Sam is the kind dog исправь ошибки


№ 2 Найди и исправь ошибки:
1.Sam is the kind dog.
2.Winter is coldest than spring.
3.Monkeys are clever than rabbits.
 4.July is the hotter month  of all.
5.Her picture is bader than Henry’s.
6.Dogs are funnyer than mice.


I. Выбери правильный вариант.

1. Bob is …. than Mike.

A) tall B) more tall C) taller D) the tallest

2. Alina is the…. in her class.

A) most short B) shortest C) shorter D) short

4. My bag is…. than yours.

A) heavier B) heaviest C) heavyer D) heavy

5. Russia is the….country in the world.

A) big B) bigest C) biggest D) bigger

6. Peter and Jane are the… singers in the class.

A) bad B) worst C) worse D) badest

7. Georgy has got…. hair.

A) darker B) darkest C) dark D) the darkest

9. My Grandpa is … than my Grandma.

A) oldest B) old C) older D) the old

10. Summer is the… season of all.

A) hotest B) hot C) hottest D) hotter

II. Выбери правильный вариант:

1. Kate is … than Mark.

a. funny b. funniest c. funnier

2. That is the … pen of all.

a. badest b. worst c. worse

3. Tanya’s doll is… than Lena’s.

a. pretty b.prettier c. the prettiest

4. I think eleрhants are … animals.

a. cleverest b. clever c. cleverer

5. Tom is the … boy in our class.

a. strongest b. strong c. stronger

6. She is … than his sister.

a. kindest b. kinder c. kind

7. Anya is a … girl

a. cleverer b. clever c. cleverest

III. Найдите лишнее слово:

1. Better, good, worse

2. Happier, friendly, sunnier

3. Fattest, saddest, best

4. Taller, loudest, cleverest

IV. Исправь ошибки:

1. Winter is coldest than spring.

2. Monkeys are clever than rabbits.

3. July is the hotter month .

4. Her picture is bader than Henry’s.

5. Dogs are funnyer than mice.

Дополнительные упражнения для подготовки к контрольной работе по теме «Степени сравнения прилагательных»

(к УМК «Spotlight» 4 класс)


Образуй сравнительную и превосходную степень сравнения прилагательных:



the funniest











№ 2

Выбери правильный вариант:

  1. Lena is … than Mary.
  1. funny  b. funniest   c. funnier
  1. That is the … book of all.
  1. badest  b. worst   c. worse
  1. Sue’s doll is… than Lulu’s.
  1. pretty   b. prettier  c. the prettiest
  1. I think dolphins are … animals.
  1. cleverest   b.  clever   c. cleverer
  1. Roy is the … boy in our class.
  1. strongest   b. strong  c. stronger
  1.  He is … than his brother.
  1. kindest  b. kinder  c. kind
  1. Alice is a … girl
  1. cleverer  b. clever c. cleverest

№ 3

Найди лишнее прилагательное:

  1. Better, good, worse
  2. Happier, friendly, sunnier
  3. Fattest, saddest, best
  4. Taller, loudest, cleverest

№ 4

Найди и исправь ошибки:

  1. Sam is the kind dog.
  2. Winter is coldest than spring.
  3. Monkeys are clever than rabbits.
  4.  July is the hotter month  of all.
  5. Her picture is bader than Henry’s.
  6. Dogs are funnyer than mice.

№ 5

Прочитай текст. Раскрой скобки и напиши прилагательное в сравнительной или превосходной степени:

There are  seven pets in our house – a dog, a parrot, a rabbit, a tortoise, a cat and two hamsters. They are all so different! Our dog is the 1) cleverest (clever) of all. The cat is the 2) ________ (lazy) of all. The rabbit is the 3) _______ (shy), but the tortoise is the 4) ______ (slow). The hamsters are 5) ______ (funny) than the tortoise. The parrot is 6) ______ (pretty) of all. Our pets are the _____ (good). We love them very much!

№ 2 Найди и исправь ошибки:
1.Sam is the kind dog.
2.Winter is coldest than spring.
3.Monkeys are clever than rabbits.
 4.July is the hotter month  of all.
5.Her picture is bader than Henry’s.
6.Dogs are funnyer than mice.

Answers & Comments


Verified answer

1.Sam is the kindest dog.

2.Winter is colder than spring.

3.Monkeys are cleverer than rabbits.

 4.July is the hottest month  of all.

5.Her picture is worse than Henry’s.

6.Dogs are funnier than mice.


Verified answer


1) Sam is the kindest dog

2) Winter is colder than spring

3) Monkeys are cleverer than rabbits

4) July is the hottest….

5) Her picture is worse than…

6) Dogs are funnier than..



Sam is the kindest dog

Winter is colder than spring

Monkeys are more clever than rabbits

July is the hottest moth of all

Her picture is worse than Henry

Dogs are funnier than mice



это не точно, особенно во 2.

5. Её картина хуже картины Генри

6. Собаки смешнее чем мыши

Надеюсь, не надо объяснять (если надо, спрашивай)

Найди и исправь ошибки sam is the kind dog winter is coldest than spring monkeys are clever than rab

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1.Painkiller — обезболивающее

2.Matches. Спички

3.Musical instrument.? Либо whistle-свисток Музыкальный инструмент?

4.Fire. Огонь.

5.Gas stove. Газовая плита

6.Rope. Верёвка.

7. Clothes. Одежда

8. Knife. Нож

9. Fishing Rod. Удочка

10. Fridge. Холодильник.

Перевод предложений.

Вы используете это, когда вам больно.

2 Вы используете это, чтобы развести огонь.

3 Вы издаёте звук, когда используете это.

4 Вы можете согреться рядом с этим.

5 Вы можете готовить на этом.

6 Вы можете использовать это, чтобы связать что-то.

7 Вы используете это, когда вам холодно.

8 Вы можете использовать это, чтобы резать вещи.

9 Вы можете использовать это, чтобы ловить рыбу.

10 Вы можете хранить свою еду в этом.



1) a Greek philosopher.

2) Atlantis dates back to 355 BC.

3) The Greek god.

4) It look Amazing.

5) Inside the temple, stood a gold statue of Poseidon.

6) They were mostly sailors and traders.

7) Kings live in beautiful places.

8) a terrible earthquake happened and the island disappeared into the ocean.

9) There are many theories about where Atlantis was. It was either near the Azores, or in the Mediterranean Sea, near Sardinia, Crete, Malta or Santorini.

10) Сори не знаю.


Это ответы, допустим в третьем про Пасейдона ты говоришь:

Poseidon was a Greek god. И т.д.

Желаю удачи!


Найди и исправь ошибки. 1. San is the kind dog2. Winter is coldest than spring3. Monkeys are clever than rabbits. 4. July is the hotter month of all. 5. Her picture is bader than Henry*s6. Dogs are funnyer than miceПрочитай текст. Раскрой скобки и напиши прилагательное в сравнительной или превосходной степени:There are seven pert in ous house-a dog ,a parrot , a rabbit , a tortoise, a cat and two hamsters. They are all so different Our dog is the1) cleverest ( clever) of all. The cat is the 2)_ (lazy) of all. The rabbit is the3)-_ (shy ), but tortoise is the4)_ (slow). The hamsters are5)_ (funny) than the tortoise. The parrot is 6)_ (pretty) of all. Our pers are the _(good) . We love them very much

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1. Sam is the kind dog.

Duncan Duncan

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