Quake 4 ошибка при запуске

1)Проверьте что ваша система подходит под минимальные требования игры
2)Проверьте чтобы в пути к игре не было русских символов
3)обновите драйвера на видеокарту — Где скачать свежие драйвера на Ati/Nvidia? — Вопросы и ответы /directX — Microsoft DirectX Web Setup на The Elder Scrolls Gameplay Modding: Программы /Microsoft Visual C++ — Распространяемый пакет Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 на The Elder Scrolls Gameplay Modding: Программы
4)Попробуйте запустить игру от имени администратора
5)Выключите антивирус на время игры
6)Запустите игру в режиме совместимости Как запустить приложение в режиме совместимости? — Вопросы и ответы
7)Попробуйте включить DEP для exe-файла игры Как включить DEP для exe файла в Windows 7? — Вопросы и ответы
8)Проверьте систему на ошибки и проведите дефрагментацию. Советую вспользовать этими программами Auslogics Disk Defrag Free на The Elder Scrolls Gameplay Modding: Программы и CCleaner 3.1.8 на The Elder Scrolls Gameplay Modding: Программы
9)не помогло — меняйте крак/репак/ОС

Помните, что не все игры 2013 года поддерживают WinXP и не все старые игры запускаются на Win 7 или Win 8 — воспользуйтесь режимом совместимости для их запуска!!!

Проблемы Quake4.exe часто возникают из-за того, что исполняемый файл отсутствует, удалён или перемещён из исходного местоположения. Часто такие EXE ошибки наблюдаются при запуске программного обеспечения Quake 4. Обычно, установка новой версии файла EXE позволяет устранить проблему, из-за которой возникает ошибка. Помимо прочего, в качестве общей меры по профилактике и очистке мы рекомендуем использовать очиститель реестра для очистки любых недопустимых записей файлов, расширений файлов EXE или разделов реестра, что позволит предотвратить появление связанных с ними сообщений об ошибках.

Формат Windows Executable File, известный как собственный формат Исполнимые файлы, чаще всего имеет расширение EXE. Наша коллекция файлов Quake4.exe для %%os%% представлена в списках ниже. В настоящее время в нашей безе отсутствуют некоторые файлы Quake4.exe, однако вы можете получить их по запросу, нажав на кнопку Request (Запрос) рядом с соответствующей версией файла. Если вы не нашли необходимую вам версию файла в нашей базе, представленной ниже, мы рекомендуем обратиться непосредственно к Id Software Inc..

После успешного размещения файла в соответствующем месте на жёстком диске подобных проблем, связанных с Quake4.exe, больше возникать не должно. Настоятельно рекомендуем выполнить быструю проверку. Повторно запустите Quake 4, чтобы убедиться, что проблема успешно решена.

Quake4.exe Описание файла
Формат файла: EXE
Тип приложения: Game
App: Quake 4
Компания: Id Software Inc.
Имя: Quake4.exe  

Байт: 2082025
SHA-1: B718AE36887C74A8A44750CAD2C001EE62B02AF0
MD5: 31839FB3FABD6455BC0528948A43EE5B

Продукт Solvusoft

WinThruster 2023 — Сканировать ваш компьютер на наличие ошибок реестра в Quake4.exe


Установить необязательные продукты — WinThruster (Solvusoft) | Лицензия | Политика защиты личных сведений | Условия | Удаление


Идентификатор статьи:   1163855




Выберите программное обеспечение

File ID Размер Загрузить
+ Quake4.exe 31839FB3FABD6455BC0528948A43EE5B 1.99 MB
Софт Quake 4
Автор Id Software Inc.
Вер Windows 2000
Тип 64-разрядная (x64)
Размер 2082025
MD5 31839FB3FABD6455BC0528948A43EE5B
ША1 B718AE36887C74A8A44750CAD2C001EE62B02AF0
Расположение каталога файлов C:\Windows\System32\

Распространенные проблемы Quake4.exe

Частичный список ошибок Quake4.exe Quake 4:

  • «Ошибка в приложении: Quake4.exe»
  • «Недопустимый файл Quake4.exe. «
  • «Возникла ошибка в приложении Quake4.exe. Приложение будет закрыто. Приносим извинения за неудобства.»
  • «Не удается найти Quake4.exe»
  • «Отсутствует файл Quake4.exe.»
  • «Ошибка запуска программы: Quake4.exe.»
  • «Не удается запустить Quake4.exe. «
  • «Quake4.exe выйти. «
  • «Неверный путь к приложению: Quake4.exe.»

Проблемы Quake 4 Quake4.exe возникают при установке, во время работы программного обеспечения, связанного с Quake4.exe, во время завершения работы или запуска или менее вероятно во время обновления операционной системы. Документирование проблем Quake4.exe в Quake 4 является ключевым для определения причины проблем с электронной Game и сообщения о них в Id Software Inc..

Источник ошибок Quake4.exe

Заражение вредоносными программами, недопустимые записи реестра Quake 4 или отсутствующие или поврежденные файлы Quake4.exe могут создать эти ошибки Quake4.exe.

В частности, проблемы Quake4.exe возникают через:

  • Недопустимая или поврежденная запись Quake4.exe.
  • Вредоносные программы заразили Quake4.exe, создавая повреждение.
  • Другая программа (не связанная с Quake 4) удалила Quake4.exe злонамеренно или по ошибке.
  • Другое программное приложение, конфликтующее с Quake4.exe.
  • Неполный или поврежденный Quake 4 (Quake4.exe) из загрузки или установки.

/bin/sh\0-c\0prime-run gamemoderun /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/reaper SteamLaunch AppId=2210 -- '/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/compatibilitytools.d/luxtorpeda'/luxtorpeda wait-before-run '/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/Quake4.exe'\0
Game update: AppID 2210 "", ProcID 10596, IP
ERROR: ld.so: object '/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
ERROR: ld.so: object '/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
ERROR: ld.so: object '/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
ERROR: ld.so: object '/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
ERROR: ld.so: object '/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
ERROR: ld.so: object '/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
Starting app 2210
>>> Adding process 10596 for game ID 2210
GameAction [AppID 2210, ActionID 1] : LaunchApp changed task to WaitingGameWindow with ""
GameAction [AppID 2210, ActionID 1] : LaunchApp changed task to Completed with ""
>>> Adding process 10597 for game ID 2210
>>> Adding process 10601 for game ID 2210
update_packages_json. found hash: f1592ec5a05d2ccedd08da2512890485128d3d21
update_packages_json. found hash and remote hash: f1592ec5a05d2ccedd08da2512890485128d3d21 f1592ec5a05d2ccedd08da2512890485128d3d21
creating: "/run/user/1000/luxtorpeda/2210.pid"
steam_app_id: "2210"
original command: ["/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/Quake4.exe"]
working dir: Ok("/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4")
tool dir: "/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/compatibilitytools.d/luxtorpeda"
user_packages_file not found
user_packages_file not found
quake4-2210-4.tar.xz found in cache (skip)
quake4-linux-1.4.2.x86.run found in cache (skip)
    "game_name": "Quake IV",
    "download": [
            "name": "quake4",
            "url": "https://github.com/luxtorpeda-dev/packages/releases/download/quake4-4/",
            "file": "quake4-2210-4.tar.xz"
            "name": "binaries",
            "url": "https://www.quaddicted.com/files/idgames2/idstuff/quake4/linux/",
            "file": "quake4-linux-1.4.2.x86.run"
    "download_config": {
        "binaries": {
            "setup": true,
            "copy_only": true
    "setup": {
        "complete_path": "./ready",
        "command": "./setup-quake4.sh",
        "uninstall_command": "./uninstall-quake4.sh",
        "license_path": "./EULA.txt"
    "command": "./run-quake4.sh",
    "information": {
        "store_link": "https://store.steampowered.com/app/2210",
        "engine_name": "Proprietary Engine",
        "engine_link": "https://www.quaddicted.com/files/idgames2/idstuff/quake4/linux/",
        "version": "1.4.2",
        "comments": "",
        "author": "d10sfan",
        "author_link": "https://github.com/d10sfan",
        "license": "Proprietary/Closed Source",
        "license_link": "http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/linux/quake4/Quake4FrontPage/",
        "closed_source": true,
        "32-bit": true
installing: quake4-2210-4
install: "run-quake4.sh"
install: "Quake4Config.cfg"
install: "setup-quake4.sh"
install: "uninstall-quake4.sh"
copying: quake4-linux-1.4.2.x86.run
active_dialog_command. active_dialog_command_str: "default"
active_dialog_command. current_desktop: "KDE"
active_dialog_command. current desktop of kde found, kdialog found at "/usr/bin/kdialog"
active_dialog_command. current desktop of kde found, qdbus found at "/usr/bin/qdbus"
x:  -2064532224   y:  32764   w:  400   h:  600
active_dialog_command. active_dialog_command_str: "default"
active_dialog_command. current_desktop: "KDE"
active_dialog_command. current desktop of kde found, kdialog found at "/usr/bin/kdialog"
active_dialog_command. current desktop of kde found, qdbus found at "/usr/bin/qdbus"
show eula. dialog was accepted
setup run: "./setup-quake4.sh"
Creating directory linuxofficial
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing Quake 4 (TM)......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
setup complete
run: "./run-quake4.sh" with args: [] []
ERROR: ld.so: object '/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
ERROR: ld.so: object '/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
Quake4  V1.4.2 linux-x86 Jun 15 2007
found interface lo - loopback
found interface enp4s0 -
CPU: Intel CPU with MMX & SSE & SSE2 & SSE3
enabled Flush-To-Zero mode
no 'q4base' directory in executable path /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/bin/Linux/x86, skipping
--------- Initializing File System ----------
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/game000.pk4 with checksum 0xb3abe28c
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/game100.pk4 with checksum 0x74b379d9
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/game200.pk4 with checksum 0xa3c810d9
>>> Adding process 11100 for game ID 2210
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/game300.pk4 with checksum 0x68fb90b1
>>> Adding process 11101 for game ID 2210
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak001.pk4 with checksum 0xf2cbc998
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak002.pk4 with checksum 0x7f8d80d1
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak003.pk4 with checksum 0x1b57b207
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak004.pk4 with checksum 0x385aa578
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak005.pk4 with checksum 0x60d50a1d
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak006.pk4 with checksum 0x9099ed11
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak007.pk4 with checksum 0xaf301fff
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak008.pk4 with checksum 0x4ac6f6d9
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak009.pk4 with checksum 0x36030c7d
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak010.pk4 with checksum 0x4b80fbda
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak011.pk4 with checksum 0x8acf4cfa
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak012.pk4 with checksum 0xbe4120b0
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak013.pk4 with checksum 0x6ad67f40
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak014.pk4 with checksum 0xee51cd59
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak015.pk4 with checksum 0xf5bf4e0c
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak016.pk4 with checksum 0x2196f58c
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak017.pk4 with checksum 0x91118a35
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak018.pk4 with checksum 0x98a14f03
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak019.pk4 with checksum 0xbc82ac79
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak020.pk4 with checksum 0xce74cda5
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak021.pk4 with checksum 0x2ba6e70c
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak022.pk4 with checksum 0x4e390eec
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak023.pk4 with checksum 0x7c1fd3a5
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak024.pk4 with checksum 0x5546d551
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak025.pk4 with checksum 0xcaeec1fd
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/q4cmp_pak001.pk4 with checksum 0xd0813943
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/zpak_english.pk4 with checksum 0x5868f530
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/zpak_english_01.pk4 with checksum 0xd9f04b8b
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/zpak_english_02.pk4 with checksum 0x9dbd91fd
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/zpak_english_03.pk4 with checksum 0x2eb6ad8
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/zpak_english_04.pk4 with checksum 0xd3fefaa1
Loaded pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/zpak_english_05.pk4 with checksum 0x8596af60
Addon pk4 /home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/q4cmp_pak001.pk4 with checksum 0xd0813943 is on addon list
Current search path:
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/zpak_english_05.pk4 (3 files)
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/zpak_english_04.pk4 (3 files)
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/zpak_english_03.pk4 (4 files)
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/zpak_english_02.pk4 (21 files)
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/zpak_english_01.pk4 (1 files)
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/zpak_english.pk4 (3457 files)
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak025.pk4 (12 files)
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak024.pk4 (8 files)
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak023.pk4 (8 files)
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak022.pk4 (14 files)
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak021.pk4 (89 files)
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak020.pk4 (11 files)
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak019.pk4 (1206 files)
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak018.pk4 (3 files)
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak017.pk4 (3 files)
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak016.pk4 (193 files)
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak015.pk4 (34 files)
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak014.pk4 (552 files)
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak013.pk4 (239 files)
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak012.pk4 (1081 files)
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak011.pk4 (5620 files)
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak010.pk4 (5539 files)
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak009.pk4 (1284 files)
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak008.pk4 (1289 files)
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak007.pk4 (1330 files)
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak006.pk4 (1343 files)
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak005.pk4 (1395 files)
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak004.pk4 (2249 files)
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak003.pk4 (1281 files)
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak002.pk4 (313 files)
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/pak001.pk4 (5837 files)
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/game300.pk4 (11 files)
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/game200.pk4 (9 files)
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/game100.pk4 (2 files)
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/game000.pk4 (2 files)
game DLL: 0x0 in pak: 0x0
Addon pk4s:
/home/jorgicio/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Quake 4/linuxdata/q4base/q4cmp_pak001.pk4 (119 files)
file system initialized.
------------ Initializing Decls -------------
Loading guides.... 64 loaded
116ms to load 1125k of material
42ms to load 43k of skin
39ms to load 723k of sound
1ms to load 1k of materialType
121ms to load 2889k of lipSync
20ms to load 105k of playback
280ms to load 1690k of effect
/proc/cpuinfo CPU frequency: 4301.09 MHz
detecting video ram ( set sys_videoRam to force ) ..
found XNVCtrl extension 1.29
default screen 0 is not controlled by NVIDIA driver
guess failed, return default low-end VRAM setting ( 64MB VRAM )
        4.30 GHz CPU
        7744 MB of System memory
        64 MB of Video memory on an optimal video architecture

This system qualifies for Low quality.
-------- Initializing renderSystem ----------
Spawning back end thread...
using ARB renderSystem
renderSystem initialized.
Found default language English with VO
.... found additional language 'french' without VO
.... found additional language 'italian' without VO
.... found additional language 'spanish' without VO
696 strings read from strings/english_code.lang
1794 strings read from strings/english_guis.lang
5756 strings read from strings/english_lips.lang
5759 strings read from strings/english_mappack.lang
6235 strings read from strings/english_maps.lang
3 strings read from strings/french_mappack.lang
3 strings read from strings/italian_mappack.lang
3 strings read from strings/spanish_mappack.lang
Couldn't open journal files
execing default.cfg
couldn't exec editor.cfg
execing Quake4Config.cfg
couldn't exec autoexec.cfg
-------- Initializing Sound System ----------
sound system initialized.
--------------- R_InitOpenGL ----------------
Initializing SDL subsystem
Loading GL driver 'libGL.so.1' through SDL
1920x1080 1680x1050 1600x900 1440x810 1400x1050 1400x900 1368x768 1280x1024 1280x960 1280x800 1280x720 
1024x768 1024x576 960x720 960x600 960x540 928x696 896x672 864x486 840x525 800x600 
800x450 720x405 700x525 700x450 684x384 640x512 640x480 640x400 640x360 512x384 
512x288 480x270 432x243 400x300 360x202 320x240 320x180 
SDL_ListModes are currently ignored for resolution filtering. Set r_useSDLModes to 1 if you want it
Initializing SDL subsystem
Loading GL driver 'libGL.so.1' through SDL
1920x1080 1680x1050 1600x900 1440x810 1400x1050 1400x900 1368x768 1280x1024 1280x960 1280x800 1280x720 
1024x768 1024x576 960x720 960x600 960x540 928x696 896x672 864x486 840x525 800x600 
800x450 720x405 700x525 700x450 684x384 640x512 640x480 640x400 640x360 512x384 
512x288 480x270 432x243 400x300 360x202 320x240 320x180 
SDL_ListModes are currently ignored for resolution filtering. Set r_useSDLModes to 1 if you want it
Fatal Error: Unable to initialize OpenGL
--------------- BSE Shutdown ----------------
Sys_Error: Unable to initialize OpenGL
dropping: "/run/user/1000/luxtorpeda/2210.pid"
Game removed: AppID 2210 "", ProcID 10596 
Uploaded AppInterfaceStats to Steam
Exiting app 2210
No cached sticky mapping in ActivateActionSet.

Then it’s still not running, although the linuxdata folder with the respective content (including the bin directory) is present.

Warning! Below is a default instruction with possible solutions to problems that may help.

Run as administrator and in compatibility mode

First of all, try to run the game as administrator. If the game is more than 5 years old, try to run it in compatibility mode with an older version of windows, for example windows 7 (for very old games you can try Windows XP SP3).

Right click on the game shortcut → properties → compatibility → check the boxes «Run the program in compatibility mode with…» and «Run this program as administrator».

These two actions very often solve the problem of launching and stable FPS.

If you play through Steam or another launcher, try to run the game through it (after you have performed the steps above).

Disabling XMP profile in Bios

If you don’t know what it is, you can skip to the next point.

The game does not start in Steam

First of all, just restart Steam. If that doesn’t help, go to game properties → file location → run as administrator (see the very first item).

If you’re using a repack

There is a possibility that the repack is faulty, read more read here. But first, we recommend reading the text below.

Checking / Installing Drivers

First of all, you need to check all the drivers:

  • free utility [Driver Pack] (if you have a blank page, try logging in through an incognito tab or disable AdBlock)
  • analogue Driver Booster
  • go to the website of the manufacturer of your laptop or motherboard and download the drivers there

You can also separately install drivers for video cards and related software on the websites of video card developers, where drivers appear faster than in auto-updaters:

  • AMD
  • Nvidia
  • IntelHD

DirectX update

All errors that have the prefix D3D, X3D, xinput *** .dll most likely report the absence of the necessary DirectX libraries.

  • Here you can download the web installer

Installing the NET Framework library also may help.

  • Download Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5
  • Download Microsoft .NET Framework 4

Updating Microsoft Visual C++ Libraries

If the name mentions the MSVC prefix, and if it does not, updating these libraries for games is extremely important. Even after installation, you may notice that the error keeps repeating. The reason is that you need to download all versions, both x64 and x86, some games require both.

Download Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Libraries

Cleaning the system with Advanced SystemCare Free

Download the program

Run it, use Artificial Intelligence-driven analysis. The program, probably, will find out a huge number of junk files, broken registrys and etc.

Wait until it is complete to apply automatically fix (correction)

System requirements Quake 4 (2005)

Make sure your computer meets the minimum specifications required for this game:


OS: Windows 2000 / XP
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 / AMD Athlon XP 2.0 GHz
Video: ATI Radeon 9700 / Nvidia GeForce3 Ti with 64 MB
RAM: 512 MB
Storage: 3.2 GB
DirectX: 9.0c


OS: Windows 2000 / XP
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 / AMD Athlon XP 2.4 GHz
Video: ATI Radeon X1800 XL / Nvidia GeForce 7800 GT with 512 MB
Storage: 3.2 GB
DirectX: 9.0c

Computer Viruses

Check your PC for viruses, you can use free and trial versions of programs, for example:

  • Avast Free Antivirus
  • Dr. WEB CureIT

Antivirus program blocking the launch of Quake 4 (2005)

The situation is the opposite of the previous one. Installed or built-in (Microsoft Defender) antivirus blocks the launch of the game. To solve this problem, you must either disable this program for a while, or add the game folder to the exceptions. However, if the defender managed to quarantine any files, the game will have to be reinstalled.

How to temporarily turn off Microsoft Defender Windows 10

Select Start → Settings → Update & Security → Windows Security → Virus & threat protection → Manage settings (In early versions of Windows 10, select Virus & threat protection) → Real-time protection setting to Off and choose Yes to verify.

How to add files and folders to exclusions Microsoft Defender

Go to Start → Settings → Update & Security → Windows Security → Virus & threat protection → Manage settings. Under Exclusions, select Add or remove exclusions → select from files, folders, file types, or process.

Quake 4 (2005) full screen game window is offset to wrong position or zoomed, the image does not expand to full screen, screen resolution problems

Of course, you have already checked the «screen resolution» and «full screen» items in the game settings.

The problem may lie in the wrong scaling. Go to shortcut properties → Change high DPI settings → check the box at the bottom and click OK.

Fix the screen resolution problems in video games

Quake 4 (2005) misidentifies monitor, runs on wrong monitor

If you’re trying to display your game on a different monitor, article 5 ways to display your game on a second monitor might help you.

Quake 4 (2005), downloaded from Torrent does not work

Pirated versions of games do not guarantee stable operation at all, their developers are not responsible to you for the quality of the product. There is a possibility that the repack will turn out to be inoperative, or unfinished specifically for your characteristics. In any case, we recommend using licensed versions of games, this will save your computer from all kinds of spyware, miners and other troubles, as well as providing stable support and the release of new patches from developers.

Quake 4 (2005) not downloading or downloading take so long. Lag, high ping, game latency

First of all, check the speed of your Internet connection on speedtest.net, if the declared speed is in order, check if your channel is loaded, maybe you have several devices connected to Wi-Fi, the operating system is being updated, something is downloading in the browser , or a movie is running. Look at the network load in Device Manager. Check the integrity of the cable going to your device. If you still use a torrent, it is possible that the upload speed is limited due to a lack of distributors. As a last resort, you can always call your ISP and see if everything is okay with your internet.

Quake 4 (2005) gives an error about the missing DLL file

Write down the name of the DLL file and download it using an Internet search, there should be a description of what exactly this file is and where it should be. If there is no description, we recommend looking for alternative download sites. Or use the DLL-Fixer utility.

Quake 4 (2005) is not installed. Installation aborted

Check for free space on your disk. If everything is in order with the place, we also recommend checking the disk for bad sectors using free programs VictoriaHDD or CrystalDiskInfo

Screen freezes but Quake 4 (2005) keeps playing

The problem may be caused by the game itself, this is a good option. But this may indicate a malfunction in the processor and video card. Check the temperatures of the CPU and GPU, the normal level can be found on the developer’s website by the device model. If the temperature is too high, the device is no longer under warranty and has not been cleaned for a long time, do it yourself (if you know how to do) or take it to a service center for cleaning and replacement of thermal paste. If the problem persists, there is a possibility that other components have failed: the motherboard, RAM, or power supply.

Quake 4 (2005) slows down. FPS drops and stuttering

Probably your PC does not have enough power for stable operation Quake 4 (2005). First of all, enable vertical sync if it is disabled and check the result. After that try lowering all graphic settings to the minimum, except for the screen resolution. Then increase until the picture remains comfortable. If lowering does not help, it remains only to lower the screen resolution.

Quake 4 (2005) has no sound. Can’t hear anything

Check the sound in the game settings. We check the sound on the PC, for example, music in the browser. If there is nothing:

  • check the sound level in windows (your OS), maybe the sound level is set to 0
  • check the correct connection of speakers, headphones
  • if the device is non-standard, it may require its own drivers from the developer
  • perhaps there are no sound drivers in the system at all (update it, see the first paragraph)
  • In extreme cases, there is a possibility that the sound card has failed.

Quake 4 (2005) not responding to the mouse, keyboard or gamepad. Control not working

Firstly, go to the game settings and check your control device is switched to a gamepad (if the problem is in it). Are the wires tightly connected? Do devices work outside of the game? The solution may be to check the drivers using utilities (see the first paragraph) or do disconnection → connection.

Quake 4 (2005) error 0xc0000142

If Quake 4 (2005) pops up an error message is 0xc0000142, fix things can in one of the following ways. It is best to try one by one until the problem is solved.

  1. Disable all antivirus software before downloading the game.
  2. Check the path to the game folder, everything should be written in Latin letters (English). For example — C:\Games\Game Folder.
  3. The Windows username must also be in Latin characters. Press Win+R → type the command netplwiz → highlight the username → Properties.
  4. Go to the properties of the game by right-clicking on the shortcut. CompatibilityCompatibility mode → Select a compatibility mode other than your OS → Check the box «Run as administrator«.

If these tips did not help, then you need to look for a problem in the stability of the OS and in the game files.

  • Use Advanced SystemCare Free to perform a standard cleanup.
  • Replace registry value: SearchRegistry EditorHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NT → *CurrentVersion * → WindowsLoadAppInit_DLLs → in the Value line, replace 1 with 0.
  • Check your computer for malware and viruses. After checking and cleaning, restart your PC and download the game again.
  • Check that you have installed all the necessary versions of the components, namely Microsoft Visual C ++, DirectX, Drivers (see paragraphs at the beginning).

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