Setup tmp ошибка приложения

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setup.tmp — ошибка при установке игры

Остальные игры устанавливаются нормально. Не подскажите в чём может быть пробелема?

25 сен 2009, 12:41




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setup.tmp — ошибка при установке игры

у меня было что подобное, решил таким образом, при виртуализации игры через
DAEMON Tools Lite, открыл скрытый файл по адресу типа: C:\Documents and Settings\имя пользователя\Local Settings\Temp\имя файла и двойной клик по файлу и о чудо — игра до установилась…)))

26 сен 2009, 00:28 ПрофильICQWWW
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setup.tmp error: get rid of this annoying Windows system message

How to handle error messages related to setup.tmp?
To be honest, there is a very few things one can do with this general error.
But you can at least give a chance to some general manteinance steps.
So if setup.tmp error appears, try this:

  1. Reinstall setup.tmp
  2. Update software package containing setup.tmp
  3. Run a general system scan with IT Sponge
  4. Write down exact error number and/or text of an error message and search internet for it.
    This step mostly comprise doing some pretty hardcore software tricks. Beware, especially if you’re not a computer pro.

If there is a lot of error messages for a different programs, it may indicate a deeper problem with your operating system or hardware.

In that case, try to apply OS patches or scan the computer with general maintenance tool.

You can be also interested in:
checking if setup.tmp is virus or not.
See also setup.tmp application error.
Removal guide: how to remove setup.tmp.
Solve problems with setup.tmp not responding.
Typical Windows resource-related message: setup.tmp high cpu.
File damaged? See setup.tmp is corrupted.

Main article: setup.tmp

What is setup.tmp — purpose and description:

Trojan and malware info: N/A
Note: N/A is an abbreviation for «Not available». That means that now we have no information if this process is harmful or not.

Related posts for setup.tmp

See Related Forum Messages: Follow the Links Below to View Complete Thread

User reviews and rating

Summary: 0 user(s) rated this process.
Average security risk:

User reviews snapshot:

Warning: Once again about user reviews. Our users can freely add their reviews about whatever process they want.
We, of course, purify and filter raged words. However, do not trust everything. We have no time to review any user’s sentence.
So the information provided in user reviews CAN be innacurate. Or misprinted. Or anything else. Are you adult, aren’t you? We believe in your consciousness.

Windows process DB:



install_vp4u (15).tmp




























Available version list table, select the version you have on your PC:

Security Checksum (MD5) Version Location Size (bytes) Manufacturer
N/A 45e37d18

— Unknown —

N/A c14be934

— Unknown —

N/A 80c2bd5f

— Unknown —

N/A 79c80faa

— Unknown —

N/A 9bc3eb4a

— Unknown —

N/A e436823

— Unknown —

N/A ce089447

— Unknown —

N/A e05f7d66

— Unknown —

N/A d6e7f988

— Unknown —

N/A 81b38892

— Unknown —

N/A 364971f7

— Unknown —

N/A 8738bc9c

— Unknown —

N/A e44f6c62

— Unknown —

N/A 5578b96d

— Unknown —

N/A afa15aaa

— Unknown —

N/A 27d1eb75

— Unknown —

N/A cdc6c288

— Unknown —

N/A 12b4dd09

— Unknown —

N/A 762d11cb

— Unknown —

N/A 190cefd3

— Unknown —

N/A f185bfb7

— Unknown —

N/A 4773ebe

— Unknown —

N/A e28a3e54

— Unknown —

N/A 6e3f98b2

— Unknown —

N/A 35fe43ae

— Unknown —

N/A 36f14a24

— Unknown —

N/A 2ce0935f

— Unknown —

N/A ddda79ec

— Unknown —

N/A ccdd879b

— Unknown —

N/A ad70e0a6

— Unknown —

N/A 1c1826aa

— Unknown —

N/A f570e684

— Unknown —

N/A f6c35727

— Unknown —

N/A cb0fc411

— Unknown —

N/A 1fa682c5

— Unknown —

N/A 6e99ff37

— Unknown —

N/A 73579f9e

— Unknown —

N/A 5876a4f6

— Unknown —

N/A 72379329

— Unknown —

N/A 43f1f585

— Unknown —

N/A 15a3cd71

— Unknown —

N/A 3099caff

— Unknown —

N/A 413e76cf

— Unknown —

N/A 5f0f3459

— Unknown —

N/A f6f6d179

— Unknown —

N/A 8db75550

— Unknown —

N/A ca3b3256

— Unknown —

N/A 783c9e86

— Unknown —

N/A 84132aaa

— Unknown —

N/A 879eb31

— Unknown —

What is the carbon footprint of your coffee?

Is it low? Is it high? Can this things really kill the planet Earth? Maybe the answer will surprise you. Maybe not.


This web site and all information written here is for information purposes only, WITHOUT ANY VARANTY.
You should always verify the accuracy of information provided on this page.
We pay a big attention to provide you with the correct information.
However, many spyware and malware programs
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If we have included information about setup.tmp that is inaccurate,
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TMP проблемы файла autoupdater-setup.tmp в большинстве случаев связаны с повреждением, отсутствием или заражением файлов Third-Party Application. Возникновение подобных проблем является раздражающим фактором, однако их легко устранить, заменив файл TMP, из-за которого возникает проблема. В качестве дополнительного шага по устранению неполадок мы настоятельно рекомендуем очистить все пути к неверным файлам и ссылки на расширения файлов TMP, которые могут способствовать возникновению такого рода ошибок, связанных с autoupdater-setup.tmp.

В таблице ниже представлен список доступных для загрузки файлов autoupdater-setup.tmp, подходящих для большинства версий Windows (включая %%os%%). Для скачивания доступны не все версии autoupdater-setup.tmp, однако вы можете запросить необходимых файл, нажав на кнопку Request (Запрос) ниже. В нашей обширной базе представлены не все версии файлов; в этом случае вам следует обратиться к Windows Software Developer.

Поместите новый файл autoupdater-setup.tmp на место предыдущего (перезаписав предыдущий). Проблема больше не должна возникать, однако, чтобы убедиться в этом окончательно, следует выполнить проверку. Затем вы можете повторно открыть Third-Party Application, чтобы проверить выводится ли сообщение об ошибке.

Autoupdater-setup.tmp Описание файла
Ext: TMP
Новейшие программы: Third-Party Application
Версия: 51.1052.0.0
Программист: Windows Software Developer
File: autoupdater-setup.tmp  

Размер (в байтах): 1311744
SHA-1: f8755e60359b41d6a3290f41a3e31d738d625576
MD5: e8c4c26c6d1fcbc1726fbf8b7f1dfbb9

Продукт Solvusoft

WinThruster 2023 — Сканировать ваш компьютер на наличие ошибок реестра в autoupdater-setup.tmp


Установить необязательные продукты — WinThruster (Solvusoft) | Лицензия | Политика защиты личных сведений | Условия | Удаление


Идентификатор статьи:   1327458




Выберите программное обеспечение

File MD5 Размер файла Загрузить
+ autoupdater-setup.tmp e8c4c26c6d1fcbc1726fbf8b7f1dfbb9 1.25 MB
App Third-Party Application 51.1052.0.0
Компания Windows Software Developer
Версия ОС Windows 7
Архитектура 64-разрядная (x64)
Байт 1311744
MD5 e8c4c26c6d1fcbc1726fbf8b7f1dfbb9
Контрольная сумма SHA1 f8755e60359b41d6a3290f41a3e31d738d625576
Контрольная сумма SHA256: 38714bf94d031edb92aad5818bf2645ac6126fcfcf648001fff38262788d2a3e
каталог %TEMP%\is-ALPPP.tmp

Типичные ошибки Autoupdater-setup.tmp

Вопросы, связанные с autoupdater-setup.tmp и Third-Party Application:

  • «Ошибка в файле Autoupdater-setup.tmp.»
  • «Autoupdater-setup.tmp удален, отсутствует или перемещен. «
  • «Не удалось найти autoupdater-setup.tmp. «
  • «Не удалось загрузить модуль Autoupdater-setup.tmp. «
  • «Ошибка регистрации: autoupdater-setup.tmp. «
  • «Ошибка времени выполнения Third-Party Application: autoupdater-setup.tmp»
  • «Ошибка загрузки: autoupdater-setup.tmp. «

The errors associated with autoupdater-setup.tmp occur when related software (eg. Third-Party Application) is running, during PC shutdown or startup, Крайне важно отметить, когда возникают проблемы autoupdater-setup.tmp, так как это помогает устранять проблемы Third-Party Application (и сообщать Windows Software Developer).

Причины ошибок в файле Autoupdater-setup.tmp

Эти проблемы autoupdater-setup.tmp создаются отсутствующими или поврежденными файлами autoupdater-setup.tmp, недопустимыми записями реестра Third-Party Application или вредоносным программным обеспечением.

В частности, проблемы autoupdater-setup.tmp возникают с:

  • Недопустимая (поврежденная) запись реестра autoupdater-setup.tmp.
  • Вирус или вредоносное ПО поврежден autoupdater-setup.tmp.
  • Вредоносное удаление (или ошибка) autoupdater-setup.tmp другим приложением (не Third-Party Application).
  • autoupdater-setup.tmp конфликтует с другой программой (общим файлом).
  • Некомплектная установка приложения, связанного с autoupdater-setup.tmp, или поврежденная загрузка.

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Home / How to Fix “Unable to execute the file in the temporary directory. Setup aborted Error 5: Access is denied” ?

When you try to install any software on your system, you got an error message “Unable to execute the file in the temporary directory. Setup aborted Error 5: Access is denied”? You will come up with this situation when you make modifications in the folder which you don’t have access to. You may also come up with sims 4 unable to execute the command because you are not having access to a particular temp folder.

Usually unable to execute the file in the temporary directory is a problem in which the system will not be able to download or execute commands of the software. Many users reported the following error message display on their computer screen:

Unable to execute the file in the temporary directory. Setup aborted Error 5: Access is denied.

In some cases, Setup was unable to create the directory, this is also due to change in the settings and follow below solutions to fix it. 

What does "Unable to execute the file in the temporary directory. Setup aborted Error 5: Access is denied" mean?

Setup aborted error 5 is the error encountered in the Windows operating system when any user trying to do some modification in the folder even he/she is not allowed to do so. This means the user is not having any access to that folder to modify. The reasons for this error are not limited only to the user’s permission as some users also faced this error due to the corrupted Temp folder of Windows. If you close the pop-up then also the error won’t allow you to install the executable file.

Why “Unable to execute the file in the temporary directory. Setup aborted Error 5: Access is denied” Occurs?

However, sometimes if your computer gets infected with severe cyber threats or potentially unwanted program you may face the issue “Unable to execute the file in the temporary directory. Setup aborted Error 5: Access is denied”. Those malicious software applications are specially designed to change your PC settings to hide their presence. Your system might damage if it’s infected with malware, ransomware, browser hijackers, spyware, adware, etc.

How to Fix “Unable to Execute Files in the Temporary Directory. Setup Aborted. Error 5: Access is Denied” issue on Windows OS?

The below-given solutions will definitely help you to fix “Unable to execute file in the temporary directory issue. Setup Aborted. Error 5: Access is Denied“. Finally, you have to get professional antivirus software. And scan your system thoroughly to remove harmful viruses from your system. If you are having any professional antivirus software immediately run the scan and remove the malicious software or files.

Run File as Administrator

Most of the people who have been struggling with the installation of software due to unable to execute file in the temporary directory has managed to fix it by simply running files as administrator.

  • Rightclick on the software installer file.
  • You will get a list of options, choose run as administrator. Hopefully, this way will help to fix the issue and install your software or application without any more issues.

You will get a list of options, choose run as administrator. Hopefully, this way will help to fix the issue and install your software or application without any more issues.

Check the Security Settings

In some of the cases, the issue “Unable to execute the file in the temporary directory. Setup aborted Error 5: Access is denied” occurs due to security right follow below steps to fix it.

  • Go to Computer Icon on your desktop or search on Windows logo search bar.

Go to Computer Icon on your desktop or search on Windows logo search bar.

  • And then select Local Disk C. On the next screen, select users and continue with your computer username folder. Next, select AppData and click on the local folder. The navigation location is local disk c:\ users\ [Select your username folder]\ AppData\ Local

And then select Local Disk C. On the next screen, select users and continue with your computer username folder. Next, select AppData and click on the local folder. The navigation location is local disk c:\ users\ [Select your username folder]\ AppData\ Local

  • You can find folders, navigate to temp folder and right-click on it to select properties from the list.

You can find folders, navigate to temp folder and right-click on it to select properties from the list.

  • On the pop-up window select the Security tab and click on the advanced button as shown in the figure.

On the pop-up window select the Security tab and click on the advanced button as shown in the figure.

  • Under permissions, you will see three options SYSTEM, Administrators, and your username with a full control which applies to this folder, subfolders, and files.
  • You must see the up-tick option of all these permissions inherited from this object’s parent as shown in the figure. If you don’t find that option, then click on Change Permissions.

You must see the up-tick option of all these permissions inherited from this object’s parent as shown in the figure. If you don’t find that option, then click on Change Permissions.

  • On the next screen mark “Include inheritable permissions from this object’s parent” with a tick. Finally, click on the apply button and later click on the Ok button.

On the next screen mark “Include inheritable permissions from this object’s parent” with a tick. Finally, click on the apply button and later click on the Ok button.

  • After that close all windows and restart your computer. Now, try to do the same function that caused the error and see whether the issue is fixed or not. If the issue still persists continue with the below solutions.

Create a New Temp Folder

  • Open the computer icon and click on Local Disk C.

Open the computer icon and click on Local Disk C.

  • Create a new folder on right-click on empty space select new > folder and rename with name temp.

Create a new folder on right-click on empty space select new > folder and rename with name temp.

  • Close all windows and go to the computer icon. Right-click on it and select properties.

Close all windows and go to the computer icon. Right-click on it and select properties.

  • Click on Advanced system settings option on the left panel.

Click on Advanced system settings option on the left panel.

  • On the pop-up window, click on the advanced tab and select Environment variables.

On the pop-up window, click on the advanced tab and select Environment variables.

  • As shown in the figure, doubleclick on the TMP option.

As shown in the figure, double-click on the TMP option.

  • Now change the value %USERPROFILE%\ AppData\ Local\ Temp to C:\Temp and click on ok button.

Now change the value %USERPROFILE%\ AppData\ Local\ Temp to C:\Temp and click on ok button.

  • Now, click on ok buttons to close all the pop-up windows.

Finally, restart your computer and again perform the same real-time function that causing the error. Hopefully, this solution will fix the issue “Unable to execute the file in the temporary directory. Setup aborted Error 5: Access is denied”.

Disable Firewall

The issue “Unable to execute the file in the temporary directory. Setup aborted Error 5: Access is denied” may occur due to HIPS. The HIPS full-form is a Host-based Intrusion Prevention System. You can fix the issue on disabling antivirus, anti-spyware, and firewall applications.

  • Click on Windows logo and click on the Control Panel for Windows 7, Vista, XP or settings on Windows 10 and Windows 8.

Click on Windows logo and click on the Control Panel for Windows 7, Vista, XP or settings on Windows 10, 8.

  • Select System and Security option on the window.

Select System and Security option on the window.

  • On the next screen, click on the Windows firewall on the right panel.

On the next screen, click on the Windows firewall on the right panel.

  • For the different operating system, options are different. Search for Windows firewall in the search bar. Look at the image for a clear idea.

For the different operating system, options are different. Search for Windows firewall in the search bar. Look at the image for a clear idea.

  • You can see turn Windows firewall on or off on the left panel, click on it.

You can see turn Windows firewall on or off on the left panel, click on it.

  • Select ‘turn of Windows firewall’ on both the options and finally, click on the OK button.

Select 'turn of Windows firewall' on both the options and finally, click on the OK button.

  • Now close all the windows and try to do the same real-time function that caused the error. Hope that this solution help to fix the issue “Unable to execute the file in the temporary directory. Setup aborted Error 5: Access is denied”.

Disable Antivirus

  • Disabling antivirus will depend on which antivirus you are using. In some of the antivirus, right-click on the antivirus icon and you can see snooze, disable options.

Disabling antivirus will depend on which antivirus you are using. In some of the antivirus, right-click on the antivirus icon and you can see snooze, disable options.

  • Firstly, open antivirus, go to settings and select the disable option.

NOTE: After completion of your work enable your antivirus and firewall settings because it will help to protect your computer from foreign invaders (virus, malware, adware, etc).


The above ways helped you to fix the issue “Unable to execute the file in the temporary directory. Setup aborted Error 5: Access is denied”. Still, are you facing any issue or having any queries regarding the problem? You can explain in detail in the comments section, which helps us to give the best solution. Any suggestions or queries regarding any other problems facing your devices are always welcome.

If you feel this article helpful please like, share and follow our Facebook page.

Also Read:  How to fix The system cannot find the file specified?

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