Сервер самсунг ошибка 189

Код ошибки 189
Телевизионный бренд Смарт ТВ Самсунг
Причина Не удается подключиться к серверу Samsung
Решение Сбросить настройки сети
Профилактика Всегда используйте Домашнюю сеть Wi-Fi. Не меняйте часто пароль домашнего Wi-Fi.

Если ваш смарт-телевизор Samsung показывает ошибку «Невозможно подключиться к серверу Samsung», это означает, что Smart Hub не может подключиться к сети Wi-Fi. Это сообщение об ошибке также связано с кодом ошибки 189. В результате вы не сможете транслировать или просматривать Интернет на своем телевизоре Samsung. Чтобы исправить ошибку «Невозможно подключиться к серверу Samsung», выполните некоторые основные методы устранения неполадок на Samsung Smart TV.

Существуют различные факторы, которые влияют на подключение к Интернету и вызывают ошибки на Samsung Smart TV. Некоторые из распространенных причин:

  • Плохое подключение к Интернету – Если у вашего телевизора плохое интернет-соединение, он не сможет установить соединение с сервером Samsung. Итак, подключите свой смарт-телевизор Samsung к стабильной сети Wi-Fi.
  • Поврежденные файлы кеша – Иногда поврежденные файлы кэша могут вызывать проблемы с сервером Samsung. Итак, очистите файлы кеша на телевизоре Samsung, чтобы предотвратить проблему.
  • Устаревшая прошивка – Если ваша прошивка устарела, программное обеспечение становится несовместимым с подключением к вашему WiFi. Обновите прошивку до последней версии, чтобы устранить ошибку.
  • Проблемы со смарт-хабом – Smart Hub управляет всеми функциями вашего смарт-телевизора Samsung. Если он неисправен, он может быть виновником.
  • Ограниченный доступ в Интернет – Если вы приобрели Samsung Smart TV в другой стране, сетевые протоколы могут отличаться. Для решения проблемы смените регион на телевизоре Samsung.

Чтобы устранить распространенные ошибки на телевизоре Samsung, следуйте приведенным ниже методам устранения неполадок.

Сбросить настройки сети

[1] нажмите Дом кнопку на пульте дистанционного управления.

[2] Навигация и выбор Настройки (Значок передач).

[3] Перейти к Общий меню.

[4] Выберите Сеть пункт в меню Общие.

[5] Теперь нажмите Сбросить сеть.

Нажмите «Сбросить сеть», чтобы исправить ошибку «Невозможно подключиться к серверу Samsung».

[6] Ваши сетевые настройки возвращаются к заводским значениям по умолчанию.

[7] После этого подключитесь к сети WiFi вручную. Это устранит код ошибки. Если вы по-прежнему получаете сообщение об ошибке «Невозможно подключиться к серверу Samsung», перейдите к следующему исправлению.

Перезапустите WiFi-роутер

Если ваш Samsung Smart TV не подключается к Wi-Fi, возможны проблемы с маршрутизатором. Перезапустите маршрутизатор Wi-Fi, чтобы исправить любые проблемы в маршрутизаторе.

[1] Выключите WiFi-роутер и отсоедините все подключенные к нему кабели.

[2] Отсоедините шнур питания от настенной розетки.

[3] Подождите несколько минут, чтобы дать устройству отдохнуть.

[4] После этого снова подключите кабель питания и включите WiFi-роутер.

[5] Теперь попробуйте подключить WiFi-маршрутизатор к Samsung Smart TV и проверьте, решена ли проблема. Если это не решено, перейдите к следующему исправлению.

Мягкий сброс телевизора Samsung

Выполните программный сброс на телевизоре Samsung. Это устранит все фоновые задачи и устранит временные ошибки.

[1] Нажмите и удерживайте кнопку Сила кнопку на пульте дистанционного управления.

Нажмите кнопку питания, чтобы исправить ошибку «Не удается подключиться к серверу Samsung».

[2] Подождите 10-15 секунд и отпустите кнопку.

[3] После завершения загрузки телевизора ошибка может быть устранена. Если нет, перезагрузите Smart Hub.

Сбросить смарт-хаб

[1] Запустите телевизор Samsung и откройте Настройки.

[2] С помощью клавиш со стрелками выберите Поддерживать вариант.

[3] После этого перейдите к Самодиагностика.

[4] Теперь нажмите на Сбросить смарт-хаб вариант.

Нажмите «Сбросить смарт-хаб».

[5] Здесь введите PIN-код, чтобы подтвердить сброс.

[6] После этого Smart Hub на вашем телевизоре Samsung будет сброшен.

[7] После завершения сброса ошибка будет устранена. Если нет, вам необходимо обновить телевизор Samsung, чтобы устранить проблему.

Обновите прошивку телевизора Самсунг

Если прошивка вашего телевизора Samsung устарела, новые функции могут не работать, и у вас будут проблемы с производительностью при подключении к Интернету. Итак, обновите прошивку вашего телевизора, чтобы решить проблемы.

[1] С помощью пульта ДУ телевизора Samsung нажмите кнопку Дом кнопка.

[2] Открыть Настройки меню.

[3] выберите Поддерживать и выберите Обновление программного обеспечения.

[4] Теперь выберите Обновить сейчас чтобы начать обновление.

Выберите «Обновление программного обеспечения» и нажмите «Обновить сейчас».

[5] Всегда включайте Автоматическое обновление возможность автоматического обновления телевизора Samsung.

[6] После обновления код ошибки 189 будет устранен.

Сброс настроек к заводским настройкам телевизора Samsung

Если ни один из шагов не помогает решить проблему, наконец, выполните сброс настроек к заводским настройкам на телевизоре Samsung.

[1] нажмите Дом на пульте дистанционного управления телевизором, а затем выберите Настройки.

[2] Выбирать Поддерживать под Настройки меню.

[3] выберите Самодиагностика и нажмите на Перезагрузить вариант.

нажмите «Сброс», чтобы исправить ошибку «Невозможно подключиться к серверу Samsung».

[4] После этого введите PIN-код телевизора. По умолчанию это (0000), чтобы подтвердить сброс.

[5] Теперь появится экран сброса настроек с предупреждающим сообщением. Нажмите Да для подтверждения сброса.

[6] После сброса ошибка будет устранена.

Если у вас закончились методы устранения неполадок, попробуйте связаться со службой поддержки Samsung, чтобы исправить код ошибки 189. Задайте свои вопросы в службу поддержки, и они решат любые проблемы, связанные с Samsung Smart TV.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

1. Как перезагрузить телевизор Samsung?

Нажмите и удерживайте кнопку питания на пульте дистанционного управления, чтобы перезапустить телевизор Samsung.

Owning a Samsung smart TV comes with a lot of perks. However, just like most other brands of smart TVs, they are prone to errors now and then. One error code you may run into is Error Code 189, “Unable to connect to the Samsung Server. Please update your TV’s software to solve this problem.”

Error Code 189 means the TV cannot connect to the Samsung server. It results from:

  • Using outdated software
  • A weak internet signal
  • Signal obstruction
  • DNS server issues 

You can fix it by:

  • Updating your TV’s software
  • Removing obstructions
  • Making the WiFi signal stronger
  • Power cycling the router and TV
  • Factory resetting the TV

Below, we will discuss all of the information related to Error Code 189 on a Samsung TV. 

What Does Error Code 189 Mean?

Error Code 189 means that your TV cannot connect to the Samsung TV server.

It will usually be accompanied by the message “Unable to connect to Samsung Server. Please update your TV’s software to solve this problem.”

What Happens When Your Samsung TV Cannot Connect to the Server?

Smart TVs need to connect to their respective server to access certain features. When your Samsung TV cannot access the server, you will be unable to:

  • Access Live TV 
  • Use any features that require you to log into your Samsung account  
  • Use the SmartThings app
  • No Voice Remote features 

Apps like Netflix and Hulu typically work as normal.

How to Fix Error Code 189

Even though you could still use apps on your Samsung TV with an error code 189, you won’t have full functionality with your TV.

Samsung has not issued an official solution to this error, but there are still some troubleshooting options you can try. 

Logging Out and Signing Back Into Your Samsung Account 

Server connection issues can be resolved by logging out of your Samsung account and signing back in. 

Logging Out Of Samsung Account 

To log out of your Samsung Account 

  1. Press the Home button on your remote
  2. Open “Settings.”
    Select settings then all settings
  3. Go to “General” or “General and Privacy,” depending on your TV model
    Select General & Privacy
  4. Choose “System Manager.”
    Samsung tv - Select system manager
  5. Select “Samsung Account.”
    Samsung tv - Samsung account
  6. Choose your account
    Samsung tv - choose samsung account
  7. Press “Sign Out .”
    Samsung tv - sign out of samsung account

Once you are signed out, wait a few minutes to log back in. Instructions will vary for older Samsung TV models.

Logging Into Samsung Account 

To log into your Samsung account:

  1. Press the Home button and go to Settings.
  2. Go to “All Settings.”
  3. Select “General and Privacy,” then “System Manager.”
  4. Choose “Samsung Account.”
  5. Choose “Existing Account.”
  6. Go to the URL listed onscreen or use the QR code to sign in 

These steps are based on a 2023 Samsung TV. Instructions will vary slightly based on your model. 

For older models:

  1. Go to Settings -> All Settings -> General & Privacy
  2. Then go to System Manager -> Samsung Account 
  3. Press Sign In/Existing Account, enter your information, then press Sign In again to confirm
  4. Press Done to finish sign in

If this does not resolve the issue, try a different option.

Update Your Samsung TV

Sometimes, turning the TV on and off will fix server issues. However, if that is not enough, the next thing you should try to fix Error Code 189 is updating your device. 

There are several ways to do this: setting automatic updates, updating manually through the internet, or via USB.

Updating Automatically

If the Samsung TV still has an internet connection, it can update automatically whenever new updates are available. To turn auto updates on:

  1. Navigate to Menu, then select “Settings” and “Support.”
  2. Select “Software Update,” then “Auto Update” to turn it on.
    Select Settings, Support then software update

Once you complete these steps, your TV will update as you watch it. Any new features or fixes from the update will be applied the next time you turn on the TV.

Update Manually Over the Internet

You can update your Samsung TV manually as well. To do this:

  1. Using the TV remote, go to Menu, then Settings, then Support
  2. Choose Software Update, then Update Now 

When you press Update Now, your TV will search for updates. If there are updates, your Samsung TV will begin updating.

The installation takes several minutes. Remember not to turn off your TV before the update is complete. 

The TV will restart itself once the update finishes. If no updates are available, press OK to exit the Update menu.

Update Over USB Drive 

Inserting a USB drive containing updated files into the USB port allows updates without an internet connection.

Download updates using a USB connection in the Samsung Download Center. Once there, search by Product Type or Model Number to locate the support page for your Samsung TV.

Find the firmware file(s) for your TV on the support page under Downloads. Install the newest version if there are multiple. Press Download next to the desired files to start the process.

Then do the following:

  1. Once the file finishes downloading, locate and unzip it.
  2. Copy the files in the ZIP to a USB flash drive.
  3. Connect the flash drive with the updated files to the USB port on the TV.
  4. Using your TV remote, go to Menu -> Settings -> Support -> Software Update -> Update Now -> Yes.

From there, the TV will search the USB drive for the files to perform the update and restart when finished. Do not turn off your TV while it is updating.

Restart the Samsung TV

To restart the Samsung TV:

  1. Unplug the Samsung TV from the wall.
  2. Wait 60 seconds.
  3. Plug the TV back in.
  4. Turn your Samsung TV back on.

Once the TV is back on, the issue should be fixed. If not, you have other options.

Power Cycle the Router

ATT router reset button

Occasionally, power cycling your router can clear Error 189. Generally, power cycling a router follows the below steps;

  1. Unplug the router and modem 
  2. Plug them back in after 3 minutes 
  3. Wait for the router to reboo
  4. Turn the TV back on to see if the error is gone

Improve the Signal and Remove Obstructions 

If the internet signal in your home is weak, it will keep you from accessing the Samsung network. An obstructed signal causes the same result.

WiFi signals can be obstructed by:

  • Metal objects
  • Wood objects
  • Walls

You can reduce interference and improve WiFi signal by moving the router closer to the TV or using an ethernet cable. 

Remove any metal objects or things near your router and see if your TV can connect to the Samsung server.

The strength of the signal is also affected by how far the device that requires the internet is from the router. You can use a signal booster or extender to improve signal quality and widen its reach.

You should also make sure that your Samsung TV is connected to the appropriate WiFi frequency.

Add a New Account

Sometimes, adding another account to use your Samsung TV will eliminate this error. To add a second account on the newest models, follow the steps below:

  1. Press the Home button on your remote control.
  2. Go to Settings then General or General and Privacy depending on your Samsung TV model
  3. Select System Manager
  4. Select Samsung Account
  5. Select Sign In and log in with a different, existing Samsung account

You must create one online if you do not have a Samsung account. To create an account, go to Samsung’s account webpage. Follow the prompts to create an account and log in on your TV.

If the problem is due to something related to your Samsung account, this may clear the error code. 

Change the DNS Settings 

Changing the DNS settings can improve your Samsung TV’s connection to the server. To do this:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. For older TVS: Go to Settings > General > Network > Open Network Settings
  3. For newer TVS: Go to Settings > All Settings > Connection > Network > Open Network Settings
  4. Select Network Status
  5. Choose IP Settings
    Samsung tv - IP settings
  6. Go to DNS Setting and select Enter Manually
    Samsung tv - enter manually
  7. Enter and select OK.
    Samsung tv - enter

Once you complete these steps, you will have updated DNS address settings. Check if the error message still occurs after doing this. If it does, there are still other things you can try.

Factory Reset the Samsung TV

Factory resetting a TV returns it to its default settings. You will be signed out of all apps and accounts, and it will reset the smart hub. To do this:

  1. Select Settings -> General or General and Privacy-> Reset
    Reset samsung tv: general then reset
  2. Enter your PIN or 0000
    Enter code to reset Samsung TV
  3. Select Reset
  4. Press OK, and the reset will start

If these options do not come up for you, do the following:

  1. Select Settings -> Support -> Device Care -> Self Diagnosis
    Samsung tv - device care self diagnosis
  2. Run the self diagnosis.

If you forget your PIN, reset it by turning the TV off and pressing Mute -> 8 -> 2 -> 4 -> Power. 

Contact Samsung Support

If none of these options work for you, or you feel frustrated, contact the Samsung support team. 

There may be something happening on their end that is causing the server connection issues. There may also be something malfunctioning with your TV that might be covered under warranty.

FAQ: Common Questions About Samsung TVs

Does my Samsung TV need Internet?

Samsung TVs work without the internet, but you cannot access apps or other features without it.

How Do You Find Your Samsung ID?

To find your Samsung Account ID, go to this website and enter the email or phone number associated with your account.

Related Articles 

  • How to Fix Samsung TV Error Code 116
  • Easily Fix Samsung TV Error Code 102
  • Fix Samsung TV Error Code 110
  • How to Fix Samsung Error Code 107 

Are you just trying to log in to your Samsung smart TV to install other Applications like HboGo etc., and getting Error Code 189? Keep reading this guide to fix it!

Users are facing this error code when they go to log in to their TV to watch any movie or any Video. If you are reading this, surely, you are also getting the same issue. The most important thing is that there is no official information present to resolve this error code.

But if you are at this blog you do not need to worry. We have provided easy solutions to fix this error.

Related: Know-How to Fix Samsung TV Error Code 116

What Samsung TV Error Code 189 Represents?

Samsung TV Error Code 189 represents that your TV software version is outdated means the software needs to update to its latest version. In other words, you can say that this error code is related to the update. The exact error message that might appear on the screen looks like this-

“Unable to connect to the Samsung Server. Please update your TV software to solve this problem (189).”

It is clearly mentioned in the error message that the TV software is outdated and needs to update. 

Samsung TV Error Code 189

Sometimes, when you go to install a new application on your Samsung TV by signing in to your account, and the software of your TV is not updated or it is outdated, then you notice the discussed error on your screen. But, you can resolve this error code by following our methods, which are as below:

  • Use Add Account option by selecting the Plus(+) button.
  • Update your Samsung Smart TV.
  • Use another Account to sign in.
  • Check related forums site for other solutions.

Use the Add Account option by selecting the Plus(+) button

Many people find this method helpful for them to resolve the Samsung TV Error Code 189. So you can also try this method by doing the following steps.

  • Take your TV remote in your hand and press the Home button.
  • Now, navigate settings.
  • Click on the setting and navigate to the System.
  • From here, select the Samsung Account. 
  • Now, Click on the + icon to add the account.

Add Account to fix Samsung TV Error Code 189

A new screen will open, click on the first option, which is Sign in.

fix Samsung TV Error Code 189

  • Now, sign in to the account by entering your Samsung ID and Password.

Try to download the application that you wanted to do and check if the issue is gone or not.

Update your Samsung Smart TV

The second method is to update your Smart TV to its recent version. You can update your Samsung TV using these steps:

  • Go to the Menu button on the Remote.
  • By scrolling down, click on the Setting option.
  • Go and click on the Support button.
  • The Software Update option will appear, click on this to update your software to the latest version.

Now, wait until the process is completed, and after compilation, enjoy watching or installing new software on your TV.

Note: There are some other methods too, to update the TV software. In case the above method does not help, then comment to us below we will provide another method to update your TV Software.

Use another Account to sign in

This method is a temporary solution to fix this error code. Some people find this helpful, so you can also try this method to resolve the Samsung TV Error Code 189. To use this method, first create a new user account by clicking on the create account option in place of the sign-in option.

Further, follow the instructions to create a new account then sign in to the account using new login credentials.

To find new pieces of information and solutions, you can also check related forums and community sites.

That’s all… Hope! this article is worthy to you. Thanks…

15 Fixes: Unable to Connect to Samsung Server

You may receive the error “Unable to connect to Samsung server”when searching for something to watch on Samsung Smart TV. So, read on as we discuss the best solutions in this regard.

So, are you finally free this weekend and looking for something to unwind after a hard week? You turn on your Samsung Smart TV and choose something interesting to watch.

But it shows the following: Unable to connect to Samsung server.

The error message looks like this: “Unable to connect to the Samsung server. Please check your network settings or try again later.”

It shows the solution along with this error message, but the answer won’t solve the error in most cases.

This may mean that the TV is not properly connected to the Internet, or it may be due to an overload issue. As a result of this error, nothing is broadcast on Smart TV.

Therefore, it becomes necessary to solve the problem. But before we test solutions to this problem, we need to understand why the error occurs most often. So let’s deal with them first.

Causes of “Unable to connect to Samsung server”error

Here they are if you are wondering what is causing this error message when trying to connect a Samsung TV to the server.

  • Poor/no internet connection

As already mentioned, the problem can occur due to incorrect settings on your Wi-Fi. This error can be quickly resolved by resetting your network settings or by checking your internet connection.

If that’s not the problem, read on.

  • Corrupted cache

A corrupted cache can also cause issues with your internet router and/or smart TV.

Thus, it may prevent it from establishing a connection with the Samsung server. Clearing the cache may solve this problem.

  • Outdated system software

Running outdated firmware on your Smart TV can also cause the issue. Outdated software becomes incompatible with Smart TV, preventing it from running smoothly.

To fix this, update the firmware on your Samsung Smart TV and check if that solves the problem.

  • Server issues

Another major problem associated with this error is server issues. In other words, the Samsung server may be down or is currently down.

If the main server is down or under maintenance, it will not allow you to connect to the server.

You can check if the server is online or not by connecting to the Action Center service. Even if the server is not disabled, they will help you fix the error with your Samsung Smart TV.

  • Smart hub is outdated

The Samsung Smart HUB, or TV control panel, includes all the features that can be measured with the push of a button.

However, in some cases it can become outdated and interfere with the server, making it difficult to establish a connection to the server.

  • Due to regional issues

Let’s say you bought a Samsung Smart TV in Country A and use it in Country B. In this case, it can also cause the “Unable to connect to Samsung server” error.

This is because the TV is programmed to comply with the terms and conditions of the place where it was sold.

It is not necessary that the country from which it was brought and the country where it is used have the same conditions.

Hence, this is another common reason why the connection may fail.

  • Smart Hub Password

Do you have a complex HUB password? If yes, then this is for you. Although this rarely happens, some people get rid of this error by changing their password to a password with fewer characters.

Therefore, it would be better if you try something with a length of 8-10 characters so that the password does not cause smart TV connection problems.

  • Damaged device

This error will appear if any part of your Smart TV is damaged. This may be related to software or hardware.

Or it could also be that a particular connection-related part is corrupted, although the chances are less.

In some cases, it may also happen that the Smart TV came with defective software installed or it failed to update.

Now that we know the common causes of errors when starting Smart TV, let’s move on to how to fix them.

How to fix “Unable to connect to Samsung server”issue?

Below are some of the most common ways to fix the “Unable to connect to Samsung server”issue. Try following these solutions to get your Samsung Smart TV up and running immediately.

  1. Check Samsung Server Status
  2. Turn off your TV and router
  3. Change smart hub password
  4. Check your network connection
  5. Connect to another network
  6. Change Region on Samsung TV
  7. Soft reset your Samsung Smart TV
  8. Sign out and sign in to your Samsung account
  9. Update your TV software
  10. Reset smart hub
  11. Perform a network reset
  12. Use a VPN
  13. Change IP Configuration
  14. Hard reset your Samsung TV
  15. Reset router/modem settings

Let’s break down each of these solutions in detail below.

1. Check Samsung server status

You can contact Samsung support to see if the issue is with the server itself or your side.

You can contact Samsung techs for live chat support and ask them if the server is down or under maintenance.

If it’s a server issue, they’ll let you know. Even if it’s not a server problem, but a problem on your end, they will tell you how to fix it.

2. Turn off your TV and router.

Before proceeding with the solutions below, it is recommended that you unplug your TV and router from electrical outlets.

After turning off both, press the power button for 10-12 seconds to discharge the remaining electricity. Wait a few minutes before turning your TV and router back on.

Check if this solves the “Unable to connect to Samsung server”issue. If not, try the next solution.

3. Change your Smart HUB password

This trick has already worked for many users facing a similar issue. Try changing the Smart HUB password to a less complex one, and then try connecting the TV to the server again.

You should not get the “Unable to connect to Samsung server”popup again.

4. Check your network connection

Limited bandwidth or poor internet connection can also cause the problem. If you have connected your computer using Wi-Fi, the Internet may be unstable and cause problems.

To fix this, you need an Ethernet network connection to connect to the Internet, or a wired Internet connection.

5. Connect to another network

If the issue persists, it may be due to IP address overload. This is why connecting to a different network connection can help.

If the TV is connected to Wi-Fi, try connecting it to an access point or cellular network.

6. Change the region on your Samsung TV.

You can use this workaround to connect to a server in a different region.

  • Go to Settings.
  • Find a support option.
  • Select the “Self Diagnosis”option.
  • Look for the “Reset Smart HUB”option.
  • Click on Reset Smart HUB.
  • Exit the settings menu.
  • Press “www”on the remote control and open the condition setting dialog.
  • Select the “Settings”option to open the “Terms and Conditions”and “Privacy Policy”screen, but do not accept the terms.
  • To open the Internet service location setting window, press the Mute, Volume Up, Channel Up, and Mute buttons on the remote control in sequence.
  • After selecting another country in the dialog box, please wait 2-3 minutes.
  • Select the skip option in the dialog box.
  • Now you can connect to the Samsung server and even install region-restricted apps on your TV.

Now let’s change the DNS settings.

It should not be available in your region if you get a connection error message when you try to open some websites or content on your Samsung Smart TV.

To unblock these regional apps on your Smart TV, please change your DNS settings to Google.

Change it by doing the following.

  • Go to settings.
  • Go to the general.
  • Click Network.
  • Find the network status.
  • Click IP Settings.
  • Enter the parameter manually.
  • Find the DNS server.
  • Enter or
  • Click OK.

Since Google’s DNS is faster, it will resolve the internet connection issue when trying to connect to regionally blocked content.

7. Soft reset your Samsung Smart TV

You may want to reset the Samsung Smart TV software as it will close all apps running in the background of your Smart TV with accurate RAM data and restart the TV.

To soft reset your TV, follow these steps:

  • Turn on the TV.
  • Then press the TV’s power button until the TV reboots.
  • After rebooting the TV, check the TV for the problem.

8. Sign out and sign in to your Samsung account.

Signing out and then signing back in can also work as sometimes internal glitches will cause sync to get disconnected and signing back in fixes the issue including Unable to connect to Samsung server.

This trick will help your Smart TV to sync with Smart HUB and your account.

This error most often occurs when a Samsung TV stops syncing with a Samsung account.

Thus, regular synchronization of the TV with history and Smart HUB should solve the problem.

Follow the instructions below to do so.

  • Find “Settings”and click “General”. Then click “System Manager”and then go to Samsung account.
  • Select “My Account”and hover over the “Account”icon.
  • Press “Select”on the remote control and click on the “Exit”option that appears on the screen.
  • If you want to use the second method, please click “Reset Smart HUB”after logging out of your Samsung account.
  • On the computer, enter your Samsung account credentials and accept the terms that appear next.

After resetting Smart HUB, check if the “Unable to connect to Samsung server”issue is still there by logging in to your account again.

9. Update TV software

Outdated firmware software can also be the cause of the problem. Outdated software installed on your Samsung Smart TV may not be compatible with the latest features and cause problems.

So, follow the steps below to update the firmware software of your Samsung Smart TV.

  • Launch Samsung Smart TV and click “Settings”.
  • Move the pointer to the Support option using the left button and the OK button.
  • Under “Settings”, click “Update Software”and update the software to the latest version.

If you are not getting the option to update the software on your TV, follow these steps.

  • Download this software from the source site to a USB flash drive using a PC.
  • Then connect the USB to the TV and install the software.
  • Now click “Yes”to download it from there, or “No”to update it from the Internet.

If the issue is with your computer, try using Restore repair to scan repositories and find and replace missing files.

This solution should work for your Samsung Smart TV if the problem is due to system corruption.

Now check if your problem is fixed.

10. Reset Smart HUB

The error can also be caused by a malfunction of the Smart HUB. In such cases, resetting Smart HUB on your Samsung Smart TV can help you.

Here are the steps to do so.

  • Turn on the TV and press “Settings”on the remote control.
  • Navigate to the “Settings”option on the TV.
  • Move the pointer to the “Support”option by pressing the left button and the “OK”button.
  • Locate the “Self Diagnosis”option on the screen.
  • Click “Reset Smart HUB”.
  • Now you need to find the PIN code, enter it in the text field, and then click the “OK”button to reset the Smart HUB.

Note. The default PIN can be “0000”.

  • After entering the pin code, wait for the TV to reboot, and then proceed to set up the TV.
  • Now check if your Samsung Smart TV is working properly.

If the issue persists, try this solution.

  • Follow all the steps above, but stop when you get to the option to accept the terms. So you only need to follow the steps until the Smart HUB is reset.
  • Open the new app you want to open after closing settings.
  • Before you can open any application, a terms and conditions dialog should appear asking you to accept the terms.
  • Open the terms and conditions page and press the following buttons in the given order – Mute + Volume up + Channel up + Mute button.
  • Choose a country other than the one you are in; for example, if you are in the US, select the UK. This will automatically reset all your apps.
  • Repeat the above process one more time and select your country in the same way. Now the problem should be fixed.

11. Perform a network reset

Network issues on your Samsung Smart TV can also cause problems connecting to the Samsung server. So doing a network reset and then connecting to a Samsung server might work for your Samsung Smart TV.

To do this, follow these steps.

  • Locate the “Settings”option on the remote control.
  • Click on the “General”option.
  • Navigate to the “Network”option.
  • Click on the “Reset network”option and click on all the prompts that appear after that.

Wait for your network to restart. If the “Unable to connect to Samsung server” issue is fixed, that’s good. If not, move on to the next solution.

12. Use a virtual private network (VPN)

This solution may or may not work for you, but as we list all common fixes for this Samsung Smart TV issue. Can’t connect to Samsung server issue, we list the solution here.

If you are experiencing a regional issue, you may need to use a VPN and change the country of the TV to the country where it was purchased.

To use a VPN, you can connect the VPN to your router and then connect it to your TV using a wired connection.

Be sure to check your VPN provider and router details to make sure you got through the installation process.

13. Change IP Configuration

DNS servers are used to resolve web addresses associated with various online content errors.

If the system’s or network’s DNS server cannot resolve the Samsung TV’s web server addresses, it may not be able to connect to the server.

In this case, changing the DNS settings of your Samsung Smart TV can help.

  • Press “Menu”and select “Network”.
  • Now select the IP Settings option.
  • After that, configure the IP settings to be done automatically, but be sure to set the DNS settings type manually.
  • Enter in the field to change the DNS settings.
  • Save your settings and check if your issue is resolved or not.

14. Hard reset your Samsung TV

If none of the above worked for you, it might be time to hard reset your TV.

A hard reset will return the TV to its system default settings and then you can check if the TV is working or not, however please note a word of caution before proceeding with hard resetting the TV.


All your settings will be reset with this option, so be careful when using it. Follow the steps below to hard reset your Samsung TV.

  • Open your Samsung TV and go to its settings.
  • Locate the Support tab, select Self Diagnosis, and then press Reset on the display screen.
  • After selecting the reset option, you will be able to enter a PIN code, the default PIN code is “0000”.
  • Wait for the reset to complete and check if it solves the problem or not.

15. Reset router/modem

If the router/modem is not working properly, it may cause the Smart TV to be unable to connect to the Samsung TV internet error.

Please unplug the router for a few minutes and then plug it back in.

It may take a few minutes for the router to reconnect to the network, but then the TV will be able to connect to the Internet again.

If it still doesn’t work, you may need to check your internet connection or move your router closer to your TV for a better connection.

To hard reset your modem if it still doesn’t work, find a small button on your router/modem that you can press with a paperclip or a ballpoint pen.

Please note that when you do this, you will need to reconnect any devices that were previously connected to the network.

If the internet error persists, call the internet service provider that provides your connection and ask them for help.


Here you go. Thus, in this article, we have covered all the reasons why the “Unable to connect to Samsung server” error might be displayed on your Samsung Smart TV and how to fix it.

We hope this article helped you fix the error you were getting!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is error code “189”on Samsung TV?

Samsung Smart TV error code 189 indicates that Samsung Smart TV cannot connect to its server. This can happen due to a poor internet connection or because the Samsung server is down. The Samsung server that is not running is most likely the Samsung authentication server.

However, sometimes, even if all of the above is connected correctly, you may still experience problems connecting to your Samsung Smart TV. Although the chances are less, methods for solving this problem are given in the article above.

What does the “Unable to connect to Samsung server”error mean?

This error message means that the Samsung Smart TV cannot connect to the Samsung server. This can happen for one of the following two reasons: Samsung Smart TV is not connected to the Internet The TV cannot connect to the Samsung server.

What are the causes of the “Unable to connect to Samsung server”error?

Answer: The main reason for this error is a problem with the Internet. This could be because the server is down so you all have to wait for it to come back online. However, if the problem is on your side, the issue might be with your internet connection or the Smart HUB. You can read more about the causes of this error by scrolling to the top of this post.

Samsung smart TVs are one of the mainstream devices that you can use to watch various media content. It supports popular streaming apps like YouTube, Netflix, Hulu, and many more. Most modern Samsung TVs are also capable of screencasting from portable devices like laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

Unable to Connect to Samsung Server 189 FIXED (2022)

But, it can have issues displaying content, especially when it shows the error “Samsung TV is unable to connect to server”. This happens when its Smart Hub is unable to connect to the internet, thus making it impossible to stream from the smart TV’s apps.

This guide will show you what the error “Samsung TV plus unable to connect to server” is and how to fix it using common workarounds. 

What is the “Unable to Connect to Samsung Server 189” Error?

This error shows up when your Samsung Smart TV cannot connect to the internet. It can be due to an offline server, issues with the Smart Hub, and a few others. You’ll notice this error when the following error message shows up on your Smart TV: “Unable to connect to Samsung Server. Please try again later (189).”

Here are the most common reasons for the Samsung server 189 error:

  • The Server is Down – One of the most common reasons why the Samsung server 189 occurs is due to server issues. Unfortunately, this can happen anytime and can only be solved by Samsung. You can contact Samsung Support to know more.
  • Unstable WiFi Connection – Another factor that can trigger this Samsung TV error is an unstable or poor WiFi connection. You can solve this by restarting your WiFi router or resetting your TV’s network settings. If this doesn’t work, please read what to do when your Samsung TV won’t connect to wifi.
  • Smart Hub Issues – Most Samsung smart TVs have the Smart HUB feature. It serves as an all-in-one menu system that lets you access various features and apps. However, it can suffer from bugs and glitches, which leads to the Samsung server 189 error.
  • Outdated Software – For your Samsung smart TV to work at its best, you’ll need to ensure that its software is updated to the latest version. This can be easily done once you have access to a stable wireless network. This should also help if your Samsung TV apps are not working.
  • Location Issues – When you’ve acquired your Smart TV from a foreign country that has different network protocols from your recent location, it may have network issues once you connect to the internet. Fortunately, this can be solved by using a VPN.

This error is experienced by both Samsung smart TV and Samsung TV plus users. So, if you came across this annoying issue, here are some fixes that you can try. Make sure to go over them individually and check which one works the best for your Samsung TV

Fix #1: Power Cycle your Samsung TV and WiFi Router

Power cycling is a quick and easy way to recover your device from most bugs. It doesn’t lose data and therefore is a harmless solution to this error. To power cycle your Samsung smart TV, follow these steps:

  1. Turn off your Samsung TV and unplug its power cord from the socket.
  2. Wait for thirty seconds to drain most of its stored power.
  3. Plug the power cord back in and turn on your Samsung smart TV.

With similar steps, power cycle your WiFi router. To do this,  proceed to these steps:

  1. Turn off your WiFi router and unplug its power adapter from the socket.
  2. Wait for one minute to re-initialize its internal components.
  3. Plug the power adapter back in and switch on your WiFi router.

Then, let your smart TV connect to WiFi and open the Smart Hub. See if the error is solved.

Fix #2: Sign Out and Sign Back Into your Samsung Account

Another trick you can try is signing out and signing back into your Samsung account. It’s an effective solution to account-related bugs which may trigger the Samsung server 189 error. To do this via the System Settings, follow these steps below:

  1. Turn on your Samsung TV and go to Settings > System.
  2. Select General and choose Samsung Account > My Account.
  3. Choose Logout. Then, sign back into your account by entering your Samsung account’s login details.
  4. Launch Smart Hub and check if the error still exists.

Fix #3: Reset Smart Hub

As mentioned earlier, the Samsung server 189 error mainly affects your Samsung TV’s Smart Hub feature. It’s responsible for keeping most of your TV’s apps and features accessible in just one click. To reset Smart Hub via System settings, do the following:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Support > Self Diagnosis.
  2. Select Reset Smart Hub using the remote and type in the PIN for your Samsung TV.

Note: The default PIN for most Samsung smart TVs is: 0000.

  1. Wait for the process to finish.
  2. After your smart TV reboots, access Smart Hub and check if the error is solved.

If the Samsung server 189 error still shows up, try following this trick:

  1. Reset Smart Hub using the steps above but make sure to skip or don’t agree to the Terms and Conditions.
  2. After the Smart Hub is reset, try launching an application. The Terms and Conditions dialog box will show up.
  3. Press the following key combination on your remote: Mute + Volume Up + Channel Up + Mute.
  4. Next, select a different country or region from your current setting. This will be automatically applied to all applications.
  5. Check if the Samsung server 189 error is solved.

Fix #4: Update your Samsung TV’s Software

To ensure that your Samsung smart TV is free from bugs and errors, always remember to update its software to the latest version. Most software updates contain fixes to certain bugs such as the Samsung server 189 error. 

To update the software of your Samsung smart TV, do the following:

  1. Go to Settings > Support.
  2. Select Software Update and select YES to let the smart TV find the latest updates. During this process, your Samsung TV must be connected to a stable WiFi network.
  3. Your smart TV will later reboot after installing all updates.
  4. Once the updates are installed, launch an app on the Smart Hub and check if the error is solved.

Fix #5: Do a Network Reset on your Samsung Smart TV

A network reset will turn all network-related settings to their factory state. This is an effective solution once you’re experiencing a slow WiFi connection on your smart TV. To do a network reset on a Samsung smart TV, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings > General.
  2. Select Network and select Reset Network.
  3. Wait until the reset process is finished.
  4. Reboot your Samsung TV and launch a streaming app. See if the error still exists.

Fix #6: Perform a Hard Reset on your Samsung Smart TV

The last thing to do to solve the Samsung server 189 error is to perform a hard reset. This will restore all settings on your smart TV to default. To do a hard reset on your Samsung smart TV, proceed to these steps:

  1. Go to Settings and select General.
  2. Choose Reset and enter the PIN. The default PIN for a Samsung smart TV is 0000.
  3. Select OK. Your Samsung TV will now start the reset.
  4. Wait for the TV to reboot automatically.
  5. Then, set up all necessary configurations on your Samsung smart TV, such as your Samsung account and WiFi login credentials.
  6. Launch any app and see if the Samsung server 189 error is fixed.

Final Thoughts

Keeping your Samsung smart TV connected to the internet is important to access most of its features and apps. However, you’re bound to face errors such as the “Unable to connect to Samsung Server” error. Hopefully, these easy-to-do fixes can help you solve this issue.

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