Sew eurodrive ошибка f14

New motor encoder, new motor encoder cable, new motor drive, new drive encoder board.  So hardware-wise, the main components are new. 

Have you verified the encoder cable is properly specified?

Does this encoder have an absolute battery backup that is drained or not functioning?

Does the fault occur immediately, or after some time of operation?

Had this fault condition been happening for some time or is it a new event?

How far away is the encoder from the motor drive and  how is the encoder cable routed?  You could have the encoder cable routed next to a load with a large EMF.

Do you have access to a power analyzer?  If so, it would be worthwhile to monitor…power at the motor, encoder shield at the motor, encoder shield at the drive.  I have seen poor ground bonding practices wreak havoc on encoder feedback signals.

  • Ремонт частотных преобразователей SEW-EURODRIVE
  • Ремонт частотных преобразователей SEW-EURODRIVE в сервисном центре
  • Настройка частотного преобразователя SEW-EURODRIVE, программирование
  • Коды ошибок частотного преобразователя SEW-EURODRIVE
  • Частотный преобразователь SEW-EURODRIVE, скачать инструкции по эксплуатации
  • Схемы подключения частотных преобразователей SEW-EURODRIVE
  • Оставить заявку на ремонт частотных преобразователей SEW-EURODRIVE

Ремонт частотных преобразователей SEW-EURODRIVE

Ремонт частотных преобразователей SEW-EURODRIVEРемонт частотного преобразователя SEW-EURODRIVE, впрочем, как и ремонт частотников других производителей имеет ряд особенностей в силу своего конструктива. Частотные преобразователи, точнее их начинка делятся на две части:

  • Аппаратная часть,
  • Программная часть.

Частотники данного производителя не являются исключением из правил, именно поэтому ремонт частотного преобразователя SEW-EURODRIVE имеет точно такой же ряд особенностей, как и у других преобразователей.

Диагностировать ту или иную неисправность помогают коды ошибок частотного преобразователя, которые отображаются на небольшом дисплее, расположенном на лицевой панели привода. Коды ошибок частотного преобразователя SEW-EURODRIVE в зависимости от серии описаны в инструкции, пользователя которые можно скачать с нашего сайта.

Ремонт частотных преобразователей SEW-EURODRIVE в , как и любых других преобразователей, выпущенных под другими брендами, всегда начинается с аппаратной части, после успешного ремонта аппаратной части наступает очередь программной.

Настройка частотного преобразователя SEW-EURODRIVE также прописана в инструкции завода производителя, для каждой серии частотных преобразователей настройка будет индивидуальной, так как каждая линейка преобразователей решает свои собственные задачи, этим обусловливается широкая номенклатура данного промышленного оборудования.

Ремонт частотных преобразователей SEW-EURODRIVE в сервисном центре

Ремонт частотных преобразователей SEW-EURODRIVEКомпания «Кернел» производит ремонт частотных преобразователей SEW-EURODRIVE в с 2002 года. За время существования компании наши сотрудники накопили колоссальный опыт в ремонте преобразователей частоты такого известного производителя как SEW-EURODRIVE. Ремонт подобного промышленного оборудования ответственное и сложное занятие, требующие максимальной отдачи, профессионализма и максимально полной материальной базе.

Специалисты нашего сервисного центра максимальное внимание уделяют качеству исполнения ремонта, программирования и настройке промышленных преобразователей частоты, не зависимо от производителя данного промышленного оборудования. Именно поэтому мы смело даем гарантию на все выполненные работы шесть месяцев.

Ремонт частотных преобразователей SEW-EURODRIVE в производится исключительно с использованием оригинальных запасных частей, на компонентном уровне с применением высокотехнологичного диагностического оборудования, квалифицированным персоналом с инженерным образованием.

В случае выхода из строя преобразователя частоты на вашем производстве либо появились проблемы с приводом, которые вы не можете решить самостоятельно, мы всегда рады вам помочь. Специалисты нашего сервисного центра в минимальные сроки проведут глубокую диагностику с последующим ремонтом частотного преобразователя SEW-EURODRIVE.

Инженеры сервисного центра выполняют качественный ремонт частотных преобразователей SEW-EURODRIVE всех серий, когда-либо выпускаемых компанией.

Серии частотных преобразователей SEW-EURODRIVE

Типы частотных преобразователей SEW-EURODRIVE


MC-LTE-B0004-101-1-00, MC-LTE-B0008-101-1-00, MC-LTE-B0011-101-4-00, MC-LTE-B0004-2B1-1-00, MC-LTE-B0008-2B1-1-00


MC-LTE-B0015-2B1-4-00, MC-LTE-B0022-2B1-4-00, MC-LTE-B0040-2B1-4-00, MC-LTE-B0015-2A3-4-00, MC-LTE-B0015-5A3-1-00


MC-LTP-B0008-2B1-4-00, LTP-B MC-LTP-B0015-2B1-4-00, LTP-B MC-LTP-B0022-2B1-4-00, LTP-B MC-LTP-B0015-2A3-4-00


MC-07B-0003-2B1-4-00, MC-07B-0004-2B1-4-00, MC-07B-0005-2B1-4-00, MC-07B-0008-2B1-4-00, MC-07B-0015-2B1-4-00


MC-07B-0005-2A3-4-00/S0, MC-07B-0008-2A3-4-00/S0, MC-07B-0011-2A3-4-00/S0, MC-07B-0015-2A3-4-00/S0, MC-07B-0022-2A3-4-00/S0


MD-X60-61B-0005-5A3-4-0, MD-X60-61B-0008-5A3-4-0, MD-X60-61B-0011-5A3-4-0, MD-X61B-0015-5A3-4-0, MD-X61B-0110-5A3-4-0

В данной таблице присутствуют далеко не все частотные преобразователи SEW-EURODRIVE ремонт которых предлагает наш сервисный центр.

Настройка частотного преобразователя SEW-EURODRIVE, программирование

Ремонт частотных преобразователей SEW-EURODRIVEНастройка частотных преобразователей SEW-EURODRIVE (программирование) происходит в рамках установленных производителем правил, существует общий алгоритм по программированию (настройке частотных преобразователей), относящийся ко всем производителям данного промышленного оборудования. Ниже представлена пошаговая инструкция по настройке частотных преобразователей SEW-EURODRIVE.

  • Выбор режима управления приводом SEW-EURODRIVE (управление по показанию датчиков, дистанционное управление, дистанционное управление).
  • В случае использования отдельного (выносного) монитора, настраивается вывод на него технической информации.
  • Далее определяем конфигурацию подключения серводвигателя. На данной стадии задаются такие параметры как- возможность применения обратной связи либо без ее применения, а в память блока заносятся данные по: величине крутящего момента, мощности потребителей, номинальное значения частоты, напряжение, ток и скорости вращения ротора.Ремонт частотных преобразователей SEW-EURODRIVE
  • Программируется минимально допустимая величина напряжения и частоты, а также время ускорения ротора от ноля до номинального значения.
  • И в завершении, в программу управления частотным преобразователем SEW-EURODRIVE вносятся функциональные данные со значениями отдельных клемм и особенностями сигналов. Отмечаются действия оборудования, выполняющиеся автоматически при отсутствии информации поступающей в оперативном режиме с датчика.

В некоторых частотниках существует пункт наличия/отсутствия фильтра в цепи питания двигателя. Этот пункт отвечает за подключение различных видов нагрузок, в том случае, когда возможно выбрать нормальное или инверсное изменение частоты при повышении уровня сигнала обратной связи.

Все настройки частотных преобразователей SEW-EURODRIVE приведены в технической документации ниже в удобном формате (PDF) который можно скачать на свой компьютер, распечатать или просто открыть на нашем сайте.

Коды ошибок частотного преобразователя SEW-EURODRIVE

Ремонт частотных преобразователей SEW-EURODRIVEВ процессе работы выходит из строя даже самое надежное промышленное оборудование. В данной статье мы приведем ошибки частотного преобразователя SEW-EURODRIVE, а точнее SEW-EURODRIVE серии MOVITRAC LTE-B. Частотники в наше время, нашли широкое применение абсолютно во всех сферах промышленности, управляя как мини моторами в оргтехнике, так и гигантскими двигателями в горнодобывающей промышленности.

Для простоты общения со столь сложной электроникой все частотные преобразователи оснащены небольшими дисплеями с помощью которых выводятся информационные сообщения с кодами ошибок, расшифровав которые можно сразу же узнать причину ее возникновения. Если учесть распространенность данной промышленной электроники, то появляется острая нужда в расшифровке кодов ошибок частотных преобразователей. В этой статье мы рассмотрим одного из самых известных производителей промышленной электроники имеющему уважение во всем мире, SEW-EURODRIVE.

Существует несколько видов ошибок, некоторые из них можно устранить автоматически, а некоторые возможно исправить только, обратившись в специализированный сервисный центр. В таблицах ниже приведены коды ошибок частотного преобразователя SEW-EURODRIVE MOVITRAC LTE-B и их расшифровка.

Обязательно должны соблюдаться все рекомендации, изложенные в инструкции по монтажу и эксплуатации насосов, в особенности требования по технике безопасности!

Ошибки частотных преобразователей SEW-EURODRIVE серии MOVITRAC LTE-B

Код ошибки




Загружены установленные на заводе-изготовителе параметры.

Нажать клавишу <стоп>. Теперь преобразователь можно конфигурировать под желаемое применение.


Избыточный ток на выходе преобразователя к двигателю. Перегрузка в двигателе. Перегрев на радиаторе преобразователя.

Ошибка при постоянной частоте вращения:

  • Проверить на наличие перегрузки или неисправности.

Ошибка при разблокировке преобразователя:

  • Проверить на опрокидывание или блокирование двигателя.
  • Проверить на наличие ошибки соединения двигателя «звезда, треугольник»
  • Проверить соответствует ли длинна кабеля заданным параметрам.

Ошибка во время эксплуатации:

  • Проверить на неожиданную перегрузку или сбой в работе.
  • Проверить кабельное соединение между преобразователем и двигателем.
  • Время ускорения/замедления возможно слишком короткое и требует слишком много мощности. Если вы можете увеличить P-03 или P-04, необходимо использовать более мощный преобразователь.


Ошибка из-за перегрузки. Возникает, если преобразователь в течении определенного времени подавал более 100% номинального тока. Индикация мигает, чтобы показать перегрузку.

  • Увеличьте темп ускорения P-03 или снизьте нагрузку.
  • Проверить соответствует ли длинна кабеля заданным параметрам.
  • Проверить нагрузку механическим способом, чтобы убедится, что происходит свободное движение и нет блокад или других механических неисправностей.


Избыточный ток тормозного канала. Избыточный ток в цепи тормозного резистора.

  • Проверить питающий провод тормозного резистора.
  • Проверить значение тормозного резистора.
  • Необходимо обращать внимание на минимальные значения сопротивления в расчётной таблице.


Тормозной резистор перегружен.

  • Повысить время задержки, снизить инерцию нагрузки или параллельно включить другие тормозные резисторы.
  • Необходимо обращать внимание на минимальные значения сопротивления в расчетной таблице.


Внутренняя ошибка выходного каскада.

Ошибка при разблокировке преобразователя:

  • Проверить на наличие ошибки соединения или короткого замыкания.
  • Проверить на наличие короткого замыкания фазы или замыкания на землю.

Ошибка во время эксплуатации:

  • Проверить на неожиданную перегрузку или перегрев.
  • Возможно требуется дополнительное пространство или охлаждение


Перенапряжение звена постоянного тока.

  • Проверить: напряжение питания слишком высокое или слишком низкое.
  • Если ошибка возникает при замедлении, необходимо повысить время замедления в P-04.
  • Подключить тормозной, резистор если необходимо.
  • Если тормозной резистор уже установлен, необходимо убедится, что P-34 настроен на 1 или 2.


Пониженное напряжение в цепи постоянного тока.

Возникает обычно при отключении преобразователя. Проверить напряжение электросети, если ошибка возникает при работающем двигателе.


Слишком высокая температура окружающей среды.

  • Проверить охлаждение преобразователя и габаритные размеры корпуса.
  • Возможно требуется дополнительное пространство или охлаждение.
  • Проверить функционирование внутреннего вентилятора1.


Перегрев радиатора.

  • Проверить охлаждение преобразователя и габаритные размеры корпуса.
  • Возможно требуется дополнительное пространство или охлаждение.
  • Проверить функционирование внутреннего вентилятора1.
  • Уменьшить частоту коммутации.
  • Снизить нагрузку двигателя.


Пониженная температура.

  • Возникает при температуре окружающей среды -100C.
  • Повысить температуру свыше -100C, чтобы запустить преобразователь.


Неисправный термистор на радиаторе.

Обратитесь в сервисный центр.


Внешняя ошибка (в сочетании с двоичным входом 3).

  • Внешняя ошибка на двоичном входе 3. Открыт нормально замкнутый контакт.
  • Проверить термистор двигателя (если подключён).


Ошибка: сбой обмена данными.

  • Проверить соединение для обмена данными между преобразователем и внешними устройствами.
  • Убедится, что каждому преобразователю присвоен однозначный адрес.


Ошибка: отказ фазы входа.

  • В предусмотренном для сети трёхфазного тока преобразователе одна фаза отказывает.


Запуск вращения не удался.

Функция запуска вращения не может определить частоту вращения двигателя.


Внутренняя ошибка памяти.

Параметры не сохраняются, воспроизводятся заводские настройки.

Попытаться еще раз. Если данная проблема появляется повторно, обратитесь в сервисный центр.


Параметры неисправности EEPROM не сохраняются, воспроизводятся заводские настройки.

Параметры неисправности EEPROM не сохраняются, воспроизводятся заводские настройки. При повторной появлении ошибки обратитесь в сервисный центр.

4_20 F

Ток на аналоговом входе за границами установленного диапазона.

Убедиться, что входной ток находится в установленном P-16 диапазоне.

Проверить соединительный кабель.


Внутренняя ошибка преобразователя.

Обратитесь в сервисный центр.



Ремонт частотных преобразователей SEW-EURODRIVE1)Для функционального испытания для преобразователей частоты мощностью свыше 0.75kw нажмите все кнопки встроенной клавишной цепи одновременно.

Преобразователь частоты разработан таким образом, что он пытается избежать аварийных отключений путем ограничения момента, перенапряжения и т.п.

Появление сбоев при вводе в эксплуатацию или вскоре после него обычно свидетельствует о неверной настройке или неправильном подключении.

Возникновение неисправностей или проблем после длительного режима бесперебойной работы обычно происходит по причине изменений в системе или ее окружении (например, в результате износа).

Дополнительную информацию по частотным преобразователям SEW-EURODRIVE можно посмотреть и скачать в файлах ниже.

Частотный преобразователь SEW-EURODRIVE, скачать инструкции по эксплуатации

Ниже вы можете скачать руководства по эксплуатации частотных преобразователей SEW-EURODRIVE для всех серий, когда-либо выпущенных данным производителем.

Частотный преобразователь SEW-EURODRIVE MOVITRAC® LTE-B инструкция, руководство пользователя.

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Частотный преобразователь SEW-EURODRIVE MOVITRAC® LTE-B+ инструкция, руководство пользователя.

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Частотный преобразователь SEW-EURODRIVE MOVITRAC® LTP-B инструкция, руководство пользователя.

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Частотный преобразователь SEW-EURODRIVE MOVITRAC® B инструкция, руководство пользователя.

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Частотный преобразователь SEW-EURODRIVE инструкция, руководство пользователя.

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Частотный преобразователь SEW-EURODRIVE MOVIDRIVE®B инструкция, руководство пользователя.

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Частотный преобразователь SEW-EURODRIVE MOVIAXIS® инструкция, руководство пользователя.

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Схемы подключения частотных преобразователей SEW-EURODRIVE

Схемы подключений частотных преобразователей SEW-EURODRIVE могут, отличатся друг от друга даже если эти преобразователи относятся ко одной линейке. Схема подключения преобразователя зависит от многих факторов таких как потребляемая частотным преобразователем нагрузка или питающая сеть к которой подключается частотник 200V – 380V и конечно же зависит от CPU в паре, с которым предполагается работа преобразователя.

Схема подключения частотных преобразователей SEW-EURODRIVE MOVITRAC на 230v (0.37kw…2.2kw) 400v (0.55kw…4.0kw)

Схема подключения частотных преобразователей SEW-EURODRIVE MOVITRAC на 230v (3.7kw…30kw) 400v (5.5kw…30kw)

Схема подключения частотных преобразователей SEW-EURODRIVE MOVITRAC на 230v (0.37kw…2.2kw) 400v (0.55kw…4.0kw)

Схема подключения частотных преобразователей SEW-EURODRIVE MOVITRAC на 230v (3.7kw…30kw) 400v (5.5kw…30kw)

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SEW-Eurodrive MOVITRAC 07 Operating Instructions Manual

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Operating Instructions

1056 411x / EN


Related Manuals for SEW-Eurodrive MOVITRAC 07

Summary of Contents for SEW-Eurodrive MOVITRAC 07

  • Page 1
    Edition ® MOVITRAC 02/2003 Operating Instructions 1056 411x / EN…
  • Page 2
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Contents 1 Important Notes………………..4 2 Safety Notes …………………. 6 3 Unit Structure ………………..7 Unit design ………………..7 Unit designation and scope of delivery ……….. 11 4 Installation ………………….. 13 Installation instructions…………….13 UL compliant installation …………….. 17 Power shield clamp …………….. 18 Touch guard ………………..

  • Page 4: Important Notes

    Important Notes Important Notes Safety and warn- Always follow the safety and warning instructions contained in this publication! ing instructions Electrical hazard Possible consequences: Severe or fatal injuries. Hazard Possible consequences: Severe or fatal injuries. Hazardous situation Possible consequences: Slight or minor injuries. Harmful situation Possible consequences: Damage to the unit and the environment.

  • Page 5
    Important Notes ® MOVITRAC 07 frequency inverters are units intended for stationary installation in switch cabinets. All instructions referring to the technical data and the permissible con- ditions where the unit is operated must be followed. Do not start up the unit (take it into operation in the designated fashion) until: •…
  • Page 6: Safety Notes

    Safety Notes Safety Notes Installation and • Never install damaged products or take them into operation. Please submit a startup complaint to the transport company immediately in the event of damage. • Installation, startup and service work on the unit only by trained personnel. The personnel must be trained in the relevant aspects of accident prevention and must comply with the regulations in force (e.g.

  • Page 7: Unit Structure

    Unit Structure Unit design Unit Structure Unit design Size 0S, 0M, 0L 02978BXX ® Figure 1: MOVITRAC 07 unit structure, sizes 0S, 0M, 0L 1. X1: Mains connection 3-phase: L1 / L2 / L3 / PE or 1-phase: L/N/PE 2. Operating panel 3.

  • Page 8
    Unit Structure Unit design Size 1, 2S, 2 05132AXX ® Figure 2: MOVITRAC 07 unit structure, sizes 1, 2S, 2 1. X1: Mains connection 3-phase: L1 / L2 / L3 / PE screw 2. Operating panel 3. DIP switch S11 changeover U-signal / I-signal 4.
  • Page 9
    Unit Structure Unit design Size 3 05295AXX ® Figure 3: MOVITRAC 07 unit structure, size 3 1. PE connections 2. X1: Mains connection 3-phase: L1 (1) / L2 (2) / L3 (3) 3. X4: DC link circuit connection (not used) 4.
  • Page 10
    Unit Structure Unit design Size 4 05296AXX ® Figure 4: MOVITRAC 07 unit structure, size 4 1. X2: PE connection 2. X1: Mains connection 3-phase: L1 (1) / L2 (2) / L3 (3) 3. X4: DC link circuit connection (not used) 4.
  • Page 11: Unit Designation And Scope Of Delivery

    Unit Structure Unit designation and scope of delivery Unit designation and scope of delivery Sample unit designation Type MC Series and generation Version A Recommended motor 022 = 2.2 kW power 2 = 200 … 240 V Connection voltage 5 = 380 … 500 V B = Radio interference suppres- sion B Radio interference sup-…

  • Page 12
    Unit Structure Unit designation and scope of delivery Scope of delivery loose items 03000AXX Figure 6: Scope of delivery, included loose size 0 Scope of delivery, included loose for size • Shield clamps for electronics cables (2 clamps with one screw each) [1] •…
  • Page 13: Installation

    Installation Installation instructions Installation Installation instructions It is essential to comply with the safety notes during installation! Tightening • Only use genuine connection elements. Note the permitted tightening torques ® torques of MOVITRAC 07 power terminals. → – Size 0S/M/L 0.5 Nm (4.4 →…

  • Page 14
    Installation Installation instructions Line choke • When more than four 3-phase units or more than one 1-phase unit are connect- ed to a supply system contactor designed for the total current: Insert a line choke in the circuit to limit the inrush current. Separate cable •…
  • Page 15
    Installation Installation instructions ® Line filter MOVITRAC 07 frequency inverters are equipped with an line filter as standard. They comply with the following limit value class to EN 55011 on the line side without further measures: • B: 1-phase connection •…
  • Page 16
    Installation Installation instructions ® HD output choke • Install the output choke close to MOVITRAC 07 beyond the minimum clearance. • Always route all three phases (not the PE!) together through the output choke. • If the cable is shielded, the shield is not allowed to be routed through the output choke.
  • Page 17: Ul Compliant Installation

    Installation UL compliant installation UL compliant installation Please note the following points for UL compliant installation: • Only use copper cables with the following temperature ranges as connection leads: ® – For MOVITRAC 07 … Temperature range 60/75 °C. ® •…

  • Page 18: Power Shield Clamp

    Installation Power shield clamp Power shield clamp ® For sizes 1 / 2S SEW-EURODRIVE supplies a power shield clamp as standard with MOVITRAC size 1 / 2S. Install this power shield clamp together with the retaining screws of the unit. 02012BXX ®…

  • Page 19: Touch Guard

    Installation Touch guard For size 2 SEW-EURODRIVE supplies a power shield clamp with two retaining screws as stan- ® dard with MOVITRAC 07 size 2. Install this power shield clamp together with the two retaining screws on X6. 01469BXX ® Figure 11: Power shield clamp for MOVITRAC 07 size 2 1.

  • Page 20: Wiring Diagram 230 V 0.37 … 2.2 Kw / 400 V 0.55 … 4.0 Kw

    Installation Wiring diagram 230 V 0.37 … 2.2 kW / 400 V 0.55 … 4.0 kW Wiring diagram 230 V 0.37 … 2.2 kW / 400 V 0.55 … 4.0 kW 3 x 230 V / PE 1 x 230 V / N / PE 3 x 400/500 V / PE…

  • Page 21
    Installation Wiring diagram 230 V 3.7 … 30 kW / 400 V 5.5 … 30 kW Wiring diagram 230 V 3.7 … 30 kW / 400 V 5.5 … 30 kW 3 x 230 V / PE 3 x 400/500 V / PE F11/F12/F13 (AC-3)
  • Page 22
    Installation Wiring diagram 230 V 3.7 … 30 kW / 400 V 5.5 … 30 kW Connection of the brake rectifier A separate supply system lead is required for connecting the brake rectifier; sup- ply from the motor voltage is not permitted! Only use contactors in utilization category AC-3 (IEC 158-1) for K11 and K12.
  • Page 23: System Bus (Sbus) Installation

    SC21 = System bus high SC12 = System bus low SC11 = System bus high = System bus terminating resistor SBus MOVITRAC 07: Connect the terminating equipment to SC11/SC12. SC21/SC22 are only active when S12 = OFF. Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® 07…

  • Page 24: Startup

    Startup General startup instructions Startup Using the IN/OUT key : Press the key once to go further down into the menu struc- ture (selecting functions). Press twice or use one long key press to change to higher lev- els in the menu structure. General startup instructions It is essential to adhere to the safety notes during startup! Prerequisite…

  • Page 25: Integrated Operating Panel

    Startup Integrated operating panel Integrated operating panel Operation The following basic principle applies: Press the key once to start editing. Double- click the key to exit edit mode. Functions of the The UP, DOWN and IN/OUT buttons are used for navigating through the menus. The operating panel RUN and STOP/RESET buttons are used for controlling the drive.

  • Page 26: Principles Of Operation With The Integrated Operating Panel

    Startup Principles of operation with the integrated operating panel Principles of operation with the integrated operating panel n11 n12 n [rpm] [rpm] [s/rpm] P081 [F-00 … F-99] <-2x 1x-> <-2x 1x-> P100 … P861 [ms/%/…] <-2x 1x-> P-01 … P-05 [kW/Hz/…] <-2x 1x->…

  • Page 27
    Startup Principles of operation with the integrated operating panel Available sym- You can select the following symbols using keys bols Symbol Function Displays the inverter status or (in «drive enabled» status) the calculated actual speed in [rpm] Displays the apparent output current in [A] Sets the accelerating ramp in [s] Sets the deceleration ramp in [s] Sets the maximum speed in [rpm]…
  • Page 28: Manual Speed Control Module And External Setpoint Selection

    Startup Manual speed control module and external setpoint selection Fault indication If a fault occurs, the display changes to the symbol and it shows the flashing fault code, e.g. F-11 (fault list in Sec. Operation and servicing). Warnings Some parameters are not allowed to be altered in all operating states. If you try to do so, the following display appears: r-19 …

  • Page 29
    Startup Manual speed control module and external setpoint selection You can limit the speed by P301 Minimum speed and P302 Maximum speed . After a fault, a reset can be performed using the «STOP/RESET» button, the terminal or the interface. «Manual speed control module» operating mode is once again active after the reset.
  • Page 30
    Startup Manual speed control module and external setpoint selection Enable direction of The direction of rotation is determined by the setpoint if you set P101 Control signal rotation with RS- source and P100 Setpoint source to RS485 or SBus (RS485 only for service purposes). 485 or SBus You must enable the setpoint via SBus or RS-485 using the «CW/STOP»…
  • Page 31: Startup With The Integrated Operating Panel

    Startup Startup with the integrated operating panel Startup with the integrated operating panel 02975GXX Figure 18: Startup with the integrated operating panel (2x = double-click / * = factory setting) P-01 = Operating mode P-03 = Rated motor speed P-05 = Rated motor voltage P-02 = Rated motor power P-04 = Rated motor frequency Operating Instructions –…

  • Page 32
    Startup Startup with the integrated operating panel General informa- If you are not connecting the motor indicated in the motor selection table: Enter param- tion eters P-01 to P-05 correctly according to the nameplate (access via Name Range / factory setting P-01 Operating mode VFC or VFC &…
  • Page 33: Starting The Motor

    Startup Starting the motor Starting the motor Analog setpoints The following table shows which signals must be present on terminals X10:2 … X10:4 (DIØ1 … DIØ5) when the «UNIPOL/FIX.SETPT» setpoint is selected (P100), in order to operate the drive with analog setpoints. Terminal X10:13/14 X10:2…

  • Page 34: Loading A Logodrive Program

    Startup Loading a LOGODrive program Loading a LOGODrive program • Start MOVITOOLS Manager. ® • Connect the MOVITRAC 07 to a vacant serial port on your PC using the UWS21A interface converter. Select this interface in the PC Interface group. ®…

  • Page 35: Parameter List

    Startup Parameter list Parameter list All parameters which can also be displayed and edited using the symbol on the op- erating panel have a • in the «OP» (operating panel) column. If more than one value can be selected, the factory setting is highlighted in bold. OP Index Name Range / factory setting…

  • Page 36
    Startup Parameter list OP Index Name Range / factory setting Value after startup dec. Display MOVITOOLS Binary outputs Binary output /FAULT (factory setting) DO01 Binary output BRAKE RELEASED (factory setting) DO02 Binary outputs Binary display DO01, DO02 Unit data Unit type [Text] Output rated cur- rent…
  • Page 37
    Startup Parameter list OP Index Name Range / factory setting Value after startup dec. Display MOVITOOLS Analog input 1 (+10 V) • 8463 AI1 scaling 0.1 … 1 … 10 • 8465 AI1 operation 3000 rpm (0 – 10 V) mode N-MAX (0 –…
  • Page 38
    Startup Parameter list OP Index Name Range / factory setting Value after startup dec. Display MOVITOOLS Fixed setpoints (set 2) • 8492 Internal setpoint 0 … 150 … 5000 [rpm] • 8493 Internal setpoint 0 … 750 … 5000 [rpm] •…
  • Page 39
    Startup Parameter list OP Index Name Range / factory setting Value after startup dec. Display MOVITOOLS Reference signals Speed reference signal • 8539 Speed reference 0 … 750 … 5000 [rpm] value • 8540 Hysteresis 0 … 100 … +500 [rpm] •…
  • Page 40
    Startup Parameter list OP Index Name Range / factory setting Value after startup dec. Display MOVITOOLS Binary outputs • 8804 Binary outputs DO01 DO02 /FAULT BRAKE RELEASED READY BRAKE RELEASED SPEED REFERENCE BRAKE RELEASED SP/ACT.VAL.COMP. BRAKE RELEASED /FAULT SPEED REFERENCE /FAULT SP/ACT.VAL.COMP.
  • Page 41
    Startup Parameter list OP Index Name Range / factory setting Value after startup dec. Display MOVITOOLS Unit functions Setup • 8594 Factory setting FACTORY SETTING DELIVERY CONDITION • 8595 Parameter lock 8596 Reset statistic data FAULT MEMORY Serial communication • 8597 RS485 address 0 …
  • Page 42
    Startup Parameter list OP Index Name Range / factory setting Value after startup dec. Display MOVITOOLS Fieldbus parameterization 8304 Setpoint descrip- NO FUNCTION (factory setting P872) tion PO1 SPEED (factory setting P871) MAX. SPEED 8305 Setpoint descrip- RAMP tion PO CTRL.
  • Page 43: Fault Information

    Operation and Service Fault information Operation and Service Fault information Fault memory The inverter stores the fault message in fault memory P080. The inverter does not save a new fault until the fault message has been acknowledged. The local operating panel shows the fault which occurred most recently.

  • Page 44
    Operation and Service Fault information Reset A fault message can be acknowledged by: • Switching the supply system off and on again. Recommendation: Observe a mini- mum switch-off time of 10 s for the supply system contactor. • Reset via input terminals, i.e. via an appropriately assigned binary input (DIØ2…DIØ5).
  • Page 45
    Operation and Service List of errors (F-00 … F-97) List of errors (F-00 … F-97) Name Response Possible cause Action No error Over-current Immediate • Short circuit on output • Rectify the short circuit switch-off • Output switching • Only switch when output stage inhibited •…
  • Page 46
    Operation and Service List of errors (F-00 … F-97) Name Response Possible cause Action Overtempera- Rapid stop Thermal overload of inverter • Reduce load and/or ensure ade- ture with inhibit quate cooling • If the braking resistor is integrated in the heat sink: Mount the braking resistor externally System fault Immediate…
  • Page 47: List Of Warnings (R-17 … R-32)

    Operation and Service List of warnings (r-17 … r-32) Name Response Possible cause Action Initialization Immediate Error during initialization Contact SEW Service for advice. switch-off with inhibit System bus Rapid stop Fault during communication via system Check system bus connection. timeout without inhibit…

  • Page 48: Sew Electronics Service

    Operation and Service SEW electronics service SEW electronics service Send in for repair Please contact the SEW electronics service if a fault cannot be rectified (→ «Cus- tomer and spare parts service»). Please always specify the service code number when you contact the SEW electronics service.

  • Page 49: Ce-Marking, Ul Approval And C-Tick

    Technical Data CE-marking, UL approval and C-Tick Technical Data CE-marking, UL approval and C-Tick CE-marking ® Low Voltage Direc- MOVITRAC 07 frequency inverters comply with the regulations of the Low Voltage Di- tive rective 73/23/EEC. ® Electromagnetic MOVITRAC 07 frequency inverters are components of machines and systems. They compatibility EMC comply with the EMC product standard EN 61800-3 Variable-speed electrical drives .

  • Page 50: General Technical Data

    Technical Data General technical data General technical data ® The following technical data applies to all MOVITRAC 07 frequency inverters, regard- less of size. ® MOVITRAC All sizes Interference immunity To EN 61800-3 Interference emission with To limit value class EMC-compliant installation •…

  • Page 51: Technical Data Of Movitrac® 07

    Technical Data Technical data of MOVITRAC® 07 ® Technical data of MOVITRAC 230 V 51115AXX ® Figure 20: MOVITRAC 07 230 V units Size Power [kW / HP] 0.37 / 0.5 1.1 / 1.5 5.5 / 7.5 11 / 15 22 / 30 0.55 / 0.75 1.5 / 2.0…

  • Page 52
    Technical Data Technical data of MOVITRAC® 07 230 V / 1-phase / size 0S / 0.37 … 0.75 kW / 0.5 … 1.0 HP 51105AXX ® Figure 22: MOVITRAC 07 / size 0S / 1-phase 230 V ® MOVITRAC MC07A (1-phase supply system) 004-2B1-4-..
  • Page 53
    Technical Data Technical data of MOVITRAC® 07 ® MOVITRAC MC07A (1-phase supply system) 004-2B1-4-.. 005-2B1-4-.. 008-2B1-4-.. GENERAL Power loss at I 45 W 55 W 65 W Current limitation 125 % I continuous duty (fan/pump operation) 150 % I for maximum 60 seconds PWM frequency 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 kHz Speed range…
  • Page 54
    Technical Data Technical data of MOVITRAC® 07 230 V / 1-phase / size 0L / 1.1 … 2.2 kW / 1.5 … 3.0 HP ® Figure 24: MOVITRAC 07 / size 0L / 1-phase 230 V ® MOVITRAC MC07A (1-phase supply system) 011-2B1-4-..
  • Page 55
    Technical Data Technical data of MOVITRAC® 07 ® MOVITRAC MC07A (1-phase supply system) 011-2B1-4-.. 015-2B1-4-.. 022-2B1-4-.. GENERAL Power loss at I 75 W 100 W 125 W Current limitation 125 % I continuous duty (fan/pump operation) 150 % I for maximum 60 seconds PWM frequency 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 kHz Speed range…
  • Page 56
    Technical Data Technical data of MOVITRAC® 07 230 V / 3-phase / size 0S / 0.37 … 0.75 kW / 0.5 … 1.0 HP 51105AXX ® Figure 26: MOVITRAC 07 / size 0S / 3-phase 230 V ® MOVITRAC 07A (3-phase supply system) 004-2A3-4-..
  • Page 57
    Technical Data Technical data of MOVITRAC® 07 ® MOVITRAC 07A (3-phase supply system) 004-2A3-4-.. 005-2A3-4-.. 008-2A3-4-.. GENERAL Power loss at I 45 W 55 W 65 W Current limitation 125 % I continuous duty (fan/pump operation) 150 % I for maximum 60 seconds PWM frequency 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 kHz Speed range…
  • Page 58
    Technical Data Technical data of MOVITRAC® 07 230 V / 3-phase / size 0L / 1.1 … 2.2 kW / 1.5 … 3.0 HP ® Figure 28: MOVITRAC 07 / size 0L / 3-phase 230 V ® MOVITRAC 07A (3-phase supply system) 011-2A3-4-..
  • Page 59
    Technical Data Technical data of MOVITRAC® 07 ® MOVITRAC 07A (3-phase supply system) 011-2A3-4-.. 015-2A3-4-.. 022-2A3-4-.. GENERAL Power loss at I 75 W 100 W 125 W Current limitation 125 % I continuous duty (fan/pump operation) 150 % I for maximum 60 seconds PWM frequency 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 kHz Speed range…
  • Page 60
    Technical Data Technical data of MOVITRAC® 07 230 V / 3-phase / size 1 / 3.7 kW / 5.0 HP ® Figure 30: MOVITRAC 07 / size 1 / 3-phase 230 V ® MOVITRAC 07A (3-phase supply system) 037-2A3-4-.. Part number 827 278 6 Part number with LOGODrive 827 285 9…
  • Page 61
    Technical Data Technical data of MOVITRAC® 07 ® MOVITRAC 07A (3-phase supply system) 037-2A3-4-.. GENERAL Power loss at I 210 W Current limitation 125 % I continuous duty (fan/pump operation) 150 % I for maximum 60 seconds PWM frequency 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 kHz Speed range 0 …
  • Page 62
    Technical Data Technical data of MOVITRAC® 07 230 V / 3-phase / size 2 / 5.5 … 7.5 kW / 7.5 … 10 HP ® Figure 32: MOVITRAC 07 / size 2 / 3-phase 230 V ® MOVITRAC 07A (3-phase supply system) 055-2A3-4-..
  • Page 63
    Technical Data Technical data of MOVITRAC® 07 ® MOVITRAC 07A (3-phase supply system) 055-2A3-4-.. 075-2A3-4-.. GENERAL Power loss at I 300 W 380 W Current limitation 125 % I continuous duty (fan/pump operation) 150 % I for maximum 60 seconds PWM frequency 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 kHz Speed range…
  • Page 64
    Technical Data Technical data of MOVITRAC® 07 230 V / 3-phase / size 3 / 11 … 15 kW / 15 … 20 HP ® Figure 34: MOVITRAC 07 / size 3 / 3-phase 230 V ® MOVITRAC 07A (3-phase supply system) 110-203-4-..
  • Page 65
    Technical Data Technical data of MOVITRAC® 07 ® MOVITRAC 07A (3-phase supply system) 110-203-4-.. 150-203-4-.. GENERAL Power loss at I 580 W 720 W Current limitation 125 % I continuous duty (fan/pump operation) 150 % I for maximum 60 seconds PWM frequency 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 kHz Speed range…
  • Page 66
    Technical Data Technical data of MOVITRAC® 07 230 V / 3-phase / size 4 / 22 … 30 kW / 30 … 40 HP ® Figure 36: MOVITRAC 07 / size 4 / 3-phase 230 V ® MOVITRAC 07A (3-phase supply system) 220-203-4-..
  • Page 67
    Technical Data Technical data of MOVITRAC® 07 ® MOVITRAC 07A (3-phase supply system) 220-203-4-.. 300-203-4-.. GENERAL Power loss at I 1100 W 1300 W Current limitation 125 % I continuous duty (fan/pump operation) 150 % I for maximum 60 seconds PWM frequency 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 kHz Speed range…
  • Page 68
    Technical Data Technical data of MOVITRAC® 07 400/500 V / 3-phase / size 0M / 0.55 … 1.1 kW / 0.75 … 1.5 HP ® Figure 38: MOVITRAC 07 / size 0M / 3-phase 400/500 V ® MOVITRAC 07A (3-phase supply system) 005-5A3-4-..
  • Page 69
    Technical Data Technical data of MOVITRAC® 07 ® MOVITRAC 07A (3-phase supply system) 005-5A3-4-.. 008-5A3-4-.. 011-5A3-4-.. GENERAL Power loss at I 42 W 48 W 58 W Current limitation 125 % I continuous duty (fan/pump operation) 150 % I for maximum 60 seconds PWM frequency 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 kHz Speed range…
  • Page 70
    Technical Data Technical data of MOVITRAC® 07 400/500 V / 3-phase / size 0L / 1.5 … 4.0 kW / 2.0 … 5.0 HP ® Figure 40: MOVITRAC 07 / size 0L / 3-phase 400/500 V ® MOVITRAC 07A (3-phase supply system) 015-5A3-4- 022-5A3-4- 030-5A3-4-…
  • Page 71
    Technical Data Technical data of MOVITRAC® 07 ® MOVITRAC 07A (3-phase supply system) 015-5A3-4- 022-5A3-4- 030-5A3-4- 040-5A3-4- GENERAL Power loss at I 74 W 97 W 123 W 155 W Current limitation 125 % I continuous duty (fan/pump operation) 150 % I for maximum 60 seconds PWM frequency 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 kHz…
  • Page 72
    Technical Data Technical data of MOVITRAC® 07 400/500 V / 3-phase / size 2S / 5.5 … 7.5 kW / 7.5 … 10 HP ® Figure 42: MOVITRAC 07 / size 2S / 3-phase 400/500 V ® MOVITRAC 07A (3-phase supply system) 055-5A3-4-..
  • Page 73
    Technical Data Technical data of MOVITRAC® 07 ® MOVITRAC 07A (3-phase supply system) 055-5A3-4-.. 075-5A3-4-.. GENERAL Power loss at I 220 W 290 W Current limitation 125 % I continuous duty (fan/pump operation) 150 % I for maximum 60 seconds PWM frequency 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 kHz Speed range…
  • Page 74
    Technical Data Technical data of MOVITRAC® 07 400/500 V / 3-phase / size 2 / 11 kW / 15 HP ® Figure 44: MOVITRAC 07 / size 2 / 3-phase 400/500 V ® MOVITRAC 07A (3-phase supply system) 110-5A3-4-.. Part number 827 256 5 Part number with LOGODrive 827 301 4…
  • Page 75
    Technical Data Technical data of MOVITRAC® 07 ® MOVITRAC 07A (3-phase supply system) 110-5A3-4-.. GENERAL Power loss at I 400 W Current limitation 125 % I continuous duty (fan/pump operation) 150 % I for maximum 60 seconds PWM frequency 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 kHz Speed range 0 …
  • Page 76
    Technical Data Technical data of MOVITRAC® 07 400/500 V / 3-phase / size 3 / 15 … 30 kW / 20 … 40 HP ® Figure 46: MOVITRAC 07 / size 3 / 3-phase 400/500 V ® MOVITRAC 07 (3-phase supply system) 150-503-4-..
  • Page 77
    Technical Data Technical data of MOVITRAC® 07 ® MOVITRAC 07 (3-phase supply system) 150-503-4-.. 220-503-4-.. 300-503-4-.. GENERAL Power loss at I 550 W 750 W 950 W Current limitation 125 % I continuous duty (fan/pump operation) 150 % I for maximum 60 seconds PWM frequency 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 kHz Speed range…
  • Page 78
    Technical Data Technical data of MOVITRAC® 07 ® MOVITRAC 07 sizes 0S, 0M, 0L for DIN rail mounting (optional accessory) 04329AXX ® Figure 48: MOVITRAC 07 dimensions for DIN rail mounting (optional accessory) ® MOVITRAC 230 V Dimensions A x B x C 90 x 185 x 150 mm 90 x 295 x 150 mm 3.5 x 7.2 x 5.9 in…
  • Page 79: Change Index

    Change Index Change Index The text has been completely revised and the layout adapted. The following changes were implemented in the respective sections. Technical Data • Information on long-term storage. • Overview of the different series. • Assignment of dimension sheetes to data tables. •…

  • Page 80: Index

    Index Index Immediate switch-off 43 Input filter 15 Accelerating ramp 27 Input fuses 14 Actual speed 27 Installation 13 Ambient temperature 50 Installation instructions 13 Analog setpoints 33 Integrated operating panel 25 Apparent output current 27 Operation 26 Application environment 5 Startup 31 Available symbols 27 Interference emission 50…

  • Page 81
    Index S11 7, 8, 9, 10 S12 7, 8, 9, 10 Safety Notes 6 Safety notes 4 SBus 30 Scope of delivery 12 Setpoint direction of rotation 29 Setpoint selection, external 28, 29 Setpoint speed 29 Shielding 14 Speed 29 Speed control module, manual 28 Starting the motor 33 Startup 24, 27, 31…
  • Page 82
    16, rue des Frères Zaghnoun Fax +213 21 8222-84 Bellevue El-Harrach 16200 Alger Argentina Assembly Buenos Aires SEW EURODRIVE ARGENTINA S.A. Tel. +54 3327 4572-84 Sales Centro Industrial Garin, Lote 35 Fax +54 3327 4572-21 Service Ruta Panamericana Km 37,5…
  • Page 83
    Address List Austria Assembly Wien SEW-EURODRIVE Ges.m.b.H. Tel. +43 1 617 55 00-0 Sales Richard-Strauss-Strasse 24 Fax +43 1 617 55 00-30 Service A-1230 Wien Belgium Assembly Brüssel CARON-VECTOR S.A. Tel. +32 10 231-311 Sales Avenue Eiffel 5 Fax +32 10 231-336 Service B-1300 Wavre…
  • Page 84
    Address List Colombia Assembly Bogotá SEW-EURODRIVE COLOMBIA LTDA. Tel. +57 1 54750-50 Sales Calle 22 No. 132-60 Fax +57 1 54750-44 Service Bodega 6, Manzana B Santafé de Bogotá Croatia Sales Zagreb KOMPEKS d. o. o. Tel. +385 1 4613-158 Service PIT Erdödy 4 II Fax +385 1 4613-158…
  • Page 85
    Address List India Assembly Baroda SEW-EURODRIVE India Pvt. Ltd. Tel. +91 265 2831021 Sales Plot No. 4, Gidc Fax +91 265 2831087 Service Por Ramangamdi · Baroda — 391 243 Gujarat Technical Offices Bangalore SEW-EURODRIVE India Private Limited Tel. +91 80 22266565 308, Prestige Centre Point Fax +91 80 22266569 7, Edward Road…
  • Page 86
    Address List Morocco Sales Casablanca S. R. M. Tel. +212 2 6186-69 + 6186-70 + 6186- Société de Réalisations Mécaniques 5, rue Emir Abdelkader Fax +212 2 6215-88 05 Casablanca Netherlands Assembly Rotterdam VECTOR Aandrijftechniek B.V. Tel. +31 10 4463-700 Sales Industrieweg 175 Fax +31 10 4155-552…
  • Page 87
    Address List Slovenia Sales Celje Pakman — Pogonska Tehnika d.o.o. Tel. +386 3 490 83-20 Service UI. XIV. divizije 14 Fax +386 3 490 83-21 SLO – 3000 Celje South Africa Assembly Johannesburg SEW-EURODRIVE (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED Tel. +27 11 248-7000 Sales Eurodrive House Fax +27 11 494-2311…
  • Page 88
    Address List Production Greenville SEW-EURODRIVE INC. Tel. +1 864 439-7537 Assembly 1295 Old Spartanburg Highway Fax Sales +1 864 439-7830 Sales P.O. Box 518 Fax Manuf. +1 864 439-9948 Service Lyman, S.C. 29365 Fax Ass. +1 864 439-0566 Telex 805 550 Assembly…
  • Page 92
    SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG · P.O. Box 3023 · D-76642 Bruchsal/Germany Phone +49 7251 75-0 · Fax +49 7251 75-1970 ·…

  • Page 1
    *28487486_0219* Drive Technology Drive Automation System Integration Services Product Manual Application Inverter ® MOVIDRIVE system Edition 02/2019 28487486/EN…
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    SEW-EURODRIVE—Driving the world…
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Table of contents Table of contents Product description……………………  6 Device availability …………………. 9 ® MOVIDRIVE system at a glance  ……………. 10 ® MOVIDRIVE system product overview …………… 15 Product overview accessories ……………… 17 FCB concept ……………………. 19 Control mode …………………… 26 Energy-saving functions……………….. 33 ® MOVISUITE engineering software  ……………. 34 Technical data…………………….

  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    Table of contents About this documentation ………………. 186 Structure of the safety notes ……………… 186 Decimal separator in numerical values …………… 187 Rights to claim under limited warranty ……………. 187 Content of the documentation……………… 188 Other applicable documentation …………….. 188 Product names and trademarks……………… 188 Copyright notice …………………. 188 Device availability ………………….. 189 Safety notes ……………………..

  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    Table of contents Startup procedure ………………….. 289 Connection to the engineering software ………….. 293 Operation……………………..  294 10.1 General information ……………….. 294 10.2 7-segment display………………….. 295 10.3 Operating displays …………………. 296 10.4 Fault description on basic device……………. 298 10.5 Power section fault description ………………. 334 10.6 Responses to fault acknowledgement ……………. 339 10.7 Fault responses …………………. 341 Service ………………………

  • Page 6: Product Description

    Product description Product description ® With its brand MOVI-C , SEW‑EURODRIVE is launching a new generation of drive ® and automation technology. MOVI-C is the modular automation system that enables the highest level of system and machine automation. ® MOVI-C comprises drive technology, MotionControl, control technology, and visualiz- ation.

  • Page 7
    10 min ® MOVI-C CONTROLLER ® ® MOVIDRIVE modular MOVIDRIVE system 16000611083 The CiA402 device profile for controlling inverters has established itself in plants with very individual motion control functions that are calculated in the external higher-level controller. ® ®…
  • Page 8
    Product description ® For applications with requirements on functional safety, the MOVISAFE CS..A safety cards are available. They are controlled via the integrated inputs and outputs or via ® safe communication using Safety over EtherCAT (FSoE). 24494793995 ® ® MOVIDRIVE modular and MOVIDRIVE system are available with device profile CiA402.
  • Page 9: Device Availability

    Product description Device availability Device availability This documentation also lists devices that are not yet available at the time of the pub- lication of this document. The following table lists the available application inverters. Accessories required for the inverter operation such as braking resistors, chokes, and filters are available. Type designation MDX9_A-0020-5E3-4-S00/E00 MDX9_A-0025-5E3-4-S00/E00…

  • Page 10: Movidrive ® System At A Glance

    Product description MOVIDRIVE® system at a glance MOVIDRIVE ® system at a glance ® MOVIDRIVE system at a glance ® MOVIDRIVE  system Description:  (→ 2 15) Technical data:  (→ 2 41) Dimension drawings:  (→ 2 49) • Nominal output current: 2 – 588 A • Voltage ranges: 3 × 380 – 500 V, 3 × 200 – 240 V, 50 – 60 Hz •…

  • Page 11
    Product description MOVIDRIVE® system at a glance Cards CES11A multi-encoder card Description:  (→ 2 17),  (→ 2 243) Technical data:  (→ 2 58) The multi-encoder card makes it possible to evaluate additional encoders. For information on this card, refer to the following document: • «Multi-encoder card CES11A» manual Safety cards CS..A Description:  (→ 2 18) Technical data:  (→ 2 59)
  • Page 12
    Product description MOVIDRIVE® system at a glance ® MOVI-C CONTROLLER ® ® MOVI-C CONTROLLER MOVI-C CONTROLLER power is characterized by: power UHX85A • Intel Core2Duo 2.2 GHz processor ® • Windows Embedded Standard 7 • Ethernet interface for engineering tasks or TCP/IP and UDP via IEC 61131‑3 •…
  • Page 13
    Product description MOVIDRIVE® system at a glance ® MOVI-C CONTROLLER ® ® MOVI-C CONTROLLER MOVI-C CONTROLLER advanced is characterized by: advanced UHX45A • A maximum of 8 interpolating axes that can be connected • Another 8 auxiliary axes that can be connected X 80 For further information on this device, refer to the following documents: L /A…
  • Page 14
    Product description MOVIDRIVE® system at a glance Accessories ® The MOVIKIT software module allows for simple, quick and fault-free startup ® of all applications. The MOVIKIT software module supports both the ® ® MOVIRUN smart software platform and the MOVIRUN flexible software platform.
  • Page 15
    Product description Product overview MOVIDRIVE® system Product overview MOVIDRIVE ® system ® MOVIDRIVE system product overview Properties • Coverage of a wide range of power ratings with finely graded performance classes. • Universal use due to a wide voltage range for line connection. •…
  • Page 16
    Product description Product overview MOVIDRIVE® system Type designation Nominal out- Recommen- Nominal line Size Technical put current at ded motor current data PWM = 4 kHz power ASM MDX91A-0910-503-4-S00/E00 MDX91A-1130-503-4-S00/E00 MDX91A-1490-503-4-S00/E00 MDX91A-1770-503-4-S00/E00 MDX91A-2200-503-4-S00/E00  (→ 2 41) MDX91A-2500-503-4-S00/E00 MDX91A-3000-503-4-S00/E00 MDX91A-3800-503-4-S00/E00 MDX91A-4700-503-4-S00/E00 MDX91A-5880-503-4-S00/E00 Device data 3 × AC 230 V Nominal line voltage 3 × 200 – 240 V In accordance with EN 50160…
  • Page 17: Product Overview Accessories

    Product description Product overview accessories Product overview accessories ® The functionality and flexibility of MOVI-C application inverters can be supplemented by many different cards. 1.4.1 CID21A input/output card This input/output card is used to increase the number of digital inputs and outputs of the basic device.

  • Page 18
    Product description Product overview accessories 1.4.4 Safety cards CS..A ® The MOVISAFE CS..A safety cards provide further functional safety functions to ® EN  IEC  61800-5-2 in addition to STO. The MOVISAFE CS..A safety cards and the CES11A multi-encoder card are intended to be used in the same card slot and thus cannot be used simultaneously.
  • Page 19: Fcb Concept

    Product description FCB concept FCB concept FCB = Function Control Block ® The FCB concept describes the modular firmware design of MOVI-C inverters. This feature ensures that a wide range of drive functions can be selected or deselected quickly and easily using control words. All primary functions, i.e.

  • Page 20
    Product description FCB concept 1.5.1 Description of the FCBs FCB 01 Output stage inhibit Activating FCB 01 stops the connected motor via the motor brake. If no brake is in- stalled, the motor coasts to a stop. FCB 02 Default stop FCB 02 stops the drive with the preset profile value «Maximum deceleration».
  • Page 21
    Product description FCB concept This higher-level controller usually calculates a track profile for several drive axes. The axis is then assigned just one setpoint (torque, torque limits, precontrol values, inertia) that it has to follow. The inverter limits the setpoints using the application limits. The course of the path curve profile is controlled by the controller.
  • Page 22
    Product description FCB concept Upper limit = «Modulo max.» If the position setpoint is outside this range, a fault is issued. The direction of the drive is determined using the last setpoint position (= current ac- tual position after activation without an «In position» message) and the current setpoint position.
  • Page 23
    Product description FCB concept FCB 14 Emergency stop When FCB 14 is activated, the drive stops with the preset emergency stop decelera- tion. FCB 18 Rotor position identification For the operation of permanent magnet synchronous motors, the exact position in- formation of the rotor is required for closed-loop control.
  • Page 24
    Product description FCB concept FCB 25 Motor parameter measurement FCB 25 is used for determining the necessary parameters from the electric equivalent wiring diagram during startup. The nameplate data of the connected motor is required for the motor parameter meas- urement.
  • Page 25
    Product description FCB concept 1.5.2 Setpoints and limits in the FCBs Index 02 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 12 13 14 19 20 26 Setpoint buffer Position Rotational speed Torque 8376 Acceleration precontrol Mass moment of inertia Torque precontrol Correcting value of external position controllers Profile value buffer…
  • Page 26: Control Mode

    Product description Control mode Control mode ® The following control modes are available for MOVIDRIVE application inverters: • PLUS • • ® • ELSM 1.6.1 Description of the control modes The characteristics of the motor connected to the application inverter are influenced by the control modes used.

  • Page 27
    Product description Control mode PLUS PLUS is a high-performance control mode that is able to operate asynchronous mo- tors with very high torque dynamics with or without rotary encoder. The control mode can be operated as speed or torque control. This control mode calculates all important state variables for controlling the motor by using a motor model.
  • Page 28
    Product description Control mode The CFC control mode is a current-controlled control mode. The CFC control mode al- lows the operation of asynchronous and synchronous motors with maximum torque dynamics. For this purpose, the current components for the magnetic flux and for the torque generation are controlled separately.
  • Page 29
    Product description Control mode Speed control ® The speed control operating mode can be activated in the ELSM control mode. The control mode has to be distinguished speed-dependent in two different operating ranges: • Open-loop control • speed-controlled operation. Open-loop control takes place when starting from standstill and below a transition speed.
  • Page 30
    Product description Control mode 1.6.2 Characteristics of the control modes Overview of the control modes PLUS ® ELSM Principle Voltage controlled Field-oriented, Field-oriented, cur- Field-oriented, cur- according to charac- voltage-controlled, rent controller rent controller teristic curve stator flux controller, torque controller Motor ASM/LSPM Encoder…
  • Page 31
    Product description Control mode PLUS ® ELSM Rotational speed 32 bits 32 bits 32 bits 32 bits 0.0001 1/min 0.0001 1/min 0.0001 1/min 0.0001 1/min Position — 16 bits 16 bits — (increment/revolution) Position — 32 bits 32 bits — (absolute increment) Characteristic values for accuracy of torque and speed PLUS PLUS ®…
  • Page 32
    Product description Control mode FCBs that can be activated for selected control mode PLUS ® FCB no. Designation ELSM Output stage inhibit Default stop Manual mode Speed control Interpolated speed control Torque control Interpolated torque control Reference travel Stop at application limits Emergency stop Motor parameter measurement Stop at user limits…
  • Page 33: Energy-Saving Functions

    Product description Energy-saving functions Energy-saving functions 1.7.1 Flux optimization Flux optimization is a function that allows for operating an asynchronous motor in con- PLUS trol mode VFC with minimal losses. The magnetic flux is lead depending on the torque setpoint, so that the motor is operated with minimum current and thus with min- imized losses.

  • Page 34: Movisuite ® Engineering Software

    Product description MOVISUITE® engineering software MOVISUITE ® e ngineering software ® MOVISUITE engineering software ® MOVISUITE is the new engineering software from SEW‑EURODRIVE. The engineering software excels thanks to a new design of the user interface and user guidance. This new interface concept allows for the users to configure, parameterize, and start up their applications intuitively.

  • Page 35
    Product description MOVISUITE® engineering software The scan function enables the reading of available devices, and the creation of these ® devices as projects in MOVISUITE The drive train can be built from motor to gear unit using the product catalog. Further- more, encoders, brakes, control modes, and user units can be selected and paramet- erized.
  • Page 36
    Product description MOVISUITE® engineering software Drive functions • FCB 01 Output stage inhibit • FCB 05 Speed control • FCB 06 Interpolated speed control • FCB 08 Interpolated torque control • FCB 09 Positioning • FCB 10 Interpolated position control • FCB 12 Reference travel • FCB 08 Rotor position identification •…
  • Page 37: Technical Data

    Technical data Markings Technical data ® ® The following technical data applies to MOVIDRIVE system and MOVIDRIVE tech- nology. Markings 2.1.1 Basic device The application inverter complies with the following directives and guidelines: Marking Definition The CE marking states the compliance with the following European guidelines: •…

  • Page 38
    Technical data Markings 2.1.2 Accessories Braking resistors BR.. Marking Definition The CE marking states the compliance with the following European guidelines: • Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU • Directive 2011/65/EU for limiting the use of hazardous substances in electric and electronic equipment The China RoHS marking states compliance with directive SJ/T 11364-2014 for limiting the use of hazardous substances in electric and electronic equipment.
  • Page 39
    Technical data Markings Marking Definition The China RoHS marking states compliance with directive SJ/T 11364-2014 for limiting the use of hazardous substances in electric and electronic equipment. The cUR marking states the UL approval for this component. Output filter Marking Definition The China RoHS marking states compliance with directive SJ/T 11364-2014 for limiting the use of hazardous substances in electric and…
  • Page 40: General Technical Data

    Technical data General technical data General technical data The following table lists the technical data for all application inverters independent of • Type • Design • Size • Performance General specifications Interference immunity Meets EN 61800-3; 2. Environment Interference emission Limit value class C2 to EN 61800‑3 The interference suppression level can be improved with relevant measures.

  • Page 41: Technical Data Of Basic Device

    Technical data Technical data of basic device Technical data of basic device 2.3.1 Performance data 3 × AC 400 V Unit MDX9_A-…-5_3-4-.. Type 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 Size Nominal output current I 12.5 = 4 kHz Input Nominal line voltage (to EN 50160) 3 × 380 – 500 V AC U…

  • Page 42
    Technical data Technical data of basic device Unit MDX9_A-…-5_3-4-.. Type 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750 0910 1130 1490 Input Nominal line voltage (to 3 × 380 – 500 V EN 50160) AC U line Nominal line current AC I 21.6 28.8 41.4 55.8 67.5 81.9 line Line frequency f 50 – 60 ± 5% line…
  • Page 43
    Technical data Technical data of basic device Unit MDX9_A-…-5_3-4-.. Type 1770 2200 2500 3000 3800 4700 5880 Nominal output current I = 4 kHz Input Nominal line voltage (to EN 50160) AC 3 × 380 – 500 V line Nominal line current AC I line Line frequency f 50 – 60 ± 5% line Controlled rectifier…
  • Page 44
    Technical data Technical data of basic device 2.3.2 Performance data 3 × AC 230 V Unit MDX9_A-…-2_3-4-.. Type 0070 0093 0140 Size Nominal output current I = 4 kHz Input Nominal line voltage (to EN 50160) AC U 3 × 200 – 240 V line Nominal line current AC I 8.37 12.6 line…
  • Page 45
    Technical data Technical data of basic device Unit MDX9_A-…-2_3-4-.. Type 0213 0290 0420 0570 0840 1080 Nominal line current AC I 19.2 26.1 37.8 51.3 75.6 97.2 line Line frequency f 50 – 60 ± 10% line Controlled rectifier Plug connector – 1 core: 0.5 – 16 mm X1 connection contacts –…
  • Page 46: Technical Data Of Accessories

    Technical data Technical data of accessories Technical data of accessories 2.4.1 Installation accessories Type designation Part number Plastic cover Number Scope of deliv- Description MDX9_A-0460 – 0750-5_3-.. 28243625 MDX9_A-0420 – 0570-2_3-.. Not included in  (→ 2 228) scope of delivery MDX91A-0910 – 1490-5_3-.. 28244540 MDX91A-0840 –…

  • Page 47: Electronics Data – Signal Terminals

    Technical data Electronics data – signal terminals Electronics data – signal terminals Terminal designation Specification General Design According to IEC 61131-2 Supply voltage Port External power supply 24 V according to IEC 61131 Plug connector Connecting contacts — 1 core: 0.25 – 2.5 mm — 2 cores: 0.5 – 1.5 mm (Twin-AEH) 1) AEH: Conductor end sleeve Digital inputs…

  • Page 48: Electronics Data – Drive Safety Functions

    Technical data Electronics data – drive safety functions Electronics data – drive safety functions The table below shows the technical data of the application inverter relating to the in- tegrated safety technology. The safety-related digital inputs comply with type 3 in accordance with IEC 61131‑2. Reference potential for the F_STO_P1 and F_STO_P2 is STO_M (contact at terminal X6:2).

  • Page 49: Dimension Drawings

    Technical data Dimension drawings Dimension drawings 2.7.1 MDX9_A-0020 – 0040-5_3-.. 20367245579 ® Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE system…

  • Page 50
    Technical data Dimension drawings 2.7.2 MDX9_A-0020 – 0040-5_3-.. , MDX9_A-0070 – 0093-2_3-.. with braking resistor 20367243147 ® Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE system…
  • Page 51
    Technical data Dimension drawings 2.7.3 MDX9_A-0055 – 0095-5_3-.. , MDX9_A-0070 – 0093-2_3-.. 20367250443 ® Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE system…
  • Page 52
    Technical data Dimension drawings 2.7.4 MDX9_A-0125 – 0160-5_3-.. , MDX9_A-0140-2_3-.. 20367252875 ® Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE system…
  • Page 53
    Technical data Dimension drawings 2.7.5 MDX9_A-0240 – 0320-5_3-.. , MDX9_A-0213 – 0290-2_3-.. 20367248011 ® Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE system…
  • Page 54
    Technical data Dimension drawings 2.7.6 MDX9_A-0460 – 0750-5_3-.. , MDX9_A-0420 – 0570-2_3-.. 20968151179 ® Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE system…
  • Page 55
    Technical data Dimension drawings 2.7.7 MDX91A-0910 – 1490-5_3-.., MDX91A-0840 – 1080-2_3-.. 23543938443 ® Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE system…
  • Page 56: Technical Data Of The Cards

    Technical data Technical data of the cards Technical data of the cards 2.8.1 CIO21A and CID21A input/output cards The CIO21A input/output card provides digital/analog inputs and outputs; the CID21A cards provide digital inputs and outputs. Terminal designation/ Specifications specification CIO21A CID21A Part number 28229495…

  • Page 57
    Technical data Technical data of the cards Terminal designation/ Specifications specification CIO21A CID21A X51:1 Analog voltage output AOV2/AOV3 X51:4 Assignment X51:2 Analog current output AOC2/AOC3 X51:5 X51: 3, 6 Voltage output Tolerance ± 5% Capacitive load ≤ 300 nF Inductive load ≤…
  • Page 58
    Technical data Technical data of the cards 2.8.2 CES11A multi-encoder card Voltage supply The multi-encoder card is supplied by the basic device. Technical data of encoder supply Terminal designation Specifications Part number 28229479 Power consumption Nominal power loss 24 V 0.8 W Maximum power consumption 24 V (card including 12.8 W encoder supply)
  • Page 59
    Technical data Technical data of the cards 2.8.3 Safety cards CS..A General technical data Value Ambient temperature for storage of the safety ≥ -25 °C – ≤ 85 °C card ® • 0 °C – 40 °C without derating Ambient temperature of MOVIDRIVE system/ technology, all sizes • 40 °C – 55 °C with derating ®…
  • Page 60
    Technical data Technical data of the cards F-SS0, F-SS1 Value/description Internal voltage drop < DC 1.3 V Pulsed voltage supply (if activated) • 2 ms open (LOW) • Period duration, pulsed voltage supply: 8 ms Permitted cable length 30 m (per sensor) Leakage current (F-SSx blocked) < 0.1 mA Safe digital outputs F-DO00_P/M, F-DO01_P/M…
  • Page 61: Technical Data Of Encoder Interfaces

    Technical data Technical data of encoder interfaces Technical data of encoder interfaces 2.9.1 Basic device Terminal designation Specification Supported encoders Resolver SIN/COS Encoder interface X15:1 – 15 TTL/HTL ® HIPERFACE Encoders with RS422 signals Connecting contacts 15-pin socket Encoder supply Nominal output voltage U according to DC 24 V…

  • Page 62: Technical Data Of Braking Resistors, Filters, And Chokes

    Technical data Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes 2.10 Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes 2.10.1 Braking resistors type BR…/BR…-T General The BR…/BR…-T braking resistors are adapted to the technical characteristics of the application inverter. Braking resistors with different continuous and peak braking powers are available. The braking resistors can be protected against overload and overtemperature by the customer when a thermal overload relay is used.

  • Page 63
    Technical data Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes UL and cUL approval The listed braking resistors have a cRUus approval independent of the application in- verter. Parallel connection of braking resistors Identical braking resistors must be connected in parallel for some inverter/resistor combinations.
  • Page 64
    Technical data Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes Technical data and assignment to an inverter Technical data Braking resistor Unit BR120-001 BR100-001 BR100-002 BR100-006-T Part number 18176011 08281718 08281653 18204198 Current-carrying capacity at 100% 0.03 Resistance value R Ω…
  • Page 65
    Technical data Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes Braking resistor Unit BR027-016-T BR027-024-T BR027-042-T Resistance value R Ω 27 ± 10% Tripping current I 12.5 trip Design Wire resistor Frame resistor Power connections Ceramic terminal 2.5 mm Tightening torque PE connection Tightening torque PE Degree of protection IP20…
  • Page 66
    Technical data Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes Braking resistor Unit BR010-024 BR010-050-T BR010-108-T Tightening torque PE connection M4 stud M6 stud Tightening torque PE Degree of protection IP20 Ambient temperature ϑ -20 °C to +40 °C Mass 17.5 Assignment to an The assignment considers the maximum peak braking power of the inverter.
  • Page 67
    Technical data Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes Assignment to an The assignment considers the maximum peak braking power of the inverter. inverter Braking resistor BR005-070 BR005-170-T BR004-050-01 BR004-070-01 0910 1130 1770 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resist- ors) MDX9_A-…-5_3-..
  • Page 68
    Technical data Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes Braking resistor Unit BR1.0-170 Mass Assignment to an The assignment considers the maximum peak braking power of the inverter. inverter Braking resistor BR1.0-170 3000 3800 MDX9_A-…-5_3-.. 4700 5880 Technical data of BR..-T Specifications for BR..-T Design Signal contact connection cross section…
  • Page 69
    Technical data Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes Dimension drawings and dimensions Wire resistor M../PG.. M../PG.. 18874863883 Braking resistor Main dimensions in mm Mounting dimensions in mm Cable gland BR100-006-T M25 + M12 BR47-010-T M25 + M12 BR147-T PG16 + M12 BR247-T PG16 + M12…
  • Page 70
    Technical data Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes Grid resistor mounting position 2 18874876043 Braking resistor Main dimensions in mm Mounting dimensions in mm Cable gland BR003-420-T 10.5 — — BR1.0-170 10.5 — — ® Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE system…
  • Page 71
    Technical data Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes Frame resistor M../PG.. M../PG.. 18874873611 Braking resistor Main dimensions in mm Mounting dimensions in mm Cable gland BR027-042-T M25 + M12 BR015-042-T M25 + M12 Flat type resistor 18874878475 Braking resistor Main dimensions in mm Mounting dimensions in mm Cable gland…
  • Page 72
    Technical data Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes 2.10.2 TCB thermal circuit breaker option General The TCB thermal circuit breaker protects the braking resistor from constant overload and protects in case of a short circuit in the cable or the braking resistor. The setting range of the thermal circuit breaker has to be selected in such a way that it corresponds to the tripping current I of the braking resistor.
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    Technical data Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes Dimension drawing 17195255435 ® Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE system…
  • Page 74
    Technical data Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes 2.10.3 Line filter Line filters are used to suppress interference emission on the line side of inverters. INFORMATION: • Do not switch between the NF… line filter and inverter. UL and cUL approval The listed line filters have cRUus approvals independent of the application inverter.
  • Page 75
    Technical data Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes Dimension drawings and dimensions 18891135115 Line filter Main dimensions in mm Mounting dimensions in mm Port NF0055-503 — NF0120-503 — NF0220-503 — 9007218145873675 Line filter Main dimensions in mm Mounting dimensions in mm Port NF0420-513 NF0910-523…
  • Page 76
    Technical data Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes 2.10.4 Line choke Using line chokes is optional: • To support overvoltage protection • To smoothen the line current, to reduce harmonics • Protection in the event of distorted line voltage •…
  • Page 77
    Technical data Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes Dimension drawings and dimensions 18891130251 Line choke Main dimensions in mm Mounting dimensions in mm Port ND0070-503 ND0160-503 ND0300-503 ND0420-503 20917778571 Line choke Main dimensions in mm Mounting dimensions in mm Port ND0910-503 ND1800-503…
  • Page 78
    Technical data Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes 2.10.5 Output filter Description of the output filter HF.. type output filters are sine filters used to smooth the output voltages of inverters. • Discharge currents in the motor cables are suppressed. •…
  • Page 79
    Technical data Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes Dimension drawings and dimensions 9007218523812619 Output filter Main dimensions in mm Mounting dimensions in mm Connection HF0055-503 – HF0125-503 – HF0240-503 – HF0460-503 – HF0650-503 HF1150-503 ® Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE system…
  • Page 80
    Technical data Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes 2.10.6 Output choke Description of output choke HD.. type output chokes suppress interference emitted from unshielded motor cables. UL and cUL approval The listed output chokes have cRUus approvals independent of the application in- verter.
  • Page 81
    Technical data Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes Dimension drawings and dimensions 9007218145873675 Line filter Main dimensions in mm Mounting dimensions in mm Connection HD0125-503 HD0240-503 HD0460-503 HD1000-503 143.5 HD2000-503 152.5 160.5 ® Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE system…
  • Page 82: Configuration

    Configuration SEW-Workbench Configuration SEW-Workbench The SEW-Workbench is the central configuration software for inverters from SEW‑EURODRIVE. All necessary configurations can be processed, from entering the application to gear unit, motor and inverter calculations. Other features are optimization of the various axis cycles including the selection of accessories and a fault check of the entire drive system configuration.

  • Page 83: Schematic Workflow For Project Planning

    Configuration Schematic workflow for project planning Schematic workflow for project planning The following flow diagram illustrates the drive selection procedure for a positioning drive. The drive consists of a gearmotor that is supplied by an application inverter. Necessary information regarding the machine to be driven •…

  • Page 84: Drive Selection

    Configuration Drive selection Drive selection For drive selection, in addition to the travel diagram that describes the exact travel cycle, a large number of additional specifications must be made about the operating and ambient conditions. It is first necessary to have data for the machine to be driven such as mass, setting range, speed, information about the mechanical design and so on in order to select the drive correctly.

  • Page 85
    Configuration Drive selection Requirements for third-party motors The connected third-party motor has to be designed in inverter mode for these DC link voltages. The inverters pulse the DC voltage of the DC link U to the supply cables to the mo- tor.
  • Page 86
    Configuration Drive selection 3.3.2 Group drive and multi-motor drive Group drive of asynchronous motors A group drive is a group of asynchronous motors of any power rating. The motors do not have a rigid mechanical connection or only a connection that is subject to slip and are connected to an electrically parallel inverter.
  • Page 87
    Configuration Drive selection • Note the permitted length of all motor leads connected in parallel: ≤ l = Maximum total length of the motor leads connected in parallel = Permitted motor lead length n = Number of motors connected in parallel •…
  • Page 88
    Configuration Drive selection 3.3.4 General requirements for encoders Valid motor encoders from SEW‑EURODRIVE The following overview shows the motor encoders from SEW‑EURODRIVE that are ® valid for use with MOVIDRIVE . For information on the respective encoder cables, refer to the chapter «Prefabricated cables» (→ 2 154). A.7Y E.7S, E.7R, E.7C A.7W…
  • Page 89: Recommendations For Motor And Inverter Selection

    Configuration Recommendations for motor and inverter selection Recommendations for motor and inverter selection The basis for motor selection are the limit characteristic curves of the motors in in- verter operation. The limit characteristic curve states the torque characteristic of the motor depending on the speed.

  • Page 90
    Configuration Recommendations for motor and inverter selection Typical characteristic curve of synchronous motors 500 % 400 % 300 % 200 % 100 % 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 9007217201768843 Thermal limit characteristic curve S1 operation Dynamic limit torque 3.4.3 Motor selection for asynchronous motors The mechanical resistance of the motor against the overload, which might exceed the permitted limit values, must be strictly checked.
  • Page 91
    Configuration Recommendations for motor and inverter selection PLUS The described restrictions do not apply in control mode VFC with encoder. In com- parison to operation without encoder, higher dynamic properties can be achieved with an encoder. When determining the maximum speed, observe that the breakdown torque M is re- duced in an quadratic relationship in the field weakening range.
  • Page 92
    Configuration Recommendations for motor and inverter selection Package Overload capacity in relation to the nominal torque Dynamics 2 (D2) 300% – 350% To obtain an optimal adjustment of the motor speed to the required controller output limit of the application, SEW‑EURODRIVE offers DRL.. servomotors with the following 4 rated speeds: •…
  • Page 93
    Configuration Recommendations for motor and inverter selection 3.4.6 Synchronous servomotors in control mode CFC In general, synchronous servomotors and the corresponding inverters are designed for a high short-time overload capacity. This allows a multiple of the nominal torque. When using the following CMP.. motors in the higher speed ranges, it is recommen- ded to only set the PWM frequencies 8 kHz or 16 kHz.
  • Page 94: Motor-Inverter Assignments

    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments Motor-inverter assignments ® The following motor-inverter assignments apply to MOVIDRIVE system and ® MOVIDRIVE technology. 3.5.1 Technical data DRN.. motors Rated power Rated torque Rated speed Rated current cosφ Power factor Short for «International Efficiency» (international efficiency classes IE1 – IE4) η…

  • Page 95
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments IE3 DRN.. motors, 400 V, 50 Hz, 4-pole Information on motors Motor cosφ η η η 100% DRN63MS4 0.12 0.83 1380 0.64 58.3 63.9 64.8 DRN63M4 0.18 1.25 1375 0.57 0.65 65.1 69.4 69.9 DRN71MS4 0.25 1405 0.72 0.66 70.1 73.5 73.5…
  • Page 96
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments Further information on motors and brakemotors Motor BE.. BMot BMot min-1 1000 DRN63MS4 0.12 0.83 1380 2.95 BE03 3.63 1000 1000 DRN63M4 0.18 1.25 1375 3.76 BE03 4.44 1000 6200 DRN71MS4 0.25 1405 5.42 BE03 6.11 9700 5000 DRN71M4 0.37…
  • Page 97
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments 3.5.2 Motor-inverter assignments DRN.. motors, f = 4 kHz Nominal output current of the inverter Maximum output current of inverter Peak torque of the motor Base speed of the motor base ® PLUS MOVIDRIVE system/technology – 400 V, 50 Hz, VFC Inverter 0020 0025…
  • Page 98
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments ® PLUS MOVIDRIVE system/technology – 230 V, 50 Hz, VFC Motor 0070 0093 0140 0213 0290 0420 0570 21.3 18.6 42.3 DRN90S4 23.8 min-1 1149 base DRN90L4 32.4 min-1 1148 1152 base DRN100LS4 M 38.5 47.8 min-1 1232 1157 1105 base…
  • Page 99
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments 3.5.3 Technical data of DRL.. motors Key to the technical data for asynchronous DRL.. servomotors The following table lists the short symbols used in the «Technical data» tables. Rated speed Rated torque Rated current Mass moment of inertia of the motor Maximum limit torque (dynamics package 1) Maximum limit torque (dynamics package 2) Mass of the motor…
  • Page 100
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments Asynchronous DRL.. servomotors 4-pole DRL.. servomotors for 400 V, 50 Hz Motor type Nm/A 1200 DRL71S4 1.18 1.02 0.62 2.66 DRL71M4 1.36 0.80 2.93 DRL80S4 2.15 1.95 0.88 3.33 11.5 14.9 DRL80M4 2.64 1.10 3.60 15.2 21.5 DRL90L4 4.14 2.21 3.63 22.5…
  • Page 101
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments Motor type Nm/A 2100 DRL71S4 1.70 1.08 1.53 DRL71M4 2.25 1.39 1.69 DRL80S4 3.59 3.22 1.52 1.92 11.5 14.9 DRL80M4 4.60 1.91 2.07 15.2 21.5 DRL90L4 7.21 3.84 2.08 22.5 43.5 DRL100L4 13.4 4.63 1.87 DRL132S4 21.4 20.3 7.07 2.02…
  • Page 102
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments 4-pole DRL.. servomotors/brakemotors for 400 V, 50 Hz Motor type BE.. Mot_BE 1200 DRL71S4 1.18 BE05 DRL71M4 12.6 DRL80S4 2.15 15.2 19.4 DRL80M4 18.9 DRL90L4 28.5 49.5 DRL100L4 DRL132S4 12.6 BE11 DRL132MC4 17.6 BE11 DRL160M4 25.5 BE20 DRL160MC4 BE20 DRL180S4 34.5 BE30…
  • Page 103
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments Motor type BE.. Mot_BE 3000 DRL71S4 2.68 BE05 DRL71M4 3.55 12.6 DRL80S4 4.82 15.2 19.4 DRL80M4 18.9 DRL90L4 28.5 49.5 DRL100L4 16.6 DRL132S4 25.5 BE11 DRL132MC4 34.8 BE11 DRL160M4 BE20 DRL160MC4 BE20 DRL180S4 70.1 BE30 1030 DRL180M4 BE30 1250 DRL180L4…
  • Page 104
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments 3.5.4 Motor-inverter assignments DRL.. motors, f = 4 kHz Nominal output current of the inverter Maximum output current of inverter Peak torque of the motor Base speed of the motor base ® MOVIDRIVE system/technology – rated motor speed 1200 min , dynamics package 1, CFC Inverter 0020…
  • Page 105
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750 12.5 Motor DRL180LC4 M 1101 1135 base DRL200L4 1123 1034 1211 base DRL225S4 1103 1204 base DRL225MC4 M 1212 1144 base ® MOVIDRIVE system/technology –…
  • Page 106
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750 12.5 Motor DRL180M4 1559 1926 base DRL180L4 1594 1628 1838 base DRL180LC4 M 1612 1523 base DRL200L4 1623 1534 base DRL225S4 1610 base ®…
  • Page 107
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750 12.5 Motor DRL180S4 1999 2323 base DRL180M4 2043 2131 2428 base DRL180L4 2025 2024 base DRL180LC4 M 2149 2034 base DRL200L4 2041 base ®…
  • Page 108
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750 12.5 Motor DRL180S4 2827 3028 base DRL180M4 2897 2739 base DRL180L4 3091 2906 base DRL180LC4 M 3179 base ® MOVIDRIVE system/technology – rated motor speed 1200 min , dynamics package 2, CFC Inverter 0020…
  • Page 109
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750 12.5 Motor DRL180M4 1057 base DRL180L4 1162 1013 base DRL180LC4 M 1101 1004 base DRL200L4 1123 1034 1000 base DRL225S4 1103 1048 base DRL225MC4 M 1212…
  • Page 110
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750 12.5 Motor DRL160MC4 M 1656 1515 1365 1362 1511 base DRL180S4 1629 1435 1303 1354 base DRL180M4 1497 1400 1346 base DRL180L4 1594 1444 1374…
  • Page 111
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750 12.5 Motor DRL160M4 2078 1876 1752 1944 base DRL160MC4 M 2272 2069 1911 1823 base DRL180S4 1999 1814 1726 base DRL180M4 2043 1858 1805 base…
  • Page 112
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750 12.5 Motor DRL160M4 2897 2677 2571 base DRL160MC4 M 2880 2668 2554 base DRL180S4 2827 2668 base DRL180M4 2897 2739 base DRL180L4 3091 2906 base…
  • Page 113
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments 3.5.5 Technical data of CMP.. motors Key to the technical data Rated speed Standstill torque (thermal continuous torque at low speeds) Standstill current Dynamic limit torque Maximum permitted motor current Standstill torque with forced cooling fan Standstill current with forced cooling fan Mass moment of inertia of the motor Mass moment of inertia of the brakemotor bmot…
  • Page 114
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments CMP40 to CMP112, 400 V system voltage cold Motor Ω CMP71S 19.2 3.13 33.5 3.48 CMP71M 30.8 13.7 4.17 21.6 1.87 CMP71L 13.1 46.9 10.1 11.4 6.27 16.2 CMP80S 13.4 42.1 18.5 12.8 15.3 CMP80M 18.7 62.6 13.4 16.5 12.1 10.5…
  • Page 115
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments cold Motor Ω CMP40S 11.9 27.5 CMP40M 0.95 0.15 45.9 19.9 56.3 CMP50S 1.32 0.42 37.2 11.6 62.4 CMP50M 10.3 13.1 3.35 0.67 20.7 5.29 66.3 CMP50L 3.15 15.4 19.5 0.92 14.6 3.57 CMP63S 3.05 11.1 18.3 1.15 18.3 3.35…
  • Page 116
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments CMP40 – 100, 230 V system voltage cold Motor Ω CMP40S 11.9 27.5 CMP40M 0.15 18.4 7.85 35.7 CMP50S 1.64 0.42 24.3 7.39 50.4 CMP50M 2.84 10.3 17.05 0.67 13.5 3.41 53.7 CMP50L 3.84 15.4 23.1 0.92 9.79 2.34 55.7 CMP63S…
  • Page 117
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments 3.5.6 Motor-inverter assignments CMP.. motors, 400 V, f = 4 kHz Nominal output current of the inverter Maximum output current of inverter Peak torque of the motor Base speed of the motor base ® MOVIDRIVE system/technology – 400 V, rated speed 2000 min-1, f = 4 kHz, non-ventilated Inverter 0020…
  • Page 118
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750 12.5 Motor CMP112E min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 ® MOVIDRIVE system/technology – 400 V, rated speed 3000 min-1, f = 4 kHz, non-ventilated Inverter 0020 0025 0032…
  • Page 119
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750 12.5 Motor CMP100S 32.3 40.4 55.2 64.6 68.3 min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 CMP100M 45.4 65.8 82.7 min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 CMP100L…
  • Page 120
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750 12.5 Motor CMP63L 8.31 11.1 13.8 17.9 22.2 26.2 30.4 min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 CMP112S 45.2 58.7 77.8 min-1 4500 4500…
  • Page 121
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments 3.5.7 Motor-inverter assignments CMP.. motors, 400 V, f = 8 kHz Nominal output current of the inverter Maximum output current of inverter Peak torque of the motor Base speed of the motor base ® MOVIDRIVE system/technology – 400 V, rated speed 2000 min-1, f = 8 kHz, non-ventilated Inverter 0020…
  • Page 122
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750 12.5 Motor CMP112E min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 ® MOVIDRIVE system/technology – 400 V, rated speed 3000 min-1, f = 8 kHz, non-ventilated Inverter 0020 0025…
  • Page 123
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750 12.5 Motor CMP100S 32.3 40.4 55.2 64.6 68.3 min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 CMP100M 45.4 65.8 82.7 min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 CMP100L…
  • Page 124
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750 12.5 Motor CMP63L 8.31 11.1 13.8 17.9 22.2 26.2 30.4 min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 CMP71S 9.43 11.5 14.4 16.8 18.5 19.2…
  • Page 125
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments ® MOVIDRIVE system/technology – 400 V, rated speed 6000 min-1, f = 8 kHz, non-ventilated Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750 12.5 Motor CMP40S 1.46 min-1 6000 6000 6000 CMP40M 2.64 3.12 3.64…
  • Page 126
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments 3.5.8 Motor-inverter assignments CMP.. motors, 230 V, f = 4 kHz ® MOVIDRIVE system/technology – 230 V, rated speed 4500 min-1, non-ventilated Motor 0070 0093 0140 0213 0290 0420 0570 21.3 18.6 42.3 CMP50S min-1 4500 CMP50M 7.43 9.11 10.3 min-1 4500…
  • Page 127
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments 3.5.9 Motor-inverter assignments CMP.. motors, 230 V, f = 8 kHz ® MOVIDRIVE system/technology – 230 V, rated speed 3000 min-1, non-ventilated Motor 0070 0093 0140 0213 0290 0420 0570 21.3 18.6 42.3 CMP40S min-1 3000 CMP40M min-1 3000 CMP50S min-1 3000…
  • Page 128
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments Motor 0070 0093 0140 0213 0290 0420 0570 21.3 18.6 42.3 CMP100L 67.9 min-1 3000 ® Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE system…
  • Page 129
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments ® MOVIDRIVE system/technology – 230 V, rated speed 4500 min-1, non-ventilated Motor 0070 0093 0140 0213 0290 0420 0570 21.3 18.6 42.3 CMP40S min-1 4500 CMP40M min-1 4500 CMP50S 4.88 min-1 4500 4500 CMP50M 6.12 7.43 9.11 10.3 min-1 4500 4500…
  • Page 130
    Configuration Motor-inverter assignments ® MOVIDRIVE system/technology – 230 V, rated speed 6000 min-1, non-ventilated Motor 0070 0093 0140 0213 0290 0420 0570 21.3 18.6 42.3 CMP40S min-1 6000 CMP40M 3.62 min-1 6000 6000 CMP50S 4.01 4.72 min-1 6000 6000 6000 CMP50M 4.87 7.54 9.96…
  • Page 131: Selection Of An Application Inverter

    Configuration Selection of an application inverter Selection of an application inverter The selection of the application inverter is based on the course of the output current over time. The required current has to be determined from the required torque charac- teristic of the connected motor.

  • Page 132
    Configuration Selection of an application inverter 3.6.1 Overload capacity Load cycle with base load current – typical for the selection of asynchronous and servomotors The characteristic load cycle consists of a load and a load relief period. In the load re- lief period, the output current must not exceed the specified value.
  • Page 133
    Configuration Selection of an application inverter 3.6.2 Derating Due to the following operating and ambient conditions, a reduction of the output cur- rent may be necessary. Derating due to the rotary field frequency The specified nominal output current I of the application inverter is the rms value. The increased load on the power semiconductors has to be considered especially for slow rotating fields and rotating fields at standstill.
  • Page 134
    Configuration Selection of an application inverter Derating due to line voltage and temperature Derating depending on the line voltage V and the ambient temperature T: line : 3 × 400 V : 3 x 500 V line line Inverter Continuous current I cont 4 kHz = 125% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.5% = 114% –…
  • Page 135: Braking Resistor Selection

    Configuration Braking resistor selection Braking resistor selection 3.7.1 Tables of braking resistors ® The following braking resistors are intended for use with MOVIDRIVE system. The technical data is valid in the temperature range -20 °C to +40 °C. Information on ambient temperature For ambient temperatures of more than +40°C, the continuous power must be re- duced by 4% for every 10 …

  • Page 136
    Configuration Braking resistor selection Braking resistor type BR.. Unit BR010-024 BR010-050-T BR010-108-T Part number 17983266 17983274 19155298 Peak braking power 57.2 Continuous braking 100% cdf 10.8 power Current-carrying 50% cdf 18.4 capacity 25% cdf 15.0 32.4 12% cdf 14.4 22.5 48.6 6% cdf 22.8…
  • Page 137
    Configuration Braking resistor selection 3.7.2 Selection criteria The selection of the braking resistor takes place via the SEW-Workbench. The neces- sary selection parameters for the braking resistor are calculated during the project planning procedure. Depending on these selection parameters, a braking resistor is selected from the table.
  • Page 138
    Configuration Braking resistor selection Overload factor OF Flatpack resistors 10 % 100 % 20532478731 ..% ED Wire resistors, frame resistors 100% 2990447883 ..% ED 1.12 ® Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE system…
  • Page 139
    Configuration Braking resistor selection Grid resistors 100% 2990530187 ..% ED 1.12 ® Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE system…
  • Page 140
    Configuration Braking resistor selection Peak braking power The maximum permitted peak braking power is specified by the resistance value and the DC link voltage. The maximum peak braking power required by the application is calculated from the regenerative parts within a cycle. The peak braking power required by the application must be lower than the maximum permitted peak braking power of the braking resistor.
  • Page 141
    Configuration Braking resistor selection 3.7.3 Calculation example Given: Peak braking power: 13 kW Average braking power: 6 kW Braking time: 7 s Cycle duration: 28 s Inverter used: MDX90A-0095-5-3-4-S00 Required: Braking resistor BR… Calculation: 1) Determining the cyclic duration factor Cyclic duration factor cdf = braking time/cycle duration Cyclic duration factor cdf = (7 s/28 s) ×…
  • Page 142
    Configuration Braking resistor selection 3.7.5 Protection against thermal overload of the braking resistor To avoid thermal damage of the braking resistor as well as subsequent damage, the braking resistor has to be thermally monitored. SEW‑EURODRIVE suggests the fol- lowing options: •…
  • Page 143: Supply System Cable And Motor Cable

    Configuration Supply system cable and motor cable Supply system cable and motor cable 3.8.1 Supply system cable Dimensioning of the supply system cable generally takes place plant-specifically and depends on the design of the line connection. Line connection is shown in the chapter «Power connection» (→ 2 271).

  • Page 144
    Configuration Supply system cable and motor cable 3.8.2 Motor cable Cable length ® For MOVIDRIVE system application inverters, a maximum motor cable length must not be exceeded. The following configuration guidelines must be observed: • When shielded motor cables are used, a capacitance core/shield of maximum 280 pF/m must not be exceeded.
  • Page 145: Signal Lines

    Configuration Signal lines Voltage drop Select the cable cross section of the motor cable so the voltage drop is as small as possible. An excessively high voltage drop means that the full motor torque is not achieved. Determine the expected voltage drop based on the following table. With shorter cables, you can convert the voltage drop proportionally.

  • Page 146: Emc-Compliant Installation According To En 61800-3

    Configuration EMC-compliant installation according to EN 61800-3 3.10 EMC-compliant installation according to EN 61800-3 ® MOVIDRIVE application inverters are designed as components for installation in ma- chinery and systems. They comply with the EMC product standard EN 61800-3 «Vari- able-speed electrical drives». Provided the EMC-compliant installation is observed, the appropriate requirements for a CE marking are met on the basis of the EMC Directive 2014/30/EU.

  • Page 147: Line Components

    Configuration Line components 3.11 Line components 3.11.1 Line fuses and miniature circuit breakers Line fuses and miniature circuit breakers are used for protecting the supply system cables. For fusing, use fuses and miniature circuit breakers with the following proper- ties: Type class Prerequisite Fuses in utilization categor-…

  • Page 148
    Configuration Line components 3.11.3 NF line filter A line filter reduces interference emission via the supply system cable, which is gener- ated by the application inverter. The line filter mainly serves to meet interference voltage limit requirements in the frequency range from 150 kHz to 30 MHz at the line connection.
  • Page 149
    Configuration Line components 3.11.4 ND line choke The main reason for using line chokes is the reduction of grid disturbances that may occur due to harmonic currents. In addition, line chokes improve the overvoltage pro- tection. The line choke has to be selected according to the following table. Technical data Line choke ND0070-503…
  • Page 150
    Configuration Line components 3.11.5 Residual current device WARNING No protection against electric shock if an incorrect type of residual current device is used. Severe or fatal injuries. • The product can cause direct current in the PE conductor. If a residual current device (RCD) or a residual current monitoring device (RCM) is used for protec- tion in the event of a direct or indirect contact, only a type B RCD or RCM is per- mitted on the supply end of the product.
  • Page 151: V Supply Voltage Selection

    Configuration 24 V supply voltage selection 3.12 24 V supply voltage selection The MDX90A-… application inverter requires an external 24 V voltage supply for the electronics. The MDX91A-… application inverter has an internal 24  V voltage supply (80  W) that can also be supported externally. 3.12.1 Project planning for 24 V supply power For dimensioning the 24 V supply voltage, it is necessary to know the power and cur-…

  • Page 152
    Configuration 24 V supply voltage selection Card Power consumption CSS21A 12.3 W CSB31A 24.3 W CSS31A 24.3 W ® Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE system…
  • Page 153
    Configuration 24 V supply voltage selection 3.12.3 Project planning example The following example illustrates project planning of the 24  V voltage supply for the ® MOVIDRIVE system application inverter MDX90B0040-5E3-4-00 with CES11A multi- encoder card and I/O expansion CID21A. The DI00 digital input (output stage enable) is supplied with voltage by the inverter. The motor brake is controlled via DB00.
  • Page 154: Prefabricated Cables

    Prefabricated cables Meaning of the symbols Prefabricated cables The overviews showing the assignment of the cables to the motors apply also to any motors of the respective motor type that can be used in areas subject to a risk of ex- plosion.

  • Page 155: Power Cables For Cmp.. Motors

    Prefabricated cables Power cables for CMP.. motors Power cables for CMP.. motors 4.2.1 Overview CMP(Z)../SM.. —> [2] —> [2] —> [1] —> [1] RUN ERR RUN ERR —> [3] —> [5] —> [3] —> [5] —> [4] —> [4] —> [4] —>…

  • Page 156
    Prefabricated cables Power cables for CMP.. motors 4.2.2 Motor cable with connector on motor end Motor cable illustration 4818831115 Types of CMP.. motor cables Plug connector Number of cores and cable cross Part number Installation type section SM11 4 × 1.5 mm 05904544 Fixed installation SM11…
  • Page 157
    Prefabricated cables Power cables for CMP.. motors Illustration of motor extension cable 4818839179 Types of CMP.. motor extension cables Plug connector Number of cores and cable cross Part number Installation type section SM11 4 × 1.5 mm 13332457 Cable carrier installation SM12 4 ×…
  • Page 158
    Prefabricated cables Power cables for CMP.. motors 4.2.3 Brakemotor cables for BP/BK brake with connector at motor end Figure of CMP.. brakemotor cables 500 ±5 24323160075 Types of CMP.. brakemotor cables Plug connector Number of cores and cable cross Part number Installation type section SB11…
  • Page 159
    Prefabricated cables Power cables for CMP.. motors 4.2.4 Brakemotor cables for BY brake with connector at motor end Figure of CMP.. brakemotor cables 14824163467 Types of CMP.. brakemotor cables Plug connector Number of cores and cable cross Part number Installation type section SB11 4 ×…
  • Page 160
    Prefabricated cables Power cables for CMP.. motors 4.2.5 Extension cables BP/BK and BY brakes Illustration of brakemotor extension cable 4818839179 Types of CMP.. brakemotor extension cables Plug connector Number of cores and cable cross Part number Installation type section SB11 4 ×…
  • Page 161: Encoder Cables For Cmp.. Motors

    Prefabricated cables Encoder cables for CMP.. motors Encoder cables for CMP.. motors 4.3.1 Overview CMP(Z).. /SM.. CMP(Z).. /SB.. CMP(Z).. /KKS /RH1M CMP(Z).. /KK /RH1M 01995421 /KKS 01995413 13356356 13327429 13327437 13356364 RUN ERR RUN ERR 13324535 13356291 13324551 13356305 01995391 01995405 CMP(Z)..

  • Page 162
    Prefabricated cables Encoder cables for CMP.. motors 4.3.2 Resolver Illustration of RH1M resolver cable 4819185931 Types of RH1M resolver cables Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type 5 × 2 × 0.25 mm 13327429 Fixed installation 5 × 2 × 0.25 mm 13327437 Cable carrier installation Illustration of RH1M extension cable…
  • Page 163
    Prefabricated cables Encoder cables for CMP.. motors ® 4.3.3 HIPERFACE encoders ® Illustration of HIPERFACE encoder cable 4819185931 ® Types of HIPERFACE encoder cables Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type 4 × 2 × 0.25 mm + 2 ×…
  • Page 164: Single-Cable Technology For Cmp.. Motors

    Prefabricated cables Single-cable technology for CMP.. motors Single-cable technology for CMP.. motors 4.4.1 Overview CMP(Z)../SH.. —> [2] —> [1] RUN ERR RUN ERR —> [1] CMP../SH.. /BK.. CMP../SH.. /BP.. CMP(Z)../SH.. /BY.. —> [2] 9007215244070283 Motor/brakemotor cable Extension cable 4.4.2 Types of motor/brakemotor cable Plug connector Number of cores and cable cross section Part number…

  • Page 165
    Prefabricated cables Single-cable technology for CMP.. motors 4.4.3 Types of extension cables Plug connector Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type SH11 4 × 1.5 mm + 3 × 1 mm + 4 × 0.34 mm 18177069 SH12 4 × 2.5 mm + 3 ×…
  • Page 166: Power Cables For Cfm.. Motors

    Prefabricated cables Power cables for CFM.. motors Power cables for CFM.. motors 4.5.1 Overview CFM.. /SM.. —> [2] —> [2] —> [1] —> [1] RUN ERR RUN ERR —> [3] —> [3] —> [4] —> [4] CFM.. /SB.. /BR.. 9007214064524299 Motor cable ../SM.. (→ 2 167) Brakemotor cable ../SB..

  • Page 167
    Prefabricated cables Power cables for CFM.. motors 4.5.2 Motor cable Motor cable illustration 4836649099 Motor cable types The cables are equipped with a connector for motor connection and conductor end sleeves for inverter connection. Plug connector Number of cores and cable cross Part number Installation type section…
  • Page 168
    Prefabricated cables Power cables for CFM.. motors 4.5.3 Motor extension cable Illustration of motor extension cable 4838345099 Types of motor extension cables The cables are equipped with a connector and adapter for extending the CFM.. motor cable. Plug connector Number of cores and cable cross Part number Installation type section…
  • Page 169
    Prefabricated cables Power cables for CFM.. motors 4.5.4 Brakemotor cable Illustration of brakemotor cable 4838352907 Types of brakemotor cables Plug connector Number of cores and cable cross Part number Installation type section SB51/SB61 4 × 1.5 mm + 3 × 1.0 mm 01991892 Fixed installation SB51/SB61…
  • Page 170
    Prefabricated cables Power cables for CFM.. motors 4.5.5 Brakemotor extension cables Illustration of brakemotor extension cable 4838345099 Types of brakemotor extension cables Plug connector Number of cores and cable cross Part number Installation type section SK51/SK61 4 × 1.5 mm + 3 ×…
  • Page 171: Encoder Cables For Cfm.. Motors

    Prefabricated cables Encoder cables for CFM.. motors Encoder cables for CFM.. motors 4.6.1 Overview CFM.. /SM.. CFM.. /SB.. CFM.. /KK CFM.. /KK5 /RH1M CFM.. /KK6 /RH1L /RH1M /RH1L 01995421 01995413 01995898 13327429 13327437 01995901 RUN ERR RUN ERR 13322535 13324578 13324551 13324543 01995391…

  • Page 172
    Prefabricated cables Encoder cables for CFM.. motors 4.6.2 Resolver Illustration of RH1M/RH1L resolver cable 4819185931 Types of RH1M/RH1L resolver cables Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type 5 × 2 × 0.25 mm 13327429 Fixed installation 5 × 2 × 0.25 mm 13327437 Cable carrier installation Illustration of RH1M/RH1L extension cable…
  • Page 173
    Prefabricated cables Encoder cables for CFM.. motors ® 4.6.3 HIPERFACE encoders ® Illustration of HIPERFACE encoder cable 4819185931 ® Types of HIPERFACE encoder cables Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Routing 6 × 2 × 0.25 mm 13324535 Fixed installation 6 ×…
  • Page 174: Encoder Cables For Dr.. Motors

    Prefabricated cables Encoder cables for DR.. motors Encoder cables for DR.. motors 4.7.1 Overview DR..315 /EH7S 13602659 13623206 RUN ERR RUN ERR 13621998 13617621 13622021 13623192 13621971 13617648 13622048 13621963 18140394 DR.. DR.. 13623184 /ES7S /EG7S /ES7S /EG7S /AH7Y /ES7R /EG7R /ES7R /EG7R…

  • Page 175
    Prefabricated cables Encoder cables for DR.. motors A.7Y encoders can be connected only to the CES11A (X17) multi-encoder card. DR..71 – 315 /EK8S /EK8R 13621963 /EK8C /AK8W /AK8Y /AK8H 18139183 28111451 28111478 13617621 13621998 D-Sub —> X.. 13617648 18195393 13621963 18139183 13622021 28111451…
  • Page 176
    Prefabricated cables Encoder cables for DR.. motors DR..71-315 DR..71-315 /EK8S /EK8S /EK8R /EI8R /EK8R /EI8R /EK8C /EI8C /EK8C /EI8C /AK8W /AK8W /AK8Y /AK8Y /AK8H /AK8H 13623184 28111486 18140408 28111494 28111451 28111451 28111478 28111478 28111508 28111516 28111435 13621998 13622021 18195393 28111443 13622048 D-Sub —>…
  • Page 177
    Prefabricated cables Encoder cables for DR.. motors ® D-Sub —> X.. MOVIDRIVE modular/system/technology Basic device: X15 CES11A multi-encoder card: X17 AK8Y encoders can be connected only to the CES11A multi-encoder card. Motors with terminal strip in the terminal box for encoder signals and thermal monitoring. The signals for thermal monitoring of the motor are not located in the encoder cable.
  • Page 178
    Prefabricated cables Encoder cables for DR.. motors 4.7.2 Encoder cable with connection cover and D-sub Illustration of encoder cable 14818281099 Types of encoder cables and encoders Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type 6 × 2 × 0.25 mm 13617621 Fixed installation 6 ×…
  • Page 179
    Prefabricated cables Encoder cables for DR.. motors 4.7.4 Encoder cable with M23 and D-sub Illustration of encoder cable 14818370059 Types of encoder cables Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type 5 × 2 × 0.25 mm 13602659 Fixed installation 5 ×…
  • Page 180
    Prefabricated cables Encoder cables for DR.. motors 4.7.6 Encoder extension cable with conductor end sleeves and M23 Illustration of encoder extension cable 14818388875 Types of encoder extension cables Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type 6 × 2 × 0.25 mm 13623184 Fixed installation Encoder types…
  • Page 181
    Prefabricated cables Encoder cables for DR.. motors 4.7.8 Encoder extension cable with M23 and D-sub Illustration of encoder extension cable 14818406795 Types of encoder extension cables Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type 6 × 2 × 0.25 mm 13621998 Fixed installation Encoder types…
  • Page 182: System Bus And Module Bus Cable

    Prefabricated cables System bus and module bus cable System bus and module bus cable The RJ45 connectors of the system bus and module bus cables and the sockets in the application inverters have been checked for mechanical stability and contact reliability by SEW‑EURODRIVE.

  • Page 183
    Prefabricated cables System bus and module bus cable 4.8.2 System bus cable Figure of the cable 9007214291596811 [1] Connector, red [2] Connector, red ® PLUS The 4-pole system bus cable [2] for EtherCAT and SBus is used between the automation components; see figure (→ 2 182). Some of these components are listed here as examples: ®…
  • Page 184
    Prefabricated cables System bus and module bus cable Color coding Reserved Orange Reserved Reserved ® Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE system…
  • Page 185
    Prefabricated cables System bus and module bus cable 4.8.3 Module bus cable Figure 18027071371 [1] Connector, black [2] Connector, red ® ® PLUS For MOVIDRIVE modular, the 8-pole module bus cable [1] for EtherCAT /SBus and internal signals connects the power supply module to the first axis module and the axis modules to each other;…
  • Page 186: General Information

    General information About this documentation General information About this documentation The current version of the documentation is the original. This documentation is an integral part of the product. The documentation is intended for all employees who perform work on the product. Make sure this documentation is accessible and legible.

  • Page 187: Decimal Separator In Numerical Values

    General information Decimal separator in numerical values Meaning of the hazard symbols The hazard symbols in the safety notes have the following meaning: Hazard symbol Meaning General hazard Warning of dangerous electrical voltage Warning of hot surfaces Warning about suspended load Warning of automatic restart 5.2.3 Structure of embedded safety notes…

  • Page 188: Content Of The Documentation

    General information Content of the documentation Content of the documentation This documentation contains additional safety-related information and conditions for operation in safety-related applications. Other applicable documentation Observe the corresponding documentation for all further components. Product names and trademarks The brands and product names in this documentation are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective titleholders.

  • Page 189
    General information Device availability Device availability This documentation also lists devices that are not yet available at the time of the pub- lication of this document. The following table lists the available application inverters. Accessories required for the inverter operation such as braking resistors, chokes, and filters are available. Type designation MDX9_A-0020-5E3-4-S00/E00 MDX9_A-0025-5E3-4-S00/E00…
  • Page 190: Safety Notes

    Safety notes Preliminary information Safety notes Preliminary information The following general safety notes serve the purpose of preventing injury to persons and damage to property. They primarily apply to the use of products described in this documentation. If you use additional components, also observe the relevant warning and safety notes.

  • Page 191: Designated Use

    Safety notes Designated use Specialist for elec- Any electrotechnical work may only be performed by electrically skilled persons with a trotechnical work suitable education. Electrically skilled persons in the context of this documentation are persons familiar with electrical installation, startup, troubleshooting, and maintenance of the product who possess the following qualifications: •…

  • Page 192: Functional Safety Technology

    Safety notes Functional safety technology Functional safety technology The product must not perform any safety functions without a higher-level safety sys- tem, unless explicitly allowed by the documentation. Transport Inspect the shipment for damage as soon as you receive the delivery. Inform the ship- ping company immediately about any damage.

  • Page 193: Installation/Assembly

    Safety notes Installation/assembly Installation/assembly Ensure that the product is installed and cooled according to the regulations in this doc- umentation. Protect the product from excessive mechanical strain. Ensure that elements are not deformed or insulation spaces are maintained, particularly during transportation. Elec- tric components must not be mechanically damaged or destroyed.

  • Page 194: Electrical Installation

    Safety notes Electrical installation Electrical installation Ensure that all of the required covers are correctly attached after carrying out the elec- trical installation. Make sure that preventive measures and protection devices comply with the applic- able regulations (e.g. EN 60204-1 or EN 61800-5-1). 6.8.1 Required preventive measure Make sure that the product is correctly attached to the ground connection.

  • Page 195: Startup/Operation

    Safety notes Startup/operation 6.10 Startup/operation Observe the safety notes in the chapters Startup and Operation in this documentation. Make sure the connection boxes are closed and screwed before connecting the sup- ply voltage. Depending on the degree of protection, products may have live, uninsulated, and sometimes moving or rotating parts, as well as hot surfaces during operation.

  • Page 196: Device Structure

    Device structure Connection variants Device structure Connection variants ® The MOVIDRIVE system application inverter can be used in the following connection variants: ® • As application inverter in connection with a MOVI-C CONTROLLER power/power eco. ® • As application inverter in connection with a MOVI-C CONTROLLER advanced ®…

  • Page 197
    Device structure Connection variants ® ® MOVIDRIVE modular and MOVIDRIVE system RUN ERR RUN ERR 9007214127262859 ® [1] Line voltage [4] MOVIDRIVE modular axis system ® [2] Industrial communication [5] MOVIDRIVE system ® [3] MOVI-C CONTROLLER ® Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE system…
  • Page 198
    Device structure Connection variants ® 7.1.2 Application inverter with MOVI-C CONTROLLER advanced ® MOVIDRIVE system 20972835467 Line voltage 3 × AC 380 – 500 V Industrial communication ® MOVI-C CONTROLLER advanced ® MOVIDRIVE system ® Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE system…
  • Page 199
    Device structure Connection variants ® ® MOVIDRIVE modular and MOVIDRIVE system RUN ERR RUN ERR 20840829579 Line voltage 3 × AC 380 – 500 V Industrial communication ® MOVI-C CONTROLLER advanced ® MOVIDRIVE modular power supply module MDP.. ® MOVIDRIVE modular single-axis module MDA. ®…
  • Page 200
    Device structure Connection variants ® 7.1.3 Application inverter with MOVI-C CONTROLLER standard ® MOVIDRIVE system UHX25A-N 20972837899 Line voltage 3 × AC 380 – 500 V Industrial communication ® MOVI-C CONTROLLER standard ® MOVIDRIVE system ® Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE system…
  • Page 201
    Device structure Connection variants ® ® MOVIDRIVE modular and MOVIDRIVE system RUN ERR RUN ERR UHX25A-N 20841203211 Line voltage 3 × AC 380 – 500 V Industrial Communication ® MOVI-C CONTROLLER standard ® MOVIDRIVE modular power supply module MDP.. ® MOVIDRIVE modular single-axis module MDA.
  • Page 202: Product Manual – Movidrive ® System

    Device structure MOVIDRIVE® system nameplate MOVIDRIVE ® system nameplate ® MOVIDRIVE system nameplate 7.2.1 System nameplate 18014413567942667 Device status Serial number 7.2.2 Performance data nameplate 23907979019 Device status ® Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE system…

  • Page 203: Movidrive ® System Type Code

    Device structure MOVIDRIVE® system type code MOVIDRIVE ® system type code ® MOVIDRIVE system type code Example: MDX90A-0125-5E3-X-S00 ® Product family MOVIDRIVE Device type • X = Single-axis inverter • 90 = without DC 24 V switched-mode power supply Series • 91 = with DC 24 V switched-mode power supply Version •…

  • Page 204: Device Structure Of The Application Inverter

    Device structure Device structure of the application inverter Device structure of the application inverter 7.4.1 MDX9_A-0020 – 0040-5_3-.. [20] [10] [17] [18] [11] [19] [16] [12] [13] [14] [15] 27021612063583499 A: View from top W: View from front C: View from bottom [1] X1: Line connection 2 ×…

  • Page 205
    Device structure Device structure of the application inverter 7.4.2 MDX9_A-0055 – 0095-5_3-.. MDX9_A-0070 – 0093-2_3-.. [20] [10] [17] [18] [11] [19] [16] [12] [13] [14] [15] 27021612063593227 A: View from top W: View from front C: View from bottom [1] X1: Line connection 2 ×…
  • Page 206
    Device structure Device structure of the application inverter 7.4.3 MDX9_A-0125 – 0160-5_3-.. MDX9_A-0140-2_3-.. [20] [10] [17] [18] [11] [19] [16] [12] [13] [14] [15] 27021612063602955 A: View from top W: View from front C: View from bottom [1] X1: Line connection 2 ×…
  • Page 207
    Device structure Device structure of the application inverter 7.4.4 MDX9_A-0240 – 0320-5_3-.. MDX9_A-0210 – 0290-2_3-.. [20] [10] [17] [18] [11] [19] [12] [16] [13] [14] [15] 27021612063612683 A: View from top W: View from front C: View from bottom [1] X1: Line connection [6] 2 ×…
  • Page 208
    Device structure Device structure of the application inverter 7.4.5 MDX9_A-0460 – 0750-5_3-.. MDX9_A-0420 – 0570-2_3-.. [20] [18] [10] [19] [11] [12] [16] [13] [14] [17] [15] 9007220618454155 A: View from top W: View from front C: View from bottom [1] X1: Line connection 2 ×…
  • Page 209
    Device structure Device structure of the application inverter 7.4.6 MDX91A-0910 – 1490-5_3-.. MDX91A-0840 – 1080-2_3-.. [20] [18] [10] [11] [19] [12] [13] [16] [14] [17] [15] 9007222917489675 A: View from top W: View from front C: View from bottom [1] X5: +24 V supply voltage 2 ×…
  • Page 210: Card Slots

    Device structure Card slots Card slots The application inverters can have up to 2 cards installed. The following section de- scribes the assignment of the slots and possible combinations of cards. Type designation Description Slot CES11A Multi-encoder card ® CS..A MOVISAFE safety card CID21A, CIO21A…

  • Page 211: Installation

    Installation Permitted tightening torques Installation ® MOVIDRIVE system application inverters are exclusively suitable for control cabinet installation according to the degree of protection. Permitted tightening torques 0020 – 0055 – 0125 – 0240 – 0460 – 0910 – 1770 – 2500 –…

  • Page 212: Special Aspects When Transporting The Devices

    Installation Special aspects when transporting the devices Special aspects when transporting the devices The rear wall of the housing of the following devices is designed in such a way that you can grip them securely by hand to lift and transport the inverters without damaging them.

  • Page 213: Mechanical Installation

    Installation Mechanical installation Mechanical installation CAUTION Risk of injury to persons and damage to property. Never install defective or damaged products. • Before installing any products, check them for external damage. Replace any damaged products. NOTICE Risk of damage to property due to mounting surfaces with poor conductivity. Damage to the application inverter.

  • Page 214
    Installation Mechanical installation 8.3.1 Bore patterns Inverter Dimensions of the device base plate in mm MDX9_A-0020 – 0040-5_3-.. MDX9_A-0055 – 0095-5_3-.. MDX9_A-0070 – 0093-2_3-.. MDX9_A-0125 – 0160-5_3-.. MDX9_A-0140-2_3-… MDX9_A-0240 – 0320-5_3-.. MDX9_A-0213 – 0290-2_3-.. MDX9_A-0460 – 0750-5_3-.. MDX9_A-0420 – 0570-2_3-.. MDX91A-0910 –…
  • Page 215
    Installation Mechanical installation 8.3.2 Minimum clearance and mounting position When installing the application inverters in the control cabinet, observe the following: • To ensure unobstructed cooling, leave a minimum clearance of 100  mm above and below the application inverter housings. Make sure air circulation in the clear- ance is not impaired by cables or other installation equipment.
  • Page 216: Covers

    Installation Covers Covers 8.4.1 Covers The application inverter is equipped with a safety cover [1]. Removing the safety cover 14299394571 1. The safety cover [1] has a latching mechanism at the bottom. Pull the lower part of the safety cover away from the application inverter to unlatch it. 2.

  • Page 217
    Installation Covers 8.4.2 Touch guards With the following devices, the touch guards must be removed for the line connection and the connection of the motor and the braking resistor: • MDX9_A-0460 – 1490-5_3-.. • MDX9_A-0420 – 1080-2_3-.. Line connection 21425921035 1.
  • Page 218
    Installation Covers Connection motor/ braking resistor 21425950603 3. Push the plastic clips of the touch guard [1] to the inside and remove the touch guard [1] by moving it to the front. 4. Remove the 2 screws [2] and remove the touch guard [3] by moving it to the front. ®…
  • Page 219: Control Cabinet Installation

    Installation Control cabinet installation Control cabinet installation 8.5.1 Inverter and bottom shield plate The retaining screws [1] and [2] are screwed into the prepared tapped holes in the mounting plate in the control cabinet but not tightened. 1. Place the application inverter with the slotted holes in the device base plate onto the retaining screws [1] from the top.

  • Page 220
    Installation Control cabinet installation 8.5.2 Installation with submounting resistor BR120-001 The MDX90A-0020 – 0040-.. inverters can be installed in the control cabinet together with a braking resistor. The braking resistor is located at the back wall of the inverter and therefore it has the same mounting hole pattern as the inverter. Observe that the retaining screws [1] and [2] must be 20 …
  • Page 221
    Installation Control cabinet installation The hole distance of the submounting braking resistor must be larger than the hole distance of the application inverter. 20363403787 ® Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE system…
  • Page 222
    Installation Control cabinet installation 8.5.3 Top shield plate 1. Insert the shield plate [2] so that you can fasten it to the device housing [3] with the screw [1]. 27521510667 8.5.4 Shield plate at bottom of control unit 1. Insert the shield plate [2] so that you can fasten it with the screw [1] in the position [3] shown in the figure.
  • Page 223
    Installation Electrical installation Electrical installation DANGER Dangerous voltage levels may still be present inside the device and at the terminal strips up to 10 minutes after the application inverter has been disconnected from the power supply. Severe or fatal injuries from electric shock. To prevent electric shocks: •…
  • Page 224
    Installation Electrical installation 8.6.1 General information • Take suitable measures to prevent the motor starting up inadvertently, for example by removing the electronics terminal block X20. Take additional safety measures depending on the application to prevent possible injuries to people and damage to machinery.
  • Page 225
    Installation Electrical installation Application inverter Position of the terminal screw MDX9_A-0125 – 0320-5_3-.. On the right side of the application inverter. MDX9_A-0140 – 0290-2_3-.. MDX91A-0910 – 1490-5_3-.. MDX91A-0840 – 1080-2_3-.. 9007214280971403 MDX9_A-0460 – 0750-5_3-.. One screw on the top, another screw on the right side of the application inverter.
  • Page 226
    Installation Electrical installation INFORMATION EMC limit values No EMC limits are specified for interference emission in voltage supply systems without a grounded star point (IT systems). The effectiveness of line filters is severely limited. ® Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE system…
  • Page 227
    Installation Electrical installation 8.6.4 Line fuses, fuse types Type class Prerequisite Fuses in utilization categor- Fusing voltage ≥ nominal line voltage ies gL, gG Miniature circuit breaker with Nominal miniature circuit breaker voltage ≥ nominal characteristics B, C, D line voltage Nominal currents of the miniature circuit breaker must be 10% higher than the nominal line current of the ap- plication inverter…
  • Page 228
    Installation Electrical installation Special aspects for the line connection Note that the IP20 degree of protection is achieved with the following devices only if the terminal studs are protected with special plastic covers against contact. • MDX9_A-0460 – 1490-5_3-.. • MDX9_A-0420 –…
  • Page 229
    Installation Electrical installation 3. The plastic covers must be removed in different ways depending on the used cross section. 21439477771 4. Attach the plastic covers at the individual connections. X 1 0 21439475339 8.6.6 Motor connection For the terminal assignment for motor connection of the various size, refer to the chapter «Terminal assignment» (→ 2 266).
  • Page 230
    Installation Electrical installation 8.6.7 Line contactor The following table provides an overview of when a line contactor is required and what kind of preventive measures must be taken for the used braking resistor, see also the chapter «Protection against thermal overload of the braking resistor» (→ 2 250). Inverter type Braking resistor type Protective element/preven-…
  • Page 231
    Installation Electrical installation 8.6.8 24 V supply voltage ® MOVIDRIVE MDX90A… must be connected to an external 24 V supply voltage. ® MOVIDRIVE MDX91A has an integrated 24 V power supply unit with a power rating of 80 W. An external power supply unit can be connected as well. The maximum cable cross section is 2.5 mm Whether an external 24 V supply is required for MDX91A depends on the load e.g.
  • Page 232
    Installation Electrical installation 8.6.9 Motor output NOTICE Connecting capacitive loads to the application inverter. Destruction of the application inverter. • Only connect ohmic/inductive loads (motors). • Never connect capacitive loads. Special aspects for the motor connection Note that the IP20 degree of protection is achieved with the following devices only if the terminal studs are protected with special plastic covers against contact.
  • Page 233
    Installation Electrical installation 8.6.12 Brake output INFORMATION • If the brake connection and the motor connection are combined in one power cable, the brake cable must be shielded separately. The shielding of the power cable and the brake cable must be connected to the motor and application inverter over a large area.
  • Page 234
    Installation Electrical installation ® PLUS 8.6.14 System bus EtherCAT /SBus ® PLUS For connecting the EtherCAT /SBus system bus, SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends using only prefabricated cables from SEW‑EURODRIVE. NOTICE Use of wrong cables Damage to the application inverter Only 4-pole cables are permitted to be used as system bus cables [2]. If an 8-pole cable is used, malfunctions or failures may occur at the connected devices.
  • Page 235
    Installation Electrical installation Correct cabling ® Module bus cable In the case of MOVIDRIVE modular, the 8-core module bus cable connects the power supply module to the first axis module and the axis modules to one another; see figure (→ 2 234). ® In the case of MOVIDRIVE modular, in addition to the system bus communication, the module bus is routed in the cable for information inside the device.
  • Page 236
    Installation Electrical installation 8.6.15 Encoders Installation notes for encoder connection Encoder cables • Use shielded cables with twisted pair cores. Connect the shield over a wide area at both ends: – At the encoder in the cable gland or in the encoder plug, –…
  • Page 237: Installing Options And Accessories

    Installation Installing options and accessories Installing options and accessories 8.7.1 Installing a card Observe the safety notes in the chapter «Electrical installation» (→ 2 223). For information on which option card can be installed in which slot, refer to the chapter «Card slots». 1.

  • Page 238
    Installation Installing options and accessories INFORMATION Hold the card by its edges only. 5. Take the card [1] and insert it in the slot with slight pressure. 15160623243 6. Screw in the card with the specified tightening torque (→ 2 211). 15160625675 ® Product Manual –…
  • Page 239
    Installation Installing options and accessories 7. Install the safety cover [1] at the front of the application inverter. 14578455307 ® Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE system…
  • Page 240
    Installation Installing options and accessories 8.7.2 CIO21A and CID21A input/output card INFORMATION Technical data of the cards For technical data and a detailed description of the encoder interface, refer to the chapter «Technical data of the cards». Voltage supply The I/O cards are supplied by the basic unit via the 24 V voltage supply. Short-circuit behavior of digital outputs The digital outputs are short-circuit-proof.
  • Page 241
    Installation Installing options and accessories CIO21A terminal assignment Terminal Connec- Short description tion S50/1 on: Current input active for AI2x S50/2 on: Current input active for AI3x S50/1 off : Voltage input active for AI2x S50/2 off : Voltage input active for AI3x X50:1 REF1 +10 V reference voltage output…
  • Page 242
    Installation Installing options and accessories CID21A terminal assignment Terminal Connec- Short description tion X52:1 DI10 Digital input 1, freely programmable X52:2 DI11 Digital input 2, freely programmable X52:3 DI12 Digital input 3, freely programmable X52:4 DI13 Digital input 4, freely programmable X52:5 Reference potential for the digital inputs DI10 –…
  • Page 243
    Installation Installing options and accessories 8.7.3 CES11A multi-encoder card INFORMATION Technical data of the cards For technical data and a detailed description of the encoder interface, refer to the chapter «Technical data of the cards». Overview of functions The CES11A multi-encoder card expands the functionality of the application inverter in a way that an additional encoder can be evaluated.
  • Page 244
    Installation Installing options and accessories Terminal assignment of TTL, HTL, sin/cos encoder Card Terminal Connection Brief description X17:1 A (cos+) (K1) Signal track A (cos+) (K1) X17:2 B (sin+) (K2) Signal track B (sin+) (K2) X17:3 Signal track C (K0) X17:4 DATA+ Data cable for electronic nameplate…
  • Page 245
    Installation Installing options and accessories Terminal assignment EnDat encoder Card Terminal Connection Brief description X17:1 A (cos+) Signal track A (cos+) X17:2 B (sin+) Signal track B (sin+) X17:3 PULSE+ Clock signal X17:4 DATA+ Data line X17:5 Reserved – X17:6 -TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation X17:7…
  • Page 246
    Installation Installing options and accessories Terminal assignment SSI and sin/cos combination encoders Card Terminal Connection Brief description X17:1 A (cos+) Signal track A (cos+) X17:2 B (sin+) Signal track B (sin+) X17:3 PULSE+ Clock signal X17:4 DATA+ Data line X17:5 Reserved –…
  • Page 247: Braking Resistors

    Installation Braking resistors Braking resistors The supply cables to the braking resistors carry a high pulsed DC voltage during nom- inal operation. DANGER Dangerous pulsed DC voltage of up to 970 V. Severe or fatal injuries from electric shock. To prevent electric shocks: •…

  • Page 248
    Installation Braking resistors 8.8.1 Permitted installation of braking resistors The surfaces of the resistors become very hot if loaded with nominal power. Make sure that you select an installation site that will accommodate these high temperat- ures. For this reason, braking resistors are usually mounted on the control cabinet roof.
  • Page 249
    Installation Braking resistors • Wire resistor 18512455307 • Flat type resistor 18512457739 ® Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE system…
  • Page 250
    Installation Braking resistors 8.8.2 Protection against thermal overload of the braking resistor INFORMATION PTC braking resistor. A PTC braking resistor goes to high resistance in the event of overload. INFORMATION Flat-type resistor. Flat-type resistors have internal thermal protection (fuse cannot be replaced) that in- terrupts the current circuit in the event of overload.
  • Page 251
    Installation Braking resistors External thermal circuit breaker TCB If an external TCB thermal circuit breaker is used for this application inverter, the fol- lowing connection applies. Connection MDX9_A X20:x DI0x X20:9 GND X21:1 24 VO 23 24 1 4 3 6 18014413788389131 TCB thermal circuit breaker Braking resistor…
  • Page 252
    Installation Braking resistors Internal temperature switch -T Application inverter: MDX9_A-0020 – 0160-5_3-.., MDX9_A-0070 – 0140-2_3-.. If a BR…-T braking resistor with internal temperature switch is used with these appli- cation inverters, there are 3 possible connections. Connection 1 Connection 2 Connection 3 24 V OUT 24 V OUT…
  • Page 253
    Installation Braking resistors – With connection 2, it is possible that the PLC finishes the current travel cycle al- though the thermal circuit breaker has tripped. Only then is the power supply disconnected. In this case, the residual braking energy W ×…
  • Page 254
    Installation Braking resistors Application inverter: as of MDX9_A-0240-5_3-.., as of MDX9_A-0213-2_3-.. If a BR…-T braking resistor with internal temperature switch is used with these appli- cation inverters, there are 3 possible connections. Connection 1 Connection 2 Connection 3 24 V OUT DC 24 V MDX9_A MDX9_A…
  • Page 255
    Installation Braking resistors – If the thermal circuit breaker trips, there is no direct response in the application inverter. – With connection 2, it is possible that the PLC finishes the current travel cycle al- though the thermal circuit breaker has tripped. Only then is the power supply disconnected.
  • Page 256
    Installation Braking resistors External bimetallic relay Application inverter: MDX9_A-0020 – 0160-5_3-.., MDX9_A-0070 – 0140-2_3-.. If an external bimetallic relay is used with the application inverter, there are 3 possible connections. Connection 1 Connection 2 Connection 3 24 V OUT 24 V OUT MDX9_A MDX9_A MDX9_A…
  • Page 257
    Installation Braking resistors – With connection 2, it is possible that the PLC finishes the current travel cycle al- though the thermal circuit breaker has tripped. Only then is the power supply disconnected. In this case, the residual braking energy W ×…
  • Page 258
    Installation Braking resistors Application inverter: as of MDX9_A-0240-5_3-.., as of MDX9_A-0213-2_3-.. If an external bimetallic relay is used with the application inverter, there are 3 possible connections. Connection 1 Connection 2 Connection 3 24 V OUT DC 24 V MDX9_A MDX9_A MDX9_A X5:24 V…
  • Page 259
    Installation Braking resistors – If the thermal circuit breaker trips, there is no direct response in the application inverter. – With connection 2, it is possible that the PLC finishes the current travel cycle al- though the thermal circuit breaker has tripped. Only then is the power supply disconnected.
  • Page 260: Line Filter

    Installation Line filter Line filter • Install the line filter close to the application inverter but outside the minimum clear- ance for cooling. The line filter must not be heated by the exhaust air of the appli- cation inverter. • Do not wire any other consumers between the line filter and the application in- verter.

  • Page 261: Emc-Compliant Installation

    Installation EMC-compliant installation 8.10 EMC-compliant installation [13] [11] [10] [12] [14] [14] [14] [12] [10] [14] [11] 19508519307 Galvanized mounting plate [8] Braking resistor Line filter [9] Braking resistor cable Inverter [10] Motor cable PE busbar [11] Brake cable HF connection of PE busbar/mounting plate [12] Grounding clamp Supply system cable [13] Electronics shield plate…

  • Page 262: Edition

    Installation EMC-compliant installation The notes in this chapter are not legal regulations, but rather recommendations for im- proving the electromagnetic compatibility of your plant. For further notes on EMC-compliant installation, refer to the publication Drive Techno- logy – Practical Implementation, edition «EMC in Drive Technology – Basic Theoretical Principles –…

  • Page 263
    Installation EMC-compliant installation 8.10.4 Supply system cable connection The supply system cable can be connected to the line choke and/or line filter using twisted unshielded single conductors or using unshielded cables. If necessary, shielded cables may improve EMC. 8.10.5 Line filter connection Limit the length of the connection lead between the line filter and the inverter to the absolute minimum needed.
  • Page 264
    Installation EMC-compliant installation 8.10.7 Motor and brake connection Use shielded motor cables only. Connect the braided shield of the motor cable at both ends over its entire circumference to the power shield plate at the inverter. Provide shielded cables for the brake supply. The shield of the brake cable can be connected to the power shield plate at the inverter.
  • Page 265
    Installation EMC-compliant installation 8.10.10 Shielding connection Ensure that there is an HF-compatible shield connection, e.g. by using grounding clamps or EMC cable glands, so that the braided shield has a large connection sur- face. ® Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE system…
  • Page 266: Terminal Assignment

    Installation Terminal assignment 8.11 Terminal assignment INFORMATION Reference potentials inside the device: The device internal reference potential is designated as GND in the following table. All reference potentials GND are internally connected to PE. INFORMATION The assignment «Reserved» means that no cable may be connected to this connec- tion.

  • Page 267
    Installation Terminal assignment Representa- Terminal Connection Brief description tion X2:U Motor connection X2:V — MDX9_A-0240 – 0320-5_3-.. — MDX9_A-0213 – 0290-2_3-.. X2:W X2:+R Braking resistor connection X2:-R PE connection X1:L1 Line connection X1:L2 — MDX9_A-0460 – 1490-5_3-.. — MDX9_A-0420 – 1080-2_3-.. X1:L3 X1:-U DC link connection…
  • Page 268
    Installation Terminal assignment Representa- Terminal Connection Brief description tion X20:1 DI00 Digital input 1, with fixed assignment «Output stage en- able» X20:2 DI01 Digital input 2, fixed setpoints – positive direction of rota- tion X20:3 DI02 Digital input 3, fixed setpoints – negative direction of rota- tion X20:4 DI03…
  • Page 269
    Installation Terminal assignment Representa- Terminal Connection Brief description tion X15:1 S2 (sin+) Signal track X15:2 S1 (cos+) Signal track X15:3 Reserved – X15:4 Reserved – X15:5 R1 (REF+) Supply voltage resolver X15:6 -TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation X15:7 Reserved – X15:8 Reserved –…
  • Page 270
    Installation Terminal assignment Representa- Terminal Connection Brief description tion X15:1 A (K1) Signal track A (K1) X15:2 B (K2) Signal track B (K2) X15:3 C (K0) Signal track C (K0) X15:4 Reserved – X15:5 Reserved – X15:6 -TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation X15:7 Reserved –…
  • Page 271: Wiring Diagrams

    Installation Wiring diagrams 8.12 Wiring diagrams 8.12.1 General information on the wiring diagrams • For technical data of the power electronics and the control electronics, refer to chapter «Technical data» (→ 2 37). • For the terminal assignment and connections, refer to chapter «Terminal assign- ment» (→ 2 266).

  • Page 272
    Installation Wiring diagrams Wiring of the power connections with line choke, line filter, output choke, without line contactor Refer to the table in the chapter «Line contactor» (→ 2 230) to find out which applica- tion inverters can be operated without a line contactor. NOTICE Operation without line contactor If the required measures are not taken, operation of an application inverter with con-…
  • Page 273
    Installation Wiring diagrams INFORMATION In the event of a line connection without line contactor, the temperature evaluation of the braking resistor must be ensured via a digital input on the application inverter. The connected digital input must be parameterized for monitoring the braking resistor temperature evaluation.
  • Page 274
    Installation Wiring diagrams 8.12.3 Brake control Legend: Cut-off in the DC and AC circuits (rapid brake application) Cut-off in the DC circuit Brake BS = Accelerator coil TS = Coil section DC brake with one brake coil Auxiliary terminal strip in terminal box Control cabinet limit White Blue…
  • Page 275
    Installation Wiring diagrams BMK. brake control DB00 BMKB 14324495755 BMV brake control – 2 coils DB00 DC 24 V 14373482507 ® Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE system…
  • Page 276
    Installation Wiring diagrams BMV brake control – 1 coil DB00 DC 24 V 14373494923 BMS, BME brake control DB00 14324554891 ® Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE system…
  • Page 277
    Installation Wiring diagrams BMP brake control DB00 14324544523 BG, BGE brake control DB00 14324565259 ® Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE system…
  • Page 278
    Installation Wiring diagrams BSG brake control DC 24 V DB00 14324597131 8.12.4 Electronics connection Wiring the control electronics For the terminal assignment and connections, refer to chapter «Terminal assign- ment» (→ 2 266). ® Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE system…
  • Page 279
    Installation Wiring diagrams The assignment of the digital inputs and outputs shown here is the factory setting. MASTER SLAVE «Output stage enable» permanently assigned DI00 Fixed setpoints – positive rotation direction DI01 Fixed setpoints – negative rotation direction DI02 DI03 Fixed speed setpoint bit 0 DI04 Fixed speed setpoint bit 1…
  • Page 280
    Installation Wiring diagrams DC 24 V 24 V X30 OUT X30 IN F_STO_P1 F_STO_M F_STO_P2 24VSTO_OUT Brake control DB0/DB00 Reference potential Motor temperature evaluation Reference potential 25606731275 +24 V supply voltage Connection for Safe Torque Off (STO). With installed CS.A card, the cable bridges are removed at the factory. If no CS.A card is installed upon delivery, the cable bridges are installed at the factory.
  • Page 281
    Installation Wiring diagrams 8.12.5 Connection diagram CIO21A and CID21A input/output card Digital inputs and outputs DI10 DI11 DI12 DI13 DO10 DO11 DO12 DO13 18014412829087243 Higher-level controller Voltage input REF1 AI21 AI22 AI31 AI32 REF2 9007213575393675 Connection to the terminals AI31 and AI32 is carried out analogously to the connec- tion to the terminals AI21 and AI22 shown in the wiring diagrams.
  • Page 282
    Installation Wiring diagrams R > 5 kΩ REF1 AI21 AI22 AI31 AI32 REF2 18014412830137099 Connection to the terminals REF2 and AI31 is carried out analogously to the connec- tion to the terminals REF1 and AI21 shown in the wiring diagrams. Current input REF1 AI21…
  • Page 283
    Installation Wiring diagrams Voltage output AOV2 AOC2 AOV3 AOC3 18014412830141963 Connection to the terminals AOV2 and GND is carried out analogously to the connec- tion to the terminals AOV1 and GND shown in the wiring diagram. Current output AOV2 AOC2 AOV3 AOC3 18014412830272395…
  • Page 284: Information Regarding Ul

    Installation Information regarding UL 8.13 Information regarding UL INFORMATION Due to UL requirements, the following chapter is always printed in English indepen- dent of the language of the documentation. INFORMATION The UL-certification does not apply to operation on voltage supply systems with a non-grounded star point (IT systems).

  • Page 285
    Installation Information regarding UL AC 380 – 500 V devices MDX9_A-.. SCCR: 5 kA/ 500 V Non semiconductor fuses Inverse-time circuit breaker Type E Combination Motor (currents are maximum val- (currents are maximum val- Controller ues) ues) 0020 – 0040 50 A/600 V 50 A/500 V min.
  • Page 286: Startup

    Startup General Startup General 9.1.1 Lifting applications WARNING Danger of fatal injury if the hoist falls. Severe or fatal injuries. • The application inverter is not designed for use as a safety device in lifting applic- ations. Use monitoring systems or mechanical protection devices to ensure safety.

  • Page 287: Setting The Ethercat ® Id

    Startup Setting the EtherCAT ID Setting the EtherCAT ® Setting the EtherCAT ® An EtherCAT ID can be permanently assigned to the application inverter using the hexadecimal switches S1 and S2. With these switches, you can set a decimal ® EtherCAT ID between 1 and 255 in hexadecimal notation.

  • Page 288: Startup Requirements

    Startup Startup requirements Startup requirements The following requirements apply to startup: • You have installed the application inverter correctly, both mechanically and electri- cally. • You have configured the application inverter and connected drives correctly. • Safety measures prevent accidental drive startup. •…

  • Page 289: Startup Procedure

    Startup Startup procedure Startup procedure ® The application inverters are put into operation using the MOVISUITE engineering software from SEW‑EURODRIVE. 15643252491 The startup is functionally divided into segments. The following steps illustrate in ex- emplary fashion the startup procedure for an application inverter. Drive train segment Drive train Configuring drive trains.

  • Page 290
    Startup Startup procedure Drive functions • FCB 01 Output stage inhibit • FCB 05 Speed control • FCB 06 Interpolated speed control • FCB 08 Interpolated torque control • FCB 09 Positioning • FCB 10 Interpolated position control • FCB 12 Reference travel • FCB 08 Rotor position identification •…
  • Page 291
    Startup Startup procedure Optional Basic settings of the options • Fieldbus • I/O card • Encoder 2 ® • MOVISAFE CS.. ® Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE system…
  • Page 292
    Startup Startup procedure 9.4.1 Check list for startup The following checklist lists the necessary steps for complete startup. Step Startup step Done Motor installation ® Install MOVI‑C component ® Start MOVISUITE Start up the drive train Parameterize setpoints and FCBs Configure digital inputs and outputs Configure PD ®…
  • Page 293: Connection To The Engineering Software

    Startup Connection to the engineering software Connection to the engineering software The following figure shows the connection of the application inverter to the ® MOVISUITE engineering software using a PC. L/ A RUN ERR RUN ERR L/ A L/ A UHX45A-N 18014413831237515 [1] Ethernet…

  • Page 294: Operation

    Operation General information Operation 10.1 General information DANGER Dangerous voltages present at cables and motor terminals Severe or fatal injuries from electric shock. • Dangerous voltages are present at the output terminals and the cables and motor terminals connected to them when the device is switched on. This also applies even when the device is inhibited and the motor is at standstill.

  • Page 295: Segment Display

    Operation 7-segment display 10.2 7-segment display 10.2.1 Operating displays • The two 7-segment displays indicate the operating state of the application in- verter. 10.2.2 Fault display The application inverter detects any faults that occur and displays them as fault code. Each fault is clearly defined by its fault code and corresponding attributes, as shown below: •…

  • Page 296: Operating Displays

    Operation Operating displays 10.3 Operating displays Display Description State Comment/action Displays during boot process Device passes through several • Status: Not ready. • Waiting for boot process to finish. states when loading the firmware • Output stage is inhibited. • Device stays in this condition: Device is de- (boot) in order to become ready for •…

  • Page 297
    Operation Operating displays Display Description State Comment/action Default stop For further information, refer to the Drive function (FCB) «Default stop» active if no FCB description. other FCB is selected and the system is ready. Manual mode Manual mode active. Speed control Speed control with internal ramp generator.
  • Page 298: Fault Description On Basic Device

    Operation Fault description on basic device 10.4 Fault description on basic device 10.4.1 Fault 1 Output stage monitoring Subfault: 1.1 Description: Short circuit in motor output terminals Response: Output stage inhibit Cause Measure Overcurrent in output stage or faulty output stage control detec- Possible causes for overcurrent are short circuit at the output, ted, and output stage inhibited by hardware.

  • Page 299
    Operation Fault description on basic device 10.4.5 Fault 7 DC link Subfault: 7.1 Description: DC link overvoltage Response: Output stage inhibit Cause Measure Maximum permitted DC link voltage limit exceeded and output – Extend deceleration ramps. stage inhibited by hardware. –…
  • Page 300
    Operation Fault description on basic device Subfault: 9.2 Description: Requested operating mode not possible with active control mode Response: Output stage inhibit Cause Measure The current FCB activated an operating mode. The active con- Start up control mode that supports the required operating trol mode does not support this operating mode, for example mode.
  • Page 301
    Operation Fault description on basic device 10.4.8 Fault 10 Data Flexibility Subfault: 10.1 Description: Initialization Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit Cause Measure Init task error. The init task has issued a return code != 0. Check the program. Subfault: 10.2 Description: Illegal operation code Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit Cause…
  • Page 302
    Operation Fault description on basic device Subfault: 10.10 Description: Setpoint cycle time not supported Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit Cause Measure Non-supported setpoint cycle time parameterized. Set the setpoint cycle time to the default value 1 ms. Subfault: 10.11 Description: No application program loaded Response: Output stage inhibit Cause…
  • Page 303
    Operation Fault description on basic device Subfault: 11.7 Description: Wire break at temperature sensor of heat sink Response: Output stage inhibit Cause Measure Wire break at temperature sensor of heat sink. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service. Subfault: 11.8 Description: Short circuit at temperature sensor of heat sink Response: Output stage inhibit Cause Measure…
  • Page 304
    Operation Fault description on basic device Subfault: 13.6 Description: Signal level too low Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault Cause Measure Vector below permitted limit during signal level monitoring. – Check the wiring. – Check interference sources (e.g. from EMC). –…
  • Page 305
    Operation Fault description on basic device Subfault: 13.12 Description: Emergency Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault Cause Measure Encoder signaled emergency. – Check interference sources (e.g. from EMC). – Check startup parameters. Information: In «emergency mode» manual mode, you can move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po- sition encoder is faulty.
  • Page 306
    Operation Fault description on basic device Subfault: 13.18 Description: Permanent low level in data line – critical Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault Cause Measure Permanent low level of data signal. – Check the wiring. – Check the encoder. Information: In «emergency mode»…
  • Page 307
    Operation Fault description on basic device Subfault: 13.24 Description: Travel range exceeded Response: Encoder 1 – latest fault Cause Measure Current position mode (index 8381.10) does not allow for larger Check travel range. travel range. Information: In «emergency mode» manual mode, you can move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po- sition encoder is faulty.
  • Page 308
    Operation Fault description on basic device Subfault: 14.5 Description: Internal warning Response: Encoder – warning Cause Measure Encoder signaled warning. – Check the wiring. – Check interference sources (light beam interrupted, reflector, data cables, etc.). – Clean sensor. Subfault: 14.6 Description: Signal level too low Response: Encoder 2 –…
  • Page 309
    Operation Fault description on basic device Subfault: 14.11 Description: Data timeout Response: Encoder 2 – latest critical fault Cause Measure Encoder process data timeout. – Check interference sources (e.g. from EMC). – Check startup parameters. Information: In «emergency mode» manual mode, you can move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po- sition encoder is faulty.
  • Page 310
    Operation Fault description on basic device Subfault: 14.17 Description: Permanent high level in data line Response: Encoder 2 – latest fault Cause Measure Permanent high level of data signal. – Check the wiring. – Check the encoder. Information: In «emergency mode» manual mode, you can move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po- sition encoder is faulty.
  • Page 311
    Operation Fault description on basic device Subfault: 14.23 Description: Internal fault Response: Encoder 2 – latest fault Cause Measure Encoder signaled internal fault. – Check the wiring. – Check interference sources (light beam interrupted, reflector, data cables, etc.). – Replace encoder. Information: In «emergency mode»…
  • Page 312
    Operation Fault description on basic device Subfault: 16.7 Description: PWM frequency not possible Response: Output stage inhibit Cause Measure Specified PWM frequency not allowed for this power output Select different PWM frequency. Possible PWM frequencies; stage. see device configuration data. Subfault: 16.8 Description: Temperature sensor motor 1 Response: Output stage inhibit…
  • Page 313
    Operation Fault description on basic device Subfault: 16.23 Description: Plausibility check failed Response: Output stage inhibit Cause Measure During startup using nameplate data: the estimated nominal Check entered nameplate data for plausibility. power does not match the entered nominal power. Subfault: 16.24 Description: Speed controller sampling cycle not possible with current PWM frequency or current control mode Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit…
  • Page 314
    Operation Fault description on basic device Subfault: 18.3 Description: Task system warning Response: Warning Cause Measure A fault was detected during the processing of the internal task – Acknowledge the warning. system. This may be a timeout for cyclical tasks, for example. –…
  • Page 315
    Operation Fault description on basic device 10.4.15 Fault 19 Process data Subfault: 19.1 Description: Torque setpoint violation Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit Cause Measure Implausible values specified as torque setpoints. Adjust torque setpoints. Subfault: 19.2 Description: Position setpoint violation Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit Cause Measure…
  • Page 316
    Operation Fault description on basic device 10.4.16 Fault 20 Device monitoring Subfault: 20.1 Description: Supply voltage fault Response: Output stage inhibit System state: Fault acknowledgment with CPU reset Cause Measure Internal electronics supply voltage or externally connected Check the voltage level of the external DC 24 V standby supply DC 24 V standby supply voltage outside permitted voltage voltage and check for correct port.
  • Page 317
    Operation Fault description on basic device 10.4.17 Fault 23 Power section Subfault: 23.1 Description: Warning Response: Warning with self-reset Cause Measure Power section fault with fault response of the type «warning». See also «Power section subcomponent» fault status. Subfault: 23.2 Description: Fault Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit Cause…
  • Page 318
    Operation Fault description on basic device 10.4.18 Error 24 Cam switch Subfault: 24.1 Description: Cam window limits interchanged Response: Warning Cause Measure Left cam window limit larger than right limit. Check cam window limits and adjust. Subfault: 24.2 Description: Cam window limit not within modulo range Response: Warning Cause Measure…
  • Page 319
    Operation Fault description on basic device Subfault: 25.10 Description: Power section configuration data – version conflict Response: Output stage inhibit Cause Measure Wrong version of configuration data of power section. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service. Subfault: 25.12 Description: Power section configuration data – CRC error Response: Output stage inhibit Cause Measure…
  • Page 320
    Operation Fault description on basic device Subfault: 25.30 Description: Initialization error – replaceable memory module Response: Output stage inhibit Cause Measure The formatting of the replaceable memory module does not Restore delivery state. NOTICE: All the data on the replaceable match.
  • Page 321
    Operation Fault description on basic device Subfault: 26.4 Description: External braking resistor fault Response: Response to external braking resistor fault Cause Measure External braking resistor’s temperature switch connected to ter- – Check the resistor mounting position. minal tripped. – Clean the resistor. –…
  • Page 322
    Operation Fault description on basic device Subfault: 28.7 Description: FCB 21 – Test torque greater than maximum torque at motor shaft Response: Output stage inhibit Cause Measure The required test torque for the brake test is higher than the Reduce the test torque. maximum torque.
  • Page 323
    Operation Fault description on basic device Subfault: 28.15 Description: FCB 25 – Timeout Response: Output stage inhibit Cause Measure Measuring rotor resistance, LSigma, or stator inductance not Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service. completed. 10.4.22 Fault 29 HW limit switch Subfault: 29.1 Description: Positive limit switch approached Response: HW limit switch –…
  • Page 324
    Operation Fault description on basic device 10.4.24 Fault 31 Thermal motor protection Subfault: 31.1 Description: Temperature sensor wire break – motor 1 Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit Cause Measure Connection to temperature sensor of motor 1 interrupted. Check the temperature sensor wiring. Subfault: 31.2 Description: Temperature sensor short circuit –…
  • Page 325
    Operation Fault description on basic device Subfault: 31.11 Description: Temperature sensor wire break – motor 2 Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit Cause Measure Connection to temperature sensor of motor 2 interrupted. Check the temperature sensor wiring. Subfault: 31.12 Description: Temperature sensor short circuit –…
  • Page 326
    Operation Fault description on basic device Subfault: 32.3 Description: Faulty synchronization signal Response: External synchronization Cause Measure ® PLUS Faulty synchronization signal period. Check for correct setting of the EtherCAT /SBus configura- ® tion in the MOVI-C CONTROLLER. Subfault: 32.4 Description: No synchronization signal Response: External synchronization Cause…
  • Page 327
    Operation Fault description on basic device Subfault: 33.2 Description: Firmware CRC check Response: Output stage inhibit System state: Fault acknowledgment with CPU reset Cause Measure Error checking firmware. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service. Subfault: 33.6 Description: FPGA configuration Response: Output stage inhibit Cause Measure Error checking FPGA configuration.
  • Page 328
    Operation Fault description on basic device Subfault: 33.15 Description: Firmware configuration Response: Output stage inhibit System state: Fault acknowledgment with CPU reset Cause Measure The Device Update Manager detected a modified version of the Acknowledge the fault. Doing so will update the configuration application firmware.
  • Page 329
    Operation Fault description on basic device 10.4.29 Fault 42 Lag error Subfault: 42.1 Description: Positioning lag error Response: Positioning lag error Cause Measure A lag error occurred during positioning. Check the connection of the encoder. Incorrect encoder connection. Position encoder inverted or not installed correctly at the track. Check the installation and connection of the position encoder. Wiring faulty.
  • Page 330
    Operation Fault description on basic device Subfault: 46.2 Description: Invalid variant Response: Output stage inhibit Cause Measure Plugged safety card design does not match inverter type. – Remove safety card. – Use the correct safety card design. For double axes, only designs without encoder interface can be –…
  • Page 331
    Operation Fault description on basic device Subfault: 47.3 Description: Supply unit – critical fault Response: Output stage inhibit Cause Measure The supply unit signals a fault with response type «critical For the exact cause of the fault and for information on how to error».
  • Page 332
    Operation Fault description on basic device Subfault: 50.4 Description: Option card timeout error Response: Output stage inhibit Cause Measure Option card signals timeout error on SPI bus. – Check card slot and installation and correct if necessary. – Check for EMC-compliant installation. –…
  • Page 333
    Operation Fault description on basic device Subfault: 52.5 Description: Time duration exceeded f < 5 Hz Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit Cause Measure Duration of 60 s for f < 5 Hz exceeded. Check the dimensioning of the system: If speed control = FCB05, increase the speed.
  • Page 334: Power Section Fault Description

    Operation Power section fault description 10.5 Power section fault description 10.5.1 Fault 7 DC link Subfault: 7.1 Description: DC link overvoltage Response: Remote – critical fault Cause Measure Maximum permitted DC link voltage limit exceeded and output – Extend deceleration ramps. stage inhibited by hardware.

  • Page 335
    Operation Power section fault description 10.5.5 Fault 20 Device monitoring Subfault: 20.1 Description: Supply voltage fault Response: Remote – critical fault Cause Measure Internal electronics supply voltage or externally connected Check the voltage level of the external DC 24 V standby supply DC 24 V standby supply voltage outside permitted voltage voltage and check for correct port.
  • Page 336
    Operation Power section fault description Subfault: 25.6 Description: Incompatible device configuration Response: Remote – standard fault Cause Measure The data set in the device was copied from another device, – Check whether the configuration is correct and repeat the which differs from the current device in the device family, startup, if necessary.
  • Page 337
    Operation Power section fault description 10.5.8 Fault 33 System initialization Subfault: 33.2 Description: Firmware CRC check Response: Disable rectifier Cause Measure Error checking firmware. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service. Subfault: 33.8 Description: SW function block configuration Response: Remote – standard fault Cause Measure Error detected while checking configuration of software function Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
  • Page 338
    Operation Power section fault description Subfault: 44.6 Description: Faulty supply voltage in gate drivers for brake chopper Response: Remote – critical fault Cause Measure Faulty supply voltage in gate drivers for brake chopper. Switch the power off and on again/perform a reset. Brake chopper not ready for operation.
  • Page 339: Responses To Fault Acknowledgement

    Operation Responses to fault acknowledgement 10.6 Responses to fault acknowledgement 10.6.1 Fault acknowledgement During fault acknowledgement, the final fault status determines which reset type will be executed, see following table. Final fault status Responses to fault acknowledgement System blocked System restart System waiting Warm start: Delete fault code Only display fault…

  • Page 340
    Operation Responses to fault acknowledgement Warm start A warm start only resets the fault code. Response Effect The firmware system is not rebooted. All reference positions will be maintained. Warm start Communication is not interrupted. The active «fault message» is reset (digital output = 1, system status = 0).
  • Page 341: Fault Responses

    Operation Fault responses 10.7 Fault responses 10.7.1 Default – fault response Fault response Description No response The inverter ignores the event. The inverter sends a warning message with self-reset. The fault is automatically reset after Warning with self-reset the cause of fault is eliminated. Warning The inverter issues a warning message.

  • Page 342
    Operation Fault responses Parameterizable faults Description Index no. Possible fault response Fieldbus – timeout This parameter is used to set the device re- 8622.6 • Warning ® PLUS sponse to an EtherCAT /SBus timeout • Application stop (with output stage in- (timeout time, index 8455.3).
  • Page 343
    Operation Fault responses Parameterizable faults Description Index no. Possible fault response Encoder 1 – latest critical fault 8622.18 • No response • Inhibit output stage Encoder 2 – latest critical fault 8622.19 • No response • Inhibit output stage Response to external braking re- External braking resistor fault 8622.20 •…
  • Page 344: Service

    Service Electronics Service by SEW‑EURODRIVE Service 11.1 Electronics Service by SEW‑EURODRIVE If you are unable to rectify a fault, contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service. For the ad- dresses, refer to‑ When contacting SEW‑EURODRIVE Service, always specify the following information so that our service personnel can assist you more effectively: •…

  • Page 345: Shutdown

    Service Shutdown 11.3 Shutdown To shut down the application inverter, de-energize the application inverter using ap- propriate measures. WARNING Electric shock due to incompletely discharged capacitors. Severe or fatal injuries. • Observe a minimum switch-off time of 10 minutes after disconnecting the power supply.

  • Page 346: Functional Safety

    Functional safety General information Functional safety 12.1 General information 12.1.1 Underlying standards The safety assessment of the device is based on the following standards and safety classes: Underlying standards Safety class/ • Performance level (PL) in accordance with ISO 13849‑1:2015 underlying standard •…

  • Page 347
    Functional safety Integrated safety technology 12.2.2 Safety concept The device is supposed to be able to perform the drive safety function «Safe Torque Off» in accordance with IEC 61800‑5‑2: • Device is characterized by the optional connection of an external safety controller/ safety relay.
  • Page 348
    Functional safety Integrated safety technology 12.2.3 Schematic representation of the safety concept 23543720971 STO function Drive controller Internal safety card/safety option (optional) Diagnostics and inhibiting unit External safety device (optional) Motor ® Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE system…
  • Page 349
    Functional safety Integrated safety technology 12.2.4 Drive safety functions The following drive-related safety functions can be used: • STO (Safe Torque Off in accordance with IEC  61800-5-2) by disconnecting the STO input. If the STO function is activated, the frequency inverter no longer supplies power to the motor for generating torque.
  • Page 350
    Functional safety Integrated safety technology 2463226251 Speed Time Point of time when brake ramp is initiated Point of time when STO is triggered Δt Delay time until STO is triggered Safe time delay range Disconnection range ® Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE system…
  • Page 351
    Functional safety Integrated safety technology 12.2.5 Restrictions • Note that if the drive does not have a mechanical brake or if the brake is defective, the drive may coast to a halt (depending on the friction and mass moment of iner- tia of the system).
  • Page 352: Safety Conditions

    Functional safety Safety conditions 12.3 Safety conditions The requirement for safe operation is that the drive safety functions of the application inverter are properly integrated into an application-specific, higher-level drive safety function. A system/machine-specific risk assessment must be carried out without fail by the system/machine manufacturer and taken into account for the use of the drive system with the device.

  • Page 353
    Functional safety Safety conditions 12.3.2 Requirements for the installation • The components must be protected against conductive dirt, e.g. by installing them in a control cabinet with degree of protection IP54 in accordance with IEC 60529. Assuming that the presence of conductive dirt can be excluded at the installation site, a control cabinet with a correspondingly lower degree of protection is also permitted if in accordance with the applicable standards (e.g.
  • Page 354
    Functional safety Safety conditions 12.3.3 Requirements for external safety controllers A safety relay can be used as an alternative to a safety controller. The following re- quirements apply analogously. • The safety controller and all other safety-related subsystems must be approved for at least that safety class which is required in the overall system for the respective, application-related drive safety function.
  • Page 355
    Functional safety Safety conditions – The next test pulse in one sourcing channel must occur only after a 2 ms time period. – A maximum package of 3 switch-on test pulses may be generated in sequence at an interval of 2  ms. Wait for at least 500  ms after any package before you generate another switch-on test pulse or another switch-on test pulse package.
  • Page 356
    Functional safety Safety conditions 12.3.5 Requirements for operation • Operation is permitted only within the limits specified in the corresponding docu- mentation. This principle applies to the external safety controller as well as to the device and any approved options. •…
  • Page 357: Connection Designs

    Functional safety Connection designs 12.4 Connection designs 12.4.1 General information Generally, all the connection designs listed in this documentation are permitted for safety-relevant applications, insofar as the safety conditions arising from this docu- mentation are satisfied. This means that you must ensure without fail that the DC 24 V safety inputs are activated by a safety controller or an external safety relay, so that an independent restart is not possible.

  • Page 358
    Functional safety Connection designs Use of safety controllers The switch-off test pulse of the used safe digital outputs (F-DO) must be ≤ 1 ms and another switch-off test pulse must only occur 2 ms later at the earliest. <1 ms >2 ms 15214338827 High INFORMATION If the safety-related control voltage at …
  • Page 359
    Functional safety Connection designs 12.4.3 Wiring diagrams Delivery state In the delivery state, the terminals at the port for safe disconnection X6 are jumpered. F_STO_P1 F_STO_M F_STO_P2 0V24_OUT 24 V_OUT 27743538443 STO terminal X6 2-pole sourcing F-DO_P1 F_STO_P1 F_STO_M F-DO_P2 F_STO_P2 0V24_OUT 24 V_OUT 27743543947…
  • Page 360
    Functional safety Connection designs STO group disconnection, 2-pole, sourcing F_STO_P1 F_STO_P1 F-DO_P1 F_STO_M F_STO_M F-DO_P2 F_STO_P2 F_STO_P2 0V24_OUT 0V24_OUT 24 V_OUT 24 V_OUT 27739017995 [1] External safety controller [2] STO terminal X6 STO group disconnection, 2-pole, sourcing/sinking F-DO_P F_STO_P1 F_STO_P1 F-DO_M F_STO_M F_STO_M…
  • Page 361
    Functional safety Connection designs 12.4.4 Port X6 on the device The following figure shows the X6 port on the top of the device. 17915451659 X6: Connection for Safe Torque Off (STO) ® Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE system…
  • Page 362: Safety Characteristics

    Functional safety Safety characteristics 12.5 Safety characteristics Characteristic values in accordance with IEC 61800-5-2 ISO 13849-1 Tested safety class/underlying stand- Safety integrity level 3 Performance level e / ards category 3 Probability of a dangerous failure per 2.5 × 10 hour (PFH value) Service life 20 years, after which the component must be replaced with a new one.

  • Page 363: Appendix

    Appendix Abbreviation key Appendix 13.1 Abbreviation key The following table lists the abbreviations that are used in this document together with their unit and meaning. Abbreviation Information on Unit Meaning the nameplate Asynchronous motor μF Capacitance Maximum output frequency Line frequency line Frequency of the pulse width modulation Installation altitude…

  • Page 364
    Appendix Abbreviation key Abbreviation Information on Unit Meaning the nameplate DC 24 V to supply STO_P1 and STO_P2 Supply voltage of encoders DC 12 V supply voltage of encoders S12VG DC 24 V supply voltage of encoders S24VG Voltage supply for electronics and brake ϑ °C Ambient temperature (+ES) …
  • Page 365: Index

    Index Index Icons Supported encoder types …… 243 Terminal assignment CANopen encoder .. 246 +24 V supply voltage ………  231 Terminal assignment EnDat encoder …  245 ® Terminal assignment HIPERFACE and SEW encoder (RS485) ……….  244 Abbreviation key ………. 363 Terminal assignment of TTL, HTL, sin/cos en- Ambient conditions ……….

  • Page 366
    Index Drive selection ………….  84 Extended storage ………. 344 External bimetallic relay …….. 256 External safety controllers ………  354 Electrical installation …….. 194, 223 Braking resistors +24 V supply voltage …….. 231 External thermal circuit breaker TCB …  251 Brake output ………. 233 Cabling of the axis system ……
  • Page 367
    Index Installing options and accessories Operation, requirements…….. 356 CES11A multi-encoder card…… 243 CID21A terminal assignment…… 242 Partial magnetization ………..  33 CIO21A and CID21A input/output card .. 240 Permitted tightening torques …… 211 CIO21A terminal assignment …….  241 Permitted voltage systems ……..  224 Interference immunity, interference emission..
  • Page 368
    Index Requirements Shutdown ………… 345 External safety controllers …… 354 Signal terminals — electronics data ……  47 Installation …………  353 Signal words in safety notes…… 186 Operation………… 356 Single-cable technology for CMP.. motors .. 164 Startup………… 355 Standby mode ………….  33 Requirements for the brake control …..
  • Page 369
    Index U/f control mode ………. 26 Waste disposal ………. 345 Use in IT systems ………. 224 Wiring diagram control electronics …. 278 Wiring diagrams ………. 271 Brake control ………. 274 Validation………… 355 Connection diagram of digital inputs ….  281 VFCPLUS control mode …….. 27 General information……..
  • Page 370: Address List

    Address list Address list Argentina Assembly Buenos Aires SEW EURODRIVE ARGENTINA S.A. Tel. +54 3327 4572-84 Sales Ruta Panamericana Km 37.5, Lote 35 Fax +54 3327 4572-21 (B1619IEA) Centro Industrial Garín Prov. de Buenos Aires Australia Assembly Melbourne SEW-EURODRIVE PTY.

  • Page 371
    Address list Cameroon Sales Douala SEW-EURODRIVE S.A.R.L. Tel. +237 233 39 02 10 Ancienne Route Bonabéri Fax +237 233 39 02 10 P.O. Box sew@sew-eurodrive-cm B.P 8674 Douala-Cameroun Canada Assembly Toronto SEW-EURODRIVE CO. OF CANADA LTD. Tel. +1 905 791-1553 Sales 210 Walker Drive Fax +1 905 791-2999…
  • Page 372
    Address list Colombia Assembly Bogota SEW-EURODRIVE COLOMBIA LTDA. Tel. +57 1 54750-50 Sales Calle 17 No. 132-18 Fax +57 1 54750-44 Service Interior 2 Bodega 6, Manzana B Santafé de Bogotá Croatia Sales Zagreb KOMPEKS d. o. o. Tel.
  • Page 373
    Address list France Assembly Bordeaux SEW-USOCOME Tel. +33 5 57 26 39 00 Sales Parc d’activités de Magellan Fax +33 5 57 26 39 09 Service 62 avenue de Magellan – B. P. 182 33607 Pessac Cedex Lyon SEW-USOCOME Tel. +33 4 74 99 60 00 75 rue Antoine Condorcet Fax +33 4 74 99 60 15 38090 Vaulx-Milieu…
  • Page 374
    Address list Germany SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 7348 9885-0 Dieselstraße 18 Fax +49 7348 9885-90 89160 Dornstadt Würzburg SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 931 27886-60 Nürnbergerstraße 118 Fax +49 931 27886-66 97076 Würzburg-Lengfeld Drive Service Hotline / 24 Hour Service 0 800 SEWHELP 0 800 7394357…
  • Page 375
    Address list Indonesia Jakarta PT. Agrindo Putra Lestari Tel. +62 21 2921-8899 JL.Pantai Indah Selatan, Komplek Sentra In- Fax +62 21 2921-8988 dustri Terpadu, Pantai indah Kapuk Tahap III, Blok E No. 27 Jakarta 14470 Surabaya PT. TRIAGRI JAYA ABADI Tel.
  • Page 376
    Address list Lebanon Sales (Lebanon) Beirut Gabriel Acar & Fils sarl Tel. +961 1 510 532 B. P. 80484 Fax +961 1 494 971 Bourj Hammoud, Beirut Sales (Jordan, Kuwait , Beirut Middle East Drives S.A.L. (offshore) Tel. +961 1 494 786 Saudi Arabia, Syria) Sin El Fil.
  • Page 377
    Fax +595 21 3285539 Departamento Central Fernando de la Mora, Barrio Bernardino Peru Assembly Lima SEW EURODRIVE DEL PERU S.A.C. Tel. +51 1 3495280 Sales Los Calderos, 120-124 Fax +51 1 3493002 Service Urbanizacion Industrial Vulcano, ATE, Lima…
  • Page 378
    Address list Senegal Sales Dakar SENEMECA Tel. +221 338 494 770 Mécanique Générale Fax +221 338 494 771 Km 8, Route de Rufisque B.P. 3251, Dakar Serbia Sales Belgrade DIPAR d.o.o. Tel. +381 11 347 3244 / +381 11 288 0393 Ustanicka 128a Fax +381 11 347 1337 PC Košum, IV floor 11000 Beograd…
  • Page 379
    Address list Spain Assembly Bilbao SEW-EURODRIVE ESPAÑA, S.L. Tel. +34 94 43184-70 Sales Parque Tecnológico, Edificio, 302 Service 48170 Zamudio (Vizcaya) Sri Lanka Sales Colombo SM International (Pte) Ltd Tel. +94 1 2584887 254, Galle Raod Fax +94 1 2582981 Colombo 4, Sri Lanka Swaziland Sales…
  • Page 380
    Address list United Arab Emirates Drive Technology Dubai SEW-EURODRIVE FZE Tel. +971 (0)4 8806461 Center PO Box 263835 Fax +971 (0)4 8806464 Jebel Ali Free Zone – South, P.O. Box Dubai, United Arab Emirates Uruguay Assembly Montevideo SEW-EURODRIVE Uruguay, S. A. Tel.
  • Page 384
    SEW-EURODRIVE—Driving the world SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Ernst-Blickle-Str. 42 76646 BRUCHSAL GERMANY Tel. +49 7251 75-0 Fax +49 7251 75-1970…

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