Pycharm ошибка интерпретатора python

I’m trying to learn Python and decided to use PyCharm. When I try to start a new project I get a dialog that says «No Python interpreter selected». It has a drop down to select a interpreter, but the drop down is empty.

Etan Reisner's user avatar

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asked Oct 28, 2013 at 21:36

Ted pottel's user avatar

Ted pottelTed pottel

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Your problem probably is that you haven’t installed python. Meaning that, if you are using Windows, you have not downloaded the installer for Windows, that you can find on the official Python website.

In case you have, chances are that PyCharm cannot find your Python installation because its not in the default location, which is usually C:\Python27 or C:\Python33 (for me at least).

So, if you have installed Python and it still gives this error, then there can be two things that have happened:

  1. You use a virtualenv and that virtualenv has been deleted or the filepath changed. In this case, you will have to find proceed to the next part of this answer.
  2. Your python installation is not in its default place, in which case you will need to find its location, and locate the python.exe file.

Once you have located the necessary binaries, you will need to tell PyCharm were to look:

  1. Open your settings dialogue CTRL + ALT + S
  2. Then you will need to type in interpreter in the search box:

    enter image description here

  3. As you can see above, you will need to go to Project Interpreter and then go to Python Interpreter. The location has been selected for you in the above image.

  4. To the side you will see a couple of options as icons, click the big + icon, then click on local, because your interpreter is on this computer.

  5. This will open up a dialogue box. Make sure to select the python.exe file of that directory, do not give pycharm the whole directory. It just wants the interpreter.

Tony Adams's user avatar

Tony Adams

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answered Oct 30, 2013 at 8:08

Games Brainiac's user avatar

Games BrainiacGames Brainiac

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Go to File->Settings->Project Settings->Project Interpreter->Python Interpreters

There will be a «+» sign on the right side. Navigate to your python binary, PyCharm will figure out the rest.

answered Oct 29, 2013 at 7:19

jaor's user avatar


This situation occurred to me when I uninstalled a method and tried to reinstall it. My very same interpreter, which worked before, suddenly stopped working. And this error occurred.

I tried restarting my PC, reinstalling Pycharm, invalidating caches, nothing worked.

Then I went here to reinstall the interpreter:

When you install it, there’s an option to fix the python.exe interpreter. Click that. My IDE went back to normal working conditions.

answered Oct 6, 2016 at 6:38

AeFinches's user avatar

During the install of python make sure you have «Install for all users» selected.
Uninstall python and do a custom install and check «Install for all users».

answered Sep 18, 2016 at 13:40

user6845508's user avatar

for mac I can tell you that first you have to check your path

by executing this command

which python or which python3

check where python is installed

then you have to configure it in your pycharm.

pycharm—>preferences—>gear button—>add..

enter image description here

click on system interpreter—> then on

then you search where your python version is installed

enter image description here

once it is done then you have to configure for your project

click on edit configuration

enter image description here

then choose the python interpreter

enter image description here

answered Jan 5, 2021 at 11:09

bizimunda's user avatar


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Even I got the same issue and my mistake was that I didn’t download python MSI file. You will get it here:

Once you download the msi, run the setup and that will solve the problem. After that you can go to File->Settings->Project Settings->Project Interpreter->Python Interpreters

and select the python.exe file. (This file will be available at c:\Python34)
Select the python.exe file. That’s it.

answered Dec 15, 2017 at 10:11

Darshan Jain's user avatar

If you are using Ubuntu, Python has already been downloaded on your PC.
so, go to -> ctrl + alt + s -> search interpreter -> go to project interpreter than select Python 3.6 in the dropdown menu.

Edit: If there is no Python interpreter in drop-down menu, you should click the gear icon that on the right of the drop-down menu —> add —> select an interpreter.

(on PyCharm 2018.2.4 Community Edition)

answered Jul 5, 2018 at 23:49

bayram.cicek's user avatar

I got the same issue when i newly installed pycharm in my windows 10 machine.

  • download python setup

  • install this solved my problem.

for more help visit

During the install of python make sure you have «Install for all users» selected. Uninstall python and do a custom install and check «Install for all users»

answered Dec 2, 2018 at 19:29

Arslan Ahmad khan's user avatar

In my case, there are several interpreters, but I have to manually add them.

To the right of where you see «No Interpreters», there is a gear icon. Click the gear icon -> Click «Add…», then you can add the ones you need.

answered Nov 24, 2019 at 6:10

Egret's user avatar


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In Linux, it was solved by opening PyCharm from the terminal and leaving it open. After that, I was able to choose the correct interpreter in preferences. In my case, linked to a virtual environment (venv).

10 Rep's user avatar

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answered Jul 22, 2020 at 4:54

Luck547's user avatar


I has to close PyCharm, delete the .idea folder then open PyCharm again.

answered Nov 17, 2022 at 12:23

Nicu Tofan's user avatar

Nicu TofanNicu Tofan

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You don’t have Python Interpreter installed on your machine whereas Pycharm is looking for a Python interpreter, just go to
and download python and then create a new project, you’ll be all set!

answered Feb 17, 2018 at 16:38

Nandan Kulkarni's user avatar

I had the same problem and stumbled onto this solution.
I ran PyCharm (as administrator, though not sure if necessary).
After PyCharm has completely loaded (green tick mark top right), see bottom right. Click on it.
An interface will open. In my case the path was already there. I just clicked OK and all was fine.
closed PyCharm and ran it again normally. Still all fine.

answered Sep 18, 2021 at 10:20

shottootto's user avatar


What happened in my case was that I moved my project from one folder to another. My old venv was not being read correctly because in the activate file under venv/bin/activate/ the VIRTUAL_ENV path was quite different. So edit that path and pycharm will let you add the interpreter

answered Jul 18 at 17:06

Live Software Developer's user avatar

I’m new to programming and just started a course on Python. I want to use PyCharm, so I downloaded and intalled it (v. 4.5, community edition). I had previously installed Python 3.5 64-bit from (I’m using Windows 10).

To start using PyCharm, I need a project interpreter, which I can select in the settings. As far as I’m concerned, the interpreter is «py.exe», but when I select it, I get this error message: «The selected file is not a valid home for Python SDK». I also tried to use every file whose name contained «python» or «py», and failed.

On every website and video I see, they select a file called «python.exe», but they’re using Python 3.4 or a previous version. I checked that PyCharm supports 3.5 («Initial support for Python 3.5»).

Is there anything I’m doing wrong? What should I do to be able to use PyCharm?

All replies are appreciated. Thanks in advance.

asked Sep 28, 2015 at 21:23

Asier R.'s user avatar

file > new project settings > project Interpreter > click in the drop down and select ‘show all’ > click the ‘+’ button >

Now, in the Virtualenv Environment tab under the New environment radio button, check the path in the ‘Base interpreter:’ field. For me, mine was set to an invalid path. Once I had corrected the path to point to python.exe I recreated my new project and PyCharm built the virtualenv.

For me there was a bit more too…. When creating the new project I expanded the drop down and had to verify the directory where the venv directory was being created. Once I had corrected the path here I had to click around a bit to get it to let me create the project.

I’m going to chaulk this up to a bug. I’m using Community edition.

answered Apr 22, 2019 at 15:37

DonkeyKong's user avatar


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When creating a project in PyCharm, if the interpret is not already selected, in the drop down menu under the projects «Location:», you can click the gear-looking icon to the right of the interpreter option, and click «Add Local»; then select the file location of the python.exe file that you have installed. It will probably be C:\Python35\Python.exe

answered Sep 28, 2015 at 21:38

xponent's user avatar


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I faced a Similar issue and was not able to find Python interpreter anywhere on the system.

The problem with it was that python was installed directly with default settings and there was no exe found in


and to solve this i tried uninstalling and reinstalling with custom settings and selecting allow for all users as well which did the trick and path was set correctly to


After whichPycharm was able to detect the interpreter on this path.

Sanoop Surendran's user avatar

answered Sep 5, 2016 at 6:05

Anmol G's user avatar

PyCharm project interpreter problem Resolved
I installed anaconda python distribution (Anaconda3-5.0.1-Windows-x86_64.exe) from the anaconda website.
What it actually did was it re-installed my Python3.6.3 (pertinent to mention I have windows10, with pyCharm community & python 3.5 already but with the interpreter problem and while installing anaconda I chose the following settings and disabled my antivirus before my anaconda installation):

  1. selecting allow for all users
  2. installation path was set correctly and (stored safely for future)
  3. restart my Computer after installation.(not essential-but I did)
  4. opened Anaconda & Jet brian pycharm
  5. selected new project in PyCharm screen shot of my New project default Python interpreter location = C:\Users\Skboy\PycharmProjects\dani Interpreter = C:\Users\Skboy\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\python.exe

Wow! my pyCharm started working for me,

Resolution : Python6.3 re-installation with proper custom setting

make a python test program file to print «hello python test world»


now my Python Interpreter(automatically -by default select) Python 3.6.3
edit configuration & check for interpreter


success test Run
worth to mention Anaconda Jupyter is a web based can also be used in case novice user are still having problems

JohnS's user avatar


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answered Dec 6, 2017 at 17:54

Waseem A's user avatar

I have had the exact same problem and was unable to find the solution until just now. Hopefully this works for anyone that was struggling with it.

I went to the location of the Python 3.5 (32-Bit) in my C: Drive which it turns out is just a shortcut to the actual Python application, right click on it and select Open file location which should direct you to the application version of python — simply called ‘python’. This is the .exe file that PyCharm was looking for to use as the interpreter.

Now go to the configure interpreter menu in Pycharm and type in the file location of the actual python application. To get to mine I had to go to AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python35-32. Click on the python.exe file and it should work.

This is my first post here so if its formatted incorrectly or doesn’t use the conventional terms — sorry. Let me know if the solution worked for anyone else with the problem or if I fluked it.

answered Jul 10, 2016 at 14:54

Ben Sharman's user avatar

If you kept the default settings while installing python, Your project interpreter for PyCharm will be:


Chose the above location as your project interpreter inside PyCharm.

Depending on which python version you have, it could be either Python36\python.exe or Python35\python.exe.

answered Oct 15, 2016 at 14:30

Haris Ghauri's user avatar

Haris GhauriHaris Ghauri

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For me the following solution it worked:

My configuration:
Pycharm Community edition 2019.1.1
Anaconda distribution with python 3.7. Interpreter in standard location.

Pycharm was not able to find python interpreter after reinstallation of anaconda distribution.

— Make sure you run pycharm as admin (right click and run as admin). This was actually the critical step.
— Create new project (or open an existing one)
— Depending on the choice choose interpter or go to file > settings > project interpreter > choose small gear on rights side > add > on base interpreter choose the 3 dots > paste the location of the interpreter in the anaconda distribution.

Hope it helped someone. For me the blocking point was that for some reason pycharm was not launching with admin rights.


answered Oct 14, 2019 at 11:03

CVname's user avatar


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No python interpreter configured for the project is a common error message you may encounter in PyCharm. PyCharm is a very useful editor having nice features like debugging, testing, refactoring and code completion. However, it needs an external interpreter (Python.exe) to run Python code.

This message tells you that project configuration should be updated to use a valid Python installation. To open the related configuration, you can click on Configure Python interpreter link as shown below. Or alternatively, you can select File -> Settings from the menu and open Project -> Python Interpreter setting.

Python Interpreter setting shows that <No Interpreter> is selected for the project. To select (or create) a Python.exe interpreter click on Gear icon and select Show All… option.

In the Python Interpreters window that opens, the list is empty. To add a new Python Interpreter click on Plus (+) icon.

In Add Python Interpreter window, you can create a new virtual Python environment. My project is under C:\abcstudyguide\python directory, so I have created a folder venv under this directory to create a new virtual environment for my project.

You must then choose a Base interpreter. Base interpreter is the python.exe file installed on your system. When you create a virtual environment, it will be based on Python version specified here. If you need a specific version of Python (like 3.8, 3.7), you need show path of this Python version in Base interpreter filed.

If you don’t have Python installed on your system yet, you can download it from Note that I installed Python in C:\Python\Python39 directory on my computer. However, default installation path is C:\Users\{YourUserName}\AppData\Local\Programs\Python.

Virtual Environments in Python
Instead of creating a new virtual environment, you can also use the System Interpreter, but this method is not recommended.

You can work on many different Python projects. Virtual environments are useful for creating an isolated environment for each Python project. Consider you are working on two different projects (ProjectA and ProjectB). Both projects are using the same library (LibraryX) but they require different versions of LibraryX. ProjectA needs version 1.0 of LibraryX, ProjectB needs version 2.0.

To avoid version conflicts between third party libraries, each project should create and use its own virtual environment instead of using System Interpreter (C:\Python\Python39\python.exe).

When you create a new Python virtual environment and select it as Python Interpreter in your project settings, No python interpreter configured for the project message will be gone.

PyCharm является одной из самых популярных интегрированных сред разработки (IDE) для языка программирования Python. Однако, при установке PyCharm и создании нового проекта, пользователи иногда сталкиваются с проблемой отсутствия интерпретатора. Что вызывает эту ошибку и как ее можно исправить?

Причины возникновения ошибки

Ошибка отсутствия интерпретатора в PyCharm может возникать по нескольким причинам:

  1. Неправильная установка Python: PyCharm требует наличия интерпретатора Python на вашем компьютере. Если Python не был правильно установлен или его путь не был добавлен в системную переменную PATH, то PyCharm не сможет найти интерпретатор.

  2. Не выбран интерпретатор проекта: При создании проекта в PyCharm, нужно выбрать интерпретатор, который будет использоваться для запуска кода. Если вы не выбрали интерпретатор, или выбрали неправильную версию Python, то возникает ошибка отсутствия интерпретатора.

  3. Поврежденные файлы конфигурации: В некоторых случаях, файлы конфигурации PyCharm могут быть повреждены или неправильно настроены, что приводит к ошибке отсутствия интерпретатора.

Исправление ошибки отсутствия интерпретатора

Вот несколько способов исправить ошибку отсутствия интерпретатора в PyCharm:

  1. Проверьте установку Python: Убедитесь, что Python был правильно установлен на вашем компьютере и что его путь добавлен в системную переменную PATH. Вы можете проверить, установлен ли Python, выполнив команду python --version в командной строке.

  2. Выберите интерпретатор проекта: Если вы уже создали проект, но забыли выбрать интерпретатор, перейдите к настройкам проекта в PyCharm. В разделе «Настройки проекта» выберите «Интерпретатор Python» и выберите нужную версию интерпретатора.

  3. Добавьте новый интерпретатор: Если Python правильно установлен, но PyCharm не видит его, попробуйте добавить интерпретатор вручную. В меню «Настройки» выберите «Интерпретатор Python» и добавьте новый интерпретатор, указав путь к установленному Python.

  4. Пересоздайте файлы конфигурации PyCharm: Если все остальные способы не сработали, попробуйте пересоздать файлы конфигурации PyCharm. Для этого закройте PyCharm, удалите все файлы с расширением .idea в папке проекта и затем перезапустите PyCharm.

Эти шаги должны помочь исправить ошибку отсутствия интерпретатора в PyCharm. Если проблема все еще остается, рекомендуется обратиться к официальной документации или форуму поддержки PyCharm для получения дополнительной помощи.


Ошибка отсутствия интерпретатора в PyCharm может возникнуть по разным причинам, таким как неправильная установка Python, неправильный выбор интерпретатора проекта или поврежденные файлы конфигурации. Однако, с помощью описанных выше шагов, вы сможете исправить эту ошибку и продолжить разработку вашего проекта на Python в PyCharm.

Вероятно, ваша проблема заключается в том, что вы не установили python. Это означает, что если вы используете Windows, вы не загрузили установщик для Windows, который вы можете найти на официальном сайте Python.

В случае, если у вас есть, есть вероятность, что PyCharm не сможет найти вашу установку Python, потому что она не находится в местоположении по умолчанию, обычно это C:\Python27 или C:\Python33 (для меня как минимум).

Итак, если вы установили Python и он все еще дает эту ошибку, то могут произойти две вещи:

  1. Вы используете virtualenv и этот virtualenv был удален или изменился путь к файлу. В этом случае вам нужно будет найти переход к следующей части этого ответа.
  2. Ваша установка python не находится по умолчанию, и в этом случае вам нужно будет найти ее местоположение и найти файл python.exe.

После того, как вы найдете необходимые бинарные файлы, вам нужно будет сказать, что PyCharm должны были выглядеть:

  1. Откройте диалог настроек CTRL + ALT + S
  2. Затем вам нужно будет ввести interpreter в поле поиска:

    Изображение 121464

  3. Как вы можете видеть выше, вам нужно будет перейти к Project Interpreter а затем перейти к Python Interpreter. Местоположение выбрано для вас на приведенном выше изображении.

  4. В стороне вы увидите несколько опций в виде значков, щелкните значок «Большая +, затем нажмите » local, потому что ваш интерпретатор находится на этом компьютере.

  5. Это откроет диалоговое окно. Обязательно выберите файл python.exe этого каталога, не дайте pycharm весь каталог. Он просто хочет переводчика.

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