P0320 jeep ошибка

В процессе поиска решения проблем с ошибками 301-305 и тому подобных (пропуски зажигания в цилиндрах) появилась еще одна особенность.
По мимо её троения и дергания, в добавок, стала глохнуть, обычно на теплую или хорошо прогретую. Системы сбоев особой не было. Могла заглохнуть и завестись, могла и не завестись пока не постоит какое то время. На кротких поездках все в порядке. Диагностика давала ошибка P0320 говорящая о плохом сигнале с ДПКВ.
Погуглив, понял что я не одинок с данной проблемой. При снятии кардна заодно снял его (датчик) для осмотра.
Вот тот что стоял на машине.

Фото в бортжурнале Jeep Grand Cherokee (WJ)

Осмотр показал что все в порядке )

Нашел варианты замены.

Запчасти на фото: 4897321AA. Фото в бортжурнале Jeep Grand Cherokee (WJ)

Краун около 50$

Бу шки около 20-30$.

Заказал китайца за 14$ для пробы

Запчасти на фото: PE40082. Фото в бортжурнале Jeep Grand Cherokee (WJ)


Менял его «через салон», на ютубе видел так делают.
Описывали что нужно снимать пластик верхний, и воздуховод в ноги т.к. крепежные гайки находятся под ним.
Я же решил что смогу лучше )

Фото в бортжурнале Jeep Grand Cherokee (WJ)

Снял заглушку ближе к мотору.

Там особо ничего не увидел, полез снимать все остальное, что б добраться до той, что ближе к салону.
В итоге всё разобрав-понял что мне все же удобнее через первый лючок, хотя на самом деле все спорно, каждый выберет сам.
Во время сборки мысль в голове была что проще снять кардан даже, как в первый раз )

Фото в бортжурнале Jeep Grand Cherokee (WJ)


По итогу мотор запустился, и довез меня домой. Буду тестировать. Надеюсь помогло.

Цена вопроса: 14 $

Эпопея с системой охлаждения!

О замене бачка писал, опишу проблему подробнее, возможно кому-то пригодится.

Из бачка стал уходить антифриз, видимых потёков не было, я напрягся и стал наблюдать. 

Смотрел на уровень в бачке после ночной стоянки, система ж должна остыть, давление выровняться. Во время пуска двигателя смотрел на выхлопные газы. Почитал статьи про систему охлаждения, все пишут про прогоревшие прокладки, в общем жуть. Продолжалось это несколько месяцев. Антифриз периодически уходил, а я его подливал. Однажды поднял капот сразу после поездки по городу и вижу блестит коса проводов, которая проходит примерно под бачком. Трогаю её пальцем — палец красный. Думаю вот оно. Начинаю лазить искать. Включил фронтальную камеру на телефоне и засунул телефон под бачок, а там висит капля и дренажная трубка мокрая.


Всё вытер, выровнял уровень в бачке и стал ждать. А антифриз не уходит. 

В итоге моих наблюдений оказалось, что на самом дне бачка, в самой его нижней точке, похоже образовалась микротрещина. При езде по городу, когда система охлаждения максимально разогревалась и создавалось максимально высокое давление, бачок начинал течь. Но тёк не сильно, поэтому до утра в подкапотном всё высыхало. 

При этом автомобиль 2017 года, какого хрена бачок треснул непонятно.
Поставил новый бачок, заменил на нём крышку, и уже как порядка 2000 км этой проблемы нет. Но фобия осталась и литр антифриза всегда лежит в багажнике. 

Всем добра и крепких бачков!

You probably know about DTCs or Diagnostic Trouble Codes – messages from your jeep’s computer to let you know there’s a problem. The Jeep Grand Cherokee, like any other vehicle, can sometimes experience them, one of which is the P0320. 

This code appears when the ECM or Engine Control Module detects a problem with the ignition/distributor engine speed circuit. Read on to learn its meaning, causes, and how to troubleshoot it.

What Does P0320 Jeep Grand Cherokee Code Mean?

The OBD-II code P0320 in Jeep Grand Cherokee is an indication of a malfunction in the ignition/distributor engine speed circuit. Specifically, it points to a problem with the crank position sensor or the sensor’s circuit.

Crank position sensors send signals to the engine control module (ECM) regarding the crankshaft’s position, which the ECM uses to control ignition timing and fuel injection.

When the ECM can’t get the right signals from the crank position sensor, it sets P0320 and illuminates the check engine light. This can cause the engine to vibrate, misfire, lose power, or stall.

Here’s the breakdown of the P0320 code.

  • P = Powertrain, the components system that propels your vehicle.
  • 0 = A generic, or “global,” code; applies to all OBD-II-equipped vehicles.
  • 3 = Indicates a manufacturer-specific code for ignition system or misfire.
  • 20 =  Specific fault index, denoting a problem with the crank position sensor. Here, it indicates a crank position sensor circuit failure.

P0320 Code: What Causes Ignition/Distributor Engine Speed Circuit Failure on Jeep Grand Cherokee?

Knowing the potential causes of P0320 is key for identifying and diagnosing your Grand Cherokee’s ignition/distributor engine speed circuit issue. To get the right fix, it’s important to be aware of all possible causes.

A faulty Crank/Cam sensor is the main cause of the P0320 code, which can happen due to the following occurrences.

  • A poor electrical connection in the Crankshaft Position Sensor (CKP) circuit
  • An open or shorted Crankshaft Position Sensor (CKP) harness
  • A faulty Powertrain Control Module (PCM)

Read Also: How to Troubleshoot & Fix P0123 Jeep Code? (Detailed Guide)

As the Crank/Cam sensor is usually the cause of this code, your first reaction might be to replace it right away. However, before replacing any parts, you should always follow the step-by-step diagnostic process and identify the root cause of the problem.

Here’s how you should proceed.

1. Look for Other Similar Codes and TSBs

To help figure out the cause of the P0320 code in your Grand Cherokee, check for other codes related to the crank or cam sensors. For instance, if you see a code like P0336, it suggests an issue with the performance or range of the crank sensor.

Jeep uses Technical Service Bulletins to keep repair professionals informed about common problems. 

You can find them on the NHTSA website and search by your Grand Cherokee’s VIN number. These bulletins are updated yearly, so you’ll have the latest information.

2. Inspect the Ignition Wiring

Next, you need to check the ignition system’s wiring harness for cracks, burns, loose connections, and other damages.

Start with the crank and camshaft sensors wiring and follow it to the PCM. The issue with the engine speed sensor signal should be before the wiring enters the PCM. Remember, the P0320 code indicates a problem with your Grand Cherokee’s engine speed sensor signal.

If the wiring looks good, inspect the harness going to the coil packs from the PCM and ensure it has a strong ground connection. Sometimes, if the harness can’t report back to the PCM that the coil packs fired correctly, it can cause the P0320 code.

Check all the grounding terminals in the engine bay and ensure they’re clean and free of corrosion.

Read Also: How to Troubleshoot & Fix P0113 Jeep Code? (Detailed Guide)

3. Check the Hall Effect Sensor

If the P0320 code holds on, you’ll need to inspect the hall effect sensor inside the distributor before checking the crank position sensor or cam sensor. This is because bad hall effect sensor readings will incorrectly report the engine speed.

The hall effect sensor is a three-wire system connected to the distributor and reports the engine speed to the PCM.

To check this sensor, you can do the following:

  • Disconnect the harness going to the Camshaft and the Crankshaft Position Sensors
  • Test the 5V power supply circuit going to each sensor to ensure it is being powered up
  • Test each signal circuit going to each sensor to ensure it has a signal circuit
  • Check for good ground at each sensor
  • Wiggle the wiring harness going to each sensor to see if there is an intermittent connection.

Read Also: How to Troubleshoot & Fix U1110 Jeep Code? (Detailed Guide)

4. Test Your Engine’s Speed Sensor

Next, you will need to test your jeep’s engine speed sensor, the focal point of the P0320 code. In different Grand Cherokee years and engine combinations, it could be the crankshaft or camshaft sensor, coil pick-up sensor (for distributor only), or coil sensor wiring.

To learn how to test them, you can watch the following video.

5. Check the PCM

Lastly, If the wiring connected to the engine speed sensor is in good order and the sensor is functioning correctly, your Jeep might have a malfunctioning Powertrain Control Module.

Although it’s rarely to blame for a P0320 code, you can’t rule it out since it processes the engine speed sensor signal.

You can either replace the PCM or have it flashed and calibrated by a professional to try and reset any error messages stored inside.

Read Also: How to Troubleshoot & Fix P0128 Jeep Grand Cherokee Code?

Frequently Asked Questions

If you’ve been troubleshooting the P0320 code in your Jeep Grand Cherokee and still have other questions, here are some commonly asked questions and answers to help you out.

What are the symptoms of the P0320 code in Jeep Grand Cherokee?

The signs of a P0320 code in a Grand Cherokee may differ based on the cause. Your vehicle may not start, die without warning, or lose power. Also, it may start fine when warm but not when cold.

Can you drive a Jeep Grand Cherokee with a P0320 code?

Driving with a P0320 code isn’t recommended. The P0320 code usually results from a bad crankshaft position sensor, which can cause the engine to misfire and stall. This can be dangerous and can lead to further damage to the vehicle. 

How much does it cost to fix Jeep Grand Cherokee P0320 code?

Repairing the P0320 code on a Jeep Grand Cherokee is relatively inexpensive. The cost varies based on the components and the work done besides your location. The crank position sensor is usually the most expensive, costing around $100-$150.


Fixing a P0320 code on your Jeep Grand Cherokee requires patience and attention to detail. But following the above diagnosis steps closely will help you pinpoint and fix the problem quickly.

However, if the issue persists after completing all these steps, seeking professional help is your only way out.

Read Also: How to Troubleshoot & Fix P0038 Jeep Code? (In-Depth Guide)

P0320 Jeep Grand Cherokee

P0320 is a relatively common ignition-related trouble code. P0320 indicates that your Jeep Grand Cherokee’s ignition/distributor engine speed circuit is malfunctioning.

P0320 is most likely caused by the engine speed sensor, or a wiring issue.

P0320 Definition:  Ignition/Distributor Engine Speed – Input Circuit

P0320 Jeep Grand Cherokee Meaning

Nearly all modern vehicles, including the Jeep Grand Cherokee, use individual coil packs which are controlled by the PCM (Powertrain Control Module) and not a distributor (which fired all of the plugs from a centralized location). 

Your Grand Cherokee’s PCM uses data from the engine speed sensor to determine when to fire each individual cylinder. Depending on the year and engine type, the engine speed sensor can be a camshaft position sensor, crank position sensor, pickup coil sensor, or even a sensor to verify when the coil has fired.

If whichever one of these sensors that controls your ignition timing has malfunctioned, it can leave the PCM struggling to fire the plugs at the right time, and P0320 will be stored in your Jeep Grand Cherokee’s memory.

Here are the most common symptoms associated with P0320:

  • Check Engine Light
  • No Start/Hard Start
  • Misfiring/Backfiring

Jeep Grand Cherokee P0320 Causes & Diagnosis

P0320 Diagnosis

This code is most likely going to be caused by a wiring issue related to the Crank/Cam sensors.  Or, one of those sensors will be bad.  Here’s a solid order of operations to diagnose P0320 in the Jeep Grand Cherokee:

Check for Other Codes and TSB’s

If there are other codes related to the crank or cam sensors, it can help you narrow down the potential cause of P0320 in your Grand Cherokee. For example, if you had something like P0336, that would indicate the crank sensor has a performance/range problem.

Technical Service Bulletins are used by Jeep to communicate common known problems to repair professionals, they can be found on the NHTSA website.  TSB’s are created on a year-by-year basis, but you can search by your Grand Cherokee’s VIN number.

Check the Ignition Wiring

You’re going to want to inspect your ignition system-related wiring harness for cracked, burnt, loose, or otherwise damaged wiring.  

Check the wiring going to the crank and camshaft sensors.  Follow it to the PCM.  Since P0320 indicates that there is a problem with the signal coming from your Grand Cherokee’s engine speed sensor input, the wiring issue should be BEFORE the harness for the crank and/or cam sensors enter the PCM. 

If that wiring checks out, look at the harness going to the coil packs from the PCM.  Make sure that it has a solid ground connection.  In some instances, it can throw P0320 if it can’t report back to the PCM that the coil packs fired at the correct time.

Look for all the ground points in the harness under the hood and make sure that they appear to be clean and corrosion-free.

Test the Engine Speed Sensor(s)

Next up you’ll want to test the actual engine speed sensor in your vehicle.  Depending on the year and engine combo on your Grand Cherokee it can be the:

  • Crankshaft Sensor
  • Camshaft Sensor
  • Pick-up Coil Sensor (distributor only)
  • Coil Sensor Wire

The crank and cam sensors are the most common type of engine speed sensor in a modern vehicle.  Here’s a solid video that explains how to test them:


If the wiring going to the engine speed sensor is good, and the engine speed sensor itself tested fine, then you may suspect your Grand Cherokee’s PCM.  Just keep in mind that it is rarely the cause of P0320.


The fix for P0320 is most often the engine speed sensor itself.  Taking the time to look over your Jeep Grand Cherokee’s the wiring harness before committing to a new sensor can save you a lot of time and money.

Расшифровка ошибки P0320 у Jeep: Производительность модуля управления






Производительность модуля управления


P0606, P0607 Выключатель зажигания находится в положении работы или проворачивания. Напряжение в системе превышает 6,0 В. Эти коды неисправности запускаются непрерывно при соблюдении вышеуказанных условий.


Контроллер ЭСУД обнаруживает внутреннюю неисправность или неполное программирование в течение более 10 с.

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Decoding the error P0320 from Jeep: Control Module Performance






Control Module Performance


P0606, P0607 The ignition switch is in Run or Crank positions.The system voltage is more than 6.0 V.These DTCs run continuously when the above conditions are met.


The ECM detects an internal failure or incomplete programming for more than 10 s.

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