Почтовый сервер ошибка 554

I’m using MDaemon as out mail server and the last days I get an error «554 Message does not conform to standards» for emails sent from one of the machines. Any idea what may be causing it? Other machines work fine.

More info….this is the log file:

Mon 2008-10-20 16:11:37: Session 7831; child 1; thread 3908
Mon 2008-10-20 16:11:36: Accepting SMTP connection from [ : 43579]
Mon 2008-10-20 16:11:36: Performing PTR lookup (
Mon 2008-10-20 16:11:36: *  Error: Name server reports domain name unknown
Mon 2008-10-20 16:11:36: *  No PTR records found
Mon 2008-10-20 16:11:36: ---- End PTR results
Mon 2008-10-20 16:11:36: --> 220 ikubinfo.com ESMTP MDaemon 9.5.2; Mon, 20 Oct 2008 16:11:36 +0200
Mon 2008-10-20 16:11:36:  250 ikubinfo.com Hello RS, pleased to meet you
Mon 2008-10-20 16:11:36: 
Mon 2008-10-20 16:11:36: Performing IP lookup (ikubINFO.com)
Mon 2008-10-20 16:11:36: *  D=ikubINFO.com TTL=(633) A=[]
Mon 2008-10-20 16:11:36: *  P=010 S=000 D=ikubINFO.com TTL=(708) MX=[mail.ikubinfo.com]
Mon 2008-10-20 16:11:36: *  D=ikubINFO.com TTL=(633) A=[]
Mon 2008-10-20 16:11:36: ---- End IP lookup results
Mon 2008-10-20 16:11:36: Performing SPF lookup (ikubINFO.com /
Mon 2008-10-20 16:11:36: *  ikubINFO.com; matched to SPF cache
Mon 2008-10-20 16:11:36: *  Result: pass
Mon 2008-10-20 16:11:36: ---- End SPF results
Mon 2008-10-20 16:11:36: --> 250 , Sender ok
Mon 2008-10-20 16:11:36: 
Mon 2008-10-20 16:11:36: Performing DNS-BL lookup ( - connecting IP)
Mon 2008-10-20 16:11:36: *  sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org - passed
Mon 2008-10-20 16:11:36: *  relays.ordb.org - failed
Mon 2008-10-20 16:11:36: *  bl.spamcop.net - passed
Mon 2008-10-20 16:11:36: ---- End DNS-BL results
Mon 2008-10-20 16:11:36: --> 250 , Recipient ok
Mon 2008-10-20 16:11:37:  354 Enter mail, end with .
Mon 2008-10-20 16:11:37: Message size: 389 bytes
Mon 2008-10-20 16:11:37: --> 554 Message does not conform to standards
Mon 2008-10-20 16:11:37:  221 See ya in cyberspace
Mon 2008-10-20 16:11:37: SMTP session terminated (Bytes in/out: 491/319)

vvvvv's user avatar


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asked Oct 21, 2008 at 10:38

Albert's user avatar


SMTP error 554 is one of the more vague error codes, but is typically caused by the receiving server seeing something in the From or To headers that it doesn’t like. This can be caused by a spam trap identifying your machine as a relay, or as a machine not trusted to send mail from your domain.

We ran into this problem recently when adding a new server to our array, and we fixed it by making sure that we had the correct reverse DNS lookup set up.

answered Oct 21, 2008 at 11:52

ConroyP's user avatar


41k16 gold badges80 silver badges86 bronze badges

554 is commonly used by dns blacklists when shooing away blacklisted servers. I’m assuming

Mon 2008-10-20 16:11:36: * relays.ordb.org — failed

in the log you included is to blame.

answered Jan 23, 2012 at 11:50

kaleissin's user avatar


1,24513 silver badges19 bronze badges

Can be caused by a miss configured SPF record on the senders end.

Linger's user avatar


15k23 gold badges52 silver badges79 bronze badges

answered Aug 20, 2012 at 1:46

t.durden's user avatar


1783 silver badges15 bronze badges

To resolve problem go to the MDaemon—>setup—>Miscellaneous options—>Server—>SMTP Server Checks commands and headers for RFC Compliance

answered Nov 10, 2008 at 11:00

Just had this issue with an Outlook client going through a Exchange server to an external address on Windows XP. Clearing the temp files seemed to do the trick.

answered Jan 12, 2013 at 13:35

hamstar's user avatar


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Если отправка сообщений через SMTP не удается, SMTP сервер сообщает код ошибки, по нему можно определить, в чем проблема и как ее исправить. Наиболее распространенные ошибки указаны в списке ниже.

Код ошибки




Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable.

Требуемые почтовые действия, не предприняты: почтовый ящик недоступен (например, почтовый ящик занят).

Сервер не может получить доступ к почтовому ящику для доставки сообщения. Это может быть вызвано процессом чистки мертвых адресов на сервере, почтовый ящик может быть поврежден, или почтовый ящик может находиться на другом сервере, который в настоящее время не доступен. Также сетевое соединение могло быть разорвано во время отправки, или удаленный почтовый сервер не хочет принимать почту с вашего сервера по некоторым причинам (IP-адрес, черные списки и т.д.). Повторная попытка отправки письма на этот почтовый ящик может оказаться успешной.


Requested action aborted: local error in processing.

Требуемое действие прерывалось: ошибка в обработке.

Эта ошибка, как правило, возникает из-за перегрузки вашего Интернет провайдера или через ваш SMTP-релей отправлено слишком много сообщений. Следующая попытка отправить письмо может оказаться успешной.


Syntax error, command unrecognized.

Синтаксическая ошибка, неправильная команда (Это может включать ошибки типа слишком длинная командная строка).

Ваш антивирус/брандмауэр блокирует входящие/исходящие соединения SMTP. Вам следует настроить антивирус/брандмауэр для решения проблемы.


Syntax error in parameters or arguments.

Синтаксическая ошибка в параметрах или переменных.

Недопустимые адреса электронной почты или доменное имя почтового адреса. Иногда указывает на проблемы соединения.


Bad sequence of commands or this mail server requires authentication.

Неправильная последовательность команд.

Повторяющая ошибка 503 может свидетельствовать о проблемах соединения. Отклик 503 SMTP-сервера чаще всего является показателем того, что SMTP-сервер требует аутентификации, а Вы пытаетесь отправить сообщение без аутентификации (логин + пароль). Проверьте Общие настройки, чтобы убедиться в правильности настроек SMTP-сервера.


The host server for the recipient’s domain name cannot be found (DNS error).

У одного из серверов на пути к серверу назначения есть проблема с DNS-сервером либо адрес получателя не верный. Проверьте адрес получателя на правильность доменного имени (орфографические ошбки в доменном имени или несуществующее доменное имя).


Address type is incorrect or authentication required.

Убедитесь, что адрес электронной почты получателя верный, не содержит ошибок. Затем попробуйте повторно отправить сообщение. Другой причиной может быть то, что SMTP-сервер требует аутентификации, а Вы пытаетесь отправить сообщение без аутентификации (обычно аутентификация ESMTP, логин + пароль). Проверьте Общие настройки, чтобы убедиться в правильности настроек SMTP-сервера.


The Recipient’s mailbox cannot receive messages this big.

Размер сообщения (сообщение + все его вложения) превышает ограничения по размеру на сервере получателя. Проверьте размер сообщения, которое Вы подготовили для отправки, в частности, размер вложений, возможно, стоит разбить сообщения на части.


Access denied.

SMTP-сервер вашего провайдера, требует аутентификации, а Вы пытаетесь отправить сообщение без аутентификации (логин + пароль). Проверьте Общие настройки, чтобы убедиться в правильности настроек SMTP-сервера. Другой причиной может быть то, что ваш SMTP-сервер находится в черном списке сервера получателя. Или почтовый ящик получателя не существует.


Username and Password not accepted.

Проверьте настройки SMTP-сервера. Убедитесь в том, что логин и пароль введены правильно.


Recipient Address Rejected – Access denied.

Этот ответ почти всегда отправляется Антиспам фильтром на стороне получателя. Проверьте ваше сообщение соспам чекером или попросите получателя добавить вас в белый список.


Mailbox unavailable.

Требуемые действия, не предприняты: почтовый ящик недоступен (например, почтовый ящик, не найден, нет доступа).

Отклик 550 SMTP-сервера означает, что емейл-адреса получателя нет на сервере. Свяжитесь с получателем устно, чтобы получить его емейл-адрес. 
Ошибка 550 иногда может быть отправлена Антиспам фильтром. Другим случаем возврата отклика 550 может быть, когда сервер получателя не работает.


Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation or size of the incoming message exceeds the incoming size limit.

Требуемые почтовые действия прервались: превышено распределение памяти.

Почтовый ящик получателя достиг своего максимально допустимого размера. Другим случаем возврата отклика 552 может быть, когда размер входящего сообщения превышает лимит указанный администратором сети.


Requested action not taken – Mailbox name invalid.

Требуемые действия, не предприняты: имя почтового ящика, недопустимо (например, синтаксис почтового ящика неправильный).

Неверный адрес электронной почты получателя. Отклик 553 SMTP-сервера иногда возвращает почтовый сервер вашего Интернет провайдера. Это происходит, если у Вас нет подключения к Интернету у этого провайдера.


Transaction failed.

Передача данных не удалась

Отклик 554 SMTP-сервера возвращает антиспам-фильтр в случае, если не нравится емейл-адрес отправителя, или IP-адрес отправителя, или почтовый сервер отправителя (к примеру, они находятся в RBL). Вам нужно либо попросить отправителя добавить Вас в белый список, либо Вы должны принять меры, чтобы Ваш IP-адрес или ISP сервер был удален из RBL (Realtime Blackhole List).

When sending an email, you should take into account two mailing servers: yours and the recipients.

Email sending process

As you can see, your email can be rejected either by your mail server, as a sender’s, or your recipient’s server. 

Reasons for a 554 5 7 1 SMTP Error

  • Your sender IP may be blacklisted by spam filters due to spam-like content. You can use special resources to find out whether you’re on a blacklist or not;
  • You could be on the personal blacklist of a recipient, as a source of spam, because of different reasons and it’s complicated to get to know them;
  • Before sending an email, if you haven’t properly authenticated your mail server for the recipient’s mail server to know that you are a reliable source, not a spammer.
  • You may have failed security checks. Perhaps, a recipient has their own anti-spam policy, and you haven’t managed to follow it.

How to Avoid a 554 5 7 1 SMTP Error

  • Make sure that “From” and “Recipient addresses are correct”;
  • Install special software to check for spam and be sure that there are no viruses;
  • Check the server authentication configurations, especially if it was updated. You may have to change settings manually;
  • Follow the anti-spam policy of your mail server;
  • Recipients may have their own anti-spam rules, and you may discuss with them one of them to be disabled;
  • If you send a large number of emails, use a third-party — SMTP service since it will free you from the restrictions on the number of emails sent and increase the delivery speed.

To be sure that you’re not blacklisted, use these tools:

  • MX Toolbox blacklist check
  • DNSBL blacklist check

In case you were mistakenly added to a blacklist, you can get help with a removal form.

The Most Common 554 5 7 1 messages

  • 554 5.7.1: Client host rejected: Access denied
  • 554 5.7.1: Service unavailable; Client host X.X.X.X blocked using zen.spamhaus.org
  • 554 5.7.1: Relay access denied
  • 554 5.7.1: Recipient address rejected: Access denied
  • 554 5.7.1: Message cannot be accepted, rules rejection
  • 554 5.7.1: Message refused by Dictionary check
  • 554 5.7.1: Relay Access Denied for One Domain
  • 554 5.7.1: Message cannot be received, spam rejection
  • 554 5.7.1: Message refused by DNSBL check
  • 554 5.7.1: Sender address rejected: Access denied

Last Updated: 30.01.2020

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In our role as Website Support Specialists for online businesses, we resolve hundreds of email issues every day.

A commonly encountered email bounce error faced by web hosts, website owners and server owners is:

554 5.7.1 : Relay access denied

‘554 5.7.1 : Relay access denied’ error means that either the sender has failed security checks or the recipient’s mail server is misconfigured, and today, we’ll take a look at:

  1. What causes Relay Access Denied error
  2. How we fix it for server owners (eg. web hosting provider)
  3. How we fix it for mail users
  4. How we prevent this error in our customer’s (eg. web hosts) servers.

What causes Relay Access Denied Error?

When a mail is sent, it first goes to the sender’s mail server (aka MX). Then it’s RELAYED to the recipient’s MX, and from there to the recipient.

Here, TWO servers are involved – Sender’s MX and Recipient’s MX. If either one of these servers reject the mail, a Relay Access Denied error is shown to the sender.

Case 1 – Sender’s MX rejects the mail

Every mail server requires its users to provide a username and password to send mails. This is to keep spammers out. But very often valid mail users forget to turn on authentication in their mail clients, and the MX rejects their mail.

Bobcares manages the website support of several businesses. A quick look at the support tickets we handle shows that 95% of ‘Relay Access Denied’ errors are caused by incorrect SMTP settings.

So, when customers come to us facing this error, the first thing we check is their mail client settings. By guiding users with the correct settings specific to each mail client and mail server, we help them send emails without this error.

Case 2 – Recipient’s MX rejects the mail

The recipient’s mail server will accept a mail only if it can verify that the recipient is a valid user in that server. For eg. if the recipient’s account is cancelled or inactive, it won’t accept the mail.

Our Support Specialists have often traced the origin of these errors to:

  • Improper sender MX configuration (eg. SMTP auth settings disabled)
  • Inactive or cancelled recipient mail address
  • Recipient’s DNS MX records pointing to the wrong server (often after a migration)
  • Recipient’s user database errors

Help me fix this error!

We’ve seen two variations of this error in web hosting servers:

  • 554 5.7.1 Relay Access Denied – The recipient’s mail server logs show this error when a mail is rejected.
  • 454 4.7.1 Relay Access Denied – This error is seen in server logs when the recipient server is temporarily unable to accept mails. The mail delivery will be attempted again later.

So, if a website owner has started seeing these errors after a recent config change, or migration, or new server setup, we check the MX configuration of the domain and resolve any errors in that.

Pro Tip : If mails to several mail servers are bouncing, the mail server’s configuration could be incorrect. If mails to only a couple of recipient addresses are bouncing, the issue might be specific to those accounts.

[ Are you losing your sleep over undelivered or delayed emails? Get our professional help to fix your email errors at affordable pricing. ]

How we resolve the error for server owners

Here at Bobcares, our engineers act as the Website Support Team of web hosts, VPS hosts and dedicated server providers. These server owners see “Relay Access Denied” error in two situations:

  1. When a mail user tries to send a mail, and gets a bounce.
  2. When mails from a remote domain is rejected by the server, and mail users report it to the server owner.

In either case, we’ve seen the error recorded in mail server logs. It looks something like this:

Jan 23 03:10:57 mysev postfix/smtpd[15921]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from mail-wg0-f53.google.com[]: 554 5.7.1 : Relay access denied; from= to= proto=ESMTP helo=

Here are a few reasons we’ve noticed, and how we resolve them:

1. User authentication system could be broken

All modern mail servers have a way to authenticate a user before it accepts a mail to be sent. So, if we notice ALL of the mail server users getting this error, we immediately check the user authentication settings of mail server.

For example, in Postfix mail server, the below setting enables SMTP authentication. If this is disabled in the configuration file, all the users will receive “554 5.7.1 : Relay access denied“.

smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_sasl_authenticated

Such failures in mail server capabilities often happen as a result of mail software upgrades or operating system upgrades.

In our Website Support Services, we prevent upgrade errors or config issues by testing the upgrades in a test environment first, verifying for config conflicts and rigorously testing features post-upgrade.

2. Authentication database might be corrupt

Some servers such as Plesk servers store user login details (username & password) and authenticated IP details in databases. For instance, Plesk Qmail servers store details of authenticated IPs in a MySQL database table called smtp_poplocks.

In some cases, these databases could get partially or completely damaged due to file system errors, disk errors, etc. and multiple mail users will be unable to send mails. A quick database integrity check and repair helps us fix this issue.

Databases store critical data such as authentication information, not just for mail services, but for other services such as web, business apps, etc. So, to avoid business downtime, we monitor the database integrity round the clock.

With our 24/7 monitoring and management, we help our customers keep an eye on their servers, and quickly fix server errors any time of the day. This helps our customers maintain high service quality and business uptime.

3. External sending server failed your server’s anti-spam check

In cPanel server management, this is a case where we’ve seen that the mail server users are unable to receive mails from external parties, and the server responds with “Relay Access Denied”.

This happens when the external sending mail server fails your server’s anti-spam check. For example, this Exim mail server (myserv.com) rejected a mail from an external server (otherserver.com) because it failed a anti-spam check called “Sender Verfication Callout”.

2015-06-12 05:12:36 H=(myserv.com) [xx.xx.xx.xx] sender verify fail for : response to "RCPT TO:" from otherserv.com [yy.yy.yy.yy] was: 554 : Relay access denied
2015-06-12 05:12:36 H=(myserv.com) [xx.xx.xx.xx] F= rejected RCPT : Sender verify failed

There are three ways we resolve this:

  1. We examine the mail logs and if we notice repeated instances of valid mails being blocked by such an anti-spam check, we update this particular anti-spam rule.
  2. If the issue is specific to only one external mail server, we contact their administrator to make their servers compliant to the anti-spam check.
  3. In certain cases where we know that the sender is a valid and trust-worthy one, we bypass the check for that server by adding it to our white-list.

Anti-spam checks are necessary, but it can damage your business if not used judiciously. In the mail servers we maintain, we stick to RFC compliant spam checks, and implement only those systems that are validated by a majority of service providers.

For eg., there are a lot of aggressive DNS-based blacklists that frequently spam-list legitimate service providers. We make sure that only trusted, reputed lists are used in our customers’ servers.

[ Are your users complaining about email errors? Get our expert server specialists’ assistance to fix your mail servers. ]

4. The recipient mail account is inactive or misconfigured

A mail server accepts only mails that’s addressed to it’s own users. For eg. the mail server of whitehouse.gov will accept only mails to [employee-name]@whitehouse.gov.

However, we’ve seen two cases where a recipient server cannot confirm a user as valid.

  • The recipient mail server’s user database gets corrupt, and it is unable lookup a user as valid.
  • The recipient has set the wrong IP as their domain’s MX DNS record, and mails are attempted to be delivered to the wrong server.

This issue cannot be fixed at the sender’s mail server. However, we lookup the error details from the mail server logs and contact the recipient MX administrators to issue a quick resolution.

5. Mail user’s email client configuration wrong

This is by far the most common cause of this error. Once we check the mail logs and confirm that the mail server is working fine (that is, no clogged mail queue, not many bounced mails, etc.), we look at the mail user’s email client configuration and fix it.

More on the common issues is explained in the section below.

How we resolve the error for mail users

“Relay Access Denied” error is returned when the mail server is unable to authenticate the mail user. Here are a few common situations where this error is returned.

1. When the server’s authentication settings have changed

If there has been a recent change in your mail service, like a change in email provider, or if your mail provider migrated you to a new server, it is possible that the method of user authentication has changed.

For instance, you could have been using POP-before-SMTP before, but the new server uses “SMTP authentication” now. So, we first confirm the following details for the mail users:

  1. Mail server name – Eg: mail.yourserver.com
  2. Mail server IP – Eg:
  3. User name
  4. Password
  5. Whether to enable SMTP authentication or not

2. When the authenticated IP changes on mobile devices

In servers that are configured with POP before SMTP, domain owners with mobile devices report intermittent relay errors. This happens when they change the WiFi hotspot or their 4G/3G/2G network changes their IP due to a break in coverage.

The email server would be referring to the old IP as the authenticated one, while the domain owner’s mobile device would be using the new IP address.

We prevent these issues by enforcing SMTP password authentication. For example, in Parallels Plesk servers, we disable POP3 authorization and SMTP authentication is turned on by default.

3. When the domain owner tries to connect to the wrong server

This situation happens with newly registered domain owners. They would either try sending mails before the account setup is complete, use their ISP’s mail servers, or keep using their old hosting server’s host name or IP address.

Since the change needs to happen at the domain owner’s device, we focus on lightning fast resolution using step-by-step instructions customized for their mail client.

We maintain a repository of step-by-step email configuration settings for all mail clients, in all popular operating systems and mobile devices. So, we are able to usually give a resolution in as little as 10 minutes.

[ Is your business getting affected by lost or delayed mails? Get our professional help to fix your email errors. ]

4. When an external party fails your server’s spam check

If users are unable to receive mails from an external party, it is possible that their servers failed an anti-spam check. We check the details from the mail server logs and get it resolved by contacting the remote mail server administrators.

5. When the mail server is broken

It is possible that the user authentication system might be broken in the mail server, or your mail was tagged as spam. More on that is described in the section above.

Mail service is perhaps the most important online service that aids day-to-day business transactions. A contract that needs to be signed, a quote that needs to be sent, market trend data that needs to be presented – none of these can wait – We know!

That is why Bobcares engineers give high priority in resolving email errors. We use server logs, user reports and test routines to quickly identify the cause of mail errors, and fix them in as little as 10 minutes. If you’d like to know how you can better support your mail users, we’d be happy to talk to you.

Ошибки smtp

Протокол SMTP отвечает за отправку почтовых сообщений. Ошибки SMTP означают, что электронные письма не были отправлены. Каждое сообщение содержит код ошибки, по которому можно определить проблему и способы устранения. Наиболее распространенные ошибки указаны в списке ниже.

Ошибка 451. Требуемое действие прерывалось: временная ошибка в обработке

Ошибка 450. Запрошенная операция невозможна — почтовый ящик недоступен

Ошибка 501. Синтаксическая ошибка в параметрах или переменных

Ошибка 503. Неправильная последовательность команд или этот почтовый сервер требует проверки подлинности

Ошибка 552. Почтовый ящик получателя не может принимать сообщения из-за ограничений по размеру

Ошибка 550. Почтовый ящик недоступен

Ошибка 554. Передача данных не удалась

Ошибка 504. Неверный параметр команды

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