Payday 2 superblt ошибка

In this guide, we will show you the steps to fix the issue of SuperBLT Mod not working in PayDay 2. It has been over a decade since this cooperative first-person shooter video game first made its way but its popularity is yet to dwindle down. One major reason for the same is the plethora of mods that this game gets blessed with. Among them, it’s SuperBLT that has managed to encapsulate the attention of the masses.

PayDay 2 SuperBLT Mod not working

For the unaware, SuperBLT is a fork of the BLT mod-loading hook for PayDay 2, with a number of major improvements, including the likes of cross-platform audio API and the ability to modify any base-game XML file without modifying bundle files. However, as of late, this mod is going through a rough patch. Numerous users have voiced their concern that the SuperBLT Mod is not working along the expected lines in PayDay 2. If you are also facing the same issue, then this guide should help you rectify it. Follow along for the fix.

PayDay 2 SuperBLT Mod not working

First off, delete the WSOCK32.dll/ WINSOCK32.dll and IPHLPAPI.dll files from PayDay 2’s installation directory and check if fixes the issue of SuperBLT Mod not working in PayDay 2. If it doesn’t then try out the below fix shared by a user at Steam Community, it has spelled out success for many.

  1. Go to and Click on a highlighted text that says “Latest Release DLL”.Open the .zip archive and put it in your PAYDAY 2 Root Folder. Overwrite the previous .DLL if prompted to do so
  2. Example path: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\PAYDAY 2 – That’s where you should put the WSOCK32.dll library hook file.
  3. If you don’t know how, you can as well go to your Steam Library – Right-click on PAYDAY 2 and go to Properties > Local Files > Browse and the root of your PAYDAY 2 Folder will show up.
  4. Update your BeardLib with the Development Version instead if you are using it. This one is urgent as 95% of the Mods use it. You can find the download to it on this GitHub repository
  5. Once you get there, click on the Green Rectangle button and it will drop down a list of options, the one you’re looking for is “Download ZIP“ Click on it and the Developer Version of BeardLib will download right away. Upon download, open the .zip archive that you just downloaded and go to your PAYDAY 2 mods folder
  6. If you’re stuck and don’t know what you’re doing, here is the Direct Download. Example path: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\PAYDAY 2\mods
  7. In the mods folder, if you have a folder called BeardLib, please remove it, and in place of the original BeardLib – put the mod folder from the archive that you just downloaded from GitHub called PAYDAY-2-BeardLib-master into your PAYDAY 2 mods folder.
  8. And that’s it, you’re all set. The game should work now perfectly fine.

So these were the two different methods that should help you fix the issue of SuperBLT Mod not working in PayDay 2. As far as the official stance on this matter is concerned, the developers are aware of this issue, but they haven’t given out any ETA for the rollout of a fix. As and when that happens, we will update this guide accordingly. In the meantime, the aforementioned workarounds are your best bet.

  • AutoGPT ModuleNotFoundError: No Module Named DotEnv [Fix]
  • COD: Modern Warfare 2 crashing in Raid Episode 3 [Fixed]
  • MLB The Show 23 Challenge Failed error in Online Mode [Fixed]
  • COD Modern Warfare 2 Pro-Tuned Blueprints Bug [Fix]

About Chief Editor

Sadique Hassan


A technical geek by birth, he always has a keen interest in the Android platform right since the birth of the HTC Dream. The open-source environment always seems to intrigue him with the plethora of options available at his fingertips. “MBA by profession, blogger by choice!”

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Issue created Jul 28, 2021 by marcus Field@maskedmark

Wren error (closes game on start)

Here are the logs:

04:57:14 PM Log: (C:projectspayday2-superbltsrcdebugblt_debug.cpp:124) Command line: «C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonPAYDAY 2payday2_win32_release.exe»

04:57:14 PM Log: (C:projectspayday2-superbltplatformsw32signaturessignatures.cpp:352) Scanning for signatures in payday2_win32_release.exe

04:57:14 PM Log: (C:projectspayday2-superbltplatformsw32signaturessignatures.cpp:405) Scanned for 57 signatures in 0 milliseconds with 0 cache misses

04:57:14 PM Log: (C:projectspayday2-superbltsrcdbutilDB.cpp:127) Start loading DB info

04:57:15 PM WARNING: (C:projectspayday2-superbltsrctweakerwrenloader.cpp:486) Wren base file not found, Wren VM disabled — the basemod may be corrupted

04:57:24 PM Log: (C:projectspayday2-superbltsrcutilcompression.cpp:169) Extracting to mods

Edited Jul 28, 2021 by marcus Field

  • 5 Декабрь 2021
  • Ответы: 2

Здаров всем. В этой теме я поясню что такое SuperBLT и как установить моды.

SuperBLT — это софт для установки модов.
Раньше была такая вещь как BLT её использовали тоже что бы установить моды, но он устарел и придумали SuperBLT.

Приступим у установке.
Однако, если вы ранее использовали ванильный BLT, вам придется:

  • Удалить IPHLPAPI.dll- это исходная библиотека BLT DLL, и вы не можете установить обе одновременно из-за конфликтов.
  • Удалить mods/base- это еще одна часть оригинального BLT, и SuperBLT загрузит свою собственную версию. Однако сначала необходимо удалить старую версию.

1. Установить (если нету) Microsoft Visual C ++ 2017 (x86)
2. Загрузите DLL последней версии и поместите ее в корневую папку игры (рядом payday2_win32_release.exe)
3.Запустите игру, и SuperBLT предложит вам загрузить базовый мод. Выберите Да, и он уведомит вас, когда загрузка будет завершена. На данный момент SuperBLT полностью установлен.

Теперь установка некоторых полезных модов
1. Загрузить моды (они будут прикреплены к теме)
2. Открыть архив и перекинуть от туда все моды в папку mods

Теперь ваша игра будет выглядеть примерно вот так:



    898.6 KB · Просмотры: 227


  • 22 Январь 2022
  • #3

Добавь в архив мод silent assassin, очень полезный мод

Если еще нужен пиши в лс.

It takes time to be an “experienced criminal”, but now Payday 2 won’t launch. If you run into Payday 2 performance issues or errors, don’t worry. We’ll show you how to solve Payday 2 not launching and other common issues in this post.

Run Basic Troubleshooting

You may have tried the basic troubleshooting methods such as:

  • Restart Steam and your PC
  • Run Payday 2 as administrator (and also tried this from your installation folder)
  • Verify the integrity of game cache (Library > Right-click on Payday 2 > Properties > Local files > Verify) etc.

If you haven’t done the basic troubleshooting, then try those before you head to the fixes below. In this post, we’ll show you some solutions you may not have tried yet to get rid of your Payday 2 not launching issue.

8 fixes to try when Payday 2 won’t launch

You might not need to try them all; simply work your way down the list until you find the one that works.

  1. Remove all third party mods
  2. Update device drivers
  3. Change render_settings file
  4. Reinstall the latest Visual C++
  5. Switch to the right graphics card
  6. Perform a clean boot
  7. Run SFC
  8. Reinstall the game

Fix 1: Remove All 3rd Party Mods

I know most Payday 2 gamers just love the mods, and some love the mods part even more than the game itself. However, I’m not saying you should remove these mods for good, but just rename WSOCK32.dll and maybe IPHLPAPI.dll as well. If this method doesn’t do the trick, you can change it back later on.

For non-mod players, you can skip to the next fix.

  1. Press the Windows Key + R to open the Run box.
  2. Type %localappdata% and press Enter.
  3. Open the PAYDAY 2 folder.
  4. Rename WSOCK32.dll to WSOCK32.dll.old.
  5. Try launching your game again.

Many Payday 2 gamers find the mods are the real culprit. Payday 2 not launching is an issue that you’ll always bump into when there’s a game update. The most important of all is to make sure you have the latest SuperBLT mods installed. However, sometimes you have to wait for the update.

Fix 2: Update Device Drivers

Your graphics card driver is vital to your gaming performance. Therefore, always check for any updates when you run into a game crashing or not launching. You’ll probably be amazed at how many driver updates you missed out on. If you have tried updating your GPU drivers, but failed to solve Payday 2 not launching issue, you’d better update your audio drivers as well.

To update your graphics driver, you have two options: manually or automatically.

Option 1: Update your graphics driver manually

Download the latest & correct graphics driver from the manufacturer’s website:

  • AMD

Once downloaded, open the driver file and install the latest driver manually.

The manual updating process is time-consuming. You’ll need to check for updates again and again since the graphics card manufacturers keep releasing new drivers to fix bugs and improve performance for certain games. You may be amazed at how often you miss a driver update for your graphics card.

Option 2: Update your graphics driver automatically

Updating your graphics driver automatically is quite easy. Simply download and run Driver Easy, and it will recognize your system and find the correct & latest driver for it. Also, you can also update other related drivers such as audio driver, keyboard driver, etc.

1) Download and install Driver Easy.

2) Run Driver Easy and click the Scan Now button. Driver Easy will then scan your computer and detect any problem drivers.

3) Click the Update button next to your graphics card to download the latest and correct driver for it, then you can manually install it.


Click the Update All button at the bottom right to automatically update all outdated or missing drivers on your computer (this requires the Pro version).

Driver Easy Pro comes with full support and a 30-day money back guarantee. You’ll be prompted to upgrade when you click Update All.

4) After updating with Driver Easy, restart your PC to take full effect.

If you need assistance, please contact Driver Easy’s support team at

Fix 3: Change render_settings file

  1. Press the Windows Key + R to open the Run box.
  2. Type %localappdata% and press Enter.
  3. Open the PAYDAY 2 folder.
  4. Locate render_settings, then right-click and select Edit with Notepad++.
  5. Once opened, press Ctrl + F and enter resolution to find the resolution setting.
    Eg. resolution=”1920 1080?
  6. Change the value into your display resolution.
  7. Try starting your game again.

You may have to try this method mutiple times until you find the resolution that works.

Fix 4: Reinstall the latest Visual Studio C++

If your PC is not shipped with the most recent DirectX (DX12, how to check?) or Microsoft Visual C++, you should consider downloading the latest version yourself.

Either you’re running Visual C++ 2013 or 2015, or you have all versions installed, first uninstall the ones you have.

  1. Press Windows key + R and type appwiz.cpl, then press Enter.
  2. Uninstall the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable you have installed.
  3. Download the latest version (both ×64 and ×86) from Microsoft official website.
    • Visual C++ 2015
    • Visual C++ 2013
    • Visual C++ 2012
    • Visual C++ 2010
  4. Once the program file is downloaded, double-click on the executable and follow the onscreen instructions to install it on your computer. Make sure both the x64 and x86 versions are installed properly.

Now you can run your Payday 2 to check if it launches properly.

Fix 5: Switch to the Right Graphics Card

There’s an issue with Payday 2 using the integrated card instead of the dedicated one. Laptop users should force Payday 2 to use the AMD/Nvidia card instead. Here’s how to do it:

If your graphics card supports switchable graphics cards, that’ll be simple.

1. I’m using AMD

  1. Right-click on the desktop.
  2. Select Configure switchable graphics cards.
  3. Expand All applications.
  4. Choose Add application.
  5. Locate your PAYDAY 2 folder.
  6. Click payday2_win32_release.exe and click OK
  7. Under Graphics Settings choose High Performance.
  8. Click Apply.

2. I’m using Nvidia

  1. Right-click on the desktop.
  2. Select NVIDIA Control Panel
  3. Under 3D settings, click Manage 3D Settings.
  4. Click on the Programs Settings tab.
  5. Click Add and find Payday 2 executable file, and click OK.
  6. Choose High Performance NVIDIA processor.
  7. Click Apply.

3. I need to do it manually

If unfortunately, your graphics card doesn’t support a switchable graphics card, you can force it to use your dedicated card manually.

  1. Press Windows key + X and select Device Manager.
  2. Expand Display Adapters.
  3. Right-click your integrated graphics card and choose Disable, then your screen resolution will change.
  4. Restart the computer.
  5. Run PAYDAY 2 and then close it.
  6. Open the Device Manager again.
  7. Right-click your integrated card and choose Enable.

Fix 6: Perform a Clean Boot

If your Payday 2 doesn’t launch whatsoever, and all of these methods above failed to solve the issue, it’s probably caused by conflicting software.

Steam has made a list of programs that may interfere with your game. Therefore, you need to make sure you’re not running any of the software listed. Press Ctrl + Shift + Delete to end all the background programs.

The following programs are known to cause issues when playing Payday 2:

  • Raptr
  • DisplayLink
  • Hamachi
  • Qualcomm Killer Network Manager
  • ASUS Gamer OSD
  • ASUS Smart Doctor
  • Evolve client
  • Avira Antivirus
  • Razer’s Synapse Statistics
  • GeForce Experience (in some cases increasing loading times)
  • EVGA PrecisionX (this program can auto-start even if you think it’s disabled)
  • RivaTuner
  • Kaspersky Antivirus (causing FPS drops)
  • Avast Home Network Protection

However, Antivirus is an exception, and merely disabling it won’t work. You can either uninstall it or search for how to make an exception for your game. If Payday 2 still won’t launch, you can perform a clean boot.

  1. Press Win + R to open the Run box.
  2. Type msconfig in the Run box and click on the OK button.
  3. Under the General tab, uncheck Load Startup items.
  4. Then go to the Services tab and check Hide all Microsoft services. Then click Disable all.
  5. Click Apply > OK.
  6. Now restart your computer and try running Payday 2 again to check if the not launching issue still persists.

If this doesn’t work for you, you can open the system configuration again and enable all the services. But if a clean reboot helps, you can find out which one is at fault by enabling the services one by one.

Fix 7: Run SFC

System file checker is a Windows tool to check system file corruption. You may use this tool to scan all protected system files and repair those missing or corrupted.

  1. Type cmd in the Windows search bar.
  2. Choose Run as administrator.
  3. In the Command Prompt window, enter the following command: sfc /scannow. Note that there’s a space between sfc and /.
  4. Wait for the process to complete.

You may need to reboot your computer and try running your Payday 2. If this doesn’t work, you’ll need to run this command again and reboot.

Fix 8: Reinstall the game

This is your go-to option if these methods failed to bring back your Payday 2. Plus, make sure you delete all the related game folders and empty the Recycle Bin.

Игра: Payday 2.
Моды: BLT HOOK, SuperBLT, Pocohud , WolfHUD, Lobby Player Info, More Weapon Stats, Team Review
Статус: Неофициальное модифицирование Payday 2.
Операционная система на видео: Windows 10
Установка модов на свой страх и риск.
Ссылки на моды:
1. BLT HOOK [Сайта больше нет.]
2. SuperBLT 🤍
3. Lobby Player Info [Сайта больше нет.]
4. Pocohud 🤍
5. Wolfhud 🤍
6. Team Review 🤍
More Weapon Stats
[Сайта больше нет.]

Моды для слабого компьютера: 🤍

Для удаления всех модов:
1. Удаляем файл IPHLPAPI в папке с игрой.
2. Удаляем папку mods.
3. В папке с игрой PAYDAY 2 находим папку assets заходим в mod_overrides и удаляем папку Federal Inventory и WolfHUD_Textures

Путь к отчёту по ошибкам:
Файл crashlog.

/// 💀💀💀💀💀💀 Payday 2 💀💀💀💀💀💀 ///
Плейлист модов: 🤍🤍
Плейлист наборов навыков: 🤍🤍
Плейлист персонажей: 🤍🤍
Плейлист обучения: 🤍🤍
Плейлист по стелсу: 🤍🤍
Плейлист по штурму: 🤍🤍
/// 💀💀💀💀💀💀 Payday 2 💀💀💀💀💀💀 ///

Vaizer yt

2022-11-02 08:47:41

Я загрузил все моды но отображаются только 2 из них. Что делать?


2022-10-24 17:25:56

а вот сайта больше нет то есть не сможем по твоему гайду скачать моды? или супер блт справится?

Skvix Saynov

2022-09-25 09:29:32

Стоит ли скачивать все? Боюсь что игра умрет и вирусы будут. Боюсь.(


2022-08-26 09:44:59

Вижу индикаторы в центре.
3GMKtwSmF-U&t=9m51s 9:51 А что ещё изменилось в Худе? Я просто не понимаю.

Ручной Оладушек

2022-08-12 04:58:12

юрок,или другие зрители где логика он говорит удалить папку модс и ип каккую то там,я удалил и КАК МНЕ КОЧАТЬ МОДЫ ЕСЛИ НЕТУ ПАПКИ МОДС

а как волф худ настроить

Никита Абрамов

2022-02-15 15:33:02

а что делать если карты в конце контракта выбираются сами? как пофиксить?


2022-01-27 14:00:09

почему мне пишется Failed to initialise the Wren system — see the log for details

Как открыть моды? Чтоб игроки смогли увидеть их

Андрей Лобачёв

2021-11-05 19:53:08

Спасибо огромное за помощь


2021-10-25 07:11:39

у меня установлен чит на пейдей и когда я кинул в папку модс вместе с читом папку с wolfhud то при запуске ограбления игра вылетает, как это пофиксить? p.s. я читы качал не для того чтобы игрокам мешать, а потому что у чита есть прикольные фишки которые облегчают игру, поэтому не пишите мне что я безмамный или др.


2021-10-25 06:51:18

странно, все пишут что надо при удалении модов удалить и файл iphlpapi, а у меня его нету, ч это вообще

ne gei i ne dayn

2021-10-01 17:02:29

что делать если не показывает вулфхад в настройках модов?


2021-09-08 22:21:03

что бы установить моды нужно взломать пентагон


2021-08-20 07:28:11

Не работает, нажимаю Backspace не работает. почему

i feel dizzy

2021-08-11 09:42:11

Как насчёт Hoplib?


2021-07-17 09:58:36

pocohud и wolfhud,нахуя? толк ты скачивал блт хук если ты делитаешь все от него оставшееся? юра ты глуп как и всегда


2021-07-13 15:09:06

А что если у меня уже установлен Майкрософт с++++

Почему ?

2021-07-13 08:14:43

Юрок пожалуйста помогиии

SuperBLT — это расширение для игры Pay Day 2, которое позволяет устанавливать и использовать моды. Однако, при установке SuperBLT могут возникнуть некоторые проблемы. В этой статье мы рассмотрим наиболее распространенные ошибки и как их избежать.

Ошибка при установке SuperBLT

Если при установке SuperBLT появляется ошибка, то, скорее всего, вы скачали неправильную версию. Установщик SuperBLT должен соответствовать версии вашей игры. Например, если у вас установлена Pay Day 2 версии 1.96.885, то вам нужно скачать SuperBLT версии 1.96.885.

Ошибка при запуске игры

Если игра не запускается после установки SuperBLT, то, вероятно, вы установили его не в правильную папку. SuperBLT должен быть установлен в папку с игрой. Например, если игра установлена в C:\Games\PayDay2, то SuperBLT должен быть установлен в C:\Games\PayDay2\mods.

Также возможно, что у вас уже установлены другие моды, которые могут вызывать конфликт с SuperBLT. В этом случае вам нужно отключить другие моды или перенести их в другую папку.

Ошибка при установке модов

Если при установке модов через SuperBLT возникают ошибки, то, вероятно, моды не совместимы с версией вашей игры или SuperBLT. Убедитесь, что моды соответствуют версии вашей игры и SuperBLT.

Еще одна возможная причина ошибок при установке модов — это отсутствие прав администратора на компьютере. Убедитесь, что вы запустили установщик модов от имени администратора.


Установка SuperBLT может вызвать некоторые проблемы, однако все они легко решаемы. Если вы следуете вышеуказанным рекомендациям, то избежите наиболее распространенных ошибок и сможете наслаждаться игрой с модами.

Overkill Software recently released an update to PayDay 2 that introduces bug fixes to some known issues and a new in-game social hub that can assist with cross-play across PC platforms.

For instance, the update addresses issues where Rami Suppressor and Dourif Muzzle were not equipable on the Miyaka 10 Special SMG and one could equip incompatible mods on the Compact-5 SMG.

The latest patch also fixes the graphical bugs that appeared when one held the Thanatos.50-cal Sniper Rifle or tried to use a mod on the Plated AR Magazine.


Source (Click / tap to view)

However, it looks like the recent patch has introduced some issues as well.

PayDay 2 update broke SuperBLT or triggered crashing, reset event side jobs

According to reports (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10), multiple PayDay 2 players are experiencing frequent crashes after installing the recent update. It has been alleged that the latest patch has broken the SuperBLT mod as well.

And to add to their troubles, one now has to deal with decreased stability, poor server connectivity, and slower loading times. Notably, some are even unable to launch the game on their Windows machines.

Gamers also allege that event side jobs are not being marked as completed, preventing them from accessing rewards.


Source (Click / tap to view)

This issue has become more significant after the recent update and makes it impossible for one to obtain different cosmetics and perks.

Game refused to start even after reinstalling. Had to delete WINSOCK32.dll for mods to get it to start. Now COPYCAT and all the side job unlocks are locked. I also paid money for the latest McShay 4 DLC and apparently I’m allowed to use some of the weapons but not the Deimos shotgun with certain mods on it.

Guys this is a big problem when today’s update dropped my game doesn’t launch, no it doesn’t crash it just doesn’t launch, and before this update it worked just fine!!! Is this issue with windows 11.

In addition to this, players are also experiencing issues using mods and unlocks for the Christmas side job.

Even though they are able to launch the game after deleting the ‘WINSOCK32.dll’ file, ‘COPYCAT’ and all other side job unlocks become locked.

Without a doubt, it is quite disappointing that gamers are facing multiple issues after the recent patch. Those affected are now requesting the developers to resolve this issue so that they can enjoy playing the game as intended.

Official acknowledgment

Luckily, Overkill Software is aware of the issue and is currently working on fixing it. However, no official ETA for the bug fix has been provided.


Source (Click / tap to view)

Potential workaround

Fortunately, we have come across a potential workaround that might help solve your problem. It is recommended that you remove both the WSOCK32.dll and IPHLPAPI.dll files from PayDay 2’s installation directory.

After doing so, you will be able to play the game normally.


Source (Click / tap to view)

We will keep an eye on the issue where the PayDay 2 update has broken SuperBLT, triggered crashing, reset event side jobs, and locked players out of Copycat and update the article accordingly.

Note: We have more such stories in our dedicated Gaming section so be sure to follow them as well.

Featured image source: Assassin’s Creed Origins.

PiunikaWeb started as purely an investigative tech journalism website with main focus on ‘breaking’ or ‘exclusive’ news. In no time, our stories got picked up by the likes of Forbes, Foxnews, Gizmodo, TechCrunch, Engadget, The Verge, Macrumors, and many others. Want to know more about us? Head here.

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Wren error (closes game on start)

Here are the logs:

04:57:14 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\debug\blt_debug.cpp:124) Command line: «C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\PAYDAY 2\payday2_win32_release.exe»

04:57:14 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:352) Scanning for signatures in payday2_win32_release.exe

04:57:14 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\platforms\w32\signatures\signatures.cpp:405) Scanned for 57 signatures in 0 milliseconds with 0 cache misses

04:57:14 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\dbutil\DB.cpp:127) Start loading DB info

04:57:15 PM WARNING: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\tweaker\wrenloader.cpp:486) Wren base file not found, Wren VM disabled — the basemod may be corrupted

04:57:24 PM Log: (C:\projects\payday2-superblt\src\util\compression.cpp:169) Extracting to mods

Edited by marcus Field

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