Проверка скрипта на ошибки bash

A bash script is a text file that contains a sequence of commands that are executed by the bash shell, a Unix-based command-line interface. Bash scripts are used to automate tasks, create utility scripts, and perform a wide range of other functions in the command-line environment. They can include variables, loops, conditional statements, and other programming constructs, allowing you to perform a wide range of tasks from the command line.

How to create a Bash Script?

Step 1: Create a text file with .sh file extension. (Here, helloworld.sh).

touch <name of file>.sh

Step 2: Open it in an editor like nano, and add the commands you want to execute, one per line.

Step 3: Save the file.

Ctrl+X -> Y -> Enter key

Step 4: Now check for executable permission for the bash script.

ls -l

x means that the file has executable permissions.

If it has executable permission, skip Step 5 else continue.

Step 5: Give the file executable permission, using the following command.

chmod +x <name of file with extension>

Step 6: Execute the file using bash or ./

bash <name of file>.sh

./<name of file>.sh

Check for syntax errors

To check the syntax of a Bash script without running it, you can use the bash -n option. This option tells the Bash interpreter to read the script and check the syntax without actually executing the commands in the script.

To use the bash -n (noexec) option, open a terminal and navigate to the directory where the Bash script is located.

cd <directory name>

Then, enter the following command:

bash -n <name of file>.sh

If the script has no syntax errors, this command will not produce any output. 

If there are syntax errors, the Bash interpreter will print an error message indicating the line number and the nature of the error.


  • The “noexec” option only checks the syntax of the script, it does not catch all possible errors. This means that even if the “noexec” option does not report any issues, your script may still contain other mistakes that you need to fix. For example, you may have a runtime error, such as trying to divide by zero, that the “noexec” option will not catch.
  • This does not execute any commands in the script, so it cannot catch runtime errors. This means that if your script has a command that produces an error when it is run, the “noexec” option will not detect this.
  • This does not interpret shell variables, so it may not catch errors related to the use of variables. This means that if you have a typo in a variable name, or if you are using a variable that has not been defined, the “noexec” option will not report this.
  • This option does not check the exit status of commands, so it may not catch errors related to the return value of commands. This means that if you have a command that returns an error code, the “noexec” option will not detect this.
  • This does not check the permissions of files or directories, so it may not catch errors related to file system permissions. This means that if your script tries to access a file or directory that it does not have permission to access, the “noexec” option will not report this.

To check for syntax errors along with the content

To check for syntax errors along with the script’s content, the bash -v option can be used to print each line of the script as it is read by the interpreter, and print the syntax errors in the script if any. This can be helpful for debugging syntax errors or other issues in the script. To use the bash -v option, navigate to the directory where the bash script is located

cd <directory name>

And enter the following command:

bash -v <name of the file>.sh

If no syntax error, then it will just print the lines of the script.

If there is a syntax error the Bash interpreter will print an error message indicating the line number and the nature of the error along with the contents of the file.

 Using the Shell Check Tool

A static analysis tool for shell scripts is called ShellCheck. It can be applied to bash, sh, and other shell scripts to detect syntax mistakes, semantic flaws, and stylistic problems.

To use Shell Check Tool, it must be installed first:

apt-get install shellcheck

To check for errors run the command shellcheck with the name of the file:

shellcheck <name of file>.sh


With the bash -n option, you may check for syntax problems. However, keep in mind that this option just examines the script’s syntax and may not identify all potential mistakes. Even so, it’s crucial to thoroughly test your scripts before putting them to use in a real-world setting. You can use the bash -v option to inspect the script’s text and syntax for mistakes. This will output all script lines as they are read by the interpreter, along with any syntax mistakes.

Last Updated :
05 Feb, 2023

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ShellCheck — A shell script static analysis tool

ShellCheck is a GPLv3 tool that gives warnings and suggestions for bash/sh shell scripts:

Screenshot of a terminal showing problematic shell script lines highlighted

The goals of ShellCheck are

  • To point out and clarify typical beginner’s syntax issues that cause a shell
    to give cryptic error messages.

  • To point out and clarify typical intermediate level semantic problems that
    cause a shell to behave strangely and counter-intuitively.

  • To point out subtle caveats, corner cases and pitfalls that may cause an
    advanced user’s otherwise working script to fail under future circumstances.

See the gallery of bad code for examples of what ShellCheck can help you identify!

Table of Contents

  • How to use
    • On the web
    • From your terminal
    • In your editor
    • In your build or test suites
  • Installing
  • Compiling from source
    • Installing Cabal
    • Compiling ShellCheck
    • Running tests
  • Gallery of bad code
    • Quoting
    • Conditionals
    • Frequently misused commands
    • Common beginner’s mistakes
    • Style
    • Data and typing errors
    • Robustness
    • Portability
    • Miscellaneous
  • Testimonials
  • Ignoring issues
  • Reporting bugs
  • Contributing
  • Copyright
  • Other Resources

How to use

There are a number of ways to use ShellCheck!

On the web

Paste a shell script on https://www.shellcheck.net for instant feedback.

ShellCheck.net is always synchronized to the latest git commit, and is the easiest way to give ShellCheck a go. Tell your friends!

From your terminal

Run shellcheck yourscript in your terminal for instant output, as seen above.

In your editor

You can see ShellCheck suggestions directly in a variety of editors.

  • Vim, through ALE, Neomake, or Syntastic:

Screenshot of Vim showing inlined shellcheck feedback.

  • Emacs, through Flycheck or Flymake:

Screenshot of emacs showing inlined shellcheck feedback.

  • Sublime, through SublimeLinter.

  • Atom, through Linter.

  • VSCode, through vscode-shellcheck.

  • Most other editors, through GCC error compatibility.

In your build or test suites

While ShellCheck is mostly intended for interactive use, it can easily be added to builds or test suites.
It makes canonical use of exit codes, so you can just add a shellcheck command as part of the process.

For example, in a Makefile:

    # Fail if any of these files have warnings
    shellcheck myscripts/*.sh

or in a Travis CI .travis.yml file:

  # Fail if any of these files have warnings
  - shellcheck myscripts/*.sh

Services and platforms that have ShellCheck pre-installed and ready to use:

  • Travis CI
  • Codacy
  • Code Climate
  • Code Factor
  • CircleCI via the ShellCheck Orb
  • Github (only Linux)
  • Trunk Check (universal linter; allows you to explicitly version your shellcheck install) via the shellcheck plugin

Most other services, including GitLab, let you install
ShellCheck yourself, either through the system’s package manager (see Installing),
or by downloading and unpacking a binary release.

It’s a good idea to manually install a specific ShellCheck version regardless. This avoids
any surprise build breaks when a new version with new warnings is published.

For customized filtering or reporting, ShellCheck can output simple JSON, CheckStyle compatible XML,
GCC compatible warnings as well as human readable text (with or without ANSI colors). See the
Integration wiki page for more documentation.


The easiest way to install ShellCheck locally is through your package manager.

On systems with Cabal (installs to ~/.cabal/bin):

cabal update
cabal install ShellCheck

On systems with Stack (installs to ~/.local/bin):

stack update
stack install ShellCheck

On Debian based distros:

sudo apt install shellcheck

On Arch Linux based distros:

or get the dependency free shellcheck-bin from the AUR.

On Gentoo based distros:

On EPEL based distros:

sudo yum -y install epel-release
sudo yum install ShellCheck

On Fedora based distros:

On FreeBSD:

pkg install hs-ShellCheck

On macOS (OS X) with Homebrew:

Or with MacPorts:

sudo port install shellcheck

On OpenBSD:

On openSUSE

Or use OneClickInstall — https://software.opensuse.org/package/ShellCheck

On Solus:

On Windows (via chocolatey):

C:\> choco install shellcheck

Or Windows (via scoop):

C:\> scoop install shellcheck

From conda-forge:

conda install -c conda-forge shellcheck

From Snap Store:

snap install --channel=edge shellcheck

From Docker Hub:

docker run --rm -v "$PWD:/mnt" koalaman/shellcheck:stable myscript
# Or :v0.4.7 for that version, or :latest for daily builds

or use koalaman/shellcheck-alpine if you want a larger Alpine Linux based image to extend. It works exactly like a regular Alpine image, but has shellcheck preinstalled.

Using the nix package manager:

nix-env -iA nixpkgs.shellcheck

Alternatively, you can download pre-compiled binaries for the latest release here:

  • Linux, x86_64 (statically linked)
  • Linux, armv6hf, i.e. Raspberry Pi (statically linked)
  • Linux, aarch64 aka ARM64 (statically linked)
  • macOS, x86_64
  • Windows, x86

or see the GitHub Releases for other releases
(including the latest meta-release for daily git builds).

There are currently no official binaries for Apple Silicon, but third party builds are available via
ShellCheck for Visual Studio Code.

Distro packages already come with a man page. If you are building from source, it can be installed with:

pandoc -s -f markdown-smart -t man shellcheck.1.md -o shellcheck.1
sudo mv shellcheck.1 /usr/share/man/man1


To run ShellCheck via pre-commit, add the hook to your .pre-commit-config.yaml:

-   repo: https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck-precommit
    rev: v0.7.2
    -   id: shellcheck
#       args: ["--severity=warning"]  # Optionally only show errors and warnings

Travis CI

Travis CI has now integrated ShellCheck by default, so you don’t need to manually install it.

If you still want to do so in order to upgrade at your leisure or ensure you’re
using the latest release, follow the steps below to install a binary version.

Installing a pre-compiled binary

The pre-compiled binaries come in tar.xz files. To decompress them, make sure
xz is installed.
On Debian/Ubuntu/Mint, you can apt install xz-utils.
On Redhat/Fedora/CentOS, yum -y install xz.

A simple installer may do something like:

scversion="stable" # or "v0.4.7", or "latest"
wget -qO- "https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/releases/download/${scversion?}/shellcheck-${scversion?}.linux.x86_64.tar.xz" | tar -xJv
cp "shellcheck-${scversion}/shellcheck" /usr/bin/
shellcheck --version

Compiling from source

This section describes how to build ShellCheck from a source directory. ShellCheck is written in Haskell and requires 2GB of RAM to compile.

Installing Cabal

ShellCheck is built and packaged using Cabal. Install the package cabal-install from your system’s package manager (with e.g. apt-get, brew, emerge, yum, or zypper).

On macOS (OS X), you can do a fast install of Cabal using brew, which takes a couple of minutes instead of more than 30 minutes if you try to compile it from source.

$ brew install cabal-install

On MacPorts, the package is instead called hs-cabal-install, while native Windows users should install the latest version of the Haskell platform from https://www.haskell.org/platform/

Verify that cabal is installed and update its dependency list with

Compiling ShellCheck

git clone this repository, and cd to the ShellCheck source directory to build/install:

Or if you intend to run the tests:

$ cabal install --enable-tests

This will compile ShellCheck and install it to your ~/.cabal/bin directory.

Add this directory to your PATH (for bash, add this to your ~/.bashrc):

export PATH="$HOME/.cabal/bin:$PATH"

Log out and in again, and verify that your PATH is set up correctly:

$ which shellcheck

On native Windows, the PATH should already be set up, but the system
may use a legacy codepage. In cmd.exe, powershell.exe and Powershell ISE,
make sure to use a TrueType font, not a Raster font, and set the active
codepage to UTF-8 (65001) with chcp:

In Powershell ISE, you may need to additionally update the output encoding:

[Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8

Running tests

To run the unit test suite:

Gallery of bad code

So what kind of things does ShellCheck look for? Here is an incomplete list of detected issues.


ShellCheck can recognize several types of incorrect quoting:

echo $1                           # Unquoted variables
find . -name *.ogg                # Unquoted find/grep patterns
rm "~/my file.txt"                # Quoted tilde expansion
v='--verbose="true"'; cmd $v      # Literal quotes in variables
for f in "*.ogg"                  # Incorrectly quoted 'for' loops
touch $@                          # Unquoted $@
echo 'Don't forget to restart!'   # Singlequote closed by apostrophe
echo 'Don\'t try this at home'    # Attempting to escape ' in ''
echo 'Path is $PATH'              # Variables in single quotes
trap "echo Took ${SECONDS}s" 0    # Prematurely expanded trap
unset var[i]                      # Array index treated as glob


ShellCheck can recognize many types of incorrect test statements.

[[ n != 0 ]]                      # Constant test expressions
[[ -e *.mpg ]]                    # Existence checks of globs
[[ $foo==0 ]]                     # Always true due to missing spaces
[[ -n "$foo " ]]                  # Always true due to literals
[[ $foo =~ "fo+" ]]               # Quoted regex in =~
[ foo =~ re ]                     # Unsupported [ ] operators
[ $1 -eq "shellcheck" ]           # Numerical comparison of strings
[ $n && $m ]                      # && in [ .. ]
[ grep -q foo file ]              # Command without $(..)
[[ "$$file" == *.jpg ]]           # Comparisons that can't succeed
(( 1 -lt 2 ))                     # Using test operators in ((..))
[ x ] & [ y ] | [ z ]             # Accidental backgrounding and piping

Frequently misused commands

ShellCheck can recognize instances where commands are used incorrectly:

grep '*foo*' file                 # Globs in regex contexts
find . -exec foo {} && bar {} \;  # Prematurely terminated find -exec
sudo echo 'Var=42' > /etc/profile # Redirecting sudo
time --format=%s sleep 10         # Passing time(1) flags to time builtin
while read h; do ssh "$h" uptime  # Commands eating while loop input
alias archive='mv $1 /backup'     # Defining aliases with arguments
tr -cd '[a-zA-Z0-9]'              # [] around ranges in tr
exec foo; echo "Done!"            # Misused 'exec'
find -name \*.bak -o -name \*~ -delete  # Implicit precedence in find
# find . -exec foo > bar \;       # Redirections in find
f() { whoami; }; sudo f           # External use of internal functions

Common beginner’s mistakes

ShellCheck recognizes many common beginner’s syntax errors:

var = 42                          # Spaces around = in assignments
$foo=42                           # $ in assignments
for $var in *; do ...             # $ in for loop variables
var$n="Hello"                     # Wrong indirect assignment
echo ${var$n}                     # Wrong indirect reference
var=(1, 2, 3)                     # Comma separated arrays
array=( [index] = value )         # Incorrect index initialization
echo $var[14]                     # Missing {} in array references
echo "Argument 10 is $10"         # Positional parameter misreference
if $(myfunction); then ..; fi     # Wrapping commands in $()
else if othercondition; then ..   # Using 'else if'
f; f() { echo "hello world; }     # Using function before definition
[ false ]                         # 'false' being true
if ( -f file )                    # Using (..) instead of test


ShellCheck can make suggestions to improve style:

[[ -z $(find /tmp | grep mpg) ]]  # Use grep -q instead
a >> log; b >> log; c >> log      # Use a redirection block instead
echo "The time is `date`"         # Use $() instead
cd dir; process *; cd ..;         # Use subshells instead
echo $[1+2]                       # Use standard $((..)) instead of old $[]
echo $(($RANDOM % 6))             # Don't use $ on variables in $((..))
echo "$(date)"                    # Useless use of echo
cat file | grep foo               # Useless use of cat

Data and typing errors

ShellCheck can recognize issues related to data and typing:

args="$@"                         # Assigning arrays to strings
files=(foo bar); echo "$files"    # Referencing arrays as strings
declare -A arr=(foo bar)          # Associative arrays without index
printf "%s\n" "Arguments: $@."    # Concatenating strings and arrays
[[ $# > 2 ]]                      # Comparing numbers as strings
var=World; echo "Hello " var      # Unused lowercase variables
echo "Hello $name"                # Unassigned lowercase variables
cmd | read bar; echo $bar         # Assignments in subshells
cat foo | cp bar                  # Piping to commands that don't read
printf '%s: %s\n' foo             # Mismatches in printf argument count
eval "${array[@]}"                # Lost word boundaries in array eval
for i in "${x[@]}"; do ${x[$i]}   # Using array value as key


ShellCheck can make suggestions for improving the robustness of a script:

rm -rf "$STEAMROOT/"*            # Catastrophic rm
touch ./-l; ls *                 # Globs that could become options
find . -exec sh -c 'a && b {}' \; # Find -exec shell injection
printf "Hello $name"             # Variables in printf format
for f in $(ls *.txt); do         # Iterating over ls output
export MYVAR=$(cmd)              # Masked exit codes
case $version in 2.*) :;; 2.6.*) # Shadowed case branches


ShellCheck will warn when using features not supported by the shebang. For example, if you set the shebang to #!/bin/sh, ShellCheck will warn about portability issues similar to checkbashisms:

echo {1..$n}                     # Works in ksh, but not bash/dash/sh
echo {1..10}                     # Works in ksh and bash, but not dash/sh
echo -n 42                       # Works in ksh, bash and dash, undefined in sh
expr match str regex             # Unportable alias for `expr str : regex`
trap 'exit 42' sigint            # Unportable signal spec
cmd &> file                      # Unportable redirection operator
read foo < /dev/tcp/host/22      # Unportable intercepted files
foo-bar() { ..; }                # Undefined/unsupported function name
[ $UID = 0 ]                     # Variable undefined in dash/sh
local var=value                  # local is undefined in sh
time sleep 1 | sleep 5           # Undefined uses of 'time'


ShellCheck recognizes a menagerie of other issues:

PS1='\e[0;32m\$\e[0m '            # PS1 colors not in \[..\]
PATH="$PATH:~/bin"                # Literal tilde in $PATH
rm “file”                         # Unicode quotes
echo "Hello world"                # Carriage return / DOS line endings
echo hello \                      # Trailing spaces after \
var=42 echo $var                  # Expansion of inlined environment
!# bin/bash -x -e                 # Common shebang errors
echo $((n/180*100))               # Unnecessary loss of precision
ls *[:digit:].txt                 # Bad character class globs
sed 's/foo/bar/' file > file      # Redirecting to input
var2=$var2                        # Variable assigned to itself
[ x$var = xval ]                  # Antiquated x-comparisons
ls() { ls -l "$@"; }              # Infinitely recursive wrapper
alias ls='ls -l'; ls foo          # Alias used before it takes effect
for x; do for x; do               # Nested loop uses same variable
while getopts "a" f; do case $f in "b") # Unhandled getopts flags


At first you’re like «shellcheck is awesome» but then you’re like «wtf are we still using bash»

Alexander Tarasikov,
via Twitter

Ignoring issues

Issues can be ignored via environmental variable, command line, individually or globally within a file:


Reporting bugs

Please use the GitHub issue tracker for any bugs or feature suggestions:



Please submit patches to code or documentation as GitHub pull requests! Check
out the DevGuide on the
ShellCheck Wiki.

Contributions must be licensed under the GNU GPLv3.
The contributor retains the copyright.


ShellCheck is licensed under the GNU General Public License, v3. A copy of this license is included in the file LICENSE.

Copyright 2012-2019, Vidar ‘koala_man’ Holen and contributors.

Happy ShellChecking!

Other Resources

  • The wiki has long form descriptions for each warning, e.g. SC2221.
  • ShellCheck does not attempt to enforce any kind of formatting or indenting style, so also check out shfmt!

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Написание shell-скриптов — занятие увлекательное. Скрипты командной строки помогают автоматизировать повседневные дела. Можно создать нечто прекрасное (или какую-нибудь гадость), однако, если уж что-то писать, хорошо бы точно знать, что код получается именно таким, каким он нужен программисту. Скрипт, написанный некачественно, может представлять опасность. Большинство новичков пишут скрипты, копируя фрагменты кода со StackOverflow, находя то, что им нужно, в Google, или пользуясь сайтами с вопросами и ответами по Linux. Такой подход к программированию выливается в некачественный код и в появление ошибок. Вот, например, команда rm, выполнение которой приведёт к катастрофе, так как переменная VAR не определена:

rm -rf "/$VAR/*"

Многие из проблем скриптов можно решить с помощью линтера, такого, как статический анализатор кода ShellCheck, который написан на Haskell. Он помогает искать ошибки в текстах скриптов и выводить отчёты о проведённых проверках. Это позволяет повысить производительность работы и качество кода. Сегодня мы расскажем о том, как установить и использовать ShellCheck в Linux и Unix-подобных операционных системах.


Самый простой способ локальной установки ShellCheck заключается в использовании применяемого в вашем дистрибутиве менеджера пакетов вроде apt/apt-get/yum и других.

▍Установка ShellCheck в Debian/Ubuntu Linux

Тут понадобится следующая команда apt / apt-get:

$ sudo apt install shellcheck

Вот пример реакции системы на эту команду:

[sudo] password for vivek: 
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
The following NEW packages will be installed:
0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 1,841 kB of archives.
After this operation, 15.5 MB of additional disk space will be used.
Get:1 http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu artful/universe amd64 shellcheck amd64 0.4.6-1 [1,841 kB]
Fetched 1,841 kB in 42s (43.4 kB/s)
Selecting previously unselected package shellcheck.
(Reading database ... 196100 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../shellcheck_0.4.6-1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking shellcheck (0.4.6-1) ...
Setting up shellcheck (0.4.6-1) ...
Processing triggers for man-db ( ...

▍Установка ShellCheck в CentOS/RHEL/Fedora/Oracle Linux

Сначала нужно включить репозиторий EPEL в CentOS/RHEL:

$ sudo yum -y install epel-release

Дальше надо ввести следующую команду yum:

$ sudo yum install ShellCheck

Вот что будет выведено в ответ на эту команду:

Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base: centos.excellmedia.net
 * epel: mirror.nes.co.id
 * extras: mirrors.vonline.vn
 * updates: centos-hcm.viettelidc.com.vn
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package ShellCheck.x86_64 0:0.3.5-1.el7 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: ghc(ShellCheck-0.3.5-297097a7f5fa37100847be7f096be51e) for package: ShellCheck-0.3.5-1.el7.x86_64
Dependencies Resolved
 Package                Arch         Version                  Repository  Size
 ShellCheck             x86_64       0.3.5-1.el7              epel       495 k
Installing for dependencies:
 ghc-ShellCheck         x86_64       0.3.5-1.el7              epel       540 k
 ghc-array              x86_64         epel       113 k
 ghc-base               x86_64         epel       1.6 M
 ghc-bytestring         x86_64        epel       182 k
 ghc-containers         x86_64         epel       287 k
 ghc-deepseq            x86_64         epel        45 k
 ghc-directory          x86_64         epel        59 k
 ghc-filepath           x86_64         epel        60 k
 ghc-json               x86_64       0.7-4.el7                epel        96 k
 ghc-mtl                x86_64       2.1.2-27.el7             epel        33 k
 ghc-old-locale         x86_64         epel        50 k
 ghc-parsec             x86_64       3.1.3-31.el7             epel       105 k
 ghc-pretty             x86_64         epel        57 k
 ghc-regex-base         x86_64       0.93.2-29.el7            epel        28 k
 ghc-regex-compat       x86_64       0.95.1-35.el7            epel        15 k
 ghc-regex-posix        x86_64       0.95.2-30.el7            epel        47 k
 ghc-syb                x86_64       0.4.0-35.el7             epel        39 k
 ghc-text               x86_64           epel       379 k
 ghc-time               x86_64         epel       187 k
 ghc-transformers       x86_64           epel       100 k
 ghc-unix               x86_64         epel       160 k
Transaction Summary
Install  1 Package (+21 Dependent packages)
Total download size: 4.6 M
Installed size: 28 M
Is this ok [y/d/N]: y
Downloading packages:
(1/22): ghc-bytestring-       | 182 kB   00:09     
(2/22): ghc-array-             | 113 kB   00:09     
  ghc-parsec.x86_64 0:3.1.3-31.el7                                             
  ghc-pretty.x86_64 0:                                         
  ghc-regex-base.x86_64 0:0.93.2-29.el7                                        
  ghc-regex-compat.x86_64 0:0.95.1-35.el7                                      
  ghc-regex-posix.x86_64 0:0.95.2-30.el7                                       
  ghc-syb.x86_64 0:0.4.0-35.el7                                                
  ghc-text.x86_64 0:                                             
  ghc-time.x86_64 0:                                           
  ghc-transformers.x86_64 0:                                     
  ghc-unix.x86_64 0:                                           

Если вы пользуетесь Fedora, выполните следующую команду dnf:

$ sudo dnf install ShellCheck

▍Установка ShellCheck в Arch Linux

Введите следующую команду pacman:

$ sudo pacman -S shellcheck

▍Установка ShellCheck в Gentoo Linux

Введите такую команду emerge:

$ sudo emerge --ask shellcheck

▍Установка ShellCheck в OpenSUSE Linux

Введите следующую команду zypper:

$ sudo zypper in ShellCheck

▍Установка ShellCheck в macOS Unix

Воспользуйтесь следующей командой port если вы работаете с MacPorts:

$ port install shellcheck

Если вы пользуетесь Homebrew в macOS/OS X, введите такую команду brew:

$ brew install shellcheck

Как пользоваться ShellCheck

Испытаем ShellCheck на скрипте, содержимое которого просмотрим с помощью команды cat:

$ cat -n backupme

Вот его код:

source ~/.backup.conf
for w in $WHATNOT
    echo $w >> $t
rsync $OPT -avr --exclude-from=$t  $WHAT $SERVER:$WHERE
rm -rf $t

Теперь проверим скрипт с помощью ShellCheck:

$ shellcheck backupme

В ответ программа выдаст следующее:

ShellCheck в действии

Утилита ShellCheck предложила внести исправления, касающиеся использования переменных, не заключённых в кавычки, а также сообщила о других проблемах. Исправим ошибки и снова просмотрим текст скрипта следующей командой:

$ cat -n backupme

Вот что, в итоге, получилось:

source ~/.backup.conf
touch $t
for w in $WHATNOT
    echo "$w" >> $t
rsync "$OPT" -avr --exclude-from=$t  "$WHAT" "$SERVER:$WHERE"
rm -rf "$t"

Интеграция ShellCheck в текстовый редактор

ShellCheck можно интегрировать в vim или emacs, в результате, он будет проверять тексты скриптов прямо в редакторе. Тут показано применение плагина для vim neomake, асинхронного средства для линтинга и сборки программ. Он был установлен с использованием менеджера плагинов vim-plug в ~/.vimrc:

call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
Plug 'pearofducks/ansible-vim'
" install and use neomake linting
Plug 'neomake/neomake'
call plug#end()

Для установки ansible-vim и neomake/neomake, введите в vim следующую команду:


Для использования плагина введите следующую команду, редактируя bash/sh-скрипт:


Вот как выглядят результаты работы плагина в редакторе:

Neomake выводит предупреждения и сообщения об ошибках с помощью ShellCheck


Полагаем, ShellCheck — это замечательный инструмент, который позволяет улучшать и исправлять скрипты командной строки Linux. Он способен обнаруживать множество распространённых недоработок и ошибок в их коде. Если вы хотите узнать о SpellCheck больше — вот сайт проекта, а вот — его репозиторий на GitHub.

Уважаемые читатели! Проверяете ли вы свои скрипты чем-то вроде ShellCheck?

Is it possible to check a bash script syntax without executing it?

Using Perl, I can run perl -c 'script name'. Is there any equivalent command for bash scripts?

codeforester's user avatar


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asked Oct 5, 2008 at 12:51

Tom Feiner's user avatar


bash -n scriptname

Perhaps an obvious caveat: this validates syntax but won’t check if your bash script tries to execute a command that isn’t in your path, like ech hello instead of echo hello.

Chris's user avatar


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answered Oct 5, 2008 at 12:55

andy's user avatar


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Time changes everything. Here is a web site which provide online syntax checking for shell script.

I found it is very powerful detecting common errors.

enter image description here

About ShellCheck

ShellCheck is a static analysis and linting tool for sh/bash scripts. It’s mainly focused on handling typical beginner and intermediate level syntax errors and pitfalls where the shell just gives a cryptic error message or strange behavior, but it also reports on a few more advanced issues where corner cases can cause delayed failures.

Haskell source code is available on GitHub!

answered Oct 24, 2013 at 17:55

dvd818's user avatar


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I also enable the ‘u’ option on every bash script I write in order to do some extra checking:

set -u 

This will report the usage of uninitialized variables, like in the following script ‘check_init.sh’

set -u
echo $mesage

Running the script :

$ check_init.sh

Will report the following :

./check_init.sh[4]: mesage: Parameter not set.

Very useful to catch typos

answered May 23, 2012 at 14:10

Diego Tercero's user avatar

Diego TerceroDiego Tercero

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sh  -n   script-name 

Run this. If there are any syntax errors in the script, then it returns the same error message.
If there are no errors, then it comes out without giving any message. You can check immediately by using echo $?, which will return 0 confirming successful without any mistake.

It worked for me well. I ran on Linux OS, Bash Shell.

Rob Hruska's user avatar

Rob Hruska

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answered Feb 2, 2011 at 13:16

Jeevan's user avatar


2693 silver badges2 bronze badges


I actually check all bash scripts in current dir for syntax errors WITHOUT running them using find tool:


find . -name '*.sh' -print0 | xargs -0 -P"$(nproc)" -I{} bash -n "{}"

If you want to use it for a single file, just edit the wildcard with the name of the file.

Bensuperpc's user avatar


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answered Aug 3, 2017 at 11:58

Gerald Hughes's user avatar

Gerald HughesGerald Hughes

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null command [colon] also useful when debugging to see variable’s value

set -x
for i in {1..10}; do
    let i=i+1
    : i=$i
set - 

answered Jan 17, 2014 at 10:41

mug896's user avatar


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For only validating syntax:

shellcheck [programPath]

For running the program only if syntax passes, so debugging both syntax and execution:

shellproof [programPath]

answered Feb 13, 2021 at 1:52

Alberto Salvia Novella's user avatar

Bash shell scripts will run a syntax check if you enable syntax checking with

set -o noexec

if you want to turn off syntax checking

set +o noexec

Alexis Wilke's user avatar

Alexis Wilke

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answered Aug 30, 2021 at 3:28

Mike's user avatar

If you need in a variable the validity of all the files in a directory (git pre-commit hook, build lint script), you can catch the stderr output of the «sh -n» or «bash -n» commands (see other answers) in a variable, and have a «if/else» based on that

bashErrLines=$(find bin/ -type f -name '*.sh' -exec sh -n {} \;  2>&1 > /dev/null)
  if [ "$bashErrLines" != "" ]; then 
   # at least one sh file in the bin dir has a syntax error
   echo $bashErrLines; 

Change «sh» with «bash» depending on your needs

answered Jul 16, 2019 at 9:17

E Ciotti's user avatar

E CiottiE Ciotti

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Being involved in technology, specifically web, it does not take long we have to write a bash (or shell) script. If you work with server side technology this event happens very soon after logging into a server. As a Dev(Sec)Ops practitioner linting code during the a CI/CD process is a basic requirement for me personally. Until recently linting Bash/sh code for me was a painful process. However, like so much else it was just a matter of time before a solution was found to automate the process. Enter ‘shellcheck’. 


For this quick demo I am running Ubuntu 18.04. The installation process is very straight forward, APT work for this.

sudo apt-get install -y shellcheck

That was easy.

Once executed we should see the standard install output. Just to make sure everything completed as expected I execute a quick version check.

shellcheck --version

Worked as expected.

And has hoped shellcheck is indeed installed.


Getting to the options of shellcheck is as easy as the installation. A quick ‘—help’ argument provides us with the list of execution options.

shellcheck --help

Neat, colors and formatting!


So far so good. Now lets look at how it executes.  I has a BASH file in my home directory that provides the SVN history of a file so I used that as a demo.

shellcheck ./svn_file_history.sh

Oh man, I suck at BASH scripting.

Hey, that’s pretty neat. Give it is standard output it would be easy to pipe these messages to a reporting system or quality gate process. Nice.


shellcheck is one of those tools that makes life much easier, as long as you know about it before trying to write your own monster of a syntax checker.  Easy to install, easy to use, easy to integrate with it becomes yet another quality and security insurance step along the development pipeline.

Share your favorite linter in the comments so we can all learn.

Additional Resources

  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lint_(software)
  • https://nickjanetakis.com/blog/here-is-why-you-should-quote-your-variables-in-bash
  • https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck
  • Header Image from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbMsFXMnqNY

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