Hi Everyone,
I am in a bind, I want to get my GPU to work but it throws me code 43 errors after using DDU
Bought it for cheap on eBay and I am having trouble with it as it does DETECT IT but device manager says it’s an RTX 2060 SUPER which it is but has the caution sign next to the GPU and have tried countless times.. (Without doing the same thing over and over)..
I tried methods such as:
Reinstalling drivers old and new
using DDU
using Nvidia Error fixer script.
using different PCIE slots (I have 4)
looking in bios to switch over the display to the right PCIE slot (there’s a setting that says that too)
Please help me as it i don’t believe it’s dead and i know i can fix it right just need help on other suggestions.
right now it shows the device is working properly but when i restart it says code 43??
This is my GPU I bought:
awesome i’ll get to it and let you know!
Thank you!
usually it means bad gpu or vram memory, run mods/mats off a usb stick. it will give you pass/fail result depending on the problem
Never heard of mods/mats?? lol sorry
What’s it mean and how can i use it?
usually it means bad gpu or vram memory, run mods/mats off a usb stick. it will give you pass/fail result depending on the problem
I found it i will try and see if it’s really working or dead now..
thank you
Hi Everyone,
I am in a bind, I want to get my GPU to work but it throws me code 43 errors after using DDU
Bought it for cheap on eBay and I am having trouble with it as it does DETECT IT but device manager says it’s an RTX 2060 SUPER which it is but has the caution sign next to the GPU and have tried countless times.. (Without doing the same thing over and over)..
I tried methods such as:Reinstalling drivers old and new
using DDU
using Nvidia Error fixer script.
using different PCIE slots (I have 4)
looking in bios to switch over the display to the right PCIE slot (there’s a setting that says that too)
Please help me as it i don’t believe it’s dead and i know i can fix it right just need help on other suggestions.
right now it shows the device is working properly but when i restart it says code 43??
This is my GPU I bought:
Maybe you have a different vbios on it, you can try flash the original bios and maybe that will fix the problem.
Edit: It shouldnt be detected as RTX2060 super if its just a normal RTX2060. Can you post an GPU-Z screenshot?
Maybe you have a different vbios on it, you can try flash the original bios and maybe it will fix the problem.
It’s funny you mention that because the seller said it was a super but showed up as a 2060 if (i remember correctly) i don’t remember but i think it’s either a 2060 super or just a 2960 i really don’t know thus my problem… :/
So should i flash it (and i know how to successfully) AS A 2060 super or a 2060??????
There lies the problem i think in my opinion..
when it arrived i used GPU-Z and it shows AS a super but had to be flashed by someone else at one point i guess?? lol
A REAL conundrum!
Still want it fixed though..
Does anyone happen to have a verified BIOS ROM for the hp RTX 2060 Super????
Thanks Again
Maybe you have a different vbios on it, you can try flash the original bios and maybe that will fix the problem.
Edit: It shouldnt be detected as RTX2060 super if its just a normal RTX2060. Can you post an GPU-Z screenshot?
yes one moment
It’s funny you mention that because the seller said it was a super but showed up as a 2060 if (i remember correctly) i don’t remember but i think it’s either a 2060 super or just a 2960 i really don’t know thus my problem… :/
So should i flash it (and i know how to successfully) AS A 2060 super or a 2060??????
There lies the problem i think in my opinion..
when it arrived i used GPU-Z and it shows AS a super but had to be flashed by someone else at one point i guess?? lol
A REAL conundrum!
Still want it fixed though..
Does anyone happen to have a verified BIOS ROM for the hp RTX 2060 Super????
Thanks Again
yes one moment
Your should have a sticker on the back of the card with the card model.
From the GPU-Z picture it looks like a bad vbios and to recommend a vbios we need to find the card model.
Does the card looks exactly like the one you shared? ( https://www.techpowerup.com/vgabios/214586/214586 )
Your should have a sticker on the back of the card with the card model.
Well I looked at the actual die and it revealed this
Your should have a sticker on the back of the card with the card model.
I have tried to lookup the TU-106-410-A1 but no such luck…
Only shows the others like the TU-106-310’s..
Well I looked at the actual die and it revealed this
I have tried to lookup the TU-106-410-A1 but no such luck…
Only shows the others like the TU-106-310’s..
it looks that the card is a 2060 super. You dont have a sticker on the back of the card with the card model?
no i don’t :/
no stickers at all
no i don’t :/
no stickers at all
You should try flashing this one ( is the only HP 2060 super i could find , probably is the original):
Can you show me a picture with the card?
You should try flashing this one:
ahh ok i will try then!
well right now since i flashed it shows it’s in device manager now…
well since the flash it shows this now (or lack there of..)
ahh ok i will try then!
well right now since i flashed it shows it’s in device manager now…
well since the flash it shows this now (or lack there of..)
on top of that i still cannot get Nvidia control panel at all…
Last edited:
Does the card look like this ? How do you know its an HP card? You dont have that sticker that you can see in the first picture in the left down corner?
Edit: Its still probably the wrong vBIOS or some memory module is broken. We need to find out the exact card model.
The only other Nvidia card i have is a 1660 super that i was able to fix up and it detects that nicely….
(Can access control panel with nvidia and everything even game on it..)
i’m such a dumas..
it says this on the back i was looking at my OTHER nvidia lol
here is EVERTHING it says
In white it says HP on the PCB and in the label it says: «PJHRCOC9VFO29W» (with a barcode above it…)
and «AS: L73338-001»
and that’s it i promise this time lol
View attachment 259754View attachment 259752
Does the card look like this ? How do you know its an HP card? You dont have that sticker that you can see in the first picture in the left down corner?
Edit: Its still probably the wrong vBIOS or some memory module is broken. We need to find out the exact card model.
yes it does JUST like that
The only other Nvidia card i have is a 1660 super that i was able to fix up and it detects that nicely….
(Can access control panel with nvidia and everything even game on it..)lol!
i’m such a dumas..it says this on the back i was looking at my OTHER nvidia lol
here is EVERTHING it says
In white it says HP on the PCB and in the label it says: «PJHRCOC9VFO29W» (with a barcode above it…)
and «AS: L73338-001»REV: 0C
and that’s it i promise this time lol
yes it does JUST like that
this is it right here: L73338-001 — Hewlett-packard (HP) — Graphics Board — Nvidia Geforce RTX 2060 Super 8GB FH Pcie | Impact Computers
with the EXACT part number
yes, i see , sadly there isnt any vbios for your card model in the TPU database. The only thing you can do is try one from a different OEM.
yes, i see , sadly there isnt any vbios for your card model in the TPU database. The only thing you can do is try one from a different OEM.
There is
For the OP:
This should be the correct BIOS for that GPU, as far as I can see, it should check out
nvflash -6 220373.rom
If this VBIOS does not flash correctly or work, it’s more than likely your GPU is defective
There is
For the OP:
This should be the correct BIOS for that GPU, as far as I can see, it should check out
nvflash -6 220373.rom
If this VBIOS does not flash correctly or work, it’s more than likely your GPU is defective
If you look at the GPU-Z screenshot after he flashed that vBIOS , the revision is WRONG , it shows as FF and his chip is A1.
The only other Nvidia card i have is a 1660 super that i was able to fix up and it detects that nicely….
(Can access control panel with nvidia and everything even game on it..)lol!
i’m such a dumas..it says this on the back i was looking at my OTHER nvidia lol
here is EVERTHING it says
In white it says HP on the PCB and in the label it says: «PJHRCOC9VFO29W» (with a barcode above it…)
and «AS: L73338-001»REV: 0C
and that’s it i promise this time lol
yes it does JUST like that
this is it right here: L73338-001 — Hewlett-packard (HP) — Graphics Board — Nvidia Geforce RTX 2060 Super 8GB FH Pcie | Impact Computers
with the EXACT part number
You can try this one (its just a guess):
Well I’m still trying but Ill let you guys know Thank you once again
If you look at the GPU-Z screenshot after he flashed that vBIOS , the revision is WRONG , it shows as FF and his chip is A1.
You can try this one (its just a guess):
What GPU-Z reports as revision is not the same as the processor stepping etched on the ASIC itself, mind you. It has an arbitrary meaning, for example Vega family of GPUs uses that bit to distinguish between different SKUs.
What GPU-Z reports as revision is not the same as the processor stepping etched on the ASIC itself, mind you. It has an arbitrary meaning, for example Vega family of GPUs uses that bit to distinguish between different SKUs.
The vbios he has before flashing that vbios showed A1 as it written on his chip and thats why im thinking that the HP vbios is not right.
so which bios should i flash???
so which bios should i flash???
At this is point its just guessing as i cant find the original vbios for your card.
Did you try the last vbios i linked?
Нашел продавца который продает rtx 2060 по достаточна низкой цене. Он говорит что у карты есть ошибка 43 и разрешение экрана очень низкое . Есть ли смысл ее купить ?. В лучшем случае по моему мнению вина в версиях драйверов или виндуса , в худшем проблема на уровне железа .
Кто сталкивался с такой проблемой на зеленых картах подскажите какие есть шансы или карта кирпич ?
Нашел продавца который продает rtx 2060 по достаточна низкой цене. Он говорит что у карты есть ошибка 43 и разрешение экрана очень низкое . Есть ли смысл ее купить ?. В лучшем случае по моему мнению вина в версиях драйверов или виндуса , в худшем проблема на уровне железа .
Кто сталкивался с такой проблемой на зеленых картах подскажите какие есть шансы или карта кирпич ?
у зеленых ошибка 43 почти всегда это отвал чипа.цена этой карты =система охаждения.ребол чтоб сделали это надо знатно помучатся и не дешево стоит
А достаточно низкая — это какая? От этого плясать надо.
А достаточно низкая — это какая? От этого плясать надо.
180 usd
Проще говоря если на чистой виндовс так же 43 ошибка, то дело в железе, а так возможно криво встал драйвер или обновление
уже читал там про проблему на уровне дров , но ребята уже написали что есть большая вероятность что чип отлетел .
покупать карту с отвалившимся чипом за 180$ — это мазохизм, лучше не связываться
уже читал там про проблему на уровне дров , но ребята уже написали что есть большая вероятность что чип отлетел .
чип если отвалится, то ты совсем ничего не увидишь, скорее всего повоеждёна схема карты или чип частично, надо карту тестировать вскрыв ее, только там можно понять что с ней
чип если отвалится, то ты совсем ничего не увидишь, скорее всего повоеждёна схема карты или чип частично, надо карту тестировать вскрыв ее, только там можно понять что с ней
если карта умирает, то ее конечно можно запускать на пониженных частотах и разрешениях, но она всё равно уже не годится для майнинга, а покупать за 180$ кота в мешке еще то удовольствие…еще понимаю за 30-50$ по стоимости охлада
Бери конечно, тебе нужна будет паялка инфракрасная с нижним подогревом, паста или шары с трафаретом, но будь в курсе что чаще всего на чипе расслаивается подложка, тогда тебе нужен будет плюс новый чип. Потом научитсяя как это все делать. Вот и рабочая у тебя карта))))
Банка памяти вышла из строя, цена такой карте 5к рублей.
У майнера в носках на канале 2060 ещё не было
Диагностика неисправностей 43’их видеокарт
С течением времени образовалось некоторое количество 43’их (с 43 ошибкой в винде) карт. Прежде, чем тупо их «греть», хотелось бы попробовать понять, а что-же, собственно, послужило причиной «…сообщения видеокарты о неисправности», на основе которой винда её и отключает по 43 коду. Гугл…
Не благодарите!
Ну вы знаете…
15,6 КБ · Просмотры: 34
у меня есть такая это чип если прогреть пользоваться можно но только в играх ну естественно снизить повер лимит и частоту гпу
I don’t believe i did..
doing it now!
ok well i’ll keep trying because it works in device manager but not in nvidia control panel as i cannot bring that up..
I can install drivers all day with no errors ever though??
Thanks again
I’ll keep trying
I don’t believe i did..
doing it now!ok well i’ll keep trying because it works in device manager but not in nvidia control panel as i cannot bring that up..
I can install drivers all day with no errors ever though??
Thanks again
I’ll keep trying
If you dont see all the infos in GPU-Z (missing information about memory, bios version etc.. ) after reflash its not going to work properly, only thing that i can think you can do is just to try and flash different vbios files and maybe you get lucky. At this point i cant be sure if its a vbios problem or its a broken card (probably a memory module) but i think its worth trying a few vbios files from cards that are close to yours in term of specs and wish for the best.
ok, thank you friend for all of your help wish me luck.
I really appreciate your time and effort too.
ok, thank you friend for all of your help wish me luck.
I really appreciate your time and effort too.
If someone around here has this card model (or you can find someone with this card model )you can ask him to share the vbios then you can be sure if your card is broken or if it was only a vbios problem.
good idea will do thanks!
You can try this one too:
Моя RTX 2060 стала выдавать ошибку 43. Были проблемки с драйверами, а поэтому решил глянуть, как дела обстоят с картой в диспетчере. Открыл свойства и там красуется Код 43. Прежде чем что-то делать, решил спросить у знающих (возможно) людей, какие действия лучше предпринять. Драйвера вроде как обновил… но ошибка никуда не исчезла.
Можно с уверенностью сказать, что ошибку 43 наблюдали очень многие владельцы видеокарт Nvidia. Как правило, ошибка возникает в результате некорректно работающих видеодрайверов, но существуют и другие причины, например, установленное в системе ПО или аппаратные поломки.
Чтобы избавиться от ошибки 43 на видеокарте Nvidia, попробуйте сделать следующее:
- полностью переустановите драйвера видеокарты, задействовав Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU);
- удалите со своего ПК программу Lucid VIRTU MVP;
- обновите BIOS материнской платы;
- переподключите видеокарту к блоку питания и материнской плате;
- проверьте видеокарту на наличие аппаратных поломок.
С более подробной информацией по данной проблеме можно ознакомиться с нашем материале.
Подскажите в чем проблема, подключил видео карту RTX 2060 KFA2, на этой материнке, не хочет с ней контачить, восклицательный знак на ней висит (ошибка 43), драйвера не помогают, обновлял, качал, переустанавливал, бывало такое что когда системник перезагружал, видео карту начинал видеть, но как только снова перезагрузка, или выкл/вкл, снова этот восклицательный знак (ошибка 43). Отнес к мастеру, ответа не знает, вставил мне ее в доп. слот для карты, все работает, но производительность меньше чем на 1050 ti, оно и понятно, что делать? кто сталкивался, подскажите, может мать брак? Карта не майнилась, проверялась на других системниках, все нормально, но у меня не хочет в основном слоте работать