Planetside 2 ошибка g12

Эта ошибка может быть вызвана разными причинами. Рекомендуем переустановить клиент игры.

Если рекомендации по устранению ошибки вам не помогли, обратитесь в службу поддержки Planetside2 , при обращении в службу поддержки подробно опишите проблему и прикрепите файлы диагностики dхdiag и msinfo32

Planetside2 имеет свои системные требования , пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с ними.

Не оставляйте в комментариях неконструктивные сообщения, этот ресурс является игровой энциклопедией посвященной Planetside 2, пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с политикой этой вики

If the game crashes you will get directed to an internet page with one of the following error codes.

Error Description
G2 Error Update your video card drivers. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support.
G3 Error Video card may be insufficient. If updating the video card drivers doesn’t work a new video card may be necessary. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support.
G4 Error There is a temporary issue with the game servers that prevents players from logging in. Please wait a few minutes and try again. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support.
G7 Error This error can have multiple causes. Check disk space. Clear some space until at least 15GB are available. Uninstall and reinstall the game. A reinstall will fix any corrupted files that can keep the game from running. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support.
G8 Error A game file is corrupt. Uninstall and reinstall the game. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support.
G9 Error Log out of the game and the LaunchPad, then reopen the LaunchPad and log in again. If the error occurs repeatedly, a full uninstall and reinstall of the game may be required. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support.
G10 Error There is an issue with your character. Please contact In-Game Support.
G11 Error These errors can indicate a number of different issues. A common solution is simply uninstalling and reinstalling the game. Also, if you’re running the game through Steam, Steam should be run as an administrator. If this does not work, please contact Technical Support.
G12 Error
G13 Error Update your video card drivers. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support.
G14 Error There is a temporary issue with the game servers. Please wait a few minutes and try again. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support.
G15 Error A firewall or virus protection program is preventing PlanetSide 2 from running. Set any firewalls and antivirus programs to allow PlanetSide 2,(specifically launchpad.exe, awesomiumprocess.exe and planetside2.exe. Find the steps to allow the game to bypass your protection programs here. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support.
G16 Error
G17 Error Update your video card drivers. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support.
G18 Error Your character failed to load. Please log out and log in again. If this doesn’t work please contact In-Game Support.
G19 Error Your computer may be out of memory. Turn down the game’s graphics settings (shadows, textures, graphics quality, etc.) via the in-game Settings menu. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support.
G20 Error
G21 Error Certain files have been corrupted. Uninstall and reinstall the game. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support.
G22 Error PlanetSide 2 cannot find certain files needed to play. Log out then log in again. If this doesn’t work, uninstall and reinstall the game. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support.
G23 Error There was a connection issue when downloading the needed files. Log out and log in again, or retry uninstalling and reinstalling the game. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support.
G24 Error There was an issue starting the game’s video. Update your video card drivers from the manufacturer’s website. If that doesn’t work a new video card may be required. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support.
G25 Error This is a very common error and indicates that there was an issue accessing your video card. Update your video card drivers from the manufacturer’s website. If that doesn’t work a new video card may be needed. Find out your video card details by entering «dxdiag» in Run Commands.
G26 Error Your game client is out of date and needs to be patched. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support.
G27 Error
G30 Error The client failed to receive a session ID from the server. These errors are usually isolated incidents and should not be recurring. Simply close the client and open it again. If you continue to receive the error contact Technical Support.
G37 Error This indicates a connection issue with the Login Server. Please try these troubleshooting steps to resolve the problem. Contact support if you can’t fix the problem using these steps.
G99 Error There is an issue connecting to the login server. The servers may be down for maintenance or game updates. Please wait a few minutes and try again a

little later. Be sure to check the forums for announcements on planned server shutdowns and estimated downtimes.

If there has been no notification of a server shutdown, validate your game files from the LaunchPad and make sure that Planetside 2.exe,
awesomiumprocess.exe and launchpad.exe are all set as exceptions in your firewall/antivirus program(s).

G10 Error Code[]

  1. Start the Planetside 2 game launcher
  2. Click the Advanced tools/settings menu (blue wrench icon above the loading bar)
  3. Click on «Validate Game Assets» in the left panel
  4. Click the «Validate» button
  5. Please wait as this process may take several minutes

G15/G37 Error Codes[]

Here are ports that the game uses so that you can update your routers/port forwards to successfully play the game.

Launchpad, Patching, and our Web site/web stats are on the standard ports. Voicechat is a SIP based application, that can change and be dynamic. The standard ports and initial SIP request will be made on:

Name Protocol Ports

The PlanetSide 2 Game Client uses the following for login, character select, and the worlds/zones:

Protocol Ports
UDP 20040 — 20199

The actual voice communication is currently on (This can change dynamically):

Protocol Port
UDP 5062

However please take note that the voice server is dynamic, it could change ports, but that port information will be relayed through the proxy on port HTTPS (TCP-443).

So in summary, make sure the following are opened (Outbound), and if you are having difficulties make sure you have port forwards enabled for the UDP ports:

Name Protocol Ports
UDP 20040 — 20199
UDP 5062

  1. Sometimes the game suddenly crashes with a G12 error.
    My laptop is i7-7700, GTX 1060 6GB, 16GB RAM, and the graphics driver is the latest version.

  2. When did this start to happen?

    Did you try methods from Wiki to solve this problem?
    «These errors can indicate a number of different issues. A common solution is simply uninstalling and reinstalling the game. Also, if you’re running the game through Steam, Steam should be run as an administrator. If this does not work, please contact Technical Support.»

  3. Same has been happening to me lately. I did just replace my motherboard. Of course I had to re- install the game. I tried wiki fix but still game crashes about 15 mins into playing. I also replaced my gtx 780 with a gtx 970. My system consists of i7 4790k msi gaming motherboard, gtx 970, 16gb x2 ram, watercooled system. Gonna try wiping it all and downloading the game again.

  4. Team automatically gets reports about crashes, so they most probably know about it.

    My game also crashes with G12 error, but only on PTS (before they closed it for test). Maybe it’s because I play with ultra graphics quality (custom-low on Live).
    Crashes mostly happened when I minimized game while loading.

  5. I’ve found a fix for the G12 error. On nvidia, just install a previous graphics card game driver.

    I’ve suspected this was the cause, since when I looked in my task manager: I realize that many games that crashed, could not use the GPU and closed out.

    This worked for 4 other people I told this to.

  6. Download a previous graphics driver version

  7. Download a previous GPU driver version

  8. What is your current version of Nvidia driver? And version of driver where G12 error happened?

  9. I started having the same problem in the last few days. I reinstalled PS2 from Steam and updated to the latest version of Windows, but that didn’t keep the dreaded G12 error from showing up. Finally I ran the Nvidia GeForce Experience app and while looking for a way to roll back the current driver, I found a drop down menu with one choice: «Reinstall driver.» That fixed my problem and I’m back in the fight.

    EDIT — I spoke too soon. It only worked once, and now it’s broken again. All I get is this unhelpful message:

    Game Error G12


    We’ve encountered a problem. Please try again later.

  10. Another interesting development happened today. I logged in to the Planetside 2 test server, and after an update loaded, I was able to play there with no problems. I suspect that someone may have forgotten to add the 3840 x 2160 display resolution into the mix, but fixed the problem on the test server. So I’m expecting that the next change to production will fix my problem. In the meantime, I can’t play.

    I had to laugh when I got another «Game Error G12» message and happened to look up at the URL of that page. In HTML, using percent two zero for every space between words, the URL says «Your graphics device driver crashed or reset. Please ensure your graphics drivers are up to date (Cb887a0005)» My NVIDIA GeForce Game Ready Driver is the latest, Version 445.75, release date 03/23/2020.

    • Up x 1

PlanetSide 2 Forums

Go to Planetside

This is how to fix the dreaded G12 Error! Easy mode.

This is from a ticket SOEHelp. This solved it for me.


I am glad that you were able to find a work around. Try the following steps to see if it can resolve your issue fully.

Run your Planetside 2 Launchpad and log in, but do not press play. Click on the Advanced Tools icon (looks like a hexagon surrounding a wrench) in the lower left and then choose the option to open game directory. In the window/folder that comes up, locate and delete the following files








Once these files are deleted, close the Planetside 2 window/folder and go back to the Launchpad > Advanced Tools/Settings menu. Click on the Validate Game Assets menu option and then press the green Validate button to have the Launchpad check your game files, and download any missing or corrupt files.

Regards, TSR Joseph B

Contact SOE Account, Billing, and Technical Support Phone, Chat, and Email:

This is the work around he talked about: I changed the following in my useroptions.ini to get it to work on my dual screen. But if I try to change the settings ingame I crash the game still with G 12 error :( FullscreenWidth=1920






Match it to your resolution.

Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.

If the game crashes you will get directed to an internet page with one of the following error codes.

Error Description
G2 Error Update your video card drivers. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support.
G3 Error Video card may be insufficient. If updating the video card drivers doesn’t work a new video card may be necessary. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support.
G4 Error There is a temporary issue with the game servers that prevents players from logging in. Please wait a few minutes and try again. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support.
G7 Error This error can have multiple causes. Check disk space. Clear some space until at least 15GB are available. Uninstall and reinstall the game. A reinstall will fix any corrupted files that can keep the game from running. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support.
G8 Error A game file is corrupt. Uninstall and reinstall the game. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support.
G9 Error Log out of the game and the LaunchPad, then reopen the LaunchPad and log in again. If the error occurs repeatedly, a full uninstall and reinstall of the game may be required. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support.
G10 Error There is an issue with your character. Please contact In-Game Support.
G11 Error These errors can indicate a number of different issues. A common solution is simply uninstalling and reinstalling the game. Also, if you’re running the game through Steam, Steam should be run as an administrator. If this does not work, please contact Technical Support.
G12 Error
G13 Error Update your video card drivers. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support.
G14 Error There is a temporary issue with the game servers. Please wait a few minutes and try again. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support.
G15 Error A firewall or virus protection program is preventing PlanetSide 2 from running. Set any firewalls and antivirus programs to allow PlanetSide 2,(specifically launchpad.exe, awesomiumprocess.exe and planetside2.exe. Find the steps to allow the game to bypass your protection programs here. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support.
G16 Error
G17 Error Update your video card drivers. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support.
G18 Error Your character failed to load. Please log out and log in again. If this doesn’t work please contact In-Game Support.
G19 Error Your computer may be out of memory. Turn down the game’s graphics settings (shadows, textures, graphics quality, etc.) via the in-game Settings menu. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support.
G20 Error
G21 Error Certain files have been corrupted. Uninstall and reinstall the game. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support.
G22 Error PlanetSide 2 cannot find certain files needed to play. Log out then log in again. If this doesn’t work, uninstall and reinstall the game. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support.
G23 Error There was a connection issue when downloading the needed files. Log out and log in again, or retry uninstalling and reinstalling the game. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support.
G24 Error There was an issue starting the game’s video. Update your video card drivers from the manufacturer’s website. If that doesn’t work a new video card may be required. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support.
G25 Error This is a very common error and indicates that there was an issue accessing your video card. Update your video card drivers from the manufacturer’s website. If that doesn’t work a new video card may be needed. Find out your video card details by entering «dxdiag» in Run Commands.
G26 Error Your game client is out of date and needs to be patched. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support.
G27 Error
G30 Error The client failed to receive a session ID from the server. These errors are usually isolated incidents and should not be recurring. Simply close the client and open it again. If you continue to receive the error contact Technical Support.
G37 Error This indicates a connection issue with the Login Server. Please try these troubleshooting steps to resolve the problem. Contact support if you can’t fix the problem using these steps.
G99 Error There is an issue connecting to the login server. The servers may be down for maintenance or game updates. Please wait a few minutes and try again a

little later. Be sure to check the forums for announcements on planned server shutdowns and estimated downtimes.

If there has been no notification of a server shutdown, validate your game files from the LaunchPad and make sure that Planetside 2.exe,
awesomiumprocess.exe and launchpad.exe are all set as exceptions in your firewall/antivirus program(s).

G10 Error Code[]

  1. Start the Planetside 2 game launcher
  2. Click the Advanced tools/settings menu (blue wrench icon above the loading bar)
  3. Click on «Validate Game Assets» in the left panel
  4. Click the «Validate» button
  5. Please wait as this process may take several minutes

G15/G37 Error Codes[]

Here are ports that the game uses so that you can update your routers/port forwards to successfully play the game.

Launchpad, Patching, and our Web site/web stats are on the standard ports. Voicechat is a SIP based application, that can change and be dynamic. The standard ports and initial SIP request will be made on:

Name Protocol Ports

The PlanetSide 2 Game Client uses the following for login, character select, and the worlds/zones:

Protocol Ports
UDP 20040 — 20199

The actual voice communication is currently on (This can change dynamically):

Protocol Port
UDP 5062

However please take note that the voice server is dynamic, it could change ports, but that port information will be relayed through the proxy on port HTTPS (TCP-443).

So in summary, make sure the following are opened (Outbound), and if you are having difficulties make sure you have port forwards enabled for the UDP ports:

Name Protocol Ports
UDP 20040 — 20199
UDP 5062

Эта ошибка может быть вызвана разными причинами. Рекомендуем переустановить клиент игры.

Если рекомендации по устранению ошибки вам не помогли, обратитесь в службу поддержки Planetside2 , при обращении в службу поддержки подробно опишите проблему и прикрепите файлы диагностики dхdiag и msinfo32
Planetside2 имеет свои системные требования , пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с ними.
Не оставляйте в комментариях неконструктивные сообщения, этот ресурс является игровой энциклопедией посвященной Planetside 2, пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с политикой этой вики

  1. Sometimes the game suddenly crashes with a G12 error.
    My laptop is i7-7700, GTX 1060 6GB, 16GB RAM, and the graphics driver is the latest version.

  2. When did this start to happen?

    Did you try methods from Wiki to solve this problem?
    «These errors can indicate a number of different issues. A common solution is simply uninstalling and reinstalling the game. Also, if you’re running the game through Steam, Steam should be run as an administrator. If this does not work, please contact Technical Support.»

  3. Same has been happening to me lately. I did just replace my motherboard. Of course I had to re- install the game. I tried wiki fix but still game crashes about 15 mins into playing. I also replaced my gtx 780 with a gtx 970. My system consists of i7 4790k msi gaming motherboard, gtx 970, 16gb x2 ram, watercooled system. Gonna try wiping it all and downloading the game again.

  4. Team automatically gets reports about crashes, so they most probably know about it.

    My game also crashes with G12 error, but only on PTS (before they closed it for test). Maybe it’s because I play with ultra graphics quality (custom-low on Live).
    Crashes mostly happened when I minimized game while loading.

  5. I’ve found a fix for the G12 error. On nvidia, just install a previous graphics card game driver.

    I’ve suspected this was the cause, since when I looked in my task manager: I realize that many games that crashed, could not use the GPU and closed out.

    This worked for 4 other people I told this to.

  6. Download a previous graphics driver version

  7. Download a previous GPU driver version

  8. What is your current version of Nvidia driver? And version of driver where G12 error happened?

  9. I started having the same problem in the last few days. I reinstalled PS2 from Steam and updated to the latest version of Windows, but that didn’t keep the dreaded G12 error from showing up. Finally I ran the Nvidia GeForce Experience app and while looking for a way to roll back the current driver, I found a drop down menu with one choice: «Reinstall driver.» That fixed my problem and I’m back in the fight.

    EDIT — I spoke too soon. It only worked once, and now it’s broken again. All I get is this unhelpful message:

    Game Error G12


    We’ve encountered a problem. Please try again later.

  10. Another interesting development happened today. I logged in to the Planetside 2 test server, and after an update loaded, I was able to play there with no problems. I suspect that someone may have forgotten to add the 3840 x 2160 display resolution into the mix, but fixed the problem on the test server. So I’m expecting that the next change to production will fix my problem. In the meantime, I can’t play.

    I had to laugh when I got another «Game Error G12» message and happened to look up at the URL of that page. In HTML, using percent two zero for every space between words, the URL says «Your graphics device driver crashed or reset. Please ensure your graphics drivers are up to date (Cb887a0005)» My NVIDIA GeForce Game Ready Driver is the latest, Version 445.75, release date 03/23/2020.

    • Up x 1

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