Проектор optoma коды ошибок

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Перегрев T1



Тепловой пробой



Ошибка G794



Ошибка T1



Ошибка лампы



Перегрев пускорегулирующей аппаратуры



Обнаружено короткое замыкание пускорегулирую-

щей аппаратуры на выходе



Определено завершение срока службы лампы



Не включается пускорегулирующая аппаратура




Лампа перегорела во время обычной работы



Лампа перегорела во время запуска



Ошибка Fan1 (вентилятора лампы)



Ошибка Fan2 (вентилятора пускорегулирующей




Ошибка Fan3 (лампа перегорела)



Ошибка Fan4 (вентилятора блока питания)



Открыта дверца отсека лампы



Ошибка DMD



Ошибка цветового круга



Click here follow the steps to fix Optoma Projector Error Codes and related errors.



To Fix (Optoma Projector Error Codes) error you need to
follow the steps below:

Step 1:

(Optoma Projector Error Codes) Repair Tool

Step 2:

Click the «Scan» button

Step 3:

Click ‘Fix All‘ and you’re done!

Windows 7, 8, Vista, XP

Download Size: 6MB
Requirements: 300 MHz Processor, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD

This download is a free evaluation version. To unlock all features and tools, a purchase is required.

Optoma Projector Error Codes Error Codes are caused in one way or another by misconfigured system files
in your windows operating system.

If you have Optoma Projector Error Codes errors then we strongly recommend that you

Download (Optoma Projector Error Codes) Repair Tool.

This article contains information that shows you how to fix
Optoma Projector Error Codes
(manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Optoma Projector Error Codes error code that you may receive.

This article was updated on 2023-09-16 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794


  •   1. What is Optoma Projector Error Codes error?
  •   2. What causes Optoma Projector Error Codes error?
  •   3. How to easily fix Optoma Projector Error Codes errors

What is Optoma Projector Error Codes error?

The Optoma Projector Error Codes error is the Hexadecimal format of the error caused. This is common error code format used by windows and other windows compatible software and driver vendors.

This code is used by the vendor to identify the error caused. This Optoma Projector Error Codes error code has a numeric error number and a technical description. In some cases the error may have more parameters in Optoma Projector Error Codes format .This additional hexadecimal code are the address of the memory locations where the instruction(s) was loaded at the time of the error.

What causes Optoma Projector Error Codes error?

The Optoma Projector Error Codes error may be caused by windows system files damage. The corrupted system files entries can be a real threat to the well being of your computer.

There can be many events which may have resulted in the system files errors. An incomplete installation, an incomplete uninstall, improper deletion of applications or hardware. It can also be caused if your computer is recovered from a virus or adware/spyware
attack or by an improper shutdown of the computer. All the above actives
may result in the deletion or corruption of the entries in the windows
system files. This corrupted system file will lead to the missing and wrongly
linked information and files needed for the proper working of the

How to easily fix Optoma Projector Error Codes error?

There are two (2) ways to fix Optoma Projector Error Codes Error:

Advanced Computer User Solution (manual update):

1) Start your computer and log on as an administrator.

2) Click the Start button then select All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and then click System Restore.

3) In the new window, select «Restore my computer to an earlier time» option and then click Next.

4) Select the most recent system restore point from the «On this list, click a restore point» list, and then click Next.

5) Click Next on the confirmation window.

6) Restarts the computer when the restoration is finished.

Novice Computer User Solution (completely automated):

1) Download (Optoma Projector Error Codes) repair utility.

2) Install program and click Scan button.

3) Click the Fix Errors button when scan is completed.

4) Restart your computer.

How does it work?

This tool will scan and diagnose, then repairs, your PC with patent
pending technology that fix your windows operating system registry
basic features: (repairs system freezing and rebooting issues , start-up customization , browser helper object management , program removal management , live updates , windows structure repair.)

You made the switch from TVs to projectors a few years ago, and you have to say, you couldn’t be more pleased! To take your home theater to the next level, you’ve invested in a snazzy Optoma projector and have even invited a few friends over for the ultimate high-res movie night. 

However, when setting it up, you began encountering several strange issues, like the unit’s red light flashing, a “No Source Found” message on-screen, etc. 

You consider yourself a bit of a projector junkie, but can not for the life of you figure out how to troubleshoot these problems. 

Don’t worry. This article has all the troubleshooting solutions to all your Optoma projector issues, from flashing lights to error messages. 

There’s not a moment to lose – let’s get started! 

Quick Navigation

  • Red Light Flashing
  • No Source Found
  • Power Light Blinking Blue
  • Bonus: Security Code Reset
  • FAQ
    • How to Look Up Optoma Projector Manuals?
  • Wrapping Things Up

Red Light Flashing

Power light on Optoma projector blinking red

Seeing a flashing red light pop up on your projector is always an unwelcome surprise. This pesky light usually points to a wide range of both software and hardware-related problems. 

In some cases, the red light may serve as a warning that the unit’s lamp has failed, while other times it may point to an overheating problem. 

Since these issues vary so widely, they each have their own specific solutions to address the root of the problem. 

Read our comprehensive guide Blinking Red Lights on Optoma Projectors: Meaning & Solutions to learn all about why this problem may have arisen and how to fix it. 

There, we discuss the meaning behind a flashing red light on lamp, laser, and LED projectors. So, you’re sure to find a solution that works for you regardless of your Optoma projector type. 

No Source Found

Anyone who’s accustomed to using a projector has probably faced the dreaded “No Source Found” message at least once. You remember connecting your source device to your projector, so what gives? 

The HDMI is not found on Optoma projector with a blue screen

This common projector message warns users that the projector can not detect any input source and is usually a sign to check out your input device and cables. 

While this error message doesn’t point to any critical software/hardware issues, it is frustrating as you won’t be able to display any content until it’s resolved. 

Luckily, there are several basic solutions you can try to amend this problem before attempting more complex solutions. 

When met with a “No Source Found” message, try: 

  • Double-checking the HDMI cable connection between the projector and the source device to ensure both cable ends are securely connected.
  • Using a different HDMI cable to rule out any potential cable-related issues. HDMI cables may stop working after a few years of use.
  • Flipping the HDMI cable back and forth, as sometimes this simple action can reestablish a secure connection.
  • Verifying that you’ve selected the correct input source on your projector by locating the Source button either on the projector’s control panel or remote control. Pressing the button will allow you to cycle through and select the appropriate source, such as HDMI for HDMI connections or VGA for VGA connections.
  • Soft resetting your projector, as sometimes simple glitches can cause this issue. 

If none of these solutions get rid of the “No Source Found” error message, it’s time to try some more advanced issues. Check out our comprehensive guide Your Optoma Projector Keeps Searching for Source for detailed instructions on how to resolve this problem.

Power Light Blinking Blue

The power light on the Optoma projector is showing blue

You connect your Optoma projector to the nearest power outlet and turn it on. However, instead of booting up normally, you’re met with a dark screen coupled with a blue, blinking power light. 

If you’re in this situation, you’re not alone. I’ve experienced this exact problem on my own projector.

A blue, blinking light is usually caused by an issue related to the projector’s light bulb. The bulb’s power supply cable may have become loose within the unit or the bulb cover may be incorrectly connected, preventing it from properly opening. 

As this is a relatively common issue, we’ve already written an article about how to solve it. Check out our article Flashing Blue Light on My Optoma Projector: How To Fix It? for a comprehensive list of solutions. 

Bonus: Security Code Reset

If your little ones’ curiosity prompted you to set a security code that you later forgot, have no fear. You can easily reset this code by factory resetting your projector. This process will erase all the unit’s settings, including its security code. 

Optoma projectors come with a default security code, which you may be asked for when performing certain options. So, if your projector prompts you for a code and you haven’t set one yourself, your best bet is to enter 0000. Otherwise, try entering 1234 which is another common Optopma default code. 

The security code on the Optoma projector

If neither of these codes works for you or you’re dealing with another security code-related problem, check out our article How to Unlock an Optoma Projector? for additional guidance. 


How to Look Up Optoma Projector Manuals?

I can not tell you how many times I’ve opened up a new electronic only to chuck the manual in the recycling the next day. I continued using the device without a care in the world until, one day, I realized that I must see the user manual to figure out a troubleshooting solution. 

Luckily, Optoma understands that many of its users throw away their projector’s original user manuals and have made them available online for easy access. 

To read your Optoma projector manual online, you’ll need to confirm the unit’s model number.

Once you know your projector model, head to the official Optoma website, click the magnifying glass icon, and search for your model. 

From here, go to Manual and select the language you’d like to download the manual in. 

The Optoma projector model GT1080HDR with the website for downloading the projector manual

Wrapping Things Up

Running into software or hardware issues on your Optoma projector is never a pleasant surprise. However, you will be glad to know that most of them only take a few moments to fix. 

To ensure your troubleshooting process goes smoothly, make sure you’ve correctly identified the problem by carefully observing your projector’s LED indicator lights, on-screen messages, and more. 

If your projector is displaying a strange error message or LED blinking pattern that we haven’t covered here, head to your model’s user manual for more information. You can even use the CTRL + F function to quickly search for keywords instead of reading through the entire manual. 

What’s your experience troubleshooting an Optoma projector?

Let us know in the comments below!

Yesenia Achlim

Yesenia Achlim is a technical copywriter and editor with a focus on AV equipment. She aims to break down complicated topics and make technology accessible, no matter your technical expertise. When she’s not teaching you how to replace a projector lamp, you can find her reading and baking.


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    02 Декабрь 13
  • Откуда: Соликамск

Отправлено 21 Апрель 2015 — 14:57

Уважаемые форумчане,уже второй раз обрашаюсь к Вам со своей новой проблемой.В первый раз проблему решил именно с помощью данного форума.Моему проектору уже четвёртый год,работал по 5 часов в день,ну и вот суть проблемы,включаю как то раз проектор,а лампа не загорается.Сзади загорелся индикатор питания красным,а индикатор лампы замигал оранжевым,я сразу к manualu,вообщем это ошибка лампы,там же прочитал если удерживать кнопку на пульте вверх в течении 10 секунд,проектор перейдет в режим ожидания,сделал.После этого отключил от сети,подождал минуту включил заработал.Обрадовался,проработал около 4 часов.На следующий день то-же самое,но уже не запустился,я подумал дело в лампе и заказал новую.Для информации уже третью.Через 26 дней приехала из китая моя BL-FP230I,поставил и ошибка та же самая.Психанул,нажрался в зюзю.На следующий день снял крышку лампового отсека проверил микрик работает или не ,может из за него выдавать ошибку лампы,все в порядке.Рызобрал весь проектор,отсоеденил все шлейфы,снял все мать,блок розжига питания,не трогал только оптику,DMD чип пыли было просто п….ц,чистил за время использования 3 раза,но так глубоко не забирался,кстати на металическом корпусе где находится ламповый модуль стоит термодатчик его проверил в первую очередь работает.Взялся за голову,неужели мать педрит.Помогите люди добрые,кто чем может,очень на Вас надеюсь.HELP. P.S.Кстати менял лампы в модуле ставил новую и старую,ошибка одна и таже.


  • Наверх of the page up there ^


Пользователь офлайн

  • Сообщений:
  • Регистрация:
    02 Декабрь 13
  • Откуда: Соликамск

Отправлено 21 Январь 2016 — 13:45

Всем привет,так и не дождавшись ответа от Вас парни ,проблему решил сам,есть у меня друг который ну очень шарит в технике,но ни разу не видел проектор изнутри.Долго я к нему собирался ну вот дошел,разобрали мы проектор полностью сняли блок розжига лампы и он мне показал проблему в которой все заключалось и это парни обычная пайка в некоторых местах появились кольцевые трещины перевернул плату и всю ее пропаял.Собрав проектор обратно включили и все заработало.Ну вот вроде и все.


  • Наверх of the page up there ^

Optoma HD86 Service Manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

  • Bookmarks

Quick Links

Delta Elec. Inc.






Company Confidential






Related Manuals for Optoma HD86

Summary of Contents for Optoma HD86

  • Page 1
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 DATA PROJECTOR HD86 (HT-8601) SERVICE MANUAL Company Confidential Optoma___________________ Delta________________ 2009/08/18…
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 CONTENTS 1.COMPLIANCE OF SAFE REPAIR………………4 1-1.Caution During Disassembling And Assembling………….4 1-2.Lamp……………………..4 1-3.Lens……………………..4 1-4.Eye Safety Warnings………………….5 2.SPECIFICATIONS…………………….6 2-1.Summary Specifications………………..6 2-2.DMD Specifications………………….7 2-3.Color Wheel……………………7 2-4.Lamp……………………..7 2-5.Terminal connectors………………………………..……………………………………….…7 2-6.Main Unit View………………………………………………………………………………..8 2-7.I/O Ports Illustration about projector……………………..9 2-8.Remote Control Parts………………..10…

  • Page 3
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 10.SERVICE NOTE………………….. 74 10-1.Service Note Description………………. 74 10-2.Power & READY LED Blink Code Message……………75 10-3.Factory Preset Display Modes………………77 11. RS-232 Command……………………………………………………………………………..78 12. EDID…………………………………………………………………………………………..82 13. Spare Part List …………………….90 Update History Description Date Primarily 08/18/2009 Company Confidential…
  • Page 4: Compliance Of Safe Repair

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 1. COMPLIANCE OF SAFE REPAIR Be sure to read this Service Manual before providing services. In the projector, full consideration is taken to ensure safety for fire, electric shock, injury, harmful radiation, and substance. Therefore, observe the notice described in this Service Manual so that safety is kept when providing services.

  • Page 5: 1-4.Eye Safety Warnings

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Eye Safety Warnings 1. Avoid staring directly into the projector’s beam of light at all times. 2. Minimize standing facing into the beam. Keep your back to the beam as much as possible. 3. Ensure that projectors are located out of the line of sight from the screen to the audience;…

  • Page 6: Specifications

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 2. SPECIFICATIONS 2-1. Summary Specifications Model HD86 (HT-8601) Display type TI DMD Type A,LVDS,12° 0.65inches 1080P Resolution 1920X1080 Native (16:9) Native Color Brilliant Color Projection distance 1.5 meters ~ 7 meters Projection screen size 35.1” to 205” (overdrive to 300” screen in diagonal) Digital Zoom x 1.25…

  • Page 7: 2-2.Dmd Specifications

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 2-2.DMD Specifications Unit Min. Max Typical Notes DMD type TI 0.65″ 1080p 12 deg LVDS Type A Number of Columns Pixel 1920 Number of Rows Pixel 1080 ℃ Panel Operating Temp. ℃ Ambient Temp 2-3.Color Wheel Spec.

  • Page 8: 2-6.Main Unit View

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 2-6. Main Unit View Lens Shift Adjustment Cover IR Receiver TiIt-Adjustment Feet Lamp RepIacement Cover Zoom Focus VerticaI and HorizontaI Lens Shift Adjustment ControI and Lens Release Backup Remote Tray LED Indicators 10. Power Button 11. Connection Ports…

  • Page 9: 2-7.I/O Ports Illustration About Projector

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 2-7. I/O Ports Illustration about Projector Composite Video Component Video HDMI 1 HDMI 2 HDMI 3 USB B-Type (Service connector) Backup Remote Tray IR Receiver Power Button 10. LED Indicators 11. 12V OUT B 12. 12V OUT A 13.

  • Page 10: 2-8.Remote Control Parts

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 2-8. Remote Control Parts Remote Control 1. Power On 2. Power Off 3. Pure Engine 4. Brite Mode 5. Advanced 6. Four Directional Select Keys 7. Mode 8. Edge Mask 9. 12V OUT A On/Off 10. Re-Sync 11.

  • Page 11: Backup Remote Control

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Backup Remote Control Power Off Power On Enter Four Directional Select Keys 5. Source 6. Menu Coin Cell Battery Replacement Company Confidential Optoma___________________ Delta________________ 2009/08/18…

  • Page 12: Remote Control Operating Range

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Important: 1. Avoid using the projector with bright fluorescent lighting turned on. Certain high-frequency fluorescent lights can disrupt remote control operation. 2. Be sure nothing obstructs the path between the remote control and the projector. If the path between the remote control and the projector is obstructed, you can bounce the signal off certain reflective surfaces such as projector screens.

  • Page 13: Adjusting Projected Image Position Using Pureshift

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 2-9. Adjusting Projected Image Position Using PureShift The PureShift feature provides a lens shift function that can be used to adjust the position of the projected image either horizontally or vertically within the range detailed below.

  • Page 14: Adjusting The Vertical Image Position

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Adjusting the vertical image position The vertical image height can be adjusted between -40% and 120% of half image height. Note that the maximum vertical image height adjustment can be limited by the horizontal image position.

  • Page 15: Adjusting The Horizontal Image Position

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Adjusting the horizontal image position With the lens in the center position the horizontal image position can be adjusted to the left or right by up to a maximum of 10% of the half image width.

  • Page 16: Pureshift Range Diagram

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 2-10. PureShift Range Diagram Company Confidential Optoma___________________ Delta________________ 2009/08/18…

  • Page 17
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Company Confidential Optoma___________________ Delta________________ 2009/08/18…
  • Page 18: 2-11.Block Diagram

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 2-11. Block Diagram (Main Block) Company Confidential Optoma___________________ Delta________________ 2009/08/18…

  • Page 19
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Block Diagram (Right Block) Company Confidential Optoma___________________ Delta________________ 2009/08/18…
  • Page 20
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Block Diagram (Left Block) Company Confidential Optoma___________________ Delta________________ 2009/08/18…
  • Page 21: Wire Diagram

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 2-12. Wire diagram Company Confidential Optoma___________________ Delta________________ 2009/08/18…

  • Page 22
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Company Confidential Optoma___________________ Delta________________ 2009/08/18…
  • Page 23: Trouble Shooting

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 3. TROUBLE SHOOTING By checking operations during normal usage time, it is possible to carry out judgments on malfunction to a certain extent. Carry out the following checks before disassembling the equipment. Connect the power cord <…

  • Page 24
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Turn the power ON • Power Supply Unit malfunction • Check Power BD CN201 to Format CN900 connection <Normal operation Check > • Check Format P1 to MB CN550 connection Power: Flashing Blue • Check MB CN111 to IO BD P8 connection •…
  • Page 25
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Image Display • Main Board Ass’y malfunction Projector logo • Format BD malfunction screen display • DMD Set malfunction • Remote controller set malfunction, Low battery, and outside operation rang • Main Board Ass’y malfunction Press Remote •…
  • Page 26
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Check the projection Screen Check using all black/white screens with PC connection • Black lines on screen (horizontal and vertical) → DMD Set malfunction • Missing pixels (Missing white: 1 or more, missing black: 5 or more, or…
  • Page 27: Common Problems And Solutions

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Common problems and solutions These guidelines provide tips to deal with problems you may encounter while using the projector. If the problem remains unsolved, contact your dealer for assistance. Often after time spent troubleshooting, the problem is traced to something as simple as a loose connection.

  • Page 28: Lamp Problems

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Problem: The image is streaked 1. Set the Frequency and Phase settings on the Computer menu of the OSD to the default settings. 2. To ensure the problem is not caused by a connected PC’s video card, connect to another computer.

  • Page 29: Remote Control Problems

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Remote Control Problems Problem: The projector does not respond to the remote control 1. Direct the remote control towards remote sensor on the projector. 2. Ensure the path between remote and sensor is not obstructed. 3. Turn off any fluorescent lights in the room.

  • Page 30: Disassembly And Assembly

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 4. DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY Review and Remove the Lens Look the full set projector. Look at the IO side. Push the button and anti-clockwise. Remove the Lens. Look the Lens. Review the Top cover of full unit.

  • Page 31
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Remove the Lamp Cover and Lamp Module Remove the screws (M4x19.7). Remove the Lamp cover. Loose two other screws. Loose two other screws. Remove the Lamp module. Look the Lamp #1. Company Confidential Optoma___________________ Delta________________ 2009/08/18…
  • Page 32
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Remove the Lamp Module and Filter Look the Lamp #2. Look the Lamp #3. Look the Lamp #4. Remove Lamp filter. Look the Lamp filter. Follow direction and Remove Lamp filter. Company Confidential Optoma___________________ Delta________________ 2009/08/18…
  • Page 33
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Remove the Top Cover Remove these seven long screws. Look these seven screws (M4x105). Take off the Top case. Review the top area w/o top case. Careful area of this EMI copper foil and Careful area of this EMI copper foil and…
  • Page 34
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Remove the Top Cover and Keypad Board Remove these 12 screws (M3x8). Careful area of this EMI copper foil and check this right positions when you assembled. Careful the grounding wire when you Careful the chassis when you assembled assembled.
  • Page 35
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Remove the Chassis and Main Board Look the main chassis. Review the top area w/o main chassis. CN506 IRIS Review these 2 screws (M3x8). Careful the connector location when you assembled again. CN300 Thermister CN500 Thermal…
  • Page 36
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Main Board Review CN303 F-IR CN501 Fan 1 Careful these connectors location when you assembled again. Main Board Review Company Confidential Optoma___________________ Delta________________ 2009/08/18…
  • Page 37
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Remove the White Tube Remove the white long tube #1. Remove the white long tube #2. Remove the white long tube #3. Remove the white long tube #4. Review the 6 Remove the white long tube #5.
  • Page 38
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Remove the Format Board Remove these 4+2 screws. Look at the IO side. Careful the grounding wire when you Look the Format board chassis assembled. Review the Format board. Review these 4+2 screws(M3x8)&(HEX 6×12). Company Confidential…
  • Page 39
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Remove the Format Board and Front Case P6 DB P9 Ballast P12 FAN 2 P8 C/W P5 Index Careful the connector location when you Careful these connectors location when assembled again. you assembled again. Remove these 2 screws.
  • Page 40
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Remove the Front IR board and IO board Review these 4+2 screws(M2x5)&(M3x8). Remove the screw (M3x8). Look the Front IR board. Remove these 3 screws (M3x8). Remove the screw (M3x8). Remove the screw (M3x8). Company Confidential…
  • Page 41
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Remove the IO Board & Case Review these 5 screws (M3x8). Release the IO case. Remove the screw. Review the screw (M4x4). Review these 4 screws. Review these 6 screws. Company Confidential Optoma___________________ Delta________________ 2009/08/18…
  • Page 42
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Remove the IO Board and Fan Review these 4+6 screws(#4-40)&(M3x8). Look the IO Board. Remove the 2 screws (M3x8). Look the Fan 1. Remove the screw (M3x8). Look the Fan-Chassis. Company Confidential Optoma___________________ Delta________________ 2009/08/18…
  • Page 43
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Remove the DB Review the optical engine. Remove the screw (M3x8). Look the Fan-Shell. Review the optical engine w/o Fan-Shell. Remove the screw (M3x8). Remove the screw (M3x8). Company Confidential Optoma___________________ Delta________________ 2009/08/18…
  • Page 44
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Remove the DB and Optical Engine Look the DB. Look the bottom case with optical engine. Remove the screw (M3x8). Remove the screw (M3x8). Remove the screw (M3x8). Look the optical engine #1. Company Confidential Optoma___________________…
  • Page 45
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Remove the Optical engine and Thermostat & C/W Look the optical engine #2. Look the optical engine #3. Remove these 2 screws (M3x8). Remove the screw (M3x8). Look the DMD chassis. Remove the screw (M3x8). Company Confidential…
  • Page 46
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Remove the Thermostat & C/W Look the Thermostat. Remove these 3 screws (M3x8). Look C/W chassis. Remove these 4 screws (M3x8). Remove these 3 screws (M2x5.3). Look at the C/W. Company Confidential Optoma___________________ Delta________________ 2009/08/18…
  • Page 47
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Remove the Index Board and IRIS Board Remove the screw (M3x8). Look the Index Board. Remove these 3 screws (M2x4). Look the Optical Ring. Remove these 2 screws (T2x5). Look the IRIS Board. Company Confidential Optoma___________________…
  • Page 48
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Remove the DMD Chip Remove the screw (M3x6). Review the DMD Heat Sink. Remove these 4 screws (M3x6). Look the DMD Chip. Look the bottom case w/o optical engine. Remove the screw (M3x8). Company Confidential Optoma___________________…
  • Page 49
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Remove the Ballast and Fan Remove the screw (M3x8). Remove the screw (M3x8). Remove the screw (M3x8). Remove these 4 screws (M3x8). Look the Ballast Board. Look the Fan 2 Company Confidential Optoma___________________ Delta________________ 2009/08/18…
  • Page 50
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Removing the Fan and Power Board Take out off 4 black nuts. Look the Fan 2 Remove these 4 screws (M3x8). Look the Power Board. Look the bottom case w/o Power Board. Remove the screw (M3x8).
  • Page 51
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Remove Thermal Board and Lamp Module Chassis Look the Thermal Board. Look the Lamp Module Chassis and Fan3. Remove these 2 screws (M3x8). Remove the screw (M3x8). Remove the screw (M3x8). Remove the screw (M3x8). Company Confidential…
  • Page 52
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Remove Lamp Module Chassis and Fan 3 Remove the Lamp Module Chassis Look the Lamp Module Chassis and Fan3. Take out off 4 black nuts. Look the Fan 3 Remove the screw (M3x8). Remove the Interlock switch.
  • Page 53
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Remove the ADJ Foot and Bottom Chassis Remove the screw (M3x8). Remove the screw (M3x8). Look the ADJ Foot. Remove these 4 screws (M3x8). Remove these 6 screws (M3x8). Review the Bottom Case Chassis. Company Confidential…
  • Page 54
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Review the Bottom Case Look the Bottom Case. Company Confidential Optoma___________________ Delta________________ 2009/08/18…
  • Page 55
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Appendix. Screw torque Torque (Hard Material) Torque (Soft Material) ITEM SPEC MIN (Kg) MAX (Kg) MIN (Kg) MAX (Kg) M2.0 ~ M2.4 1.30 1.60 1.10 1.30 M2.5 ~ M2.9 2.80 3.30 2.10 2.50 M3.0 ~ M3.9 4.30…
  • Page 56: Flash Upgrade Flow

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 5. Flash Upgrade Flow 5-1. Projector RS-232 Drivers Installation Guide The document is to describe a Windows application Pixelworks software “FlashUpgrader” for projector firmware. Its main purpose is to provide a detailed procedure of upgrading the application software of a DLP projector.

  • Page 57: 5-3.Start-Up Page

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 5-3. Start-up page While executed, a “FlashUpgrader” window shall appear as the following picture. Company Confidential Optoma___________________ Delta________________ 2009/08/18…

  • Page 58: 5-4.Powering On/Off The Projector

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 5-4. Powering On/Off the Projector Powering On the Projector 1. Remove the lens cap. 2. Securely connect the power cord and signal cable. When connected, the power led will turn red. 3. Turn on the lamp by pressing “POW-R” button on the rear of the projector or “Power On”…

  • Page 59: Powering Off The Projector

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Powering Off the Projector Press the “Power Off” button on the remote control or “POW-R” button on the rear of the projector two times with one second interval in between to turn off the projector. First push of button will display the following message on the screen.

  • Page 60: 5-5.Setup / Source Lock — High Altitude — Auto Power Off

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 5-5. SETUP / Source Lock — High Altitude — Auto Power Off Press the Menu button to open the OSD menu. Press to move to the SETUP menu. Press to move up and down and select Function.

  • Page 61: 5-6.Setup / Signal

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 5-6. SETUP / Signal Press the Menu button to open the OSD menu. Press to move to the SETUP menu. Press to move up and down and select Signal. And then press Enter key to confirm the signal pages as below.

  • Page 62
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 The function description as below, RGB/HDTV Source Frequency: Change the display data frequency to match the frequency of your computer’s graphic card. When you experience a vertical flickering bar, use this function to make an adjustment.
  • Page 63: Calibration

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 6. Calibration Step of into Service Mode Step 1 : To turn on the projector, press the Remote controller to disappear the OSD, then press “Power” key => “Left” key => “Right” key => “Down” key => “Up” key.

  • Page 64
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 6-1. Calibrate Analog RGB (1024 x 768 @ 60Hz): A. Function Description: ADC Calibration — VGA :Calibrating Analog RGB signal B. Calibrate Analog RGB (1024 x 768 @ 60Hz): Step 1: Press “Color Setting” to do DA Calibration VGA In this menu input pattern with 16-grays scalar for calibration the VGA Source.
  • Page 65: Calibrate Analog Ypbpr

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 6-2. Calibrate Analog YpbPr: A. Function Description: ADC Calibration — Component : Calibration YPbPr signal B. Calibrate YPbPr (480p @60Hz): Step 1: Press “Color Setting” to do DA Calibration YPbPr In this menu input pattern with 75% SMPTE pattern for calibration Component.

  • Page 66
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 6-3. Color Wheel Index, DMD Contrast and Brightness Adjustment @ RGB source A. Switch Timing to RGB (1024 x 768 @ 60Hz) B. Then go into Service Mode. In the Service Mode. C. Select “CW Index”.
  • Page 67: Installing Or Removing The Optional Lens

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 7. Installing or Removing the Optional Lens Notice: Do not shake or pIace excessive pressure on the projector or the Iens components as the projector and Iens components contain precision parts. When shipping the projector with the optionaI Iens, remove the optionaI Iens before shipping the projector.

  • Page 68: Installing The New Lens

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Pull out the existing Iens sIowIy. Installing the New Lens 1. Align the notches and corrective position the electrical contact pad as shown in the picture. 2. Rotate the lens cIockwise untiI you feeI it cIick into pIace.

  • Page 69: Projection Lamp

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 8. Projection Lamp 8-1. Projection Lamp The projection lamp should be replaced when it burns out. It should only be replaced with a certified replacement part, which you can order from your local dealer. Important: 1. The lamp contains a certain amount of mercury and should be disposed according to local ordinance regulations.

  • Page 70
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Lamp Replacing Procedure: Switch off the power to the projector by pressing the Power button. Allow the projector to cool down at least 30 minutes.(1) Disconnect the power cord. Unlock the lamp cover. (2) Pull up and remove the cover. (3) Use a screwdriver to remove the screws from the lamp module.
  • Page 71: Ceiling Installation

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 8-2. Ceiling Installation To prevent damage to your projector please use the recommended mounting package for installation. If you intend to use a third party ceiling mount, ensure that the screws meet the following specifications: 1.Screw Type: M4 2.Maximum screw length: 11 mm…

  • Page 72: Lamp Setting

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 8-3. Lamp Setting Turn on the projector, press the Remote controller to disappear the OSD, then press “SYSTEM” item into “SYSTEM – LAMP SETTINGS” page. Lamp Hour Display the cumulative lamp operating time. Lamp Reminder Choose this function to show or to hide the warning message when the changing lamp message is displayed.

  • Page 73: Cleaning

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 9. Cleaning 9-1. Cleaning the Lens You can purchase optic lens cleaner from most camera stores. Refer to the following to clean the projector lens. Apply a little optic lens cleaner to a clean soft cloth.

  • Page 74: Service Note

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 10. SERVICE NOTE 10-1. Service Note Description Carry out cleaning of the main unit and interior when replacing the lamp or making inspections. The glass cleaner used with the following parts is as follows. 1) Cleaning the Projection Lens *When dust and fingerprints, etc.

  • Page 75: 10-2.Power & Ready Led Blink Code Message

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 10-2. Power & READY LED Blink Code Message Power KEY /LED on IO board Layout Keypad/LED Definition Name Usage POWER LED Display the power on/off sequence status TEMP LED Display the thermal status LAMP LED Display the lamp status…

  • Page 76
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 LED Error Messages Company Confidential Optoma___________________ Delta________________ 2009/08/18…
  • Page 77: 10-3.Factory Preset Display Modes

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 10-3. Factory Preset Display Modes Compatibility Modes Company Confidential Optoma___________________ Delta________________ 2009/08/18…

  • Page 78: Rs-232 Command

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 11. RS-232 Command HD86 RS232 Command Table. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Baud Rate : 9600 Data Bits: 8 Parity: None Stop Bits: 1 Flow Control : None UART16550 FIFO: Disable Projector Return (Pass): P Projector Return (Fail): F XX=01-99, projector’s ID, XX=00 is for all projectors…

  • Page 79
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 ~XX212 n R/G/B/C/Y/M (a=30/31/32/33/34/35/36) ~XX213 n X Offset n= -50 (a=2D 35 30) — +50 (a=35 30) ~XX214 n Y Offset n= -50 (a=2D 35 30) — +50 (a=35 30) ~XX24 n 7E 30 30 32 34 20 a 0D…
  • Page 80
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 ~XX39 5 7E 30 30 33 39 20 35 0D ~XX39 9 7E 30 30 33 39 20 39 0D S-Video ~XX39 10 7E 30 30 33 39 20 31 30 0D Video ~XX100 1 7E 30 30 31 30 30 20 31 0D Source Lock…
  • Page 81
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 RS232 Connect Diagram 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 RS232 CABLE Company Confidential Optoma___________________ Delta________________ 2009/08/18…
  • Page 82: Edid

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 12. EDID a. Analog v1.2 128 BYTES OF EDID CODE (08-09) ID Manufacturer Name ________________ = OTM (11-10) Product ID Code _____________________ = 0056(Hex), 86(Dec) (12-15) Last 5 Digits of Serial Number ______ = 16843009(Dec), 01010101(Hex)

  • Page 83
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 (25-34) CHROMA INFO : RedX : 0.680 RedY : 0.313 GreenX : 0.295 GreenY : 0.678 BlueX : 0.148 BlueY : 0.056 WhiteX : 0.288 WhiteY : 0.309 (35) ESTABLISHED TIMING I : 720 X 400 @ 70Hz (IBM,VGA)
  • Page 84
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 1920 X 1200 @ 60Hz ( 54- 71) Detailed Timing / Descriptor Block 1 : 1280 X 768 : Pixel Clock : 79 MHz Horizontal Image Size : 0 mm Vertical Image Size : 0 mm…
  • Page 85
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 b. Digital v1.3 Bytes 0-127 [00H-7FH] (08H-09H) ID Manufacturer Name _________________________ = OTM (0AH-0BH) Product ID Code ______________________________ = 0056 (0CH-0FH) Last 5 Digits of Serial Number _______________ = UNUSE (10H) Week of Manufacture __________________________ = 01…
  • Page 86
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 800 x 600 @ 56Hz (VESA) 800 x 600 @ 60Hz (VESA) (24H) ESTABLISHED TIMING II: 800 x 600 @ 72Hz (VESA) 800 x 600 @ 75Hz (VESA) 832 x 624 @ 75Hz (Apple,Mac II) 1024 x 768 @ 87Hz(Interlaced 8514a, IBM)
  • Page 87
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 (48H-59H) Detailed Timing / Descriptor Block 2: Monitor Serial Number: (5AH-6BH) Detailed Timing / Descriptor Block 3: Monitor Range Limits: Min Vertical Freq — 50 Hz Max Vertical Freq — 85 Hz Min Horiz. Freq — 30 kHz Max Horiz.
  • Page 88
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 (09H) 1280 x 720 P 59.94/60Hz 16:9 (0AH) 1920 x 1080 I 59.94/60Hz 16:9 (0BH) 1280 x 720 P 50Hz 16:9 (0CH) 1920 x 1080 I 50Hz 16:9 (0DH) 1920 x 1080 P 59.94/60Hz 16:9 Native Mode (0EH) 720(1440) x 480 I 59.94/60Hz 4:3…
  • Page 89
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 (3BH — 4DH) Detailed Timing Descriptions: 1280×720 Pixel Clock: 74.25 MHz Horizontal Image Size: 0 mm Vertical Image Size: 0 mm Refreshed Mode: Non-Interlaced Normal Display — No Stereo Horizontal: Active Count: 1280 pixels Blanking Count: 370 pixels…
  • Page 90: Spare Part List

    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 13. HD86 (HT-8601) Spare part list HD86(HT-8601) Spare parts list TYPE DESCRIPTION Q’ty Cover assy CASE TOP ASSY HT8601 OPTOMA 3398044401 Cover assy CASE BOTTOM ASSY HT8601 OPTOMA 3398044500 Cover assy CASE FRONT ASSY HT8601 OPTOMA…

  • Page 91
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 LAMP 23 LAMP HOUSING ASSY 280W HT-8601 5811116085-SOT Optical 24 OPTICAL ENGINE ASSY HT-8601 1080P 5811116084-S 25 CARTON CRGD PAPER 647*552*384 (USA TW) 3513674600 Carton 26 CARTON CRGD PAPER 552*443*378 (UK) 3513686900 Switch 27 SWITCH ASSY CASE OPEN…
  • Page 92
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Company Confidential Optoma___________________ Delta________________ 2009/08/18…
  • Page 93
    Delta Elec. Inc. HD86 Company Confidential Optoma___________________ Delta________________ 2009/08/18…

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