Red dead redemption 2 вылетает ошибка fff

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This error happened because of incomplete game files.

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Я сразу кряк закинул что делать????

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Вырубайте инет даже в пнеле управления ну точнее адаптер

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jax baron
Без интернета не начинается установка

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Такого быть не может

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jax baron
заново установил,все те же ошибки файлов

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У меня на рипе RGL-RiP тоже ошибка FFFFFF была.Установил репак от Игрухи и все нормуль

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Нужно проверить целостность файлов и скачать недостающие Microsoft Visual C++ библиотеки.

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McLaren MP4-4

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Пожалуйста,скиньте кто-нибудь эти файлы со скринов.Надоело уже скачивать каждый раз заново,в надежде,что заработает.Все отключено уже было,брандмауэр антивирусник,интернет,перехешировал торрент

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insel260 написал:
…репакер, не во все репаки вкладывает полный пакет библиотек…

Без понятия, себе ставлю «гибрид» С++, хотя в этой раздаче вроде что-то есть.


Elrobto написал:
заново установил,все те же ошибки файлов

Ради интереса скачал установщик и один файл (самый маленький) для проверки. Запускал без сети и при работающей — установщик туда не лезет. Стоит файрвол, если что-то пытается вылезти в инет — сразу оповещает.


…скиньте кто-нибудь эти файлы со скринов…

То, что на скринах, похоже на распакованные файлы — может быть при их распаковке и происходит ошибка. Если есть возможность — попробовать скачать другой репак.

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Что делать тогда?Скачивать торрент от другого репакера?

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Сначала неплохо бы понять почему происходят ошибки при распаковке — вдруг скачаешь другой репак и с ним будет подобное. Для начала посмотреть описание к раздаче. На трекере, откуда я качал, есть такое — вдруг что-то поможет.


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Там ничего не написано про установку,так же пробовал разные таблетки (1 версия и 2 )

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А что там может быть написано? — на трекерах обычно даётся общее описание раздачи со способом установки, иногда добавляют описание ошибок и советы по их устранению. Откуда репакеру знать что у кого на компе происходит? — может у тебя проблемы с железом, из-за этого и лезут ошибки CRC.
Если инет позволяет, можно попробовать скачать другой репак, где много пользователей на раздаче. Но перед скачиванием почитай описание к ней и комментарии пользователей. В той раздаче, откуда качал, так делал? — вдруг у кого-то была такая же проблема и есть её решение.
Если с репаком от другого релизера будет подобное — проблема скорее всего в твоём компе.

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от неё не надо.

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но я все попробовал у меня не работает

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Всем привет! подскажите пожалуйста кто-нибудь что можно сделать.
У меня лицензия, играю на рокстар лаунчере. Одиночная игра работает прекрасно, но когда пытаюсь войти в онлайн выскакивает этот eror. Если кто-то знает решение отпишите пж, очень хочу в онлайн поиграть(

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Да, и дх тоже, поставил, перезагрузил.

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Нет, как не запускалась, так и не запускается. Винду недавно переустановил.

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Elrobto написал:
Скачал игру от Fitgirl… Без интернета не начинается установка…

Первый раз слышу, чтобы пиратка (репак) требовала инет при установке! Пользовался релизами и этого репакера — никогда подключение к сети не требовалось.

FAILED. CRC mismatch
Либо качается с ошибками, либо с железом что-то не в порядке — ошибки CRC могут возникать например при неполадках с модулями ОЗУ.

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Этот репакер, не во все репаки вкладывает полный пакет библиотек. Я, как то качал стратежку от Fitgirl, и в конце установки предложили скачать пак библиотек С++ и вижуала для игры. Но обычно, это уже все имеется на компе. Библиотеки с 2012 года особо не обновляются.
Ты при запуске установщика, убери галки с вкладки установить дополнительное ПО (не знаю как оно у тебя там будет называться), тогда и скачивать ничего не надо будет. А нужные библиотеки можешь и отдельно скачать.
Если все еще возникают трудности, зайди на торрент, откуда качал репак, открой описание раздачи и ПОЧИТАЙ КАК УСТАНАВЛИВАТЬ ЭТОТ РЕПАК.

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rutracker в помощь, от туда все скачивается и запускается как надо и без проблем

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Хатаб наше все.

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Друг если эта ошибка выходит удали из Винды программу Xbox, у меня после этого запустилось

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Удали из винды программу xbox, у меня после этого запустилось

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Удал из винды программу xbox
И что всё по прежнему Unknown Error FFFFFFFFF

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Эта ошибка связана со звуковым драйвером, у меня если ошибка, переключаю с 2.0 на 5.1 и наоборот. Такая же проблема с GTA Online, хотя с пираткой никаких проблем не было…

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Не помогло…

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Cкачал со стима такая же ошибка, что делать подскажите????

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Стим.Лицензия.Наигранно более 600 часов,и и последнее время,очень часто стало появляться данная ошибка (ошибка FFFFFF) о онлайне.Полазив по различным форумам и руководствах стима (RDR2) многие пользователи (англоязычные*) пишут,что данная ошибка вызвана — наличием читера на сервере.
Хотя такую версию считаю бредом.

Кто-то грешит на звуковой драйвер.

Кто-то прописывает,в ярлыке стиме игры,команду: -ignorepipelinecache.
Говорят,что помогает.Не ручаюсь.Надо тестить.

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McLaren MP4-4
Там каждый второй читер =) Если не с приватным читом, то с трейнером на бесконечные предметы и патроны =)

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Попробуй поставить более старые версии драйверов. После установки 20.11.2 (amd, r9 280x) перестало вылетать. Играю через Эпик

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Я первый раз скачала от игруха у меня не было никакой ошибок но когда перекинул кряк в файлу red dead redemption 2 у меня вылетела ffff ошибка и удалил и еще раз скачала у меня снова вылетала ошибка ffff помогите как удалить эту ошибку

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Заново запускать установщик игры?

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у кого ошибка значит дерьмо мод стоит, у меня был на покупку домов, может только для лицухи те моды

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У меня тоже была такая проблема, но потом я вставил наушники в комп и все запустилось.

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Скачал игру от Fitgirl,при запуске выдает ошибку Uknown Error FFFF

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скачай игру в стиме и никаких проблем не будет

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Sorento NSK
Скачал в стиме та же ошибка

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Исправление ошибки Unknown Error FFFF: Если говорить кратко и быстро, все что вам надо, это зайти в папку мои документы, далее в папку Rockstar Games и полностью удалить папку под названием Red Dead Redemption 2. Готово, можно заходить в игру и проверять.

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2 раза скачивал игру от FitGirl(все отключено,антивирус брандмауэр,даже интернет отключал при установке, проверял торрент файл).Проверял сам установщик.

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Red Dead Online is the multiplayer counterpart of the critically acclaimed Red Dead Redemption 2. It is developed and published by Rockstar Games known for their current record-breaking, Grand Theft Auto 5. Red Dead Online functions similarly to GTA Online. There is a wide variety of missions and sandbox Open World Activities that you can tackle with your friends and other players. However, there are some minor inconveniences such as the error code ‘ffff’ in Red Dead Online which completely negates you from entering the game.

However, there is no need to worry too much as we have prepared together a list of potential solutions that you can implement to fix the error as quickly as possible. Some of these are workarounds discovered all thanks to the dedicated community of Red Dead Redemption Online.

Key Highlights

The error FFFF typically occurs during gameplay or when launching Red Dead Online, causing the game to crash. It can be triggered by various factors, including outdated graphics drivers, corrupted game files, or shader compilation issues.

To resolve this error, consider the following steps:

  1. Restart your PC.
  2. Optionally, perform a power cycle on your PC.
  3. Update your graphics drivers to the latest version.
  4. Verify the integrity of your game files through Steam.
  5. Enable the Vulkan API if it’s not already enabled.
  6. Disable any unnecessary audio devices.

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What Is The Error FFFF In Red Dead Online

red dead online error ffff

The error ffff prompt in Red Dead Online

Unsolvable errors in games typically originate from the game’s side, often leaving users unaware and mistakenly attributing them to hardware issues. Contemporary games like Multiversus and Valorant frequently present players with recurring errors.

One such error is ‘FFFF’ in Red Dead Online (RDO), occurring randomly during game launch or gameplay sessions. This elusive error crashes the game without providing any clear explanation.

Despite the game’s longevity, Rockstar has been unable to pinpoint the exact cause of the ‘FFFF’ error, and customer support offers little assistance, leading to player frustration.

Fortunately, the RDO community on platforms like Discord and Reddit has identified potential causes for the ‘FFFF’ error, including outdated graphics card drivers, shader compilation issues, and corrupted game files.

These issues, while annoying, are not insurmountable. In this guide, we’ll outline five different fixes to help users overcome the ‘FFFF’ error in RDO, making it accessible to a wider audience, including those unfamiliar with gaming troubleshooting.

More from eXputer: Rocket League Error 68

How To Fix The Error FFFF In RDO

Most of the solutions that we are going to discuss are pretty self-explanatory to a certain extent. Preferably, most players should follow each of the mentioned fixes in step-by-step order to hopefully resolve the error ffff issue.

Most importantly, it is worth keeping in mind that these are not guaranteed to work, At the end of the day, these kinds of problems are entirely the game’s fault. So do not feel disappointed if all hope is lost.

We can only hope using these solutions will help you ease the headache of the error in RDO because while these methods have worked miraculously for some, For others, however, it hasn’t had the same effect as you’d expect.

Restarting The Game & PC

Restarting your system is the first and often effective solution for issues like the ‘FFFF’ error in games like Red Dead Online (RDO). Heavily loaded games, such as RDO, can occasionally misbehave and cause problems, making a system restart a valuable troubleshooting step.

To restart your PC, use the Windows taskbar and prioritize this action. After the reboot, ensure that Windows 10’s Control Panel detects all hardware components correctly. Sometimes, undetected devices can lead to game-breaking problems in titles like RDO.

Another useful approach is power cycling your PC. This straightforward process involves completely powering off your computer and disconnecting the power cable from the main outlet. Wait a few minutes before starting your system from scratch. Power cycling ensures a fresh startup sequence for your operating system, which can be essential for resolving issues in multiplayer-focused games like RDO, known for various bugs and glitches.

Updating GPU Drivers

GPU drivers error ffff

How to check and update GPU drivers in Nvidia and AMD

Graphics card drivers are crucial for maintaining your system’s performance, especially for demanding games like Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2). These driver updates, regularly released by companies like Nvidia and AMD, ensure stability and optimize performance for modern video games.

RDR2, known for its graphics intensity, benefits significantly from up-to-date drivers. Additionally, the multiplayer mode, RDO, can be prone to unusual issues and errors, further emphasizing the importance of keeping your drivers current.

To update your graphics card drivers, simply access your GPU’s main overlay. Both Nvidia and AMD offer easy methods to check for and install new firmware releases. Look for the “Check for Updates” option in the driver menu, typically straightforward to find for most users.

Verify Files Integrity On Steam

Rarely if given a chance, the core files of the video game you are trying to play will go missing or become corrupted. It will mess up the stability and proper functioning of the game. It is especially crucial that you restore these files, especially for powerhouse games such as Red Dead Online.

These improper misbehaviors from the game will result in various codes popping up without you even knowing that the game files are at fault. Thankfully, Red Dead Online exists on the Steam launcher, It has an excellent and helpful feature that allows users to verify and scan games for any missing files. You can do it in the following step-by-step procedure:

steam red dead online error ffff

Red Redemption 2 Steam
  • Locate the Red Dead Redemption 2 in your Library section on Steam.
  • Right-click on it to open a small pop-up menu with various options.
  • Click on the last option to open up the Properties section of the game.

Local Files Steam

The Local files menu on Steam
  • Here navigate to the “Local Files” tab.
  • You should be able to spot the function called “Verify Integrity of Game Files”.
  • Select it, it will run a status check on the game files; the time to complete will depend on the game size.
  • Nonetheless, when the verification progress is complete, Steam will notify you of any missing files and download them back.
  • Hop back into the game and confirm if the error code FFFF in Red Dead Online is resolved or not.

Enabling Vulkan API

There is no doubt that when Red Dead Redemption 2 first launched on PC, the port was performing significantly much better on AMD cards as compared to the Nvidia graphic cards. It is because the game supports Vulkan. It is essentially like DX11/12, a shader rendering API that compiles the assets and textures of games.

It is said that Vulkan is the preferred API for AMD graphics cards while DX is primarily used for Nvidia. Hence why it brings us to say that we highly recommend turning it on in Steam so it can run for the games that support it. In the case of Red Dead Online, it counts as a potential fix that might resolve the ‘FFFF’ error code. You can enable the Vulkan API with relative ease in the main settings of the launcher right after launching it:

steam shader cache

How to enable Vulkan API
  • Simply launch Steam as normal.
  • In the top-left corner, click on Settings
  • You should now see a variety of options to pick from
  • Click on the last one called the “Shader Pre-Caching” option.
  • If you haven’t, check the box to “Allow Background processing of Vulkan Shaders”

Disabling Additional Audio Devices

Lastly, you can also try eliminating any other interferences to your gameplay in RDO such as disabling extra audio devices in your operating system. It has been said that this may be a weird workaround that has managed to help a few players succeed in playing the game smoothly.

Heavy multiplayer games are known to have some issues when it comes to working under background overlays or any Third-Party Applications such as Anti-Viruses too, so it is fairly understandable that the device components of the PC can be causing problems. You can easily disable these audio devices by following the short & easy steps:

Windows 10 Device manager

Device Manager
  • First of all, press the Windows Key+X
  • This will open up the Device manager menu on your Desktop
  • Here, navigate towards the Sound, Video, and Game Controllers option.

Windows 10 Audio devices

Audio Devices
  • Now simply Right-Click on the audio device that you want to stop and disable.
  • Head back into the game and verify if the error is still persisting or not.


Red Dead Online had the extreme potential to be the next best Open World Multiplayer game. It is disappointing to know that as of now, Rockstar has seemingly abandoned support for the game for the immediate future. Despite the huge adoration and support from its fans, there are no plans for more major content for the game.

It had left fans disgraced since the game was already on its last legs with barely anything new or innovative. There are a few hiccups to the game including the error codes and glitches. But hopefully, with the fixes, we have listed, you can go back to safely trailing around the Wild West of the game in peace,

If all else may fail, we highly suggest checking out the Official Support Forums as the community of the game is pretty active there to help players out in any way possible. Let us know if the issue resolves on your end!

Next: Fall Guys Error Code 201_003

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Unknown Error FFFF in Red Dead Redemption 2 is a very common problem. For most users, it occurs when they join RDR online, but it can sometimes happen in single-player Story mode too. For RDR Online, it usually happens when they join an online session or launch RDR Online. This RDR2 error code is very vague and doesn’t help to narrow down the reason why it happens. Users who have contacted Rockstar support report that they haven’t been provided with any fix for this issue. Take a look at the picture below to identify if you face the same Unknown Error ffffffff in RDR 2.

Unknown Error FFFFFFFF in Red Dead Redemption 2.

Unknown Error FFFFFFFF in RDR 2

There are different reasons for this error depending upon whether you face it in story mode or in RDR Online. In multiplayer mode, the main reason for this error is the modders in your session. Rockstar Games has a history of letting hackers and modders run rampant in their online games and RDR Online is no different. In RDR 2 story mode, however, the unknown error ffff can be due to outdated drivers, unnecessary audio devices, background software like Logitech G Hub, or even the selected graphics API.

Before proceeding to the fixes mentioned below be sure to update Red Dead Redemption 2 through whichever platform you play it on (Steam, Epic Games Launcher, or Rockstar Games Launcher). Make sure you close any resource-hungry apps running in the background while running RDR 2. As these apps can take up necessary resources which the game needs hence resulting in the RDR2 Unknown Error ffff. If you’ve checked these aspects and still face the Unknown Error ffff in RDR 2, proceed to our fixes below.

1. Update Audio And GPU Drivers

A common cause for the Red Dead Redemption 2 Unknown Error FFFF occurring in story mode is outdated GPU and audio device drivers especially if you have a lot of audio devices connected. Users have also reported that updating GPU drivers can fix the Unknown error FFFF.

User able to fix Unknown Error FFFF by updating GPU Drivers

Source: The user fixed Unknown Error FFFF in RDR 2 by updating GPU Drivers.

You can update the GPU and Audio Device drivers through Device Manager or from their respective websites although you may have to update each device manually one by one.

Updating Audio Device Drivers via Device Manager.

Updating Audio Device Drivers via Device Manager

Alternatively, you can use Driver Easy which will update your GPU and Audio device drivers altogether on a single click. You will not have to go through the hassle of browsing the internet to find the right drivers for each individual device. Download and install it then run the app once it is installed. Once it is open click on check for updates and wait for the software to find all the updates available.

2. Verify & Repair Red Dead Redemption 2’s Files

Sources report that verifying and repairing RDR2’s game files fixed the Unknown Error FFFF for them. This option will repair any corrupted files and also download any other missing files causing the error.

Reddit User fixed the RDR 2 Unknown Error ffff by validating game files.

Source: Reddit User fixed the RDR2 Unknown Error FFFF by validating game files.

Doing this is simple enough just follow the steps below for the respective platform you play RDR2 on.


  • Open Steam.
  • Click on the Library tab.
  • Right-click on Red Dead Redemption 2 and select Properties.
  • Click on the Local Files tab.
  • Click on Verify Integrity of Game Files

Epic Games Launcher:

  • Open the Epic Games Launcher.
  • Click on the Library tab.
  • Right-click on Red Dead Redemption 2 and select Manage.
  • Click on Verify.

Rockstar Games Launcher:

  • Open the Rockstar Games Launcher.
  • Click on the Settings tab.
  • Under My installed games, select Red Dead Redemption 2.
  • Click on the Verify Integrity button.

3. Change Red Dead Redemption 2’s Graphics API

A user shared that changing RDR2’s graphics API from in-game settings helped them fix RDR2 Unknown Error FFFF. Before doing so they had to delete all the previously saved settings in Documents and disable all cloud services.

Reddit user fixed Unknown Error FFFF in rdr2 by changing Graphics API.

Source: Reddit user fixed Unknown Error FFFF by changing Graphics API

Here’s how you can apply this fix too.

  • Go ahead and disable any cloud services running on the PC. If you do not use them then it is best to uninstall them.
  • Now follow the path Documents > Rockstar Games > Red Dead Redemption 2 and delete everything inside this folder.

Once these both things are done proceed to launch Red Dead Redemption 2 and follow the steps below to change the Graphics API.

  • Launch Red Dead Redemption 2.
  • Open Settings.
  • Open Graphics.
  • Scroll down to the Advanced Graphics section.
  • Set Advanced Settings to Unlocked.
  • Right below that select DirectX 12 in the Graphics API option.
  • If you’re on DirectX 12 already then switch to Vulkan.

Changing Graphics API in Red Dead Redemption 2's Advanced Graphics Settings.

Changing Graphics API in Red Dead Redemption 2’s Advanced Graphics Settings

4. Disable Software Like Logitech G HUB at Start-up

Another user said that disabling software like Logitech G Hub from running at Windows startup fixed the Unknown Error FFFF in RDR2. The cause of this fix is unknown but it does work as can be seen below from multiple sources.

Multiple users fixed the Unknown Error FFFF in RDR2 by disabling Logitech G Hub during Windows startup.

Source: Multiple users fixed the Unknown Error FFFF in RDR2 by disabling Logitech G Hub during Windows startup.

So if you’re a user of Logitech G HUB or any other related type of software and want to disable them from running on startup follow the instructions below:

Read Also: How To Fix Logitech G Hub Not Loading Stuck on Screen – 2023

  • Type in Startup Apps and open it from the Windows search bar.
  • Go ahead and spot Logitech G HUB from the list and switch it to Off.

5. Remove Any Mods Installed In Red Dead Redemption 2

Certain mods don’t work well with the game and can cause instability, error, or even crashes. This fix is only applicable to those who are running mods in-game and facing the Unknown Error FFFF in Red Dead Redemption 2. A user reported that removing the mods installed in RDR2 fixed this error.

A user fixed the Unknown Error FFFF in rdr 2 by removing all installed mods.

Source: A user fixed the Unknown Error FFFF by removing all installed mods

Depending upon how you installed the mods in the first place you may need to manually delete the mod files. However, if you installed the mods through a mod manager then go ahead and disable the mods from there. If the problem is fixed by disabling these mods then go ahead and uninstall them.

6. Disable Unnecessary Audio Devices

Since audio playback devices are causing the RDR2 Unknown Error FFFF in the story mode so one possible fix could be disabling these unnecessary playback devices except the one that is in use. Doing this will eliminate all possible errors related to the audio devices.

Here’s how you can disable these unnecessary playback devices:

  • Open Sound Settings from Control Panel. (Select View by: Large Icon for easier access)
  • Under the Playback tab right click and select disable on all devices except the one in use.

Disabling unnecessary audio playback devices to fix rdr2 unknown error ffff.

Disabling unnecessary audio playback devices

7. Allow Background Processing of Vulkan Shaders

If you’re running Red Dead Redemption 2 on Vulkan API then enabling this feature can fix the Unknown Error FFFF. It is only possible at the moment on Steam. If you’re interested in this fix then go ahead and follow the steps below:

  • Launch Steam.
  • Open Settings from the top left Steam menu.

Steam Settings Option in the top left corner.

Steam Settings Option
  • Select Shader Pre-Caching
  • Put a check next to “Allow background processing of Vulkan shaders”
  • Click OK to save changes.

Enabling Background processing of Vulkan shaders in Steam for RDR2.

Enabling Background processing of Vulkan shaders in Steam

8. Start a Solo/Private Online Session in Red Dead Online

This is an unofficial method of starting RDR Online in solo/private session mode. This method can allow players to join up and play together free from modders and hackers causing the Unknown error FFFF RDR2 online. While it’s not completely a fix, more like a workaround but it does work since the main reason for this error in RDR Online is modders being in the session. This fix was provided by a Youtuber and the video will be linked below if you need further information on this fix. To replicate the workaround follow the steps below:

  • Go to this Pastebin Link.
  • Click on the small Download button.

Downloading the code to play in a private session from PASTEBIN

Download the code from PASTEBIN
  • It will download the RDO Solo.txt file.
  • Go ahead open it up and click Save as.
  • In Save as type select All files (*.*) and name it startup.meta

Rename RDO Solo.txt to startup.meta.

Rename RDO Solo.txt to startup.meta
  • Move the file to the Red Dead Redemption 2 install directory path Program Files (x64) > Steam > steamapps > common > Red Dead Redemption 2 > x64 > data.

Note: Your RDR2 install directory may differ depending upon where you installed it, so place the file accordingly.

Launch the Red Dead Redemption Online and you’ll see that you’re the only one in the online session. You can also send this file to your friends and they can use it to join your private session. This is one unofficial way to escape the plague that is modders and hackers causing the Unknown error FFFF in RDR Online. If at any time you wish to undo this, simply delete the startup.meta file.

Note: Rest assured you won’t be banned or anything. It may be an unofficial method but it is guaranteed to be safe to use.

It’s time to verify game integrity and solve this issue

by Henderson Jayden Harper

Passionate about technology, Crypto, software, Windows, and everything computer-related, he spends most of his time developing new skills and learning more about the tech world. He also enjoys… read more

Updated on

  • The Error ffff in Red Dead Online can occur due to sound problems.
  • Outdated graphics drivers can result in the Red Dead Online crashing.
  • Updating graphics drivers might be a very good alternative solution.


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Drivers can often become corrupt as they can interfere with malfunctioning system files, thus arriving to be installed but not running correctly. To keep your drivers running smoothly, your Windows OS must run even smoother. Get it in perfect shape by following the steps below:

  1. Download Fortect and install it on your PC.
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Advanced and realistic games are one of the most exciting parts of this generation. Study shows that in 96% of every home around the world, there is at least a kind of game like Red Dead Online. However, you can encounter many errors while playing these games.

Today, we’ll be discussing the Red dead online error ffff and how some easy fixes you can use to solve the problem.

Red Dead Online is an adventure game by Rockstar Games. The game allows players to customize and control their protagonists. Likewise, this silent protagonist gets a storyline to follow and is given tasks to achieve in the game. The game is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox 1, Stadia, and Windows.

What does Error Ffff mean?

The Red Dead Online error ffff can mean a couple of difficulties with the games. It indicates that there is a problem with your sound driver. Likewise, the error may occur due to outdated driver issues on your device.

The error ffff can also mean a corrupt file in the game client, causing problems with the game activities. So, whenever you encounter this error, it can mean several things.

Why is Red Dead online crashing?

  • Outdated graphics drivers: This error occurs in Windows. However, if your device’s graphics drivers are obsolete, it can trigger some errors resulting in Red dead online crashing.
  • Third-party app interference: Apps like antivirus can cause issues with Red Dead Online. It happens when the antivirus wrongly detects or senses a threat from the game client. So, it can cause difficulties with the game.
  • Outdated Windows: Playing Red Dead Online on an obsolete device as Windows can sometimes cause problems.

How do I fix the Red Dead Online error ffff?

1. Disable audio device drivers

  1. Press the Windows + X to prompt options and select the Device Manager.
  2. Click on the Sounds, video, and game controllers option.
  3. Right-click and disable the audio devices you are not using.

Restart your device and check if the error persists. This solution is probably the best fix for the red dead online error ffff but if it fails, proceed to the next one.

2. Update graphics drivers

  1. Press Windows + X key to prompt options and select the Device Manager.
  2. Click on Display adapters.
  3. Right-click on each driver and select Update Driver.
  4. You can select the Search automatically for Drivers option.

Launch the game client and see if the error occurs. Alternatively, you can use a dedicated tool to update this and other drivers automatically without having to do it individually.

Get Outbyte Driver Updater

3. Verify game integrity

  1. Launch the Rockstar client on your computer.
  2. Click on Settings.
  3. Select the game you want to verify from the list of My installed games.
  4. Go to Verify game file integrity and select Verify Integrity.
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  • Fix: Touchpad Clicks but Doesn’t Move on Windows 11
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After the process is finished, you’ll receive a message stating the integrity of your game.

There are several other difficulties you can encounter while playing Red Dead Online. Hence, we recommend you check our articles on how to fix them. 

Conclusively, using VPNs can be helpful with RDO. So, you can read our article about the three best VPNs for Red Dead Online to fix lag and stuttering.

Leave your suggestions and questions below in the comments section. We’d like to hear from you.

Still experiencing troubles? Fix them with this tool:


Some driver-related issues can be solved faster by using a tailored driver solution. If you’re still having problems with your drivers, simply install OutByte Driver Updater and get it up and running immediately. Thus, let it update all drivers and fix other PC issues in no time!

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Get rid of the RDR2 unknown error FFFF and prevent Red Dead Online from crashing during gameplay.

RDR2 unknown error FFFF - how to fix Red Dead Online crashing

If you’ve been playing a lot of Red Dead Online, chances are you may have come across RDR2 unknown error FFFF. And naturally, it did not make you happy to not be able to enjoy your online session.

After Red Dead Redemption 2 error 0x21002001, unknown error FFFF is the most common error that appears on Red Dead Online. It can be frustrating to deal with, but fear not, as there are a few things you can try to get rid of it.

In this article, we will go over some proven solutions to help you fix RDR2 unknown error FFFF and get back to playing Red Dead Redemption 2 without any crashes.

How to fix RDR2 unknown error FFFF

The best solution that seems to be going around is changing the API to DirectX12 in the graphics settings. But let’s look at the other solutions as well.

Multiple websites on the internet recommend verifying the files, restarting the PC, reinstalling the game and deleting RDR2 files as potential fixes. But, these are basic troubleshooting tips which are not effective in this case.

We scoured Reddit forums to find fixes that actually worked for people, and found a gem of a tip. This Reddit user was able to fix the RDR2 unknown error FFFF by changing the API to DirectX12 in the graphic settings.

We know Vulkan is generally more appropriate for AMD GPUs and DX12 for Nvidia’s. But, as you know, Vulkan has serious memory leak issues and the problem here seems to have something to do with the graphic memory filling up.

So try changing the API to DirectX12. On the downside, you might lose 5-10 FPS, but you should be able to get your game working again. That should get you back playing Red Dead Online very quickly.

What is RDR2 unknown error FFFF?

RDR2 unknown error FFFF has been around since the beta days of the game. The error usually crops up when Rockstar releases an update. It unfortunately crashes the game, and it’s something that we’ve seen a lot of lately.

The error occurs during gameplay and crashes the game. The crashes are pretty random; for some people, it happens when they start a particular mission, and for others, the game crashes when they are around a certain area on the map.

The actual cause of the RDR2 unknown error FFFF is unknown. But, we guess it has something to do with graphics memory filling up. Hopefully, the potential fix we mentioned here will help you resolve the issue and enjoy the game without interruptions.

That’s all we have for you on the RDR2 unknown error FFFF. For more information on the game, check out our guide on how to turn on proximity chat.

For more articles like this, take a look at our



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