Psql ошибка база данных не существует

First off, it’s helpful to create a database named the same as your current use, to prevent the error when you just want to use the default database and create new tables without declaring the name of a db explicitly.

Replace «skynotify» with your username:

psql -d postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE skynotify ENCODING 'UTF-8';"

-d explicitly declares which database to use as the default for SQL statements that don’t explicitly include a db name during this interactive session.


You must connect to an existing database to use psql interactively. Fortunately, you can ask psql for a list of databases:

psql -l


                                          List of databases
               Name               | Owner  | Encoding |   Collate   |    Ctype    | Access privileges 
 skynotify                        | skynotify | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | 
 myapp_dev                        | skynotify | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | 
 postgres                         | skynotify | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | 
 ruby-getting-started_development | skynotify | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | 
 template0                        | skynotify | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | =c/skynotify          +
                                  |           |          |             |             | skynotify=CTc/skynotify
 template1                        | skynotify | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | =c/skynotify          +
                                  |           |          |             |             | skynotify=CTc/skynotify
(6 rows)

This does NOT start the interactive console, it just outputs a text based table to the terminal.

As another answers says, postgres is always created, so you should use it as your failsafe database when you just want to get the console started to work on other databases. If it isn’t there, then list the databases and then use any one of them.

In a similar fashion, select tables from a database:

psql -d postgres -c "\dt;"

My «postgres» database has no tables, but any database that does will output a text based table to the terminal (standard out).

And for completeness, we can select all rows from a table too:

psql -d ruby-getting-started_development -c "SELECT * FROM widgets;"


 id | name | description | stock | created_at | updated_at 
(0 rows)

Even if there are zero rows returned, you’ll get the field names.

If your tables have more than a dozen rows, or you’re not sure, it’ll be more useful to start with a count of rows to understand how much data is in your database:

 psql -d ruby-getting-started_development -c "SELECT count(*) FROM widgets;"


(1 row)

And don’t that that «1 row» confuse you, it just represents how many rows are returned by the query, but the 1 row contains the count you want, which is 0 in this example.

NOTE: a db created without an owner defined will be owned by the current user.

According to the documentation, so long as I’m not connected to a database, I can either delete a database in the console using:


Or I can drop it using the wrapper tool dropdb.

Both give me an error saying the database doesn’t exist, yet when in the console and typing the command \l, I get a list of databases including the one I want to delete.

                                          List of databases
           Name            |   Owner   | Encoding |   Collate   |    Ctype    |   Access privileges   
 Blog_development          | myusername | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | 
 Blog_test                 | myusername | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | 

The database name is Blog_development (and the one below it). I was playing with rails and trying to learn from the online documentation. I wanted to start over and delete everything.

When trying to delete it however, it says it doesn’t exist. I’m brand new to PostgreSQL so I’m a bit lost, nothing in the documentation about this error other than it popping up when it doesn’t exist. Of course it exists, it’s right there.

I’m trying to run these commands from this tutorial (

sudo su - postgres
createdb -E UTF8 template_postgis # Create the template spatial database.
createlang -d template_postgis plpgsql # Adding PLPGSQL language support.
psql -d osm -f /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/postgis-1.5/postgis.sql
psql -d osm -f /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/postgis-1.5/spatial_ref_sys.sql
cat <<EOS | psql -d template_postgis
UPDATE sample_postgis_db SET datistemplate = TRUE WHERE datname = 'template_postgis';
GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO postgres;
GRANT ALL ON geometry_columns TO PUBLIC;
GRANT ALL ON geography_columns TO PUBLIC;
GRANT ALL ON spatial_ref_sys TO PUBLIC;

and am getting the error:

ERROR:  relation "sample_postgis_db" does not exist
LINE 1: UPDATE sample_postgis_db SET datistemplate=TRUE WHERE datnam...

But it certainly does exist:

psql -d postgres
sample_postgis_db | postgres     | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | 

I can login to it:

psql -d sample_postgis_db

but even when I run that UPDATE line (nonsensically of course, but its a good test I think) inside of the db’s psql, it still doesn’t recognize itself.

sample_postgis_db=# UPDATE sample_postgis_db SET datistemplate=TRUE WHERE datname = "template_postgis";
ERROR:  relation "sample_postgis_db" does not exist
LINE 1: UPDATE sample_postgis_db SET datistemplate=TRUE WHERE datnam...

Answer by Jayden Camacho

psql: FATAL: database «otherdb» does not exist,psql: FATAL: role «note» does not exist,

Outdated Answers: accepted answer is now unpinned on Stack Overflow

,optional: on psql terminal type \ls or \l to list all the databases

It appears that your package manager failed to create the database named $user for you. The reason that

psql -d template1

works for you is that template1 is a database created by postgres itself, and is present on all installations.
You are apparently able to log in to template1, so you must have some rights assigned to you by the database. Try this at a shell prompt:


and then see if you can log in again with

psql -h localhost

Answer by Sasha Kemp

psql assumes that you want to connect to a database, you can either provide one (just after the command) or it will assume you want to connect to a database whose name is the same as your username (or the account name of the process that started psql):,So does this mean that when running psql from a linux user account, there must be a database associated with that linux user account?,… and psql will connect to the (local) database named my_db.,You have more connection options that you can check in the documentation.

So, you could write:

psql my_db


psql -d my_db

or yet

psql --dbname=my_db

Answer by Robin Solis

When getting started with Postgres, you might come across this error: psql: FATAL: database «root» does not exist or psql: FATAL: database «<your user name>» does not exist. This can happen particularly when running psql with no arguments from your command line. The issue is that if you specify no arguments, psql assumes you want to access a database with the same name as your user name.,Once you have the database set up, you can use the -d option to the psql command or append the database name after all the other psql options, e.g. psql -H myhost database.,If you are just setting up Postgres for the first time, you will need to use the postgres user to configure your database initially. Either do su — postgres in your command line to switch to that user, or log in as the postgres user on your computer.,If you’re looking to get a deeper understanding of how application monitoring works, take a look at the following articles:

The Problem

When getting started with Postgres, you might come across this error: psql: FATAL: database "root" does not exist or psql: FATAL: database "<your user name>" does not exist. This can happen particularly when running psql with no arguments from your command line. The issue is that if you specify no arguments, psql assumes you want to access a database with the same name as your user name.

psql: FATAL: database "root" does not exist

The Problem

When getting started with Postgres, you might come across this error: psql: FATAL: database "root" does not exist or psql: FATAL: database "<your user name>" does not exist. This can happen particularly when running psql with no arguments from your command line. The issue is that if you specify no arguments, psql assumes you want to access a database with the same name as your user name.

psql: FATAL: database "<your user name>" does not exist

The Problem

When getting started with Postgres, you might come across this error: psql: FATAL: database "root" does not exist or psql: FATAL: database "<your user name>" does not exist. This can happen particularly when running psql with no arguments from your command line. The issue is that if you specify no arguments, psql assumes you want to access a database with the same name as your user name.


Answer by Eden Dillon

When you log into PostgreSQL as any user other than the postgres user, it will attempt to log you into a database of the same name as your user account. This means that if you try to use the psql command as root, it will try to log you into the database root. If you try to log in while signed on as jdoe it will look for the database jdoe, and so forth.,PostgreSQL has its own user on the system which is created when PostgreSQL is installed. The postgres user is able to log into PostgreSQL without using a password. No other user is able to log into PostgreSQL.,If you have used MySQL/MariaDB in the past, you may be accustomed to logging into the database with the command mysql -u root -p from any account. However, PostgreSQL uses a different security model.,Unable to find this database, PostgreSQL gives the error message that «database [your username] does not exist.»

su - postgres

Answer by Case Sosa

This is because, postgres isn’t having a role with this name. To get rid of this error, you need to create this role. Make sure the name of the new role is same as showing in the error message. I suppose its XXX . Lets do this.,This will create a role names XXX with password YYYY .,Then login to psql with the default and superuser provided by default i.e postgres . Run this command now.,It will take you to the psql shell. Here you can create your role. Run the following command to create a simple role.

Run the following comand:

sudo -i -u postgres

Then login to psql with the default and superuser provided by default i.e postgres . Run this command now.

psql -U postgres

It will take you to the psql shell. Here you can create your role. Run the following command to create a simple role.


To see all roles and their privileges, run the following command.


Answer by Mabel Hensley

Possibly, your site administrator has already created a
database for your use. He should have told you what the name of
your database is. In that case you can omit this step and skip
ahead to the next section.,If you have a user account but it does not have the privileges
required to create a database, you will see the following:,To create a new database, in this example named mydb, you use the following command:,Another response could be this:

To create a new database, in this example named mydb, you use the following command:

$ createdb mydb

This should produce as response:


If you see a message similar to

createdb: command not found

then PostgreSQL was not
installed properly. Either it was not installed at all or the
search path was not set correctly. Try calling the command with
an absolute path instead:

$ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/createdb mydb

Another response could be this:

createdb: could not connect to database postgres: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
        Is the server running locally and accepting
        connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?

Another response could be this:

createdb: could not connect to database postgres: FATAL:  role "joe" does not exist

If you have a user account but it does not have the privileges
required to create a database, you will see the following:

createdb: database creation failed: ERROR:  permission denied to create database

You can also create databases with other names. PostgreSQL allows you to create any number
of databases at a given site. Database names must have an
alphabetic first character and are limited to 63 bytes in length.
A convenient choice is to create a database with the same name as
your current user name. Many tools assume that database name as
the default, so it can save you some typing. To create that
database, simply type

$ createdb

If you do not want to use your database anymore you can remove
it. For example, if you are the owner (creator) of the database
mydb, you can destroy it using the
following command:

$ dropdb mydb

Answer by Iris Gutierrez

Assume that we have installed a postgresql server in ubuntu system, and we have done these jobs:,Notice that there is no database named ‘bswen’ exists in the postgresql server, there is only ‘bswendb’ database in the server. So , how to solve this problem?,Now, we switched to user ‘bswen’ and then execute psql command in postgresql database environment , we got this problem:,Created a postgresql database named ‘bswendb’

[email protected]:~# sudo -i -u bswen
[email protected]:~$ psql
psql: FATAL:  database "bswen" does not exist

Answer by Kylie Buckley

By default, psql tries to connect to a database with the same name as your local user.
This error means that this database does not exist. This can have several possible reasons:,You can connect to a different database, eg. psql postgres to connect to the other default database,-U postgres tells createuser to connect with the postgres user name, failed to create the default database when initializing the server

/Applications/ -D "DATA DIRECTORY" -U postgres --encoding=UTF-8 --locale=en_US.UTF-8

Answer by Vera Golden

The database server itself does not require the postgres database to exist, but many external utility programs assume it exists.,I dropped the postgres database in my software then it led to me not able to reconnect to the server.,Yes — do NOT ever delete the postgres database. You can create new copy of it but you should be backing up all databases on the system.,Did you try to recreate the database using something like: psql -U postgres -c «create database postgres» ?

The database server itself does not require the postgres database to exist, but many external utility programs assume it exists.

Did you try to recreate the database using something like: psql -U postgres -c "create database postgres" ?

psql -U postgres -c "create database postgres"

Learn how to solve the common PostgreSQL error psql: FATAL: database «root» does not exist.» New PostgreSQL users often encounter this error when first logging in to PostgreSQL.


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Switch to the PostgreSQL user

If you have used MySQL/MariaDB in the past, you may be accustomed to logging into the database with the command mysql -u root -p from any account. However, PostgreSQL uses a different security model.

PostgreSQL has its own user on the system which is created when PostgreSQL is installed. The postgres user is able to log into PostgreSQL without using a password. No other user is able to log into PostgreSQL.

This means that before using PostgreSQL, you will need to switch to that user account with the command:

You will then be able to log into the PosgreSQL client with the command:

You will not be able to access the database from the command line as any other user.

What the error means

When you log into PostgreSQL as any user other than the postgres user, it will attempt to log you into a database of the same name as your user account. This means that if you try to use the psql command as root, it will try to log you into the database root. If you try to log in while signed on as jdoe it will look for the database jdoe, and so forth.

Unable to find this database, PostgreSQL gives the error message that «database [your username] does not exist.»

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