order to transfer the CANopen control word to the appropriate internal parameters.

  • Page 57: Canopen Status Word

    Issue 01/05 Data transfer using CANopen This means that it is not possible to stop the drive using the stop bit of the CANopen control word. Bits 4, 5 and 6 are specific to the operation mode and only exist in the velocity mode. The bit combinations which result in the various state machine transitions are shown in the following table.

  • Page 58
    Data transfer using CANopen Issue 01/05 The assignment of the bits of the CANopen status word to the MICROMASTER status word are shown in the following table. Table 3-17 Assignment of CANopen status word bits to MICROMASTER status word bits CANopen Status Word Drive Status Word Ready to Switch ON…
  • Page 59
    Issue 01/05 Data transfer using CANopen The status messages of the CANopen status word are listed in the following table. Table 3-18 Status word bits in the various states State Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit1 Bit 0 Switch on…
  • Page 60: Micromaster Control And Status Word 2

    Data transfer using CANopen Issue 01/05 3.3.3 MICROMASTER control and status word 2 In addition to the CANopen control and status word, for Micromaster, there are also the so-called control and status words 2. If so required, these can be used to enable additional Micromaster functions.

  • Page 61
    1 = YES Fixed Frequency Bit 3 0 = NO P1023.0 = 2091.3 Act Curr. >= P2170 0 = NO (not MICROMASTER 420) 1 = YES 1 = YES Drive data set (DDS) Bit 0 0 = NO P0820.0 = 2091.4 Act Freq >…
  • Page 62: Modes Of Operation And Modes Of Operation Display

    P1501 and r2091.12. In CANopen this means writing the value 282B00C into object 0x25DD*. MICROMASTER 420/430 only supports the Velocity Mode; MICROMASTER 440 additionally supports the Profile Torque Mode. The definition and the interpretation of the option module for this object is as follows:…

  • Page 63
    Issue 01/05 Data transfer using CANopen If «modes-of-operation» is set to the value 4, then, bit 12 (Torque Control) is automatically SET from control word 2 — and a transition made into the Torque Control Mode. If the value of «modes-of-operation» is set to 2, bit 12 (Torque Control) is RESET and a change/transition made to closed-loop speed control (Velocity mode).
  • Page 64
    Data transfer using CANopen Issue 01/05 CANopen Option Module Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5BC00-0BP0…
  • Page 65: Connecting To Canopen

    The drive converter/drive inverter must be powered-down (brought into a no- voltage condition) before installing or removing the CANopen communications module from a MICROMASTER 420/430/440. Installing the module Introduce the CANopen communications module at the lower end and engage the guide lugs in the unit and then move the top of the module towards the unit until it latches into place.

  • Page 66
    Information for the CANopen master Issue 01/05 Fig. 4-1 Installing the communications module on MICROMASTER 4 Sizes A, B, C CANopen Option Module Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5BC00-0BP0…
  • Page 67: Installing The Canopen Module For Sizes D, E, F

    Issue 01/05 Information for the CANopen master Installing the CANopen module for Sizes D, E, F WARNING The drive converter/drive inverter must be powered-down (brought into a no- voltage condition) before the CANopen communications module is installed or withdrawn from a MICROMASTER 430/440. Installing the communications module For these Sizes, the CANopen communications module is installed in the drive converter/drive inverter housing.

  • Page 68
    Information for the CANopen master Issue 01/05 We recommend the following procedure when installing the communications module: First insert the bus cable through the appropriate cable gland (the cable should not have a connector). Then assemble the CANopen connector Mount the connector on the communications module Remove the Display Interface Module (DIM) Snap the communications module onto the drive converter/drive inverter (into the appropriate recess)
  • Page 69: Installing The Canopen Module For Sizes Fx, Gx

    Issue 01/05 Information for the CANopen master Installing the CANopen module for Sizes FX, GX WARNING The drive converter/drive inverter must be powered-down (brought into a no- voltage condition) before the CANopen communications module is installed or withdrawn from a MICROMASTER 430/440. Installing the communications module For these Sizes, the CANopen communications module is installed in the drive converter/drive inverter housing.

  • Page 70: Bus Connection

    Information for the CANopen master Issue 01/05 Bus connection Pin assignment of the bus connection 9-pin SUB-D plug connectors are used to connect the CANopen option module to the CAN bus. Table 4-1 Assignment of CANopen sub-D9 connector Function Description –…

  • Page 71
    The maximum cable lengths for a CANopen network with a CANopen master and a MICROMASTER 420/430/440 are calculated in the following example. It is as- sumed that the CANopen MASTER has the same delay times as MICROMASTER 420/430/440.
  • Page 72
    ⋅ Baudrate The following approximate cable lengths are obtained from this formula: Table 4-3 Maximum cable lengths between two bus nodes with the delay times of MICROMASTER 420/430/440 Baud rate (kbit/s) Maximum network range (m) 1000 1633 4183 8433…
  • Page 73: Commissioning With Canopen

    Issue 01/05 Information for the CANopen master Commissioning with CANopen When commissioning a system for the first time via CANopen, it is important for the master that it knows the default values of the Node ID (in this case: 3) and the baud rate (in this case: 10kbit/s) of a new node.

  • Page 74: Important Parameters When Commissioning The System For The First Time

    Information for the CANopen master Issue 01/05 Important parameters when commissioning the system for the first time NOTE The CANopen option module can only be connected if the inverter was previously disconnected/isolated from the power supply. When commissioning the CANopen option module for the first time, the settings of the following parameters must be checked: CANopen Description…

  • Page 75: Parameter «P2040» (Object 0X27F8*), Telegram Failure Time

    Issue 01/05 Information for the CANopen master Parameter «P2040» (object 0x27F8*), telegram failure time Parameter «P2040» (object 0x27F8*) is used to activate the monitoring of the telegram failure time. This parameter is used to set the time for cyclic monitoring of the master (life guarding and SYNC ).

  • Page 76: Setting-Up The Pdos

    180H + node ID Status_word Cannot be mapped Fixed mapping R_PDO_5 300H + node ID MICROMASTER 420/430: Mapping via CANopen master Default: No mapping or with the low byte from parameter P2041.02 Refer to Section 5.6 T_PDO_5 280H + node ID…

  • Page 77
    Issue 01/05 Information for the CANopen master In order to set the mapping for PDO 5 or PDO 6 via the CANopen master, the usual sequence must be maintained (also refer to DS 301): 1/ Set the number of mapping entries in the subindex 0 to 0 2/ Write new mapping entries — one after the other — into sub-indices 1 to 4 3/ Set the number of mapping entries in subindex 0 to the number of the now newly mapped objects (2 for 2 mapping entries, 4 for 4 mapping entries…)
  • Page 78
    Information for the CANopen master Issue 01/05 Initially, values that correspond to the lowest bit numbers must be mapped. As example, here, the following mapping should be set for RPDO_5: Control word, free object 2802.03, setpoint (reference) torque and modes of operation.
  • Page 79: Timing Of The Pdos

    Setpoints, that are sent in a shorter cycle than the 8ms, can be overwritten. Only the last setpoint telegram before the data transfer between the CANopen option module and MICROMASTER 420/430/440 is valid. PDO properties in parameter «P2041» Instead of using the usual CANopen mechanisms, the properties of the PDOs can be set and checked using the indexed parameter P2041(object 27F9*).This…

  • Page 80
    Information for the CANopen master Issue 01/05 Table 5-1 Parameterizing the communications module using parameter (object 27F9*) Para- Content Comment MICRO- meter MASTER 420/430 2041.00 Low Byte = Transmission Type for T_PDO_1 and T_PDO_5 Transmission See Table 5-2 for definition of Transmission Type. Type for Example.
  • Page 81
    Individual bits in these bytes are used select objects to be mapped. Significant Byte The mapping is outlined below in the mapping Table 5-3 = Mapping for (MICROMASTER 420/430) and Table 5-4 (MICROMASTER 440). R_PDO_5 As an example, it is necessary to map PDO 5 so that it : Most •…
  • Page 82
    Information for the CANopen master Issue 01/05 Para- MICRO- Content Comment meter MASTER 420/430 2041.04 Least Reaction to Comm Error: Significant Digit If CAN Overflow, bus-off, node guarding error or Sync (ones) loss go to the following state: = CAN Pre-operational Statemachine No state change…
  • Page 83
    Issue 01/05 Information for the CANopen master Para- MICRO- Content Comment meter MASTER 420/430 2041.04 Most Baud Rate : Significant Digit 0 = 10 kbit/s (hundreds): 1 = 20 kbit/s Baudrate 2 = 50 kbit/s 3 = 125 kbit/s 4 = 250 kbit/s 5 = 500 kbit/s 6 = 800 kbit/s 7 = 1…
  • Page 84
    The following tables indicate the significance of the various bits in parameters P2041.02 (object 27F9*sub 2) and P2041.03 (object 27F9*sub 3). Table 5-3 Significance of the bits for MICROMASTER 420/430 in parameters P2041.02 and P2041.03 MICROMASTER 420/430 SET Bit Direction…
  • Page 85
    Issue 01/05 Information for the CANopen master Table 5-4 Significance of the bits for MICROMASTER 440 in parameters P2041.02 and P2041.03 MICROMASTER 440 SET Bit Direction Object Dictionary Drive Description Number Index Table Data into Drive : Transferred from CANopen bus to CANopen objects to Drive parameters 2050.x Bit 0 R_PDO 6040H…
  • Page 86
    (RPM, 6044H) SET: if bit 9 set, map to vl_percentage_demand (per-unit, 6053H) if bit 14 set, map to vl_actual_percentage (per-unit, 6054H) MICROMASTER 420/430 MICROMASTER 420/430 PDO mapping via PDO mapping via P2041.02 and P2041.03 P2041.02 and P2041.03 Take objects for PDO Take objects for PDO from Table 5.3…
  • Page 87
    Issue 01/05 Information for the CANopen master MICROMASTER 420/430 MICROMASTER 420/430 PDO mapping via PDO mapping via P2041.02 and P2041.03 P2041.02 and P2041.03 Take objects for PDO Take objects for PDO from Table 5.3 from Table 5.4 Bit 0 (6040H) in PDO = 1…
  • Page 88
    Information for the CANopen master Issue 01/05 Example of a PDO configuration via parameter P2041 The TPDO 5 is to be configured for the MICROMASTER 440. To do this, the PDO mapping must be set, the data transfer type selected and the COB-ID set with which the PDO is to be transferred.
  • Page 89: First Commissioning In The Velocity Mode

    Issue 01/05 Information for the CANopen master First commissioning in the velocity mode The first commissioning in the velocity mode is described in this Chapter. All of the necessary settings and CAN messages are documented here in order that the drive can be moved: Firstly, the following BICO connections must be set using the BOP link or commissioning (start-up) tool:…

  • Page 90
    Information for the CANopen master Issue 01/05 Parameter P1501.0 = P2091.12 (12 bit from parameter 2091) BICO connection allows the operating modes to be changed-over (selected) CANopen object 0x6060 is activated Write 082B000C into object 0x25DD* sub 0 T0 00:01:44,4977: 0x603 8-Data: 22 dd 25 00 0c 00 2b 08 R0 00:01:44,5263: 0x583 8-Data: 60 dd 25 00 00 00 00 00…
  • Page 91
    Issue 01/05 Information for the CANopen master Execute the mapping for RPDO 4 Set the number of mapped objects to 0 Write 0 into object 0x1604 sub 0 T0 00:01:50,4900: 0x603 8-Data: 2f 04 16 00 00 00 00 00 R0 00:01:50,5034: 0x583 8-Data: 60 04 16 00 00 00 00 00 The control word is the first mapped object:…
  • Page 92
    Information for the CANopen master Issue 01/05 Set the number of mapped objects to 2 Write 2 into object 0x1A04 sub 0 T0 00:01:52,9377: 0x603 8-Data: 2f 04 1a 00 02 00 00 00 R0 00:01:54,5864: 0x583 8-Data: 60 04 1a 00 00 00 00 00 Execute the mapping for RPDO 5 Set the number of mapped objects to 0…
  • Page 93
    Issue 01/05 Information for the CANopen master Execute the mapping for TPDO 5 Set the number of mapped objects to 0 Write 0 into object 0x1A05 sub 0 T0 00:01:56,7626: 0x603 8-Data: 2f 05 1a 00 00 00 00 00 R0 00:01:56,7748: 0x583 8-Data: 60 05 1a 00 00 00 00 00 The status word is the first mapped object:…
  • Page 94
    Information for the CANopen master Issue 01/05 Receive the three PDOs: R0 00:01:59,1942: 0x183 2-Data: 37 fe R0 00:01:59,2027: 0x283 4-Data: 37 fe 00 00 R0 00:01:59,2103: 0x383 3-Data: 37 fe 02 The drive is now in the «operational“ state Enter velocity 1000 and control word 7F using PDO4 ->…
  • Page 95: Additional Helpful Commands For The Velocity Mode

    Issue 01/05 Information for the CANopen master 5.7.2 Additional helpful commands for the velocity mode Setting the baud rate to 500 kbit/s: Write 500 into object 0x27DA sub 0: T0 00:00:36,4500: 0x603 8-Data: 2b da 27 00 f4 01 00 00 R0 00:00:38,2083: 0x583 8-Data: 60 da 27 00 00 00 00 00 The new baud rate becomes active after the drive is re-started…

  • Page 96: First Commissioning In The Profile Torque Mode

    Information for the CANopen master Issue 01/05 First commissioning in the Profile Torque Mode A first commissioning in the velocity mode is described in this Chapter. All of the necessary settings and CAN messages are documented here in order to move the drive: When commissioning in the Profile Torque Mode, the baud rate for CANbus communications must be set to 500kbit/s:…

  • Page 97
    Issue 01/05 Information for the CANopen master Select the frequency setpoint, P1000=6 Write 6 into object 0x23E8* sub 0 T0 00:01:44,2375: 0x603 8-Data: 2b e8 23 00 06 00 00 00 R0 00:01:44,2642: 0x583 8-Data: 60 e8 23 00 00 00 00 00 Parameter P719 =0 so that P700 and P1000 are used Write 0 into object 0x22CF* sub 0 T0 00:01:44,3815: 0x603…
  • Page 98
    Information for the CANopen master Issue 01/05 Set the data transfer type of all PDOs to non-synchronous data transfer: Write FF into object 0x1400 sub 2 T0 00:01:44,7392: 0x603 8-Data: 2f 00 14 02 ff 00 00 00 R0 00:01:46,4598: 0x583 8-Data: 60 00 14 02 00 00 00 00 Write FF into object 0x1404 sub 2 T0 00:01:46,5702: 0x603…
  • Page 99
    Issue 01/05 Information for the CANopen master Execute the mapping for TPDO 4 Set the number of mapped objects to 0 Write 0 into object 0x1A04 sub 0 T0 00:01:52,5891: 0x603 8-Data: 2f 04 1a 00 00 00 00 00 R0 00:01:52,6020: 0x583 8-Data: 60 04 1a 00 00 00 00 00 The status word is the first mapped object:…
  • Page 100
    Information for the CANopen master Issue 01/05 Set the number of mapped objects to 2 Write 2 into object 0x1605 sub 0 T0 00:01:54,9624: 0x603 8-Data: 2f 05 16 00 02 00 00 00 R0 00:01:56,6833: 0x583 8-Data: 60 05 16 00 00 00 00 00 Execute the mapping for TPDO 5 Set the number of mapped objects to 0…
  • Page 101
    Issue 01/05 Information for the CANopen master Run-through the drive state machine: Send 6 using PDO 1 T0 00:01:58,9832: 0x203 2-Data: 06 00 Send 7 using PDO 1 T0 00:01:59,0533: 0x203 2-Data: 07 00 Receive the three PDOs: R0 00:01:59,0953: 0x183 2-Data: 33 fe R0 00:01:59,1038: 0x283 4-Data: 33 fe 00 00…
  • Page 102: Additional Helpful Commands For The Profile Torque Mode

    Information for the CANopen master Issue 01/05 5.8.2 Additional helpful commands for the profile torque mode Setting the baud rate: Write 500 into object 0x27DA sub 0 T0 00:00:36,4500: 0x603 8-Data: 2b da 27 00 f4 01 00 00 R0 00:00:38,2083: 0x583 8-Data: 60 da 27 00 00 00 00 00 The new baud rate becomes active after the drive has restarted Setting the NodeID (CANopen node name):…

  • Page 103: Commissioning Using A Commissioning (Start-Up) Tool

    The indexed parameter P2051 is used to make this selection. NOTE Only 4 PZD words are shown for the MICROMASTER 420 in Table 6-1. This corresponds to the maximum capacity of the MICROMASTER 420. MICROMASTER 430/440 have higher capacities. The CANopen option module can process up to 6 PZD words.

  • Page 104
    Information for the CANopen master Issue 01/05 The following tables contain the specific parameters which are used to connect process data for the CANopen option module: Table 6-1 BICO connections for P2050 (PZD from CB) Parameter Data Comment BICO connection 2050.00 Control word 1 From CANopen control word in object…
  • Page 105
    Issue 01/05 Information for the CANopen master Process data is sent from the drive to the network in parameter P2051 as follows: Table 6-2 BICO connections for P2051 (PZD to CB) Parameter Data Comment BICO connection 2051.00 Status word 1 To CANopen status word object BICO connection from r0052.
  • Page 106: Parameter «P0927» — Change Source For Parameters

    1: Yes Bit 3 Local RS485 interface (terminal 14/15 0: No (MICROMASTER 420) and 29/30 1: Yes (MICROMASTER 440) with USS) The pre-setting (default setting) for all bits is 1; this means that the parameters of all of the sources can be changed.

  • Page 107: Parameter Settings For The Modes

    BICO connection: P2050.0 CANopen control word P0700 = 6 6040H to MICROMASTER Drive control word Control Word r2090 Fig. 6-1 Process Data transfer from CAN object dictionary to MICROMASTER 420/430/440 using RPDO5 or RPDO6 CANopen Option Module Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5BC00-0BP0…

  • Page 108
    MICROMASTER Status Word 6041H P2051.0 (0) BICO connection: status word to r0052 P0700 = 6 CAN status word Fig. 6-2 Process Data transfer from MICROMASTER 420/430/440 to CAN object dictionary using TPDO5 or TPDO6 CANopen Option Module Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5BC00-0BP0…
  • Page 109
    Issue 01/05 Information for the CANopen master Typical parameter edits for the Velocity Mode Parameter Value Comment 2041.0 65535 PDO1, PDO5 Transmit if data changes 2041.1 0 = default value on powerup, so user does not need to change no change required this.
  • Page 110: Profile Torque Mode

    Information for the CANopen master Issue 01/05 6.3.2 Profile Torque Mode RPDO5 P2041.2 bit 05 RPDO6 P2041.3 bit 05 free object to Free connection MICROMASTER P2050.5 2802.6H RPDO5 P2041.2 bit 06 RPDO6 P2041.3 bit 06 Modify bit 12 modes of operation If 6060H = 2 bit 12 = 0 6060H If 6060H = 4 bit 12 = 1…

  • Page 111
    Issue 01/05 Information for the CANopen master TPDO5 P2041.2 bit 14 TPDO6 P2041.3 bit 14 Convert to Modes of Modes of operation Operation Display display Control word 2 If bit 12 = 0, 6061H = 2 from CB 6061H P2051.6 (0) = velocity mode BICO connection: r0055…
  • Page 112
    Information for the CANopen master Issue 01/05 Typical parameter edits for the Profile Torque Mode allowing switchover between speed and torque control Parameter Value Comment 2041.0 65535 PDO1, PDO5 Transmit if data changes 2041.1 0 = default value on powerup, so user does not need to change no change required this.
  • Page 113: Diagnostics And Troubleshooting

    CAN physical layer and indicates errors due to missing CAN messages (SYNC, NODE-GUARDING, etc). The MICROMASTER 420/430/440 will support the following mandatory states of the RED part of the LED and an MICROMASTER 420/430/440 specific option as follows: CANopen Option Module…

  • Page 114
    MICROMASTER specific: Fatal error on Card. In the CANopen specification the GREEN part of the LED indicates the status of the CANopen network state machine. The MICROMASTER 420/430/440 will support the following mandatory states of the GREEN part of the LED as follows: Table 7-3…
  • Page 115: Alarms (Warnings And Faults)

    The cause of this error is that the bus loading is too high. Reduce the rate at which messages are sent to the MICROMASTER 420/430/440. Allow at least 1ms between 2 consecutive messages to the MICROMASTER 420/430/440. Note that within the drive CANopen module PDO message data is transferred to the drive every 8 ms, so writing to the same location (i.e.

  • Page 116
    Further Information: If object 1006H > 0, then sync checking is enabled on the MICROMASTER 420/430/440. If a sync is not received within 1.5 time the communication cycle period then this warning will occur. In response to a sync loss the user has options to ignore the error, trip the Drive, stop the drive, and/or send an emcy message.
  • Page 117
    2 ms. Therefore if receive > 10 messages in 2 ms may get a CAN overrun. Drive Cycle Time: This is 8 ms. If the MICROMASTER 420/430/440 receives the data for the same variable within 8 ms the previous data will be overwritten.
  • Page 118
    Diagnostics and troubleshooting Issue 01/05 Faults Table 7-5 Fault messages displayed at the drive converter Fault No. Description F0070 Cause: The communications failure monitoring time, set in parameter P2040 has expired. The drive monitors this time. Supplementary information: Also refer to alarms A0700, A0701, A0702. Remedy: Check whether the CANopen master has stopped operation.
  • Page 119: Diagnostic Parameters

    Issue 01/05 Diagnostics and troubleshooting Diagnostic parameters Parameter r2054 The indexed parameter r2054 provides detailed information if the MICROMASTER displays a warning (alarm) generated by the CANopen option module. Index Content Configuration or other errors no error Invalid slave address (low byte of P0918) Invalid PDO Transmission Type (P2041.00 — P2041.01) Invalid T_PDO Transmission Type (P2041.00 — P2041.01) Invalid R_PDO Transmission Type (P2041.01 high byte)

  • Page 120
    Diagnostics and troubleshooting Issue 01/05 430: Hardware fault 431: Parameter incompatible 432: Unknown SDO error 433: SDO command specifier invalid 434: Invalid SDO block size 435: Invalid SDO block crc sum 436: No resources available for SDO connection 437: Bad requested error control mechanism 438: SDO timed out 439:…
  • Page 121: Software Release And Information

    Issue 01/05 Diagnostics and troubleshooting Software release and information The software release and other software information on the communications module are displayed in the indexed parameter r2053. Parameter Description r2053.00 Module type (3 = CANopen) r2053.01 Version (11 = Version 1.1); this is the same version which is output at CANopen r2053.02 Firmware details r2053.03…

  • Page 123: Attachment

    Issue 01/05 Attachment Attachment Technical data Table 8-1 Technical data Order No. 6SE6400-1CB00-0AA0 Size (Height x Width x Depth) 161 mm x 73 mm x 43.5 mm Degree of pollution Degree of pollution 2 according to IEC 60 664-1 (DIN VDE 0110/T1), moisture condensation during operation is not permissible Mechanical strength…

  • Page 124: Emc Information

    Attachment Issue 01/05 EMC information The module fulfills the following Standards regarding noise emission and noise immunity: Noise emission according to EN55011 (1991) Class A Noise immunity according to IEC 60 801-3 and EN61000-4-3 CANopen Option Module Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5BC00-0BP0…

  • Page 125: List Of Abbriviations

    Issue 01/05 Attachment List of Abbriviations Alternating current Analog digital converter Analog digital converter Address Additional frequency modification Analog input Advanced operator panel AOUT Analog output Analog setpoint ASVM Asymmetric space vector modulation Block check character Binary-coded decimal code Binector input BICO Binector / connector Binector output…

  • Page 126
    Attachment Issue 01/05 Clockwise Digital analog converter Digital analog converter Direct current Drive data set Digital input DIP switch DOUT Digital output Drive state European Economic Community EEPROM Electrical erasable programmable read-only ELCB Earth leakage circuit breaker Electro-magnetic compatibility Electromotive force Electro-magnetic interference Frequently asked questions Flux current control…
  • Page 127
    Issue 01/05 Attachment Motor potentiometer Normally closed Normally open Node-ID Node address Operating instructions Process Data Object Power drive system PID controller (proportional, integral, derivative) Parameter ID Parameter ID value Programmable logic controller Parameter list Parameter process data object Positive temperature coefficient Parameter value Pulse-width modulation Parameter number…
  • Page 128
    Attachment Issue 01/05 Transistor-transistor logic Universal serial interface Vector control Variable torque write only Status word CANopen Option Module Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5BC00-0BP0…
  • Page 129
    Issue 01/05 Attachment CANopen Option Module Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5BC00-0BP0…
  • Page 130
    Attachment Issue 01/05 CANopen Option Module Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5BC00-0BP0…
  • Page 131
    Recommendations and/or corrections Recommendations Corrections Siemens AG For the document/Manual: Automation & Drives Group MICROMASTER 420/430/440 SD SM 5 CANopen Option Module P.O. Box 3269 D-91050 Erlangen Federal Republic of Germany Email: documentation.sd@siemens.com User Documentation From Name: Order No.: 6SE6400-5BC00-0BP0…
  • Page 132
    Siemens AG Automation and Drives Group (A&D) Standard Drives (SD) Division Postfach 3269, D-91050 Erlangen © Siemens AG, 2002, 2004 Germany We reserve the right to make changes Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Order No.: 6SE6400-5BC00-0BP0 Printed in Germany…
  • Ремонт MICROMASTER 420
  • Ремонт распространенных частотнрых преобразователей MICROMASTER 420
  • Ошибки MICROMASTER 420
  • Сброс сообщений об ошибках, предупреждений
  • MICROMASTER 420 программирование
  • MICROMASTER 420 ввод в эксплуатацию
  • Оставить заявку на ремонт MICROMASTER 420


Ремонт MICROMASTER 420Компания «Кернел» производит ремонт частотных преобразователей с 2002 года. За это время мы накопили колоссальный опыт в том числе опыт в ремонте MICROMASTER 420 такого известного производителя как SIEMENS. Ремонт подобной промышленной электроники ответственное и сложное занятие, требующие максимальной отдачи, профессионализма и максимально полной материальной базе.

По причине особой сложности Ремонт MICROMASTER 420 производится исключительно на территории сервисного центра. Частотный преобразователь MICROMASTER 420 является крайне сложной промышленной электроникой соответственно ремонт MICROMASTER 420 можно доверить только настоящим профессионалам своего дела с богатым опытом работы в данном направлении.

Все специалисты нашего сервисного центра имеют высшее техническое образование, огромный опыт и максимально полную материальную базу включая новейшее высокотехнологичное диагностическое оборудование благодаря чему ремонт MICROMASTER 420 проходит максимально эффективно.

Инженеры сервисного центра уделяют максимальное внимание к качеству исполнения ремонта, программирования и настройке частотного преобразователя, не зависимо от производителя данного промышленного оборудования. Именно поэтому мы смело даем гарантию на ремонт MICROMASTER 420 и замененные в процессе ремонта компоненты шесть месяцев.

Особое внимание заслуживает тот факт, что ремонт MICROMASTER 420 в производится исключительно с использованием оригинальных запасных частей, на компонентном уровне с применением высокотехнологичного оборудования, квалифицированным персоналом с инженерным образованием.

Ремонт распространенных частотнрых преобразователей MICROMASTER 420

Если на вашем производстве появились проблемы с частотным преобразователем MICROMASTER 420, ошибка которую вы не можете сбросить самостоятельно, мы всегда рады вам помочь. Обращайтесь в сервисный центр «Кернел». Специалисты нашей компании в минимальные сроки проведут глубокую диагностику частотного преобразователя и последующий ремонт MICROMASTER 420 в . Оставьте заявку на ремонт частотного преобразователя используя форму на сайте.

Ниже приведен далеко не полный список частотных преобразователей MICROMASTER 420 ремонт которых выполняет наш сервисный центр.






















При появлении неисправности на дисплее частотного преобразователя MICROMASTER 420 отобразится код ошибки, в файле ниже приведены все ошибки MICROMASTER 420 и возможные способы их устранения.

При возникновении ошибки преобразователь отключается и на индикации появляется код ошибки.


Сообщения об ошибках могут квитироваться следующим образом:

  • Возможность 1: Отключить преобразователь от сети и снова подключить
  • Возможность 2: на AOP или BOP
  • Возможность 3: Через цифровой вход 3

Ремонт MICROMASTER 420Сообщения об ошибках сохраняются в параметре r0947 под своим кодовым номером (к примеру, F0003 = 3). Соответствующее слово ошибки находится в параметре r0949. Если слово ошибки у ошибки отсутствует, то вносится значение 0. Кроме этого, можно запросить момент времени возникновения ошибки (r0948) и число сохраненных в параметре r0947 сообщений об ошибках (P0952). Подробное описание всех сообщений об ошибках можно найти в Списке параметров.


Предупреждения сохраняются в параметре r2110 под своим кодовым номером (к примеру, A0503 = 503) и могут загружаться оттуда. Подробное описание всех предупреждений можно найти в Списке параметров.

Сброс сообщений об ошибках, предупреждений

Работа без сбоев с точки зрения приложения является решающим критерием приемлемости приводной системы. Но для специальных приложений бесперебойная работа требуется и тогда, когда имеет место перегрузка или внешние обстоятельства вызывают ошибку. В таких приложениях (к примеру, мешалка) бесперебойная работа более важна, чем защита приводной системы. В MICROMASTER 420 можно подавить до 3-х сообщений об ошибках/предупреждений с индексированными параметрами P2100 и P2101. Выбор сообщений об ошибках/предупреждений (см. раздел «Сообщения об ошибках/предупреждения») устанавливается с помощью параметра P2100, а реакция выбирается с помощью параметра P2101. Корреляция между подавлением и реакцией осуществляется через индекс 0 — 2 обоих параметров. Для реакций возможны следующие установки:

  • 0 нет реакции, нет индикации
  • 1 реакция останова ВЫКЛ1
  • 2 реакция останова ВЫКЛ2
  • 3 реакция останова ВЫКЛ3
  • 4 нет реакции, только предупреждение


Предупреждение A0911 указывает на то, что привод увеличивает врем выбега по рампе, чтобы не допустить перенапряжения. Для подавления этого сообщения установить следующие параметры:

p2100[0] = 911 (выбор предупреждения A0911)

P2101[0] = 0 (нет реакции, нет индикации)

Все возможные предупреждения и ошибки MICROMASTER 420 описаны в руководстве пользователя, которое вы можете скачать с нашего сайта в удобном формате- pdf.

Скачать руководство пользователя MICROMASTER 420 мануал.pdf

Устранение причины ошибки частотного преобразователя MICROMASTER 420 и ее сброс позволит в кратчайшие сроки возобновить работу дорогостоящего оборудования. К сожалению не все ошибки можно исправить самостоятельно, некоторые ошибки MICROMASTER 420 возможно исправить только в специализированных сервисных центрах.

MICROMASTER 420 программирование

Ремонт MICROMASTER 420На ряду с ремонтом, специалисты сервисного центра «Кернел» выполняют программирование MICROMASTER 420 и настройку параметров системы частотного преобразователя. Подобную услугу мы оказываем на территории сервисного центра, также в исключительных случаях инженер компании может выполнить программирование MICROMASTER 420 на территории заказчика.

Настройка параметров, программирование MICROMASTER 420 в является заключительным звеном в процессе ремонта частотного преобразователя и требует профессионального подхода. Именно финальный этап программирования MICROMASTER 420 наглядно покажет качество выполненного ремонта MICROMASTER 420.

К слову, мы уделяем особое внимание качеству и смело даем гарантию на все выполненные ремонтно-восстановительные работы шесть месяцев, гарантия так же распространяется на запасные части, которые были заменены в процессе ремонта.

Хочется обратить внимание на то, что мы стараемся провести ремонт и программирование MICROMASTER 420 в максимально сжатые сроки, тем самым минимизируем простой дорогостоящего промышленного оборудования.

MICROMASTER 420 ввод в эксплуатацию

Инженеры сервисного центра «Кернел» не только выполняют качественный ремонт MICROMASTER 420 и программирование частотного преобразователя. Так же мы предоставляем услугу запуска в эксплуатацию оборудования от стадии проектирования до выпуска первой продукции.

Именно этап запуска в эксплуатацию MICROMASTER 420 отвечает за долгий и безаварийный процесс работы промышленного оборудования, тем самым позволяя получить максимальную прибыль и сэкономить на незапланированном ремонте.

По-настоящему качественный ввод в эксплуатацию MICROMASTER 420 может выполнить только высококвалифицированный специалист с богатым опытом работы в данном направлении. Найти подобного специалиста достаточно сложно, но, если вы обращаетесь в наш сервисный центр вам не придется об этом думать.

ДляпараметрированияпреобразователяВыможетеиспользоватьоднуизоп-ционныхоператорскихпанелей, таких как «Базовая Операторская Панель»(BOP) или «Расширенная Панель Оператора» (AOP). Для более удобного обслуживания и параметрирования преобразователей можно использовать специальный инструмент – Drive Monitor – программу для настройки и документирования.

Блок схема MICROMASTER 420

Передние панели MICROMASTER 420

В нашей команде работают исключительно профессионалы своего дела, а за время существования нашей компании мы ввели в эксплуатацию не одну сотню частотных преобразователей в том числе и MICROMASTER 420, с каждым разом получая и накапливая драгоценный опыт.


Ремонт MICROMASTER 420Частотный преобразователь MICROMASTER 420 снабжен пультом отображения состояния (Status Display Panel) (SDP). Чтобы изменять и устанавливать требуемые параметры, необходимо использовать базовый пульт оператора (Basic Operator Panel) (BOP), расширенный пульт оператора (Advanced Operator Panel) (AOP) или последовательный интерфейс связи.

Базовая панель оператора (BOP), поставляемая как опция, дает возможность доступа к параметрам преобразователя и обеспечивает специфическую пользовательскую настройку MICROMASTER 420. BOP может использоваться для конфигурирования большинства преобразователей MICROMASTER 420. Поэтому нет необходимости покупать свою панель BOP для каждого преобразователя. Панель имеет сегментные индикаторы для чтения и записи параметров преобразователя. Панель не имеет возможности собственного хранения информации и параметров после её снятия.

Линейка промышленной электроники, которую восстанавливают специалисты сервисного центра «Кернел» не имеет ограничений, мы выполняем качественный ремонт промышленной электроники и оборудования абсолютно любых производителей не зависимо от года выпуска и наличия технической документации.

Оставить заявку на ремонт MICROMASTER 420

Оставить заявку на ремонт или программирование MICROMASTER 420 в можно с помощью специальной формы, которая вызывается нажатием одноименной кнопки в верхней части страницы. Все вопросы, связанные с ремонтом MICROMASTER 420 в вы можете задать нашим менеджерам. Связаться с ними можно несколькими способами:

Наши контакты

  • Заказав обратный звонок (кнопка в правом нижнем углу сайта)
  • Посредством чата (кнопка расположена с левой стороны сайта)
  • Позвонив по номеру телефона: +7(8482) 79-78-54; +7(917) 121-53-01
  • Написав на электронную почту: 89171215301@mail.ru

Вот далеко не полный список производителей промышленной электроники и оборудования, ремонтируемой в нашей компании.

International English


In the event of a failure, the inverter switches off and a fault code appears on the display.

Table 6-2

Fault Code











Inverter I


Motor Overtemperature




Stator resistance

measurement failure


MICROMASTER 420 Fault Codes


1. Motor power does not

correspond to the inverter


2. Motor lead short circuit

3. Earth fault

Supply voltage out of tolerance

load is regenerating.

Mains supply removed when

inverter is running.

Ambient temperature outside of


Fan failure



Inverter is overloaded

1. Motor overloaded.


2. Motor data incorrect.

3. Check parameter for motor

thermal time constant.

4. Check parameter for motor I

warning level.

5. Long time period operating at

low speeds

Stator resistance measurement


Possible Causes




Diagnosis & Remedy

1. Check whether the motor power

corresponds to the inverter


2. Check that the cable length limits

have not been exceeded.

3. Check motor cable and motor for

short-circuits and earth faults.

4. Check whether the motor

parameters correspond with the

motor being used.

5. Check the stator resistance


6. Increase the ramp-up-time


7. Reduce the boost set in (P1310),

(P1311) and (P1312).

8. Check whether the motor is

obstructed or overloaded.

1. Check whether the supply voltage

is within the limits indicated on the

rating plate.

2. Check if dc-link voltage

controller (P1240) is enabled and

parameterized correctly.

3. Increase the ramp-down time


1. Check whether the supply voltage

is within the limits indicated on the

rating plate.

2. Check the supply is not subject to

temporary failures or voltage


1. Check that the integral fan rotates

when drive is running.

2. Check if pulse frequency is set to

default value.

3. Ambient temperature could be

higher than specified for the


4. Check that air inlet and outlet

points are not obstructed.

1. Check if load duty-cycle is within

specified limits.

2. Check that motor power

corresponds to inverter power

1. Check motor data.

2. Check loading on motor.

3. Boost settings too high (P1310,

P1311, P1312)

1. Check if the motor is connected to

the inverter

2. Check that the motor data has

been entered correctly.

MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions


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Operating Instructions

Issue A2

User Documentation

Related Manuals for Siemens Micromaster 420

Summary of Contents for Siemens Micromaster 420

  • Page 1
    MICROMASTER Operating Instructions Issue A2 User Documentation…
  • Page 3
    Overview Installation Commissioning MICROMASTER 420 Using the MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions System Parameters User Documentation Troubleshooting MICROMASTER 420 Specifications Supplementary Information Appendices Valid for Release Inverter Type Control Version MICROMASTER 420 October 2000 Index Issue: A2…
  • Page 4
    We welcome suggestions for improvement. MICROMASTER® is a registered trademark of Siemens. Siemens handbooks are printed on chlorine-free paper that has been produced from managed sustainable forests. No solvents have been used in the printing or binding process.
  • Page 5
    ♦ Getting Started Guide The Getting Started Guide is designed to give you quick access to all the basic information required to install and set up your MICROMASTER 420 for operation. ♦ Operating Instructions The Operating Instructions provide detailed information for installation and operation of your MICROMASTER 420.
  • Page 6: Using The

    Siemens. Contact address Should any questions or problems arise while reading this manual, please contact the Siemens office concerned using the form provided at the back this manual. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 7: Micromaster

    Please read the information carefully, since it is provided for your personal safety and will also help prolong the service life of your MICROMASTER 420 Inverter and the equipment you connect to it. General Warnings ♦…

  • Page 8
    The connection of power, motor and control cables to the inverter must be carried out as shown in Figure 2-4 on page 25, to prevent inductive and capacitive interference from affecting the correct functioning of the inverter. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 9
    EN 60204, Repair Warnings ♦ Repairs on equipment may only be carried out by Siemens Service, by repair centers authorized by Siemens or by qualified personnel who are thoroughly acquainted with all the warnings and operating procedures contained in this manual.
  • Page 10
    International English FOREWORD MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 11: Table Of Contents

    Ambient operating conditions ………………19 Mechanical Installation ………………..20 Electrical Installation ………………..21 Commissioning ………………….27 Front Panels for the MICROMASTER 420 …………..29 General operation ………………….. 34 Using the MICROMASTER 420 …………….37 Frequency Setpoint………………… 38 Command Sources (P0700) ………………38 OFF and braking Functions ………………

  • Page 12
    D — Removing ‘Y’ Cap Frame Size A ………………115 E — Removing ‘Y’ Cap Frame Sizes B and C …………….117 F — User Parameter Settings …………………. 119 G — Applicable Standards ………………….121 H — List of Abbreviations………………….123 Index ……………………..125 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 13
    Motor and Power Connections ………………23 Figure 2-4 Wiring Guidelines to Minimize the Effects of EMI …………. 25 Figure 3-1 Panels available for the MICROMASTER 420 Inverter ………… 29 Figure 3-2 Basic operation with SDP………………..30 Figure 3-3 Buttons on the Basic Operator Panel…………….31 Figure 3-4 Changing parameters via the BOP………………
  • Page 14
    MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 15: Overview

    OVERVIEW International English Overview This Chapter contains: A summary of the major features of the MICROMASTER 420 range. The MICROMASTER 420………………. 16 Features ……………………16 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 16: The Micromaster 420

    Comprehensive protective functions provide excellent inverter and motor protection. The MICROMASTER 420 with its default factory settings, is ideal for a large range of simple motor control applications. The MICROMASTER 420 can also be used for more advanced motor control applications via its comprehensive parameter lists.

  • Page 17: Installation

    General data relating to installation ♦ Dimensions of Inverter ♦ Wiring guidelines to minimize the effects of EMI ♦ Details concerning electrical installation General……………………18 Ambient operating conditions ………………19 Mechanical Installation ………………..20 Electrical Installation ………………..21 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 18: General

    Apply 25% of input voltage for 2 hours Increase volts to 50% for a further 2 hours Increase volts to 75% for a further 2 hours Increase volts to 100% for a further 2 hours Inverter ready for run signal MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 19: Ambient Operating Conditions

    Overheating Mount the inverter vertically to ensure optimum cooling. Additional ventilation may be required for horizontal mounting. Ensure that the inverter’s air vents are not obstructed. Allow 100 mm clearance above and below the inverter. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 20: Mechanical Installation

    4 washers M5 204 mm 8.03″ 245 mm Tightening 9.65″ torque (unit to cabinet) with washers fitted: 3 Nm 174 mm 185 mm 195 mm 6.85″ 7.28″ 7.68″ Figure 2-1 Drill pattern for MICROMASTER 420 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 21: Electrical Installation

    A type B RCD is used. The trip limit of the RCD is 300mA. The neutral of the supply is grounded. Only one inverter is supplied from each RCD. The output cables are less than 50m (screened) or 100m (unscreened). MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 22
    To tighten up the power terminal screws use a 4 — 5 mm cross-tip screwdriver. Access to the power and motor terminals The procedure for accessing the power and motor terminals on the MICROMASTER 420 Inverter is illustrated in Appendices B and C. Please also refer to the photographs showing the Power Terminal connections and the Control Terminal connections on the inside of the back cover of this manual.
  • Page 23
  • Page 24
    ♦ Use screened or armored cables for the motor connections and ground the screen at both ends using the cable clamps Warning Safety regulations must not be compromised when installing inverters! MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 25
    Use suitable clips to fix motor and control cable screens securely to metal back plate Note To enhance the screening of the motor and control cables, the optional Gland Plate can be used (not shown in Figure 2-4). MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 26
    International English 2. INSTALLATION MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 27: Commissioning

    Basic Operator Panel (BOP) ♦ An 8-step guide at the end of the Chapter, which provides a simple procedure for changing parameters Front Panels for the MICROMASTER 420 …………..29 General operation ………………….. 34 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 28
    Only qualified personnel may enter settings in the control panels. Particular attention must be paid to safety precautions and warnings at all times. The MICROMASTER 420 is supplied with a Status Display Panel (SDP) and default parameter settings that cover the following requirements: ♦…
  • Page 29: Front Panels For The Micromaster 420

    Front Panels for the MICROMASTER 420 Front panels The front panels shown below are available for use with the MICROMASTER 420 Inverters. The panel on the left is supplied with the inverter as standard and is referred to as the Status Display Panel (SDP). The Basic Operator Panel (BOP) and Advanced Operator Panel (AOP) are available as options.

  • Page 30: Table 3-2 Default Settings For Operation Using The Bop

    Commissioning with the Basic Operator Panel (BOP) The Basic Operator Panel (BOP), which is available as an option, provides access to the inverter parameters and enables you to customize the settings of your MICROMASTER 420. The BOP can be used to configure several MICROMASTER 420 150.00 Inverters.

  • Page 31: Figure 3-3 Buttons On The Basic Operator Panel

    To change the Frequency Setpoint via the BOP set P1000 = 1. Pressing this button decreases the displayed value. Decrease value To change the Frequency Setpoint via the BOP set P1000 = 1. Figure 3-3 Buttons on the Basic Operator Panel MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 32: Figure 3-4 Changing Parameters Via The Bop

    Note — Busy Message In some cases — when changing parameter values — the display on the BOP shows » — — — -«. This means the inverter is busy with tasks of higher priority. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 33: Figure 3-5 Typical Motor Rating Plate Example

    Figure 3-6. 1 kΩ Figure 3-6 Motor Overload PTC Connection Note: To enable the trip function, set parameter P0701, P0702 or P0703 = 29. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 34: General Operation

    (P0005 = 21) the corresponding setpoint is displayed approximately every 1.0 seconds while the inverter is stopped. 3. The inverter is programmed at the factory for standard applications on Siemens four- pole standard motors that have the same power rating as the inverters. When using other motors it is necessary to enter the specifications from the motor’s rating plate.

  • Page 35
    3. When the inverter reaches 50 Hz, press the ‘DOWN’ Button. Motor speed and display is decreased. 4. Change the direction of rotation with the FORWARD / REVERSE Button. 5. The red button STOPS the motor. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 36
    AOUT + 12 0-20mA AOUT — Serial Link (RS485) The Analogue input circuit can be alternatively configured to provide an additional digital input (DIN4) as shown. DIN4 – 0V (Isolated) Figure 3-7 Inverter block diagram MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 37: Using The Micromaster 420

    4. USING THE MICROMASTER 420 International English Using the MICROMASTER 420 This Chapter contains: ♦ An explanation of the various methods of controlling your inverter Frequency Setpoint………………… 38 Command Sources (P0700) ………………38 OFF and braking Functions ………………39 Control Modes (P1300)………………..40 Faults and warnings………………..

  • Page 38: Frequency Setpoint

    International English 4. USING THE MICROMASTER 420 Warnings ♦ When operating electrical devices, it is impossible to avoid applying hazardous voltages to certain parts of the equipment. ♦ Emergency Stop facilities according to EN 60204 IEC 204 (VDE 0113) must remain operative in all operating modes of the control equipment.

  • Page 39: Off And Braking Functions

    4. USING THE MICROMASTER 420 International English Reversing the motor Standard Terminal 6 (DIN 2) Options see P0700 to P0704 OFF and braking Functions 4.3.1 OFF1 This command (produced by canceling the ON command) causes the inverter to come to a standstill at the selected ramp-down rate.

  • Page 40: Control Modes (P1300)

    P1236 Control Modes (P1300) The various modes of operation of the MICROMASTER 420 control the relationship between the speed of the motor and the voltage supplied by the inverter. There are four modes of operation:…

  • Page 41: System Parameters

    ♦ An in-depth description of what the parameter actually does Overview of MICROMASTER System Parameters ..Error! Bookmark not defined. Introduction to MICROMASTER System Parameters… Error! Bookmark not defined. System Parameters and Definitions ……Error! Bookmark not defined. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 42: Overview Of Micromaster System Parameters

    The MM420 is therefore delivered with the following default settings: ♦ Motor Parameters to suit a Siemens 4 pole motor to match the drive power and voltage. ♦ Setpoint control from the Analog input; 0 – 10V corresponding to 0 to 50 Hz or 0 to 60 Hz (North America).

  • Page 43: Introduction To Micromaster System Parameters

    ♦ If an attempt is made to change a parameter that cannot be changed in this status, for example, cannot be changed whilst running or can only be changed in quick commissioning, then will be displayed. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 44
    Reset to Factory default To reset all parameters to the factory default settings; the following parameters should be set as follows: 1. Set P0010=30. 2. Set P0970=1. Note The reset process takes approximately 10 seconds to complete. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 45
    0340 Calculation of motor parameters 0350 Stator resistance, line-to-line 0611 Motor I t time constant 0614 Motor I t overload warning level 0640 Motor overload factor 1910 Select motor data identification 1912 Identified stator resistance MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 46
    0010 Commissioning Parameter filter 0010 Commissioning Parameter filter 0918 Profibus address 0947 Last fault code 0927 Parameters changeable via 2110 Warning history 2000 Reference frequency 2197 CO/BO: Status word 1 monitor 2010 USS baud rate 2011 USS address MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 47
    PI: tranducer type 2272 CO: PI scaled feedback signal 2273 CO: PI error 2280 PI: proportional gain 2285 PI: integral time 2291 PI: output upper limit 2292 PI: output lower limit 2294 CO: PI output MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 48: System Parameters And Definitions

    “User defined parameter list – see P0013 (Level 3) for details on use” “Standard”: allows access into most frequently used parameters “Extended”: allows extended access to inverter I/O functions “Expert”: for expert use only. “Service”: only for use by authorized service personnel –password protected. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 49
    Quick Commissioning Factory setting Notes: This parameter must be reset to 0 before the inverter will run (Automatic when P3900 ≠ 0 (default)). The accessible parameters are also affected by the User Access Level parameter (P0003). MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 50
    P0040. P0040 Reset energy consumption meter Resets energy consumption display to zero. Possible Settings: 0 = No reset 1 = Reset r0039 to 0 Note: Reset occurs when “P” is pressed. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 51
    Inverter overload Notes: The individual status bits can be configured to the digital output using P0731. To enable the user to read the relevant parameter bits display, refer to the diagram below: > & » MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 52
    Actual frequency ≥ setpoint Bit 6 Voltage < threshold Bit 7 Voltage > threshold Bit 8 Bit 9 reserve PI frequency < threshold Bit A Bit b PI saturation Note: Refer to the bitmap diagram on page 51. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 53
    Rated drive power [kW] or [hp] Displays the nominal motor power rating, which can be supplied by the inverter. Note: The display will be in kW or hp dependent on the setting of P0100 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 54
    Υ Υ Υ Υ = = = = 440-480 95.75% == == == ==∆/Υ ∆/Υ ∆/Υ ∆/Υ= = = = 220-240/380-420 V 45kg P0344 11.1-11.3 A 19.7-20.6/11.4-11.9 A P0308 P0311 P0309 Note: This parameter can only be changed when P0010=1. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 55
    This parameter is only visible when P0100 = 1, i.e. when the motor power is entered in hp. Note: A setting of 0 will cause the value to be calculated internally. P0310 Motor frequency rating [50] ‘ ’ Nominal motor frequency (Hz) from rating plate — see diagram P0304 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 56
    The value entered in P0350 is the one from the method last used. P0611 Motor I t time constant 16000 [***] Defines motor thermal time constant and is automatically calculated from the motor data (P0340). Note: Larger number increases time taken for calculated motor temperature to change. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 57
    29 External trip 33 Disable additional setpoint (defined in P1000) 99 Enable BICO parameterization – for expert use only Can only be reset via P0700 or P3900 = 1, 2 or factory setting P0970 = 1 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 58
    29 External trip 33 Disable additional setpoint (defined in P1000) Enable BICO parameterization – for expert use only Can only be reset via P0700 or P3900 = 1, 2 or factory setting P0970 = 1. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 59
    Bit 01 «Digital input 2» 0 OFF 1 Active Bit 02 «Digital input 3» 0 OFF 1 Active Bit 03 «Digital input 4 (Via AIN)» 1 Active Note When the signal is active the segment is lit. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 60
    Controller output at lower limit (P2291) Closed Open Note These are the most common settings. Other settings are possible in Expert mode. r0752 Analog input voltage Displays the smohthed analog input value in volts before the characteristic block MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 61
    When monitoring is enabled and a deadband is defined (P0761), a fault condition will be generated (F0080) when the analog input voltage falls below 50% of the deadband voltage. Note: This function is disabled if the analog scaling block (see P0757 – P0760) is programmed to output negative setpoints. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 62
    Value X2 of analog input scaling Sets value of X2 as described in P0757 [10] ‘•’ P0760 Value Y2 of analog input scaling -99999 99999 Sets value of Y2 as described in P0757 [100] ‘•’ MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 63
    P0758 = -100% P0761 = 0.1 (0.1V either side of center) P2000 = 50Hz Note: Fmin (P1080) should be zero when using center zero setup. There is no hysteresis at the end of the dead band MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 64
    Defines x2 of output characteristic P0780 Value Y2 of analog output characteristics [20] ‘•’ Defines y2 of output characteristic P0781 Analog output deadband ‘•’ Sets the width of a dead-band in mA for the analog output. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 65
    E.g. if you want to set value 15, you will need to set the display to indicate 15 in Binary (with the separating bars in-between “b — — n n” or if you wanted to set 11 – “b — — r n” etc. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 66
    Index 2 is only used if a 2 fault occurs before the 1 is acknowledged. P0970 Factory reset Resets all parameters to their default values. To do this, you need to set P0010=30, then P0970=1 P0100 is set according DIP Switch setting MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 67
    The most common settings are: Keypad (Motor potentiometer) setpoint Analog input Fixed frequency setpoint USS via RS232 USS via RS485 terminals Optional Communication Board Other settings including an additional setpoint can be selected using the table above. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 68
    P1002 Fixed frequency 2 -650 ‘ • ’ Defines fixed frequency setpoint 2 See description for P1001 P1003 Fixed frequency 3 -650 [10] ‘ • ’ Defines fixed frequency setpoint 3 See description for P1001 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 69
    Reverse direction is allowed – it is possible to change motor direction using the keypad (Motor potentiometer) setpoint (increase / decrease frequency either by using digital inputs or keypad up / down buttons) Reverse direction inhibited MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 70
    JOG ramp-up time [10] ‘•’ Sets ramp-up time. This is the time used while jogging or when the function “use jog ramp times” is activated. f (Hz) f max (P1082) time (s) Jog Ramp up time (P1060) MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 71
    3 x the nominal rating plate motor frequency. The maximum frequency can be exceeded if either of the following is active: Slip compensation (f slip comp max Flying restart slip nom MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 72
    Notes Setting the ramp-down time too short can cause the inverter to trip (overvoltage (F0002) / overcurrent (F0001)). Changes to the ramp-up or ramp-down times are not active until confirmed by pressing the P key. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 73
    Defines smoothing time at end of ramp-up as shown in P1130. P1132 Ramp-down initial rounding time ‘•’ Defines smoothing time at start of ramp-down as shown in P1130. P1133 Ramp-down final rounding time ‘•’ Defines smoothing time at end of ramp-down as shown in P1130. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 74
    Defines continuous smoothing (default) or discontinuous smoothing as a response to OFF commands or setpoint reduction. The total smoothing time must be set > 0s; otherwise this parameter will have no effect. Possible settings: Continuous Discontinuous freq Continuous Discontinuous Stop Time MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 75
    Once this happens, the motor will run up to its setpoint using the normal ramp time. Note: Settings 1 to 3 search in both directions. In order to search only in direction of setpoint it is necessary to set 4 to 6. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 76
    The brake relay opens at Point 1 if enabled using P0731. The brake relay closes at Point 2. P1216 Holding brake release delay Defines the time at which the inverter runs at f before ramping up at point 1 (as shown in P1215 diagram). MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 77
    Increasing the value will generally improve braking performance; however, if you set the value too high, an overvoltage trip may result. Possible settings: Compound braking disabled 1 – 250 Level of DC braking current defined as a % of motor rated current (P0305) MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 78
    Controls the relationship between the speed of the motor and the voltage supplied by the inverter. Possible values Linear V/f (default) FCC(Flux Current Control) – maintains motor flux current for improved efficiency Quadratic V/f – suitable for centrifugal fans/pumps Multi-point V/f (programmable – in Expert Mode only. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 79
    ♦ The achievable boost value is limited by the setting in P0640. ♦ Increasing the Boost Levels increases the heating of the motor especially at standstill. ♦ Σ Boosts < 300/I mot * R S MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 80
    ON command and is active until setpoint is reached for the 1 time. This is useful for starting loads with high inertia. V Max V Max V Nom (P0304) Normal V/f P1312 F Nom F Max (P0310) (P1082) MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 81
    4 kHz 6 kHz 8 kHz 10 kHz 12 kHz 14 kHz 16 kHz Power 0.37 0.55 0.75 10.2 10.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 18.4 18.4 13.2 13.2 26.0 26.0 17.9 17.9 13.5 13.5 10.4 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 82
    Identified stator resistance Displays measured stator resistance value (line-to-line) in Ohms (measured using P1910 = Ohms 1 or 2). P2000 Reference frequency [***] Full-scale frequency setting used by serial link, analog I/O. This corresponds to 4000H. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 83
    If a warning is active, the keypad will be flashing: the LED’s indicate warning status. If an AOP is in use, the display shows active Warning history and text. Indices 0 and 1are not stored. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 84
    P1 control can lead to instabilities. Note 4 In level 3, the PI controller source enable can also come from the digital inputs in settings 722.0 to 722.2 for DIN1 – DIN3 or any other BICO source. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 85
    Fixed PI setpoint 3 -130 [20] ‘•’ Refer to the description in P2201 for Fixed Setpoint 1. P2204 Fixed PI setpoint 4 -130 [30] ‘•’ Refer to the description in P2201 for Fixed Setpoint 1. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 86
    BOP or by setting P0702 or P0703 to 13 and 14. r2250 CO: Source of PI setpoint -130 Displays the active digital PI setpoint in %. [10.00] ‘•’ P2253 CI: PI setpoint 2248.0 ‘•’ MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 87
    The PI ramp time is only effective on the PI setpoint and only active when the PI setpoint is changed, or when a RUN command is given (when the PI uses this ramp to reach its value from 0%). MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 88
    P756 – P760. Note 2 Refer to “Using BICO” description for further details of other settings. P2265 PI: feedback filter timeconst. ‘•’ Defines PI feedback filter time constant. r2266 CO: PI feedback Displays PI feedback signal MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 89
    If the P term is set to 0 the I term acts on the square of the error signal. P2285 PI: integral time ‘•’ Allows the User to set the PI controller integral time constant. Refer to P2280 above for detail. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 90
    Calculates a variety of motor parameters – overwriting previous values, including P0344 (motor weight), P0350 (Level 3) stator resistance), P0346 (Level 3, magnetization time) and P0347 ((Level 3 demagnetization time), P2000 (reference frequency), P2002 (reference current). MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 91: Troubleshooting

    ♦ A list of the fault codes that may appear on the display of the BOP. The cause and recommended corrective action are indicated for each fault code listed. Troubleshooting with the Status Display Panel…………92 Troubleshooting with the Basic Operator Panel…………93 MICROMASTER 420 fault codes …………….94 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 92: Troubleshooting With The Status Display Panel

    6. TROUBLESHOOTING Warnings ♦ Repairs on equipment may only be carried out by Siemens Service, by repair centers authorized by Siemens or by qualified personnel who are thoroughly acquainted with all the warnings and operating procedures contained in this manual.

  • Page 93: Troubleshooting With The Basic Operator Panel

    P to reset the inverter to the factory default parameter values. Now use a switch between terminals 5 and 8 on the control board. The drive should now run to the defined setpoint by analogue input. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 94: Micromaster 420 Fault Codes

    International English 6. TROUBLESHOOTING MICROMASTER 420 fault codes In the event of a failure, the inverter switches off and a fault code appears on the display. Table 6-2 MICROMASTER 420 Fault Codes Fault Code Description Possible Causes Diagnosis & Remedy…

  • Page 95
    2 — Some of the control board tests have failed 4 — Some of the functional tests have failed 8 — Some of the IO module tests have failed. Vector only 16 — The Internal Ram has failed its check on power-up MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 96: Table 6-3 Micromaster 420 Warning Codes

    International English 6. TROUBLESHOOTING Table 6-3 MICROMASTER 420 Warning Codes Warning Description Possible Cause Diagnosis & Remedy Code A0501 Current Limit 1. Check whether the motor power corresponds to the inverter power. 2. Check that the cable length limits have not been exceeded.

  • Page 97
    A0923 JOG right and JOG left JOG right and JOG left signals Make sure that JOG right and JOG signals active active together left signals are not applied simultaneously MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 98
    International English 6. TROUBLESHOOTING MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 99: Micromaster 420 Specifications

    7. MICROMASTER 420 SPECIFICATIONS International English MICROMASTER 420 Specifications Table 7-1 MICROMASTER 420 Specifications 230 V Single Phase MICROMASTER Inverters (with built in Class A Filter) Order No. (6SE6420-2AB) 11-2AA0 12-5AA0 13-7AA0 15-5AA0 17-5AA0 21-1BA0 21-5BA0 22-2BA0 23-0CA0 Input voltage range…

  • Page 100
    International English 7. MICROMASTER 420 SPECIFICATIONS 230 V Three Phase MICROMASTER Inverters (unfiltered) Order No. (6SE6420-2UC) 24-0CA0 25-5CA0 Input voltage range 3AC 200V — 240V +10% -10% Motor output rating kW (hp) 4 (5) 5.5 (7.5) Output KVA Output current Max. A 17.5…
  • Page 101: Table 7-2 Micromaster Performance Ratings

    7. MICROMASTER 420 SPECIFICATIONS International English Table 7-2 MICROMASTER Performance Ratings Feature Specification 200 to 240 V ± 10% 1AC Mains Operating Voltage 200 to 240 V ± 10% 3AC 380 to 480 V ± 10% 3AC 200 to 240 V ± 10% 1AC Power Ranges 0.12kW –…

  • Page 102: Table 7-4 Micromaster 420 Fuses — Sizes And Types

    International English 7. MICROMASTER 420 SPECIFICATIONS Table 7-4 MICROMASTER 420 Fuses – Sizes and Types Inverter Power Inverter Voltage Inverter Filter Frame Inverter Order Standard (kW) Power (hp) Class Size Number (MLFB) Fuses 0.12 0.16 230 1ph Unfiltered FS A…

  • Page 103: Supplementary Information

    8. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION International English Supplementary Information This Chapter contains: Supplementary information. Available options …………Error! Bookmark not defined. Electro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) ……Error! Bookmark not defined. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 104: Available Options

    Available options The following accessories are available as options for your MICROMASTER MM420 Inverter. For more details please refer to the Reference Manual or contact your local Siemens sales office if you require assistance. • Additional RFI suppression filter •…

  • Page 105: Table 8-1 Class 1 — General Industrial

    Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Field, ENV 50 140 80-1000 MHz, 10 V/m, 80% AM, amplitude modulated power and signal lines Radio-frequency Electromagnetic Field, ENV 50 204 900 MHz, 10 V/m 50% duty pulse modulated cycle, 200 Hz repetition rate MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 106: Table 8-3 Class 3 — Filtered For Residential, Commercial And Light Industry

    The MICROMASTER inverters are intended exclusively for professional applications. Therefore, they do not fall within the scope of the harmonics emissions specification EN 61000-3-2. • Maximum mains supply voltage when filters are fitted is 460V. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 107: Table 8-4 Compliance Table

    Frame size A units 400-480 V with external Class A footprint filters 6SE6400-2FA00-6AD0 Class 3 – Filtered for residential, commercial and light industry 6SE6420-2U***-**A0 with Unfiltered units fitted with external Class B footprint filters. 6SE6400-2FB0*-***0 * denotes any value is allowed. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 108
    International English 8. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 109: A — Changing The Operator Panel

    APPENDIX A International English A — Changing the Operator Panel MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 110
    International English APPENDIX A MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 111: B — Removing Covers Frame Size A

    APPENDIX B International English B — Removing Covers Frame Size A » MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 112
    International English APPENDIX B MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 113: C — Removing Covers Frame Sizes B And C

    APPENDIX C International English C — Removing Covers Frame Sizes B and C MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 114
    International English APPENDIX C » MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 115: D — Removing ‘Y’ Cap Frame Size A

    APPENDIX D International English D — Removing ‘Y’ Cap Frame Size A LK 700 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 116
    International English APPENDIX D MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 117: E — Removing ‘Y’ Cap Frame Sizes B And C

    APPENDIX E International English E — Removing ‘Y’ Cap Frame Sizes B and C LK700 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 118
    International English APPENDIX E MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 119: F — User Parameter Settings

    P2264 P0731 52:3 P1133 P2265 r0752 P1134 r2266 r0754 P1135 P2271 r0755 P1200 r2272 P0756 P1210 r2273 P0757 P1215 P2280 P0758 P1216 P2285 P0759 P1217 P2291 P0760 P1232 P2292 P0761 P1233 r2294 P0771 P1236 P3900 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 120
    International English APPENDIX F MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 121: G — Applicable Standards

    Product Standard for Power Drive Systems EN61800-3. Underwriters Laboratories UL and CUL LISTED POWER CONVERSION EQUIPMENT 5B33 for use in a pollution degree 2 ISO 9001 Siemens plc operates a quality management system, which complies with the requirements of ISO 9001. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 122
    International English APPENDIX G MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 123: H — List Of Abbreviations

    Fast Current Limitation IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor Liquid Crystal Display Light Emitting Diode Proportional and Integral Programmable Logic Controller Positive Temperature Coefficient RCCB Residual Current Circuit breaker Residual Current Device Revolutions Per Minute Standard Display Panel MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 124
    International English APPENDIX H MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 125: Index

    BOP fitted · 40 Performance characteristics · 16 SDP fitted · 40 Power and motor connections · 22 Frame sizes single phase · 23 removing the Y Cap from frame size A · 115 Power and motor terminals MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 126
    & disposal · 9 warnings and faults states · 30 general · 7 System Parameters and Definitions · 48 operation · 9 repair · 9 transport & storage · 8 Water hazard · 19 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 127
    Date of Issue: A1 Should you come across any printing Company/Service Department errors when reading this publication, Address: please notify us on this sheet. Suggestions for improvement are also welcome. Telephone: __________ / Telefax: ________ / MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 128
    MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 129
    VIEW OF UNITS International English Frame Size A Frame Size B & C View of Unit Standard Display Panel fitted Power Terminal Connections Control Terminal Connections Access to “Y Cap“ MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 130
    Order Number *6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0* Drawing Number *G85139-K1790-U201-A2* A&D SD VM 4 © Siemens AG, 2000 Subject to change without prior notice Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Order No.: 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0Operating Instructions Printed in UK. Date: October 2000…
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Operating Instructions

Issue A2

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Summary of Contents for Siemens Micromaster 420

  • Page 1
    MICROMASTER Operating Instructions Issue A2 User Documentation…
  • Page 3
    Overview Installation Commissioning MICROMASTER 420 Using the MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions System Parameters User Documentation Troubleshooting MICROMASTER 420 Specifications Supplementary Information Appendices Valid for Release Inverter Type Control Version MICROMASTER 420 October 2000 Index Issue: A2…
  • Page 4
    We welcome suggestions for improvement. MICROMASTER® is a registered trademark of Siemens. Siemens handbooks are printed on chlorine-free paper that has been produced from managed sustainable forests. No solvents have been used in the printing or binding process.
  • Page 5
    ♦ Getting Started Guide The Getting Started Guide is designed to give you quick access to all the basic information required to install and set up your MICROMASTER 420 for operation. ♦ Operating Instructions The Operating Instructions provide detailed information for installation and operation of your MICROMASTER 420.
  • Page 6: Using The

    Siemens. Contact address Should any questions or problems arise while reading this manual, please contact the Siemens office concerned using the form provided at the back this manual. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 7: Micromaster

    Please read the information carefully, since it is provided for your personal safety and will also help prolong the service life of your MICROMASTER 420 Inverter and the equipment you connect to it. General Warnings ♦…

  • Page 8
    The connection of power, motor and control cables to the inverter must be carried out as shown in Figure 2-4 on page 25, to prevent inductive and capacitive interference from affecting the correct functioning of the inverter. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 9
    EN 60204, Repair Warnings ♦ Repairs on equipment may only be carried out by Siemens Service, by repair centers authorized by Siemens or by qualified personnel who are thoroughly acquainted with all the warnings and operating procedures contained in this manual.
  • Page 10
    International English FOREWORD MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 11: Table Of Contents

    Ambient operating conditions ………………19 Mechanical Installation ………………..20 Electrical Installation ………………..21 Commissioning ………………….27 Front Panels for the MICROMASTER 420 …………..29 General operation ………………….. 34 Using the MICROMASTER 420 …………….37 Frequency Setpoint………………… 38 Command Sources (P0700) ………………38 OFF and braking Functions ………………

  • Page 12
    D — Removing ‘Y’ Cap Frame Size A ………………115 E — Removing ‘Y’ Cap Frame Sizes B and C …………….117 F — User Parameter Settings …………………. 119 G — Applicable Standards ………………….121 H — List of Abbreviations………………….123 Index ……………………..125 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 13
    Motor and Power Connections ………………23 Figure 2-4 Wiring Guidelines to Minimize the Effects of EMI …………. 25 Figure 3-1 Panels available for the MICROMASTER 420 Inverter ………… 29 Figure 3-2 Basic operation with SDP………………..30 Figure 3-3 Buttons on the Basic Operator Panel…………….31 Figure 3-4 Changing parameters via the BOP………………
  • Page 14
    MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 15: Overview

    OVERVIEW International English Overview This Chapter contains: A summary of the major features of the MICROMASTER 420 range. The MICROMASTER 420………………. 16 Features ……………………16 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 16: The Micromaster 420

    Comprehensive protective functions provide excellent inverter and motor protection. The MICROMASTER 420 with its default factory settings, is ideal for a large range of simple motor control applications. The MICROMASTER 420 can also be used for more advanced motor control applications via its comprehensive parameter lists.

  • Page 17: Installation

    General data relating to installation ♦ Dimensions of Inverter ♦ Wiring guidelines to minimize the effects of EMI ♦ Details concerning electrical installation General……………………18 Ambient operating conditions ………………19 Mechanical Installation ………………..20 Electrical Installation ………………..21 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 18: General

    Apply 25% of input voltage for 2 hours Increase volts to 50% for a further 2 hours Increase volts to 75% for a further 2 hours Increase volts to 100% for a further 2 hours Inverter ready for run signal MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 19: Ambient Operating Conditions

    Overheating Mount the inverter vertically to ensure optimum cooling. Additional ventilation may be required for horizontal mounting. Ensure that the inverter’s air vents are not obstructed. Allow 100 mm clearance above and below the inverter. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 20: Mechanical Installation

    4 washers M5 204 mm 8.03″ 245 mm Tightening 9.65″ torque (unit to cabinet) with washers fitted: 3 Nm 174 mm 185 mm 195 mm 6.85″ 7.28″ 7.68″ Figure 2-1 Drill pattern for MICROMASTER 420 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 21: Electrical Installation

    A type B RCD is used. The trip limit of the RCD is 300mA. The neutral of the supply is grounded. Only one inverter is supplied from each RCD. The output cables are less than 50m (screened) or 100m (unscreened). MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 22
    To tighten up the power terminal screws use a 4 — 5 mm cross-tip screwdriver. Access to the power and motor terminals The procedure for accessing the power and motor terminals on the MICROMASTER 420 Inverter is illustrated in Appendices B and C. Please also refer to the photographs showing the Power Terminal connections and the Control Terminal connections on the inside of the back cover of this manual.
  • Page 23
  • Page 24
    ♦ Use screened or armored cables for the motor connections and ground the screen at both ends using the cable clamps Warning Safety regulations must not be compromised when installing inverters! MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 25
    Use suitable clips to fix motor and control cable screens securely to metal back plate Note To enhance the screening of the motor and control cables, the optional Gland Plate can be used (not shown in Figure 2-4). MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 26
    International English 2. INSTALLATION MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 27: Commissioning

    Basic Operator Panel (BOP) ♦ An 8-step guide at the end of the Chapter, which provides a simple procedure for changing parameters Front Panels for the MICROMASTER 420 …………..29 General operation ………………….. 34 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 28
    Only qualified personnel may enter settings in the control panels. Particular attention must be paid to safety precautions and warnings at all times. The MICROMASTER 420 is supplied with a Status Display Panel (SDP) and default parameter settings that cover the following requirements: ♦…
  • Page 29: Front Panels For The Micromaster 420

    Front Panels for the MICROMASTER 420 Front panels The front panels shown below are available for use with the MICROMASTER 420 Inverters. The panel on the left is supplied with the inverter as standard and is referred to as the Status Display Panel (SDP). The Basic Operator Panel (BOP) and Advanced Operator Panel (AOP) are available as options.

  • Page 30: Table 3-2 Default Settings For Operation Using The Bop

    Commissioning with the Basic Operator Panel (BOP) The Basic Operator Panel (BOP), which is available as an option, provides access to the inverter parameters and enables you to customize the settings of your MICROMASTER 420. The BOP can be used to configure several MICROMASTER 420 150.00 Inverters.

  • Page 31: Figure 3-3 Buttons On The Basic Operator Panel

    To change the Frequency Setpoint via the BOP set P1000 = 1. Pressing this button decreases the displayed value. Decrease value To change the Frequency Setpoint via the BOP set P1000 = 1. Figure 3-3 Buttons on the Basic Operator Panel MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 32: Figure 3-4 Changing Parameters Via The Bop

    Note — Busy Message In some cases — when changing parameter values — the display on the BOP shows » — — — -«. This means the inverter is busy with tasks of higher priority. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 33: Figure 3-5 Typical Motor Rating Plate Example

    Figure 3-6. 1 kΩ Figure 3-6 Motor Overload PTC Connection Note: To enable the trip function, set parameter P0701, P0702 or P0703 = 29. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 34: General Operation

    (P0005 = 21) the corresponding setpoint is displayed approximately every 1.0 seconds while the inverter is stopped. 3. The inverter is programmed at the factory for standard applications on Siemens four- pole standard motors that have the same power rating as the inverters. When using other motors it is necessary to enter the specifications from the motor’s rating plate.

  • Page 35
    3. When the inverter reaches 50 Hz, press the ‘DOWN’ Button. Motor speed and display is decreased. 4. Change the direction of rotation with the FORWARD / REVERSE Button. 5. The red button STOPS the motor. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 36
    AOUT + 12 0-20mA AOUT — Serial Link (RS485) The Analogue input circuit can be alternatively configured to provide an additional digital input (DIN4) as shown. DIN4 – 0V (Isolated) Figure 3-7 Inverter block diagram MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 37: Using The Micromaster 420

    4. USING THE MICROMASTER 420 International English Using the MICROMASTER 420 This Chapter contains: ♦ An explanation of the various methods of controlling your inverter Frequency Setpoint………………… 38 Command Sources (P0700) ………………38 OFF and braking Functions ………………39 Control Modes (P1300)………………..40 Faults and warnings………………..

  • Page 38: Frequency Setpoint

    International English 4. USING THE MICROMASTER 420 Warnings ♦ When operating electrical devices, it is impossible to avoid applying hazardous voltages to certain parts of the equipment. ♦ Emergency Stop facilities according to EN 60204 IEC 204 (VDE 0113) must remain operative in all operating modes of the control equipment.

  • Page 39: Off And Braking Functions

    4. USING THE MICROMASTER 420 International English Reversing the motor Standard Terminal 6 (DIN 2) Options see P0700 to P0704 OFF and braking Functions 4.3.1 OFF1 This command (produced by canceling the ON command) causes the inverter to come to a standstill at the selected ramp-down rate.

  • Page 40: Control Modes (P1300)

    P1236 Control Modes (P1300) The various modes of operation of the MICROMASTER 420 control the relationship between the speed of the motor and the voltage supplied by the inverter. There are four modes of operation:…

  • Page 41: System Parameters

    ♦ An in-depth description of what the parameter actually does Overview of MICROMASTER System Parameters ..Error! Bookmark not defined. Introduction to MICROMASTER System Parameters… Error! Bookmark not defined. System Parameters and Definitions ……Error! Bookmark not defined. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 42: Overview Of Micromaster System Parameters

    The MM420 is therefore delivered with the following default settings: ♦ Motor Parameters to suit a Siemens 4 pole motor to match the drive power and voltage. ♦ Setpoint control from the Analog input; 0 – 10V corresponding to 0 to 50 Hz or 0 to 60 Hz (North America).

  • Page 43: Introduction To Micromaster System Parameters

    ♦ If an attempt is made to change a parameter that cannot be changed in this status, for example, cannot be changed whilst running or can only be changed in quick commissioning, then will be displayed. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 44
    Reset to Factory default To reset all parameters to the factory default settings; the following parameters should be set as follows: 1. Set P0010=30. 2. Set P0970=1. Note The reset process takes approximately 10 seconds to complete. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 45
    0340 Calculation of motor parameters 0350 Stator resistance, line-to-line 0611 Motor I t time constant 0614 Motor I t overload warning level 0640 Motor overload factor 1910 Select motor data identification 1912 Identified stator resistance MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 46
    0010 Commissioning Parameter filter 0010 Commissioning Parameter filter 0918 Profibus address 0947 Last fault code 0927 Parameters changeable via 2110 Warning history 2000 Reference frequency 2197 CO/BO: Status word 1 monitor 2010 USS baud rate 2011 USS address MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 47
    PI: tranducer type 2272 CO: PI scaled feedback signal 2273 CO: PI error 2280 PI: proportional gain 2285 PI: integral time 2291 PI: output upper limit 2292 PI: output lower limit 2294 CO: PI output MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 48: System Parameters And Definitions

    “User defined parameter list – see P0013 (Level 3) for details on use” “Standard”: allows access into most frequently used parameters “Extended”: allows extended access to inverter I/O functions “Expert”: for expert use only. “Service”: only for use by authorized service personnel –password protected. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 49
    Quick Commissioning Factory setting Notes: This parameter must be reset to 0 before the inverter will run (Automatic when P3900 ≠ 0 (default)). The accessible parameters are also affected by the User Access Level parameter (P0003). MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 50
    P0040. P0040 Reset energy consumption meter Resets energy consumption display to zero. Possible Settings: 0 = No reset 1 = Reset r0039 to 0 Note: Reset occurs when “P” is pressed. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 51
    Inverter overload Notes: The individual status bits can be configured to the digital output using P0731. To enable the user to read the relevant parameter bits display, refer to the diagram below: > & » MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 52
    Actual frequency ≥ setpoint Bit 6 Voltage < threshold Bit 7 Voltage > threshold Bit 8 Bit 9 reserve PI frequency < threshold Bit A Bit b PI saturation Note: Refer to the bitmap diagram on page 51. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 53
    Rated drive power [kW] or [hp] Displays the nominal motor power rating, which can be supplied by the inverter. Note: The display will be in kW or hp dependent on the setting of P0100 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 54
    Υ Υ Υ Υ = = = = 440-480 95.75% == == == ==∆/Υ ∆/Υ ∆/Υ ∆/Υ= = = = 220-240/380-420 V 45kg P0344 11.1-11.3 A 19.7-20.6/11.4-11.9 A P0308 P0311 P0309 Note: This parameter can only be changed when P0010=1. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 55
    This parameter is only visible when P0100 = 1, i.e. when the motor power is entered in hp. Note: A setting of 0 will cause the value to be calculated internally. P0310 Motor frequency rating [50] ‘ ’ Nominal motor frequency (Hz) from rating plate — see diagram P0304 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 56
    The value entered in P0350 is the one from the method last used. P0611 Motor I t time constant 16000 [***] Defines motor thermal time constant and is automatically calculated from the motor data (P0340). Note: Larger number increases time taken for calculated motor temperature to change. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 57
    29 External trip 33 Disable additional setpoint (defined in P1000) 99 Enable BICO parameterization – for expert use only Can only be reset via P0700 or P3900 = 1, 2 or factory setting P0970 = 1 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 58
    29 External trip 33 Disable additional setpoint (defined in P1000) Enable BICO parameterization – for expert use only Can only be reset via P0700 or P3900 = 1, 2 or factory setting P0970 = 1. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 59
    Bit 01 «Digital input 2» 0 OFF 1 Active Bit 02 «Digital input 3» 0 OFF 1 Active Bit 03 «Digital input 4 (Via AIN)» 1 Active Note When the signal is active the segment is lit. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 60
    Controller output at lower limit (P2291) Closed Open Note These are the most common settings. Other settings are possible in Expert mode. r0752 Analog input voltage Displays the smohthed analog input value in volts before the characteristic block MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 61
    When monitoring is enabled and a deadband is defined (P0761), a fault condition will be generated (F0080) when the analog input voltage falls below 50% of the deadband voltage. Note: This function is disabled if the analog scaling block (see P0757 – P0760) is programmed to output negative setpoints. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 62
    Value X2 of analog input scaling Sets value of X2 as described in P0757 [10] ‘•’ P0760 Value Y2 of analog input scaling -99999 99999 Sets value of Y2 as described in P0757 [100] ‘•’ MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 63
    P0758 = -100% P0761 = 0.1 (0.1V either side of center) P2000 = 50Hz Note: Fmin (P1080) should be zero when using center zero setup. There is no hysteresis at the end of the dead band MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 64
    Defines x2 of output characteristic P0780 Value Y2 of analog output characteristics [20] ‘•’ Defines y2 of output characteristic P0781 Analog output deadband ‘•’ Sets the width of a dead-band in mA for the analog output. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 65
    E.g. if you want to set value 15, you will need to set the display to indicate 15 in Binary (with the separating bars in-between “b — — n n” or if you wanted to set 11 – “b — — r n” etc. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 66
    Index 2 is only used if a 2 fault occurs before the 1 is acknowledged. P0970 Factory reset Resets all parameters to their default values. To do this, you need to set P0010=30, then P0970=1 P0100 is set according DIP Switch setting MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 67
    The most common settings are: Keypad (Motor potentiometer) setpoint Analog input Fixed frequency setpoint USS via RS232 USS via RS485 terminals Optional Communication Board Other settings including an additional setpoint can be selected using the table above. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 68
    P1002 Fixed frequency 2 -650 ‘ • ’ Defines fixed frequency setpoint 2 See description for P1001 P1003 Fixed frequency 3 -650 [10] ‘ • ’ Defines fixed frequency setpoint 3 See description for P1001 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 69
    Reverse direction is allowed – it is possible to change motor direction using the keypad (Motor potentiometer) setpoint (increase / decrease frequency either by using digital inputs or keypad up / down buttons) Reverse direction inhibited MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 70
    JOG ramp-up time [10] ‘•’ Sets ramp-up time. This is the time used while jogging or when the function “use jog ramp times” is activated. f (Hz) f max (P1082) time (s) Jog Ramp up time (P1060) MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 71
    3 x the nominal rating plate motor frequency. The maximum frequency can be exceeded if either of the following is active: Slip compensation (f slip comp max Flying restart slip nom MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 72
    Notes Setting the ramp-down time too short can cause the inverter to trip (overvoltage (F0002) / overcurrent (F0001)). Changes to the ramp-up or ramp-down times are not active until confirmed by pressing the P key. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 73
    Defines smoothing time at end of ramp-up as shown in P1130. P1132 Ramp-down initial rounding time ‘•’ Defines smoothing time at start of ramp-down as shown in P1130. P1133 Ramp-down final rounding time ‘•’ Defines smoothing time at end of ramp-down as shown in P1130. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 74
    Defines continuous smoothing (default) or discontinuous smoothing as a response to OFF commands or setpoint reduction. The total smoothing time must be set > 0s; otherwise this parameter will have no effect. Possible settings: Continuous Discontinuous freq Continuous Discontinuous Stop Time MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 75
    Once this happens, the motor will run up to its setpoint using the normal ramp time. Note: Settings 1 to 3 search in both directions. In order to search only in direction of setpoint it is necessary to set 4 to 6. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 76
    The brake relay opens at Point 1 if enabled using P0731. The brake relay closes at Point 2. P1216 Holding brake release delay Defines the time at which the inverter runs at f before ramping up at point 1 (as shown in P1215 diagram). MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 77
    Increasing the value will generally improve braking performance; however, if you set the value too high, an overvoltage trip may result. Possible settings: Compound braking disabled 1 – 250 Level of DC braking current defined as a % of motor rated current (P0305) MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 78
    Controls the relationship between the speed of the motor and the voltage supplied by the inverter. Possible values Linear V/f (default) FCC(Flux Current Control) – maintains motor flux current for improved efficiency Quadratic V/f – suitable for centrifugal fans/pumps Multi-point V/f (programmable – in Expert Mode only. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 79
    ♦ The achievable boost value is limited by the setting in P0640. ♦ Increasing the Boost Levels increases the heating of the motor especially at standstill. ♦ Σ Boosts < 300/I mot * R S MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 80
    ON command and is active until setpoint is reached for the 1 time. This is useful for starting loads with high inertia. V Max V Max V Nom (P0304) Normal V/f P1312 F Nom F Max (P0310) (P1082) MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 81
    4 kHz 6 kHz 8 kHz 10 kHz 12 kHz 14 kHz 16 kHz Power 0.37 0.55 0.75 10.2 10.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 18.4 18.4 13.2 13.2 26.0 26.0 17.9 17.9 13.5 13.5 10.4 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 82
    Identified stator resistance Displays measured stator resistance value (line-to-line) in Ohms (measured using P1910 = Ohms 1 or 2). P2000 Reference frequency [***] Full-scale frequency setting used by serial link, analog I/O. This corresponds to 4000H. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 83
    If a warning is active, the keypad will be flashing: the LED’s indicate warning status. If an AOP is in use, the display shows active Warning history and text. Indices 0 and 1are not stored. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 84
    P1 control can lead to instabilities. Note 4 In level 3, the PI controller source enable can also come from the digital inputs in settings 722.0 to 722.2 for DIN1 – DIN3 or any other BICO source. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 85
    Fixed PI setpoint 3 -130 [20] ‘•’ Refer to the description in P2201 for Fixed Setpoint 1. P2204 Fixed PI setpoint 4 -130 [30] ‘•’ Refer to the description in P2201 for Fixed Setpoint 1. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 86
    BOP or by setting P0702 or P0703 to 13 and 14. r2250 CO: Source of PI setpoint -130 Displays the active digital PI setpoint in %. [10.00] ‘•’ P2253 CI: PI setpoint 2248.0 ‘•’ MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 87
    The PI ramp time is only effective on the PI setpoint and only active when the PI setpoint is changed, or when a RUN command is given (when the PI uses this ramp to reach its value from 0%). MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 88
    P756 – P760. Note 2 Refer to “Using BICO” description for further details of other settings. P2265 PI: feedback filter timeconst. ‘•’ Defines PI feedback filter time constant. r2266 CO: PI feedback Displays PI feedback signal MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 89
    If the P term is set to 0 the I term acts on the square of the error signal. P2285 PI: integral time ‘•’ Allows the User to set the PI controller integral time constant. Refer to P2280 above for detail. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 90
    Calculates a variety of motor parameters – overwriting previous values, including P0344 (motor weight), P0350 (Level 3) stator resistance), P0346 (Level 3, magnetization time) and P0347 ((Level 3 demagnetization time), P2000 (reference frequency), P2002 (reference current). MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 91: Troubleshooting

    ♦ A list of the fault codes that may appear on the display of the BOP. The cause and recommended corrective action are indicated for each fault code listed. Troubleshooting with the Status Display Panel…………92 Troubleshooting with the Basic Operator Panel…………93 MICROMASTER 420 fault codes …………….94 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 92: Troubleshooting With The Status Display Panel

    6. TROUBLESHOOTING Warnings ♦ Repairs on equipment may only be carried out by Siemens Service, by repair centers authorized by Siemens or by qualified personnel who are thoroughly acquainted with all the warnings and operating procedures contained in this manual.

  • Page 93: Troubleshooting With The Basic Operator Panel

    P to reset the inverter to the factory default parameter values. Now use a switch between terminals 5 and 8 on the control board. The drive should now run to the defined setpoint by analogue input. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 94: Micromaster 420 Fault Codes

    International English 6. TROUBLESHOOTING MICROMASTER 420 fault codes In the event of a failure, the inverter switches off and a fault code appears on the display. Table 6-2 MICROMASTER 420 Fault Codes Fault Code Description Possible Causes Diagnosis & Remedy…

  • Page 95
    2 — Some of the control board tests have failed 4 — Some of the functional tests have failed 8 — Some of the IO module tests have failed. Vector only 16 — The Internal Ram has failed its check on power-up MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 96: Table 6-3 Micromaster 420 Warning Codes

    International English 6. TROUBLESHOOTING Table 6-3 MICROMASTER 420 Warning Codes Warning Description Possible Cause Diagnosis & Remedy Code A0501 Current Limit 1. Check whether the motor power corresponds to the inverter power. 2. Check that the cable length limits have not been exceeded.

  • Page 97
    A0923 JOG right and JOG left JOG right and JOG left signals Make sure that JOG right and JOG signals active active together left signals are not applied simultaneously MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 98
    International English 6. TROUBLESHOOTING MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 99: Micromaster 420 Specifications

    7. MICROMASTER 420 SPECIFICATIONS International English MICROMASTER 420 Specifications Table 7-1 MICROMASTER 420 Specifications 230 V Single Phase MICROMASTER Inverters (with built in Class A Filter) Order No. (6SE6420-2AB) 11-2AA0 12-5AA0 13-7AA0 15-5AA0 17-5AA0 21-1BA0 21-5BA0 22-2BA0 23-0CA0 Input voltage range…

  • Page 100
    International English 7. MICROMASTER 420 SPECIFICATIONS 230 V Three Phase MICROMASTER Inverters (unfiltered) Order No. (6SE6420-2UC) 24-0CA0 25-5CA0 Input voltage range 3AC 200V — 240V +10% -10% Motor output rating kW (hp) 4 (5) 5.5 (7.5) Output KVA Output current Max. A 17.5…
  • Page 101: Table 7-2 Micromaster Performance Ratings

    7. MICROMASTER 420 SPECIFICATIONS International English Table 7-2 MICROMASTER Performance Ratings Feature Specification 200 to 240 V ± 10% 1AC Mains Operating Voltage 200 to 240 V ± 10% 3AC 380 to 480 V ± 10% 3AC 200 to 240 V ± 10% 1AC Power Ranges 0.12kW –…

  • Page 102: Table 7-4 Micromaster 420 Fuses — Sizes And Types

    International English 7. MICROMASTER 420 SPECIFICATIONS Table 7-4 MICROMASTER 420 Fuses – Sizes and Types Inverter Power Inverter Voltage Inverter Filter Frame Inverter Order Standard (kW) Power (hp) Class Size Number (MLFB) Fuses 0.12 0.16 230 1ph Unfiltered FS A…

  • Page 103: Supplementary Information

    8. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION International English Supplementary Information This Chapter contains: Supplementary information. Available options …………Error! Bookmark not defined. Electro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) ……Error! Bookmark not defined. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 104: Available Options

    Available options The following accessories are available as options for your MICROMASTER MM420 Inverter. For more details please refer to the Reference Manual or contact your local Siemens sales office if you require assistance. • Additional RFI suppression filter •…

  • Page 105: Table 8-1 Class 1 — General Industrial

    Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Field, ENV 50 140 80-1000 MHz, 10 V/m, 80% AM, amplitude modulated power and signal lines Radio-frequency Electromagnetic Field, ENV 50 204 900 MHz, 10 V/m 50% duty pulse modulated cycle, 200 Hz repetition rate MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 106: Table 8-3 Class 3 — Filtered For Residential, Commercial And Light Industry

    The MICROMASTER inverters are intended exclusively for professional applications. Therefore, they do not fall within the scope of the harmonics emissions specification EN 61000-3-2. • Maximum mains supply voltage when filters are fitted is 460V. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 107: Table 8-4 Compliance Table

    Frame size A units 400-480 V with external Class A footprint filters 6SE6400-2FA00-6AD0 Class 3 – Filtered for residential, commercial and light industry 6SE6420-2U***-**A0 with Unfiltered units fitted with external Class B footprint filters. 6SE6400-2FB0*-***0 * denotes any value is allowed. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 108
    International English 8. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 109: A — Changing The Operator Panel

    APPENDIX A International English A — Changing the Operator Panel MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 110
    International English APPENDIX A MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 111: B — Removing Covers Frame Size A

    APPENDIX B International English B — Removing Covers Frame Size A » MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 112
    International English APPENDIX B MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 113: C — Removing Covers Frame Sizes B And C

    APPENDIX C International English C — Removing Covers Frame Sizes B and C MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 114
    International English APPENDIX C » MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 115: D — Removing ‘Y’ Cap Frame Size A

    APPENDIX D International English D — Removing ‘Y’ Cap Frame Size A LK 700 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 116
    International English APPENDIX D MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 117: E — Removing ‘Y’ Cap Frame Sizes B And C

    APPENDIX E International English E — Removing ‘Y’ Cap Frame Sizes B and C LK700 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 118
    International English APPENDIX E MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 119: F — User Parameter Settings

    P2264 P0731 52:3 P1133 P2265 r0752 P1134 r2266 r0754 P1135 P2271 r0755 P1200 r2272 P0756 P1210 r2273 P0757 P1215 P2280 P0758 P1216 P2285 P0759 P1217 P2291 P0760 P1232 P2292 P0761 P1233 r2294 P0771 P1236 P3900 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 120
    International English APPENDIX F MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 121: G — Applicable Standards

    Product Standard for Power Drive Systems EN61800-3. Underwriters Laboratories UL and CUL LISTED POWER CONVERSION EQUIPMENT 5B33 for use in a pollution degree 2 ISO 9001 Siemens plc operates a quality management system, which complies with the requirements of ISO 9001. MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 122
    International English APPENDIX G MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 123: H — List Of Abbreviations

    Fast Current Limitation IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor Liquid Crystal Display Light Emitting Diode Proportional and Integral Programmable Logic Controller Positive Temperature Coefficient RCCB Residual Current Circuit breaker Residual Current Device Revolutions Per Minute Standard Display Panel MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 124
    International English APPENDIX H MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 125: Index

    BOP fitted · 40 Performance characteristics · 16 SDP fitted · 40 Power and motor connections · 22 Frame sizes single phase · 23 removing the Y Cap from frame size A · 115 Power and motor terminals MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…

  • Page 126
    & disposal · 9 warnings and faults states · 30 general · 7 System Parameters and Definitions · 48 operation · 9 repair · 9 transport & storage · 8 Water hazard · 19 MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 127
    Date of Issue: A1 Should you come across any printing Company/Service Department errors when reading this publication, Address: please notify us on this sheet. Suggestions for improvement are also welcome. Telephone: __________ / Telefax: ________ / MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 128
    MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 129
    VIEW OF UNITS International English Frame Size A Frame Size B & C View of Unit Standard Display Panel fitted Power Terminal Connections Control Terminal Connections Access to “Y Cap“ MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0…
  • Page 130
    Order Number *6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0* Drawing Number *G85139-K1790-U201-A2* A&D SD VM 4 © Siemens AG, 2000 Subject to change without prior notice Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Order No.: 6SE6400-5AA00-0BP0Operating Instructions Printed in UK. Date: October 2000…

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International English


In the event of a failure, the inverter switches off and a fault code appears on the display.

Table 6-2

Fault Code











Inverter I


Motor Overtemperature




Stator resistance

measurement failure


MICROMASTER 420 Fault Codes


1. Motor power does not

correspond to the inverter


2. Motor lead short circuit

3. Earth fault

Supply voltage out of tolerance

load is regenerating.

Mains supply removed when

inverter is running.

Ambient temperature outside of


Fan failure



Inverter is overloaded

1. Motor overloaded.


2. Motor data incorrect.

3. Check parameter for motor

thermal time constant.

4. Check parameter for motor I

warning level.

5. Long time period operating at

low speeds

Stator resistance measurement


Possible Causes




Diagnosis & Remedy

1. Check whether the motor power

corresponds to the inverter


2. Check that the cable length limits

have not been exceeded.

3. Check motor cable and motor for

short-circuits and earth faults.

4. Check whether the motor

parameters correspond with the

motor being used.

5. Check the stator resistance


6. Increase the ramp-up-time


7. Reduce the boost set in (P1310),

(P1311) and (P1312).

8. Check whether the motor is

obstructed or overloaded.

1. Check whether the supply voltage

is within the limits indicated on the

rating plate.

2. Check if dc-link voltage

controller (P1240) is enabled and

parameterized correctly.

3. Increase the ramp-down time


1. Check whether the supply voltage

is within the limits indicated on the

rating plate.

2. Check the supply is not subject to

temporary failures or voltage


1. Check that the integral fan rotates

when drive is running.

2. Check if pulse frequency is set to

default value.

3. Ambient temperature could be

higher than specified for the


4. Check that air inlet and outlet

points are not obstructed.

1. Check if load duty-cycle is within

specified limits.

2. Check that motor power

corresponds to inverter power

1. Check motor data.

2. Check loading on motor.

3. Boost settings too high (P1310,

P1311, P1312)

1. Check if the motor is connected to

the inverter

2. Check that the motor data has

been entered correctly.

MICROMASTER 420 Operating Instructions


  1. Manuals
  2. Brands
  3. Siemens Manuals
  4. Inverter

Manuals and User Guides for Siemens MICROMASTER 420. We have 9 Siemens MICROMASTER 420 manuals available for free PDF download: Operating Instructions Manual, Operating Instruction, Reference Manual, Getting Started Manual, Operating Manual

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