Проверить код node js на ошибки

Report Me About:

Unused variables

Undefined variables

Warn Me:

About == null

About debugging code

About unsafe for..in

About arguments.caller and .callee

About assignments if/for/…

About functions inside loops

About eval

About unsafe line breaks

About potential typos in logical operators

When code is not in strict mode

When new is used for side-effects

Assume I’m Using:




Development (console, etc.)

New JavaScript features (ES6)

Mozilla JavaScript extensions

Older environments (ES3)


Текст успешно скопирован!

Предварительная валидация

Инструмент для проверки и обработки исходного кода на JavaScript пригодится всем программистам. Операция форматирования позволяет привести «сырой» js-код к единой графической структуре, в результате чего он становится четким и читабельным. Удобный для разработчика вид скрипта занимает больший объем памяти, вследствие чего увеличивает время его обработки. Минификация джава скрипт за несколько секунд убирает все лишние пробелы, знаки табуляции и элементы, не влияющие на работоспособность. Кнопка «Валидировать» запускает процесс проверки синтаксиса валидатором js и подсвечивает все ошибки, незакрытые теги и опечатки.

JavaScript Validator is intuitively designed to detect errors in JavaScript code, a scripting language. This tool saves programmers from hours of finding bugs in the JS code. 

There can be some syntax errors that must be fixed to ensure that the JS code runs smoothly. You can quickly improve the quality of your code when you know where the problem lies. 

No matter the runtime environment you need to execute your code, our JS validator lets you do it quickly. You can conveniently specify whether you want to check the effectiveness of your code in a browser, Jquery, CouchDB, or Node.js. 

You can also indicate if the JS code with bitwise operators, eval, statement, or expressions should be validated or flagged as an error. 

You can leverage our tool for free whenever you encounter a bug in your JavaScript code. Following your instructions, our advanced tool will take only a moment to analyze the JS code, providing you with a list of potential errors and warnings. You may ignore the warnings, but the detected errors must be resolved, such as undefined or unused variables. 

How to Find JavaScript Errors? 

Following these steps, you can easily use our JS Validator to check errors in javascript syntax:

Step 1 — Enter JS Code 

Here are a few ways (any of which) you can follow to enter the «javascript code» for a quick syntax validation:

  • Upload a code file 
  • Copy-paste the code
  • Manually type the code
  • Fetch the code via the URL

Just make sure to enter the JS code without any omissions.

Step 2 — Specify Runtime Environment 

Select any of the following options to indicate in which «runtime environment» you want to validate the javascript code:

  • Browser
  • Jquery
  • CouchDB
  • Node.js

You can select multiple runtime environments at a time. 

Step 3 — Make Necessary Exceptions

Utilize the «tolerate» feature to highlight which of the following are acceptable or not during validation:

  • Bitwise operators
  • Eval
  • Statement
  • Expressions

You can make multiple exceptions at the same time. 

Step 4 — Check the Result

There’s no need to click on any button to run our JS validator. It automatically processes the given code and validates it after entering it. 

Take into account that our javascript validator will enlist the following to help you validate your javascript code:

  • Warnings
  • Errors 

Even if you make changes to the JS code (while validating it), you’ll get quick results without reloading our tool. 

Why Use Our JavaScript Validator? 

Javascriptvalidator.net is your go-to solution to identify unforeseen errors in JS code syntax. It is an advanced tool that works best to help you understand why your JavaScript code could be running more effectively. There can be various reasons you need to validate your code, such as identifying syntax errors, but whenever you need to do it, you must use a highly-functional tool, just like our JS validator. 

Let’s find out what our JavaScript Validator offers you:

Improved Functionality

JavaScript code validation becomes hassle-free with our advanced JS code checker. It scans JavaScript syntax for common bugs, ensuring you can easily find out why your code is not working correctly. It flags both errors and warnings, which must look into. For instance, if there are any undefined values, implicit type conversion, or wrong logic, it will alert you.

Advanced Features 

Thanks to the multiple intuitive features of our tool, you can easily customize the settings and specify how you would like to validate your JS code. For instance, you can highlight which runtime browser your code should be checked for errors and warnings. You can also make some exceptions, such as instructing the tool not to flag bitwise operators or Eva as errors. 

Quick Results 

There’s no need to wait for minutes when our JS validator takes only a second to run your code and check it for potential errors. Just as you enter the code, it automatically displays the results. It doesn’t even require you to reload the page. You can easily edit or replace the code. Moreover, it will take only a single click if you want to fetch JS code directly from a URL and scan it for errors. 

Free Access 

Free unlimited access for a lifetime. That’s what you get when you use our JS validator. We want nothing more than the ease of programmers and that’s why we make sure that they don’t have to pay to validate their JS syntax. No matter how many times you use it, there will be no need to signup or get a subscription plan. All features and functions are accessible for free.

Understanding JavaScript 

JavaScript is a free scripting language that works on both the server and client sides. It is text-based and works with HTML and CSS to enhance code functionality and add interactive elements. In short, JS breathes life into static sites and makes them interactive. 

Most websites use JavaScript, and all modern web browsers support it without needing plugins. With a large community and a rapidly evolving ecosystem, it has a large user base. Indeed, a web developer today must be familiar with JavaScript to work on a web project. 

What is JavaScript?

A JavaScript scripting language is a cross-platform, object-oriented scripting language used for creating dynamic web pages with elements such as animated graphics, clickable buttons, and pop-up menus. Undoubtedly, it is one of the best web browser technologies available today. The JavaScript scripting language is used to create and control dynamic website content, such as anything on your screen that moves, refreshes, or otherwise changes, without requiring you to reload it. Some features of JavaScript are given below:

  • animated graphics
  • photo slideshows
  • autocomplete text suggestions
  • interactive forms

It is also possible to create new applications using server-side JavaScript versions and frameworks, such as Node.js. The JavaScript frameworks offer performance benefits as well as ready-to-use solutions.

For example, a web browser window or webpage can be programmed to control objects in its environment using JavaScript. 

A standard library of objects, such as Array, Date, and Math, as well as a basic set of language components, such as operators, control structures, and statements, are included in JavaScript. Extending Core JavaScript with additional objects can be used for various applications, such as Client-side and Server-side JavaScript.

In client-side JavaScript, objects are provided for controlling the browser’s Document Object Model (DOM). For example, client-side JavaScript enables a program to add HTML elements to an HTML file and respond to user actions such as mouse clicks, form entries, and page navigation.

By providing the objects needed for server-side JavaScript, server-side JavaScript extends the basic language. For example, it facilitates the creation of connections between applications and databases or supports file I/O operations. 

JavaScript Syntax

// JavaScript Document

    loop: true,
    margin: 20,
    responsiveClass: true,
nav: false,
dots: true,
    autoplay: true,
    responsive: {

What is JavaScript Used For?

As JavaScript is one of the most widely used and dynamic programming languages today, it is used to create rich web experiences for PCs, tablets, and mobile devices. Undoubtedly, it is a world-class language with a thriving development environment and a committed community committed to its continuous development.

JavaScript is used for a variety of purposes. Following are some of its uses:

  • Adding interactivity to websites — To make your website more than a static page of text, you will have to do some JavaScripting.
  • Developing mobile applications — JavaScript is not just for websites… it’s also used to create apps for smartphones and tablets.
  • Creating web browser-based games — Have you ever played a game directly from your web browser? It is probably because of JavaScript.
  • Back-end web development — JavaScript is most commonly used on the front end of a website, but it is also a versatile enough scripting language to be used on the back-end infrastructure.

What are the Main Features of JavaScript?

Understanding the main features of JavaScript is essential to understand the language properly. In the following, we have discussed the five features of JavaScript.


JavaScript is a lightweight scripting language designed primarily for handling data in browsers. Additionally, JavaScript Code is lightweight and is intended primarily for client-side execution, such as web applications. Because it is not a general-purpose language, it has a limited number of libraries. 

Dynamic Typing

The JavaScript programming language supports dynamic typing. The term dynamic typing refers to the fact that a variable’s data type is only declared at runtime. In this way, programmers are not required to declare the type of variables while coding, simplifying the coding process and making it easier to implement.

Using JavaScript, we declare variables using the var, const or let keywords before their names without specifying their data types.

Functional Style

It is important to note that JavaScript is a functional programming language, meaning that even objects are constructed using constructor functions, and each constructor function represents an individual object type. The JavaScript functions can also be used as objects and be passed on to other functions.

Platform Independent

JavaScript is platform-independent or portable, meaning you can write JavaScript code once and run it anywhere at any time. Generally, JavaScript programs can run on any platform or web browser without altering their output.

Object-Oriented Programming

With ES6, the concept of OOP has been refined. In JavaScript, Code Reuse Patterns, or inheritance, are also essential elements of OOP. Even though JavaScript developers rarely make use of this capability, it is available to all users. 

What are the Types of JavaScript Errors?

The errors must occur in any programming language. In JavaScript, the following six error constructors are most commonly used:

Syntax Error

This is one of the most common errors we encounter. An error occurs when we attempt to type code not understood by the JS engine.


Typing pint in place of print

The JS engine catches an error like this during parsing. It is important to note that our code is put through various stages in the JS engine before we can see the results on our terminal.

Reference Error

Errors of this type occur when a variable reference cannot be found or is not declared.


const l=console.log

const cat = «cat»



Type Error

Typically, this error is caused by misusing a value outside the scope of its own data type.


let number = 5;

console.log(number.split(«»)); //Converting a number to an array will throw an error


What is JavaScript used for?

Programmers use JavaScript to create interactive web pages, such as the user interface of browsers or applications. It works hand-in-hand with HTML and CSS to ensure that all web page’s interactive elements and functions can be used as required. 

Are JavaScript and HTML the same?

No. There’s a difference in the use of JS and HTML. JavaScript is a «scripting language,» whereas HTML is a «markup language.» JavaScript must be loaded and run with the HTML markup to make a web page interactive and usable. 

What is the general syntax of JavaScript?

The JavaScript code comprises a series of instructions known as statements. At the same time, the JS statements consist of values, expressions, operators, keywords, and comments. There can be some fixed values and variable values in the JavaScript syntax. 

What causes a JavaScript error?

There can be some omissions or typos in the syntax, which may lead to JavaScript errors. For instance, incorrect variable names, missing parentheses, and unmatched brackets can cause a JS error. The JavaScript code can not be executed if there are syntax errors. 

How to fix JavaScript errors?

You need to check for errors if your JS code is not running. You can use a JavaScript validator to identify bugs with ease. Once you know what type of error this is, you can quickly fix it. Check for cross-browser compatibility and other technical issues if it is not a syntax error.

What is Javascript Validator?

JavaScript Validator is a tool or utility that checks the validity of JavaScript code to ensure that it follows the syntax rules and conventions of the language. 

The tool generally checks for syntax errors, such as missing semicolons, undefined variables, incorrect function calls, etc.

Various types of JavaScript validators are available, including online validators and code editors with built-in validators. These tools can help developers identify and correct code errors quickly and easily, saving time and preventing bugs in the final product, software, or app.

Some popular JavaScript validators include JSLint, ESLint, and JSHint. These validators check for syntax errors and execute coding standards and best practices, making it easier to maintain and scale the codebase over time.

Benefits of Using a JavaScript Validator

JavaScript Validator is an essential tool for developers and programmers who want to ensure the quality of their code and mental piece. By using a JavaScript Validator regularly, you can enjoy several benefits, including and not limited to the following:

Catching Fundamental Errors

As you work on any project, mistakes are bound to happen. However, by using a JavaScript Validator, you can quickly catch and find those fundamental errors that can cause significant problems and can fixt it quickly.

Preventing Potentially Disastrous Bugs

Bugs can be a developer’s worst nightmare, especially when they cause a project to fail. JavaScript Validator goes beyond just identifying syntax errors. It can help you prevent potentially disastrous bugs, ensuring that your code remains stable and reliable in the long run.

Having Cleaner, Safer, and Maintainable Code

One of the most significant advantages of using a JavaScript Validator is that it can help you keep your codebase clean, safe, and maintainable over time. Adhering to coding standards and best practices will make your code easier to understand, update, and scale.

Speeding Up the Code Writing Process

It can also speed up the code-writing process. You can avoid time-consuming debugging by catching errors early on, focusing on writing high-quality code faster, and deploying software as soon as possible.

Saving Time and Effort

Finally, using a JavaScript Validator can save you valuable time and effort. By catching errors early on, you can avoid spending hours debugging and troubleshooting, allowing you to focus on more critical aspects of your project and it’s lifecycle.

How to validate Javascript code online for free?

  1. You will see an input textarea where you can paste your JavaScript code.
  2. If your code is saved in a file, you can click on the «Upload» button to select and upload the file.
  3. Click on the «Validate JavaScript» button to start the validation process.
  4. The tool will display a table under the «Errors and Warnings» section, showing any errors or warnings found in your code. The table will contain three columns: LineCol, and error/warning description.
  5. If there are any errors or warnings in your code, you can click on the specific error/warning message to jump to that line in the code.
  6. If you want to clear the input textarea, you can click on the «Clear» button.
  7. If you want to copy the input JavaScript code, you can click on the «Copy Input» button.
  8. You can also view the output in a table format by clicking on the «Output as Table» button.

By following these simple steps, you can quickly validate your JavaScript code and ensure it is error-free.

How does Javascript Validation work?

JavaScript Validation works by examining and analyzing your code and ensuring that it follows the rules and syntax of the JavaScript language as universally accepted. When you run a JavaScript Validation tool, it checks your code for syntax errors, warnings, incorrect function calls, undefined variables, and other potential issues or problems.

Here’s how a JavaScript Validation process works in more detail:

  1. Parsing the Code: When you submit your JavaScript code to the validator tool, the tool first parses it into an abstract syntax tree (AST). This step involves analyzing your code’s structure and breaking it into a more manageable form with which the tool can work efficiently.
  2. Analyzing the AST: Once the tool has created an AST, it analyzes it to identify any syntax errors, warnings, undefined variables, and other issues. The tool uses a set of rules and best practices to ensure that your javascript code is correct and follows documented and established coding standards.
  3. Reporting Errors and Warnings: If the tool finds any errors or warnings in your code, it reports them to you in a clear and understandable format. In our Javascript validator, you can see a table that lists all errors and warnings. This feedback can help you identify and fix issues in your code so that you can execute your code without errors.
  4. Providing Suggestions: Some validation tools go beyond just identifying errors and warnings. They can also provide suggestions on improving your code, such as recommending more efficient coding practices or suggesting alternative approaches. However, our Javascript validator currently does not provide this feature.

In short, JavaScript Validation is essential for ensuring that your code is correct, efficient, and maintainable. Using a JavaScript Validator lets you catch errors early on, save time, and write higher-quality code.

To use this free online JavaScript validator, enter your code into the box below and click the green validate button.

Choose a file

What is this tool?

It is a simple online JavaScript validator that you can use to find syntax errors and mistakes in your code and get suggestions for improving it.

To start using this tool simply paste your JavaScript into the editor, or use the «choose a file» option to upload a .js or .txt file from your local machine. Then click «validate» and if any errors or improvement opportunities are found they will be shown in sequential order e.g.

The validation error above is typical of what you will see. From left to right you have the number of the error in the list, what line and what column it is on in the code, what the error is; In this case, it is an unclosed string. Lastly, there is a bit of the erroneous code shown to further aid you in identifying where the problem is.

Once you have finished fixing JavaScript validation errors you can download a .js file with your edited code using the «download» option.

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