Phpstorm поиск ошибок

PhpStorm analyses code in the files that are opened in the editor and highlights problematic code as you type. Additionally, you can run the necessary inspection or a set of inspections on the selected scope of files manually. In this case, you will get a comprehensive report of all problems detected in the files.

Instant analysis of the current file

The IDE continuously checks your code and searches for problems. The widget in the top-right corner of the editor displays the number of problems of each severity detected in the current file:

Inspection widget

Click the widget to open the list of problems on the File tab of the Problems tool window. You can also access the Problems tool window by selecting or by pressing Alt+6.

For each problem, you can see the suggested quick-fix by pressing Alt+Enter or by clicking Show Quick Fixes. You can also jump to the corresponding line in the editor by pressing F4 or by double-clicking the problem in the tool window.

Alternatively, click Open Editor Preview to be able to view and fix problems in the tool window.

The color stripe in the scrollbar also marks the detected code problems and helps you quickly access the corresponding lines without scrolling the file. Hover over a mark on the stripe to see the detected problem in a tooltip. Click a mark to jump to the corresponding line.

Navigate to detected problems

You can jump from one highlighted problem to another within a file by clicking the Next Highlighted Error button the Next Highlighted Error button in the widget or by pressing F2 or Shift+F2 accordingly. By default, the IDE will navigate you to problems according to their severity: errors > warnings > weak warnings > server problems > typos.

You can configure PhpStorm to take you through the problems one by one regardless of their severity. Hover over the widget in top-right corner of the editor, click the More button, select ‘Next Error’ Action (F2) Goes Through, and enable All Problems.

Configuring navigation between highlighted lines

Run inspections manually

Some inspections require global code analysis, and that is why they are disabled in the editor. These inspections are listed in . Click Filter Inspections and select Show only batch-mode inspections.

If you want to get a full report of all detected problems, run inspections manually.

Run all inspections

  1. Go to .

  2. Select the scope of files that you want to analyze.

    Click the the Browse button icon to configure a new scope.

  3. Select the inspection profile that you want to apply.

    To create a new profile or modify one of the existing profiles, click Configure.

  4. Click Analyze to start the analysis.

The Specify Inspection Scope dialog

Specify Inspection Scope dialog



Whole project

Inspect the whole project.

Module <name>

Inspect the module that is currently selected in the Project tool window.

File <name>

Inspect the file that is currently selected in the Project tool window or opened in the editor.

Selected files

Inspect the files that are currently selected in the Project tool window.

Uncommitted files

This scope is only available for the projects under version control.

Inspect only the files that have not been committed to the version control system.


Inspect the directory that is currently selected in the Project tool window.

Custom scope

Inspect a custom scope of files. Select a pre-defined scope from the list, or click the Browse button and define the scope in the Scopes dialog that opens.

Include test sources

Inspect the test sources included in the analysis scope.

Inspect injected code

Inspect pieces of code in other languages embedded in your code.

Inspection profile

Select a profile that you want to use to inspect your code.

If the required profile is not in the list, click Configure and create a new profile.

Run a single inspection

Running a single inspection is useful in case you want to track a specific problem. If you find a warning in a file, you can inspect your entire project, or the necessary scope of files, to ensure that there are no more such warnings in your code base.

  1. Go to or press Control+Alt+Shift+I.

  2. Type the inspection name in the popup. Use CamelHumps to match camel case words and white spaces with initial letters of the words. The suggestion list will show you inspections that match your search request.

    If you are not sure that you are selecting the correct inspection, you can view its description. To do so, select an inspection in the popup and press Control+Q.

  3. Double-click the necessary inspection to open its settings.

  4. In the dialog that opens, select the scope of files that you want to analyze.

    The File mask(s) option helps you narrow down the number of files that will be inspected.

    Select the checkbox and specify a pattern of characters and wildcards that matches the names of files you want to analyze. Use a comma to separate multiple file masks.

  5. Some inspections might have additional options that you will be prompted to configure.

    These settings will only be applied to this run, and will not affect this inspection’s configuration in your current profile.

    The IDE will show you the inspection results in the dedicated tool window tool window. There you can examine and fix detected problems.

Analyze code before committing it to Git

If your project is under Git or Mercurial version control, you can configure the IDE to analyze modified files before committing them.

  1. Press Command K or select from the main menu.

  2. In the Commit tool window, click Show Commit Options and in the Commit Checks area, select the Analyze code checkbox.

  3. Click Choose profile and select the required inspection profile from which the IDE will run inspections.

    Run inspections before commit

  4. Click Commit.

    PhpStorm analyzes the code from the modified files by running inspections from the selected profile.

    If any errors or warnings are detected, you will see a notification.

    Notification on detected problems

  5. In the notification, click Review code analysis to see the list of the detected problems in the Messages tool window. Click Ignore to commit your changes without fixing the detected problems.

Run code inspection with Qodana

which is bundled and enabled in PhpStorm by default. If the relevant features aren’t available, make sure that you didn’t disable the plugin. For more information, refer to Open plugin settings.

You can inspect your code locally or remotely using Qodana. The main use case for Qodana is to perform resource-intensive code analysis remotely, on a CI/CD server. However, you can also run the same analysis in the IDE to make sure that you have the same results, and to be able to locate the detected issues in your source code.

  1. Go to .

  2. Select where you want to run inspections: locally or on your CI/CD server.

    To run inspections on the server, you need to set up Qodana on your CI first.

  3. The Qodana configuration file opens. In this file, you can specify Qodana inspection profile, enable or disable specific inspections, and specify a list of plugins that should be installed before the analysis.

    Click Run.

Once the analysis is finished, the report will be displayed in the Problems tool window on the Server-Side Analysis tab. You can work with the results locally or send them to Qodana Cloud.

Qodana results

The reports of all local runs of Qodana analysis are saved and available from the main menu: . The currently opened report has a checkmark next to it, you can click it to close the report.

For more information about Qodana, refer to its documentation.

Run inspections offline

In addition to running code inspections from the IDE, you can launch inspections from the command line without actually running PhpStorm. The inspection results will be stored in an XML file. For more information, refer to Run code inspections from the command line.

Change the order of scopes

By default, all enabled code inspections analyze all files in your project. Depending on your needs, you can run the same inspection in more than one scope of files with different settings.

If one file is included in two or more scopes, and you enable an inspection in these scopes, PhpStorm will process them according to their order in the list of scopes — the uppermost scope will have the highest priority, and therefore, it will be analyzed first.

  1. In the Settings dialog (Control+Alt+S), select .

  2. Select any inspection from the list.

  3. From the In All Scopes list, select Edit Scopes Order.

  4. Select the necessary scope, and use the Up button and the Down button to move it up and down the list.

    Changing the order of scopes

  5. If needed, create a new scope. To do so, click the Edit button (Edit Scopes), specify scope settings, and select the files and folders that you want to include in it. For more information, refer to Scopes and file colors.

Last modified: 08 September 2023

The Problems tool window displays problems that PhpStorm detects in your project using several tabs.

You can select any problem in the window and press F4 or double-click it to jump to the corresponding line in the editor.

When the design-time code inspection is enabled, this tab lists all code issues found in the current file. The list is updated as you switch between files in the editor.

PhpStorm: Problems tool window. Current File tab



Tooltip and shortcut


View Options

View Options

Filter out code issues by their severity and configure their sorting. When no grouping or sorting options are selected, the issues are listed in the order they appear in the file.

the Show Quick Fixes button

Show Quick-Fixes Alt+Enter

Show quick-fixes available for the selected problem.

the Open Editor Preview button

Open Editor Preview

Open the preview pane to view the selected issue in its source context right in the Problems window. Note that this preview is a normal editor where you can change the code and apply available quick-fixes.




Show Quick-Fixes


Show quick-fixes available for the selected problem.

Copy Problem Description


Copy the problem description to the clipboard.

Jump to Source


Open the code containing the problem in the editor.

Show Error Details

Open error details in a separate dialog.

Project Errors tab



Tooltip and shortcut


View Options

View Options

Filter out code issues by their severity and configure their sorting. When no grouping or sorting options are selected, the issues are listed in the order they appear in the file.

the Show Quick Fixes button

Show Quick-Fixes Alt+Enter

Show quick-fixes available for the selected problem.

the Open Editor Preview button

Open Editor Preview

Open the preview pane to view the selected issue in its source context right in the Problems window. Note that this preview is a normal editor where you can change the code and apply available quick-fixes.

Expand All

Expand All

Expand all nodes.

Collapse All

Collapse All

Collapse all nodes.




Copy Problem Description


Copy the problem description to the clipboard.

Jump to Source


Open the code containing the problem in the editor.

Show Error Details

Open error details in a separate dialog.

This tab displays code problems detected with Qodana. Qodana allows you run inspections locally including your IDE, and as a part of CI/CD pipelines.

PhpStorm: Qodana inspection results in the Problems window



Tooltip and shortcut


Log in to Qodana

Log in to Qodana

Log in to Qodana Cloud. This action is a prerequisite for linking your project with Qodana Cloud-based reports. Alternatively, you can do it from the main menu: . For more information, refer to Qodana Cloud.

Logged in to Qodana

Logged in to Qodana

You are logged in to Qodana Cloud. You can link your project with Qodana Cloud.

Link Project with Cloud

Link Project with Cloud

Link your project and upload the report to Qodana Cloud. Alternatively, you can do it from the main menu: . For more information, refer to Open report from Qodana Cloud.

Qodana icons linked project

Linked with Cloud

Your project is linked with Qodana Cloud.

By clicking this button, you can open the inspection report in the cloud or unlink your project from Qodana Cloud.

Refresh Cloud Report

Refresh Cloud Report

Refresh the current cloud report.

View Options

View Options

Filter out code issues by their severity and configure their sorting. When no grouping or sorting options are selected, the issues are listed in the order they appear in the file.

Open Editor Preview

Open Editor Preview

Open the preview pane to view the selected issue in its source context right in the Problems window. Note that this preview is a normal editor where you can change the code and apply available quick-fixes.

Expand All

Expand All Control+NumPad-+

Expand all nodes.

Collapse All

Collapse All Control+NumPad--

Collapse all nodes.

Show Qodana in Browser

Show Qodana in Browser

Open the results of the analysis in your default browser. An interactive report opens allowing you to examine the problems in detail and navigate between the report and the IDE.




Show Quick-Fixes


Show quick-fixes available for the selected problem.

Jump to Source


Open the code with the problem in the editor.

Show Error Details

Learn more in formation about the detected problem in a popup.


Modify the qodana.yaml configuration file by excluding from the analysis certain files, folders, or inspections.

Inspection results tab





Rerun Inspection


Run the inspection and show the results on the same tab.

Previous Problem


Navigate to the previous problem.

Next Problem


Navigate to the next problem.

Apply a quickfix


Resolve the problem for the selected inspection item by choosing one of the available quick fixes from the list.

the Settings button

Change the settings for the selected inspection or group of inspections in the Errors dialog.

View options

Group or filter found problems according to the selected option:

  • Directory: group detected problems by directory.

  • Severity: group detected problems by the error and warning severity. Otherwise, group the problems by inspection.

  • Filter resolved items: hide resolved problems.

Expand All


Expand all nodes.

Collapse All


Collapse all nodes.


Export the inspection results into XML , Sarif, or HTML format.




Jump to Source


Open the file that contains the selected problem in the editor and place the caret at the beginning of the corresponding code fragment.



Exclude the selected items from further examination. Excluded nodes are shown strikethrough. If the filter toggle App general filter is on, the excluded nodes are hidden.



Include previously excluded items in the list of results. All nested elements are included too.

App actions intention bulb App actions quickfix bulb


Select one of the suggested solutions.

Suppress problem

Suppress the inspection for the selected problem or the selected class.

Edit Settings

Change the settings for the selected inspection or group of inspections in the Errors dialog.

Disable inspection

Disable alerts for the selected inspection in the active tab of results. If the filter toggle App general filter is on, the nodes for disabled inspections are hidden.

Run inspection on

Rerun the selected inspection and display the results on a new tab.

Inspection report

The inspection report is shown in the right pane of the results tab when an inspection node is selected in the left pane. The report may include the following:

  • Problem resolution: A button for each of the available solutions. Clicking a button invokes the corresponding fix. If no buttons are present, you have to fix the problem yourself.

  • Suppress: Click this button to reveal the list of inspection suppress options.

  • Problem synopsis: A brief description of the problem.

  • Disable inspection: Disable alerts for the selected inspection in the active tab of results. If the filter toggle App general filter is on, the nodes for disabled inspections are hidden.

  • Run inspection on: Rerun the selected inspection and display the results on a new tab.

Last modified: 07 September 2023

PhpStorm analyses code in the files that are opened in the editor and highlights problematic code as you type. Additionally, you can run the necessary inspection or a set of inspections on the selected scope of files manually. In this case, you will get a comprehensive report of all problems detected in the files.

Instant analysis of the current file

The IDE continuously checks your code and searches for problems. The widget in the top-right corner of the editor displays the number of problems of each severity detected in the current file:

Inspection widget

Click the widget to open the list of problems on the Current File tab of the Problems tool window. You can also access the Problems tool window by selecting or by pressing Alt+6.

For each problem, you can see the suggested quick-fix by pressing Alt+Enter or by clicking Show Quick Fixes. You can also jump to the corresponding line in the editor by pressing F4 or by double-clicking the problem in the tool window.

Alternatively, click Open Editor Preview to be able to view and fix problems in the tool window.

Detected problems shown in the Problems tool window

The color stripe in the scrollbar also marks the detected code problems and helps you quickly access the corresponding lines without scrolling the file. Hover over a mark on the stripe to see the detected problem in a tooltip. Click a mark to jump to the corresponding line.

Results of instant analysis

Navigate to detected problems

You can jump from one highlighted problem to another within a file by clicking the Next Highlighted Error button the Next Highlighted Error button in the widget or by pressing F2 or Shift+F2 accordingly. By default, the IDE will navigate you to problems according to their severity: errors > warnings > weak warnings > server problems > typos.

You can configure PhpStorm to take you through the problems one by one regardless of their severity. Hover the mouse over the widget in top-right corner of the editor, click the More button, select ‘Next Error’ Action (F2) Goes Through, and enable All Problems.

Configuring navigation between highlighted lines

Run inspections manually

Some inspections require global code analysis, and that is why they are disabled in the editor. These inspections are listed in . Click Filter Inspections and select Show only batch-mode inspections.

If you want to get a full report of all detected problems, run inspections manually.

Run all inspections

  1. From the main menu, select .

  2. Select the scope of files that you want to analyze.

    Click the the Browse button icon to configure a new scope.

  3. Select the inspection profile that you want to apply.

    To create a new profile or modify one of the existing profiles, click Configure.

  4. Click Analyze to start the analysis.

The Specify Inspection Scope dialog

Specify Inspection Scope dialog



Whole project

Inspect the whole project.

Module <name>

Inspect the module that is currently selected in the Project tool window.

File <name>

Inspect the file that is currently selected in the Project tool window or opened in the editor.

Selected files

Inspect the files that are currently selected in the Project tool window.

Uncommitted files

This scope is only available for the projects under version control.

Inspect only the files that have not been committed to the version control system.


Inspect the directory that is currently selected in the Project tool window.

Custom scope

Inspect a custom scope of files. Select a pre-defined scope from the list, or click the Browse button and define the scope in the Scopes dialog that opens.

Include test sources

Inspect the test sources included in the analysis scope.

Inspect injected code

Inspect pieces of code in other languages embedded in your code.

Inspection profile

Select a profile that you want to use to inspect your code.

If the required profile is not in the list, click Configure and create a new profile.

Run a single inspection

Running a single inspection is useful in case you want to track a specific problem. If you find a warning in a file, you can inspect your entire project, or the necessary scope of files, to ensure that there are no more such warnings in your code base.

  1. From the main menu, select or press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I.

  2. Type the inspection name in the popup. Use CamelHumps to match camel case words and white spaces with initial letters of the words. The suggestion list will show you inspections that match your search request.

    If you are not sure that you are selecting the correct inspection, you can view its description. To do so, select an inspection in the popup and press Ctrl+Q.

  3. Double-click the necessary inspection to open its settings.

  4. In the dialog that opens, select the scope of files that you want to analyze.

    The File mask(s) option helps you narrow down the number of files that will be inspected.

    Select the checkbox and specify a pattern of characters and wildcards that matches the names of files you want to analyse. Use a comma to separate multiple file masks.

  5. Some inspections might have additional options that you will be prompted to configure.

    These settings will only be applied to this run, and will not affect this inspection’s configuration in your current profile.

    The IDE will show you the inspection results in the dedicated tool window tool window. There you can examine and fix detected problems.

    Running one inspection in uncommitted files

Analyze code before committing it to Git

If your project is under Git version control, you can configure the IDE to analyze modified files before committing them.

  1. Press Ctrl+K or select from the main menu.

  2. In the Commit tool window, click Show Commit Options and in the Commit Checks area, select the Analyze code checkbox.

  3. Click Choose profile and select the required inspection profile from which the IDE will run inspections.

    Run inspections before commit

  4. Click Commit.

    PhpStorm analyzes the code from the modified files by running inspections from the selected profile.

    If any errors or warnings are detected, you will see a notification.

    Notification on detected problems

  5. In the notification, click Review code analysis to see the list of the detected problems in the Messages tool window. Click Commit to commit your changes without fixing the detected problems.

Run inspections offline

In addition to running code inspections from the IDE, you can launch inspections from the command line without actually running PhpStorm. The inspection results will be stored in an XML file. For more information, refer to Run code inspections from the command line.

Change the order of scopes

By default, all enabled code inspections analyze all files in your project. Depending on your needs, you can run the same inspection in more than one scope of files with different settings.

If one file is included in two or more scopes, and you enable an inspection in these scopes, PhpStorm will process them according to their order in the list of scopes — the uppermost scope will have the highest priority, and therefore, it will be analyzed first.

  1. In the Settings dialog (Ctrl+Alt+S), select .

  2. Select any inspection from the list.

  3. From the In All Scopes list, select Edit Scopes Order.

  4. Select the necessary scope, and use the Up button and the Down button to move it up and down the list.

    Changing the order of scopes

  5. If needed, create a new scope. To do so, click the Edit button (Edit Scopes), specify scope settings, and select the files and folders that you want to include in it. See Scopes and file colors for details.

Last modified: 28 April 2023

2 Answers

To get the list of all files with errors and warnings use Code | Inspect Code. It’s possible to specify what inspection profile to use, which directories to scan. Custom Scope provides a flexible way to include/exclude certain directories or files from the inspection results.

answered Oct 3, 2012 at 17:32

CrazyCoder's user avatar


390k172 gold badges990 silver badges906 bronze badges

Slightly off-topic, but may be helpful. If you need to jump through all the errors in a file (for example, CSS file), open up the file and and hit the F2 button on the keyboard. Repeat it to cycle through all the errors. To navigate back to the previous error, hit Shift + F2

answered Mar 30, 2017 at 8:45

Devner's user avatar


6,85511 gold badges63 silver badges104 bronze badges

Устанавливаем модули для проверки PHP кода в PhpStorm — Code Sniffer, Mess Detector.

Устанавливаем PHP Code Sniffer

Устанавливаем через composer

composer global require «squizlabs/php_codesniffer=*»

Затем заходим в Quality Tools

Заходим внутрь настроек Code Sniffer и выбираем путь до файлов phpcs (проверка) и phpcbf (автоматическое исправление):


Отмечаем в Inspections, что хотим авто-проверку:

И наслаждаемся результатом:

Более подробно здесь

Устанавливаем Mess Detector

Делаем все по аналогии для Mess Detector.


composer global require ‘phpmd/phpmd=*’

Заходим в папку куда установили и выбираем файл phpmd:


Более подробно:

CS Fixer

CS Fixer расшифровывается как PHP Coding Standards fixer.

Установка CS Fixer

composer global require friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer

Выбираем директорию установки в PhpStorm


Также по аналогии выделаем в Editors->Insepctions

Для ручного запуска:

/Users/Dream/.composer/vendor/friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer/php-cs-fixer fix file



Статистика для PHP кода.


composer global require ‘phploc/phploc=*’

Проверить папку с кодом:

/Users/Dream/.composer/vendor/phploc/phploc/phploc directory

где folder название папки следующее за тем местом, откуда вызывается код, но можно указать и абсолютные пути. Кому что больше нравится.

Dead Code Detector (DCD)

Находит мертвый код в проекте.


composer global require ‘sebastian/phpdcd=*’


/Users/Dream/.composer/vendor/sebastian/phpdcd/phpdcd directory

Copy/Paste Detector (CPD)

Находит дублирование кода в проекте.


composer global require ‘sebastian/phpcpd=*’


/Users/Dream/.composer/vendor/sebastian/phpcpd/phpcpd directory

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