P2583 ошибка хонда

Всем привет! Вообщем такая же проблема. Рестайлинговый Аккорд 9 / 2016 (2017 модельный ряд) из США. 

До этой ошибки в городе были фантомные BRAKE предупреждения, хотя впереди никого не было. Даже один раз чуть полностью не остановил машину.  В итоге вообще вырубил датчик приближения. Потом когда поехал в Ригу на трассе решил попробовать адаптивный круиз, но обычно я вообще не езжу, не люблю, но тут ради интереса запустил минут 5-10 проехал вырубил. И вырубил опять датчик приближение совсем. Спустя минут 30-40 загорелась гирлянда с ошибкой про ACC.  

Вернувшись домой съездил к клубному диагносу, проверил все. Все что у меня есть скинул. Получается там ошибки еще с США и тд, в итоге почистил лишнее, а вот P2583-64 так и не ушла и ошибка горит дальше. Рекомендуют съездить на калибровку, но вот автор съездил, там я как понял разводят руками 😃Ну благо езде не мешает) Может общими силами и найдем решение


2 часа назад, Ars-AngeL сказал:

значит искать дальше по сервисным аля https://honda.oemdtc.com/725/millimeter-wave-radar-wont-align-dtc-p2583-76-wont-clear-2017-2019-honda (выше выкладывал ее же)

может как тут клепки плохие — вполне вариант

ну как варик) но я так понимаю у нас эти ошибки повылазили как раз,  когда машина пришла на наши славянские земли и мы запустили на них круиз, что очень странно. 


@Евгений Подкорытов  у твоих калибровщиков была такая мишень? А то тут америкацанец пишет, что цель надо выставить на уровне с датчиком и как бы словить луч


Изменено пользователем Johnny_Shi

Одним «прекрасным» вечером поехал с дачи домой. И так как было темно, попал на перепад между старым и новым асфальтом, не успев оттормозиться. И тем самым очень хорошо почувствовал этот перепад. Бывает подумал я и ехал дальше. И тут наступает интересное. Почти на подъезде к дому, проезжаю кочку и понимаю что машина стала работать не так и выскакивает ошибка по радару. Остановился . Заглушил машину. Но это увы не помогло. Ошибка как горела, так и продолжала гореть. Приехав домой подключил сканер и тот мне выдал ошибку p2583-76. На утро стал изучать, что это за ошибка. И у хонды оказывается есть целая программа по ее решению, которая глоссит: проверьте крепёж радара, не выскочил ли он из крепежа. Поправьте радар, либо меняйте радар. Второе меня прям очень не радовало. И проверил как держится радар. И да действительно . Один крепёж радара (регулировочный винт с шариком на конце) вышел из пластиковой втулки, где он держится. Поправил его, защёлкнув его обратно. И решил попробовать адаптировать радар без спец мишени. И так как авто мишень не увидела, выдала уже другую ошибку p2583-54(не закончена калибровка) Что с одной стороны радовало, радар отзывается.
У меня как раз стенд для настройки радара есть. Съездил забрал его и приступил.

Сначала сделал разметку под стенд и поставил его где надо

Фото в бортжурнале Honda Accord (10G)


Подключил прибор и стал настраивать. Машина отказывалась видеть мишень и прибор. Выдавал ошибку.

Фото в бортжурнале Honda Accord (10G)


Разобравшись в чем дело. Переставил авто и снова стал делать разметку под мишень.
Выполняя требования прибора, наконец то получил такие значения

Фото в бортжурнале Honda Accord (10G)

Нам нужно, чтобы значения были 0. Но есть допуск +-0.1.
Выставив данные значения, подкручивая крепёж радара, нажал на кнопку далее в приборе. И получил заветные слова: калибровка завершена. Выключите зажигание.
Выполняю данное требование, включаю зажигание и все! Горят заветные индикаторы

Фото в бортжурнале Honda Accord (10G)


Так что, если кому-то надо сделать калибровку радара на Accord, Civic, Cr-v и др. С радостью помогу)

Цена вопроса: 0 ₽
Пробег: 0 км

DTC Troubleshooting: P2182

ADInfo-button DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2182

DTC P2182: ECT Sensor 2 Out of Range

NOTE: Before you troubleshoot, review the general troubleshooting information.

DTC Description

Confirmed DTC

Pending DTC

P2182 ECT Sensor 2 Out of Range



Problem verification 1:

Problem verification 1


Press the engine start/stop button to select the ON mode.


Check the parameter(s) below with the HDS.



Current conditions






Less than 0.09



Do the current condition(s) match the threshold?


The failure is duplicated. Go to step 3.


Go to step 2.


Problem verification 2:

Problem verification 2


Check the parameter(s) below with the HDS.



Current conditions






More than 4.99



Do the current condition(s) match the threshold?


The failure is duplicated. Go to step 5.


Intermittent failure, the system is OK at this time. Check for poor connections or loose terminals at ECT sensor 2 and the PCM. If the on-board snapshot of this DTC is recorded, try to reproduce the failure under the same conditions with the on-board snapshot.?


Determine possible failure area (ECT sensor 2, others):

Determine possible failure area (ECT sensor 2, others)


Press the engine start/stop button to select the OFF mode.


Disconnect the following connector.

ECT Sensor 2 2P connector


Press the engine start/stop button to select the ON mode.


Check the parameter(s) below with the HDS.



Current conditions






Less than 0.09



Do the current condition(s) match the threshold?


Go to step 4.


Replace ECT sensor 2.?


Shorted wire check (TW2 SENSOR line):

Shorted wire check (TW2 SENSOR line)


Press the engine start/stop button to select the OFF mode.


Jump the SCS line with the HDS, and wait more than 1 minute.


Disconnect the following connector.

PCM connector A (51P)


Check for continuity between test points 1 and 2.

Test condition

OFF mode


ECT Sensor 2 2P connector: disconnected


PCM connector A (51P): disconnected

Test point 1

ECT sensor 2 2P connector (female terminals) No. 2:

Test point 2

Body ground

Is there continuity?


Repair a short in the TW2 SENSOR wire between the PCM (A44) and ECT sensor 2.?


The TW2 SENSOR wire is OK. Check for any authorized service information related to the DTCs or symptoms you are troubleshooting, or substitute a known-good PCM, then recheck. If DTC P2182 goes away and the PCM was substituted, replace the original PCM.?


Determine possible failure area (ECT sensor 2, others):

Determine possible failure area (ECT sensor 2, others)


Press the engine start/stop button to select the OFF mode.


Disconnect the following connector.

ECT sensor 2 2P connector


Connect terminals A and B with a jumper wire.

Terminal A

ECT sensor 2 2P connector (female terminals) No. 1:

Terminal B

ECT sensor 2 2P connector (female terminals) No. 2:


Press the engine start/stop button to select the ON mode.


Check the parameter(s) below with the HDS.



Current conditions






More than 4.99



Do the current condition(s) match the threshold?


Go to step 6.


Replace ECT sensor 2.?


Determine possible failure area (TW2 SENSOR line, others):

Determine possible failure area (TW2 SENSOR line, others)


Press the engine start/stop button to select the OFF mode.


Remove the jumper wire from the ECT sensor 2 2P connector.


Press the engine start/stop button to select the ON mode.


Measure the voltage between test points 1 and 2.

Test condition

ON mode


ECT sensor 2 2P connector: disconnected

Test point 1

ECT sensor 2 2P connector (female terminals) No. 2:

Test point 2

Body ground

Is there about 5.0 V?


Go to step 7.


Go to step 8.


Open wire check (SG6 line):

Open wire check (SG6 line)


Press the engine start/stop button to select the OFF mode.


Jump the SCS line with the HDS, and wait more than 1 minute.


Disconnect the following connector.

PCM connector A (51P)


Check for continuity between test points 1 and 2.

Test condition

OFF mode


ECT sensor 2 2P connector: disconnected


PCM connector A (51P): disconnected

Test point 2

ECT sensor 2 2P connector (female terminals) No. 1:

Test point 1

PCM connector A (51P) No. 22

Is there continuity?


The SG6 wire is OK. Check for any authorized service information related to the DTCs or symptoms you are troubleshooting, or substitute a known-good PCM, then recheck. If DTC P2182 goes away and the PCM was substituted, replace the original PCM.?


Repair an open in the SG6 wire between the PCM (A22) and ECT sensor 2.?


Open wire check (TW2 SENSOR line):

Open wire check (TW2 SENSOR line)


Press the engine start/stop button to select the OFF mode.


Jump the SCS line with the HDS, and wait more than 1 minute.


Disconnect the following connector.

PCM connector A (51P)


Check for continuity between test points 1 and 2.

Test condition

OFF mode


ECT sensor 2 2P connector: disconnected


PCM connector A (51P): disconnected

Test point 1

ECT sensor 2 2P connector (female terminals) No. 2:

Test point 2

PCM connector A (51P) No. 44

Is there continuity?


The TW2 SENSOR wire is OK. Check for any authorized service information related to the DTCs or symptoms you are troubleshooting, or substitute a known-good PCM, then recheck. If DTC P2182 goes away and the PCM was substituted, replace the original PCM.?


Repair an open in the TW2 SENSOR wire between the PCM (A44) and ECT sensor 2.?

ServiceNews Article

August 2018
A18080E Version 1


Year Model Trim VIN Range
2017-18 CR-V EX, EX-L,Touring ALL
2018 Accord ALL ALL
2018 Accord Hybrid ALL ALL
2019 Insight ALL ALL
2017-18 Civic With Honda Sensing ALL

If you’re having trouble aligning the front millimeter wave radar, or if DTC P2583-76 is present and does not clear after re-aiming, inspect the radar mounting clips and bracket.

Check that the mounting bracket is not bent or out of shape. Check if the radar unit for play by trying to twist it. If there is play, remove the radar unit and check each mounting clip for damage. Replace all clips that have damage or missing tabs.

mounting bracket

These items should be checked first before replacement of the radar unit. If you are still having issues after following this, then replace the radar unit.

August 2018
A18080E Version 1




Bestseller No. 1

Autel Scanner MaxiSys MS906PRO TS: Combination of MS906BT MS906TS MK808TS, 2023 Automotive Scanner with ECU Coding, 36 Service, All Systems Diagnostics, Active Test, Top TPMS Programming and Diagnosis

Autel Scanner MaxiSys MS906PRO TS: Combination of MS906BT MS906TS MK808TS, 2023 Automotive Scanner with ECU Coding, 36 Service, All Systems Diagnostics, Active Test, Top TPMS Programming and Diagnosis

  • 🟠【2023 MS906PRO TS with 5G Process Speed】Why MS906PRO TS scan tool surpass MS906TS? ✅Integrating all the strengths of MaxiSys MS906TS, MS906PRO TS has made a complete upgrading: 8-core processor, Android7.0 OS, and 4+128GB super memory running 4x faster & smoother diagnostics; Timely software updating & 11600mAh battery withstand long-lasting use. ✅Same functions as MS908/MK908 automotive scanner, meets needs of diagnostics and economic cost for big-scale repair garages.
  • 🟠【MS906PRO TS All-in-One TPMS Intelligence Expert】Gathering all advantages of Autel TPMS tools TS501/TS508/TS601/TS608/MaxiSys MS906TS, MS906PRO TS bi-directional diagnostic scan tool packs all capabilities that tire-related technicians would ever need: TPMS Diagnostics, TPMS Reset, TPMS Retrofit, All-known Sensors Activation, Sensor Data Check, 4 Methods for Autel Sensor Programming, and 3 Options for Sensor Relearn.
  • 🟠【ECU Coding Enhances Vehicle Performance】Upgraded version of Autel MK808BT /MP808 /MP808K /MS906BT, the automotive scan tool MaxiSys MS906PRO TS is a local-smith level ECU Coding tool that functions to recoding changed ECUs, replacing ECU modules, unfolding hidden functions, and improving vehicle performance. What’s more, it features VAG guided functions, Online Coding for Porsche, etc, that makes diagnostics easier and smarter.
  • 🟠【36+ Service, More than Sap-on Scanners】Same functions as OEM car diagnostic scanners, this Autel scanner MaxiSys MS906PRO TS outperforms wider & deeper than them and improves 200% efficiency for technicians and large repair shops. Come with 36+ hot reset functions, the MS906PRO TS OBD2 scanner bluetooth does better in 99% of vehicles worldwide, including Oil Reset, Injector Coding, EPB Reset, ABS Bleeding, Throttle Matching, TPMS Reset, Seat Calibration, and more.
  • 🟠【Active Test On All Systems】Never wastes your every single second, MS906PRO TS car code reader saves you time to win more businesses. Tests on thousands of cars, MS906PRO TS automotive scanner operates a stable & accurate active test to all on-board systems like fuel pump, valve, wiper, window, door, sunroof, headlamps, to pinpoint any problems within 3 minutes. And this OBD2 scanner also performs OE-level diagnostics across all vehicle systems for 100+ brands.

SaleBestseller No. 2

ANCEL AD310 Classic Enhanced Universal OBD II Scanner Car Engine Fault Code Reader CAN Diagnostic Scan Tool-Black

ANCEL AD310 Classic Enhanced Universal OBD II Scanner Car Engine Fault Code Reader CAN Diagnostic Scan Tool-Black

  • CEL Doctor: The ANCEL AD310 is one of the best-selling OBD II scanners on the market and is recommended by Scotty Kilmer, a YouTuber and auto mechanic. It can easily determine the cause of the check engine light coming on, quickly read and clear diagnostic trouble codes, read live data & hard memory data, view freeze frame, I/M monitor readiness and collect vehicle information. Instead of taking car to mechanic shop, you can use it to check the trouble code and show code definition by yourself.
  • Sturdy and Compact: Equipped with a 2.5 foot cable made of very thick, flexible insulation. It is important to have a sturdy scanner as it can easily fall to the ground when working in a car. The AD310 OBD2 scanner is a well-constructed device with a sleek design. It weighs 12 ounces and measures 8.9 x 6.9 x 1.4 inches. Thanks to its compact design and light weight, transporting the device is not a problem. The buttons are clearly labelled and the screen is large and displays results clearly.
  • Accurate Fast and Easy to Use: The AD310 scanner can help you or your mechanic understand if your car is in good condition, provides exceptionally accurate and fast results, reads and clears engine trouble codes in seconds. If you want to find out the cause of the check engine light, this device will let you know immediately and fix the problem right away without any car knowledge. No need for batteries or a charger, get power directly from the OBDII Data Link Connector in your vehicle.
  • OBDII Protocols and Car Compatibility: Many cheap scan tools do not really support all OBD2 protocols. This is not the case with the AD310 scanner as it can support all OBDII protocols such as KWP2000, J1850 VPW, ISO9141, J1850 PWM and CAN. This device also has extensive vehicle compatibility with 1996 US-based, 2000 EU-based and Asian cars, light trucks, SUVs, as well as newer OBD2 and CAN vehicles both domestic and foreign. Check compatibility with your vehicle model before purchasing.
  • Home Necessity and Worthy to Own: This is an excellent code reader to travel or home with as it weighs less and it is compact in design. You can easily slide it in your backpack as you head to the garage, or put it on the dashboard, this will be a great fit for you. The AD310 is not only portable, but also accurate and fast in performance. Moreover, it covers various car brands and is suitable for people who just need a code reader to check their car.

Bestseller No. 3

LAUNCH X431 PRO5 Elite,J2534 Reprogramming Tool with CAN/CAFD/DoIP/HD protocols,AutoAuth for FCA SGW OBD2 Scanner Diagnostic Tool,Bidirectional Scan Tool,ECU Coding,50+ Reset,OEM Full Systems Scanner

LAUNCH X431 PRO5 Elite,J2534 Reprogramming Tool with CAN/CAFD/DoIP/HD protocols,AutoAuth for FCA SGW OBD2 Scanner Diagnostic Tool,Bidirectional Scan Tool,ECU Coding,50+ Reset,OEM Full Systems Scanner

  • 🆚LAUNCH X431 PRO5 scan tool Upgrade all functions of X431 PRO3/X-431 Throttle III/X431-TorqueIII/X431 V+, PROS V+, PAD3. ⓵ J2534 ECU Programming &Online functions directly connect to OEM server, 50+ reset same as X-431 Throttle;⓶Bi-directional control and All system diagnostics as Snap-on scanner; ⓷ Support 150+ brands Vehicles (include CAN/CAFD/DoIP/HD protocols and AutoAuth for FCA SGW) ⓸Powered by 8-core processor(1.8GHz), Android9.0 OS, 2.4 & 5GHz WiFi connection.
  • 🚜[J2534 Reprogramming With FREE SMARTBOX 3.0】Save more than $2000, LAUNCH X431 PRO5 support J2534/DOIP/CANFD/HD protocols (Needn’t buy HDIII Module,Manufacture software and non-16pin adaptors need to be purchased separately.) Download OEM software from the manufacturer’s server to 1) program data to blank/used ECUs; 2) Reflash ECUs with data loss; 3)Upgrade ECU software version. As a wireless VCI allowing the vehicle to transmit data to the diagnostic tablet without a physical connection.
  • 👏[50+ Reset, Continuously Updated Reset Functions]: With the LAUNCH diagnostic tool, You will never be bothered by tricky vehicle issues and keep pace with newer technology. 50 commonly reset functions ( in the quick page ) reaching into the smallest parts to root out the problems. Extra 300+ repair functions ( in-vehicle catalog) for specific models extend the capability to reset, regeneration, initiation, matching, etc. (Functions vary by models, configurations, and systems.)
  • 🌐[One stop Intelligent Diagnostic Tool]: LAUNCH X431 PRO5 obd2 scanner Bluetooth provides Repair Tips, Repair Assist, Component Measurement, TSB, Relevant Cases DTC Analysis to simplify complex diagnostic and achieve the trouble-free repair. 🤩[One Scanner For Multiple Uses]: LAUNCH diagnostic tool PRO5 collaborates with add-on modules (ADAS, Videoscope, TSGUN, X-ProG3, WiFi Pinter, Battery Tester) to expand business applications and improve diagnostic accuracy.
  • 👍【2023 New OE Level Online Functions 】Bidirectional Scan Tool offers you various high-end online functions, which enable you to access the online data to do fast & complicated vehicle repairs, e.g. 1) ECU Coding for replacing, match, relearn, recode new ECU modules; 2) Online Coding for BMW, Audi, VW, Porsche, Benz to surf OEM data; 3) VAG Guided functions ease complex issues; 4) Personalization & ADAS improving car performance and driving safety.

Bestseller No. 4

Car Diagnostic Tool MDI 2 Multiple Diagnostic Interface WiFi OBD2 Scanner USB 2.0 for DLC Cable Plug and Play

Car Diagnostic Tool MDI 2 Multiple Diagnostic Interface WiFi OBD2 Scanner USB 2.0 for DLC Cable Plug and Play

  • 【Practical Diagnostic Tool】: MDI2 multiple diagnostic interface scanner is used by professional technicians as an aid in diagnosing and repairing automotive electrical and electronic systems
  • 【Easy to Use】: Connect the vehicle to a host PC computer application, then functions through the MDI 2 for data transfer and Electronic Control Unit ECU reprogramming, convenient for using
  • 【Power Supply】: The multiple diagnostic interface 2 scanner is powered from the vehicle battery via the for DLC cable, may also be powered over USB to perform firmware updates only using a PC
  • 【For DLC Cable】: The for DLC cable is longer than the previous cable and connects at the top, making it easier to use. The cable only connects to the MDI 2. A wired connection is recommended for longer programming events
  • 【Excellent Performance】: Multiple diagnostic interface with WIFI card. Uses USB 2.0 for faster firmware downloads rather than a separate AC power supply. More secure Type B connector and Ground Offset Failure protection

Bestseller No. 5

KINGBOLEN YA200 OBD2 Scanner, Car OBD2 Code Reader Check Engine Light, Car Scanner OBDII Full Functions with Voltage Test OBD2 Scanner Diagnostic Tool for All OBDII CAN Protocol Cars Since 1996

KINGBOLEN YA200 OBD2 Scanner, Car OBD2 Code Reader Check Engine Light, Car Scanner OBDII Full Functions with Voltage Test OBD2 Scanner Diagnostic Tool for All OBDII CAN Protocol Cars Since 1996

  • ✅【High-quality Car OBD2 Scanner】The YA200 OBD2 scanner is a practical car diagnostic tool, supports full OBDII functions, such as Read/Erase Codes, View Data Stream, I/M Readiness, Freeze Frame and Vehicle Information, and run O2 Sensor Test, On-Board monitor Test, and Component(EVAP System) Test, It can read and erase fault codes, turn off the check engine light so as to protect your driving safety.(Incompatible with Kia, Hyundai)
  • ✅【Convenient Hot-key Design】 The YA200 OBD2 code reader is equipped with 3 hot keys, which is more convenient to use. One-key DTC — Looks up Pending Codes stored in the scan tool, One-key VIN — Display vehicle identification number, One-key I/M Readiness — Quick checks emission readiness status and drive cycle verification.The hand-held size makes you can take it everywhere. Just plug and play, no batteries are needed.
  • ✅【Wide Compatibility】 Supports 9 OBDII protocols (ISO15765-4 (CAN), ISO14230-4 (KWP2000), ISO9141-2, J1850 VPW, J1850 PWM) compatible with most after 1996 US-Based, 2000 EU-Based and Asian cars. The YA200 obd2 car scanner also supports 9 languages like English, French, Russian, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Polish and Traditional Chinese, which easily meet the use of various scenarios.(Not support 24V heavy trucks)
  • ✅【High Performance OBDII Reader】 The YA200 check engine code reader is equipped with a 320 x 240 pixels display with 2.4inch TFT Color Screen, which clearly displays the diagnostic results. With screenshot function, just press the up and down keys for 3s-5s to take screenshots, and can store up to 10 pictures. Equipped with a USB cable, the device can be Lifetime Free Update.(Now the latest version, no need to upgrade)
  • ✅【Accurate Data & Voltage Test】 The live Data menu allows you to view the recording and playback of real time Parameter Identification Data ( PIDs ) from the electronic control module. And PIDs are displayed in textual or graphic format when available. At the same time, it supports the detection of car battery voltage and displays battery condition, Max value & Min value by graph in real time.

SaleBestseller No. 6

MOTOPOWER MP69033 Car OBD2 Scanner Code Reader Engine Fault Code Reader Scanner CAN Diagnostic Scan Tool for All OBD II Protocol Cars Since 1996, Yellow

MOTOPOWER MP69033 Car OBD2 Scanner Code Reader Engine Fault Code Reader Scanner CAN Diagnostic Scan Tool for All OBD II Protocol Cars Since 1996, Yellow

  • Multi-Functions — Practical Multi-Functions OBD2 code reader features built-in OBD2 DTC lookup library, which help you to determine the cause of the engine light, read code, erase code, view freeze frame, I/M ready, vehicle information, data flow, real-time curve, get vehicle speed information, calculate load value, engine coolant temperature, get engine speed.
  • Wide Capability — Supports 9 protocols compatible with most 1996 US-Based, 2000 EU-Based and Asian cars, and newer OBD II & CAN domestic or import vehicles. Supports 6 languages — English,German, Dutch, Spanish, French, Italian.
  • LCD Display — Designed with a clear display LCD screen (128 x 64 pixels) — white backlight and contrast adjustment. No need any battery or charger, OBD reader gets the power directly from your vehicle through the OBDII Data Link Connector.
  • Compact Design — Car diagnostic scanner is equipped with a 2.5 feet long cable and made of a very thick flexible insulator.There are 6 buttons on OBD2 Scanner:scroll up/down,enter/exit and buttons that quick query VIN vehicle number& the DTC fault code.
  • ABS / Airbag codes NOT Supported — It is able to read and clear check engine information which is part of OBDII system, but it cannot work with non-OBDII systems, including ABS / Airbag / Oil Service Light, etc.

SaleBestseller No. 7

XTOOL D8 Automotive Diagnostic Tool 2023 Newest with 3-Year Free Update($600 Worth), Bi-Directional Control, ECU Coding, 38+ Services, Key Programming, OE Full Diagnosis, Oil Reset, ABS Bleed, CANFD

XTOOL D8 Automotive Diagnostic Tool 2023 Newest with 3-Year Free Update($600 Worth), Bi-Directional Control, ECU Coding, 38+ Services, Key Programming, OE Full Diagnosis, Oil Reset, ABS Bleed, CANFD

  • 👍➤2023 New Upgraded All-in-one Scanner, Upgraded Ver. of XTOOL D7➤ As XTOOL 2023 new upgraded automotive scanner targeted for professional mechanics, D8 upgraded with ✅Bi-Directional Control✅OE All Systems Diagnosis, ✅38+ Special Functions, ✅Up to 8-In-1 Graphing & Export Data as CSV file, ✅CAN FD, ✅New launched PMI function for Ford, Lincoln, Mazda, ✅Advanced ECU Coding for VW, Audi, Skoda, ✅ADAS Calibration(software unlocked), ✅ECU Configurations, etc. Note: Please check compatibility before order.
  • 👍➤Advanced ECU Coding & Personalized Settings ➤ XTOOL scanner D8 equipped with ECU Coding(for VW/AUDI/SKODA ONLY) and custom configurations are designed to unleash the hidden functions for BMW, for Ford, for Mazda, for VW/Audi/Skoda, for Toyota/Lexus/Scion, for Lincoln. You can activate the higher-level car functions and disable any annoying features like disable the seat belt buzzer, customize extra options such as winding the windows down with the remote fob. ✅New launched PMI function for Ford, Lincoln, Mazda supports copy data into new modules.
  • 👍➤OE-Level All Systems Diagnostic & Bi-Directional Control ➤XTOOL D8 professional diagnostic scan tool can access all available vehicle modules for read/clean DTCs, view live data, freeze frame, ECU info and perform bi-directional control to command the components to pinpoint faults, such as Fuel Trim Reset, Fuel Composition Reset, VGT Turbo Calibration, Window/Mirror/Door Lock Test, Turn on/off the radiator fan, Modulate the throttle, Turn on/off the lights, sound horn, etc.
  • 👍➤ 38+ Special Functions for Mechanics/Workshop ➤ XTOOL D8 diagnostic tool cover almost all available Services including Oil Reset, EPB, SAS, BMS Reset, ABS bleed, Throttle Reset, VGT Learn, Air Suspension, Injector Coding, Key Programming, Power Balance, Headlight, Transmission Adaptation, Fuel Trim Learn, HVAC Control Module Calibrate, Zero Point Calibration, Language Change, A/F Settings, Stop/Start Reset, Crankshaft Sensor Relearn, TPMS, PMI function and etc. NOTE: Services do NOT work on all cars.
  • 👍➤ Powerful Hardware Configuration ➤ D8 auto scan tool possess with Android system, Quad-Core 1.8GHz CPU Processor, 2GB RAM & 64GB ROM, which greatly increased the speed of running multiple task. With 10,000mAh stronger rechargeable battery, 2.4GHz&5GHz Dual-Frequency Wi-Fi, 4X faster transmission rate, 8MP Camera and built-In Speaker, Microphone, supports external sound playback. Perfect choice for advance DIY, auto repair shop, garage, car dealer and home mechanic.

Bestseller No. 8

Thinkdiag2 All System Bidirectional Control OBD2 Diagnostic Scanner for iOS & Android, Bluetooth5.0 Intelligent Scan Tool with CAN-FD Protocol, AutoVIN, Active Test, 15+ Reset Functions, ECU Coding

Thinkdiag2 All System Bidirectional Control OBD2 Diagnostic Scanner for iOS & Android, Bluetooth5.0 Intelligent Scan Tool with CAN-FD Protocol, AutoVIN, Active Test, 15+ Reset Functions, ECU Coding

  • Please contact us (7/24 service) before purchasing to confirm that Thinkdiag2 can perform this function on your vehicle. This OBD2 scanner the only diagnostic scanner in this price range that supports the CAN-FD protocol that is compatible with the latest GM vehicles manufactured after 2020, which can run faster than other products to greatly enhance the user experience. Unlock the protected FCA vehicle SGW module on Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Alfa Romeo, and Fiat vehicles manufactured after 2019.
  • ThinkDiag2 is an OE-Level Bluetooth diagnostic tool that supports full system diagnosis. It supports read/clear codes, datastream, actuation tests, special functions, coding, adaptation, and read control module information for all systems, such as ECM, ABS, SRS, TCM, EPB, TPMS, SAS, A/C, BMS, etc. The specific functions that can be performed may vary by car model. Free software updates and usage are available for 1 year, paid subscription is required to use the model software after expiration.
  • A Bi-directional control diagnostic tool that supports actuation tests, drives solenoids and actuators for active testing, sending commands to the system/component to test its operating status without using the vehicle controls, making it easy to operate and saving a lot of time to identify the cause of the fault. In addition, it supports ECU CODING which allows you to match replacement components to the ECU. It also can activate the hidden functions for some BMW, VW, AUDI, and BENZ models.
  • Thinkdiag2 OBDII code scanner is designed for individual car owners, DIYers, and small repair shops, which has a separate menu of 15 common special functions, such as Oil reset, EPB reset, SAS calibration, ABS bleeding, injector code, IMMO matching, TPMS reset, etc. Enter from the all-system diagnostic menu to unlock more system special functions, and effectively handle the reset and relearn of most cars. Note: The Maintenance functions that each car can do may be different.
  • The 2022 newest diagnostic scanner has an Auto-VIN function, it can help car owner/repair stores automatically and quickly identify the year of manufacture, model, and VIN of most models, then enter the vehicle diagnostic menu. Then you can click ‘Health Report’ for a complete vehicle system scan, which will automatically generate a detailed vehicle health report after diagnosis. Reports and diagnostic records can be viewed in the REPORT and HISTORY menu, and reports can be shared and printed.

SaleBestseller No. 9

LAUNCH OBD2 Scanner CRP909X, 2023 New with 2-Year Free Updates, OE-Level Full System Scan Tool, 28 Reset Services Car Diagnostic Scanner, ABS Bleeding Injector Coding IMMO, Auto VIN, TPMS Tool as Gift

LAUNCH OBD2 Scanner CRP909X, 2023 New with 2-Year Free Updates, OE-Level Full System Scan Tool, 28 Reset Services Car Diagnostic Scanner, ABS Bleeding Injector Coding IMMO, Auto VIN, TPMS Tool as Gift

  • 🧡Warm Notice:✅1. If you think you receive an used or defective product, this may be because Amazon re-list the product returned by the previous customer. Please don’t worry! You can send us the picture of the item you received, and then we will re-ship a new product to you. ✅2. The newest version doesn’t come with a yellow connector, because we have upgrade the package list from November 2021. ✅3. If you have any issues, please feel free to contact us via launch-aftersales@ outlook. com.
  • 👍【2022 Newly Added 13 Reset Services from Sep 2022 + 2-Year Free Update】The details are AC System Relearn, AdBlue Reset, A/F Reset, Coolant Bleed, Language Change, NOx Sensor Reset, Seats Calibration, Stop/Start Reset, Transport Mode,Tyre Reset, Windows Calibration, Engine Power Balance Monitoring, High Voltate Battery Diagnostics. ➤GOOD NEWS: If your CRP909X is registered from September 21, 2022, you can get 2-year free update. More cost effective than others (provide 1 year free update)!
  • 🥇【2023 NEW ELITE SCAN TOOL + 28 RESET SERVICES】: LAUNCH CRP909X scan tool is the Upgrade Ver. of LAUNCH Creader VII+/CRP123X/CRP129X/LAUNCH CRP TOUCH PRO ELITE. It provides 28 competitive RESET services to make your repair/maintenance more user friendly. Details are as follows: Oil Reset/ SAS Reset/ EPB Reset/ BMS Reset/ ABS Bleeding / IMMO /Sunroof Reset/Suspension Reset/ Gearbox Reset/ AFS Headlamp Reset/ Injector Coding/Gear Learning/TPMS Reset/Throttle Adaptation, etc.
  • 🚗【OE-LEVEL FULL SYSTEM AS LAUNCH X431 + SMART AUTO VIN SCAN】 LAUNCH OBD2 SCANNER CRP909X can read ECU VERSION INFORMATION, read/clear DTCs, read LIVE DATA (text & graphic) for all vehicle systems (ABS, SRS, Engine, Transmission, Brake System, Emission System, Fuel system, Light system, TPMS System etc.). With AUTO VIN SCAN, this launch scan tool can obtain the VIN info of the identified vehicle and scan the systems automatically, once the launch scanner and the car are properly connected.
  • 🚖【20000+ COMPATIBLE VEHICLES & SMART DIAGNOSTIC REPORT】 This escaner automotriz professional launch crp909x is compatible with over 57 different vehicle brands and 20000+ cars worldwide which are compatible with OBDII, EOBD and JOBD protocols and also supports cars made in 2018/2019/2020. LAUNCH scanner can automatically generates a car diagnostic health report, you can store the data to graph, record, and playback your vehicle’s parameters, and print them by email for further analysis.

SaleBestseller No. 10

FOXWELL NT301 OBD2 Scanner Live Data Professional Mechanic OBDII Diagnostic Code Reader Tool for Check Engine Light

FOXWELL NT301 OBD2 Scanner Live Data Professional Mechanic OBDII Diagnostic Code Reader Tool for Check Engine Light

  • 【Vehicle CEL Doctor】The NT301 obd2 scanner enables you to read DTCs, access to emissions readiness status, turn off CEL(check engine light) or MIL, reset monitor, read live data and retrieve VIN of your vehicle.
  • 【Accuracy & Streams】Live data graphing and logging. Accurately read error codes for most Worldwide cars, SUVs, light trucks and 12V diesels equipped with Obd2. Graphing live vehicle sensors data allows you to focus on any suspicious data and trend.
  • 【Worthy to Own】Recommended by Mechanic Scotty Kilmer on Youtube. Codes analysis and Printer compatible. Unique PATENTED design, 2.8″ color screen, Free Lifetime Update and 1-year seller assurance with EXCLUSIVE tech and service team.
  • 【Smog Check Helper】Read/Erase and I/M readiness hotkeys make it easy to use the car computer reader right out of the package. Red-Yellow-Green Leds and build-in speaker indicate the readiness status for confident e-missions test.
  • 【Home Necessity】Open to global customers. No battery required, NT301 obd scanner is charged directly from the 16pin DLC in your vehicle. It is recommended as a necessity in your toolbox and one of the best gifts for Home and Autoshop Mechanics.

Last update on 2022-11-09 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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DTC Troubleshooting: P2583-76

DTC P2583-76: Temporary stop of Integrated Driver Support System (Misalignment Millimeter Wave Radar)


Before you troubleshoot, review the general troubleshooting information.

Before you troubleshoot, make sure all the tire pressures are correct, and remove all the cargo from the vehicle.

This DTC is recorded if the beam axis of the millimeter wave radar gets out of alignment as follows while the vehicle is driving.


Vertical direction: 3.0 degrees or more


Horizontal direction: 2.5 degrees or more

If this DTC is recorded, the following is suspected:


Change in the vehicle posture caused by an overload or the vehicle being towed.


It has been detected that the beam axis of the millimeter wave radar is out of alignment due to improper installation.


The millimeter wave radar installing portion is deformed by a minor collision or strong impact.


The beam axis of the millimeter wave radar is out of alignment due to abnormal wheel alignment, abnormal tire pressure, etc.


Altered suspension


When it is snowing, the radio waves transmitted and received by the millimeter wave radar may be refracted by the snow or ice attached around the millimeter wave radar such as the front grille, and are detected as a misalignment.

If this DTC is recorded, the integrated drive support system temporarily cancels its control to prevent excessive operation or malfunction.

Even when this DTC is recorded, the vehicle returns to normal if the misalignment of the detection axis of the millimeter wave radar is 1.5 degrees or less.

The functions of the integrated driver support system that will be temporarily canceled when this DTC is recorded can be confirmed with the DTC troubleshooting index.

DTC Description


P2583-76 Temporary stop of Integrated Driver Support System (Misalignment Millimeter Wave Radar)



Check the vehicle condition:

Check the vehicle condition


Turn the vehicle to the ON mode.


Check if any integrated driver support system related indicator comes on in the gauge control module.

Is any indicator currently comes on?


The failure is duplicated. Go to step 2.


The system is OK at this time. Clear the DTC with the HDS. If the indicator is turned off, and axis misalignment has been recorded, explain to the customer that the system detected a temporarily misaligned millimeter wave axis and stopped functioning.?


Millimeter wave radar installation check:

Millimeter wave radar installation check


Turn the vehicle to the OFF (LOCK) mode.


Remove the front bumper.


Check that the millimeter wave radar and radar bracket are installed properly and check them for deformation and damage.

Are the millimeter wave radar and the radar bracket installed properly, and/or is there any no damage?


Aim the millimeter wave radar. After the millimeter wave radar aiming is complete, clear the DTC with the HDS.?


Repair or replace faulty parts, then aim the millimeter wave radar.?

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