Руфтоп lennox коды ошибок



Filters, Clogged up


Filters, Missing


Electric heating elements


High Temperature, Blowing


Low Temperature, Ambient


Gas burner, 1


Gas burner, 2


Low Temperature, Blowing


High Temperature, Ambient




Low Humidity, Ambient


High Humidity, Ambient




Clock card




Temperature sensor, Ambient


Humidity sensor, Ambient


Temperature probe, Outside


Humidity sensor, Outside


Temperature probe, Blower


Circuit 1, Temperature sensor, Water condenser Outlet


Circuit 2, Temperature sensor, Water condenser Outlet


Temperature sensor, return or Mixing air


Treatment Fan


Circuit 1, Condenser fan


Circuit 2, Condenser fan


Circuit 3, Condenser fan


Circuit 4, Condenser fan


Low temperature, Water Condenser


High temperature, Water Condenser


Flow rate, water condenser


Smoke detector


Circuit 1, Probe or Sensor


Circuit 1, High pressure or electrical protection


Circuit 1, Low pressure


Circuit 2, Probe or Sensor


Circuit 2, High pressure or electrical protection


Circuit 2, Low pressure


Circuit 3, Probe or Sensor


Circuit 3, High pressure or electrical protection


Circuit 3, Low pressure


Circuit 4, Probe or Sensor


Circuit 4, High pressure or electrical protection


Circuit 4, Low pressure


CLIMATIC™50 – IOM – Rooftops/ Aircoolair





Filters, Clogged up


Filters, Missing


Electric heating elements


High Temperature, Blowing


Low Temperature, Ambient


Gas burner, 1


Gas burner, 2


Low Temperature, Blowing


High Temperature, Ambient




Low Humidity, Ambient


High Humidity, Ambient




Clock card




Temperature sensor, Ambient


Humidity sensor, Ambient


Temperature probe, Outside


Humidity sensor, Outside


Temperature probe, Blower


Circuit 1, Temperature sensor, Water condenser Outlet


Circuit 2, Temperature sensor, Water condenser Outlet


Temperature sensor, return or Mixing air


Treatment Fan


Circuit 1, Condenser fan


Circuit 2, Condenser fan


Circuit 3, Condenser fan


Circuit 4, Condenser fan


Low temperature, Water Condenser


High temperature, Water Condenser


Flow rate, water condenser


Smoke detector


Circuit 1, Probe or Sensor


Circuit 1, High pressure or electrical protection


Circuit 1, Low pressure


Circuit 2, Probe or Sensor


Circuit 2, High pressure or electrical protection


Circuit 2, Low pressure


Circuit 3, Probe or Sensor


Circuit 3, High pressure or electrical protection


Circuit 3, Low pressure


Circuit 4, Probe or Sensor


Circuit 4, High pressure or electrical protection


Circuit 4, Low pressure


CLIMATIC™50 – IOM – Rooftops/ Aircoolair



Climatic 50 Roof-Top, Aircoolair & Compactair Version 24

Error Codes Problem
001 Airflow
004 Filters, Clogged up
005 Filters, Missing
006 Recovery Module , Filters, Clogged up
011 Electric heating elements
012 High Temperature, Blowing
013 Low Temperature, Ambient
014 Gas burner, 1
015 Gas burner, 2
022 Low Temperature, Blowing
023 High Temperature, Ambient
031 Humidifier
032 Low Humidity, Ambient
033 High Humidity, Ambient
041 Pump
051 Recovery Module, Motor failure
052 Recovery Module, Wheel failure
070 Clock card
071 BE50, 1
072 BE50, 2
081 Temperature sensor, Ambient
082 Humidity sensor, Ambient
083 Temperature probe, Outside
084 Humidity sensor, Outside
085 Temperature probe, Blower
086 Circuit 1, Temperature sensor, Water condenser Outlet
087 Circuit 2, Temperature sensor, Water condenser Outlet
088 Temperature sensor, return or Mixing air
091 Blower
092 Circuit 1, Condenser fan
093 Circuit 2, Condenser fan
094 Circuit 3, Condenser fan
095 Circuit 4, Condenser fan
096 Low temperature, Water Condenser
097 High temperature, Water Condenser
098 Flow rate, water condenser
099 Smoke detector
111 Circuit 1, Probe or Sensor
115 Circuit 1, High pressure or electrical protection
117 Circuit 1, Low pressure
118 Circuit 1, Risk of Frosting
121 Circuit 2, Probe or Sensor
125 Circuit 2, High pressure or electrical protection
127 Circuit 2, Low pressure
128 Circuit 2, Risk of Frosting
131 Circuit 3, Probe or Sensor
135 Circuit 3, High pressure or electrical protection
137 Circuit 3, Low pressure
141 Circuit 4, Probe or Sensor
145 Circuit 4, High pressure or electrical protection
147 Circuit 4, Low pressure

Lennox Gas Furnace Error Codes

Lennox Gas Furnace Error Codes

EL180DFE series units are mid-efficiency gas furnaces used for downflow applications only, manufactured with Lennox Duralok heat exchangers formed of aluminized steel. EL180DFE units are available in heating capacities of 44,000 to 110,000 Btu/h and cooling applications 1.5 to 5 tons. Refer to Engineering Handbook for proper sizing.

The integrated control is equipped with an LED light for troubleshooting

Off -No power to control or board fault detected

On- Board fault detected,

Heartbeat1- Control powered – displayed during all modes of operation if no errors are detected

  1. Reverse Line Voltage Polarity
  2. Improper Earth Ground
  3. Burner failed to light, or lost flame during heat demand
  4. Low Flame Signal – check flame sensor
  5. Watchguard – burner failed to light, exceeded maximum number of retries or recycles.
  6. Not Used
  7. Primary or Secondary Limit Open or Watchguard Mode  – Limit Switch Open longer than 3 minutes.
  8. Rollout Switch Open
  9. Pressure Switch failed to close or opened during heat demand
  10. Watchguard – Pressure Switch opened 5 times during one heat demand
  11. Pressure Switch stuck closed prior to activation of combustion air inducer
  12. Flame Sensed without gas valve energized
  13. Low Line Voltage


Note 1

A ”Heartbeat” is indicated by a ”Slow Flash” – 1 sec on 1 sec off, repeating

Note 2

Error codes are indicated by a ”Rapid Flash” – the LED flashes X times at 1/2 sec on 1/2 sec off, remains off for 3 sec, then repeats

Note 3
Last 10 error codes are stored in memory including when power is shut off to the unit. – To recall, press and release button, most recent will be displayed first, LED off for 3 sec, then next error code is displayed, etc. To clear error codes, depress and hold button longer than 5 seconds.

Lennox AC Error Codes and Troubleshooting

Installation Operating and Maintenance Manual: Lennox Rooftop Service Manual


В этом видео вы увидите обзор меню контроллера Climatic 60 на сервисном пульте DS60 Lennox.

Меню контроллера большое и одним видео не обойтись, поэтому обзор будет разбит на несколько частей.

Контроллер ни к чему не подключен. После загрузки мы будем видеть наличие ошибок. О чем сигнализирует кнопка с изображением колокольчика красного цвета.

Если у вас не отображается текст, то необходимо проверить и правильно выставить адреса дисплея и контроллера. Это делается следующим образом – одновременно на 5 секунд зажимаются кнопки стрелка вверх, стрелка вниз и Enter. Необходимо выставить адрес пульта 32, а платы управления 01. Стрелкой вверх и вниз выбирается номер адреса, Enter подтверждение. Если адрес правильный, то появится информация о загрузке дисплея. Если адреса не менять, то после нажатия двух раз Enter, то появляется меню настройки других терминалов, но здесь этого не требуется.

После загрузки пульт просит выбрать номер агрегата к которому будет произведено подключение. К одному контроллеру Climatic 60 можно подключить до 8 агрегатов по сети pLan. У меня других устройств к контроллеру не подключено, поэтому выбрать ничего нельзя. Для подтверждения выбора агрегата нажимаем кнопку Enter.

После нажатия кнопки появляется экран с общими данными о версии прошивки, текущего языка, даты и времени. При нажатии кнопки вниз изменяется язык интерфейса. На выбор два языка английский и испанский.

При нажатии на Enter мы входим в главное меню.

Главное меню состоит из двух подменю при работе под логином User и из трех меню, если ввести пароль.

Для ввода пароля необходимо выйти из этого меню к экрану с общими данными и нажать последовательно комбинацию кнопок.

Сначала нажать одновременно колокольчик и кнопку вверх, потом кнопку PRG, затем кнопку вверх и в конце кнопку Enter. При каждом нажатии на экране будут появляться звездочки, которые говорят, что мы правильно вводим пароль.

После ввода пароля станет доступно меню эксперт.

Структура меню многоуровневая. Нахождение в том или ином разделе говорят 4 цифры вверху экрана.

Меню ALARM. Меню User. Меню Эксперт.

Меню очень обширное и многоуровневое. Некоторые пункты могут быть скрыты и появляются только при выборе тех или иных компонентов агрегата – теплообменник водяной, газовый или электрический, тип агрегата руфтоп или компрессорно-конденсаторный блок (ККБ). Программа предназначена как для руфтопов, так и для ККБ. Более подробное описание меню можно найти в инструкции к контроллеру Climatic 60. Файл под видео.

Рассмотрим меню Alarm

Подтверждение выбора осуществляется нажатием кнопки Enter.

В меню Alarm можно перейти нажав кнопку с изображением колокольчика, при чем в каком уровне меню вы бы не были и нажатием ESC вы снова вернетесь в тоже меню где были.

Информация по ошибкам представлена следующим образом: номер ошибки по порядку, день, месяц, час, минута её формирования и код ошибки. Количество записей аварий 99 шт, хотя в инструкции указано только 32-е строчки.

При нажатии кнопки Enter мы переходим к описанию самой ошибки. Описание кодов ошибок, причина появления и способ их устранения смотрите в инструкции к контроллеру Climatic60. Всего кодов ошибок 344.

Повторное нажатие Enter подтверждает снятие ошибки и возвращает вас к списку аварий. Если причина аварии устранена, то ошибка сбросится, исчезнет символ колокольчика.

Продолжение смотрите в следующем видео.




Filters, Clogged up


Filters, Missing


Electric heating elements


High Temperature, Blowing


Low Temperature, Ambient


Gas burner, 1


Gas burner, 2


Low Temperature, Blowing


High Temperature, Ambient




Low Humidity, Ambient


High Humidity, Ambient




Clock card




Temperature sensor, Ambient


Humidity sensor, Ambient


Temperature probe, Outside


Humidity sensor, Outside


Temperature probe, Blower


Circuit 1, Temperature sensor, Water condenser Outlet


Circuit 2, Temperature sensor, Water condenser Outlet


Temperature sensor, return or Mixing air


Treatment Fan


Circuit 1, Condenser fan


Circuit 2, Condenser fan


Circuit 3, Condenser fan


Circuit 4, Condenser fan


Low temperature, Water Condenser


High temperature, Water Condenser


Flow rate, water condenser


Smoke detector


Circuit 1, Probe or Sensor


Circuit 1, High pressure or electrical protection


Circuit 1, Low pressure


Circuit 2, Probe or Sensor


Circuit 2, High pressure or electrical protection


Circuit 2, Low pressure


Circuit 3, Probe or Sensor


Circuit 3, High pressure or electrical protection


Circuit 3, Low pressure


Circuit 4, Probe or Sensor


Circuit 4, High pressure or electrical protection


Circuit 4, Low pressure


CLIMATIC™50 – IOM – Rooftops/ Aircoolair



If any error occurs in your air conditioner, indoor display shows error codes. Once you nail down the issue you can easily call in a professional, or fix the issue yourself. To help you out we have listed down the most common error codes of Lennox AC.

Indoor Unit Display Codes

Error Codes Cause
E0 EEPROM parameter error
E1 Indoor/outdoor units communication protection
E2 Zero-crossing signal error
E3 Indoor fan speed out of control
E5 Open or short circuit of outdoor temperature sensor or outdoor unit EEPROM parameter error
E6 Open or short circuit of room or evaporator temperature sensor
E7 Outdoor fan speed out of control
P0 IBM malfunction or IGBT over-strong current protection
P1 Over voltage or too low voltage protection
P2 Temperature protection of compressor top
P4 Inverter compressor drive error

Split Type AC Codes

Lennox Split AC Error Codes

Lennox Split AC Error Codes

If there is an error occurring during the operation of the system, the error code will be displayed on the LCD, as show in Fig.5.1. If multi errors occur at the same time, their codes will be displayed circularly.

Error Codes Meaning
E1 High pressure protection.
E2 Anti-freezing protection.
E3 Low pressure protection.
E4 High discharge temperature protection.
E5 Whole unit over-current protection.
E6 Indoor and outdoor communication error.
E7 Running mode conflict.
E8 Overload protection.
E9 Indoor unit full water error.
EN Current protection.
EU Frequency restricted/reduced with IPM temperature protection.
EL0C Refrigerant leakage detection.
EH61 Evaporator coil middle temperature sensor T2 is in open circuit or has short circuited.
F0 System charge shortage or blockage protection.
F1 Return air temperature sensor open/ short circuited.
F2 Evaporator temperature sensor open/ short circuited.
F3 Outdoor ambient temperature sensor open/ short circuited.
F4 Outdoor unit condenser mid-tube temperature sensor open/short circuited.
F5 Discharge temperature sensor open/ short circuited.
F6 Frequency restricted/reduced with overload protection.
F8 Frequency restricted/reduced with whole unit current protection.
F9 Frequency restricted/reduced with high discharge temperature.
FH Frequency restricted/reduced with antifreezing protection.
Fo Pump-down.
H1 Forced defrosting.
H3 Compressor overheating protection.
H5 IPM Current protection.
H6 Motor stalling.
H7 Compressor desynchronizing.
HC PFC protection.
HE Compressor demagnetization protection.
P5 Over phase current protection.
P6 Drive board communication error.
P7 IPM temperature sensor open/short circuited.
P8 IPM Temperature Protection.
P9 AC contactor protection.
PD Sensor connection protection.
PE Temperature drift protection.
PF Drive board temperature sensor error.
PH DC bus over-voltage protection.
PL DC bus under-voltage protection.
PP AC input voltage abnormal.
PU Capacitor charging error.
PC00 Inverter module IPM error.
PC01 High or Low voltage protection.
PC02 High temperature sensed at compressor top.
PC03 Low or High pressure protection.
PC04 Inverter compressor drive error.
PC08 Current overload protection.
PC0L Outdoor low ambient temperature protection.
U1 Compressor phase current sensing circuit error.
U3 DC bus voltage drop error.
U5 Whole unit current sensing circuit error.
U7 4-way valve reversing error.
U8 PG motor zero-crossing protection.
L3 Outdoor fan 1 error protection.
L9 Over-power protection.
LA Outdoor fan 2 error protection.
LC Compressor startup failure.
LD Compressor phase loss/reversal protection.
LE Compressor stalling.
LF Over-speeding.
LP Indoor and outdoor units unmatched.
B5 Indoor unit liquid valve temperature sensor open/short circuited.
B7 Indoor gas valve temperature sensor open/ short circuited.
C5 Jumper error.
DN Communication line misconnected or expansion valve error.
105 Device communication failure
120 Unresponsive device
124 Active subnet controller missing
125 Hardware failure
126 Internal control communication failure
131 Corrupted control parameters
132 Failed flash CRC check
180 Ambient sensor problem
400 Compressor internal overload trip
401 Long run time. Compressor is running extremely long run cycles
402 System pressure trip.
403 Short cycling. Compressor is running less than three minutes
404 Locked rotor. Compressor has a locked out due to run capacitor short, bearings are seized, excessive liquid refrigerant
405 Open circuit.
406 Open start circuit
407 Open run circuit
408 Welded contactor. Compressor always runs
409 Secondary low voltage.
410 Low pressure fault
411 Low pressure switch lockout
412 High pressure fault
413 High pressure switch lockout
414 Discharge line temperature fault
415 Discharge line temperature lockout
417 Discharge sensor fault
Ds11, Ds13, Ds14, Ds15 OEM mode. Factory test mode

Note: In event of any error, please turn off the unit and contact the professionally skilled personnel.

Remote Control Buttons Meaning

Lennox AC Remote Control

Lennox AC Remote Control

Mini Split Type Codes

Lennox Air Conditioner Mini Split Error Codes

Lennox Air Conditioner Mini Split Error Codes

Indoor and Outdoor Error Codes







Rooftop Codes

Climatic 50 Roof-Top, Aircoolair & Compactair Version 24

Error Codes Problem
001 Airflow
004 Filters, Clogged up
005 Filters, Missing
006 Recovery Module, Filters, Clogged up
011 Electric heating elements
012 High Temperature, Blowing
013 Low Temperature, Ambient
022 Low Temperature, Blowing
023 High Temperature, Ambient
051 Recovery Module, Motor failure
052 Recovery Module, Wheel failure
081 Temperature sensor, Ambient
082 Humidity sensor, Ambient
083 Temperature probe, Outside
084 Humidity sensor, Outside
085 Temperature probe, Blower
086 Circuit 1, Temperature sensor, Water condenser Outlet
087 Circuit 2, Temperature sensor, Water condenser Outlet
088 Temperature sensor, return or Mixing air
096 Low temperature, Water Condenser
097 High temperature, Water Condenser


Please check below items before asking for maintenance.

Phenomenon: Indoor unit can’t receive remote controller’s signal or remote controller has no action.

Check items:

  1. Whether remote controller is within the signal receiving range?
  2. Whether there are obstacles?
  3. Whether remote controller is pointing at the receiving window?
  4. Is sensitivity of remote controller low; fuzzy display and no display?
  5. No display when operating remote controller?
  6. Fluorescent lamp in room?


  1. Signal receiving range is 8m.
  2. Remove obstacles.
  3. Select proper angle and point the remote controller at the receiving window on indoor unit.
  4. Check the batteries. If the power of batteries is too low, please replace them.
  5. Check whether remote controller appears to be damaged. If yes, replace it.
  6. Take the remote controller close to indoor unit.

Phenomenon: No air emitted from indoor unit

Check items:

  1. Air inlet or air outlet of indoor unit is blocked?
  2. Under heating mode, indoor temperature is reached to set temperature?
  3. Heating mode is turned on just now?


  1. Eliminate obstacles.
  2. After reaching to set temperature, indoor unit will stop blowing out air.
  3. In order to prevent blowing out cold air, indoor unit will be started after delaying for several minutes, which is a normal phenomenon.

Phenomenon: Air conditioner can’t operate

Check items:

  1. Power failure?
  2. Is plug loose?
  3. Air switch trips off or fuse is burnt out?
  4. Wiring has malfunction?
  5. Unit has restarted immediately after stopping operation?
  6. Whether the function setting for remote controller is correct?


  1. Wait until power recovery.
  2. Reinsert the plug.
  3. Ask professional to replace air switch or fuse.
  4. Ask professional to replace it.
  5. Wait for 3min, and then turn on the unit again.
  6. Reset the function.

Phenomenon: Mist is emitted from indoor unit’s air outlet

Check items: Indoor temperature and humidity is high?

Solution: Because indoor air is cooledrapidly. After a while, indoor temperature and humidity will be decrease and mist will disappear.

Phenomenon: Cooling ( heating) effect is not good

Check items:

  1. Voltage is too low?
  2. Filter is dirty?
  3. Set temperature is in proper range?
  4. Door and window are open?


  1. Wait until the voltage resumes normal.
  2. Clean the filter.
  3. Adjust temperature to proper range.
  4. Close door and window.

Phenomenon: Outdoor unit has vapor

Check items: Heating mode is turned on?

Solution: During defrosting under heating mode, it may generate vapor, which is a normal phenomenon.

Phenomenon: ”Water flowing” noise

Check items: Air conditioner is turned on or turned offjust now?

Solution: The noise is the sound of refrigerant flowing inside the unit, which is a normal phenomenon.

Phenomenon: Cracking noise

Check items: Air conditioner is turned on or turned offjust now?

Solution: This is the sound of frictioh caused by expansion and/or contraction of panel or other parts clue to the change of temperature.

Manual Pdf

Lennox Air Conditioner Manual PDF

Lennox Rooftop Service Manual

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Danny Reese

Regarding error and fault codes, we believe sharing knowledge is the best way to help everyone. That is why we established ACErrorCode.com, to give you every bit of info you need as a customer. HVAC Expert Contact: dannyreese@acerrorcode.com

Danny Reese

*If you can’t find the code you’re looking for on our site, please let us know, and we’ll update our database as soon as possible.

Lennox furnaces have built-in safety features and the ability to communicate error codes. You should learn and prepare yourself for a list of expected system errors. In this guide, you’ll find out what all Lennox furnace error codes mean and what you should do to try and fix the problem.

Understanding these Lennox error codes makes furnace repairs faster and more cost-effective.

Lennox furnaces use blinking red and green LED lights to display error codes. The light will flash for the sequence, pause, and then flash again. To read the code, note its blinking pattern and count how many light flashes.

To determine what a particular light combination signifies, consult the installation guide for your particular Lennox furnace model.

These LED lights are located in the bottom compartment. Remove the front cover of the furnace, and you will find a row of LEDs.

How to Read Lennox Furnace Error Codes

Normal furnace operation with no errors present: Red LED is ON, and Green LED is OFF. If there is an error, the LED code number and/or flash sequences.

And here are a full list of Lennox error codes you might attend when your furnace starts having problems.

  • Red light is flashing quickly, and Green light is flashing slowly = Reversed polarity
    What to do: Check electrical wiring.
  • Red light is flashing slowly, and Green light is flashing quickly = Low flame error.
    What to do: Check the flame sense rod and flame sensor. Check the gas pressure.
  • Red light is flashing slowly, and Green light is solid = the High limit switch is open.
    What to do: Check the furnace filter, check the blower wheel and ductwork.
  • Red light is off, and Green light is flashing slowly = Draft inducer or pressure switch failure.
    What to do: Check the draft inducer; check the exhaust vent.
  • Red light is on, on, off and Green light is on, off, on = Circuit board failure.
    What to do: Check the control panel or wiring.
  • Red and green lights alternating, flashing slowly = Flame failure
    What to do: Check the pilot light or ignition sensor.
  • Red and green lights alternating, flashing quickly = Issue with voltage
    What to do: It could be the improper main ground.

Lennox Allert Codes

The following are the most common Lennox alert code.

Allert Code Troubleshooting Tip
error code 11 The thermostat cannot find a previously installed system component.

  • Check all system components (devices) connections to make sure they are Lennox communicating compatible.
  • Cycle system power.
error code 31 The applicable system component is resetting itself. This issue may occur during a power outage or power fluctuation in the system.

  • Check the power connections.
  • Check the amperage draw at the transformer (possible overloaded)
error code 200 The furnace roll out limit switch is open. Correct the cause of roll out trip.

  • Reset roll out switch.Test the furnace operation.Check for blocked or obstructed vent pipe (Intake and/or Exhaust).Check for flame stability, if flame is unstable, look for cause.
error code 201 Lost communication with indoor blower motor.
Possible causes include power outage, brown-out, motor not powered, loose wiring, condensation on system component control without cover on breaker. Problem may be on system component control or motor side.
error code 204 There is an issue with the furnace gas valve.
error code 207 The furnace hot surface igniter is open.

  • Measure the resistance of hot surface igniter.
  • Replace the igniter if it is not within the specified range found in furnace installation instruction.
error code 223 The furnace low pressure switch is open.
error code 224 The furnace low pressure switch is stuck closed.
error code 240 Could be either low flame current or a loss of flame while in run mode.

Lennox Error Code Lookup

You can also use Error Code Lookup App provided by Lennoxpros. It provides you with troubleshooting steps, instructions on how to clear the Lennox error code and determine if the situation is critical, moderate, or minor directly from a mobile device.

Lennox Error Code Lookup is available FREE to any technician who services Lennox products.

If you cannot read or troubleshoot the Lennox error codes, you should schedule an appointment to help determine your furnace problem.

Many furnace problems will require the help of a professional HVAC technician. In some cases, if an issue is not correctly solved, it can be more harmfull. If you aren’t a trained professional, it’s recommended that you consult an expert to address the Lennox furnace error codes.

Find trusted HVAC pros in your area and receive FREE, no-commitment quotes for your project.

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Mas Broto

Have been in the heating and air conditioning (HVAC) industry for over 20 years. He is person that will grow and thrive to learn more about the HVAC industry throughout his career. Mas Broto is also a blogger, who’s dedicated to bringing you the best knowledge to get ahead in the game of life.

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WebDec 4, 2021 About Mas Broto. Have been in the heating and air conditioning (HVAC) industry for over 20 years. He is person that will grow and thrive to learn more about the HVAC industry throughout his career.
From thedailythrive.org

Dec 4, 2021 About Mas Broto. Have been in the heating and air conditioning (HVAC) industry for over 20 years. He is person that will grow and thrive to learn more about the HVAC industry throughout his career.»>
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WebNot every Lennox furnace repair needs expert intervention. Some issues are DIY, and you only need to know how to diagnose and troubleshoot them accordingly. As a Canadian homeowner, there is nothing more useful …
From lennoxdealerstoronto.ca

Not every Lennox furnace repair needs expert intervention. Some issues are DIY, and you only need to know how to diagnose and troubleshoot them accordingly. As a Canadian homeowner, there is nothing more useful …»>
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From lennoxpros.com

Zip/Postal Code Radius Within 30 miles Within 60 miles Within 90 miles Within 120 miles Within 200 miles»>
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WebNOTE – Slow flash rate equals 1 Hz (one flash per second). Fast flash rate equals 3 Hz …
From airtronic.ca

NOTE – Slow flash rate equals 1 Hz (one flash per second). Fast flash rate equals 3 Hz …»>
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WebJan 15, 2023 Lennox furnace’s error code list is a comprehensive list of all the error …
From nestheating.ca

Jan 15, 2023 Lennox furnace’s error code list is a comprehensive list of all the error …»>
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WebFeb 13, 2023 Lennox error codes are a manual that provides troubleshooting help for …
From nestheating.ca

Feb 13, 2023 Lennox error codes are a manual that provides troubleshooting help for …»>
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WebFeb 13, 2023 2800 Douglas Rd B, Burnaby, BC V5C 5B7 Mail us on. [email protected]
From heatland.ca

Feb 13, 2023 2800 Douglas Rd B, Burnaby, BC V5C 5B7 Mail us on. [email protected]»>
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WebFeb 23, 2023 You may have received the «Error Code A450» message if you have a …
From nestheating.ca

Feb 23, 2023 You may have received the «Error Code A450″ message if you have a …»>
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WebROMA HEATING AND COOLING has been in the HVAC business for more than 20 …
From romaheating.ca

ROMA HEATING AND COOLING has been in the HVAC business for more than 20 …»>
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WebJul 31, 2020 Here are a few of the light arrangements you may observe when your heat will not or stay on. The bulk of these errors have to be handled by a professional, for instance from AC Mechanical.
From ac-mechanical.net

Jul 31, 2020 Here are a few of the light arrangements you may observe when your heat will not or stay on. The bulk of these errors have to be handled by a professional, for instance from AC Mechanical.»>
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WebApr 9, 2023 Get professional furnace and air conditioning installation, maintenance, …
From snapheating.ca

Apr 9, 2023 Get professional furnace and air conditioning installation, maintenance, …»>
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WebMay 16, 2023 If you are experiencing issues with your Lennox furnace, it may display …
From nestheating.ca

May 16, 2023 If you are experiencing issues with your Lennox furnace, it may display …»>
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WebAlthough furnace fault codes vary by type, all Lennox furnaces employ a blinking light …
From vese.ca

Although furnace fault codes vary by type, all Lennox furnaces employ a blinking light …»>
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WebLennox Boiler Error Codes contains a list of error codes for Lennox Boilers. This …
From romaheating.ca

Lennox Boiler Error Codes contains a list of error codes for Lennox Boilers. This …»>
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WebJul 29, 2022 Here is a complete list of Lennox Error Codes, read and fix if you are …
From gadgetsnurture.com

Jul 29, 2022 Here is a complete list of Lennox Error Codes, read and fix if you are …»>
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WebDec 22, 2021 Before attempting to clean the sensor, turn the furnace off. Remove the …
From hvac-boss.com

Dec 22, 2021 Before attempting to clean the sensor, turn the furnace off. Remove the …»>
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WebDec 6, 2019 When your heater refuses to kick on or deliver warmth, contact Rapids Sheet Metal Works Inc at 715-301-0256 for skilled furnace repair in Wisconsin Rapids. Our specialists will swiftly identify and fix the malfunction, even if you don’t own a Lennox heater. We can service any types or makes—and get the comfort reintroduced to your …
From rapidssheetmetal.com

Dec 6, 2019 When your heater refuses to kick on or deliver warmth, contact Rapids Sheet Metal Works Inc at 715-301-0256 for skilled furnace repair in Wisconsin Rapids. Our specialists will swiftly identify and fix the malfunction, even if you don’t own a Lennox heater. We can service any types or makes—and get the comfort reintroduced to your …»>
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Web2800 Douglas Rd B, Burnaby, BC V5C 5B7 Mail us on. [email protected]
From heatland.ca


WebThere are many Lennox error codes that can happen to your heating or cooling system. …
From romaheating.ca

There are many Lennox error codes that can happen to your heating or cooling system. …»>
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WebSep 7, 2022 Lennox, the company, recommends that homeowners should have their …
From romaheating.ca

Sep 7, 2022 Lennox, the company, recommends that homeowners should have their …»>
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WebWith Lennox e201 code there are a few possibilities of what might be wrong. It may be …
From alliancehvac.ca

With Lennox e201 code there are a few possibilities of what might be wrong. It may be …»>
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WebFeb 23, 2023 E6 – Indoor unit fan speed error; E7 – Outdoor unit fan speed error; E8 – …
From nestheating.ca

Feb 23, 2023 E6 – Indoor unit fan speed error; E7 – Outdoor unit fan speed error; E8 – …»>
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If any error occurs in your air conditioner, indoor display shows error codes. Once you nail down the issue you can easily call in a professional, or fix the issue yourself. To help you out we have listed down the most common error codes of Lennox AC.

Indoor Unit Display Codes

Error Codes Cause
E0 EEPROM parameter error
E1 Indoor/outdoor units communication protection
E2 Zero-crossing signal error
E3 Indoor fan speed out of control
E5 Open or short circuit of outdoor temperature sensor or outdoor unit EEPROM parameter error
E6 Open or short circuit of room or evaporator temperature sensor
E7 Outdoor fan speed out of control
P0 IBM malfunction or IGBT over-strong current protection
P1 Over voltage or too low voltage protection
P2 Temperature protection of compressor top
P4 Inverter compressor drive error

Split Type AC Codes

Lennox Split AC Error Codes

Lennox Split AC Error Codes

If there is an error occurring during the operation of the system, the error code will be displayed on the LCD, as show in Fig.5.1. If multi errors occur at the same time, their codes will be displayed circularly.

Error Codes Meaning
E1 High pressure protection.
E2 Anti-freezing protection.
E3 Low pressure protection.
E4 High discharge temperature protection.
E5 Whole unit over-current protection.
E6 Indoor and outdoor communication error.
E7 Running mode conflict.
E8 Overload protection.
E9 Indoor unit full water error.
EN Current protection.
EU Frequency restricted/reduced with IPM temperature protection.
EL0C Refrigerant leakage detection.
EH61 Evaporator coil middle temperature sensor T2 is in open circuit or has short circuited.
F0 System charge shortage or blockage protection.
F1 Return air temperature sensor open/ short circuited.
F2 Evaporator temperature sensor open/ short circuited.
F3 Outdoor ambient temperature sensor open/ short circuited.
F4 Outdoor unit condenser mid-tube temperature sensor open/short circuited.
F5 Discharge temperature sensor open/ short circuited.
F6 Frequency restricted/reduced with overload protection.
F8 Frequency restricted/reduced with whole unit current protection.
F9 Frequency restricted/reduced with high discharge temperature.
FH Frequency restricted/reduced with antifreezing protection.
Fo Pump-down.
H1 Forced defrosting.
H3 Compressor overheating protection.
H5 IPM Current protection.
H6 Motor stalling.
H7 Compressor desynchronizing.
HC PFC protection.
HE Compressor demagnetization protection.
P5 Over phase current protection.
P6 Drive board communication error.
P7 IPM temperature sensor open/short circuited.
P8 IPM Temperature Protection.
P9 AC contactor protection.
PD Sensor connection protection.
PE Temperature drift protection.
PF Drive board temperature sensor error.
PH DC bus over-voltage protection.
PL DC bus under-voltage protection.
PP AC input voltage abnormal.
PU Capacitor charging error.
PC00 Inverter module IPM error.
PC01 High or Low voltage protection.
PC02 High temperature sensed at compressor top.
PC03 Low or High pressure protection.
PC04 Inverter compressor drive error.
PC08 Current overload protection.
PC0L Outdoor low ambient temperature protection.
U1 Compressor phase current sensing circuit error.
U3 DC bus voltage drop error.
U5 Whole unit current sensing circuit error.
U7 4-way valve reversing error.
U8 PG motor zero-crossing protection.
L3 Outdoor fan 1 error protection.
L9 Over-power protection.
LA Outdoor fan 2 error protection.
LC Compressor startup failure.
LD Compressor phase loss/reversal protection.
LE Compressor stalling.
LF Over-speeding.
LP Indoor and outdoor units unmatched.
B5 Indoor unit liquid valve temperature sensor open/short circuited.
B7 Indoor gas valve temperature sensor open/ short circuited.
C5 Jumper error.
DN Communication line misconnected or expansion valve error.
105 Device communication failure
120 Unresponsive device
124 Active subnet controller missing
125 Hardware failure
126 Internal control communication failure
131 Corrupted control parameters
132 Failed flash CRC check
180 Ambient sensor problem
400 Compressor internal overload trip
401 Long run time. Compressor is running extremely long run cycles
402 System pressure trip.
403 Short cycling. Compressor is running less than three minutes
404 Locked rotor. Compressor has a locked out due to run capacitor short, bearings are seized, excessive liquid refrigerant
405 Open circuit.
406 Open start circuit
407 Open run circuit
408 Welded contactor. Compressor always runs
409 Secondary low voltage.
410 Low pressure fault
411 Low pressure switch lockout
412 High pressure fault
413 High pressure switch lockout
414 Discharge line temperature fault
415 Discharge line temperature lockout
417 Discharge sensor fault
Ds11, Ds13, Ds14, Ds15 OEM mode. Factory test mode

Note: In event of any error, please turn off the unit and contact the professionally skilled personnel.

Remote Control Buttons Meaning

Lennox AC Remote Control

Lennox AC Remote Control

Mini Split Type Codes

Lennox Air Conditioner Mini Split Error Codes

Lennox Air Conditioner Mini Split Error Codes

Indoor and Outdoor Error Codes



Rooftop Codes

Climatic 50 Roof-Top, Aircoolair & Compactair Version 24

Error Codes Problem
001 Airflow
004 Filters, Clogged up
005 Filters, Missing
006 Recovery Module, Filters, Clogged up
011 Electric heating elements
012 High Temperature, Blowing
013 Low Temperature, Ambient
022 Low Temperature, Blowing
023 High Temperature, Ambient
051 Recovery Module, Motor failure
052 Recovery Module, Wheel failure
081 Temperature sensor, Ambient
082 Humidity sensor, Ambient
083 Temperature probe, Outside
084 Humidity sensor, Outside
085 Temperature probe, Blower
086 Circuit 1, Temperature sensor, Water condenser Outlet
087 Circuit 2, Temperature sensor, Water condenser Outlet
088 Temperature sensor, return or Mixing air
096 Low temperature, Water Condenser
097 High temperature, Water Condenser


Please check below items before asking for maintenance.

Phenomenon: Indoor unit can’t receive remote controller’s signal or remote controller has no action.

Check items:

  1. Whether remote controller is within the signal receiving range?
  2. Whether there are obstacles?
  3. Whether remote controller is pointing at the receiving window?
  4. Is sensitivity of remote controller low; fuzzy display and no display?
  5. No display when operating remote controller?
  6. Fluorescent lamp in room?


  1. Signal receiving range is 8m.
  2. Remove obstacles.
  3. Select proper angle and point the remote controller at the receiving window on indoor unit.
  4. Check the batteries. If the power of batteries is too low, please replace them.
  5. Check whether remote controller appears to be damaged. If yes, replace it.
  6. Take the remote controller close to indoor unit.

Phenomenon: No air emitted from indoor unit

Check items:

  1. Air inlet or air outlet of indoor unit is blocked?
  2. Under heating mode, indoor temperature is reached to set temperature?
  3. Heating mode is turned on just now?


  1. Eliminate obstacles.
  2. After reaching to set temperature, indoor unit will stop blowing out air.
  3. In order to prevent blowing out cold air, indoor unit will be started after delaying for several minutes, which is a normal phenomenon.

Phenomenon: Air conditioner can’t operate

Check items:

  1. Power failure?
  2. Is plug loose?
  3. Air switch trips off or fuse is burnt out?
  4. Wiring has malfunction?
  5. Unit has restarted immediately after stopping operation?
  6. Whether the function setting for remote controller is correct?


  1. Wait until power recovery.
  2. Reinsert the plug.
  3. Ask professional to replace air switch or fuse.
  4. Ask professional to replace it.
  5. Wait for 3min, and then turn on the unit again.
  6. Reset the function.

Phenomenon: Mist is emitted from indoor unit’s air outlet

Check items: Indoor temperature and humidity is high?

Solution: Because indoor air is cooled\rapidly. After a while, indoor temperature and humidity will be decrease and mist will disappear.

Phenomenon: Cooling ( heating) effect is not good

Check items:

  1. Voltage is too low?
  2. Filter is dirty?
  3. Set temperature is in proper range?
  4. Door and window are open?


  1. Wait until the voltage resumes normal.
  2. Clean the filter.
  3. Adjust temperature to proper range.
  4. Close door and window.

Phenomenon: Outdoor unit has vapor

Check items: Heating mode is turned on?

Solution: During defrosting under heating mode, it may generate vapor, which is a normal phenomenon.

Phenomenon: ”Water flowing” noise

Check items: Air conditioner is turned on or turned offjust now?

Solution: The noise is the sound of \refrigerant flowing inside the unit, which is a normal phenomenon.

Phenomenon: Cracking noise

Check items: Air conditioner is turned on or turned offjust now?

Solution: This is the sound of frictioh caused by expansion and/or contraction of panel or other parts clue to the change of temperature.

Manual Pdf

Lennox Air Conditioner Manual PDF

Lennox Rooftop Service Manual

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Danny Reese

Regarding error and fault codes, we believe sharing knowledge is the best way to help everyone. That is why we established ACErrorCode.com, to give you every bit of info you need as a customer. HVAC Expert Contact: dannyreese@acerrorcode.com Call: 916-954-2677

Danny Reese

*If you can’t find the code you’re looking for on our site, please let us know, and we’ll update our database as soon as possible.

Lennox Furnace Error Codes: Lennox has a big name among all the HVAC companies. Many users have trust in this name and are using products developed and designed by this company for many years. 

But, as it has a big name, there are many errors that users face frequently, and in this guide, we are going to touch on almost all the common errors that users face on their Lennox furnace.

There are a lot of errors that a Lennox furnace has, some of them can be fixed on your own but, some not. To fix some errors, you have to call a professional. Don’t worry, before spending your money on a professional, it is good to try fixing the error on your own. 

This guide has included methods for each error that can fix if you apply them properly. 

Lennox Error Code 426

Lennox Error Code 426 is a critical error that is related to the outdoor unit. Users may face an error message associated with this error that is- “Excessive inverter alarms.” This error code usually appears when the outdoor contour is lockout after 10 faults within one hour.

To fix this error code, disconnect the outdoor unit from the power and restart it. This should fix the error, if it fails, call a Lennox tech.

Lennox Error Code 430

Lennox Error Code 430 could be a moderate or critical error and relates to the outdoor unit. This error code indicates compressor startup failure. When this condition is detected, the outdoor unit will stop functioning, and this would be a moderate condition. If the same condition occurs 10 times within an hour, the whole system will lock out, and this would be a critical condition.

To Fix this error, disconnect the outdoor unit from the power and restart it. This should fix the error, if it fails, call a Lennox professional.

Lennox Error Code 271

Lennox error code list

Lennox Error Code 271 usually indicates that the furnace is away from the power. This could be due to the outlet not passing sufficient power to the furnace, a dirty filter, broken wires in the blower motor, or sometimes, a defective thermostat.

To fix this error code, follow these simple tricks:

  1. Check the outlet and make sure that the power is coming from it or not.
  1. Clear the dirt filter, and if it needs, replace it.
  1. The blower motor may have defected or broken wires, need to contact a Lennox tech.
  1. Replace the Thermostat if it is defective.

Also Read: Lennox Mini Split error codes and their Solution

Lennox Error Code 250 or E250

Lennox Error Code 250 or E250 means the furnace’s primary limit switch is open. This error code is a moderate error. To fix this error code, Check for the proper firing rate on the furnace, confirm that there is no blockage in the furnace and the duct, and Check for proper airflow.

If nothing helps, call a Lennox assistance or professional.

Lennox Error Code E126 or 126

This error code is an internal communication issue with the control. This may arise due to some hardware issues or circuit issues. Call a professional to deal with this error.

Lennox Error Code 532

Lennox Error Code 532 usually affects the damper control module and indicates that the joining pressure switch is opened (high pressure). This usually happens when pressure is above the specified limit or the compressor is turned off. 

Set the compressor pressor within the limit to fix this error code. If you are not able to do that, call a professional.

Lennox Error Code 310

Lennox Error Code 310 generally affects Furnace, air handler equipment, interface module, or damper control module. Users see this error usually when there is a discharge air temperature sensor problem. 

How to Fix Lennox Error Code 310?

To fix this error, follow these steps:

  • Compare outdoor discharge sensor resistance to temperature. (In the resistance charts in system component installation instruction)
  • Replace discharge air sensor if feel necessary.
  • Call a professional, if needed.

Lennox Error Code 273

Lennox error codes

Lennox Error Code 273 is related to the furnace and usually appears when the furnace flame goes off during a heating cycle. This is a critical error, and when this appears, the system goes into WatchGuard mode. 

To fix this error:

  1. Check micro-amperes of the flame sensor using the thermostat diagnostics.
  1. Clean or replace the sensor, as the second step.
  1. Measure voltage of neutral to ground to confirm good unit ground. 
  1. Call a professional, if feels something wrong.

Lennox Error Code 410

Lennox Error Code 410 is a moderate error that relates to the outdoor unit. This error code usually appears when the unit’s low-pressure measures are below the required limit. Call a Lennox tech to deal with this error.

Lennox Error Code 223

Lennox Error Code 223 is non-neglecting as it is a critical error. This is related to the Furnace and usually indicates that the furnace’s low-pressure switch is open. 

Call a professional to deal with this error.

Lennox Error Code 312

Lennox Error Code 312 indicates an issue with the Furnace or air handler. Usually, this error code arises if the indoor blower fails to provide the requested CFM due to high static pressure. This code is a warning

In other words, error code 312 on Lennox usually means that your furnace is distributing less heat. A dirty filter is one of the most common causes of this error code.

How to Fix Lennox Error Code 312?

  • Check the air filter and clean it, if necessary, change it.
  • If after changing or clearing the air filter, the error code is still appearing, call a professional to look into this.

Lennox Error Code 201

Lennox error code 201 indicates a communication issue with your furnace and the indoor blower motor. The indoor blower distributes warm air, so if this error code is appearing, you won’t have heat.

As the possible cause, you can consider- A power outage, A brown-out, the motor not receiving power, wiring issue, condensation on uncovered system component controls, or a flipped breaker.

How to fix Lennox Error Code 201?

Follow these steps to fix this error:

  • Make sure the furnace switch is set to the ON position.
  • Check the air filter and the breaker box.
  • If any doubt, call a professional.

Lennox Error Code 207

Lennox error code 207 denotes an issue with the hot source ignitor. This usually indicates that the hot source igniter is open. A hot source ignitor lights the gas in your furnace that creates heat. When this error appears, your furnace won’t turn on for safety reasons.

Call a professional to solve this error code.

Lennox Error Code 125

Lennox Error Code 125 indicates a hardware issue that can be with the thermostat, furnace, air handler, outdoor unit, equipment interface, or damper control module. To fix this error code, you will need to call a professional as the control board may need to be replaced.

Final Thoughts

We have included almost all the common Lennox error codes in this blog to make this a complete guide on Lennox error codes and their solutions. If your error is not mentioned in this guide, comment to us.

We hope, you have found the solution for your Lennox error code and solved that error using this guide. Don’t forget to share your opinion.

Frequently Asked Questions

Flickering Light on Lennox Heating System: What does it Mean?

If you have noticed one light going ON and OFF quickly and the other going ON and OFF slow, this usually means that your furnace may have a low flame signal. 

The pair of LED lights are off: What does it Mean?

If the pair of LED lights are off, this usually means that your HVAC system is not having electricity.

All lights are flickering slowly, what does it Mean?

If all the lights are flickering slowly, this usually means that your heater’s blower motor possibly isn’t operating. 

Lennox Rooftop-Gas Furnace Error Codes

 Climatic 50 Roof-Top, Aircoolair & Compactair Version 24

Lennox Rooftop-Gas Furnace Error Codes

Lennox Rooftop-Gas Furnace Error Codes
Error Codes Problem
001 Airflow
004 Filters, Clogged up
005 Filters, Missing
006 Recovery Module , Filters, Clogged up
011 Electric heating elements
012 High Temperature, Blowing
013 Low Temperature, Ambient
014 Gas burner, 1
015 Gas burner, 2
022 Low Temperature, Blowing
023 High Temperature, Ambient
031 Humidifier
032 Low Humidity, Ambient
033 High Humidity, Ambient
041 Pump
051 Recovery Module, Motor failure
052 Recovery Module, Wheel failure
070 Clock card
071 BE50, 1
072 BE50, 2
081 Temperature sensor, Ambient
082 Humidity sensor, Ambient
083 Temperature probe, Outside
084 Humidity sensor, Outside
085 Temperature probe, Blower
086 Circuit 1, Temperature sensor, Water condenser Outlet
087 Circuit 2, Temperature sensor, Water condenser Outlet
088 Temperature sensor, return or Mixing air
091 Blower
092 Circuit 1, Condenser fan
093 Circuit 2, Condenser fan
094 Circuit 3, Condenser fan
095 Circuit 4, Condenser fan
096 Low temperature, Water Condenser
097 High temperature, Water Condenser
098 Flow rate, water condenser
099 Smoke detector
111 Circuit 1, Probe or Sensor
115 Circuit 1, High pressure or electrical protection
117 Circuit 1, Low pressure
118 Circuit 1, Risk of Frosting
121 Circuit 2, Probe or Sensor
125 Circuit 2, High pressure or electrical protection
127 Circuit 2, Low pressure
128 Circuit 2, Risk of Frosting
131 Circuit 3, Probe or Sensor
135 Circuit 3, High pressure or electrical protection
137 Circuit 3, Low pressure
141 Circuit 4, Probe or Sensor
145 Circuit 4, High pressure or electrical protection
147 Circuit 4, Low pressure

Lennox Gas Furnace Error Codes

Lennox Gas Furnace Error Codes

Lennox Gas Furnace Error Codes

EL180DFE series units are mid-efficiency gas furnaces used for downflow applications only, manufactured with Lennox Duralok heat exchangers formed of aluminized steel. EL180DFE units are available in heating capacities of 44,000 to 110,000 Btuh and cooling applications 1.5 to 5 tons. Refer to Engineering Handbook for proper sizing.

The integrated control is equipped with an LED light for troubleshooting

Off -No power to control or board fault detected

On- Board fault detected,

Heartbeat1- Control powered – displayed during all modes of operation if no errors are detected

1 Reverse Line Voltage Polarity

2 Improper Earth Ground

3 Burner failed to light, or lost flame during heat demand

4 Low Flame Signal – check flame sensor

5 Watchguard – burner failed to light, exceeded maximum number of retries or recycles.

6 Not Used

7 Primary or Secondary Limit Open or Watchguard Mode  – Limit Switch Open longer than 3 minutes.

8 Rollout Switch Open

9 Pressure Switch failed to close or opened during heat demand

10 Watchguard – Pressure Switch opened 5 times during one heat demand

11 Pressure Switch stuck closed prior to activation of combustion air inducer

12 Flame Sensed without gas valve energized

13 Low Line Voltage


Note 1

A ”Heartbeat” is indicated by a ”Slow Flash” – 1 sec on 1 sec off, repeating

Note 2

Error codes are indicated by a ”Rapid Flash” – the LED flashes X times at 1/2 sec on 1/2 sec off, remains off for 3 sec, then repeats

Note 3
Last 10 error codes are stored in memory including when power is shut off to the unit. – To recall, press and release button, most recent will be displayed first, LED off for 3 sec, then next error code is displayed, etc. To clear error codes, depress and hold button longer than 5 seconds.

Lennox AC Error Codes and Troubleshooting


Lennox Rooftop Service Manual

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