Проверка скрипта lua на ошибки

(This was originally meant as a reply to the first comment to Krtek’s question, but I ran out of space there and to be honest it works as an answer just fine.)

Functions are essentially values, and thus a named function is actually a variable of that name. Variables, by their very definition, can change as a script is executed. Hell, someone might accidentally redefine one of those functions. Is that bad? To sum my thoughts up: depending on the script, parameters passed and/or actual implementations of those pre-defined functions you speak of (one might unset itself or others, for example), it is not possible to guarantee things work unless you are willing to narrow down some of your demands. Lua is too dynamic for what you are looking for. :)

If you want a flawless test: create a dummy environment with all bells and whistles in place, and see if it crashes anywhere along the way (loading, executing, etc). This is basically a sort of unit test, and as such would be pretty heavy.

If you want a basic check to see if a script has a valid syntax: Krtek gave an answer for that already. I am quite sure (but not 100%) that the lua equivalent is to loadfile or loadstring, and the respective C equivalent is to try and lua_load() the code, each of which convert readable script to bytecode which you would already need to do before you could actually execute the code in your normal all-is-well usecase. (And if that contained function definitions, those would need to be executed later on for the code inside those to execute.)

However, these are the extent of your options with regards to pre-empting errors before they actually happen. Lua is a very dynamic language, and what is a great strength also makes for a weakness when you want to prove correctness. There are simply too many variables involved for a perfect solution.

(This was originally meant as a reply to the first comment to Krtek’s question, but I ran out of space there and to be honest it works as an answer just fine.)

Functions are essentially values, and thus a named function is actually a variable of that name. Variables, by their very definition, can change as a script is executed. Hell, someone might accidentally redefine one of those functions. Is that bad? To sum my thoughts up: depending on the script, parameters passed and/or actual implementations of those pre-defined functions you speak of (one might unset itself or others, for example), it is not possible to guarantee things work unless you are willing to narrow down some of your demands. Lua is too dynamic for what you are looking for. :)

If you want a flawless test: create a dummy environment with all bells and whistles in place, and see if it crashes anywhere along the way (loading, executing, etc). This is basically a sort of unit test, and as such would be pretty heavy.

If you want a basic check to see if a script has a valid syntax: Krtek gave an answer for that already. I am quite sure (but not 100%) that the lua equivalent is to loadfile or loadstring, and the respective C equivalent is to try and lua_load() the code, each of which convert readable script to bytecode which you would already need to do before you could actually execute the code in your normal all-is-well usecase. (And if that contained function definitions, those would need to be executed later on for the code inside those to execute.)

However, these are the extent of your options with regards to pre-empting errors before they actually happen. Lua is a very dynamic language, and what is a great strength also makes for a weakness when you want to prove correctness. There are simply too many variables involved for a perfect solution.

Lua online compiler

Write, Run & Share Lua code online using OneCompiler’s Lua online compiler for free. It’s one of the robust, feature-rich online compilers for Lua language, running the latest Lua version 5.3. Getting started with the OneCompiler’s Lua editor is easy and fast. The editor shows sample boilerplate code when you choose language as Lua and start coding.

Taking inputs (stdin)

OneCompiler’s Lua online editor supports stdin and users can give inputs to programs using the STDIN textbox under the I/O tab. Following is a sample Lua program which takes name as input and prints hello message with your name.

name = io.read("*a")
print ("Hello ", name)

About Lua

Lua is a light weight embeddable scripting language which is built on top of C. It is used in almost all kind of applications like games, web applications, mobile applications, image processing etc. It’s a very powerful, fast, easy to learn, open-source scripting language.

Syntax help


  • By default all the variables declared are global variables
  • If the variables are explicitly mentioned as local then they are local variables.
  • Lua is a dynamically typed language and hence only the values will have types not the variables.


-- global variables
a = 10

-- local variables

local x = 30
Value Type Description
number Represents numbers
string Represents text
nil Differentiates values whether it has data or not
boolean Value can be either true or false
function Represents a sub-routine
userdata Represents arbitary C data
thread Represents independent threads of execution.
table Can hold any value except nil


1. While:

While is also used to iterate a set of statements based on a condition. Usually while is preferred when number of iterations are not known in advance.


2. Repeat-Until:

Repeat-Until is also used to iterate a set of statements based on a condition. It is very similar to Do-While, it is mostly used when you need to execute the statements atleast once.

until( condition )

3. For:

For loop is used to iterate a set of statements based on a condition.

for init,max/min value, increment


Function is a sub-routine which contains set of statements. Usually functions are written when multiple calls are required to same set of statements which increase re-usuability and modularity.

optional_function_scope function function_name( argument1, argument2, argument3........, argumentn)
return params with comma seperated


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  • Overview
  • Installation
  • Basic usage
  • Related projects
  • Documentation
  • Development
  • Building and testing
  • License


Luacheck is a static analyzer and a linter for Lua. Luacheck detects various issues such as usage of undefined global variables, unused variables and values, accessing uninitialized variables, unreachable code and more. Most aspects of checking are configurable: there are options for defining custom project-related globals, for selecting set of standard globals (version of Lua standard library), for filtering warnings by type and name of related variable, etc. The options can be used on the command line, put into a config or directly into checked files as Lua comments.

Luacheck supports checking Lua files using syntax of Lua 5.1, Lua 5.2, Lua 5.3 and LuaJIT. Luacheck itself is written in Lua and runs on all of mentioned Lua versions.


Using LuaRocks

From your command line run the following command (using sudo if necessary):

luarocks install luacheck

For parallel checking Luacheck additionally requires LuaLanes, which can be installed using LuaRocks as well (luarocks install lanes).

Windows binary download

For Windows there is single-file 64-bit binary distribution, bundling Lua 5.3.4, Luacheck, LuaFileSystem, and LuaLanes using LuaStatic:

Basic usage

After Luacheck is installed, run luacheck program from the command line. Pass a list of files, rockspecs or directories (requires LuaFileSystem) to be checked:

luacheck src extra_file.lua another_file.lua
Checking src/good_code.lua               OK
Checking src/bad_code.lua                3 warnings

    src/bad_code.lua:3:23: unused variable length argument
    src/bad_code.lua:7:10: setting non-standard global variable embrace
    src/bad_code.lua:8:10: variable opt was previously defined as an argument on line 7

Checking src/python_code.lua             1 error

    src/python_code.lua:1:6: expected '=' near '__future__'

Checking extra_file.lua                  5 warnings

    extra_file.lua:3:18: unused argument baz
    extra_file.lua:4:8: unused loop variable i
    extra_file.lua:13:7: accessing uninitialized variable a
    extra_file.lua:14:1: value assigned to variable x is unused
    extra_file.lua:21:7: variable z is never accessed

Checking another_file.lua                2 warnings

    another_file.lua:2:7: unused variable height
    another_file.lua:3:7: accessing undefined variable heigth

Total: 10 warnings / 1 error in 5 files

For more info, see documentation.

Related projects

Editor support

There are a few plugins which allow using Luacheck directly inside an editor, showing warnings inline:

  • For Vim, Syntastic contains luacheck checker;
  • For Sublime Text 3 there is SublimeLinter-luacheck which requires SublimeLinter;
  • For Atom there is linter-luacheck which requires AtomLinter;
  • For Emacs, Flycheck contains luacheck checker;
  • For Brackets, there is linter.luacheck extension;
  • For Visual Studio code there is vscode-luacheck extension. vscode-lua extension also includes Luacheck support.

If you are a plugin developer, see recommended way of using Luacheck in a plugin.

Other projects

  • Luacheck bindings for Node.js;
  • Luacheck plugin for Gulp.


Documentation is available online. If Luacheck has been installed using LuaRocks, it can be browsed offline using luarocks doc luacheck command.

Documentation can be built using Sphinx: sphinx-build docsrc doc, the files will be found inside doc/.


Luacheck is currently in development. The latest released version is 0.23.0. The interface of the luacheck module may change between minor releases. The command line interface is fairly stable.

Use the Luacheck issue tracker on GitHub to submit bugs, suggestions and questions. Any pull requests are welcome, too.

Building and testing

After the Luacheck repo is cloned and changes are made, run luarocks make (using sudo if necessary) from its root directory to install dev version of Luacheck. To run Luacheck using sources in current directory without installing it, run lua -e 'package.path="./src/?.lua;./src/?/init.lua;"..package.path' bin/luacheck.lua .... To test Luacheck, ensure that you have busted and luautf8 installed and run busted.


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Peter Melnichenko

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Lua — это язык программирования, который широко используется в различных областях, включая разработку игр, создание скриптовых приложений и системной интеграции. Как и в любом другом языке программирования, при разработке lua-скрипта возникают ошибки. В этой статье мы рассмотрим шаги, необходимые для обнаружения и исправления ошибок в lua-скрипте.

1. Понимание сообщений об ошибках

Lua предоставляет информативные сообщения об ошибках, которые помогают вам определить проблемный участок кода. Важно понимать эти сообщения и уметь интерпретировать их для быстрого обнаружения ошибок. Сообщения об ошибках обычно содержат информацию о типе ошибки, номере строки, где произошла ошибка, и описании ошибки.

2. Применение отладчика

Lua также предоставляет отладчик, который полезен для обнаружения и исправления ошибок в скриптах. Отладчик позволяет пошагово выполнять скрипт и проверять значения переменных. Вы можете установить точки останова в коде и проверить промежуточные результаты, чтобы выявить и исправить возможные ошибки.

3. Проверка синтаксиса

Очень важная часть обнаружения ошибок в lua-скриптах — проверка синтаксических ошибок. Lua предоставляет встроенный компилятор, который может быть использован для проверки синтаксиса скрипта перед его выполнением. Это позволяет быстро выявить простые ошибки, такие как пропущенные операторы или неправильное использование ключевых слов.

4. Использование комментариев

Хорошо структурированный и хорошо задокументированный код помогает обнаруживать и исправлять ошибки. Используйте комментарии, чтобы описывать назначение отдельных частей кода, особенности или предполагаемые результаты. Это поможет вам и другим разработчикам понять код и быстро обнаружить возможные проблемы.

5. Тестирование

Тестирование является важной частью процесса нахождения и исправления ошибок. Создайте набор тестовых случаев, которые проверяют различные аспекты вашего кода. Запустите эти тесты и убедитесь, что код работает корректно и дает ожидаемые результаты. Если обнаружатся ошибки, зарегистрируйте их и проверьте код, чтобы исправить проблемы.

6. Использование инструментов статического анализа

Существуют инструменты статического анализа lua-скриптов, которые могут помочь выявить потенциальные ошибки до выполнения кода. Эти инструменты проводят анализ синтаксиса, проверяют правильность использования переменных, функций и других элементов языка. Использование таких инструментов может значительно сократить время нахождения и исправления ошибок.

В заключение, при разработке lua-скрипта важно быть внимательным и использовать все доступные инструменты для обнаружения и исправления ошибок. Понимание сообщений об ошибках, применение отладчика, проверка синтаксиса, использование комментариев, тестирование и использование инструментов статического анализа помогут вам создать более надежный и безошибочный код.

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  • Проверка сочинения на уникальность и ошибки
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