Reaper ошибка импорта

If you are having trouble importing media items into REAPER, there is either something wrong with the file you are trying to import, or it is an invalid file format. Although REAPER is compatible with a long list of file types, there are a few that it does not support.

Trouble Importing A Media Item In REAPER

What is incredible about the average modern DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) is that it allows music producers to work with many different media files such as audio, music, video, image, and MIDI.

However, there is nothing more frustrating than trying to import a file into your REAPER project only for REAPER to say, ‘REAPER Error: Could Not Import 1 of 1 Items!’. 

In this step-by-step guide, I will walk you through how to import media items into REAPER.

Sometimes, you will get an error message in REAPER that says, ‘REAPER Error: Could Not Import 1 of 1 Items’.

This means that the file you are trying to import is either corrupt/not intact or an unsupported file format.

What You Will Need To Follow This Tutorial

Here is a list of what you will need to follow in this tutorial:

  • A file converter in some cases (very unlikely)

Step One – Troubleshoot

The first thing you will want to do if REAPER gives you the message, ‘REAPER Error: Could Not Import 1 of 1 Items!’ is some troubleshooting to figure out your problem.

Your problem could be either that the file you are trying to import has issues or is corrupt, or it could be that you are trying to import a file type that REAPER does not support. 


Step Two – Getting An Acceptable File

If your problem is that the file is corrupt or missing data, you will need to go back to the source where you received it and get an intact file. 

This could mean emailing the person you’re collaborating with to get an acceptable media file, getting the desired file from a different source, or maybe even just re-downloading the file. 

Step Three – Not Supported File Type

Another reason you could see this message is that REAPER does not support the file format. 

Here is a link to a list of all supported file types in REAPER.

If your issue is that REAPER does not support the file type, you will need to either get a supported file format from the original source, whether that be a collaborator or a website, or use a file converter to change your file to a compatible format.

In some cases, you can also manually change the file extension of a media item to ‘fool’ REAPER and get the file accepted. 

REAPER Could Not Import 1 of 1 Items MP4

If you are receiving an error message when trying to import an MP4 file. Chances are, you need to download VLC Player on your system.

MP4 is a video file type that REAPER does not technically accept. However, if you download and use the VLC Player, you can use most video file types in REAPER.

I have used the VLC Player on previous computers of mine and have been able to import MP4 files into REAPER with no issues. 

How Do I Import Files Into REAPER?

There are a few ways that you can import files into REAPER. 

You can either drag and drop files into REAPER or click Insert>Media file and select the file you want to import. 

How Do I Import MP4 Into REAPER?

To import MP4 files into REAPER, you will want to download the VLC Player.

This is because REAPER does not technically support MP4 files, but the VLC Player will allow you to run all kinds of video files.

How To Import MP3 Into REAPER?

Importing an MP3 file into REAPER is very easy. 

You can import an MP3 item into REAPER by dragging and dropping it or clicking Insert>Media file and then selecting the MP3 track you want to import. 

What Audio Files Does REAPER Support

REAPER supports MP3, WAV, Vorbis, and many other audio file formats.

Here is a full list of the different file types that REAPER supports.

What Should I Do if An Artist/music Producer Sends Me an Incorrect or Unsupported File?

In my experience, the best way to solve an issue of an artist/producer sending an incorrect or unsupported file is to contact them again as soon as you can.

Although you could go through the process of trying to solve the problem yourself, using a file converter of some kind makes it easier to go directly to the collaborator to get the correct file format.

Even if it inconveniences or annoys the musician you are working with, the easiest way to solve an incorrect file problem is to contact the person who sent you the file.

What Are the Easiest file Types to Import Into REAPER?

In my opinion, the most accessible file types to import into REAPER are MP3 and WAV.

Although you can import dozens of different audio, music, video, image, and MIDI files into REAPER pretty easily, the file types that I never have trouble with are MP3 and WAV.

What File Types Can You Import Into REAPER?

REAPER allows you to import and work with many different types of media items.

Here is a link to a complete list of the supported file types in REAPER.

Are you looking to fix other issues? Check the following article on how to fix latency in REAPER.


03-14-2017, 06:32 AM


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REAPER «Cannot Import 1 of 1 Item! (Midi Import)

Hello, all. I downloaded Reaper last night to play around with generating good mockups of my compositions.

I’ve tried every method of importing MIDI files from Finale (click/drag, using Reaper’s Insert -> Media File, etc) and NOTHING has worked.

I get the following error:
«Could not import 1 of 1 item!»

I am running a 2013 iMac on OS 10.11. I got the 64-bit version of Reaper, and am running Finale 25, 64-bit.

I uninstalled and re-installed. I even paid for a license on the off-change the functionality wasn’t active in the trial version.

Help, please! (And thanks!)

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03-14-2017, 07:29 AM


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Thanks for the resources. Here is a zipped up file with two MIDI entities in it.

NONE of my .mid files work, so I included two in here just in case. One has just two tracks (piano an violin) and the other has 27 (full symphony orchestra).

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03-14-2017, 09:32 AM


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I was able to import (via drag/drop) your .mid files into REAPER 3.76, but only after opening them in Finale and re-saving as Type 1 MIDI files. The violin/piano example defaulted to Tempo Map when using «Save As» in Finale, so the Type 1 radio button had to be selected.

I chose Type 1 because that treats MIDI channels as separate tracks, whereas Type 0 combines all MIDI channels into a single track.

Hope this helps. PM if you have further questions.


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03-14-2017, 09:35 AM


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Originally Posted by dfackler
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I was able to import (via drag/drop) your .mid files into REAPER 3.76, but only after opening them in Finale and re-saving as Type 1 MIDI files. The violin/piano example defaulted to Tempo Map when using «Save As» in Finale, so the Type 1 radio button had to be selected.

I chose Type 1 because that treats MIDI channels as separate tracks, whereas Type 0 combines all MIDI channels into a single track.

Hope this helps. PM if you have further questions.


Thanks, these were already Format 1 MIDI files, with all channels on separate tracks.

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03-14-2017, 09:37 AM


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Hmm. Then I’m out of ideas. The files you posted would not import, but the resaved files would.

At least it gives you another data point.


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03-14-2017, 09:41 AM


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Change the .midi file extension to .mid

Also, set this:

I think that there’s another one somewhere, but I cannot remember where.

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03-14-2017, 09:43 AM


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Originally Posted by DarkStar
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Change the .midi file extension to .mid

That worked. Thanks for confirming my stupid. I wonder when (why) Finale changed their MIDI export file extension.

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03-14-2017, 09:49 AM


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Finale 2010 saves MIDI files with the extension ‘.mid’.

Problem solved.

So often it’s the simple things. «Computers don’t make mistakes; they just do what they’re told»

Thanks, DarkStar!


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03-14-2017, 09:52 AM


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You’re both welcome

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03-14-2017, 09:56 AM


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And now I don’t hear playback in Reaper. Nor do I know how to assign instruments.

Clearly, I just need to keep reading up on this software. The learning curve on this thing is going to be brutal, but I’m looking forward to it.

Good thing today’s a snow day in the Northeast!

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03-14-2017, 10:08 AM


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MIDI is ‘only’ data, not sound. If you heard it in Finale it was probably sending it to some sound synth. You’re on Mac aren’t you? IF so, that lets me off.

Don’t try to learn it all — just what you need . And the learning curve on other DAWs would be steep too.

Anyway, now you have your tracks you need something on each one to convert the MIDI into audio. Have you used plug-ins before? Synths, Samplers, Reverbs and so on? Reaper comes with several effects plug-ins, but very few instrument plug-ins. That way, users can pick exactly the ones they want (some are free, some end up costing thousands of $).

I saw that one of the tracks mentioned ARIA Playwr — have you used that? Or Garritan?

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03-14-2017, 10:10 AM




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Backing up a few posts, was there some older version of Finale that exported MIDI as .midi rather than .mid? If so we can add .midi drag/drop support for .midi files.

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03-14-2017, 10:17 AM


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Originally Posted by DarkStar
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I saw that one of the tracks mentioned ARIA Playwr — have you used that? Or Garritan?

Yes, my Finale playback was linked to Garritan’s Arria Player, and I’m using Garritan’s «Personal Orchestra 5» collection of instruments. Reaper is linked to it (it shows up in Preferences -> Plug-Ins -> VST). I have exhausted Finale’s playback capabilities to try and make more realistic mock-ups but there’s not enough complexity in there, which is why I’ve decided to explore DAW.


Originally Posted by schwa
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Backing up a few posts, was there some older version of Finale that exported MIDI as .midi rather than .mid? If so we can add .midi drag/drop support for .midi files.

It’s the other way around. The NEWEST versions of Finale export as .midi. I had to deleted the last character to make it .mid for Reaper to recognize it.

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03-14-2017, 10:18 AM




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Originally Posted by ANITIX87
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It’s the other way around. The NEWEST versions of Finale export as .midi. I had to deleted the last character to make it .mid for Reaper to recognize it.

Oh, ok. Wonder why they did that? In any case, we’ll add drag/drop import support for .midi in the next REAPER build.

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03-14-2017, 11:14 AM


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Originally Posted by ANITIX87
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Yes, my Finale playback was linked to Garritan’s Arria Player, and I’m using Garritan’s «Personal Orchestra 5» collection of instruments. Reaper is linked to it (it shows up in Preferences -> Plug-Ins -> VST). I have exhausted Finale’s playback capabilities to try and make more realistic mock-ups but there’s not enough complexity in there, which is why I’ve decided to explore DAW.

Good oh; now we’re talking You won’t understand all of this right now, but this is just to get you started and some sound out of Reaper. Later on you will find many other approaches.

  • start a new project
  • load the «Comptine dun Autre Ete.mid» file and expand it to two tracks.
  • open the FX Browser, find GPO and drag it to the empty area below the Track Control Panels (TCPs) for the 2 ‘MIDI’ tracks
  • in the Build Routing Confirmation dialogue window, click [Yes] — this creates multiple tracks for GPO’s audio output and routes to them automatically.
  • disable RecArm on the Garritan / ARIA track (we already have the MIDI)
  • select the 2 ‘MIDI track TCPs,
  • right-click the [ROUTE] button on one of them, select ‘Sends’ then the Garritan / ARIA track
  • the Violin MIDI is on MIDi channel 01 and the piano is on MIDI channel 02, so we do not need to do any more routing in Reaper.
  • in GPO, add a Violin instrument, set it to receive from MIDI channel 01 and send to the first two outputs
  • then add a Piano instrument, set it to receive from MIDI channel 02 and send to the next two outputs.

Click Play and listen in wonder

Here’s the equivalent, using a different theme and SampleTank 3:


You can see the 2 ‘MIDI’ tracks, the SampleTank 3 (ST3) track and the tracks for the audio output from ST3. The pop-up window shows the track routing — from the two ‘MIDI’ tracks to the ST3 track, and from the ST3 track (Reaper created multiple channels for the audio on that track) to the ‘audio’ tracks.

The yellow lines in the Mixer tracks 1-3 show the MIDI activity and you can see the audio levels in the meters for tracks 4 and 5.

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Last edited by DarkStar; 03-14-2017 at 11:52 AM.

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03-14-2017, 11:24 AM


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Originally Posted by DarkStar
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You won’t understand all of this right now, but this is just to get you started and some sound out of Reaper.

This was a HUGE help. One question, though. When opening the FX Browser, I can select the «Instruments» plug-in and then I see both «AUi: Garritan: ARIA Player» AND «VSTi: ARIA Player (Garritan)». Are these different? Should I use one over the other?

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03-14-2017, 11:30 AM


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VSTi is (probably) better. They are different format plug-ins. AU is just for you Mac guys.

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03-14-2017, 11:35 AM


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Originally Posted by DarkStar
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VSTi is (probably) better. They are different format plug-ins. AU is just for you Mac guys.

I followed your steps, but didn’t get a Build Routing Confirmation window. Instead, it just added a «ARIA Player» track. I then did the rest of the steps and sent both the violin and the piano to «Track 3: ARIA Player.» However, this seems to have linked them, even if I go into the ARIA Player and set the violin and piano to separate channels.

Do I need to manually add a whole bunch of ARIA Player tracks since it doesn’t seem to be triggering the Routing options?

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03-14-2017, 11:49 AM


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You’re getting there (maybe I have set a Preference to pop up the BRC dialogue — can’t remember).

Anyway, what you have are both tracks going into ARIA and triggering the instruments there. As the ARIA track is a standard stereo track, leave the outputs within ARIA set to the first two outputs. You’ll hear both violin and paino on the same track.

With the BRC the output can be sent to separate tracks so that you can mix them, add different FX etc.

For the moment I wouldn’t add any more tracks; we need to work out why the BRC window did not pop up. Double-check that you dragged the Garritan plug-in onto the empty area below the Track Control Panels (TCPs) for the 2 ‘MIDI’ tracks, not onto a TCP.

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03-14-2017, 11:53 AM


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Originally Posted by DarkStar
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You’re getting there (maybe I have set a Preference to pop up the BRC dialogue — can’t remember).

Anyway, what you have are both tracks going into ARIA and triggering the instruments there. As the ARIA track is a standard stereo track, leave the outputs within ARIA set to the first two outputs. You’ll hear both violin and paino on the same track.

With the BRC the output can be sent to separate tracks so that you can mix them, add different FX etc.

Well, that’s the whole objective of exploring DAWs. Playback was never a problem with Finale, but I need that mixing, FX, and key switch functionality to make real mock-ups.

I can’t find anything relating to Routing Confirmation or anything in the menus in Reaper. I do find a «Routing Matrix» but it doesn’t seem related.

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03-14-2017, 11:58 AM


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As ever with Reaper, here’s another way.

  • get to the stage where you loaded Garritan (and do not get the BRC window).
  • open the FX chain for that track if needed (click the FX button)
  • select the GArritan plug-in
  • click [Options], then select «Build multichannel routing …»

Or, a third way — have a look at section 17.10 in the excellent User Guide.

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Last edited by DarkStar; 03-14-2017 at 02:35 PM.

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03-14-2017, 02:34 PM


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… any news?

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03-15-2017, 12:05 PM


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Originally Posted by DarkStar
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… any news?

Sorry, I wasn’t home the rest of the day yesterday. I made a quick video of the behavior I’m seeing, with the lack of routing options (at 0:23 I go the options from the FX panel and when I click either of the two routing options I get the following error: «Could not get channel info for effects (are they multichannel?)»

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03-15-2017, 12:14 PM


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In that case the plug-in is not multi-channel, so you can ignore those steps. All the output would go to a single stereo pair of channels on the track. After you have loaded it onto the track what does it say in the top-right corner?

And what does it show when you click on that button? Just for info, the above indicates that it is a 32-channel plug-in on a 2 channel track.

Just to check, did you use the VSTi?

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03-15-2017, 12:27 PM


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Originally Posted by DarkStar
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And what does it show when you click on that button? Just for info, the above indicates that it is a 32-channel plug-in on a 2 channel track.

I did use VSTi.

The top-right just says «2-out». However, I have another option called VSTi: ARIA Player (Multi) (Garritan) (32 Out)». When I select that, I do get the routing confirmation pop-up you had mentioned, and if I click YES, I get an ARIA track that says «32 out» on the top right (but not 2/32 out like yours did).

This creates 16 tracks, all called «Out [odd number]». I then right-click the routing on the TCP, assign to the ARIA Track, and then select instruments for each channel (violin channel 1, piano channel 2).

This seems to work perfectly (I can mute/solo individual instruments) but only the «Out 1» track shows anything in the histogram.

When I get to something more complicated, like my full orchestra work, will I have to create two ARIA player tracks to get more than 16 instruments? Also, how do I know which channel the instrument is (or should be) on?

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03-15-2017, 04:02 PM


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AH, so there are different VSTi versions with different numbers of outputs. I knew that some devs did that -can’t remember the reason why.

My last screenshot said 2/32 as I just dragged it onto an existing track, so the BRC dialogue was not invoked. If I had followed my own instructions I would have got «32 out» and the BRC dialogue etc.

Anyway, you’ve made some more progress Once you have finished the BRC you will have the 16 ‘Out’ tracks and they will be automatically receiving from the ARIA track.

You’ve loaded the instruments into ARIA and selected the relevant MIDI channels; but, from what you’ve said you haven’t yet routed the output of each instrument to the different audio outputs.


  • in GPO, add a Violin instrument, set it to receive from MIDI channel 01 and send to the first two outputs
  • then add a Piano instrument, set it to receive from MIDI channel 02 and send to the next two outputs.


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03-15-2017, 04:03 PM


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Yes, you are right, such plug-ins support up to 16 MIDI channels. If you need more than 16 different instruments you will need another instance of ARIA/ Garritan. If you have 33 instruments you’ll need a third one. And so on.

Looking at your Symphony file, the Flutes are on MIDI channels 1 and 2 respectively, running up to the trumpets on 14 and 15. Use of channel 10 is skipped as that channel is traditionally for MIDI drums. So, I would route those tracks to the first instance of ARIA/Garritan.

Trombone 1 is on channel 16, Trombone 2 is on channel 01, Bass Drum is on 10 and Bass Trombone is on 11. I would route those tracks to the second instance of ARIA/Garritan.

How did I find out the channels used for the notes on each track?

  • select the Flute 1 MIDI clip,
  • right-click and open it in the MIDI Editor,
  • drag the corner to resize it, as needed,
  • click on [Contents] and select «1 MIDI Editor» > «per project»,
  • click on [View] and select Mode:Event List,
  • you’ll see which channel is being used,
  • now, click on the Flute 2 MIDI clip,
  • it should open automatically in the MIDI Editor,
  • look at the MIDI channel,
  • repeat for the other tracks.

Before you go much further I recommend reading up on the steps I have described in the User Guide.

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03-15-2017, 04:52 PM


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Originally Posted by DarkStar
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Thanks so much. I’m confident I’m at the point where I can start playing around and really diving deep into this software.

Can I set both flutes to the same output (and the same with both oboes, etc) to cut down on my total number of channels? (So instead of 7 channels for all my winds, I’d only have 4 for flutes, oboes, clarinets, and bassoons)

Your help is very much appreciated!

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03-16-2017, 01:43 AM


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Yes, if you only want to mix / pan/ apply FX to the combined audio for each type of instrument, not the individual instruments.

At the risk of confusion, you could also put the 4 winds tracks into a folder track so you can mix / FX them as a group. But that’s for another day.

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03-16-2017, 08:43 AM


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Originally Posted by ANITIX87
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Your help is very much appreciated!

It’s truly inspiring to see people give so much to others.

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03-16-2017, 09:39 AM


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Originally Posted by ANITIX87
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Thanks so much. I’m confident I’m at the point where I can start playing around and really diving deep into this software.

Can I set both flutes to the same output (and the same with both oboes, etc) to cut down on my total number of channels? (So instead of 7 channels for all my winds, I’d only have 4 for flutes, oboes, clarinets, and bassoons)

Your help is very much appreciated!

You can do this, but you may experience ‘fluttery’ crescendi and diminuendi.


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Many related organizations, small businesses, and even individuals need to streamline their audio-related projects in their daily routines. Also, only some of the available audio streaming software offer that many options, and one often needs to switch tabs to handle multiple tasks. However, REAPER resolves all these issues in no time by offering a wide range of features.

Now, it is very easy to edit, produce, transform, and customize audio using this all-in-one software. Moreover, it even allows you to import, resize, crossfade, resize, and overdub audio files. However, many users have recently reported facing a REAPER error on importing 1 of 1 item. There could be multiple reasons behind this, so here in this guide, we will outline some fixes to help you overcome this error.

image 111

5 Fixes to REAPER Could Not Import 1 of 1 Items Error

There could be multiple reasons behind facing an error related to importing 1 of 1 item. A corrupt file is the most prominent issue of the unsupported file type error, along with the incorrect file name and incomplete download file. But all of these issues are resolvable if taken care of accordingly. Read some of the fixes below and try importing files once again:

Fix 1. Troubleshooting and Importing an Acceptable File

So, facing “REAPER Error: Could not import 1 of 1 items!” requires some troubleshooting to fix the issue. The first issue could be that the file you are trying to import is corrupt or not saved properly. In such a case, reaching out to the source and extracting the file again could resolve the issue. 

In fact, if you are collaborating with someone, you can ask them to email the file again and download it properly. Here, you can also use some of the best file repair software to fix the original file version. We have listed a few software below so that you can start fixing files easily.

  • Wondershare Repairit
  • Stellar File/Photo/Video Repair Toolkit
  • Repair Toolbox

Fix 2. Unsupported File Type

Another reason behind this error could be an unsupported file type. REAPER only supports specific types of file formats. The possible fix to this issue is to either get a supported file type or change your current file to the required file format. Moreover, to better understand supported file formats, you can check the list on their official website using this link.

Additionally, if your file format doesn’t fall in that category, you need some file converters to assist you in getting out of this trouble. Check the software and tools listed below and convert files easily:

  • Audio Convert
  • MediaHuman

Fix 3. File Name Containing Accented Characters

The other possible reason could be that your file is saved with accented characters. These characters have diacritics appearing above them. To resolve this, you will need to change your file’s title to plain English alphabets, and you will be all set to import the file again without any REAPER error.

file name containing unwanted characters

Fix 4. Enhance Your Audio File with VLC

Sometimes the audio files you are trying to import might not be supported in the media player on your device. So this makes it difficult for REAPER to select the audio directories as the output format. In such a case, explore your browser and download the VLC media player. This media player supports a wide range of audio formats and acts as the best tool to run audio.

Fix 5. Make Changes to the REAPER Resource Path

There might be some issues with the REAPER’s resource path, which can also be the case behind the audio file import error. However, there is a valid fix to get this issue resolved. For this, you will need to download some ffmpeg files via website. 

Here, download the “Latest Release” under the “Release Builds” section and then extract those files to the REAPER resource path and try importing audio files again.

make changes to reaper resource path

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Does REAPER have any limitations on the trial version?

No, there aren’t any limitations on the trial version, as REAPER offers full-fledged features to its users. However, if you face any limitations using the trial license, this could be due to not installing the software completely. Here, re-install the software entirely and try using the trial version again.

2. What file types are the easiest ones to import in REAPER?

The most common file types that show no import error are WAV and MP3. However, dozens of file options, such as audio, videos, music, image, and MIDI, can be easily imported. But among all of them, MP3 and WAV files only show an import error once and if they are fully corrupted.

3. How to change render to file settings to check if REAPER supports the new ffmpeg codex?

Checking whether REAPER supports the new ffmpeg codex is easy using the render settings. For this, access your device’s REAPER software and head to the “File” tab in the upper left corner. From the drop-down list, choose the “Render” option to open the render options menu. 

There, hit the “Primary Output Format” tab and change the “Format” to “Video (ffmpeg/libav encounter)” to access further options. Next, change the “Format” below to “QT/MOV/MP4” and make sure that “Video Codec” is set to “H.264.” Afterward, hit the “Save Settings” button, re-open REAPER, and check importing files.


REAPER, as discussed, is the most productive software to handle all types of audio-related projects. Whether it is about producing, customizing, or overdubbing audio files, this tool always stands out as the best. So, if you are still facing any issues with file import, check out the five fixes mentioned in this guide. These fixes will quickly resolve your issues to help you manage audio projects easily.

I’m currently using Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit, and Evaluation License Reaper

I was trying to import a file that is in m4a format and I’ve tried dragging it in from the file explorer to Reaper then an error box will follow saying «Could not import 1 of 1 items!»

I have also tried importing it by clicking Insert>Media File>Target file within Reaper, it appears but says «OFFLINE» instead of showing the usual waveform.

Any suggestion is very much appreciated.

If you are having trouble importing media items into REAPER, there is either something wrong with the file you are trying to import, or it is an invalid file format. Although REAPER is compatible with a long list of file types, there are a few that it does not support.

Trouble Importing A Media Item In REAPER

What is incredible about the average modern DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) is that it allows music producers to work with many different media files such as audio, music, video, image, and MIDI.

However, there is nothing more frustrating than trying to import a file into your REAPER project only for REAPER to say, ‘REAPER Error: Could Not Import 1 of 1 Items!’. 

In this step-by-step guide, I will walk you through how to import media items into REAPER.

Sometimes, you will get an error message in REAPER that says, ‘REAPER Error: Could Not Import 1 of 1 Items’.

This means that the file you are trying to import is either corrupt/not intact or an unsupported file format.

What You Will Need To Follow This Tutorial

Here is a list of what you will need to follow in this tutorial:

  • A file converter in some cases (very unlikely)

Step One – Troubleshoot

The first thing you will want to do if REAPER gives you the message, ‘REAPER Error: Could Not Import 1 of 1 Items!’ is some troubleshooting to figure out your problem.

Your problem could be either that the file you are trying to import has issues or is corrupt, or it could be that you are trying to import a file type that REAPER does not support. 

Step Two – Getting An Acceptable File

If your problem is that the file is corrupt or missing data, you will need to go back to the source where you received it and get an intact file. 

This could mean emailing the person you’re collaborating with to get an acceptable media file, getting the desired file from a different source, or maybe even just re-downloading the file. 

Step Three – Not Supported File Type

Another reason you could see this message is that REAPER does not support the file format. 

Here is a link to a list of all supported file types in REAPER.

If your issue is that REAPER does not support the file type, you will need to either get a supported file format from the original source, whether that be a collaborator or a website, or use a file converter to change your file to a compatible format.

In some cases, you can also manually change the file extension of a media item to ‘fool’ REAPER and get the file accepted. 

If you are receiving an error message when trying to import an MP4 file. Chances are, you need to download VLC Player on your system.

MP4 is a video file type that REAPER does not technically accept. However, if you download and use the VLC Player, you can use most video file types in REAPER.

I have used the VLC Player on previous computers of mine and have been able to import MP4 files into REAPER with no issues. 

How Do I Import Files Into REAPER?

There are a few ways that you can import files into REAPER. 

You can either drag and drop files into REAPER or click Insert>Media file and select the file you want to import. 

How Do I Import MP4 Into REAPER?

To import MP4 files into REAPER, you will want to download the VLC Player.

This is because REAPER does not technically support MP4 files, but the VLC Player will allow you to run all kinds of video files.

How To Import MP3 Into REAPER?

Importing an MP3 file into REAPER is very easy. 

You can import an MP3 item into REAPER by dragging and dropping it or clicking Insert>Media file and then selecting the MP3 track you want to import. 

What Audio Files Does REAPER Support

REAPER supports MP3, WAV, Vorbis, and many other audio file formats.

Here is a full list of the different file types that REAPER supports.

What Should I Do if An Artist/music Producer Sends Me an Incorrect or Unsupported File?

In my experience, the best way to solve an issue of an artist/producer sending an incorrect or unsupported file is to contact them again as soon as you can.

Although you could go through the process of trying to solve the problem yourself, using a file converter of some kind makes it easier to go directly to the collaborator to get the correct file format.

Even if it inconveniences or annoys the musician you are working with, the easiest way to solve an incorrect file problem is to contact the person who sent you the file.

What Are the Easiest file Types to Import Into REAPER?

In my opinion, the most accessible file types to import into REAPER are MP3 and WAV.

Although you can import dozens of different audio, music, video, image, and MIDI files into REAPER pretty easily, the file types that I never have trouble with are MP3 and WAV.

What File Types Can You Import Into REAPER?

REAPER allows you to import and work with many different types of media items.

Here is a link to a complete list of the supported file types in REAPER.

Are you looking to fix other issues? Check the following article on how to fix latency in REAPER.

REAPER Could Not Import 1 Of 1 Items (Step-By-Step Fix)

If you are having trouble importing media items into REAPER, there is either something wrong with the file you are trying to import, or it is an invalid file format. Although REAPER is compatible with a long list of file types, there are a few that it does not support.

Trouble Importing A Media Item In REAPER

What is incredible about the average modern DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) is that it allows music producers to work with many different media files such as audio, music, video, image, and MIDI.

However, there is nothing more frustrating than trying to import a file into your REAPER project only for REAPER to say, ‘REAPER Error: Could Not Import 1 of 1 Items!’.

In this step-by-step guide, I will walk you through how to import media items into REAPER.

REAPER Error Could Not Import 1 of 1 Items

Sometimes, you will get an error message in REAPER that says, ‘REAPER Error: Could Not Import 1 of 1 Items’.

This means that the file you are trying to import is either corrupt/not intact or an unsupported file format.

What You Will Need To Follow This Tutorial

Here is a list of what you will need to follow in this tutorial:

  • A file converter in some cases (very unlikely)

Step One – Troubleshoot

The first thing you will want to do if REAPER gives you the message, ‘REAPER Error: Could Not Import 1 of 1 Items!’ is some troubleshooting to figure out your problem.

Your problem could be either that the file you are trying to import has issues or is corrupt, or it could be that you are trying to import a file type that REAPER does not support.


Step Two – Getting An Acceptable File

If your problem is that the file is corrupt or missing data, you will need to go back to the source where you received it and get an intact file.

This could mean emailing the person you’re collaborating with to get an acceptable media file, getting the desired file from a different source, or maybe even just re-downloading the file.

Step Three – Not Supported File Type

Another reason you could see this message is that REAPER does not support the file format.

Here is a link to a list of all supported file types in REAPER.

If your issue is that REAPER does not support the file type, you will need to either get a supported file format from the original source, whether that be a collaborator or a website, or use a file converter to change your file to a compatible format.

In some cases, you can also manually change the file extension of a media item to ‘fool’ REAPER and get the file accepted.

REAPER Could Not Import 1 of 1 Items MP4

If you are receiving an error message when trying to import an MP4 file. Chances are, you need to download VLC Player on your system.

MP4 is a video file type that REAPER does not technically accept. However, if you download and use the VLC Player, you can use most video file types in REAPER.

I have used the VLC Player on previous computers of mine and have been able to import MP4 files into REAPER with no issues.

How Do I Import Files Into REAPER?

There are a few ways that you can import files into REAPER.

You can either drag and drop files into REAPER or click Insert>Media file and select the file you want to import.

How Do I Import MP4 Into REAPER?

To import MP4 files into REAPER, you will want to download the VLC Player.

This is because REAPER does not technically support MP4 files, but the VLC Player will allow you to run all kinds of video files.

How To Import MP3 Into REAPER?

Importing an MP3 file into REAPER is very easy.

You can import an MP3 item into REAPER by dragging and dropping it or clicking Insert>Media file and then selecting the MP3 track you want to import.

What Audio Files Does REAPER Support

REAPER supports MP3, WAV, Vorbis, and many other audio file formats.

Here is a full list of the different file types that REAPER supports.

Related Questions

What Should I Do if An Artist/music Producer Sends Me an Incorrect or Unsupported File?

In my experience, the best way to solve an issue of an artist/producer sending an incorrect or unsupported file is to contact them again as soon as you can.

Although you could go through the process of trying to solve the problem yourself, using a file converter of some kind makes it easier to go directly to the collaborator to get the correct file format.

Even if it inconveniences or annoys the musician you are working with, the easiest way to solve an incorrect file problem is to contact the person who sent you the file.

What Are the Easiest file Types to Import Into REAPER?

In my opinion, the most accessible file types to import into REAPER are MP3 and WAV.

Although you can import dozens of different audio, music, video, image, and MIDI files into REAPER pretty easily, the file types that I never have trouble with are MP3 and WAV.

What File Types Can You Import Into REAPER?

REAPER allows you to import and work with many different types of media items.

Here is a link to a complete list of the supported file types in REAPER.

Are you looking to fix other issues? Check the following article on how to fix latency in REAPER.

We hope you love the products we recommend. We may collect a small commission if you purchase through one of our links. This will not cost you anything extra. Thank you if you do, we really appreciate it. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. For our full disclaimer page please Click Here

Reaper 4 не видит The Grand 2 (1 онлайн

Конечно! У меня 2 папки стандартные с VST — под 32 и 64 бита соответственно. При установке указал путь к 32-битной папке, где этот гад успешно и пребывает до сих пор. Честно — не понимаю в чем дело.

Единственный косяк при установке — это очень непродуманный инсталлер, который принудительно и без вариантов устанавливает старый 32-битный драйвер от Synchrosoft (а если в системе висит eLicenser — он вообще отказывается устанавливать что-либо). После установки и до перезагрузки ситемы приходится удалять этот атавизм и ставить обратно актуальный eLicenser, который хоть донгл с лицензией распознает. Сам же плаг инсталлится без проблем.

С другой стороны, standalone работает же без вопросов. в общем я совсем потерялся. Всегда недолюбливал Steinberg с их манией все усложнять.

Drop and drag mp3 files gives me the «Could not import 1 of 1 items!» box.

If I INSERT> Media, it drops in 2 measures only and shows OFFLINE, no waveform, no playback.

I can convert to wav and they’ll drop in just fine.

I found an old thread discussing this and made sure under
Preferences> General> Paths that Store all peach caches in alternate path
is set to the UsersAppDataLocalTempREAPEAKS and that (under Media)
«Store peak caches in alternate path if unable to write to media file directory» was checked, too.

This is a gigantic pain in the ass, any help is much appreciated.

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Which program did you use to create the mp3? And did converting it with another tool into mp3 do the same thing?

Is it happening with all mp3s or just selected ones? Was it always the same way or did it «just start» recently?

Is it the same thing with FLAC, video, off, opus, etc?

Meo-Ada Mespotine
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MP3s were emailed to me, just found out they were purchased on iTunes. (Even after converting to wav, importing into my sessin, editing, and then re-rendering to a new mp3 file, the metadata still showed up in Windows Media Player displaying the name of the artist and song title from the 1st of the 3 songs I mashed up — perhaps it’s an iTunes anti-piracy thing?)

When I take the wav file that I converted it into and convert it back to mp3, the new mp3 imports properly into a session.

This is the first time this has ever happened to me, but I’m on a brand new Lenovo P70 laptop Win 10. I just tried importing mp3s I have, both purchased ones and self made, and both imported properly.

Could not import 1 of 1 items reaper что делать

Конечно! У меня 2 папки стандартные с VST — под 32 и 64 бита соответственно. При установке указал путь к 32-битной папке, где этот гад успешно и пребывает до сих пор. Честно — не понимаю в чем дело.

Единственный косяк при установке — это очень непродуманный инсталлер, который принудительно и без вариантов устанавливает старый 32-битный драйвер от Synchrosoft (а если в системе висит eLicenser — он вообще отказывается устанавливать что-либо). После установки и до перезагрузки ситемы приходится удалять этот атавизм и ставить обратно актуальный eLicenser, который хоть донгл с лицензией распознает. Сам же плаг инсталлится без проблем.

С другой стороны, standalone работает же без вопросов. в общем я совсем потерялся. Всегда недолюбливал Steinberg с их манией все усложнять.

REAPER Could Not Import 1 Of 1 Items (Step-By-Step Fix)

If you are having trouble importing media items into REAPER, there is either something wrong with the file you are trying to import, or it is an invalid file format. Although REAPER is compatible with a long list of file types, there are a few that it does not support.

Trouble Importing A Media Item In REAPER

What is incredible about the average modern DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) is that it allows music producers to work with many different media files such as audio, music, video, image, and MIDI.

However, there is nothing more frustrating than trying to import a file into your REAPER project only for REAPER to say, ‘REAPER Error: Could Not Import 1 of 1 Items!’.

In this step-by-step guide, I will walk you through how to import media items into REAPER.

REAPER Error Could Not Import 1 of 1 Items

Sometimes, you will get an error message in REAPER that says, ‘REAPER Error: Could Not Import 1 of 1 Items’.

This means that the file you are trying to import is either corrupt/not intact or an unsupported file format.

What You Will Need To Follow This Tutorial

Here is a list of what you will need to follow in this tutorial:

  • A file converter in some cases (very unlikely)

Step One – Troubleshoot

The first thing you will want to do if REAPER gives you the message, ‘REAPER Error: Could Not Import 1 of 1 Items!’ is some troubleshooting to figure out your problem.

Your problem could be either that the file you are trying to import has issues or is corrupt, or it could be that you are trying to import a file type that REAPER does not support.


Step Two – Getting An Acceptable File

If your problem is that the file is corrupt or missing data, you will need to go back to the source where you received it and get an intact file.

This could mean emailing the person you’re collaborating with to get an acceptable media file, getting the desired file from a different source, or maybe even just re-downloading the file.

Step Three – Not Supported File Type

Another reason you could see this message is that REAPER does not support the file format.

Here is a link to a list of all supported file types in REAPER.

If your issue is that REAPER does not support the file type, you will need to either get a supported file format from the original source, whether that be a collaborator or a website, or use a file converter to change your file to a compatible format.

In some cases, you can also manually change the file extension of a media item to ‘fool’ REAPER and get the file accepted.

REAPER Could Not Import 1 of 1 Items MP4

If you are receiving an error message when trying to import an MP4 file. Chances are, you need to download VLC Player on your system.

MP4 is a video file type that REAPER does not technically accept. However, if you download and use the VLC Player, you can use most video file types in REAPER.

I have used the VLC Player on previous computers of mine and have been able to import MP4 files into REAPER with no issues.

How Do I Import Files Into REAPER?

There are a few ways that you can import files into REAPER.

You can either drag and drop files into REAPER or click Insert>Media file and select the file you want to import.

How Do I Import MP4 Into REAPER?

To import MP4 files into REAPER, you will want to download the VLC Player.

This is because REAPER does not technically support MP4 files, but the VLC Player will allow you to run all kinds of video files.

How To Import MP3 Into REAPER?

Importing an MP3 file into REAPER is very easy.

You can import an MP3 item into REAPER by dragging and dropping it or clicking Insert>Media file and then selecting the MP3 track you want to import.

What Audio Files Does REAPER Support

REAPER supports MP3, WAV, Vorbis, and many other audio file formats.

Here is a full list of the different file types that REAPER supports.

Related Questions

What Should I Do if An Artist/music Producer Sends Me an Incorrect or Unsupported File?

In my experience, the best way to solve an issue of an artist/producer sending an incorrect or unsupported file is to contact them again as soon as you can.

Although you could go through the process of trying to solve the problem yourself, using a file converter of some kind makes it easier to go directly to the collaborator to get the correct file format.

Even if it inconveniences or annoys the musician you are working with, the easiest way to solve an incorrect file problem is to contact the person who sent you the file.

What Are the Easiest file Types to Import Into REAPER?

In my opinion, the most accessible file types to import into REAPER are MP3 and WAV.

Although you can import dozens of different audio, music, video, image, and MIDI files into REAPER pretty easily, the file types that I never have trouble with are MP3 and WAV.

What File Types Can You Import Into REAPER?

REAPER allows you to import and work with many different types of media items.

Here is a link to a complete list of the supported file types in REAPER.

Are you looking to fix other issues? Check the following article on how to fix latency in REAPER.

We hope you love the products we recommend. We may collect a small commission if you purchase through one of our links. This will not cost you anything extra. Thank you if you do, we really appreciate it. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. For our full disclaimer page please Click Here

Drop and drag mp3 files gives me the «Could not import 1 of 1 items!» box.

If I INSERT> Media, it drops in 2 measures only and shows OFFLINE, no waveform, no playback.

I can convert to wav and they’ll drop in just fine.

I found an old thread discussing this and made sure under
Preferences> General> Paths that Store all peach caches in alternate path
is set to the UsersAppDataLocalTempREAPEAKS and that (under Media)
«Store peak caches in alternate path if unable to write to media file directory» was checked, too.

This is a gigantic pain in the ass, any help is much appreciated.

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Which program did you use to create the mp3? And did converting it with another tool into mp3 do the same thing?

Is it happening with all mp3s or just selected ones? Was it always the same way or did it «just start» recently?

Is it the same thing with FLAC, video, off, opus, etc?

Meo-Ada Mespotine
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MP3s were emailed to me, just found out they were purchased on iTunes. (Even after converting to wav, importing into my sessin, editing, and then re-rendering to a new mp3 file, the metadata still showed up in Windows Media Player displaying the name of the artist and song title from the 1st of the 3 songs I mashed up — perhaps it’s an iTunes anti-piracy thing?)

When I take the wav file that I converted it into and convert it back to mp3, the new mp3 imports properly into a session.

This is the first time this has ever happened to me, but I’m on a brand new Lenovo P70 laptop Win 10. I just tried importing mp3s I have, both purchased ones and self made, and both imported properly.

Почему не работает относительный import в Python (PyCharm).

Добрая ночь!
Проблема такая: нужно из папки tests в файле импортировать файл, который находит в директории выше. Я указал корневой директорией папку package. В файле пишу from .. import sieves, PyCharm не ругается, ошибкой не подчеркивает. Но стоит мне запустить его, я получаю ошибку в лицо: ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package.

Что означает ошибка TypeError: ‘str’ object does not support item assignment

Представим такое: студент только что окончил школу, где изучал Паскаль. В универе на лабораторной по Python ему дали такое задание: заменить в строке все точки на восклицательные знаки.

Студент помнит, что можно обращаться к отдельным элементам строки, поэтому сразу пишет очевидный цикл:

Но после запуска компьютер выдаёт ошибку:

❌ TypeError: ‘str’ object does not support item assignment

Казалось бы, почему? Есть строка, можно обратиться к отдельным символам, цикл в порядке — что не так-то?

Что это значит: интерпретатор сообщает нам, что не может поменять символ в строке один на другой.

Когда встречается: когда в Python мы пытаемся напрямую заменить символ в строке, как это делали в Паскале или некоторых других языках, которые это умеют. В Python строки хоть и состоят из символов, которые можно прочитать по отдельности, но управлять этими символами он не даёт.

Что делать с ошибкой TypeError: ‘str’ object does not support item assignment

Решение простое: нужно не работать с символами в строке напрямую, а собирать новую строку из исходной. А всё потому, что Python разрешает прибавлять символы к строке, считая их маленькими строками. Этим и нужно воспользоваться:

Batch MIDI Items Import Problem In REAPER

I have just downloaded and installed REAPER 5.91 on a Windows XP old computer (wowie it actually runs. ) but now have a problem and I tried Google for a solution but couldn’t find any proper answer.

Please help, if you can. The problem is:

When I import (drag and drop) 400 midi items into REAPER 5.91 and I choose «Single Track» instead of «Separate tracks».

It seems that if a 4/4 midi stem has the fourth beat as a quarter rest then REAPER «falsely sees» it as a 3/4 midi stem instead of 4/4.

How do I get REAPER 5.91 to treat ALL the 400 imported midi items as being in 4/4 so that they are all placed at beat 1 of their corresponding bars?

I mean if imported midi item #1 is in 4/4 but REAPER 5.91 «falsely sees» midi item #2 as being in 3/4 how do I get REAPER 5.91 to extend midi item #2’s length so that it becomes a 4/4 midi item and so that midi item #3 will be at bar 3 beat 1 instead of at bar 2 beat 4?

And if extending 3/4 midi item to 4/4 is not the only possible solution then what are the other possible solutions?

Thanks in advance for possible answers to my possibly dumb questions.

Post by jancivil » Fri Jun 15, 2018 7:41 pm

Post by harryupbabble » Fri Jun 15, 2018 9:17 pm

Thanks for the link Jan but that one doesn’t seem to address the problem. Or maybe I’ve misunderstood that link’s entire page.

The 400 midi items or stems or clips are single-channel drum clip/item/stem, all are channel 10.
I imported the 400 midi stems into an empty new REAPER project on track 1, there are no other tracks besides track 1.

REAPER «does seem» to ignore quarter note rest positioned at beat 4 and so 4/4 midi items that has a quarter rest at beat 4 becomes 3/4.
This causes subsequent midi items to not line up with the 4/4 grid.

I am going to try to post a picture. Be back in a bit.

Post by harryupbabble » Fri Jun 15, 2018 10:13 pm

Picture explanation:
In Anvil Studio I loaded 063.mid. The fourth beat is a quarter rest and the time signature is 4/4.
Anvil Studio sees 063.mid as being in 4/4.
But in REAPER, 063.mid is seen as being in 3/4, REAPER doesn’t see the quarter rest at beat 4 of bar 5.
I didn’t load all 400 midi items so bar 4 is 062.mid, bar 5 is 063.mid. BUT NOW 064.mid is not at bar 6 where is should be.
Midi item 064.mid is at bar 5 beat 4 and subsequent midi items are not lined up to the 4/4 grid.


Post by yellukhan » Fri Jun 15, 2018 10:29 pm

Post by EvilDragon » Fri Jun 15, 2018 10:37 pm

There is no such thing as «rest» in MIDI files. MIDI files only have note on and note off events that specify duration of notes that are in it. So if a bar ends early, and there are no MIDI events after the last note off, and that last note off is not ending on beat 4 of a 4/4 bar, this is where MIDI file ends, NOT at the end of the bar. Reaper is doing nothing wrong here.

My suggestion here would be to load those 400 items on separate TRACKS, then you can easily select items that are ending up shorter than a full bar, extend them, and then do with them whatever you want.

Post by harryupbabble » Fri Jun 15, 2018 10:54 pm

Evil Dragon, I did load those 400+ items on separate tracks before I even created this thread. I was «wow this going to be tedious when there is 20,000 or so midi items». So I was hoping REAPER has a «Import all midi items as 4/4» function somewhere.

Do other DAWS also ignore quarter rest at beat 4?

Post by jancivil » Fri Jun 15, 2018 11:15 pm

I meant basically to direct you to that forum where people are focused on REAPER problems (as a start in preference to just google). I didn’t know what you had specifically done or I would have had an actual thought.

harryupbabble wrote: Evil Dragon, I did load those 400+ items on separate tracks before I even created this thread. I was «wow this going to be tedious when there is 20,000 or so midi items». So I was hoping REAPER has a «Import all midi items as 4/4» function somewhere.

Do other DAWS also ignore quarter rest at beat 4?

«. if a bar ends early, and there are no MIDI events after the last note off, and that last note off is not ending on beat 4 of a 4/4 bar, this is where MIDI file ends,»
the problem is not in MIDI; E.D. is correct, if that bar a single bar with note-ons for 3 beats that is the end of the data, as we have it here. No DAW is going to infer otherwise.

So I would have to say that it is the m.o. of making a single track out of multiple clips that created the issue.

Post by jancivil » Fri Jun 15, 2018 11:28 pm

there is no problem. Hence the issue belongs with the de facto 3-beat file.

I would totally recommend a more coherent M.O., such as one file per part. I had a brain fart rather than a thought about Harry’s 400 files and the missing beat.

Post by No_Use » Sat Jun 16, 2018 12:08 am

Do you have many of the 3 beats items ?
If not, you could turn on Ripple editing and move item 64 manually a beat to the right, the Ripple editing makes the items behind follow automatically.
Repeat for the other 3 beats items.

Can’t think of a more ‘automatic’ way currently.

Since you’re obviously new to Reaper, Ripple editing is on this toolbar button in default theme:


Post by harryupbabble » Sat Jun 16, 2018 1:21 am

@No_Use, I’m not new to REAPER. I mostly use REAPER version 0.999, it’s super-ancient but TRULY free. It’s just that once in a while a new seemingly hard to solve problem happens to me and I think «maybe the newer REAPER could do it».

I have a folder containing 400+ midi items, I also have 5 other folders, containing four thousand midi items per folder. All generated with a macro recorder. So basic math indicates that’s 20,000+ midi items right there. I guess maybe one in 60 midi item will be missing that fourth beat rest, but maybe my estimation is way wrong and maybe it could be as much as one in 10. I was thinking of even generating 100,000 midi items because like in scrabble the more words one knows the more one can be able to do damage, same with music, but now maybe I have to not do that if there’s no solution to this «import known midi 4/4 item/clip/stem as 4/4» problem.

Before I even created this thread, I also did try other ways and that includes ripple editing, where everything to the right of the file is moved along with that one file being nudged. It’s manual and takes too long. I tried that for a few seconds before I thought «this is no way to spend my life».

So then I Googled for another possible solution like «REAPER midi item search function». I wanted to find all the 3-beat midi items that way. I figure that if that function exist then I can use it with a macro recorder and let it do that tedious search-delete task while I play scrabble or something. But Google wasn’t helpful, or I wasn’t using the correct search words maybe.

I always believed that anything can be done in REAPER. I watched REAPER videos and got that «there’s always a solution» impression. You just have to know how, the message goes. Hidden functions/extensions and all that.

Anyways, thanks again guys/gals, for the input. I’m done for the evening. Yeah so, have a good night/day y’all.

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