Pycharm ошибка при импорте

I have two pure python projects in PyCharm 3.4.1 Professional Edition. The first one, let’s call it p (like package), is structured as a setuptools package (i.e. with, all requirements etc., however it is not uploaded to pypi or any other online repository). The second one, let’s call it s (like script), is just a python script along with two modules.

Project s is (in PyCharm) configured to use a dedicated virtualenv, let’s call it venv.

The problem I have is the following: when I install the project (package) p in venv like this:

$ source /path/to/venv/bin/activate
(venv)$ cd /path/to/p
(venv)$ python3 develop

in PyCharm in project s, import p statements are errorneous with message No module named p. However, when I run the script in s, everything is fine, the only problem is the PyCharm IDE complaining about not being able to find the module. I can live with this but it is very annoying…

Why does this happen? Is it a PyCharm thing or packaging related thing? See NEWS below.

The project/package p has the following structure:

+- p/
|  |
|  +-
|  +- other subpackages, modules, etc.
+- README, DESCRIPTION, setup.cfg, etc.

When I configure the PyCharm project p to live in its own virtualenv and install it there in development mode, everything works fine.


This problem is still present in PyCharm 5.0.4. However, I managed to solve it, kind-of.

For some reasons I had to install another package from pypi. I did it through PyCharm by going to File -> Settings -> Project: -> Project Interpreter, there clicking on the green +, finding the package and pressing the Install Package button. After the installation, the package installed by python3 develop is well recognized by PyCharm. Obviously the problem was that PyCharm didn’t have some cache in sync with reality.

So the new question is, can PyCharm be told to update its caches regarding the used python environment?

I’m having trouble with using ‘requests’ module on my Mac. I use python34 and I installed ‘requests’ module via pip. I can verify this via running installation again and it’ll show me that module is already installed.

15:49:29|mymac [~]:pip install requests
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): requests in /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/lib/python3.4/site-packages

Although I can import ‘requests’ module via interactive Python interpreter, trying to execute ‘import requests’ in PyCharm yields error ‘No module named requests’. I checked my PyCharm Python interpreter settings and (I believe) it’s set to same python34 as used in my environment. However, I can’t see ‘requests’ module listed in PyCharm either.

PyCharm Python interpreter settings

It’s obvious that I’m missing something here. Can you guys advise where should I look or what should I fix in order to get this module working? I was living under impression that when I install module via pip in my environment, PyCharm will detect these changes. However, it seems something is broken on my side …

CristiFati's user avatar


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asked Jul 5, 2015 at 21:56

Martinecko's user avatar


In my case, using a pre-existing virtualenv did not work in the editor — all modules were marked as unresolved reference (running naturally works, as this is outside of the editor’s config, just running an external process (not so easy for debugging)).
Turns out PyCharm did not add the site-packages directory… the fix is to manually add it.

On Pycharm professional 2022.3

Open File -> Settings -> Python Interpreter, open the drop-down and pick «Show All…» (to edit the config) (1), right click your interpreter (2), click «Show Interpreter Paths» (3).

In that screen, manually add the «site-packages» directory of the virtual environment [looks like .../venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages (4) (I’ve added the «Lib» also, for a good measure); once done and saved, they will turn up in the interpreter paths.

the steps

The other thing that won’t hurt to do is select «Associate this virtual environment with the current project», in the interpreter’s edit box.

Gulzar's user avatar


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answered Jan 6, 2019 at 7:50

Todor Minakov's user avatar

Todor MinakovTodor Minakov

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If you are using PyCharms CE (Community Edition), then click on:

File->Default Settings->Project Interpreter

Screenshot: Interpretor Settings

See the + sign at the bottom, click on it. It will open another dialog with a host of modules available. Select your package (e.g. requests) and PyCharm will do the rest.

Gulzar's user avatar


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answered Mar 3, 2017 at 1:04

user7650698's user avatar


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This issue arises when the package you’re using was installed outside of the environment (Anaconda or virtualenv, for example). In order to have PyCharm recognize packages installed outside of your particular environment, execute the following steps:

Go to

Preferences -> Project -> Project Interpreter -> 3 dots -> Show All ->
Select relevant interpreter -> click on tree icon Show paths for the selected interpreter

Now check what paths are available and add the path that points to the package installation directory outside of your environment to the interpreter paths.

To find a package location use:

$ pip show gym
Name: gym
Version: 0.13.0
Summary: The OpenAI Gym: A toolkit for developing and comparing your reinforcement learning agents.
Author: OpenAI
License: UNKNOWN
Location: /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages

Add the path specified under Location to the interpreter paths, here


Then, let indexing finish and perhaps additionally reopen your project.

answered Jun 8, 2020 at 16:19

whiletrue's user avatar


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Open python console of your pyCharm. Click on Rerun.
It will say something like following on the very first line

/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/python2.7 /Applications/ 52631 52632

in this scenario pyCharm is using following interpretor


Now fire up console and run following command

sudo /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/python2.7 -m pip install <name of the package>

This should install your package :)

answered Jun 1, 2016 at 18:22

Ketav Sharma's user avatar


Pycharm is unable to recognize installed local modules, since python interpreter selected is wrong. It should be the one, where your pip packages are installed i.e. virtual environment.

I had installed packages via pip in Windows. In Pycharm, they were neither detected nor any other Python interpreter was being shown (only python 3.6 is installed on my system).

enter image description here

I restarted the IDE. Now I was able to see python interpreter created in my virtual environment. Select that python interpreter and all your packages will be shown and detected. Enjoy!

enter image description here

answered Sep 18, 2017 at 17:37

NightFury's user avatar


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Using dual python 2.7 and 3.4 with 2.7 as default, I’ve always used pip3 to install modules for the 3.4 interpreter, and pip to install modules for the 2.7 interpreter.

Try this:

pip3 install requests

answered Mar 25, 2016 at 13:48

insecure-IT's user avatar


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This is because you have not selected two options while creating your project:-
** inherit global site packages
** make available to all projects
Now you need to create a new project and don’t forget to tick these two options while selecting project interpreter.

answered Jul 19, 2019 at 6:52

Neeraj Aggarwal's user avatar

The solution is easy (PyCharm 2021.2.3 Community Edition).
I’m on Windows but the user interface should be the same.
In the project tree, open External libraries > Python interpreter > venv > pyvenv.cfg.
Then change:

include-system-site-packages = false


include-system-site-packages = true

PyCharm image

answered Nov 18, 2021 at 16:42

David Lopez's user avatar

David LopezDavid Lopez

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Before going further, I want to point out how to configure a Python interpreter in PyCharm:
[SO]: How to install Python using the «embeddable zip file» (@CristiFati’s answer). Although the question is for Win, and has some particularities, configuring PyCharm is generic enough and should apply to any situation (with minor changes).

There are multiple possible reasons for this behavior.

1. Python instance mismatch

  • Happens when there are multiple Python instances (installed, VEnvs, Conda, custom built, …) on a machine. Users think they’re using one particular instance (with a set of properties (installed packages)), but in fact they are using another (with different properties), hence the confusion. It’s harder to figure out things when the 2 instances have the same version (and somehow similar locations)

  • Happens mostly due to environmental configuration (whichever path comes 1st in ${PATH}, aliases (on Nix), …)

  • It’s not PyCharm specific (meaning that it’s more generic, also happens outside it), but a typical PyCharm related example is different console interpreter and project interpreter, leading to confusion

  • The fix is to specify full paths (and pay attention to them) when using tools like Python, PIP, …. Check [SO]: How to install a package for a specific Python version on Windows 10? (@CristiFati’s answer) for more details

  • This is precisely the reason why this question exists. There are 2 Python versions involved:

    1. Project interpreter: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4

    2. Interpreter having the Requests module: /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4

    well, assuming the 2 paths are not somehow related (SymLinked), but in latest OSX versions that I had the chance to check (Catalina, Big Sur, Monterey) this doesn’t happen (by default)

When dealing with this kind of error, it always helps (most likely) displaying the following information (in a script or interpreter console):

import os
import sys

print("Executable:", sys.executable)
print("Version:", sys.version)
print("CWD:", os.getcwd())
print("UName:", getattr(os, "uname", lambda: None)())
for evn in ("PATH", "PYTHONHOME", "PYTHONPATH"):
    print("{:s}: {:}".format(evn, os.environ.get(evn)))
print("sys.path:", sys.path)

2. Python‘s module search mechanism misunderstanding

  • According to [Python.Docs]: Modules — The Module Search Path:

    When a module named spam is imported, the interpreter first searches for a built-in module with that name. These module names are listed in sys.builtin_module_names. If not found, it then searches for a file named in a list of directories given by the variable sys.path. sys.path is initialized from these locations:

    • The directory containing the input script (or the current directory when no file is specified).

    • PYTHONPATH (a list of directory names, with the same syntax as the shell variable PATH).

    • The installation-dependent default (by convention including a site-packages directory, handled by the site module).

    A module might be located in the current dir, or its path might be added to ${PYTHONPATH}. That could trick users into making them believe that the module is actually installed in the current Python instance (‘s site-packages). But, when running the current Python instance from a different dir (or with different ${PYTHONPATH}) the module would be missing, yielding lots of headaches

  • A somewhat related scenario: [SO]: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘cryptography.hazmat’; ‘cryptography’ is not a package (@CristiFati’s answer)

  • For a fix, check [SO]: How PyCharm imports differently than system command prompt (Windows) (@CristiFati’s answer)

3. A PyCharm bug

  • Not very likely, but it could happen. An example (not related to this question): [SO]: PyCharm 2019.2 not showing Traceback on Exception (@CristiFati’s answer)

  • To fix, follow one of the options from the above URL

4. A glitch

  • Not likely, but mentioning anyway. Due to some cause (e.g.: HW / SW failure), the system ended up in an inconsistent state, yielding all kinds of strange behaviors

  • Possible fixes:

    • Restart PyCharm

    • Restart the machine

    • Recreate the project (remove the .idea dir from the project)

    • Reset PyCharm settings: from menu select File -> Manage IDE Settings -> Restore Default Settings…. Check [JetBrains]: Configuring PyCharm settings or [JetBrains.IntelliJ-Support]: Changing IDE default directories used for config, plugins, and caches storage for more details

    • Reinstall PyCharm

    Needless to say that the last 2 options should only be attempted as a last resort, and only by experts, as they might mess up other projects and not even fix the problem

Not directly related to the question, but posting:

  • [SO]: Run / Debug a Django application’s UnitTests from the mouse right click context menu in PyCharm Community Edition? (a PyCharm related investigation from a while ago)

  • [SO]: ImportError: No module named win32com.client (@CristiFati’s answer)

answered Aug 15, 2022 at 16:07

CristiFati's user avatar


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  1. If you go to pycharm project interpreter -> clicked on one of the installed packages then hover -> you will see where pycharm is installing the packages. This is where you are supposed to have your package installed.

  2. Now if you did sudo -H pip3 install <package>
    pip3 installs it to different directory which is /usr/local/lib/site-packages

since it is different directory from what pycharm knows hence your package is not showing in pycharm.

Solution: just install the package using pycharm by going to File->Settings->Project->Project Interpreter -> click on (+) and search the package you want to install and just click ok.

-> you will be prompted package successfully installed and you will see it pycharm.

Pingolin's user avatar


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answered Apr 16, 2019 at 14:43

Myralyn's user avatar


If any one faces the same problem that he/she installs the python packages but the PyCharm IDE doesn’t shows these packages then following the following steps:

  1. Go to the project in the left side of the PyCharm IDE then
  2. Click on the venv library then
  3. Open the pyvenv.cfg file in any editor then
  4. Change this piece of code (include-system-site-packages = flase) from false to true
  5. Then save it and close it and also close then pycharm then
  6. Open PyCharm again and your problem is solved.

answered Jul 24, 2022 at 8:47

BilalRasheed's user avatar

This did my head in as well, and turns out, the only thing I needed to do is RESTART Pycharm. Sometimes after you’ve installed the pip, you can’t load it into your project, even if the pip shows as installed in your Settings. Bummer.

answered Jun 24, 2020 at 11:33

Beatrix Kidco's user avatar

For Anaconda:

Start Anaconda Navigator -> Enviroments -> «Your_Enviroment» -> Update Index -> Restart IDE.

Solved it for me.

answered Aug 6, 2021 at 21:23

Andreas's user avatar


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After pip installing everything I needed. I went to the interpreter and re-pointed it back to where it was at already.
My case: python3.6 in /anaconda3/bin/python using virtualenv…

Additionally, before I hit the plus «+» sign to install a new package. I had to deselect the conda icon to the right of it. Seems like it would be the opposite, but only then did it recognize the packages I had/needed via query.

answered Feb 1, 2019 at 19:42

atreyHazelHispanic's user avatar

In my case the packages were installed via + easy_install, and the they ends up in *.egg directories in site_package dir, which can be recognized by python but not pycharm.

I removed them all then reinstalled with pip install and it works after that, luckily the project I was working on came up with a requirements.txt file, so the command for it was:

pip install -r ./requirement.txt

answered Jul 8, 2019 at 10:32

Ripley's user avatar


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I just ran into this issue in a brand new install/project, but I’m using the Python plugin for IntelliJ IDEA. It’s essentially the same as PyCharm but the project settings are a little different. For me, the project was pointing to the right Python virtual environment but not even built-in modules were being recognized.

It turns out the SDK classpath was empty. I added paths for venv/lib/python3.8 and venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages and the issue was resolved. File->Project Structure and under Platform Settings, click SDKs, select your Python SDK, and make sure the class paths are there.

enter image description here

answered May 22, 2020 at 16:58

Dave Wolfe's user avatar

Dave WolfeDave Wolfe

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pip install --user discord

above command solves my problem, just use the «—user» flag

answered Feb 26, 2022 at 17:08

Siddy Hacks's user avatar

Siddy HacksSiddy Hacks

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I fixed my particular issue by installing directly to the interpreter. Go to settings and hit the «+» below the in-use interpreter then search for the package and install. I believe I’m having the issue in the first place because I didn’t set up with my interpreter correctly with my venv (not exactly sure, but this fixed it).

I was having issues with djangorestframework-simplejwt because it was the first package I hadn’t installed to this interpreter from previous projects before starting the current one, but should work for any other package that isn’t showing as imported. To reiterate though I think this is a workaround that doesn’t solve the setup issue causing this.

enter image description here

answered Jul 6, 2022 at 7:15

blueblob26's user avatar

if using Pycharm GUI package installer works fine for installing packages for your virtual environment but you cannot do the same in the terminal,

this is because you did not setup virtual env in your terminal, instead, your terminal uses Power Shell which doesn’t use your virtual env

there should be (venv) before you’re command line as shown instead of (PS)

if you have (PS), this means your terminal is using Power Shell instead of cmd

to fix this, click on the down arrow and select the command prompt

select command prompt

now you will get (venv) and just type pip install #package name# and the package will be added to your virtual environment

answered Sep 17, 2022 at 20:54

GTK Rex's user avatar

I tried all the answers but non of them worked!

«»IF YOU ARE LAZY!! Temporary Answer is : «»

you should consider finding the path PyCharm is really installing libraries via pip in terminal and add that to your project like in the next pictures!

1_ go to interpreter settings :

2_ click on «Show All» :

3_ find your current projects interpreter and click on show Paths for selected interpreter :

4_ Now try adding different paths that you think might pip be installing libraries to and it adds all the libraries from that path to your new project :

answered Jun 23 at 19:44

MaYSaM's user avatar

On windows I had to cd into the venv folder and then cd into the scripts folder, then pip install module started to work

cd venv
cd scripts
pip install module

answered Nov 24, 2019 at 9:36

madamis confidential's user avatar

instead of running pip install in the terminal -> local use terminal -> command prompt

see below image



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answered Aug 14, 2022 at 3:34

Mukul Vyas's user avatar

In your pycharm terminal run pip/pip3 install package_name

answered Nov 17, 2020 at 17:42

Anubhav's user avatar


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Введение При работе с Python и его средой разработки PyCharm, новички часто сталкиваются с проблемой «Unresolved reference». Это сообщение об ошибке говорит о

A programmer struggling with "Unresolved reference" error in Python.


При работе с Python и его средой разработки PyCharm, новички часто сталкиваются с проблемой «Unresolved reference». Это сообщение об ошибке говорит о том, что PyCharm не может найти определенный модуль или ссылку на него. Рассмотрим типичный пример.

Представим, что у нас есть следующая структура каталогов:

├── helpers
│   ├──

В мы пытаемся импортировать функции из следующим образом:

from helpers.helper import some_function

Но PyCharm выдает ошибку «Unresolved reference» и не может найти модуль helpers.helper.

Причина проблемы

В большинстве случаев причина ошибки «Unresolved reference» заключается в том, что PyCharm не может определить путь к модулю, который вы пытаетесь импортировать. Это может произойти, если модуль находится в другом каталоге, и PyCharm не знает, где искать этот каталог.

Решение проблемы

Чтобы решить эту проблему, необходимо сделать так, чтобы PyCharm знал, где искать модули для импорта. Для этого нужно добавить нужный каталог в системный путь Python.

В Python пути к модулям хранятся в переменной sys.path. Это список строк, каждая из которых представляет собой путь к каталогу. Когда Python пытается импортировать модуль, он ищет его в этих каталогах.

Чтобы добавить каталог в sys.path, можно использовать функцию sys.path.append(). Например, если мы хотим добавить каталог helpers в sys.path, мы можем сделать это следующим образом:

import sys

from helpers.helper import some_function


В этой статье мы рассмотрели, как решить проблему «Unresolved reference» в PyCharm. Эта проблема часто возникает у новичков, и ее решение поможет понять, как работает импорт модулей в Python и как управлять путями к модулям.

Не понимаю, почему pycharm не видит библиотеки при импорте, хоть их установка через консоль проходит успешно. Допустим, я устанавливаю библиотеку speech_recognition через терминал(используя pip), установка проходит успешно, но при попытке импортировать библиотеку, появляется ошибка: «ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘speech_recognition'». После я устанавливаю эту библиотеку через менеджер пакетов, теперь ее видно, но не хватает библиотеки pyAudio. При установке pyAudio через консоль, библиотеки также не видно, а при установке pyAudio через менеджер появляется ошибка, связанная именно с самим пакетом. И по такой же схеме со всеми библиотеками, только названия меняются, поэтому не могу с ними работать, что мне делать?

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There could be a few reasons why you might get a «module not found» error in PyCharm even though the module is installed, and there is no typo in the spelling of the name of the module which is being imported.

Why does «Module Not Found Error» error occurs in Pycharm

What Pycharm does is that while creating a new project, it by default creates a new virtual environment, without even inheriting the globally installed packages. Thus, we will be getting a «Module Not Found Error» even after the module is installed globally.
There are various ways by which we can get rid of the above problem, which we will be seeing just now .

import my_module

# Some code here

Below is the error which we get upon running above code.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/path/to/your/", line 1, in <module>
    import my_module
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'my_module'

How to Resolve «Module Not Found Error» ?

Method 1
Creating a new project by clicking on File -> New Project-> Previously Configured Interpreter.This will create a new Python project with the same version and packages as the globally installed one, and thus, if a module is installed globally we will be able to use it with Pycharm .

Method 2
Another way is to install the missing package for that virtual environment, and we can do that by simply going through File -> Settings -> Project -> Python Interpreter . After which we will get to see this kind of prompt.

After which click on ‘+’, then search for the module which we desire in the available packages-> clicking on the install.This will install the required package and you will be able to use it with your code in Pycharm. If even after this it didn’t resolve, you can try restarting your Pycharm, it will definitely work.

Method 3
Another work around can be to change the Python Interpreter which we are using for our virtual environment to the python interpreter used inside the console. We can change the python version by typing the below command

python - -version

It will show the python version installed and we should change it to this python interpreter.
We can do this by going through File -> Settings -> Project -> Python Interpreter -> Selecting a different interpreter from the drop down -> Clicking OK.
Our Project will start using that Python Interpreter and our error will be gone.

Method 4
There may be some other ways which may occur resulting in «ModuleNotFoundError» which are not related to Pycharm like, there can be a typo in the module name. Make sure that you’ve spelled the module name correctly.


Hope, this would help you in getting rid of your problem of «Module Not Found Error» in Pycharm without much of an effort.

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