Ribera 40002 ошибка

В этом руководстве мы покажем вам различные способы исправления кода ошибки Ghost Recon: Wildlands Ribera-40002. Этот тактический шутер от третьего лица от Ubisoft предлагает среду открытого мира с впечатляющим геймплеем и некоторыми интригующими задачами. Однако на данный момент пользователям приходится сталкиваться с совершенно другим типом задач. Многие из них имеют выразили свою обеспокоенность что они не могут подключиться к серверу.

Код ошибки Ghost Recon Wildlands Ribera 40002

Всякий раз, когда они пытаются установить успешное соединение с сервером в Ghost Recon: Wildlands, вместо этого они получают код ошибки Ribera-40002. С другой стороны, некоторые пользователи сообщали, что пока им удавалось установить соединение, но сразу после этого на их экране выскакивала ошибка Ribera-1000B. Если вы также сталкиваетесь с какой-либо из этих проблем, то это руководство поможет вам. Следите за исправлениями.

Код ошибки Ghost Recon Wildlands Ribera 40002

Рекомендуется попробовать каждый из перечисленных ниже обходных путей, а затем посмотреть, какой из них принесет вам успех. Итак, имея это в виду, давайте начнем.

ИСПРАВЛЕНИЕ 1. Использование конфиденциальности отряда

Некоторым пользователям удалось решить эту проблему, опробовав метод ведения журнала методом грубой силы с использованием функции Squad Privacy. Однако, прежде чем вы сможете использовать эту функцию, вы должны быть в сети хотя бы пару минут. После того, как вы отметите это требование, попробуйте Squad Privacy и посмотрите, исправляет ли он ошибку Ghost Recon: Wildlands Error Code Ribera-40002.

Код ошибки Ghost Recon Wildlands Ribera 40002

ИСПРАВЛЕНИЕ 2. Переключение диапазонов WiFi

Затем вы должны попробовать изменить диапазоны WiFi с 2,4 ГГц на 5 ГГц или наоборот. Вот как это можно сделать. [Screenshots credit: D-Link].

  1. Для начала введите один из четырех IP-адресов в веб-браузере, чтобы получить доступ к домашней странице маршрутизатора.
  2. Затем введите идентификатор и пароль. Это может быть комбинация любого из этих ID: <пусто> ПАРОЛЬ: <пусто> ID: admin ПАРОЛЬ: admin ID: ПАРОЛЬ: admin ID: admin ПАРОЛЬ:
  3. Затем перейдите на вкладку «Настройка» и нажмите «Настройки беспроводной сети» с левой стороны.Код ошибки Ghost Recon Wildlands Ribera 40002
  4. После этого нажмите кнопку «Настройка беспроводной сети вручную».
  5. Теперь, если вы хотите выбрать 2,4 ГГц, выберите 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n, 802.11b/g/n или одну из их комбинаций.Код ошибки Ghost Recon Wildlands Ribera 40002
  6. С другой стороны, для 5 ГГц выберите 802.11a, 802.11c или 802.11a/c.Код ошибки Ghost Recon Wildlands Ribera 40002
  7. После этого сохраните изменения и проверьте, исправляет ли он код ошибки Ghost Recon: Wildlands Ribera-40002.

ИСПРАВЛЕНИЕ 3. Изменение каналов WiFi

Если вы используете 2,4 ГГц, то есть 11 каналов, и каждому доступно 20 МГц. Таким образом, для частоты 20 МГц следует использовать каналы 1, 6 или 11. С другой стороны, для частоты 5 ГГц существуют каналы 20, 40 и 80 МГц. соответствует 20 МГц, вы должны использовать канал 36 или 40, для 40 МГц использовать каналы 38, 46, 151, 159, а для 80 МГц использовать канал 42 или 155.

Но каков оптимальный канал? Хотя нет лучшего канала как такового, но на 5 ГГц и с использованием канала 36 [on 20MHz] выдает лучший результат для Ghost Recons [personal experience]. Итак, на этой ноте, вот как вы можете изменить канал WiFi. [Screenshots credit: D-Link].

  1. Для начала введите один из четырех IP-адресов в веб-браузере, чтобы получить доступ к домашней странице маршрутизатора.
  2. Затем введите идентификатор и пароль. Это может быть комбинация любого из этих ID: <пусто> ПАРОЛЬ: <пусто> ID: admin ПАРОЛЬ: admin ID: ПАРОЛЬ: admin ID: admin ПАРОЛЬ:
  3. Затем прокрутите вниз и нажмите «Настройка подключения к Интернету вручную».
    Код ошибки Ghost Recon Wildlands Ribera 40002
  4. Теперь снимите флажок Включить автоматическое сканирование каналов.
    Код ошибки Ghost Recon Wildlands Ribera 40002
  5. После этого выберите нужный канал из раскрывающегося списка «Беспроводной канал».
    Код ошибки Ghost Recon Wildlands Ribera 40002
  6. Наконец, сохраните изменения и проверьте, исправляет ли он код ошибки Ghost Recon: Wildlands Ribera-40002.

Какова официальная позиция?

Что касается официальной позиции по этому вопросу, то она определенно вызывает беспокойство у конечных пользователей. Это связано с тем, что разработчики не только знают об этой проблеме, но и уже признали эту ошибку примерно 3-4 раза, но еще не объявили ETA для развертывания исправления. [with its other offering Far Cry getting much more preferential treatment]. В любом случае, когда они дадут нам какой-либо намек на выпуск любого патча, мы соответствующим образом обновим это руководство. Между тем, вышеупомянутые обходные пути — ваш лучший выбор.

Код ошибки Ghost Recon Wildlands Ribera 40002

In this guide, we will show you various methods to fix the Ghost Recon: Wildlands Error Code Ribera-40002. This third-person tactical shooter game from Ubisoft offers an open-world environment with impressive gameplay and some intriguing challenges. However, as of now, users are having to deal with an altogether different type of challenge. Many of them have voiced their concern that they are unable to connect to a server.

Ghost Recon Wildlands Error Code Ribera 40002

Whenever they try to establish a successful server connection in Ghost Recon: Wildlands, they are instead being greeted with the Error Code Ribera-40002. On the other hand, some users reported that while they were able to establish the connection, but right after that, the Ribera-1000B error popped up on their screen. If you are also getting bugged with any of these issues, then this guide shall help you out. Follow along for the fixes.

Ghost Recon Wildlands Error Code Ribera 40002

It is recommended that you try out each of the below-mentioned workarounds and then see which one spells out success for you. So with that in mind, let’s get started.

FIX 1: Using Squad Privacy

Some users were able to rectify this issue after trying out the brute force logging method using the Squad Privacy feature. However, before you could use this feature, you will have to be online for at least a couple of minutes. Once you checkmark this requirement, give Squad Privacy a try and see if it fixes the Ghost Recon: Wildlands Error Code Ribera-40002 error.

Ghost Recon Wildlands Error Code Ribera 40002

FIX 2: Toggle WiFi Bands

Next up, you should try changing the WiFi bands from 2.4GHz to 5 Gz or vice versa. Here’s how it could be done. [Screenshots credit: D-Link].

  1. To begin with, type in one of the four IP Addresses in the web browser to access the router homepage.
  2. Then input the ID and password. It could be the combination of any one of these
    ID: <blank> PASSWORD: <blank>
    ID: admin PASSWORD: admin
    ID: <blank> PASSWORD: admin
    ID: admin PASSWORD: <blank>
  3. Then go to the Setup tab and click on Wireless Settings from the left side.Ghost Recon Wildlands Error Code Ribera 40002
  4. After that, click on the Click Manual Wireless Network Setup button.
  5. Now, if you wish to select 2.4GHz, then choose 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n, 802.11b/g/n, or one of its combinations.Ghost Recon Wildlands Error Code Ribera 40002
  6. On the other hand, for 5GHz, select 802.11a, 802.11c, or 802.11a/c.Ghost Recon Wildlands Error Code Ribera 40002
  7. Once done, save the changes and check if it fixes the Ghost Recon: Wildlands Error Code Ribera-40002.

FIX 3: Change WiFi Channels

If you are using 2.4ghz, then there are 11 channels, and each one has 20 MHz available. So corresponding to 20MHz, you should use either channels 1, 6, or 11. On the other hand, for 5GHz, there are 20, 40, and 80MHz channels. corresponding to 20MHz, you should use channel 36 or 40, for 40MHz use channels 38, 46,151, 159, and for 80MHz use channel 42 or 155.

But what is the optimal channel? While there isn’t any best channel as such, but being on 5GHz and using channel 36 [on 20MHz] gives out the best result for Ghost Recons [personal experience]. So on that note, here’s how you could change the WiFi channel. [Screenshots credit: D-Link].

  1. To begin with, type in one of the four IP Addresses in the web browser to access the router homepage.
  2. Then input the ID and password. It could be the combination of any one of these
    ID: <blank> PASSWORD: <blank>
    ID: admin PASSWORD: admin
    ID: <blank> PASSWORD: admin
    ID: admin PASSWORD: <blank>
  3. Next up, scroll to the bottom and click on Manual Internet Connection Setup.
    Ghost Recon Wildlands Error Code Ribera 40002
  4. Now uncheck Enable Auto Channel Scan.
    Ghost Recon Wildlands Error Code Ribera 40002
  5. After that, select the desired channel from the Wireless Channel drop-down.
    Ghost Recon Wildlands Error Code Ribera 40002
  6. Finally, save the changes and check if it fixes the Ghost Recon: Wildlands Error Code Ribera-40002.

What’s the Official Stance?

As far as the official stance on this matter is concerned, it’s definitely quite concerning for the end users. This is because not only are the developers aware of this issue, but they have already acknowledged this bug around 3-4 times but are yet to give out any ETA for the rollout of a fix [with its other offering Far Cry getting much more preferential treatment]. Anyways, as and when they give us any hint for the release of any patch, we will update this guide accordingly. In the meantime, the aforementioned workarounds are your best bet.

Ghost Recon Wildlands Error Code Ribera 40002

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About Chief Editor

Sadique Hassan


A technical geek by birth, he always has a keen interest in the Android platform right since the birth of the HTC Dream. The open-source environment always seems to intrigue him with the plethora of options available at his fingertips. “MBA by profession, blogger by choice!”

Here’s the crux of the article in video form:

New updates are being added at the bottom of this story…….

Original story (published on July 4, 2022) follows:

Part of the decades-old Ghost Recon franchise, Wildlands is a third-person tactical shooter that was released in March of 2017.

Based on a fictional version of Bolivia, the open-world title spans across several terrains like mountains, salt flats, and even deserts.


And while the game was praised for its vast open world and visual fidelity, many criticized it for being empty and repetitive. In May this year, many also complained about stats not appearing or getting reset after a server outage.

Adding to the trouble, Ghost Recon: Wildlands players are now reporting that they are getting a Ribera-40002 error message and are unable to connect to the server (1,2,3,4,5).

Some tried configuring their router and forwarded ports, others turned off overlays and a bunch of players tried reinstalling the game but nothing seems to help fix the problem.



I bought this game for me and three of my friends… we can’t even get online to play. I am brand new to this game….why TF is online play such a disaster? Are all Ubisoft games like this? Typical connection issues. Ribera errors. Spent countless hours digging in my router. Tried every trick in the book. We have not been able to have a single successful game since I bought it a week ago. I feel like such a sucker for purchasing it FOUR times. What a joke.

CO-OP Completely Unplayable. Most of the time I’m unable to connect to servers, receiving a “Ribera-40002” error, and when I do end up connecting, I go to invite and receive a “Ribera-1000B” error. Me and some friends purchased the game a few days ago and it’s making me insanely angry that we can’t even play.

Thankfully, Ubisoft Support has commented on the matter and said the developers are aware of the Ghost Recon: Wildlands issue where many are getting Ribera-40002 error message or are unable to connect.

Hey there, Dan! We’re aware of this issue and have reported it to the team so that they can look into this further. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused, but once we have any updates to share, they will be posted on our official social media.

However, they did not share any ETA of when it will be fixed. With some reports dating back months, we hope Ubisoft quickly fixes the issue so Wildlands players can play the game.

When they do, we will be updating the article to let you know so keep checking this space.

Update 1 (July 11, 2022)

10:33 am (IST): A Redditor has suggested a workaround that might help you resolve error code ‘Ribera-40002’ issue. You can check it out below.


I just clicked on squad privacy (since that seems to be something that “changes” when we finally connect in the past)… and as soon as I clicked on squad privacy it changed my status to what I expected (moderate where I am now) and I was able to join right in.

you do still need to be online for a minute or two before this will work otherwise you run into another long term issue where it prepares session for a minute. (Source)

Update 2 (August 03, 2022)

09:05 am (IST): Many players have taken to social platforms such as Twitter to report that they are getting the ‘Ribera-40002’ error again.

@UbisoftSupport why is my Tom Clancy wildlands getting Ribera-40002. Everything else is working rainbow six siege is working (Source)

@Ubisoft are the servers for #ghostrecon woodlands down? Trying to link up with friends but I keep getting a server not available error code (Ribera-40002) Help (Source)

Fortunately, Ubisoft confirmed that they are aware of the issue and it’s something that they are currently investigating. The team also says that restarting the game could be a potential workaround for the problem.

Hey Adam! Ribera-40002 errors are something we’re currently investigating, but in the meantime you can try restarting the game whenever you encounter it, as that has worked as a temporary workaround for some players. (Source)

Update 3 (August 04, 2022)

11:29 am (IST): The game was under maintenance for an hour yesterday. However, it did not fix the ‘Ribera-40002’ error as fresh reports (1, 2, 3) are still coming in.

Update 4 (August 05, 2022)

10:27 am (IST): In the latest status update, Ubisoft support has confirmed that they are working to resolve ‘Ribera-40002’ error code as soon as possible. However, there’s still no ETA for the fix.

Hello Ghosts, We are aware of an issue affecting connectivity in #GhostReconWildlands and our teams are working to get this resolved as soon as possible. Please keep an eye on our official Discussions forums for any further news or updates (Source)

Update 5 (August 08, 2022)

03:23 pm (IST): Ubisoft recently addressed the connectivity issue with Far Cry 6 within a few hours.

And now Ghost Recon Wildlands players are furious and have taken to Twitter (1, 2, 3) to mock the game maker for taking too long to fix the same issue with their game. However, Ubisoft support says they are investigating it.

Hey there! Thanks for reaching out. The team is investigating this issue! Please check our post here for any future updates. >> (Source)

Update 6 (August 09, 2022)

11:30 am (IST): In the recent status update regarding the connectivity issue, Ubisoft support said that they are still investigating it. And yet there’s no ETA for the fix.

Update 8/8/2022 5:30pm EST: We are still investigating the connectivity issues in Ghost Recon Wildlands. Thank you for your patience. Please continue to watch this link for further updates. >> (Source)

Update 7 (August 10, 2022)

01:15 pm (IST): Some of those affected are now reporting (1, 2, 3, 4) that the issue with Ribera error has been resolved.

Update 8 (August 11, 2022)

06:02 pm (IST): Soon after players began reporting that they are able to access the game, it appears that the connectivity issue started popping up again.

It likely happened due to an overload on servers after gamers went on to check if the game is working fine on their end.

Update 9 (August 12, 2022)

04:50 pm (IST): Here’s a video tutorial on how you can resolve the Ribera error in Ghost Recon Wildlands.

Update 10 (August 15, 2022)

10:25 am (IST): Ubisoft has recently confirmed that they have resolved the server degradation issue with multiple games.

However, it appears that they didn’t fix the issue with Ghost Recon Wildlands as server issues with the game still persist.



Update 11 (August 16, 2022)

01:12 pm (IST): Ubisoft support is now responding (1, 2, 3) to those affected by asking them what kind of error they are running into while playing Ghost Recon Wildlands and what region they are playing in. Also, there’s no ETA for the fix.

Update 12 (August 19, 2022)

06:08 pm (IST): In a recent acknowledgment, Ubisoft asked those affected to restart the game to fix the Ribera error. Also, they are investigating the issue and still there’s no ETA for the fix.

Heya Nelly, we haven’t decomissioned the wildlands servers but some players are reporting issues with connecting to multiplayer. We’re currently investigating, but if you’re receiving a Ribera error, you may be able to connect successfully by restarting the game. (Source)

Update 13 (August 22, 2022)

09:41 am (IST): It seems that there’s an ongoing outage with Ghost Recon Wildlands servers and many players are currently unable to access the game.

Unfortunately, Ubisoft support hasn’t yet acknowledged the problem. However, we’ll keep you updated with the latest development if and when we come across anything noteworthy.

Update 14 (August 23, 2022)

05:47 pm (IST): Here’s a potential workaround that might help you resolve the Ribera error. Also, you can check out the YouTube video for a better understanding.



Update 15 (August 25, 2022)

06:29 pm (IST): Here’s another workaround that might help you fix the Ribera error. You can check it out below.

Workaround: I’ll just turn off the Wifi and launch the game then turn it back on. Problem solved. (Source)

Update 16 (August 26, 2022)

06:32 pm (IST): It has been several months since this issue popped up and still Ubisoft support is telling those affected that they don’t have any ETA for the fix.

Update 17 (August 30, 2022)

11:00 am (IST): In the latest status update regarding the Riberra error, a Ubisoft support staff member said that they are still investigating it and yet there’s no ETA for the fix.



Update 18 (August 31, 2022)

05:36 pm (IST): One of those affected by the Ribera error noted that the support home page shows game server status as ‘working fine’.

And they’ve asked them to change the status as many players are currently facing issues with the game. Luckily, a Ubisoft support staff has acknowledged this request and said that they’ll escalate it to the team.

Update 19 (September 01, 2022)

05:42 pm (IST): A Redditor has suggested a video that might help you resolve the Ribera error in Ghost Recon Wildlands. You can check it out below.

Update 20 (September 05, 2022)

04:48 pm (IST): It has been more than a month after the reports of Ribera error began re-surfacing again and Ubisoft still says that they are investigating it and yet there’s no ETA for the fix.

No problem, and thanks for the info! We’re currently investigating connectivity issues to the game’s online services. We’ll be sure to add the info you provided to the report. In the meantime, please keep an eye on the following thread for updates. >> (Source)

Update 21 (September 06, 2022)

05:03 pm (IST): Here’s a workaround suggested by a player on YouTube that might help you resolve the Ribera error. You can check it out below and see if it helps.

– INVITE ONLY- do not try to join unless you’ve both been in game for at least 10 minutes.

– NAT Status: Anything but offline and you’ll be okay. Might take a bit longer to sync. OFFLINE seems to represent the server being full OR a technical error with the server. Usually the former. We need to “wait our turn” when our NAT status is offline. (Source)

Note: We have more such stories in our dedicated Ubisoft section so be sure to follow them as well.

PiunikaWeb started as purely an investigative tech journalism website with main focus on ‘breaking’ or ‘exclusive’ news. In no time, our stories got picked up by the likes of Forbes, Foxnews, Gizmodo, TechCrunch, Engadget, The Verge, Macrumors, and many others. Want to know more about us? Head here.

Go to Wildlands



An unofficial subreddit for Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands. This is an entirely fan-run subreddit and is in no way owned or operated by Ubisoft.





Ribera-40002 error

Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it.

Wildlands is a third-person tactical shooter that was released in March 2017 as part of the decades-old Ghost Recon franchise.

The open-world title, based on a fictional version of Bolivia, spans several terrains such as mountains, salt flats, and even deserts.

While the game was praised for its large open world and visual fidelity, it was also panned for being empty and repetitive. Many people complained about stats not appearing or being reset after a server outage in May of this year.

To compound matters, Ghost Recon: Wildlands players are now reporting receiving a Ribera-40002 error message and being unable to connect to the server. 

Some players tried configuring their routers and forwarded ports, others turned off overlays, and a large number of players tried reinstalling the game, but nothing seemed to help.

Thankfully, Ubisoft Support has responded, stating that the developers are aware of the Ghost Recon: Wildlands issue, in which many players are receiving the Ribera-40002 error message or are unable to connect.

They did not, however, provide an estimated time for the bug fix. With some reports dating back months, we hope Ubisoft resolves the issue as soon as possible so that Wildlands players can play the game.

So, in this Guide, We will cover everything we know about this error and possible fixes suggested by users on popular platforms such as Reddit, YouTube, etc

A Redditor has suggested a workaround that may assist you in resolving the ‘Ribera-40002’ error code issue. You can see it down below.

For now, This is the only temporary fix and would ask every player to try out this fix mentioned by the Redditor above until we get an official update from Ubisoft.

“I just clicked on squad privacy (since that seems to be something that “changes” when we finally connect in the past)…and as soon as I clicked on squad privacy it changed my status to what I expected (moderate where I am now) and I was able to join right in.”

“you do still need to be online for a minute or two before this will work otherwise you run into another long-term issue where it prepares session for a minute.” (Source)

Hello Ghosts, We are aware of an issue affecting connectivity in #GhostReconWildlands and our teams are working to get this resolved as soon as possible. Please keep an eye on our official Discussions forums for any further news or updates :https://t.co/bDbiNxpJ0O

— Ubisoft Support (@UbisoftSupport) August 4, 2022

While there is no guaranteed fix to resolve the error as it’s mostly a server-side issue, some users are reporting certain things that fixed the Ribera-40002. One fix suggested by a user on our YouTube channel is to hard reset the Xbox Series X. A few of them did this and were able to play the game without any issue for several hours. You can also hard reset the PS5, so that’s a fix you can try.

It’s not just the Ribera-40002, there are a bunch of other error codes in the game such as 38002, and Guaya 00027. Regardless of the error, if it’s a connectivity problem the issue is with the servers.

Also Read: Fix Warzone Crashing on Startup with No Errors

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