Sas обработка ошибок

In the enhanced editor, the coloring might give you a hint. However, on the mainframe I don’t believe there is anything, in the editor, that will help you.

I use

OPTIONS OBS=0 noreplace;

The obs=0 option specifies that 0 observarions are read in from the input
dataset and NOREPLACE tells SAS not to overwite an existing SAS dataset with one of the
same name. If you are creating a new datastet, it will be created with all the attributes,
but with 0 observations. (Be sure to reset the options, if needed, to Options Obs=max replace ; when no more syntax errors are found).

I’d be interested in any other techniques.

Explanation about options came from here.

Allan Bowe's user avatar

Allan Bowe

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asked May 7, 2009 at 18:03

Jay Corbett's user avatar

Jay CorbettJay Corbett

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I use the cancel option on the run statement. It will check the syntax of the data step then terminate it without actually executing it. It’s the data step analog to the noexec option in proc sql.

data something;
<stuff here>
run cancel;

Lots more details in this SUGI pdf

answered May 7, 2009 at 18:37

cmjohns's user avatar


I write all of my code on my PC with SAS on my PC and the enhanced, color coded editor. I then use SAS/CONNECT to process it on the mainframe. If the datasets are on DASD, I use SAS/CONNECT and Enterprise Guide to directly run the code onthe mainframe (no JCL!) If there is a data tape involved and therefore must be a batch run, I use SAS/CONNECT and the SAS ftp engine to send the code to the mainframe batch queue. I use the SAS email engine to email me back my output and my log. I put and ODS sandwich aound my code to have the mainframe generate a WORD document for output. I use a PROC download to download the output to my server so I can open it in WORD.

answered Aug 12, 2009 at 18:09


This advice is language agnostic.

I would argue that a preferable technique for catching syntax (and logic) errors is to perform a close read (or inspection) of your own code (which should catch the majority of syntax errors), followed by unit tests on small datasets (which will catch any remaining syntax errors, as well as many logic errors if your tests are well-designed).

I agree there’s some worth to syntax checking in isolation, but to read and understand your code thoroughly enough before the first compile so that you know it will compile is a good ideal to strive for. Steve McConnell touches on this idea in Code Complete (see page 827 of the 2nd Edition).

P.S. You mentioned syntax highlighting in your original post; there are other editors (such as VIM) that will perform syntax highlighting on SAS files.

Triad sou.'s user avatar

Triad sou.

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answered Aug 12, 2009 at 18:37

Matthew Nizol's user avatar

Matthew NizolMatthew Nizol

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In the enhanced editor, the coloring might give you a hint. However, on the mainframe I don’t believe there is anything, in the editor, that will help you.

I use

OPTIONS OBS=0 noreplace;

The obs=0 option specifies that 0 observarions are read in from the input
dataset and NOREPLACE tells SAS not to overwite an existing SAS dataset with one of the
same name. If you are creating a new datastet, it will be created with all the attributes,
but with 0 observations. (Be sure to reset the options, if needed, to Options Obs=max replace ; when no more syntax errors are found).

I’d be interested in any other techniques.

Explanation about options came from here.

Allan Bowe's user avatar

Allan Bowe

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asked May 7, 2009 at 18:03

Jay Corbett's user avatar

Jay CorbettJay Corbett

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I use the cancel option on the run statement. It will check the syntax of the data step then terminate it without actually executing it. It’s the data step analog to the noexec option in proc sql.

data something;
<stuff here>
run cancel;

Lots more details in this SUGI pdf

answered May 7, 2009 at 18:37

cmjohns's user avatar


I write all of my code on my PC with SAS on my PC and the enhanced, color coded editor. I then use SAS/CONNECT to process it on the mainframe. If the datasets are on DASD, I use SAS/CONNECT and Enterprise Guide to directly run the code onthe mainframe (no JCL!) If there is a data tape involved and therefore must be a batch run, I use SAS/CONNECT and the SAS ftp engine to send the code to the mainframe batch queue. I use the SAS email engine to email me back my output and my log. I put and ODS sandwich aound my code to have the mainframe generate a WORD document for output. I use a PROC download to download the output to my server so I can open it in WORD.

answered Aug 12, 2009 at 18:09


This advice is language agnostic.

I would argue that a preferable technique for catching syntax (and logic) errors is to perform a close read (or inspection) of your own code (which should catch the majority of syntax errors), followed by unit tests on small datasets (which will catch any remaining syntax errors, as well as many logic errors if your tests are well-designed).

I agree there’s some worth to syntax checking in isolation, but to read and understand your code thoroughly enough before the first compile so that you know it will compile is a good ideal to strive for. Steve McConnell touches on this idea in Code Complete (see page 827 of the 2nd Edition).

P.S. You mentioned syntax highlighting in your original post; there are other editors (such as VIM) that will perform syntax highlighting on SAS files.

Triad sou.'s user avatar

Triad sou.

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answered Aug 12, 2009 at 18:37

Matthew Nizol's user avatar

Matthew NizolMatthew Nizol

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Last year, I wrote a blog demonstrating how to use the %Auto_Outliers macro to automatically identify possible data errors. This blog demonstrates a different approach—one that is useful for variables for which you can identify reasonable ranges of values for each variable. For example, you would not expect resting heart rates below 40 or over 100 or adult heights below 45 inches or above 84 inches. Although values outside those ranges might be valid values, it would be a good idea to check those out-of-range values to see if they are real or data errors.

In the third edition of my book, Cody’s Data Cleaning Techniques, I present two macros: %Errors and %Report. These two macros provide a consolidated error report.

To demonstrate these two macros, I created a data set called Patients. A listing of the first 10 observations is shown below:

Notice that the unique identifier is called Patno, and you see three variables HR (heart rate), SBP (systolic blood pressure), and DBP (diastolic blood pressure).

The calling arguments for the %Errors macro are:

  • VAR=     A variable for which you have pre-defined bounds
  • Low=     The lowest reasonable value for this variable
  • High=    The highest reasonable value for this variable
  • Missing=Error or Missing=Ignore. The default for this argument is IGNORE, but it is still good practice to include it in the call so that anyone reading your program understands how missing values are being handled.

Because you might be calling this macro for many variables, the values of two macro variables &Dsn (data set name) and &IDVar (the identifying variable such as Patno or Subj) are assigned values once, using two %Let statements. You can then call the %Errors macro for each variable of interest. When you are finished, call the %Report macro to see a consolidated report of your possible errors.

Here is an example:

/* Set values for &amp;Dsn and %IDVar with %LET statements */
%let Dsn = Clean.Patients;   
%let Idvar = Patno;
%Errors(Var=HR, Low=40, High=100, Missing=error)
%Errors(Var=SBP, Low=80, High=200, Missing=ignore)
%Errors(Var=DBP, Low=60, High=120)   
/* When you are finished selecting variables, create the report */

You are reporting all heart rates below 40 or above 100 (and considering missing values as errors); values of SBP below 80 or above 200 (and ignoring missing values); and values of DBP below 60 or above 120 (also ignoring missing values—using the default value of IGNORE).

Here is the result:

Notice that several patients with missing values for HR are flagged as errors. I should point out that I have violated a cardinal rule of macro programming: never write a macro that has no arguments—it should be a program. However, I liked the idea of calling %Errors and then %Report. Shown below are the two macros:

| PROGRAM NAME: ERRORS.SAS  in c:\Books\Cleans\Patients         |
| PURPOSE: Accumulates errors for numeric variables in a SAS    |
|          data set for later reporting.                        |
|          This macro can be called several times with a        |
|          different variable each time. The resulting errors   |
|          are accumulated in a temporary SAS data set called   |
|          Errors.                                              |
| ARGUMENTS: Dsn=    - SAS data set name (assigned with a %LET) |
|            Idvar=  - Id variable (assigned with a %LET)       |
|                                                               |
|            Var     = The variable name to test                |
|            Low     = Lowest valid value                       |
|            High    = Highest valid value                      |
|            Missing = IGNORE (default) Ignore missing values   |
|                      ERROR Missing values flagged as errors   |
|                                                               |
| EXAMPLE: %let Dsn = Clean.Patients;                           |
|          %let Idvar = Patno;                                  |
|                                                               |
|          %Errors(Var=HR, Low=40, High=100, Missing=error)     |
|          %Errors(Var=SBP, Low=80, High=200, Missing=ignore)   |
|          %Errors(Var=DBP, Low=60, High=120)                   |
|          Test the numeric variables HR, SBP, and DBP in data  |
|          set Clean.patients for data outside the ranges       |
|          40 to 100, 80 to 200, and 60 to 120 respectively.    |
|          The ID variable is PATNO and missing values are to   |
|          be flagged as invalid for HR but not for SBP or DBP. |
%macro Errors(Var=,    /* Variable to test     */
              Low=,    /* Low value            */
              High=,   /* High value           */
                       /* How to treat missing values         */
                       /* Ignore is the default.  To flag     */
                       /* missing values as errors set        */
                       /* Missing=error                       */);
data Tmp;
   set &amp;Dsn(keep=&amp;Idvar &amp;Var);
   length Reason $ 10 Variable $ 32;
   Variable = "&amp;Var";
   Value = &amp;Var;
   if &amp;Var lt &amp;Low and not missing(&amp;Var) then do;
   %if %upcase(&amp;Missing) ne IGNORE %then %do;
      else if missing(&amp;Var) then do;
   else if &amp;Var gt &amp;High then do;
      drop &amp;Var;
   proc append base=Errors data=Tmp;
%mend Errors;

The basic idea for the %Errors macro is to test each variable and, if it is a possible error, use PROC APPEND to add it to a data set called Errors. When the first error is detected, PROC APPEND creates the data set Errors. From then on, each observation in data set Tmp is added to data set Errors.

Most of this macro is straightforward. For those readers who are not that comfortable with macro programming, the third section (beginning with %if %upcase(&Missing)) is executed only when the value of the macro variable &Missing is not equal to IGNORE.

Below is a listing of the %Report macro:

%macro Report;
   proc sort data=Errors;
      by &amp;Idvar;
   proc print data=Errors;
      title "Error Report for Data Set &amp;Dsn";
      id &amp;Idvar;
      var Variable Value Reason;
   proc delete data=Errors Tmp;
%mend Report;

The %Report macro is mainly a PROC PRINT of the temporary data set Errors. I added PROC DELETE to delete the two temporary data sets Error and Tmp.

You can cut and paste these macros, or you can download all of the macros, programs, and data sets from Cody’s Data Cleaning Techniques Using SAS®, Third Edition, by going to, search for the book, then click Example Code and Data. You do not have to buy the book to download all the files (although I would be delighted if you did). This is true for all of my books published by SAS Press.

Comments and/or corrections are always welcome.

Love SAS, but I hate error handling in it (as it’s near non-existent and almost always needs to be done using macro code… yuck).

Your best bet is to check for any conditions prior to executing the code, and if any requirements are not met then some of your options are:

  • Abort with a descriptive message prior to the step being run. I find that the %abort cancel statement is the nicest way to stop code in both batch and interactive sessions.
  • Skip the step that would fail using a %if %then statement.
  • Have the code gracefully fix the issue and continue (if that’s a possibility). This could be done by conditionally running additional code that’s not normally part of the regular job flow.
  • Have it run and then reset the error condition (ie. set &syserr to zero)? I’ve never really played around with this option so I’m not 100% sure how it works of even if it’s feasible.

In your case I imagine your code will look something like:

data have1;
  set sashelp.class;

data have2;
  set sashelp.class(drop=age);

proc sql noprint;
  create table column_list as
  select memname, name
  from dictionary.columns
  where libname = 'WORK'
   and memname in ('HAVE1','HAVE2')
  order by name

data diff_columns;
  set column_list;
  by name;
  if and then do;

%macro error_handling;
  %if %nobs(iDs=diff_columns) %then %do;  

A few things… I’ve used a macro called %nobs() to help me determine if there are any obersvations in the diff_columns dataset. There are many different versions of %nobs, here is a selection.

If you decide you want to have SAS end without running any more code, a good macro for doing that is shown below. It will quit SAS if running in batch mode, but if you’re running interactively it will just cancel the remaining submitted code without leaving SAS:

%macro stop_sas;
  %if "&sysenv" eq "FORE" %then %do;
    %abort cancel;
  %else %do;

If you want to stop SAS from cluttering up the log once it has encountered any errors, consider using the %runquit macro. It looks like this, and usage instructions can be found here:

%macro runquit;
  ; run; quit;
  %if &syserr %then %abort cancel;

Error handling in SAS is a pretty messy business and while this gives you somewhere to stat I’m sure this list is by no means comprehensive. I’d suggest just try a few different approaches that I’ve listed above and then choose whatever worked best for you…

Love SAS, but I hate error handling in it (as it’s near non-existent and almost always needs to be done using macro code… yuck).

Your best bet is to check for any conditions prior to executing the code, and if any requirements are not met then some of your options are:

  • Abort with a descriptive message prior to the step being run. I find that the %abort cancel statement is the nicest way to stop code in both batch and interactive sessions.
  • Skip the step that would fail using a %if %then statement.
  • Have the code gracefully fix the issue and continue (if that’s a possibility). This could be done by conditionally running additional code that’s not normally part of the regular job flow.
  • Have it run and then reset the error condition (ie. set &syserr to zero)? I’ve never really played around with this option so I’m not 100% sure how it works of even if it’s feasible.

In your case I imagine your code will look something like:

data have1;
  set sashelp.class;

data have2;
  set sashelp.class(drop=age);

proc sql noprint;
  create table column_list as
  select memname, name
  from dictionary.columns
  where libname = 'WORK'
   and memname in ('HAVE1','HAVE2')
  order by name

data diff_columns;
  set column_list;
  by name;
  if and then do;

%macro error_handling;
  %if %nobs(iDs=diff_columns) %then %do;  

A few things… I’ve used a macro called %nobs() to help me determine if there are any obersvations in the diff_columns dataset. There are many different versions of %nobs, here is a selection.

If you decide you want to have SAS end without running any more code, a good macro for doing that is shown below. It will quit SAS if running in batch mode, but if you’re running interactively it will just cancel the remaining submitted code without leaving SAS:

%macro stop_sas;
  %if "&sysenv" eq "FORE" %then %do;
    %abort cancel;
  %else %do;

If you want to stop SAS from cluttering up the log once it has encountered any errors, consider using the %runquit macro. It looks like this, and usage instructions can be found here:

%macro runquit;
  ; run; quit;
  %if &syserr %then %abort cancel;

Error handling in SAS is a pretty messy business and while this gives you somewhere to stat I’m sure this list is by no means comprehensive. I’d suggest just try a few different approaches that I’ve listed above and then choose whatever worked best for you…

This tutorial explains how to make SAS stop macro execution on error. It is one of the most common task in building a macro. For example, you are building a macro for SAS users who are beginners. You need to make sure error handling in the macro. If user forgets to specify either a dataset name or variable name, macro should not execute further steps and it should abort immediately.

1. Stop Macro Processing on Error

In the following program, we are telling SAS to stop sas code if user does not specify parameters and notifying them what they have missed. The %abort cancel; statement tells SAS to abort execution immediately.

%macro explore(inputdata= ,var=);

options notes;

%if %length(&inputdata) = 0 %then %do;

%put ERROR: INPUTDATA= must be specified;

%put ERROR: The macro ended abnormally.;

%abort cancel;


%if %length(&var) = 0 %then %do;

%put ERROR: VAR= must be specified;

%put ERROR: The macro ended abnormally.;

%abort cancel;


proc sort data = &inputdata.;

by &var.;



%explore(inputdata =  , var = age );

Logic — If the length of string of a macro parameter is 0, it means the macro parameter is blank.

2. Go to End of Program If Error

In the following program, we are telling SAS to go to end of the code if error comes, The %goto statement is used to jump to end of the program.

%macro explore(inputdata= ,var=);
options notes;
%if %length(&inputdata) = 0 %then %do;
%put ERROR: INPUTDATA= must be specified;
%put ERROR: The macro ended abnormally.;
%goto exit;

%if %length(&var) = 0 %then %do;
%put ERROR: VAR= must be specified;
%put ERROR: The macro ended abnormally.;
%goto exit;

proc sort data = &inputdata.;
by &var.;


%explore(inputdata = , var = age );

3. Check for Error after each step of SAS Code

Sometimes we make typo while entering dataset or variable name. It is important to handle these kinds of errors as well so we need to check for error(s) after each step of SAS Code (Data Step, PROCs).  %if &syserr. ne 0 %then %do; works for it.

%macro explore(inputdata= ,var=);
options notes;
%if %length(&inputdata) = 0 %then %do;
%put ERROR: INPUTDATA= must be specified;
%put ERROR: The macro ended abnormally.;
%abort cancel;
%if %length(&var) = 0 %then %do;
%put ERROR: VAR= must be specified;
%put ERROR: The macro ended abnormally.;
%abort cancel;
proc sort data = &inputdata.;
by &var.;
%if &syserr. ne 0 %then %do;
%abort cancel;

%explore(inputdata = sashelp.clss , var = age );


Instead of using %length to calculate the length of macro parameter, we can use COUNTW function. It is very useful to count the number of variables in the macro parameter.

%if %sysfunc(countw(&inputdata., %str( ))) = 0 %then %do;
%abort cancel;

About Author:

Deepanshu Bhalla

Deepanshu founded ListenData with a simple objective — Make analytics easy to understand and follow. He has over 10 years of experience in data science. During his tenure, he has worked with global clients in various domains like Banking, Insurance, Private Equity, Telecom and Human Resource.

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You should check for error return codes in any SAS programs that run unattended in batch jobs, so you can handle the exception properly. For example, if the data are invalid, you don’t want to generate reports or insert bad data into a database. Also it can save time to abort as soon as the error is detected.

Programming languages like Java and Python will often throw an exception which must be handled explicitly, and if it is not handled, then the program will stop. SAS, on the other hand, will blindly continue executing commands after an error.

The solution is to wrap the entire SAS program in a macro. After each SAS command (DATA step, PROC SQL, PROC SORT, etc.) check for an error code. For PROC SQL, I check &SQLRC; for everything else, I check &SYSERR. If the return code is non-zero, I jump to the end. In some cases, I print an error message to the SAS log.

In the following example are three procedures, and each contains an error. If you run at is, the second two will not run. Fix the first error, and run again: this time the last procedure will not run.

%macro sortclass;

proc sql;
	create table class as
		sashelp.classs /* typo */

%if &amp;amp;SQLRC gt 0 %then %do;
 %put ERROR: PROC SQL failed, so I will not continue.;
 %goto exit;

data class;
	set class;

	format bmi 10.1.; /* fix: remove the period at the end */
	bmi = weight/height;

%if &amp;amp;SYSERR gt 0 %then %goto exit;

proc sort data=class;
	by doesnotexist; /* fix: change 'doesnotexist' to 'bmi' */

%if &amp;amp;SYSERR gt 0 %then %goto exit;



If you execute multiple commands (SELECT, INSERT, DROP, etc.) in one PROC SQL, then check &SQLRC after each command.

Instead of going to one exit point, you may have two jump labels: exit and error. In the error label, you can send an email asking a human to check the SAS logs. Example:

%macro sortclass;

proc sql;
	create table class as
		sashelp.classs /* fix: remove the extra 's' */

%if &amp;amp;SQLRC gt 0 %then %goto error;

%goto exit; /* there is no error */

filename mymail email &amp;quot;;quot; subject=&amp;quot;error in SAS program&amp;quot;;
   data _null_;
      file mymail;
      put 'check the logs';



One unpleasant side effect of wrapping the program in a macro is SAS 9.2 (at least on Windows) loses syntax highlighting for the non-macro bits such as PROC SQL and DATA steps.

Checking return codes is one technique that is part of a larger strategy of error checking. For example, you can add automated checks that that a data set has any or enough observations, that duplicates keys do not exist, that the values are not missing, that numerics are within normal ranges, etc. If you have a macro that attaches variables to an arbitrary input data set, then the input data set should not already have the same variable that will be attached: this can lead to unexpected results. And depending on your situation, there are many other things that can be checked.

Update (March 2016): See the new post In case of error in SAS program, send email and stop, which focuses on a lighter-weight approach that does not lose syntax hightlighting.

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#error-handling #sas

#обработка ошибок #sas


У меня ожидаемая ошибка с amp;syserr. of 1020 . При возникновении ошибки программа завершает работу со следующим сообщением:

 FATAL: Unrecoverable I/O error detected in the execution of the DATA step program.
       Aborted during the EXECUTION phase.

Я знаю, в чем проблема, и для нее нет решения. Однако, поскольку я знаю, что вызывает проблему, я хочу предупредить пользователя о том, как это исправить, до завершения работы программы.

То есть между возникновением ошибки и прерыванием программы я хочу выполнить некоторый код.

Я прочесал Интернет и не смог найти ничего, что говорило бы, что это невозможно сделать. На самом деле, многие ответы на SO подразумевали, что это можно сделать. Но я понятия не имею, как.


1. Как вы запускаете программу? Интерактивный? Пакет?

2. Я думаю, технически интерактивный. Я нахожусь в оконной среде SAS, используя улучшенный редактор. Я выбираю инструкции, которые хочу выполнить, а затем нажимаю «Отправить». Код, который выдает ошибку, существует в макросе.

3. Когда вы говорите «прервано», вы просто имеете в виду, что этап передачи данных завершается? Или SAS завершается? Или макрос завершается неправильно?

4. Код прекращает выполнение, и управление возвращается расширенному редактору. В журнал записывается сообщение об ОШИБКЕ. В идеале я хотел бы выполнить код между возникновением ошибки и записью сообщения об ошибке. Я знаю, что в SAS нет конструкции try / catch, поэтому я надеюсь, что может существовать механизм типа «on error goto».

5. После того, как это произойдет, если вы отправите еще один небольшой шаг С ДАННЫМИ, это сработает? Или вся ваша интерактивная сессия в значительной степени нарушена, и вам нужно закрыть SAS и перезапустить?

Ответ №1:

Поскольку вы знаете, что установлен параметр amp;syserr, одним из вариантов было бы написать свой собственный макрос %onError, что-то вроде:

 %macro OnError(debug=0);
  %if amp;syserr ne 0 %then %do;
    %*blah blah blah;
%mend OnError;

Итак, ваш код выглядит следующим образом:

 data want;
  set have;

Обратите внимание, что amp;syserr сбрасывается после каждой границы шага, поэтому вам нужно протестировать его сразу после подозрительного шага. Существуют другие переменные макроса с кодами возврата, которые сохраняются.

Если ошибка была достаточно серьезной, чтобы SAS перешла в режим проверки синтаксиса (установите obs = 0 и noreplace), вам пришлось бы сделать больше для восстановления. Но я думаю, что по умолчанию в interactive SAS это отключено.


1. Я думаю, что если бы это была обычная ошибка, это было бы совершенно правильно. Однако я думаю, что ошибка, на которую он ссылается, не следует за этими строками — это скорее ошибка в SAS code supervisor или что-то еще, где она перегружается. Хотя и не уверен.

2. Это позволяет мне выполнять код, хотя я не могу найти способ предотвратить прерывание. Например, я могу написать сообщение в журнал, в котором более подробно описывается, почему программа прерывается. Кажется, я не в состоянии предотвратить прерывание.

3. Согласен, это не позволит избежать прерывания или сообщения об ошибке. Это может быть использовано для «восстановления» в смысле повторной попытки выполнения шага (если это была проблема с сетью или аналогичная) или запуска альтернативного шага, или отправки кому-либо электронного письма и т.д. Но это не похоже на настоящую попытку … поймать. Я думаю, что вы застряли, пытаясь либо избежать ошибки, либо восстановиться после возникновения ошибки.

Ответ №2:

Хотя это неуклюже, желаемого результата можно достичь с помощью операторов %LABEL и %GOTO.

Необходимо учитывать, что

«метка, которая является целью инструкции %GOTO, должна существовать в текущем макросе; вы не можете перейти к метке в другом макросе с помощью инструкции %GOTO».

Поскольку ошибка возникает в коде, уже содержащемся в макросе, отдельный макрос не может использоваться для обработки события ошибки. (SAS рекомендует не создавать макросы внутри других макросов).


1. Хороший улов. Я не смог придумать пример, который эмулирует мою проблему, поэтому я удалил пример, на который вы ссылаетесь. Мы надеемся, что ваш ответ вместе с %goto /% label должен предоставить достаточную информацию для процветания.

Several statements, options, functions, and programming alternatives are well suited to controlling how and when all or a portion of a program can be stopped conditionally.

Sometimes we want to control the flow of the individual data steps of the program. This may include the termination of a step or even the SAS job itself. Several exit strategies depend on the objective.

1. STOP Statement

The STOP statement stops the execution of the current DATA step immediately and resumes processing the statements after the end of the current DATA step.

SAS writes a data set for the current DATA step. However, the observation being processed when STOP executes is not added. The STOP statement can be used alone or in an IF-THEN statement or SELECT group.

STOP does not set the system error conditions, and the job continues executing with the next step.

2. ABORT Statement

ABORT statement is used to stop executing the current DATA step, SAS job, or even a SAS session.


ERROR: Execution terminated by an ABORT statement at line 73 column 18.

The ABORT statement is usually used when error conditions are identified. Like the STOP statement, ABORT also stops the execution of the current data step. The behaviour of this statement depends to some extent on the operating system and whether the job is being run under batch or interactive modes.

ABORT writes an error message to the log and sets the system error conditions. In batch mode, ABORT sets OBS=0 and continues limited processing.


In interactive mode, ABORT acts like STOP. The ABORT statement can be used with two options, ABEND and RETURN.

ABEND – With the ABEND option, ABORT writes an error message to the log and returns control to the host system as an abnormal termination.

CANCEL <FILE> – It causes the execution of the submitted statements to be cancelled. Actions depend on the method of operation.

FILE – when coded as an option to the CANCEL argument in an autoexec file or in a %INCLUDE file, causes only the contents of the autoexec file or %INCLUDE file to be cleared by the ABORT statement. Other submitted source statements are executed after the autoexec file or %INCLUDE file.

RETURN The RETURN option is the same as ABEND but exits from SAS as a normal termination. For operating systems that support it, a return code can also be specified with the ABEND and RETURN options.

n is an integer value that enables you to specify a condition code.

  • when used with the CANCEL argument, the value is placed in the SYSINFO automatic macro variable.
  • when not used with the CANCEL argument, the error code that is returned by SAS is ERROR. The value of ERROR depends on the operating system. The condition code n is returned to the operating system as the final SAS System exit code.

NOLIST – It suppresses the output of all variables to the SAS log.


%macro sort(inputdsn=, ByVar=, outDSN=);
	%if %length(&inputdsn)=0 %then
			%put ERROR: Input Dataset must be specified;
			%abort cancel;
	%if %length(&Byvar)=0 %then
			%put ERROR: By Variable must be specified;
			%abort cancel;
	proc sort data=&inputdsn. out=&outdsn.;
		by &byvar.;

%if &syserr. ne 0 %then
%abort cancel;
%sort(inputdsn=sashelp.class , byvar=, outdsn=class);
ERROR: By Variable must be specified ERROR: Execution canceled by an %ABORT CANCEL statement.


ENDSAS Terminates a SAS job or session after the current DATA, or PROC step executes.

Note: ENDSAS statements are always executed at the point that they are encountered in a DATA step. Use the ABORT RETURN statement to stop processing when an error condition occurs (for example, in the clause of an IF-THEN statement or a SELECT statement).

The entire job is terminated in the following data step if the variable X is ever less than or equal to zero.

data new;
	set old;
	if _error_ then


The CANCEL option on the RUN statement prevents the current step from being executed. This is a quick way to prevent code from executing instead of using comments.

You can skip a code with the RUN CANCEL statement. Including the option CANCEL on the run;

statement terminates the current step without executing it.

proc print data=sashelp.class;
	var age;
run cancel;

SAS also prints a message that indicates that the step was not executed.

WARNING: The procedure was not executed at the user's request.

The Cancel option has no effect where the data step has the datalines statement or the run statement has no effect, such as with PROC SQL. Also, it has no effect when you use the KILL option with PROC DATASETS.

Read more on Skipping codes.


Like the ABORT and ENDSAS statements, the system option ERRORABEND specifies how SAS responds to errors. terminates the SAS session or job. Since this is an option, no IF-THEN-ELSE processing is required.

As soon as the first error is encountered, the job terminates. This option does not terminate for data errors but is primarily directed to syntax errors and other errors that would otherwise cause the system to go into syntax check mode.

When ERRORABEND is used in an interactive session, termination may also eliminate the LOG. Thus any clues as to the reason for the termination will also be eliminated.



ERRORABEND – It specifies that SAS stops abnormally for most errors (including syntax errors) that would normally cause it to issue an error message, set OBS=0, and go into a syntax-check mode (in batch mode only). ERRORABEND does not affect how SAS handles notes, such as invalid data messages.

NOERRORABEND – It specifies that SAS handles errors normally, issues an error message, sets OBS=0, and goes into a syntax-check mode (in batch mode only).

Subhro provides valuable and informative content on SAS, offering a comprehensive understanding of SAS concepts. We have been creating SAS tutorials since 2019, and 9to5sas has become one of the leading free SAS resources available on the internet.

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