P1511 ошибка harley davidson

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 Street Glide 2012 ошибки p1511 p2101 

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Зарегистрирован: 12 ноя 2019, 10:34
Сообщения: 19

Мотоцикл(ы): FXSTD 2007, FXDL 1993

Непрочитанное сообщение Street Glide 2012 ошибки p1511 p2101

Добрый день. Прошу помощи.
Street Glide 2012 г, пробег 25.000 миль. Стоял 1,5 года.
Только что проехал 1800 км — с непонятной периодичностью и совершенно без всякой логики прямо на скорости мотоцикл перестает реагировать на ручку газа, выскакивает чек, обороты двигателя подманиются и могут быть в диапазоне 1500-2000. Останавливаешь, все выключаешь, ждешь от 5 секунд до пары минут, включаешь, чек исчезает, заводишь и едешь дальше. Можно ехать несколько сотен километров и все отлично, а может чек выскочить на холостых при выкручивании ручки газа, может через 100-200 метров. Также данная проблема возникает при включенном круиз- контроле.
Также вижу, что обороты и без ошибки на прогретом двигателе не отпускаются до 900-1000, часто держаться на около 1500-1800. Если погазовать ручкой газа, то могут обороты упасть вниз. Понятно, что это тоже ненормально.

Что сделано:
1. Протестирован провод электронной ручки газа. Обрыва проводки в руле не показало.
2. Снял воздушный фильтр и визуально проверил все штекеры, которые были за ним — все чистое. Но ничего тестором не проверял. Ибо нужно звать тогда специалиста- электрика.
3. По определенным причинам менял/ перепрописывал блок TSSM (иммобилайзер/сигнализация). Нужно было для убеждения, что он полностью рабочий. В итоге поставил обратно родной.

Выдает коды ошибок: P1511 и P2101 при выше указанной проблеме.

До обнуления всех ошибок было еще: P0118,Р1009, U1016 — но скорей всего это ошибки из-за замены и прописки нового блока TSSM (иммобилайзер/сигнализация). Эти ошибки не повторяются при работе двигателя на холостых оборотах (никуда не ездил после обнуления).

Подскажите пожалуйста: что это такое, у кого то была ли такая проблема, что с этим сделать, куда смотреть, хотелось бы получить тех документацию конкретного узла/ схемы или четкую пошаговую рекомендацию.

Я сам механик, а в электрике не очень.

12 июл 2022, 13:05



Зарегистрирован: 02 янв 2012, 01:14
Сообщения: 2458
Откуда: Москва

Мотоцикл(ы): FLHTCUI 01 TC88 5,6/100

Непрочитанное сообщение Re: Street Glide 2012 ошибки p1511 p2101

Ошибки не читал?
вижу датчик TPS, или клапан холостого хода. С них бы начал.

Дерганные обороты очень похожи на датчик TPS.

12 июл 2022, 13:30



Зарегистрирован: 02 мар 2018, 21:25
Сообщения: 722
Откуда: Пятигорск

Мотоцикл(ы): FLHRI 04, FLHX 08, FLTRX 11, FLSTF

Непрочитанное сообщение Re: Street Glide 2012 ошибки p1511 p2101

Rever писал(а):

Ошибки не читал?
вижу датчик TPS, или клапан холостого хода. С них бы начал.

Дерганные обороты очень похожи на датчик TPS.

Зачем Вы дайте советы если не знаете мат часть?
На турингах этих годах нет не датчик положения дроселя и нет клапана хх, там электронная дроссельная заслонка

12 июл 2022, 13:48

Профиль WWW


Зарегистрирован: 02 янв 2012, 01:14
Сообщения: 2458
Откуда: Москва

Мотоцикл(ы): FLHTCUI 01 TC88 5,6/100

Непрочитанное сообщение Re: Street Glide 2012 ошибки p1511 p2101

ну, и отлично. Я знаю матчасть по своему мотоциклу. :)

12 июл 2022, 13:51



Зарегистрирован: 06 июн 2012, 01:33
Сообщения: 2098
Откуда: Мурманск — С-Пб

Мотоцикл(ы): Sportster 1275HAMMER ‘ 11

Непрочитанное сообщение Re: Street Glide 2012 ошибки p1511 p2101

Чистим контакты на электронном дросселе. Потом наблюдаем. Если не поможет, с ПРИСТРАСТИЕМ, шатая и крутя, проверяем провода от дроссельной до мозгов. Если нашли обрыв- ура, если нет, печаль. Берём у кореша дроссель, меняем. Наблюдаем. Если с его дросселем все хорошо, тогда оставляем себе его исправный, а его шлем …!подальше…. ) Без кореша, зато на исправном мопеде!

12 июл 2022, 14:46



Зарегистрирован: 12 ноя 2019, 10:34
Сообщения: 19

Мотоцикл(ы): FXSTD 2007, FXDL 1993

Непрочитанное сообщение Re: Street Glide 2012 ошибки p1511 p2101

Lukich писал(а):

Чистим контакты на электронном дросселе. Потом наблюдаем. Если не поможет, с ПРИСТРАСТИЕМ, шатая и крутя, проверяем провода от дроссельной до мозгов. Если нашли обрыв- ура, если нет, печаль. Берём у кореша дроссель, меняем. Наблюдаем. Если с его дросселем все хорошо, тогда оставляем себе его исправный, а его шлем …!подальше…. ) Без кореша, зато на исправном мопеде!

Контакты были осмотрены. Все чисто. Визуальный осмотр проводов, которые идут по раме, был сделан. Возможно нужно на что то обратить более пристальное внимание. К примеру, прозвонить все провода,где то что то вскрыть.

К сожалению нет такого кореша, который бы «пожертвовал» своим дросселем ))).

На американских разных форумах владельцы ХД пишут о такой проблеме, то есть она достаточно популярная.
1. Проверить разъемы — это действительно многим помогает.
2. Если не помогает первый вариант, то меняют сам разъем дроссельной заслонки с проводами, но такого варината у меня нет.
Жду еще комментов. Вдруг кто то поделится опытом.

12 июл 2022, 16:44



Зарегистрирован: 06 июн 2012, 01:33
Сообщения: 2098
Откуда: Мурманск — С-Пб

Мотоцикл(ы): Sportster 1275HAMMER ‘ 11

Непрочитанное сообщение Re: Street Glide 2012 ошибки p1511 p2101

Контакт спреем обработать можно. Аля вюрт итд. Незаметные окислы могут влиять. Правда после этого может разбухнуть резинка, но ее или снять или через несколько часов она сама высохнет.

12 июл 2022, 17:43



Зарегистрирован: 15 май 2016, 18:17
Сообщения: 1080
Откуда: Малоярославец

Мотоцикл(ы): FLHCTUI 2008

Непрочитанное сообщение Re: Street Glide 2012 ошибки p1511 p2101

Была такая беда ,аккуратно почистил контакты дросселя надфилем ,проблема прошла ,но иногда подвисают обороты приходится перегружать мот раз или два ,обычно в жару.Химией обработал -резинка расползлась в сопли)) Пришлось менять коннектор ,химия АБРО..

12 июл 2022, 23:44



Зарегистрирован: 02 янв 2012, 01:14
Сообщения: 2458
Откуда: Москва

Мотоцикл(ы): FLHTCUI 01 TC88 5,6/100

Непрочитанное сообщение Re: Street Glide 2012 ошибки p1511 p2101

выложите фотку контактов. дичь какая-то…

13 июл 2022, 18:15



Зарегистрирован: 12 ноя 2019, 10:34
Сообщения: 19

Мотоцикл(ы): FXSTD 2007, FXDL 1993

Непрочитанное сообщение Re: Street Glide 2012 ошибки p1511 p2101

Сурен писал(а):

Была такая беда ,аккуратно почистил контакты дросселя надфилем ,проблема прошла ,но иногда подвисают обороты приходится перегружать мот раз или два ,обычно в жару.Химией обработал -резинка расползлась в сопли)) Пришлось менять коннектор ,химия АБРО..

Оставлю свой итог:
1. Были проверены абсолютно все провода и разъемы, которые отвечают за эти ошибки: ручка газа, провода в руле, разъемы в фэйринге, провода и разъемы от дросселя до ЭБУ двигателя — в моем случае не помогло, все было в идеале.
2. Заменил дроссель в сборе — вопрос решен.

Совет: если у кого то будет подобная проблема, то сначала акцентируйте внимание на самом простом — почистите все разъемы, если не поможет, то прозвоните под нагрузкой ответственные провода потому, что возможен где то частичный обрыв (падение сопротивления). И если не поможет, то меняйте дроссель и снова тестируйте/ катайте.
Всем отличных дорог.

16 авг 2022, 16:37



Зарегистрирован: 06 июн 2012, 01:33
Сообщения: 2098
Откуда: Мурманск — С-Пб

Мотоцикл(ы): Sportster 1275HAMMER ‘ 11

Непрочитанное сообщение Re: Street Glide 2012 ошибки p1511 p2101

Спасибо за обратную связь ! в наше время это теперь редкость. Да к сожалению в этом случае вариант оказался практически максимально неудобным и дорогостоящим. Но цепь диагностических действий весьма показательна и должна послужить хорошим примером остальным.

16 авг 2022, 21:44



Зарегистрирован: 02 янв 2012, 01:14
Сообщения: 2458
Откуда: Москва

Мотоцикл(ы): FLHTCUI 01 TC88 5,6/100

Непрочитанное сообщение Re: Street Glide 2012 ошибки p1511 p2101

Жесть конечно. :roll: А, фотки то есть дросселя? что там можно чистить?

16 авг 2022, 22:12



Зарегистрирован: 06 июн 2012, 01:33
Сообщения: 2098
Откуда: Мурманск — С-Пб

Мотоцикл(ы): Sportster 1275HAMMER ‘ 11

Непрочитанное сообщение Re: Street Glide 2012 ошибки p1511 p2101

Для примера можно посмотреть фотографию любого электронного дросселя от автомобиля …или от харлея…чистить там можно только две вещи :электрический разъём (окислы)и саму заслонку (от нагара.)
После чистки от нагара рекомендуется сделать сброс или переобучение дросселя.

17 авг 2022, 16:55


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Harley Davidson bikes are intended for maximum enjoyment. Yes, the error codes are capable of preventing you from enjoying your rides. Today, we will focus on the P1511 code, which is one of the most common of all codes.

So what does Harley Code P1511 mean? The code P1511 refers to a problem with the throttle grip sensor. This can include a bad ECM, a faulty throttle body wiring connector, and unsecured bolts on the throttle housing. Riding the bike recklessly can be the reason for this issue.

Fortunately, the fixes are quite easy. Yet, before we get into the fixes, we have to understand the problem first. So let’s dive in deep with the code P1511.

What Does Harley Code P1511 Mean

In simple words, code P1511 directly indicates that something is wrong with the throttle grip sensor in your Harley motorcycle. The throttle grip sensor is also called a throttle position sensor.

An engine’s air intake is tracked by a sensor called a throttle position sensor (TPS). To directly monitor the throttle position, the sensor is typically mounted on the butterfly spindle or shaft.

throttle grip sensor
Throttle grip sensor

Your engine will run poorly if your throttle position sensor is broken. The acceleration will not be smooth at all. This is because, even if the airflow is increasing, the system isn’t instructing the engine to inject as much fuel as is necessary.

One side note, if you’re facing issues with acceleration, it may also, at times, show you Harley code p1510, which is due to issues in the throttle actuator control motor.

Common Symptoms Of A Bad Throttle Sensor

What symptoms indicate a bad TPS? Here’s a table to portray the symptoms, including their description in a more organized manner;

Symptoms Meaning
Stalling A loss of power steering, making it hard to steer the bike
Hesitation It’s bogging down, misfiring, or stumbling when you hit the accelerator
Surging at specific throttle points Your Harley speeds up and slows down even while you keep the accelerator steady
Uneven or harsh idle You will come across RPM meter to fluctuate in-between rides, and thus the motorcycle wobbles
Decrease in fuel economy You get less mileage on your motorcycle

Harley Code P1511 Problems And Fixes

As mentioned before, the problems are a bad ECM, a faulty throttle body wiring connector, and unsecured bolts on the throttle housing. These make the throttle position sensor malfunction. So let’s have a look at the problems in depth and how to fix them.


When the ECM is not working properly, the engine doesn’t receive any information about how much fuel to burn in the combustion process. In most cases of poor ECM functioning, the bike uses up more fuel than necessary.

The ECM uses the inputs from this sensor to help calculate how much air is entering the engine. It’s located in the left-hand electrical panel behind the left-hand cover on a Harley Davidson motorcycle.


ECM failure most commonly occurs within one of the wiring harnesses. Wires to fuel injectors or the transmission can lose conductivity due to corrosion, resulting in failure. Fortunately, replacing the corroded wires typically resolves these issues.

However, a matter to note is that the Harley Code P1353 may also be present as it’s related to faulty wires.

A Faulty Throttle Body Wiring Connector

The throttle body is positioned between the air cleaner and a manifold that brings fuel and air into an engine which is also called the intake manifold. Moreover, it controls the airflow in the engine. Thus, making sure all the wires in the throttle body are crucial.

Throttle Body Wiring Connector
Throttle Body Wiring Connector

When there’s a fault in the throttle body wiring, sufficient air doesn’t get in the engine and thus overheats. When the engine is overheating, nothing on the motorcycle runs smoothly. Thus, you will come across the P1511 code.


You need to identify the right cables responsible for a faulty throttle body. Check to see if any of the wires are loosened, damaged, or faulty, and then fix them accordingly or even replace them if necessary.

However, if you try to do it yourself without proper knowledge, it will get tricky. Therefore, it’s always best to take it to a professional.

Nevertheless, if you are willing to do it yourself, here’s a video on how to access the throttle body wiring connectors;

Unsecured Bolts On The Throttle Housing

The throttle bolts are crucial as it helps to send signals to your motorcycle properly. Thus, an unsecured bolt can make riding hazardous and reduce engine performance.

It is also located between the engine’s air cleaner and the intake manifold, where the throttle body is positioned.


Take a screwdriver with the same head as the Harley Davidson’s bolts. To check for loose bolts, try turning them to the right. If you find a motion to the right then they are loosened bolts and need tightening.

However, if you find them fixed in their position, they are good to go.

How To Avoid The Error Code P1511

At this point, you might have fixed the error code. However, you certainly don’t want to face this problem again. Well, there are two effective ways that you can use to avoid the error code P1511. They are;

Don’t Drive Recklessly

With a special type of bike like Harley Davidson, you expect yourself to be a free bird with a top speed. Yet, this isn’t always the case. Not all Harley bikes are made for speeding, especially lightweight ones.

So, don’t ride your bike recklessly to avoid such events as code P1511.

Dielectric Grease

Dielectric grease is a silicone-based lubricant, often known as tune-up grease, that deters moisture and guards against corrosion on electrical components. Moreover, it is used to keep debris, moisture, and other substances away from electrical connections.

This lubricant may have been washed off when cleaning the bike. There are possible reasons for it being washed off. Thus, make sure the dielectric grease is present close to the connection behind the air cleaner.

How Much Will A Mechanic Charge for Fixing a Harley Code P1511

The cost depends on the location you are in. Mechanic cost depends from place to place. All we can say is that the time it will take to debug an error code P1511 is an hour. Also, the type of problems can impact the labor cost as well.

The average mechanic cost varies from $75 to $130 per hour. Nevertheless, don’t always search for the cheapest option, as cheap doesn’t always mean a win. Your favorite bike can get defective if the mechanic doesn’t know what he’s doing.


Let’s have a look at some frequently asked questions now.


First, track the origin of the code and what the code is referring to. Find the components that may lead to this problem. Lastly, fix all the loose connections, etc., that you can find.


Yes, it’s risky. You will come across numerous problems when this error code is present. It’s best to fix it as soon as you can.


As using them can prevent your motorcycle’s important parts from corrosion, it can surely help avoid the Harley code P1511.


To sum up, the Harley code P1511 refers to a problem with the throttle grip sensor. So anything that you can find that is connected to the throttle grip is to care about. Make sure all the connections are properly made, and dielectric grease is also present.

Additionally, tighten all the bolts and check for rusted cables. They are one of the primary reasons for this problem. Nevertheless, if you find any steps tricky, don’t be shy about showing them to a mechanic.

Harley-Davidson riders, beware: if you see the P1511 Harley code illuminated on your bike’s dashboard, it is likely that there is a defect in its Throttle Actuator Control Motor Circuit. Take note and quickly address this issue for optimal performance!

The Throttle Actuator Control (TAC) system is in charge of regulating the throttle on a motorcycle. It consists of three main parts: the TAC motor, the TAC module, and the throttle body. The job of the TAC motor is to open and close off access to air entering into your engine through its control over the amount let out by way of closing or opening up from within its own housing -the throttle body.

Meanwhile, overseeing this operation stands our trusty Powertrain Control Module (PCM), also known as simply ‘The TAC module’. No matter how fast you might want it to go though; it’s always there keeping an eye on safety with every signal sent accordingly from itself for optimal performance!

When your system displays the P1511 Harley code, it is an indicator that something has gone awry with your TAC motor circuit. This could be attributed to a malfunctioning or erratic TAC module; irregular wiring or connections between elements; and/or some other problem associated with the TAC motor. As such, there might be many potential sources of this issue.

Please note, the other potential cause for this error could be the throttle grip sensor, but that’s usually resolved by ensuring all bolts and wires are secured correctly. If the problem persists it usually means it’s the Throttle Actuator.

A frequent source of the P1511 Harley code is a faulty TAC motor. This mini electric engine, in charge of opening and closing the throttle body, can cause this error code if it fails to work properly due to multiple causes such as a worn-out motor, broken gears or issues with wiring or connections.

One of the most common issues triggering a P1511 Harley code is when the TAC module, which controls the TAC motor, isn’t functioning optimally. This can be caused by a defective unit; software or firmware difficulties; or faulty wiring and connections. If any of these are compromising your system’s efficiency, you may spot this error message on your vehicle’s dashboard.

If the TAC motor, module, and throttle body connections or wiring are not functioning correctly, then a P1511 code could be triggered. This can range from corroded wires to broken connections or grounding issues – all of which must be addressed for resolution.

How to Diagnose the P1511 Harley Code

To pinpoint the P1511 Harley code, a mechanic will usually use a diagnostic scanner to interpret it and identify its root cause. Furthermore, they may also look for any signs of deterioration or harm on the TAC motor, TAC module, and throttle body. Additionally, wiring checks as well as connection inspections are essential in order to ensure everything runs smoothly.

If a TAC motor is causing the issue, it will need to be replaced. If a malfunctioning TAC module is at fault, then repair or replacement of the module is required. Repair or replacement of wiring and connections may also be necessary if they are contributing to the problem.

Nip the P1511 Harley code in the bud immediately, as a broken TAC system can cause your motorcycle to lose power or even stall. If neglected further, it can also lead to severe engine damage. Act swiftly for optimal performance and safety!

Concluding the P1511 Harley Code

In conclusion, the P1511 Harley code is an error alert in Harley-Davidson motorcycles which points to a problem with the Throttle Actuator Control Motor Circuit. This could be caused by either a broken TAC motor or module, or maybe even due to misconnections between these two components and their wiring.

To identify the problem, a mechanic will use an advanced scanner and closely review the TAC motor, TAC module, throttle body along with their wiring and connections. Acting quickly is vital to safeguard your motorcycle from unexpected stalling or reduced power as well as potential engine damage.


Below are some of the most frequently asked questions on the P1511 Harley Code:

What is the P1511 Harley code on a Harley-Davidson motorcycle?

If your Harley-Davidson motorcycle is exhibiting the P1511 code, it’s an indication that there may be a problem with its Throttle Actuator Control Motor Circuit.

What causes the P1511 code to appear on a Harley-Davidson motorcycle?

The P1511 code could be ascribed to an array of factors, such as a defective TAC motor, a misbehaving TAC module, or disruption in the wiring or connections between these components.

How is the P1511 code diagnosed on a Harley-Davidson motorcycle?

A certified mechanic will usually utilize a diagnostic scanner to read the code and pinpoint the source of trouble. They may also look for wear or destruction on components such as TAC motor, TAC module, and throttle body; ensuring that wiring connections are in good condition too.

How is the P1511 code fixed on a Harley-Davidson motorcycle?

Malfunctions with the TAC motor require a replacement, while issues caused by the TAC module can be remedied through repair or substitution. Should faulty wiring be to blame for your distress, that too must either get mended or replaced.

Why is it important to address the P1511 code on a Harley-Davidson motorcycle?

It is essential to identify and rectify the P1511 code without delay, as a weak TAC system may lead to your motorcycle stalling or its power being significantly reduced. What’s more, if left unchecked it can even cause harm to your engine!

Harley Fault Codes 2004-2015

Below is a list of comprehensive list of diagnostic codes that you may come across on your

  • Sensors and Motors (P0051-P2304)
  • ABS (C0652-C1573)
  • Battery, Ignition, Lighting and
  • CanBus (U0001-U1317)
  • Radio Diagnostics (B2006-B2027)

How to Read Error Codes

  1. With the ignition in the off position, press and hold the trip meter button, and turn the ginition swith to the on position.
  2. Release the button.  Your speedo indicators should illuminate and the needle should do a full sweep.
  3. “diag” will appear on the odometer screen.  Press the trip button once.
  4. “PSSPt” is now displayed. Each of the letters represents a different area.
    • P = ECM / ICM (Engine / Ignition Control Module)
    • S = TSM / TSSM (Turn Signal / Turn Signal Security Module)
    • SP = Speedometer
    • t = Tachometer
  5. You can highlight each area by pressing the button.  Once the area you wish to select is highlighted, press and hold the
    button for 5 seconds.
  6. If there are any codes, you will be able to go through them one at a time by pressing the button.  Once you have them
    recorded, they can be cleared by holding the button for more than 5 seconds.  Once “clear” is on the screen, press the button once more.
  7. To exit the Diagnostic Mode, turn the ignition switch off.

Harley Sensor and Motor Codes

POO51 Heater Control Circuit 02 Sensor Low
PO106 Map Sensor Rate of Range Error
P0107 Map Sensor Failed Open/Low
P0108 Map Sensor Failed High
P0112 IAT Sensor Voltage Low
P0113 IAT Sensor Voltage Open / High
P0117 ET Sensor Voltage Low
P0118 ET Sensor Voltage Open / High
P0120 TPS1 Range Error TPS
P0122 TPS1 Low TPS
P0123 TPS1 High / Open TPS
P0131 Front 02 Sensor Low (lean)
P0132 Front 02 Sensor High (rich)
P0134 Front 02 Sensor Open / Not Responding
P0151 Rear 02 Sensor Low (lean)
P0152 Rear 02 Sensor High (rich)
P0154 Rear 02 Sensor Open / Not Responding
P0220 TPS2 Range Error
P0222 TPS2 Low TPS
P0223 TPS2 High/Open
P0261 Front Injector Open/Low
P0262 Front Injector High
P0263 Rear Injector Open/Low
P0264 Rear Injector High (CAN-Bus)
P0264 Rear Injector Open/Low
P0265 Rear Injector High
P0371 Crank Position Sensor, Too Many Pulses
P0372 Crank Position Sensor, Too Few Pulses
P0373 CKP Sensor Intermittent
P0374 CKP Sensor Not Detected
P0444 Purge Solenoid (Evap. Canister) Open/Low
P0445 Purge Solenoid (Evap. Canister) High
P0501 VSS Low
P0502 VSS High/Open (Can-Bus)
P0502 VSS Speed Failed Low
P0503 VSS Speed Failed High
P0505 Loss of Idle Speed Control
P0506 Idle Speed Control RPM Too Low
P0507 Idle Air Control System RPM Higher Than Expected
P0562 Battery Voltage Low
P0563 Battery Voltage High
P0572 Brake Switch Low
P0577 Cruise Control Input High
P0602 Calibration Memory Error
P0603 ECM EEPROM Failure
P0604 RAM Failure
P0605 ECM Flash Error
P0607 Converter Error
P0641 5V+Vref 1 Out of Range
P0651 5V+Vref 2 Out of Range
P0661 Intake Solenoid Low/Open
P0662 Intake Solenoid High/Shorted
P1001 System Relay Coil Open/Low
P1002 System Relay Coil High/Shorted
P1003 System Relay Contacts Open
P1004 System Relay Contacts Closed
P1009 Incorrect Password
P1010 Missing Password
P1270 TGS Validation Error
P1351 Front Ignition Open/Low
P1352 Front Ignition Coil High/Shorted
P1353 Front Cylinder No Combustion
P1354 Rear Ignition Coil Open/Low
P1355 Rear Ignition Coil High/Shorted
P1356 Rear Cylinder No Combustion
P1357 Front Intermittent Secondary Combustion
P1358 Rear Intermittent Secondary Combustion
P1475 Exhaust Actuation Position Error
P1477 Exhaust Actuator Open/Low
P1478 Exhaust Actuator Shorted/High
P1501 Jiffy Stand Sensor Low
P1502 Jiffy Stand Sensor High
P1510 EFI Limited Performance Mode (TBW)
P1511 EFI Power Management Mode
P1512 EFI Forced Idle Mode
P1514 Air Flow Fault (TBW)
P1600 EFI Module Processor Internal Error
P1632 Odometer Learned Up
P2100 EFI TCA Motor Circuit Open (TBW)
P2101 EFI TCA Motor Circuit Range/Performance
P2102 EFI TCA Motor Circuit Low
P2103 EFI TCA Motor Circuit High
P2105 EFI Forced Engine Shutdown
P2107 EFI Module Control Processor Internal Fault
P2119 EFI Motor Throttle Body Range Performance (TBW)
P2122 TGS1 Low/Open
P2123 TGS1 High
P2127 TGS2 Low/Open
P2128 TGS2 High
P2135 TPS Voltage Correlation Error
P2138 TGS Voltage Correlation Error
P2176 EFI Closed Postion Not Learned
P2300 Front Ignition Coil Driver Low/Open
P2301 Front Ignition Coil Driver High/Shortened
P2303 Rear Ignition Coil Driver Low/Open
P2304 Rear Ignition Coil Driver High/Shortened

Harley ABS and Power
Circuit Codes

C0562 Device Voltage Low
C0563 Device Voltage High
C1014 ECU Internal Fault ABS
C1017 Pump Motor Power Circuit Fault
C1018 Pump Motor Ground High Resistance Fault
C1021 Front Wheel Speed Sensor Equals Zero
C1023 Rear Wheel Speed Sensor Equals Zero
C1025 Front Wheel Speed Signal Intermittent
C1027 Front Wheel Speed Frequency Out Of Range
C1032 Front Wheel Speed Sensor Open or Shorted
C1034 Rear Wheel Speed Sensor Open or Shorted
C1041 Rear Actuator Circuit Low/Open
C1042 Front Actuator Circuit Open
C1043 Pump Motor Stalled
C1044 Rear Actuator Circuit Open
C1052 Rear Actuator Circuit High
C1055 ABS ECU Internal Fault
C1066 ECU Internal Fault
C1094 Front Brake Switch Always On
C1095 Front Brake Switch Open
C1102 Rear Actuator Motor Stalled
C1118 ECU Internal Fault
C1121 ECU Internal Fault
C1151 Front Wheel Release Too Long
C1153 Rear Wheel Release Too Long
C1158 Calibration Programming Required
C1178 No VIN Received From ECM
C1184 VIN Does Not Match ABS ECU Calibration
C1192 Front Actuator Circuit High
C1193 Front Actuator Motor Stalled/td>
C1206 Front Wheel Speed Sensor Frequency Out of Range
C1207 Rear Wheel Speed Signal Intermittent
C1208 Rear Wheel Speed Sensor Frequency Out of Range
C1212 Front or Rear Brake not Applied With Decel
C1214 Rear Brake Switch Always On
C1216 Rear Brake Switch Open
C1222 ABS Voltage Low Terminal 11
C1223 ABS Voltage Low Terminal 20
C1224 Front Actuator Power Shorted High
C1225 Rear Actuator Power Shorted High
C1561 Front Apply Solenoid Circuit Open or High
C1562 Front Apply Solenoid Circuit Shorted Low
C1563 Front Solenoid Circuit Shorted High
C1564 Front Release Solenoid Circuit Open or High
C1565 Front Release Solenoid Circuit Shorted Low
C1567 Rear Apply Solenoid Circuit Open or High
C1568 Rear Apply Solenoid Circuit Shorted Low
C1571 Rear Solenoid Circuit Shorted High
C1572 Rear Release Solenoid Circuit Open or High Resistance
C1573 Rear Realease Solenoid Circuit Shorted Low

Battery, Ignition, Lighting Codes

B0563 Battery Voltage High TSM / TSSM
B1004 Fuel Level Sending Unit Low Instruments
B1005 Fuel Level Sending Unit High / Open
B1006 Accessory Line Overvoltage
B1007 Ignition Line Overvoltage Instruments
B1008 Reset Switch Closed Instruments
B1101 LHCM Turn Signal Bulb Out
B1103 LHCM Internal Fault
B1121 Left Turn Output Fault TSM / TSSM
B1122 Right Turn Output Fault TSM / TSSM
B1123 Left Turn Output Short to Ground TSM/TSSM
B1124 Right Turn Output Short to Ground TSM/TSSM
B1125 Left Turn Output Short to Battery TSM/TSSM
B1126 Right Turn Output Short to Battery TSM/TSSM
B1131 Alarm Output Low TSSM
B1132 Alarm Output High TSSM
B1134 Starter Output High TSM/TSSM
B1135 Accelerometer Fault TSM/TSSM
B1136 Accelerometer Tip Test Error TSSM
B1141 Ignition Switch Open / Low TSSM
B1142 Smart Security System Internal Fault TSSM
B1143 Security Antenna Short To Ground TSSM
B1144 Security Antenna Short To Battery TSSM
B1145 Security Antenna Open TSSM
B1151 (Sidecar) BAS Low TSM/TSSM
B1151 RHCM Turn Signal Bulb Out
B1152 (Sidecar) BAS High TSM/TSSM
B1153 (Sidecar) BAS Out Of Range TSM/TSSM
B1153 RHCM Internal Fault
B1154 Clutch Switch Input Short To Ground
B1155 Neutral Switch Input Short To Battery
B1200 Instrument Internal Fault
B1210 Fuel Sender Shorted Low / Fuel Gauge Circuit
B1211 Fuel Sender Shorted High / Open
B2102 System Power Output Shorted High
B2103 System Power Output Shorted Low
B2104 System Power Output Overloaded
B2107 Front Position / Running Power Output Shorted High
B2108 Front Position / Running Power Output Shorted Low
B2109 Front Position / Running Power Output Overloaded
B2112 Accessory Output Shorted High
B2113 Accessory Output Shorted Low
B2114 Accessory Output Overloaded
B2116 Fuel Pump Output Open
B2117 Fuel Pump Output Shorted High
B2118 Fuel Pump Output Shorted Low
B2119 Fuel Pump Output Overloaded
B2121 Starter Output Open/BCM Malfunction
B2122 Starter Output Shorted High
B2123 Starter Output Shorted Low
B2124 Starter Output Overloaded
B2126 Horn Output Open
B2127 Horn Output Shorted High
B2128 Horn Output Shorted Low
B2129 Horn Output Overloaded
B2131 High Beam Output Open
B2132 High Beam Output Shorted High
B2133 High Beam Output Shorted Low
B2134 High Beam Output Overloaded
B2136 Low Beam Output Open
B2137 Low Beam Output Shorted High
B2138 Low Beam Output Shorted Low
B2139 Low Beam Output Overloaded
B2141 Left Front Turn Signal Output Open
B2143 Left Front Turn Signal Output Shorted Low
B2144 Left Front Turn Signal Output Overloaded
B2146 Right Front Turn Signal Output Open
B2148 Right Front Turn Signal Output Shorted Low
B2149 Right Front Turn Signal Output Overloaded
B2151 Left Rear Turn Signal Output Open
B2153 Left Rear Turn Signal Output Shorted Low
B2154 Left Rear Turn Signal Output Overloaded
B2156 Right Rear Turn Signal Output Open
B2158 Right Rear Turn Signal Output Shorted Low
B2159 Right Rear Turn Signal Output Overloaded
B2161 Brake Lamp Output Open
B2163 Brake Lamp Output Shorted Low
B2164 Brake Lamp Output Overloaded
B2166 Running Lights Output Open
B2168 Running Lights Output Shorted High
B2169 Running Lights Output Shorted Low
B2172 Security Siren Output Shorted High
B2173 Security Siren Output Shorted Low
B2176 Security Antenna Output Open
B2177 Security Antenna Output Shorted High
B2178 Security Antenna Output Shorted Low
B2203 Ignition Switch Input Shorted Low
B2206 Engine Stop Switch Input Open/Shorted High
B2208 Engine Stop Switch Input Shorted Low
B2218 Neutral Switch Shorted Low
B2223 Rear Brake Switch Shorted Low
B2250 Clutch Switch Stuck
B2251 Horn Switch Stuck
B2252 High Beam Switch Stuck
B2253 Low Beam Switch Stuck
B2254 Left Turn Switch Stuck
B2255 Trip Switch Stuck
B2260 Start Switch Stuck
B2261 Right Turn Switch Stuck
B2262 Front Brake Switch Stuck
B2263 Hazard Switch Stuck
B2270 BCM Internal Fault
B2271 BCM Low Voltage
B2272 BCM or Speedometer Voltage High
B2274 Constant Battery Line Fault

Harley CAN Bus Codes

U0001 CAN bus Fault
U0011 CAN bus Low Shorted / Can bus High
U0100 Lost Communication With ECM
U0121 Lost Communication With ABS
U0140 Lost Communication With BCM
U0141 Lost Communication With LHCM
U0142 Lost Communication With RHCM
U0156 Lost Communication With Speedometer
U1016 Loss of ICM/ECM Serial Data
U1040 Loss OF Communication With ABS
U1064 Loss Of TSM/TSSM Serial Data
U1097 Loss Of Speedometer Serial Data
U1255 Missing Message at Speedometer EFI
U1300 Serial Data Low
U1301 Serial Data Open/High
U1302 Infotainment Bus Off
U1306 Infotainment Bus Lost Communication With Handsfree Phone
U1307 Infotainment Bus Lost Communication With CB
U1308 Infotainment Bus Lost Communication With Future
U1312 Infotainment Bus Lost Communication With Future
U1313 Infotainment Bus Lost Communication With Radio Satellite
U1314 Infotainment Bus Lost Communication With Navigation
U1317 Infotainment Bus Lost Communication With High-Out Amplifier

Harley Radio Diagnostic

B2006 Radio Switch Stuck or Open
B2007 Handlebar Switch Shorted High
B2008 Handlebar Switch Shorted Low
B2009 Handlebar Switch Stuck or Open
B2010 Passenger Switch Shorted High
B2011 Passenger Switch Shorted Low
B2012 Passenger Switch Stuck or Open
B2013 Sidecar Switch Shorted High
B2014 Sidecar Switch Shorted Low
B2015 Sidecar Switch Stuck or Open
B2016 Front Speaker Shortened R1.0 Ohm When Setup
B2017 Front Speaker Opened R>100 Ohms Tested Once per Ignition Cycle Ignition ON after Ignition Off for 10 sec.
B2018 Front Speaker Shortened to Ground Ignition ON After Ignition OFF for  10 sec.
B2019 Front Speaker Shortened to Battery Ignition ON After Ignition OFF for 10 sec.
B2020 Rear Speaker Shortened R1.0 Ohm When Setup
B2021 Rear Speaker Opened R>100 Ohms Tested Once Per Ignition Cycle Ignition ON After Ignition
B2022 Rear Speaker Shortened to Ground Ignition ON After Ignition OFF for 10 sec.
B2023 Rear Speaker Shortened to Battery Ignition ON After Ignition OFF for 10 sec.
B2024 Sidecar Speaker Shortened R1.0 Ohm
B2025 Sidecar Speaker Opened R>100 Ohms Tested Once Per Ignition Cycle Ignition ON After Ignition OFF for 10 sec.
B2026 Sidecar Speaker Shortened to Ground Ignition ON After Ignition OFF for  10 sec.
B2027 Sidecar Speaker Shortened to Battery Ignition ON After Ignition OFF for 10 sec.

Sensors and motorHarley-Davidson Fault Code Abbreviations

Sensors and motor
ABS – Anti-Lock Braking System
ACR – Automatic Compression Release
AFR – Air Fuel Ratio
AIS – Active Intake Solenoid
ATS – Air Temperature Sensor
BAS – Bank Angle Sensor
BCM – Body Control Module
CAN – Controller Area Network
CCM – Cruise Control Module
CKP – Crank Position Sensor
DLC – Datalink Connector
DTC – Diagnostic Trouble Codes
ECM – Electronic Control Module
ECT – Engine Coolant Temperature
ECU – Electronic Control Unit
EFI – Electronic Fuel Injection
EFP – Electronic Fuel Pump
ET – Engine Temperature sensor
FI – Fuel Injectors
FPR – Fuel Pressure regulator
H-DSSS – Harley-Davidson Smart Security System
HCU – Hydraulic Control Unit, ABS
[/stag_one_half][stag_one_half_last] HFSM – Hands Free Security Module
HO2S – Heated Oxygen Sensor
IAC – Idle Air Control actuator
IAT – Intake Air Temperature sensor
ICM – Ignition Control Module
IMAP – MAP + IAT in one unit
ISS – Ion Sensing System
JSS – Jiffy Stand Sensor
LHCM – Left Hand Control Module
MAP – Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor
MHR – Right Hand Control Module
RCM – Reverse Control Module
TCA – Throttle Control Actuator
TGS – Twist Grip Sensor
TMAP – Intake Air Temperature / Manifold Absolute Pressure equipment
TPS – Throttle Position Sensor
TSM / TSSM – (Turn Signal / Turn Signal Security Module)
VE – Volume Efficiency
VIN – Vehicle identification number
VSS – Vehicle Speed ​​Sensor
WSS – Wheel Speed ​​Sensor

1- Turn Ignition switch to OFF & Run/Stop switch is to Run.

2- Push odometer reset button in & hold.

3- Turn ignition switch to Ignition and release odometer reset button. Background lighting sould illuminate,
speedometer needle should sweep its full range and indicator lamps (battery, security, low fuel, check
engine and cruise) should illuminate. The word «diag» should then appear.

4- Push the odometer reset button once and you will see the selection menu «PSSPt» (on mine the «t» looks
more like a «p» )with the first P flashing.

5- Each letter represents an area of the diagnostics module. The module that is flashing is the one you are
going to check. To move from one letter (module) to the next, you push the odometer reset button one
time. (from P to S to SP to t and back to P, etc.)

P = ECM/ICM (Electronic Control Module [EFI] / Ignition Control Module [Carbureted])
S = TSM/TSSM (Turn Signal/ Turn Signal Security Module)
SP = speedometer
T = tachometer

To get the DTC within an area of diagnostics, push and hold the odometer reset button in for 5 seconds
and release. If there are any DTC’s the code will be displayed or the word «none» will appear if there are
no DTC’s. Push the odometer reset button again to view additional codes if they exist.

1 — Record the codes.

2 — If DTC’s are not to be cleared, Press and release the odometer reset button. Part number of module
will be displayed.

NOTE: To determine if a code is current or historic, clear the displayed code by pushing in and holding the
odometer reset button ( longer than 5 seconds) until ‘clear’ comes up. Release the odometer reset
button. Turn OFF the ignition switch. Run your bike and shut it down then recheck the DTC’s again by
repeating steps 1 to 3 If the code is current it will reappear.

4 — Press and release the odometer reset button to continue to the next module.

5 — Turn Ignition switch to OFF.
On models not equipped with a tachometer «No Rsp» will appear when the tachometer identifier is
«No Rsp» will also appear if the run/off switch is in the off position when doing this procedure.

DTC PRIORITY ORDER FAULT CONDITION SOLUTION B1103 47 LHCM internal error SWITCH DIAGNOSTICS B1153 46 RHCM internal error SWITCH DIAGNOSTICS B1200 37 IM internal fault NO INSTRUMENT POWER DIAGNOSTICS B1210 176 Fuel level sender shorted low/open FUEL GAUGE AND SENDER DIAGNOSTICS B1211 182 Fuel level sender shorted high FUEL GAUGE AND SENDER DIAGNOSTICS B1212 175 Fuel signal low FUEL GAUGE AND SENDER DIAGNOSTICS B1213 176 Fuel signal high FUEL GAUGE AND SENDER DIAGNOSTICS B1300 340 Radio voltage high AUDIO VOLTAGE DIAGNOSTICS B1301 341 Radio voltage low AUDIO VOLTAGE DIAGNOSTICS B1302 342 Faceplate home button stuck FACEPLATE BUTTON DIAGNOSTICS B1303 343 Faceplate favorite button stuck FACEPLATE BUTTON DIAGNOSTICS B1304 344 Faceplate navigation button stuck FACEPLATE BUTTON DIAGNOSTICS B1305 345 Faceplate power/mute button stuck FACEPLATE BUTTON DIAGNOSTICS B1306 399 Rear hand controls shorted high REAR AUDIO CONTROL DIAGNOSTICS 81307 400 Rear hand controls shorted low REAR AUDIO CONTROL DIAGNOSTICS 81308 401 Rear volume up button stuck REAR AUDIO CONTROL DIAGNOSTICS B1309 402 Rear volume down button stuck REAR AUDIO CONTROL DIAGNOSTICS B1310 403 Rear mode button stuck REAR AUDIO CONTROL DIAGNOSTICS 81311 404 Rear PTT button stuck REAR AUDIO CONTROL DIAGNOSTICS B1312 405 Rear tune up button stuck REAR AUDIO CONTROL DIAGNOSTICS B1313 406 Rear tune down button stuck REAR AUDIO CONTROL DIAGNOSTICS B1314 346 LHCM VR PTT button stuck FRONT HAND CONTROLS DIAGNOSTICS B1315 347 LHCM up button stuck FRONT HAND CONTROLS DIAGNOSTICS B1316 348 LHCM left button stuck FRONT HAND CONTROLS DIAGNOSTICS B1317 349 LHCM center button stuck FRONT HAND CONTROLS DIAGNOSTICS B1318 350 LHCM right button stuck FRONT HAND CONTROLS DIAGNOSTICS B1319 351 LHCM down button stuck FRONT HAND CONTROLS DIAGNOSTICS B1320 352 RHCM info button stuck FRONT HAND CONTROLS DIAGNOSTICS B1321 353 RHCM up button stuck FRONT HAND CONTROLS DIAGNOSTICS B1322 354 RHCM left button stuck FRONT HAND CONTROLS DIAGNOSTICS B1323 355 RHCM center button stuck FRONT HAND CONTROLS DIAGNOSTICS B1324 356 RHCM right button stuck FRONT HAND CONTROLS DIAGNOSTICS B1325 357 RHCM down button stuck FRONT HAND CONTROLS DIAGNOSTICS B1326 358 RHCM CB squelch up button stuck FRONT HAND CONTROLS DIAGNOSTICS B1327 359 RHCM CB PTT button stuck FRONT HAND CONTROLS DIAGNOSTICS B1328 360 RHCM CB squelch down button stuck FRONT HAND CONTROLS DIAGNOSTICS 81329 361 Faceplate preset button 1 stuck FACEPLATE BUTTON DIAGNOSTICS B1330 362 Faceplate preset button 2 stuck FACEPLATE BUTTON DIAGNOSTICS B1331 363 Faceplate preset button 3 stuck FACEPLATE BUTTON DIAGNOSTICS B1332 364 Faceplate preset button 4 stuck FACEPLATE BUTTON DIAGNOSTICS 81333 365 Faceplate preset button 5 stuck FACEPLATE BUTTON DIAGNOSTICS B1334 366 Faceplate preset button 6 stuck FACEPLATE BUTTON DIAGNOSTICS B1335 367 Faceplate preset button 7 stuck FACEPLATE BUTTON DIAGNOSTICS B1336 368 Faceplate preset button 8 stuck FACEPLATE BUTTON DIAGNOSTICS B1337 369 Front left speaker shorted together FRONT SPEAKER DIAGNOSTICS B1338 370 Front left speaker open FRONT SPEAKER DIAGNOSTICS B1339 371 Front left speaker shorted low FRONT SPEAKER DIAGNOSTICS B1340 372 Front left speaker shorted high FRONT SPEAKER DIAGNOSTICS B1341 373 Rear left speaker shorted together REAR SPEAKER DIAGNOSTICS B1342 374 Rear left speaker open REAR SPEAKER DIAGNOSTICS B1343 375 Rear left speaker shorted low REAR SPEAKER DIAGNOSTICS B1344 376 Rear left speaker shorted high REAR SPEAKER DIAGNOSTICS B1345 377 Front right speaker shorted together FRONT SPEAKER DIAGNOSTICS B1346 378 Front right speaker open FRONT SPEAKER DIAGNOSTICS B1347 379 Front right speaker shorted low FRONT SPEAKER DIAGNOSTICS B1348 380 Front right speaker shorted high FRONT SPEAKER DIAGNOSTICS B1349 381 Rear right speaker shorted together REAR SPEAKER DIAGNOSTICS B1350 382 Rear right speaker open REAR SPEAKER DIAGNOSTICS B1351 383 Rear right speaker shorted low REAR SPEAKER DIAGNOSTICS 81352 384 Rear right speaker shorted high REAR SPEAKER DIAGNOSTICS B1353 385 Speaker output DC offset DTC B1353 B1354 386 GPS antenna open SECURITY ANTENNA DIAGNOSTICS B1355 387 GPS antenna shorted low SECURITY ANTENNA DIAGNOSTICS B1356 388 SDARS antenna open SECURITY ANTENNA DIAGNOSTICS B1357 389 SDARS antenna shorted SECURITY ANTENNA DIAGNOSTICS B1358 390 Front left headset shorted high HEADSET DTCS B1359 391 Front right headset shorted high HEADSET DTCS B1360 392 Front left headset shorted low HEADSET DTCS B1361 393 Front right headset shorted low HEADSET DTCS B1362 394 Rear left headset shorted high HEADSET DTCS B1363 395 Rear right headset shorted high HEADSET DTCS B1364 396 Rear left headset shorted low HEADSET DTCS 81365 397 Rear right headset shorted low HEADSET DTCS B1366 398 Internal thermal shutdown error DTC 81366 B1367 451 WIM fault detected Code used to support P&A parts. B1401 407 Amp voltage low AUDIO VOLTAGE DIAGNOSTICS B1402 408 Amp voltage high AUDIO VOLTAGE DIAGNOSTICS 81403 409 Speaker output DC offset AMPLIFIER 1 DTCS B1404 410 Internal thermal shutdown error AMPLIFIER 1 DTCS B1405 427 EQ correlation error AUDIO SYSTEM SYMPTOMS 81406 428 Invalid or missing EQ AUDIO SYSTEM SYMPTOMS B1410 411 Channel 1 speaker open AMPLIFIER 1 DTCS B1411 412 Channel 1 speaker shorted low AMPLIFIER 1 DTCS B1412 413 Channel 1 speaker shorted high AMPLIFIER 1 DTCS B1413 414 Channel 1 speaker shorted together AMPLIFIER 1 DTCS B1420 415 Channel 2 speaker open AMPLIFIER 1 DTCS B1421 416 Channel 2 speaker shorted low AMPLIFIER 1 DTCS B1422 417 Channel 2 speaker shorted high AMPLIFIER 1 DTCS B1423 418 Channel 2 speaker shorted together AMPLIFIER 1 DTCS B1430 419 Channel 3 speaker open AMPLIFIER 1 DTCS B1431 420 Channel 3 speaker shorted low AMPLIFIER 1 DTCS B1432 421 Channel 3 speaker shorted high AMPLIFIER 1 DTCS 81433 422 Channel 3 speaker shorted together AMPLIFIER 1 DTCS B1440 423 Channel 4 speaker open AMPLIFIER 1 DTCS B1441 424 Channel 4 speaker shorted low AMPLIFIER 1 DTCS B1442 425 Channel 4 speaker shorted high AMPLIFIER 1 DTCS B1443 426 Channel 4 speaker shorted together AMPLIFIER 1 DTCS B2102 4 System power output shorted high SYSTEM POWER CIRCUIT DIAGNOSTICS B2103 5 System power output shorted low SYSTEM POWER CIRCUIT DIAGNOSTICS B2104 6 System power output over- loaded SYSTEM POWER CIRCUIT DIAGNOSTICS B2106 257 L4 open output HEADLAMP DIAGNOSTICS B2107 225 L4 output shorted high HEADLAMP DIAGNOSTICS B2108 226 L4 output shorted low HEADLAMP DIAGNOSTICS B2109 227 L4 output overloaded HEADLAMP DIAGNOSTICS B2112 132 ACC output shorted high ACC CIRCUIT DIAGNOSTICS B2113 134 ACC output shorted low ACC CIRCUIT DIAGNOSTICS B2114 136 ACC output overloaded ACC CIRCUIT DIAGNOSTICS B2116 92 Fuel pump output open FUEL PUMP DIAGNOSTICS B2117 93 Fuel pump output shorted high FUEL PUMP DIAGNOSTICS B2118 94 Fuel pump output shorted low FUEL PUMP DIAGNOSTICS B2119 95 Fuel pump output overloaded FUEL PUMP DIAGNOSTICS B2121 58 Starter output open STARTER OUTPUT DTCS B2122 59 Starter output shorted high STARTER OUTPUT DTCS B2123 60 Starter output shorted low STARTER OUTPUT DTCS B2124 61 Starter output overloaded STARTER OUTPUT DTCS B2127 243 E4 output shorted high HORN DIAGNOSTICS B2128 244 E4 output shorted low HORN DIAGNOSTICS B2129 245 E4 output overloaded HORN DIAGNOSTICS B2131 233 High beam open output HEADLAMP DIAGNOSTICS B2132 234 High beam output shorted high HEADLAMP DIAGNOSTICS B2133 235 High beam output shorted low HEADLAMP DIAGNOSTICS B2134 236 High beam output overloaded HEADLAMP DIAGNOSTICS B2136 229 Low beam open output HEADLAMP DIAGNOSTICS B2137 230 Low beam output shorted high HEADLAMP DIAGNOSTICS B2138 231 Low beam output shorted low HEADLAMP DIAGNOSTICS B2139 232 Low beam output overloaded HEADLAMP DIAGNOSTICS B2141 207 Left front turn signal output open FRONT TURN SIGNAL DIAGNOSTICS B2143 214 Left front turn signal output shorted low FRONT TURN SIGNAL DIAGNOST ICS B2144 215 Left front turn signal output overloaded FRONT TURN SIGNAL DIAGNOST ICS B2146 216 Right front turn signal output open FRONT TURN SIGNAL DIAGNOSTICS B2148 217 Right front turn signal output shorted low FRONT TURN SIGNAL DIAGNOST ICS B2149 218 Right front turn signal output overloaded FRONT TURN SIGNAL DIAGNOST ICS 82151 219 Left rear turn signal output open REAR TURN SIGNAL DIAGNOSTICS 82153 220 Left rear turn signal output shorted low REAR TURN SIGNAL DIAGNOST ICS B2154 221 Left rear turn signal output overloaded REAR TURN SIGNAL DIAGNOSTICS B2156 222 Right rear turn signal output open REAR TURN SIGNAL DIAGNOSTICS B2158 223 Right rear turn signal output shorted low REAR TURN SIGNAL DIAGNOST ICS B2159 224 Right rear turn signal output overloader REAR TURN SIGNAL DIAGNOST ICS B2161 198 Brake lamp output open STOP LAMP DIAGNOSTICS B2163 199 Brake lamp output shorted low STOP LAMP DIAGNOSTICS B2164 200 Brake lamp output overloaded STOP LAMP DIAGNOSTICS B2168 172 Running lights output shorted low RUNNING LAMP DIAGNOSTICS B2169 173 Running lights output over-loaded RUNNING LAMP DIAGNOSTICS B2172 237 H2 output shorted high ALARM DIAGNOSTICS B2173 238 H2 output shorted low ALARM DIAGNOSTICS 82176 239 Security antenna output open SECURITY ANTENNA DIAGNOSTICS B2177 240 Security antenna output shorted high SECURITY ANTENNA DIAGNOSTICS B2178 241 Security antenna output shorted low SECURITY ANTENNA DIAGNOSTICS B2183 249 G2 output shorted low ADDITIONAL OUTPUT DIAGNOSTICS B2188 254 G3 output shorted low ADDITIONAL OUTPUT DIAGNOSTICS B2193 257 H4 output shorted low ADDITIONAL OUTPUT DIAGNOSTICS B2198 259 H3 output shorted low ADDITIONAL OUTPUT DIAGNOSTICS B2201 52 IGN switch off w/VSS IGN SWITCH DIAGNOSTICS B2202 53 Ignition switch accy with vehicle speed IGN SWITCH DIAGNOSTICS B2203 50 Ignition switch input shorted low IGN SWITCH DIAGNOSTICS B2206 51 Run/stop switch input open/shorted high ENGINE STOP SWITCH DIAGNOSTICS B2208 54 Run/stop switch input shorted low ENGINE STOP SWITCH DIAGNOSTICS B2210 55 Run/stop switch inputs open both SWITCH DIAGNOSTICS B2212 56 Run/stop switch inputs both closed SWITCH DIAGNOSTICS 82218 131 Neutral switch shorted low NEUTRAL SWITCH DIAGNOSTICS B2223 197 Rear brake switch shorted low (light on) STOP LAMP DIAGNOSTICS B2226 247 BAS input open BCM not configured properly. B2228 250 BAS input shorted low BCM not configured properly. B2231 312 Fork locked w/VSS BCM not configured properly. This DTC should only apply to CVO models. B2232 313 Fork lock shorted high BCM not configured properly. This DTC should only apply to CVO models. B2233 314 Fork lock shorted low BCM not configured properly. This DTC should only apply to CVO models. B2234 315 Fork lock detected w/option disabled BCM not configured properly. This DTC should only apply to CVO models. B2235 316 Fork lock configuration invalid BCM not configured properly. This DTC should only apply to CVO models. B2250 128 Clutch switch stuck SWITCH DIAGNOSTICS B2251 242 Horn switch stuck SWITCH DIAGNOSTICS B2252 437 High beam switch stuck SWITCH DIAGNOSTICS B2253 228 FTP switch stuck SWITCH DIAGNOSTICS B2254 203 Left turn switch stuck SWITCH DIAGNOSTICS B2255 246 Trip switch stuck Trip Odometer Functions Inoperative, DTC 82255 B2256 208 LHCM police siren power switch stuck BCM not configured properly. This DTC should only apply to Police models. B2257 209 LHCM police siren wail power switch stuck BCM not configured properly. This DTC should only apply to Police models. B2258 210 LHCM police siren yelp switch stuck BCM not configured properly. This DTC should only apply to Police models. B2260 57 Start switch stuck SWITCH DIAGNOSTICS B2261 204 Right switch stuck turn SWITCH DIAGNOSTICS B2262 196 Front switch stuck brake SWITCH DIAGNOSTICS B2263 202 Hazard switch stuck SWITCH DIAGNOSTICS B2264 211 RHCM police lights power switch stuck BCM not configured properly. This DTC should only apply to Police models. B2265 212 RHCM police lights front switch stuck BCM not configured properly. This DTC should only apply to Police models. B2266 213 RHCM police lights rear switch stuck BCM not configured properly. This DTCshould only apply to Police models. B2270 27 BCM internal error SWITCH DIAGNOSTICS B2271 26 BCM voltage low BCM VOLTAGE DIAGNOSTICS B2272 33 BCM/IM voltage high BCM VOLTAGE DIAGNOSTICS B2274 49 Constant battery line error Odometer Self-Diagnostic Inoperative: DTC 00001, 00002, U0011, B2274 C0562 38 ABS voltage low ABS VOLTAGE DIAGNOSTICS C0563 40 ABS voltage high ABS VOLTAGE DIAGNOSTICS C1014 183 ABS ECU relay error INTERNAL FAULT DIAGNOSTICS C1021 191 ABS front WSS always zero WSS DIAGNOSTICS C1023 192 ABS rear WSS always zero WSS DIAGNOSTICS C1025 194 ABS front wheel speed intermittent WSS DIAGNOSTICS C1027 195 ABS rear wheel speed intermittent WSS DIAGNOSTICS C1029 193 ABS wheel speed difference too high WSS DIAGNOSTICS C1032 189 ABS front wheel speed circuit open shorted WSS DIAGNOSTICS C1034 190 ABS rear wheel speed circuit open shorted WSS DIAGNOSTICS C1040 184 ABS pump/motor error INTERNAL FAULT DIAGNOSTICS C1055 39 ABS ECU internal error INTERNAL FAULT DIAGNOSTICS C1061 185 ABS front apply solenoid circuit open/high resistance INTERNAL FAULT DIAGNOSTICS C1062 187 ABS front release solenoid circuit open/high resistance INTERNAL FAULT DIAGNOSTICS C1065 186 ABS rear apply solenoid circuit open/high resistance INTERNAL FAULT DIAGNOSTICS C1066 188 ABS rear release solenoid circuit open/high resistance INTERNAL FAULT DIAGNOSTICS C1071 283 Rear prime valve error INTERNAL FAULT DIAGNOSTICS C1072 284 Rear isolation valve error INTERNAL FAULT DIAGNOSTICS C1073 285 Front isolation valve error INTERNAL FAULT DIAGNOSTICS C1074 286 Front prime valve error INTERNAL FAULT DIAGNOSTICS C1075 287 Front linked inlet valve error INTERNAL FAULT DIAGNOSTICS C1076 288 Front linked outlet valve error INTERNAL FAULT DIAGNOSTICS C1077 289 Front circuit pressure sensor error INTERNAL FAULT DIAGNOSTICS C1078 290 Rear circuit pressure sensor error INTERNAL FAULT DIAGNOSTICS C1081 291 Front master pressure sensor error INTERNAL FAULT DIAGNOSTICS C1082 292 Front master pressure sensor offset error INTERNAL FAULT DIAGNOSTICS C1083 293 Front wheel pressure sensor error INTERNAL FAULT DIAGNOSTICS C1084 294 Front wheel pressure sensor offset error INTERNAL FAULT DIAGNOSTICS C1085 295 Rear master pressure sensor error INTERNAL FAULT DIAGNOSTICS C1086 296 Rear master pressure sensor offset error INTERNAL FAULT DIAGNOSTICS C1087 297 Rear wheel pressure sensor error INTERNAL FAULT DIAGNOSTICS C1088 298 Rear wheel pressure sensor offset error INTERNAL FAULT DIAGNOSTICS C1089 299 Pressure sensor external supply error INTERNAL FAULT DIAGNOSTICS C1159 43 ABS invalid stored VIN INVALID VIN DIAGNOSTICS C1178 41 ABS no VIN received from ECM INVALID VIN DIAGNOSTICS C1184 42 ABS invalid VIN from ECM INVALID VIN DIAGNOSTICS C1195 266 Wake up error INTERNAL FAULT DIAGNOSTICS P0031 153 Front HO2S open low HO2S DIAGNOSTICS P0032 156 Front HO2S shorted high HO2S DIAGNOSTICS P0051 154 Rear HO2S open low HO2S DIAGNOSTICS P0052 155 Rear HO2S shorted high HO2S DIAGNOSTICS P0072 112 AAT sensor low AAT SENSOR DIAGNOSTICS P0073 113 AAT sensor high open MT SENSOR DIAGNOSTICS P0107 100 MAP sensor failed low open TMAP SENSOR DIAGNOSTICS P0108 101 MAP sensor failed high/open port TMAP SENSOR DIAGNOSTICS P0112 123 IAT sensor shorted low TMAP SENSOR DIAGNOSTICS P0113 125 IAT sensor high open TMAP SENSOR DIAGNOSTICS P0117 102 ET sensor shorted low ET SENSOR DIAGNOSTICS P0118 107 ET sensor high open ET SENSOR DIAGNOSTICS P0120 76 TPS 1 range error TCA DIAGNOSTICS P0122 74 TPS 1 low TCA DIAGNOSTICS P0123 75 TPS 1 high open TCA DIAGNOSTICS P0131 157 02 sensor low/engine lean (front) HO2S DIAGNOSTICS P0132 159 Engine running rich (front) HO2S DIAGNOSTICS P0134 161 Oxygen sensor high/open (front) HO2S DIAGNOSTICS P0151 158 02 sensor low/engine lean (rear) HO2S DIAGNOSTICS P0152 160 Engine running rich (rear) HO2S DIAGNOSTICS P0154 162 02 sensor high/open (rear) HO2S DIAGNOSTICS P0220 79 TPS 2 range error TCA DIAGNOSTICS P0222 77 TPS 2 open low TCA DIAGNOSTICS P0223 78 TPS 2 high TCA DIAGNOSTICS P0261 96 Fuel injector low/open (front) FUEL INJECTOR DIAGNOSTICS P0262 97 Fuel injector shorted high (front) FUEL INJECTOR DIAGNOSTICS P0264 98 Fuel injector low/open (rear) FUEL INJECTOR DIAGNOSTICS P0265 99 Fuel injector shorted high (rear) FUEL INJECTOR DIAGNOSTICS P0325 139 Knock sensor front open circuit KNOCK SENSOR DIAGNOSTICS P0327 140 Knock sensor front circuit low KNOCK SENSOR DIAGNOSTICS P0328 141 Knock sensor front circuit high KNOCK SENSOR DIAGNOSTICS P0330 142 Knock sensor rear open circuit KNOCK SENSOR DIAGNOSTICS P0332 143 Knock sensor rear circuit low KNOCK SENSOR DIAGNOSTICS P0333 144 Knock sensor rear circuit high KNOCK SENSOR DIAGNOSTICS P0371 65 CKP sensor wrong number of pulses CKP SENSOR DIAGNOSTICS P0374 64 CKP sensor no pulses CKP SENSOR DIAGNOSTICS P0444 147 Purge solenoid low open PURGE SOLENOID DIAGNOSTICS P0445 148 Purge solenoid shorted high PURGE SOLENOID DIAGNOSTICS P0462 174 Fuel sender shorted low FUEL GAUGE AND SENDER DIAGNOSTICS P0463 175 Fuel sender shorted high/open FUEL GAUGE AND SENDER DIAGNOSTICS P0502 137 VSS failed low PURGE SOLENOID DIAGNOSTICS P0503 138 VSS failed high VSS DIAGNOSTICS P0505 148 Idle speed control — unstable IDLE SPEED CONTROL DIAGNOSTICS P0522 168 Engine oil pressure sensor/switch shorted low INDICATOR LAMPS P0523 169 Engine oil pressure sensor/switch shorted high open INDICATOR LAMPS P0562 127 ECM voltage low BATTERY AND SYSTEM VOLTAGE DIAGNOSTICS P0572 202 Brake switch low BRAKE SWITCH DIAGNOSTICS P0577 163 Cruise control input error Cruise Control P0603 29 ECM EEPROM memory error ECM INTERNAL DIAGNOSTICS P0605 28 ECM FLASH memory error ECM INTERNAL DIAGNOSTICS P0641 62 5 Volt reference out of range 5V REFERENCE DIAGNOSTICS P0651 63 5 Volt reference 2 out of range 5V REFERENCE DIAGNOSTICS P0693 119 Chassis fan control circuit shorted low CHASSIS FAN DIAGNOSTICS P0694 120 Chassis fan control circuit shorted high CHASSIS FAN DIAGNOSTICS P1009 32 VTD disabled fuel due to bad password DTC P1009 P1017 103 ET indicates overheating DTC P1017 P1019 106 ECT difference (high temp) ECT SENSOR DIAGNOSTICS P1270 67 TGS 2 ND validation error DTC P1270 P1501 166 JSS low JSS DIAGNOSTICS P1502 167 JSS high open JSS DIAGNOSTICS P1505 445 Power limit violation HESITATION OR LOSS OF POWER P1510 447 ETC limited performance mode ETC MANAGEMENT DIAGNOSTICS P1511 448 ETC power management mode ETC MANAGEMENT DIAGNOSTICS P1512 449 ETC forced idle mode ETC MANAGEMENT DIAGNOSTICS P1514 87 ETC airflow error ETC ERROR DIAGNOSTICS P1600 66 ETC watchdog error ETC ERROR DIAGNOSTICS P1655 164 ACR solenoid open low ACR Diagnostics P1656 165 ACR solenoid shorted high ACR Diagnostics P1691 115 Cooling fan left low open COOLING FAN DIAGNOSTICS P1692 116 Cooling fan left shorted high COOLING FAN DIAGNOSTICS P1693 117 Cooling fan right low open COOLING FAN DIAGNOSTICS P1694 118 Cooling fan right shorted high COOLING FAN DIAGNOSTICS P2100 82 ETC driver open circuit ETC ACTUATOR DIAGNOSTICS P2101 83 ETC actuation error ETC ACTUATOR DIAGNOSTICS P2102 84 ETC driver shorted low ETC ACTUATOR DIAGNOSTICS P2103 85 ETC driver shorted high ETC ACTUATOR DIAGNOSTICS P2105 446 ETC forced shutdown mode DTC P2105, P2107 P2107 68 ETC driver internal error DTC P2105, P2107 P2119 81 ETC actuator return error DTC P2119 P2122 69 TGS 1 low/open TGS DIAGNOSTICS P2123 70 TGS 1 high TGS DIAGNOSTICS P2127 71 TGS 2 low/open TGS DIAGNOSTICS P2128 72 TGS 2 high TGS DIAGNOSTICS P2135 80 TPS correlation error CORRELATION ERROR DIAGNOSTICS P2138 73 TGS correlation error CORRELATION ERROR DIAGNOSTICS P2176 86 ETC zero position learning error DTC P2176 P2184 121 ECT sensor low ECT SENSOR DIAGNOSTICS P2185 122 ECT sensor high ECT SENSOR DIAGNOSTICS P2300 88 Ignition coil driver low/open (front) IGN COIL DRIVER DIAGNOSTICS P2301 89 Ignition coil driver shorted high (front) IGN COIL DRIVER DIAGNOSTICS P2303 90 Ignition coil driver low/open (rear) IGN COIL DRIVER DIAGNOSTICS P2304 91 Ignition coil driver shorted high (rear) IGN COIL DRIVER DIAGNOSTICS P2602 104 Coolant pump «A» control circuit low COOLING PUMP DIAGNOSTICS P2603 105 Coolant pump «A» control circuit high COOLING PUMP DIAGNOSTICS U0001 1 CAN BUS error Odometer Self-Diagnostic Inoperative: DTC 00001, 00002, U0011, B2274 U0002 16 CAN comm bus perf error Odometer Self Diagnostic Inoperative: DTC 00001, 00002, U0011, 82274 U0003 13 Network management monitoring NO VEHICLE POWER OR LOST COMMUNICATION DTCS U0011 2 CAN bus low shorted to CAN bus high Odometer Self-Diagnostic Inoperative: DTC 00001, 00002, 00011, B2274 U0100 7 Lost comm w/ECM NO VEHICLE POWER OR LOST COMMUNICATION DTCS U0121 11 Lost comm w/ABS NO VEHICLE POWER OR LOST COMMUNICATION DTCS U0140 3 Lost comm w/BCM NO VEHICLE POWER OR LOST COMMUNICATION DTCS U0141 9 Lost comm w/LHCM NO VEHICLE POWER OR LOST COMMUNICATION DTCS U0142 8 Lost comm w/RHCM NO VEHICLE POWER OR LOST COMMUNICATION DTCS U0156 10 Lost comm w/speedo NO VEHICLE POWER OR LOST COMMUNICATION DTCS U0158 180 Lost comm w/fuel gauge SECONDARY COMMUNICATION DIAGNOSTICS U0159 181 Lost comm w/volt gauge SECONDARY COMMUNICATION DIAGNOSTICS U0160 179 Lost comm w/fuel and volt gauges SECONDARY COMMUNICATION DIAGNOSTICS U0184 323 Lost comm w/radio NO VEHICLE POWER OR LOST COMMUNICATION DTCS U0185 325 Lost comm w/AMP 1 AMP COMMUNICATION DIAGNOSTICS U0186 326 Lost comm w/AMP 2 AMP COMMUNICATION DIAGNOSTICS U0187 20 Lost comm w/AMP 3 AMP COMMUNICATION DIAGNOSTICS U0188 21 Lost comm w/AMP 4 AMP COMMUNICATION DIAGNOSTICS U0300 15 Internal control module software incompatibility NO VEHICLE POWER OR LOST COMMUNICATION DTCS U1302 324 ACC bus pert error SECONDARY COMMUNICATION DIAGNOSTICS U1401 331 Lost comm w CB SECONDARY COMMUNICATION DIAGNOSTICS U1401 331 Lost comm w CB COMMUNICATION DIAGNOSTICS U1405 450 ACC bus lost comm w/ WIM Code used to support P&A parts

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