С1259 ошибка тойота приус 30

Ошибка С1259 помогите.

(1 чел.) (1) гость

Здравствуйте. Раз в два дня появляется ошибка С1259 и машина перестаёт двигаться. Стираю ошибку и она вновь появляется через 2 дня. Помогите в устранении проблемы.

Изменено: 21.08.2015 23:43 от vitalyi.

vitalyi написал:

Здравствуйте. Раз в два дня появляется ошибка С1259 и машина перестаёт двигаться. Стираю ошибку и она вновь появляется через 2 дня. Помогите в устранении проблемы.

Эта ошибка ни как на движение машины не влияет. Она следственная, т.е. говорит только о том, что из-за неисправности в гибридной системе или ВВБ у вас отключена система рекуперации. Считывайте ошибки не с блока АБС, а с блока ДВС, гибридки и ВВБ!

с уважением, Сергей Николаевич.

Это уже ближе Но этого все равно недостаточно, чтобы локализовать неисправность.
У вас идет утечка высокого напряжения на корпус машины.
Чтобы узнать, где конкретно оно идет надо к этой ошибке считать еще и подкод. Их всего 5 штук: 526,611,612,613 и 614. Без подкодов — это гадание на кофейной гуще

с уважением, Сергей Николаевич.

Здравствуйте. Считывали ошибки 526 и 614.

vitalyi написал:

Здравствуйте. Считывали ошибки 526 и 614.

Ищите утечку в трансмиссии (мотор-генераторы), в ВВБ (элементы и система майн-реле), а также в инверторе-конверторе.

с уважением, Сергей Николаевич.

Здравствуйте. Был сегодня у автоэлектрика. Нашли нарушение изоляции у высоковольтного провода инвертор — мотор-генератор. Подскажите есть ли у Вас в запчасти данный провод? Возможно ли восстановить изоляцию без замены провода?

Можно, но не нужно.
ИМХО: однозначно менять.

Ошибка C1259 — Неисправность в системе рекуперативного тормоза гибридной системы. Рекуперати́вное торможе́ние — вид электрического торможения, при котором электроэнергия, вырабатываемая тяговыми электродвигателями, работающими в генераторном режиме, возвращается в электрическую сеть.
То есть по сути, необходимо проверять систему электродвигателей. Есть неисправность в балансе движущих сил. Нарушена работа электродвигателя гибрида.
В данном случае, стоит проверять отдельно систему ДВС и компенсацию электродвигателей.
Нет старта двигателя, при котором возможно движение. Блок управления отрабатывает ошибку взаимодействия.
Проверяйте цепи электропитания, контакт, исполнительный механизм ротора электропривода.

Курск, Chevrolet Lacetti

Toyota Prius C1259 and P0A0D Error

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The Toyota Prius C1259 and P0A0D errors are diagnostic trouble codes that relate to the hybrid system of the vehicle. The C1259 code specifically indicates a malfunction in the regenerative brake system, which is responsible for capturing and converting kinetic energy back into electrical energy to charge the hybrid battery. This malfunction could be attributed to issues with the brake actuator, brake fluid, or other related components. On the other hand, the P0A0D code points towards a problem in the hybrid powertrain control module, which manages the interactions between the gasoline engine, electric motors, and battery pack. Detecting and resolving these error codes promptly is crucial to ensure the efficient and smooth operation of the Toyota Prius’s hybrid system, contributing to both fuel efficiency and environmental sustainability. If either of these codes is illuminated on the vehicle’s dashboard, it is advisable to seek professional assistance to diagnose and rectify the underlying issues.

Fixmycar.pk has a trained Hybrid vehicles handling team for Toyota c1259 error. We are in service for last 05 years and specialize in home services for all make and models of cars. Our team received a call from a customer that a Toyota Prius is not starting or moving and after showing the car to multiple workshops all are saying to change the battery pack, the vehicle was totally disabled.

Hybrid System Errors

Some Errors Associated with Hybrid System

C1259 Check HV system

C1345 Traction system / ABS

C1392 Stroke Sensor

P0A0D High voltage system error

C1203 ECM Communication Circuit

C1451 Motor drive malfunction

C1310 Skid control ECU

Toyota Prius C1259 and P0A0D Error Images

c1259 prius

P0a80 Replace Hybrid Battery Pack

toyota c1259

P0a7f Hybrid Battery Pack Deterioration

High Voltage of Prius

Please note that Prius has around 210 VDC in its system, extreme precautions must be taken to handle the electronics of the car. The Auxiliary battery was also found to be weak so replaced with new one.

This Is Why Toyota Isn’t Rushing to Sell You an Electric Vehicle

toyota c1259

Jump Starting

Engine damage prevention

The old oil that came out was hardly 1 Ltr and it had also triggered the engine oil low safety program to prevent engine damage.

toyota c1259

Removal of Battery Pack and Testing Voltages




Hybrid Battery Pack Prius 2011

c1259 prius

The batteries were checked individually as the system was showing battery error

Toyota c1259 & P0A0D

Battery Block Voltages

c1259 prius

Testing Voltage On Battery Pack

toyota c1259

Testing of Main fuse


The vehicle is now perfect and drive-able after removing of Toyota Prius c1259 error. Installation of all equipment done after testing.

toyota c1259

On-site Work, Everything Done At Customers Home

Maintenance mode activation, Error removal and calibrations

toyota c1259

100% Ok and ready to use with 18.5KM average during testing

Hybrid Battery Fan 

Our hybrid battery fan service includes:
• Removing all panels necessary to access HV battery fan.
• Cleaning hybrid battery fan or duct assembly, Scan and Reset of controller

Cost is Rs. 3500/- (approximately) inclusive of scan and inspection

Time (Takes about 2 hours)

Complete Removal of all parts and servicing each and every part , tear down of Power unit (Honda & Toyota Vehicles only) is also available as a on-site service (Time 04 Hrs.)

Contact fixmycar.pk

Call at 0331-2227989 to make your appointment for a hybrid battery fan service.

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  1. tytprs6

    May 6, 2020
    New Orleans
    2007 Prius

    Hi all,

    I drive a 2007 Toyota Prius. My car got the red triangle of death, along with the check engine light , VSC, and the exclamation point sensors all going off too. The car still works, sometimes like normal, sometimes it struggles to accelerate or keep the A/C cool, etc. I used Innova’s Car Scan Advisor 5210 and got the codes, C1259 (HV System Regenerative Malfunction) and C1310 (1 Active Booster Solenoid 2 HV System Malfunction). In prior experiences I’ve had replacing an HV Battery, the car wouldn’t run and another code would come up. Is this just an HV battery issue? I just don’t want to buy a replacement only to have there be another issue with the car.

    Thank you all in advance.

  2. bisco

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base

    probably best to run tech stream and check sub codes

  3. tytprs6

    May 6, 2020
    New Orleans
    2007 Prius

    Am I able to run that off the carscan?

  4. dolj

    You might not need to. I am not familiar with the various models of Innova scanners, but if it can interrogate the ECB and the Enhanced VSC ECUs, it probably should be able to dig down into the freeze frame data, which is where you will find any sub-codes.

    I would think there would be more codes in the battery ECU for you to report. The two codes you mentioned are set by the ECB ECU and the Enhanced VSC respectively and are code that merely acknowledgment codes to say they heard from the battery ECU that it had a problem.

    C1310 = Malfunction in HV system
    C1259 = HV System Regenerative Malfunction

    They don’t really tell you much except to prompt you to go look to see what the battery ECU has to tell you.

  5. tytprs6

    May 6, 2020
    New Orleans
    2007 Prius

    So far, I only get those two codes mentioned above when looking up the ABS codes. I get «No Powertrain DTCs or Freeze Frame Data is presently stored in the vehicles computer» when I do a regular OBD II diagnostic. Which is what is confusing me (everything I’ve found when researching the two codes I’ve pulled up shows that there is usually another code with it that pinpoints the actual problem.)

  6. dolj

    «Powertrain» is probably in reference to the engine management computer (EMC), so no surprise there. Maybe your scanner is only a basic «engine, brakes and airbag» model. Maybe it can be upgraded, or maybe you just need a better more capable model.

  7. 05PreeUs

    Oct 1, 2016
    2005 Prius

    These are Inverter/Converter faults and match your performance experience. First check would be to ensure you have HSD coolant flow, if that is normal, it seems most likely that the Inverter/Converter has suffered an internal event.

  8. ChapmanF

    C1259 and C1310 are both codes that the brake/skid ECU will set only because it has been told by the Hybrid Vehicle ECU that there are codes set over there.

    The brake ECU doesn’t know what the HV ECU codes are, whether inverter/converter or something else. They can only tell you to use a code reader capable of querying the HV ECU for its codes so you know what it’s going on about.

    The brake ECU gets notified of the existence of HV ECU issues so it can make its own adjustments and not count on regen capacity that the HV ECU might not be able to supply.

    The C in a code identifies it as coming from some Chassis-related system (in this case, the brakes). Codes from the HV ECU, part of the Powertrain, will start with a P.

  9. How do you check sub-codes in Techstream?

  10. If any code has a sub or INF code, you would find it by clicking on the snowflake symbol to the left of the main code (that’s freeze frame data- a snapshot of data that the ecu records when it sets a code). Part way down the freeze frame data will be lines called «detail» — that’s the subcode.

    Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.

  11. ChapmanF

    When the codes in question are C1259 and C1310, it’s not really subcodes of those codes that you’re looking for. Those are just brake system codes that only mean «there are hybrid system codes». So the main thing then is to make sure the scan tool you’re using also shows you the hybrid system codes, because those are the ones that will matter. (And it’s possible, once you have those codes, there will be detail subcodes for them.)

  12. dolj

    I wouldn’t rely on any AutoZone employee to know how to diagnose Prius codes. Most people unfamiliar with hybrids seem to immediately jump to thinking a problem with the battery exists.

    None of those codes immediately would throw suspicion on the hybrid vehicle (HV) battery.

    The C1378 indicates a capacitor communications malfunction. The brake control power supply assembly (capacitor) provides auxiliary power for brake control when an auxiliary battery (12 V) voltage drops.

    The FAIL and ENA lines are placed between the skid control ECU and the brake control power supply assembly. Signals indicating that the brake control power supply is in auxiliary mode are sent to the skid control ECU through the FAIL line.

    Charge permit prohibition signals are sent to the brake control power supply through the ENA line.

    As far as the C1259 and C1310 codes go, I’ll just reiterate what ChapmanF said in his post above:

    So, it seems the AutoZone reader did not show you the hybrid system codes.

    C1378 is set when either condition below is met:

    • Open or short in FAIL line
    • Malfunction inside the power backup unit

    Trouble areas are:

    • Harness and connector
    • Skid control ECU

    The repair manual (more info) has the diagnostic steps to follow to isolate the problem area.

  13. GreenTea&SaltWater

    Dec 9, 2019
    Los angeles
    2010 Prius

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Доброго времени суток приусоводы!Имеется Приус 20 левый руль 2005 года.После простоя 6 месяцев появился комплекс ошибок.р3000 р0016 с1259 с1310 р0а80 р3014.в 4 паре есть просевший элемент.вопрос,могут ли эти все ошибки связаны с ремонтом ввб?

Администратор запретил публиковать записи.

Администратор запретил публиковать записи.

Вы имеете ввиду ошибку Р0016?Неверное относительное динамическое положение коленвала относительно распредвала?

Администратор запретил публиковать записи.

Администратор запретил публиковать записи.

Сергей Владимирович,я так понимаю цепь грм подлежит замене?До этого автоэлектрики заменили датчик распредвала на новый(правда поставили китайский),но проблема осталась.

Последнее редактирование: 4 года 3 мес. назад от anton84.

Администратор запретил публиковать записи.

Абсолютно верно, замена цепи.

Администратор запретил публиковать записи.

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