Проверить sql запрос на ошибки

SQL queries are easy to learn and reuse.

The difficulty of reading and understanding current SQL queries is known as query interpretation. It’s frequently as difficult as Query Composition, which entails writing a new query.

SQL Syntax Checker validates and marks any errors in your SQL queries.

Common Causes of Syntax Errors

  • Mismatched number of open and close parentheses
  • Improper query language used 
  • The data required for the query is missing
  • Typos
  • Syntax errors such as misspelling
  • Use of Reserved words
  • An old version of the keyword is used
  • Misspelling a keyword or function name

How to Validate Syntax and Disable Statement Execution

Before executing SQL on your production database server, you can run a SQL syntax check without connecting to the database server and look for syntax issues.
The following are supported by the database: Oracle (PLSQL), SQL Server, MySQL, DB2, and Access are all examples of database management systems.
When you’re debugging and come across any syntax that’s part of a long query and wants to validate it, all you have to do is use Syntax.

SQL is the Language used to Communicate with Databases

SQL, SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and so on. You want to learn SQL, but you’re intimidated by the number of keywords and don’t know where to begin. Let’s go over the definitions for each of these terms.

A database is a type of computer program that stores and processes vast volumes of information. Database vendors come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Database products from different vendors include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, and SQL Server. The programming language SQL is used to communicate with these databases, and each database product has its SQL variant. These variations are referred to as SQL dialects.

Using SQL Queries to Create Visualizations

Many individuals have tried but failed to create a successful parser due to the intricacy of the SQL grammar and dialicts. Our parser reduces the problems of deciphering SQL grammar. The parsing logic generates an abstract syntax tree (AST) containing «raw» or optionally qualified table and column IDs.

AST Tree Algorithm

The parsing stage entails breaking down the components of a SQL statement into a data structure that may be processed by subsequent algorithms. The database only parses a statement when the application tells it to. Therefore only the application, not the database, may reduce the number of parses. Various utility function analyze the AST tree to identify the components:

  1. what tables appear in the query?
  2. what columns appear in the query, per clause?
  3. what is the table/column lineage of a query?
  4. what sets of columns does a query compare for equality?

A SQL syntax tool is a software program which can be used to check and validate the structure and syntax of SQL statements. It can also provide assistance in creating complex SQL queries. With such a tool, users can ensure that their SQL code is efficient and correct before deploying it.

SQL Syntax Checker

Input (Editable)



If you are working with SQL then it is essential to check on your data and validate it in order to ignore errors. You need to be very sure about whatever you are updating in the rows of the table, is true and unique.

It is very important to have a SQL syntax check so that your work is error-free on your SQL project. There are many free SQL syntax validators and checkers available on the web which are not only easy to use but are also free of cost. 

A few of them are discussed below for you to have a good idea about the features and what these editors have to showcase for you.

Best SQL Syntax Checkers

1. MySQL – Primary SQL Syntax Checker

MySQL - SQL Syntax Checker

MySQL was founded in 1995 in the United States and is composed of amazing features and services that are too amazing if offered for free. It has amazing reviews on the web and seems to provide the best error-free work. It is open-source software and is looked after by a GNU license. The main features of MySQL are:

If you know the basics of SQL then this software is not too difficult for you to handle. It is easy and convenient and can be used by anyone with little knowledge about SQL.

It is a secure platform and your data is safe from any kind of hacking or stealing from over here.

They have a very good user communication plan via which you can easily communicate to the server and share your queries.

It is free for all and can be easily installed on your system from their official website.

It supports a huge number of applications and yet has the best speed among all its competitors.

2. EverSQL – An Online SQL Syntax Validator

EverSQL- Online SQL Syntax Checker

EverSQL was developed in 2017 in Israel. It is an online SQL syntax checker which has helped many developers and will have a lot more in the future as well. EverSQL clears errors, helps in saving time required for improvement, and spares the expense of a specialist for this task. 

EverSQL revamps SQL queries and makes them run quicker and then displays a comparison between the original and the changed one. This helps in increasing productivity and also keeps you up-to-date about all the alterations. It is free for the first 14 days but then there are payment packages that include several extra features.

It helps in streamlining SQL questions without any problem 

It is very easy to use and learn. There is no need to download or establish different servers.

It seems to support MySQL, MariaDB, PerconaDB, and other related soft wares.

3. Solarwinds Database – SQL Performance Analyzer

Solarwindws - SQL Performace Analyser

It is a cross-platform database performance analyzer developed to monitor, analyze, and tune SQL queries and SQL statements. It also has a free trial but that expires in 14 days and then you have to buy packages which are starting initially from $1,111. The significant features of Solarwinds DPA are:

  • It reaches the main reason for the query in no time and clears it.
  • Always notify you by email immediately about any issues.
  • Makes sure that each and every query is detected and is then solved so that no further problems can occur in the work. 
  • Aware of upcoming analysis as well.
  • It doesn’t require downloading a SQL server to monitor queries.
  • It validates SQL and thoroughly checks all your queries.

4. Redgate SQL – SQL Issue Monitor

Redgate SQL - SQL Issue Monitor

It monitors your issues, brings them to the notice, reports issues, and solves them before they transform into undeniable catastrophes. It is one of the very well-known SQL syntax checkers and is used by many developers all around the world.

The price range varies on the basis of how many servers are in use. Its main features include: 

It helps you to monitor performance in all areas through a single server and then you don’t have to install different servers for different locations.

Redgate SQL notifies if there are any issues within a blink of an eye so that you can start working on them as soon as possible and to be immune to them so that you can get rid of them in the upcoming days.

It gives a concise and precise view of all the SQL queries by arranging them in graphs.

It distinguishes and determines all the bad things happening with your SQL codes.

5. SQL Fiddle – Free Online SQL Validator

SQL Fiddle - Free Online SQL Checker

SQL Fiddle is a free site that permits you to check and validate your SQL queries. SQLFiddle was developed by Jake Feasel, in January 2012. it has almost all the features that are discussed in the above SQL validators. Let’s discuss a couple of them.

It empowers you and makes you and your work not only proficient but also helps in increasing productivity and erasing errors.

This likewise assists with upgrading and looking at SQL queries. It helps in producing an error-free code.

SQL Fiddle helps in monitoring and securing your significant data and protects it from getting leaked.

It also informs you about queries as quickly as possible so that you can erase them immediately.

6. dbForge Studio – SQL Query Validator

dbForge Studio - SQL Query Checker

This validator is used for SQL queries and it has proved to be very useful in checking SQL-related queries and issues. Its main features include:

it validates your code by auto-completing them due to which any such errors are not found and the text is free of mistakes.

dbForge Studio maintains a whole index consisting of all the related problems so that we can have a clear view of whatever is wrong and we can correct it quickly.

It also displays the results of the queries that have been solved in order to keep you updated about all the changes.

7. SQL syntax analyzer (SQL syntax analysis tool)

SQL syntax analysis tool

A tool that automatically organizes the SQL format, very easy to use, suitable for developers of various languages. And adapted to SQL syntax analysis, the data definition language (DDL) part of SQL enables you to create or delete tables. You can also define indexes (keys), specify links between tables, and impose constraints between tables.

Need to verify the accuracy of the SQL grammar, such as entering the wrong grammar, it automatically prompts it. It works in the background to check the syntax.

8. JSqlParser – SQL Statement Parser

 SQL Statement Parser

JSqlParser works with Java, and converts the SQL statements into a hierarchy of Java Classes. It uses a visitor pattern to execute the JSqlParser.

9. MySQL Syntax Checker by piliapp.com

online MySQL Syntax Checker

MySQL syntax checker is provided by piliapp.com free of cost. This utility is simple to use, just enter the SQL query and at the click of a button, it shows the results. While testing the tool I found that The check is not reliable, It shows random results. They have a limit on the number of times you can use this tool in a specific given time.

10. MySQL Syntax Checker by rakko.tools

online MySQL syntax checker

Another online Syntax validator for MySQL query. This tool highlights the error in the query. It can catch errors that could occur because of misspelling, keyword errors, etc.

Syntax errors, data required for query missing, reserved language is used/ for MySQL

11. Online SQL Query formatter

Online SQL formatter

SQL formatter formats any SQL query according to the configuration provided. You can configure the indentation, keyword case, table name case, etc. It beatifies the select statement and makes it readable.

12. dbForge Studio for MySQL

dbForge Studio is paid software for SQL queries, it provides features like code completion, IntelliSense-style code completion, alias management, code highlighting, and syntax check functionality. This tool is best if you work with large queries and do lots of refactoring.

3. RedSQL

SQL Online executor

RedSQL is an online executor that works with DB2, SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, and Sybase. Users are allowed to create profiles and connect to the database using the JDBC URL. Users can create multiple profiles and connect databases to each other.


SQL syntax validators and validators help you in making your code appropriate and without any faults. That’s an easy way to make your work proficient.

There are plenty of soft wares available online. You can choose whichever suits you and install it to use and make your working experience better.

In this article, we will look at the 2 different SQL syntax checker tools that help to find the syntax errors of the queries without executing them.

What is a SQL syntax checker?

SQL syntax checker tools validate SQL syntax or indicate the incorrect syntax errors if it exists. These tools can
be helpful to determine the syntax errors without executing the whole query. The following 2 tools can be used to
validate the syntax of our T-SQL queries:

  • SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
  • SQL Fiddle

What is the query parsing in SQL Server?

When we submit a query in SQL Server to execute, it performs 3 essential phases during the execution of the query:

  • Parse: In this phase, the Query Parser checks and validates the syntax of the SQL statement and generates a parse tree of the query. The parse tree is sent to the next stage for processing
  • Compile: In this phase, the query optimizer generates an execution plan for the query
  • Execute: In this final stage, the storage engine executes the SQL statements

How to validate query syntax with SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is an advanced integrated development tool to manage, administrate, and
configure SQL Server and it also offers a query editor option to develop and execute T-SQL queries. We can find a Parse button on the query editor toolbar of SSMS, that only checks the syntax of the selected statement or all
statements that are given by the users. So that, we can use SSMS as a SQL syntax checker tool.

How to use the parse button in SQL Server Management Studio

Here we need to take into account that, when we parse a query the compile and execute phases are not performed. In the following example, we will check the syntax of a very simple query. To validate a query syntax consists of only 2 simple steps:

  • Paste or write query into the query panel
  • Click the parse button or press the Control + F5 key combination

Validate the syntax of a query in SQL syntax checker

As seen, the query syntax has been validated successfully. Now we will remove the FROM clause of the statement and re-parse the query.

Checks the syntax of a query in SSMS

After the re-parsing of the query, SQL Server returns an incorrect syntax error. Another option to check the syntax of the queries is using the SET PARSE ONLY command. This command configures the session into parsing mode.



SELECT FirstName,


FROM Person.Person

Usage details of the SET PARSEONLY command

SQL Fiddle

SQL Fiddle is an online web application that can be used to practice or share queries with their schema build script for different database systems.

How we can use SQL Fiddle as SQL Syntax checker

Besides this, we can use SQL Fiddle as a SQL syntax checker but we need to create all objects that are placed in the query. For example in this sample query, we can build the schema and execute the query.

SQL Fiddle can show the execution plan of a query

At the same time, it shows the execution plan of a query after its execution.

How to compile queries with no execute: SET NOEXEC ON command

After enabling the NOEXEC option for a session, SQL Server parses and compiles each statement of the query but it
does not execute the query. The advantage of this command is to perform the parse and compile phases. NOEXEC option
provides the deferred name resolution, so it controls only the referenced if one or more referenced objects in the
batch don’t exist, no error will be thrown. We will explain this concept with a very simple example. In the example
query, everything is okay because the table and columns exist and syntax is also valid



SELECT FirstName,


FROM Person.Person

GROUP BY FirstName,


SET NOEXEC ON function usage

In the following example, the table does not exist but the query is validated but not compiled.

SELECT FirstName,


FROM Person.Person_NotExist

GROUP BY FirstName,


SET NOEXEC ON usage for non-exists tables

In this last example, SQL Server does not find the referenced objects so it will return an error.



    SELECT FirstName1,dbo.NotExistsFunction,


FROM Person.Person

GROUP BY FirstName,


SET NOEXEC ON returns an error

When we only parse the following query the result will return successfully but the syntax of the query is invalid
because of the missing column names after the group by.

SELECT FirstName,


FROM Person.Person

GROUP BY MiddleName

Parsing T-SQL query without execute

Despite that, after enabling the SET NOEXEC option, the query result will return an error.

SET NOEXEC ON command returns an error

This example shows the NOEXEC and PARSEONLY option differences. When we correct the misspelling of the syntax, SQL
Server does not return any error.



SELECT FirstName,


FROM Person.Person

GROUP BY FirstName,


How the SET NOEXEC ON command works

Another key point about the SET NOEXEC command is related to the cached execution plans. SQL Server stores the
execution plan of the executed queries in the plan cache. When we execute a query after enabling the NOEXEC option
and if this query is not returned any error, the execution plan of the query will be stored in the plan cache. Let’s
look at this working mechanism with an example. Firstly, we will clear the plan cache data of the example query if
it exists. To do this, we will execute the following query and find the plan cache details.


FROM sys.dm_exec_cached_plans

CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(plan_handle)

WHERE usecounts > 0 AND

        text like ‘%SELECT FirstName,


FROM%’ AND text NOT LIKE ‘%sys.dm_exec_cached_plans%’

ORDER BY usecounts DESC;

Listing cached execution plans in SQL Server

As a second step, we will drop the execution plan that is stored for the sample query. We will pass the plan handle
data as a parameter to the DBCC FREEPROCCACHE.

DBCC FREEPROCCACHE(0x06001200A94F9D0C203F93A87B02000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)

Dropping a single cached plan of a query

Before executing the query, we can create an extended event session to observe the query compilation event. This extended
event must include the query_pre_execution_showplan. This event captures the SQL statement is compiled. At the same
time, this event shows the execution plan in an XML format.



SELECT FirstName,


FROM Person.Person

GROUP BY FirstName,


Using the Extended Events to monitor a query compilation

As we have explained, after enabling the NOEXEC command the query is compiled by the query optimizer.


In this article, we have looked at two different SQL syntax checker tools to validate our queries without executing

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Esat Erkec

Esat Erkec is a SQL Server professional who began his career 8+ years ago as a Software Developer. He is a SQL Server Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert.

Most of his career has been focused on SQL Server Database Administration and Development. His current interests are in database administration and Business Intelligence. You can find him on LinkedIn.

View all posts by Esat Erkec

Esat Erkec

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