Сервер сообщает об ошибке incorrect authentication data

Sometimes you encounter an error message such as Authentication failed 535 Incorrect authentication data or SMTP Error (535): Authentication failed when logging into Outlook, or any other email client. One possible cause is because the email password is too weak.

Luckily, the problem can be easily solved. All you need to do is log into your webmail and change the password to a strong and complex password.

A Strong and Complex Password is:

1. A combination of lowercase and uppercase alphabets, numbers and symbols.

2. Not a dictionary English word.

3. Not a number sequences.

An example of a good password is: SfR2$3!#

Performing this change also has the added benefit of securing your email account, lowering the likelihood that your account will be compromised. Once the password has been changed in webmail, be sure to change the password in Outlook as well, which will resolve the error.

2015-03-05 11:43:41 fixed_login authenticator failed for (ispip.net) ([XX.XX.XX.XX]) [YY.YY.YY.YY]: 535 Incorrect authentication data (set_id=user@domain.tld)

In cPanel Exim servers, especially ones enabled with SMTP authentication, “535 Incorrect authentication data” is a common error message seen in mail logs. 

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The vast majority of these error instances represent blocked connections from botnets trying to relay spam. This is a security feature to protect the mail server from spam, and cannot be disabled.

However, valid customers might report this error under two circumstances:

1. Incorrect login information

Mail users sometimes enter the wrong format of user name (username vs username@domain.com), or put in the wrong password (especially if the auto-generated password contains too many special characters).

This can give them the error “535 Incorrect Authentication Data” while attempting to send mails with this wrong authentication details, as the mail server cannot validate the login.

Effective solution in such cases is to give them a password easy to remember (but that is also strong – like Halloween=Oct31), and educate mail users on the proper username format.

[ You don’t have to lose your sleep over lost emails. Get our professional help to fix your mail errors at affordable pricing. ]

2. Corrupted mail folder permissions

‘535 Incorrect Authentication Data’ results when mailbox permissions are changed due to migrations, or an account/server update. This can be quickly fixed by running the ‘/scripts/mailperm’ script from terminal, or by going to:

‘WHM >> Email >> Repair Mailbox permissions’

This error is often reported by mail users who maintain multiple mail devices, and forget to update login details in one of their devices.

With years of experience resolving common causes of all service related errors, our website support team is able to quickly identify the cause and deliver immediate solution for all support queries.

[ Need help resolving email errors in your sites? Get assistance from our website experts to fix all your website errors instantly. ]

var google_conversion_label = «Blp0CLCojHIQ0aD71QM»;

I have the same php script running on localhost — my PC with XAMPP and on a hosted server. It works from my PC, but not from the hosted server.

When I send it from the hosted server, I get the following output:

SMTP -> ERROR: Password not accepted from server: 535 Incorrect authentication data  
SMTP -> ERROR: RCPT not accepted from server: 550-Please turn on SMTP Authentication in your mail client, or login to the 550-IMAP/POP3 server before sending your message. dev.camppage.com 550-(patchvalues.com) []:50958 is not permitted to relay through 550 this server without authentication.  
SMTP Error: The following recipients failed: jdorner4@gmail.com FAILED

I suspect there is a configuration setting that needs to be changed on the server, but I don’t know which one. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Here is the code:

function send_gmail ($recipients, $subject, $message, $attachment_filenames = array()) 
  global $email_address, $email_password, $email_name;
  require_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. '/php/PHPMailer/class.phpmailer.php');   

  $body  = $message;
  $body  = str_replace("\\", '', $body);
  $mail = new PHPMailer();
  $mail->CharSet = "UTF-8";
  $mail->Host       = "smtp.gmail.com";      // sets GMAIL as the SMTP server
  $mail->SMTPDebug  = 1;                     // enables SMTP debug information (for testing) 0 - none; 1 - errors & messages; 2 - messages only
  $mail->SMTPAuth   = true;                  // enable SMTP authentication
  $mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl";                 // sets the prefix to the servier
  $mail->Port       = 465;                   // set the SMTP port
  $mail->Username   = $email_address;  // GMAIL username
  $mail->Password   = $email_password; // GMAIL password
  $mail->FromName   = $email_name;
  $mail->Subject    = $subject;
  $mail->IsHTML(true); // send as HTML

  if (isset ($recipients[0]))
    foreach ($recipients AS $to)
        $to_pieces = explode (",", $to, 2);
        $to_email = trim ($to_pieces[0]);
        if (isset ($to_pieces[1]))
            $to_name = trim ($to_pieces[1]);
            $to_name = " ";
        $mail->AddAddress($to_email, $to_name);
    $mail->IsHTML(true); // send as HTML

    if ($mail->Send()){
        return TRUE;
    } else {
        return FALSE;
    return FALSE;


Материал из Planfix

Перейти к: навигация, поиск

Если при включении отправки почты через корпоративный адрес вы получаете сообщение об ошибке, прочтите внимательно текст ошибки. Как правило, ее возвращает ваш корпоративный сервер и текст ошибки содержит причину, по которой письмо не было отправлено или доставлено. Самые частые среди них:

  • 451 4.7.1 Sorry, the service is currently unavailable. Please come back later.: принимающий почтовый сервер не отвечает и возвращает такую ошибку. В этом случае Планфикс делает повторную попытку отправки.
  • 535 – Incorrect authentication data,
  • 535.5.7.3 authentication unsuccessful,
  • 535 5.7.8 Error: authentication failed: Invalid user or password: необходимо проверить данные в паре логин / пароль в настроенной учетной записи корпоративного сервера в Планфиксе.
  • 535 Authentication failed. Please verify your account by going to https://e.mail.ru/login?email=mail@ab-cdef.ru: это сообщение о том, что сервис Mail.ru просит подтверждение емайла. Т.е. необходимо пройти по указанному адресу из сообщения и залогиниться под адресом, указанным как внешний адрес в ПланФиксе. Вопросы по уточнению необходимости данной процедуры целесообразно адресовать сервису Mail.ru.
  • 550 this message was classified as spam and may not be delivered,
  • 550 spam message rejected: принимающий почтовый сервер считает, что это спам-сообщение. Если проблему не получается разрешить самостоятельно, рекомендуем обратиться в используемый вами почтовый сервис.
  • 550 5.7.1 spf check failed: на домене отправителя не настроена SPF-запись или ее настройки не соответствуют используемому почтовому серверу, вопрос надо решать на стороне используемого вами почтового сервера.
  • 553 5.7.1 Sender address rejected: not owned by auth user: эту ошибку возвращает ваш почтовый сервер, она означает: «Адрес отправителя отклонен, т.к. не принадлежит указанному пользователю». Вам необходимо указать в отправителе адрес реального почтового ящика на привязанном домене, для которого указываете логин-пароль.
  • Could not connect to SMTP host
  • Connection timed out: в настройках вашей корпоративной почты неверно заданы данные в паре сервер / порт или неверно стоят галочки SSL/TLS. Необходимо проверить их и установить корректные значения, соответствующие настройкам почтового сервера.
  • Timed out while sending end of data — message may be sent more than once: указанный сервер не ответил на запрос за отведенный для этого период ожидания ответа, обычно это означает, что с ним что-то не так: не работает вовсе или перегружен и работает нестабильно.
  • Cannot start TLS: handshake failure: отправляющий сервер не отвечал. Как правило, в таких случаях ваша реакция не требуется, т.к. автоматическая повторная отправка отрабатывает корректно и письмо отправляется.


  • Настройка внешних почтовых адресов сотрудников
  • Настройка внешних почтовых адресов компании
  • Отправка писем с внешнего почтового ящика
  • Настройка исходящей почты
  • Работа в ПланФиксе с помощью e-mail

  • #1

:confused: Hi. I have a problem I can not solve it.
One of our clients use the program every 5 seconds to get the mail server to be connected.
DirectAdmin Brute Force Monitor show following error :

2012-12-22 14:21:53 login authenticator failed for [xx.xx.xxx.xx]: 535 Incorrect authentication data (set_id=»[email protected]»<[email protected]>)

[email protected] : our client email

Where do you think is the problem?

  • #2

any idea ? :(

  • #3

please help me :(



NoBaloney Internet Svcs — In Memoriam †

  • #4

please help me :(

Check your log to see if your user is trying multiple login requests using different protocols. If so, set the mail client to only use the protocol you allow.

And you may want to tell your client that checking for new mail so often is abuse of your server. It will result in multiple threads running for the user at the same time and could increase your server load.


  • #5

thx Jeff, please tel me how to change number of smtp connection for 1 user ?
I guess this user login with many connection to the server in 1 minute And is likely due to the high server connection it detects an attack But it is not.

(I’m sorry for badly written English)

  • #6

Do you think,
If I value change smtp_accept_max to 300 our 500 from 100 This problem is resolved ?

  • #7

Do you see «too many connections» in your /var/log/exim/mainlog? If not, then the changing of the «smtp_accept_max» setting might not help (of course you might want to check it yourself).

  • #9

I saw the /var/log/exim/mainlog and yes, this user to many connectio to server Every 5 seconds.

  • #10

Run this


grep "too many connections" /var/log/exim/mainlog

Does it show anything?

  • #11

No. Blank display.

Run this


grep "too many connections" /var/log/exim/mainlog

Does it show anything?



NoBaloney Internet Svcs — In Memoriam †

  • #12

thx Jeff, please tel me how to change number of smtp connection for 1 user?

I don’t think you can do that. Check exim specifications for reference to smtp_accept; one place to look, for Exim version 4.40, can be found here (gd.tuwien.ac.at).


  • #13

In this case «change smtp_accept_max to 300 our 500 from 100» won’t give you what you want. So, you might need to debug it, of course if you are sure, that your customer does not try to login with wrong credentials.

  • #14

Thank you dear friend
Where do you think the problem might be?



NoBaloney Internet Svcs — In Memoriam †

  • #15

It’s close to impossible to spoof an IP# at the connection level (it may actually be impossible), so if the logs show multiple logins every five seconds, the user’s connection is probably really making that manny connections. When we’ve had similar problems with our users we’ve discussed with them what may be connecting from their IP#; often it’s multiple users with short retry times for receiving email on an internal network, or that they’ve forgotten a system set up somewhere on the network. You can block the user’s connections but you’ll probably still see information in the logs (that’s what logs are for; to tell you what’s happening).

We’ve always been able to help he user find the problem; we’ve never had to terminate a user for TOS violation for this particular issue. In my office we only check every five minutes on each machine running on our network. Some of my clients check every minute.


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