Present simple исправить ошибки упражнения


Английский язык

Другие методич. материалыPresent Simple: исправить ошибки в предложениях.

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Файл содержит упражнения на исправление ошибок с использованием временых форм глагола, правописание окнчания 3 лица единственного числа в Present Simple, перевод предложений с использованием модальных глаголов.

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«тренажер Correcting mistakes»

 Correcting mistakes. Исправьте ошибки.

1. I will became a fames writers.
2. I buy this car 2 day ago.
3. He begun this work yesterday.
4. She will begins this work tommorow.
5. I bought this (попугай)… tomorrow.
6. I breaks my pen yesterday.

1) Did you went to shool?
2) I realy like this filme.
3) Cold! I’ll come back to home.
4) These books are our.
5) You shouldn’t to go to bad too late.
6) I going to read this magazine.
7) The boys stronger then the girls.
8) Have you already done your home task?
9) He didn’t can to swim when a child.
10) Many years ago I didn’t used to play sports.
11) I came to the cafe for to buy a cup of coffee.
12) Unfortunately, I haven’t much freands.
13) He shall do it later on.
14) It the largest store in our town.
15) I good at singing.
16) If you’ll go there I’ll go with you.

1. You is a student.
2. There are many battarys.
3. He is at the school?
4. Let’s to go to home.
5. These womans are Germany.
6. They did them home task yesterday.
7. He like his job.
8. Like you this ice-cream?
9. He not watch this film every day.
10. She have an aplles.
11. We haven’t some coffe.
12. You hate swim in river.
13. There are a flower in the vase.
14. I usualy get up early.
15. There is the table in front the window.
16. You siting at the table.

1. I don’t my home work every day.
2. He don’t likes to get up early in the morning.
3. Does you borrow books in the library?
4. I usualy run on Fridays.
5. He often is tired after work.
6. He is seriously ill, that’s why he is in the hospital.
7. She pray every evening.
8. Is you happy?
9. He read this nespapar yesterday.
10. They hate read magazines.

 Write the 3rd person singular of the verbs. Напишите глаголы в 3 лице, ед. числе.

Dance, finish, study, open, mix, pray, put, miss, like, dry, do, catch, wash, say, cry, copy, watch, play, pass, begin.

 Modal Verbs. Модальные глаголы.

1. Я умею плавать очень хорошо.
2. Он умеет говорить по-английски? Да, он умеет говорить по-английски очень хорошо.
3. Можно войти? – Да, ты можешь войти.
4. Она умеет играть в теннис? Нет, она не умеет играть в теннис.
5. Вам следует говорить по-английски.
6. Здесь можно курить? – Нет, нельзя.
7. Они должны делать упражнение 11 дома.
8. Вы можете разглядеть цветы на этой картинке? – Нет.
9. Мы не должны приходить домой поздно.
10. Можно я пойду домой? – Да, ты можешь идти домой.
11. Нам нужна ваша помощь.
12. Не можете ли вы помочь мне? – Конечно, могу.
13. Мне читать или переводить текст?
14. Кто из вас может ответить на этот вопрос?
15. Вам не следует делать это в будущем.

 The sequence of Tenses. Согласование времён.

1. Я знал, что она работает на фабрике.
2. Он сказал, что много путешествует.
3. Мы все знали, что она изучала французский в школе.
4. Она сказала, что сдает экзамен в июне.
5. Мы не знали, где она жила раньше.
6. Он спросил нас, не знаем ли мы его адрес.
7. Он сказал мне, что его отец учитель.
8. Он сказал мне, что его отец был (раньше) учителем.
9. Джэк думал, что я пою итальянскую песню.
10. Он сказал мне, что поедет летом на юг.
11. Сестра написала мне, что она закончила школу.
12. Он сказал мне, что купил книгу в Лондоне.
13. Он сказал, что был в театре два дня назад.
14. Она сказала, что живет в Москве.
15. Он сказал, что вернется сюда завтра.

Упражнения на отработку Present Simple.

1. Open the brackets.

  1. She ________(love) English.
  2. They ________( live) in Murmansk.
  3. Mary _______(like) fruit and vegetables.
  4. A clown ______(work) at a circus.
  5. I always ______(do) my homework.
  6. He ________(go) to the cinema twice a week.

2. Open the brackets.

  1. She ______    (play/ not) football.
  2. I _______ (work/not) at school.
  3. They _______( have/not) breakfast.
  4. Larry ____________(wake up/not) late.
  5. A postman__________( serve/not) people.
  6. She ________( like/not) Chinese food.

3. Open the brackets.

  1. _____ they_____(like) cats?
  2. ______she______( wear) a uniform at school?
  3. ______ you_____( read) books?
  4. ______ your mother_____(wash) the dishes?
  5. _______he_____(play) golf?

            6.  ____ you_____(clean) your room?

4. Fill in the gaps.

  1. They play- she______
  2. I watch-he ______
  3. We dance- he ________
  4. I eat- it ______
  5. They miss- he ________
  6. I study- she________
  7. We finish-he _______
  8. They fly- it ________

5.  Correct the mistake.

1. They wants to buy a new car.


2. She travel every summer.


3. Do he like “Shrek”?


4.They doesn’t play chess.


5. Hippos lives in Africa.


6. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Он любит футбол.


2. Она пьет чай каждый день.


3. Мы ходим в кинотеатр два раза в неделю.


4. Тебе нравится «Шрек»?


5. Она не работает в школе.


6. Клоун работает в цирке.


Отметьте верные варианты (Tick the correct options)

We use Present Simple for:

repeated actions;
actions in the past;
general truths.

In negative sentences with Present Simple we use:


In Present Simple with he / she / it verbs have the ending:

-s / -es

The verb to cry after he / she / it has the following form:


We use don’t in negative sentences after:

he / she;
I / we;
you / they.

The verb to be in Present Simple has these forms:


Прослушайте аудио и впишите правильную форму глагола из списка с окончанием -s или -es (Listen to the audio and type the correct verb from the list with -s / -es ending)

Example. Ella plays tennis on Sundays.

  1. She always buys products at the market.

  2. My sister studies economics at the university.

  3. John usually relaxes in the garden.

  4. She misses her friends so much.

  5. Her baby never cries.

  6. Our mother dances really well.

  7. My brother enjoys parties.

  8. It changes my life.



tennis on Sundays.

  1. She always


    products at the market. 

  2. My sister


    economics at the university. 

  3. John usually


    in the garden.

  4. She


    her friends so much. 

  5. Her baby never


  6. Our mother


    really well.

  7. My brother



  8. It


    my life.

Изучите таблицу и заполните пропуски
(Look at the table and complete the sentences)

Paul V fast food. → Paul

fast food.

Ella X fast food. → Paul

fast food.

  1. Ella


    the piano.

  2. Ella and Paul



  3. Ella

    doesn’t have
    does not have

    a lot of friends.

  4. Ella



  5. Paul


    a lot of friends.

  6. Ella


    from the USA.

  7. Paul and Ella

    don’t speak
    do not speak


  8. Paul



Исправьте ошибку в каждом предложении
Correct a mistake in each sentence

  1. Oliver


    in an office.

  2. My baby


    every day.

  3. They


    the guitar very well.

  4. Tom

    doesn’t work
    does not work

    at school. He works at university.

  5. We

    don’t live
    do not live

    in the city centre.

  6. David

    doesn’t do homework
    does not do homework


Выберите правильные варианты ответа
Choose the correct options

Hi! My name




Rachel. I really


am like


John because he




a true friend. He always


‘s help


when I

‘m have



problems. He


is lives


not far from me, so we


are see


each other very often. He

don’t like

doesn’t like

don’t likes

parties. So, we usually




to the cinema.



am love


travelling to different countries. I want to go to Japan, but I

don’t speaking

‘m not speak

don’t speak

Japanese. John


is have


a friend who knows this language and she can help me with it. What about you?

Does you have

Are you have

Do you have

a good friend?

Подберите правильное окончание для каждого глагола в соответствии с правилом
Decide which ending each verb has according to the spelling rule

The rule





Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму
Put the given verbs in the correct forms

  1. Mike


    in the office from Monday to Friday.

  2. He


    to France on holiday every summer.

  3. Clara


    at university.

  4. My granny


    TV at home every day.

  5. Mary often


    swimming in the ocean.

  6. Little baby Angel


    a lot.

  7. Mr Julian


    far from town.

Заполните пропуски правильными формами предложенных глаголов
Complete the text with the correct forms of the given verbs



an engineer. He is 23. He


at IBM. Every morning he


a car to work. He starts working at half past nine and


at a quarter to seven. He usually


home at nine o’clock in the evening. Sometimes he


dinner with his cousin Sam at the small local restaurant «The Pearl». Sam


medicine at university. After dinner, Sam


at Tom’s place and they watch TV together. At the weekend Tom


golf with his friends or goes to the cinema.

Прочитайте текст и составьте вопросы о жизни Тома
Read the text and make questions about Tom’s life

Tom is an engineer. He is 23. He works at IBM. Every morning he drives a car to work. He starts working at half past nine and finishes at a quarter to seven. He usually comes home at nine o’clock in the evening. Sometimes he has dinner with his cousin Sam at the small local restaurant «The Pearl». Sam studies medicine at university. After dinner, Sam stays at Tom’s place and they watch TV together. At the weekend Tom plays golf with his friends or goes to the cinema.


? — He is 23.


? — He is an engineer.


? — He works at IBM.


? — Yes, he does.


? — Sam studies medicine.


? — Yes, they do.

Выберите правильные формы, чтобы текст получился грамматически корректным
Choose the right forms to make a grammatically correct text

Canada is a cold country with abundant snowfalls and blizzards. Here in Quebec, you can find The Ice Hotel. People


is using


does use

are use

isn’t use

have use

snow and ice to build it. Tourists visit it from December to April. There is something to see.
The hotel


is having


does have

isn’t had



51 rooms. All of them look like igloos. The sculptures and the furniture are made of ice but it’s not cold inside. The hotel administrator





does give


hasn’t give

you special bags to sleep in. They are very soft and comfy. Staying here isn’t very expensive. One night will cost you just $130. People come here to see the icy theater and church. Some of them

likes eating

liked eating

like eating

like ate

liked eat

liking eating

to like eating

food in icy restaurants. The hotel is situated in the suburbs of Quebec City. So every morning workers







to drive

here or use public transport to get to the hotel.

Заполните пропуски в предложениях
Complete the sentences

  1. Sarah

    never goes

    alone at night.

  2. Tom

    usually sleeps

    until midday.

  3. I

    sometimes don’t like

    hot weather.

  4. She

    usually forgets

    to wash the dishes.

  5. My brother

    always talks

    at night.

  6. I

    often lock

    the door before going to the office.

Прослушайте аудио и разделите слова на группы
Listen and divide the words into the groups

Reading Rules

We read the -s/-es ending as:

  • /s/ after /f/, /k/, /p/, /t/: laughs /lɑːfs/, makes /meɪks/, stops /stɒps/, hates /heɪts/;
  • /ɪz/ after /s/, /z/, /ʃ/, /ʧ/, /ʤ/: kisses /ˈkɪsɪz/, rises /ˈraɪzɪz/, brushes /ˈbrʌʃɪz/, catches /ˈkæʧɪz/, merges /ˈmɜːʤɪz/;
  • /z/ after other consonant sounds and after vowel sounds: smiles /smaɪlz/, loves /lʌvz/, swims /swɪmz/, goes /gəʊz/, flies /flaɪz/.


Drinks /s/

Smiles /z/

Kisses /ɪz/


Brings, brushes, does, eats, fixes, flies, goes, hates, kicks, likes, lives, loses, passes, plays, sleeps, takes, washes, watches.

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски правильными формами предложенных слов
Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the given words

My weekends

are not

very active. I get very tired during the week. And I just need to relax at the weekends. So I

do not do
don’t do

anything tiring. I also

don’t get up
do not get up

early. I sleep long, and my alarm clock


at 12 o’clock in the morning to wake me up. I drink a cup of coffee and eat a sandwich. In the afternoon, I listen to music or play computer


. In the evening, I can chat with friends online. I can also watch films but only online because there


no TV.

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски правильными грамматическими формами
Read the text and fill it with correct grammar forms

My name is Dave, and I live in a small city Cádiz in the south of Spain. Cádiz is a famous tourist attraction on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. There are a lot of great things about living here as well as some bad ones.

All my family

is living


in Cádiz. We have got a big house not far from the ocean. Every morning before school, I go to the nearest beach and watch the waves. The water in the ocean is usually very cold, so we

don’t go

isn’t going

swimming very often. Still, it’s my favourite place where I spend time.

Cádiz is not a huge city, and it’s far away from other places like Madrid and Barcelona. During the year, it’s a great quiet place where life is always the same. Yet, the main problem with living here is the heat. In summer the temperature


is going

up to 47 degrees Celsius. There are not many trees in the city, so you can’t go outside during the day.

Another thing is lots of tourists. Thousands of people from all over Spain

are coming


to visit the old city and its Atlantic coast each year, and we are ok with that. Even if it means no more peace and quiet on the beaches. However, this year tourists are coming from all over the world. Restaurants and hotels


are working

24 hours a day. Local people are staying in traffic jams for many hours because most of the tourists are parking their cars in the city centre to get to the beach. I hope that when the summer is over, everything will get back to normal.

I know that every place

is having


its bad sides. Cádiz is my home, and I love it no matter what.

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски правильными грамматическими формами
Read the text and fill it with the correct grammar forms

Skateboarding is an action sport and a hobby for thousands of people all over the world. Teenagers particularly


is liking


is like

it for being outside and having lots of fun.

You don’t have to be a sportsman to take up this hobby. A wooden board with four plastic wheels, safety pads and a helmet — that’s all you need


to start


is starting

riding. There are many advantages of skateboarding. It’s so easy to take a skateboard with you to the park, or when you go travelling. You can carry it in your backpack, as it’s not very heavy. Some people




is using

skateboards not only as a nice free time activity, but as a way of transportation. Isn’t it good to get to school by skating rather than taking a bus?

However, to ride a skateboard, you need to be brave and not afraid of falling. Having a good sense of balance is important for keeping you safe. But be ready to get a few scratches and bruises.

As exciting as skateboarding may be for many people, another active sport



to become

is becoming

popular. A lot of teenagers and adults


are starting



to ride scooters these days. It’s much easier to control and it’s safer. Also, you can choose an electric scooter, which is faster than any skateboard. Another thing is that a scooter is bigger and heavier, and it’s not easy to carry it around with you. 

Both sports have advantages and disadvantages, but the choice is up to you. After all, skateboarding is not just a hobby or sport, it’s a culture that brings together thousands of people from all over the world.

Еще упражнения по английскому языку




12 апреля 2023

Учусь в Skyeng уже полгода, в последнее время стала довольно быстро расправляться с домашками, так что раздел с бесплатными заданиями очень помогает не скучать между уроками. Занимаюсь английским практически каждый день.



01 мая 2023

Спасибо за бесплатные задания. Кажется, у меня наконец получилось разобраться, в чем разница между прошедшими временами. Мучился с этой темой еще со школы.



15 апреля 2023

Удобно, что можно делать упражнения с телефона, помогает скоротать время в дороге, да еще и с пользой.

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  • Вы хотите начать говорить по-английски

  • Просто хотите вспомнить грамматику

  • Или учили другой язык в школе или университете

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  • Это бесплатные упражнения?

    Да, все упражнения в этом разделе бесплатны.

  • Как выполнять упражнения?

    В этом разделе мы собрали интерактивные задания с разными механиками выполнения, поэтому ориентируйтесь на инструкции, которые приведены в начале каждого упражнения.

  • Сколько времени нужно уделять упражнениям, чтобы получить результат?

    Мы рекомендуем заниматься английским хотя бы по 15–20 минут каждый день, выполнять задания на разные навыки и обязательно практиковаться с преподавателем или англоязычными друзьями — и тогда результат не заставит себя ждать.

  • Я изучаю английский совсем недавно. Подойдут ли мне упражнения?

    Да, в этом разделе вы найдете задания для всех уровней английского языка, от начинающего до продвинутого.

  • Как мне узнать свой уровень английского?

    Вы можете узнать свой уровень английского за 15 минут, пройдя наш интерактивный тест. В конце вас ждут приятные подарки.

Займемся отработкой английского времени Present Simple (Present Indefinite). Но прежде, предлагаю вам обратить внимание на эту статью, где доступно описаны случаи употребления Present Simple. Практически все упражнения даются с ответами.

Present Simple / Indefinite Exercises.

Упражнение 1. Напишите форму 3-го лица ед. числа следующих глаголов

do – does

go –  __________

read – reads

collect –  __________

hate –  __________

play –  __________

study – studies

tidy –  __________

wash – washes

watch –  __________

brush –  __________

teach –  __________

 Упражнение 2. Put the verbs in the Present Simple form.

  1. One fly_____________ (to fly) , two flies _____________ (to fly).
  2. One girl _____________ (to cry), four girls _____________ (to cry).
  3. When a wolf _____________ (to see) the moon, it _____________ (to begin) to howl (выть).
  4. Wolves and sheep _____________ (to be) never friends.
  5. Our hens _____________ (to lay [откладывать]) a lot of eggs.
  6. Boys _____________ (to fight) and_____________ (to shout).
  7. That boy _____________ (to try) to catch some balls.
  8. These girls _____________ (to try) to run away from an angry turkey.
  9. If one goose _____________ (to have) one tooth, how many teeth _____________ (to have) thirteen geese?

Упражнение 3. Вставьте глаголы из скобок в форме Present Simple. Yan is at a summer camp in Poland. Write what he usually does in the camp. Put the verbs in bracket in the correct form.

He ________ (get) up at 7. He ________ (have) his English lesson every day. Не ________   (speak) English to his friends. He   ________  (play) board games in the afternoon. Sometimes he  ________  (swim) in the lake. He often  ________ (go) hiking. He sometimes  ________ (sit) by the camp fire in the evenings. He never  ________ (go) on a trip without his friends.

Упражнение 4. Вставьте глаголы в Present Simple. Put the verbs in the present form.

go, like, love,  watch,  read,  like, walk,  come,  do,  watch 

My name’s Pavel. In the evening I usually (1) ___________ my homework. Then I (2) ___________  TV or video. I (3) ___________  action films! They are super! Then I  (4) ___________ my  dog.  After  that I  (5)  ___________ home, (6) ___________  a book and (7) ___________  to  bed. My sister is little. She doesn’t  (8) ___________ action films. She (9) ___________ cartoons. She (10) ___________  them  every  day.

Упражнение 5. Рассмотрите таблицу. Напишите про Элли. Look at the chart and write about Ellie.







the news











  1. Ellie often watches comedies.
  2. ________________________.
  3. ________________________.
  4. ________________________.

Упражнение 6. Сделайте предложения правдивыми для вашей семьи. Используйте следующие слова.

 always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never

  1.  We ____________ celebrate Christmas.
  2. My mum ____________ decorates a Christmas tree.
  3. My dad  ____________ buys a Christmas tree.
  4. My granny ____________ makes a cake.
  5. My parents  ____________ send Christmas cards.
  6. I ____________ get presents.
  7. We ____________ sing Christmas carols.

Упражнение 7. Заполните стихотворение предложенными формами глаголов. Complete the poem.

’m, end, go, have, is, is, start, starts, starts, watch

My lessons (1) _______ at ten to eight,

But, poor me! I (2) _______ always late.

English (3) _______ at ten to nine,

That’s when my eyes begin to shine.

Russian (4) _______  at half past ten,

But I haven’t got my pen.

It’s not on my desk, or under my chair.

Oh, here it (5) _______, in Silvia’s hair.

My lessons (6) _______ at five past two,

But I haven’t got my shoe.

Oh, here it (7) _______, behind the door.

I’m late again, it’s half past four.

At five o’clock I (8) _______ my tea,

At ten to six I (9) _______ TV.

I (10) _______ to bed at ten to eight.

To have a rest is always great!

Упражнение 8. Дополните предложения предложенными ниже глаголами в форме Present Simple. Complete the sentences.

like, live, lives, likes, don’t live, doesn’t live

  1. I __________ in Russia. I  __________  in Great Britain.
  2. My Dad  __________  in Canada. He  __________  in America.
  3. I __________   reading. But my brother __________  watching TV

Упражнение 9. Заполните текст предложенными глаголами в Present Simple. Complete the text.

Обратите внимание!

Beachcombing — прочёсывание пляжа / прогулки по пляжу в поисках чего-л. ценного

Be, go, live, walk, have, be, collect

Steve’s granddad (1) _________ at the seaside. He (2) _________ a nice small house. His house (3) _________  near the beach. Every day he (4) _________  to the beach. He (5) _________ on the beach and (6) _________ things there. His hobby (7) _________ beachcombing.

Упражнение 10. Write likе or likes.

  1. I _______ quiz shows.
  2. He _______ horror films.
  3. She _______  music  programmes.
  4. My parents _______  the news.
  5. My friend Nastya _______  cartoons.
  6. All my friends  _______ nature  programmes.
  7. My grandad _______  sports programmes.

Вопросы в Present Simple /Indefinite. Упражнения.

Упражнение 11. Задайте вопросы и ответьте на них, используя Present Simple. Ask and answer questions using Simple Present.

Example: take a bus to school

—  How often do you take a bus to school?

—  I usually take a bus.

—  I never take a bus.

 sleep till 12 p. m.

watch TV

come to class late

wear a tie to school

wash dishes

speak English

drink milk

meet your friends

dance and sing

buy new things for yourself

Упражнение 12. Задайте вопросы. Используя do или does. Дайте краткие ответы. Ask your friend about what Yan and Nick do in the Polish camp. Write questions using do or does. Give short answers.

E.g. Do they speak English in the camp every ? — Yes, they do. (No, they don’t).

1. Yan / speak English / in the camp / every day?

2. he / play / board games?

3. Nick / eat / Polish food / in the camp?

4.  they / go hiking?   

5.  children / go / on a trip / every day?

6. Nick / have / English classes / every afternoon?

7. they / sometimes / sit / by the fire / or / round the Christmas tree?

Упражнение 13. Дайте краткие ответы. Give short answers.

  1. Do you watch the news?
  2. Does your mum like horror films?
  3. Do your parents like comedies?
  4. Does your friend like nature programmes?
  5. Does your teacher like music programmes?

Ответы к упражнениям

Упражнение 2.

1 flies/fly, 2 cries/cry, 3 sees/begins, 4 are, 5 lay, 6 fight/shout, 7 tries, 8 try, 9 has/have

Упражнение 3.

gets, has, speaks, plays, swims, goes, sits, goes

Упражнение 4.

1 do, 2 watch, 3 like, 4 walk, 5 come, 6 read, 7 go, 8 like, 9 loves, 10 watches

Упражнение 5.

2. Ellie sometimes watches action films.

3. Ellie rarely watches sports programmes.

4. Ellie never watches the news.

Упражнение 7.

1 start, 2 ‘m, 3 starts, 4 starts, 5 is, 6 end, 7 is, 8 have, 9 watch, 10 go.

Упражнение 8.

1 live / don’t live или don’t live / live, 2 lives / doesn’t live или doesn’t live / lives, 3 like / likes

Упражнение 9.

1 lives, 2 has, 3 is, 4 goes, 5 walks, 6 collects, 7 is

Упражнение 10.


1 like, 2 likes, 3 likes, 4 like, 5 likes, 6 like, 7 likes

Больше интересных статей:

  • Упражнения на отработку времен Present Simple и Present Continuous.
  • Present Simple примеры предложений с переводом
  • Present Continuous. Упражнения на отработку. 
  • Глагол to be. Упражнения с ответами.

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