Scilab ошибка 10000

Hi I am new to scilab and don’t have much mathematical background.
I have been following code for another example and am being shown error 10000 for the following code:

function [z]=f(x,y)




disp("x      y")

function z=fe(x)


for i=1:n

plot (x,y,'ro',xe, ye,'-b');legend ('rk4','Exact',3);
xtitle('solving dy/dx=k(1-y/ym)y','x','y');

I have worked through several other error messages. I am lost and don’t know if the problem is in the code or the way I set up the problem. The following is the current error message:

!--error 10000 
plot: Wrong size for input argument #2: A non empty matrix expected.
at line      57 of function checkXYPair called by :  
at line     235 of function plot called by :  
plot (x,y,'ro',xe, ye,'-b');legend ('rk4','Exact',3);
at line      25 of exec file called by : 

I would appreciate any help.

I am new to Scilab, but I do have MatLab and Octave experience. I’m just starting to write custom functions and when I try to load them into Scilab, I get the following error.

!--error 10000 
listvarinfile: Wrong variable type (1.686D+08) found in '<pathname>\test.sci'. File may be wrong or corrupted.
at line      50 of function listvarFunction called by :  
at line      29 of function listvarinfile called by :  
at line     949 of function %_sodload called by :  

In this case the test file was pretty simple:

function [x]=test(y)

x = y*y;


saved with the .sci extension.

The function was loaded from the IDE by right clicking on the file and choosing the Load into Scilab option.

I had more complex examples but decided to write this since they were not loading either.

Thanks for your help.

Misa Lazovic's user avatar

Misa Lazovic

2,80510 gold badges32 silver badges38 bronze badges

asked Jun 2, 2014 at 21:53

DrDRB's user avatar


Unlike in Matlab, in scilab you need run the function.

Just run the function first and then call it in the console .


ans =


answered Jun 3, 2014 at 16:07

user2240469's user avatar


531 gold badge1 silver badge6 bronze badges

Just as user2240469 said, but you can do this in the console. See also the documentation of exec.

 // Use -1 as mode to prevent printing everything in the console


 ans = 


answered Jun 4, 2014 at 11:21

spoorcc's user avatar


2,9072 gold badges21 silver badges29 bronze badges

Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2023.1.0. This page might be outdated.
See the recommended documentation of this function

Scilab Help >> Scilab > Error handling > error

Calling Sequence

error(message, n)
error(n, message)
error(n, pos)



a string or a vector of strings. The error message to be displayed.


an integer. The number associated with the error message.


an integer. A parameter for the error message.


error function allows to issue an error message and to
handle the error. By default error stops the current
execution and resume to the prompt level. This default can be changed
using the errcatch or execstr(...,'errcatch') functions.

error(message) prints the character string contained in
message. The number associated with the error message is

error(message,n) prints the character string contained in
message. The number associated with the error message is
given by n. This number should be greater than 10000.

error(n) prints the predefined error message associated with
the error number n.

Some predefined error messages require a parameter (see
error_table). In this case the pos
argument must be used error(n,pos) to give the parameter
value. In the other cases the pos argument is ignored.

See error_table for a list of error messages and the
associated error numbers.


error('my error message')
error(52, 3)
error(10001, ['A'; 'multi';'line';'error';'message'])

See Also

  • warning — warning messages
  • errcatch — error trapping
  • execstr — execute Scilab code in strings
  • lasterror — get last recorded error message
  • error_table — table of error messages
  • messagebox — Open a message box.


Version Description
5.4.0 The error function can take vector of strings as input argument.

Я столкнулся с проблемой при загрузке набора инструментов SIVP в консоли Scilab. Я использую scilab 5.5.0. Я установил libtiff4. Я получаю следующую ошибку. Может кто-нибудь, пожалуйста, помогите?

SIVP - Scilab Image and Video Processing Toolbox
Load macros
Load gateways
atomsLoad: An error occurred while loading 'SIVP-':
link: The shared archive was not loaded: cannot open shared object file:      No such file or directory
 !--error 10000 

at line     335 of function atomsLoad called by :  
atomsLoad SIVP

2014-04-30 05:56


У меня такая же проблема. Я использую Fedora 20. Перейдите в папку lib и проверьте, есть ли у вас, у вас, вероятно, нет этого файла, иначе вы не получили бы эту ошибку. Тем не менее, вы можете иметь или.3. Если у вас более старая версия, просто установите.4, установив openCV. Если у вас есть.5, то вам нужно создать символическую ссылку, как sudo -c 'ln -s

Это решает проблему в Linux.

2014-05-23 14:25

У тебя есть либтиф?

Если нет, и вы используете Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install libtiff4

2014-04-30 07:07

Другие вопросы по тегам

Hi All,

I’m new(bie) to Scilab (4.1.2), then sorry if my problem is too
simple. But I’m trying to compile one example of the function
«addmenu». The result was

code=[ ‘#include «»machine.h»»‘
—> ‘void foo(char *name,int *win,int *entry)’
—> ‘{‘
—> ‘ if (*win==-1) ‘
—> ‘ sciprint(«»menu %s(%i) in Scilab window selected\r
—> ‘ else’
—> ‘ sciprint(«»menu %s(%i) in window %i selected\r\n»»,name,*entry
—> ‘}’];

—>dir=getcwd(); chdir(TMPDIR)
Warning :redefining function: dir

ans =



generate a loader file
generate a Makefile: Makelib
running the makefile
compilation of foo
‘nmake’ nÆo ‚ reconhecido como um comando interno
ou externo, um programa oper vel ou um arquivo em lotes.
!—error 10000
unix_s: error during «nmake /nologo /f Makelib.mak foo.obj»
at line 50 of function unix_s called by :
line 25 of function ilib_compile called by :
line 29 of function ilib_for_link called by :

What I should do to fix this error? Thanks.

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