Произошла ошибка при загрузке мода calamity ru translate

Project tRU — русификатор для модификаций Terraria.


Основатели: Veystreks & Yum



Доброго времени суток друзья!

Каждый из нас заслуживает самого лучшего, не так ли!? Так же и в отношении игры, мы всегда пытаемся улучшить свой игровой процесс разными способами. Начиная с настроек самой игры, и заканчивая сторонними модификациями. Я уверен, что большинство любителей Террарии, после её полного прохождения прибегали к установке модификаций, которые помогают в дальнейшем разнообразить прохождение игры. После знакомства с миром модификаций для игры всё кардинально менялось, ведь для игры существуют сотни модификаций, многие из которых очень хорошо сделаны. Но у всех них есть большой минус, конкретно для нас. В них нет нашего родного языка.

Все мы привыкли играть на нашем родном языке, ведь так всегда понятнее и даже с одной стороны атмосфернее. Но вдруг мы осознаём, что только единицы модификаций для Террарии предстают перед нами на нашем родном языке. И вроде даже всё логично, ведь почти все модификации создаются не у нас. И вот мы осознаём, что поиграть на нашем языке не получится. Но времена меняются.

И именно здесь вы найдёте то, что так давно искали.

Представляю вашему вниманию первый русификатор модификаций для Террарии под названием Project tRU!

Данному проекту больше 3 лет, и с каждым днём он становился всё лучше и лучше. В Браузере Модов самой игры или в мастерской Steam вы можете скачать русификатор-мод, который переведёт 98% контента следующих модификаций, позволяя вам играть с ними на русском языке. Не прекрасно ли?

  • Calamity
  • Fargo Mutant
  • Fargo Souls
  • Infernum Mode
  • Clicker Class
  • Boss Checklist
  • Catalyst Mod

 Список модов которые в будущем возможно будут переведены(Мы думаем над этим)

  • Starlight River
  • Endless Escapade (в разработке)
  • Thorium Mod
  • The Stars Above

Так же Project tRU переводит такие моды как Elements Awoken и Mod of Redemption.(обязательно нужна террария версии 1.3)

Но это ещё не всё! С каждым обновлением Project tRU становится только лучше, ведь в нём не только улучшается уже существующий перевод, но так же и добавляется совсем новый!

 Более подробную информацию вы можете найти на нашем Discord-сервере или в группе VK. Именно там вы сможете узнать о ходе разработки русификатора, и о команде которая этим занимается.  


Project tRU можно скачать в браузере модов, или из мастерской стима.

Примеры перевода[]

Решение распространённых проблем с русификатором[]

1) Ошибка версии tModLoader’a

Произошла ошибка при загрузке мода X Было обнаружено, что этот мод собран для tModLoader версии 0.11.7.X Однако, вы используете версию tModLoader 0.11.7.X


Если ваша версия tModLoader’a выше версии мода Необходимо перезагружать подключаемый мод до тех пор, пока ошибка не исчезнет. Это стандартное предупреждение tModLoader’a, которое никак не влияет на игру Если ваша версия tModLoader’a ниже версии мода Необходимо обновить tModLoader до версии подключаемого вами мода

2) Ошибка версии мода

Произошла ошибка при загрузке мода CalamityRuTranslate Ссылка на объект не указывает на экземпляр объекта


1. Русификатор всегда должен быть последней версии. Обычно это можно узнать в канале #📑┃ченджлоги (на нашем Discord-сервере)

2. Проверить версии модов, которые переводит русификатор (значок [?] около мода во вкладке Моды)

Список модов: Calamity, Thorium

Если версия мода из списка не соответствует версии мода в описании

Обновите мод до последней версии. В меню игры, зайдите в Браузер модов и нажмите кнопку Обновить все моды или в поиске напишите нужный вам мод.

Бывает такое, что русификатор не успел обновится до перевода новой версии мода, в таком случае требуется ждать обновление или установить прошлую версию мода (можно скачать ниже).

Calamity Mod (официальная страница мода на github)

Thorium (официальная страница мода на github)

Как вы можете оказать нам поддержку[]

  • Вы можете принять участие в разработке мода, став нашим переводчиком и создавать перевод для всего русского сообщества играющего с модами. А оно к слову не маленькое. Занятная идея, не правда ли? Всё что вам нужно это присоединиться к нашему Discord-серверу и подать заявку нам, разработчикам русификатора (Yum, brotkrip или osaka_drift), после чего мы вам ответим и напишем, что от вас требуется. Присоединяйтесь к нашей команде.
  • Кроме этого вы разумеется можете помочь нам, просто на просто указывая на найденные вами ошибки на Discord-сервере.
  • Так же вы можете отблагодарить нас материально, став нашим 👑покровителем.

Calamity — один из самых крупных, качественных и потому популярных модов для Terraria. Сами подумайте: несколько десятков боссов, сотни мобов, новые биомы, пара-другая тысяч предметов и куча другого контента, охватывающего все аспекты игры, начиная с ранних этапов и заканчивая испытаниями после поражения Лунного Лорда. В этой статье мы расскажем обо всех тонкостях установки этого фанатского дополнения.

Сразу надо заметить, что на момент написания этой статьи есть один важный недочет. Дело в том, что Tmodloader, программа для интеграции модов в Terraria, недоступна для патча 1.4 и новее. Это в свою очередь означает, что Calamity нельзя запустить на столь новой версии игры. Только Terraria позволит вам без проблем играть в этот мод. Подготовка Tmodloader для патчей поновей ведется уже давно, и релиз приближается с каждым днем.

Проще говоря, вам потребуется раздобыть Terraria Конечно, терять контент из Journey’s End досадно, но если вы уже разобрали официальную игру вдоль и поперек, можете не сомневаться, что Calamity с легкостью все компенсирует.

Итак, когда вы установите Terraria нужной версии, следующим шагом будет раздобыть Tmodloader. Для патча потребуется загрузить вот эту сборку с GitHub (выберите файл tModLoader.Windows.v0.9.2.3-for-v1.3.5-v3.zip). Вы также можете попробовать установить последнюю версию, которая должна быть совместима с предыдущими патчами. Когда скачаете архив, распакуйте его, откройте полученную папку и перенесите все файлы из нее в папку с файлами игры. Если система потребует замены файлов, согласитесь. На всякий случай рекомендуется сделать бекап исполнительного файла (Terraria.exe), чтобы вы могли в любой момент открыть «чистую» версию.

Теперь, когда вы установили Tmodloader, настало время запускать Terraria, и дальше все будет довольно плавно. Открывайте новый исполнительный файл и обращайте внимание на новые разделы в главном меню. Перейдите в Mod Browser, кликните по надписи «type to search» и впишите в поисковое поле Calamity. Модификация появится в результатах поиска. Нажимайте «Download» и ждите, пока Tmodloader сделает свое волшебство.

Когда загрузка завершится, вернитесь в главное меню и откройте раздел «Mods». Здесь потребуется включить Calamity, нажав «Enable», а затем «Reload mods». Каждый раз, когда вы будете менять набор включенных модификаций, вам потребуется снова делать «reload», чтобы игра знала, что запускать, а что — нет.

Учтите, что ваши герои и миры из чистой версии Terraria несовместимы с Calamity: мод использует собственный набор сейвов. При этом старые сохранения никуда не денутся, они просто не будут отображаться при игре с дополнением. Запустив чистую версию, вы увидите их нетронутыми.

Что же делать, если мод у вас по какой-то причине не устанавливается через загрузчик Tmodloader? Волноваться не стоит, вы можете установить его вручную, загрузив архив отсюда. Содержимое архива нужно будет поместить по этому адресу: Мои документы/My Games/Terraria/ModLoader/Mods, и затем Tmodloader увидит Calamity при обзоре уже загруженных модификаций в разделе «Mods».

Осталось дело за малым: создать персонажа и с головой погрузиться в исследование такого знакомого, но все же полного новинок и сюрпризов мира!


Latest 1.4-stable





This bug affects

Gameplay as a Player


So, I hope I’m barking up the right tree, and if I’m not, please let me know.

I installed world generation mod Super Seed Search (world search engine), and couldn’t get it to work and it would just throw this error:
A problem was encountered during world generation
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at CalamityMod.WOrld.MiscWorldgenRoutines.GenerateBiomeChest(GenerationProgress progress, GameConfiguration config) in CalamityModWOrldMiscWorldgenRoutines.cs:line 30
at Terraria.WorldBuilding.WorldGenerator.GenerateWorld(GenerationProgress progress) in tModLoaderTerrariaWorldBuildingWorldGenerator.cs:line 30

So I disabled Super Seed Search and I kept getting the error. I disabled Calamity and world generation worked, But I want to generate a world with Calamity, so now I’m stuck. I eventually uninstalled every part of terraria and the mods, deleting the folders and reinstalled on a different disk drive. I can’t tell if the issue is with the tModloader files or with Calamity Mod files. I thought I’d cleared them all out and a fresh! install would fix the issue, but I’ve deleted all the files from user/documents/my games/terraria and D:Program Files (x86)steamappscommontModLoader and D:Program Files (x86)steamappscommonTerraria and D:Program Files (x86)steamappsworkshop, but I must be missing something.

Thanks if you can help!

Log File


Steps to reproduce

  1. Install Calamity Mod
  2. Install Super Seed Search Mod
  3. Attempt to use Super Seed Mod to generate a world
  4. Error
  5. Uninstall all mods
  6. Error persists

Expected Behavior

World generation should return to normal after removing Super Seed Search mod from tModLoader, but it has affected tModLoader and/or Calamity Mod.

Actual Behavior

When using normal world generation with Calamity Mod enabled, getting this error:
A problem was encountered during world generation
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at CalamityMod.WOrld.MiscWorldgenRoutines.GenerateBiomeChest(GenerationProgress progress, GameConfiguration config) in CalamityModWOrldMiscWorldgenRoutines.cs:line 30
at Terraria.WorldBuilding.WorldGenerator.GenerateWorld(GenerationProgress progress) in tModLoaderTerrariaWorldBuildingWorldGenerator.cs:line 30

Reproduction frequency

100% of the time since the first instance.

Additional Information

No response

Некоторые пользователи сталкиваются с сообщением «Ошибка при загрузке пакета модов» при попытке использовать программу запуска «Feed the Beast Launcher» для установки пакета модов в Minecraft. Эта проблема не связана с ОС, поскольку, как сообщается, она возникает в Windows 7, Windows 8.1 и Windows 10.

Ошибка при загрузке пакета модов с помощью Feed the Beast Launcher

После изучения этой конкретной проблемы выяснилось, что существует несколько различных причин, которые могут в конечном итоге вызвать эту конкретную ошибку. Вот список потенциальных виновников:

  • Отсутствует доступ администратора. Одним из наиболее распространенных случаев, вызывающих эту проблему, является случай, когда у основной программы запуска FTB отсутствует доступ администратора для правильной установки файлов игры и управления ими. В этом случае вы можете решить проблему, принудительно запустив исполняемый файл с правами администратора (или настроив его на запуск таким образом по умолчанию).
  • Поврежденная установка FTB. Повреждение установки программы запуска Feed the Beast также может быть причиной этой ошибки. Если этот сценарий применим, вы можете решить проблему, переустановив программу запуска и очистив все остаточные файлы перед повторной установкой.
  • Отсутствует зависимость Java. Если вы используете устаревшую версию Java, вероятно, это причина, по которой вы видите эту ошибку каждый раз, когда пытаетесь установить пакет модов с помощью средства запуска FTB. В этом случае вам следует использовать утилиту удаления Java, чтобы удалить все следы текущей установки Java перед установкой последней версии по официальным каналам.

Теперь, когда вы знаете потенциальных виновников, вот список методов, которые некоторые затронутые пользователи использовали для решения проблемы:

Метод 1. Откройте «Feed the Beast» с правами администратора

По словам некоторых затронутых пользователей, эта проблема также может возникать из-за того, что программа запуска FTB не имеет необходимых разрешений для установки модпаков. В большинстве случаев это происходит из-за того, что настройки UAC (Контроль учетных записей пользователей) строже, чем обычно, что не позволяет программе запуска FTB получить права администратора для установки модпаков.

В этом случае вы можете решить проблему, принудительно запустив программу запуска Feed the Beast с правами администратора. Для этого щелкните правой кнопкой мыши исполняемый файл FTB и выберите «Запуск от имени администратора» в контекстном меню.

Запуск исполняемого файла от имени администратора

После того, как вы открыли средство запуска FTB с правами администратора, повторите действие, которое ранее вызывало ошибку загрузки модпака, и посмотрите, устранена ли проблема.

Примечание. Если вы часто используете эту программу запуска и не хотите повторять эти шаги каждый раз, вам следует подумать о том, чтобы изменить программу запуска для запуска с администратором по умолчанию. Для этого щелкните его правой кнопкой мыши и выберите «Свойства» в контекстном меню.

Доступ к экрану свойств

Находясь на экране «Свойства», перейдите на вкладку «Совместимость» и установите флажок «Запускать эту программу от имени администратора» (в разделе «Настройки»). Наконец, нажмите Применить, чтобы сохранить изменения.

Если запуск программы запуска с правами администратора не устранил проблему, перейдите к следующему потенциальному исправлению ниже.

Метод 2: переустановка программы запуска Feed the Beast

Как оказалось, эта проблема может быть вызвана каким-либо типом повреждения файла, влияющим на установку программы запуска Feed the Beat. В этом случае вы сможете решить проблему, полностью переустановив программу запуска и убедившись, что вы не оставляете никаких остатков файлов между установками.

Успешность этого метода была подтверждена многими затронутыми пользователями, которые ранее не могли загружать пакеты модов с помощью средства запуска FTB.

Вот краткое пошаговое руководство по переустановке модуля запуска FTB, чтобы исправить ошибку загрузки модпака:

  1. Нажмите клавишу Windows + R, чтобы открыть диалоговое окно «Выполнить». Затем введите appwiz.cpl в текстовое поле и нажмите Enter, чтобы открыть меню «Программы и компоненты».Введите appwiz.cpl и нажмите Enter, чтобы открыть страницу установленных программ.
  2. Зайдя в меню «Программы и компоненты», прокрутите список установленных элементов вниз и найдите запись, связанную с Feed the Beast. Когда вы его увидите, щелкните его правой кнопкой мыши и выберите в контекстном меню «Удалить».Удаление приложения FTP
  3. Как только вы окажетесь на экране удаления, следуйте инструкциям на экране, чтобы завершить процесс, а затем перезагрузите компьютер.
  4. После завершения следующего запуска посетите официальная страница загрузки панели запуска FTB и нажмите кнопку «Загрузить», связанную с вашей ОС.Покормить зверюгу
  5. После завершения загрузки щелкните установщик правой кнопкой мыши и выберите в контекстном меню «Запуск от имени администратора».
  6. Следуйте инструкциям на экране, чтобы завершить установку, запустите программу запуска Feed the Beast и повторите попытку установки пакета модов, чтобы проверить, устранена ли проблема.

Если та же проблема все еще возникает, перейдите к следующему потенциальному исправлению ниже.

Метод 3: установка последней версии Java

По мнению некоторых пострадавших, ошибка «Ошибка при загрузке пакета модов» также может возникать, если вы используете старую версию Java, которая требуется для программы Feed the Beast Launcher.

К счастью, некоторые затронутые пользователи, которые ранее сталкивались с той же проблемой, подтвердили, что они смогли решить проблему с помощью служебной программы Verify Java and Find Out-of-Date для обновления или установки отсутствующих зависимостей Java.

После установки или обновления среды Java и перезагрузки компьютера подавляющее большинство затронутых пользователей подтвердили, что «Ошибка загрузки модпака» вообще перестала появляться.

Если вы не знаете, как обновить версию Java, следуйте пошаговым инструкциям ниже:

  1. Откройте браузер по умолчанию и посетите страница загрузки последней версии инструмента удаления Java и нажмите Согласен с условиями и хочу продолжить.Продолжаем установку обновления Java
  2. После завершения загрузки дважды щелкните только что загруженный исполняемый файл и следуйте инструкциям на экране, чтобы полностью удалить текущую версию JAVA и удалить все оставшиеся файлы.
  3. После завершения операции перезагрузите компьютер и дождитесь завершения следующего запуска.
  4. Затем посетите Страница загрузки Java и загрузите последнюю доступную версию, нажав «Принять» и «Начать бесплатную загрузку».Загрузите последнюю версию Java
  5. После завершения загрузки откройте исполняемый файл и следуйте инструкциям на экране, чтобы завершить установку последней версии Java и перезагрузиться, когда будет предложено.
  6. Наконец, после завершения запуска ext откройте программу запуска Feed the Beast и посмотрите, сможете ли вы загрузить и установить модпак, не увидев того же кода ошибки.


  1. Как установить русификатор на каламити мод
  2. Как вы можете оказать нам поддержку
  3. Примеры перевода
  4. Решение распространённых проблем с русификатором
  5. Calamity ru translate произошла ошибка при загрузке мода
  6. Calamity ru translate произошла ошибка при загрузке мода
  7. tModLoader

Как установить русификатор на каламити мод

RazzSG released this Sep 2, 2021

Mod Browser Autorelease built on tModLoader v0.11.8.4

RazzSG released this Aug 9, 2021

Mod Browser Autorelease built on tModLoader v0.11.8.4

RazzSG released this Aug 6, 2021

Mod Browser Autorelease built on tModLoader v0.11.8.4

RazzSG released this Aug 6, 2021

Mod Browser Autorelease built on tModLoader v0.11.8.4

RazzSG released this Oct 7, 2019

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Каждый из нас заслуживает самого лучшего, не так ли!? Так же и в отношении игры, мы всегда пытаемся улучшить свой игровой процесс разными способами. Начиная с настроек самой игры, и заканчивая сторонними модификациями. Я уверен, что большинство любителей Террарии, после её полного прохождения прибегали к установке модификаций, которые помогают в дальнейшем разнообразить прохождение игры. После знакомства с миром модификаций для игры всё кардинально менялось, ведь для игры существуют сотни модификаций, многие из которых очень хорошо сделаны. Но у всех них есть большой минус, конкретно для нас. В них нет нашего родного языка.

Все мы привыкли играть на нашем родном языке, ведь так всегда понятнее и даже с одной стороны атмосфернее. Но вдруг мы осознаём, что только единицы модификаций для Террарии предстают перед нами на нашем родном языке. И вроде даже всё логично, ведь почти все модификации создаются не у нас. И вот мы осознаём, что поиграть на нашем языке не получится. Но времена меняются.

И именно здесь вы найдёте то, что так давно искали.

Представляю вашему вниманию первый русификатор модификаций для Террарии под названием Project tRU!

Данному проекту больше 2 лет, и с каждым днём он становился всё лучше и лучше. В Браузере Модов самой игры вы можете скачать русификатор-мод, который переведёт 98% контента следующих модификаций, позволяя вам играть с ними на русском языке. Не прекрасно ли?

  • Calamity Mod
  • Thorium Mod
  • Fargowitals Souls and Mutant

Кликните по картинке (иконке) снизу с помощью ЛКМ, если вы за ПК зажмите палец на картинке и выберите «Открыть в новой вкладке», если вы на телефоне или планшете.

Так же доступно скачивание мода в Браузере Модов.

Как вы можете оказать нам поддержку

Наши 👑покровители получают:

  • Доступ к приватному каналу на нашем Discord-сервере.
  • Отдельную роль, расположенную выше других, которую буду видеть все.
  • Возможность выбрать любой цвет для своего ника на сервере.
  • Ваше имя будет добавлено во фразу Пьяной принцессы из Calamity Mod’a, разумеется если вы сами этого захотите. (Каждый играющий с нашим русификатором сможет увидеть ваш ник прямо в игре)
  • Возможность получать новую версию русификатора раньше всех.

Эта публикация удалена, так как она нарушает рекомендации по поведению и контенту в Steam. Её можете видеть только вы. Если вы уверены, что публикацию удалили по ошибке, свяжитесь со службой поддержки Steam.

Этот предмет несовместим с . Пожалуйста, прочитайте справочную статью, почему этот предмет может не работать в .

Этот предмет виден только вам, администраторам и тем, кто будет отмечен как создатель.

В результатах поиска этот предмет сможете видеть только вы, ваши друзья и администраторы.

Вышел русификатор на Calamity Mod | Где скачать ? | Как установить ?

Друзья, каламити мод есть только на английском или русификатор тоже есть? Заранее спасибо

Друг, я не стал скачивать эту версию, потому что там уродская текстура Элементаля облаков

Ну знаешь, это единственная версия мода на русском. А с кривой текстуркой всего одного моба можно смириться.

I wanted to create an article on the topic “CalamitydMod Cracker”, since this mod is liked by many Russian people, and they all need this crack, so please give a link to the translator .

(I wrote through a translator to make it clearer)))

Я хотел создать статью на тему «CalamitydMod Cracker», так как этот мод нравится многим русским людям, и им всем нужен этот русификатор, так что прошу дать сылку на переводчик .

Примеры перевода

Решение распространённых проблем с русификатором

1) Ошибка версии tModLoader’a

Произошла ошибка при загрузке мода X Было обнаружено, что этот мод собран для tModLoader версии 0.11.7.X Однако, вы используете версию tModLoader 0.11.7.X

Если ваша версия tModLoader’a выше версии мода — Необходимо перезагружать подключаемый мод до тех пор, пока ошибка не исчезнет. Это стандартное предупреждение tModLoader’a, которое никак не влияет на игру Если ваша версия tModLoader’a ниже версии мода — Необходимо обновить tModLoader до версии подключаемого вами мода

2) Ошибка версии мода

Произошла ошибка при загрузке мода CalamityRuTranslate Ссылка на объект не указывает на экземпляр объекта

2. Проверить версии модов, которые переводит русификатор (значок [?] около мода во вкладке Моды)

Если версия мода из списка не соответствует версии мода в описании

— Обновите мод до последней версии. В меню игры, зайдите в Браузер модов и нажмите кнопку Обновить все моды или в поиске напишите нужный вам мод.

Бывает такое, что русификатор не успел обновится до перевода новой версии мода, в таком случае требуется ждать обновление или установить прошлую версию мода (можно скачать ниже).

Calamity Mod (официальная страница мода на github)

Thorium (официальная страница мода на github)


Calamity ru translate произошла ошибка при загрузке мода

Hey, i’ve been using Tmod loader for my mods for a while now and have updated it and installed mods multiple times successfully, recently in my expert playthrough containing: Calamity mod / Calamity no music / Joost Mod / Thorium / Cheat sheet / Lui AFK /boss checklist and other small mods like magic storage and boss health bar.
I’ve had this one expert world i play in and out of, and recently upon revisiting it, i realized that some of my items are replaced with unloaded items, and the boss checklist mod got deleted?. I didnt think much of it and kept playing until now were i reached the supreme calamitas bossfight. I was determined to have the full experience so I updated Tmod Loader (AS USUAL) and installed boss checklist and updated my mods. However, after the update i was met with this bug report upon reloading the mods that force disabled ONLY calamity mod, and the rest of the mods were fine if i enabled them.
I believe the bug had something to do with XNA files so i used the launcher in steam apps and repaired the files with XNA repair

I also tried re installing calamity mod and restarting my pc

[22:20:56] [7/ERROR] [tML]: An error occurred while loading CalamityMod
The mod(s) have been automatically been disabled.
Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentLoadException: Error loading «tmod:CalamityMod/Effects/LightBurstShader». This file was compiled for the HiDef profile, and cannot be loaded into a Reach GraphicsDevice.
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.GraphicsContentHelper.GraphicsDeviceFromContentReader(ContentReader contentReader)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.EffectReader.Read(ContentReader input, Effect existingInstance)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentReader.InvokeReader[T](ContentTypeReader reader, Object existingInstance)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentReader.ReadObjectInternal[T](Object existingInstance)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentReader.ReadObject[T]()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentReader.ReadAsset[T]()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager.ReadAsset[T](String assetName, Action`1 recordDisposableObject)
at Terraria.ModLoader.Engine.TMLContentManager.Load[T](String assetName)
at Terraria.ModLoader.Mod.LoadResource(String path, Int32 length, Func`1 getStream)
at Terraria.ModLoader.Mod.LoadResources()
at Terraria.ModLoader.ModContent.<>c. b__39_0(Mod mod)
at Terraria.ModLoader.ModContent.LoadModContent(CancellationToken token, Action`1 loadAction)
at Terraria.ModLoader.ModContent.Load(CancellationToken token)
at Terraria.ModLoader.ModLoader.Load(CancellationToken token)
[22:20:56] [7/INFO] [tML]: Disabling Mod: CalamityMod
[22:21:00] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Process.Start (UseShellExecute = True): «C:UsersaddsuDocumentsMy GamesTerrariaModLoaderLogsclient.log»

I Also get a second ERROR:

[22:24:01] [8/FATAL] [tML]: One or more errors occured while unloading and tModLoader must be restarted to prevent further issues.
CheatSheet was unable to unload properly. Modders must use defensive programming to ensure unloading completes regardless of any errors during loading.
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for ‘CheatSheet.Menus.ItemBrowser’ threw an exception. —> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at CheatSheet.CheatSheet.CSText(String category, String key) in CheatSheet.cs:line 158
at CheatSheet.Menus.ItemBrowser.CSText(String key, String category) in CheatSheetMenusItemBrowser.cs:line 35
at CheatSheet.Menus.ItemBrowser..cctor() in CheatSheetMenusItemBrowser.cs:line 36
— End of inner exception stack trace —
at CheatSheet.CheatSheet.Unload() in CheatSheet.cs:line 124
at Terraria.ModLoader.Mod.UnloadContent()
at Terraria.ModLoader.ModContent.UnloadModContent()
at Terraria.ModLoader.ModLoader.do_Unload()
at Terraria.ModLoader.ModLoader.Unload()
[22:24:02] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Process.Start (UseShellExecute = True): «C:UsersaddsuDocumentsMy GamesTerrariaModLoaderLogsclient.log»

I really hope i’m able to fix this without losing my progress because i have several characters on Tmod, and have poured days if not weeks grinding!


Calamity ru translate произошла ошибка при загрузке мода


Попытка создать мир с Calamity и Catalyst модами приводит к ошибке.

Object reference not set to an instant of an object
И прочее — ссылки на папки и файлы. Не знаю, как в обсуждение добавить скриншот с ошибкой.

прочитай мое сообщение чуть выше,я нашел решение

ты ставил старую версию 06.96.6 или еще более раннюю? просто у меня в стимаче как раз и скачана последняя 07.58.7

ты ставил старую версию 06.96.6 или еще более раннюю? просто у меня в стимаче как раз и скачана последняя 07.58.7

я ваще хз че где там стояло,просто перешел по ссылке с их дискорда и скачал тмодлоадер какой то там версии,закинул в папку и все работает

Нашел решение, господа. Проблема с версией Tлаунчера модов.
Решение: Заходите на гитхаб мода (TModLoader) либо в дис каламити, там будет ссылка))
скачиваете версию лаунчера модов v2022.06.96.6, заменяете файлы и всё должно заработать, мне и друзьям помогло.

Нашел решение, господа. Проблема с версией Tлаунчера модов.
Решение: Заходите на гитхаб мода (TModLoader) либо в дис каламити, там будет ссылка))
скачиваете версию лаунчера модов v2022.06.96.6, заменяете файлы и всё должно заработать, мне и друзьям помогло.

Пробывал создать мир меньшего размера? У.меня с этими же модами на средний и маленький не вылетает в отличии от большёго

Нашел решение, господа. Проблема с версией Tлаунчера модов.
Решение: Заходите на гитхаб мода (TModLoader) либо в дис каламити, там будет ссылка))
скачиваете версию лаунчера модов v2022.06.96.6, заменяете файлы и всё должно заработать, мне и друзьям помогло.

Нашел решение, господа. Проблема с версией Tлаунчера модов.
Решение: Заходите на гитхаб мода (TModLoader) либо в дис каламити, там будет ссылка))
скачиваете версию лаунчера модов v2022.06.96.6, заменяете файлы и всё должно заработать, мне и друзьям помогло.

А какие именно надо заменить файлы?


Calamity — один из самых крупных, качественных и потому популярных модов для Terraria. Сами подумайте: несколько десятков боссов, сотни мобов, новые биомы, пара-другая тысяч предметов и куча другого контента, охватывающего все аспекты игры, начиная с ранних этапов и заканчивая испытаниями после поражения Лунного Лорда. В этой статье мы расскажем обо всех тонкостях установки этого фанатского дополнения.

Сразу надо заметить, что на момент написания этой статьи есть один важный недочет. Дело в том, что Tmodloader, программа для интеграции модов в Terraria, недоступна для патча 1.4 и новее. Это в свою очередь означает, что Calamity нельзя запустить на столь новой версии игры. Только Terraria позволит вам без проблем играть в этот мод. Подготовка Tmodloader для патчей поновей ведется уже давно, и релиз приближается с каждым днем.

Проще говоря, вам потребуется раздобыть Terraria Конечно, терять контент из Journey’s End досадно, но если вы уже разобрали официальную игру вдоль и поперек, можете не сомневаться, что Calamity с легкостью все компенсирует.

Итак, когда вы установите Terraria нужной версии, следующим шагом будет раздобыть Tmodloader. Для патча потребуется загрузить вот эту сборку с GitHub (выберите файл tModLoader.Windows.v0.9.2.3-for-v1.3.5-v3.zip). Вы также можете попробовать установить последнюю версию, которая должна быть совместима с предыдущими патчами. Когда скачаете архив, распакуйте его, откройте полученную папку и перенесите все файлы из нее в папку с файлами игры. Если система потребует замены файлов, согласитесь. На всякий случай рекомендуется сделать бекап исполнительного файла (Terraria.exe), чтобы вы могли в любой момент открыть «чистую» версию.

Теперь, когда вы установили Tmodloader, настало время запускать Terraria, и дальше все будет довольно плавно. Открывайте новый исполнительный файл и обращайте внимание на новые разделы в главном меню. Перейдите в Mod Browser, кликните по надписи «type to search» и впишите в поисковое поле Calamity. Модификация появится в результатах поиска. Нажимайте «Download» и ждите, пока Tmodloader сделает свое волшебство.

Когда загрузка завершится, вернитесь в главное меню и откройте раздел «Mods». Здесь потребуется включить Calamity, нажав «Enable», а затем «Reload mods». Каждый раз, когда вы будете менять набор включенных модификаций, вам потребуется снова делать «reload», чтобы игра знала, что запускать, а что — нет.

Учтите, что ваши герои и миры из чистой версии Terraria несовместимы с Calamity: мод использует собственный набор сейвов. При этом старые сохранения никуда не денутся, они просто не будут отображаться при игре с дополнением. Запустив чистую версию, вы увидите их нетронутыми.

Что же делать, если мод у вас по какой-то причине не устанавливается через загрузчик Tmodloader? Волноваться не стоит, вы можете установить его вручную, загрузив архив отсюда. Содержимое архива нужно будет поместить по этому адресу: Мои документы/My Games/Terraria/ModLoader/Mods, и затем Tmodloader увидит Calamity при обзоре уже загруженных модификаций в разделе «Mods».

Осталось дело за малым: создать персонажа и с головой погрузиться в исследование такого знакомого, но все же полного новинок и сюрпризов мира!

Calamity — один из самых крупных, качественных и потому популярных модов для Terraria. Сами подумайте: несколько десятков боссов, сотни мобов, новые биомы, пара-другая тысяч предметов и куча другого контента, охватывающего все аспекты игры, начиная с ранних этапов и заканчивая испытаниями после поражения Лунного Лорда. В этой статье мы расскажем обо всех тонкостях установки этого фанатского дополнения.

Сразу надо заметить, что на момент написания этой статьи есть один важный недочет. Дело в том, что Tmodloader, программа для интеграции модов в Terraria, недоступна для патча 1.4 и новее. Это в свою очередь означает, что Calamity нельзя запустить на столь новой версии игры. Только Terraria позволит вам без проблем играть в этот мод. Подготовка Tmodloader для патчей поновей ведется уже давно, и релиз приближается с каждым днем.

Проще говоря, вам потребуется раздобыть Terraria Конечно, терять контент из Journey’s End досадно, но если вы уже разобрали официальную игру вдоль и поперек, можете не сомневаться, что Calamity с легкостью все компенсирует.

Итак, когда вы установите Terraria нужной версии, следующим шагом будет раздобыть Tmodloader. Для патча потребуется загрузить вот эту сборку с GitHub (выберите файл tModLoader.Windows.v0.9.2.3-for-v1.3.5-v3.zip). Вы также можете попробовать установить последнюю версию, которая должна быть совместима с предыдущими патчами. Когда скачаете архив, распакуйте его, откройте полученную папку и перенесите все файлы из нее в папку с файлами игры. Если система потребует замены файлов, согласитесь. На всякий случай рекомендуется сделать бекап исполнительного файла (Terraria.exe), чтобы вы могли в любой момент открыть «чистую» версию.

Теперь, когда вы установили Tmodloader, настало время запускать Terraria, и дальше все будет довольно плавно. Открывайте новый исполнительный файл и обращайте внимание на новые разделы в главном меню. Перейдите в Mod Browser, кликните по надписи «type to search» и впишите в поисковое поле Calamity. Модификация появится в результатах поиска. Нажимайте «Download» и ждите, пока Tmodloader сделает свое волшебство.

Когда загрузка завершится, вернитесь в главное меню и откройте раздел «Mods». Здесь потребуется включить Calamity, нажав «Enable», а затем «Reload mods». Каждый раз, когда вы будете менять набор включенных модификаций, вам потребуется снова делать «reload», чтобы игра знала, что запускать, а что — нет.

Учтите, что ваши герои и миры из чистой версии Terraria несовместимы с Calamity: мод использует собственный набор сейвов. При этом старые сохранения никуда не денутся, они просто не будут отображаться при игре с дополнением. Запустив чистую версию, вы увидите их нетронутыми.

Что же делать, если мод у вас по какой-то причине не устанавливается через загрузчик Tmodloader? Волноваться не стоит, вы можете установить его вручную, загрузив архив отсюда. Содержимое архива нужно будет поместить по этому адресу: Мои документы/My Games/Terraria/ModLoader/Mods, и затем Tmodloader увидит Calamity при обзоре уже загруженных модификаций в разделе «Mods».

Осталось дело за малым: создать персонажа и с головой погрузиться в исследование такого знакомого, но все же полного новинок и сюрпризов мира!


Latest 1.4-stable





This bug affects

Gameplay as a Player


So, I hope I’m barking up the right tree, and if I’m not, please let me know.

I installed world generation mod Super Seed Search (world search engine), and couldn’t get it to work and it would just throw this error:
A problem was encountered during world generation
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at CalamityMod.WOrld.MiscWorldgenRoutines.GenerateBiomeChest(GenerationProgress progress, GameConfiguration config) in CalamityModWOrldMiscWorldgenRoutines.cs:line 30
at Terraria.WorldBuilding.WorldGenerator.GenerateWorld(GenerationProgress progress) in tModLoaderTerrariaWorldBuildingWorldGenerator.cs:line 30

So I disabled Super Seed Search and I kept getting the error. I disabled Calamity and world generation worked, But I want to generate a world with Calamity, so now I’m stuck. I eventually uninstalled every part of terraria and the mods, deleting the folders and reinstalled on a different disk drive. I can’t tell if the issue is with the tModloader files or with Calamity Mod files. I thought I’d cleared them all out and a fresh! install would fix the issue, but I’ve deleted all the files from user/documents/my games/terraria and D:Program Files (x86)steamappscommontModLoader and D:Program Files (x86)steamappscommonTerraria and D:Program Files (x86)steamappsworkshop, but I must be missing something.

Thanks if you can help!

Log File


Steps to reproduce

  1. Install Calamity Mod
  2. Install Super Seed Search Mod
  3. Attempt to use Super Seed Mod to generate a world
  4. Error
  5. Uninstall all mods
  6. Error persists

Expected Behavior

World generation should return to normal after removing Super Seed Search mod from tModLoader, but it has affected tModLoader and/or Calamity Mod.

Actual Behavior

When using normal world generation with Calamity Mod enabled, getting this error:
A problem was encountered during world generation
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at CalamityMod.WOrld.MiscWorldgenRoutines.GenerateBiomeChest(GenerationProgress progress, GameConfiguration config) in CalamityModWOrldMiscWorldgenRoutines.cs:line 30
at Terraria.WorldBuilding.WorldGenerator.GenerateWorld(GenerationProgress progress) in tModLoaderTerrariaWorldBuildingWorldGenerator.cs:line 30

Reproduction frequency

100% of the time since the first instance.

Additional Information

No response

Некоторые пользователи сталкиваются с сообщением «Ошибка при загрузке пакета модов» при попытке использовать программу запуска «Feed the Beast Launcher» для установки пакета модов в Minecraft. Эта проблема не связана с ОС, поскольку, как сообщается, она возникает в Windows 7, Windows 8.1 и Windows 10.

Ошибка при загрузке пакета модов с помощью Feed the Beast Launcher

После изучения этой конкретной проблемы выяснилось, что существует несколько различных причин, которые могут в конечном итоге вызвать эту конкретную ошибку. Вот список потенциальных виновников:

  • Отсутствует доступ администратора. Одним из наиболее распространенных случаев, вызывающих эту проблему, является случай, когда у основной программы запуска FTB отсутствует доступ администратора для правильной установки файлов игры и управления ими. В этом случае вы можете решить проблему, принудительно запустив исполняемый файл с правами администратора (или настроив его на запуск таким образом по умолчанию).
  • Поврежденная установка FTB. Повреждение установки программы запуска Feed the Beast также может быть причиной этой ошибки. Если этот сценарий применим, вы можете решить проблему, переустановив программу запуска и очистив все остаточные файлы перед повторной установкой.
  • Отсутствует зависимость Java. Если вы используете устаревшую версию Java, вероятно, это причина, по которой вы видите эту ошибку каждый раз, когда пытаетесь установить пакет модов с помощью средства запуска FTB. В этом случае вам следует использовать утилиту удаления Java, чтобы удалить все следы текущей установки Java перед установкой последней версии по официальным каналам.

Теперь, когда вы знаете потенциальных виновников, вот список методов, которые некоторые затронутые пользователи использовали для решения проблемы:

Метод 1. Откройте «Feed the Beast» с правами администратора

По словам некоторых затронутых пользователей, эта проблема также может возникать из-за того, что программа запуска FTB не имеет необходимых разрешений для установки модпаков. В большинстве случаев это происходит из-за того, что настройки UAC (Контроль учетных записей пользователей) строже, чем обычно, что не позволяет программе запуска FTB получить права администратора для установки модпаков.

В этом случае вы можете решить проблему, принудительно запустив программу запуска Feed the Beast с правами администратора. Для этого щелкните правой кнопкой мыши исполняемый файл FTB и выберите «Запуск от имени администратора» в контекстном меню.

Запуск исполняемого файла от имени администратора

После того, как вы открыли средство запуска FTB с правами администратора, повторите действие, которое ранее вызывало ошибку загрузки модпака, и посмотрите, устранена ли проблема.

Примечание. Если вы часто используете эту программу запуска и не хотите повторять эти шаги каждый раз, вам следует подумать о том, чтобы изменить программу запуска для запуска с администратором по умолчанию. Для этого щелкните его правой кнопкой мыши и выберите «Свойства» в контекстном меню.

Доступ к экрану свойств

Находясь на экране «Свойства», перейдите на вкладку «Совместимость» и установите флажок «Запускать эту программу от имени администратора» (в разделе «Настройки»). Наконец, нажмите Применить, чтобы сохранить изменения.

Если запуск программы запуска с правами администратора не устранил проблему, перейдите к следующему потенциальному исправлению ниже.

Метод 2: переустановка программы запуска Feed the Beast

Как оказалось, эта проблема может быть вызвана каким-либо типом повреждения файла, влияющим на установку программы запуска Feed the Beat. В этом случае вы сможете решить проблему, полностью переустановив программу запуска и убедившись, что вы не оставляете никаких остатков файлов между установками.

Успешность этого метода была подтверждена многими затронутыми пользователями, которые ранее не могли загружать пакеты модов с помощью средства запуска FTB.

Вот краткое пошаговое руководство по переустановке модуля запуска FTB, чтобы исправить ошибку загрузки модпака:

  1. Нажмите клавишу Windows + R, чтобы открыть диалоговое окно «Выполнить». Затем введите appwiz.cpl в текстовое поле и нажмите Enter, чтобы открыть меню «Программы и компоненты».Введите appwiz.cpl и нажмите Enter, чтобы открыть страницу установленных программ.
  2. Зайдя в меню «Программы и компоненты», прокрутите список установленных элементов вниз и найдите запись, связанную с Feed the Beast. Когда вы его увидите, щелкните его правой кнопкой мыши и выберите в контекстном меню «Удалить».Удаление приложения FTP
  3. Как только вы окажетесь на экране удаления, следуйте инструкциям на экране, чтобы завершить процесс, а затем перезагрузите компьютер.
  4. После завершения следующего запуска посетите официальная страница загрузки панели запуска FTB и нажмите кнопку «Загрузить», связанную с вашей ОС.Покормить зверюгу
  5. После завершения загрузки щелкните установщик правой кнопкой мыши и выберите в контекстном меню «Запуск от имени администратора».
  6. Следуйте инструкциям на экране, чтобы завершить установку, запустите программу запуска Feed the Beast и повторите попытку установки пакета модов, чтобы проверить, устранена ли проблема.

Если та же проблема все еще возникает, перейдите к следующему потенциальному исправлению ниже.

Метод 3: установка последней версии Java

По мнению некоторых пострадавших, ошибка «Ошибка при загрузке пакета модов» также может возникать, если вы используете старую версию Java, которая требуется для программы Feed the Beast Launcher.

К счастью, некоторые затронутые пользователи, которые ранее сталкивались с той же проблемой, подтвердили, что они смогли решить проблему с помощью служебной программы Verify Java and Find Out-of-Date для обновления или установки отсутствующих зависимостей Java.

После установки или обновления среды Java и перезагрузки компьютера подавляющее большинство затронутых пользователей подтвердили, что «Ошибка загрузки модпака» вообще перестала появляться.

Если вы не знаете, как обновить версию Java, следуйте пошаговым инструкциям ниже:

  1. Откройте браузер по умолчанию и посетите страница загрузки последней версии инструмента удаления Java и нажмите Согласен с условиями и хочу продолжить.Продолжаем установку обновления Java
  2. После завершения загрузки дважды щелкните только что загруженный исполняемый файл и следуйте инструкциям на экране, чтобы полностью удалить текущую версию JAVA и удалить все оставшиеся файлы.
  3. После завершения операции перезагрузите компьютер и дождитесь завершения следующего запуска.
  4. Затем посетите Страница загрузки Java и загрузите последнюю доступную версию, нажав «Принять» и «Начать бесплатную загрузку».Загрузите последнюю версию Java
  5. После завершения загрузки откройте исполняемый файл и следуйте инструкциям на экране, чтобы завершить установку последней версии Java и перезагрузиться, когда будет предложено.
  6. Наконец, после завершения запуска ext откройте программу запуска Feed the Beast и посмотрите, сможете ли вы загрузить и установить модпак, не увидев того же кода ошибки.

Community Noticeboard

Do not post game suggestions, game bugs, or game technical support requests on this page. Use Calamity’s official Discord server or forum post instead.

This page is for general discussion about the Calamity Mod Wiki. To start a discussion, click here (+).

  • Note that much of the communication regarding the Calamity Mod Wiki is done via the Calamity Mod Discord Server. If you have questions or issues regarding editing this wiki, asking via Discord is the best way to get your issue addressed quickly.
  • Have no idea what to do? Check out the Things to do category!
  • For administrative issues, see the Admin noticeboard.
  • In case you need some help with editing pages, Wikipedia’s «How to edit a page» article is a great source of information.
  • To practice editing, use the Calamity Mod Wiki Sandbox.
Article Stubs Rewrite Requests
No stubs No rewrite requests

(Purge page to update)

Links to the Terraria Wiki

I think that it’s good that topics that already exist in normal Terraria redirect to the Terraria wiki, but I think that already-existing topics, like the cavern layer, should have a short page explaining how the mod has changed the cavern layer (new mobs and stuff), with a link to the Terraria wiki page that explains other stuff. That way, there’s 1 page that explains what new mobs spawn there, and a link to the normal page, which would make it much easier to decide if you’re ready for a normal Terraria biome yet with this mod installed, because there’s one place that tells you what mobs spawn there, and also possibly a «players should not go here until they have this because» note. Also, I’m putting this here because I don’t know where else to put it, not because I think it’s somehow linked to this page. AaayC (talk) 05:36, 9 May 2017 (UTC)

That is what is meant to happen, but people keep redirecting it to Terraria wiki pages. —Tymon80 (talk) 08:41, 9 May 2017 (UTC)
Vanilla changes might be what you’re looking for. Solar (talk) 15:28, 6 June 2021 (UTC)

The summoning items

I noticed that whenever I defeat a boss(neither vanilla or Calamity) a certain NPC is selling a summoning item. The Dryad is selling all pre-hardmode summoning items(except Abeemination, sold by the Witch Doctor, and the voodoo dolls sold by… no one). The Wizard I think sells the hardmode ones( I defeated only Cryogen so IDK). The Steampunker sells the mech bosses summon items. And Post Moon Lord… IDK.
What I’m trying to say is that the summoning items being sold by NPC might be a feature from the Calamity Mod. If someone could make a page about this that will be awesome.

It is indeed from Calamity, and it’s mentioned on the Bosses page already. — Minecat07 (talk) 14:01, 25 September 2017 (UTC)

Xeroc armor description needs a bit of a fix

So, I don’t know what exactly happened, but since I am currently going through my mage playthrough, I was very excited about acquiring Xeroc armor. As the description on the Xeroc armor page on the wiki suggests, magic damage done while Xeroc armor is equipped spawns magenta dust which deals damage to enemies and heals the player. Now, I don’t know whether the dmg/heal dust ratio was a thing or it was both at the same time, but it really did work like both Specter armor set bonuses combined, at least that’s how it worked when I fought Providence twice in pre-v1.3.3.11 Calamity version. However, when I updated to v1.3.3.11 the next day, the healing magenta dust was either only spawning on mob kills, or much more rarely, now with 10-20 health recovered per heal-dust ( don’t know the exact numbers of healing in the previous version ). Either way, it would be great if anyone could help with this matter.

P.S. Does the Comet Quasher and its upgrade really work on regular target dummies ( because they seem to not ), or does it have to be some special target dummy? —BalancedLightningEtherial (talk) 13:46, 4 July 2018 (UTC)

The Comet Quasher and Stellar Striker will not work on regular target dummies, you must strike an actual enemy for them to summon their rain of projectiles. Testing Xeroc armor in Calamity with a Razorpine on multiple Bloom Slimes showed that both the healing and damage dust took effect continuously. The healing dust is not limited to mob kills. —Ozzatron (talk) 16:07, 4 July 2018 (UTC)
Then it must be something on my side, as I was using the Mistlestorm and Ultra Liquidator ( btw, the first time I tried the Ultra Liquid on Providence it was really good ) against Calamitas and Providence today and the healing dust spawn was not continuous. Is it possible that having both Calamity and Thorium on could mess with it? Anyways, thank You for your help.

P.S. I noticed that some Elementals from The Heart of the Elements also proceed healing ( and I suppose damage ) dust, is it possible that their damage type is magic? —BalancedLightningEtherial (talk) 18:49, 4 July 2018 (UTC)

Page for game progression

Since I have do not really have the time or the overview over everything this mod and this Wiki offers I will just leave this as a suggestion.
I personally think this Wiki could use a page where the game progression with this mod is listed. You know, things like what ore/material get available after you defeat a certain boss. It is really hard to figure out what you can craft and what changes in the world after defeating some of the vanilla bosses. This could bring together a lot of pages so you do not need to click through several ones to get you to what you are looking for. — 20:54, 1 August 2018 (UTC)

You can look at the Bosses page for a good idea of which bosses (including vanilla) to fight at which point. The Status messages page also provides some info as to what happens on each kill. Hopefully, that is what you are looking for. As for your suggestion of putting this all on one page; we don’t see the point, as the information is easy enough to access where it is already. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 22:44, 1 August 2018 (UTC)
Here 21:01, 23 June 2020 (UTC)

Glitch? Bug? Code Error?

I’m not sure what’s going on, but I’m playing through the game with Calamity and I finally kill Providence, The Profaned Goddess. But nothing in the world changes. I haven’t got the message and Calamities and The Brimstone Elemental won’t drop bloodstones. What do I do??
Also, this is my first post so if it’s wrong or under the wrong subject, my apologies.

Are you using the latest version of tModLoader? Willowmaine (talk) 04:23, 29 August 2018 (UTC)

Hello? Uhh well theres a bug with calamity im having that stops loading the map at sulphur sea please fix.

Please report bugs on the Official Discord server. There’s a link on the front page of the Wiki. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 08:08, 20 April 2020 (UTC)
Also put your question in its own section. 21:02, 23 June 2020 (UTC)

Why is Cnidrion at the minibosses

Apparently, Cnidrion still is here on the main page as a miniboss, instead of the Giant Clam.Samuelwcheringer (talk) 18:35, 23 March 2019 (UTC)

Fixed, thank you for pointing it out. Minecat (talk) 19:18, 23 March 2019 (UTC)

Why is there no proper NPC page?

I go to this wiki a few times. I do not own the Calamity Terraria mod, but I do love the concept of it. One day, I decided to check out if there were any additional NPCs in the mod. However, when I looked it up in the search box, it only took me to the vanilla Terraria NPC page. Are there no NPCs here? 01:31, 15 April 2019 (UTC)

There is a Town NPCs page for the three Calamity Town NPCs. I also changed the redirect pages for the term NPC away from the Vanilla Wiki. Merkalto (talk) 01:34, 15 April 2019 (UTC)

Vanilla boss guilds

I think it might be a good idea if we could imput some vanilla guilds into the wiki. I’m having a lot of trouble with eye of Cthulhu, but there’s not any guilds for deathmode eye of Cthulhu, and nether any other vanilla boss guilds. also, I had to dig pretty deep to find the health of vanilla bosses, so this could make it much easier to see that too. I’d create a page for it, but I don’t have a twitch account.

It is still WIP project currently, You can still look for it in https://calamitymod.gamepedia.com/User:Merkalto/Sandbox#Vanilla_Boss_Revengeance_Pages and https://calamitymod.gamepedia.com/User:Mysterpumpkin/Sandbox—Daud ahn (talk) 01:57, 5 October 2020 (UTC)


How do I enable javascript?

What browser are you using? 18:16, 13 May 2020 (UTC)

Will Draedon and Lord Yharim Be added as a boss?

The Sea King and Supreme Calamitas both make reference to fighting Lord Yharim, and the Sea King makes reference to fighting Dreadon. Also the song that plays when fighting the jungle dragon also makes reference to fighting Lord Yharim. Will they ever be added to the game?

This is not the place to ask questions such as this, as this wiki is run by mostly non-devs on the Calamity Mod team. Questions like this should be asked on the Calamity Mod Discord Server. But yes, evenutally those two bosses will be added, but until they are, please be patient. Merkalto (talk) 15:07, 15 October 2019 (UTC)

Questsion 2:
How do you join the discord server?

There is an invite link to the Discord on the main page under the section labled The Mod in the second paragraph. Merkalto (talk) 14:39, 28 October 2019 (UTC)

i think i somthing not listed on the wiki

ok this is nothing big so ive reacntly made the abysal diving suit and while talking to the steampunker they said «just what is that contraption? it makes my teleporters look like child’s play!» i looked on the page for the diving suit and the page for the steampunker but i havent found any mention of this quote heres a pic of the quote if it helps

This is already on the wiki, it’s over at the Town NPCs page. It’s caused by the Portal Gun, not the Abyssal Diving Suit. Minecat (talk) 20:22, 18 October 2019 (UTC)


Calamity Mod History

Can someone make a list page for the history & updates calamity mod has had?
Yeetsword123 (talk) 01:22, 20 October 2019 (UTC)

Due to how poorly the Calamity mod was documented for the first year of its existence, no, we are not planning on creating a historical page or section on any page on this wiki. This also goes for previous versions of the mod, which invalidate this wiki’s purpose for those players who are out of date with the mod. Merkalto (talk) 01:31, 20 October 2019 (UTC)

getting eatten by the colossal squid

is there a way to escape the collosal squid when they loatch onto you? ive been fighting the abyss mini bosses and the colossal squid is giving me a hard time

This is not the place to ask that. You should join the Calamity Mod Discord server (there’s a link on the front page of the Wiki) and ask there instead. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 15:03, 20 October 2019 (UTC)

Items «unloaded»

In logging in this morning, I found some of the items no longer look like items, rather, they have a box in place of each item which says ITEM, and some other info while hovering over each item. Please see attached picture.
Played yesterday and everything was the way it should be. (talk)

This is not the place to report bugs or similar issues, but lore items aka «Knowledge Items» were internally changed in calamity update, you need to cheat them back in if you want them again. Merkalto (talk) 00:46, 29 October 2019 (UTC)
Did you unload Calamity? 21:04, 23 June 2020 (UTC)

How many «Terra»s?

How many «Terra»s are there? Because in the original game there was only the Terra Blade, and now there is stuff like the Terra Staff, Terra Bow (tell me what it is actually called — or if that is its actual name — as a reply) and even a Terra Shiv (shortsword)! Tell me, how many are there?! I’m not sure.

—Jimmyjam999 (talk) 15:18, 7 December 2019 (UTC)

You can look here for the items considered to be in Terra tier. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 16:51, 7 December 2019 (UTC)

Spawning conditions for plague mobs

What are they?

Thought i’d just modify an existing farm by adding jungle grass blocks to the spawn locations, but that only spawns regular jungle mobs

Only that it is a Jungle and the Golem has been defeated. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 21:21, 6 January 2020 (UTC)


Hi, I do not know if they are going to read this but I have a small problem with the mod, the thing is that I am in cooperative mode playing with a friend and we go against the slime god but every time I do the summoner it disappears and try take out the boss in other ways but it still doesn’t come out, this only happens to me in multiplayer.

Please ask these kinds of questions on the Calamity Mod Discord — there’s a link on the front page of the Wiki. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 16:20, 23 January 2020 (UTC)
That happens. Sometimes the other Slime Gods spawn far away and immediately despawn. 21:06, 23 June 2020 (UTC)

Version history page

I think it would be a good idea to have a page on the wiki which talks about the past versions of the mod and the key changes they have made. It would be a lot to get done all at once, but over time if lots of people contribute their own knowledge on the different versions it would be a useful and informative page. If there is a reason that this page cannot be made, then that is fine. Beepduck123 (talk) 19:28, 19 February 2020 (UTC)BeepDuck123

Things like this have been suggested many times before. We won’t be adding history sections of making a version history page due to the very poorly documented early versions of Calamity. The #changelogs channel in the official Discord server contain most changes for some previous versions, if that helps. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 20:56, 19 February 2020 (UTC)

Please use the most recent GitHub release as the posted version had an oopsie.

Spent about an hour trying to troubleshoot the version but wasn’t run-able (crash on mod load). The dev got it fixed up real quick tho so it’s just to go there instead of the link on the site until next updated.

Summoner Guide O_o

SO ive been doing a summoner run on calamity mod and i realize that a lot of the items suggested on the wiki are actually worse than earlier ones in terms of dps… this weapon… is the Dormant Brimseeker, dropped from the brimstone elemental. It deals up to 4000 dps which beats a lot of weapons later in the game, like the Xeno Staff and the Resurrection butterfly, and i find myself using it for most bosses. pls fix yes

The Wiki is not the place to post things like this. If you think an item should be nerfed or buffed, you should make a proper suggestion in the Calamity Mod Discord, with specific reasons as to why. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 23:36, 8 July 2020 (UTC)

The wiki background

The wiki background is dark and makes it hard to read, how do I change it?

Can you elaborate more on the problem. Are you using mobile or desktop? Are you using the default hydradark theme or a custom one? Is it the custom background image that’s causing it to be hard to read? Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 16:14, 11 July 2020 (UTC)
It’s the default and I’m on mobile
Unfortunately, I don’t think there’s much we can do about that. However, if you create an account for the Wiki and know some CSS you can customise the background skin to your liking. See here for an example. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 16:45, 11 July 2020 (UTC)

Boss progression

The boss progression list doesn’t include the Queen slime or empress of light, does the mod not include them or is it a mistake

tModLoader does not currently support 1.4 Terraria, therefore no mods incorporate 1.4 content and all must be played on Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 16:45, 11 July 2020 (UTC)

Plaguebringer Goliath Guide?

I was going through the wiki and noticed that there isnt a plaguebringer goliath guide.

Explanation please?

Nobody has made one yet, though there is a WIP guide at User:Bronzechicken10/Sandbox. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 18:39, 15 July 2020 (UTC)

sulphuric sea bug pls help

ok so i made a world to play with a friend but when i went to the sulphuric sea there was no acid sand or islands, it was like a normal ocean but with acid water. the acid rain happens normaly and the mobs spawn but i cant get acid wood. the abyss didnt generate neither. please help me

This is not the place to ask. Submit a bug report on the Official Calamity Mod Discord server. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 18:03, 15 September 2020 (UTC)

«Post-Moon Lord»

It’s probably just a me thing, but its really weird that all the post Moon Lord items just say so, which while not wrong, doesn’t accurately portray the game progression to obtain said item.
In the Official Terraria Wiki, items are described as «post-mech», «post-Plantera», «post-Golem», etc. Why is that not considered here? Like for example, The Enforcer is listed as post-Moon Lord, when it’s really post-Devourer of Gods.
For experienced players of calamity, this really isn’t an issue, but for new players, it forces them to search for the progression necessary to obtain it. And the Murasama, a weapon you can get pre-hardmode, only says post-Moon Lord, when it’s *post-Yharon*. Which in terms of progression is completely insane to gloss over for me.

We split the game into Pre-Hardmode, Hardmode and Post-Moon Lord for simplicity and consistency across the Wiki. Adding more sections of the game would massively increase the complexity of categories and DPL pages for example. There is also the issue of Calamity’s non-linear progression which further blurs the lines between these sections of the game. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 18:10, 7 October 2020 (UTC)
Vanilla actually provides both the PHM-HM progression and the proposed «post-x boss» like «Hardmode, post-Golem» for Influx Waver and Possessed Hatchet, for example. This should potentially be changed for consistency with the Vanilla Wiki but we shouldn’t include them in DPLs either it makes it in or not because 40 checks is excessive. Either way, it would probably take too long and that is the only forseeable issue right now.


when I get close to Draedon Arsenal Labs my Tmodloader gives an error called System.NotSupportedException

Report bugs on the Official Calamity Mod Discord server, not here. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 19:16, 17 October 2020 (UTC)

Should I make a Gif for the gamma heart?

Hey, sorry for using this platform to ask a simple question, I am on school wifi rn(and no I am not doing calamity stuff instead of schoolwork, I happen to be on a break)., and they can check what I am looking at on discord so I don´t really want to get in trouble because some random dude posted a weird meme. Anyways, the Gamma heart seems like a really unique weapon, and I think that a gif for it would be useful just so the players could see what it looked like and how it damages enemies.

I think we agreed previously that the Gamma Heart should get a GIF, but make sure to upload it to the Discord first so we can check through. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 16:47, 21 October 2020 (UTC)


Estoy jugando en un servidor de Calamity con amigos, pero cuando un enemigo random me golpea con un proyectil, automáticamente me cura toda la vida, no sé si es un bug, un error de dll o algo, alguien me podría ayudar porfavor!.

Please ask questions in English as this is the only language we can moderate properly. For help with the mod, go to the Official Calamity Mod Discord, not here. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 09:42, 6 November 2020 (UTC)


Every time I enter a snow biome and it starts snowing or its a snowstorm, my character freezes and I cant move attack and I cant do anything in game except stand there, the enemies cant even hurt me.

Report bugs on the Calamity Mod Discord, not here. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 21:14, 11 November 2020 (UTC)

Desert Medallion / Stormlion Mandible crafting

The Desert medallion is crafted at an Iron/Lead Anvil, but the Desert Medallion page on the wiki and the Stormlion Mandible page say it’scrafted at an evil altar. Can this please be fixed?

Desert Medallion recipe has been changed a few updates ago. Daud ahn (talk) 08:13, 29 November 2020 (UTC)

Maybe a bug?

The astral infection didn’t landed after defeatind WoF. I don’t know if I miss a condtion but the message never appeared including defeating WoF several times. Is this a bug?

Pd: I’d checked my world’s surface a couple of times so I’m sure that nothing changed

Report bugs on the Calamity Mod Discord, not here. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 12:23, 2 January 2021 (UTC)

Outdated World or Other

I have been playing Calamity Mod since most of last year or for the past two years and I have noticed something strange. When I look at the wiki for an item then I look at the same item in-game, it appears as if the sprite is not updated. This is also prevalent of features my world should have but don’t such as the Arsenal Labs.

As of now I am using the most recent version of TModLoader but I have not been to this mod in a while as I have been working on other project ideas. Is there any form of information I must know about the current version of Calamity? Droid Steel Boi (talk) 05:44, 5 January 2021 (UTC)

Mods do not update automatically. You’re going to want to go into the «Mod Browser» menu in tModLoader and click the yellow «Update All» button. That should bring you to the most recent Calamity version, as well as the latest versions of any other mods you’re using. You will need to create a new world in order to get new world features like the Arsenal Labs though. RoverdriveX (talk) 05:48, 5 January 2021 (UTC)
I understand, Thank You!

Demo volunteering

If you want to someone can explain to me how to make demos and ill make some more ill do the whole Shubham with the building in the background as well. I know pretty much all the items and I know calamity of the top of my hand. When I’m doing demos I don’t use any accessory’s do I? Sorry if I put this message in the wrong place please tell me if I did.

You didn’t put it in the wrong place, don’t worry. As for making demonstration GIFs, we have very strict standards for which weapons do or do not require GIFs and all the ones that need them have them currently. If you would still like to help add or update GIFs in the future (e.g. for new updates), I’d recommend joining the Calamity Mod Discord and asking for the Wiki Contributor role. This gives you access to a channel where you can talk with fellow contributors/editors and get help with editing. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 13:41, 18 January 2021 (UTC)
Okay Thanks


Does anyone know why hailbut cannon is in the pre hardmode section. I thought the way we organized the sections was by when your suppose to get it not when you can get it. LucasFSM2 (talk) 09:33, 20 January 2021 (UTC)

Let me copy and paste what I posted on your profile. ‘To reply to your post that got removed, Halibut is listed as pre-Hardmode because it can be obtained in pre-Hardmode. It differs from items such as Anahita & Leviathan’s drops because an average player has a chance (though small) of it happening, whereas we do not expect an average player to defeat Anahita & Leviathan in pre-Hardmode, or kill an Adult Eidolon Wyrm, for example.’ Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 10:34, 20 January 2021 (UTC)
Okay, by the way you a admirable person

a question

what is this page about? what kinds of questions do yuo ask?
sorry if im not supposed to do this.

As it explains at the top of the page, this is for general discussion about the Wiki. If you have a question regarding the Wiki in general, you can post it here. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 20:32, 24 February 2021 (UTC)

Interlanguage link

Hello, I’m a sysop of Chinese Calamity wiki. It seems that the domain migration has completed successfully. Can I make interlanguage links between English and Chinese wikis?
Please accept my apology if this message shouldn’t be left here.
Last prismer (talk) 11:24, 19 March 2021 (UTC)

Thanks for getting in contact with us. Can you please provide a link to the Chinese Calamity Wiki so we can take a look. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 11:44, 19 March 2021 (UTC)
Thanks. I’ll talk to the rest of our editing team and get their opinions on this too. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 12:13, 19 March 2021 (UTC)
Thanks! By the way, I think the wikis can be connected by typing [[zh:pagename]] and [[en:pagename]]in the relative pages now, just like the ILLs in the vanilla terraria wikis. Last prismer (talk) 12:17, 19 March 2021 (UTC)
Okay, it looks like nobody has any objections on our end, so you’re free to go ahead. Before you do what you described above, you should follow the procedure on this page first. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 11:50, 20 March 2021 (UTC)

Hey all, I have a few questions.

So, my friends and I are playing Calamity with no other mods besides the music and extra music. I can’t craft the Biome Sword, can anyone tell me why? As well as we’re on v1.4.5.1 but this site says the latest version is v1.4.5.007. Is this wrong or what?

The latest version of the mod can be downloaded from the Mod Browser or the Official Calamity Mod Discord server. v1.4.5.1 is outdated. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 21:02, 26 March 2021 (UTC)

Cosmic Shiv Not Working

Recently crafted the cosmic shiv, and noticed that the projectiles do not shoot out when Overhaul is running. Is this an error on my end, or a bug that needs to be fixed?

Report bugs on the Official Calamity Mod Discord server, not here. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 21:38, 31 March 2021 (UTC)

rage and adrenaline bars don’t appear in screen

this is my first time playing terraria whit mods so maybe im doing something wrong but when im playing i notice that the rage and adrenaline bars don’t appear in screen, theres a list of mods im using let me know if one of them is the problem (Sorry for bad english its not my first lenguage)

Rage and Adrenaline are exclusive to Revengeance Mode and Death Mode. If you are on one of said modes and don’t see the bars, this will need to be reported to the Official Calamity Mod Discord server. Lilsigtum (talk) 05:16, 3 May 2021 (UTC)

Rusty Medallion isn’t Pre-Boss

This has been bothering me for a while. When i look for class setups i always see Rusty Medallion in the Pre-Boss section while it is made from Sulphuric Scales. But Sulphuric Scales are obtained from the Acid Rain event which is only accessible after beating the Eye of Cthulu. This is probably a small oversight but i thought i’d report it.

The Rusty Medallion can be found in Rusty Chests in the Sulphurous Sea, making it obtainable in Pre-Boss. SharZz (talk) 17:03, 4 May 2021 (UTC)

How to report bugs with the mod (not the wiki).

Can’t seem to find any way to report bugs for the mod. I have found the wiki report page but I’m fairly sure it is only for the wiki.

Please report bugs on the Official Calamity Discord server. There’s a link on the wiki front page. Make sure you read the pinned messages in the bug report channel. Minecat (talk) 10:10, 8 May 2021 (UTC)

Item sequence GIFs

Why shouldn’t weapons at the end of crafting sequences have demonstration GIFs? For example, they can be used to give a visual idea of DPS and how much better weapons are than their predecessors. Solar (talk) 15:35, 6 June 2021 (UTC)

I’m pretty sure you misread something somewhere, let me quote the Wiki rules (found here) for you: ‘If an item is part of a progression sequence (for example Crystalline -> Shattered Sun) then only the highest tier will be considered for a GIF.’ As you can see, it states only items at the end of progression sequences are generally considered for GIFs. However, if you made a typo and meant why shouldn’t weapons not at the end of crafting sequences have GIFs, we try to limit the amount of GIFs as they will need to be kept up to date with Calamity’s often frequent updates. DPS is also not something we consider GIFs to demonstrate because it fluctuates so wildly with things like accessories, proficiency and even other mods. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 17:01, 6 June 2021 (UTC)
Thanks. also yeah that was a typo sorry Solar (talk) 18:29, 6 June 2021 (UTC)

Vanilla boss guides under calamity items

in pages like Guide:Class setups only calamity items are mentioned (except for a few exceptions in pre-hardmode)
also i think there should be small pages for vanilla bosses where their strategy is changed by the new addtion

Vanilla boss pages and guides are currently a work in progress. Due to 1.5 coming out, work on them has been effectively paused but we still welcome any additions to them. As for class setups, there’s no requirement to have both vanilla and calamity items in each section. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 16:22, 26 January 2022 (UTC)

Unable to reach the page «The Devourer of Gods»

Whenever I try to check the page for The Devourer of Gods, it just sends me to some redirect page, regardless of what page I came from. This includes the boss list on some pages, the links from items dropped by it, the link on the «Sentinels of the Devourer» page, and even the redirect page itself, to name a few. AbyssaIIRose (talk) 00:53, 19 August 2022 (UTC)

This should be fixed now, thank you for letting us know! Lady Lostris (talk) 07:58, 19 August 2022 (UTC)

Wikis of non-existing bosses

So I was browsing the Calamity Bosses for progression and informative purposes and then I noticed some «bosses» that are not in game, such as The Derellect, Polyphemalus and XP-00 Hypnos, none of which are in the mod. I do not believe this is meant to be in the wiki.

Those are reported to be Community modifications that can be downloaded as addons.

How could I get ubanned on Discord ?

So about like 2-3 weeks ago , I accidentally click a wrong link on discord and it leads me to gets exploited and sending that link to some discord servers . Leading to my ban on this discord . I never have have any bad intends on breaking the rules at all , this has happened outside of ur server but ur just happen to get caught in this fire . I have taken back my control on the account so could u unban my account ? My username is : Jolly#8049 or 751362984797929505 is the id . i’m sorry once again for my mistake .

The discord server and the wiki are moderated by different people, but there is a chance that one of the discord mods will see your post. If not, then you’ll have to try other channels. Good luck! —Moviesign (talk) 20:06, 6 November 2022 (UTC)

I’ve messaged them on their profile. RoverdriveX (talk) 02:00, 7 November 2022 (UTC)


Hello, here I am looking in the setup class and I see this *See screenshots»

Hello! I’m not sure what the exact issue you are having is, could you give more details? Also uploading new files to the Wiki that are not intended for actual pages isn’t allowed, and please mark your messages with four tilde characters, thank you. AmmyanDocCiesh (talk) 06:25, 30 January 2023 (UTC)

Community Noticeboard

Do not post game suggestions, game bugs, or game technical support requests on this page. Use Calamity’s official Discord server or forum post instead.

This page is for general discussion about the Calamity Mod Wiki. To start a discussion, click here (+).

  • Note that much of the communication regarding the Calamity Mod Wiki is done via the Calamity Mod Discord Server. If you have questions or issues regarding editing this wiki, asking via Discord is the best way to get your issue addressed quickly.
  • Have no idea what to do? Check out the Things to do category!
  • For administrative issues, see the Admin noticeboard.
  • In case you need some help with editing pages, Wikipedia’s «How to edit a page» article is a great source of information.
  • To practice editing, use the Calamity Mod Wiki Sandbox.
Article Stubs Rewrite Requests
No stubs No rewrite requests

(Purge page to update)

Links to the Terraria Wiki

I think that it’s good that topics that already exist in normal Terraria redirect to the Terraria wiki, but I think that already-existing topics, like the cavern layer, should have a short page explaining how the mod has changed the cavern layer (new mobs and stuff), with a link to the Terraria wiki page that explains other stuff. That way, there’s 1 page that explains what new mobs spawn there, and a link to the normal page, which would make it much easier to decide if you’re ready for a normal Terraria biome yet with this mod installed, because there’s one place that tells you what mobs spawn there, and also possibly a «players should not go here until they have this because» note. Also, I’m putting this here because I don’t know where else to put it, not because I think it’s somehow linked to this page. AaayC (talk) 05:36, 9 May 2017 (UTC)

That is what is meant to happen, but people keep redirecting it to Terraria wiki pages. —Tymon80 (talk) 08:41, 9 May 2017 (UTC)
Vanilla changes might be what you’re looking for. Solar (talk) 15:28, 6 June 2021 (UTC)

The summoning items

I noticed that whenever I defeat a boss(neither vanilla or Calamity) a certain NPC is selling a summoning item. The Dryad is selling all pre-hardmode summoning items(except Abeemination, sold by the Witch Doctor, and the voodoo dolls sold by… no one). The Wizard I think sells the hardmode ones( I defeated only Cryogen so IDK). The Steampunker sells the mech bosses summon items. And Post Moon Lord… IDK.
What I’m trying to say is that the summoning items being sold by NPC might be a feature from the Calamity Mod. If someone could make a page about this that will be awesome.

It is indeed from Calamity, and it’s mentioned on the Bosses page already. — Minecat07 (talk) 14:01, 25 September 2017 (UTC)

Xeroc armor description needs a bit of a fix

So, I don’t know what exactly happened, but since I am currently going through my mage playthrough, I was very excited about acquiring Xeroc armor. As the description on the Xeroc armor page on the wiki suggests, magic damage done while Xeroc armor is equipped spawns magenta dust which deals damage to enemies and heals the player. Now, I don’t know whether the dmg/heal dust ratio was a thing or it was both at the same time, but it really did work like both Specter armor set bonuses combined, at least that’s how it worked when I fought Providence twice in pre-v1.3.3.11 Calamity version. However, when I updated to v1.3.3.11 the next day, the healing magenta dust was either only spawning on mob kills, or much more rarely, now with 10-20 health recovered per heal-dust ( don’t know the exact numbers of healing in the previous version ). Either way, it would be great if anyone could help with this matter.

P.S. Does the Comet Quasher and its upgrade really work on regular target dummies ( because they seem to not ), or does it have to be some special target dummy? —BalancedLightningEtherial (talk) 13:46, 4 July 2018 (UTC)

The Comet Quasher and Stellar Striker will not work on regular target dummies, you must strike an actual enemy for them to summon their rain of projectiles. Testing Xeroc armor in Calamity with a Razorpine on multiple Bloom Slimes showed that both the healing and damage dust took effect continuously. The healing dust is not limited to mob kills. —Ozzatron (talk) 16:07, 4 July 2018 (UTC)
Then it must be something on my side, as I was using the Mistlestorm and Ultra Liquidator ( btw, the first time I tried the Ultra Liquid on Providence it was really good ) against Calamitas and Providence today and the healing dust spawn was not continuous. Is it possible that having both Calamity and Thorium on could mess with it? Anyways, thank You for your help.

P.S. I noticed that some Elementals from The Heart of the Elements also proceed healing ( and I suppose damage ) dust, is it possible that their damage type is magic? —BalancedLightningEtherial (talk) 18:49, 4 July 2018 (UTC)

Page for game progression

Since I have do not really have the time or the overview over everything this mod and this Wiki offers I will just leave this as a suggestion.
I personally think this Wiki could use a page where the game progression with this mod is listed. You know, things like what ore/material get available after you defeat a certain boss. It is really hard to figure out what you can craft and what changes in the world after defeating some of the vanilla bosses. This could bring together a lot of pages so you do not need to click through several ones to get you to what you are looking for. — 20:54, 1 August 2018 (UTC)

You can look at the Bosses page for a good idea of which bosses (including vanilla) to fight at which point. The Status messages page also provides some info as to what happens on each kill. Hopefully, that is what you are looking for. As for your suggestion of putting this all on one page; we don’t see the point, as the information is easy enough to access where it is already. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 22:44, 1 August 2018 (UTC)
Here 21:01, 23 June 2020 (UTC)

Glitch? Bug? Code Error?

I’m not sure what’s going on, but I’m playing through the game with Calamity and I finally kill Providence, The Profaned Goddess. But nothing in the world changes. I haven’t got the message and Calamities and The Brimstone Elemental won’t drop bloodstones. What do I do??
Also, this is my first post so if it’s wrong or under the wrong subject, my apologies.

Are you using the latest version of tModLoader? Willowmaine (talk) 04:23, 29 August 2018 (UTC)

Hello? Uhh well theres a bug with calamity im having that stops loading the map at sulphur sea please fix.

Please report bugs on the Official Discord server. There’s a link on the front page of the Wiki. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 08:08, 20 April 2020 (UTC)
Also put your question in its own section. 21:02, 23 June 2020 (UTC)

Why is Cnidrion at the minibosses

Apparently, Cnidrion still is here on the main page as a miniboss, instead of the Giant Clam.Samuelwcheringer (talk) 18:35, 23 March 2019 (UTC)

Fixed, thank you for pointing it out. Minecat (talk) 19:18, 23 March 2019 (UTC)

Why is there no proper NPC page?

I go to this wiki a few times. I do not own the Calamity Terraria mod, but I do love the concept of it. One day, I decided to check out if there were any additional NPCs in the mod. However, when I looked it up in the search box, it only took me to the vanilla Terraria NPC page. Are there no NPCs here? 01:31, 15 April 2019 (UTC)

There is a Town NPCs page for the three Calamity Town NPCs. I also changed the redirect pages for the term NPC away from the Vanilla Wiki. Merkalto (talk) 01:34, 15 April 2019 (UTC)

Vanilla boss guilds

I think it might be a good idea if we could imput some vanilla guilds into the wiki. I’m having a lot of trouble with eye of Cthulhu, but there’s not any guilds for deathmode eye of Cthulhu, and nether any other vanilla boss guilds. also, I had to dig pretty deep to find the health of vanilla bosses, so this could make it much easier to see that too. I’d create a page for it, but I don’t have a twitch account.

It is still WIP project currently, You can still look for it in https://calamitymod.gamepedia.com/User:Merkalto/Sandbox#Vanilla_Boss_Revengeance_Pages and https://calamitymod.gamepedia.com/User:Mysterpumpkin/Sandbox—Daud ahn (talk) 01:57, 5 October 2020 (UTC)


How do I enable javascript?

What browser are you using? 18:16, 13 May 2020 (UTC)

Will Draedon and Lord Yharim Be added as a boss?

The Sea King and Supreme Calamitas both make reference to fighting Lord Yharim, and the Sea King makes reference to fighting Dreadon. Also the song that plays when fighting the jungle dragon also makes reference to fighting Lord Yharim. Will they ever be added to the game?

This is not the place to ask questions such as this, as this wiki is run by mostly non-devs on the Calamity Mod team. Questions like this should be asked on the Calamity Mod Discord Server. But yes, evenutally those two bosses will be added, but until they are, please be patient. Merkalto (talk) 15:07, 15 October 2019 (UTC)

Questsion 2:
How do you join the discord server?

There is an invite link to the Discord on the main page under the section labled The Mod in the second paragraph. Merkalto (talk) 14:39, 28 October 2019 (UTC)

i think i somthing not listed on the wiki

ok this is nothing big so ive reacntly made the abysal diving suit and while talking to the steampunker they said «just what is that contraption? it makes my teleporters look like child’s play!» i looked on the page for the diving suit and the page for the steampunker but i havent found any mention of this quote heres a pic of the quote if it helps

This is already on the wiki, it’s over at the Town NPCs page. It’s caused by the Portal Gun, not the Abyssal Diving Suit. Minecat (talk) 20:22, 18 October 2019 (UTC)


Calamity Mod History

Can someone make a list page for the history & updates calamity mod has had?
Yeetsword123 (talk) 01:22, 20 October 2019 (UTC)

Due to how poorly the Calamity mod was documented for the first year of its existence, no, we are not planning on creating a historical page or section on any page on this wiki. This also goes for previous versions of the mod, which invalidate this wiki’s purpose for those players who are out of date with the mod. Merkalto (talk) 01:31, 20 October 2019 (UTC)

getting eatten by the colossal squid

is there a way to escape the collosal squid when they loatch onto you? ive been fighting the abyss mini bosses and the colossal squid is giving me a hard time

This is not the place to ask that. You should join the Calamity Mod Discord server (there’s a link on the front page of the Wiki) and ask there instead. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 15:03, 20 October 2019 (UTC)

Items «unloaded»

In logging in this morning, I found some of the items no longer look like items, rather, they have a box in place of each item which says ITEM, and some other info while hovering over each item. Please see attached picture.
Played yesterday and everything was the way it should be. (talk)

This is not the place to report bugs or similar issues, but lore items aka «Knowledge Items» were internally changed in calamity update, you need to cheat them back in if you want them again. Merkalto (talk) 00:46, 29 October 2019 (UTC)
Did you unload Calamity? 21:04, 23 June 2020 (UTC)

How many «Terra»s?

How many «Terra»s are there? Because in the original game there was only the Terra Blade, and now there is stuff like the Terra Staff, Terra Bow (tell me what it is actually called — or if that is its actual name — as a reply) and even a Terra Shiv (shortsword)! Tell me, how many are there?! I’m not sure.

—Jimmyjam999 (talk) 15:18, 7 December 2019 (UTC)

You can look here for the items considered to be in Terra tier. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 16:51, 7 December 2019 (UTC)

Spawning conditions for plague mobs

What are they?

Thought i’d just modify an existing farm by adding jungle grass blocks to the spawn locations, but that only spawns regular jungle mobs

Only that it is a Jungle and the Golem has been defeated. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 21:21, 6 January 2020 (UTC)


Hi, I do not know if they are going to read this but I have a small problem with the mod, the thing is that I am in cooperative mode playing with a friend and we go against the slime god but every time I do the summoner it disappears and try take out the boss in other ways but it still doesn’t come out, this only happens to me in multiplayer.

Please ask these kinds of questions on the Calamity Mod Discord — there’s a link on the front page of the Wiki. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 16:20, 23 January 2020 (UTC)
That happens. Sometimes the other Slime Gods spawn far away and immediately despawn. 21:06, 23 June 2020 (UTC)

Version history page

I think it would be a good idea to have a page on the wiki which talks about the past versions of the mod and the key changes they have made. It would be a lot to get done all at once, but over time if lots of people contribute their own knowledge on the different versions it would be a useful and informative page. If there is a reason that this page cannot be made, then that is fine. Beepduck123 (talk) 19:28, 19 February 2020 (UTC)BeepDuck123

Things like this have been suggested many times before. We won’t be adding history sections of making a version history page due to the very poorly documented early versions of Calamity. The #changelogs channel in the official Discord server contain most changes for some previous versions, if that helps. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 20:56, 19 February 2020 (UTC)

Please use the most recent GitHub release as the posted version had an oopsie.

Spent about an hour trying to troubleshoot the version but wasn’t run-able (crash on mod load). The dev got it fixed up real quick tho so it’s just to go there instead of the link on the site until next updated.

Summoner Guide O_o

SO ive been doing a summoner run on calamity mod and i realize that a lot of the items suggested on the wiki are actually worse than earlier ones in terms of dps… this weapon… is the Dormant Brimseeker, dropped from the brimstone elemental. It deals up to 4000 dps which beats a lot of weapons later in the game, like the Xeno Staff and the Resurrection butterfly, and i find myself using it for most bosses. pls fix yes

The Wiki is not the place to post things like this. If you think an item should be nerfed or buffed, you should make a proper suggestion in the Calamity Mod Discord, with specific reasons as to why. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 23:36, 8 July 2020 (UTC)

The wiki background

The wiki background is dark and makes it hard to read, how do I change it?

Can you elaborate more on the problem. Are you using mobile or desktop? Are you using the default hydradark theme or a custom one? Is it the custom background image that’s causing it to be hard to read? Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 16:14, 11 July 2020 (UTC)
It’s the default and I’m on mobile
Unfortunately, I don’t think there’s much we can do about that. However, if you create an account for the Wiki and know some CSS you can customise the background skin to your liking. See here for an example. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 16:45, 11 July 2020 (UTC)

Boss progression

The boss progression list doesn’t include the Queen slime or empress of light, does the mod not include them or is it a mistake

tModLoader does not currently support 1.4 Terraria, therefore no mods incorporate 1.4 content and all must be played on Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 16:45, 11 July 2020 (UTC)

Plaguebringer Goliath Guide?

I was going through the wiki and noticed that there isnt a plaguebringer goliath guide.

Explanation please?

Nobody has made one yet, though there is a WIP guide at User:Bronzechicken10/Sandbox. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 18:39, 15 July 2020 (UTC)

sulphuric sea bug pls help

ok so i made a world to play with a friend but when i went to the sulphuric sea there was no acid sand or islands, it was like a normal ocean but with acid water. the acid rain happens normaly and the mobs spawn but i cant get acid wood. the abyss didnt generate neither. please help me

This is not the place to ask. Submit a bug report on the Official Calamity Mod Discord server. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 18:03, 15 September 2020 (UTC)

«Post-Moon Lord»

It’s probably just a me thing, but its really weird that all the post Moon Lord items just say so, which while not wrong, doesn’t accurately portray the game progression to obtain said item.
In the Official Terraria Wiki, items are described as «post-mech», «post-Plantera», «post-Golem», etc. Why is that not considered here? Like for example, The Enforcer is listed as post-Moon Lord, when it’s really post-Devourer of Gods.
For experienced players of calamity, this really isn’t an issue, but for new players, it forces them to search for the progression necessary to obtain it. And the Murasama, a weapon you can get pre-hardmode, only says post-Moon Lord, when it’s *post-Yharon*. Which in terms of progression is completely insane to gloss over for me.

We split the game into Pre-Hardmode, Hardmode and Post-Moon Lord for simplicity and consistency across the Wiki. Adding more sections of the game would massively increase the complexity of categories and DPL pages for example. There is also the issue of Calamity’s non-linear progression which further blurs the lines between these sections of the game. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 18:10, 7 October 2020 (UTC)
Vanilla actually provides both the PHM-HM progression and the proposed «post-x boss» like «Hardmode, post-Golem» for Influx Waver and Possessed Hatchet, for example. This should potentially be changed for consistency with the Vanilla Wiki but we shouldn’t include them in DPLs either it makes it in or not because 40 checks is excessive. Either way, it would probably take too long and that is the only forseeable issue right now.


when I get close to Draedon Arsenal Labs my Tmodloader gives an error called System.NotSupportedException

Report bugs on the Official Calamity Mod Discord server, not here. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 19:16, 17 October 2020 (UTC)

Should I make a Gif for the gamma heart?

Hey, sorry for using this platform to ask a simple question, I am on school wifi rn(and no I am not doing calamity stuff instead of schoolwork, I happen to be on a break)., and they can check what I am looking at on discord so I don´t really want to get in trouble because some random dude posted a weird meme. Anyways, the Gamma heart seems like a really unique weapon, and I think that a gif for it would be useful just so the players could see what it looked like and how it damages enemies.

I think we agreed previously that the Gamma Heart should get a GIF, but make sure to upload it to the Discord first so we can check through. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 16:47, 21 October 2020 (UTC)


Estoy jugando en un servidor de Calamity con amigos, pero cuando un enemigo random me golpea con un proyectil, automáticamente me cura toda la vida, no sé si es un bug, un error de dll o algo, alguien me podría ayudar porfavor!.

Please ask questions in English as this is the only language we can moderate properly. For help with the mod, go to the Official Calamity Mod Discord, not here. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 09:42, 6 November 2020 (UTC)


Every time I enter a snow biome and it starts snowing or its a snowstorm, my character freezes and I cant move attack and I cant do anything in game except stand there, the enemies cant even hurt me.

Report bugs on the Calamity Mod Discord, not here. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 21:14, 11 November 2020 (UTC)

Desert Medallion / Stormlion Mandible crafting

The Desert medallion is crafted at an Iron/Lead Anvil, but the Desert Medallion page on the wiki and the Stormlion Mandible page say it’scrafted at an evil altar. Can this please be fixed?

Desert Medallion recipe has been changed a few updates ago. Daud ahn (talk) 08:13, 29 November 2020 (UTC)

Maybe a bug?

The astral infection didn’t landed after defeatind WoF. I don’t know if I miss a condtion but the message never appeared including defeating WoF several times. Is this a bug?

Pd: I’d checked my world’s surface a couple of times so I’m sure that nothing changed

Report bugs on the Calamity Mod Discord, not here. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 12:23, 2 January 2021 (UTC)

Outdated World or Other

I have been playing Calamity Mod since most of last year or for the past two years and I have noticed something strange. When I look at the wiki for an item then I look at the same item in-game, it appears as if the sprite is not updated. This is also prevalent of features my world should have but don’t such as the Arsenal Labs.

As of now I am using the most recent version of TModLoader but I have not been to this mod in a while as I have been working on other project ideas. Is there any form of information I must know about the current version of Calamity? Droid Steel Boi (talk) 05:44, 5 January 2021 (UTC)

Mods do not update automatically. You’re going to want to go into the «Mod Browser» menu in tModLoader and click the yellow «Update All» button. That should bring you to the most recent Calamity version, as well as the latest versions of any other mods you’re using. You will need to create a new world in order to get new world features like the Arsenal Labs though. RoverdriveX (talk) 05:48, 5 January 2021 (UTC)
I understand, Thank You!

Demo volunteering

If you want to someone can explain to me how to make demos and ill make some more ill do the whole Shubham with the building in the background as well. I know pretty much all the items and I know calamity of the top of my hand. When I’m doing demos I don’t use any accessory’s do I? Sorry if I put this message in the wrong place please tell me if I did.

You didn’t put it in the wrong place, don’t worry. As for making demonstration GIFs, we have very strict standards for which weapons do or do not require GIFs and all the ones that need them have them currently. If you would still like to help add or update GIFs in the future (e.g. for new updates), I’d recommend joining the Calamity Mod Discord and asking for the Wiki Contributor role. This gives you access to a channel where you can talk with fellow contributors/editors and get help with editing. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 13:41, 18 January 2021 (UTC)
Okay Thanks


Does anyone know why hailbut cannon is in the pre hardmode section. I thought the way we organized the sections was by when your suppose to get it not when you can get it. LucasFSM2 (talk) 09:33, 20 January 2021 (UTC)

Let me copy and paste what I posted on your profile. ‘To reply to your post that got removed, Halibut is listed as pre-Hardmode because it can be obtained in pre-Hardmode. It differs from items such as Anahita & Leviathan’s drops because an average player has a chance (though small) of it happening, whereas we do not expect an average player to defeat Anahita & Leviathan in pre-Hardmode, or kill an Adult Eidolon Wyrm, for example.’ Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 10:34, 20 January 2021 (UTC)
Okay, by the way you a admirable person

a question

what is this page about? what kinds of questions do yuo ask?
sorry if im not supposed to do this.

As it explains at the top of the page, this is for general discussion about the Wiki. If you have a question regarding the Wiki in general, you can post it here. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 20:32, 24 February 2021 (UTC)

Interlanguage link

Hello, I’m a sysop of Chinese Calamity wiki. It seems that the domain migration has completed successfully. Can I make interlanguage links between English and Chinese wikis?
Please accept my apology if this message shouldn’t be left here.
Last prismer (talk) 11:24, 19 March 2021 (UTC)

Thanks for getting in contact with us. Can you please provide a link to the Chinese Calamity Wiki so we can take a look. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 11:44, 19 March 2021 (UTC)
Thanks. I’ll talk to the rest of our editing team and get their opinions on this too. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 12:13, 19 March 2021 (UTC)
Thanks! By the way, I think the wikis can be connected by typing [[zh:pagename]] and [[en:pagename]]in the relative pages now, just like the ILLs in the vanilla terraria wikis. Last prismer (talk) 12:17, 19 March 2021 (UTC)
Okay, it looks like nobody has any objections on our end, so you’re free to go ahead. Before you do what you described above, you should follow the procedure on this page first. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 11:50, 20 March 2021 (UTC)

Hey all, I have a few questions.

So, my friends and I are playing Calamity with no other mods besides the music and extra music. I can’t craft the Biome Sword, can anyone tell me why? As well as we’re on v1.4.5.1 but this site says the latest version is v1.4.5.007. Is this wrong or what?

The latest version of the mod can be downloaded from the Mod Browser or the Official Calamity Mod Discord server. v1.4.5.1 is outdated. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 21:02, 26 March 2021 (UTC)

Cosmic Shiv Not Working

Recently crafted the cosmic shiv, and noticed that the projectiles do not shoot out when Overhaul is running. Is this an error on my end, or a bug that needs to be fixed?

Report bugs on the Official Calamity Mod Discord server, not here. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 21:38, 31 March 2021 (UTC)

rage and adrenaline bars don’t appear in screen

this is my first time playing terraria whit mods so maybe im doing something wrong but when im playing i notice that the rage and adrenaline bars don’t appear in screen, theres a list of mods im using let me know if one of them is the problem (Sorry for bad english its not my first lenguage)

Rage and Adrenaline are exclusive to Revengeance Mode and Death Mode. If you are on one of said modes and don’t see the bars, this will need to be reported to the Official Calamity Mod Discord server. Lilsigtum (talk) 05:16, 3 May 2021 (UTC)

Rusty Medallion isn’t Pre-Boss

This has been bothering me for a while. When i look for class setups i always see Rusty Medallion in the Pre-Boss section while it is made from Sulphuric Scales. But Sulphuric Scales are obtained from the Acid Rain event which is only accessible after beating the Eye of Cthulu. This is probably a small oversight but i thought i’d report it.

The Rusty Medallion can be found in Rusty Chests in the Sulphurous Sea, making it obtainable in Pre-Boss. SharZz (talk) 17:03, 4 May 2021 (UTC)

How to report bugs with the mod (not the wiki).

Can’t seem to find any way to report bugs for the mod. I have found the wiki report page but I’m fairly sure it is only for the wiki.

Please report bugs on the Official Calamity Discord server. There’s a link on the wiki front page. Make sure you read the pinned messages in the bug report channel. Minecat (talk) 10:10, 8 May 2021 (UTC)

Item sequence GIFs

Why shouldn’t weapons at the end of crafting sequences have demonstration GIFs? For example, they can be used to give a visual idea of DPS and how much better weapons are than their predecessors. Solar (talk) 15:35, 6 June 2021 (UTC)

I’m pretty sure you misread something somewhere, let me quote the Wiki rules (found here) for you: ‘If an item is part of a progression sequence (for example Crystalline -> Shattered Sun) then only the highest tier will be considered for a GIF.’ As you can see, it states only items at the end of progression sequences are generally considered for GIFs. However, if you made a typo and meant why shouldn’t weapons not at the end of crafting sequences have GIFs, we try to limit the amount of GIFs as they will need to be kept up to date with Calamity’s often frequent updates. DPS is also not something we consider GIFs to demonstrate because it fluctuates so wildly with things like accessories, proficiency and even other mods. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 17:01, 6 June 2021 (UTC)
Thanks. also yeah that was a typo sorry Solar (talk) 18:29, 6 June 2021 (UTC)

Vanilla boss guides under calamity items

in pages like Guide:Class setups only calamity items are mentioned (except for a few exceptions in pre-hardmode)
also i think there should be small pages for vanilla bosses where their strategy is changed by the new addtion

Vanilla boss pages and guides are currently a work in progress. Due to 1.5 coming out, work on them has been effectively paused but we still welcome any additions to them. As for class setups, there’s no requirement to have both vanilla and calamity items in each section. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 16:22, 26 January 2022 (UTC)

Unable to reach the page «The Devourer of Gods»

Whenever I try to check the page for The Devourer of Gods, it just sends me to some redirect page, regardless of what page I came from. This includes the boss list on some pages, the links from items dropped by it, the link on the «Sentinels of the Devourer» page, and even the redirect page itself, to name a few. AbyssaIIRose (talk) 00:53, 19 August 2022 (UTC)

This should be fixed now, thank you for letting us know! Lady Lostris (talk) 07:58, 19 August 2022 (UTC)

Wikis of non-existing bosses

So I was browsing the Calamity Bosses for progression and informative purposes and then I noticed some «bosses» that are not in game, such as The Derellect, Polyphemalus and XP-00 Hypnos, none of which are in the mod. I do not believe this is meant to be in the wiki.

Those are reported to be Community modifications that can be downloaded as addons.

How could I get ubanned on Discord ?

So about like 2-3 weeks ago , I accidentally click a wrong link on discord and it leads me to gets exploited and sending that link to some discord servers . Leading to my ban on this discord . I never have have any bad intends on breaking the rules at all , this has happened outside of ur server but ur just happen to get caught in this fire . I have taken back my control on the account so could u unban my account ? My username is : Jolly#8049 or 751362984797929505 is the id . i’m sorry once again for my mistake .

The discord server and the wiki are moderated by different people, but there is a chance that one of the discord mods will see your post. If not, then you’ll have to try other channels. Good luck! —Moviesign (talk) 20:06, 6 November 2022 (UTC)

I’ve messaged them on their profile. RoverdriveX (talk) 02:00, 7 November 2022 (UTC)


Hello, here I am looking in the setup class and I see this *See screenshots»

Hello! I’m not sure what the exact issue you are having is, could you give more details? Also uploading new files to the Wiki that are not intended for actual pages isn’t allowed, and please mark your messages with four tilde characters, thank you. AmmyanDocCiesh (talk) 06:25, 30 January 2023 (UTC)

Calamity mod является одним из самых популярных и полных модов для игры Terraria. Включающий в себя новые боссы, предметы, биомы и геймплейные механики, Calamity mod предоставляет игрокам новый уровень сложности и разнообразия.

Однако, как и с любыми модами, могут возникнуть проблемы при установке и использовании Calamity мода. В этой статье мы рассмотрим некоторые распространенные проблемы, связанные с Tmodloader и Calamity mod, а также предложим возможные решения.

Проблема 1: Игра не запускается после установки Calamity mod

Если игра не запускается после установки Calamity mod, первым делом необходимо проверить, установлена ли последняя версия Tmodloader. Calamity mod требует определенной версии Tmodloader для работы. Посетите официальный сайт Tmodloader, чтобы убедиться, что у вас установлена последняя версия.

Если у вас уже установлена последняя версия Tmodloader, проблема может быть вызвана конфликтом с другими модами. Попробуйте отключить все моды, кроме Calamity и запустить игру. Если она успешно запускается, тогда проблема может быть в конфликте модов.

Проблема 2: Проблемы с сохранением или загрузкой мира

Если возникают проблемы с сохранением или загрузкой мира после установки Calamity mod, сначала убедитесь, что у вас установлена последняя версия мода. Calamity мод обновляется регулярно, поэтому убедитесь, что у вас установлена последняя версия.

Помимо этого, в некоторых случаях может помочь удаление временных файлов Tmodloader. Перейдите в папку с установленной Tmodloader и удалите все файлы внутри папки «temp». После этого попробуйте снова сохранить или загрузить мир.

Проблема 3: Вылеты из игры или низкая производительность

Если игра постоянно вылетает или работает с низкой производительностью после установки Calamity mod, прежде всего убедитесь, что у вас установлена последняя версия Tmodloader и Calamity мода.

Если проблема остается, попробуйте отключить некоторые графические настройки в игре, такие как «Мультивывод» или «Качество освещения». Calamity мод может быть достаточно ресурсоемким, поэтому уменьшение нагрузки на графику может помочь увеличить производительность игры.


Calamity mod является захватывающим и полным модом для игры Terraria, который добавляет новый уровень сложности и разнообразия в игру. Однако, при установке и использовании Calamity мода могут возникнуть некоторые проблемы.

В этой статье мы рассмотрели некоторые распространенные проблемы, связанные с Tmodloader и Calamity модом, а также предложили возможные решения. Надеемся, что эта информация поможет вам насладиться игрой Terraria с Calamity modом без проблем.

Community Noticeboard

Do not post game suggestions, game bugs, or game technical support requests on this page. Use Calamity’s official Discord server or forum post instead.

This page is for general discussion about the Calamity Mod Wiki. To start a discussion, click here (+).

  • Note that much of the communication regarding the Calamity Mod Wiki is done via the Calamity Mod Discord Server. If you have questions or issues regarding editing this wiki, asking via Discord is the best way to get your issue addressed quickly.
  • Have no idea what to do? Check out the Things to do category!
  • For administrative issues, see the Admin noticeboard.
  • In case you need some help with editing pages, Wikipedia’s «How to edit a page» article is a great source of information.
  • To practice editing, use the Calamity Mod Wiki Sandbox.
Article Stubs Rewrite Requests
No stubs No rewrite requests

(Purge page to update)

Links to the Terraria Wiki

I think that it’s good that topics that already exist in normal Terraria redirect to the Terraria wiki, but I think that already-existing topics, like the cavern layer, should have a short page explaining how the mod has changed the cavern layer (new mobs and stuff), with a link to the Terraria wiki page that explains other stuff. That way, there’s 1 page that explains what new mobs spawn there, and a link to the normal page, which would make it much easier to decide if you’re ready for a normal Terraria biome yet with this mod installed, because there’s one place that tells you what mobs spawn there, and also possibly a «players should not go here until they have this because» note. Also, I’m putting this here because I don’t know where else to put it, not because I think it’s somehow linked to this page. AaayC (talk) 05:36, 9 May 2017 (UTC)

That is what is meant to happen, but people keep redirecting it to Terraria wiki pages. —Tymon80 (talk) 08:41, 9 May 2017 (UTC)
Vanilla changes might be what you’re looking for. Solar (talk) 15:28, 6 June 2021 (UTC)

The summoning items

I noticed that whenever I defeat a boss(neither vanilla or Calamity) a certain NPC is selling a summoning item. The Dryad is selling all pre-hardmode summoning items(except Abeemination, sold by the Witch Doctor, and the voodoo dolls sold by… no one). The Wizard I think sells the hardmode ones( I defeated only Cryogen so IDK). The Steampunker sells the mech bosses summon items. And Post Moon Lord… IDK.
What I’m trying to say is that the summoning items being sold by NPC might be a feature from the Calamity Mod. If someone could make a page about this that will be awesome.

It is indeed from Calamity, and it’s mentioned on the Bosses page already. — Minecat07 (talk) 14:01, 25 September 2017 (UTC)

Xeroc armor description needs a bit of a fix

So, I don’t know what exactly happened, but since I am currently going through my mage playthrough, I was very excited about acquiring Xeroc armor. As the description on the Xeroc armor page on the wiki suggests, magic damage done while Xeroc armor is equipped spawns magenta dust which deals damage to enemies and heals the player. Now, I don’t know whether the dmg/heal dust ratio was a thing or it was both at the same time, but it really did work like both Specter armor set bonuses combined, at least that’s how it worked when I fought Providence twice in pre-v1.3.3.11 Calamity version. However, when I updated to v1.3.3.11 the next day, the healing magenta dust was either only spawning on mob kills, or much more rarely, now with 10-20 health recovered per heal-dust ( don’t know the exact numbers of healing in the previous version ). Either way, it would be great if anyone could help with this matter.

P.S. Does the Comet Quasher and its upgrade really work on regular target dummies ( because they seem to not ), or does it have to be some special target dummy? —BalancedLightningEtherial (talk) 13:46, 4 July 2018 (UTC)

The Comet Quasher and Stellar Striker will not work on regular target dummies, you must strike an actual enemy for them to summon their rain of projectiles. Testing Xeroc armor in Calamity with a Razorpine on multiple Bloom Slimes showed that both the healing and damage dust took effect continuously. The healing dust is not limited to mob kills. —Ozzatron (talk) 16:07, 4 July 2018 (UTC)
Then it must be something on my side, as I was using the Mistlestorm and Ultra Liquidator ( btw, the first time I tried the Ultra Liquid on Providence it was really good ) against Calamitas and Providence today and the healing dust spawn was not continuous. Is it possible that having both Calamity and Thorium on could mess with it? Anyways, thank You for your help.

P.S. I noticed that some Elementals from The Heart of the Elements also proceed healing ( and I suppose damage ) dust, is it possible that their damage type is magic? —BalancedLightningEtherial (talk) 18:49, 4 July 2018 (UTC)

Page for game progression

Since I have do not really have the time or the overview over everything this mod and this Wiki offers I will just leave this as a suggestion.
I personally think this Wiki could use a page where the game progression with this mod is listed. You know, things like what ore/material get available after you defeat a certain boss. It is really hard to figure out what you can craft and what changes in the world after defeating some of the vanilla bosses. This could bring together a lot of pages so you do not need to click through several ones to get you to what you are looking for. — 20:54, 1 August 2018 (UTC)

You can look at the Bosses page for a good idea of which bosses (including vanilla) to fight at which point. The Status messages page also provides some info as to what happens on each kill. Hopefully, that is what you are looking for. As for your suggestion of putting this all on one page; we don’t see the point, as the information is easy enough to access where it is already. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 22:44, 1 August 2018 (UTC)
Here 21:01, 23 June 2020 (UTC)

Glitch? Bug? Code Error?

I’m not sure what’s going on, but I’m playing through the game with Calamity and I finally kill Providence, The Profaned Goddess. But nothing in the world changes. I haven’t got the message and Calamities and The Brimstone Elemental won’t drop bloodstones. What do I do??
Also, this is my first post so if it’s wrong or under the wrong subject, my apologies.

Are you using the latest version of tModLoader? Willowmaine (talk) 04:23, 29 August 2018 (UTC)

Hello? Uhh well theres a bug with calamity im having that stops loading the map at sulphur sea please fix.

Please report bugs on the Official Discord server. There’s a link on the front page of the Wiki. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 08:08, 20 April 2020 (UTC)
Also put your question in its own section. 21:02, 23 June 2020 (UTC)

Why is Cnidrion at the minibosses

Apparently, Cnidrion still is here on the main page as a miniboss, instead of the Giant Clam.Samuelwcheringer (talk) 18:35, 23 March 2019 (UTC)

Fixed, thank you for pointing it out. Minecat (talk) 19:18, 23 March 2019 (UTC)

Why is there no proper NPC page?

I go to this wiki a few times. I do not own the Calamity Terraria mod, but I do love the concept of it. One day, I decided to check out if there were any additional NPCs in the mod. However, when I looked it up in the search box, it only took me to the vanilla Terraria NPC page. Are there no NPCs here? 01:31, 15 April 2019 (UTC)

There is a Town NPCs page for the three Calamity Town NPCs. I also changed the redirect pages for the term NPC away from the Vanilla Wiki. Merkalto (talk) 01:34, 15 April 2019 (UTC)

Vanilla boss guilds

I think it might be a good idea if we could imput some vanilla guilds into the wiki. I’m having a lot of trouble with eye of Cthulhu, but there’s not any guilds for deathmode eye of Cthulhu, and nether any other vanilla boss guilds. also, I had to dig pretty deep to find the health of vanilla bosses, so this could make it much easier to see that too. I’d create a page for it, but I don’t have a twitch account.

It is still WIP project currently, You can still look for it in https://calamitymod.gamepedia.com/User:Merkalto/Sandbox#Vanilla_Boss_Revengeance_Pages and https://calamitymod.gamepedia.com/User:Mysterpumpkin/Sandbox—Daud ahn (talk) 01:57, 5 October 2020 (UTC)


How do I enable javascript?

What browser are you using? 18:16, 13 May 2020 (UTC)

Will Draedon and Lord Yharim Be added as a boss?

The Sea King and Supreme Calamitas both make reference to fighting Lord Yharim, and the Sea King makes reference to fighting Dreadon. Also the song that plays when fighting the jungle dragon also makes reference to fighting Lord Yharim. Will they ever be added to the game?

This is not the place to ask questions such as this, as this wiki is run by mostly non-devs on the Calamity Mod team. Questions like this should be asked on the Calamity Mod Discord Server. But yes, evenutally those two bosses will be added, but until they are, please be patient. Merkalto (talk) 15:07, 15 October 2019 (UTC)

Questsion 2:
How do you join the discord server?

There is an invite link to the Discord on the main page under the section labled The Mod in the second paragraph. Merkalto (talk) 14:39, 28 October 2019 (UTC)

i think i somthing not listed on the wiki

ok this is nothing big so ive reacntly made the abysal diving suit and while talking to the steampunker they said «just what is that contraption? it makes my teleporters look like child’s play!» i looked on the page for the diving suit and the page for the steampunker but i havent found any mention of this quote heres a pic of the quote if it helps

This is already on the wiki, it’s over at the Town NPCs page. It’s caused by the Portal Gun, not the Abyssal Diving Suit. Minecat (talk) 20:22, 18 October 2019 (UTC)


Calamity Mod History

Can someone make a list page for the history & updates calamity mod has had?
Yeetsword123 (talk) 01:22, 20 October 2019 (UTC)

Due to how poorly the Calamity mod was documented for the first year of its existence, no, we are not planning on creating a historical page or section on any page on this wiki. This also goes for previous versions of the mod, which invalidate this wiki’s purpose for those players who are out of date with the mod. Merkalto (talk) 01:31, 20 October 2019 (UTC)

getting eatten by the colossal squid

is there a way to escape the collosal squid when they loatch onto you? ive been fighting the abyss mini bosses and the colossal squid is giving me a hard time

This is not the place to ask that. You should join the Calamity Mod Discord server (there’s a link on the front page of the Wiki) and ask there instead. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 15:03, 20 October 2019 (UTC)

Items «unloaded»

In logging in this morning, I found some of the items no longer look like items, rather, they have a box in place of each item which says ITEM, and some other info while hovering over each item. Please see attached picture.
Played yesterday and everything was the way it should be. (talk)

This is not the place to report bugs or similar issues, but lore items aka «Knowledge Items» were internally changed in calamity update, you need to cheat them back in if you want them again. Merkalto (talk) 00:46, 29 October 2019 (UTC)
Did you unload Calamity? 21:04, 23 June 2020 (UTC)

How many «Terra»s?

How many «Terra»s are there? Because in the original game there was only the Terra Blade, and now there is stuff like the Terra Staff, Terra Bow (tell me what it is actually called — or if that is its actual name — as a reply) and even a Terra Shiv (shortsword)! Tell me, how many are there?! I’m not sure.

—Jimmyjam999 (talk) 15:18, 7 December 2019 (UTC)

You can look here for the items considered to be in Terra tier. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 16:51, 7 December 2019 (UTC)

Spawning conditions for plague mobs

What are they?

Thought i’d just modify an existing farm by adding jungle grass blocks to the spawn locations, but that only spawns regular jungle mobs

Only that it is a Jungle and the Golem has been defeated. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 21:21, 6 January 2020 (UTC)


Hi, I do not know if they are going to read this but I have a small problem with the mod, the thing is that I am in cooperative mode playing with a friend and we go against the slime god but every time I do the summoner it disappears and try take out the boss in other ways but it still doesn’t come out, this only happens to me in multiplayer.

Please ask these kinds of questions on the Calamity Mod Discord — there’s a link on the front page of the Wiki. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 16:20, 23 January 2020 (UTC)
That happens. Sometimes the other Slime Gods spawn far away and immediately despawn. 21:06, 23 June 2020 (UTC)

Version history page

I think it would be a good idea to have a page on the wiki which talks about the past versions of the mod and the key changes they have made. It would be a lot to get done all at once, but over time if lots of people contribute their own knowledge on the different versions it would be a useful and informative page. If there is a reason that this page cannot be made, then that is fine. Beepduck123 (talk) 19:28, 19 February 2020 (UTC)BeepDuck123

Things like this have been suggested many times before. We won’t be adding history sections of making a version history page due to the very poorly documented early versions of Calamity. The #changelogs channel in the official Discord server contain most changes for some previous versions, if that helps. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 20:56, 19 February 2020 (UTC)

Please use the most recent GitHub release as the posted version had an oopsie.

Spent about an hour trying to troubleshoot the version but wasn’t run-able (crash on mod load). The dev got it fixed up real quick tho so it’s just to go there instead of the link on the site until next updated.

Summoner Guide O_o

SO ive been doing a summoner run on calamity mod and i realize that a lot of the items suggested on the wiki are actually worse than earlier ones in terms of dps… this weapon… is the Dormant Brimseeker, dropped from the brimstone elemental. It deals up to 4000 dps which beats a lot of weapons later in the game, like the Xeno Staff and the Resurrection butterfly, and i find myself using it for most bosses. pls fix yes

The Wiki is not the place to post things like this. If you think an item should be nerfed or buffed, you should make a proper suggestion in the Calamity Mod Discord, with specific reasons as to why. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 23:36, 8 July 2020 (UTC)

The wiki background

The wiki background is dark and makes it hard to read, how do I change it?

Can you elaborate more on the problem. Are you using mobile or desktop? Are you using the default hydradark theme or a custom one? Is it the custom background image that’s causing it to be hard to read? Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 16:14, 11 July 2020 (UTC)
It’s the default and I’m on mobile
Unfortunately, I don’t think there’s much we can do about that. However, if you create an account for the Wiki and know some CSS you can customise the background skin to your liking. See here for an example. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 16:45, 11 July 2020 (UTC)

Boss progression

The boss progression list doesn’t include the Queen slime or empress of light, does the mod not include them or is it a mistake

tModLoader does not currently support 1.4 Terraria, therefore no mods incorporate 1.4 content and all must be played on Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 16:45, 11 July 2020 (UTC)

Plaguebringer Goliath Guide?

I was going through the wiki and noticed that there isnt a plaguebringer goliath guide.

Explanation please?

Nobody has made one yet, though there is a WIP guide at User:Bronzechicken10/Sandbox. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 18:39, 15 July 2020 (UTC)

sulphuric sea bug pls help

ok so i made a world to play with a friend but when i went to the sulphuric sea there was no acid sand or islands, it was like a normal ocean but with acid water. the acid rain happens normaly and the mobs spawn but i cant get acid wood. the abyss didnt generate neither. please help me

This is not the place to ask. Submit a bug report on the Official Calamity Mod Discord server. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 18:03, 15 September 2020 (UTC)

«Post-Moon Lord»

It’s probably just a me thing, but its really weird that all the post Moon Lord items just say so, which while not wrong, doesn’t accurately portray the game progression to obtain said item.
In the Official Terraria Wiki, items are described as «post-mech», «post-Plantera», «post-Golem», etc. Why is that not considered here? Like for example, The Enforcer is listed as post-Moon Lord, when it’s really post-Devourer of Gods.
For experienced players of calamity, this really isn’t an issue, but for new players, it forces them to search for the progression necessary to obtain it. And the Murasama, a weapon you can get pre-hardmode, only says post-Moon Lord, when it’s *post-Yharon*. Which in terms of progression is completely insane to gloss over for me.

We split the game into Pre-Hardmode, Hardmode and Post-Moon Lord for simplicity and consistency across the Wiki. Adding more sections of the game would massively increase the complexity of categories and DPL pages for example. There is also the issue of Calamity’s non-linear progression which further blurs the lines between these sections of the game. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 18:10, 7 October 2020 (UTC)
Vanilla actually provides both the PHM-HM progression and the proposed «post-x boss» like «Hardmode, post-Golem» for Influx Waver and Possessed Hatchet, for example. This should potentially be changed for consistency with the Vanilla Wiki but we shouldn’t include them in DPLs either it makes it in or not because 40 checks is excessive. Either way, it would probably take too long and that is the only forseeable issue right now.


when I get close to Draedon Arsenal Labs my Tmodloader gives an error called System.NotSupportedException

Report bugs on the Official Calamity Mod Discord server, not here. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 19:16, 17 October 2020 (UTC)

Should I make a Gif for the gamma heart?

Hey, sorry for using this platform to ask a simple question, I am on school wifi rn(and no I am not doing calamity stuff instead of schoolwork, I happen to be on a break)., and they can check what I am looking at on discord so I don´t really want to get in trouble because some random dude posted a weird meme. Anyways, the Gamma heart seems like a really unique weapon, and I think that a gif for it would be useful just so the players could see what it looked like and how it damages enemies.

I think we agreed previously that the Gamma Heart should get a GIF, but make sure to upload it to the Discord first so we can check through. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 16:47, 21 October 2020 (UTC)


Estoy jugando en un servidor de Calamity con amigos, pero cuando un enemigo random me golpea con un proyectil, automáticamente me cura toda la vida, no sé si es un bug, un error de dll o algo, alguien me podría ayudar porfavor!.

Please ask questions in English as this is the only language we can moderate properly. For help with the mod, go to the Official Calamity Mod Discord, not here. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 09:42, 6 November 2020 (UTC)


Every time I enter a snow biome and it starts snowing or its a snowstorm, my character freezes and I cant move attack and I cant do anything in game except stand there, the enemies cant even hurt me.

Report bugs on the Calamity Mod Discord, not here. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 21:14, 11 November 2020 (UTC)

Desert Medallion / Stormlion Mandible crafting

The Desert medallion is crafted at an Iron/Lead Anvil, but the Desert Medallion page on the wiki and the Stormlion Mandible page say it’scrafted at an evil altar. Can this please be fixed?

Desert Medallion recipe has been changed a few updates ago. Daud ahn (talk) 08:13, 29 November 2020 (UTC)

Maybe a bug?

The astral infection didn’t landed after defeatind WoF. I don’t know if I miss a condtion but the message never appeared including defeating WoF several times. Is this a bug?

Pd: I’d checked my world’s surface a couple of times so I’m sure that nothing changed

Report bugs on the Calamity Mod Discord, not here. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 12:23, 2 January 2021 (UTC)

Outdated World or Other

I have been playing Calamity Mod since most of last year or for the past two years and I have noticed something strange. When I look at the wiki for an item then I look at the same item in-game, it appears as if the sprite is not updated. This is also prevalent of features my world should have but don’t such as the Arsenal Labs.

As of now I am using the most recent version of TModLoader but I have not been to this mod in a while as I have been working on other project ideas. Is there any form of information I must know about the current version of Calamity? Droid Steel Boi (talk) 05:44, 5 January 2021 (UTC)

Mods do not update automatically. You’re going to want to go into the «Mod Browser» menu in tModLoader and click the yellow «Update All» button. That should bring you to the most recent Calamity version, as well as the latest versions of any other mods you’re using. You will need to create a new world in order to get new world features like the Arsenal Labs though. RoverdriveX (talk) 05:48, 5 January 2021 (UTC)
I understand, Thank You!

Demo volunteering

If you want to someone can explain to me how to make demos and ill make some more ill do the whole Shubham with the building in the background as well. I know pretty much all the items and I know calamity of the top of my hand. When I’m doing demos I don’t use any accessory’s do I? Sorry if I put this message in the wrong place please tell me if I did.

You didn’t put it in the wrong place, don’t worry. As for making demonstration GIFs, we have very strict standards for which weapons do or do not require GIFs and all the ones that need them have them currently. If you would still like to help add or update GIFs in the future (e.g. for new updates), I’d recommend joining the Calamity Mod Discord and asking for the Wiki Contributor role. This gives you access to a channel where you can talk with fellow contributors/editors and get help with editing. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 13:41, 18 January 2021 (UTC)
Okay Thanks


Does anyone know why hailbut cannon is in the pre hardmode section. I thought the way we organized the sections was by when your suppose to get it not when you can get it. LucasFSM2 (talk) 09:33, 20 January 2021 (UTC)

Let me copy and paste what I posted on your profile. ‘To reply to your post that got removed, Halibut is listed as pre-Hardmode because it can be obtained in pre-Hardmode. It differs from items such as Anahita & Leviathan’s drops because an average player has a chance (though small) of it happening, whereas we do not expect an average player to defeat Anahita & Leviathan in pre-Hardmode, or kill an Adult Eidolon Wyrm, for example.’ Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 10:34, 20 January 2021 (UTC)
Okay, by the way you a admirable person

a question

what is this page about? what kinds of questions do yuo ask?
sorry if im not supposed to do this.

As it explains at the top of the page, this is for general discussion about the Wiki. If you have a question regarding the Wiki in general, you can post it here. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 20:32, 24 February 2021 (UTC)

Interlanguage link

Hello, I’m a sysop of Chinese Calamity wiki. It seems that the domain migration has completed successfully. Can I make interlanguage links between English and Chinese wikis?
Please accept my apology if this message shouldn’t be left here.
Last prismer (talk) 11:24, 19 March 2021 (UTC)

Thanks for getting in contact with us. Can you please provide a link to the Chinese Calamity Wiki so we can take a look. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 11:44, 19 March 2021 (UTC)
Thanks. I’ll talk to the rest of our editing team and get their opinions on this too. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 12:13, 19 March 2021 (UTC)
Thanks! By the way, I think the wikis can be connected by typing [[zh:pagename]] and [[en:pagename]]in the relative pages now, just like the ILLs in the vanilla terraria wikis. Last prismer (talk) 12:17, 19 March 2021 (UTC)
Okay, it looks like nobody has any objections on our end, so you’re free to go ahead. Before you do what you described above, you should follow the procedure on this page first. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 11:50, 20 March 2021 (UTC)

Hey all, I have a few questions.

So, my friends and I are playing Calamity with no other mods besides the music and extra music. I can’t craft the Biome Sword, can anyone tell me why? As well as we’re on v1.4.5.1 but this site says the latest version is v1.4.5.007. Is this wrong or what?

The latest version of the mod can be downloaded from the Mod Browser or the Official Calamity Mod Discord server. v1.4.5.1 is outdated. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 21:02, 26 March 2021 (UTC)

Cosmic Shiv Not Working

Recently crafted the cosmic shiv, and noticed that the projectiles do not shoot out when Overhaul is running. Is this an error on my end, or a bug that needs to be fixed?

Report bugs on the Official Calamity Mod Discord server, not here. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 21:38, 31 March 2021 (UTC)

rage and adrenaline bars don’t appear in screen

this is my first time playing terraria whit mods so maybe im doing something wrong but when im playing i notice that the rage and adrenaline bars don’t appear in screen, theres a list of mods im using let me know if one of them is the problem (Sorry for bad english its not my first lenguage)

Rage and Adrenaline are exclusive to Revengeance Mode and Death Mode. If you are on one of said modes and don’t see the bars, this will need to be reported to the Official Calamity Mod Discord server. Lilsigtum (talk) 05:16, 3 May 2021 (UTC)

Rusty Medallion isn’t Pre-Boss

This has been bothering me for a while. When i look for class setups i always see Rusty Medallion in the Pre-Boss section while it is made from Sulphuric Scales. But Sulphuric Scales are obtained from the Acid Rain event which is only accessible after beating the Eye of Cthulu. This is probably a small oversight but i thought i’d report it.

The Rusty Medallion can be found in Rusty Chests in the Sulphurous Sea, making it obtainable in Pre-Boss. SharZz (talk) 17:03, 4 May 2021 (UTC)

How to report bugs with the mod (not the wiki).

Can’t seem to find any way to report bugs for the mod. I have found the wiki report page but I’m fairly sure it is only for the wiki.

Please report bugs on the Official Calamity Discord server. There’s a link on the wiki front page. Make sure you read the pinned messages in the bug report channel. Minecat (talk) 10:10, 8 May 2021 (UTC)

Item sequence GIFs

Why shouldn’t weapons at the end of crafting sequences have demonstration GIFs? For example, they can be used to give a visual idea of DPS and how much better weapons are than their predecessors. Solar (talk) 15:35, 6 June 2021 (UTC)

I’m pretty sure you misread something somewhere, let me quote the Wiki rules (found here) for you: ‘If an item is part of a progression sequence (for example Crystalline -> Shattered Sun) then only the highest tier will be considered for a GIF.’ As you can see, it states only items at the end of progression sequences are generally considered for GIFs. However, if you made a typo and meant why shouldn’t weapons not at the end of crafting sequences have GIFs, we try to limit the amount of GIFs as they will need to be kept up to date with Calamity’s often frequent updates. DPS is also not something we consider GIFs to demonstrate because it fluctuates so wildly with things like accessories, proficiency and even other mods. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 17:01, 6 June 2021 (UTC)
Thanks. also yeah that was a typo sorry Solar (talk) 18:29, 6 June 2021 (UTC)

Vanilla boss guides under calamity items

in pages like Guide:Class setups only calamity items are mentioned (except for a few exceptions in pre-hardmode)
also i think there should be small pages for vanilla bosses where their strategy is changed by the new addtion

Vanilla boss pages and guides are currently a work in progress. Due to 1.5 coming out, work on them has been effectively paused but we still welcome any additions to them. As for class setups, there’s no requirement to have both vanilla and calamity items in each section. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 16:22, 26 January 2022 (UTC)

Unable to reach the page «The Devourer of Gods»

Whenever I try to check the page for The Devourer of Gods, it just sends me to some redirect page, regardless of what page I came from. This includes the boss list on some pages, the links from items dropped by it, the link on the «Sentinels of the Devourer» page, and even the redirect page itself, to name a few. AbyssaIIRose (talk) 00:53, 19 August 2022 (UTC)

This should be fixed now, thank you for letting us know! Lady Lostris (talk) 07:58, 19 August 2022 (UTC)

Wikis of non-existing bosses

So I was browsing the Calamity Bosses for progression and informative purposes and then I noticed some «bosses» that are not in game, such as The Derellect, Polyphemalus and XP-00 Hypnos, none of which are in the mod. I do not believe this is meant to be in the wiki.

Those are reported to be Community modifications that can be downloaded as addons.

How could I get ubanned on Discord ?

So about like 2-3 weeks ago , I accidentally click a wrong link on discord and it leads me to gets exploited and sending that link to some discord servers . Leading to my ban on this discord . I never have have any bad intends on breaking the rules at all , this has happened outside of ur server but ur just happen to get caught in this fire . I have taken back my control on the account so could u unban my account ? My username is : Jolly#8049 or 751362984797929505 is the id . i’m sorry once again for my mistake .

The discord server and the wiki are moderated by different people, but there is a chance that one of the discord mods will see your post. If not, then you’ll have to try other channels. Good luck! —Moviesign (talk) 20:06, 6 November 2022 (UTC)

I’ve messaged them on their profile. RoverdriveX (talk) 02:00, 7 November 2022 (UTC)


Hello, here I am looking in the setup class and I see this *See screenshots»

Hello! I’m not sure what the exact issue you are having is, could you give more details? Also uploading new files to the Wiki that are not intended for actual pages isn’t allowed, and please mark your messages with four tilde characters, thank you. AmmyanDocCiesh (talk) 06:25, 30 January 2023 (UTC)

Community Noticeboard

Do not post game suggestions, game bugs, or game technical support requests on this page. Use Calamity’s official Discord server or forum post instead.

This page is for general discussion about the Calamity Mod Wiki. To start a discussion, click here (+).

  • Note that much of the communication regarding the Calamity Mod Wiki is done via the Calamity Mod Discord Server. If you have questions or issues regarding editing this wiki, asking via Discord is the best way to get your issue addressed quickly.
  • Have no idea what to do? Check out the Things to do category!
  • For administrative issues, see the Admin noticeboard.
  • In case you need some help with editing pages, Wikipedia’s «How to edit a page» article is a great source of information.
  • To practice editing, use the Calamity Mod Wiki Sandbox.
Article Stubs Rewrite Requests
No stubs No rewrite requests

(Purge page to update)

Links to the Terraria Wiki

I think that it’s good that topics that already exist in normal Terraria redirect to the Terraria wiki, but I think that already-existing topics, like the cavern layer, should have a short page explaining how the mod has changed the cavern layer (new mobs and stuff), with a link to the Terraria wiki page that explains other stuff. That way, there’s 1 page that explains what new mobs spawn there, and a link to the normal page, which would make it much easier to decide if you’re ready for a normal Terraria biome yet with this mod installed, because there’s one place that tells you what mobs spawn there, and also possibly a «players should not go here until they have this because» note. Also, I’m putting this here because I don’t know where else to put it, not because I think it’s somehow linked to this page. AaayC (talk) 05:36, 9 May 2017 (UTC)

That is what is meant to happen, but people keep redirecting it to Terraria wiki pages. —Tymon80 (talk) 08:41, 9 May 2017 (UTC)
Vanilla changes might be what you’re looking for. Solar (talk) 15:28, 6 June 2021 (UTC)

The summoning items

I noticed that whenever I defeat a boss(neither vanilla or Calamity) a certain NPC is selling a summoning item. The Dryad is selling all pre-hardmode summoning items(except Abeemination, sold by the Witch Doctor, and the voodoo dolls sold by… no one). The Wizard I think sells the hardmode ones( I defeated only Cryogen so IDK). The Steampunker sells the mech bosses summon items. And Post Moon Lord… IDK.
What I’m trying to say is that the summoning items being sold by NPC might be a feature from the Calamity Mod. If someone could make a page about this that will be awesome.

It is indeed from Calamity, and it’s mentioned on the Bosses page already. — Minecat07 (talk) 14:01, 25 September 2017 (UTC)

Xeroc armor description needs a bit of a fix

So, I don’t know what exactly happened, but since I am currently going through my mage playthrough, I was very excited about acquiring Xeroc armor. As the description on the Xeroc armor page on the wiki suggests, magic damage done while Xeroc armor is equipped spawns magenta dust which deals damage to enemies and heals the player. Now, I don’t know whether the dmg/heal dust ratio was a thing or it was both at the same time, but it really did work like both Specter armor set bonuses combined, at least that’s how it worked when I fought Providence twice in pre-v1.3.3.11 Calamity version. However, when I updated to v1.3.3.11 the next day, the healing magenta dust was either only spawning on mob kills, or much more rarely, now with 10-20 health recovered per heal-dust ( don’t know the exact numbers of healing in the previous version ). Either way, it would be great if anyone could help with this matter.

P.S. Does the Comet Quasher and its upgrade really work on regular target dummies ( because they seem to not ), or does it have to be some special target dummy? —BalancedLightningEtherial (talk) 13:46, 4 July 2018 (UTC)

The Comet Quasher and Stellar Striker will not work on regular target dummies, you must strike an actual enemy for them to summon their rain of projectiles. Testing Xeroc armor in Calamity with a Razorpine on multiple Bloom Slimes showed that both the healing and damage dust took effect continuously. The healing dust is not limited to mob kills. —Ozzatron (talk) 16:07, 4 July 2018 (UTC)
Then it must be something on my side, as I was using the Mistlestorm and Ultra Liquidator ( btw, the first time I tried the Ultra Liquid on Providence it was really good ) against Calamitas and Providence today and the healing dust spawn was not continuous. Is it possible that having both Calamity and Thorium on could mess with it? Anyways, thank You for your help.

P.S. I noticed that some Elementals from The Heart of the Elements also proceed healing ( and I suppose damage ) dust, is it possible that their damage type is magic? —BalancedLightningEtherial (talk) 18:49, 4 July 2018 (UTC)

Page for game progression

Since I have do not really have the time or the overview over everything this mod and this Wiki offers I will just leave this as a suggestion.
I personally think this Wiki could use a page where the game progression with this mod is listed. You know, things like what ore/material get available after you defeat a certain boss. It is really hard to figure out what you can craft and what changes in the world after defeating some of the vanilla bosses. This could bring together a lot of pages so you do not need to click through several ones to get you to what you are looking for. — 20:54, 1 August 2018 (UTC)

You can look at the Bosses page for a good idea of which bosses (including vanilla) to fight at which point. The Status messages page also provides some info as to what happens on each kill. Hopefully, that is what you are looking for. As for your suggestion of putting this all on one page; we don’t see the point, as the information is easy enough to access where it is already. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 22:44, 1 August 2018 (UTC)
Here 21:01, 23 June 2020 (UTC)

Glitch? Bug? Code Error?

I’m not sure what’s going on, but I’m playing through the game with Calamity and I finally kill Providence, The Profaned Goddess. But nothing in the world changes. I haven’t got the message and Calamities and The Brimstone Elemental won’t drop bloodstones. What do I do??
Also, this is my first post so if it’s wrong or under the wrong subject, my apologies.

Are you using the latest version of tModLoader? Willowmaine (talk) 04:23, 29 August 2018 (UTC)

Hello? Uhh well theres a bug with calamity im having that stops loading the map at sulphur sea please fix.

Please report bugs on the Official Discord server. There’s a link on the front page of the Wiki. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 08:08, 20 April 2020 (UTC)
Also put your question in its own section. 21:02, 23 June 2020 (UTC)

Why is Cnidrion at the minibosses

Apparently, Cnidrion still is here on the main page as a miniboss, instead of the Giant Clam.Samuelwcheringer (talk) 18:35, 23 March 2019 (UTC)

Fixed, thank you for pointing it out. Minecat (talk) 19:18, 23 March 2019 (UTC)

Why is there no proper NPC page?

I go to this wiki a few times. I do not own the Calamity Terraria mod, but I do love the concept of it. One day, I decided to check out if there were any additional NPCs in the mod. However, when I looked it up in the search box, it only took me to the vanilla Terraria NPC page. Are there no NPCs here? 01:31, 15 April 2019 (UTC)

There is a Town NPCs page for the three Calamity Town NPCs. I also changed the redirect pages for the term NPC away from the Vanilla Wiki. Merkalto (talk) 01:34, 15 April 2019 (UTC)

Vanilla boss guilds

I think it might be a good idea if we could imput some vanilla guilds into the wiki. I’m having a lot of trouble with eye of Cthulhu, but there’s not any guilds for deathmode eye of Cthulhu, and nether any other vanilla boss guilds. also, I had to dig pretty deep to find the health of vanilla bosses, so this could make it much easier to see that too. I’d create a page for it, but I don’t have a twitch account.

It is still WIP project currently, You can still look for it in https://calamitymod.gamepedia.com/User:Merkalto/Sandbox#Vanilla_Boss_Revengeance_Pages and https://calamitymod.gamepedia.com/User:Mysterpumpkin/Sandbox—Daud ahn (talk) 01:57, 5 October 2020 (UTC)


How do I enable javascript?

What browser are you using? 18:16, 13 May 2020 (UTC)

Will Draedon and Lord Yharim Be added as a boss?

The Sea King and Supreme Calamitas both make reference to fighting Lord Yharim, and the Sea King makes reference to fighting Dreadon. Also the song that plays when fighting the jungle dragon also makes reference to fighting Lord Yharim. Will they ever be added to the game?

This is not the place to ask questions such as this, as this wiki is run by mostly non-devs on the Calamity Mod team. Questions like this should be asked on the Calamity Mod Discord Server. But yes, evenutally those two bosses will be added, but until they are, please be patient. Merkalto (talk) 15:07, 15 October 2019 (UTC)

Questsion 2:
How do you join the discord server?

There is an invite link to the Discord on the main page under the section labled The Mod in the second paragraph. Merkalto (talk) 14:39, 28 October 2019 (UTC)

i think i somthing not listed on the wiki

ok this is nothing big so ive reacntly made the abysal diving suit and while talking to the steampunker they said «just what is that contraption? it makes my teleporters look like child’s play!» i looked on the page for the diving suit and the page for the steampunker but i havent found any mention of this quote heres a pic of the quote if it helps

This is already on the wiki, it’s over at the Town NPCs page. It’s caused by the Portal Gun, not the Abyssal Diving Suit. Minecat (talk) 20:22, 18 October 2019 (UTC)


Calamity Mod History

Can someone make a list page for the history & updates calamity mod has had?
Yeetsword123 (talk) 01:22, 20 October 2019 (UTC)

Due to how poorly the Calamity mod was documented for the first year of its existence, no, we are not planning on creating a historical page or section on any page on this wiki. This also goes for previous versions of the mod, which invalidate this wiki’s purpose for those players who are out of date with the mod. Merkalto (talk) 01:31, 20 October 2019 (UTC)

getting eatten by the colossal squid

is there a way to escape the collosal squid when they loatch onto you? ive been fighting the abyss mini bosses and the colossal squid is giving me a hard time

This is not the place to ask that. You should join the Calamity Mod Discord server (there’s a link on the front page of the Wiki) and ask there instead. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 15:03, 20 October 2019 (UTC)

Items «unloaded»

In logging in this morning, I found some of the items no longer look like items, rather, they have a box in place of each item which says ITEM, and some other info while hovering over each item. Please see attached picture.
Played yesterday and everything was the way it should be. (talk)

This is not the place to report bugs or similar issues, but lore items aka «Knowledge Items» were internally changed in calamity update, you need to cheat them back in if you want them again. Merkalto (talk) 00:46, 29 October 2019 (UTC)
Did you unload Calamity? 21:04, 23 June 2020 (UTC)

How many «Terra»s?

How many «Terra»s are there? Because in the original game there was only the Terra Blade, and now there is stuff like the Terra Staff, Terra Bow (tell me what it is actually called — or if that is its actual name — as a reply) and even a Terra Shiv (shortsword)! Tell me, how many are there?! I’m not sure.

—Jimmyjam999 (talk) 15:18, 7 December 2019 (UTC)

You can look here for the items considered to be in Terra tier. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 16:51, 7 December 2019 (UTC)

Spawning conditions for plague mobs

What are they?

Thought i’d just modify an existing farm by adding jungle grass blocks to the spawn locations, but that only spawns regular jungle mobs

Only that it is a Jungle and the Golem has been defeated. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 21:21, 6 January 2020 (UTC)


Hi, I do not know if they are going to read this but I have a small problem with the mod, the thing is that I am in cooperative mode playing with a friend and we go against the slime god but every time I do the summoner it disappears and try take out the boss in other ways but it still doesn’t come out, this only happens to me in multiplayer.

Please ask these kinds of questions on the Calamity Mod Discord — there’s a link on the front page of the Wiki. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 16:20, 23 January 2020 (UTC)
That happens. Sometimes the other Slime Gods spawn far away and immediately despawn. 21:06, 23 June 2020 (UTC)

Version history page

I think it would be a good idea to have a page on the wiki which talks about the past versions of the mod and the key changes they have made. It would be a lot to get done all at once, but over time if lots of people contribute their own knowledge on the different versions it would be a useful and informative page. If there is a reason that this page cannot be made, then that is fine. Beepduck123 (talk) 19:28, 19 February 2020 (UTC)BeepDuck123

Things like this have been suggested many times before. We won’t be adding history sections of making a version history page due to the very poorly documented early versions of Calamity. The #changelogs channel in the official Discord server contain most changes for some previous versions, if that helps. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 20:56, 19 February 2020 (UTC)

Please use the most recent GitHub release as the posted version had an oopsie.

Spent about an hour trying to troubleshoot the version but wasn’t run-able (crash on mod load). The dev got it fixed up real quick tho so it’s just to go there instead of the link on the site until next updated.

Summoner Guide O_o

SO ive been doing a summoner run on calamity mod and i realize that a lot of the items suggested on the wiki are actually worse than earlier ones in terms of dps… this weapon… is the Dormant Brimseeker, dropped from the brimstone elemental. It deals up to 4000 dps which beats a lot of weapons later in the game, like the Xeno Staff and the Resurrection butterfly, and i find myself using it for most bosses. pls fix yes

The Wiki is not the place to post things like this. If you think an item should be nerfed or buffed, you should make a proper suggestion in the Calamity Mod Discord, with specific reasons as to why. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 23:36, 8 July 2020 (UTC)

The wiki background

The wiki background is dark and makes it hard to read, how do I change it?

Can you elaborate more on the problem. Are you using mobile or desktop? Are you using the default hydradark theme or a custom one? Is it the custom background image that’s causing it to be hard to read? Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 16:14, 11 July 2020 (UTC)
It’s the default and I’m on mobile
Unfortunately, I don’t think there’s much we can do about that. However, if you create an account for the Wiki and know some CSS you can customise the background skin to your liking. See here for an example. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 16:45, 11 July 2020 (UTC)

Boss progression

The boss progression list doesn’t include the Queen slime or empress of light, does the mod not include them or is it a mistake

tModLoader does not currently support 1.4 Terraria, therefore no mods incorporate 1.4 content and all must be played on Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 16:45, 11 July 2020 (UTC)

Plaguebringer Goliath Guide?

I was going through the wiki and noticed that there isnt a plaguebringer goliath guide.

Explanation please?

Nobody has made one yet, though there is a WIP guide at User:Bronzechicken10/Sandbox. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 18:39, 15 July 2020 (UTC)

sulphuric sea bug pls help

ok so i made a world to play with a friend but when i went to the sulphuric sea there was no acid sand or islands, it was like a normal ocean but with acid water. the acid rain happens normaly and the mobs spawn but i cant get acid wood. the abyss didnt generate neither. please help me

This is not the place to ask. Submit a bug report on the Official Calamity Mod Discord server. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 18:03, 15 September 2020 (UTC)

«Post-Moon Lord»

It’s probably just a me thing, but its really weird that all the post Moon Lord items just say so, which while not wrong, doesn’t accurately portray the game progression to obtain said item.
In the Official Terraria Wiki, items are described as «post-mech», «post-Plantera», «post-Golem», etc. Why is that not considered here? Like for example, The Enforcer is listed as post-Moon Lord, when it’s really post-Devourer of Gods.
For experienced players of calamity, this really isn’t an issue, but for new players, it forces them to search for the progression necessary to obtain it. And the Murasama, a weapon you can get pre-hardmode, only says post-Moon Lord, when it’s *post-Yharon*. Which in terms of progression is completely insane to gloss over for me.

We split the game into Pre-Hardmode, Hardmode and Post-Moon Lord for simplicity and consistency across the Wiki. Adding more sections of the game would massively increase the complexity of categories and DPL pages for example. There is also the issue of Calamity’s non-linear progression which further blurs the lines between these sections of the game. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 18:10, 7 October 2020 (UTC)
Vanilla actually provides both the PHM-HM progression and the proposed «post-x boss» like «Hardmode, post-Golem» for Influx Waver and Possessed Hatchet, for example. This should potentially be changed for consistency with the Vanilla Wiki but we shouldn’t include them in DPLs either it makes it in or not because 40 checks is excessive. Either way, it would probably take too long and that is the only forseeable issue right now.


when I get close to Draedon Arsenal Labs my Tmodloader gives an error called System.NotSupportedException

Report bugs on the Official Calamity Mod Discord server, not here. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 19:16, 17 October 2020 (UTC)

Should I make a Gif for the gamma heart?

Hey, sorry for using this platform to ask a simple question, I am on school wifi rn(and no I am not doing calamity stuff instead of schoolwork, I happen to be on a break)., and they can check what I am looking at on discord so I don´t really want to get in trouble because some random dude posted a weird meme. Anyways, the Gamma heart seems like a really unique weapon, and I think that a gif for it would be useful just so the players could see what it looked like and how it damages enemies.

I think we agreed previously that the Gamma Heart should get a GIF, but make sure to upload it to the Discord first so we can check through. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 16:47, 21 October 2020 (UTC)


Estoy jugando en un servidor de Calamity con amigos, pero cuando un enemigo random me golpea con un proyectil, automáticamente me cura toda la vida, no sé si es un bug, un error de dll o algo, alguien me podría ayudar porfavor!.

Please ask questions in English as this is the only language we can moderate properly. For help with the mod, go to the Official Calamity Mod Discord, not here. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 09:42, 6 November 2020 (UTC)


Every time I enter a snow biome and it starts snowing or its a snowstorm, my character freezes and I cant move attack and I cant do anything in game except stand there, the enemies cant even hurt me.

Report bugs on the Calamity Mod Discord, not here. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 21:14, 11 November 2020 (UTC)

Desert Medallion / Stormlion Mandible crafting

The Desert medallion is crafted at an Iron/Lead Anvil, but the Desert Medallion page on the wiki and the Stormlion Mandible page say it’scrafted at an evil altar. Can this please be fixed?

Desert Medallion recipe has been changed a few updates ago. Daud ahn (talk) 08:13, 29 November 2020 (UTC)

Maybe a bug?

The astral infection didn’t landed after defeatind WoF. I don’t know if I miss a condtion but the message never appeared including defeating WoF several times. Is this a bug?

Pd: I’d checked my world’s surface a couple of times so I’m sure that nothing changed

Report bugs on the Calamity Mod Discord, not here. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 12:23, 2 January 2021 (UTC)

Outdated World or Other

I have been playing Calamity Mod since most of last year or for the past two years and I have noticed something strange. When I look at the wiki for an item then I look at the same item in-game, it appears as if the sprite is not updated. This is also prevalent of features my world should have but don’t such as the Arsenal Labs.

As of now I am using the most recent version of TModLoader but I have not been to this mod in a while as I have been working on other project ideas. Is there any form of information I must know about the current version of Calamity? Droid Steel Boi (talk) 05:44, 5 January 2021 (UTC)

Mods do not update automatically. You’re going to want to go into the «Mod Browser» menu in tModLoader and click the yellow «Update All» button. That should bring you to the most recent Calamity version, as well as the latest versions of any other mods you’re using. You will need to create a new world in order to get new world features like the Arsenal Labs though. RoverdriveX (talk) 05:48, 5 January 2021 (UTC)
I understand, Thank You!

Demo volunteering

If you want to someone can explain to me how to make demos and ill make some more ill do the whole Shubham with the building in the background as well. I know pretty much all the items and I know calamity of the top of my hand. When I’m doing demos I don’t use any accessory’s do I? Sorry if I put this message in the wrong place please tell me if I did.

You didn’t put it in the wrong place, don’t worry. As for making demonstration GIFs, we have very strict standards for which weapons do or do not require GIFs and all the ones that need them have them currently. If you would still like to help add or update GIFs in the future (e.g. for new updates), I’d recommend joining the Calamity Mod Discord and asking for the Wiki Contributor role. This gives you access to a channel where you can talk with fellow contributors/editors and get help with editing. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 13:41, 18 January 2021 (UTC)
Okay Thanks


Does anyone know why hailbut cannon is in the pre hardmode section. I thought the way we organized the sections was by when your suppose to get it not when you can get it. LucasFSM2 (talk) 09:33, 20 January 2021 (UTC)

Let me copy and paste what I posted on your profile. ‘To reply to your post that got removed, Halibut is listed as pre-Hardmode because it can be obtained in pre-Hardmode. It differs from items such as Anahita & Leviathan’s drops because an average player has a chance (though small) of it happening, whereas we do not expect an average player to defeat Anahita & Leviathan in pre-Hardmode, or kill an Adult Eidolon Wyrm, for example.’ Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 10:34, 20 January 2021 (UTC)
Okay, by the way you a admirable person

a question

what is this page about? what kinds of questions do yuo ask?
sorry if im not supposed to do this.

As it explains at the top of the page, this is for general discussion about the Wiki. If you have a question regarding the Wiki in general, you can post it here. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 20:32, 24 February 2021 (UTC)

Interlanguage link

Hello, I’m a sysop of Chinese Calamity wiki. It seems that the domain migration has completed successfully. Can I make interlanguage links between English and Chinese wikis?
Please accept my apology if this message shouldn’t be left here.
Last prismer (talk) 11:24, 19 March 2021 (UTC)

Thanks for getting in contact with us. Can you please provide a link to the Chinese Calamity Wiki so we can take a look. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 11:44, 19 March 2021 (UTC)
Thanks. I’ll talk to the rest of our editing team and get their opinions on this too. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 12:13, 19 March 2021 (UTC)
Thanks! By the way, I think the wikis can be connected by typing [[zh:pagename]] and [[en:pagename]]in the relative pages now, just like the ILLs in the vanilla terraria wikis. Last prismer (talk) 12:17, 19 March 2021 (UTC)
Okay, it looks like nobody has any objections on our end, so you’re free to go ahead. Before you do what you described above, you should follow the procedure on this page first. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 11:50, 20 March 2021 (UTC)

Hey all, I have a few questions.

So, my friends and I are playing Calamity with no other mods besides the music and extra music. I can’t craft the Biome Sword, can anyone tell me why? As well as we’re on v1.4.5.1 but this site says the latest version is v1.4.5.007. Is this wrong or what?

The latest version of the mod can be downloaded from the Mod Browser or the Official Calamity Mod Discord server. v1.4.5.1 is outdated. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 21:02, 26 March 2021 (UTC)

Cosmic Shiv Not Working

Recently crafted the cosmic shiv, and noticed that the projectiles do not shoot out when Overhaul is running. Is this an error on my end, or a bug that needs to be fixed?

Report bugs on the Official Calamity Mod Discord server, not here. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 21:38, 31 March 2021 (UTC)

rage and adrenaline bars don’t appear in screen

this is my first time playing terraria whit mods so maybe im doing something wrong but when im playing i notice that the rage and adrenaline bars don’t appear in screen, theres a list of mods im using let me know if one of them is the problem (Sorry for bad english its not my first lenguage)

Rage and Adrenaline are exclusive to Revengeance Mode and Death Mode. If you are on one of said modes and don’t see the bars, this will need to be reported to the Official Calamity Mod Discord server. Lilsigtum (talk) 05:16, 3 May 2021 (UTC)

Rusty Medallion isn’t Pre-Boss

This has been bothering me for a while. When i look for class setups i always see Rusty Medallion in the Pre-Boss section while it is made from Sulphuric Scales. But Sulphuric Scales are obtained from the Acid Rain event which is only accessible after beating the Eye of Cthulu. This is probably a small oversight but i thought i’d report it.

The Rusty Medallion can be found in Rusty Chests in the Sulphurous Sea, making it obtainable in Pre-Boss. SharZz (talk) 17:03, 4 May 2021 (UTC)

How to report bugs with the mod (not the wiki).

Can’t seem to find any way to report bugs for the mod. I have found the wiki report page but I’m fairly sure it is only for the wiki.

Please report bugs on the Official Calamity Discord server. There’s a link on the wiki front page. Make sure you read the pinned messages in the bug report channel. Minecat (talk) 10:10, 8 May 2021 (UTC)

Item sequence GIFs

Why shouldn’t weapons at the end of crafting sequences have demonstration GIFs? For example, they can be used to give a visual idea of DPS and how much better weapons are than their predecessors. Solar (talk) 15:35, 6 June 2021 (UTC)

I’m pretty sure you misread something somewhere, let me quote the Wiki rules (found here) for you: ‘If an item is part of a progression sequence (for example Crystalline -> Shattered Sun) then only the highest tier will be considered for a GIF.’ As you can see, it states only items at the end of progression sequences are generally considered for GIFs. However, if you made a typo and meant why shouldn’t weapons not at the end of crafting sequences have GIFs, we try to limit the amount of GIFs as they will need to be kept up to date with Calamity’s often frequent updates. DPS is also not something we consider GIFs to demonstrate because it fluctuates so wildly with things like accessories, proficiency and even other mods. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 17:01, 6 June 2021 (UTC)
Thanks. also yeah that was a typo sorry Solar (talk) 18:29, 6 June 2021 (UTC)

Vanilla boss guides under calamity items

in pages like Guide:Class setups only calamity items are mentioned (except for a few exceptions in pre-hardmode)
also i think there should be small pages for vanilla bosses where their strategy is changed by the new addtion

Vanilla boss pages and guides are currently a work in progress. Due to 1.5 coming out, work on them has been effectively paused but we still welcome any additions to them. As for class setups, there’s no requirement to have both vanilla and calamity items in each section. Temp35 (The One True King) (talk) 16:22, 26 January 2022 (UTC)

Unable to reach the page «The Devourer of Gods»

Whenever I try to check the page for The Devourer of Gods, it just sends me to some redirect page, regardless of what page I came from. This includes the boss list on some pages, the links from items dropped by it, the link on the «Sentinels of the Devourer» page, and even the redirect page itself, to name a few. AbyssaIIRose (talk) 00:53, 19 August 2022 (UTC)

This should be fixed now, thank you for letting us know! Lady Lostris (talk) 07:58, 19 August 2022 (UTC)

Wikis of non-existing bosses

So I was browsing the Calamity Bosses for progression and informative purposes and then I noticed some «bosses» that are not in game, such as The Derellect, Polyphemalus and XP-00 Hypnos, none of which are in the mod. I do not believe this is meant to be in the wiki.

Those are reported to be Community modifications that can be downloaded as addons.

How could I get ubanned on Discord ?

So about like 2-3 weeks ago , I accidentally click a wrong link on discord and it leads me to gets exploited and sending that link to some discord servers . Leading to my ban on this discord . I never have have any bad intends on breaking the rules at all , this has happened outside of ur server but ur just happen to get caught in this fire . I have taken back my control on the account so could u unban my account ? My username is : Jolly#8049 or 751362984797929505 is the id . i’m sorry once again for my mistake .

The discord server and the wiki are moderated by different people, but there is a chance that one of the discord mods will see your post. If not, then you’ll have to try other channels. Good luck! —Moviesign (talk) 20:06, 6 November 2022 (UTC)

I’ve messaged them on their profile. RoverdriveX (talk) 02:00, 7 November 2022 (UTC)


Hello, here I am looking in the setup class and I see this *See screenshots»

Hello! I’m not sure what the exact issue you are having is, could you give more details? Also uploading new files to the Wiki that are not intended for actual pages isn’t allowed, and please mark your messages with four tilde characters, thank you. AmmyanDocCiesh (talk) 06:25, 30 January 2023 (UTC)

Calamity — один из самых крупных, качественных и потому популярных модов для Terraria. Сами подумайте: несколько десятков боссов, сотни мобов, новые биомы, пара-другая тысяч предметов и куча другого контента, охватывающего все аспекты игры, начиная с ранних этапов и заканчивая испытаниями после поражения Лунного Лорда. В этой статье мы расскажем обо всех тонкостях установки этого фанатского дополнения.

Сразу надо заметить, что на момент написания этой статьи есть один важный недочет. Дело в том, что Tmodloader, программа для интеграции модов в Terraria, недоступна для патча 1.4 и новее. Это в свою очередь означает, что Calamity нельзя запустить на столь новой версии игры. Только Terraria позволит вам без проблем играть в этот мод. Подготовка Tmodloader для патчей поновей ведется уже давно, и релиз приближается с каждым днем.

Проще говоря, вам потребуется раздобыть Terraria Конечно, терять контент из Journey’s End досадно, но если вы уже разобрали официальную игру вдоль и поперек, можете не сомневаться, что Calamity с легкостью все компенсирует.

Итак, когда вы установите Terraria нужной версии, следующим шагом будет раздобыть Tmodloader. Для патча потребуется загрузить вот эту сборку с GitHub (выберите файл tModLoader.Windows.v0.9.2.3-for-v1.3.5-v3.zip). Вы также можете попробовать установить последнюю версию, которая должна быть совместима с предыдущими патчами. Когда скачаете архив, распакуйте его, откройте полученную папку и перенесите все файлы из нее в папку с файлами игры. Если система потребует замены файлов, согласитесь. На всякий случай рекомендуется сделать бекап исполнительного файла (Terraria.exe), чтобы вы могли в любой момент открыть «чистую» версию.

Теперь, когда вы установили Tmodloader, настало время запускать Terraria, и дальше все будет довольно плавно. Открывайте новый исполнительный файл и обращайте внимание на новые разделы в главном меню. Перейдите в Mod Browser, кликните по надписи «type to search» и впишите в поисковое поле Calamity. Модификация появится в результатах поиска. Нажимайте «Download» и ждите, пока Tmodloader сделает свое волшебство.

Когда загрузка завершится, вернитесь в главное меню и откройте раздел «Mods». Здесь потребуется включить Calamity, нажав «Enable», а затем «Reload mods». Каждый раз, когда вы будете менять набор включенных модификаций, вам потребуется снова делать «reload», чтобы игра знала, что запускать, а что — нет.

Учтите, что ваши герои и миры из чистой версии Terraria несовместимы с Calamity: мод использует собственный набор сейвов. При этом старые сохранения никуда не денутся, они просто не будут отображаться при игре с дополнением. Запустив чистую версию, вы увидите их нетронутыми.

Что же делать, если мод у вас по какой-то причине не устанавливается через загрузчик Tmodloader? Волноваться не стоит, вы можете установить его вручную, загрузив архив отсюда. Содержимое архива нужно будет поместить по этому адресу: Мои документы/My Games/Terraria/ModLoader/Mods, и затем Tmodloader увидит Calamity при обзоре уже загруженных модификаций в разделе «Mods».

Осталось дело за малым: создать персонажа и с головой погрузиться в исследование такого знакомого, но все же полного новинок и сюрпризов мира!

Calamity Mod — один из самых популярных модов для игры Terraria, который добавляет новые предметы, боссов и многое другое. Однако, при установке этого мода возникают различные ошибки, которые могут помешать его загрузке или корректной работе. В данной статье мы предоставим детальную инструкцию о том, как исправить ошибку при загрузке мода Calamity Mod.

Прежде всего, перед установкой Calamity Mod убедитесь, что у вас есть последняя версия игры Terraria и установлен последний патч. Это поможет избежать многих проблем совместимости и глюков. Если у вас не установлены последние обновления, обновите игру перед установкой мода.

В случае возникновения ошибки при загрузке Calamity Mod, первым шагом будет проверка его совместимости с другими установленными модами. Некоторые моды могут конфликтовать друг с другом и вызывать ошибку. Отключите все остальные моды и попробуйте загрузить только Calamity Mod. Если мод загружается без ошибок, значит проблема в конфликте с другими модами.

Если вы планируете использовать Calamity Mod с другими модами, несовместимые моды можно удалить или заменить их версией, которая совместима с Calamity Mod. Перед этим обязательно сделайте бэкап файлов модов, чтобы можно было вернуться к предыдущему состоянию в случае проблем. После этого попробуйте снова загрузить Calamity Mod и убедитесь, что ошибка исчезла.


  1. Как решить проблему загрузки мода Calamity Mod: инструкция для начинающих
  2. Шаг 1: Проверьте соответствие версий
  3. Шаг 2: Проверьте совместимость мода с установленной версией игры
  4. Шаг 3: Устраните конфликты с другими модами и программным обеспечением

Как решить проблему загрузки мода Calamity Mod: инструкция для начинающих

Calamity Mod — это популярный мод для игры Terraria, который добавляет огромное количество нового контента, включая оружие, броню, монстров и боссов. Однако, иногда возникают проблемы при загрузке данного мода. В этой инструкции мы расскажем, как решить эти проблемы и успешно загрузить Calamity Mod.

  1. Установите мод менеджер. Для успешной установки Calamity Mod, вам понадобится мод менеджер. Популярными мод менеджерами для Terraria являются TModLoader и tModLoader. Вам нужно будет загрузить и установить один из этих мод менеджеров, чтобы продолжить.

  2. Загрузите Calamity Mod. После того, как вы установили мод менеджер, вам нужно будет найти и загрузить файл Calamity Mod. Вы можете найти его на различных игровых форумах или в официальном сообществе Terraria. Скачайте файл мода и сохраните его на вашем компьютере.

  3. Откройте мод менеджер и загрузите Calamity Mod. Откройте выбранный вами мод менеджер и найдите раздел «Менеджер модов» или что-то подобное. В этом разделе должна быть кнопка «Загрузить мод». Щелкните на этой кнопке и найдите файл Calamity Mod, который вы загрузили ранее. Выберите его и нажмите «Открыть», чтобы загрузить мод.

  4. Запустите игру и активируйте Calamity Mod. После успешной загрузки Calamity Mod, запустите игру Terraria. В главном меню игры должен появиться раздел «Мои моды» или что-то подобное. В этом разделе вы должны увидеть Calamity Mod в списке доступных модов. Активируйте его, щелкнув на соответствующей кнопке.

  5. Проверьте, работает ли мод. После активации Calamity Mod перезапустите игру Terraria. Проверьте, работает ли мод, выполнив несколько действий в игре. Если мод работает нормально, вы увидите новые предметы, монстров или боссов, добавленных Calamity Mod. Если все загрузилось без проблем, значит, вы успешно установили и активировали Calamity Mod.

Вот и все! Теперь вы должны знать, как решить проблему загрузки мода Calamity Mod. Не забывайте, что использование модов может изменять игровой процесс и сталкиваться с некоторыми сбоями или ошибками. Если у вас возникнут проблемы, всегда проверьте сообщество Terraria или форумы, чтобы найти решение.

Шаг 1: Проверьте соответствие версий

Перед тем, как пытаться устранить ошибку при загрузке мода Calamity Mod, важно убедиться, что версия мода соответствует версии вашей игры Terraria. Несоответствие версий может стать причиной возникновения проблем.

  1. Откройте меню «Модификации» в главном экране Terraria.
  2. Убедитесь, что версия Calamity Mod соответствует версии вашей игры Terraria. Вы можете найти версию мода в информации о моде или на странице загрузки мода.
  3. Если версии не совпадают, вам необходимо обновить Calamity Mod до совместимой версии или обновить вашу игру Terraria до последней версии.

Проверка соответствия версий является первым шагом для устранения ошибки при загрузке мода Calamity Mod. В следующих шагах мы рассмотрим другие возможные причины и способы исправления этой ошибки.

Шаг 2: Проверьте совместимость мода с установленной версией игры

При установке мода Calamity для игры Terraria необходимо убедиться, что используемая версия мода совместима с текущей версией игры. Несовместимость версий может привести к возникновению ошибок и некорректной работе мода.

Для проверки совместимости мода с версией игры выполните следующие шаги:

  1. Откройте официальный сайт или форум Terraria и найдите информацию о последней версии игры.
  2. Сравните номер версии вашей установленной игры с последней доступной версией.
  3. Проверьте совместимость вашей версии мода Calamity с найденной версией игры.

Если версия мода не совместима с версией игры, вам потребуется обновить мод или дождаться выхода совместимой версии.

Важно помнить, что обновление мода может потребовать обновления самой игры. Перед обновлением мода или игры, создайте резервную копию своих сохранений и файлов, чтобы избежать потери прогресса.

Шаг 3: Устраните конфликты с другими модами и программным обеспечением

Иногда ошибка при загрузке мода Calamity Mod может быть связана с конфликтами с другими установленными модами или программным обеспечением. В этом случае ряд действий может помочь устранить проблему:

  1. Отключите все другие моды, кроме Calamity Mod. Иногда конфликты возникают из-за несовместимости разных модификаций. Попробуйте отключить все моды, кроме Calamity Mod, и запустите игру, чтобы выяснить, исправляется ли проблема.
  2. Проверьте обновления для Calamity Mod и других установленных модов. Некоторые ошибки могут быть связаны с устаревшими версиями модов. Проверьте, есть ли доступные обновления для Calamity Mod и других установленных модов, и установите их, если это необходимо.
  3. Убедитесь, что у вас установлена последняя версия игры Terraria. Некоторые ошибки могут быть связаны с несовместимостью модов с устаревшими версиями игры. Проверьте, что у вас установлена последняя версия игры Terraria, и обновите ее, если это необходимо.
  4. Проверьте, нет ли конфликтов с другим программным обеспечением. Иногда ошибка при загрузке мода Calamity Mod может быть вызвана конфликтом с другим программным обеспечением, например, антивирусными программами или программами оптимизации. Попробуйте временно отключить подобное программное обеспечение и запустить игру, чтобы выяснить, исправляется ли проблема.

Если после выполнения указанных действий ошибка при загрузке мода Calamity Mod продолжает возникать, рекомендуется обратиться за помощью к сообществу Terraria или разработчикам мода Calamity Mod для получения дополнительной поддержки и решения проблемы.

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