Rsl helper ошибка


RSL version: 1742
Raid version: 4211

Issue: Autoclicker feature stops working after some time, the bot will not start a new battle


  1. There is enough energy to start a new run
  2. User is in the battle finished screen
  3. RSL Helper shows in status «Waiting for battle to finish»
  4. Manually starting the battle will not help, you will be stuck again when the battle is finished on the client
  5. Closing client will NOT close RSL Helper
  6. Closing RSL Helper after closing client by X button is impossible. Only killing process through Task Manager would work
  7. Navigating between tabs in RSL Helper will cause an error «Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 0000000001138A8F in Modul ‘RSLHelper.exe’. Lesen von Adresse 0000000000000000»

Possible cause: either a memory leak or it has to do something with changing input language in Windows (have 2 languages set up).


Just tested with a different language. Switched to non-English lang and observed how the bot will act when it finishes the battle.

Result: the battle is started without any problems with the different language selected as an input language in Windows.


I have same issue from 1-4 steps…

  • when I choose a hero icon —
    Без імені


@aermilin what languages do you have? and you talking about switching windows language? (or ingame)


For me, this behaviour occurs when RSL is not the active window in the foreground.


@Dwza English and Russian. Windows language (namely I’m switching to the other window i.e. some messenger). And I already tested the fact that language has no effect on RSL Helper. The cause is probably somewhere else.


issue-min (1)

what am i doing wrong?


Put the RSL-Window to the front…


Put the RSL-Window to the front…

I tried, but despite where the RSL window is found, the program refuses to autoclick


ok, may this si caused because of russian system language. i’m not sure if the pathes may contain cyrillian letters or so… but fact is, you both use russian as systemlanguage. so that has to be proved.


uhm i got exactly the same issues in english language .. can’t understand everything was perfectly working yesteday but ..

Edit: i just launched the helper and everything seems to be clear without any changes so.. hope you guys too




Something isn’t working


May 21, 2021


ok, may this si caused because of russian system language. i’m not sure if the pathes may contain cyrillian letters or so… but fact is, you both use russian as systemlanguage. so that has to be proved.

maybe the whole thing in graphic quality of the game? or frame rate limiter? or resolution of display?
after some manipulations with these parameters, RSL helper starts working, but after restarting the program everything stops working again …
you may be able to suggest settings for the above settings that are recommended for RSL helper?


by the way, I noticed that program always works from this place, but after the first battle it stops working
Без імені


@aermilin were you able to solve your problem?


I faced the same issue like @aermilin @neorv86. In my case it happens only if I switch from EN to RU while the clicker is running. Btw, I have Ru set as the default lang and my windows interface is in RU too. So when I switch back to English the clicker works fine again. Weird 🤔


@doubleniki not weird, RU or Chinese are not supported.
These languages have special characters that the helper cannot handle.


@BlackHawk3000 by switching I meant switching the language of the keyboard layout, not the language of the whole system :) It is also worth mentioning that I do not have ru characters in the path to the application folder. I can only guess how the clicker works internally, but I guess it shouldn’t depend on the keyboard language. Or am I wrong?


no thats possible.
But if you get the error message like aermilin, then reinstall with the newest version. That should help.
Important, delete the complete installation folder!! The Helper has problems with old files.

  1. close, RAID, Helper, Updater.
  2. uninstall the installed Helper
  3. go to the installation folder and delete everything except the config folder (default directory: C:\Users\ \AppData\Local\Programs\Common\RSL_Helper_X64).
  4. download the current helper (pin here in the channel)
  5. install with admin rights
  6. pay attention to your installation path!
  7. run the updater
  8. close the updater
  9. start the helper and have fun!(Bearbeitet)

For a complete fresh installation
just use the link:


@BlackHawk3000 actually I didn’t receive any error message. the clicker just couldn’t rerun a battle when I had ru keyboard layout on. Anyway, thanks for help.


I faced the same issue like @aermilin @neorv86. In my case it happens only if I switch from EN to RU while the clicker is running. Btw, I have Ru set as the default lang and my windows interface is in RU too. So when I switch back to English the clicker works fine again. Weird 🤔

tried to manipulate the keyboard layout, and you were right, the program starts working if the layout is English. I`m surprised and grateful for the hint!


this till not working for me set all for english from czech and nothing :(


I faced the same issue like @aermilin @neorv86. In my case it happens only if I switch from EN to RU while the clicker is running. Btw, I have Ru set as the default lang and my windows interface is in RU too. So when I switch back to English the clicker works fine again. Weird 🤔

tried to manipulate the keyboard layout, and you were right, the program starts working if the layout is English. I`m surprised and grateful for the hint!

For me, too, when changing the layout, the program starts working


@BlackHawk3000 actually I didn’t receive any error message. the clicker just couldn’t rerun a battle when I had ru keyboard layout on. Anyway, thanks for help.

what key do you have to hit when you want to replay a round when you keyboard layout is set to RU?
on englisch its R, is it the same on RU layout?


on englisch its R, is it the same on RU layout?

Everything is correct R, nevertheless with RU layout the autoclicker does not start the next battle, only on EN.


I believe this is related to this issue


I close this thread because there are to many different issues inside here, please open a new one if you have some issues.
Thank you.


RSL version: 1742
Raid version: 4211

Issue: Autoclicker feature stops working after some time, the bot will not start a new battle


  1. There is enough energy to start a new run
  2. User is in the battle finished screen
  3. RSL Helper shows in status «Waiting for battle to finish»
  4. Manually starting the battle will not help, you will be stuck again when the battle is finished on the client
  5. Closing client will NOT close RSL Helper
  6. Closing RSL Helper after closing client by X button is impossible. Only killing process through Task Manager would work
  7. Navigating between tabs in RSL Helper will cause an error «Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 0000000001138A8F in Modul ‘RSLHelper.exe’. Lesen von Adresse 0000000000000000»

Possible cause: either a memory leak or it has to do something with changing input language in Windows (have 2 languages set up).


Just tested with a different language. Switched to non-English lang and observed how the bot will act when it finishes the battle.

Result: the battle is started without any problems with the different language selected as an input language in Windows.


I have same issue from 1-4 steps…

  • when I choose a hero icon —
    Без імені


@aermilin what languages do you have? and you talking about switching windows language? (or ingame)


For me, this behaviour occurs when RSL is not the active window in the foreground.


@Dwza English and Russian. Windows language (namely I’m switching to the other window i.e. some messenger). And I already tested the fact that language has no effect on RSL Helper. The cause is probably somewhere else.


issue-min (1)

what am i doing wrong?


Put the RSL-Window to the front…


Put the RSL-Window to the front…

I tried, but despite where the RSL window is found, the program refuses to autoclick


ok, may this si caused because of russian system language. i’m not sure if the pathes may contain cyrillian letters or so… but fact is, you both use russian as systemlanguage. so that has to be proved.


uhm i got exactly the same issues in english language .. can’t understand everything was perfectly working yesteday but ..

Edit: i just launched the helper and everything seems to be clear without any changes so.. hope you guys too




Something isn’t working


May 21, 2021


ok, may this si caused because of russian system language. i’m not sure if the pathes may contain cyrillian letters or so… but fact is, you both use russian as systemlanguage. so that has to be proved.

maybe the whole thing in graphic quality of the game? or frame rate limiter? or resolution of display?
after some manipulations with these parameters, RSL helper starts working, but after restarting the program everything stops working again …
you may be able to suggest settings for the above settings that are recommended for RSL helper?


by the way, I noticed that program always works from this place, but after the first battle it stops working
Без імені


@aermilin were you able to solve your problem?


I faced the same issue like @aermilin @neorv86. In my case it happens only if I switch from EN to RU while the clicker is running. Btw, I have Ru set as the default lang and my windows interface is in RU too. So when I switch back to English the clicker works fine again. Weird 🤔


@doubleniki not weird, RU or Chinese are not supported.
These languages have special characters that the helper cannot handle.


@BlackHawk3000 by switching I meant switching the language of the keyboard layout, not the language of the whole system :) It is also worth mentioning that I do not have ru characters in the path to the application folder. I can only guess how the clicker works internally, but I guess it shouldn’t depend on the keyboard language. Or am I wrong?


no thats possible.
But if you get the error message like aermilin, then reinstall with the newest version. That should help.
Important, delete the complete installation folder!! The Helper has problems with old files.

  1. close, RAID, Helper, Updater.
  2. uninstall the installed Helper
  3. go to the installation folder and delete everything except the config folder (default directory: C:\Users\ \AppData\Local\Programs\Common\RSL_Helper_X64).
  4. download the current helper (pin here in the channel)
  5. install with admin rights
  6. pay attention to your installation path!
  7. run the updater
  8. close the updater
  9. start the helper and have fun!(Bearbeitet)

For a complete fresh installation
just use the link:


@BlackHawk3000 actually I didn’t receive any error message. the clicker just couldn’t rerun a battle when I had ru keyboard layout on. Anyway, thanks for help.


I faced the same issue like @aermilin @neorv86. In my case it happens only if I switch from EN to RU while the clicker is running. Btw, I have Ru set as the default lang and my windows interface is in RU too. So when I switch back to English the clicker works fine again. Weird 🤔

tried to manipulate the keyboard layout, and you were right, the program starts working if the layout is English. I`m surprised and grateful for the hint!


this till not working for me set all for english from czech and nothing :(


I faced the same issue like @aermilin @neorv86. In my case it happens only if I switch from EN to RU while the clicker is running. Btw, I have Ru set as the default lang and my windows interface is in RU too. So when I switch back to English the clicker works fine again. Weird 🤔

tried to manipulate the keyboard layout, and you were right, the program starts working if the layout is English. I`m surprised and grateful for the hint!

For me, too, when changing the layout, the program starts working


@BlackHawk3000 actually I didn’t receive any error message. the clicker just couldn’t rerun a battle when I had ru keyboard layout on. Anyway, thanks for help.

what key do you have to hit when you want to replay a round when you keyboard layout is set to RU?
on englisch its R, is it the same on RU layout?


on englisch its R, is it the same on RU layout?

Everything is correct R, nevertheless with RU layout the autoclicker does not start the next battle, only on EN.


I believe this is related to this issue


I close this thread because there are to many different issues inside here, please open a new one if you have some issues.
Thank you.

RSL Helper — это расширение для браузера Google Chrome, предназначенное для автоматизации работы с сайтом RSL. Оно помогает упростить процесс работы с каталогом библиотеки, позволяет скачивать книги в формате PDF и EPUB, а также добавлять их в список желаемого.

Однако иногда пользователи сталкиваются с проблемами работы этого расширения. Давайте рассмотрим основные причины и возможные решения этих проблем.

Проблема 1: РСЛ хелпер не загружается

Если при попытке загрузки RSL Helper ничего не происходит, то возможно его запретили в браузере. Следуйте этим шагам, чтобы проверить это:

  1. Откройте браузер Google Chrome.
  2. Нажмите на три точки в верхнем правом углу браузера и выберите «Дополнительные инструменты».
  3. Выберите «Расширения».
  4. В списке найдите RSL Helper и убедитесь, что он включен.

Если расширение было отключено, то включите его и перезагрузите браузер. Если это не помогло, попробуйте установить расширение заново.

Проблема 2: RSL Helper не работает на странице каталога

Если RSL Helper не работает на странице каталога, то вероятно, произошло обновление сайта RSL. В этом случае нужно обновить расширение RSL Helper до последней версии.

Чтобы проверить, установлена ли у вас последняя версия расширения, выполните следующие действия:

  1. Нажмите на три точки в правом верхнем углу браузера и выберите «Дополнительные инструменты».
  2. Выберите «Расширения».
  3. Найдите RSL Helper и наведите на него курсор.
  4. Нажмите «Обновить».

Если после этого RSL Helper по-прежнему не работает, попробуйте перезагрузить браузер или проверить его наличие в списке разрешенных расширений.

Проблема 3: RSL Helper не загружает книгу

Если RSL Helper не загружает книгу, то может быть несколько причин. Рассмотрим наиболее вероятные:

  1. Низкий уровень интернет-соединения. Проверьте скорость вашего интернета, чтобы удостовериться, что ее достаточно для загрузки книги.
  2. Особенности настроек браузера. Попробуйте отключить блокировщик рекламы или антивирусное программное обеспечение.
  3. Неверный формат книги. Убедитесь, что вы пытаетесь загрузить книгу в поддерживаемом формате (PDF или EPUB).

Если все перечисленные выше причины не являются причиной проблемы, попробуйте переустановить расширение RSL Helper.


RSL Helper — полезный инструмент, который значительно упрощает работу с каталогом библиотеки RSL. Но как и любое расширение, он может столкнуться с проблемами. Если вы столкнулись с проблемами работы RSL Helper, следуйте этим советам, чтобы вернуть его к нормальной работе и продолжить свою работу с библиотекой RSL.

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A subreddit for the hero collector RPG mobile game, RAID: Shadow Legends! and the show RAID: Call of the Arbiter.
This unofficial subreddit is maintained by players and fans of this game.





RSL helper error code

General Discussion

When I start RSL helper now it pops up with DII Injection failure. Anyone know the way around this?

Поддержка канала 🤍🤍
5559 4941 3249 7834 Александр Сергеевич
Альянс OrdenDarkPhoenix 🤍
Группа ВК 🤍
Дискорд Хелпера 🤍
Дзен 🤍

#AlexSVR #raidshadowlegends #raid #RaidSL #Рэйд

Fast Killer

2023-08-08 06:37:05

Привет.Подскажи пожалуйста.У меня такая проблема,полетела винда,сделал сброс с сохранением всем данных.Когда запустил,почти все проги и игры не запускались.Удалил хелпер и рейд и заново всё установил.Запустил хелпер последней версии,запустил.Хелпер открывает рейд,игра загружена а в самом хелпере так же продолжают идти точки при поиске аккаунта.В чём может быть проблема? Брандмауэр и антивирусы отключал,не помогло.

Жека SV

2023-07-08 05:20:49

Всем привет! Спасибо за видосик! А ещё одна ошибка никак не могу найди как решить запускается всё время старая версия рейда, уже удалял и по новой ставил саму игру и хелпер!

Элизабет де Фес

2023-05-16 18:20:57

Автор огромное мерси тебе! Ты единственный кто сказал про галочку возле Auto set Farmer Champs, и что ее нужно убрать, иначе корм не будет качаться. Я голову всю сломала, думала какого х.. ничего не делается. Еще раз гранд мерси.

О. Д.

2023-05-08 16:37:00


Кто-нибудь сталкивался с такой проблемой в RSL Helper: не расширяется окно, из-за чего многие настройки скрыты, например, во вкладке настройки автопродажи? Растянуть мышью не выходит. Переустановка не помогла. Обновляла.

animals and nature

2023-04-28 16:58:18

Алекс. у меня не работает. сделал всё как ты расказал. один раз пробегают и останавливаются. даже выбитый шмот не показывают. куда копать?

Алекс Туча

2023-04-24 14:23:34

Идея довольно неплохая

Elena Kruglova

2023-04-24 13:27:09

спасибо, действительно последнее время эта ошибка участилась.

Alexander Kozlowski

2023-04-24 13:02:53

Алекс, спасибо за видео! Ждём новых!


2023-04-24 11:58:04

От руководства и игроков Альянса: OrdenDarkPhoenix приносим благодарность за рекламу! И желаем успешного развития! 🙏

Руслан Пиченко

2023-04-24 11:54:12

Удачи тебе

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