Модератор: vetal
Vialeksej » Вт сен 09, 2014 2:54 pm
Господа, пейте сладкий чай,и вот когда слипнется жопа, из нее перестанут расти руки!!!!
- Поручик
kokubenko » Ср сен 10, 2014 8:13 pm
а Вы тут случайно не путаете термопредохранитель и термодатчик?
и ЧТО вы там хотите ПРОШИТЬ?????
если термопродохранитель (это «груглый» такой) звонится накоротко, то с ним все ОК
если термодатчик(от него проводки на плату идут) показывает 300-400 кОМ, то с ним тоже все ОК
если лампа нагрева звонится накоротко, то с ней все ОК,
P/S как так можно технику ремонтировать???
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Taskalfa 180 ошибка «Е» и «Встряхните картр. с тонером»
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Пт окт 09, 2020 8:01 am
brother DCP 7030R «ошибка барабана»
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Чт сен 05, 2019 1:35 pm
BROTHER DCP-1512R ошибка «Фотобарабан !»
Вернуться в Принтеры, МФУ, факсы, копиры формата A4
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Картинки и фотографии (если они нужны в сообщении) надо загружать только как вложения к своему сообщению (через кнопку Добавить файлы). Тогда картинки будут автоматически отображаться в сообщении.
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Samsung ML-1860 перестал печатать
flatrons »
Здравствуйте! Прошу прощения если повторяюсь, но вроде пробежал все 15 страниц тем про лазерную технику и похожего не нашел.
Имеется старый динозавр ML-1860, мне его подарил один Кулибин, сказал тогда что он перепрошит и новых чипов просить больше не будет. Насколько эта информация правдива судить не берусь, но при каждой распечатке окно состояние принтера показывало что картридж 0% и его необходимо заменить, но при этом все без проблем распечатывалось.
- Снимок.PNG (67.29 КБ) 825 просмотров
Периодически бывало что отказывался печатать и загорался красный индикатор, нужно было вынуть и вставить бумагу, и начиналась печать. Когда принтер был готов к печати на нем горел зеленый нижний индикатор.
Недавно начали печатать файл, он напечатал 2 листа из 7, потом загорелся нижний индикатор красным, и печать остановилась.
Переустановка драйвера не помогла. Доставал картридж посмотреть в каком состоянии контакты на чипе, в итоге одно колечко, которое должно торчать из боковой стенки и контачить с чипом, вывалилось. Я разобрал принтер, оказалось оно и ранее отваливалось и уже было припаяно. Я припаял заново, все собрал, но чудо не произошло.
Тестовая страница не печатается ни из винды ни с помощью кнопки на принтере. Удается распечатать только страницу теста тонера, удерживая кнопку 15 секунд. Фото прикладываю. Когда принтер включен и на него пытаешься послать файлы для печати как горел так и горит нижний индикатор красным, не печатается, но становятся слышно периодическое одиночное потрескивание из печки, и область откуда должен выходить лист постепенно нагревается и становится горячее и горячее.
При включении на секунду-две загорается зеленый индикатор, потом загорается красный и начинается прокрутка мотора. Посторонних шумов при прокрутке мотора нет.
Фото листа, который удается распечатать:
Очень прошу помощи!
- Сообщения: 125
- Стаж: 1 год 9 месяцев
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Samsung ML-1860 перестал печатать
1. Принтер ,очевидно, не прошит фиксом (точнее было бы видно из версии ПО, которое на первом тестовом листе распечатывается, который вы не смогли ).
2. Для отучения от чипа и снятия блокировки по тонеру нужно прошить фиксом (купить, например).
3. Для Покупки фикса нужно знать серийный номер (он распечатывается и понятен) и текущую версию firmware. Варианта 2 — или смотреть её на наклейке на процессоре (вы уже вскрывали аппарат) и надеяться что никто не повышал программно, или искать старого типа родную прошивку-оригинал от Самсунга, которая распространялась в виде единого ехе-файла…при запуске она покажет текущий номер встроенного ПО.
4. После того как проблема тонера уйдёт, станет ясно есть ли ещё проблемы (нагрев-перегрев, раскрутка полигона лазера и пр)…Или перед всем этим безобразием найти совместимый чип для временного оживления аппарата и его теста, перед покупкой фикса.
У меня всё, описал как можно подробнее.
п.с. Ещё, уточните по модели и наличию внутренних модулей — аппарат простой 1860 или с вайфаем (1860W) — это разные прошивки.
- Сообщения: 5
- Стаж: 7 месяцев
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Samsung ML-1860 перестал печатать
flatrons »
Спасибо вам за ответы!
Честно говоря думал, что проблема не в чипе, раз он всю жизнь при мне показывал 0% и при этом исправно напечатал больше 5 тысяч страниц, и тем более резко остановился при распечатки двух страниц из семи.
Но раз самый простой способ это покупать чип, то с этого и начну.
Если подскажите место в Санкт-Петербурге, где можно приехать и купить его, буду благодарен, поиск по сайтам пока не дал результатов. Думаю еще побродить по Юноне, может там где есть..
- Сообщения: 5
- Стаж: 7 месяцев
- Благодарил (а): 3 раза
Samsung ML-1860 перестал печатать
flatrons »
Купил чип, установил, пропало сообщение о 0% остатки тонера, но ошибка несовместимого картриджа осталась.
Подумал что плохой контакт в месте где я пытался паять соединение чипа с контактной группой на плате. Снял плату с принтера, установил картридж, приложил плату на место и прикрутил, и все заработало. И вправду проблема была в чипе и в плохом контакте на нем. Всем спасибо большое за помощь!
Вот такая информация выходит на тестовой странице. Что я могу сделать чтобы не менять чипы через каждые 1500 страниц? Перепрошивать платной прошивкой?
- Сообщения: 1863
- Стаж: 1 год 8 месяцев
- Поблагодарили: 133 раза
Samsung ML-1860 перестал печатать
Goldwater »
flatrons писал(а): ↑12 фев 2023, 15:10
Что я могу сделать чтобы не менять чипы через каждые 1500 страниц?
Это вопрос «с двойным дном». Поясняю.
Вы в курсе заявленного производителем ресурса АППАРАТА? 30 тыс стр. Тридцатирублевых чипов с ресурсов 1500 стр/шт уйдет за это время аж 20 штук на бешеные деньги 600 рублей. Это лишь чуть дешевле платной прошивки, но если перепрошьете, вы навсегда лишитесь инфы о текущем остатке тонера в картридже. Подумайте, стоит ли оно РАЗОВОЙ экономии 200-300 рублей?
Понимаю и разделяю точку зрения на отучение прошивкой от чипов, когда каждый чип стоит 500-100-1500-2000 рублей. Но тут-то зачем? Для самообмана?
- Сообщения: 125
- Стаж: 1 год 9 месяцев
- Благодарил (а): 4 раза
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Samsung ML-1860 перестал печатать
flatrons писал(а): ↑12 фев 2023, 15:10
Вот такая информация выходит на тестовой странице. Что я могу сделать чтобы не менять чипы через каждые 1500 страниц? Перепрошивать платной прошивкой?
тестовая страница.JPG
У вас принтер таки был прошит (в версии буква F присутствует), версия прошивки 19-я. Прошивка на неё существует и успешно работает, цена — 200р (самое бОльшее — 250).
Шить -не шить, решать вам. Если и так работает и объёмы печати не большие (домашние) — можно и с чипом оставаться, причины указаны в посте выше.
- Сообщения: 5
- Стаж: 7 месяцев
- Благодарил (а): 3 раза
Samsung ML-1860 перестал печатать
flatrons »
Goldwater писал(а): ↑12 фев 2023, 15:42
Тридцатирублевых чипов с ресурсов 1500 стр/шт уйдет за это время аж 20 штук на бешеные деньги 600 рублей.
Полностью согласен, чем запариваться с перепрошивкой принтера, и хоть и минимально но рисковать его работоспособностью (мало ли что то пойдет не так), проще менять чипы.
Но я чип купил, к своему стыду видимо, за 200 рублей)) как по первому попавшемуся номеру заправщиков позвонил, туда и поехал. Раз уже несколько сообщений есть о том что эти чипы тридцатирублевые, надо наверно искать где же они так стоят)
- Сообщения: 417
- Стаж: 1 год 9 месяцев
- Благодарил (а): 13 раз
- Поблагодарили: 43 раза
Samsung ML-1860 перестал печатать
стронций »
И чипы вам забесплатно привезут и еще скидку сделают 50% как инвалиду. И что вы к бизнесу до***лись ? Каждый зарабатываем как может и на чем может. В обновлении ПО на фиксовое ничего сложного нету и аппарат вы НЕ убьете, разве что руки растут не совсем руки, а крюки.
У автора есть два варианта пусть сам выбирает что ему предпочтительнее, и не надо навязывать ничего.
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Fix Samsung C1860 Error A1-4111:
Are you finding samsung c1860 error a1-4111 on the display screen? Depending upon the printer model, you can search for the fix methods. Most of the fixes available are not helpful, but this will surely work to fix the problem.
Instructions to Fix Samsung Printer Error A1-4111 —
Phase 1: Remove the Right Side Panel
Step 1: Before starting the process to fix Samsung C1860 error A1-4111, turn off the power firstly. You can find the power switch next to the power cord so that you can simply disconnect the power cord.
Step 2: Remove or disconnect any data cables (if connected) since you might be spinning it all around which would turn complicated.
Step 3: Most of the printers have the 5 screws that need to be removed first. The number of screws will vary model to model.
Step 4: Facing the front side, you can open the large lower front cover. Thereafter, remove the three screws on the front right side of the printer.
Step 5: Next, turn to the backside and open the back cover of the printer. Also, remove the two screws on the left side. Please remember the different screws and their respective positions on the panel.
Step 6: Lastly, slide the right side cover towards the back end. Note that it should come away easily and swiftly so you can set it aside.
Phase 2: Fix the Solenoid
The Samsung Xpress c1860fw error a1-4111 problem is major with the small blue solenoid at the upper left corner. Subsequently, the pad slips or falls off due to which the printer gets unhappy and problematic.
Step 1: Initially, remove the retaining screws and pull it out a bit to start the work mode.
Step 2: In case, if yours is missing then you can look around for it. As the stickiness goes away, a few layers of masking tape cut in small square pieces can fix Samsung printer error A1-4111 problem.
Step 3: In the current case, the small foam pad had just slipped. So, you can just carefully lift it using an X-acto knife. Further, reposition it and do make sure it was stuck well right under the tab only.
Phase 3: Test and Reassemble the Unit
In the third phase to fix Samsung C1860 error A1-4111 problem, you need to reinstall the solenoid.
Step 1: If you wish not to touch any open electronics, then plug in the power cord to source and check if the error goes away or not. Carefully, watch the motors and solenoid to verify that they spin correctly and click on power-up sequencing.
Step 2: Next, you have to remove the power cord so that you can put the side panel back on.
Step 3: In the last step, start reversing the steps of disassembly. Just make sure to place the different screws into the correct hole. You can see that the tiny screw goes in the lower position in the back of my model printer.
Step 4: So, finally, you can plug in and enjoy.
Hope the guide works to resolve Samsung printer error A1-4111.
– Compatible Printer model: Samsung Xpress C1860FW
– Samsung Xpress C1860FW Error Codes with quick guides:
- Code: A1-1210
- Description: Actuator Motor Failure : #A1-1210. Call for service if the problem persists.
- Causes: The fuser motor does not operate. / The fuser motor is operating but is recognized as stop status.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off then on. If the error persists, turn the machine off again.
2) Remove the rear and right cover.
3) Check if there are any obstacles or paper around the fuser unit.
4) Check if the connection between main board and fuser motor are correct.
5) If the connection is OK, replace the fuser motor.
6) If the problem persists, replace the main board.
- Code: A1-2112, A1-3612
- Description: Actuator Motor Failure : #A1-2112. Call for service if the problem persists.
Actuator Motor Failure : #A1-3612. Call for service if the problem persists. - Causes: The OPC/Deve motor does not operate. / The OPC/Deve motor is operating but is recognized as stop status.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off then on. If the error persists, turn the machine off again.
2) Remove the right cover.
3) Check if the connection between main board and OPC/Deve motor are correct.
4) If the connection is OK, replace the OPC/Deve motor.
5) If the problem persists, replace the main board.
- Code: A1-4111, A1-4112
- Description: Actuator Motor Failure : #A1-3612. Call for service if the problem persists.
- Causes: The transfer roller can’t move the engage/disengage position.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off then on. If the error persists, turn the machine off again.
2) Remove the right cover.
3) Check if the connection between main board and Feed drive unit are correct.
4) If the connection is OK, replace the step motor of the Feed drive unit.
5) If the problem persists, replace the main board.
- Code: A1-4310
- Description: Actuator Motor Failure : #A1-4310. Call for service if the problem persists.
- Causes: The motor for ITB unit does not operate normally.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off then on. If the error persists, turn the machine off again.
2) Remove the right cover.
3) Check if the connection between main board and the main drive unit are correct.
4) If the connection is OK, replace the main drive unit.
5) If the problem persists, replace the main board.
- Code: A2-1210, A2-2110
- Description: Actuator Fan Failure : #A2-1210. Call for service if the problem persists.
Actuator Fan Failure : #A2-2110. Call for service if the problem persists. - Causes: The SMPS fan or Fuser fan does no operate normally.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off then on. If the error persists, turn the machine off again. 2) Remove the right cover. 3) Check if the connection between main board and the related fan is correct. 4) If the connection is OK, replace the defective fan.
- Code: A3-3211, A3-3212
- Description: Actuator Sensor Failure #A3-3211: Call for service if the problem persists.
Actuator Sensor Failure #A3-3212: Call for service if the problem persists. - Causes: The inner temperature sensor is defective.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off then on. If the error persists, turn the machine off again.
2) Enter the tech mode. Check the temperature sensor output.
3) If the sensor is defective, replace it.
4) If the temperature sensor is OK, replace the main board.
- Code: A3-3311, A3-3312
- Description: Actuator Sensor Failure #A3-3311: Call for service if the problem persists.
Actuator Sensor Failure #A3-3312: Call for service if the problem persists. - Causes: The outer temperature sensor is defective.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off then on. If the error persists, turn the machine off again.
2) Enter the tech mode. Check the temperature sensor output.
3) If the sensor is defective, replace it.
4) If the temperature sensor is OK, replace the main board.
- Code: A3-3320
- Description: Not proper room temperature. Change room temperature.
- Causes: The value of the outer temperature sensor is out of normal area.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Check if the machine is installed in the proper area.
2) If the temperature sensor is defective, replace it.
- Code: C2-2110, C2-3110
- Description: Prepare new yellow toner cartridge.
Prepare new magenta toner cartridge.
Prepare new cyan toner cartridge.
Prepare new black toner cartridge. - Causes: The remaining toner cartridge is less than 10%
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Print the supply information report. Check the life remaining of the toner cartridge.
2) If its life is at the end, turn the machine off and replace the toner cartridge with new one.
- Code: C2-2120, C2-2150, C2-3120
- Description: Replace with new yellow toner cartridge.
Replace with new magenta toner cartridge.
Replace with new cyan toner cartridge.
Replace with new black toner cartridge. - Causes: The toner cartridge is at the end of its life.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Print the supply information report. Check the life remaining of the toner cartridge.
2) If its life is at the end, turn the machine off and replace the toner cartridge with new one.
- Code: C2-2320, C2-2410, C2-3320
- Description: Yellow Toner Failure: #C2-2320. Install yellow toner cartridge again.
Install yellow toner cartridge.
Magenta Toner Failure: #C2-3320. Install magenta toner cartridge again.
Install magenta toner cartridge.
Cyan Toner Failure: #C2-4320. Install cyan toner cartridge again.
Install cyan toner cartridge.
Black Toner Failure: #C2-5320. Install black toner cartridge again.
Install black toner cartridge. - Causes: The toner cartridge is not installed or the CRUM has some problem.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Check if the toner cartridge is installed properly. Turn the machine off then on.
2) If the error message is not disappear, remove the toner cartridge. Thoroughly roll the cartridge five or six times to distribute the toner evenly inside the cartridge. And reinstall the toner cartridge.
3) If the problem persists, check that the CRUM contact area is contaminated. Clean it.
4) If the problem persists, replace the toner cartridge with new one.
- Code: C2-2512, C2-3512
- Description: Yellow toner cartridge is not compatible. Check user’s guide.
Magenta toner cartridge is not compatible. Check user’s guide.
Cyan toner cartridge is not compatible. Check user’s guide.
Black toner cartridge is not compatible. Check user’s guide. - Causes: Toner cartridge is not compatible.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Print the supply information report. Check information of the toner cartridge.
2) If the toner cartridge is not a Samsung genuine toner cartridge, replace with new one.
Solve Samsung Xpress C1860FW Error codes
- Code: C2-3150, C2-4120, C2-4150
- Description: Replace with new yellow toner cartridge.
Replace with new magenta toner cartridge.
Replace with new cyan toner cartridge.
Replace with new black toner cartridge. - Causes: The toner cartridge is at the end of its life.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Print the supply information report. Check the life remaining of the toner cartridge.
2) If its life is at the end, turn the machine off and replace the toner cartridge with new one.
- Code: C2-3410, C2-4320, C2-4410
- Description: Yellow Toner Failure: #C2-2320. Install yellow toner cartridge again.
Install yellow toner cartridge.
Magenta Toner Failure: #C2-3320. Install magenta toner cartridge again.
Install magenta toner cartridge.
Cyan Toner Failure: #C2-4320. Install cyan toner cartridge again.
Install cyan toner cartridge.
Black Toner Failure: #C2-5320. Install black toner cartridge again.
Install black toner cartridge. - Causes: The toner cartridge is not installed or the CRUM has some problem.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Check if the toner cartridge is installed properly. Turn the machine off then on.
2) If the error message is not disappear, remove the toner cartridge. Thoroughly roll the cartridge five or six times to distribute the toner evenly inside the cartridge. And reinstall the toner cartridge.
3) If the problem persists, check that the CRUM contact area is contaminated. Clean it.
4) If the problem persists, replace the toner cartridge with new one.
- Code: C2-4110, C2-5110
- Description: Prepare new yellow toner cartridge.
Prepare new magenta toner cartridge.
Prepare new cyan toner cartridge.
Prepare new black toner cartridge. - Causes: The remaining toner cartridge is less than 10%
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Print the supply information report. Check the life remaining of the toner cartridge.
2) If its life is at the end, turn the machine off and replace the toner cartridge with new one.
- Code: C2-4512, C2-5512
- Description: Yellow toner cartridge is not compatible. Check user’s guide.
Magenta toner cartridge is not compatible. Check user’s guide.
Cyan toner cartridge is not compatible. Check user’s guide.
Black toner cartridge is not compatible. Check user’s guide. - Causes: Toner cartridge is not compatible.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Print the supply information report. Check information of the toner cartridge.
2) If the toner cartridge is not a Samsung genuine toner cartridge, replace with new one.
- Code: C2-5120, C2-5150
- Description: Replace with new yellow toner cartridge.
Replace with new magenta toner cartridge.
Replace with new cyan toner cartridge.
Replace with new black toner cartridge. - Causes: The toner cartridge is at the end of its life.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Print the supply information report. Check the life remaining of the toner cartridge.
2) If its life is at the end, turn the machine off and replace the toner cartridge with new one.
- Code: C2-5320, C2-5410
- Description: Yellow Toner Failure: #C2-2320. Install yellow toner cartridge again.
Install yellow toner cartridge.
Magenta Toner Failure: #C2-3320. Install magenta toner cartridge again.
Install magenta toner cartridge.
Cyan Toner Failure: #C2-4320. Install cyan toner cartridge again.
Install cyan toner cartridge.
Black Toner Failure: #C2-5320. Install black toner cartridge again.
Install black toner cartridge. - Causes: The toner cartridge is not installed or the CRUM has some problem.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Check if the toner cartridge is installed properly. Turn the machine off then on.
2) If the error message is not disappear, remove the toner cartridge. Thoroughly roll the cartridge five or six times to distribute the toner evenly inside the cartridge. And reinstall the toner cartridge.
3) If the problem persists, check that the CRUM contact area is contaminated. Clean it.
4) If the problem persists, replace the toner cartridge with new one.
- Code: C5-1110, C5-1120
- Description: Prepare new transfer belt unit.
Replace new transfer belt unit. - Causes: The ITB Unit is at the end of its life.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Print the supply information report. Check the life remaining of the ITB unit.
2) If its life is at the end, turn the machine off and replace the ITB unit with new one.
- Code: C5-1310
- Description: Install image transfer belt unit.
- Causes: The ITB Unit is not installed properly.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off. Remove and reinstall the ITB unit.
2) Turn the machine on. If the problem persists, replace the ITB unit.
- Code: C5-1410
- Description: Image transfer belt unit is not compatible. Check users guide.
- Causes: The ITB unit is not compatible.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Print the supply information report. Check information of the ITB Unit.
2) If the toner cartridge is not a Samsung genuine ITB Unit, replace with new one.
- Code: C5-1710
- Description: Sensor Failure: #C5-1710. Turn off then on.
- Causes: The ITB home position sensor has the problem.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off. Replace the ITB Unit.
- Code: C6-1110, C6-1120
- Description: Prepare new fuser unit.
Replace with new fuser unit. - Causes: The fuser unit is at the end of its life.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Print the supply information report. Check the life remaining of the fuser unit.
2) If its life is at the end, turn the machine off and replace the fuser unit with new one.
- Code: C7-1110
- Description: Waste toner container is almost full. Order new one.
- Causes: The waste toner container is at the end of its life.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Print the supply information report. Check the life remaining of the waste toner container.
2) If its life is at the end, turn the machine off and replace the waste toner container with new one.
- Code: C7-1311
- Description: Waste toner container is not installed. Install it.
- Causes: The waste toner container is not installed
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Check if the waste toner container is installed properly.
2) Remove and reinstall the waste toner container.
- Code: C9-1112, C9-1116
- Description: Replace with new Tray1 pickup roller.
End of life, Replace with new Tray1 retard roller. - Causes: The pick up roller or reverse roller is at the end of its life.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off.
2) Replace the pick up roller Assy and reverse roller Assy. 4-
- Code: M1-1110
- Description: Paper jam in tray 1.
- Causes: The jammed paper has occurred in the tray1.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Remove the jammed paper.
2) If the jammed paper occurs continually, check the followings. a) Check if the pick up/forward/reverse roller are worn out or contaminated. Clean the contaminated part or replace it. b) Check if the actuator is assembled correctly.
3) If the pick up clutch is defective, replace it.
- Code: M1-5112
- Description: Paper is empty in tray 1. Load paper.
- Causes: Paper is empty in Tray1
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Take off the cassette. If there is no paper on the tray, load the paper.
2) If the problem persists, check the following. a) Check if the paper empty sensor is contaminated or defective. Replace it.
- Code: M2-1110, M2-1116
- Description: Paper jam inside of machine.
Paper jam or empty in tray. - Causes: The jammed paper has occurred inside machine.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Remove the jammed paper.
2) If the problem persists, check the following. a) Check if there is any obstacles or paper on the paper path. Remove it. b) Check if the FRAME-RETARD unit is assembled properly. c) Check if the pick up clutch, regi clutch, feed drive unit are working normally. If there is a defective part, replace it.
- Code: M3-1110
- Description: Paper jam in exit area.
- Causes: The jammed paper has occurred in the exit area.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Remove the jammed paper.
2) If the problem persists, check the following. a) Check if there is any obstacles or paper on the paper path. Remove it. b) Check if the fuser unit is assembled properly. If the fuser unit is defective, replace it. c) Check if the FRAME-EXIT unit has any defective parts. Replace the FRAME-EXIT.
- Code: M3-2130
- Description: Too much paper in output bin tray. Remove printed paper
- Causes: The machine detected that the output tray has got full or the bin-full sensor is defective.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Remove the paper on the output tray.
2) Check if the Bin-full Sensor connector is connected properly. Reconnect it.
3) If the sensor is defective, replace it.
- Code: S2-4120
- Description: Door is open. Close it.
- Causes: Door is open or the cover open switch is defective.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Check if the front cover is closed perfectly.
2) If the error persists, check that the cover-open sensor is working normally. If it is defective, replace it.
- Code: S3-3121
- Description: Scanner is locked.
- Causes: Scanner lock error has occurred. CIS does not move.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Check if the CIS unit is moving when power on.
2) Check if the at cable is connected to the CIS unit properly. Re-connect or replace the cable.
3) If the CIS is defective, replace it.
4) Check if there is any defective part in the scanner unit. (Gear, Belt, Motor etc.)
5) If the problem persists, replace the main board.
- Code: S4-2111, S4-2112
- Description: Fax Memory is almost full. Print or remove received fax Job.
Fax memory is full. Print or remove received fax Job. - Causes: The fax memory is almost full.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Print or remove the received fax job.
- Code: S4-3111
- Description: Fax System Failure: #S4-3111. Install fax modem card again.
- Causes: The fax board is not installed or defective.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Check if the fax board is installed properly.
2) If the fax board is defective, replace it.
3) If the problem persists, replace the main board.
- Code: S5-3110
- Description: UI System Failure: #S5-3110. Call for service.
- Causes: The communication error between main board and OPE board has occurred.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Turn the machine off then on.
2) If the problem persists, check the followings. a) Check the connection between main board and OPE board. Reconnect the harness. b) If the connection is OK, replace the main board or OPE board.
- Code: S6-3123, S6-3128
- Description: This IP address conflicts with that of other system. Check it.
802.1x authentication failed. Please Contact the System Administrator. - Causes: IP address conflicts with that of other system.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Change the machine’s IP address.
2) Check the setting-up for 802.1x confirmation server.
- Code: U1-2132, U1-2315, U1-2320
- Description: Fuser Unit Failure #U1-2132: Turn off then on.
Fuser Unit Failure #U1-2315: Turn off then on.
Fuser Unit Failure #U1-2320: Turn off then on. - Causes: The temperature control of fuser unit is abnormal.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Check if the input voltage is normal.
2) Turn the machine off. Remove and reinstall the fuser unit. Be careful when connecting the AC-connector and Thermistor connector.
3) Turn the machine on. Is the error message is disappeared?
4) Check the followings. If the fuser unit has any problem, replace it. a) Check if the fuser connector is connected properly. b) Check if the halogen lamp voltage is normal. c) Check if the thermistor is contaminated or twisted.
5) If the problem persists, replace the main board or SMPS board.
- Code: U1-2330, U1-2334
- Description: Fuser Unit Failure #U1-2330: Turn off then on.
Fuser Unit Failure #U1-2334: Turn off then on. - Causes: The temperature control of fuser unit is abnormal.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Check if the input voltage is normal.
2) Turn the machine off. Remove and reinstall the fuser unit. Be careful when connecting the AC-connector and Thermistor connector.
3) Turn the machine on. Is the error message is disappeared?
4) Check the followings. If the fuser unit has any problem, replace it. a) Check if the fuser connector is connected properly. b) Check if the halogen lamp voltage is normal. c) Check if the thermistor is contaminated or twisted.
5) If the problem persists, replace the main board or SMPS board.
- Code: U1-2340, U1-234H
- Description: Fuser Unit Failure #U1-2340: Turn off then on.
Fuser Unit Failure #U1-234H: Turn off then on. - Causes: The temperature control of fuser unit is abnormal.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Check if the input voltage is normal.
2) Turn the machine off. Remove and reinstall the fuser unit. Be careful when connecting the AC-connector and Thermistor connector.
3) Turn the machine on. Is the error message is disappeared?
4) Check the followings. If the fuser unit has any problem, replace it. a) Check if the fuser connector is connected properly. b) Check if the halogen lamp voltage is normal. c) Check if the thermistor is contaminated or twisted.
5) If the problem persists, replace the main board or SMPS board.
- Code: U2-6122, U2-6142
- Description: LSU Failure: #U2-6122. Please turn off then on.
LSU Failure: #U2-6142. Please turn off then on. - Causes: LSU Motor does not work normally. / LSU Hsync signal is abnormal.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Check if the LSU harness on the main board is connected properly.
2) If it is OK, check that the LSU harness on LSU board is connected properly.
3) Check if the LSU harness is defective.
4) If the problem persists, replace the LSU.
5) If the problem persists after replacing LSU, replace the main board.
- Code: U3-3113, U3-3114
- Description: Original paper jam in front of scanner.
Original paper jam inside of scanner. - Causes: A document jam was detected in the ADF unit.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Remove the jammed paper from ADF unit.
2) If the error persists, turn the machine off then on.
3) If the document jam occurs continually, open the ADF cover-top. Check if the ADF pick up roller is contaminated or worn out. Clean or replace it.
4) If the pick up roller is OK, check the followings. a) Check if the ADF motor is working normally. b) Check if the connector on the ADF joint board is connected correctly.
5) If the problem persists, replace the ADF unit.
- Code: U3-3313, U3-3314
- Description: Original paper jam in front of scanner.
Original paper jam inside of scanner. - Causes: A document jam was detected in the ADF unit.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Remove the jammed paper from ADF unit.
2) If the error persists, turn the machine off then on.
3) If the document jam occurs continually, open the ADF cover-top. Check if the ADF pick up roller is contaminated or worn out. Clean or replace it.
4) If the pick up roller is OK, check the followings. a) Check if the ADF motor is working normally. b) Check if the connector on the ADF joint board is connected correctly.
5) If the problem persists, replace the ADF unit.
- Code: U3-4110
- Description: Door of scanner is open.
- Causes: ADF or ADF top cover is opened.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1) Close the ADF unit.
2) Close the ADF top cover.
– Get more information about Epson XP 15000 troubleshooting, click here
– Get more error code list with quick guide to fix printer product, click here
– About get help with reseting Epson inkpad or others, click here
Samsung printer reset software introduction:
Notes before resetting Samsung printer:
– Identify accurate version, serial and crum of Samsung printer.
– How to get Samsung printer model info: Click Here
– Before you continue with the reprogramming of the firmware, please make sure that the device is installed on your computer.
– It is very important that under no circumstances should you remove the chip from the cartridge while reprogramming the firmware. After you have succesfully reprogrammed the printer, remove the chip from the cartridge and store it somewhere safely (the chip – a key). In all cartridges which you are going to use in the printer, the chip has to be either removed or sealed. If you have accidently inserted a new cartridge without removing the chip, the device will be blocked. In order to unblock it, you can use the stored chip as a key which help you to unblock the printer.
– And make sure that any other devices (except mouse and keyboard), which are connected to your computer via USB or LPT ports are disconnected. It’s preferable that the computer is connected to the “UPS” (uninterruptible power source) device, because if during the reprogramming process the electricity source has any interruptions, then the reprogramming will be carried out with an error, which makes the device unable to work.
– This firmware will be installed directly to your printer. Before opening firmare link make sure that printer is turned on and connected to your computer and printer drivers are installed correctly.
Be aware that with the reprogramming of the firmware the manufacturer’s warranty goes lost!!
How To Run Firmware Fix Samsung printer
1. Connect the printer to the computer and turn it on.
2. Wait until the printer is ready for work.
3. Drag and drop *.hd to usbprns2.exe file.
4. The reprogramming process starts automatically.
5. Wait until the printer reprograms (10-20 minute) and restarts.
6. After that the reprogramming process is finished, restart the printer.
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