Произошла ошибка pr connect reset error

Here some quick fixes to resolve the PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR

by Sagar Naresh

Sagar is a web developer and technology journalist. Currently associated with WindowsReport and SamMobile. When not writing, he is either at the gym sweating it out or playing… read more

Updated on

  • PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR is one of the most common errors that users come across on Firefox.
  • This error appears as ERR_CONNECTION_RESET on Google Chrome.
  • In this guide, we have listed some of the best solutions that will help you quickly resolve the problem.

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Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome are some of the best and most widely used web browsers on the market.

While there are other feature-rich browsers, users still prefer either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox for their robust performance and simple-to-use features.

One of the common things between most web browsers is the errors that you would come across.

Notably, several Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome users have reported coming across PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR.

This could be annoying since it comes out of nowhere and people have no idea what triggers the PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR on Google Chrome or Firefox.

If you are also one of such users and are looking for solutions to fix the error, then you have landed in the right place.

Because in this guide, we will give you 5 of the best solutions that have helped users tackle the PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR on both browsers and get back to web browsing. Let us check it out.


When a browser fails to connect to a server, then you would come across multiple errors one of which is the PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR.

While it may seem like it is your regular connection error such as error 400 or 500, the error is mainly shown in Mozilla Firefox.

In other browsers, such as Google Chrome, or other browser based on Chromium, such as Microsoft Edge, Opera, and Brave, you will see the same error as ERR_CONNECTION_RESET.

Both errors are the same and Chrome and Firefox users have reportedly complained about coming across this problem.

After some research, we have found a list of probable reasons that would trigger the PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR on Chrome or Firefox:

  • There must be some firewall or other security issue
  • You might be trying to access content that is restricted in your geography
  • There might be some extensions that could be conflicting with the browser
  • There could be an error with the VPN that you are using
  • TCP Protocol filtering can also trigger this problem
  • A corrupt browser cache is also the root cause of many problems

Now that you know about the possible reasons for this PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR, let us check out the solutions to fix it.

Quick tip:

Switching to Opera One Browser can be a safer choice in this situation. This browser has a built-in ad blocker feature that helps you save data and load websites faster. In private browsing mode, once you close out the window, your history, cookies and form data are automatically deleted.

Connecting to webpages through Opera’s VPN means that the shared data is encrypted and routed through a remote server. The encryption helps secure your data while the remote server diguises your IP address and location for more privacy.

Opera One

You can easily access your ad blocker and tracker blocker with more advanced options for a better browsing experience.


1. Clear browser cache


  1. Click on the 3-line icon.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. From the left, select the Privacy & Security tab.
  4. Locate Cookies and Site data section.
  5. Hit the Clear data button.
  6. Check both Cookies and Site Data and Cached Web Content boxes that appear in the next window.
  7. Hit the Clear button.


  1. Click on the 3-dot menu icon.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Select Privacy and Security from the left side.
  4. Click on Clear browsing data.
  5. Select the appropriate boxes but make sure to check the Cached images and file and Cookies and other site data boxes.
  6. Hit the Clear data button.

2. Uninstall any firewall or antivirus

  1. Open the Start menu.
  2. Search for Windows Defender Firewall and open it.
  3. From the left side, select the option Turn Windows Defender Firewall on or off.
  4. For both Public and Private network setting select the Turn off Windows Defender Firewall option.
  5. Click on OK.

We have explained the steps for Windows Defender Firewall. But if you have installed a third-party antivirus software then you can open it and disable the program and check if this fixes the PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR or not.

Also, if you are confused about which antivirus software to go for, you can refer to our guide which lists some of the best antivirus software that you can select for your Windows PC.

Read more about this topic

  • Chrome Tabs Not Showing Names? 5 Ways to Fix This
  • Chrome Tabs are not Loading in the Background? Here’s What to do
  • Fix: Chrome Pinned Tabs not Loading on Startup
  • Chrome Tab Casting is Not Working? 5 Ways to Fix it

3. Disable VPN

If you are using a VPN of any sort then you should try disabling them and check if this PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR or not.

Notably, we use a VPN in order to hide our IP address and online whereabouts as well as access the restricted content that is not available in your region.

However, often VPN apps can conflict with the web browser server route and cause multiple issues, one of which is the problem at hand. Disable the VPN and check if this fixes the issue or not.

4. Disable extensions

If you are using extensions on your Firefox or Chrome browser, which you might be to enhance the features, then you might want to check in on them and try disabling them to see if this fixes the issue or not.


  1. Open the Mozilla Firefox browser.
  2. Click on the Menu.
  3. Select Add-ons.
  4. Select the unwanted extension and click Remove.


  1. Launch Chrome.
  2. Click on the Menu icon.
  3. Navigate to More tools > Extensions.
  4. Simply toggle off the extensions.

Can the firewall block my browser?

A firewall literally acts as a wall between your browser and the malicious content that is trying to enter your PC via your browser.

It protects you from everything malicious that would hamper your overall user experience. A firewall blocks everything suspicious, so there is a high chance that your firewall is blocking your browser.

That is it from us in this guide. Let us know in the comments below which one of the above solutions fixed the PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR or not.

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Пользователи браузеров Mozilla Firefox жалуются, что во время серфинга в интернете перед ними возникает ошибка PR CONNECT RESET ERROR. У некоторых подобная ошибка появляется при переходе на абсолютно любые веб-ресурсы, у других — при переходе на определенные сайты.

Ошибка PR CONNECT RESET ERROR означает, что пир, т.е. ваш ПК, получил необходимые данные от сервера сайта, на который вы попытались перейти, но не смог обработать их должным образом. В сегодняшней статье мы расскажем вам о нескольких рабочих решениях для этой ошибки.



Решение №1 Проверка сетевых кабелей и перезапуск Wi-Fi маршрутизатора

Давайте начнем с вами с чего-то действительно тривиального. Убедитесь, что все сетевые кабели корректно подключены к вашему ПК и Wi-Fi маршрутизатору. Кроме того, мы рекомендуем пару-тройку раз перезагрузить сам роутер: он мог начать работать с ошибками и буквально препятствовать подключению к некоторым или всем веб-ресурсам.

Решение №2 Отключение прокси-сервера

Некоторые пользователи утверждают, что у них получилось избавиться от ошибки PR CONNECT RESET ERROR, выключив прокси-сервер в настройках параметров локальной сети. Чтобы отключить прокси-сервер, необходимо выполнить следующее:

  • нажмите Windows+R, чтобы вызвать перед собой окошко «Выполнить»;
  • пропиши в пустую строку значение control и нажмите Enter;
  • в режиме просмотра выберите крупные или мелкие значки (поверьте, так будет легче);
  • откройте раздел «Свойства браузера»;
  • перейдите во вкладку «Подключения» и нажмите на кнопку «Настройка сети»;
  • уберите галочку с опции «Использовать прокси-сервер для локальных подключений (не применяется для  коммутируемых или VPN-подключений)»;
  • сохраните изменения и закройте все ранее открытые окна;
  • перезагрузите компьютер.

Откройте свой Mozilla Firefox и проверьте наличие ошибки PR CONNECT RESET ERROR.

Решение №3 Очистка кэша DNS и сброс настроек протокола TCP/IP

Если вы столкнулись с какими-то сетевыми неполадками, то вам определенно стоит попробовать сбросить DNS-кэш и сетевые настройки протокола TCP/IP на своем компьютере. Делается это с помощью парочки элементарных команд. Сделайте следующее:

  • нажмите Win+R;
  • пропишите значение cmd и нажмите комбинацию Ctrl+Shift+Enter;
  • выполните следующий ряд команд:
    • netsh int ip reset
    • netsh int ip reset resettcpip.txt
    • netsh int ipv4 reset
    • netsh int ipv6 reset
    • ipconfig /flushdns
  • закончив с командами, перезагрузите свой компьютер.

Такой способ способен разрешить целую кучу самых разных сетевых неполадок. Откройте свою «мозиллу» и попробуйте перейти на нужный веб-ресурс. Ошибка PR CONNECT RESET ERROR к этому моменту могла исчезнуть.

Решение №4 Увеличение MTU

Еще поговаривают, что от ошибки PR CONNECT RESET ERROR помогает избавиться увеличение значений MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) и RWIN (TCP Window Receive). Делается это следующим образом:

  • нажмите Windows+R;
  • пропиши control и нажмите Enter;
  • откройте раздел «Центр управления сетями и общим доступом»;
  • кликните на ссылку «Изменение параметров адаптера»;
  • скопируйте точное название своего сетевого подключения, например, в текстовый документ;
  • еще раз нажмите Win+R;
  • пропишите cmd и нажмите Ctrl+Shift+Enter;
  • впишите команду netsh interface IPv4 set subinterface “НАЗВАНИЕ СЕТЕВОГО ПОДКЛЮЧЕНИЯ” mtu=1472 store=persistent и нажмите Enter.

Решение №5 Отключение AppEx Networks Accelerator

AppEx Networks Accelerator широко известен в интернете тем, что способен замедлять скорость сетевого подключения, причем, как отмечают пользователи, аж на 70-80%. Давайте попробуем с вами отключить данный компонент и посмотрим, что из этого выйдет.

  • нажмите Windows+R;
  • пропишите control и нажмите Enter;
  • откройте раздел «Центр управления сетями и общим доступом»;
  • кликните на ссылку «Изменение параметров адаптера»;
  • нажмите ПКМ на свое сетевое подключение и выберите «Свойства»;
  • найдите в списке компонентов «AppEx Networks Accelerator» и уберите с него галочку;
  • сохраните изменения и перезагрузите компьютер.

Решение №6 Обновление драйвера сетевого адаптера

Возможно, вы сталкиваетесь с ошибкой PR CONNECT RESET ERROR из-за того, что драйвер вашего сетевого адаптера начал работать не совсем корректно. В большинстве случаев достаточно обновить этот драйвер через диспетчер устройств, что можно сделать вот так:

  • нажмите Win+R;
  • пропишите devmgmt.msc и нажмите Enter;
  • раскройте раздел «Сетевые адаптеры»;
  • нажмите ПКМ на свой сетевой адаптер и выберите «Обновить драйвер»;
  • в новом окошке выберите опцию «Автоматический поиск обновленных драйверов», после чего следуйте инструкциям на экране;
  • перезагрузите компьютер после обновления драйвера сетевого адаптера.

При попытке открыть сайт HTTPS в Mozilla Firefox, браузер неожиданно возвращает ошибку при установлении защищенного соединения PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR. Сбой при подключении к серверу этого ресурса возникает по причине того, что одноранговый узел или промежуточное звено между ними (скорее всего, брандмауэр) принудительно разрывают соединение.

К этой ошибке может быть причастна функция фильтрации протокола TCP, которая разрывает соединение между браузером и сервером сайта. В этом случае нужно ее отключить в дополнительных настройках антивируса. По умолчанию эта функция включена в антивирусе Eset.

Подключение также может быть прервано некоторыми кэшированными файлами. Сбой обычно происходит, когда пользователь пытается получить доступ к одному и тому же сайту как с обычным подключением, так и через VPN. Эта проблема решается очисткой кэша браузера. Ошибка также может произойти из-за стороннего брандмауэра или когда подключаетесь к странице через VPN.

Отключение фильтрации протокола

В большинстве случаев ошибку PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR вызывает функция фильтрации протокола, которая в итоге прерывает соединение между браузером и сервером. Во многих антивирусах фильтрация включена по умолчанию. Это функция проверяет безопасность всех соединений браузера и может заблокировать любую подозрительную активность. Обычно она не вызывает проблем, но в некоторых антивирусных программах, в частности ESET, часто прерывает соединения из-за ложных срабатываний.

Если используете ESET, следуйте инструкции, чтобы отключить фильтрацию протокола.

Откройте антивирус, перейдите в Дополнительные настройки или просто нажмите F5.

Разверните вкладку «Интернет и электронная почта» и переместите соответствующий ползунок опции включения фильтрации содержимого протокола приложения в положение отключено.

Примените изменения на «ОК» и выйдите из антивируса. Попробуйте войти на сайт, который вызывал ошибку PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR.

Очистка кэшированных файлов

Сообщение об ошибке также может вызвано временными файлами, которые препятствует новым подключениям. Оно возникает при попытке получить доступ к одному и тому же сайту с помощью обычного соединения и через VPN. В этом случае ошибку PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR можно исправить путем очистки кэша Firefox.

Сначала убедитесь, что все вклады Firefox закрыты, за исключением новой, которую собираетесь использовать.

Нажмите на кнопку меню и перейдите в Настройки.

В левом боковом меню перейдите на вкладку «Приватность и защита». Прокрутите страницу вниз до раздела Куки и данные сайтов. Нажмите на кнопку «Удалить данные».

Оставьте флажок только на опции «Кэшированное веб-содержимое» и нажмите на кнопку «Удалить».

После закройте FireFox и перезагрузите компьютер.

Удаление стороннего брандмауэра

Еще одна распространенная причина связана с брандмауэром стороннего разработчика, который ошибочно прерывает подключение. Поэтому если используете сторонний брандмауэр вместо встроенного в Windows проверьте, не причастен ли он к ошибке PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR в браузере Mozilla Firefox.

Однако имейте в виду, что в отличие от антивируса, отключение защиты брандмауэра в режиме реального времени не остановит блокировку. Скорее всего, те же правила безопасности останутся в силе. Единственный способ – это временно его удалить.

Откройте раздел «Программы и компоненты» командой appwiz.cpl из окна Win + R.

В списке установленных приложений найдите брандмауэр стороннего разработчика. Щелкните на него правой кнопкой мыши и удалите. Следуйте инструкциям на экране, чтобы завершить этот процесс.

После завершения операции перезапустите систему и попробуйте открыть страницу, которую не удавалось из-за ошибки PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR.

Отключение прокси и VPN

Проблема часто возникает из-за отказа хоста разрешать пользователям подключаться через VPN или прокси-серверы. Если используете эти инструменты для анонимного серфинга в интернете, скорее всего, они причастны к ошибке с кодом PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR. Поэтому отключите их и проверьте, решена ли проблема.

Удаление клиента VPN

Перейдите в раздел «Удаления или изменения программ» командой appwiz.cpl из диалогового окна Win + R.

В списке приложений найдите активный клиент VPN. Кликните на него правой кнопкой мыши и удалите. Завершите этот процесс подтверждая все запроси деинсталлятора и перезагрузите компьютер.

Удаления прокси-сервера

Перейдите на вкладку Прокси командой ms-settings:network-proxy из окна Win + R.

Перейдите к ручной настройке прокси-сервера и отключите опцию, связанную с использованием прокси-сервера.

После перезапустите систему и повторите то действие, которое вызывало ошибку PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR в Firefox.

Имейте в виду, что клиент VPN также может способствовать решению проблемы, когда дело касается гео положения. Вполне возможно, что провайдер отбрасывает IP-адрес сайта, который пытаетесь посетить.

The PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR mostly occurs in Firefox while trying to load a website and it only occurs because the connection gets terminated from the server end. Therefore, we suggest that you try to fix this issue by implementing the solutions that we have listed in this article. Not only that, but we have also collected the reasons due to which the error occurs in the first place and listed them here as well.



What Causes the PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR with Firefox?

After having to go through the issue on one of our computers, we concluded that the following must be the most important reasons due to which it occurs in the first place.

  • TCP Filtering: We have found that in some cases, the antivirus installed on your system might have a TCP Filtering function that can sometimes trigger a false positive and prevent the website from loading properly because the server gets flagged as suspicious. Therefore, you can disable this feature temporarily as mentioned in the steps below to make sure that this isn’t happening to you.
  • Proxied Connection: Sometimes, a proxied connection might get flagged by the server because these connections use a server to bounce off their traffic from and this server gets all kinds of traffic. Therefore, we suggest that you disable the proxied connection and try to connect directly as mentioned below.
  • ISP FIrewall: The ISP always installs a firewall on your router that blocks suspicious packets from reaching your internet connection and prevents connection to certain websites that might be flagged. Therefore, we suggest that you ensure that your ISP isn’t blocking your connection by following some of the solutions that we have listed below.

Now that we have taken you through most of the reasons due to which the error occurs, we can finally start implementing the solutions on your computer.


Fix 1: Disabling Protocol Filtering (ESET Antivirus)

The TCP protocol filtering might be interfering with the connection between the user and the server thus causing the error. This feature blocks any suspicious activity, but it might give out false alarms and block safe activity marking it as suspicious.

If you are using ESET Antivirus, then follow the steps below to disable Protocol Filtering:

  1. Launch “ESET Antivirus” and head over to the “Advanced” setup window.
  2. Select “Web and Email” and disable the option “Enable application protocol content filtering” under “Protocol Filtering”.
    Disabling the Enable application protocol content filtering to fix PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR
    Disabling the Enable application protocol content filtering
  3. Click “OK” and see if the PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR issue has now been resolved.

Fix 2: Uninstalling 3rd-party Security Apps

  1. Press “Window + S”, type in “Apps & features” and press Enter on your keyboard.
    Selecting Apps & Features
    Selecting Apps & Features
  2. Look for the third-party firewall and antivirus apps that you have installed.
  3. Click each of them one by one and select “Uninstall” to remove them from your PC.
  4. Restart your PC afterwards and see if the issue is resolved.

Examples of these apps include McAfee, Avast, Kaspersky, BitDefender and ESET.

Fix 3: Disabling/Removing VPN from your PC

  1. Press “Window + S”, type in “Apps & features” and press Enter on your keyboard.
    Selecting Apps & Features
    Selecting Apps & Features
  2. Look for the VPN that you have installed on your PC and click on it.
  3. Select the “Uninstall” button and wait for it to be removed from your PC.
  4. Restart your PC afterwards and see if the issue is resolved now.

Fix 4: Disabling Proxy from your PC

Make sure that your proxy server is turned off. Follow the steps below to turn off Proxy Server:

  1. Press “Window + R”, type in “ms-settings:network-proxy” and press Enter on your keyboard.
  2. Below the “Manual proxy setup”, make sure that “Use a proxy server” is turned off.
  3. Restart your PC afterwards and see if the PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR issue is resolved.

Fix 5: Using a VPN

It is possible in some cases that the ISP that you are using might have blocked or prevented you from loading the website. Therefore, we suggest that you try to connect to and use a VPN in order to ensure that the website is loaded properly. You can use any VPN of your choice that suits you best but make sure to use a trial version first to ensure that the website loads properly.

Fix 6: Clearing the Browser’s Cache

Corrupted or a huge amount of cache can also interfere with the functionality of the browser. You need to clear it to gain back the normal functionality of the browser. Follow the steps below to do so:

  1. Launch Firefox and click the three horizontal lines on the top-right corner of the screen.
  2. Select the “Settings” option from the menu and then click on the “Privacy & Security” option.
  3. Look for the “Cookies and Site Data” option and click on the “Clear Data…” button in front of it.
    Clear Data to fix PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR
    Clear Data
  4. Uncheck the box for “Cookies and Site Data” and keep the “Cached Web Content” box checked.
  5. Click on the “Clear” button and wait for it to be cleared.
  6. Restart your PC and check to see if doing so fixes the PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR issue.

Fix 7: Disabling Extensions/Add-ons

Some extensions or add-ons can cause issues as well. You need to disable them or remove them from your browser. Follow the steps below to do so:

  1. Launch your browser and click the three horizontal lines on the top-right corner of the screen.
  2. Select the “Add-ons and Themes” option and click on the “Extensions” option.
    Choose Add-ons
    Choose Add-ons
  3. You should see all your installed extensions here, try to make sure that all of them are disabled.
  4. Restart your browser and see if the issue is resolved now.
  5. If it is resolved, then there is an extension that is interfering with your connection.
  6. To catch the culprit, you need to enable the extensions one by one and see if the issue reoccurs.

Fix 8: Make Sure that Work Offline Option is Off

  1. Launch Mozilla Firefox, right-click on the “Tabs Bar” where the different tabs are shown and click on the “Menu Bar” option.
  2. Now, click on the “File” option at the top-left corner of the screen and see if there is a tick beside the option “Work Offline” option.
  3. If you see a tick, then click on it and the option will be disabled and you should now be able to load the website normally.

Fix 9: Making Sure that Settings for IE are like Firefox’s

Discrepancies in your connection settings might also cause issues. You need to compare the connection settings of “Internet Explorer” to that of Firefox. Follow the steps below to access Internet Explorer’s settings:

  1. Press “Window + S”, type in “Internet Options” and press Enter on your keyboard.
  2. Go to the “Connections” tab and click “LAN settings”.
    LAN Settings
    LAN Settings
  3. From here, make sure to note down your LAN and IP settings that have been configured on your computer

From here, make sure to navigate through the following options to set the same settings for Firefox:

  1. Launch Mozilla Firefox, right-click the tabs bar on top and click “Menu Bar”.
  2. Click “Tools” at the top of the screen and select the “Settings” option at the bottom of the page under the “Network Settings” option.
    Clicking on the "Settings" option
    Clicking on the “Settings” option
  3. Now, make sure that the Internet Explorer settings are the same as the settings here. If they aren’t, make sure that you change the Firefox settings.
  4. Restart your computer after configuring these settings and check to see if the PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR is fixed.

If the changes that you make are not saved after every restart, you need to make sure that you do not have a program named “Hide IP Platinum” installed.

Even if it is uninstalled, the user settings file might still hold those modified settings, to resolve this issue you will need to press “Window + R”, type in “%appdata%” and press Enter and then open the “Mozilla” folder. In this folder, you will see the profile folder. In this folder, look for the user.js file and delete it. You can also take another approach which is to redownload that app and disable the service manually and uninstall it afterwards.

Fix 10: Modifying the Network Settings in Firefox

  1. Launch Mozilla Firefox, right-click the tabs bar on the top and click on the “Menu Bar” option.
  2. Click on the “Tools” at the top of the screen, select the “Settings” button and click on the “Settings” option at the bottom under the “Network Settings” option.
    Clicking on the "Settings" option
    Clicking on the “Settings” option
  3. From here, check the “Auto-detect proxy setting for this network” option and restart your browser.
  4. Check to see if doing so fixes the PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR on your Firefox Browser.

Fix 11: Disabling AppEx Networks Accelerator

  1. Press the “Window + R” keys from your keyboard to launch the Run prompt, type in “Control panel” and press Enter on your keyboard.
    Open Control panel
    Open Control panel
  2. Select the “Network and Internet” option and click on the “Network and Sharing Center” option.
  3. Click on the “Change adapter settings” from the options on the left and right-click on the network connection that you are using.
    Change Adapter Settings
    Change Adapter Settings
  4. Select the “Properties” option and look for the “AppEx Networks Accelerator” option from the list of items and untick it.
  5. Save your changes, restart the PC and check to see if doing so fixes the PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR issue.

Fix 12: Allowing Firefox through Firewall

  1. Press “Window + S” keys on your keyboard, type in “Windows Defender firewall” and press Enter on your keyboard.
  2. Select the “Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall” from the options on the left.
    Allow app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall
    Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall
  3. Click on the “Change settings” options and approve the UAC prompt to provide the administrative permissions.
  4. Look for Mozilla Firefox in the list of apps and tick all the checkboxes horizontal to it.
  5. Click “OK” and restart your PC and check if the issue is resolved now.

Fix 13: Disabling IPv6

  1. Launch Firefox, type in “about:config” in the address bar and press “Enter” to launch the preferences list.
  2. After that, paste the “network.dns.disableIPv6” text in the “Search Preference Name” search bar and click on the “Toggle” to disable it on your computer.
    Reconfiguring "network.dns.disableIPv6" setting in Firefox to fix PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR
    Reconfiguring “network.dns.disableIPv6” setting in Firefox
  3. After disabling this, restart your browser and check to see if the PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR is fixed.

Fix 14: Disabling DNS Prefetching

  1. Launch Firefox and type in “about:config” in the address bar and press “Enter” to load the preferences list.
  2. From here, in the “Search Preference Name” bar, make sure to type in “network.dns.disablePrefetch” and check the “Boolean” option if it gives you the option to create a new one and set its value to “True”.
    Reconfiguring "network.dns.disablePrefetch" value in Firefox Config
    Reconfiguring “network.dns.disablePrefetch” value in Firefox Config
  3. However, if the value is already there, click on the “Toggle” switch to turn it on and enable it on your computer.
  4. Restart your browser and check to see if this fixes the error message while loading the website.

Fix 15: Using the do-not-track option

  1. Launch Mozilla Firefox, right-click on the “Tabs” bar at the top where the different tabs open in the browser. are displayed and select the “Menu Bar” option from the menu.
  2. After that, click on“Tools” at the top left of the screen and select the “Settings” button.
  3. From there, click on the “Privacy & Security” option on the left side.
  4. Now, make sure that select the “Always” option for the “Send Websites a Do Not Track Signal”.
    Reconfiguring "Send Websites a Do Not Track Signal" Setting
    Reconfiguring “Send Websites a Do Not Track Signal” Setting
  5. Check to see if the PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR is resolved. If it isn’t, make sure to set the option back to “Only When Firefox is set to Block known Trackers” setting and check if that fixes the issue.

Fix 16: Refresh Internet or Use Another Connection

Sometimes a simple restart to the internet router might change the IP address that your ISP has provided you with which might help you in communicating with the website’s server if your previous IP address had been blacklisted from the website.

In addition to this, you can try to use your mobile’s hotspot to connect to the website because sometimes the internet connection from the Wi-Fi might not be suitable to connect.

Fix 17: Flushing DNS

  1. Press “Window + R”, type in “cmd” and press “Ctrl + Shift + Enter” on your keyboard.
    Typing in cmd
    Typing in cmd
  2. Type in the following commands and press Enter after each.
    netsh int ip reset
    netsh int ip reset resettcpip.txt
    netsh int ipv4 reset
    netsh int ipv6 reset
    ipconfig / flushdns
  3. Restart your PC afterward and see if the issue is resolved now

Fix 18: Increasing Maximum Transmission Unit and RWIN

Follow the steps below to modify the values of RWIN and MTU which might resolve your issue:

  1. Press “Window + R”, type in “control” and press Enter on your keyboard.
  2. Select “Network and Internet” and select “Network and Sharing Center”.
    Network and Sharing Center
  3. Copy the name of your network word by word.
  4. Now, press “Window + R”, type in “cmd” and press “Ctrl + Shift + Enter” on your keyboard.
  5. Type in the following command and press Enter afterward.
    netsh interface IPv4 set subinterface "Your Network’s Name" mtu = 1472 store = persistent

    NOTE: make sure to replace the “Your Network’s Name” option with the name of your Wi-Fi Connection.

  6. Check to see if doing so fixes the issue.

Fix 19: Updating Network Adapter Driver

  1. Press “Window + R” to launch the Run prompt, type in “devmgmt.msc” and press Enter on your keyboard.
  2. Click on the “Network adapters” dropdown and right-click on your network connection.
  3. Select the “Update driver” button and choose the “Automatically search for updated drivers” option.
  4. From here, follow the on-screen instructions to completely update your drivers to the latest available ones.
  5. Check to see if doing so has fixed the PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR.

Fix 20: Updating your Browser

Sometimes, the issue might occur if the browser that you have installed has been outdated. Therefore, we strongly suggest that you head on over to the Firefox website and download the latest version of the browser from there.

Fix 21: Running a Script in PowerShell

This solution has worked out for multiple users. Follow the steps below:

  1. Press “Window + X” and select the “Windows PowerShell (Admin)” option to launch into the Powershell.
    Windows PowerShell (Admin)
    Windows PowerShell (Admin)
  2. Type in the following script and press Enter afterwards.
    Start-Transcript -Path "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).log" try { Write-Host "Creating cert resources" $ekuOidCollection = [System.Security.Cryptography.OidCollection]::new(); $ekuOidCollection.Add([System.Security.Cryptography.Oid]::new("","Server Authentication")) | Out-Null $sanBuilder = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.SubjectAlternativeNameBuilder]::new(); $sanBuilder.AddDnsName("localhost") | Out-Null Write-Host "Creating cert extensions" $certificateExtensions = @( # Subject Alternative Name $sanBuilder.Build($true), # ASP.NET Core OID [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Extension]::new( "", [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("IIS Express Development Certificate"), $false), # KeyUsage [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyUsageExtension]::new( [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyUsageFlags]::KeyEncipherment, $true), # Enhanced key usage [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509EnhancedKeyUsageExtension]::new( $ekuOidCollection, $true), # Basic constraints [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509BasicConstraintsExtension]::new($false,$false,0,$true) ) Write-Host "Creating cert parameters" $parameters = @{ Subject = "localhost"; KeyAlgorithm = "RSA"; KeyLength = 2048; CertStoreLocation = "Cert:\LocalMachine\My"; KeyExportPolicy = "Exportable"; NotBefore = Get-Date; NotAfter = (Get-Date).AddYears(1); HashAlgorithm = "SHA256"; Extension = $certificateExtensions; SuppressOid = @(""); FriendlyName = "IIS Express Development Certificate" } Write-Host "Creating cert" $cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate @parameters $rootStore = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store -ArgumentList Root, LocalMachine $rootStore.Open("MaxAllowed") $rootStore.Add($cert) $rootStore.Close() Write-Host "Creating port bindings" # Add an Http.Sys binding for port 44300-44399 $command = 'netsh' for ($i=44300; $i -le 44399; $i++) { $optionsDelete = @('http', 'delete', 'sslcert', "ipport=$i") $optionsAdd = @('http', 'add', 'sslcert', "ipport=$i", "certhash=$($cert.Thumbprint)", 'appid={214124cd-d05b-4309-9af9-9caa44b2b74a}') Write-Host "Running $command $optionsDelete" & $command $optionsDelete Write-Host "Running $command $optionsAdd" & $command $optionsAdd } } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception.Message } finally { Stop-Transcript }
  3. Check to see if the PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR issue is resolved on your computer.

If the issue still occurs, contact us for further troubleshooting.

Photo of Alan Adams

Alan is a hardcore tech enthusiast that lives and breathes tech. When he is not indulged in playing the latest video games, he helps users with technical problems that they might run into. Alan is a Computer Science Graduate with a Masters in Data Science.

Firefox logo

Firefox began returning a PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR error on all websites a few days ago. Chrome likewise. MIcrosoft Edge is working fine. I am running Windows 7 with Kaspersky. I tried turning off the Windows Firewall and the Kaspersky protection, but it didn’t help. I also tried disabling plugins, theme, and add-ons but it still didn’t help. Any suggestions?

Firefox began returning a PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR error on all websites a few days ago. Chrome likewise. MIcrosoft Edge is working fine. I am running Windows 7 with Kaspersky. I tried turning off the Windows Firewall and the Kaspersky protection, but it didn’t help. I also tried disabling plugins, theme, and add-ons but it still didn’t help. Any suggestions?

Chosen solution

All Replies (4)

I disabled all the Kaspersky features and rebooted. It didn’t help.
Firefox in troubleshooting mode produced the same error.
Running Windows 7 in Safe Mode with Networking worked.

Thanks for your help.

Chosen Solution

Yeah, Flood and Flood’s wife is good. He helped me in the past.
Mark it as resolved and have a good day.

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