Сериал методом проб и ошибок отзывы

Методом проб и ошибок (TV Series 2017–2018) Poster


So funny

I usually don’t enjoy comedy sitcoms, as they are rarely funny and often boring, cliché with second hand humor. I watched this only because John Lithgow. I love his work and I think he is delightfully funny. So I am glad watched the show because I fall in love with it. I love this show so much it’s so original, has a lot of dark humor, witty humor, it’s a delight. I hope there will be many seasons to come. I love all the characters as they each add to the show. Well done! Finally, a sitcom worth watching!

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Trial & Error: Quirky, Fun, Twisty-Turny, and Absolutely Freakin’ Hilarious!

OMG!!! This show is so much fun.

I’m so looking forward to this show’s return! It went on such a long hiatus. It’s about time we have a date for season 2. Every episode was hilarious! I think «Trial & Error» definitely deserves a second season. I’m especially happy to hear Chenoweth is joining the cast! She’s just great! She’ll bring a whole new dynamic I think.

I watched the whole first season in one day because I was so hooked. The best part is I wasn’t expecting to like it. I thought it’d be stupid and cheesy. Boy was I surprised! I was sooo very wrong because it’s such a fun and smart comedy. It reminds me of «The Office» and of «Parks and Recreation.» I so love these mockumentary style shows. With mentioning these, I do want to say that «Trial & Error» is different from these two in that it’s a lot more about the people and their quirks than it is about a workplace.

Another thing that sets this show apart is the many plot twists and shocking moments, which to me feels very innovative; this is not just a sitcom, it’s a serialized comedy.

Another unique factor is that there are some touches of dark comedy and absurdist humor that really give this show its own identity, which I absolutely adore.

So brilliantly cast because the cast does a very good job at delivering funny and heartfelt performances. I genuinely laughed a lot. I mean, Jayma Mays may be the weakest link and that is saying A LOT to me because she’s great!

There’s more than enough potential for this show to go on. Considering the executive producer wishes to make 7 seasons of this show, and I’m totally up for watching them all if they stay this much fun, remain this witty, and uphold this quality.

Oh, and, just for the record: Anne is my favorite! She freakin’ rocks. I lose it every time she’s on the screen. Ugh. Just love her!

If you haven’t been watching this show you’re totally missing out on something so funny, smart, and refreshing. You’ll find yourself laughing so hard you cry. It’s absolutely worth a watch, so what are you waiting for? :o)

I give «Trial & Error» an 8.1/10.

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Such a great show

I am writing the review long after the show was cancelled.

Just want to say I really love the show, it is funny, witty, with fast pace and some unexpected, hilarious twists. The main and supporting actors all delivered stellar performance living up to their characters.

It’s a shame that a good show like this got cancelled way too early, while plenty mediocre ones live on.

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Just goofy fun

Like a lot of people, I’m a big fan of John Lithgow, who is a very versatile actor. He’s one of a select bunch who are adept at serious drama and broad humor, as seen in his turn on «Third Rock from the Sun» and his hosting SNL.

This show isn’t pretentious about the humor. It’s broad and fast-paced in most episodes. If you don’t like one joke, wait thirty seconds or so and we’ve got another one for you. The writers make use of a lot of devices to get the humor across, including some quick-hitting sight gags you need to watch for or you’ll miss them. (As an example, check out the slogan for the health club in one of the episodes as the trial begins.)

Jayma Mays is a bundle of sexual tension in her role as the ambitious DA and is nearly as funny as Lithgow’s character. Sherri Shepherd is great in a sometimes too small part. Overall, the cast is wonderful and seems to be having a lot of fun with the show.

I will say that I don’t know if this is a show that has a lot of staying power, though, because it’s hard to see where it can go after this first season. Still, it’s a very funny half-hour that really is a lot different from most of what’s on right now. The only show that takes the same approach to fast-paced, packed with jokes is «Angie Tribeca.» It works for them and it works well for this show.

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Wonderful and funny! Great Characters

Really love this show. I liked the characters right off the bat, I laugh out loud at every episodes, multiple times. It’s just a good, light, fun show to help you relax and forget about all the sh*t that’s happening in the world right now. I look forward to new each new episodes ;-)

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Another amazing show people aren’t watching

At the time of writing there’s under 5k votes for this show. This is one of the funniest shows in recent years and no one’s watching. NBC decided not to renew for a third season so here’s to hoping someone else picks up the show and the writers are along for the ride.

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Fresh, Fun, Hilarious

Absolutely one of the best comedies in years! ! John Lithgow shines in this as he does in everything. The thing is that every single cast member is Amazing! Seriously, I had no idea how addicting this show was going to be. I can’t recommend it highly enough! We laugh from beginning to end. Every episode somehow finds a way to be better than the previous one. Can’t wait for season 2!

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Nothing like it.

Addicted to this show. Quirky, unpredictable, original, likable and absolutely hilarious. Thought the second season would struggle to compare to season one… I was wrong.

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Lithgow is perfect for ‘Trial and Error’

Warning: Spoilers

With the popularity of true crime shows like ‘Making of a Murderer’ and ‘The Jinx’, you knew it wouldn’t be long before a show came along to spoof them…and this is definitely it!

Starring John Lithgow (The Crown) as Larry Henderson, a roller-skating obsessed poetry professor who has been accused of killing his wife by throwing her through a plate-glass window. Unfortunately for Larry, this is also how his first wife died. Hired for his legal defense is ‘northeasterner’ Josh Segal (Nick D’Agostino), who is assisted by bumbling ex-cop Dwayne Reed (Steven Boyer) and completely ineffective secretary Anne Flatch (Sherry Shepard).

Viewers of the show «Parks and Recreation» might find this show quite similar to that one. Although there were funny lines from all the characters, is was definitely Lithgow who carried the show with his incredible comedic timing and dead-pan expressions. Although the first couple of episodes may have been a little too similar to other ‘documentary style’ sit-coms, ‘Trial and Error’ has one important thing that those other shows did not…Lithgow. And for that reason alone, this show might just make it!

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I love this show!

Perhaps not suited for people that don’t pay attention (there is a lot of stuff going on in the background). I watch it and always mutter that «this show is REALLY WRONG on so many levels (even say «f***ed up often)» but in a good way. It reminds me of «Blazing Saddles» and Animal House and the «Airplane» movies. Mindless entertainment at a time when we need it I think.

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Best new comedy in a very long time!

If you love slapstick characters, fast paced smart writing with endless humor, surprising emotional twists with a murder mystery still being the focus point of this show for the season as a who done it, then Trial & Error is for you.

This show is so ridiculous & is only going to get better & better as the season progresses, think of it as if Law & Order had a love child with Parks & Rec. :)

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This is the funniest television show I have seen in the last 25 years. My family and I laugh the entire length of the show until we are crying!!! Keep up the awesome work. You are the true Kings and Queens of Comedy!!!! The entire cast is beyond brilliant!!!! I truly hope this show will be on as long as Gunsmoke was.

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Great mix of characters, quirky, funny show…

I have loved Lithgow since 3rd Rock From the Sun, back in the day. This is a funny show and the characters mesh very well together. I love his office staff, especially his secretary and her numerous neurosis conditions. The law office shares space with a taxidermy outfit. This show is especially funny if you are southern and familiar with certain southern traits such as our dislike of strong displays of painful emotion («I’ve never seen my wife so upset!» Camera zoom on wife showing no emotion whatsoever). The show is surprisingly tender and sweet, too.

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quirky fun

It’s East Peck, South Carolina. A documentary film crew follows inexperienced New York lawyer Josh Segal (Nicholas D’Agosto) defending Larry Henderson (John Lithgow) accused of killing his wife Margaret. Dwayne Reed (Steven Boyer) is his idiotic investigator and former cop. Anne Flatch (Sherri Shepherd) is the assistant suffering from many different ailments. Summer Henderson (Krysta Rodriguez) is Larry’s adopted daughter. Carol Anne Keane (Jayma Mays) is the assistant district attorney. The second season has Josh moving permanently to East Peck and town founding family member Lavinia Peck-Foster (Kristin Chenoweth) as his new client.

This is a quirky faux-doc legal comedy of quirky characters. It’s The Office except much sillier. It’s generally fun with a light murder trial or two. Astrof and Miller seem well versed in writing and producing TV comedies. The show started out well but continuing decline in viewership meant it only had two short seasons. I would have liked to have one or two more seasons.

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This Show Is/Was Brilliant

John Lithgow? Genius.
Kristin Chenoweth? Brilliant as usual.
The rest of the cast? Absolutely hilarious!
This is the kind of intelligent camp I expect from a good sitcom. The constant banter, the one liners, the physical comedy, and the double entendres are all well written. Even quite a few running jokes and multi-episode built up jokes. Its a lot like modern family in style, and diversity of humor. Was surprised to find season 2 cut short, but the ending left it open to be brought back. I hope someone sees the sense to give it another go before the show, and all its amazingness is forgotten in the annals of tv history.

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Murder Most Silly

Larry Henderson is accused of his wife’s murder. Her death was caused by crashing through a window. He claims he loved her dearly. A young New York lawyer (Nicholas D’Agosta as Josh Segal) is sent down to handle the preliminaries in Larry’s trial. His two assistants—chosen from local talent—are dedicated to the cause, but fairly useless.

The conceit of this comedy is that the viewer is watching documentary footage. This allows the actors to break the fourth wall. Other comic underpinnings are the fish out of water nature of Josh coping with Southern customs and prejudices, the dumb redneck, the secretary who suffers from a plethora of psychological syndromes, and the wackiness of Larry (John Lithgow).

Jayma Mays plays the prosecuting attorney with political aspirations. As a whole, the cast is strong. I found the writing to be funny, but I wonder if it can remain funny by repeatedly mining the same tropes. In the first two episodes, the writers have shown a certain fearlessness. Given the level of absurdity in the show’s premises, there is plenty of room for unpredictable twists. And this is a show ripe for juicy guest starring roles.

Although this is no «My Cousin Vinny», it has promise. And I have laughed out loud enough to make me very interested.

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Funny. Funny. Funny.

Probably one of the funniest network shows to come along in a while, T&E is a work of comic art. Nicholas D’Agosto is excellent at portraying a sweet, totally endearing schlump who tries hard but can’t help but fail, even when he wins. The rest of the cast is terrific as well. The show does have a tendency to repeat the same jokes over and over, but that’s a small quibble in a show that so much deserved to come back for another season. Really worth watching. And laughing.

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Silly, Mindless Fun!

Hilarious, well written series. It just gets better as it progresses. The acting is excellent. Sherry Shepherd is particularly good in her role as a woman who suffers strange ailments for every circumstance. This is total fantasy and laugh out loud looniness. 1/2 hour of pure entertainment!

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John Lithgow should have passed on this series regardless of what they are paying him

After just watching the pilot episode and a second episode we understand that the premise of this series is that a slightly quirky Larry Henderson (John Lithgow) does not seem to be too worried that he is the prime suspect after his wife was apparently murdered and he seems to be more upset that the cable guy is late for his appointment.

So Larry Henderson is being represented by a crack pot team consisting of junior lawyer Josh Segal (Nicholas D’Agosto) who is referred to as a good lawyer because he is a north easterner (another name for someone with a heritage that rhymes with «new»). Josh is picked up at the airport by the lead investigator Dwayne Reed (Steven Boyer) who happens to be an inept former cop who was fired after shooting at his own empty police cruiser after watching it roll away in neutral which was his fault in the first place. Now this dynamic du(d)o is supported by an administrative assistant named Anne Flatch (Sherri Shepherd) who has an endless supply of ridiculous illnesses such as she cannot recognize any face five seconds after she has seen it, she laughs uncontrollably even when there is bad news being relayed, and she faints when she sees a pretty picture. I assume the writers thought that we would find Anne’s idiosyncrasies funny but I barely grimaced, let alone chuckle.

Jayma Mays whose last starring TV role was in the 2009 series Glee plays assistant District Attorney Carol Anne Keane who would like nothing more to than win this murder conviction and see Larry Henderson receive a lethal dose of poison, which she states is the most humane way of ridding the world of Larry who is accused of murdering his wife, who surprisingly happened to die in a similar manner as John’s first wife. Oh and as for John’s reason for killing his second wife it is claimed he likes to lock lips with his male personal trainer.

In summary Trial and Error is a cross between the 1977 comedy series Soap and the 2009 comedy series Modern Family. Unfortunately the first two episodes were forgettable and I do not give this series much of a chance of being extended as long as either of the aforementioned comedy series Soap or Modern Family. I just hope John Lithgow’s salary was guaranteed for the first 13 episodes which is more than I can say this series is guaranteed to make it through.

Sorry John… I can only rank this series a 5 out of 10

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Holy cow, I didn’t think I’d laugh at the bits in a show as hard as I did in The Office.

This show has such an amazing overall vibe! The characters are just brilliant, and each actor plays their role amazingly well!

The screenplay is amazing, the jokes are brilliantly timed and delivered, the production is stellar, the camera work is perfect. I love it. Every single detail, nailed.

Please bring this show back, and give us more seasons! I swear with the right marketing, this show could be HUGE. We’re talking mass-appeal! I hadn’t heard of this till I stumbled across this in Amazon Prime, and I’m so sad to learn that there’s only 2 seasons! Please, please bring it back!

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Trial and Error has an entertaining premise and great acting. The cast is uniformly wonderful though some (Cristine Rose, Bob Gunton) are under utilized. It’s got clever writing, but unfortunately it generates snickers and smiles rather than belly laughs.

I like comedies like «Big Bang», «Mom», «Fresh off the Boat», and «Life in Pieces» and each of these comedies delivers the big laughs. «Trail and Error» doesn’t but it is entertaining and it’s always good to see John Lithgow

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Clever and silly, so much fun!

Kristin Chenoweth was the perfect choice for the second season, she nailed that role perfectly! So wished they would had been a 3rd season, so wanted more and to see how everything turned out. I always laughed from the guy waving the flags shouting, «Lady Driver». So hilarious!

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This is one of the most underrated shows of all time! I don’t know WHY this was cancelled but let’s try to bring it back!!! It is absolutely clever and hilarious. I will always stan Trial and Error!

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Fresh bright humor for broadcast television

Warning: Spoilers


I love John Lithgow, and just about anything he’s acted in. He’s one of my favorite comedic actors for being able to normalize the outlandish. He is the reason I decided to watch this sitcom, but not the only reason I stayed through to the end.

Though I’m from a very rural part of PA (which describes 90% of PA), I lived in Upstate South Carolina for 4 years while earning my Masters degree there. In between my BA and MA degrees, I worked in the high- powered law firms of Washington DC, and continued that career into SC as a side job to my academic career, so I’ve worked in small, single- attorney, South Carolina law firms.

So imagine my reaction to many of the characteristics of this show, as it hit upon personal experiences, personal knowledge, subjects with which I am intimately familiar.

I loved it. Of course, there are — because it’s a sitcom, not real life — inconsistencies with reality, but I enjoyed it’s portrayal of small- town South Carolina, because I met many of those characters. It may rub actual Southerners the wrong way, but as an outsider who observed my surroundings, those characters exist. They exist in PA, too, for the record, just without the charming Southern accent. The way law is practiced in some parts of South Carolina, believe it or not, is fairly accurately depicted. Some of their laws are head-scratchers, just not the ones depicted in the show. Who you know tends to be more important than what you know, and can influence, not just the outcome of your case, but even how it proceeds. I saw this in action. It was not the outrageous example of My Cousin Vinny, where he was told what to wear to Court, and stonewalled on submitting his qualifications — I found that to be ridiculous in the sense they weren’t going for. But a judge and prosecutor making plans in open court for after the hearing? That’s true Southern justice.

My late younger sister, and her daughter, both inherited dyslexia, and though we also found the humor in it, it wasn’t accurately portrayed. Dyslexia *can* work in one’s favor in strange ways, but again, just not as depicted. But kudos to them for using it as a device for the climax of their plot! My sister could’ve corrected their depiction of it better than I can. But still funny.

I didn’t find anything in Lithgow’s character, Larry Henderson, that reminded me of prior TV characters in similar situations. I love how Lithgow made Larry lovable, considering his affair, his lies, and other outrageous behaviors. Henderson had such a happy, cheerful, almost childlike approach to life, he often lifted the spirits of his legal team, of his daughter, instead of the other way around. It seems to me that the writers should have put a little more effort into this, and instead of using the ubiquitous mockumentory style that’s so overused today, they could have perhaps had Larry narrate his story (as an epic poem, of course, since Henderson was a poet), or had an omniscient narrator, or even — if you want to take the genre of the Investigation Discovery true crime shows further, had Larry’s late wife herself narrate the story from a different omniscient perspective. However, I do understand what spoof they were going for, being a true crime aficionado. It certainly was not to copy what’s been done in other *sitcoms*, but what’s done in Forensic Files, 48 Hours, etc.

All in all, despite my review sounding so picky, I thoroughly enjoyed this show, and am looking forward to Season 2. I wonder if there will be another big-name celebrity cast as the alleged criminal in the next season? I wonder what new and strange medical conditions Sherry Shepherd’s character will present with? Only time will tell.

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Сериал Методом проб и ошибок 2017: мой отзыв

Я не смотрю много сериалов, но когда увидел рекламу «Методом проб и ошибок», я заинтересовался. И не пожалел, что начал смотреть этот забавный комедийный сериал.


Сериал рассказывает о жизни обычной семьи из пригорода Лос-Анджелеса. Главный герой — Тед Крамптон (Джейсон Биггз) — работает в качестве инженера в компании, которая производит тостеры. Он старается быть лучшим отцом и мужем для своей жены Кэти (Катрин Дент) и двух дочерей.

Однако его жизнь меняется, когда он случайно убивает своего начальника на работе. Вместе со своим другом-соседом Ронни (Эдриан Лестер), они пытаются скрыть следы преступления методами из фильмов и телевизионных шоу.

Актерский состав

Главные роли исполняют Джейсон Биггз («Американский пирог», «Секс в большом городе»), Катрин Дент («Шоу Эллен ДеДженерес», «Нашествие») и Эдриан Лестер («Простые сложности», «Герои»).

Они прекрасно сыграли свои роли, создав забавные персонажи, которые невольно заставляют зрителя улыбаться.

Забавные факты

— Сценарист сериала Майкл Беллоу признался, что идея для сериала пришла ему, когда он случайно разбил свой тостер.
— Название сериала было изменено на «Trial & Error» после того, как первоначальное название — «The Trail» — было отклонено NBC.
— В каждом эпизоде появляется маленький шедевр искусства в виде картин изображающих животных в костюмах адвокатов.


Если вы любите легкие комедийные сериалы с интересным сюжетом и хорошим актерским составом, то «Методом проб и ошибок» — отличный выбор. Сериями длиной всего 20 минут легко можно развлечься в конце рабочего дня или на выходных. Рекомендую!

Трейлеры и видео

Новый сериал Методом проб и ошибок — Обзор пожалуй лучшей комедии 2017

Методом проб и ошибок

Методом проб и ошибок — Трейлер — 2 сезон

Значение слов русского языка:

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Оставьте здесь свой комментарий и свою оценку.

Опять пошлости

Американцы похоже в большинстве своём комедии без пошлостей и извращений не представляют. Даже у японцев в анимэ такие шутки встречаются только в трэшаках.

Вот и здесь никогда не было и вот опять.

А ведь в основном нормальная комедия про адвоката и его расследования. Он новичок, дело по всем параметрам гиблое, в помощниках убожества, окружающие люди ведут себя странно — хорошая такая атмосфера для производственной комедии.

Я даже пару раз улыбнулсяза 3 серии.

Но проблема в том, что количество раздражающих факторов встречалось чаще. Минимум раз за серию, а это больше, чем по настоящему весёлых шуток.

— один из персов гомосексуалист (грёбаная толерастия),

— шутки на тему совокупления,

— просто глупые шутки, вроде фамилии судьи («лошадиный член», вроде бы).

Итого не плохая идея загублена плохим чувством юмора.

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