Please run the command oracle deinstall ошибка

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

oracle 11g uninstall error Please run the command ………….

I have started the OUI and select the unistall option for oracle 11g home and got below error:

You need to be expand the oracle home menu and have to select submenu  as given below it the screen shot:

After that run installer will run properly 

Posted by






Yunus Emir


24 June 2013 at 12:22


its not working

14 December 2013 at 13:18


it i select sub links again it ask please run the command

18 December 2013 at 06:17


May be you are not selecting sub link properly :)

18 December 2013 at 06:20

Post a Comment

we could not get 11g R2 to work on a new Windows 2008 server.

So now we need to remove it.

According to this document:

The correct way to uninstall is to:

1) Start Oracle Universal Installer.
2) Click the Deinstall Products button
3) Select the Oracle home you wish to remove.
4) Check the boxes of components to remove (tediously you have to check every box)
5) Click remove.

But when you do this, a dialogue pops up and says:

«please run the command c:apporacleproduct11.2.0dbhome_1deinstalldeinstall to deinstall Orcacle».


Why is the documentation wrong, and why do they tell you to use the installer to deinstall, if its just going to tell you to run a command line?

When you run this, it says:

Specify all Single Instance listeners that are to be de-configured [LISTENER]:

WTH? How does one specify all single instance listeners?

There are litterally hundreds of pages of documentation on how to uninstall oracle — something which should be a trival task. But I cant find any mention of how to find out how to specify all single instance listeners.

In desperation, I tried hitting enter, at least takes you to the next gotcha:

The details of database(s) ORCL have been discovered automatically. Do you still want to modify the details of ORCL data
base(s)? [n]:

WTH? Why would I want to modify the details of a database? I want to delete oracle and everything it has installed, not modfy details. Should I say yest or no? I have NO idea. Give me more options, or dont ask at all!

If I say y, it says:

Specify the type of this database (1.Single Instance Database|2.Oracle Restart Enabled Database) [1]:

What? I have NO idea what the difference between these two options are. This was never mentioned in the installation process, so way ask now? Why doesnt it just delete the DB as I requested?

At this point I gave up.

Oracle is the worst SW on windows I have seen. Its impossible for a unix and windows sys admin with 20 years experience to even install or remove.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

oracle 11g uninstall error Please run the command ………….

I have started the OUI and select the unistall option for oracle 11g home and got below error:

You need to be expand the oracle home menu and have to select submenu  as given below it the screen shot:

After that run installer will run properly 

Posted by





Yunus Emir


24 June 2013 at 12:22


its not working

14 December 2013 at 13:18


it i select sub links again it ask please run the command

18 December 2013 at 06:17


May be you are not selecting sub link properly :)

18 December 2013 at 06:20

Post a Comment

Deinstallation of Oracle Database Software On Unix/Linux Platforms

In Oracle release 11.2 the procedure to deinstall Oracle Database software has changed. This note describes how to deinstall Oracle Database Software as of release 11.2.

This note is valid for UNIX / Linux platforms platforms. For Windows platforms see SAP note 1591580.

Other terms

Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2)

Reason and Prerequisites
Deinstallation Tool

Starting release 11.2 Oracle ships a deinstallation tool «deinstall» to deinstall Oracle Database 11g Release 2 software. You can no longer use Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) to deinstall an Oracle home.

Attempting to deinstall/remove 11gR2 Oracle Database Software using the Oracle Universal Installer 11.2 fails with the following warning messages:

Please run the command ‘<ORACLE_HOME>/deinstall/deinstall’ to deinstall this Oracle Home.

Oracle References

  • Oracle® Database Installation Guide for Linux:
  • Oracle® Database Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows:
  • MOS 883743.1
    How To Deinstall/Uninstall Oracle Home In 11gR2 [ID 883743.1]
  • My Oracle Support note 885609.1
  • My Oracle Support note 886184.1 — Oracle De-install Utility — 11g R2
  • Oracle Universal Installer and OPatch User’s Guide 11g Release 2 for Windows and Unix

Recommendations for Deinstallation of 11.2 Oracle Homes

  • Back up the Central Inventory before you install, deinstall or clone an Oracle home, or before you attach an Oracle home to or detach an Oracle home from the Central Inventory.
  • Ensure that all configuration files needed from the Oracle home have been backed up and/or copied to the new/current Oracle home before you deinstall an Oracle home.
    Examples: init<SID>.ora/SPFILE, init<SID>.sap, tnsnames.ora, sqlnet.ora, listener.ora, password files, TDE encryption wallets
  • For deinstallation of database software of release or it is recommended not to use the deinstall tool of release or that is installed inside the Oracle home (see recommendation in MOS [ID 883743.1]).

    The deinstall tool is designed to deinstall Oracle software in an Oracle Flexibly Architecture (OFA) configuration. If you use the deinstall tool from release or in an SAP environment, the deinstall tool might not only delete the software from the Oracle home, but also other files and directories located under <ORACLE_BASE> (including database files and ‘sap%’ directories).

  • Starting you can use the deinstall tool to deinstall Oracle homes.

    Warning: If the Oracle home that you are going to remove is the last Oracle home that is registered in the central inventory the deinstall tool will remove all files and directories under $ORACLE_BASE (including all database files in sapdata* directories and other files in sap* directories).


Deinstallation Using the External Deinstall Utility

There are 2 methods to remove Oracle database software (see MOS [ID 883743.1]):

    1. External Deinstall utility (recommended)
    2. Deinstall script located inside Oracle Home

In order to deinstall Oracle homes of release or you should use the latest version of the 11.2 external deinstall utility ( or higher).

The external deinstall utility can be downloaded here:

  • from Oracle Technology Network (OTN)
  • from SAP Software Download Center (SWDC)
    As part of «ORACLE RDBMS Release» DVDs
    See SAP note 1431799.

De-installing Oracle Home using external de-install utility

    1. Download and unzip de-install utility in some folder outside Oracle Home (example: <SAPDATA_HOME>/<release>.deinstall_tool


    2. Go to the deinstall folder and invoke the deinstall utility with the -home option specifying the full path of the Oracle Home you want to deinstall.

    OS> cd /oracle/C11/11203.deinstall_tool
    OS> ./deinstall -home /oracle/C11/11202 [-checkonly]

Deinstallation of Database Software of Release

For deinstallation of an Oracle home you should use the deinstall tool.

The deinstallation tool is located inside of an Oracle home at ‘<ORACLE_HOME>/deinstall/deinstall’.

By default, database software is installed in ‘/oracle/$DB_SID/11203’ and registered with this path in the central inventory. After you installed a newer patch set release into a new Oracle home and upgraded the database to the new release, you can use the following method to remove the Oracle Database software:

    1. For help on deinstall tool run the following command:

    OS> <ORACLE_HOME_TO_DELETE>/deinstall/deinstall -help

    2. Run deinstall in ‘check-only’ mode

    OS> cd <ORACLE_HOME_TO_DELETE>/deinstall
    OS> ./deinstall -checkonly

    Verify from the output which Oracle home is going to be deleted.

    In order to not delete any databases it is important that you do not specify a database name when asked in the following dialog: «Specify the list of database names that are configured in this Oracle home []:»

    In the ‘CHECK OPERATION SUMMARY’ section verify that the deinstallation targets are correct. If you are satisfied with the result, then go to the next step to deinstall the software.

    3. Deinstall the software

    OS> ./deinstall

    To start the deinstallation, answer the following dialog with ‘y’, otherwise with ‘n’.
    «Do you want to continue (y — yes, n — no)? [n]:»

    The following messages should be reported:
    «Successfully detached Oracle home ‘<ORACLE_HOME_TO_DELETE>’ from the central inventory on the local node.
    Successfully deleted directory ‘<ORACLE_HOME_TO_DELETE>’ on the local node.

    4. Change the current directory to the users home directory.

Deinstallation of Database Software of Release

To deinstall database software of release you should not use the deinstall tool.

By default, database software is installed in ‘/oracle/$DB_SID/11202’ and registered with this path in the central inventory. After you installed a newer patch set release into a new Oracle home and upgraded the database to the new release, you can use the following method to remove the Oracle Database software:

    1. Check installed Oracle homes

    OS> $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory -all

    You should see an entry for the Oracle home like ‘/oracle/$DB_SID/11202’.

    2. Detach the old Oracle home from Central Oracle Inventory

    OS> cd /oracle/$DB_SID/11202/oui/bin
    OS> ./

    3. Delete the old software

    OS> cd /oracle/$DB_SID
    OS> rm -rf 11202

Deinstallation of Database Software of Release

To deinstall database software of release you should not use the deinstall tool.

By default, database software is installed in ‘/oracle/$DB_SID/112_64’ and registered with this path in the central inventory. After you installed a newer patch set release into a new Oracle home, you can use the following method to remove Oracle Database software:

    1. Check installed Oracle homes

    OS> $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory -all

    You should see an entry for the Oracle home like ‘/oracle/$DB_SID/112_64’.

    2. You should detach the Oracle home ‘$ORACLE_HOME’ from the Central Oracle Inventory before the database upgrade.

    OS> cd $ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin
    OS> ./

    This will only deregister the Oracle home ‘$ORACLE_HOME’ from the central inventory. You still can run the database instance from this Oracle home (for the upgrade).

    3. After the database has been upgraded to the new Oracle home, rename the directory ‘112_64’ to ‘112_64.11201’.

    OS> cd /oracle/$DB_SID
    OS> mv 112_64 112_64.11201

    4. Detach the old Oracle home from Central Oracle Inventory (if not already done before)

    Note that the following detach-command will re-create a directory ‘/oracle/$DB_SID/112_64’ with several files and subdirectories in it. In order to avoid that during this action files and updates are written into your new Oracle home, you must stop the instance and temporarily remove the symbolic link /oracle/$DB_SID/112_64.

      a) Stop the instance.
      b) Remove symbolic link
      OS> cd /oracle/$DB_SID
      OS> rm 112_64
      c) Detach Oracle home
      OS> cd /oracle/$DB_SID/112_64.11201/oui/bin
      OS> ./
      d) Recreate the symbolic link
      OS> cd /oracle/$DB_SID
      OS> mv 112_64 112_64.11201.detach
      OS> ln -s <directory of current Oracle home> 112_64
    5. Delete the old software

    OS> cd /oracle/$DB_SID
    OS> rm -rf 112_64.11201


Checking which Oracle homes are registered in the Central Oracle Inventory

With ‘

<ORACLE_HOME>/OPatch/opatch lsinventory -all

‘ you get a list of Oracle homes that are currently registered in the Central Oracle Inventory.

If the Oracle home from which you started OPatch is registered, this Oracle home is listed in the opatch output under ‘List of Oracle Homes’.

Example: DB_SID=QO1

List of Oracle Homes:
  Name          Location
  QO1_102_64    /oracle/QO1/102_64
  OraDb_home1   /oracle/QO1/11202

If the Oracle home is not registered, opatch fails to load the inventory information and reports the following error:

Inventory load failed… OPatch cannot load inventory for the given Oracle Home.
Possible causes are:
   Oracle Home dir. path does not exist in Central Inventory
   Oracle Home is a symbolic link
  Oracle Home inventory is corrupted
LsInventorySession failed: OracleHomeInventory gets null oracleHomeInfo

OPatch failed with error code 73

Detaching an Oracle home from the Central Oracle Inventory

OS> <ORACLE_HOME>/oui/bin/  (Unix/Linux)

Attaching an Oracle home to the Central Oracle Inventory

OS> <ORACLE_HOME>/oui/bin/  (Unix/Linux)

When I installed 11g. I had problems connecting to the servers I was working from. I have not been able to connect. I got the following error
Please Run The Command C:appRobBurdineproduct11.2.0…….
I do not know what this means….?
What I need to do to get this uninstalled please review error message and image below.
In the initial install I had to change the way my username was printing with a space between my first and last name. What I did was take out the space in my name. The name files were placed in I thought a good location. See second image.
I later found out I from an administrator that I was suppose to change the Oracle Base to C:Oracle

How do I get this install off cleanly so I can reinstall it correctly to the Oracle Base …….c:Oracle
Please advise.


Oracle Database


For the latest Database Certification always refer to My Oracle Support (MOS) Certify.

At the same time the documentation listed below assists in understanding the Oracle Database Certification:

Note 1298096.1 Master Note For Database and Client Certification
Note 161818.1 Oracle Database (RDBMS) Releases Support Status Summary
Note 207303.1 Client / Server / Interoperability Support Between Different Oracle Versions
Note 1307745.1 Oracle Database Support on the Itanium Processor Architecture
Note 464754.1 Certified Software on Oracle VM
Note 1306539.1 Core Oracle Database Certification Information

Installation Guides

OS General Information and Known Issues

Most of the installation and relinking issues appear if you don’t
satisfy the minimum requirements for the installation. Therefore if you
are raising any SR for installation issue it is better to ensure that
you have all these requirements mentioned in the below articles before
raising the SR.

The documentation listed below help you in understanding the OS Requirements for Oracle Database Installation:









Note 1351051.1 Information Center: Install and Configure Database Server/Client InstallationsNote 1476075.1 FAQ on downloading 9i, 10g, 11g software
Note 169706.1
Oracle Database on Unix AIX,HP-UX,Linux,Mac OS X,Solaris,Tru64 Unix
Operating Systems Installation and Configuration Requirements Quick
Reference (8.0.5 to 11.2)
Note 1360790.1 Roadmap of Oracle Database Patchset Releases
Note 458893.1 Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) FAQ
Note 403212.1 Location Of Logs For OPatch And OUI
Note 454442.1 11g Install : Understanding about Oracle Base, Oracle Home and Oracle Central/Global Inventory locations
Note 1467060.1 Relinking Oracle Home FAQ ( Frequently Asked Questions)
Note 131321.1 How to Relink Oracle Database Software on UNIX
Note 883299.1 Oracle 11gR2 Relink New Feature
Note 444595.1 Is It Necessary To Relink Oracle Following OS Upgrade?
Note 556834.1 Steps To Recreate Central Inventory(oraInventory) In RDBMS Homes
Note 750540.1 What are the requirements for an Oracle Home Name in the Inventory?
Note 881063.1 Key RDBMS Install Differences in 11gR2
Note 884232.1 11gR2 Install (Non-RAC): Understanding New Changes With All New 11.2 Installer
Note 948061.1 How to Check and Enable/Disable Oracle Binary Options
Note 429074.1 Can You Run Different Releases Of The Oracle Database On The Same Computer At The Same Time?
Note 389678.1 Are Compilers Necessary for Oracle RDBMS Installation?
Note 401332.1 How To Identify A Server Which Has Itanium2 (Montecito, Montvale, Tukwila….) Processors Installed
Note 400227.1 How To Install Oracle RDBMS Software On Itanium Servers With Montecito Processors
Note 1474891.1 Is It Supported to Change Uid/Gid Of Oracle Database Software Owner After Installation?
Note 1469625.1 Can Be Run While Standalone Database Instances Are Up And Running?
Note 1475077.1 Can the $ORACLE_HOME/jdk and $ORACLE_HOME/jdk/jre Directories Be Removed?
Note 1449674.1 Is It Supported to Update /Upgrade the Default JDK/JRE in Oracle Home?
Note 1429678.1 How to interpret OS system traces

Known Issues Generic

Note 468771.1 Installing 11G on Any Platform : File Not Found Errors Running RunInstaller/Setup.exe
Note 883702.1 $ORACLE_HOME/lib32 does not exist in Oracle database 11gR2. Why?
Note 1245784.1 Installing Component using Installer from 11.2 ORACLE_HOME Fails with OUI-10150
Note 1091063.1 sqlplus /nolog is failing with errors : SP2-1503 SP2-0152
Note 1207849.1 Install Error: String Index Out Of Range: -1 Error Messages
Note 1325924.1 INS-32025 while installing 11.2 examples
Note 1367658.1 11.2 OUI does not use the $TEMP variable for CV_DESTLOC during a single instance installation
Note 1307782.1 Oracle 11.2 Installation Fails If OS Users Password Contains ‘%’
Note 1162824.1 Installing Oracle On AIX Hangs At Prereqs Check
Note 1127135.1[INS-00001] Unknown irrecoverable error installing 11.2
Note 744512.1 Ora-12547: Tns:Lost Contact Creating Database After Clean Installation
Note 763143.1 Explanation and Options To Handle «Checking operating system version: must be … Failed» OUI errors
Note 1268391.1 Installing 11gR2 Fails With [INS-30060] Check For Group Existence Failed
Note 1301113.1 «Invalid Entry Size» Error During Oracle Database Installation
Note 1471777.1 OUI Screen Not Coming Up Through Xmanager (Exceed)
Note 1475425.1 Oracle Universal Installer — Make issue While Installing 11gR2 Database
Note 1478832.1
Instaling 11.2 fails with error Error in invoking target ‘rat_on
part_on dm_on olap_on sdo_on’ of makefile and echodo: Execute permission
Note 1475482.1 ./runInstaller results in: [FATAL] [INS-32012] Unable to create directory:

Note 1489892.1 OUI Screen Disconnected Before Prompts To Run Scripts As ‘Root’ User Have Been Responded
Note 1474762.1
WARNING:OUI-67200:Make failed to invoke «/usr/ccs/bin/make -f ioracle ORACLE_HOME=»….’ld: fatal: file
//lib/prod/lib/v9/crti.o: open failed: Permission
Note 1511859.1
OUI:Attachhome fails with the Error «SEVERE: Abnormal program
termination. An internal error has occured.  «Please provide the
following files to Oracle Support»



Note 1307041.1 Certification Information for Oracle Database on Solaris SPARC 64
Note 1307389.1 Certification Information for Oracle Database on Oracle Solaris x86-64
Note 743042.1 Requirements for Installing Oracle 11gR1 RDBMS on Solaris 10 SPARC 64-bit
Note 971464.1 FAQ — 11gR2 requires Solaris 10 update 6 or greater
Note 964976.1 Requirements for Installing Oracle 11gR2 RDBMS on Solaris 10 SPARC
Note 429191.1 Kernel setup for Solaris 10 using project files
Note 317257.1 Running Oracle Database in Solaris 10 Containers — Best Practices

Known Issues on Solaris

Note 848700.1
11gR1 on Solaris failing at relink phase with errors like «ld fatal
relocation error» and then «ld fatal library -lclntsh not found»
Note 966929.1 11gR2 INSTALL ERRORS on Solaris 10
Note 969497.1
During An 11gR2 (11.2) Installation On Solaris, OUI Performs A
Prerequisite Check For The Optional Patch 124861-15 And Fails If It Is
Not Installed
Note 1325973.1 [INS-30060] Check for group existence failed — While installing 11gR2 on Solaris
Note 1477021.1 make: Fatal error: Command failed for target $ORACLE_HOME/precomp/lib/proc
Note 1471229.1 Installation of Oracle 11gR2 fails while checking for runlevel
Note 1477327.1 ROOT.SH Errors with mkdir: «/usr/local/bin»: Read-only file system Solaris Container
Note 1446945.1 ld: warning: symbol `_start’ has differing types: While Installing Or Patching 11gR2 On Oracle Solaris Platform



ORACLE Validated Configurations
Note 1307056.1 Certification Information for Oracle Database on Linux x86
Note 1304727.1 Certification Information for Oracle Database on Linux x86-64
Note 851598.1 Master Note of Linux OS Requirements for Database Server
Note 376183.1 Defining a «default RPMs» installation of the RHEL OS
Note 386391.1 Defining a «default RPMs» installation of the SLES OS
Note 401167.1 Defining a «default RPMs» installation of the Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL) OS
Note 728346.1 Linux OS Installation with Reduced Set of Packages for Running Oracle Database Server
Note 1508516.1 Is It Mandatory To Install UEK Kernel Under RHEL?
Note 266043.1 Support of Linux and Oracle Products on Linux
Note 787705.1 How to identify correct Oracle Database software to install on Linux platform
Note 1075717.1 Installing 32-bit RDBMS Client software on x86_64 Linux.
Note 1315914.1 Install 11gr2 On Sles11 — Packages Required Not Mentioned In Installation Guide
Note 1350000.1 Database Client or Database Server Install on Red Hat 6 (RHEL6)
Note 444084.1 Multiple gcc / g++ Versions in Linux
Note 567506.1 Maximum SHMMAX values for Linux x86 and x86-64
Note 761261.1 Recommended metalink articles for Oracle Database 10gR2 installation on zLinux (s390x)
Note 415182.1 DB Install Requirements Quick Reference — zSeries based Linux
Note 341507.1 Oracle Database Server on Linux on IBM POWER
Note 786995.1 Troubleshooting The Relink Errors When Missing RPMs on Linux x86-64
Note 377217.1 What should the value of LD_ASSUME_KERNEL be set to for Linux?

Known Issues On Linux

Note 308788.1
While Installing Oracle Database on SUSE SLESx x86-64 Linking Errors
Occur and NetCA/DBCA Fail With Error: UnsatisfiedLinkError exception
loading native library: njni10
Note 317627.1 Error in invoking target ‘agent emsubagent nmo nmb’ of makefile ‘$ORACLE_HOME/sysman/lib/’
Note 362285.1 Error in Invoking Target ‘Install’ of Makefile $ORACLE_HOME/ctx/lib/
Note 468977.1 UnsatisfiedLinkError exception loading native library: njni11
Note 1063952.1 11gR2 Database Server install fails with [INS-13001] Environment does not meet minimum requirements
Note 1220843.1 Getting __stack_chk_fail@GLIBC_2.4 makefile errors during Oracle 11.2 Install on Linux
Note 1313504.1 Error in invoking ‘ntcontab.o’ of makefile while installaing 11gr2 client on Linux x86-64 bit server
Note 1073332.1 /usr/bin/ld: Cannot Find -lxml11, Genclntsh: Failed To Link
Note 460969.1 /usr/bin/ld: Cannot Find -lxml10, Genclntsh: Failed To Link
Note 443617.1
«Exception java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:
../jre/1.4.2/lib/i386/ cannot open shared object
file: No such file or directory occurred» on RHEL5/OEL5 for 10.2 x86 or
x86_64 install
Note 301830.1 Upon startup of Linux database get ORA-27102: out of memory Linux-X86_64 Error: 28: No space left on device
Note 454196.1 ./sqlplus: error on cannot restore segment prot after reloc
Note 1454982.1
Installing 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x86-64) on RHEL6 Reports
That Packages «elfutils-libelf-devel-0.97» and «pdksh-5.2.14» are
missing (PRVF-7532)



Note 1307544.1 Certification Information for Oracle Database on IBM AIX on Power systems
Note 282036.1 Minimum Software Versions and Patches Required to Support Oracle Products on IBM Power Systems
Note 889464.1 Is Oracle 10g And 11g Database Compatible With AIX Version 6.1
Note 417451.1 How To Determine Whether an APAR has been Fixed in AIX Version/Maintenance Level
Note 739963.1 Using AIX commands genld, genkld and slibclean to avoid library file locking errors(libjox)
Note 458403.1 Why AIXTHREAD_SCOPE should be set to ‘S’ on AIX
Note 201622.1 Is It Still NecessaryTto Run the Script When Installing Oracle on AIX 5L and above?

Known Issues On AIX

Note 832074.1 AIX 6.1 «Dependent module /usr/lib/libXpm.a(shr_64.o) could not be loaded» Error Attempting To Execute 11.1.0 runInstaller
Note 879102.1
Stand Alone Silent Installation on AIX 5.3 Fails On
Prerequisite Check For rsct.basic.rte(0.0) and
Note 1439940.1 11gR2 OUI On AIX Pre-Requisite Check Gives Error «Patch IZ97457, IZ89165 Are Missing»
Note 980602.1 The Installer (OUI) Detects Processes Running on ORACLE_HOME on AIX 6.1 TL04 SP1
Note 1327608.1 INS-13001 Environment does not meet minimum requirements when installing on AIX 7.1
Note 859842.1 Database Server Installation on AIX 6.1 Error: OUI-18001: ‘AIX Version 6100.01’ is not supported
Note 1364239.1 runInstaller Failed With «OUI: 0403-006 Execute permission denied» While Installing 11.2.0.x On AIX
Note 1506934.1 Oracle 11gR2 Install : Executing fails with the error cldomain: file not found



Note 1307026.1 Certification Information for Oracle Database on HP-UX PA-RISC Platform
Note 1307745.1 Oracle Database Support on the Itanium Processor Architecture

Known Issues on HP

Note 725913.1 Error OUI-15038 At Pre-Requisite Check Stage During Oracle 11g Install
Note 1183545.1 OUI and OUI raise OUI-15038 «Unable to execute rule ‘CheckCompatibility’ .. [For input string: «11_11»]
Note 471476.1 32 Bit Libraries Are Not Installed With Oracle11g ( On HP-UX Itanium
Note 287428.1 Oracle Universal Installer has detected that there are processes running in the currently selected
Note 819394.1 HP-UX: Sqlplus: ORA-12549: TNS:operating system resource quota exceeded
Note 1194973.1 Failure On Prerequisite Checks For 11gR2 Installation on HP-UX
Note 552358.1 Installation Of Oracle 10.2 Client Fails On HPUX Itanium Servers With Montecito Processors



Note 1307189.1 Certification Information for Oracle Database on Microsoft Windows x86 (32-bit)
Note 1307195.1 Certification Information for Oracle Database on Microsoft Windows
Note 952302.1 Is Microsoft Windows 7 certified to install/run Oracle Database Server/Client ?
Note 443813.1 Check List For Oracle On Windows.
Note 137200.1 Checklist when Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) fails for Windows
Note 436299.1 Common reasons for OUI failures on the MS Windows platforms
Note 161549.1 Oracle Database Server and Networking Patches for Microsoft Platforms
Note 816893.1 How to Recreate the Windows Registry for Oracle, After reloading the Windows OS
Note 432713.1 How To Create a Service using oradim in Windows Vista
Note 1449665.1 How To Disable/Enable A Specific Component From A Database Home On Windows Platforms
Note 870253.1 32-bit Client Install on 64-bit Windows Platform
Note 1151394.1 Running 32-bit and 64-bit Oracle Software On 64-bit Windows
Note 208256.1 WIN: How to Remove a Single ORACLE_HOME and Its Traces on Microsoft Windows Platforms
Note 124353.1 Manually Removing all Oracle Components on Microsoft Windows Platforms
Note 1069034.1 11.2: How to Manually Remove Oracle Server Software on Microsoft Windows Platforms
Note 1433144.1 What Is The Windows Service «Oracleremexecservice» ?

Known Issues on Windows

Note 1292921.1 While Installing 11.2, OUI Fails With «Error in starting the service. The service OracleMTSRecoveryService was not found»
Note 221545.1 Oracle Installation Issues in Windows Platforms
Note 418479.1 file in use Errors, when applying patches on Windows
Note 271569.1 Database creation using DBCA on WIN 2003 PDC fails with DIM-19
Note 334528.1 ORA-12154 or ORA-6413 Running 32-bit Oracle Software on 64-bit
Note 1133495.1 Installation of 11gR2 on Windows Fails Checking Requirements
Note 1088324.1 11gR2 Deinstall fails on Windows 7
Note 1468882.1 Oracle Universal Installer Hangs While Installing Oracle 11g Client/Database On Windows
Note 958591.1 Oracle Install Crashed With Java Error in Windows Environment


Note.189256.1 UNIX Script to Verify Installation Requirements for Oracle 8.0.5 to 9.2 versions of RDBMS
Note 250262.1 RDA 4 — Health Check / Validation Engine Guide (Doc ID 250262.1)

Silent Install

Note 136660.1 Working Response files for a silent install of Oracle Server on MS-Windows- Part 1 of 3
Note 136661.1 Database Configuration Response file for performing silent install — Part 2 of 3
Note 136662.1 Network Configuration Reponse file for performing silent install — Part 3 of 3
Note 388451.1 How to create a Response File for Silent Installation?
Note 434315.1
How Can You Install Oracle Without Using The Oracle Universal
Installer( runInstaller) GUI and Xserver especially When Doing A Remote
Installation ?
Note 405124.1 How to Prevent a Silent Install from Prompting for User Input to Run the ‘’ Script
Note 808275.1 How to install Oracle Database Patchset software in Silent mode without using response file
Note 782919.1 How to install Oracle Database Server software silently with customized listener configuration
Note 885643.1 How to install 11gR2 Database/Client Software in Silent mode without using response file
Note 782918.1 How to install/deinstall Oracle Database Server software silently without response file
Note 782923.1 How to install/deinstall Oracle Database Client software silently without response file
Note 435680.1 Response File Installation of Database Server 10.2 (Suppressed or Silent mode)

Deinstall/Removing Installations

General Information

Note 208116.1 How to remove all traces of ORACLE_HOME on UNIX
Note 275493.1 Removing 10g Database and Software from AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Sun and Tru64 Platforms
Note 1363753.1 Behaviour of the Oracle De-install/Deinstall/Uninstall Utility in 11gR2
Note 886749.1 Oracle 11gR2 Deinstall And Deconfig Tool Options
Note 883743.1 How To Deinstall/Uninstall Oracle Home In 11gR2
Note 1070610.1 How To De-install Oracle Home Using runinstaller
Note 435219.1 How To Clean Up The Inventory After Deleting The Oracle Home Manualy Using OS Commands(«rm-rf » or other)?
Note 888934.1 Is it possible to deinstall/remove a specific component from already installed Oracle Database Home using OUI?
Note 1271072.1 Is it possible to deinstall/disable a specific licensable option from already installed Oracle Database 11gR2 Home ?

Known Problems

Note 885609.1 11gR2 OUI warning: Please run the command ‘/deinstall/deinstall’ to deinstall this OracleHome
Note 1069028.1 Deinstall utility on 11.2 removes multiple ORACLE_HOMEs
Note 1271661.1 Deinstall 11.2 32-bit Home Inadvertanly Removes 64-bit Homes and Vice Versa
Note 1322509.1 11.2 Database Corrupted After Use of $ORACLE_HOME/deinstall/deinstall Script
Note 753929.1 Errors During Silent Deinstallation
Note 1128464.1 Uninstall Of Oracle 11gR2 Home On Windows Does Not Recognize Non-English Response
Note 1374044.1 When deinstalling 11gR1 ,OUI greyed out the Remove button and getting message — You cannot deinstall at this time.

Diagnostic Tools

Note 780551.1 How To Diagnose Linking Errors During Base Install of Oracle RDBMS
Note 757964.1 Oracle Universal Installer ( OUI ) Error Messages and Solution Reference List
Note 1812.1 TECH: Getting a Stack Trace from a CORE file

General Information

Note.738771.1 How to Log Good Service Request for Relink issues?
Note.736819.1 How to Log Good Service Request for Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) issues?

Using My Oracle Support Effectively

Note 868955.1 My Oracle Support Health Checks Catalog
Note 166650.1 Working Effectively With Global Customer Support
Note 199389.1 Escalating Service Requests with Oracle Support Services

Generic Links

Note 1351051.1 Information Center: Install and Configure Database Server/Client Installations
Note 1194734.1 Where do I find that on My Oracle Support (MOS) [Video]
Note 742060.1 Release Schedule of Current Database Releases
Note 1476075.1 FAQ: Downloading 9i, 10g, and 11g database software media
Note 549617.1 How To Verify The Integrity Of A Patch/Software Download? [Video]
Note 268895.1 Oracle Database Server Patchset Information, Versions: 8.1. 7 to 11.2.0
Note 783141.1
Reference List of Critical Patch Update Availability(CPU) and Patch Set
Update (PSU) Documents For Oracle Database and Fusion Middleware
Note 1119703.1 Database PSU-CPU Cross-Reference List
Note 854428.1 Patch Set Updates for Oracle Products
Note 1061295.1 Patch Set Updates — One-off Patch Conflict Resolution
Information on Security Patch Updates (SPU’s)

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NOTE:1157464.1 — Master Note on Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) for installing Oracle Database Software
NOTE:1351051.2 — Information Center: Install and Configure Database Server/Client Installations
NOTE:1157463.1 — Master Note For Oracle Database Client Installation

Deinstallation of Oracle Database Software On Unix/Linux Platforms

In Oracle release 11.2 the procedure to deinstall Oracle Database software has changed. This note describes how to deinstall Oracle Database Software as of release 11.2.

This note is valid for UNIX / Linux platforms platforms. For Windows platforms see SAP note 1591580.

Other terms

Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2)

Reason and Prerequisites
Deinstallation Tool

Starting release 11.2 Oracle ships a deinstallation tool «deinstall» to deinstall Oracle Database 11g Release 2 software. You can no longer use Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) to deinstall an Oracle home.

Attempting to deinstall/remove 11gR2 Oracle Database Software using the Oracle Universal Installer 11.2 fails with the following warning messages:

Please run the command ‘<ORACLE_HOME>/deinstall/deinstall’ to deinstall this Oracle Home.

Oracle References

  • Oracle® Database Installation Guide for Linux:
  • Oracle® Database Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows:
  • MOS 883743.1
    How To Deinstall/Uninstall Oracle Home In 11gR2 [ID 883743.1]
  • My Oracle Support note 885609.1
  • My Oracle Support note 886184.1 — Oracle De-install Utility — 11g R2
  • Oracle Universal Installer and OPatch User’s Guide 11g Release 2 for Windows and Unix

Recommendations for Deinstallation of 11.2 Oracle Homes

  • Back up the Central Inventory before you install, deinstall or clone an Oracle home, or before you attach an Oracle home to or detach an Oracle home from the Central Inventory.
  • Ensure that all configuration files needed from the Oracle home have been backed up and/or copied to the new/current Oracle home before you deinstall an Oracle home.
    Examples: init<SID>.ora/SPFILE, init<SID>.sap, tnsnames.ora, sqlnet.ora, listener.ora, password files, TDE encryption wallets
  • For deinstallation of database software of release or it is recommended not to use the deinstall tool of release or that is installed inside the Oracle home (see recommendation in MOS [ID 883743.1]).

    The deinstall tool is designed to deinstall Oracle software in an Oracle Flexibly Architecture (OFA) configuration. If you use the deinstall tool from release or in an SAP environment, the deinstall tool might not only delete the software from the Oracle home, but also other files and directories located under <ORACLE_BASE> (including database files and ‘sap%’ directories).

  • Starting you can use the deinstall tool to deinstall Oracle homes.

    Warning: If the Oracle home that you are going to remove is the last Oracle home that is registered in the central inventory the deinstall tool will remove all files and directories under $ORACLE_BASE (including all database files in sapdata* directories and other files in sap* directories).


Deinstallation Using the External Deinstall Utility

There are 2 methods to remove Oracle database software (see MOS [ID 883743.1]):

    1. External Deinstall utility (recommended)
    2. Deinstall script located inside Oracle Home

In order to deinstall Oracle homes of release or you should use the latest version of the 11.2 external deinstall utility ( or higher).

The external deinstall utility can be downloaded here:

  • from Oracle Technology Network (OTN)
  • from SAP Software Download Center (SWDC)
    As part of «ORACLE RDBMS Release» DVDs
    See SAP note 1431799.

De-installing Oracle Home using external de-install utility

    1. Download and unzip de-install utility in some folder outside Oracle Home (example: <SAPDATA_HOME>/<release>.deinstall_tool


    2. Go to the deinstall folder and invoke the deinstall utility with the -home option specifying the full path of the Oracle Home you want to deinstall.

    OS> cd /oracle/C11/11203.deinstall_tool
    OS> ./deinstall -home /oracle/C11/11202 [-checkonly]

Deinstallation of Database Software of Release

For deinstallation of an Oracle home you should use the deinstall tool.

The deinstallation tool is located inside of an Oracle home at ‘<ORACLE_HOME>/deinstall/deinstall’.

By default, database software is installed in ‘/oracle/$DB_SID/11203’ and registered with this path in the central inventory. After you installed a newer patch set release into a new Oracle home and upgraded the database to the new release, you can use the following method to remove the Oracle Database software:

    1. For help on deinstall tool run the following command:

    OS> <ORACLE_HOME_TO_DELETE>/deinstall/deinstall -help

    2. Run deinstall in ‘check-only’ mode

    OS> cd <ORACLE_HOME_TO_DELETE>/deinstall
    OS> ./deinstall -checkonly

    Verify from the output which Oracle home is going to be deleted.

    In order to not delete any databases it is important that you do not specify a database name when asked in the following dialog: «Specify the list of database names that are configured in this Oracle home []:»

    In the ‘CHECK OPERATION SUMMARY’ section verify that the deinstallation targets are correct. If you are satisfied with the result, then go to the next step to deinstall the software.

    3. Deinstall the software

    OS> ./deinstall

    To start the deinstallation, answer the following dialog with ‘y’, otherwise with ‘n’.
    «Do you want to continue (y — yes, n — no)? [n]:»

    The following messages should be reported:
    «Successfully detached Oracle home ‘<ORACLE_HOME_TO_DELETE>’ from the central inventory on the local node.
    Successfully deleted directory ‘<ORACLE_HOME_TO_DELETE>’ on the local node.

    4. Change the current directory to the users home directory.

Deinstallation of Database Software of Release

To deinstall database software of release you should not use the deinstall tool.

By default, database software is installed in ‘/oracle/$DB_SID/11202’ and registered with this path in the central inventory. After you installed a newer patch set release into a new Oracle home and upgraded the database to the new release, you can use the following method to remove the Oracle Database software:

    1. Check installed Oracle homes

    OS> $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory -all

    You should see an entry for the Oracle home like ‘/oracle/$DB_SID/11202’.

    2. Detach the old Oracle home from Central Oracle Inventory

    OS> cd /oracle/$DB_SID/11202/oui/bin
    OS> ./

    3. Delete the old software

    OS> cd /oracle/$DB_SID
    OS> rm -rf 11202

Deinstallation of Database Software of Release

To deinstall database software of release you should not use the deinstall tool.

By default, database software is installed in ‘/oracle/$DB_SID/112_64’ and registered with this path in the central inventory. After you installed a newer patch set release into a new Oracle home, you can use the following method to remove Oracle Database software:

    1. Check installed Oracle homes

    OS> $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory -all

    You should see an entry for the Oracle home like ‘/oracle/$DB_SID/112_64’.

    2. You should detach the Oracle home ‘$ORACLE_HOME’ from the Central Oracle Inventory before the database upgrade.

    OS> cd $ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin
    OS> ./

    This will only deregister the Oracle home ‘$ORACLE_HOME’ from the central inventory. You still can run the database instance from this Oracle home (for the upgrade).

    3. After the database has been upgraded to the new Oracle home, rename the directory ‘112_64’ to ‘112_64.11201’.

    OS> cd /oracle/$DB_SID
    OS> mv 112_64 112_64.11201

    4. Detach the old Oracle home from Central Oracle Inventory (if not already done before)

    Note that the following detach-command will re-create a directory ‘/oracle/$DB_SID/112_64’ with several files and subdirectories in it. In order to avoid that during this action files and updates are written into your new Oracle home, you must stop the instance and temporarily remove the symbolic link /oracle/$DB_SID/112_64.

      a) Stop the instance.
      b) Remove symbolic link
      OS> cd /oracle/$DB_SID
      OS> rm 112_64
      c) Detach Oracle home
      OS> cd /oracle/$DB_SID/112_64.11201/oui/bin
      OS> ./
      d) Recreate the symbolic link
      OS> cd /oracle/$DB_SID
      OS> mv 112_64 112_64.11201.detach
      OS> ln -s <directory of current Oracle home> 112_64
    5. Delete the old software

    OS> cd /oracle/$DB_SID
    OS> rm -rf 112_64.11201


Checking which Oracle homes are registered in the Central Oracle Inventory

With ‘

<ORACLE_HOME>/OPatch/opatch lsinventory -all

‘ you get a list of Oracle homes that are currently registered in the Central Oracle Inventory.

If the Oracle home from which you started OPatch is registered, this Oracle home is listed in the opatch output under ‘List of Oracle Homes’.

Example: DB_SID=QO1

List of Oracle Homes:
  Name          Location
  QO1_102_64    /oracle/QO1/102_64
  OraDb_home1   /oracle/QO1/11202

If the Oracle home is not registered, opatch fails to load the inventory information and reports the following error:

Inventory load failed… OPatch cannot load inventory for the given Oracle Home.
Possible causes are:
   Oracle Home dir. path does not exist in Central Inventory
   Oracle Home is a symbolic link
  Oracle Home inventory is corrupted
LsInventorySession failed: OracleHomeInventory gets null oracleHomeInfo

OPatch failed with error code 73

Detaching an Oracle home from the Central Oracle Inventory

OS> <ORACLE_HOME>/oui/bin/  (Unix/Linux)

Attaching an Oracle home to the Central Oracle Inventory

OS> <ORACLE_HOME>/oui/bin/  (Unix/Linux)

oracle 11g uninstall error Please run the command …………


I have started the OUI and select the unistall option for oracle 11g home and got below error:

You need to be expand the oracle home menu and have to select submenu  as given below it the screen shot:

After that run installer will run properly 

Posted by




we could not get 11g R2 to work on a new Windows 2008 server.

So now we need to remove it.

According to this document:

The correct way to uninstall is to:

1) Start Oracle Universal Installer.
2) Click the Deinstall Products button
3) Select the Oracle home you wish to remove.
4) Check the boxes of components to remove (tediously you have to check every box)
5) Click remove.

But when you do this, a dialogue pops up and says:

«please run the command c:apporacleproduct11.2.0dbhome_1deinstalldeinstall to deinstall Orcacle».


Why is the documentation wrong, and why do they tell you to use the installer to deinstall, if its just going to tell you to run a command line?

When you run this, it says:

Specify all Single Instance listeners that are to be de-configured [LISTENER]:

WTH? How does one specify all single instance listeners?

There are litterally hundreds of pages of documentation on how to uninstall oracle — something which should be a trival task. But I cant find any mention of how to find out how to specify all single instance listeners.

In desperation, I tried hitting enter, at least takes you to the next gotcha:

The details of database(s) ORCL have been discovered automatically. Do you still want to modify the details of ORCL data
base(s)? [n]:

WTH? Why would I want to modify the details of a database? I want to delete oracle and everything it has installed, not modfy details. Should I say yest or no? I have NO idea. Give me more options, or dont ask at all!

If I say y, it says:

Specify the type of this database (1.Single Instance Database|2.Oracle Restart Enabled Database) [1]:

What? I have NO idea what the difference between these two options are. This was never mentioned in the installation process, so way ask now? Why doesnt it just delete the DB as I requested?

At this point I gave up.

Oracle is the worst SW on windows I have seen. Its impossible for a unix and windows sys admin with 20 years experience to even install or remove.

Remove / Reuse Oracle Home — Database Installation

An installation of Oracle 10gR2 failed in silent mode. So, I ran the deinstallation script and now want to rerun the installation but I'm getting the error: "Oracle Home with name already exists at location...Please specify another location for Oracle Home." The directory where we want to install the software is empty. What is it that we are missing in order to install the software in the directory? How do we remove the Oracle_home that was not successfully used in the failed installation?
The server is a solaris server. I know how to accomplish this on a Windows platform server.
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I forgot to mention that this is on a solaris server. 

Check your oratab.

There are no eroneous entries in the oratab file. At this point we are just looking to install the 10gr2 software. Here is the error that we are receiving:
SEVERE:OUI-10136:An Oracle Home with name OraDbHome2 already exists at location /u01/oracle/product/10.2.0. Please specify another location for Oracle Home.
All we are looking to do is remove any references to the directory where we want to install the software and re-run the installation. 

Check the "oraInventory/ContentsXML/inventory.xml" file, this file may have an entry to that Home name and the dir path.
To know where is oraInventory, then check /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc file, the path under tag inventory_loc gives the location of oraInventory.

VJ - Thanks.
That is one place I had not thought to look at and removing the entry from the failed installation has corrected the problem. 

Thanks for the info. It worked for me too.
Uday Reddy 

For Windows systems, you can delete all ORACLE registry references and also delete "c:Program FilesOracle" folder.
Edited by: user7660055 on Mar 29, 2013 1:13 AM


Installing Agent on AIX

Hi All
We run OEM on Windows. Some Database are running under AIX.
I download the and extract it to the AIX machine. When I run the runInstaller I have to select a home directory. Is this the home of the database I want to manage? I also have to give the product path for the product I want to install. But I can not find a "products.jar".
Can someone help me? Thanks for any feedback!
Hi Tom,
I am not sure , if you are trying to do agent installation using agent download / GUI installation ( by invoking OUI ).
for agent download option you have to follow the instructions.txt (will be available along with .zip )
Q1 ) Is this the home of the database I want to manage?
Home you should give where you want to install your agent. Not DB home.
Q2) I can not find a "products.jar"
You will not have products.jar , instead of you will have products.xml ( aix/agent/stage )
Yes, I am trying to install the agent by GUI.
Q1) Do I have to create a new home for the agent?
Q2) If I take the products.xml I every time I get the message "not a valid filename or corrupt file"
Hi ,
Installing using OUI - GUI option :
i) download to your aix machine.
ii) unzip , it crates aix directory.
iii) unzip "oui_aix.jar " , which is available under aix/oui/
iv) invoke ./runInstaller from aix/oui/Disk1/
v) Installation screen from location you have to specify as " aix/agent/stage/products.xml"
home_name <any thing>
home_location < where you want to install agent> ( Directory will get created by OUI)
vi) After this screen it will ask for OMS name you have to give the hostname where you have installed your GC.
Continue the installation...
But this is not recommended by Oracle.:)
After unzip I do not have a directory Disk1 in aix/oui!?!
Where do I make the mistake?
Hi Tom ,
After unzip you will have "oui_aix.jar " under oui dir.
pl unjar "oui_aix.jar " , ( jar -xvf oui_aix.jar )
This should create Disk1 dir for you .
I unzip the oui_aix.jar and I've got the Disk1 directory. But when I start the Installer like you told me I get always the errormessage "products.xml is either a directory or a corrupted file". Do you know where the problem is?
Thanks a lot
Hi ,
cd aix
chmod -R 777 *
Invoke runInstaller under /aix/agent/runInstaller
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I change the permission but I've got the same errormessage.
Hi ,
1) Pl confirm downloaded file name is "" or not ?
2 ) Let me know , where exactly you are getting that error. ( which screen )
Hi ,
Yes, I downloaded ""
At the first screen after inserting location for product file, home name and home location and pressing "next"!
I am running into the same situation. Is there a workaround? 
I am not sure which of the errors mentioned in the first posting you are getting, but I suggest you check the followng.
1. You have downloaded the correct file for your Operating System
2. After Download, you have transferred (FTP) it to the Server as binary instead of ascii
3. You must install it in a new AGENT_HOME
4. You have set the correct AGENT_HOME before running installer.
I have highlighted (2) above because the file will be corrupted if it is transferred as ascii which is the default.

what is this directory for ?

After I finished my 10g R2 installation on AIX 5.3 succssfully, I notice this directory under the /oracleapp/tmp, OraInstall2006-12-12_11-40-33AM. It includes:
Based on the timing, they were generated before my beginning of installation. /oracleapp/tmp was created for the installation. Anyone knows what are for? Can i remove them? The 10g installion doc did not mention any of this.
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/oracleapp/tmp, OraInstall2006-12-12_11-40-33AM.Have you set TMP dir to /oracleapp/tmp?
Usually when you call runInstaller one of the first things it does, is extract OUI to a directory in /tmp (not sure, but probably named OraInstall<datetime> like the one you mentioned) and start OUI from that location.
You can try for yourself by just issuing /your/install/media/dir/Disk1/runInstaller and check current temporary directory.
/oracleapp/tmp was created for the installation. Anyone knows what are
for? Can i remove them? A successful install should remove these temporary installer files afterwards, but results tend to vary.

[Oracle8.1 Client] Silent install

Trying to make a silent install with Oracle8.1 Client, the goal is to build an MSI package who installs client automatically. I think my clientcustom.rsp is good, but when I launch the command :
C:Program FilesOracleouiinstall>setup.exe -responseFile "C:Responseoracle.swd.Custom.rsp" -silent
There is no effect. If I remove silent option, OUI launchs, but dont take in order parameters who are in custom.rsp...
Other thing, to make a silent install install of Oracle8.1, it is obligatory to have OUI installed on computer ?
The other problem is I have to integrate tnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora in installation.
So what would be the best solution for realize that ? Thanks in advance.
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Do you really need 8.1.x? Why? 
Because it is simply the version that my customer wants lol :/ (yes it is old oO)
But I didn't managed to create a responsefile ! With cd insert, I record the installation with the command line
setup.exe -record -destinationFile c:client.rsp
then I am installing a custom Installation. But after installation I don't see client.rsp ! ! What could be the problem ? ? 
Check Metalink. You may need a patched version of the installer to properly record and use rsp files. 
I don't have access to metalink for moment.. :/ But well with stuffs, I got a folder named "OUI", seems to be used for upgrade Universal Installer...But what would be the best procedure to take in order this upgrade and generate a responsefile ? I tried to copy CD contents wth OUI upgrade content, no response file created. Thanks in advance. 
Do you know the name of Patch, where I could get this ?
Or Can I see if I got the right version ?
I will see what I can find in my notes for this ooold version ;-)
I will update this post with the findings.... 
Thanks in advance.
Anyway I see a strange thing :
- I launch the command C:Program FilesOracleouiinstall>setup.exe -record -DestinationFile "C:Responseoracle.rsp" . OUI launch correctly.
- But after install, I don't see oracle.rsp file created.
- In Silent mode, I launch "C:Program FilesOracleouiinstall>setup.exe -responsefile C:clientminiresponse.
- In Logs, I see "Installation use oracle.rsp file".
- But the Installer don't use values which are in oracle.rsp file. It seems that it takes in order only oraparam.ini.
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A hint:
Always use the Installer that is included on the install media (unless instructed otherwise).
Also, not sure it matters but have you tried dropping the quotation marks around the rsp file name? 
Oh. I have few changes including quotes for all settings, but the record installation doesn't work. I use OUI, and this command :
setup.exe -record -destinationfile C:testresponsefile.rsp
I tried to put the path in quotes, no effect.
Other question, for a response file, what are settings for net8 configuration ? I don't see it in docs.
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Anyway, I'm able to install silently Oracle Client. But how can I dot for create an MSI Package who launchs the command I use ? If someone have an idea on it, Thanks in advance.

Deinstalling Oracle 11gr2 software on Windows 2003

I am trying to deinstall Oracle 11gr2 software on Windows 2003 using the deinstall batch file. I am getting an error like this...
E:appofm33suvproduct11.2.0dbhome_1deinstall>deinstall.bat -home E:appofm33suvproduct11.2.0dbhome_1
Checking for required files and bootstrapping ...
Please wait ...
The system cannot find the path specified.
The system cannot find the path specified.
The system cannot find the path specified.
'C:DOCUME~1ofm33suvLocal' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Where did I go wrong and How do I fix this issue? Any Suggestions?
Edited by: user6796038 on Sep 7, 2010 9:47 AM 
Can you do as follows. On command prompt, go to E: prompt and from there run the deinstall as follows (without any argument) and follow the instructions.
E: <enter>
cd <enter>
alternatively start the universal installer and have it manage the deinstall. 
alternatively start the universal installer and have it manage the deinstall.I don't think OUI does deinstall for us starting 11.2. Rather it returns a message stating that "Please run the command 'ORACLE_HOME/deinstall/deinstall' to deinstall this oracle home"
Hello Salman,
You should check your Temp and TMP environment variables. They might indicate a path which contains spaces so, just reset them temporarily to c:temp and then try the deinstall.bat script. I hope it helps. 
Worked for me on Windows 2008.
Thanks a lot!

Missing files while insatlling ORACLE 11g R2 on AIX

Hello All,
i am installing Oracle 11g R2 on AIX 6.1 OS.
All the prerequisites were passed ut i am facing missing files errors:
example of the missing files:
your help pls... 
Hi NB,
Just wanted to confirm that if you unpacked both the zip files into a single folder or not. 
Yes i unzip was done on one folder called database 
Hi NB,
Just to make sure that you have a valid installation package:
* you can validate the checksum of the file
* after unzip, check the 'database' folder size and number of files
Once i had the problem that the *** did not get extracted.
hello Again,
Now the installation has finished.
I run DBCA and when i try to create the db, it give me an error:
/etc/oratab (a file or directory in the path name does not exists)
why i am facing this issue.
Did you run the script to complete the installation as Oracle requests?
Oratab file is created when executing the script ...
Edited by: Thierry on Feb 24, 2011 3:52 PM 
There was some missing files in my database folder.


I will explain How to Deinstall or Cleanup Grid Infrastructure ( RAC ) in Oracle in this post.

Deinstall or Cleanup Grid Infrastructure ( RAC )

Sometimes you may need to deinstall or clean up the Grid Infrastructure if it is corrupted or broken.

Voting disk is deleted in my case, so Clusterware is not started. I would upgrade the Grid Infrastructure to the Oracle 19c from 18c, but I couldn’t upgrade it because of not started.

So I decided to uninstall / cleanup the Grid Infrastructure, then try to Install fresh Oracle 19c RAC.

If you want to install Oracle RAC, you can read the following post to learn how to install Oracle 19c RAC.

Oracle 19c Real Application Cluster (RAC) Step by Step Installation on Full Rack Exadata X7

Deinstall Grid Infrastructure

I will keep the Diskgroups and their data During the uninstall, so that I won’t lost my data and don’t need restore database again.

You can also remove and delete all diskgroups and their data, if you want to cleanup completely.

Deinstall Clusterware / Grid Infrastructure Steps

To deinstall Grid Infrastructure, Oracle has deinstall tool under the ORACLE_HOME. Run it as follows.

[+ASM2]/u01/app/18.0.0/grid/deinstall $ ./deinstall
Checking for required files and bootstrapping ...
Please wait ...
Location of logs /u01/app/oraInventory/logs/

############ ORACLE DECONFIG TOOL START ############

######################### DECONFIG CHECK OPERATION START #########################
## [START] Install check configuration ##

Deinstall utility is unable to determine the list of nodes, on which this home is configured, as the Oracle Clusterware processes are not running on the local node.

Is this home configured on other nodes (y - yes, n - no)?[n]:y

Specify a comma-separated list of remote nodes to cleanup : msdbadm001

Checking for existence of the Oracle home location /u01/app/18.0.0/grid
Oracle Home type selected for deinstall is: Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster
Oracle Base selected for deinstall is: /u01/app/grid
Checking for existence of central inventory location /u01/app/oraInventory
Checking for existence of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home /u01/app/18.0.0/grid
The following nodes are part of this cluster: msdbadm002,msdbadm001
Active Remote Nodes are msdbadm001
Checking for sufficient temp space availability on node(s) : 'msdbadm002,msdbadm001'

## [END] Install check configuration ##

Traces log file: /u01/app/oraInventory/logs//crsdc_2020-10-28_04-23-25-PM.log

Network Configuration check config START

Network de-configuration trace file location: /u01/app/oraInventory/logs/netdc_check2020-10-28_04-23-32PM.log

Network Configuration check config END

Asm Check Configuration START

ASM de-configuration trace file location: /u01/app/oraInventory/logs/asmcadc_check2020-10-28_04-23-32PM.log

ASM configuration was not detected in this Oracle home. Was ASM configured in this Oracle home (y|n) [n]: y
Automatic Storage Management (ASM) instance is detected in this Oracle home /u01/app/18.0.0/grid.
ASM Diagnostic Destination : /u01/app/grid
ASM Diskgroups : 
ASM diskstring : /dev/oracleasm/disks/*
Diskgroups will not be dropped
If you want to retain the existing diskgroups or if any of the information detected is incorrect, you can modify by entering 'y'. Do you want to modify above information (y|n) [n]: y
Is Grid Infrastructure Storage(OCR) in ASM diskgroup (y|n) [y]: y
Enter the OCR/Voting Disk diskgroup name [+DATA]: 
Specify the ASM Diagnostic Destination [/u01/app/grid]: 
Specify the diskstring [/dev/oracleasm/disks/*]: 
Specify the diskgroups that are managed by this ASM instance []: DATATEST

De-configuring ASM will drop the diskgroups at cleanup time. Do you want deconfig tool to drop the diskgroups (y|n) [y]: n

Database Check Configuration START

Database de-configuration trace file location: /u01/app/oraInventory/logs/databasedc_check2020-10-28_04-23-32PM.log

Oracle Grid Management database was not found in this Grid Infrastructure home

Database Check Configuration END

######################### DECONFIG CHECK OPERATION END #########################

####################### DECONFIG CHECK OPERATION SUMMARY #######################
Oracle Grid Infrastructure Home is: /u01/app/18.0.0/grid
The following nodes are part of this cluster: msdbadm002,msdbadm001
Active Remote Nodes are msdbadm001
The cluster node(s) on which the Oracle home deinstallation will be performed are:msdbadm002,msdbadm001
Oracle Home selected for deinstall is: /u01/app/18.0.0/grid
Inventory Location where the Oracle home registered is: /u01/app/oraInventory
ASM instance will be de-configured from this Oracle home
Oracle Grid Management database was not found in this Grid Infrastructure home
Do you want to continue (y - yes, n - no)? [n]: y
A log of this session will be written to: '/u01/app/oraInventory/logs/deinstall_deconfig2020-10-28_04-22-43-PM.out'
Any error messages from this session will be written to: '/u01/app/oraInventory/logs/deinstall_deconfig2020-10-28_04-22-43-PM.err'

######################## DECONFIG CLEAN OPERATION START ########################
Database de-configuration trace file location: /u01/app/oraInventory/logs/databasedc_clean2020-10-28_04-23-32PM.log
ASM de-configuration trace file location: /u01/app/oraInventory/logs/asmcadc_clean2020-10-28_04-23-32PM.log
ASM Clean Configuration START
ASM Clean Configuration END

Network Configuration clean config START

Network de-configuration trace file location: /u01/app/oraInventory/logs/netdc_clean2020-10-28_04-23-32PM.log

The network configuration has been cleaned up successfully.

Network Configuration clean config END


The deconfig command below can be executed in parallel on all the remote nodes. Execute the command on the local node after the execution completes on all the remote nodes.

Run the following command as the root user or the administrator on node "msdbadm001".

/u01/app/18.0.0/grid/crs/install/ -force -deconfig -paramfile "/tmp/deinstall2020-10-28_04-22-29PM/response/deinstall_OraGI18Home1.rsp"

Run the following command as the root user or the administrator on node "msdbadm002".

/u01/app/18.0.0/grid/crs/install/ -force -deconfig -paramfile "/tmp/deinstall2020-10-28_04-22-29PM/response/deinstall_OraGI18Home1.rsp" -lastnode

Press Enter after you finish running the above commands


Clean up the Grid Infrastructure

in this step, You should run the above scripts on the related nodes as follows.

[[email protected] /]# /u01/app/18.0.0/grid/crs/install/ -force -deconfig -paramfile "/tmp/deinstall2020-10-28_04-22-29PM/response/deinstall_OraGI18Home1.rsp"
Using configuration parameter file: /tmp/deinstall2020-10-28_04-22-29PM/response/deinstall_OraGI18Home1.rsp
The log of current session can be found at:
PRCR-1070 : Failed to check if resource is registered
CRS-0184 : Cannot communicate with the CRS daemon.
PRCR-1070 : Failed to check if resource ora.helper is registered
CRS-0184 : Cannot communicate with the CRS daemon.
PRCR-1070 : Failed to check if resource ora.ons is registered
CRS-0184 : Cannot communicate with the CRS daemon.

2020/10/28 16:30:57 CLSRSC-180: An error occurred while executing the command '/u01/app/18.0.0/grid/bin/srvctl config nodeapps'
CRS-2791: Starting shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'msdbadm001'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.cssdmonitor' on 'msdbadm001'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.evmd' on 'msdbadm001'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.crf' on 'msdbadm001'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.mdnsd' on 'msdbadm001'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.cssdmonitor' on 'msdbadm001' succeeded
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.crf' on 'msdbadm001' succeeded
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.evmd' on 'msdbadm001' succeeded
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.gpnpd' on 'msdbadm001'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.gipcd' on 'msdbadm001'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.mdnsd' on 'msdbadm001' succeeded
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.gipcd' on 'msdbadm001' succeeded
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.gpnpd' on 'msdbadm001' succeeded
CRS-2793: Shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'msdbadm001' has completed
CRS-4133: Oracle High Availability Services has been stopped.
2020/10/28 16:31:24 CLSRSC-4006: Removing Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA) Collector.

2020/10/28 16:33:20 CLSRSC-4007: Successfully removed Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA) Collector.
2020/10/28 16:33:29 CLSRSC-336: Successfully deconfigured Oracle Clusterware stack on this node
[[email protected] /]#

Run script on the second node as follows.

[[email protected] ~]# /u01/app/18.0.0/grid/crs/install/ -force -deconfig -paramfile "/tmp/deinstall2020-10-28_04-22-29PM/response/deinstall_OraGI18Home1.rsp" -lastnode
Using configuration parameter file: /tmp/deinstall2020-10-28_04-22-29PM/response/deinstall_OraGI18Home1.rsp
The log of current session can be found at:
PRCR-1070 : Failed to check if resource ora.cvu is registered

CRS-0184 : Cannot communicate with the CRS daemon.

2020/10/28 16:34:15 CLSRSC-180: An error occurred while executing the command '/u01/app/18.0.0/grid/bin/srvctl stop cvu -f'
PRCR-1070 : Failed to check if resource ora.cvu is registered

CRS-0184 : Cannot communicate with the CRS daemon.

2020/10/28 16:34:16 CLSRSC-180: An error occurred while executing the command '/u01/app/18.0.0/grid/bin/srvctl remove cvu -f'
PRCR-1068 : Failed to query resources

CRS-0184 : Cannot communicate with the CRS daemon.

2020/10/28 16:34:17 CLSRSC-180: An error occurred while executing the command '/u01/app/18.0.0/grid/bin/srvctl stop scan_listener -f'
PRCR-1068 : Failed to query resources

CRS-0184 : Cannot communicate with the CRS daemon.

2020/10/28 16:34:17 CLSRSC-180: An error occurred while executing the command '/u01/app/18.0.0/grid/bin/srvctl remove scan_listener -y -f'
PRCR-1068 : Failed to query resources
CRS-0184 : Cannot communicate with the CRS daemon.
2020/10/28 16:34:18 CLSRSC-180: An error occurred while executing the command '/u01/app/18.0.0/grid/bin/srvctl stop scan -f'
PRCR-1068 : Failed to query resources
CRS-0184 : Cannot communicate with the CRS daemon.
2020/10/28 16:34:19 CLSRSC-180: An error occurred while executing the command '/u01/app/18.0.0/grid/bin/srvctl remove scan -y -f'
PRCR-1070 : Failed to check if resource is registered
CRS-0184 : Cannot communicate with the CRS daemon.
PRCR-1070 : Failed to check if resource ora.helper is registered
CRS-0184 : Cannot communicate with the CRS daemon.
PRCR-1070 : Failed to check if resource ora.ons is registered
CRS-0184 : Cannot communicate with the CRS daemon.

2020/10/28 16:34:19 CLSRSC-180: An error occurred while executing the command '/u01/app/18.0.0/grid/bin/srvctl config nodeapps'
CRS-2791: Starting shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'msdbadm002'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.mdnsd' on 'msdbadm002'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.gpnpd' on 'msdbadm002'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.crf' on 'msdbadm002'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.crf' on 'msdbadm002' succeeded
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.gipcd' on 'msdbadm002'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.mdnsd' on 'msdbadm002' succeeded
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.gpnpd' on 'msdbadm002' succeeded
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.gipcd' on 'msdbadm002' succeeded
CRS-2793: Shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'msdbadm002' has completed
CRS-4133: Oracle High Availability Services has been stopped.
-CRS-4123: Oracle High Availability Services has been started.
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.evmd' on 'msdbadm002'
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.mdnsd' on 'msdbadm002'
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.mdnsd' on 'msdbadm002' succeeded
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.evmd' on 'msdbadm002' succeeded
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.gpnpd' on 'msdbadm002'
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.gpnpd' on 'msdbadm002' succeeded
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.cssdmonitor' on 'msdbadm002'
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.gipcd' on 'msdbadm002'
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.cssdmonitor' on 'msdbadm002' succeeded
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.gipcd' on 'msdbadm002' succeeded
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.cssd' on 'msdbadm002'
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.diskmon' on 'msdbadm002'
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.diskmon' on 'msdbadm002' succeeded
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.cssd' on 'msdbadm002' succeeded
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.crf' on 'msdbadm002'
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.ctssd' on 'msdbadm002'
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.cluster_interconnect.haip' on 'msdbadm002'
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.crf' on 'msdbadm002' succeeded
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.ctssd' on 'msdbadm002' succeeded
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.cluster_interconnect.haip' on 'msdbadm002' succeeded
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'ora.asm' on 'msdbadm002'
CRS-2676: Start of 'ora.asm' on 'msdbadm002' succeeded
CRS-2672: Attempting to start '' on 'msdbadm002'
CRS-2674: Start of '' on 'msdbadm002' failed
CRS-2679: Attempting to clean '' on 'msdbadm002'
CRS-2681: Clean of '' on 'msdbadm002' succeeded
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.asm' on 'msdbadm002'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.asm' on 'msdbadm002' succeeded
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.cluster_interconnect.haip' on 'msdbadm002'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.cluster_interconnect.haip' on 'msdbadm002' succeeded
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.ctssd' on 'msdbadm002'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.ctssd' on 'msdbadm002' succeeded
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.crf' on 'msdbadm002'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.crf' on 'msdbadm002' succeeded
CRS-4000: Command Start failed, or completed with errors.
2020/10/28 16:45:41 CLSRSC-260: Clusterware exclusive mode start of Cluster Ready Services failed
2020/10/28 16:45:41 CLSRSC-558: failed to deconfigure ASM
2020/10/28 16:45:41 CLSRSC-651: One or more deconfiguration steps failed, but the deconfiguration process continued because the -force option was specified.
CRS-2791: Starting shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'msdbadm002'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.mdnsd' on 'msdbadm002'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.evmd' on 'msdbadm002'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.mdnsd' on 'msdbadm002' succeeded
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.evmd' on 'msdbadm002' succeeded
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.cssd' on 'msdbadm002'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.cssd' on 'msdbadm002' succeeded
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.gpnpd' on 'msdbadm002'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.gipcd' on 'msdbadm002'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.gpnpd' on 'msdbadm002' succeeded
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.gipcd' on 'msdbadm002' succeeded
CRS-2793: Shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'msdbadm002' has completed
CRS-4133: Oracle High Availability Services has been stopped.
2020/10/28 16:46:10 CLSRSC-4006: Removing Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA) Collector.
2020/10/28 16:47:08 CLSRSC-4007: Successfully removed Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA) Collector.
2020/10/28 16:47:52 CLSRSC-336: Successfully deconfigured Oracle Clusterware stack on this node
2020/10/28 16:47:52 CLSRSC-559: Ensure that the GPnP profile data under the 'gpnp' directory in /u01/app/18.0.0/grid is deleted on each node before using the software in the current Grid Infrastructure home for reconfiguration.
[[email protected] ~]#

Once you completed the running of the scripts on the nodes, enter and continue to deinstall as follows.

The deconfig command below can be executed in parallel on all the remote nodes. Execute the command on the local node after the execution completes on all the remote nodes.

Run the following command as the root user or the administrator on node "msdbadm001".

/u01/app/18.0.0/grid/crs/install/ -force -deconfig -paramfile "/tmp/deinstall2020-10-28_04-22-29PM/response/deinstall_OraGI18Home1.rsp"

Run the following command as the root user or the administrator on node "msdbadm002".

/u01/app/18.0.0/grid/crs/install/ -force -deconfig -paramfile "/tmp/deinstall2020-10-28_04-22-29PM/response/deinstall_OraGI18Home1.rsp" -lastnode

Press Enter after you finish running the above commands


######################### DECONFIG CLEAN OPERATION END #########################

####################### DECONFIG CLEAN OPERATION SUMMARY #######################
There is no Oracle Grid Management database to de-configure in this Grid Infrastructure home
ASM instance was de-configured successfully from the Oracle home
Oracle Clusterware is stopped and successfully de-configured on node "msdbadm002"
Oracle Clusterware is stopped and successfully de-configured on node "msdbadm001"
Oracle Clusterware is stopped and de-configured successfully.

############# ORACLE DECONFIG TOOL END #############

Using properties file /tmp/deinstall2020-10-28_04-22-29PM/response/deinstall_2020-10-28_04-22-43-PM.rsp
Location of logs /u01/app/oraInventory/logs/

############ ORACLE DEINSTALL TOOL START ############

####################### DEINSTALL CHECK OPERATION SUMMARY #######################
A log of this session will be written to: '/u01/app/oraInventory/logs/deinstall_deconfig2020-10-28_04-22-43-PM.out'
Any error messages from this session will be written to: '/u01/app/oraInventory/logs/deinstall_deconfig2020-10-28_04-22-43-PM.err'

######################## DEINSTALL CLEAN OPERATION START ########################
## [START] Preparing for Deinstall ##
Setting LOCAL_NODE to msdbadm002
Setting REMOTE_NODES to msdbadm001
Setting CLUSTER_NODES to msdbadm002,msdbadm001
Setting CRS_HOME to true
Setting oracle.installer.invPtrLoc to /tmp/deinstall2020-10-28_04-22-29PM/oraInst.loc
Setting oracle.installer.local to false

## [END] Preparing for Deinstall ##

Setting the force flag to false
Setting the force flag to cleanup the Oracle Base
Oracle Universal Installer clean START

Detach Oracle home '/u01/app/18.0.0/grid' from the central inventory on the local node : Done

Delete directory '/u01/app/18.0.0/grid' on the local node : Done

The Oracle Base directory '/u01/app/grid' will not be removed on local node. The directory is in use by Oracle Home '/u01/app/12.1.0/grid'.

Detach Oracle home '/u01/app/18.0.0/grid' from the central inventory on the remote nodes 'msdbadm001' : Done

Delete directory '/u01/app/18.0.0/grid' on the remote nodes 'msdbadm001' : Done

The Oracle Base directory '/u01/app/grid' will not be removed on node 'msdbadm001'. The directory is in use by Oracle Home '/u01/app/12.1.0/grid'.

Oracle Universal Installer cleanup was successful.

Oracle Universal Installer clean END

## [START] Oracle install clean ##

Clean install operation removing temporary directory '/tmp/deinstall2020-10-28_04-22-29PM' on node 'msdbadm001'

## [END] Oracle install clean ##

######################### DEINSTALL CLEAN OPERATION END #########################

####################### DEINSTALL CLEAN OPERATION SUMMARY #######################
Successfully detached Oracle home '/u01/app/18.0.0/grid' from the central inventory on the local node.
Successfully deleted directory '/u01/app/18.0.0/grid' on the local node.
Successfully detached Oracle home '/u01/app/18.0.0/grid' from the central inventory on the remote nodes 'msdbadm001'.
Successfully deleted directory '/u01/app/18.0.0/grid' on the remote nodes 'msdbadm001'.
Oracle Universal Installer cleanup was successful.

For complete clean up of Oracle Clusterware software from the system, deinstall the following old clusterware home(s). Refer to Clusterware Install guide of respective old release for details.
/u01/app/12.1.0/grid on nodes : msdbadm002,msdbadm001
Review the permissions and contents of '/u01/app/grid' on nodes(s) 'msdbadm002,msdbadm001'.
If there are no Oracle home(s) associated with '/u01/app/grid', manually delete '/u01/app/grid' and its contents.
Oracle deinstall tool successfully cleaned up temporary directories.

############# ORACLE DEINSTALL TOOL END #############

[+ASM2]/u01/app/18.0.0/grid/deinstall $ 
[+ASM2]/u01/app/18.0.0/grid/deinstall $

Oracle Grid Infrastructure is deinstalled properly.

Do you want to learn Oracle RAC Architecture,  then read the following articles.

Do you want to learn Convert Single Instance to Oracle RAC, then read the following articles.

Convert Single Instance Oracle Database to Oracle RAC

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