Серьезная ошибка фильм

Grave Mistake (Video 2008) Poster


More terrible low budget horror rubbish shot on a camcorder.

Warning: Spoilers

Grave Mistake starts as mild mannered mechanic Mike (James Blackburn) is repairing single mother Monica’s (Wendy Andrews) car, as she waits & watches the telly she hears an emergency news broadcast about some sort of zombie virus spreading through the small town that originated at a small cemetery. Before Mike & Monica know it the garage is surrounded by the living dead hungry for human flesh, along with a few other survivors Mike & Monica decide that the safest place would be the armoury but getting there won’t be easy as the town quickly becomes infested with the walking dead. It’s a long journey, it’s a dangerous journey, it’s a journey not everyone will survive but what other option do they have…

According to the opening credits this low budget zombie flick was scored, edited, written, produced, directed & starred Shawn darling who also did the special effects, basically his name is listed during the opening credits for just about everything so i assume this is pretty much a one man band & he has to take most of the responsibility for Grave Mistake being crap. Look, I have nothing against low budget horror but when a film is crap I cal it as I see it, sure I freely admit that I couldn’t do any better myself but the crucial difference is I haven’t tried to make a film & then make people spend their hard earned cash on it. Grave Mistake is as bad as they come really, from cardboard character’s we never care for to random moments that seem like they belong in a different film (what is that Knight bloke all about?) to very stiff sounding dialogue to awful production values to plot holes (why doesn’t any of the group phone for help? The police, the army or even phone family or friends to make sure they are OK? I mean doesn’t everyone have a mobile phone theses days? Then there’s a bunch of people standing around discussing how to get a to a car a few feet away because of all the zombies but they are only a few feet away in the open anyway & where did all the zombies go at the end as that kid walked through the town?) to the expected rip-offs (at fist they hold up in a garage which is a substitute for the farm from The Night of the Living Dead (1968) & later stop off at a supermarket to do some shopping just like in Dawn of the Dead (1978) & there’s a bad The Evil Dead (1982) reference when one character describes the zombies as ‘evil dead’) to the lack of any reasoning or explanation behind anything this is pretty dire stuff & feels like amateur hour at best & a poorly made home film at worst.

The production values are rock bottom here, the night time scenes look like they were filmed on a camcorder with night-vision on & they have this horrible green tint to them. The daytime scenes don’t fare much better as the sky is totally white rather than blue. There’s one character who is openly racist, sexism & beats his own kid although a joke is made out of it & his behaviour which might not sit too well with others & how many times did Mike threaten him not to do or say anything nasty again yet not follow up on his threat? It becomes a running bore & I got fed up with it. The gore is minor & looks cheap, there’s some CGI computer head explosions (how does Monica kill that one zombie with an umbrella yet the umbrella has no blood on it after the zombies head explodes after she opens it in it’s mouth?), there’s a bit of flesh eating, a ripped off head, a severed arm, some bitten off fingers & an electric saw (it’s actually a hedge cutter & where did Monica plug the thing in when she was running around outside?) stuck in a zombies chest & not much else.

The budget for this must have been none existent, it looks no better than your average home movie. The acting ranges from just plain bad to absolutely atrocious, seriously there’s some really bad acting here.

Grave Mistake is the sort of film you just sit there watching wondering how bad it’s going to get as all the negatives stack up against it, those of you who are very forgiving might like this but for those of us who like to be entertained by something which actually resembles a proper film I suggest you give this a wide berth.

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Grave Mistake: Somewhere it lost it’s way

When the opening frames of Grave Mistake hit my screen I sighed, the camera effects were one of those they use when the budget is limited and it looked dreadful. I prepared myself for the worst and maybe that’s why I came away quite surprised.

Grave Mistake though advertised as a horror is more of a comedy and tells the usual story of a group of survivors during a zombie apocalypse and does it quite well.

The first half is full of laughs, interesting deaths and competence.

The second forgets its a comedy and becomes a generic clichéd zombie flick and a distinctly average one at that.

And that is a damn shame as the first half really entertained me and was an example of what you can do to make the most of a minimal budget.

Full of quirky characters, some great deaths, oddly good sfx and some great comedy it’s worth your time but expect disappointment by the end.

The Good:

Great first half

Really quite funny

Interesting characters

Strong sfx considering the budget

The Bad:

Weak second half

Camera effects are shoddy

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Fu-Manchu is a martial art

The creators definitely had a thing for zombie children

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Really, Really Bad

After a man by the name of «Karl King» (Stephen W. Eckles) murders his wife and buries her in a field, he makes an even worse mistake by dumping chemical toxins on her grave which produces a type of virus that causes a zombie epidemic to hit a small town in New Mexico. The story then meanders from one character to another who team up to face this epidemic in a quest to survive. So far so good. However, after the first few minutes it got really, really bad. As a matter of fact, at some point it got so bad that it was actually funny. Now, I initially considered the idea that because it was so funny the best way to watch this movie was to invite some good friends over and serve lots of beer. But as the movie progressed I discovered that it became less funny and more awful and then realized that this could result in the loss of good friends—and lots of beer. So I reconsidered. Be that as it may, other than possibly the actress Tracy Melhorn (as «Linneah Savini») I really didn’t see any redeemable features in this film. Add in the fact that since her role was so limited I now believe that the best thing a person should do is to skip this film altogether. Failing that, I suppose they could probably try the «good friends with lots of beer» approach. But they shouldn’t blame me for what happens afterward because I have tried to warn them.

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this film isn’t a grave mistake to watch.

considering that this was a low budget grade z movie, it was fairly good. The acting in this may not be of great quality but it is an amusing story with some great special FX for a low quality production. The zombies unlike other low budget low grade zombie flicks do actually look really good and the special of the «kills» are actually fairly gruesome. it’s nothing new to the zombie genre but you could do a lot worse with your 90mins than watch this. It is a comedy as well if you look at the characters in this. half of them had me laughing excessively because they were so larger than life over the top characters and even some of the things that they say are fairly cringe worthy but also make a giggle. don’t expect too much from this movie and you’ll have a good time. After all, this isn’t a George A romero film.

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Oh how I hate thee let me count the ways

Why is it that some people waste valuable time and coin creating such tripe. I usually love independent b movies, especially anything zombie related, but this dead mess is beyond redeeming. The horror is not the zombie horde, but the crap plot, crap acting, crap FX, crap directing and so on. I really tried to give chance but couldn’t hold the puke any longer. The script writing is plain dumb. Character are not believable with actors who seem to be all related to the director. This is one of those movies thought up, written and shot in one day on a drunken stupor. The obnoxious dummy what started the infections was just sickening to watch. This has to the the worst movie I’ve ever seen. PLEASE do you mind and stomach a favor and pass this up.

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Better than expected

This film really wasn’t bad at all. It obviously had a limited budget, but compared to similar offerings, ‘Grave Mistake’ produces a surprisingly entertaining 90 minutes of viewing. There isn’t anything particularly innovative here; it’s a zombie movie that follows the usual pattern and uses the kinds of stock characters that can be found in many horror films. Indeed, the film’s strength is that it understands the genre well and therefore fits neatly into the niche it’s aiming for.

The special effects here are surprisingly good as well, considering the type of film. The zombies look a lot better than can be found in most low-budget attempts and the gore is more convincing. It’s a long way from perfect, but it’s not laughable, either.

I think Seth Darling did well in the lead role for someone who has no other credits to his name. Then again, I can’t stand overly Hollywood young actors, so I might be biased :) The other cast members range from okay to awful, much as one expects from this kind of film.

All in all, though, there are worse ways to spend 90 minutes. One to avoid if you want your horror Hollywood perfect, but if you don’t mind a little rawness, it might be worth a try.

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Shawn Darling delivers in every department.

Shawn Darling literally did everything on this film, director, music etc. You name it he had a hand in it.

I really enjoyed this effort and it delivered, for me, all that I was expecting, and more.

A group of people have to fight off the undead. That’s about it really.

Lets start with some of the characters. Seth Darling (obviously related to the director) plays Alex a young boy that is abused by his step father and finds himself with, his abuser, in the group of survivors. A good performance from him. Then there’s Monika (Wendy Andrews) the gutsy female survivor who is a love interest to Mike. She’s so tough that she hardly bat’s an eyelid when her son turns into a zombie and has his head blown off a few feet away from her!!! James Blackburn plays Mike Shaw, your friendly mechanic and ,leader of the group of survivors. He was a believable hero.

Yes it is low budget, but I found a lot to like in this film. The effects were excellent and were a few notches above the budget limitations. The zombies were also very effective and were of the dawn of the dead variety.

Speaking of Dawn of the dead, this is an obvious homage as there are some very similar characters and situations. The survivors hold up in a hardware shop and arm themselves with weapons. There is a black hero who looked very much like Ken Foree.

I got involved in the characters and the step father of Alex was without any moral fiber. He beat Alex, beat his wife and then turns out to be a racist. You really wanted bad things to happen to him.

All in all a good effort that had a good story and some comedic touches and delivers on the gory goods.

Beware !!!! do not watch the trailer 1st as this includes all of the best bits and gives away most of the plot.

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Catacomb of Creepshows #15 (of 50) or good special effects, crappy plot-lines

Try as I might, I just couldn’t get into this film that much in the beginning.. The special effects were pretty impressive for a budget this size, the pedestrian acting I can easily overlook, and unlike, say, Storm of the Dead (another film in the Catacomb of Creepshows box-set) this one had, you know zombies. But none of the plot lines either the kid running away from his abusive stepfather nor the lovebirds angle resonated with me a whole lot. And a zombie survival guide ‘master’ whom acted kind of like Bill Murray in Caddyshack was pretty annoying, but not as annoying as the stepfather character (although I suspect only one was by design) However I like the film more as it wore on, so it’s not totally worthless.

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Warning: Spoilers

Okay let’s be honest. This is not a 10 star movie sober. Unless you have some sort of buzz working, please don’t attempt to watch this film.

The movie was written, produced, directed, and edited by Shawn Darling. He (I think it is a he.) also did the camera, special make-up, wrote and performed the musical score, and scouted the location. It stars Seth Darling- go figure.

This movie is on the order of «Redneck Zombies» but perhaps not quite as «good». A man dumps chemicals, which look a lot like window washer onto a cemetery out in the dessert. The label claims they are chemicals, but the movie shows them as biological agents. Somehow this creates legions of zombies that appear out of nowhere. In town, James Blackburn plays an auto-mechanic. Phil, his assistant is the village idiot who speaks with a lisp and maybe even some kind of Australian accent. Phil has written a manual on how to combat and survive the undead. (Plot spoiler: He gets eaten early in the film.) Meanwhile there is also a small Renaissance Fair going on out in the middle of nowhere. Vehicles seem to die when zombies are around and the cranking noise, that of a vehicle that won’t start, doesn’t match the visual of the turning of the key. The acting is bad by design (I think). At one point our group of people is fighting their way through zombies armed with a pipe, tire jacket, and an umbrella (not one of those with a large point, but one that folds in half).

If you are a lover of Ed Wood movies, check it out. If you love films with good acting and plot, don’t bother. This film would make a top MST-3000 movie.

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Worst film of all time!

Bought a horror movie pack and this was one was in the bundle, so I thought OK I’ll give it a try. My goodness! I wish I could rewind my mind along with everyone who was present in watching this film with me. I understand the idea of making films on little or no budgets (i.e. Blair Witch Project, Paranormal Activity) but this is absolutely horrible writing and some of the worst special effects I have ever seen. I teach at a elementary school and have seen better effects by the kids in the magnet program. I usually don’t write reviews but something about this movie rubbed me the wrong way with it’s perversions and mockery of the mentally handicap along with underlying racism. I also looked up the writer, director, producer, editor Shawn Darling and found that he has been making movies and doing special effects for years, so there is really no excuse as to why he would make such a terrible film. I would strongly suggest he try a alternate profession. Do not waste your time or money on this film.

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Try not to get scared

It spite of the ratting you may not want to watch this alone. This is a very scary movie. I do not know why it got a 3.1. This is very underrated. I give 9. It has a great story line. It also has great special effects. The actors are OK. There are not great. But they are OK. This is very scary. This is scarier then Silence of the lambs could ever be. This is scarier then A Nightmare on elm street and that is not easy to do. This is scarier then Friday the 13th V a new beginning and that is not easy to do. This is scarier then Halloween resurrection ever could be. See this movie it is one of the scariest movies of all time.

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Really Really Bad

This is just a really bad movie. I tried to find something in it worth liking, but I couldn’t find anything. The actors are wooden, several of the actors seem to be faking accents and voices or trying to sound like different people, there are incidents and moments that are completely implausible and the production is just overall dreadful. If you look beyond the zombies, it just doesn’t look like a zombie apocalypse. It looks like an abandoned town. The first few minutes of the film defy explanation. A guy goes out and dumps toxic waste on a gravesite without any reason. Is he a jerk? Does he have a grudge on the deceased? Is he just bored and trying something he saw in a zombie movie? It’s not explained. From there, the film just kind of limps along introducing several of the weakest most boring stereotypes I’ve ever seen. No one in this film is worth rooting for, and when the «apocalypse» finally occurs, no one really makes any attempts to save themselves. The rest of «Grave Mistake» just limps along after that. Bottom line, you can really see the cheap production in this, and when it finally ends, there’s really no big interest in this silly script. Maybe if they made it a comedy it might have been better, but all the references and allusions to other much better zombie flicks isn’t enough to save this. .

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Mixed impressions

Don’t get me wrong, this is a pretty bad movie, but it does have some redeeming qualities. First, the idea of a knight guarding the entrance to an office building was novel. I don’t know if all of the soundtrack was original for this movie, but I really liked a lot of it! I also enjoyed the scene when they cut to a band and went to the renaissance part. Many times, I thought the zombie makeup and effects were unusually good for a B movie as well. Or maybe it’s just that this is a more modern B move than I usually see. It’s worth seeing once.

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Just absolute crap

Could not find anything redeeming about this movie. Crap acting, dialogue, marginal at best special effects and stunts. Such poor production value it makes you wonder how it even got made, and more importantly, why? I guess that explains why it was in a 10 for 1 DVD box combo at Walmart.

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Low Budget Favorite

Seen many time, enjoy every time. I have on DVD, hope one day I can see on iTunes and add to my collection.

Really fun, silly, but fun to watch, it’s been around since 2008 but still can’t find on any channel.

Not really into comedy zombie movies, but this is a very special exception.

The actors are all fun to watch in their own silly way,
Making of this movie must of took a week at the most, but was always waiting for a part two (with same actors).

Well hopefully one day we will be able to watch on YouTube, TUBI, Prime , or purchase on iTunes

Great watching if your ok with low budget.


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My daughter and I thought it was a humerous satire of many zombie film and SCA tropes. Opportunities for side commentaries and puns such as referring to the knight in shining armour as canned food for zombies. We rewound and rewatched the truck scene with the cow song more than once it was so funny.

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10 stars because I felt bad about it

Warning: Spoilers

I’ve spent the day watching 7 low budget zombie flicks, and this one is ridiculous. There is no way to make this movie better, even a remake with Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman would suck. And, I’ve never wanted to see a character die more than Karl, f!ck that guy. The newscasters wig was the best acting, played the hair of multiple characters. But, honestly, its worth watching strictly for the bragging rights. Be warned, 4 words that will change the world. Breast Feeding Baby Zombie. Deserves 10 stars for being the most awesomely bad movie I’ve ever seen.

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Two Wrongs

В ролях:

Джиллиан Зинсер, Райан Блэйкли, Бруклин Лакс, Эйдан Дивайн, Андреа Франкл, Линда Торсон

Фильм Серьезная ошибка (2015)

Описание фильма: Серьезная ошибка (2015)

Медсестра Сара -­ мать­-одиночка. Ее дочери Лорен 7 лет. Однажды Лорен похищают и требуют от Сары взять в заложники и убить одного из ее пациентов…

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Совсем не давно фильмы были доступны только на компьютере или ноутбуке, сегодня вы можете смотреть фильм Серьезная ошибка (2015) в хорошем качестве HD-1080 с любого устройства работающего на (IOS) таких как телефон, планшет, айфон, айпад «ipad/iphone».

Фильмы 2015 смотреть онлайн
Серьезная ошибка (2015)

Серьезная ошибка (2015)

Год выпуска: 2015
Оригинальное название: Two Wrongs

Страна: Канада
Длительность: 88 мин. / 01:28
Качество: HDTV
Дата выхода (Премьера): 7 июня 2015
Жанр: Триллеры / Фильмы 2015

Описание: Главная героиня ленты «Серьёзная ошибка» — Сара, одинокая мать семилетней девочки, а по совместительству медсестра в больнице, пациент которой становится главной целью преступников. Однажды дочь Сары похитили и намеревались вернуть ребёнка только при условии, что она убьёт своего пациента. Разрываясь между жизнью дочери и пациента, девушка впадает в отчаяние, ведь она в силу своей профессии должна спасать жизни и ни в коем случае не отнимать их. Но любовь матери к собственному ребёнку настолько сильна, что та ради спасения своего чада может совершить немыслимые поступки, в итоге ставшие роковыми ошибками. Теперь героиня просто разрывается между чувством долга и любимым человеком. Сара по мере поступления разных требований выполняет всё, чего хотят преступники, только те никак не могут остановиться и не возвращают девочку домой. Чтобы она не предприняла, вернуть ребенка ей не удаётся. Похитители продолжают играть на материнских чувствах и отказываются идти на какие-либо компромиссы. Сможет ли девушка пойти на убийство ради дочери? Удастся ли вернуть девочку домой живой и невредимой?

Смотерть фильм в хорошем качестве бесплатной


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