Rqt close odin ошибка

hi all
i did have last time a problem when i did try to restor an galaxsy s5 neo
i get a fail error by odin » rqt close» and on the phone show in green fap lock
didtry all to find out till i find the solution and now my s5 neo work perfect
the trick connsite just to flash the mobile with pit file alone
for people wich search pit files and also all complete files for samusng mobiles
only one website wich give u this for free

Samsung Full Firmwares | 4Files Firmwares (PDA,AP,Modem,Phone,CP,BL,Bootloader,CSC,PIT Files)

thx for all and any one have questions pls i am here to answer
this is a perssonal experince i did so i dont copy from others website

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  • #1

I was trying to Odin the EP4D modems so I could CWM the FP1 radios, but it’s stuck on RQT_CLOSE

I have no pit file, unchcked f.reset and repartition, checked auto reboot.

Last time I unplugged my phone from the PC while Odin was still going, it bricked it and I had to send it back to Samsung to get fixed.

Any suggestions?


  • #2

If its been sitting stuck for more than 5 minutes without doing anything then your safe to remove the lifeline (cord). As for what possible damage may have occurred (if any), that is unknown until your try and boot up and see what is going on.

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» RQT_CLOSE !!» error while attempting root

So I have a Galaxy S20Fe and I’m trying to root it with magisk, to do so I need to use odin to upload a «vbmeta_disabled.tar» file to my file. And during the upload I get this error: «RQT_CLOSE !!»

Here’s the whole log:

<ID:0/005> Added!!

<ID:0/005> Odin engine v(ID:3.1401)..

<ID:0/005> File analysis..

<ID:0/005> Total Binary size: 0 M

<ID:0/005> SetupConnection..

<ID:0/005> Initialzation..

<ID:0/005> Get PIT for mapping..

<ID:0/005> Firmware update start..

<ID:0/005> NAND Write Start!!

<ID:0/005> SingleDownload.

<ID:0/005> vbmeta.img

<ID:0/005> RQT_CLOSE !!


<ID:0/005> Complete(Write) operation failed.

<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)

odin rooting error

Any help would be amazing


I am trying to flash TWRP into my Samsung Galaxy A8 (2018) based on official instructions from:

I have followed the instructions carefully and repeated several times. I initially tried things on linux with adb and heimdall, however heimdall was failing to flash, so I returned back to the exact Windows instructions using Odin3 v3.13.1. When I try to flash twrp-3.4.0-0-jackpotlte.img.tar into my Samsung Galaxy A8 (2018) aka SM-A530F, Odin fails consistently with this log:

<ID:0/006> Added!!
<ID:0/006> Odin engine v(ID:3.1301)..
<ID:0/006> File analysis..
<ID:0/006> Total Binary size: 35 M
<ID:0/006> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/006> Initialzation..
<ID:0/006> Get PIT for mapping..
<ID:0/006> Firmware update start..
<ID:0/006> NAND Write Start!! 
<ID:0/006> SingleDownload.
<ID:0/006> recovery.img
<ID:0/006> RQT_CLOSE !!
<ID:0/006> Complete(Write) operation failed.
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)
<ID:0/006> Removed!!

I believe my phone is not RMM locked because I see Developer Options in my settings. I tried the process with OEM unlocking enabled and disabled in my phone Dev Options. No success yet.
I googled the issue for a few hours, however people mostly report seeing RQT_CLOSE when phone is RMM locked, which I believe is not my case. Maybe this is related to the recent Android update I installed yesterday.

Phone software:

Android 9
Baseband version: A530FXXUECTH1
Kernel version: 
 - 4.4.111-19323942
 - #1 Mon Aug 3 15:36:52 KST 2020
Build number: PPR1.180610.011.A530FXXUECTH2
Security patch level: August 1,2020
Security software verion:
 - ASKS v3.1.1 Rlease 20200120
 - ADP v3.0 Releasae 20191001
 - SMR Aug-2020 Release 1

What does RQT_CLOSE actually mean? Could you please help investigate?

  • Старый

    02.03.2018, 13:24




    Сообщение от Viacheslav_

    Нужна прошивка на SM-T110NYKASEK

    вот сервисная для него

  • Старый

    06.03.2018, 08:25



  • Старый

    19.04.2018, 06:23




    Доброго времени суток. Не получается прошить SM-T111. Попробовал прошить обе прошивки и рекавери из темы. Каждый раз заканчивается ошибкой.
    Планшет сейчас находится в состоянии «постоянный ребут на заставке». В таком состоянии он и попал мне. У Вас случайно нет СЕРВИСНОЙ прошивки для него?
    Samfirm ничего не качает. Какая-то ошибка, типа «нет такого файла в нашей базе…»

  • Старый

    19.04.2018, 17:13




    Сообщение от lskn160

    Samfirm ничего не качает. Какая-то ошибка, типа «нет такого файла в нашей базе…»

    у меня находит и качает, попробуй использовать эту версию samfirm

    Нажмите на изображение для увеличения
Название: Screenshot_105.png
Просмотров: 146
Размер:	32.0 Кб
ID:	101620

    p.s. перезалить саму прошивку нет возможности

  • Старый

    20.04.2018, 18:38




    Сообщение от Fish

    у меня находит и качает

    Со скачиванием прошивки разобрался(пришлось на ноут установить «С++» восьмого и десятого года, без них скачивание не начиналось. Вин 10/64).
    А вот установить так и не получилось. Все попытки перепрошить закончились ошибкой. Планшет так и ребутится на заставке.
    Пересмотрел массу видео, перечитал много форумов, попробовал все советы, какие мне давали…

  • Старый

    20.04.2018, 19:02




    Сообщение от lskn160

    закончились ошибкой

    на чём ошибка? можно лог?

    в рекавери если попробовать сделать wipe — ошибка? похоже на то, что умерла флэш

  • Старый

    20.04.2018, 19:56




    Сообщение от Fish

    можно лог

    <OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
    <OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
    <OSM> Please wait..
    <OSM> BOOTLOADER_T111XXUAOE1_2832903_REV02_user_low_ship.tar.md5 is valid.
    <OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
    <OSM> Leave CS..
    <OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
    <OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
    <OSM> Please wait..
    <OSM> MODEM_T111XXUAOC2_2825369_REV02_user_low_ship.tar.md5 is valid.
    <OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
    <OSM> Leave CS..
    <OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
    <OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
    <OSM> Please wait..
    <OSM> CSC_OXE_T111OXEAOD1_2830196_REV02_user_low_ship.tar.md5 is valid.
    <OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
    <OSM> Leave CS..
    <OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
    <OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
    <OSM> Please wait..
    <OSM> CODE_T111XXUAOE1_2832903_REV02_user_low_ship.tar.md5 is valid.
    <OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
    <OSM> Leave CS..
    <ID:0/009> Added!!
    <ID:0/009> Odin v.3 engine (ID:9)..
    <ID:0/009> File analysis..
    <ID:0/009> SetupConnection..
    <ID:0/009> Initialzation..
    <ID:0/009> Set PIT file..
    <ID:0/009> Get PIT for mapping..
    <ID:0/009> Firmware update start..
    <ID:0/009> SingleDownload.
    <ID:0/009> timh.bin
    <ID:0/009> NAND Write Start!!
    <ID:0/009> obm.bin
    <ID:0/009> DTim.Recovery
    <ID:0/009> FAIL!
    <ID:0/009> Complete(Write) operation failed.
    <OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)

  • Старый

    21.04.2018, 06:09




    lskn160, каждый раз ошибка на DTim.Recovery? скорее всего флэш, если вообще никакая прошивка не ставится, а в рекавери при wipe data сыпятся ошибки

  • Старый

    21.04.2018, 06:22




    Сообщение от Fish

    а в рекавери при wipe data сыпятся ошибки

    А в рекавери я зайти не могу. Перепробовал все комбинации зажатия-отпускания всех клавиш…

  • Старый

    21.04.2018, 06:25




    На другом форуме тоже пытался помощи найти.

  • Старый

    21.04.2018, 06:38




    Сообщение от lskn160

    А в рекавери я зайти не могу.

    а если прошить TWRPCWM из темы? тоже не шьётся? или шьётся но не грузится в него?

  • Старый

    21.04.2018, 07:17




    Сообщение от Fish

    а если прошить TWRPCWM из темы

    Нет, тоже не шьётся. Тоже ошибка. Я здесь не могу прикреплять изображения, но у меня есть скрин. Снова ошибка в ОДИН’е и черная «шторка» на планшете.

  • Старый

    21.04.2018, 08:32




    Сообщение от lskn160

    Нет, тоже не шьётся. Тоже ошибка. Я здесь не могу прикреплять изображения, но у меня есть скрин. Снова ошибка в ОДИН’е и черная «шторка» на планшете.

    а банально кабель пробовал сменить? легко может быть из-за него

    занеси в СЦ на диагностику… я почти уверен что дело в памяти, болезнь всех стареньких табов

  • Старый

    21.04.2018, 09:50




    Сообщение от Fish

    а банально кабель пробовал сменить?

    Кабель конечно менял. У меня дома много кабелей, от самсунга к сожалению нет, но почти все оригинальные: LG, DELL, Xiaomi, Meizu…
    Я и компы менял: у меня ноут вин10/64 Home и комп вин10/64 максималка. На обоих десктопах результат одинаковый.

  • Старый

    21.04.2018, 09:53




    Сообщение от Fish

    занеси в СЦ на диагностику

    Планшет не мой. Принесли с просьбой «вернуть к жизни». Я со своей стороны сделал всё возможное. Отдам обратно и пусть сами в сервисник отдают.

  • Старый

    07.05.2018, 10:59




    Добрый день!
    Нужна помощь гуру. Планшет sm-110 прошил рекавери TWRP и рут по вашей инструкции. Прошил кастомной прошивкой взятой с 4pda. Планшет проработал сутки с глюками подвисал, перезагружался и завис, при вкл дальше заставки самсунг не грузится, в рекавери зайти не могу, пару раз получилось зайти в режим загрузки на 2-3 сек появлялась заставка загрузки и планшет отключался, подключаю зарядку показывает рисунок круг процесса загрузки на фоне пустой батарейки. Есть варианты востановить планшет или нести в СЦ ? Может проблема в самом АКБ?

  • Старый

    07.05.2018, 16:55




    Сообщение от andre7779

    Может проблема в самом АКБ?

    возможно, попробуй АКБ зарядить напрямую (выпаять, зарядить и впаять обратно), далее если войдёт в режим загрузчика — залить сервисную оф. прошивку, скачать её можно с помощью samfirm

  • Старый

    15.05.2018, 11:10




    Сообщение от Fish

    возможно, попробуй АКБ зарядить напрямую (выпаять, зарядить и впаять обратно), далее если войдёт в режим загрузчика — залить сервисную оф. прошивку, скачать её можно с помощью samfirm

    Зарядил АКБ на прямую. зашел в режим загрузчика попробовал залить сервисную оф.прошивку но процесс загрузки в одине после старта зависает. Попробовал по новой залить рекавери выдает ошибку:

    <OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
    <OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
    <OSM> Please wait..
    <OSM> T110.CWM.v6.0.4.8.tar.md5 is valid.
    <OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
    <OSM> Leave CS..
    <ID:0/009> Added!!
    <ID:0/009> Odin v.3 engine (ID:9)..
    <ID:0/009> File analysis..
    <ID:0/009> SetupConnection..
    <ID:0/009> Initialzation..
    <ID:0/009> Get PIT for mapping..
    <ID:0/009> Firmware update start..
    <ID:0/009> SingleDownload.
    <ID:0/009> recovery.img
    <ID:0/009> NAND Write Start!!
    <ID:0/009> RQT_CLOSE !!
    <ID:0/009> Complete(Write) operation failed.
    <OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)

    Не подскажите что значит RQT_CLOSE !! ?

  • Старый

    15.05.2018, 15:05




    Сообщение от andre7779

    Не подскажите что значит RQT_CLOSE !! ?

    (Reliability Quality Test) Тест качества надёжности_ЗАВЕРШЕНИЕ

    на это можешь даже не обращать внимание

    Сообщение от andre7779

    попробовал залить сервисную оф.прошивку но процесс загрузки в одине после старта зависает

    на чём? выложи лог

  • Старый

    16.05.2018, 12:53




    Сообщение от Fish

    (Reliability Quality Test) Тест качества надёжности_ЗАВЕРШЕНИЕ

    на это можешь даже не обращать внимание

    на чём? выложи лог

    <OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
    <OSM> Leave CS..
    <OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
    <OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
    <OSM> Please wait..
    <OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
    <OSM> Leave CS..
    <OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
    <OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
    <OSM> Please wait..
    <OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
    <OSM> Leave CS..
    <OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
    <OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
    <OSM> Please wait..
    <OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
    <OSM> Leave CS..
    <ID:0/009> Added!!
    <ID:0/009> Removed!!
    <ID:0/009> Added!!
    <ID:0/009> Odin engine v(ID:3.1301)..
    <ID:0/009> File analysis..
    <ID:0/009> Total Binary size: 1516 M
    <ID:0/009> SetupConnection..
    <ID:0/009> Initialzation..
    <ID:0/009> Set PIT file..

    И дальше в одине не чего не происходит, на планшете строка загрузки не появляется помогает только откл. питания. Другие версии одина и замену кабеля не предлагать уже пробовал.

hi all
i did have last time a problem when i did try to restor an galaxsy s5 neo
i get a fail error by odin » rqt close» and on the phone show in green fap lock
didtry all to find out till i find the solution and now my s5 neo work perfect
the trick connsite just to flash the mobile with pit file alone
for people wich search pit files and also all complete files for samusng mobiles
only one website wich give u this for free

Samsung Full Firmwares | 4Files Firmwares (PDA,AP,Modem,Phone,CP,BL,Bootloader,CSC,PIT Files)

thx for all and any one have questions pls i am here to answer
this is a perssonal experince i did so i dont copy from others website

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  • #1

I was trying to Odin the EP4D modems so I could CWM the FP1 radios, but it’s stuck on RQT_CLOSE

I have no pit file, unchcked f.reset and repartition, checked auto reboot.

Last time I unplugged my phone from the PC while Odin was still going, it bricked it and I had to send it back to Samsung to get fixed.

Any suggestions?


  • #2

If its been sitting stuck for more than 5 minutes without doing anything then your safe to remove the lifeline (cord). As for what possible damage may have occurred (if any), that is unknown until your try and boot up and see what is going on.

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Odin is Samsung’s official tool for flashing firmware on Samsung Galaxy devices. This flash tool is very simple to use and most of the time flashing firmware or TWRP recovery goes as expected. However, there are cases when users end up with the “Complete(write) operation failed” error while flashing firmware using Samsung Odin. In this tutorial, we’ll check out the causes behind the Odin “Complete (write) operation failed” error and fix it to get your Samsung device up and running again.

When you use Odin to flash firmware on Samsung Galaxy devices, the flash tool tries to write the device partitions with the files of the firmware binaries. The flashing procedure requires certain things to be done appropriately. If you make even a single mistake, Odin might throw the “Complete (write) operation failed” error. It simply means that Odin was not able to push the firmware images to your Samsung phone.

Complete(Write) operation failed.
All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)

Odin Complete (write) Operation Failed Error

While the ‘complete (write) operation failed’ error is the concluding line in Odin’s log report, there is always a reason mentioned that caused the issue. In most cases. a bad Odin flash or firmware installation failure message is preceded by one of the following reasons.

  • Hidden.img FAIL!
  • Get PIT for mapping.. There is no PIT partition
  • Set PIT file..
  • Re-Partition operation failed
  • Invalid EXT4 image
  • Cache.img.ext4
  • MD5 error! Binary is invalid
  • SetupConnection.. Can’t open the serial(com) port
  • Sboot.bin.lz4 FAIL!
  • FAIL! SHA256 is invalid
  • FAIL! Blocked carrier
  • FAIL! Model mismatch fail
  • Firmware Installation Stuck on Userdata.img
  • Recovery.img RQT_CLOSE !! FAIL!
  • Recovery.img FAIL!
  • FAIL! (DeviceInfo)
  • System.img.ext4
  • FAIL! (DeviceInfo)

Without addressing the reason behind the ‘complete(write) operation failed’ error, you can’t fix it. Below, we’ll check out some of the factors that may be responsible for the error while flashing firmware in Odin.

List of Odin Firmware Flash Errors and Solutions

Now that we have a complete list of reasons that might be responsible for the ‘complete (write) operation failed’ error, let’s see how we can fix them.

Fixing Hidden.img Issue in Odin

If you encountered a firmware flashing error due to “hidden.img” in Odin, you must be using an older Samsung firmware. Hidden.img used to be a component of the single-file Samsung firmware. When the firmware installation fails at the ‘hidden.img’ error, the Odin log goes like this.

<ID:0/003> Added!! 
<ID:0/003> Odin engine v(ID:3.1005).. 
<ID:0/003> File analysis.. <ID:0/004> SetupConnection.. 
<ID:0/003> Initialzation.. <ID:0/004> Get PIT for mapping.. 
<ID:0/003> Firmware update start.. <ID:0/004> SingleDownload. 
<ID:0/003> sboot.bin 
<ID:0/003> NAND Write Start!! 
<ID:0/003> cm.bin 
<ID:0/003> boot.img <ID:0/004> recovery.img 
<ID:0/003> system.img 
<ID:0/003> modem.bin 
<ID:0/003> cache.img 
<ID:0/003> hidden.img 
<ID:0/003> FAIL! 
<ID:0/003> Complete(Write) operation failed. 
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)

To fix this error, you’ll need to remove the ‘hidden.img‘ file from the firmware. Let’s see how to do that.

  1. Extract the Samsung firmware.zip file that you downloaded.
  2. Open the folder and remove the .md5 extension from the firmware using the Rename option.remove md5 extension from samsung firmware
  3. Now, you can extract the .tar archive with a Zip extractor like 7Zip.
  4. You’ll see a file named ‘hidden.img‘ inside the extracted folder. Delete this file.samsung firmware hidden image
  5. Having deleted ‘hidden.img‘, select all remaining files by using the Ctrl + A keyboard shortcut.
  6. Right-click and select the Add to archive… option. From the archive options in the 7Zip menu, select tar as the Archive format and click on the OK button.
  7. When your new tar file is ready, rename it and add .md5 extension at the end so that you have a .tar.md5 file.
  8. You can now flash the firmware file using Odin without getting the firmware installation failed at hidden.img error.

How to Fix Odin ‘FAIL! LZ4 is invalid’ Error

If you have been getting the ‘Odin FAIL! LZ4 is invalid‘ error, ‘Sboot.bin.lz4 FAIL!‘ error, ‘System.img.ext4.lz4 FAIL!‘, or any other error that mentions ‘LZ4‘, you must be using an old version of Odin. Starting with the release of Android Pie-based One UI firmware, Samsung introduced LZ4 compression to its firmware binaries. This kind of file can only be uncompressed by Odin v3.13.1 and above. So, the solution to fix this error is to use the latest version of the Samsung Odin flash tool.

How to Fix ‘Get PIT for mapping..’ Error

Get PIT for mapping..
There is no PIT partition.
All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)

Get PIT for mapping..‘ and a common Odin error. In some cases, Odin gets stuck on ‘Set PIT file..‘ message and the firmware installation operation ends with ‘Complete(Write) operation failed‘ error.

Set PIT file..
Re-Partition operation failed.
Complete(Write) operation failed.
All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)

Odin needs a PIT (partition information table) to flash firmware binaries and images. The PIT is a map that instructs Odin how much space (block size and count) it has to allocate to different partitions while flashing firmware. In the absence of an appropriate PIT file, Odin may throw one of the following errors.

  • Get PIT for mapping.. There is no PIT partition
  • Set PIT file..
  • Re-Partition operation failed
  • Invalid EXT4 image
  • Odin flash read failure there is no pit binary

Samsung firmware contains a PIT file and you can get it by uncompressing the CSC or Home_CSC binary. If you’re getting any of the above errors, you should download the PIT meant for your exact Samsung device model number. Here’s how you can download and extract PIT for Samsung Galaxy devices.

Now that you have the correct PIT file for your device, flash it along with the AP, BL, CP, and CSC binaries using the latest Samsung Odin.flash pit in samsung odin

Fixing FAIL! SHA256 is invalid! in Odin

This error is usually encountered while flashing firmware on Samsung Galaxy devices from carriers like Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint US Cellular, Rogers, Bell, etc. If you are getting any of the following errors in Odin, you can fix them by using the latest PatcheD version of Odin.

  • FAIL! Model mismatch fail
  • FAIL! SHA256 is invalid
  • FAIL! Blocked carrier

Fix ‘Complete(Write) operation failed’ Error Due to Cache.img.ext4

Firmware update start..
NAND Write Start!!
Complete(Write) operation failed.
All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)

Sometimes you may end up with the ‘Complete(Write) operation failed’ in Odin while trying to flash a custom recovery image like TWRP. In many cases, the developers of the recovery image recommend a certain version of Odin. Recently, I faced this error when I attempted to flash ‘twrp-3.7.0_12-2-dm3q.tar’ on my Galaxy S23 Ultra. The installation failed with the following output in Odin.

Firmware update start..
NAND Write Start!!
Complete(Write) operation failed.
All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)

After a little research, I realized that the issue was caused because I was using VMWare Desktop (virtual PC). When I tried the latest PatcheD Odin on my Windows 11 PC, I was able to flash TWRP recovery successfully.

How to Fix ‘SW REV CHECK FAIL!’ Error in Odin

This is another common Odin error often faced by those who try to install an incompatible firmware file on their Samsung phone or tablet. You must ensure that you download the latest Samsung firmware designed for your specific device model.

Another reason why you are getting the ‘SW REV CHECK FAIL!‘ error may be because you are trying to downgrade the software of your Samsung device by flashing an older firmware. Due to security reasons, Samsung has disabled bootloader downgrade. It means you cannot flash anything that is older than what’s allowed by the current bootloader version of your Galaxy device.

In some cases, people get the following error in Odin while attempting to install a lower version of the bootloader than the one currently installed on their Samsung phone or tablet.

Odin engine v(ID:3.1401)..
File analysis..
Total Binary size: 8830 M
Set PIT file..
Complete(Write) operation failed.
All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)

To fix this issue. download the latest firmware meant for your device model and flash it with the latest Odin.

Fix Odin Stuck at Setup Connection Error

Sometimes Odin gets stuck at the ‘SetupConnection‘ message in the log. It stays there forever until you close Odin.

File analysis..
Total Binary size: 8766 M
All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)

If you want to fix this issue and get past this point so that you can flash the firmware onto your Samsung Galaxy device, try the following things:

  • Uninstall and reinstall the latest Samsung USB Drivers.
  • Go to Settings > Developer options and turn on USB Debugging on your Samsung device.enable usb debugging on samsung devices
  • Make sure that you use a USB 2.0 hub to connect your device to your PC. If you are using a USB 3.0 port unknowingly, it’ll cause a connection error.
  • Use the original cable that came with the phone or tablet.
  • You may also get this error if you are trying to downgrade to firmware with a lower bootloader version than the current firmware installed on your Samsung device.

Taking care of the precautions mentioned above should fix the setup connection error in Odin.

Fix Firmware Installation Stuck on Userdata.img

While searching for all possible instances of Odin firmware installation issues, I came across a GitHub page. A user Gabriel reported that the firmware installation got stuck on ‘userdata.img‘ while he was trying to install a new firmware on his Galaxy S22 Ultra with Odin 3.14.

samsung odin stuck on userdata

As you can see in the screenshot, Odin didn’t give any error or installation failure message. Usually, in such cases, you’ll see no movement in Odin. If you disconnect the phone from the PC, the phone will give the following warning;

An error has occurred while updating the device software.

An error has occurred while updating the device software

You’ll not be able to access either the Download Mode or the Recovery Mode on your Samsung device. Even Samsung Smart Switch doesn’t recognize if you get this error.

If firmware flashing gets stuck on userdata.imgsuper.img, prism.img, etc., and Odin doesn’t give FAIL! or Complete(Write) operation failed error, it means the Samsung firmware file got corrupted during the download or the zip extraction. In some cases, people encounter this error because they remove the MD5 extension to bypass the ‘MD5 error! Binary is invalid‘ error in Odin.

The fix this issue, do the following things:

  1. You must NEVER remove the MD5 extension from the BL, AP, CP, and CSC binaries.
  2. Do NOT force Odin to flash anything that doesn’t pass its validation check.
  3. Download the Samsung Firmware again. Ensure that you have a fast and stable internet connection to avoid a bad download.

Having taken care of the above things, try installing the firmware. Don’t panic if you see the “An error has occurred while updating the device software” warning on your phone’s screen. When you connect your Samsung phone to your PC, Odin will detect it the same way as it were in the Download Mode.

Fix ‘Can’t open the serial(com) port’ Error in Odin

If Odin can’t open the serial (com) port, the firmware installation will fail. This error occurs when your device and the PC are not connected properly.

Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable.. 
Please wait.. 
Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully.. 
Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..  
Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully.. 
Odin engine v(ID:3.1401).. 
File analysis..  
Can't open the serial(COM) port. 
All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)

Can’t open the serial(com) port Samsung Odin

To fix this Odin error, try the following solutions:

  1. Use a USB 2.0 port instead of USB 3.0 port on your PC or try a different USB port.
  2. Uninstall and reinstall the Samsung USB drivers on your Windows PC or install Samsung Smart Switch.
  3. Turn on and allow USB debugging on your device.
  4. If you still get the serial(com) port error, try a different USB cable and a different PC.

Fix FAIL! (DeviceInfo) Error In Odin

If you are getting this error in Samsung Odin, it means you are attempting to flash the firmware that’s not meant for your specific device model. You can solve this error by downloading the appropriate firmware.

Precautions to Avoid Odin Flashing Errors

  1. Always use the latest Odin version. If you are not sure which Odin version to use, read my guide.
  2. In certain cases, using the PacheD version of Odin might help bypass specific errors.
  3. Ensure that you have enabled USB debugging and OEM unlock from the Developer options on your Galaxy device.
  4. Always use the original USB cable provided with your Samsung device.
  5. Ensure that you use USB 2.0 port while flashing with Odin. In case of a connection error, you can try different USB ports.
  6. Do not modify firmware binaries or remove the MD5 extension from firmware files.
  7. Sometimes, the firmware file can become corrupted during the download process. Re-download it.
  8. Do not try to flash the firmware with a lower bootloader version or downgrade firmware than the current bootloader version of your device.

I hope that this article has helped you understand the causes of and possible solutions for the “Complete (write) Operation Failed” error in Odin. Although it can be annoying, with a bit of troubleshooting, you should be able to resolve the Odin errors easily. Finally, always remember to back up your data before attempting any repair work on your device as it might save you from a potential disaster!

Read Next: Complete List of Samsung Secret Codes and Hidden Settings

I am currently trying to root an android 10 device (a samsung sm-j600f) using ODIN 3.14.1 and TWRPbut when I hit the start button I get <ID:0/004> Complete(Write) operation failed. error. The whole error message is as below:

<ID:0/004> Added!!
<ID:0/004> Odin engine v(ID:3.1401)..
<ID:0/004> File analysis..
<ID:0/004> Total Binary size: 25 M
<ID:0/004> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/004> Initialzation..
<ID:0/004> Get PIT for mapping..
<ID:0/004> Firmware update start..
<ID:0/004> NAND Write Start!! 
<ID:0/004> SingleDownload.
<ID:0/004> recovery.img
<ID:0/004> RQT_CLOSE !!
<ID:0/004> Complete(Write) operation failed.
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)

I have tried using different cables and different TWRP and ODIN versions but none helped. The TWRP and ODIN versions I used are as follows:

  • ODIN v3.14.1
  • ODIN v3.13.3
  • TWRP-3.2.3-j6ltedx-unofficial
  • TWRP-3.2.3-TwrpBuilder-j6ltedx-2018-08-21_14-15

Also, I have enabled OEM unlock and USB Debugging modes as well.

What could be the reason behind the problem? All help will be appreciated.

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