ГДЗАнглийский язык5 классВерещагина И.Н.
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похожие вопросы 5
Open the brackets to complete the sentences 1. Paul ( watch) TV when his mother (come) into the room. 2. Michael (drink) coffee while he (read) the newspaper. 3 Don (write) a letter at 5 o clock yesterday. 4 Ken (use) to prepare breakfast early in the morning. 5. Don and Kim (talk) while they ( play) chess 6. Last Sunday Patty and her younger brother (drive) to the seaside for the weekend. помогите пож.
Ответ оставил Гость
1was waching.came
2was drinking.was reading(read)
3was writing
5were talking.were playing(played)
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Если вы не нашли ответа на свой вопрос, или сомневаетесь в его правильности, то можете воспользоваться формой ниже и уточнить решение. Или воспользуйтесь формой поиска и найдите похожие ответы по предмету Английский язык.
Грамматические упражнения для закрепления настоящего времени.
Предварительный просмотр:
Present Simple. ( affirmative).
Activity1. Write “-s “or “ es”:
- He/eat- He eats.
- She/watch- _________________________________________________
- He/listen— __________________________________________________
- She/open— ___________________________________________________
- It/kiss— ____________________________________________________
- He/speak— ___________________________________________________
- She/go— _____________________________________________________
- It/have— _____________________________________________________
- He/like— _____________________________________________________
- She/sleep— ___________________________________________________
- It/jump-______________________________________________________
- He/wash-_____________________________________________________
- She/listen_____________________________________________________
- It/run________________________________________________________
- He/talk_______________________________________________________
- She/dance____________________________________________________
Activity2. Write in Order.
- To we go school car____________________________________________
- The playing flute love you________________________________________
- Lives small She in flat a__________________________________________
- My dad I help__________________________________________________
- Has of friends he lots___________________________________________
- Green they got eyes have________________________________________
- Cousin homework does my they___________________________________
- You at to music listen night_______________________________________
- Funny we read books____________________________________________
- The very Paul violin plays well_____________________________________
Activity3. Separate.
- Likebananasandapples.__________________________________________
- Yougetupatseveno’clock.________________________________________
- Hehasbreakfastwithhissister.______________________________________
- Shegoestoschoolbybus. __________________________________________
Activity4. Circle the mistake:
- She work in an office.____________________________________________
- They drinks milk.________________________________________________
- I gets up at 7 o’clock._____________________________________________
- The cat climb the tree.____________________________________________
- We goes to Moscow._____________________________________________
- You studies English._______________________________________________
- I plays computer.________________________________________________
- My dad play the violin.____________________________________________
- You eats meat.__________________________________________________
- My dog jump three times._________________________________________
Activity5. Correct the mistakes.
- Paul watch television at home.____________________________________
- You walks every day in the park.___________________________________
- In autumn, It rain a lot.__________________________________________
- We has breakfast in the kitchen.__________________________________
- He go to Moscow every weekend.________________________________
- The dog sleep in the garden._____________________________________
- My brother sing very well._______________________________________
- We writes funny text at school.___________________________________
- They runs in the playground._____________________________________
- I listens to music with my brother.________________________________
Activity6. Choose the correct answer:
- I ____________ to the cinema on Sundays. a) gos b) go c) goes
- He___________ with his friends. a) have breakfast b) haves breakfast c) has breakfast.
- My cat__________ milk for breakfast. a) drinks b) drink c) drinks
- We _____________ English and Maths at school. a) study b) studys c) studies.
- Tim and Helen _________ in a flat in Boston .a) lives b) live c) are live
- You _______ good novels at home.a) read b) reads c) reads
- We _______ the piano in the afternoon. A) plays b) playes c) play
- My sister _________ very fast in the ocean. A) swims b) swim c) swims
- My dad __________ at seven o’clock. A) get up b) gets up c) get ups.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
- Мне нравится
Раскройте скобки : 1)Paul (watch) TV when his mother (come) into the room.
2)Michael (drink) coffe while he (read) the newspaper.
3)Don (write) a letter at 5 o»clock yesterday.
4)Ken (use) to prepare breakfast early in the morning.
5)Don and Kim (talk) while they (play) chess.
6)Lust Sunday Patty and her younger brother (drive) to the seaside for the weekend.
На этой странице находится вопрос Раскройте скобки : 1)Paul (watch) TV when his mother (come) into the room?. Здесь же – ответы на него,
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Вопрос задан 09.07.2019 в 15:29.
Предмет Английский язык.
Спрашивает Иванова Софья.
e he (read) the newspaper.3)Don (write) a letter at 5 o»clock yesterday.4)Ken (use) to prepare breakfast early in the morning.5)Don and Kim (talk) while they (play) chess.6)Lust Sunday Patty and her younger brother (drive) to the seaside for the weekend.
Ответы на вопрос
Отвечает Разумов Владимир.
1)was watching, came
2) was drinking, was reading
3)was writing
4)was using
5)was talking, was playing
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