Роборок с50 ошибка 1

Getting Roborock Error 1 and you have no idea what it is caused by or how to fix it?

Keep reading our guide further! We’ll learn all about this type of error with your Roborock vacuum cleaner and how to properly address it with our solutions.

We’ll only provide you with first-hand troubleshooting solutions that help other users fix their robots!

Let’s go:

To fix when your Roborock is getting error 1, manually spin the laser unit on the bottom of the vacuum cleaner and reconnect the internal battery.

Recharge your robot, then reconnect the internal battery and in the worst-case scenario, perform a full reset!

What Is Error 1 Roborock?

what is error 1 roborock

Before we learn how to fix error 1 on your Roborock, it’s best to find out what error 1 means exactly.

By doing so, you’ll be able to understand what this error refers to, what component, in particular, has gone faulty, and what to expect during our upcoming troubleshooting.

When your Roborock gives an error 1, it means that the laser unit has failed!

When your Rboorock is going through the household for its scheduled cleaning, the laser unit is used to detect garbage and cause the robot to collect them.

The laser unit’s technology allows the device to spin in order to collect dust and debris more efficiently with the side vacuums.

Error 1 in particular, occurs when the given laser unit is not spinning, thus the robot is unable to detect the garbage it must collect.

Let’s proceed with our guide and learn how to fix this issue!

Best Ways to Fix Roborock Error 1!

best ways to fix roborock error 1

It’s really easy to solve the problem so follow the solutions below:

Solution #1 Manually Rotate the Laser Unit & Restart

The best way to get your Roborock’s laser unit to rotate again is to do it manually.

If the component has been interrupted by debris or something has fallen inside, preventing the rotors from spinning, giving it a little third-party push will get the device going.

However, while giving the laser unit a push, you should restart the robot to re-trigger the laser unit.

Follow these steps to learn exactly how to manually rotate the Roborock’s laser unit:

  1. Place the vacuum cleaner upside down on a table or flat surface.
  2. Position one of your fingers on the Power Button of the Roborock.
  3. Using your other hand, manually rotate the orange part at the bottom of the robot.
  4. While rotating the laser unit, press the Power Button to restart your robot.
  5. Keep rotating the laser unit until your robot restarts.

manually rotate the laser unit & restart

If everything is alright with the laser unit and this problem was all just a little setback from a fallen debris, the laser unit should start spinning by itself again.

Note: You must keep rotating the laser unit, even while your Roborock is restarting.

Solution #2 Clean the Laser Unit

Perhaps, something got stuck in the laser unit’s rotation wheels, preventing the device from going through a complete rotation.

In such cases, the laser unit could still go through a half rotation, but it’ll be interrupted by the piled-up debris.

The system of your Roborock robot will detect this as an improper movement and will output the error 1 you’re seeing on the device.

clean the laser unit

Follow these steps to clean the laser unit in easy steps:

  1. Place your vacuum cleaner facing down.
  2. Expose the orange component (the laser unit).
  3. Manually rotate the device slightly and spot the debris holes.
  4. Using a household tool, such as a toothbrush, collect all debris in the holes.
  5. Place the Roborock unit back on its wheels.
  6. Check if the device’s laser unit is going to spin now…

While cleaning the laser unit, rotate the device as you’d like, to gain easier access to the debris holes on the unit.

Note: In order for the laser unit to spin properly, it must be free of any kind of debris.

Solution #3 Recharge your Roborock Robot

Another cause for the occurrence of error 1 Roborock, is when the robot is running too low on battery for the laser unit to spin by itself.

This is when you must connect the unit to a power adapter, or press the docking button, for the robot to go back to the charging station.

recharge your roborock robot

  • If you do not have a docking station for the robot, you could use the charging port

Either way, connect your Roborock robot to the power for about 10-15 minutes and once you feel that the device has charged enough, test it.

How to charge Roborock without a docking station?

  1. Get a Roborock charging cable from Roborock’s official website.
  2. Locate the charging port on the side of the vacuum cleaner.
  3. Connect the device end of the charging cable to your robot’s port.
  4. Plug the other end of the charging cable, directly into an outlet.
  5. Wait for the robot to charge…
Alert: Your Roborock robot needs at least 30% of its battery level, to function properly.

Solution #4 Reset your Roborock

reset your roborock

If the issue with your Roborock vacuum cleaner is software-related, you could take care of that easily by triggering a Software Restart.

By holding a specific button on the robot’s surface, you’ll flush the software/interface of the robot, to address any functionality issues with the device.

Follow these steps to perform a Reset on your Roborock vacuum cleaner:

  1. Make sure that the device has enough battery to function.
  2. Place the device on its wheels.
  3. Locate the Home Button on the top panel of the robot.
  4. Press and hold the home button for 5 seconds, without letting it go.
  5. Wait for the power button to blink.
  6. Once the robot says “Restoring to Initial Version”, let go of the Home button.
  7. Wait…

Once you’ve activated the initial version reset on your Roborock vacuum cleaner, it’ll take the device 1-2 minutes approximately to complete the reset.

Make sure that you do not interact with the device for the time being, since you could accidentally cancel the process.

Alert: If you heard no tone from your robot’s speaker, the reset hasn’t been triggered.

Solution #5 Reconnect the Robot’s Internal Battery

Chances are that your Roborock’s internal battery has been connected improperly, or the internal piling up of debris is interrupting it’s connection.

reconnect the robot's internal battery

To solve that kind of problem, you must take apart your robot, access the battery and reconnect it from the motherboard.

  • If the battery of the robot has gone faulty, it’s best to contact a technician

Follow these steps to reconnect the internal battery of your Roborock vacuum cleaner:

  1. Place the vacuum cleaner with the top panel facing up.
  2. Undo the wires of the smaller protection panel.
  3. Using a flat-head screwdriver, insert it underneath the panel and push it up.
  4. Remove the small protection panel.
  5. Repeat the same steps with the remaining protection panel.
  6. Undo the screws of the laser unit and take it off.
  7. Expose the battery positioned on the bottom of the robot.
  8. Disconnect the wire of the battery that goes to the motherboard.
  9. Wait for 5 minutes.
  10. Reconnect the battery.

Once the internal battery of your robot has been reconnected, try turning on the device by pressing the Power Button, without bringing the robot back together.

Just disconnect the wire of the battery, to automatically shut down your robot.

Alert: Do not reinstall your robot’s laser unit, since we’ll be testing the next solution.

Solution #6 Test the Laser Unit Using a Battery

test the laser unit using a battery

Since your Roborock robot is already taken apart, there’s a quick way to figure out if the laser unit is failing to work due to a simple dust build-up problem or if the hardware has gone faulty.

For this purpose, you’ll only need a battery and a screwdriver to power the wires of the unit.

  • When contacting the battery to the laser unit’s wires, it should spin even if taken out

Follow these instructions to test the laser unit’s internal functionality:

  1. Get 1 AAA battery.
  2. Connect the wires of the laser unit to the motherboard of the Roborock.
  3. Using the battery, touch it with the power wire of the laser unit.
  4. Hold the battery touching the wire with one hand.
  5. Get a screwdriver with the other hand and touch the negative field of the wire.
  6. Check if the laser unit would perform a movement.

We know that this is a little advanced for the regular user, but it is the best way to figure out if your Roborock needs repair from the manufacturer.

If the laser unit is not spinning even when manually powering the device with a battery, it’s time to call a technician!

Tip: If the vacuum cleaner’s warranty is still active, it could cover the such type of damage.

Quick Recap:

Thus, to fix Roborock Error 1, manually spin the laser unit and then clean it of any piled-up debris.

After that, reconnect the internal battery of the Roborock unit, reset the device’ software, and test the functionality of the laser unit using an external battery.

Read Next: Roborock Device Offline? – Here’s How to Fix

kevin wood

Kevin has over five years of experience working in various Tech startups and providing Technical solutions. He has contributed to many Tech publications and websites.

Если с вашим Roborock возникает ошибка 1, значит, лазерный блок вращается неправильно. Обычно вы можете легко устранить эту проблему самостоятельно.

Как устранить ошибку 1 в Roborock

Сообщение об ошибке говорит вам, что что-то не так с лазерным дальномером, самим блоком или двигателем.

  • Сначала включите ваш Roborock.
  • Если лазерный блок не вращается, попробуйте помочь ему рукой.
  • Поверните его осторожно, не применяя силу. Затем перезапустите робот-пылесос.
  • Если ошибка 1 по-прежнему возникает, возможно, неисправен двигатель, вращающий лазерный блок. Также может быть порван ремень.
  • Чтобы не аннулировать гарантию, свяжитесь со службой поддержки Roborock.
  • Если вы технически подкованы, вы также можете попробовать отремонтировать его самостоятельно и купить лазерный блок в качестве запасной части.

Одним прекрасным днём, после запуска Вашего робота-пылесоса Xiaomi в работу, после непродолжительного жужжания мотора, Вы услышите от него: Уборка приостановлена! Ошибка номер 1! Проверьте вращение оранжевой башни!. К сожалению часто большое число пользователей умный роботов-пылесосов Сяоми сталкиваются с такой проблемой. Что же делать?

У Вас есть несколько вариантов:

  1. Обратиться в авторизованный сервис по ремонту роботов-пылесосов Xiaomi. Там наверняка выяснят в чём именно заключается проблема, но возьмут за это большое количество денег. Суммы оцениваются от 10 тысяч рублей.
  2. Попробовать восстановить работоспособность моторчика привода лидара. Именно об этом речь пойдет в нашей статье.
  3. Заменить мотор лидара самостоятельно. Мы также расскажем где купить моторчик Xiaomi, а также как его поменять самому.

Чтобы добраться до моторчика лидара, Вам надо совершить определенные действия для разборки корпуса:

Для начала надо отключить питание робота-пылесоса (нажимаем и удерживаем кнопку питания на корпусе пылесоса)

Аккуратно приподнимаем пластиковую крышку, на которой расположены копки управления роботом;

ошибка 1 робот пылесос xiaomi

Выкручиваем винты, которые держат петли крышки мусорного контейнера;

ошибка 1 робот пылесос xiaomi

Далее, сняв резиновые заглушки, вкручиваем 5 винтов, которые закрывают лидар;

ошибка 1 робот пылесос xiaomi

Осталось выкрутить 4 винта, чтобы вынуть лидар;

ошибка 1 робот пылесос xiaomi

Лидар вместе с моторчиком у Вас в руках. Далее Вам следует найти дома либо ненужный кабель USB с внешним АКБ, или сетевую зарядку для смартфона. Нам надо будет подать на контакты моторчика 5 Вольт. Не стоит пугаться! Это не сложно: режем кабель USB, находим провода черного и белого (иногда красного) цветов, зачищаем и приматываем к контактам (чёрный к чёрному, а белый (или красный) к красному).

ошибка 1 робот пылесос xiaomi

Если моторчик начала вращение, то даём ему поработать секунд 15. После этого собираем всё обратно и робот-пылесос Xiaomi готов к работе!

Если же моторчик не вращается, то далее мы расскажем где его можно приобрести и какую именно модель следует выбрать.

Какой мотор для лидара Xiaomi купить?

На просторах интернета фигурирует наименование детали RF-500T-14415. Это именно то, что на нужно. Но мы рекомендуем покупать такой моторчик с необходимой оснасткой (припаянные контакты с разъемом для подключения и также ролик для приводного ремня лидара). Пройдя по ссылке, Вы сразу пройдете к тому моторчику, который нужен: Купить моторчик для лидара робота-пылесоса Xiaomi Чтобы его поменять, надо следовать инструкциям по разборке и сборке корпуса робота-пылесоса Xiaomi, которые мы описали для Вас выше.

ошибка 1 робот пылесос xiaomi

Roborock is an amazing vacuum/mop combo robot, but it will eventually come across a problem because it is a machine. The good news is, Roborock has come up with a system to identify the problem via error codes. 

In this post, we share with you the complete Roborock error code troubleshooting guide. No matter the problem, you should be able to find a solution in this comprehensive article.

You can use the quick navigation tab to go to a specific Roborock error code.

Roborock Error Code Troubleshooting

If Roborock is experiencing an error, the power indicator will flash red quickly and you will hear a voice alert. You can use the Roborock error code troubleshooting below to identify the problem and find the solution.

The troubleshooting guide below applies to all Roborock models. Newer Roborock models will have more error code possibilities than older versions because they employ better technology.

Error 1: LDS unit is jammed

Error 1 means the Roborock’s laser distance sensor (LDS) is jammed.

If your Roborock is not moving, then the laser distance sensor (LDS) is jammed, causing it to not spin freely. Turn on Roborock and watch to make sure the laser unit is spinning as it should.

If the laser unit is not spinning, rotate the laser head manually to check that it turns freely. Remove any items blocking the laser unit, wipe the sensors, then move the robot to a new location and restart.

Error 2: Bumper is stuck

Error 2 means the Roborock’s bumper is stuck. Clean and lightly tap the bumper. Tap the bumper repeatedly to dislodge any jammed items. If nothing falls out, move the Roborock to a new location and restart.

A stuck bumper is often the culprit of a robot vacuum going around in circles.

Error 3: Wheel is suspended

Error 3 means that one of the Roborock’s wheels (or both) are suspended. Inspect the wheels and remove any debris or items that may get stuck in the wheel wells. Move the Roborock to a new location and restart it.

Error 4: Cliff sensor error

Error 4 means the Roborock’s cliff sensors are experiencing an error.

Chances are, the cliff sensors are very dirty. Wipe the cliff sensors, move the Roborock away from raised edges, and restart. Make sure the Roborock is not on the dark or shag carpet.

Error 5: Main brush is tangled up

Error 5 means the Roborock’s main brush is tangled up.

Make sure there is nothing tangling up the main brush, including inside the two brush slots and at either end of the brush, then run the Roborock with carpet mode enabled and see if the problem has been resolved.

Error 6: Side brush is tangled up

Error 6 means the Roborock’s side brush is tangled up. It will likely stop spinning.

A build up of dust, debris, and hair can wound up beneath the side brush. Unscrew the side brush from the Roborock and clear up any debris on the housing. If the side brush is twisted and damaged, replace it.

Error 7: Main wheels may be jammed

Error 7 means the Roborock’s main wheels may be jammed.

Press and spin the wheels manually to check if they are stuck. If they are stuck, try to free them. Look for anything stuck in the main wheels, then move the Roborock to a new location and restart.

Error 8: Roborock is trapped or stuck

Error 8 means Roborock is trapped or stuck.

It is possible that Roborock becomes trapped and stuck between other objects. Please provide enough space around Roborock’s path. Make sure there are no obstacles and clear objects around the Roborock. 

If your Roborock keeps getting stuck for no reason (no obstacles around it), then make sure the robot’s firmware has been updated to the latest version. Nine times out of ten, there is a software issue. 

You can also try pressing and spinning the Roborock’s wheels manually to check if they are stuck. If they are, try to free them up. If the water tank is installed, remove it and try again.

Error 9: Dustbin and filter not detected

Error 9 means the Roborock does not detect the dustbin and filter.

Reinstall the dustbin and filter and check they are correctly installed. If the problem persists, try replacing the filter. Look for the magnet on the side of the filter. If you do not find a magnet, replace the filter and try again.

Error 10: Filter is not completely dry

Error 10 means the Roborock’s filter is not completely dry.

Make sure that the filter is dry. Dry the filter for at least 24 hours. The filter may also be blocked and require cleaning. Clean the filter, dry it thoroughly and place it back in the Roborock then try again.

Error 11: High-intensity magnetic field detected

Error 11 means Roborock is too close to magnetic tape (virtual wall) and cannot start. If a strong magnetic field is detected by the Roborock, move it to a different location and restart it.

Error 12: Low battery

Error 12 means the Roborock’s battery is too low to start a cleaning job. Recharge it before use.

Error 13: Charging error

Error 13 means the Roborock is experiencing a charging error.

Make sure the charging contacts on the Roborock makes a clean connection with the charging contacts on the charging dock. Use a dry cloth to clean the charging contacts on the Roborock and on the charging dock. Lastly, make sure the charging contacts have not been corroded.

Error 14: Battery error

Error 14 means Roborock is experiencing a battery error. The Roborock’s battery temperature is either too high or too low. Please wait until the Roborock’s battery temperature returns to normal.

Error 15: Dirty wall sensor

Error 15 means the Roborock’s wall sensor is very dirty.

A huge amount of dust can settle on the wall sensor, which is a sensor for determining the distance between Roborock and a wall. Carefully wipe the wall sensor then restart Roborock.

Error 16: Roborock is tilted

Error 16 means Roborock is tilted. Roborock cannot work when it is placed on an uneven surface. Please move Roborock to a flat, even surface then restart the robot.

Error 17: Side brush error

Error 17 means Roborock is experiencing a side brush error.

If this is the case, there is nothing you can do but perform a system reset.

Error 18: Fan error

Error 18 means Roborock is experiencing a fan error.

If this is the case, there is nothing you can do but perform a system reset.

Error 21: Vertical bumper pressed

Error 21 means the Roborock’s is pressed. The vertical bumper (also known as the laser rangefinder) is pressed or its work is interfered with by foreign objects. Move Roborock to a new location.

Error 22: Recharge sensor is blocked by dust

Error 22 means the Roborock’s recharge sensor is blocked by dust. Dust may settle on the recharge sensors, which interferes with Roborock’s normal operation. Wipe the recharge sensor.

Error 23: Charging dock is jammed

Error 23 means the Roborock’s charging dock is jammed. Clean the charging dock locator beacon. If foreign objects fall on it, remove them from the charging dock and then try again.

Error 24: Virtual no-go zone or wall detected

Error 24 means Roborock detects a virtual no-go zone or a wall. To solve error 24, move the Roborock away from the virtual no-go zone or barrier. Then, restart Roborock in a new location.

Error 26: Wall sensor is dirty

Error 26 means the Roborock’s wall sensor is very dirty.

A huge amount of dust can settle on the wall sensor, which is a sensor for determining the distance between Roborock and a wall. Carefully wipe the wall sensor then restart Roborock.

Error 27: VibraRise system is jammed

Error 27 means the Roborock’s VibraRise system is jammed.

Check for obstructions and clear them.

Error 28: Roborock is on carpet

Error 28 means the Roborock is on carpet.

Move Roborock to a new location (not on carpet) and try again.

Internal error

If Roborock is experiencing a malfunction due to an internal error, please perform a factory reset. You can learn how to perform the correct Roborock factory reset right here. If you still need help, contact Roborock.

Related articles:

  • How to clean Roborock (top to bottom)
  • Why is Roborock offline?
  • How to connect Roborock to Wi-Fi
  • How to connect Roborock to Amazon Alexa and Google Home
  • Why Roborock smell?
  • Why Roborock noisy?
  • Why Roborock not charging?

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Заголовок сообщения: Робот-пылесос Xiaomi Roborock S5 max. ошибка 1

СообщениеДобавлено: Чт ноя 24, 2022 08:46:29 

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Всем доброго времени. Пылесос говорит «Ошибка 1. Поверните лазерный блок и убедитесь что он не зажат и не заблокирован».
Я снял этот лидар, проверил мотор, фотодатчики, кроме оптического датчика считывания оборотов. Проверил платы лидара на прогары. Включаю, лидар крутится хорошо. Три раза пылесос хочет стартануть, но потом снова ошибка 1. У кого были проблемы или кто сталкивался с такой неисправностью? Сразу скажу, что кнопка нажатия при блокировке лидара механически исправная, но если лишь только её не залили, что внутри контакты закоротило, как вариант.

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СообщениеДобавлено: Вт ноя 29, 2022 03:51:05 

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Да, у них там всё просто, почистили моторчик, поменяли его и всё заработало. Вот только мой моторчик рабочий, и лидар нигде не тормозит. Ремень не проскальзывает. В сборе и в работе лидар крутится отлично. Сегодня всё таки решил проверить оптический датчик считывания оборотов, оказался рабочий. Дальше чтоб ещё кто-то отвечал за вращение лидара нет. Более того я разобрал полностью пылесос, проверил эту кнопку нажатия бошки при блокировке, она исправна. Далее запустил пылесос без лидара, ошибка та же. То есть проблема, вероятно, в мозгах.

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: Робот-пылесос Xiaomi Roborock S5 max. ошибка 1

СообщениеДобавлено: Ср дек 07, 2022 01:22:48 

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Доброе утро. Ни у кого небыло больше опыта по ремонту?

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: Робот-пылесос Xiaomi Roborock S5 max. ошибка 1

СообщениеДобавлено: Ср дек 07, 2022 07:43:41 

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У самого в ремонте такой пылесос. Подавал на двигатель отдельно напругу, гонял вхолостую, смазывал подшипники… После этого аппарат начал уборку. Ну, думаю, все… Фиг там, на следующий раз та же фигня. Думаю, двиг надо менять, видимо момент силы для вращения слабоват.

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как поменяешь дай знать, помогло или нет. Спасибо.

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моторы эти толка под замену
а пылосос походу СЛАМАЛСЯ
и да для сброса ошибки акум надо снять на 110минут

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: Робот-пылесос Xiaomi Roborock S5 max. ошибка 1

СообщениеДобавлено: Чт дек 08, 2022 16:19:06 

Мудрый кот
Аватар пользователя

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Зарегистрирован: Сб ноя 05, 2022 18:28:06
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musor писал(а):

моторы эти толка под замену
а пылосос походу СЛАМАЛСЯ
и да для сброса ошибки акум надо снять на 110минут

На 119 лучше :)

кстати, какие там стоят моторы — ?
:) я бы, раз такое дело, разобрал мотор и там «поковырялся» бы.
Хотя начал бы с проверки биения вала, на предмет разбитости «подшипников» там явно скольжения как СД шках.
Если вал «болтается» то можно и не разбирать.

Модель двигателя можно, — вроде не выкладывался.
Глянуть на «ремонтопригодность» .

У меня Твёрдая Тройка по русскому, но, даже я иногда, делаю ошибки.

Вернуться наверх


Не в сети

Заголовок сообщения: Re: Робот-пылесос Xiaomi Roborock S5 max. ошибка 1

СообщениеДобавлено: Пт дек 09, 2022 07:12:37 

Зарегистрирован: Чт ноя 24, 2022 08:18:43
Сообщений: 34

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Помогло. Вытащил аккумулятор на 4 часа и воткнул обратно, ошибка ушла, пылесос начал работать исправно. Спасибо.
С мотором всё в порядке, я его на лабораторном блоке испытал. Проблема крылась именно в мозгах пылесоса. УРАААААААА!!!!!

Вернуться наверх

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