Произошла неизвестная ошибка попробуйте еще раз roblox

Roblox Corporation has gone ahead and curated an IP that’s just meant to be fun. Widespread availability on various platforms and a whole ton of different ways to play perfectly sum up this company’s front-running IP. However, when issues such as the Roblox an unknown error occurred login surface, things don’t remain so fun.

Key Highlights

Roblox players often encounter the “Roblox an unknown error occurred,” typically caused by window/firewall restrictions, third-party antivirus software, or Roblox server issues. Here are steps to resolve it:

    1. Check Roblox servers for downtime; if down, wait for them to come back online.
    2. Reset your Roblox password, which can be done on any console or platform.
    3. Use a different internet browser to log into Roblox; sometimes, browser issues can cause the error.
    4. Ensure Roblox is added to the firewall’s allowed apps list to prevent it from being blocked.
    5. Disable any antivirus or third-party apps that may interfere with Roblox.
    6. If none of the above steps work, contact Roblox Support to address your ongoing issue.

In this guide, we’ll learn the nature of the issue and what different methods have worked across the spectrum for players running into the same login error. Be sure to read until the end to leave here knowledgeably well-equipped. 

What Is The Roblox “An Unknown Error Occurred” Problem? 

Roblox an Unknown Error Occurred Login

Roblox an Unknown Error Occurred Login

Although the issue can pop up on any platform regardless, the screenshot that you visualize above has been taken from a mobile phone. The solutions in the next section will cover Roblox for PC as well so do rest assured. Just in case you didn’t know, Roblox is available on all the latest consoles, PC, macOS, Android, and iOS.  

As for the nature of what we have here, the “an unknown error occurred please try again Roblox login” issue is nothing but an irksome bother that surfaces due to no solid reason. You’ll just try logging in at any given time only to discover that the game isn’t budging from the log-in point. 

How To Fix An Unknown Error Occurred Roblox Login Issue

Check Whether Roblox Is Down

Roblox has a dedicated status page on its website that allows players to check out the current status of the game’s online servers. This makes it effortless to be wary of existing issues beforehand so that you can avoid potential hiccups right from the get-go.

Check out Roblox Status and evaluate whether all systems are operational or not. An unknown error occurred please try again Roblox login problem can also be surfacing due to this very reason.

Reset Your Roblox Password – Definitive Fix

One of the best ways you can get to grips with the “an unknown error occurred please try again login on Roblox” issue is by simply resetting the password that you use to log into the platform. This potential fix can be carried out on any platform—PC or mobile—so choose the one that’s best suited to your convenience.

Illustrating the whole procedure are the following steps that will show you how to reset your Roblox password without breaking a sweat.

  1. The first step is to go to the log-in screen where you’re repeatedly being met with the issue in question. Click on the “Forgot Username or Password” option to get started from here on out.an unknown error occurred. please try again. roblox login
    Clicking on the “Forgot Password or Username” Option
  2. After clicking on the aforementioned option, you’ll be taken straight to the password resetting interface of the platform. Here, choose the “Password” option which should be set by default, and proceed toward confirming how you’d like to receive the reset email. You can either opt for an email option or phone number. an unknown error occurred please try again login on roblox
    Entering the Right Credentials to Reset Password
  3. As soon as you enter the credentials required by Roblox, an email will be sent to the provided email address. You’ll even receive a confirmation prompt, looking similar to the one in the screenshot below.Roblox an unknown error occurred login
    Password Reset Email Sent
  4. After you’ve checked your email and clicked on the provided link, you’ll be taken to the following screen. Simply decide what you’re going to set your new password to and click on the “Submit” button to finalize the process. roblox login an unknown error occurred
    Setting a New Password for Roblox

That’s a wrap! Now that you’ve successfully set a new Roblox password, go back to the main log-in screen of the platform. Type in your username and newly-created password to finally restore playability and resolve the “an unknown error occurred. Please try again. Roblox login” issue. 

However, in case you still haven’t been able to work out a solution, keep on reading to discover what to do next. There are plenty of solutions still left to go, so don’t fret just yet. 

Use A Different Internet Browser To Log Into Roblox

Pretty simple and effective. In case you’ve been using Google Chrome to get into Roblox incessantly, it’s high time to try out a different internet browser to confirm whether you can log onto the platform. Mozilla Firefox, Opera, or Brave Browser—choose whatever from the swath of different options. 

You may as well use Microsoft Edge on your Windows PC if you have it installed. The same goes for any other browsers that already exist on your end, thereby negating the need to install any extra browser. When you’re ready with the secondary web crawler, head over to the official log-in page of Roblox and enter your credentials.

Click on the “Log in” button or press the “Enter” key to attempt connecting to the platform’s online servers. You should be able to get going with the game, now that you’re using another browser to play Roblox potentially. Still, in the case that none of the solutions have worked up until now, keep on reading to try more fixes.

Add Roblox To The List Of Allowed Firewall Apps

In the case that you’re foggy on how to test whether it is Windows Firewall that isn’tletting the world’s best game launcher breathe in peace, follow the steps given ahead. However, do note that this potential solution only works for the executable Roblox app installed on your PC.

If you’re playing the game through the Chrome browser, please skip to the next section. For now, though, let’s get into the process of allowing an app through the Windows Firewall program. 

  1. Your first task is to open the “Firewall and network protection” section of Windows Security on your PC. You can do that by simply searching for it using the Windows Start menu.
    Opening Firewall and network protection
    Opening “Firewall and network protection”
  2. Once done, a new window will launch and it’ll be a part of the Windows Security department, as mentioned earlier. You now have to click on “Allow an app through firewall” to get to the next step. 
    an unknown error occurred. please try again. roblox login
    Clicking on “Allow an app through firewall”
  3. You now have to make a couple of clicks in the following window that opens after completing the last step. Click on “Change settings” first to make the “Allow another app” option accessible. Once done, click on the latter and see yourself opening another window. an unknown error occurred. please try again. roblox login
    Setting Up the App to be Allowed Through Firewall
  4. A small-scale window will open up just after you complete the next step. This is where you’ll have to click on “Browse” and search your computer for the main Roblox executable file application. From what we can gather, you only have to add a single distinct process of the game to the designated area in this step. 
  5. As soon as you have found the Roblox app that needs to be allowed through Firewall, select and add it to the list of inclusive apps. This will take you back to the previous small-scale window where the game file will be listed with a specific name under the “Apps” section. Click on “Add” to allow the game app through Windows Firewall. You’ve made most of the progress completing this step. an unknown error occurred please try again roblox login
    Adding Roblox to Windows Firewall
  6. You now just have to go through one more simple step now to finalize the process. Check the box for “Public” and “Private” connections for Windows Firewall on the “Allowed apps” window. You have to do this for the Roblox executable file. Lastly, don’t forget to click on “OK” as soon as you’re done.

We’re done here. Now that you’ve finally allowed the game app through Windows Firewall, launch it on your end to see whether it brings favorable results. In the case that you still can’t get the better of the error, try out the next fix we’ve curated for you ahead. 

Disable Any Installed Antivirus For Roblox

A whole swath of users reporting on forums and pages online claims that programs like Avast Antivirus and even Norton Security somehow cause the error code at hand to pop up. Upon disabling the software entirely, the game lets you log in again like a walk in the park.

Therefore, we highly encourage uninstalling any third-party antivirus that you might have installed on your Windows PC. Don’t care for security threats since we’ll only be doing this for a brief while in order to confirm the antivirus program’s link to the issue in question.

Search for “Remove apps and programs” in the Windows Search bar and you’ll get taken straight to the area from where you can uninstall your Windows software. Select the antivirus that you have installed on the system and remove it from the device.

Once done, restart your PC to shut down the Roblox app or the Chrome browser in the case that it’s running still, and refresh the computer. Launch the platform as soon as the PC boots back up to see if the bug exists. Keep up the hustle in case you’re still not able to resolve the matter. 

Get In Touch With The Developers

Roblox support is celebrated for its friendly behavior and unflinching professionalism. The representative heads do not take long to get back to your queries, no matter the issue it is that you’re facing.

There’s even a specialized Contact Us page that will walk you through whatever you need to enter for the developers to get back to you. Fill out the scenario in detail and also jot down everything you’ve tried to fix the game so far. 

As soon as you’re done, wait for the good folks over at Roblox HQ to get back to you. It won’t take them more than a couple of business days to cater to the issue you’re facing. Let us know how it goes in the comments section if you ever get a reply from them. 

  • Before You Go: Roblox Error Code 529.

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Roblox — это популярная онлайн-платформа для создания и игры в компьютерные игры. Однако, пользователи иногда могут столкнуться с ошибкой «An unknown error occurred. Please try again.» («Произошла неизвестная ошибка. Пожалуйста, повторите попытку») при попытке получить доступ к игре или функциям Roblox. Эта ошибка может быть причиной разочарования и затруднить игровой процесс. В этой статье мы рассмотрим возможные причины возникновения ошибки и предложим несколько решений.

Причины возникновения ошибки

1. Проблемы с подключением к сети

Одной из наиболее распространенных причин появления ошибки является неполадка в подключении к сети. Медленное или нестабильное соединение может привести к ошибке «An unknown error occurred. Please try again.».

2. Проблемы с кешем браузера

Другой возможной причиной ошибки являются проблемы с кешем вашего браузера. Когда вы посещаете веб-сайт Roblox, браузер временно сохраняет некоторые данные на вашем компьютере. Если эти данные повреждены или устарели, это может вызвать ошибку.

3. Проблемы на стороне сервера Roblox

Иногда причина ошибки может быть связана с проблемами на стороне сервера Roblox. Это может быть связано с обновлениями серверов, техническими неполадками или нагрузкой на серверы.

Возможные решения

1. Проверьте подключение к сети

Первым шагом для исправления ошибки ‘An unknown error occurred. Please try again.’ является проверка вашего подключения к сети. Убедитесь, что вы подключены к надежной источник Wi-Fi или используйте подключение к сети Ethernet.

2. Перезагрузите маршрутизатор и компьютер

Иногда проблемы с подключением могут быть временными. Попробуйте перезагрузить ваш маршрутизатор и компьютер, чтобы обновить подключение к сети.

3. Очистите кеш браузера

Если проблема с обновлением данных в кеше браузера, вам следует очистить кеш. Для каждого браузера процесс может незначительно отличаться. Обычно вы можете найти настройки кеша в разделе «История» или «Настройки» браузера.

4. Используйте другой браузер или устройство

Попробуйте использовать другой браузер или устройство, чтобы исключить возможные проблемы с текущим браузером или устройством.

5. Подождите и повторите попытку позже

Если вы уверены, что проблемы с подключением к сети не являются причиной ошибки, возможно, проблема связана с серверами Roblox. В этом случае ожидайте некоторое время и повторите попытку позже.


Ошибка ‘An unknown error occurred. Please try again.’ может привести к временным затруднениям доступа к игре или функциям Roblox. Однако, с помощью вышеперечисленных решений, вы можете решить проблему и насладиться игровым процессом на платформе Roblox без лишних помех.

Wondering how to fix the Roblox error “An unknown error occurred. Please try again“.

Yes, you are at the right place to fix the error.

This issue occurs because of any of the following reasons.

  • Roblox app is having a wider problem that affects more than just your app.
  • Lack of free space on your device.
  • Your app’s cache is corrupted in some way.
  • You are not using the latest version of Roblox.

Here we will discuss a few methods to fix the error.

1. Restart your device

2. Check whether Roblox is down or not

3. Close and Restart the Roblox App

4. Update Roblox

5. Clear the Roblox app data

6. Uninstall and Reinstall Roblox App

7. Clean up storage space

8. Connect Roblox with VPN

9. Contact Roblox Support

We will discuss each of these methods in detail below.

It’s best to work through them in the order listed below as these solutions are organized from simplest and quickest to more complex and lengthy.

Note:The following tips on resolving problems with the Roblox app will fix the issues with Android and iPhone versions of the Roblox app.

Restart your device

Try restarting your mobile phone. Most phone-related problems can be fixed by restarting your phone.

Follow the below steps to restart your mobile phone.

Hold down the power button until the shutdown menu appears.

Choose the “Power off” icon.

Once the device completely shuts off, start it back up by holding the power button.

Check whether the Roblox app issue is fixed now. If not, try the next method.

Check Whether Roblox is down or not

It’s possible Roblox itself is experiencing some issues which can cause the Roblox app to freeze or crash.

You can check whether the Roblox app is down or not using the following methods.

1. If you’re experiencing problems using or accessing Roblox, check the status page of Roblox first to see if there are any reported issues.

Roblox status page to fix Roblox error  "An unknown error occurred. Please try again"

2. Look for the hashtag #robloxdown on Twitter. Keep track of when the hashtag was last tweeted.

Click on “Latest” to see if users have started tweeting about the outage recently.

Also, keep an eye on Roblox’s Twitter account for any updates on the site’s status. If you need more help, you can also tweet them with your problems.

3. Check third-party sites which track the up-down status of other websites. They will track Roblox as well.

roblox server status to fix Roblox error  "An unknown error occurred. Please try again"

You can use these websites to check whether Roblox is down right now or not. Here are a few:

Roblox Down detector

Is Roblox Down Right Now?

Roblox outage report

4. You can also check Roblox’s official Facebook page to check whether they have reported any outages or not.

You can also check Roblox’s Reddit community to check whether there are discussions related to Roblox’s status.

Based on the above checks, you will get to know whether Roblox is down or not.

If the problem is at Roblox’s end, you can wait for some time as they will do the needful to get the site up.

However, if Roblox is working fine, then the problem is at your end. Then you need to follow the steps mentioned below to connect to Roblox.

You should immediately check the app’s server. Wait for the server to recover if it is slow or down. Then try again later. 

If you are not able to fix the error by the above method, you can try the next method.

Close and Restart the Roblox App

Close the app and relaunch it. This will stop any processes that are malfunctioning.

For Android users, follow the below steps to force stop the Roblox app.

  • Open “Settings” on your mobile phone. 
  • Scroll down and click on the “Apps” option.
  • Search for Roblox on the search bar.
  • Select Roblox from the search result.  
  • Click on the “Force Stop” option. 

For iPhone users, follow the below steps to close the app and launch it.

  • Double-click the Home button.
  • That action causes the apps to fall back a bit so that you can see the icons and screenshots of all the running apps.
  • Slide the apps from side to side to find the one you want to quit.
  • Swipe the app off the top edge of the screen to close it.
  • When you’ve closed all the apps you want, click the Home button again to return to using your iPhone.

Restart your phone.

If you are not able to fix the error by the above method, you can try the next method.

Update Roblox App

Sometimes updating Roblox can fix the error “An unknown error occurred. Please try again“.

Check whether a new update is available on the Play Store or App Store. If there is an update available, then update it.

Follow the below steps to update Roblox.

Locate the “Play Store” or “App Store” app on your phone.

Search “Roblox”.

Click on “Update” to update the latest version.

Now, you will be able to log in to your account without getting the “An unknown error occurred. Please try again” error message.

If the above method didn’t work out, then you can try the next method.

Clear the Roblox app data

Follow the below steps to fix the error “An unknown error occurred. Please try again” on your Roblox by clearing the app data.

Locate the “Roblox” app on your mobile.

Long press on the app icon.

Click on the “i” button.

Fix the Roblox error "An unknown error occurred. Please try again"

After you have tapped on the “i” symbol, you will land on the app information page.

On the page, you will see multiple options.

This includes “Notification”, “Permissions”, “Data usage” and more.

Select “Storage” to go to storage information.

Clear Storage to fix the Roblox error "An unknown error occurred. Please try again"

Click on “Clear Storage”.

Clear Storage to fix the Roblox error "An unknown error occurred. Please try again"

Confirm the action by clicking on “Ok“.

After clearing the app data, go back to the main menu.

Now you have to click on the “Permissions” option to enable the permission.

Fix the Roblox error "An unknown error occurred. Please try again"

After clicking on “Permissions”, you will land on the permissions page. 

Here you can enable all the permissions.

Try opening Roblox app again and check whether the issue is fixed.

If not, you can try the next method.

Uninstall and Reinstall Roblox App

Follow the below steps to fix the error “An unknown error occurred. Please try again” on your Roblox by uninstalling/reinstalling the Roblox app.

Locate the “Roblox” app from your homepage.

Long press on the app icon.

Tap on the “i” button.

On the page, you’ll see multiple options.

Tap on the “Uninstall” button from the top of the page.

Click on “Ok” to confirm uninstalling.

After uninstalling Roblox, reinstall it.

Locate “Play Store” from your homepage.

Search for “Roblox”.

Click on the “Install” button.

After installing the app, try to log in to your Roblox account by “Username/Email/Phone” and “Password”.

Now check whether the problem is solved or not.

Clean up storage space

Follow the below steps to clear the unnecessary data and cache on your mobile.

Open the “Settings” on your mobile phone. 

Click on “More settings.”

Scroll down and click on the “App Manager” option.

click on the “App Manager” option to fix Roblox error  "An unknown error occurred. Please try again"

Click on the More option.

Click on More option to fix Roblox error  "An unknown error occurred. Please try again"

Select the “Sort by size“.

Select the "Sort by size" to fix Roblox error  "An unknown error occurred. Please try again"

This option will show you which app on your device is using more storage space on your phone.

Select that app and clear the cache and data of that app.

Then go back to the “More settings.”

go back to the "More settings." to fix Roblox error  "An unknown error occurred. Please try again"

Click on RAM and Storage space.

Click on RAM and Storage space to fix Roblox error  "An unknown error occurred. Please try again"

Click on Clean up storage space.

Click on Clean up storage space to fix Roblox error  "An unknown error occurred. Please try again"

Then finally, click on Clean up all.

click on Clean up all to fix Roblox error  "An unknown error occurred. Please try again"

If you are not able to fix the error by the above method, you can try the next method.

Connect Roblox with VPN

Follow the below steps to connect to a VPN and fix the Roblox error “An unknown error occurred. Please try again”.

For this, first, you need to install a VPN. Follow the below steps to install a VPN.

Locate the “Playstore” or “App Store” on your mobile phone.

Open the app.

After opening the “Playstore” application, you have to search for a VPN. You can download any of the VPN applications.

Tap on the “Install” button to install the application.

After installing, locate the installed app on your mobile phone.

Open the application.

Now you have to click on the “Connect” option.

Select a server option.

Now you have to accept their terms and conditions.

After setting up the VPN app, now go to your Roblox app and log in to your account.

If you are not able to fix the error by the above method, you can try the next method.

Contact Roblox Support

If none of the above methods works out, then it is important to contact Roblox Support about this issue.

Follow the below steps to contact the Roblox support team

Visit the Support Roblox portal

Now you have to enter your “Date of birth”.

After entering the “Date of birth”, click on the “Next” option.

Note: You can also contact the support team by logging into Roblox using the “Username/Email/Phone number” and “Password”.

Now you will land on the “Contact Information” page, here you have to enter the “Username”, “Email Address”.

contact roblox support to fix unknown error occured please try again later

After entering the “Contact Information”, you have to enter the “Issue details

Select the answer for “What device are you having the problem on?” from the drop-down list and the “Type of help category” from the drop-down list

Now describe the issue that you are facing under the “Description of issue” field. You can also include any relevant information like where the issue is occurring or the error message.

Tap on the “Submit” button

Now you have to wait for a reply from the Roblox support team

In addition to the above method, there are different ways to contact the Roblox support team.

Detailed step-by-step instructions to contact Roblox are provided in the link below.

How to contact Roblox support?

Wrapping Up

Hope you get an idea about fixing the Roblox error “An unknown error occurred. Please try again“.

Kindly let us know if you have any queries.

jasper reed

Jasper Reed is the founder of heyhowtodoit.com with 8+ years of experience in Search Engine Optimization.He has researched, tested, and written hundreds of articles ranging from social media platforms to messaging apps.

With a passion for technology and a natural aptitude for understanding consumer behavior, Jasper has built a successful career in blogging.He has been quoted and referenced by major publications and media companies.

An avid traveler and tech enthusiast, Jasper loves to explore new places and experience different cultures. With his thick-rimmed glasses and geeky demeanor, Jasper is a true tech nerd at heart.

Follow Jasper on Twitter and Reddit.

You can read more about the team here.

Are you getting an “An unknown error occurred” error when you try to log in to Roblox?

The error message can happen on both the Roblox mobile and PC apps.

It stops you from logging in and reloading Roblox will not help.

Roblox is a virtual experience where you can play with friends and build anything from your imagination.

There is a myriad of experiences created by the community that you can join.

Whether you’re looking for an adventure, challenge, or fun, there’s something new every day.

The game features cross-platform support and you can play it on PC, mobile, Xbox, or VR headset.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to fix the “An unknown error occurred” login error on Roblox followed by “Please try again”.

  • Why does Roblox say an unknown error occurred?
  • How to fix “An unknown error occurred” on Roblox

Why does Roblox say an unknown error occurred?

An unknown error occurred on Roblox

Roblox says an unknown error occurred because of a bug/glitch.

If you’re getting the error message when you try to log in, it most likely means that Roblox is down.

There are two methods to check if Roblox is down.

The first method is to go to downdetector.com/status/roblox/.

Once you’re there, see if there is a spike in the number of reports.

If there’s a sudden spike in the graph, it means that Roblox is probably down.

Another way to check the status of Roblox is https://status.roblox.com/.

However, the Roblox status website is usually not accurate as it only tracks major errors.

To fix “An unknown error occurred” on Roblox, you need to try to log in to Roblox using another device or uninstall and reinstall the game.

You can also try clearing temporary internet files and cookies or resetting your password.

If Roblox is down, you need to wait for 24 to 48 hours for the servers to be back up.

In the meantime, you can contact Roblox support here: https://www.roblox.com/support.

Fix 1: Log in to Roblox using another device

  • If you’re playing Roblox on your mobile phone, try to log in to Roblox on a PC instead.
  • If you’re playing Roblox on your PC, try to log in to Roblox on a mobile phone instead (download the Roblox on the App Store/Google Play Store).
  • Open the Roblox Player and log in there instead of roblox.com (use the Windows search bar, search for “Roblox Player”, and launch it).

Fix 2: Uninstall and reinstall Roblox

  • If you’re playing Roblox on your mobile device, you can try uninstalling and reinstalling the app.
  • Tap and hold the Roblox app, delete it, search for “Roblox” on the Google Play Store or App Store, and reinstall it.
  • After you’ve reinstalled Roblox, try logging in.

Fix 3: Clear temporary internet files and cookies

  • Chrome: Three dots > More tools > Clear browsing data > Cookies and other site data > Cached images and files > Clear data.
  • Microsoft Edge: Settings > Privacy, search, and services > Choose what to clear > Clear browsing data > Clear browsing data now > Cookies and other site data > Clear now.

Note: This will log you out of some accounts (e.g., Facebook, Gmail, YouTube).

Fix 4: Reset your password

  1. Go to https://www.roblox.com/login.
  2. Select “Follow Password or Username”.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to reset your Roblox password.
  4. Try to log in to Roblox after you’ve reset your password.

Fix 5: Wait for the Roblox servers to be fixed

  • Check if Roblox is down here: downdetector.com/status/roblox/.
  • If Roblox is down, wait for 24 to 48 hours for the servers to be back up.

Further reading

How to Fix “Please Confirm Your Identity” on Roblox

How to Fix “You have been kicked due to unexpected client behavior” in Roblox

How to See Your Roblox Password While Logged in

When Roblox crashes with the error message that says, “An unexpected error occurred and Roblox needs to quit. We are sorry!” it simply means something is preventing Roblox from running properly. This mainly happens when there is a compatibility issue between Windows and Roblox, or when there are corrupted Roblox temporary or cache files.

Fortunately, this issue can be resolved quite easily. Follow the solutions below to address your issue.

1. Configure Compatibility Settings

When it comes to crashes, a compatibility issue is a very common problem because Roblox has its own optimizations, which conflict with the Windows optimizations applied to Roblox by default.

Moreover, if your Roblox cannot access the required redistributables, it will also cause crashes. Hence, to fix this issue, begin by configuring the compatibility settings using the following steps:

  1. Click the Start Menu and search for Roblox Player.
  2. Right-click the Roblox and select Open file location.
  3. Here right-click the Roblox shortcut and open its Properties.
  4. Go to the Compatibility tab and tick Disable full-screen optimizations and Run this program as an administrator.
  5. Once done, click Apply and click OK to save the settings.
  6. Now open Roblox and check if your Roblox is still crashing.

2. Clean up Your System Disk

Disk cleanup is a utility that removes junk files such as temporary files, DirectX cache, removed data stored in the Recycle bin, and more. Cleaning these temporary files can help eliminate any corrupted ROBLOX cache, which in turn forces ROBLOX to create a new cache from scratch. This process refreshes the game and can potentially resolve the issue you are experiencing.

  1. Press the Windows key and type Disk Cleanup.
  2. Hit Enter to run the Disk Cleanup utility.
  3. Leave your system drive selected, and click OK.
  4. Here check all the options under Files to delete files and click OK.
  5. And click Delete Files to start cleanup your system drive.
  6. Once done, open Roblox and check if it is still crashing.

3. Install the Microsoft Store Roblox version

If you haven’t tried the Roblox Microsoft Store version yet, it’s worth giving it a shot. There have been reports suggesting that Roblox crashes are more prevalent on the client version. Installing the Microsoft Store version, which is similar to the client version, may help resolve the issue. Follow these steps to install the Microsoft Store version of Roblox:

  1. Open Microsoft Store and type Roblox in the search box.
  2. Select Roblox from the results, then click the Get button to install Roblox.
  3. Once the installation is finished, launch Roblox, log in with your account, and see if the crashing error is fixed or not by running games.

4. Clear Roblox Cache

Roblox cache files are similar to temporary files, but they store important data such as user login information and frequently accessed application data. These cache files are created by applications to improve loading times and enhance the user experience.

If the Roblox cache files become corrupted, it can lead to improper functioning of Roblox and even cause crashes. To address this issue, try clearing the Roblox cache files by following these steps:

  1. Right-click the Start Menu and select Run from the listed options.
  2. Here type appdata and click OK to navigate the folder.
  3. Here navigate to the Local folder.
  4. Now, find the Roblox and delete it.

5. Reinstall Roblox Completely

If you are still experiencing the error, reinstalling Roblox completely from your system may be the final option to consider. The error message “An unexpected error occurred, and Roblox needs to quit” suggests that there are corrupted files in the Roblox directory, which are preventing it from running properly. To confirm this, you can attempt reinstalling Roblox by following these steps:

  1. Click the Start Menu and type Add or remove programs.
  2. Open the settings, and find Roblox.
  3. Then, click the three dots and click Uninstall.
  4. Again, click Uninstall to remove the Roblox.
  5. Once the Roblox is uninstalled, click the Start Menu and type %temp% in the Windows search.
  6. Here find the Roblox folder and delete it.
  7. Once done, again, click Start Menu and type Run.
  8. Hit Enter to open the Run Window.
  9. Type appdata and click OK,
  10. Go to the Local folder and find the Roblox folder to delete it.
  11. Once done, install the Roblox client from the official site and check if you again encounter the same error message or not,

6. Contact Roblox Support

In case the error still persists after following all the solutions, you can do little else but contact the Roblox support team. The support team will assist you in resolving this issue by inspecting the computer and examining the event logs. To contact the Roblox team, please follow the provided steps.

  1. Go to the Roblox support and log in with the credentials.
  2. Enter the details: name and email address.
  3. Select the device on which you are experiencing the error.
  4. Then, select the category: Technical Support.
  5. Under the sub-category, select “Roblox Crashing.”
  6. Now, briefly describe your issue in the description.
  7. Once done, click “Submit.”
  8. Now just wait for the response to the given email.

Why does Roblox keep saying an unexpected error occured?

In the error message, “An unexpected error occurred” means there is something preventing Roblox from running. When this error occurs, it often indicates there are corrupted Roblox files causing this issue.

How do I Fix unexpected error in Roblox?

Navigate to the appdata folder, then go to the Local folder. Here delete the Roblox folder. Once done, launch the Roblox and see if the issue is fixed or not.

Photo of Muhammad Zubyan

Muhammad Zubyan

Muhammad Zubyan is a certified Google IT Support Professional with over 7 years of extensive experience. He has worked on more than 1500 computers, gaining valuable insights that enable him to detect and troubleshoot any complicated root cause of Windows-related issues and errors. In addition to managing Appuals as a Senior Editor, he is currently developing his own Game Optimization program that caters to both gamers and casual users alike.

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