Lewis Jackson
Дата создания:
6 Май 2021
Дата обновления:
16 Сентябрь 2023
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- P16e3 Honda Описание
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Ошибка P16E3 у автомобиля Honda была обновлена 15:44. Определить ошибку в автомобиле Honda можно через диагностический прибор через соединение OBD2. Если у вас определена ошибка под номером P16E3 — тогда прочитайте ее обозначение согласно официальным техническим регламентам автомобиля Honda.
Комбинация, указывающая на ошибку связи по шине LIN в работе контроллера аккумулятора
Приветствуется любая корректная, полезная и честная информация о ремонте ошибки P16E3 у автомобиля Honda.
Возможно Ваш отзыв сможет кому-то помочь!
Чтобы помочь вам в решении ошибки P16E3 и устранить её, опишите вашу ситуацию и комментарий ниже. Обязательно оставьте почтовый ящик, ответ и помощь придет в течение дня.
Илья Сергеевич Дорофеев |
Поддержка от автовладельцев Техник по диагностике автомобилей Honda Стаж: 18 лет Помогу решить любые вопросы возникшие с ошибками P16E3 по автомобилю Honda. Опишите подробно ситуацию форме ниже и я лично вам отвечу в ближайшее свободное время. Обязательно укажите номера ошибок, симптомы и конечно модель, двигатель и кузов. Для ответа мастера — поделитесь обязательно ссылкой с друзьями: |
Помощь и удаление ошибок у моделей Honda
Accord (Аккорд); Airwave (Эйрвейв, Аирвейв); Civic (Цивик); CR-V (СРВ); Fit (Фит); Insight (Инсайт); Jazz (Джаз); Logo (Лого); Mobilio (Мобилио); Odyssey (Одиссей); Orthia (Орхия); Pilot (Пилот); Ridgeline (Риджлайн); Stepwagon (Стевагон); Stream (Стрим); Torneo (Торнео).
November 5, 2014
BTB 51198-00353 (1411) REV-1
Replaces 14-028, dated April 16, 2014, to revise the information highlighted in yellow.
Year | Model | Trim | VIN Range |
2014 | RLX | ALL | JH4KC1…EC000001 thru JH4KC1…EC007765 |
- Under AFFECTED VEHICLES, VINs were added.
- SYMPTOM and DIAGNOSIS were updated
The i-MID reads 12 Volt Battery Charging System Problem and, DTC P16E3 (PGM-FI battery sensor LIN communication error) may be stored.
NOTE: If DTC P154A is stored, refer to S/B 14-034, i-MID Reads “12 Volt Battery Charging System Problem” With DTC P154A.
The LIN communication bus may have experienced a communication issue.
Update the software in the gauge control module.
NOTE: Unnecessary or incorrect repairs resulting from a failure to update the MVCI or HDS are not covered under warranty.
MVCI Control Module (CM) Update:
Application (FW) Version: 3.01.37 or later
Database Update: 03 Mar-2014 or later
HDS Software Version:
3.013.014 or later
Before beginning the repair, make sure that both the HDS and the MVCI are updated as listed above.
Do only the update listed in this service bulletin.
Check that the MVCI indicates the applicable program ID listed below (or a later program ID) as the Recommended Update when the update begins.
If the MVCI displays This vehicle does not need an update at this time, confirm that the MVCI’s Application (FW) Version and Database Update date are equal to or greater than the versions shown on page 1. If the software is correct, then the update for this bulletin has already been applied to the vehicle. If the software is not correct, update both the MVCI and HDS software.
For more information about updating the HDS, the MVCI, and vehicle systems, refer to Service Bulletin 01-023, Updating Control Units/Modules.
Trim | PROGRAM ID (or later) | PROGRAM P/N (or later) |
2014 RLX (Base) | Y2A040 | 78109-TY2-A04 |
2014 RLX (Base Navi) | Y2A320 | 78109-TY2-A32 |
2014 RLX (Tech) | Y2A140 | 78109-TY2-A14 |
2014 RLX (Advance) | Y2A240 | 78109-TY2-A24 |
The normal warranty applies.
Operation Number | Description | Flat Rate Time | Template ID | Failed Part Number |
7165A0 | Check for DTC’s, and update the gauge control module (meter) software. | 0.4 hr
(Includes DTC check) |
14-028N | 78100-TY2-A11 |
Defect Code: 03217
Symptom Code: 03215
Skill Level: Repair Technician
Check for DTCs.
- If DTC P16E3 is stored or if there is no DTC present, clear any DTC’s and go to REPAIR PROCEDURE.
- If DTC P154A is stored, go to Service Bulletin 14-034, i-MID Displays “12 Volt Battery Charging System Problem” With DTC P154A.
- With the MVCI connected, under the User Config display, select CM Update Mode. Press ENTER.
- Select Reprogramming and press ENTER. You will see a screen with the message Use a battery booster
while reprogramming the vehicle. Press ENTER again.
NOTE: Make sure the headlights are in the OFF position.
- On the Select System screen, select Meter and press ENTER. You will see the message Press the “ENTER” button to begin the Control Module Update. Press ENTER.
- The CM Update Mode Running Change screen appears. Press ENTER to begin the gauge control module update.
NOTE: Some of the gauge control module indicators will blink, and the headlights may come on. This is normal.
- Run an all DTC check, and clear any DTCs that may have set during the software update procedure.
J2534 Software
American Honda Motor Co., Inc. offers SAE J2534 compliant reprogramming software for Honda and Acura vehicles FREE of charge. This J2534 software, when used with a properly built J2534 pass-thru device
, will automatically check for the latest vehicle calibration information.
Important Notice
Do NOT program a control module unless you are directed by a service procedure or an applicable Honda/Acura Service Bulletin. Control Module updating should only be undertaken by a skilled professional using proper equipment and procedures, or module damage can occur. The process of updating to the latest software not associated with a specific symptom may not resolve other specific customer concerns. Unauthorized or self-directed programming may cause unintended and irreversible effects and lead to vehicle harm and/or customer dissatisfaction.
American Honda urges end users to always use the LATEST production release of the J2534 Honda Reprogramming software. Using the latest version of the software is the best way to ensure successful reprogramming of applicable control modules.
It is possible to damage the vehicle’s electronic control modules during reprogramming. Ensure the following conditions are met BEFORE programming a control module:
- The vehicle battery must be fully charged before programming the control module. Stable battery voltage is critical during programming. Any fluctuation, spiking, over voltage or loss of voltage will interrupt programming.
- Turn OFF or disable any system that may put a load on the vehicle battery.
- Make certain all tool connections are secure. Do NOT disturb the tool harnesses while programming. If an interruption occurs during the programming procedure, programming failure or control module damage may occur.
Some modules may require additional programming/setup events performed before or after programming. Please refer to the appropriate Service Bulletins for details. (e.g. IMA Battery Module)
The information in Service Bulletins is intended for use by trained, professional technicians with the knowledge, tools, and equipment to do the job properly and safely. The procedures should not be performed by “do-it-yourselfers”. American Honda reserves the right to supersede this information with updates. The most recent information is available through American Honda’s on-line technical resources.
Warning: Certain control module systems require special procedures and or hardware to be properly reprogrammed. Before proceeding ahead, check the vehicle list below.
- 2013 Honda Accord – All Models (VSA System)
- 2011–13 Odyssey – Warranty Extension: MIL Comes On With DTCs P0301 Through P0304
- 2011-2012 Odyssey Touring and Touring Elite – Surge, Hesitation, or Judder on Upshifts
Honda J2534 Pass-Thru User Guide
Honda J2534 Pass-Thru Software Download
Price Disclaimer
DTC Troubleshooting: P16E3
ADInfo-button DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P16E3
DTC P16E3: PGM-FI-Battery Sensor LIN Communication Error
Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data and any on-board snapshot, and review the general troubleshooting information. |
Check for loose terminals on the battery sensor (battery negative (-) terminal). |
1. |
Problem verification: Problem verification
Is DTC P16E3 indicated?
The failure is duplicated. Go to step 2. |
Intermittent failure, the system is OK at this time. Check for poor connections or loose terminals at the the battery sensor and the gauge control module. |
2. |
Battery sensor power supply check: Battery sensor power supply check
Is there battery voltage?
Go to step 3. |
Go to step 6. |
3. |
Determine possible failure area (battery sensor, others): Determine possible failure area (battery sensor, others)
Is there 0 V?
Go to step 4. |
Replace the battery sensor, then do the repair verification. |
4. |
Shorted wire check (LIN (BATT SENSOR) line): Shorted wire check (LIN (BATT SENSOR) line)
Is there continuity?
Repair a short in the LIN (BATT SENSOR) wire between the battery sensor and the gauge control module, then do the repair verification. |
The LIN (BATT SENSOR) wire is not shorted. Go to step 5. |
5. |
Open wire check (LIN (BATT SENSOR) line): Open wire check (LIN (BATT SENSOR) line)
Is there continuity?
The LIN (BATT SENSOR) wire is OK. Replace the gauge control module, then do the repair verification. |
Repair an open in the LIN (BATT SENSOR) wire between the battery sensor and the gauge control module, then do the repair verification. |
6. |
Fuse check: Fuse check
Is the fuse OK?
Repair an open in the +B HORN wire between the battery sensor and the No. A5 (10 A) fuse in the under-hood fuse/relay box, then do the repair verification. |
Repair a short in the +B HORN wire between the battery sensor and the No. A5 (10 A) fuse in the under-hood fuse/relay box. Also replace the No. A5 (10 A) fuse, then do the repair verification. |
Repair verification: |
Is DTC P16E3 indicated?
Check for poor connections or loose terminals at the battery sensor and the gauge control module, then go to step 1. |
Troubleshooting is complete. If any other Pending or Confirmed DTCs are indicated, go to the indicated DTC’s troubleshooting.? |
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