Scilab ошибка 144


This page gives the table of the predefined error messages, and
their associated error number. Some of these error messages are used by
Scilab itself for parser errors or specific builtin errors. Some others
are of a more general use and can be used in Scilab functions. The starred
ones are those for which the syntax error(n,pos) is

1 «Incorrect assignment.»

2 «Invalid factor.»

3 «Waiting for right parenthesis.»

4 «Undefined variable: %s»

5 «Inconsistent column/row dimensions.»

6 «Inconsistent row/column dimensions.»

7 «Dot cannot be used as modifier for this operator.»

8 «Inconsistent addition.»

9 «Inconsistent subtraction.»

10 «Inconsistent multiplication.»

11 «Inconsistent right division.»

12 «Inconsistent left division.»

13 «Redefining permanent variable.»

14 «Eye variable undefined in this context.»

15 «Submatrix incorrectly defined.»

16 «Incorrect command!»

18 «Too many variables.»

19 «Problem is singular.»

* 20 «Wrong type for argument #%d: Square matrix expected.»

21 «Invalid index.»

22 «Recursion problems. Sorry…»

23 «Matrix norms available are 1, 2, inf, and fro.»

24 «Convergence problem…»

25 «Bad call to primitive: %s»

26 «Too complex recursion! (recursion tables are full)»

27 «Division by zero…»

28 «Empty function…»

29 «Matrix is not positive definite.»

30 «Invalid exponent.»

31 «Incorrect string.»

32 «singularity of log or tan function»

33 «too many «»:»»»

34 «Incorrect control instruction syntax.»

34 «Syntax error in a ‘%s’ instruction.»

* 36 «Wrong input argument #%d.»

* 37 «Incorrect function at line %d.»

38 «Wrong file name.»

39 «Incorrect number of input arguments.»

40 «Waiting for end of command.»

41 «Incompatible output argument.»

42 «Incompatible input argument.»

43 «Not implemented in scilab…»

* 44 «Wrong argument %d.»

* 45 «null matrix (argument # %d).»

46 «Incorrect syntax.»

47 » end or else is missing…»

* 48 » input line longer than buffer size: %d»

49 «Incorrect file or format.»

50 «Subroutine ‘%s’ not found.»

* 52 «Wrong type for argument #%d: Real matrix expected.»

* 53 «Wrong type for input argument #%d: Real or complex matrix

* 54 «Wrong type for input argument #%d: Polynomial expected.»

* 55 «Wrong type for argument #%d: String expected.»

* 56 «Wrong type for argument #%d: List expected.»

57 «Problem with comparison symbol…»

58 «Function has no input argument…»

59 «Function has no output.»

60 «Wrong size for argument: Incompatible dimensions.»

61 «Direct access : give format.»

* 62 «End of file at line %d.»

* 63 «%d graphic terminal?»

64 «Integration fails.»

* 65 «%d: logical unit already used.»

66 «No more logical units available!»

67 «Unknown file format.»

68 «Fatal error!!! Your variables have been saved in the file :

69 «Floating point exception.»

72 «%s is not valid in this context.»

73 «Error while linking.»

74 «Leading coefficient is zero.»

75 «Too high degree (max 100).»

* 76 «for x=val with type(val)=%d is not implemented in

77 «%s: Wrong number of input arguments.»

78 «%s: Wrong number of output arguments.»

79 «Indexing not allowed for output arguments of resume.»

80 «Incorrect function (argument n: %d).»

81 «%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Real or complex matrix

82 «%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Real matrix expected.»

83 «%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Real vector expected.»

84 «%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Scalar expected.»

85 «Host does not answer…»

86 «Uncontrollable system.»

87 «Unobservable system.»

88 «sfact: singular or asymmetric problem.»

* 89 «Wrong size for argument #%d.»

* 90 «Wrong type for argument #%d: Transfer matrix expected.»

* 91 «Wrong type for argument #%d: In state space form

* 92 «Wrong type for argument #%d: Rational matrix expected.»

* 93 «Wrong type for argument #%d: In continuous time

* 94 «Wrong type for argument #%d: In discrete time expected.»

* 95 «Wrong type for argument #%d: SISO expected.»

* 96 «time domain of argument #%d is not defined.»

* 97 «Wrong type for argument #%d: A system in state space or
transfer matrix form expected.»

98 «Variable returned by scilab argument function is

* 99 «Elements of %dth argument must be in increasing order.»

* 100 «Elements of %dth argument are not in (strictly) decreasing

* 101 «Last element of %dth argument <> first.»

102 «Variable or function %s are not in file.»

103 «Variable %s is not a valid rational function.»

104 «Variable %s is not a valid state space representation.»

105 «Undefined function.»

106 «Function name already used.»

* 107 «Too many functions are defined (maximum #:%d).»

108 «Too complex for scilab, may be a too long control

109 «Too large, can’t be displayed.»

110 «%s was a function when compiled but is now a primitive!»

111 «Trying to re-define function %s.»

112 «No more memory.»

113 «Too large string.»

114 «Too many linked routines.»

115 «Stack problem detected within a loop.»

* 116 «Wrong value for argument #%d.»

* 117 «List element number %d is Undefined.»

* 118 «Wrong type for argument #%d: Named variable not an expression

120 «Indices for non-zero elements must be given by a 2 column

121 «Incompatible indices for non-zero elements.»

* 122 «Logical unit number should be larger than %d.»

123 «Function not bounded from below.»

125 «Problem may be unbounded: too high distance between two
consecutive iterations.»

126 «Inconsistent constraints.»

127 «No feasible solution.»

128 «Degenerate starting point.»

129 «No feasible point has been found.»

130 «Optimization fails: back to initial point.»

131 «optim: Stop requested by simulator (ind=0)»

132 «optim: Wrong input parameters.»

133 «Too small memory.»

134 «optim: Problem with initial constants in simul.»

135 «optim : Bounds and initial guess are incompatible.»

136 «optim : This method is NOT implemented.»

137 «NO hot restart available in this method.»

138 «optim: Incorrect stopping parameters.»

139 «optim: Incorrect bounds.»

140 «Variable : %s must be a list»

* 141 «Incorrect function (argument n: %d).»

* 142 «Hot restart: dimension of working table (argument

143 «optim:: df0 must be positive !»

144 «Undefined operation for the given operands.»

201 «%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Real or complex matrix

202 «%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Real matrix expected.»

203 «%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Real vector expected.»

* 204 «%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Scalar expected.»

205 «%s: Wrong size for argument #%d: (%d,%d) expected.»

206 «%s: Wrong size for argument #%d: %d expected.»

207 «%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Matrix of strings

208 «%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Boolean matrix

209 «%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Matrix expected.»

210 «%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: List expected.»

211 «%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Function or string (external
function) expected.»

212 «%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Polynomial expected.»

213 «%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Working integer matrix

214 «Argument #%d of %s: wrong type argument, expecting a

* 215 «%dth argument type must be boolean.»

* 216 «Wrong type for argument #%d: Boolean or scalar

* 217 «Wrong type for argument #%d: Sparse matrix of scalars

* 218 «Wrong type for argument #%d: Handle to sparse lu factors

* 219 «Wrong type argument #%d: Sparse or full scalar matrix

220 «Null variable cannot be used here.»

221 «A sparse matrix entry is defined with two different values.»

222 «%s not yet implemented for full input parameter.»

223 «It is not possible to redefine the %s primitive this way (see

224 «Type data base is full.»

225 «This data type is already defined.»

226 «Inequality comparison with empty matrix.»

227 «Missing index.»

228 «reference to the cleared global variable %s.»

229 «Operands of / and \ operations must not contain NaN or

230 «semi def fails.»

231 «Wrong type for first input argument: Single string

232 «Entry name not found.»

233 «Maximum number of dynamic interfaces reached.»

234 «link: expecting more than one argument.»

235 «link: problem with one of the entry point.»

236 «link: the shared archive was not loaded.»

237 «link: Only one entry point allowed on this operating

238 «link: First argument cannot be a number.»

239 «You cannot link more functions, maxentry reached.»

240 «File ‘%s’ already exists or directory write access

241 «File ‘%s’ does not exist or read access denied.»

242 «Binary direct access files must be opened by ‘file’.»

243 «C file logical unit not allowed here.»

244 «Fortran file logical unit not allowed here.»

* 245 «No input file associated to logical unit %d.»

246 «function not defined for given argument type(s)»

247 «Wrong value for argument #%d: the lu handle is no more

* 248 «Wrong value for argument #%d: Valid variable name

* 249 «Wrong value for argument #%d: Empty string expected.»

250 «Recursive extraction is not valid in this context.»

251 «bvode: ipar dimensioned at least 11.»

252 «bvode: ltol must be of size ipar(4).»

253 «bvode: fixpnt must be of size ipar(11).»

254 «bvode: ncomp < 20 requested.»

255 «bvode: m must be of size ncomp.»

256 «bvode: sum(m) must be less than 40.»

257 «bvode: sum(m) must be less than 40.»

258 «bvode: input data error.»

259 «bvode: no. of subintervals exceeds storage.»

260 «bvode: The collocation matrix is singular.»

261 «Interface property table is full.»

* 262 «Too many global variables! , max number is %d.»

263 «Error while writing in file,(disk full or deleted file.»

* 264 «Wrong value for argument #%d: Must not contain NaN or

265 «A and B must have equal number of rows.»

266 «A and B must have equal number of columns.»

267 «A and B must have equal dimensions.»

* 268 «Invalid return value for function passed in arg %d.»

* 269 «Wrong value for argument #%d: eigenvalues must have negative
real parts.»

* 270 «Wrong value for argument #%d: eigenvalues modulus must be less
than one.»

* 271 «Size varying argument a*eye(), (arg %d) not allowed

272 «endfunction is missing.»

273 «Instruction left hand side: waiting for a dot or a left

274 «Instruction left hand side: waiting for a name.»

275 «varargout keyword cannot be used here.»

276 «Missing operator, comma, or semicolon.»

277 «Too many commands defined.»

278 «%s: Input arguments should have the same formal variable

Please avoid using this list since it might change in a future release.


list of main standard errors messages


  • Messages
    • Checking Arguments numbers
    • Checking container and content types and encoding
    • Checking sizes
    • Checking values
    • Inter-arguments constrains
    • Files, directories
    • Dynamical systems
    • Miscellaneous
  • Examples
  • See also


This page gives a non-exhaustive list of the main standard predefined error messages
used in Scilab itself. These messages can be used in external codes as well.

Whatever is the current Scilab session language, the english version of a message is used
as message identifier by the gettext() translation system.
The listed messages are used in Scilab itself.

Please avoid using double-quotes » inside messages: single quotes ‘ must be used
or prefered instead.

A message may include some tags starting with the «%» symbol. These tags follow
a C-like syntax (see printf() conversion rules).
They aim to be replaced with custom contents, in order to customize the standard
with local data, thanks to msprintf. To include a true
«%» character in such a message, use «%%».

Standard messages must start with «%s» and end with «\n». The heading «%s» will be
replaced with the name of the function in which the error occurs.

Checking arguments numbers

Input arguments:

"%s: Wrong number of input arguments.\n"
"%s: Wrong number of input arguments: %d expected.\n"
"%s: Wrong number of input arguments: %d or %d expected.\n"
"%s: Wrong number of input arguments: %d to %d expected.\n"
"%s: Wrong number of input arguments: At least %d expected.\n"
"%s: Wrong number of input arguments: At most %d expected.\n"

Ouput arguments:

"%s: Wrong number of output arguments: %d expected.\n"
"%s: Wrong number of output arguments: %d to %d expected.\n"

Checking container and content types

Wrong content type:

"%s: Argument #%d: Boolean(s) expected.\n"

"%s: Argument #%d: Encoded integer expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Encoded integer of type (%s) expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Integer expected.\n"         // integer-encoded or decimal-encoded
"%s: Argument #%d: Decimal integer expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Decimal number expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Decimal or complex number expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Complex number expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Complex number not supported.\n"

"%s: Argument #%d: Polynomial expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Rational fraction expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Polynomial or rational expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Real polynomial expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Real rational expected.\n"

"%s: Argument #%d: Text(s) expected.\n"

"%s: Argument #%d: Graphic handle expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Graphic handle of type ''%s'' expected.\n"

"%s: Argument #%d: Function expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Transfer function expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Linear state space expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: %s expected.\n"

"%s: Type %s is not implemented.\n"

Wrong container:

"%s: Argument #%d: List expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Cell expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Structure expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: M-list expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: T-list of type %s expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: %s expected.\n"

Wrong encoding:

"%s: Argument #%d: Sparse matrix expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Dense matrix expected.\n"

Checking container’s dimension and sizes

Dimensions / sizes / shape of the container:

  • «array» applies to Cells and Structures
  • «Scalar», «Row», «Column» apply to matrices as well as to other arrays
    (Cells and Structures)
"%s: Argument #%d: Non-empty matrix expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Empty matrix expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Scalar (1 element) expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Row expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Column expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Vector expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Row with %d elements expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Column with %d elements expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Vector with %d elements expected.\n"

"%s: Argument #%d: Matrix expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Square matrix expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: %d-by-%d matrix expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Matrix with %d rows expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Matrix with %d columns expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Matrix with %s rows expected.\n"    // %s is more general ; it could be used for a range
"%s: Argument #%d: Matrix with %s columns expected.\n" // idem
"%s: Argument #%d: 2D-array expected.\n"

"%s: Argument #%d: Hypermatrix expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: %dD hypermatrix expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: %dD array expected.\n"

"%s: Argument #%d: %d-element list expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: List of %d to %d elements expected.\n"

"%s: Argument #%d: %s expected.\n"
"%s: Implicit size not supported.\n"
"%s: Hypermatrix not supported.\n"


"%s: Argument #%d: string length %s %d characters expected.\n" // '='|'>'|'>='|'<' ...etc

Checking values

Wrong values:

"%s: Argument #%d: Must be in the interval [%s, %s].\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Must be in the interval [%d, %d].\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Must be in the interval %s.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Must be < %d.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Must be > %d.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Must be <= %d.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Must be >= %d.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Inf value forbidden.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Nan value forbidden.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Inf and Nan values forbidden.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: ''%s'' expected .\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Must be in the set {%s}.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Non-negative integers expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Elements must be in increasing order.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Elements must be in decreasing order.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Elements must be in strictly increasing order.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Elements must be in strictly decreasing order.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: An integer value expected.\n"

"%s: Argument #%d: Unknown or unexpected property name ''%s''.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Wrong type of graphic handle: ''%s'' expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: The %s handle is no longer valid.\n"  // Graphic, XML, lu etc handles
"%s: Argument #%d: Wrong color specification.\n"

Note that the error message for intervals is special: any type of interval like
[#, #], (#, #], [#, #), (#, #) (-oo, #], [#, oo), etc can be conveniently specified
within the same generic message. Bounds formatting and replacement must be performed
with msprintf(..)

Inter-Arguments constrains checking:

"%s: Arguments #%d and #%d: Incompatible sizes.\n"
"%s: Arguments #%d and #%d: Same sizes expected.\n"
"%s: Arguments #%d and #%d: Same numbers of columns expected.\n"
"%s: Arguments #%d and #%d: Same numbers of rows expected.\n"
"%s: Arguments #%d and #%d: Same numbers of elements expected.\n"
"%s: Arguments #%d and #%d: Same types expected.\n"
"%s: Arguments #%d and #%d: Same formal variable expected.\n"  // polynomials and rationals

Files, directories

"%s: Cannot open file ''%s''.\n"
"%s: The file ''%s'' does not exist.\n"
"%s: File ''%s'': Read access denied.\n"
"%s: File ''%s'' already exists or directory write access denied.\n"
"%s: Error while copying the file ''%s'' to the directory ''%s''.\n"
"%s: The file ''%s'' cannot be written.\n"
"%s: The file ''%s'' is not well formated at line %d\n"
"%s: Cannot close the file ''%s''.\n"
"%s: End of file at line %d.\n"
"%s: Binary direct access files must be opened by ''file''.\n"
"%s: C file logical unit not allowed here.\n"
"%s: Fortran file logical unit not allowed here.\n"
"%s: No input file associated to logical unit %d.\n"

Dynamical systems

"%s: Argument #%d: Transfer matrix expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: In state space form expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: In continuous time expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: In discrete time expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: SISO expected.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Undefined time domain.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: Invalid state space representation.\n"
"%s: Argument #%d: A system in state space or transfer matrix form expected.\n"


"%s: No more memory.\n"
"%s: No more memory: %d requested, %d available.\n"
"%s: Non implemented feature.\n"
"%s: Inconsistent addition.\n"
"%s: Inconsistent multiplication.\n"
"%s: The problem is singular.\n"
"%s: Division by 0...\n"
"%s: Invalid index.\n"
"%s: ''%s'' expected instead of ''%s''.\n"
"%s: Recursion limit reached.\n"
"%s: Recursion problems. Sorry...\n"
"%s: Convergence problem...\n"

"%s: Incorrect syntax.\n"
"%s: Incorrect assignment.\n"
"%s: Subroutine ''%s'' not found.\n"
"%s: Bad call to primitive ''%s''.\n"
"%s: Dot cannot be used as modifier for this operator.\n"
"%s: Problem with comparison symbol...\n"
"%s: Missing operator, comma, or semicolon.\n"


lang0 = getlanguage();
setlanguage fr;

msg = _("%s: Wrong number of input arguments: %d or %d expected.\n")
error(msprintf(msg, "myfun", 2, 3))

msg = _("%s: Argument #%d: Must be in the set {%s}.\n")
error(msprintf(msg, "myfun", 2, "''r'' ''c''"))

msg = _("%s: Non implemented feature.\n")
error(msprintf(msg, "myfun"))


msg = _("%s: Argument #%d: Encoded integer of type (%s) expected.\n")
error(msprintf(msg, "myfun", 1, "uint16"))

msg = _("%s: Argument #%d: The %s handle is no longer valid.\n")
error(msprintf(msg, "myfun", 3, _("graphic")))
--> msg = _("%s: Wrong number of input arguments: %d or %d expected.\n")
 msg  =
 %s : Nombre erroné d'arguments d'entrée : %d ou %d attendus.\n

--> error(msprintf(msg, "myfun", 2, 3))
myfun : Nombre erroné d'arguments d'entrée : 2 ou 3 attendus.

--> msg = _("%s: Argument #%d: Must be in the set {%s}.\n")
 msg  =
 %s : Argument #%d : doit être dans l'ensemble {%s}.\n

--> error(msprintf(msg, "myfun", 2, """r"" ""c"""))
myfun : Argument #2 : doit être dans l'ensemble {"r" "c"}.

--> msg = _("%s: Non implemented feature.\n")
 msg  =
 %s : Fonction non implémentée\n

--> error(msprintf(msg, "myfun"))
myfun : Fonction non implémentée

--> setlanguage(lang0);

--> msg = _("%s: Argument #%d: Encoded integer of type (%s) expected.\n");
--> error(msprintf(msg, "myfun", 1, "uint16"))

myfun: Argument #1: Encoded integer of type (uint16) expected.

--> msg = _("%s: Argument #%d: The %s handle is no longer valid.\n");
--> error(msprintf(msg, "myfun", 3, _("graphic")))

myfun: Argument #3: The graphic handle is no longer valid.

See also

  • error — reports a run time error
  • gettext — indexes or/and translates some indexed english messages
  • msprintf — converts, formats, and writes data in a string
  • printf_conversion — mprintf, msprintf, mfprintf C-format specifications
  • warning — warning messages
  • lasterror — get last recorded error message


Version Description
6.0.0 Error numbers can no longer be used alone. There are now optional (default
= 10000) and local (set at each error() call).



Хотя инструкция не рекомендует задавать вопросы. Моя тема в форуме это всё-таки вопрос.
Суть дела в следующем. Опущу физику задачи. Решается конечная последовательность квадратных уравнений, коэффициенты которых определяются из рекуррентных соотношений. Для каждого уравнения вычисляется также из рекуррентных соотношений область допустимых значений. Для каждой пары корней выбирается один, соответствующий ОДЗ. Осуществляется это в цикле с помощью двух операторов if. Выглядит это так

A3 = zeros(1,q)

for i = 1:q

if (D1(1,i)>AN(i))and(D1(1,i) < AH(i)) then A3(1,i) = D1(1,i)


if (D1(2,i)>AN(i))and(D1(2,i)<AH(2,i)) then A3(1,i) = D1(2,i)



На консоле появляется сообщение

if (D1(1,i) > AN(i))and(D1(1,i) < AH(i)) then A3(1,i) = D1(1,i)

!—error 144

Операция для заданных операндов не определена.
отметьте или определите функцию %s_2_s как перегружаемую.
Что я делал:

1. Проверил распечатыванием типы переменных и их размерности;

2. Упростил логическую конструкцию до одного условия;

3. Проверил размерности массивов;

4 Уменьшил размерность массивов до 2 и соответственно в цикле количество итераций уменьшил до 2.

Всякий раз, когда выполнение программы подходило к if, появлялось сообщение, приведённое выше.
Установил я 5-ую версию scilab. Возможно это внутренние какие-то проблемы у программной среды? Надеюсь, кто-нибудь сталкивался с такими вещами. С уважением Станислав

пятница, 24 июля 2020

Всем доброго времени суток! Кто нибудь может объяснить, почему в цикле при появлении оператора if появляется сообщение кода ошибки 144 «Операция для заданных операндов не определена. отметьте или определите функцию %s_1_s как перегружаемую.»

 scilab, ошибка, функция, цикл

Студворк — интернет-сервис помощи студентам

почему то выдает ошибку, хотя делал по книжке
решение системы линейных алгебраических уравнений
x1 − 2x2 + 3×3 − 2×4 = −6
x1 + x2 − 2×3 − 3×4 = −8
3×1 − 2×2 − x3 + 2×4 = 4
2×1 + 3×2 + 2×3 + x4 = 8

делал через фаил сценарий,
—>exec(’C:\Program Files (x86)\scilab-5.4.1\111.sce’); disp(’exec done’);
выдает !—error 2
Неправильный множитель. подскажите пожалуйста в чем ошибка
A=[1 -1 3 -2;1 1 -2 -3;3 -2 -1 2;2 3 2 1];
d(1)=det(A1); d(2)=det(A2); d(3)=det(A3); d(4)=det(A4);

Добавлено через 10 минут
спасибо,исправил в матрице, но все равно выдает туже ошибку
!—error 2
Неправильный множитель.

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