Проверка текста на ошибки на немецком языке

Проверка грамматики и орфографии немецкого

Полезные ссылки откроются в новой вкладке:

Проверка немецкого текста онлайн. Исправление грамматических, пунктуационных и орфорграфических ошибок в тексте. Проверка удобочитаемости!.
Поиск и исправление ошибок в тексте на разных языках:
английский, французский, немецкий, португальский, итальянский, испанский, русский, японский, китайский, арабский, греческий.
Определение читабельности и других базовых метрик текста.

Немецкий – Проверка грамматики

Алгоритмы Textgears проверяют текст и выявляют более 200 типов грамматических ошибок:
правильность использования частей речи, построение предложений.
После проверки сервис предложит варианты исправления ошибок,
а также выведет статистику по самым распространенным вашим ошибкам. Это поможет улучшить знание грамматики.

Проверка орфографии

На нашем сайте вы можете бесплатно проверить текст на наличие
орфографических ошибок и опечаток. Алгоритмы проверки орфографии
учитывают самые распространенные правили языка, а также различия
в написании слов в разных диалектах. С помощью сервиса вы можете
улучшить свои тексты уже сейчас!

Проверка стилистики текста

Сервис Textgears не только выявляет грамматические и орфографические ошибки,
но и анализирует стиль речи, проверяет уместность
использования отдельных слов в общем контексте.
Умные алгоритмы помогут вам избавить свое эссе или
резюме от неуместных слов, подобрать
синонимы, и сделать свой текст более презентабельным.

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Исправить орфографические ошибки

Часто делаете опечатки и орфографические ошибки? LanguageTool находит все ошибки и подчеркивает их красным цветом. Теперь все ваши слова и предложения будут написаны грамат… ой, грамотно!

Исправить орфографические ошибки

Проверить грамматику

Грамотно писать теперь проще простого! LanguageTool найдет в вашем тексте все грамматические оплошности, такие как неправильное согласование субъекта и глагола или неверное использование грамматических форм и окончаний

Проверить грамматику

Исправить пунктуационные ошибки

Запятые, тире, дефисы… Иногда в правилах пунктуации можно запутаться – но только не с LanguageTool. Он поможет вам грамотно расставить знаки препинания, правильно составить сложное предложения и даже сообщит, когда вы использовали слишком много восклицательных знаков!

Исправить пунктуационные ошибки

Проверить правописание слов с прописной и строчной буквы

С маленькой или с большой? Не всегда легко написать правильно, особенно учитывая тот факт, что правила написания в разных языках разные. LanguageTool всегда подскажет, какие категории слов пишутся с большой буквы.

Проверить правописание слов с прописной и строчной буквы

Проверить стилистику

Качественный текст отличается, в том числе, безупречной стилистикой. LanguageTool обнаруживает часто используемые фразы, иностранные термины, повторяющиеся слова и неправильный выбор слов! Обращайте внимание на синее подчеркивание, оно указывает на стилистические ошибки.

Проверить стилистику


Сложно подобрать слово? LanguageTool поможет, ведь он содержит целую базу синонимов. Он даже может перефразировать целое предложение в более официальное, благозвучное, простое или лаконичное.

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Работает со всеми популярными программами

LanguageTool работает в вашем браузере и многих других текстовых программах. Установите его и получайте подсказки по грамматике и стилистике текста, где бы вы ни писали.

  • Chrome


  • Edge


  • Firefox


  • Safari


  • Word


  • Google Docs


  • OpenOffice


  • LibreOffice


  • Gmail


  • Apple Mail


  • Thunderbird


  • Opera


  • macOS


  • iOS


  • Editor macOS


  • Editor Windows


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Часто задаваемые вопросы

Пишите профессионально без грамматических, пунктуационных и стилистических ошибок

LanguageTool исправляет только орфографические ошибки?

LanguageTool исправляет орфографические ошибки, а также предлагает полный анализ написания всех возможных текстов. В дополнение к орфографии, грамматике и выбору слов корректируется также стилистика текста.

Находит ли LanguageTool пунктуационные ошибки?

Да, LanguageTool выявляет и исправляет пунктуационные ошибки всех видов. Он разбирает предложения со сложной структурой и даже различает обязательные и необязательные запятые.

Каким образом в LanguageTool обнаруживаются и исправляются ошибки?

Ошибки и подсказки отображаются автоматически во время набора текста, что позволяет его сразу же откорректировать. А двойной щелчок по любому слову отобразит его синонимы.

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Какие языки проверяет LanguageTool?

LanguageTool работает с более чем 30 языками. Основными являются русский, английский, украинский, испанский, немецкий и французский. В английской версии можно выбрать между шестью языковыми вариантами (США, Великобритания, Канада, Австралия, Новая Зеландия и Южная Африка).

LanguageTool – бесплатная программа?

LanguageTool доступна в двух версиях. Бесплатная версия исправляет орфографические, а также простые пунктуационные и некоторые стилистические ошибки. Только версия Premium выявит все ошибки и поможет создать безупречный текст. Также доступны корпоративные аккаунты для компаний.

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Будет ли LanguageTool работать в моей программе?

LanguageTool работает со многими программами и всеми распространенными интернет-браузерами. Также у нас есть специальный текстовый редактор в виде приложения для iOS, macOS (Apple) и Windows. Вам понадобится только одна учетная запись пользователя.

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Может ли LanguageTool перефразировать предложение?

Недавно в дополнение к исправлению в LanguageTool появилась функция перефразирования (на основе ИИ). С ее помощью можно переписывать целые предложения, делая их проще, короче или более официальными.

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Подходит ли LanguageTool для проверки и коррекции курсовой или дипломной работы?

Да, наша программа поможет вам проверить курсовую и дипломную работу на наличие ошибок. Для других академических работ и публикаций для печати особенно будет полезна функция проверки стилистики текста. Кстати, студенты получают скидку на LanguageTool.

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Rechtschreibprüfung / Grammatikprüfung

Try typing German below!

Install Sapling to use it on any website.

Error count: 0 
Word count: 0



Looking for English or another language?

Other Languages

What does this do?
This tool provides grammar suggestions for German. Just paste
your text into the editor above, wait for the spinner in the bottom right
to stop, and you should see errors that Sapling detects underlined in red.
If you don’t see the spinner badge, please contact us using the Help button above.
I don’t see any errors detected.
Try the following steps to debug:

  1. First, make sure you see the Sapling badge in the bottom right of the editor.
  2. Are you already logged in or already have Sapling installed as a browser extension?
    If so, your logged in user setting may be overriding the language setting on this page.
  3. Sapling works best with realistic errors. That means errors that are
    frequently made in practice as opposed to intentional errors.
Can I use this elsewhere?
You likely can! Try installing one of Sapling’s integrations.
Do you have a German grammar/spell check API?
Yes. You can find our API here.

German Grammar is notoriously difficult. Language learners of all levels rely on a grammar check to improve their writing. A language tool can help you by flagging and correcting issues and mistakes when you’re writing.

To know if your grammar is correct, don’t rely on manually looking up issues. We’ll show you how to do a German grammar check online and introduce you to the best tools available!

  • The 7 best German grammar checkers
  • How to use the right German grammar check tool
  • The best Grammarly alternative for German grammar checks online

Start your journey to reach fluency

The 7 best German grammar checkers

  1. LanguageTool
  2. Duden Mentor
  3. German Corrector
  4. Online-Spellcheck
  5. Rechtschreibpruefung24
  6. Korrekturen
  7. Reverso

Whether you’re writing an important email, a business report or your own fiction, the grammar struggle is real. A language tool can provide relief by taking your mind off cases, articles, pronouns and other grammatical complications. Grammarly is a popular grammar checker for English, but it doesn’t support the German language yet.

But if you want to know, “How can I check my German grammar?”—you’ve come to the right place! We’ve found the best Grammarly alternatives for a German grammar check that allow you to focus on the content of your writing and improve German language skills.

1. LanguageTool

LanguageTool is a multilanguage check for grammar, but also style and spelling which you can use for free. It supports not only German, but over 25 languages in total. You can perform a German grammar check online by simply pasting your text into the field on the website. You can also install a free browser extension to check your writing directly as you compose emails or fill out forms.

The free version of LanguageTool allows for a German grammar check of up to 10,000 characters per text. For less than €5 per month, the premium version supports texts with up to 60,000 characters and enhanced checks as well as style and tone suggestions and add-ons for Office or Google Docs.

2. Duden Mentor

Duden is the name of a German dictionary publisher. With Duden Mentor, they offer a German grammar check online. You can copy your text into a field on their website or install a browser plugin. You’ll receive highlights of issues with grammar and spelling, then you can choose to accept the corrections. On the downside, the explanations for the mistakes are available in German only.

Duden Mentor is free to use up to 800 characters, or up to 1,500 characters with a free account. For a monthly premium of €10 or €15, you get a limit of 20k or 40k, a larger personal dictionary as well as style and synonym features.

3. German Corrector

GermanCorrector.com is a free German grammar check tool with unobtrusive ads. It uses the software of LanguageTool, Hunspell and Diction to highlight spelling mistakes and basic grammar and style issues.

It works well for brief texts which you simply copy and paste into the form. You can set German Corrector to autocorrect or to mark up any issues. In that case, you can often choose between options. German Corrector has a setting for German, Swiss or Austrian variants of the language.

Start your journey to reach fluency

4. Online-Spellcheck

Online-Spellcheck has a misleading name because it’s also a tool to perform a German grammar check. It supports around 20 different languages and is free to use thanks to advertising on the website. Online-Spellcheck compares your text to a dictionary, applies grammar rules and uses a statistical analysis based on a large text body to find mistakes. You can copy and paste text into the online form, provide a URL with online text, upload a Word, PDF, text or image file or link to a document in cloud storage for checking.

5. Rechtschreibpruefung24

Rechtschreibprüfung24 is actually an affiliate of LanguageTool and offers a very similar spell and grammar checking and text analysis package. You can paste your text into an online form, upload a document or use the LanguageTool browser or Word plugin. Guests and users after free registration can analyse and check up to 20,000 characters. Premium users pay €5 per month for up to 40,000 characters, an ad-free experience and additional plugins.

6. Korrekturen

Korrekturen is a great resource for a quick German grammar check of a single issue. Let’s say you are composing an email or are writing a document and stumble across a particular problem in German, be that spelling, grammar or hyphenation. A quick search on the website will reveal the correct answer.

Common mistakes have their own category where you can see the contrast between the correct and incorrect version with an explanation. For the analysis and improvement of important texts, you can contract their professional proofreading services. You can also use Korrekturen to look up inflection, synonyms, opposites, rules of the German language as well as the specific usage of Austrian, Swiss, Latin and English words in German. By the way, did you know the major differences between English and German grammar?

7. Reverso

Reverso is a free online language tool for spell and grammar checks, translation, dictionary lookups and verb conjugation. It uses Artificial Intelligence and Neural Machine Translation. You can also listen to the pronunciation by native speakers. Reverso has a straightforward web interface. Unfortunately, the grammar check is not yet available in German, but you can use the conjugation, dictionary, translation, spelling and speaking features.

Now what is the best German grammar checker? The answer depends on your needs and where you most often encounter issues that require a grammar check in German, for example, with the usage and conjugation of modal verbs. Be aware that no German language grammar checker can spot all mistakes all the time.

If you want to learn correct usage and improve your German language skills in the long term, you’ll need to study the suggestions of the tool and apply them in your writing. For this approach, a grammar check in German with lengthy explanations might be best, such as Duden Mentor or Korrekturen.

Should the copy and paste to check German grammar and spelling online be too much back and forth for you, consider one of the browser plugin options such as LanguageTool, Duden Mentor or Rechtschreibprüfung24. These allow you to perform a check as you compose. For an occasional quick check, the free options are sufficient.

The best Grammarly alternative for German grammar checks online

These German grammar check tools are the best we could find and top Grammarly alternatives to use with the German language. As you can see, the more capable solutions come with premium features for longer texts, but you can learn plenty from the free resources as well.

Of course, keep reading the Lingoda blog and you’ll learn about the finer issues of the German language and its grammar—and why life isn’t too short to learn German! What is your favourite way of checking your German grammar? Let us know and don’t forget to book a class!

Start your journey to reach fluency

Jakob is a professional freelance writer in Bonn, Germany. He has always been writing, and his favourite books have pages all empty. As an expert storyteller, he helps other authors shape their manuscripts into compelling stories. Being bilingual, he publishes creative fiction in English and German. Thanks to expertise in a wide range of topics such as writing, literature and productivity to marketing, travel, and technology, he produces engaging content for his clients. Apart from the escape that books offer, Jakob enjoys travelling and stays active with climbing and hiking. Find out more about him on his website, Twitter or on Goodreads.

Hands typing on a silver laptop

Last updated:

There is no reason to let German grammar ruin your day.

The internet is full of amazing tools designed for both German learners and native speakers to achieve a high level of German grammatical accuracy.

Online grammar checkers—when used correctly—can help you bridge the gap between “nearly fluent” and “fluent.”

Read on to find out our top eight resources for German grammar checks.


  • 1. Duden
  • 2. LanguageTool
  • 3. rsp24
  • 4. GermanCorrector.com
  • 5. TextGears
  • 6. DeepL Write
  • 7. Scribbr
  • 8. JSpell
  • How to Use German Grammar Checkers

This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you
can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

1. Duden


Price: Free up to 800 characters. 15€ (about $16) a month for a 40,000-character limit.

Duden is the number one name in German dictionaries, so much so that people say in dem Duden (“in the dictionary”) as if that were the word for the concept itself. This tool, made by the folks behind the dictionary, is probably one of the most well-trusted and effective out of the whole list.

2. LanguageTool


Price: Free 20,000-character limit. $69.90 per year ($5.83 per month) for 150,000 characters.

LanguageTool is one of the world’s most popular free, open-source grammar-checking websites. It’s available in a ton of different European and Asian languages, and it has a slick and uncluttered user interface.

There’s also a Chrome extension that works by checking your mistakes in text fields—perfect for checking your mistakes in YouTube comments or tweets!

3. rsp24


Price: Free users can check up to 20,000 characters. Premium users can check up to 40,000 characters for 4.16€ a month (about $4.50)

“rsp” stands for Rechtschreibprüfung, or “spelling and grammar test.”

In addition to its effective grammar check tool, rsp24 offers several unique features for both its free and premium users. Features such as extracting your corrected text into a PDF, DOC or DOCX format, add-ons for Chrome and Firefox browsers and the possibility of creating a personalized dictionary make it an ideal tool for German self-learners.

4. GermanCorrector.com


Price: Free.

GermanCorrector.com is especially suited to beginners who are looking for a simple, straightforward grammar check tool to correct basic writing and grammar mistakes. There are minimal ads and the corrections are unobtrusive without seeming too gentle.

You also have the option to auto-apply the corrections, but we recommend not doing that because then you won’t be able to learn for yourself!

5. TextGears

Logo for TextGears

Price: Free up to 500 characters. Pro account from $2.48 a month.

TextGears is a simple grammar checker that will not only check your grammar, but also your spelling, stylistics, punctuation and structure. With a pro account, you’ll have an unlimited number of checks and be able to customize the checker to fine-tune your text. You can also select the “Do not store my texts option” for privacy purposes.

6. DeepL Write

Logo for DeepL

Price: Users can rewrite up to 2000 characters. Sign up to rewrite 3000 characters.

DeepL is a translator used by many language learners. The site also now has a DeepL Write feature which is an AI tool that allows users to check their grammar and punctuation, as well as improve their overall written communication. Just select “German” from the drop-down menu and enter your text.

The tool is currently a Beta version, but still may prove useful for checking your German writing skills.

7. Scribbr

Logo for Scribbr

Price: Free.

Scribbr has a grammar checker for German powered by QuillBot which checks your text for spelling and grammatical errors.

After selecting German from the list of languages, you can enter your text and click on sections underlined in red to see potential errors. From there, you can fix each part individually or just click “Fix All Errors” at the bottom of the box (but it may be more helpful to you as a learner to go through each error one by one.)

8. JSpell

Logo for JSpell

Price: Free.

JSpell is another checker powered by AI that allows you to paste or type a text and find out any potential errors it might have, mostly with regard to words and spelling. Once you’ve clicked the “Check” button, you can click through each error one by one and choose to correct them from a range of suggestions. You can also opt to ignore certain errors if you need to and move on to the next one.

JSpell has no word limit, meaning it’s great for checking longer texts.

How to Use German Grammar Checkers

If you’re a proud language learner, using an electronic grammar check program may feel like, well, cheating.

We’re here to tell you that you shouldn’t feel bad about using grammar checkers. However, you’ll need to exercise some caution while using them. Here are our top two tips for using German grammar checkers correctly.

First, don’t take automatic grammar checkers at face value. These tools definitely aren’t perfect. If you run any novels or YouTube transcripts through these grammar checkers, they’ll flag foreign words and slang words left and right, for one thing. Make sure to review all changes suggested by whatever software you use to maximize the quality of your German writing.

Second, once you get the corrections, you need to actually study them. Funnily enough, the things that German grammar checkers are best at are the exact problems that non-native speakers tend to have. If you use the wrong article or incorrectly conjugate an irregular verb, the algorithm will pick that right up. So, using a German grammar checker can actually be an incredible and unconventional learning opportunity: it shows you where you have room for improvement.

Don’t just copy and paste the corrected text—actually write it out again, by hand if you have the time. Really focusing on what you need to improve means that the next time you write something similar, you’ll recall the correct phrasing easily.

Of course, you’ll get more out of the feedback from online grammar checkers as you build your own mastery of German grammar.

For an entertaining and effective way to absorb good German grammar, you could try FluentU.

FluentU is a language learning program that allows you to watch authentic German videos with interactive dual-language subtitles. You can tap or click on any unfamiliar word in a video to see an instant definition—along with an audio clip to guide your pronunciation and additional usage examples.

With many words and phrases, you’ll also get grammar tips, meaning you can easily see how German grammar operates in practice.

German grammar checkers are a fantastic resource for German learners. They can see you through important German writing assignments—and, if used correctly, they can also be a powerful tool for reinforcing your German grammatical know-how.

The most important thing is to not be afraid of German grammar. Just write. And with a little help here and there, you’ll be dashing off German essays in no time.

This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you
can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

If you liked this post, something tells me that you’ll love FluentU, the best way to learn German with real-world videos.

Experience German immersion online!

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