Серьезная ошибка код исключения c0000005 vfp9rerr log

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  • We have a mature product that is being used by several hundred clients.  Many of these clients are now starting to upgrade their servers to 2008 and their workstations to Vista.  We are starting to see an inordinate amount of the dreaded C0000005 error crop up with these upgrades.  Of course we have seen this error before from time to time, but it was such a low frequency that we have disregarded it.  Now it is becoming a real problem.  What is worse is that the line of code that is causing the error is usually a «tableupdate()» command or an «end transaction».  This application has exercised this code (it is contained in a base class) millions of times in the past. 

    We are currently using VFP 9 sp2

    I’m thinking it is about time to dump VFP and rewrite the app using .NET, but this would be a monumental task.

    I’m looking for some advise on this.


    • Proposed as answer by

      Tuesday, June 19, 2012 8:48 PM

    • Marked as answer by
      Ed Price — MSFTMicrosoft employee
      Friday, June 29, 2012 11:24 PM
  • >> Trying to explain this issue to clients is most difficult because I cannot come up with a specific reason.  All they are concerned with is that it happens with our application, so it must be our application that is at fault.

    Actually if it is happening on one machine then it should be fairly easy for them to understand that it is NOT your application. After all, the application does not change between machines, so if it works one one machine but not another the problem is in the machine.

    If the FoxUser file is not the culprit then the most likely explanation is either Video, or Printer, driver incompatibilities (interestingly HP drivers are traditionally the most likely but the issues are not confined to them).

    • Proposed as answer by
      Ed Price — MSFTMicrosoft employee
      Tuesday, June 19, 2012 8:49 PM
    • Marked as answer by
      Ed Price — MSFTMicrosoft employee
      Friday, June 29, 2012 11:24 PM


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Помогите разобраться что за ошибка!!!


Дата: 06.08.2010 10:37:02

При пока еще не понятно каких действиях, в программе иногда выскакивает ошибка:

Серьезная ошибка: Код исключения=C0000005 @ 05/08/10 08:18:04 AM. Файл журнала ошибок:

SGI4\VFP9Rerr.log Вызов из — ON… line 65 {D:\sgi\progs\main.prg d:\sgi4\proj1.exe}

и после этого сообщения выполнение проги обрывается. Причем, если обратить внимание на пути, то они почему-то разные. (выделено красным). Как понять, что это за СЕРЬЕЗНАЯ ОШИБКА??? :(
Помогите кто чем может, ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!!


Дата: 06.08.2010 10:45:34


Случаем Касперский не стоит, если стоит отключи активную защиту и проверь.


Дата: 06.08.2010 11:08:00


Случаем Касперский не стоит, если стоит отключи активную защиту и проверь.

Не Касперский не стоит.


Дата: 06.08.2010 11:16:41


Почитац http://forum.parus.ru/index.php?mode=thread&sub=146584


Дата: 06.08.2010 11:28:16

Попробуйте положить файлы RunTime VFP9 в рабочую папку программы. Иногда на компьютере бывает установлен рантайм двух и более разных версий фокса — допустим SP1 и SP2 — и это может приводить к таким ошибкам.


Дата: 06.08.2010 11:38:59

Серьезная ошибка ON…line 65 {D:\sgi\progs\main.prg d:\sgi4\proj1.exe}

Так что же происходит в линии 65 главной программы? может нужно внимательно туда глянуть?

Dima T

Дата: 07.08.2010 16:46:29

чтобы фоксовый EXE не находил рантаймы в других папках можно попробовать создать START.CMD с таким содержимым:

set path=

и запускать START.CMD


Дата: 08.08.2010 12:54:23

или просто положить фоксовский рантайм в папку к программе и забыть о проблеме. Сколько там того рантайма… :)

Dima T

Дата: 09.08.2010 07:29:20

или просто положить фоксовский рантайм в папку к программе и забыть о проблеме. Сколько там того рантайма… :)

Этого «просто» может быть недостаточно, если просто положить английский рантайм например 9SP2, а где-то в папке прописанной в PATH окажется русский 9SP1, то фоксовый EXE его найдет, загрузит и выдаст «несовпадение версии файла ресурсов».


Дата: 09.08.2010 09:28:52

Спасибо ВСЕМ!!!

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  • I have modified an old FoxPro application in VFP SP2 and the final executable(.exe) works fine in my development system. Even in debug mode the application is fine. But when i try running the same build along with the supporting DLLs (got this info after
    googling) in another system it throws out these errors and the program terminates. However these errors are intermittent.


    Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 09/12/14 03:31:07 PM. Error log file: D:\tool\VFP9Rerr.log Called from - load line 0 { load.fxp} Called from - report line 0 { report.fxp} Called from - master line 0 { d:\tool\Tool.exe}

    These are the DLLs i used:

    VFP9RENU.DLL vfp9r.dll GdiPlus.dll

    Why is this happening in other systems ?

    Further checking the Events Viewer, i found this:

    Faulting application name: Tool.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x47139f24 
    Faulting module name: VFP9R.DLL, version:, time stamp: 0x49a31c32 
    Exception code: 0xc0000005 
    offset: 0x0031ad76 
    Faulting process id: 0x17d4 
    Faulting application start time: 0x01cfd0cec9e7d5ad 
    Faulting application path: D:\tool\Tool.exe 
    Faulting module path: D:\tool\VFP9R.DLL 
    Report Id: 633e87a9-3cc2-11e4-8b21-54eb6ccd700b


    Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 09/15/14 03:28:53 PM. Error log file: D:\tool\VFP9Rerr.log
      Called from — load line 0 { loadschedule.fxp}
      Called from — event line 0 { eventscomprpt.fxp}
      Called from — main line 0 { d:\tool\Toolt.exe}


  • C00000005 is not a VFP error but a Windows OS error and it can be issued for many reasons.

    People have there own pet reasons as to why it happens.

    Normally, it is due to an error in the program creating a condition that the OS cannot recover from.

    I have found that the specific Release of objects by issuing the command

    Release obj1, obj2, etc.

    certainly helps to reduce these errors. So if you have issued the command CreateObject() then you certainly need to specifically release those objects.

    Also, if you have invoked external procedures contained in DLLs and APPs, you need to do the specified Close routines in order that the DLL/APP can release its own objects.

    If you do a search on the web site and of the web in general for C00000005, you will get a lot more suggestions as to the cause.

    The English Bob

    • Marked as answer by

      Wednesday, September 24, 2014 9:58 AM

  • There is a known bug in VFP 9 SP2 involving forms with grids called from menu items. Go to this page: http://fox.wikis.com/wc.dll?Wiki~VFP9SP2BugList~Wiki and search for «grid» and see whether it applies here.


    • Marked as answer by
      Carl Cai
      Wednesday, September 24, 2014 9:58 AM

  • One more possible cause:

    Does your code use  RESOURCE  file?

    You have to check SYS(2005)  and SET(«RESOURCE») to answer it.

    If the resource file is used the you should delete all its records. If this does not help or if the resource file is not used then the answer from English Bob could help and then you may continue to Tamar’s hint.

    If nothing helps then compile the app with debug info which could provide better picture about the problematic line of code. BUT it is hard to identify the real problem in this kind of errors and you have to play with your code …

    • Marked as answer by
      Carl Cai
      Wednesday, September 24, 2014 9:58 AM


Сообщения: 78
Зарегистрирован: 18 май 2015 01:48

Добрый день, при пакетном импорте всех прайсов, в 4 потока, стала часто вылазить следующая ошибка, сжатие не всегда помогает.

Серьезная ошибка: Код исключения=C0000005 @ 02/06/2017 21:28:49. Файл журнала ошибок: C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\E-TRADE PRICELIST IMPORTER\VFP9Rerr.log
Вызов из — run_comparetovar2 line 0 { run_comparetovar2.fxp}
Вызов из — main_form_selecting line 0 { main_form_selecting.fxp}
Вызов из — main_form_importexcelrapid line 0 { main_form_importexcelrapid.fxp}
Вызов из — main_form_importprices line 0 { main_form_importprices.fxp}
Вызов из — main_form_timer1 line 0 { main_form_timer1.fxp}
Вызов из — db_select_from_selectdb line 0 { db_select_from_selectdb.fxp}
Вызов из — e-trade pricelist importer line 0 { e-trade pricelist importer.fxp}
Вызов из — q3216549 line 0 { q3216549.fxp}
Вызов из — q3216547 line 0 { c:\program files (x86)\e-trade pricelist importer\e-trade pricelist importer.exe}


Сообщения: 78
Зарегистрирован: 18 май 2015 01:48

07 июн 2017 15:18

А других вариантов нету?
В один поток импорт будет идти несколько часов.
В 4 потока идет 1:20

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 10553
Зарегистрирован: 09 ноя 2008 21:37

07 июн 2017 15:19

AndreyB писал(а):А других вариантов нету?
В один поток импорт будет идти несколько часов.
В 4 потока идет 1:20

Если сжатие БД не помогает — то других вариантов нет.

Greetings, Everyone…

there’s an application I’m developing and when I was stuck, you guys were very helpful in the earlier cases.
so, here I am again.
currently with that good old c0000005 exception error that has been our good friend for a long time.
I’ve read back and forth this forum and others what to do with it but no avail.
so, here’s the thing.
there’s a form with a grid in it.
it looks like this:

the grid is readonly from the user’s side, but constantly updates from network side (it’s a log reader)
the c0000005 error usually occurs at grid update, but quite randomly. sometimes it goes without it for a half day, sometimes it pops out its ugly head after half an hour.
I’ve been trying the following:
— patched the VFP version to the latest — it’s Visual FoxPro 09.00.0000.7423
— got rid of the WITH/ENDWITH constructs
— turned SET RESOURCE OFF — it didn’t solve the problem, but raised others, so I turned back on
— the tables shown in the grid have no memo fields. it consists fields from multiple relational tables, but no memo field
— the form runs in its own private data session with only opened the needed tables
— the error only appears in the compiled EXE, but never in the IDE

I have the vfp9Rerr.log, it shows multiple locations as the source of the error but they’re always somewhere around the grid.

Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.09 08:43:15. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from — watchman.timer1.timer line 22 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from — main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}

Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.09 11:34:48. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from — watchman.init line 65 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from — geplist.commandgroup2.lekerwm.click line 2 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from — geplist.keypress line 19 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from — main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}

Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.09 13:05:20. Error log file: \\Auth4\auth4f\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from — watchman.grid1.afterrowcolchange line 3 {\\auth4\auth4f\naplo\watchman.sct \\auth4\auth4f\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from — main line 5 {\\Auth4\auth4f\Naplo\main.prg \\auth4\auth4f\naplo\proj1.exe}

Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.09 23:51:37. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log

Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.10 00:38:44. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log

Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.10 02:29:42. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log

Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.10 13:50:19. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from — geplist.commandgroup2.lekerwm.click line 2 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from — geplist.keypress line 19 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from — main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}

Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.10 13:52:46. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from — watchman.grid1.afterrowcolchange line 3 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from — watchman.grid1.mousemove line 7 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from — main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}

Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.10 17:57:36. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from — main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}

Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.11 10:56:14. Error log file: \\Auth4\auth4f\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from — geplist.commandgroup2.lekerwm.click line 2 {\\auth4\auth4f\naplo\geplist.sct \\auth4\auth4f\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from — geplist.keypress line 19 {\\auth4\auth4f\naplo\geplist.sct \\auth4\auth4f\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from — main line 5 {\\Auth4\auth4f\Naplo\main.prg \\auth4\auth4f\naplo\proj1.exe}

Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.11 12:02:21. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from — watchman_main.refreshyellow line 18 {n:\naplo\watchman_main.sct n:\naplo\watchman_main.sct}
Called from — watchman_main.timer1.timer line 43 {n:\naplo\watchman_main.sct n:\naplo\watchman_main.sct}
Called from — main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}

Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.11 13:57:56. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from — watchman.timer1.timer line 22 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from — main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}

Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.11 14:47:31. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from — watchman.grid1.afterrowcolchange line 3 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from — watchman.grid1.mousemove line 7 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from — main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}

Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.11 15:33:55. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from — watchman.grid1.afterrowcolchange line 3 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from — watchman.grid1.mousemove line 7 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from — main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}

Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.12 09:51:22. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from — geplist.commandgroup2.lekerwm.click line 2 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from — geplist.keypress line 19 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from — main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}

Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.12 11:51:03. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from — geplist.commandgroup2.lekerwm.click line 2 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from — geplist.keypress line 19 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from — main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}

Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.12 15:39:24. Error log file: \\Auth4\auth4f\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from — watchman.grid1.afterrowcolchange line 3 {\\auth4\auth4f\naplo\watchman.sct \\auth4\auth4f\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from — watchman.grid1.mousemove line 7 {\\auth4\auth4f\naplo\watchman.sct \\auth4\auth4f\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from — main line 5 {\\Auth4\auth4f\Naplo\main.prg \\auth4\auth4f\naplo\proj1.exe}

Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.13 16:18:50. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from — watchman.grid1.afterrowcolchange line 3 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from — watchman.grid1.mousemove line 7 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from — main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}

Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.15 07:32:01. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from — watchman.grid1.afterrowcolchange line 3 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from — main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}

Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.16 12:40:34. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from — main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}

Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.18 11:58:55. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from — geplist.commandgroup2.lekerwm.click line 2 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from — geplist.keypress line 19 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from — main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}

Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.19 14:13:58. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from — watchman.init line 65 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from — geplist.commandgroup2.lekerwm.click line 2 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from — geplist.keypress line 19 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from — main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}

Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.20 10:35:26. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from — main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}

Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.21 08:00:51. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from — watchman.timer1.timer line 22 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from — main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}

Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.21 08:15:55. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from — watchman_main.refreshcyan line 18 {n:\naplo\watchman_main.sct n:\naplo\watchman_main.sct}
Called from — watchman_main.timer1.timer line 11 {n:\naplo\watchman_main.sct n:\naplo\watchman_main.sct}
Called from — main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}

Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.21 12:16:05. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from — watchman.timer1.timer line 8 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from — main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}

Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.21 13:35:48. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from — watchman.grid1.afterrowcolchange line 3 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from — watchman.grid1.mousemove line 7 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from — main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}

Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.24 11:11:07. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from — watchman.grid1.afterrowcolchange line 3 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from — watchman.grid1.mousemove line 7 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from — main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}

Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.24 12:18:26. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from — watchman.timer1.timer line 8 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from — main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}

Any ideas?

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