RimWorld — увлекательная научно-фантастическая игра в жанре колонизации, разработанная и выпущенная компанией Ludeon Studios. Одним из главных преимуществ игры является возможность использования модификаций, которые значительно расширяют игровой опыт и предлагают множество новых возможностей. Однако, установка модов может иногда приводить к возникновению ошибок, которые следует уметь избегать и исправлять. В этой энциклопедической статье мы рассмотрим некоторые из наиболее распространенных проблем и предложим решения.
1. Ошибка совместимости модов
Одной из наиболее часто встречающихся проблем является ошибка совместимости модов. Когда вы устанавливаете несколько модов, возникает вероятность конфликта между ними, что может привести к непредсказуемым ошибкам и сбоям игры. Чтобы избежать этой проблемы, перед установкой модов всегда читайте описание и требования к совместимости на странице каждого мода. Моды, выпущенные для одной и той же версии игры, обычно совместимы друг с другом, но все равно рекомендуется проверить совместимость модов перед установкой.
2. Ошибка загрузки модов
Если вы столкнулись с проблемой, когда некоторые моды не загружаются при запуске игры, вероятно, ваши моды имеют конфликтующие зависимости. Мод может требовать наличие других модов или определенных версий модов для работы. Чтобы исправить эту проблему, убедитесь, что у вас установлены все необходимые моды и их версии соответствуют требованиям.
3. Ошибка совместимости версий игры и модов
Время от времени разработчики RimWorld выпускают обновления, которые могут повлиять на совместимость установленных модов. Если вы обновили игру и столкнулись с ошибками или проблемами в работе модов, самое верное решение — обновить все ваши моды до последних версий, совместимых с новой версией игры. В свою очередь, моды, разработанные для старых версий игры, могут вызывать ошибки и сбои, если вы попытаетесь установить их на более новую версию RimWorld.
4. Ошибки в конфигурации модов
Существует вероятность, что вы сами сделали ошибку при настройке или установке модов. Руководствуйтесь инструкциями и рекомендациями, предоставленными на странице каждого мода. Обратите внимание на необходимые настройки, порядок загрузки модов и все предупреждения или дополнительные требования.
5. Конфликты модов при сохранении игры
Иногда установка или удаление модов во время сохраненной игры может привести к ошибкам и конфликтам. Чтобы избежать этого, рекомендуется устанавливать и удалять моды только между сеансами игры, когда вы не находитесь в режиме сохранения. Если вы все же решите добавить или удалить моды во время игры, будьте готовы к возможным ошибкам или несовместимостям.
В заключение
Использование модов может существенно улучшить ваш опыт игры в RimWorld, но без должной осторожности они также могут привести к ошибкам и проблемам. Надеемся, что эта энциклопедическая статья поможет вам избежать этих проблем и насладиться игрой на полную мощность со всеми установленными модификациями.
RimWorld Conflict Checker v0.0.0.9
- Checks for the same nameDef defined in 2 or more mods
- Lists all core (game default) nameDef’s overwritten by mods
- Finds any DLL existing in 2 or more mods
- Identifies possibly corrupt or incomplete mods (partially implemented)
- Checks versions of all mods against the RimWorld version
- Lists mods load order also showing disabled mods
Extract Zip to anywhere.
Run RCC.exe either from Windows or a command line.
When run it will open the UI for you to pick at least 2 paths (RimWorldWin.exe & Mod folder path).
The first 2 folders are required (Mod folder 1 is auto-calculated when you choose the RimWorldWin.exe folder — but it can be changed).
Mod Folder 2 is only needed for Steam users.
It can also be run from the command line with parameters:
Results & Output
All findings are reported to file RCC.txt in the same folder as RCC.exe.
Each check, or main function of the program is delimited by «============»‘s.
Be sure to scroll down RCC.txt, as there are checks all the way through the file.
(new in is a list of mods and a count of the conflicts. Check RCC.txt for all the details).
- Windows only (sorry!)
- Will trigger UAC request for bug submission
NB: Uses opensource library NBug to submit crashes to a Mantis tracker so I can fix any issues.
Feel free to block it if you do not want the reports sent.
Please report bugs here, or on GitHub.
Bug List — Currently none that I know of
Check XML inheritance: http://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=19499.0″
Check if CCL is compat with RimWorld.
Check if root, tag, defname are valid (by parsing core).
Check if a mod is valid — needs about.xml, at least one XML or dll.
Check if mod exists twice. a) based on folder name & b) based on About.xml name.
Check if a mod’s defname conflicts with another defname of the same mod.
Change output to tabbed tables in a Windows Form.
Source & License
Source: https://github.com/biship/RimworldConflictChecker
License: GPL 3.0 Please do not distribute without credit & without modification.
Versions 04/16/17 Better exception handling, fixed case-sensitive bugs, handles missing version.txt or modsconfig.xml 12/31/16 Logging for opening & parsing Version.txt, NBUG & Octokit updated 12/30/16 ModsConfig.xml picker, command line changes, option to also check all non-enabled mods 12/30/16 Tweaks and change. Internal release only 12/29/16 Fixed for A16. No longer checks conflicts for non-enabled mods. More bug fixes 09/09/16 This tool will now check and notify on updates for it. More info on results form. Loads of bug fixes! 09/05/16 Added basic mod conflict form, code cleanup, null checking & bug fixes. 09/01/16 Folder picker updates 08/31/16 Initial alpha release
Basics Menu | Controls | User Interface | Save File | Modding | Version history |
Basic Troubleshooting Things You Should Do[edit]
«My game broke/crashed/the UI is gone/froze, what do I do?»
You should:
— Verify with Steam (if you use it to run Rimworld).
— Clear your configs (instructions below).
— Check your mod order (instructions also below).
— Make sure no mods updated since you last played, if a game that was running fine suddenly broke the next time you loaded it.
Basic Load Order Rules:[edit]
Mods must be loaded beneath any and all dependencies.
eg: most mods depend on Core to function and must load below it
Mods should not/cannot be loaded with other incompatible mods.
How do we know which mods are incompatible? Reading mod descriptions, asking people who know things, and trial/error
In the instance of multiple mods that change the same thing, whichever is loaded last will take precedent
There are some «ifs» and «buts» in this statement, but it’s largely true
Local Mods:[edit]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RimWorld\Mods
C:\Program Files (x86)\RimWorld\Mods
Mac OS X:
Right-click the RimWorld application and show package contents
cd Library/Application\ Support/Steam/steamapps/common/RimWorld
Config Files:[edit]
—RimWorld configuration files and most mod settings are kept in this folder, and removing them will reset all settings to default.
—«Clearing configs» refers to deletion of old/all configs in the aforementioned folder
—Old mod config files are not automatically removed and may cause errors.
—Save the «ModsConfig.xml» as this is your mod load order, and if you remove it you will lose your modded load order.
%appdata%\..\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld by Ludeon Studios\Config
Steam Default Install Location:[edit]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common
Steam Default Mod Install Folder:[edit]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100
Verify Game Files with Steam:[edit]
> Steam Library
> Right Click RimWorld
> Properties
> Local Files
> Verify Integrity of Game Files…
Change Game Version with Steam:[edit]
> Steam Library
> Right Click RimWorld
> Properties
> Betas
> «Select the beta you would like to opt into:»
Load Order:[edit]
Rimpy is a useful tool that works outside the game, to make it easier to sort your mods. It also has it’s own auto-sort function if you want to see if that will help your issue:
There are also a few mod managers out there, both as mods and as external programs.
Another option for sorting your mods is to follow this guide here:
An explanation of how this works code wise;
«Keep in mind that not all mod conflicts will be solved by shuffling load order around. Sometimes mods are just incompatible until the mod authors put in effort to fix their mods.
Sometimes mods will just be incompatible.
As with most things, the truth is a bit more fine-grained. It’s true that «Core, Mod 1, Mod 2, Mod 3» is the load order, and the last mod «wins», but the actual load order is a bit different.
— xpath
— C#
The game first loads all XML (defs, mostly) from Core, Mod 1, Mod 2, Mod 3
Then it applies all xpath patches from Mod 1, Mod 2, Mod 3
Then it loads the C# from Mod 1, Mod 2, Mod 3
Core doesn’t use xpath or load any C#, so they’re not in that list. The C# for RimWorld is already loaded by that point, roughly speaking.
So if Mod 3 overwrites something in XML, but Mod 2 overwrites it in xpath and Mod 1 overwrites it in C#, it’s Mod 1 that wins — even though Mod 3 and Mod 2 come after it in the load order.
There are a few things that matter with load order:
— Does the mod require a different mod? Examples of that are mods that require HugsLib, Proper Shotguns, Turret Extensions, Alien Races, JecsTools, whatever. If you are missing a dependency, you’ll notice: You get a nice red error saying something like
Could not find type named TurretExtensions.CompProperties_Upgradable from node <A lot of XML> and missing a dependency like that will put the entire game in a corrupted and unplayable state.
And then there is another insidious thing some XML mods do: overwrite (abstract) bases. For that, I refer you to https://github.com/RimWorld-CCL-Reborn/AllYourBase. This is something that’s still unfortunately very frequently done, and it can cause havoc.
The C# summary slightly diverts from the truth. It even depends on how they instantiate the mod; there are two or three possible hooks and they happen at different times. Most mods that mess about with Defs will all have to do it in the second or third hook.
There’s inherit from mod, which happens before Defs are loaded. Generally mods can’t screw around with Defs in there.
There’s the staticconstructoronstartup annotation which happens after Defs are loaded. This is where mods would screw around with Defs, for the most part.
Finally there’s Hugslibs’ ondefsloaded, which is exactly like a staticconstructoronstartup, but it runs after the staticconstructoronstartup utility is done.
and fwiw: that’s just the Defs side of the equation
I won’t even mention the harmony conflicts (which are way harder to detect) or runtime conflicts (which sometimes get logged, but not nearly always)
take the world edit mod: I can’t remember which page it was, but basically if you click next somewhere and from there on you get redirected to world edit’s version of whatever the next screen would’ve been.
There’s like.. almost zero chance of detecting that programmatically»
Common things people do that they should be doing differently[edit]
These are the opinions of one particular troubleshooting group, and not of the rest of the maintainers of this article. If you take offense, please direct your fury at the Unofficial Rimworld Discord server, thank you.
-Do not run out of date mods. This means mods that are for a different version of the game than you are running. The only exception is Allyourbase at this time.
-If asked to add and use Allyourbase, do NOT turn on Verbose Logging till you are asked to do so.
-Do not run two copies of the same mod. This causes things to break horribly.
-Do not use modpacks. They are almost always partially out of date, almost always partially broken, and you will be told to make your own list if you present them to a troubleshooter.
Also Samuel Streamer needs to either stop editing around all the dev commands they use, or they need to stop giving people the packs without FIXING them first.
-Do not come into a troubleshooting area with «Can someone help?» and nothing else. Do not even come into such an area with that and a log. Come with a description of your problem, AND a log, so that troubleshooters do not have to spend multiple minutes asking for a description of your problem.
-If a troubleshooter asks you to do something that does not ACTUALLY BREAK LAWS OR PUT YOU IN HARMS WAY, do it. Even if you did it already. You’re not being asked as a delaying tactic, or as a power trip; you are being asked to do that thing so that they can help you fix your game.
-If you come from modding Skyrim or Fallout and you are used to the LOOT filter: Guess what, Rimpy exists, it hasn’t had enough time to get to where LOOT is (though the devs are working on it). Use it.
-Always provide a Hugslog if possible. Yes, even if it has to come from the main menu. Yes, even if it has to come from a restart before the error occurs. It will STILL be useful. (Hugslogs are acquired by adding the Hugslib mod, and then either pressing Ctrl+F12 while in game, or navigating to the dev mode console window and hitting the green «Share Logs» button.)
-It’s (almost always) not Achtung or Rocketman.
~Both of these mods check what other mods are doing to try to make bugs easier to notice and fix. They are probably not the cause of whatever they catch.
I’ve been putting together a rather beefy modpack over the last couple days and keep running into mod conflicts that force rimworld to disable all active mods.
I was wondering if anyone had a good way to figure out which mods are conflicting with each other.
I’ve tried Fluffy’s mod manager, it doesn’t catch it.
I’ve tried the Rimworld conflict checker, still no clue.
I’ve scoured my mod list for duplicate functions and removed a bunch but still no luck.
The tracelog from Rimworld itself doesn’t really tell me anything either except that a lot of mods have missing textures.
I don’t really want to have someone tell me what the issue is, I more want to learn how to figure it out myself. I feel that sort of skill would be better in the long term.
That said, where should I look next?
Обновлено: 28.01.2023
Кай Фетише запись закреплена
Напомните как через РР заспавнить вещь из мода? Например, холодильник из RimFridge, хочу проверить, а то что-то ошибку выдает на библиотеку из данного мода.
Конкретно этого мода у меня нет, но вероятно может быть тут
Андрей Холинов
Можно же через годмод дать себе доступ к мгеовенному строительству чего угодно, включая предметы из модов)
26 сен. 2016 в 7:06
My internet was out the other day and I decided I’d play some rimworld offline and all of my workshop mods were gone. Where are those mods stored so that I can keep a backup folder with them installed?
26 сен. 2016 в 7:10
C:Program Files (x86)Steamsteamappsworkshopcontent294100
C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonRimWorldMods
That is with standard steam install, so if you used a custom install of Steam, change location accordingly prior to the Steam level of the location.
Этот мод добавляет в игру большой сборник новой одежды. Например: шуба, меховая шапка, термобрюки, шорты карго, хирургическая маска и многое другое.
0 не понравилось 1 понравилось
Когда игра ни в какую не поддается и кажется непроходимой, на помощь приходят специальные программы — читы, скины, моды, трейнеры для игр и т. д. С их помощью игрок может получить преимущество: дополнительные ресурсы, много денег, бессмертие, повышенную скорость и многое другое.
Если вы хотите облегчить прохождение RimWorld, то можете воспользоваться нашим файловым архивом. Здесь собраны только проверенные и работоспособные файлы для игр, которые можно скачать бесплатно.
При скачивании файлов нужно обратить внимание на версию игры, для которой он предназначен. Трейнеры для игр, например, не всегда совместимы со всеми версиями игры, так как разработчики, выпуская обновления, могут менять архитектуру игры и принципы работы тех или иных ее механик. Обычно версия, с которой совместим файл, указывается прямо в его названии.
Работает с сохранениями.
Для работы мода нужен HugsLib
Для работы мода нужен HugsLib
Для работы мода нужен HugsLib
Боже пивоваров как ты за**ал вот честно хватит уже всем тупо п**уй что ты думаешь.
Да много модов на усложнение есть. И фракции, и оружейные, и геймплейные и т.д.
Тем более многие из них есть на сайте.
Даже если ты не можешь (или не хочешь) ставить хардкорные моды, то всегда можно снизить процент защиты у амбразур и проблема решена.
На версии 1.2 не работает адекватно. Не выделяет рамкой слева и нельзя сгруппировать один тип предметов.
Может подскажет кто решение?
Читайте также:
- Days gone моды как установить
- Europa universalis 4 как делать моды
- Как делать моды на майнкрафт через netbeans
- Как установить мод на гта 5 на дома
- Как узнать какой мод нагружает minecraft
RimWorld Conflict Checker v0.0.0.9
- Checks for the same nameDef defined in 2 or more mods
- Lists all core (game default) nameDef’s overwritten by mods
- Finds any DLL existing in 2 or more mods
- Identifies possibly corrupt or incomplete mods (partially implemented)
- Checks versions of all mods against the RimWorld version
- Lists mods load order also showing disabled mods
Extract Zip to anywhere.
Run RCC.exe either from Windows or a command line.
When run it will open the UI for you to pick at least 2 paths (RimWorldWin.exe & Mod folder path).
The first 2 folders are required (Mod folder 1 is auto-calculated when you choose the RimWorldWin.exe folder — but it can be changed).
Mod Folder 2 is only needed for Steam users.
It can also be run from the command line with parameters:
Results & Output
All findings are reported to file RCC.txt in the same folder as RCC.exe.
Each check, or main function of the program is delimited by «============»‘s.
Be sure to scroll down RCC.txt, as there are checks all the way through the file.
(new in is a list of mods and a count of the conflicts. Check RCC.txt for all the details).
- Windows only (sorry!)
- Will trigger UAC request for bug submission
NB: Uses opensource library NBug to submit crashes to a Mantis tracker so I can fix any issues.
Feel free to block it if you do not want the reports sent.
Please report bugs here, or on GitHub.
Bug List — Currently none that I know of
Check XML inheritance: http://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=19499.0″
Check if CCL is compat with RimWorld.
Check if root, tag, defname are valid (by parsing core).
Check if a mod is valid — needs about.xml, at least one XML or dll.
Check if mod exists twice. a) based on folder name & b) based on About.xml name.
Check if a mod’s defname conflicts with another defname of the same mod.
Change output to tabbed tables in a Windows Form.
Source & License
Source: https://github.com/biship/RimworldConflictChecker
License: GPL 3.0 Please do not distribute without credit & without modification.
Versions 04/16/17 Better exception handling, fixed case-sensitive bugs, handles missing version.txt or modsconfig.xml 12/31/16 Logging for opening & parsing Version.txt, NBUG & Octokit updated 12/30/16 ModsConfig.xml picker, command line changes, option to also check all non-enabled mods 12/30/16 Tweaks and change. Internal release only 12/29/16 Fixed for A16. No longer checks conflicts for non-enabled mods. More bug fixes 09/09/16 This tool will now check and notify on updates for it. More info on results form. Loads of bug fixes! 09/05/16 Added basic mod conflict form, code cleanup, null checking & bug fixes. 09/01/16 Folder picker updates 08/31/16 Initial alpha release
Basics Menu | Controls | User Interface | Save File | Modding | Version history |
Basic Troubleshooting Things You Should Do[edit]
«My game broke/crashed/the UI is gone/froze, what do I do?»
You should:
— Verify with Steam (if you use it to run Rimworld).
— Clear your configs (instructions below).
— Check your mod order (instructions also below).
— Make sure no mods updated since you last played, if a game that was running fine suddenly broke the next time you loaded it.
Basic Load Order Rules:[edit]
Mods must be loaded beneath any and all dependencies.
eg: most mods depend on Core to function and must load below it
Mods should not/cannot be loaded with other incompatible mods.
How do we know which mods are incompatible? Reading mod descriptions, asking people who know things, and trial/error
In the instance of multiple mods that change the same thing, whichever is loaded last will take precedent
There are some «ifs» and «buts» in this statement, but it’s largely true
Local Mods:[edit]
C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonRimWorldMods
C:Program Files (x86)RimWorldMods
Mac OS X:
Right-click the RimWorld application and show package contents
cd Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/RimWorld
Config Files:[edit]
—RimWorld configuration files and most mod settings are kept in this folder, and removing them will reset all settings to default.
—«Clearing configs» refers to deletion of old/all configs in the aforementioned folder
—Old mod config files are not automatically removed and may cause errors.
—Save the «ModsConfig.xml» as this is your mod load order, and if you remove it you will lose your modded load order.
%appdata%..LocalLowLudeon StudiosRimWorld by Ludeon StudiosConfig
Steam Default Install Location:[edit]
C:Program Files (x86)Steamsteamappscommon
Steam Default Mod Install Folder:[edit]
C:Program Files (x86)Steamsteamappsworkshopcontent294100
Verify Game Files with Steam:[edit]
> Steam Library
> Right Click RimWorld
> Properties
> Local Files
> Verify Integrity of Game Files…
Change Game Version with Steam:[edit]
> Steam Library
> Right Click RimWorld
> Properties
> Betas
> «Select the beta you would like to opt into:»
Load Order:[edit]
Rimpy is a useful tool that works outside the game, to make it easier to sort your mods. It also has it’s own auto-sort function if you want to see if that will help your issue:
There are also a few mod managers out there, both as mods and as external programs.
Another option for sorting your mods is to follow this guide here:
An explanation of how this works code wise;
«Keep in mind that not all mod conflicts will be solved by shuffling load order around. Sometimes mods are just incompatible until the mod authors put in effort to fix their mods.
Sometimes mods will just be incompatible.
As with most things, the truth is a bit more fine-grained. It’s true that «Core, Mod 1, Mod 2, Mod 3» is the load order, and the last mod «wins», but the actual load order is a bit different.
— xpath
— C#
The game first loads all XML (defs, mostly) from Core, Mod 1, Mod 2, Mod 3
Then it applies all xpath patches from Mod 1, Mod 2, Mod 3
Then it loads the C# from Mod 1, Mod 2, Mod 3
Core doesn’t use xpath or load any C#, so they’re not in that list. The C# for RimWorld is already loaded by that point, roughly speaking.
So if Mod 3 overwrites something in XML, but Mod 2 overwrites it in xpath and Mod 1 overwrites it in C#, it’s Mod 1 that wins — even though Mod 3 and Mod 2 come after it in the load order.
There are a few things that matter with load order:
— Does the mod require a different mod? Examples of that are mods that require HugsLib, Proper Shotguns, Turret Extensions, Alien Races, JecsTools, whatever. If you are missing a dependency, you’ll notice: You get a nice red error saying something like
Could not find type named TurretExtensions.CompProperties_Upgradable from node <A lot of XML> and missing a dependency like that will put the entire game in a corrupted and unplayable state.
And then there is another insidious thing some XML mods do: overwrite (abstract) bases. For that, I refer you to https://github.com/RimWorld-CCL-Reborn/AllYourBase. This is something that’s still unfortunately very frequently done, and it can cause havoc.
The C# summary slightly diverts from the truth. It even depends on how they instantiate the mod; there are two or three possible hooks and they happen at different times. Most mods that mess about with Defs will all have to do it in the second or third hook.
There’s inherit from mod, which happens before Defs are loaded. Generally mods can’t screw around with Defs in there.
There’s the staticconstructoronstartup annotation which happens after Defs are loaded. This is where mods would screw around with Defs, for the most part.
Finally there’s Hugslibs’ ondefsloaded, which is exactly like a staticconstructoronstartup, but it runs after the staticconstructoronstartup utility is done.
and fwiw: that’s just the Defs side of the equation
I won’t even mention the harmony conflicts (which are way harder to detect) or runtime conflicts (which sometimes get logged, but not nearly always)
take the world edit mod: I can’t remember which page it was, but basically if you click next somewhere and from there on you get redirected to world edit’s version of whatever the next screen would’ve been.
There’s like.. almost zero chance of detecting that programmatically»
Common things people do that they should be doing differently[edit]
These are the opinions of one particular troubleshooting group, and not of the rest of the maintainers of this article. If you take offense, please direct your fury at the Unofficial Rimworld Discord server, thank you.
-Do not run out of date mods. This means mods that are for a different version of the game than you are running. The only exception is Allyourbase at this time.
-If asked to add and use Allyourbase, do NOT turn on Verbose Logging till you are asked to do so.
-Do not run two copies of the same mod. This causes things to break horribly.
-Do not use modpacks. They are almost always partially out of date, almost always partially broken, and you will be told to make your own list if you present them to a troubleshooter.
Also Samuel Streamer needs to either stop editing around all the dev commands they use, or they need to stop giving people the packs without FIXING them first.
-Do not come into a troubleshooting area with «Can someone help?» and nothing else. Do not even come into such an area with that and a log. Come with a description of your problem, AND a log, so that troubleshooters do not have to spend multiple minutes asking for a description of your problem.
-If a troubleshooter asks you to do something that does not ACTUALLY BREAK LAWS OR PUT YOU IN HARMS WAY, do it. Even if you did it already. You’re not being asked as a delaying tactic, or as a power trip; you are being asked to do that thing so that they can help you fix your game.
-If you come from modding Skyrim or Fallout and you are used to the LOOT filter: Guess what, Rimpy exists, it hasn’t had enough time to get to where LOOT is (though the devs are working on it). Use it.
-Always provide a Hugslog if possible. Yes, even if it has to come from the main menu. Yes, even if it has to come from a restart before the error occurs. It will STILL be useful. (Hugslogs are acquired by adding the Hugslib mod, and then either pressing Ctrl+F12 while in game, or navigating to the dev mode console window and hitting the green «Share Logs» button.)
-It’s (almost always) not Achtung or Rocketman.
~Both of these mods check what other mods are doing to try to make bugs easier to notice and fix. They are probably not the cause of whatever they catch.