P1604 ошибка тойота венза

When your car’s ‘Toyota Venza P1604 Check Engine’ light comes on, it’s usually accompanied by a sinking feeling
in the pit of your stomach. The light could mean a costly problem, like a bad catalytic converter,
or it could be something minor, like a loose gas cap. But in many cases,
it means at minimum that you’ll be visiting the car dealer to locate the malfunction and get the light turned off.

Toyota Venza P1604 Code Meaning :

P 1 6 0 4
OBD-II Diagnostic Powertrain (P) Trouble Code For Engine Fuel And Air Metering Fuel Temperature Sensor B Circuit Range/Performance Cold Start Injector 1 Malfunction Timing Reference High Resolution Signal A Too Many Pulses
Toyota Venza Engine

When you check Toyota Venza car engine light came on code P1604 the reason should be Engine Light ON (or Service Engine Soon Warning Light).
However manufacturer may have a different definition for the P1604 OBD-II Diagnostic Powertrain (P) Trouble Code.
So you should chech it on our car models.

P1604 Fault Symptoms :

  1. Check engine light comes on
  2. Engine stalling or misfiring
  3. Engine performance issues
  4. Car not starting

If one of these reasons for P1604 code is occuring now you should check P1604 repair processes.

Now don’t ask yourself; What should you do with P1604 code ?

The solution is here :

Toyota Venza P1604 Possible Solution :

The crankshaft sensor signals the fuel injection computer or the ignition control when the cylinders are firing. This causes the ignition coil to provide a spark and the injector to inject fuel into each cylinder at the right time.If either sensor isn’t working correctly, the car will run rough and the engine will be less efficient. In later car models, the car’s computer can usually keep the vehicle running, but the engine warning light on the dashboard goes on to warn the driver.

P1604 OBD-II Diagnostic Powertrain (P) Trouble Code Description

P1604 engine trouble code is about Timing Reference High Resolution Signal A Too Many Pulses.

Reason For P1604 Code

The reason of P1604 OBD-II Engine Trouble Code is Fuel Temperature Sensor B Circuit Range/Performance.

Parts or components should not be replaced with reference to only a P1604 DTC. The vehicle service manual should be consulted for more information on possible causes of the fault, along with required testing.

Система зажигания

  • Свеча зажигания

  • Катушка зажигания в сборе

Топливная система

  • Топливная форсунка в сборе

  • Топливный насос

  • Цепь управления топливным насосом

  • Регулятор давления топлива в сборе

  • Топливопровод

  • Система электровакуумного клапана продувки

  • Качество топлива (чрезмерное количество посторонних веществ, ухудшение характеристик)

Системы впуска воздуха и выпуска отработавших газов

  • Датчик массового расхода воздуха в сборе

  • Система забора воздуха

    (утечки воздуха или скопление отложений)

  • Корпус дроссельной заслонки с электродвигателем в сборе

  • Датчик состава топливовоздушной смеси

  • Подогреваемый кислородный датчик

  • Гидравлический клапан изменения фаз в сборе

  • Система регулирования фаз газораспределения (система VVT)

  • Усилитель тормозной системы в сборе

Другие системы управления

  • ECM

  • Жгут проводов или разъем

  • Датчик детонации

  • Датчик температуры охлаждающей жидкости


  • Термостат

  • Двигатель в сборе

Высокая нагрузка от другой системы

  • Система кондиционирования воздуха

  • Система рулевого управления с усилителем

  • Система сигнала электрической нагрузки

  • Система автоматической трансмиссии

Do you have problems starting the engine, engine stalling, or misfiring? These are the common symptoms of the P1604 Toyota code.

  1. What Does P1604 Toyota Code Mean?
  2. Symptoms of P1604 Toyota Code
  3. Causes of Toyota P1604 Diagnostic Trouble Code
    • Low Battery Charge
    • Defective Starting System
    • Low-Quality Fuel
    • Clogged Fuel filter
    • Faulty Fuel System
    • Faulty Engine Control Module (ECM)
    • Engine Problem
  4. How to Diagnose
  5. How to Fix P1604 Code
  6. Conclusion

It can be frustrating when your car cranks but the engine fails to start, especially if you are late for work. You, therefore, need to resolve the code P1604 before it is too late. P1604 is a diagnostic trouble code that shows a problem with the engine.

What causes the P1604 code in your Toyota, and how do you fix it? Read on for detailed information, including how to diagnose this code.

What Does P1604 Toyota Code Mean?

P1604 Toyota code is set if there is a startability malfunction. It is set if the car cranks but the engine does not start after a specified time. But what can make your engine not start? The obvious answer is an empty tank, but there are more reasons.

P1604 Code Toyota

Starting an internal combustion engine involves a chain of events. The starting system, glow system, fuel system, and compression components should all function properly for a successful engine start. Any fault results in an engine startability malfunction.

Symptoms of P1604 Toyota Code

Apart from the engine not starting, the P1604 code also has many other symptoms. They may vary from one model to another, but the most common ones include the following:

  • Hard starting
  • Check engine light on
  • Engine stalling or misfiring
  • Decreased engine performance
  • Car not starting at all

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Causes of Toyota P1604 Diagnostic Trouble Code

Some causes of the P1606 Toyota code are straightforward to diagnose. But some are embedded deep in the systems and require professional diagnosis. In general, they include the following:

Low Battery Charge

The first suspect for the P1604 code should be the battery if the car does not crank. Your car’s battery provides electrical power to the starter motor. The motor does not get enough electrical energy to crank an internal combustion engine. Bad connections or corroded terminals are also possible culprits.

The battery may be dead, or the problem comes from the charging system. If the alternator fails, it no longer charges the car’s battery as it should. So, there will be a lack of power for cranking the engine.

Defective Starting System

A car starting system consists of the battery, ignition switch, neutral safety switch, starter relay, starter motor, and connecting wires. A problem with one or more of these will affect the system, resulting in failed engine start. Your car starting system may be the culprit. But you can eliminate the battery, ignition switch, and starter motor if the car cranks.

Low-Quality Fuel

Low-quality fuel clogs injectors and destroys spark plugs. With these vital engine components failing, getting the engine to start takes more and more time. Eventually, you will have to replace them to get the engine to start. Use the best quality fuel you can find to avoid code P1604.  

Clogged Fuel filter

The fuel filter catches impurities in the fuel that flows to the engine. Over time, it becomes clogged. That reduces the fuel pressure, which reduces the amount of gasoline delivered to the combustion chamber to start the engine.  

Faulty Fuel System

An internal combustion engine requires the right amount of fuel pressure to start. The fuel system should provide it. But if it is faulty, it fails to perform.

A faulty fuel system is due to a clogged fuel line, lack of fuel, frozen fuel, air bubbles, defective fuel pump, injector assembly, or the common rail assembly. You should diagnose the system and fix any problem.

Related content: C1241 Code Toyota – Low Battery Positive Voltage (Explained)

Faulty Engine Control Module (ECM)

ECM should be the last possible cause of the P1604 Toyota code to come to mind. This module monitors sensors in the engine bay and manages the air-fuel mixture for optimal performance. If faulty, the air-fuel ratio can be too lean or rich, and the firing may not be appropriate. But all these should be precisely controlled for an engine to start.

Engine Problem

The engine may fail to start if it is a faulty component. Some common problems include high temperature, too high engine friction, insufficient compression, and faulty engine temperature sensor. Check your coolant and engine oil. Also, diagnose the sensor and replace it if it has an issue.

How to Diagnose

Diagnosing the P16034 Toyota code is the same as finding the specific cause and fixing the problem. The first suspects are the battery, fuel system, faulty starting system, low fuel quality, and blocked fuel filter.

Before further diagnosis, ensure you didn’t have an empty fuel tank when the code P1604 first illuminated the check engine light. Low fuel is one of the most common possible triggers.

The next step is to check your battery voltage, terminals, and connections. If your car is not cranking, it could be a low battery voltage or disconnection in the wiring. Measure the actual battery voltage and clean all corrosions. Replace a damaged ground strap and other connections to the battery terminal.

Check your fuel system for any faults. Unblock a clogged filter and ensure the fuel pump is working. You can even measure the fuel pressure if you have the gauge. Inspect the entire system for any possible cause of failure.

Check the starting system. Is the starter motor functioning as it should? Check if it receives the correct voltage and can crank the engine. Inspect ignition and neutral safety switches, including all wirings in the system.

Next, check the coolant and engine oil to ensure you have the right amount and type. Also, check the engine temperature sensor for any defects if necessary.  

Reset the P1604 code and start the engine. If it appears again, check the ECM. It rarely fails but can also be the possible cause of this error code. It should be the last item to inspect.

Related content: P1683 Code – Meaning, Causes, and Solution

How to Fix P1604 Code

You should fix the P1604 Toyota code as soon as possible. The process involves diagnosing your car for a specific cause and taking the appropriate action. The following are some of the common fixes to consider:

  • Cleaning or replacing the clogged fuel filter
  • Replacing damaged batteries or ground straps or cleaning corroded terminals
  • Repairing the starter motor or replacing it if damaged.
  • Changing engine oil, topping up coolant, or replacing engine temperature sensor.
  • Removing air bubbles from the fuel
  • Replacing ECM
  • Replacing spark plugs and ignition coils


P1604 Toyota code shows that there is an engine starting problem. It is set by PCM when the engine takes long or fails to start after receiving the start signal. The most common symptoms include a hard start, illuminated check engine light, and engine failing to start. Causes are many and vary from model to model. Regardless, you should diagnose and fix it as soon as possible.

Техническое название ошибки:

P1604 Startability Malfunction

В автомобилях Toyota может возникнуть неисправность с кодом P1604, относящимся к внутреннему электронному блоку управления коробкой передач. Это может привести к сбою связи между модулями управления коробкой передач и двигателем, что приведет к неправильному переключению передач. На эту проблему могут указывать такие симптомы, как задержка или рывки при переключении передач, снижение расхода топлива, остановка двигателя и предупреждающие индикаторы на приборной панели. Оперативное внимание к этой проблеме необходимо для обеспечения безопасности транспортного средства.

 Появлению кода P1604 могут способствовать несколько факторов, в том числе поврежденные разъемы, датчики или неисправная проводка, которые мешают обмену данными с модулем управления. Перепрограммирование или замена модулей управления часто может решить проблему. Первопричину проблемы можно обнаружить с помощью специализированных диагностических инструментов, которые взаимодействуют с бортовой компьютерной системой автомобиля. Процесс восстановления может занять больше времени, в зависимости от сложности проблемы.

 Типичные причины появления кода неисправности P1604:

  • Выявленная проблема с межмодульной связью, в частности, между блоком управления двигателем и системой иммобилайзера, приводящая к неэффективности.
  • Выявлены деформированные функциональные возможности блока управления двигателем, приводящие к неисправности.
  • Обнаружен неисправный блок управления иммобилайзером, препятствующий работе системы.
  • Обнаружены проблемы с ключом зажигания или транспондером ключа, усугубляющие проблемное состояние.

Стоимость ремонта, связанного с кодом P1604, может варьироваться в зависимости от серьезности основной проблемы. Раннее обнаружение и устранение проблемы может привести к снижению затрат на ремонт. Управлять автомобилем с этим кодом небезопасно, так как это может привести к дальнейшему повреждению трансмиссии. В качестве меры предосторожности лучше избегать резких ускорений или торможений, которые создают дополнительную нагрузку на трансмиссию. Регулярный уход может предотвратить возникновение этой проблемы.

Евгений Порененков

Механик-диагност автомобильной техники. Стаж работы в автомастерских 17 лет. Отвечает на вопросы по коду P1604 Toyota:

Каково конкретное значение кода ошибки P1604 на автомобилях Toyota?

P1604 указывает на проблему с модулем управления двигателем (ECM) в автомобилях Toyota, связанную с отказом внутренней цепи в ECM.

Что нужно проверить при появлении кода P1604?

  1. Выполните проверку напряжения аккумулятора, чтобы убедиться в отсутствии недостаточного напряжения, которое может вызвать появление кода P1604. Если напряжение низкое, перезарядите или замените батарею.
  2. Найдите и осмотрите диагностический разъем, чтобы убедиться, что он надежно подключен к автомобилю. Если разъем поврежден или ослаблен, его необходимо отремонтировать или заменить.
  3. Осмотрите соединения проводки и жгуты на наличие повреждений, износа или ослабления. Если какие-либо провода или разъемы отсоединены или повреждены, необходимо немедленное обслуживание или замена.
  4. Очистите корпус дроссельной заслонки и клапан управления холостым ходом, чтобы устранить любые потенциальные проблемы, вызванные загрязнением корпуса дроссельной заслонки, которые могут привести к появлению кода P1604.
  5. Если вышеуказанные меры не сработают, потребуется замена модуля управления двигателем для устранения кода P1604. Для получения оптимальных результатов этот процесс должен выполнять компетентный механик Toyota.

Есть ли конкретные симптомы, на которые нужно обратить внимание, если у машины есть этот код?

Проблемы с управляемостью, такие как неровный холостой ход, остановка двигателя и трудности с запуском двигателя, являются распространенными симптомами кода P1604 в автомобиле Toyota и могут вызывать неисправности питания и трансмиссии или неожиданное отключение двигателя.

Может ли этот код ошибки повлиять на производительность или безопасность транспортного средства?

Неисправный блок управления двигателем может отрицательно сказаться на характеристиках и безопасности автомобилей Toyota, потенциально влияя на торможение, устойчивость и безопасность в целом.

Каковы обычные причины кода P1604 на автомобилях Toyota?

Аномалии датчиков, дефекты проводки, коррозия, программные сбои и ненадежные соединения являются распространенными причинами кода P1604.

Какие диагностические инструменты необходимы для диагностики этой проблемы?

Специализированные диагностические инструменты OBDII необходимы для точной диагностики проблемы и выявления основной проблемы.

Сколько времени занимает полная диагностика и устранение этой проблемы?

Срок исправления кода варьируется в зависимости от сложности проблемы и доступности частей и составляет от нескольких часов до нескольких дней.

Какие могут быть потенциальные затраты на ремонт?

Стоимость ремонта кода P1604 варьируется от 17500 до 105000 ₽ в зависимости от степени повреждения и сложности проблемы.

Безопасно ли ездить на машине даже при наличии этого кода?

Безопасное вождение возможно, но крайне не рекомендуется, так как неопределенное поведение двигателя может привести к потенциально опасным ситуациям, в результате которых могут возникнуть неисправности компонентов или отказ системы.

Есть ли какие-либо меры предосторожности, которые нужно принимать, пока я не устранил эту проблему?

При наличии кода P1604 следует принимать такие меры предосторожности, как ограничение скорости движения и расстояния, избегание агрессивного вождения и контроль давления и температуры моторного масла.

Как часто встречается эта проблема на автомобилях Toyota?

Несмотря на редкость, немедленная и точная диагностика опытным механиком необходима, если код P1604 возникает в автомобилях Toyota, особенно в старых или эксплуатируемых автомобилях.

Поделитесь своим мнением

Is the code P1604 showing up on your scanning tool after getting your Toyota vehicle scanned? Although your car may be seemingly fine at first glance, the P1604 code signifies that your car has an underlying problem. And, of course, you should do what you can to resolve this code as soon as possible.

That said, you don’t have to worry if you don’t consider yourself a car expert. After all, this guide will walk you through everything you need to know about the P1604 code and how to resolve it below.

Meaning of Toyota Code P1604

The P1604 code appears if your car engine malfunctions when attempting to start it. The said code also appears if your car engine takes a while to start. Another possible reason for the code’s appearance is if your car engine ends up stalling right after starting it.

All engine components must be working correctly to start your engine successfully. Therefore, any resulting defect in any of its components will lead to a startability failure. However, this code will also appear if you performed troubleshooting on your vehicle while it was low on fuel.

Signs Your Car Has the P1604 Code

Based on the definition above, the P1604 code primarily appears if your car’s engine refuses to start at all. However, it may also appear if your vehicle is experiencing the following problems as well:

  • Your car engine takes a while to start
  • Your car’s check engine light is lit up
  • Your car engine performs poorly
  • Your car engine experiences ignition misfires or engine stalls

That said, if your car ticks some or all of the signs above, it’s a clear indication that your Toyota car has the P1604 code. Here are the possible reasons why your engine has this code below.

Possible Reasons Why Code P1604 is Showing Up

If you’re looking for the possible cause of your vehicle’s P1604 code, here are some possible reasons why the code is showing up below:

1. Your engine ran out of fuel

As stated above, the mentioned code doesn’t always appear due to engine startability failure. The code may also be stored on your engine if you started it while running low or out of fuel. Make sure that your engine has plenty of fuel before troubleshooting your car.

2. Your car battery has a low charge

The battery is one of the first parts you should inspect in your car after receiving the said code. After all, the battery is in charge of supplying electricity to the starter motor. If the battery has a low charge, it will be unable to start your engine.

A dead or low-charged battery is the result of a failing alternator. It might also be due to an issue in the battery’s charging system.

3. Your car’s starting system is malfunctioning

A vehicle’s starting system consists of the following vital parts:

  • Ignition Switch
  • Neutral Safety Switch
  • Battery
  • Connecting Wires
  • Starter Relay
  • Starter Motor

Any defect in any of the mentioned parts can lead to a malfunctioning starting system, which is another possible reason for the appearance of the P1604 code.

4. Your vehicle’s fuel filter is obstructed

An obstructed fuel filter is another culprit of the P1604 code. Besides, this component is responsible for filtering out any impurities in fuel before transporting it to your car’s engine. However, fuel filters eventually get obstructed.

Once that happens, the fuel pressure gets significantly reduced. This affects the amount of fuel being carried to the engine’s combustion chamber, resulting in your engine’s startability failure.

5. Your vehicle’s ECM is defective

Although least likely, the Engine Control Module or the ECM is another likely cause for the code. ECMs primarily get damaged due to a surge in power or if it suffers a short circuit. Once the ECM gets damaged for any of the said reasons, the combination of air and fuel in your engine might not reach adequate levels. As expected, this also leads to engine startup failures.

6. Your car is using low-grade fuel

The fuel you’re using might also be one of the reasons why the P1604 code showed up on your system. Low-grade fuel contains a lot of debris and particles, which are known for damaging spark plugs and clogging your injectors. Once these parts get damaged, you will need to change them to resolve your engine startup issues. You’ll want to switch your fuel as well to avoid this scenario again.

How to Resolve the P1604 Code?

Like always, resolving this code requires determining the root cause of your problem first. Based on the possible reasons for the code’s appearance in your system, you should thoroughly inspect the following parts:

  • Battery: Check the battery for a possible disconnection or a low charge. Don’t forget to check if its terminals and the interior of your connectors are clean as well.
  • Fuel System: Ensure that its fuel filters aren’t obstructed with impurities. Double-check as well if its pump is functioning accordingly.
  • Starting System: Inspect the wirings and components of your starting system. If possible, determine if the system is receiving the appropriate voltage.
  • ECM: Check if your ECM’s wires are corroded. Corroded wires are responsible for reducing conductivity, which is likely a reason why your car received the startability failure code.

As stated above, your fuel could also be contributing to the destruction of your car’s components. If that’s the case, you should immediately switch the type of fuel you’re using. Make sure you’re only using high-quality fuel for your car if you want to prevent encountering the P1604 code again.

You should also avoid troubleshooting your car while it’s running low on fuel. Again, the code may also appear in your system if you troubleshoot it on an empty tank. However, if the P1604 code is still showing up in your scans despite checking all your engine components and replacing your fuel, it’s best to have your vehicle checked by a professional.

I Deleted the P1604 Code. Can I Still Have My Car Checked?

Are you worried that you can’t take your car to your local repair shop since you deleted the code? Whether you deleted it intentionally or by accident, there’s nothing to worry about. Your technician can still view the P1604 code through the engine’s code history. So, rest assured that they can still conduct a proper diagnosis of your vehicle.


The P1604 code showing up in your Toyota car is an indication that your car engine has startup problems. The code appears for various reasons, so you’ll have to do a thorough car inspection to determine the root cause. Finally, if all else fails, it’s best to have your car taken to a professional to resolve the code.

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